



华南师范大学《美国文学》考试题库(2)及满分答案内容摘要:As a literary movement, American Realism came in the latter half of the nineteeth century, as a reaction against the lie of romanticism.答案:正...As a literary movement, American Realism came in the latter half of t he nineteeth century, as a reaction against the lie of romanticism.答案:正确The first American poet to be translated into Chinese is Walt Whitman. 答案:错误A Shakespearean Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymed ababcdcdefefgg.答案:正确thoreau was an active transcendentalist who was an escapist or a rec luse detached from the life of his day.答案:错误The Great Gatsby was a novel written by Fitzgerald partially based on his own life experience.答案:正确american naturalism, like romanticism, had come from germany.答案:错误“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确Puritan influence over American Romanticism was conspicuously noticea ble.答案:正确Henry David Thoreau once built a cabin beside the lake of Walden on t he land of his neighbor Ralph Waldo Emerson.答案:正确Poe was a predecessor of the later British detective writer Conan Doy le.答案:正确The most important Southern writer is Robert Penn Warren who was the author of the poem “All the King’s Men”.答案:错误Leatherstocking Tales is a novel of the series The Last of Mohicans w ritten by James Fenimore Cooper.答案:错误John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic wi th the working class people.答案:错误Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nat ion.答案:正确The short story writer O.Henry was once put into prison because he wa s a Nazi.答案:错误Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误"Declaration of Independence" was drafted by Benjamin Franklin alone. 答案:错误The poet Robert Frost wrote in traditional rhyme schemes, but his the mes are very modern.答案:正确An Italian Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymed abbaabbacdecde.答案:正确The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disil lusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists.答案:正确Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Trans cendentalism.答案:正确The Puritan style of writing is characterized by simplicity, which le ft an indelible imprint on American writings.答案:正确Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner em ployed in his novels.答案:错误Hawthorne, who seemed to be haunted by his sense of sin and veil, ne ver showed a positive part of the life.答案:错误As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanis m.答案:正确Emerson’s prose style was sometimes as highly individualistic as his dramas.答案:错误The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确life and death is a major theme in emily dickinson’s poems.答案:正确Henry James’s greatest influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.答案:正确Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War.答案:正确benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the rom antic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确The detective created by Poe was named Dubin.答案:正确Longfellow’s poems belong to the darker aspect of the Romantic Movem ent.答案:错误emerson always applied the term transcendentalist to himself or to h is beliefs, for he was the acknowledged leader of the movement.答案:错误The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthor ne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound. 答案:正确"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确"A Rose for Emily" is a Gothic short story written by William Faulkne r.答案:正确Immediately after their arrival in america, the american puritans bec ame more preoccupied with business and profits, as they had to be in the grim struggle for survival.答案:正确Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确By the end of the nineteenth century, the realists rejected the portr ayal of idealized characters and events.答案:正确。



华师《英美文学史》在线作业一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。

)1. F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully employs the device of having events observe by _______ to his great advantage.A. a “central consciousness”B. his double visionC. more than one witnessD. the protagonists正确答案:A2. _______________________________ is Hemingway’s masterpiece, which is about the old fisherman Santiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.A. Farewell to ArmsB. For whom the Bell TollsC. The Sun Also RisesD. The Old Man and The Sea正确答案:D3. Mark Twain’s first successful literary work is _____________________________.A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyB. Life on the MississippiC. The Adventure of Tom SawyerD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn正确答案:A4. In Walt Whitma n’s “There was a Child Went Forth,” the child refers to ________.A. the poet himself as a childB. any American childC. the young AmericaD. one of the poet’s neighbor正确答案:C5. In his essays, ______ put forward his philosophy of the over soul, the important of the Individual and Nature.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. Washington IrvingC. Mark TwainD. Ralph Waldo Emerson正确答案:D6. According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is _________ in every hearer, which may remain。

15秋福师《外国文学》在线作业一 答案

15秋福师《外国文学》在线作业一 答案

福师《外国文学》在线作业一一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。

)1. 古希腊神话中,新一代的神即以()为首。

. 宙斯. 阿佛洛狄忒. 普罗密修斯. 赫剌克勒斯正确答案:2. ()是19世纪初期欧洲主要的文学运动,是法国大革命、欧洲民主运动和民族解放斗争高涨时期的产物,反映了资产阶级上升时期对个性解放的要求;也反映了资产阶级的对立面——封建贵族阶级的对抗情绪。

. 浪漫主义. 现实主义. 古典主义. 人文主义正确答案:3. 以下属于卢梭的作品是()。

. 《爱弥儿》. 《老实人》. 《拉摩的侄儿》. 《波斯人信札》正确答案:4. ()是德国小说家,1999年诺贝尔文学奖获主,《铁皮鼓》是他的代表作。

. 格拉斯. 马尔克斯. 福克纳. 海明威正确答案:5. ()的《雪国》可谓是世界文学中写妓女最美的小说。

. 格拉斯. 马尔克斯. 福克纳. 川端康成正确答案:6. ()是法国第一部古典主义名剧。

. 《失乐园》. 《熙德》. 《伪君子》. 《悭吝人》正确答案:7. ()在俄国作家中写“小人物”最著名,《小公务员之死》、《套中人》是其代表作。

. 托尔斯泰. 契诃夫. 普希金. 果戈理正确答案:8. ()是俄国浪漫主义诗人,被高尔基誉为“俄国文学之父”。

. 托尔斯泰. 普希金. 契诃夫. 高尔基正确答案:9. 以下属于果戈理的作品是()。

. 《驿站长》. 《外套》. 《小公务员之死》. 《套中人》正确答案:10. 川端康成崇拜日本和国古典文化,深受( )影响。

. 基督教. 伊斯兰教. 佛教禅宗. 印度教正确答案:11. ()写十个青年为逃避佛罗伦萨瘟疫,结伴逃到郊区,为了消磨时间,规定每人一天讲一个故事,他(她)们大概住了半个月,讲了十天故事,加起来便是一百个故事。

. 《十日谈》. 《巨人传》. 《坎特伯雷故事集》. 《堂吉诃德》正确答案:12. ()是广场笑文化的产物,充满讽刺性和民间的智慧,用幻想、夸张、荒诞手法写成,其中“德廉美修道院”的构思及其大门正面“为所欲为”的横幅度充分表现拉伯雷的人文义思想。



