牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit7 ReadingⅠ课时作业(含答案)

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7B Unit 7 Abilities



1. 扑灭火________________________

2. 在那一刻__________________________

3. 冲进办公室____________________

4. 来自隔壁的浓烟____________________

5. 独自呆在家里__________________

6. 把他邻居从火里救出来______________

7. 一个勇敢的年轻人______________

8. 一位八十岁的妇女__________________

9. 阻止某人做某事________________ 10. 听起来很危险______________________


1. He did nothing to_______(保护)himself because there was no time.

2. It's_______(危险的)for the child to swim in the river alone.

3. The fire_______(烧伤)his arms and he is in bed now.

4. Daniel_______(泼)water over his clothes and ran into the fire.

5. She is very cold and covers(盖)herself with a_______(毯子).

6. Dad_______(点头)his head when he was listening to my mum.

7. She is a woman with great_______ (能力). She works well.

8. -Why didn't Mike come to school these days?

-He_______ his legs badly when he fell off the bike.

9. -Did you see the famous film Titanic?

-Yes. Jack_______ Rose's life at last when the Titanic sank(下沉).

10. -Why is the ground so_______?

-Because it rains a lot in this season.


( )1. She is a_______ girl. She is_______.

A. 16 years old; 16 years old

B. 16-year-old; 16 years old

C. 16 years old; 16-year-old

D. 16-year-old; 16-year-old

( )2.The house was_______ fire last night. People put_______ the fire at last.

A. at; down

B. in; out

C. on; out

D. on; down

( )3.Amy was ill_______ hospital for two weeks last month.

A. in

B. in the

C. at a

D. from

( )4.The boy rushed_______ the classroom_______ his ball.

A. to; getting

B. into; to get

C. to; get

D. into; get

( )5.The girl is_______ young to stay at home_______.

A. enough; alone

B. too; lonely

C. too; alone

D. enough; 10nely ( )6.They spent the whole day_______ trees on the hill.

A. plant

B. planted

C. to plant

D. planting

( )7.Mike heard her_______ in the next room at 8:00 last night.

A. sang

B. to sing

C. sings

D. singing

( )8.-I hear Jane helped a little girl out of the water. -_______ brave girl she is!

A. What

B. What a

C. How

D. How a


1. The girl can finish the work alone.(改为同义句)

The girl can finish the work_______ _______ _______ _______.

2. Hobo is a clever dog.(改为感叹句)

_______ _______ _______ dog Hobo is!

_______ _______ Hobo is!

3. He did his homework at school yesterday.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ he_______ his homework yesterday?

4. I stayed in hospital for about two weeks after the fire.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ you_______ in hospital after the fire?

5. He arrived here five minutes ago.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ arrive here?


1. The firemen stopped the fire from_______ (burn) as soon as they came into the room.

2. Are you afraid_______ (go) home alone at night?

3. She heard someone_______ (call) for help just now.

4. Did you do anything_______ (protect) yourself at that moment?

5. _______ (not leave) the door open when you are away.

6. I didn't have time_______ (think) about it because l was very busy.

7. He_______ (put) out the fire and helped the old man out.

8. Do you know what_______ (happen) to Li Ming yesterday?

9. Jim_______ (fall) off the bike and_______ (hurt) himself yesterday morning.

10. Most of her students_______ (bring) her cards and flowers when she was in hospital.


There is a story about a clever dog.It was a Seeing Eye dog.A Seeing Eye dog can help blind(瞎的)people walk along the streets and do many other things.

One day a Seeing Eye dog and a blind man 1 on bus together.The bus was full of 2 and there were 3 seats left.But one man soon stood up and left his seat.The dog 4 the blind man to the seat,

but there was little space(空间)for two people.The dog began to push the people on each side 5 his nose(鼻子).He pushed and pushed until the people moved and 6 there was 7 space for two people.The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side.The dog 8 down and put his head on the leg of the 9 man.He was very 10 and soon feel asleep.Everyone on the bus smiled at the dog.

( )1.A.went B.got C.came D.put

( )2.A.foreigners B.policemen C.people D.farmers ( )3.A.not a B.not many C.enough D.no

( )4.A.told B.took C.carried D.let

( )5.A.with B.to C.for D.at

( )6.A.at first B.still C.at last D.last ( )7.A.enough B.less C.few D.1ittle ( )8.A.went B.put C.lay D.jumped