美国文学部分练习(全,并带全部答案)美国文学部分大作业大作业Exercises for Chapter One of American Literature(第一章) 1. 选择题1. Which of the following statements is NOT a famous concept of Transcendentalism?[A]Nature is ennobling[B] The individual is divine and self-reliant.[C] Man is capable of knowing truth by intuition[D] Man is corrupted in nature.2. Which of the following works began to make Irving internationally known?[A] The Sketch Book[B] A History of New York to the End of the Dutch Dynasty[C] Bracebridge Hall[D] Tales of Traveler3. Which of the following is NOT true concerning Irving?[A] He is the father of the American short stories.[B] He is the American Goldsmith.[C] He is the first American writer[D] He is the first writer to declare the independence of American literature.4. The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne is mainly concerned with ___________.:[A] the corruption of the society[B] the consequence of sin and guilt[C] the wrong doing of one generation that lives in,, successive ones[D] "overreaching intellect"5. Rip Van Winkle has taken from ________.[A] Spanish stories [B] A German Legend[C] English tales [D] Italian folktales6. "But it would have been worth any statesman's money to have heard the profound discussions that sometimes took place, when by chance an old newspaper fell into their hands, from some passing traveler. " What is the rhetorical device used in this sentence?[A] Hyperbole. [B] Metaphor. [C] Irony. [D] Paradox.7. Which of the following statements about Emerson is NOT true?[A] He was generally known as an essayist.[B] He was the chief spokesman of Transcendentalism.[C] He practiced the theory by living a simple life.[D] For him, nature is symbolic.8. For Emerson, nature could symbolize the following except ________.[A] God [B] Spirit [C] Oversoul [D] the whole universe9. What is Hawthorne's attitude toward Puritanism?[Al Negative. [B] Affirmative. [C] Indifferent. [D] Mixed.10. One typical feature of Irving's writing is _________.[A] always preaching [B] his best classic style[C] short and difficult to [D] symbolic11. " I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. "Who could have written these lines?[A] Edgar Allen Poe. [B] Walt Whitman.[C] Ralph Waldo Emerson. [D] Henry David Thoreau.12. Which of the following is NOT true with Transcendentalism?[A] It inherited much from American Puritanism and European realism.[B] It focused on the intuitive knowledge.[C] Nature is its unofficial manifesto.[D] It is related in some way with the German idealism.13. What kind of narrative point of view is adopted in Moby Dick?[A] The first person.[B] The second person.[C] The third person limited.[D] The third person omniscient.14. Which of the following has influenced Melville's: EXCEPT________.[A] Shakespearean tragic vision [B] Emersonian Transcendentalism[C] Hawthorne's black vision of life [D] Irving's writing15. Which of the following writers is NOT optimistic about human nature?[A] Ralph Waldo Emerson. [B] Nathaniel Hawthorne [C] Walt Whitman. [D] Henry David Thoreau16. Which of the following cannot poetry?[A] Elegant and gentle. [B] Simple and open. [C] Unconventional. [D] Colloquial.17. When Emerson states in the introduction to his Nature: "Our age is retrospective. " Which of the following is closest to its understanding?[A] We are conservative.[B] We see this world through our ancestors' eyes.[C] We usually look back upon the good old days.[D] We write a lot of books about the past.18. Which of the following novels does not represent the theme return to nature?[A] Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.[B] Thoreau's Walden .[C] Cooper's Leather-Stocking Tales.[D] Melville's Moby Dick .19. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of the American Romantic writings?[A] Expression of the artist's imaginations, emotions, impressions, or beliefs.[B] Emphasis on rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.[C] Love for the remote, supernatural, mysterious, exotic and illogical quality of things.[D] To see nature as a source of mental cleanness and spiritual understanding.20. The statement that a man's journey to the dark forest and his encounter with the devil are symbolic of man's life journey from innocence to knowledge, from good to evil may well sum up one of the major themes of ________.[A] Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"[B] Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"[C] Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown"[D] O. Henry's "The Cop and the Anthem"21. Here is a short passage from a story: "He recognized on the sign, however, the ruby face of King George, under which he had smoked so many a peaceful pipe, …and underneath was painted in large characters, GENERAL WASHINGTON. " The story must be ________.[A] Cooper's "Leather-stocking Tales"[B] Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown"[C] Irving's "Rip Van Winkle"[D] Hemingway's "Indian Camp"22. "The universe is composed of Nature and the soul . . present everywhere. " This is the voice of the book _______ which pushed American Romanticism into a new phase of New England Transcendentalism.[A] Walden by Thoreau [B] The Scarlet Lette r by Hawthorne[C] Moby Dick by Melville [D] Nature byEmerson23. In Whitman's giant work, Leaves of Grass, and, above all, ________.are all that concerned him.[A] individualism [B] divine love[C] sympathy [D] the power of blackness24. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Hawthorn "Young Goodman Brown"?[A] Allegory. [B] Ambiguity.[C] Interior monologue. [D] Symbolism.25. In Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" all the drastic changes lapsed 20 years displeased Rip EXCEPT that ________.[A] he has got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony[B] the country has finally got its independence from the yoke of the British colonial rule[C] there comes now the scramble for powers between parties.[D] past glories and a tranquil life of the small village are gone.B. 阅读理解题(Reading comprehension)1. "In like manner, nature is already, in its forms and describing its own design. Let us interrogate apparition, that shines so peacefully around us. Let to what end is nature?"Questions :A. Identify the work and the author.B. What is "the great apparition"?C. What is the writing style?2.... Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of witch-meeting?Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown. A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become; from the night of that fearful dream. "Questions:A. Identity the work and the author.B. What is the general idea of this passage?C. Did the author tell for sure whether it was only a dream or not?3. "I loafe and invite my soul,I learn and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass."Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. What is the meaning of the phrase "a spear of summer grass" ?C. What is the implied meaning of the two lines?4. "Now small fowls flew screaming over the yet yawning gulf;a sullen white surf beat against its steep sides; then all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled 5, 000 years ago.Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. What is the basic tone of this passage?C. What is the meaning of the underlined part?5. "God knows, ... I'm not myself-I'm somebody else-. . . I'm changed, and I can't tell what's my name, or who I am. Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. The speaker says he is changed. Do you think changed, or the social environment changed?C. What idea does the quoted sentence express?6. "Standing on the bare ground, -my head bathed by the blitl air and uplifted into infinite space, -all mean egotism vanishI become a transparent eyeball. I am nothing. I see all. Tl currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am pa or particle of God. "Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. What does the word "blithe" mean here?C. What idea does the quoted passage express?C. 回答题(Questions and answers)1. Nature is a philosophic work, in which Emerson gives an explicit discussion on his idea of the Oversoul. What is your understanding of Emersonian " Oversoul " and its relationship with "a transparent eyeball"?2. One of the most distinctive features of Hawthorne's writing is his art of ambiguity. Exemplify it with his story, "Young Goodman Brown".3. Like Hawthorne, Melville is fond of symbolism in his writings. The white whale, Moby-Dick, is the most importantsymbol in the novel. What symbolic meaning does Moby Dick stand for?4. Whitman is one of the most important figures in American poetic history. He has carried on a sort of experiment on the form of poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression. What are the characteristics of Whitman's free verse?5. Literary critics have seen Rip Van Winkle as a symbol of several aspects of America. What are the aspects that the story and its hero symbolize?D. 论述题(Topic discussion)1 . Melville's Moby Dick is more than a great whale story that reflects the American whale industry in 19th century; it is capable of multiple interpretations. Discuss the themes you can find in the fiction.2. In his whole life, Hawthorne is preoccupied with sin and evil in man; and in almost every novel he wrote, Hawthorne discussed sin and evil. Then what makes Hawthorne obsessed with all this sin and evil?Exercises for Chapter One of American Literature(第二章)A.多项选择(Multiple choice questions)1: Who is generally considered to be the one “with but a deformed conscience" in MarkTwain's works ?[A] Tom Sawyer.[B] Huckleberry Finn. [C] Hank Morgan. [D] Widow Douglas2. Which of the following is Twain's language?[A] Vernacular. [B] Colloquial.[C] Elegant. [D] Humorous.3. Which of the following writers is famous for his"international theme"?[A] Henry James. [B] William James.[C] Mark Twain. [D] Theodore Dreise4. Winterbourne is used as a narrator of the events in HenryJames __________.[A ] Daisy Miller[B] The American[C] The Turn of the Screw[D] The Wing of theDove5.Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinson istrue?[A] Since she scarcely goes out of her house, she pays littleattention to the outsideworld.[B] She prefers to explore the inner life of herself rather thatthe social one.[C] She is strongly influenced by Calvinism and has a firm:belief in after-life.[D] She is not interested in love because she herself never getsmarried.6. Which of the following does NOT belong to TheodoreDreiser's Trilogy of Desire? "[A] The Financier'.[B] The American [C] The Titan. [D] The Stoic.7. Which' of the following is a correct match between thewriter¬ and his work? , .[A] Mark Twain: The Financier[B] Theodore Dreiser:Daisy Miller[C] Henry James; The Turn of the Screw[D] Emily Dickinson: The Wing of the Dove8. " Her Message is committed/To hands I can not see---" Theabove two lines are taken from ________.[A] Whitman's: "Song of Myself"[B] Dickinson's "This is my letter to the World"[C] Pound's: "A Pact"[D] Frost's: "The Road Not Taken"9. Theodore Dreiser gives his novel the title of "An AmericanTragedy" mostlybecause__________.[A] he tries to give an ironical meaning to the story.[B] he attempts-,to reproduce an authentic trial fictionally[C] it is the typical thing that can happen to an American in thepursuit of riches[D] he is surprised that such tragedy should happen inAmerica.10.Isabel, the heroine in The Portrait of a Lady, returns to herunhappy home in Rome at theend of the novel because__________.[A] she is still naive and immature[B] she wants to be responsible to her husband[C] she- wants to be responsible to her own choice[D] she has nowhere else to go11.. Which of the following statements is NOT true?[A] Mark Twain became doubtful about the' idea ofdevelop¬ment and skeptical of thegoodness of human nature in his later years.[B] Henry James; who never: criticizes his fellowmen, is thespokesman for the wealthy andleisured class in America.[C] From Emily Dickinson's poetry, one can hardly find anytraces of political movement inthe society of her time.[D] To Theodore Dreiser, communism is a likely meansimproving the social organizationof man. , :12. During the period after the Civil War, the American societyentered in what Mark Twain,referred to as __________.[A] the Golden Age [B] the Puritan Age[C] the Gilded Age [D] the Modern Age13. Local colorism is a unique variation, of American literaryrealism, the representatives ofwhich does NOT include __________.[A] Sarah Orne Jewett [B] Bret Harte[C] Hamlin Garland [D] Stephen Crane ,14. "I was letting on to give up sin, but away. inside of me; Iwas holding on to the biggest one of all. " The sentence, which taken from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is written: in a(n) __________ tone.[A] ironic, [B] regretful[C] sincere [D] delightful15. Henry James' idea of realism differs from that of the realistwriters because his emphasisis on man's__________.[A] language [B] inner world[C] surroundings [D] real actions16. As a naturalist writer, Theodore Dreiser was greatlyinfluenced by __________.[A] Mark Twain [B] Charles Darwin[C] Henry James [DI Ralph Wa1do Emerson17. However, innocence, the keynote of Daisy Miller'scharacter, turns out to be an admiring but a dangerous quality and her __________ of social taboos in the Old World finally brings her to a disaster in the clash between two different cultures.[A] admiration [B] sympathy,[C] disgusting [D] defiance18. Which of the following statements about EmilyDickinson's verse is true?[A] It exposes the evils of the society.[B] It paves the way for the following generation of free versepoets; .[C] It shares the same poetic conventions with Walt Whitman.[D] It exhibits a sensitiveness to the symbolic implications ofher experience oflove, death, and immortality.19. Compared with the writings of Mark Twain's, HenryJames's fiction is noted for their __________.[A] frontier vernacular [B] richcolloquialism[C] refined elegant language [D] vulgarlydescriptive words20. By the end of Sister Carrie, Dreiser writes; "It was foreverto be the pursuit of that radiance of delight which tints the distant hilltops of the world. " Dreiser implies that__________.[A] there is a bright future lying ahead[B] one can never fulfill one's desire[C] one should 'always :have forward looking[D] happiness is found in the end21. Emily Dickinson wrote many short' poems .an various'aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression? .[A] Religion and immortality [B] Life and death.[C] War and peace. [D] Nature and society22. In Daisy Miller, James chose the Castle of Chillon as thesetting of the story clearly because of its status-as a shrine to ___________, consecrated by Byron in his association with Daisy whose American habits of free social intercourse runs up the elaborately regulated code of manners in Europe.[A] integrity [B] freedom[C] constancy . [D] autocracy23. The sentence "only the fittest can survive in a completiveamoral society" may be regarded as an appropriate summary of _________.[A] Jack London's Martin Eden [B] `Hemingway'sFor Whom. the bell Tolls[C] Drsiser's Sister Carrie[D] Melville’s MobyDick24. Here is a passage from, a novel: "The man gave him a lastpush and closed the door. As he did so, Hurstwood slipped and fell in the snow: It hurt him, and some vaguesense of shame returned. He began to cry and swear -foolishly. " The novel must be_________.[A] Dreiser's Sister Carrie[B] Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath[C] London's Martin Eden[D] Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer25. Here are a few lines from a poem: " WithBlue-uncertain stumbling Buzz─/Between the light ─and me─/And the Windows failed─and then/I could not see .to see─." The poem must be _______.[A] Emily Dickenson's “I Heard a Fly buzz-when I died─"[B] Edgar Allen Poe's "Annabel Lee"[C] Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" .[D] Robert Frost's. "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"B.阅读理解题(Reading comprehension)1. “I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and thensays to myself: `All right, then;: I'll go, to hell' -,─and tore it up."Questions:A. Identify the novel and the writer.B. Why do "I" decide to go to hell?C. How do you understand this decision of going to hell?2. "Tell All the Truth, but Tell it Slant. "Questions:A. Identify the poet.B. What special feature can you draw from the form-of thisline?C. What idea does this statement convey?3. "And neigh like boanerges─Then─prompter than a StarStop─docile and omnipotentAt its own stable door, ─(Emily Dickinson: “I like to see it lag the:Miles”)Questions:A. What is being described *in, this, poem?B. What rhetoric devices are used in this stanza?C. What is the poet's attitude toward this object beingdescribed?4. "In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall youlong, alone. In your rocking-chair, by your, window, shall y dream such happiness as you may never feel.”(Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie)Questions:A. Who does "you" in the quotation refer to?B. What mood; do you think, was the narrator in, judging fromthis quotation?C. What idea can you draw from the "rocking-chair"?5 . "'Terrible-! ' said, that little lady, joining her, “ I hope itsnows enough to go sleigh riding. “ “ Oh, dear,”said Carrie, with whom the sufferings of Father Goriot were still keen. “That's all you think of.Aren't you sorry for the people who haven’t anything tonight?"”(Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie )Questions:A. What does snow mean to the little lady?B. What kind of mood, do you think, was Carrie in, judo fromthe above dialogue?C. What idea does the quoted passage express?C. 回答题(Questions and answers)1. "Poor Winterbourne was amused, perplexed-above all he' acharmed. He has never yet heard a young girl express herself just this fashion; ... Certainly she was very charming, but how extraordinarily communicative and how tremendously easy(Daisy Miller by Henry James)Question: What kind of narrative point of view is employed 114 What does this quotation reveal of the character of the young (Daisy Miller)?2. "Since then─'tis Centuries─:.and yet Feels shorter thanthe DayI first surmised the Horses 's Heads Were toward Eternity─" ("Because I could not stop for Death-" by Emily Dickinson. Question: What kind of meaning, can you get from the first two lines in the above quotation? What is Dickinson's understanding of death?3. Mark Twain and Henry James are both; considered to begreat realistic writers. What are the differences ,between ;them in the aspects of theme and language?4; What literary group does Theodore Dreiser belong t©?What are the characteristics of this group? Name two more American representatives that belong to this group.5. "The only thing I don't like, she proceeded, is, the. society. " (Daisy Miller by Henry James)Question: What kind of society does Daisy not like? Why?D论述题(Topic discussions)1. Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:. can beinterpreted in many, ways and, has- won its :lasting, place in the American canon. Discuss the image ©f Huck Finn,and the social significance bf this character.2. Henry James is regarded as an -international messenger whobridges the New-America with the Old Europe: His characters are inevitably encountered with cultural conflicts. Take -Daisy Miller as an example to analyze the two characters; Daisy Miller and Winterbourne and the cultural conflicts they undergo.综合美国文学第三章综合练习(Exercises)A. 多项选择(Multiple choice questions)1. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I havepromises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go beforeI sleep. ”The above four lines are taken from_______.[A] Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"[B] Dickinson's "I heard a Fly buzz-when I died-"[C] Frost's "After Apple-Picking"[D] Dickinson's “Because I could not stop for Death”2. In writing the poem “The River-Merchant's Wife: ALetter”Pound took its material from the ancient _______ poetry:[A] French [B] Italian[C] Chinese [D] Japanese3. In "After Apple-Picking", Robert Frost wrote: "For Ihave too much/Of apple-picking: I am overtired/Of the great harvest I myself desired. " From theselines we can conclude that the speaker is ________.[A] happy about the harvest[B] wearing out the freshness of apple-picking[C] still desired of apple-picking when seeing theharvest[D] indifferent of what once desired4. In The Emperor Jones and The Hairy Ape, O'Neilladopted ______ to portray the helpless situation of human beings in a hostile universe.[A] expressionist techniques [B] surrealistic approach [C] romantic approach [D] dramatic monologues5. In " petals on a wet, black bough", the figure of speechused here is______.[A] metaphor [B] hyperbole[C] pun [D] simile6. "My little horse must think it queer/To stop without afarm house near."The above two lines are taken from Frost’s "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", a beautifullystructured poem which follows______.[A] iambic tetrameter [B] iambic pentameter [C] trochaic tetrameter [D] trochaic pentameter7. Here are four lines from a short poem: "I feel theladder sway as the boughs bend. /And I keep hearing from the cellar bin/The rumbling sound/Of load on load of apples coming in. " The poem must be______.[A] Frost's "After Apple-Picking"[B] Dickenson's "Because I could not stop for Death"[C] Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"[D] Whitman's "There Was a Child Went Forth"8. Eugine O'Neill's play, The Hairy Ape, is often said tobe concerned with______.[A] the wretched situation of working people[B] the problem of modern man's identity[C] the conflict between illusion and reality[D] the inevitability of man's final salvation9. Which of the following statements is NOT a typicalfeature of Frost's poetry?[A] It is usually presented in the dramatic monologue.[B] It is rich in images, metaphors and symbols.[C] Nature is one of the most important thematicconcerns in his poetry.[D] Most of his poems are written in the form of freeverse.10.Which of the following plays is regarded as asemi-autobiographic play by O'Neill?[A] Beyond the Horizon. [B] he Emperor Jones.[C] Long Day's Journey Into Night. [D] The IcemanCometh.11.Nick Carraway is both a character and a narrator inthe novel: entitled[A] This Side of Paradise [B] The Sun Also Rises [C] Tender is the Night [D] The Great Gatsby12,Who is the person that used the term "The Lost Generation" fc - the first time. to refer to writers like Hemingway?[A] Gertrude Stein [B] T. S. Eliot[C] Sherwood Anderson [D] Ezra Pound13. “Grace under pressure” is a major feature of______'s novels.[A] William Faulkner[B] Henry James[C]Theodore Dreiser[D] Ernest Hemingway14.Hemingway won his Nobel Prize for the bookentitled______.[A] The Sun Also Rises[B] The Old Man and the Sea[C] A Fare-veil to arms[D] For Whom the Bell Tolls16. William Faulkner was worldly famous not only forhis ingenuous mastery of the streams of consciousness technique, but also for imaginative creation of a mythic kingdom called______.[A] The Mississippi River[B] Yoknapatawpha County[C] Oxford County[D] The Town of Jeffeson17. Which of the following works by Faulkner involvesShakespearean allusion in its title?[A] The Sound and the Fury. [B] Light inAugust.[C] Absalom , Absalom [D] Go Down,Moses.18. "A week later the mayor wrote her himself, offeringto call or to send his carfor her, and received in reply a note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowingcalligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax noticewas also enclosed, without comment. " The above two sentences must be takenfrom______.[A] Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"[B] Faulkner's story "A Rose for Emily"[C] Hemingway's story "Indian Camp"[D] James's story "Daisy Miller"19. The statement that a poor young man from the Westtrying make his fortune in the East but disillusioned in the quest of idealized dream may well sum up the theme of______. .[A] The Hairy Ape[B] For Whom the Bell Tolls [C] The Great Gatsby [D] Go Down , Moses20. "In a Station of the Metro" is a typical imagist poemthat fully displays Pound's definition of image, which is______. .[A] to present an intellectual and emotional instant oftime[B] to reveal a poet's instantaneous experience of life[C] to bring out a natural outburst of the poet's emotions689[D] to retell a poet's past moment of experience21. That profound ideas are delivered under the disguiseof the plain language and the simple form may be a very appropriate statement to describe ______'s[A] T.S. Eliot [B] Ezra Pound[C] Robert Frost [DI Emily Dickenson22. "Later when he started to operate Uncle George andthree Indian men held the woman still. She bit Uncle George on the arm and Uncle George said, 'Damn squaw bitch! ' and the young Indian who had rowed Uncle George over laughed at him.” The above two sentences must be taken from______.[A] Irving's story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"[B] Faulkner's story "A Rose for Emily"[C] James's story "Daisy Miller"[D] Hemingway's story "Indian Camp"23. Which of the following statements is NOT a typicalfeature imagism?[A] To use the language of common speech, but toemploy always the exact word.[B] To create new rhythms, as the expressions of a newmood[C] To recommend heroic couplet as a preferable verse。



《美国⽂学》题库及答案《美国⽂学》题库及答案I.Multiple Choice1. American literature is only more than ____ years old.A. 500B.400C. 200D.1002. The Puritan values did no include______.A. wastefulnessB. thriftC. pietyD. hard work3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment.______was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RomanticismD. Realism4. Franklin was the epitome of the______.A. American EnlightenmentB. Sugar ActC. Charlist movementD. Romanticism5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.A. FranklinB. HawthorneC. PaineD. Emerson6. “Moby Dick was written by_____A. Mark TwainB. ThoreauC. MelvilleD. Whitman7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______.C. PlatonismD. classicism8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________.A. Henry JamesB. Jack LondonC. Mark TwainD. Stephen Crane9. Choose the novel written by Henry JamesA. The Golden BowlB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. Daisy Miller10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T.S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. both A and B11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement.A. Ezra PoundB. HemingwayC. Robert FrostD. Steinbeck12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetryA. T.S. EliotB. E.D. RobinsonC. Philip FreneauD. Dreiser14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______.C. realistD. romanticist15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.A. EmersonB. FranklinC. Mark TwainD. Whitman16.“The Art of Fiction” was written by_____A. LongfellowB. Henry JamesC. FitzgeraldD. Faulkner17. Imagination plays the most important part in________.A. realismB. romanticismC. naturalismD. classicism18. ______ is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. Mending WallB. Dry SeptemberC. A Farewell to ArmsD. The Grapes of Wrath19. Uncle Tom in the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n)______A. Negro slaveB. salesmanC. industrialistD. officer20. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism21. “The Great Gatsby” is the masterpiece of_____C. DickinsonD. Hemingway22. The United States of America was founded in______.A. 1776B. 1876C. 1789D.168923. The ancestors of American Indians were______A. AsiansB. AfricansC. EuropeansD. Australians24. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was written by______.A. H.B. Stowe B. John SteinbeckC. HawthorneD. Mark Twain25. ______ does not belong to the lost generation.A. DreiserB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Hemingway26. ______ was well known for his story “Rip Van Winkle.”A. BryantB. Washington IrvingC. Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau27. “Farewell to Arms” is the master pieced produced by______A. FaulknerB. DreiserC. HemingwayD. Longfellow28. It was ______ who wrote the formal declaration of independence.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. WashingtonD. Washington Irving29. _____has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.A. FranklinB. BradstreetC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau30. The masterpiece of Hawthorne is _________.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Sister CarrieC. Richard CoryD. A Psalm of Life31. Engene O’Neill is a _______.A. novelistB. poetC. puritanD. dramatist32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by______.A. high-sounding wordsB. simple dictionC. complicated sentencesD. mix metaphor33. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet but also a ______.A. criticB. statesmanC. churchmanD. novelists34. “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” was written by_____.A. T.S. EliotB. O’NeillC. Stephen CraneD. Saul Bellow35. “The Grape of Wrath” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.A. the Civil WarB. DepressionC. SuppressionD. Aggression36. Theodore Dreiser showed the_____ tendency in his novels.A. PuritanismB. classicismC. romanticismD. naturalism37. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of________.A. TranscendentalismB. RomanticismC. RationalismD. Naturalism38. “The Sound and the Fury” was the masterpiece of ______A. Robert Lee FrostB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Steinbeck39. Emily Dickinson is an American________.A. dramatistB. novelistC. female poetD. male poet40. “Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______A. materialismB. classicismC. socialismD. colorism41. “The Portrait of a Lady” is one of best novels of_________.A. Henry JamesB. John SteinbeckC. William FaulknerD. Walt Whitman42. What Whitman is famous for his_________.A. “Leaves of Grass”B. “Mending Wall”C. “Richard Cory”D. “The Burial of the Dead”43. “Catch-22” is the masterpiece of______A. Saul BellowB. Joseph HellerC. DreiserD. Fitzgerald44. The English settlement in America began in_________A.1507B.1607C.1707D.180745. The first World War broke out in______.A.1614B.1714C.1814D.191446. The jazz age refers to the decade ofA.1950’sB.1980’sC.1920’sD.1820’s47. Franklin was a _____.A. PuritanB. romanticistC. classicistD. imagist48. “Rip Van Winkle” was written by_______.A. FreneauB. Allan PoeC. Washington IrvingD. Thomas Jefferson49.“The Scarlet Letter” is the masterpiece of______.C. BradstreetD. Allan Poe50.It was______who wrote “The Age of Reason”A. WashingtonB. JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. Thomas Paine51.“Song of Myself” is a ______written by Whitman.A. novelB. poemC. dramaD. essay52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a _____.A. Negro slaveB. American IndianC. School masterD. industrialist53. Mark Twain belongs to the literary school of_____.A. transcendentalismB. realismC. romanticismD. naturalism54._______is a famous American female poet.A. Allan PoeB. FreneauC. Emily DickinsonD. Robinson55. “The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” is the masterpiece of_____.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. Stephen CraneD. Robert Lee Frost56. It was____ who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken.”C. Robert Lee FrostD. T.S.EliotⅡ Define the literary terms briefly in English1. American Transcendentalism2. Romanticism3. The Puritans4. Realism5. Enlightenment6. Transcendentalism7. EnlightenmentIII Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.2. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.3. Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.4. And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.5. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!_____6. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.7. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,“Good morning”, and he glittered when he walked.8. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.”9. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat10. But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today11. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Why is American literature important for you?2. What is the theme of “The Waste Land”?3. Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?4. What is the style of Hemingway’s novel?5. What is the significance of American literature?6. Do you like American literature? Why?7. What is the real theme in “Sister Carrie”?8. What is the central subject and primary significance of Hawthorne’s major works?9. Which American writer do you like best? Why?10. What is the theme of “Catch-22”?11. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?12. Why should we learn American literature?13. Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?《美国⽂学》作业参考答案I.Multiple Choice1.C2.A3.B4.A5.D6.C7.A8.C9.B 10.D11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D41.A 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49. A 50.D51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55. A 56. CII.Define the literary terms briefly in English1.American transcendentalism was a philosophical dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favor of the idealism of Kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalismemphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.2. Romanticism is characterized by the pursuit of freedom, emphasis of individualism, a reliance upon the good of nature and “natural” man, and an abiding faith in the boundless resources of the human spirit and imagination.3.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished to reform or “Purify its doctrines. They kept in common with all advocates o f strict Christian orthodox, insisting on man’s original sin and depravity.4. Realism is a literary school. The American realist William Dean Howells refered to the method of realistic literary creation as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material. The realists tended to be highly selective in their choice of material, focusing upon what seemed real to their largely middle-class readers.5. Enlightenment in America was a progressive “intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans from the limitation of Puritanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress by education and appealed to Reason.6.American transcendentalism was a political dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favour of the idealism of kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.7. Enlightenment in America was a progressive intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans fromthe limitations of Purtanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress of education and appealed to reason.III Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Those who have never succeeded before will enjoy the sweetness o success most.2. In my life and literary creation, I did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). SometimesI chose a different way. That was the reason why I was unique and different from them both in life and poetic writing.3. Let us rise up and take actionTo meet any challenge in our life.We should learn to work and to be patientAnd persevere in pursuing our goalTill we reap the fruit of achievement one after another.4. He always dressed himself properly and elegantly And he showed his kindness and considerateness when talked with others.5. Don’t tell me in sad voice that life is nothing but an meaningless and empty dream.6. Only when you feel thirstiest and bitterest, can you really understand and enjoy the holy sweet drink.7. He stirred the pulses of the persons he was greeting with “Good morning”. While he was walking, his manners appeared to be so brilliant and attractive that he drow much public attention.8. Wall, as a barrier for communication or mutual understanding, is not good at all. Sometimes, it is necessary to remove the wall.Wall, as a boundary or limitation or border, is needed sometimes, so that good relations can be kept among different strata of people, or different countries.Wall is a paradox, which is both good and bad in haman life9.The honeysuckle qrows so agreeably and beautifully.However the beautiful flower hid its beauty in the quiet and lonely place.10.We had better take action every day, not remain idle and inactive so that we can make progress each day.11.I have a lot of obligations and duties to fulfill, so there is still a long way for me to go beforeI can relax or leave this world.Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Key points:① the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture③the requirement of improving English2. The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the first world war, the sterility and turbulence of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.3. The answer depends on individual student’s inclination.4. His style of writing is characterized by short and terse sentences, simple diction filled with emotion, vivid colloquialisms, and particularly the simplicity of his laconic statements.5. Key points: ① its place in the world literature② the manifestation of American life and culture③ the requirement of professional knowledge and skills as English majon.6. The answer is flexible. It de pends on an individual Student’s inclination.7. The real theme in Sister Carrie is the purposelessness of life. While looking at individuals with warm, human sympathy, he also sees the disorder and cruelty of life in general.8. The central subject of Haw thorne’s major works was the human soul. His exploration of the soul resulted from his skeptical attitude toward the social reality that was characterized by a rapid change in almost all aspects of social life, and from his ambition to probe into the nature of man. The primary significance of his major works dwells in the interect and the consistend vitality of his criticism of life.9. The answer is flexible, depending on students’ inclination, logic and language skills.10. Its real theme is to expose the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the absurd and corrupt bureancracy and the alienation of individuals existing in a systemized chaotic condition, such as war.punctuation and capitalization. Her mode of expression is characterized by clear-cut and delicately original imagery, precise diction, and fragmentary and enigmatic metrical pattern.12. Key points: ①the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture ③ the requirement of improving English.13. The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.。



2012-2013学年 第二学期 《美国文学》期末考试试卷(A 卷)专业:英语 年级:2010级 考试方式:闭卷 学分:2 考试时间:110分钟I .Multiple Choices (每小题 1分,共20分)Directions: Select from the four choices of each item the one thatbest answers the question.1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A . rational B . humorous C. optimisticD . pessimistic2. Which of the following is not written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the best-known American authors of the 20th century? A. The Sun Also Rises B. The Old Man and the Sea C. Mosses from the Old ManseD. Hills Like White Elephant3. The Romantic writers would focus on all the following issues Except the __________ in the American history. A. individual feeling B. survival of the fittest C. strong imaginationD. return to nature4. Almost all Faulkner ’s heroes turned out to be tragic because__________. A. all enjoyed living in the declining American South.B. none of them was conditioned by the civilization and Social institutions.C. most of them were prisoners of the past.D. none were successful in their attempt to explain the inexplicable.5. As an autobiograp hical play, O’Neill’s ________ (1955) has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama._.A. The Iceman ComethB. Long Day’s Journey into NightC. Beyond the HorizonD. Bound East for Cardiff6. Which of the following statements is right about Robert Frost’s poetry?A. He combined traditional verse forms with the difficult and highly ornamental language.B. He combined traditional verse forms with the pastoral language of the Southern area.C. He combined traditional verse forms with a simple spoken language, the speech of New England farmers.D. He combined traditional verse forms with the experimental.7. Edgar Allen Poe was characterized by his __________.A. psycho-analysisB. novels set in the WestC. free verseD. political pamphlets8. Which of the following is depicted as the mythical county in William Faulkner’s novels?A. CambridgeB. OxfordC. MississippiD. Yoknapatawpha9. ____________ was the first great American writer to write for pleasure rather than utility. He is considered to be founder of American literature by some critics.A. James Fenimore CooperB. Washington IrvingC. Ezra PoundD. Mark Twain10. We can perhaps summarize that Walt Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features except that they are _______________.A. lyrical and well-structuredB. conversational and crudeC. simple and rather crudeD. free-flowing11. The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck reveals the miserable lives of __________ .A. factory workersB. sailorsC. landless farm laborersD. veterans12. Among the American realistic writers, _________ focused his attention on the rising middle class and the way they lived.A. Herman MelvilleB. Henry JamesC. Mark TwainD. William Dean Howells13. Which of the following is a representative novel of naturalism by an American writer? 2A. Innocents AbroadB. McTeagueC. Daisy MillerD. The Grapes of Wrath14. The first symbol of self-made American man is _________.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Washington IrvingC. George WashingtonD. Mark Twain15. The Imagist writers followed three principles. They respectively are direct treatment, economy of expression and ________.A. local colorB. ironyC. clear rhythmD. blank verse16. Robert Frost is famous for his lyric poems. Which of the following lyric poems wasnot written by Robert Frost?A. “The Raven”B. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”C. “After Apple-picking”D. “The Road Not Taken”17. “The lost generation”refers to the writers who relocated to Paris in the post WWⅠyears to reject to values of American materialism. All the following but ________are involved in this group.A. F. S. FitzgeraldB. Ernest HemingwayC. Theodore DreiserD. John Dos Passos18. The first settlers who became the founding fathers of the American nation were quite a few of them _________.A. AnglicansB. CatholicsC. NormansD. Puritans19. Which one of the following statements is applicable to the understanding of Transcendentalism?A. It is strongly influenced by social Darwinism.B. Belief in individualism, independence of mind, and self-reliance.C. Man has no free-will.D. It holds that determinism governs everything.20. In __________, Captain Ahab is obsessed with the revenge on a whale which shearedoff his leg on a previous voyage, and his crazy chasing of it eventually brings death to allon board the whaler except Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.《美国文学》A卷第3页共18页4A. TypeeB. White JacketC. Moby DickD. Billy BuddII .Explain the Following Literary Terms Briefly (每小题7分,共14分)Directions : Please write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.21. Local Colorism 22. Stream of ConsciousnessIII .Identification of Fragments (每小题7分,共21分)Directions : Please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly comment on itin English. Please write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.23. “‘That ’s right.’ He said; ‘I ’m no good now. I was all right. I had money. I ’m going to quit this,’ and, with death in his heart, he started down toward the Bowery. People had turned on the gas before and died; why shouldn ’t he? He remembered a lodging house where there were little, close rooms, with gas-jet in them, almost pre-arranged, he thought, for what he wanted to do, which rented for fifteen cents. Then he remembered that he had no fifteen cents.”24. “All day Buck brooded by the pool or roamed restlessly above the camp. Death, as a cessation of movement, as a passing out and away from the lives of the living, he knew, and he knew John Thornton was dead. It left a great void in him, somewhat akin to hunger, but a void which ached and ached, and which food could not fill.25. “Her skeleton was small and spare; perhaps that was why that would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her. She looked bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water, and of that pallid hue.IV . Short Essay Questions (每小题10分,共 30 分)Directions : Please write down the answers on the Answer Sheet.《美国文学》A 卷 第5页 共18页26. The relationship between man and nature is a recurrent theme, perhaps one of the most important themes, in American literature. Write a short essay on it by contrasting tow or three American literary works, or two or three American literary movements, to tell what you know about their different views of nature. 27. Please make a comment on Eugene O ’Neil.28. Please briefly comment on Theodore Dreiser ’s novel Sister Carrie.V .Appreciating a Literary Work (计 15 分)Directions:In this part, you are required to write a commentary paper in no less than 100 words. Please write it on the AnswerSheet .A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceErnest HemingwayIt was very late and everyone had left the cafe except an old man who sat in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light. In the day time the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late because he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference. The two waiters inside the cafe knew that the old man was a little drunk, and while he was a good client they knew that if he became too drunk he would leave without paying, so they kept watch on him."Last week he tried to commit suicide," one waiter said. "Why?""He was in despair." "What about?" "Nothing.""How do you know it was nothing?" "He has plenty of money."They sat together at a table that was close against the wall near the door of the cafe and looked at the terrace where the tables were all empty except where the old man sat in the shadow of the leaves of the tree that moved slightly in the wind. A girl and a soldier went by in the street. The street light shone on the brass number on his collar. The girl wore no head covering and hurried beside him."The guard will pick him up," one waiter said. "What does it matter if he gets what he's after?""He had better get off the street now. The guard will get him. They went by five minutes ago."The old man sitting in the shadow rapped on his saucer with his glass. The youngerwaiter went over to him."What do you want?"The old man looked at him. "Another brandy," he said."You'll be drunk," the waiter said. The old man looked at him. The waiter went away."He'll stay all night," he said to his colleague. "I'm sleepy now. I never get into bed before three o'clock. He should have killed himself last week."The waiter took the brandy bottle and another saucer from the counter inside the cafe and marched out to the old man's table. He put down the saucer and poured the glass full of brandy."You should have killed yourself last week," he said to the deaf man. The old man motioned with his finger. "A little more," he said. The waiter poured on into the glass so that the brandy slopped over and ran down the stem into the top saucer of the pile. "Thank you," the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again."He's drunk now," he said."He's drunk every night.""What did he want to kill himself for?""How should I know.""How did he do it?""He hung himself with a rope.""Who cut him down?""His niece.""Why did they do it?""Fear for his soul.""How much money has he got?" "He's got plenty.""He must be eighty years old.""Anyway I should say he was eighty.""I wish he would go home. I never get to bed before three o'clock. What kind of hour is that to go to bed?""He stays up because he likes it.""He's lonely. I'm not lonely. I have a wife waiting in bed for me.""He had a wife once too.""A wife would be no good to him now.""You can't tell. He might be better with a wife.""His niece looks after him. You said she cut him down.""I know." "I wouldn't want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing.""Not always. This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him.""I don't want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those 6《美国文学》A 卷 第7页 共18页who must work."The old man looked from his glass across the square, then over at the waiters."Another brandy," he said, pointing to his glass. The waiter who was in a hurry came over."Finished," he said, speaking with that omission of syntax stupid people employ when talking to drunken people or foreigners. "No more tonight. Close now.""Another," said the old man."No. Finished." The waiter wiped the edge of the table with a towel and shook his head.The old man stood up, slowly counted the saucers, took a leather coin purse from his pocket and paid for the drinks, leaving half a peseta(西班牙货币单位) tip. The waiter watched him go down the street, a very old man walking unsteadily but with dignity."Why didn't you let him stay and drink?" the unhurried waiter asked. They were putting up the shutters. "It is not half-past two.""I want to go home to bed." "What is an hour?""More to me than to him." "An hour is the same.""You talk like an old man yourself. He can buy a bottle and drink at home." "It's not the same.""No, it is not," agreed the waiter with a wife. He did not wish to be unjust. He was only in a hurry."And you? You have no fear of going home before your usual hour?" "Are you trying to insult me?""No, hombre (老兄), only to make a joke.""No," the waiter who was in a hurry said, rising from pulling down the metal shutters. "I have confidence. I am all confidence.""You have youth, confidence, and a job," the older waiter said. "You have everything.""And what do you lack?" "Everything but work.""You have everything I have.""No. I have never had confidence and I am not young." "Come on. Stop talking nonsense and lock up.""I am of those who like to stay late at the cafe," the older waiter said."With all those who do not want to go to bed. With all those who need a light for the night.""I want to go home and into bed.""We are of two different kinds," the older waiter said. He was now dressed to go home. "It is not only a question of youth and confidence although those things are very beautiful. Each night I am reluctant to close up because there may be some one who needs the cafe.""Hombre, there are bodegas open all night long.""You do not understand. This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted. The light is very good and also, now, there are shadows of the leaves.""Good night," said the younger waiter."Good night," the other said. Turning off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself, It was the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear? It was not a fear or dread, It was a nothing that he knew too well. It was all a nothing and a man was a nothing too. It was only that and light was all it needed and a certain cleanness and order. Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada (没有,虚无)y(所以)pues(既然,那么)nada y nada y pues nada. Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee. (这是一段模仿祷告词,其中的名词和动词都被虚无所取代,表明一切事物和行为都是虚无。



美国文学作业作业1.第9题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.A.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser答案:B您的答案:B2.第10题“all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie〞 is a comment made byjames russell lowell on the female characters in novels writtenby______.A.Washington IrvingB.James Fenimore CooperC.Philip FreneauD.George Washington答案:B您的答案:B3.第11题Among the following novels, only one was not written by HermanMelville. It is _____________.A.The Confidence-ManB.The PIlotC.Moby Dick答案:B您的答案:B4.第12题Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___.A.Theodore DreiserB.Stephen CranceC. Frank Norris答案:A您的答案:A5.第13题The central character’s name in James Fenimore Cooper’s novel series The Leatherstocking Tales is ______________.A.Isabelle ArcherB.Natty BumpoC.Ishmael答案:B您的答案:C6.第14题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D您的答案:D7.第15题In 1881, Henry James published his novel____, which is generally considered as his masterpiece.A.Daisy MillerB.watch and wardC.The Wings of the DoveD.The Portrait of a Lady答案:D您的答案:D8.第16题Hawthor ne’s ____ deals with the effects of a curse.A.The Scarlet LetterB.The House of Seven GablesC.Stone FaceD.Salem答案:B您的答案:D9.第17题"The Apparition of these faces in the crowd" is a line in a famous short poem written by ---.A.Ezra PoundB. Carl SandburgC.Walt Whitman答案:A您的答案:B10.第18题The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by _____________.A.Thomas JeffersonB.Thomas PaineC.Benjamine Franklin答案:B您的答案:B11.第19题the sound and the fury is a novel written by __________.A.Stephen CraneB.Theodore DreiserC.MacbethD.William Faulkner答案:D您的答案:D12.第20题the lines “to the glory that was greece, /and the grandeur that was rome〞 were quoted from poe’s poem __________.A.The RavenB.To HelenC.Annabel Lee答案:B您的答案:B13.第21题The short novel The Turn of the Screw was written by ________.A.Henry JamesB.FitzgeraldC.Ernest HemingwayD.William Faulkner答案:A您的答案:A14.第22题Among the four novels written by Henry James, the one written first in chronological order is _________.A.The Portrait of a LadyB.The Golden BowlC.The AmbassadorsD. The Wing of the Dove答案:A您的答案:A15.第23题Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist ---.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Walt Whitman答案:B您的答案:B16.第24题A poetic line of two feet is called ___________.A.monometerB.dimeterC.trimeterD.tetrameter答案:B您的答案:B17.第25题“ we hold these truths to be elf-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.〞 this sentence is taken from ___.mon SenseB.The Declaration of IndependenceC.The AutobiographyD.The American Crisis答案:B您的答案:B18.第26题___ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British monarchy.A.Thomas PaineB.Benjamin FranklinC.George WashingtonD.Jefferson答案:A您的答案:A19.第27题“Two roads diverged i n a yellow woods〞 is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not TakenB.Mending WallC.Two Yellow RoadsD.After Apple Picking答案:A您的答案:A20.第28题The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.A.Henry David ThoreauB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Henry James答案:B您的答案:B21.第30题The Blithedale Romance is a novel about the Brook Farm experiment written by __________.A.Henry JamesB.Nathaniel HawthorneC.James Fenimore Cooper答案:B您的答案:B22.第31题Among the following short stories, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is _________.A.Young Goodman BrownB.WakefieldC.The BirthmarkD.the pit and the pendulum答案:D您的答案:D23.第32题The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________.A.This Side of ParadiseB.All the Sad Young MenC.The Great GatsbyD.Tender Is the Night答案:D您的答案:B24.第33题Among the following authors the one who once visited China was ---.A.Henry JamesB.William FaulknerC.Ernest Hemingway答案:C您的答案:B25.第34题Among the following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _____________.A.Light in AugustsB.As I Lay DyingC.The Golden BowlD.Go Down, Moses答案:C您的答案:A26.第35题Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of original sin?A.Stowe’s Uncle Ton’s CabinB.James’s The Portrait of a Lady.C.Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms ?D.Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.答案:D您的答案:C27.第36题“ I heard the merry grassh opper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part〞 These lines written by ____________.A.Roger WilliamsB.John EliotC.Anne BradstreetD.Washington Irving答案:C您的答案:C28.第37题Among the following 3 authors the one who later became a naturalized British citizen was ---.A.Mark TwainB. FitzgeraldC.Henry James答案:C您的答案:C29.第38题Nathaniel Hawthorne gave a definition to the term "romance" in his Preface to the novel ---.A.The House of the Seven GablesB.The Scarlet LetterC.The Marble Faun答案:A您的答案:B30.第39题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Edgar Ellan Poe答案:C您的答案:A31.第41题The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.A. Ezra PoundB. Sylvia PlathC. T. S. Eliot答案:C您的答案:C32.第42题Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-StokingTales series. It is__________.A.The Last of the MohicansB.The PrairieC.The PathfinderD.Moby Dick答案:D您的答案:D33.第43题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark Twain答案:B您的答案:B34.第44题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.A.T. S. EliotB.Wallace StevensC.Robert Frost答案:C您的答案:C35.第45题“by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun the vulgar eye,\and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent soft waters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy days declining to repose.〞the rhyme scheme of the lines above is ______________.A.abababB.ababccC.aabbcc答案:B您的答案:B36.第46题The Fall of the House of Usher was a horror story by ______.A.Nathaniel HawthorneB.Edgar Allan PoeC.MelvilleD.Longfellow答案:B您的答案:B37.第47题Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story A Rose for Emily, can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualitiesexcept______.A.old valuesB.rigid ideas of social statusC.bigotry and eccentricityD.harmony and integrity答案:D您的答案:B38.第48题The School Room Poets did not include _____.A.LongfellowB.LowellC.HolmesD.Poe答案:D您的答案:D39.第49题Among the following 3 authors the one who did not win a Nobel Prize is ---.A.William FaulknerB. F. S. FitzgeraldC. John Steinbeck答案:B您的答案:B40.第50题Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.A.The Scarlet LetterB.The Blithedale RomanceC.The Marble FaunD.The Fall of the House of Usher答案:D您的答案:D41.第1题Henry James’s greatest influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.答案:正确您的答案:正确42.第2题The Puritan style of writing is characterized by simplicity, which left an indelible imprint on American writings.答案:正确您的答案:正确43.第3题Emerson’s prose style was sometimes as highly individualistic as his dramas.答案:错误您的答案:错误44.第4题Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nation.答案:正确您的答案:正确45.第5题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish CivilWar.答案:正确您的答案:正确46.第6题John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic with the working class people.答案:错误您的答案:错误47.第7题The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确您的答案:正确48.第8题"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound.答案:正确您的答案:正确49.第29题A Shakespearean Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymedababcdcdefefgg.答案:正确您的答案:正确50.第40题The first American poet to be translated into Chinese is Walt Whitman.答案:错误您的答案:错误51.第51题The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确您的答案:错误52.第52题Poe was a predecessor of the later British detective writer Conan Doyle.答案:正确您的答案:正确53.第53题Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误您的答案:错误54.第54题benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the romantic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误您的答案:正确55.第55题As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanism.答案:正确您的答案:正确56.第56题An Italian Sonnet is a short poem with fourteen iambic pentameter lines rhymed abbaabbacdecde.答案:正确您的答案:正确57.第57题Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确您的答案:正确58.第58题The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误您的答案:错误59.第59题thoreau was an active transcendentalist who was an escapist or a recluse detached from the life of his day.答案:错误您的答案:错误60.第60题Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Transcendentalism.答案:正确您的答案:正确作业总批注:。

《美国文学》试卷 及答案 American Literature for English major

《美国文学》试卷 及答案  American Literature for English major

《美国文学》试卷班级学号姓名I. Choose the best answer for each blank or question. (50%)1. _______ was usually regarded as the first American writer.A. William BradfordB. Anne BradstreetC. Emily DickinsonD. Captain John Smith2. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the _______ values that dominated much of the early American writing.A. RomanticismB. PuritanC. EnlightenmentD. Realist3. The 18th-century American Enlightenment was a movement marked by anemphasis on _______.A. rationality rather than traditionB. belief in human perfection through educationC. opposition to old colonial order and religious obscurantism(蒙昧主义)D. all of above4 Which of the following is not a writer of American literature of reason andrevolution?A. Benjamin FranklinB. Thomas PaineC. Washington IrvingD. Thomas Jefferson5. Which is of the following works is not written by Thomas Paine?A. Common SenseB. The American CrisisC. The Rights of ManD. The Autobiography6. _______ was regarded as Father of the American short stories.A. James Fenimore CooperB. Thomas PaineC. Washington IrvingD. William Bradford7. _______ was regarded as the first American novelist.A. James Fenimore CooperB. Edger Allan PoeC. Washington IrvingD. Nathaniel Hawthorne8. The general characteristics of American Romanticism are following except_____.A. the celebration of natural beauty and the simple lifeB. stress on reason rather than emotionC. interest in the picturesque past and remote placesD. individualism and historical romance9. _______ is a literary and philosophical movement which flourished in NewEngland from the 1830s to 1860s, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.A. PuritanismB. TranscendentalismC. RomanticismD. Symbolism10. The Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant Americanwriters, Ralph Waldo Emerson and _______.A. Henry David ThoreauB. Washington IrvingC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Walt Whitman11. Which of the following is not a principle of Transcendentalism?A. The importance of a direct relationship with GodB. An individual is the spiritual center of the universeC. The need to pursue unity with natureD. The use of scientific reason as the basis for truth12. What term do Transcendentalists use to describe the unity that exists betweenman, nature, and God?A. NirvanaB. OversoulC. OnenessD. Intuition13. In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard,which was praised by Oliver Wendell H olmes as “Our intellectual Declaration of Independence.”A. NatureB. Self-RelianceC. Divinity School AddressD. The American Scholar14.A book _______ came out of Thoreau’s two-year experiment at Walden Pond.A. WaldenB. Self-RelianceC. Civil DisobedienceD. English Traits15. Which of the following works is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne?A. The House of the Seven GablesB. White JacketC. The Marble FaunD. The Scarlet Letter16. In The Scarlet Letter, what does Pearl best represent throughout the novel?A. The living embodiment of Hester's sinB. A young innocent childC. The unifying force that will bring Hester and Dimmesdale together at the endD. A form of punishment for Hester17. As time goes by, Hester’s scarlet letter eventually comes to stand for _______.A. AdmirableB. AloneC. AbleD. Adultery18. Who is the greatest sinner in The Scarlet Letter?A. Roger ChillingworthB. Hester PrynneC. Arthur DimmesdaleD. Pearl19. ____ can be broadly defined as “the faithful representation of reality” or “verisimilitude(逼真)”. It includes the period of time from the Civil War to the turn of the century.A. American RealismB. American TranscendentalismC. American SentimentalismD. American Romanticism20. Who is not a writer of American Realism?A. William Dean HowellsB. Mark TwainC. Henry JamesD. Herman Melville21. _______ is poetry that has no fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.A. Free verseB. Blank verseC. BalladD. Lyric22. The poetry in Leaves of Grass clearly demonstrates Whitm an’s faith in _______.A. capitalismB. federalismC. democracyD. socialism23. Whitman believed that poetry should be _______.A. spoken, not writtenB. read, not spokenC. created, not quotedD. personal, not public24. The themes of Leaves of Grass are_______.A. celebration of the freedom and dignity of individualB. death as a process of lifeC. universal brotherhood of manD. all of above25. Which of the following statements about Emily Dickinson is not true?A. In most of her life she had an isolated life, not leaving her house and seeing closefriends.B. She knew such famous writers as Shakespeare and Bronte sisters.C. The American Civil War affected her thinking and writing a lot.D. She took no interest in having her poems published.26. Which of the following is not true to the characteristics of Emily Dickinson’s poetry?A. Her poems are innovative.B. Her poems are highly compact.C. Her poems are very long.D. Her poems are highly subjective.27. In the line “We slowly dr ove — He knew no haste / And I had put away / My labor andmy leisure too, / For His Civility —”, the word “civility” means ______.A. abilityB. politenessC. kindnessD. pleasure28. Mark Twain is regarded as one of the forerunners of American _______ literature.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. modernism29. Which of the following is not true?A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is considered one of the best books about anAmerican boy’s life in the eighteen hundreds.B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is largely based on the author’s personal memories ofgrowing up in Hannibal in the 1840s.C. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is written in the third person point of view.D. The setting of the novel, St. Petersburg, is a town where the author grew up.30. In 1935, Ernest Hemingway wrote: “All modern American literature comes from onebook by Mark Twain called _______.A. Innocent AbroadB. Huckleberry FinnC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi31. Writers of the first postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that they were a_______.A. Modern GenerationB. Beat GenerationC. Lost GenerationD. Last Generation32. Which of the following works is not written by F. Scott Fitzgerald?A. Tender is the NightB. This Side of ParadiseC. The Last TycoonD. The Waste Land33. Which university did F. Scott Fitzgerald enter but drop before graduation?A. Yale UniversityB. Harvard UniversityC. Boston UniversityD. Princeton University34. The term _______ is often applied to the 1920’s.A. Blue Age B Jazz AgeC. Roaring AgeD. Gilded Age35. Which of these details is true about Gatsby’s past?A. He fought in the warB. He’s the son of wealthy people from the MidwestC. He received a degree from OxfordD. All of above36. Which of the following is not symbolized by the green light in The Great Gatsby?A. moneyB. the American DreamC. natureD. optimism37. The road between West Egg and East egg is _______.A. A “valley of ashes”B. A literary illusion to the mythological River Styx(冥河)C. A literary illusion to the Waste Land by T.S. EliotD. All of these38. Why is Nick Carraway the perfect choice to narrate the novel?A. Because he is not a character in the story he tells.B. Because he can narrate not only what he see s but also what he doesn’t see.C. Because he is tolerant, open-minded, quiet, and a good listener, as a result, otherstend to talk to him and tell him their secrets.D. Because he regards Gatsby as a great man.39. In 1950 _______ was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for the year 1949.A. William FaulknerB. Ernest HemingwayC. John Steinbeck C. Henry James40. Who coined the expression “lost generation”?A. Gertrude SteinB. Ernest HemingwayC. Ezra PoundD. T. S. Eliot41. In 1954 _______ won the Nobel Prize for Literature “for his powerful, style-formingmastery of the art of modern narration”.A. Ernest HemingwayB. William FaulknerC. F. Scott FitzgeraldD. Henry James42. The code of Hemingway heroes may be summed up in his phrase _______.A. dignity in despairB. truth in simplicityC. rebels against traditionD. grace under pressure43. Who said the following: “the dignity of movement of an ice-berg is due to only oneeighth of it being above water”?A. William FaulknerB. Ernest HemingwayC. John Steinbeck C. Henry James44. Which war serves as the background for A Farwell to Arms?A. Spanish civil warB. World War IC. World War IID. Mexican-American War45. What dose rain symbolize in A Farewell to Arms?A. LoveB. DeathC. WarD. Hope46. What is not depicted in A Farewell to Arms?A. war and loveB. illness and injuryC. death and disillusionmentD. military glory and heroism47. Which of the following works is not written by William Faulkner?A. The Sound and the FuryB. Light in AugustC. The Grape of WrathD. As I Lay Dying48. Most of Faulkner’s major works are set in an imaginary place called _______.A. OxfordB. MississippiC. Yoknapatawpha CountyD. New Albany49. Emily Dickinson’s poetry covers a wide range of themes. Which of the following is notthe theme of her poetry?A. love and natureB. success and failureC. mortality and immortalityD. war and peace50. Mark Twain is famous for his _______ writing style.A. humorousB. romanticC. pessimisticD. freeColumn A Column B1. Walden A. Emily Dickinson2. The American Crisis B. Nathaniel Hawthorne3. The Scarlet Letter C. Thomas Jefferson4. The Last of the Mohicans D. F. Scott Fitzgerald5. Song of Myself E. Ernest Hemingway6. Because I could not stop for death F. Henry David Thoreau7. The Declaration of Independence G .. Ralph Waldo Emerson8. The Great Gatsby H. James Fenimore Cooper9. A Farewell to Arms I. Walt Whitman10. Nature J. Thomas PaineIII. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (10%)1. Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems written mainly in blank verse.2. In the poem “Because I could not stop for death ”, the speaker personifies death as a polite gentleman in order to show that death is horrible and terrifying.3. The Lost Generation is a name applied to the disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetics of the years following the First World War, who rebelled against former ideals and values but could replace them only by despair or a cynical hedonism.4. East Egg where Gatsby lives symbolizes the emergence of the new rich of the 1920s while West Egg where Tom and Daisy live symbolizes the old upper class that continued to dominate the American society.5. The tragic ending of A Farewell to Arms sums up the writer’s theme about the horrific world that the violence and chaos of war would eventually destroy people’s love and life.IV . Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English.(30%)1. We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess — in the Ring —We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain —We passed the Setting Sun —Questions:1) Who wrote these lines?2) In which poem do you read it?3) What dose “we ” refer to?4) In this stanza, what does “the School ”, “the Fields of Gazing Grain ”, and “the Setting Sun ” respectively (分别地)symbolize?2. Vacation was approaching. The schoolmaster, always severe, grewseverer and more exacting than ever, for he wanted the school to make a goodshowing on Examination Day. His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now —at least among the smaller pupils. Only the big boys, and young ladies ofeighteen and twenty, escaped lashing.Questions:5) From which novel is this section taken?6) Who is the author of the novel?7) Give a brief analysis of the major character in the novel.3. There was music from my neighbor’s house through the summer nights.In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplane(滑木板)over cataracts(大瀑布)of foam. Questions:8) From which novel is this section taken?9) Who is the author of this novel?10) What does this section describe?11) Give a brief analysis of the major themes of the novel.4. “Are you all right, Cat?”“I’ve been having some pains, darling.”“Regularly?”“No, not very.”“If you have them at all regularly we’ll go to the hospital.”Questions:12) Who wrote this dialogue?13) In which novel do you read it?14) Who are the two speakers in this dialogue?15) Give a brief analysis of the writer’s writing style.《美国文学》试卷 答题卷班级 学号 姓名I. Choose the best answer for each blank or question. (50%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.II. Match the work from column A for the writer in column B. (10%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.III. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (10%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.IV . Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English.(30%)1. 1)2)3)4)2. 5) 6) 7)3. 8) 9)10)11)4. 12) 13)14)15)《美国文学》答案I. Choose the best answer for each blank or question. (50%)1. D2. B3. D4. C5. D6. C7. A8. B9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. C 37. D 38. C 39. A 40. A 41. A 42. D 43. B 44. B 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. AII. Match the work from column A for the writer in column B.1. F2. J3. B4. H5. I6. A7. C8. D9. E 10. GIII. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (20%)1. F2. F3. T4. F5. TIV. Read the quoted parts carefully and answer the questions in English.(30%)1. 1) Emily Dickinson 2) Because I could not stop for death3) “We” refers to the speaker and Death.4) “the School” represents the early part of life, childhood.“the Fields of Gazing Grains” represents adulthood. Grain also symbolizes fertility, and since adulthood is when people have children.“the Setting Sun” represents old age, the end of the life.2. 5) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 6) Mark Twain7) Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination, untiring energy and thirst foradventure, has a good heart and a strong moral conscience. When the novel begins, Tom is a mischievous child who envies Huck Finn’s lazy lifestyle and freedom. As Tom’s adventures proceed, Tom moves away from his childhood concerns and makes mature, responsible decisions. By the end of the novel, He is no longer a disobedient character, but a defender of responsibility. In the end, growing up for Tom means embracing social custom and sacrificing the freedoms of childhood.3. 8) The Great Gatsby 9) F. Scott Fitzgerald10) In this section Gatsby is holding a luxurious party to which all kinds of guestswhether invited or not come to enjoy music, drinks, food and sunshine on the beach.It’s a grand and splendid party.11) The themes of the novel include the following points: first, it reveals the decline ofthe American Dream in the 1920s. As Fitzgerald saw it, the American dream was originally about discovery, individualism, and the pursuit of happiness. In the 1920s depicted in the novel, however, easy money and relaxed social values have corrupted this dream, especially on the East Coast. Second, it describes the hollowness of the upper class. Third, the novel also reflects the ignorance of the characters who have little self-knowledge and even less knowledge of each other.4. 12) A Farewell to Arms 13) Ernest Hemingway14) Frederic Henry & Catherine Barkley15) His prose style is simple, clear, direct, and precise. His diction is fundamental,favoring plain words. His sentences are short and declarative, often connected by “and”, “then”, and sometimes “so.” His much celebrated technique of the repetition of words, phrases, and sentence structure has the effect of substantiating detail or building up emotional intensity. Dialogue is a distinguishing feature of his style.His fictional world is full of disorder violence, and misery. Without hope, his heroes face it with honor, courage, and endurance. Their code may be summed up in his phrase “grace under pressure.”11。



15春福师《比较视野下的外国文学》在线作业一一、单选题(共10 道试题,共20 分。

)V 1. 雨果的戏剧有():A. 《〈克伦威尔〉序言》)B. 《欧那尼》C. 《巴黎圣母院》D. 《悲惨世界》满分:2 分2. 下列关于“古典主义”的说法,不正确的是():A. 古典主义是欧洲最早出现的文学流派,以法国为中心,影响遍及全欧。

B. 是以古典文学及《圣经》为土壤的文学。

C. 歌颂王权,强调文学为政治服务。

D. 是贵族阶级及早期资产阶级混合的文学,是感情至上的文学,是通俗、大众的文学。

满分:2 分3. “脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!”出自():A. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》B. 《仲夏夜之梦》C. 《第十二夜》D. 《哈姆雷特》满分:2 分4. “十四行诗”是西方最重要的诗体之一,它的创始人是():A. 薄伽丘B. 蒙田C. 彼脱拉克D. 但丁满分:2 分5. 英国的()是西方历史小说之父。

A. 司各特B. 梅里美C. 雨果D. 大仲马满分:2 分6. 英国马罗礼作品()歌颂统一、歌颂开国君主的主题,说明骑士文学与中古英雄史诗的民族意识是一脉相承的。

A. 《亚瑟王之死》B. 《罗兰之歌》C. 《贝尔武甫》D. 《尼伯龙根之歌》满分:2 分7. 印度短篇小说在中古时期衰落的原因不包括():A. 跳不出神话英雄传说宗教寓言动物故事题材的束缚。

B. 小说题材里神话、童话的成分都有,不够关注现实。

C. 跳不出“框形结构”的束缚。

D. 缺乏写实性。

满分:2 分8. 《唐·璜》真正的主人公是():A. 唐璜B. 诗人自己C. 朱丽亚D. 海甸满分:2 分9. ()标志着莎士比亚塑造性格的本领从写外部冲突到写内心冲突的阶段。

A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《仲夏夜之梦》C. 《威尼斯商人》D. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》满分:2 分10. 文艺复兴运动首先从语言革命开始,作家们提倡用本国民族语言写作,打倒拉丁文。




1.第6题The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on a train trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job.A.New YorkB.BeijingC.BostonD.Chicago答案:D2.第7题Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is__________.A.The Last of the MohicansB.The PrairieC.The PathfinderD.Moby Dick答案:D3.第8题The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________.A.This Side of ParadiseB.All the Sad Young MenC.The Great GatsbyD.Tender Is the Night答案:D4.第9题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.A.T. S. EliotB.Wallace StevensC.Robert Frost答案:C5.第10题In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.A.ChillingworthB.PearlC.DimmesdaleD.Hester Prynne答案:C6.第11题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells答案:D7.第12题Puritans emphasized a ____God.A.mercifulB.wrathfulC.benevolentD.learned答案:B8.第13题The best of Cooper’s sea romances was ____.A.The prairieB.The PilotC.The PoineersD.the pathfinder答案:B9.第15题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Edgar Ellan Poe答案:C10.第16题Among the following 3 authors the one who later became a naturalized British citizen was ---.A.Mark TwainB. FitzgeraldC.Henry James答案:C11.第17题among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___.A. Edgar Ellan PoeB.Herman MelvilleC.Emily Dickinson答案:C12.第20题“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of theuniversal being circulate through me; i am part or particle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay __________.A.The American ScholarB.NatureC.Self-Reliance答案:B13.第21题The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.A.Martin EdenB.The Iron HeelC.The Sea WolfD.The Call of the Wild答案:C14.第22题Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---.A.Carl SandburgB.Edwin Arlington RobinsonC.Ezra Pound答案:C15.第23题Among the following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _____________.A.Light in AugustsB.As I Lay DyingC.The Golden BowlD.Go Down, Moses答案:C16.第26题Eugene O’Neil did not write ______.A.The Emperor JonesB.Anna ChristieC.The Hairy ApeD.The Saloon答案:D17.第27题____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when he was only sixteen yearsold.A.To a WaterfowlB.ThanatopsisC.To HelenD.Annabel Lee答案:B18.第28题. the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________.A.1910sB.1920sC.1930sD.1960s答案:B19.第29题“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not TakenB.Mending WallC.Two Yellow RoadsD.After Apple Picking答案:A20.第30题Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.A.The Scarlet LetterB.The Blithedale RomanceC.The Marble FaunD.The Fall of the House of Usher答案:D21.第31题The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.A.Henry David ThoreauB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Henry James答案:B22.第32题As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______A.cubist school of modern paintingB.Imagist MovementC.stream-of-consciousness techniqueD.German Expressionism答案:B23.第33题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D24.第34题Jack London did not write ______.A.The Sea WolfB.The Call of the WildC.The AmbassadorsD.White Fang答案:C25.第35题"The Spectre Bridegroom" was written by the American author ---.A.Washington IrvingB.Nathaniel HawthorneC.James Feminore Cooper答案:A26.第36题Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---.A.the old man and the seaB.The Sun Also RisesC. For Whom the Bell Tolls答案:A27.第37题“by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun the vulgar eye,\ and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent soft waters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy days declining to repose.” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is ______________.A.abababB.ababccC.aabbcc答案:B28.第38题The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.A. Ezra PoundB. Sylvia PlathC. T. S. Eliot答案:C29.第39题The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.A.Ernest HemingwayB.Ezra PoundC.T. S. EliotD.William Carlos Williams答案:B30.第40题Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---.A. John SteinbeckB.Sherwood AndersonC.Sinklair Lewis答案:A31.第46题The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by_____________.A.Thomas JeffersonB.Thomas PaineC.Benjamine Franklin答案:B32.第52题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.A.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser答案:B33.第53题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark Twain答案:B34.第54题The salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named _____________.A.Charles DrouetB.HurstwoodC.Stephen CraneD.Frank Norris答案:A35.第55题Among the following authors the one who once visited China was ---.A.Henry JamesB.William FaulknerC.Ernest Hemingway答案:C36.第56题A poetic line of two feet is called ___________.A.monometerB.dimeterC.trimeterD.tetrameter答案:B37.第57题when we say that a poor young man from the west tried to make his fortune in the east but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.A.Henry JamesB.Scott FitzgeraldC.HemingwayD.William Faulkner答案:B38.第58题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D39.第59题“ I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part” These lines written by ____________.A.Roger WilliamsB.John EliotC.Anne BradstreetD.Washington Irving答案:C40.第60题Among the following fictions written by John Steinbeck, only one is aboutthe Second World War. It is ______________.A. “The Snake”B. The Grapes of WrathC. “The Moon Is Down”D.“The Pearl”答案:C41.第1题By the end of the nineteenth century, the realists rejected the portrayal of idealized characters and events.答案:正确42.第2题"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确43.第3题Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确44.第4题The most important Southern writer is Robert Penn Warren who was the author of the poem “All the King’s Men”.答案:错误45.第5题The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误46.第14题benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the romantic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误47.第18题John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic with the working class people.答案:错误48.第19题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War. 答案:正确49.第24题The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确50.第25题Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Transcendentalism.答案:正确51.第41题Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误52.第42题Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确53.第43题As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanism. 答案:正确54.第44题“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误55.第45题Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误56.第47题Long fellow’s poems belong to the darker aspect of the Romantic Movement.答案:错误57.第48题The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确58.第49题“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确59.第50题Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner employed in his novels.答案:错误60.第51题"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound.答案:正确。



15春福师《英美文学选读》在线作业一、单选题(共50 道试题,共100 分。

英美文学选读作业策略)V 1. I have been ____ to the newspaper for ten years.A. ascribingB. subscribingC. orderingD. purchasing-----------------选择:B2. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat ______ .A. disapprovalB. rejectionC. refusalD. decline-----------------选择:C3. He is planning another tour abroad ,yet his passport will ______ at the end of this month.A. expireB. exceedC. terminateD. cease-----------------选择:A4. For a little while the girl ____ for her dead cat, but she got over it aftera few days.A. achedB. depressedC. grievedD. upset-----------------选择:C5. The more a nation‘s companies _______factories abroad, the smallerthat countr y‘s recorded exports will be.A. lieB. locateC. spotD. stand-----------------选择:B6. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.A. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical-----------------选择:C7. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were-----------------选择:A8. The archaeologist ____that the vase was 3500 years old.A. utilizedB. estimatedC. sustainedD. upheld-----------------选择:B9. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist-----------------选择:A10. The party will ____their leader very determinedly.A. adhere toB. coincide withC. cling toD. depend on-----------------选择:C11. Martin lay____on the bed all night,turning over and over in his mind the great decision he might have to make.A. wakeB. awakeC. wakenD. woke-----------------选择:B12. An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars ofarticles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by ____ buyers.A. perspectiveB. prospectiveC. prosperousD. profitable-----------------选择:B13. The wheels stuck in the ____.A. mudB. clayC. soilD. earth-----------------选择:A。

春《美国文学》在线作业 满分

春《美国文学》在线作业 满分

1.第6题The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on a train trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job.York答案:D2.第7题Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is__________.Last of the MohicansPrairiePathfinderDick答案:D3.第8题The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________.Side of Paradisethe Sad Young MenGreat GatsbyIs the Night答案:D4.第9题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.. S. EliotStevensFrost答案:C5.第10题In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.Prynne答案:C6.第11题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______. TwainJames’HenryDean Howells答案:D7.第12题Puritans emphasized a ____God.答案:B8.第13题The best of Cooper’s sea romances was ____.prairiePilotPoineerspathfinder答案:B9.第15题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneMelvilleEllan Poe答案:C10.第16题Among the following 3 authors the one who later became a naturalized British citizen was ---.TwainB. FitzgeraldJames答案:C11.第17题among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___.A. Edgar Ellan PoeMelvilleDickinson答案:C12.第20题“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. the currents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part or particle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay __________.American Scholar答案:B13.第21题The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.EdenIron HeelSea WolfCall of the Wild答案:C14.第22题Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---.SandburgArlington RobinsonPound答案:C15.第23题Among the following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _____________.in AugustsI Lay DyingGolden BowlDown, Moses答案:C16.第26题Eugene O’Neil did not write ______.Emperor JonesChristieHairy ApeSaloon答案:D17.第27题____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when he was only sixteen years old.a WaterfowlHelenLee答案:B18.第28题. the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________.答案:B19.第29题“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.Road Not TakenWallYellow RoadsApple Picking答案:A20.第30题Among the following fictions, only one is not written by NathanielHawthorne. It is ___________.Scarlet LetterBlithedale RomanceMarble FaunFall of the House of Usher答案:D21.第31题The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.David ThoreauWaldo EmersonJames答案:B22.第32题As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______ school of modern paintingMovementtechniqueExpressionism答案:B23.第33题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.CraneNorrisLondonWhitman答案:D24.第34题Jack London did not write ______.Sea WolfCall of the WildAmbassadorsFang答案:C25.第35题"The Spectre Bridegroom" was written by the American author ---.IrvingHawthorneFeminore Cooper答案:A26.第36题Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---.old man and the seaSun Also RisesC. For Whom the Bell Tolls答案:A27.第37题“by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun the vulgar eye,\ and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent soft waters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy days declining to repose.” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is ______________.答案:B28.第38题The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.A. Ezra PoundB. Sylvia PlathC. T. S. Eliot答案:C29.第39题The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.HemingwayPound. S. EliotCarlos Williams答案:B30.第40题Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---.A. John SteinbeckAndersonLewis答案:A31.第46题The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by_____________.JeffersonPaineFranklin答案:B32.第52题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.JamesTwainLondonDreiser答案:B33.第53题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.LondonHemingwayTwain答案:B34.第54题The salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named _____________.DrouetCraneNorris答案:A35.第55题Among the following authors the one who once visited China was ---.JamesFaulknerHemingway答案:C36.第56题A poetic line of two feet is called ___________.答案:B37.第57题when we say that a poor young man from the west tried to make his fortune in the east but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.JamesFitzgeraldFaulkner答案:B38.第58题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.CraneNorrisLondonWhitman答案:D39.第59题“ I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a secon d part” These lines written by ____________.WilliamsEliotBradstreetIrving答案:C40.第60题Among the following fictions written by John Steinbeck, only one is about the Second World War. It is ______________.A. “The Snake”B. The Grapes of WrathC. “The Moon Is Down”D.“The Pearl”答案:C41.第1题By the end of the nineteenth century, the realists rejected the portrayal of idealized characters and events.答案:正确42.第2题"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确43.第3题Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确44.第4题The most important Southern writer is Robert Penn Warren who was the author of the poem “All the King’s Men”.答案:错误45.第5题The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误46.第14题benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the romantic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic with the working class people.答案:错误48.第19题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War.答案:正确49.第24题The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确50.第25题Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Transcendentalism.答案:正确51.第41题Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误52.第42题Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确53.第43题As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanism.答案:正确54.第44题“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误55.第45题Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误56.第47题Longfellow’s poems belong to the darker aspect of the Romantic Movement.答案:错误The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确58.第49题“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确59.第50题Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner employed in his novels.答案:错误60.第51题"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound.答案:正确。



华师《外国文学》在线作业一、单选题:1.《悭吝人》中成功地塑造了一个著名的吝啬鬼的形象( )。

(满分:2)A. 夏洛克B. 阿巴公C. 葛朗台D. 波留希金正确答案:B2.《普罗米修斯》是( )最重要的悲剧之一。

(满分:2)A. 埃斯库罗斯B. 索福克勒斯C. 欧里庇得斯D. 阿里斯托芬正确答案:A3.《奥德赛》中,( )是木马计的设计者。

(满分:2)A. 阿喀琉斯B. 赫克托耳C. 俄底修斯D. 罗兰正确答案:C4.古典主义文学以( )成就最大。

(满分:2)A. 英国B. 德国C. 西班牙D. 法国正确答案:D5.欧洲最早的流浪汉小说是西班牙的( ),它对欧洲小说的发展有深远的影响。

(满分:2)A. 《堂吉诃德》B. 《鲁滨孙漂流记》C. 《吉尔.布拉斯》D. 《小癞子》正确答案:D6.( )是古希腊神话中的太阳神,是奥林匹斯最重要的神之一,以他为中心派生出一系列神话故事。

(满分:2)A. 宙斯B. 阿波罗C. 波赛冬D. 阿瑞斯正确答案:B7.不属于莎士比亚中期创作的四大悲剧的是( )。

(满分:2)A. 《哈姆莱特》B. 《威尼斯商人》C. 《李尔王》D. 《麦克白》正确答案:B8.《乌托邦》的作者是( )。

(满分:2)A. 康帕内拉B. 柏拉图C. 莫尔D. 伏尔泰正确答案:C9.莎士比亚最具有社会讽刺意义作品的是( )。

(满分:2)A. 《仲夏夜之梦》B. 《威尼斯商人》C. 《无事生非》D. 《驯悍记》正确答案:B10.( )叙述的是一个杀父娶母的骇人听闻的故事,在希腊悲剧中占据着特殊的位置。

(满分:2)A. 《俄底浦斯王》B. 《美狄亚》C. 《安德洛玛克》D. 《波斯人》正确答案:A11.奥菲利娅是( )中的人物。

(满分:2)A. 《哈姆莱特》B. 《威尼斯商人》C. 《李尔王》D. 《麦克白》正确答案:A12.法国古典主义悲剧的创始人是( )。

(满分:2)A. 莫里哀B. 高乃依C. 拉辛D. 莱辛正确答案:B13.( )是西班牙民族戏剧的奠基人,被称为“西班牙戏剧之父”。



《美国文学》题库及答案I.Multiple Choice1. American literature is only more than ____ years old.A. 500B.400C. 200D.1002. The Puritan values did no include______.A. wastefulnessB. thriftC. pietyD. hard work3. The 18th century was the age of the Enlightenment.______was the dominant spirit.A. HumanismB. RationalismC. RomanticismD. Realism4. Franklin was the epitome of the______.A. American EnlightenmentB. Sugar ActC. Charlist movementD. Romanticism5. _____was the most leading spirit of the Transcendentalism.A. FranklinB. HawthorneC. PaineD. Emerson6. “Moby Dick was written by_____A. Mark TwainB. ThoreauC. MelvilleD. Whitman7. “The Scarlet Letter” is characterized by its______.A. symbolismB. rationalismC. PlatonismD. classicism8. “Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of________.A. Henry JamesB. Jack LondonC. Mark TwainD. Stephen Crane9. Choose the novel written by Henry JamesA. The Golden BowlB. The Portrait of a LadyC. Sister CarrieD. Daisy Miller10. Early in the 20th century, _____ published works that would change the nature of American poetry.A. Ezra PoundB. T.S. EliotC. Robert FrostD. both A and B11._____ is the founder of “Imagist” movement.A. Ezra PoundB. HemingwayC. Robert FrostD. Steinbeck12. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by_____A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism13. ________ is said to be the father of American poetryA. T.S. EliotB. E.D. RobinsonC. Philip FreneauD. Dreiser14. Hawthorne is regarded as a _______.A. naturalistB. classicistC. realistD. romanticist15. ______ represents the most leading spirit of American Transcendentalism.A. EmersonB. FranklinC. Mark TwainD. Whitman16.“The Art of Fiction” was written by_____A. LongfellowB. Henry JamesC. FitzgeraldD. Faulkner17. Imagination plays the most important part in________.A. realismB. romanticismC. naturalismD. classicism18. ______ is considered to be the masterpiece of John Steinbeck.A. Mending WallB. Dry SeptemberC. A Farewell to ArmsD. The Grapes of Wrath19. Uncle Tom in the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a(n)______A. Negro slaveB. salesmanC. industrialistD. officer20. Mark Twain’s works are characterized by______A. NaturalismB. TranscendentalismC. Local ColorismD. Imagism21. “The Great Gatsby” is the masterpiece of_____A. WhitmanB. FitzgeraldC. DickinsonD. Hemingway22. The United States of America was founded in______.A. 1776B. 1876C. 1789D.168923. The ancestors of American Indians were______A. AsiansB. AfricansC. EuropeansD. Australians24. “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was written by______.A. H.B. Stowe B. John SteinbeckC. HawthorneD. Mark Twain25. ______ does not belong to the lost generation.A. DreiserB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Hemingway26. ______ was well known for his story “Rip Van Winkle.”A. BryantB. Washington IrvingC. Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau27. “Farewell to Arms” is the master pieced produced by______A. FaulknerB. DreiserC. HemingwayD. Longfellow28. It was ______ who wrote the formal declaration of independence.A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. WashingtonD. Washington Irving29. _____has been exerting a great and enduring influence upon world literature, especially that of France and European symbolism.A. FranklinB. BradstreetC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Philip Freneau30. The masterpiece of Hawthorne is _________.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Sister CarrieC. Richard CoryD. A Psalm of Life31. Engene O’Neill is a _______.A. novelistB. poetC. puritanD. dramatist32.Hemingway’s style of writing is characterized by______.A. high-sounding wordsB. simple dictionC. complicated sentencesD. mix metaphor33. T.S. Eliot is not only a poet but also a ______.A. criticB. statesmanC. churchmanD. novelists34. “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” was written by_____.A. T.S. EliotB. O’NeillC. Stephen CraneD. Saul Bellow35. “The Grape of Wrath” is one of the remarkable novels of_____.A. the Civil WarB. DepressionC. SuppressionD. Aggression36. Theodore Dreiser showed the_____ tendency in his novels.A. PuritanismB. classicismC. romanticismD. naturalism37. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the leading figure of________.A. TranscendentalismB. RomanticismC. RationalismD. Naturalism38. “The Sound and the Fury” was the masterpiece of ______A. Robert Lee FrostB. T.S. EliotC. FaulknerD. Steinbeck39. Emily Dickinson is an American________.A. dramatistB. novelistC. female poetD. male poet40. “Th Emily Dickinson is an American ark Twain’s______A. materialismB. classicismC. socialismD. colorism41. “The Portrait of a Lady” is one of best novels of_________.A. Henry JamesB. John SteinbeckC. William FaulknerD. Walt Whitman42. What Whitman is famous for his_________.A. “Leaves of Grass”B. “Mending Wall”C. “Richard Cory”D. “The Burial of the Dead”43. “Catch-22” is the masterpiece of______A. Saul BellowB. Joseph HellerC. DreiserD. Fitzgerald44. The English settlement in America began in_________A.1507B.1607C.1707D.180745. The first World War broke out in______.A.1614B.1714C.1814D.191446. The jazz age refers to the decade ofA.1950’sB.1980’sC.1920’sD.1820’s47. Franklin was a _____.A. PuritanB. romanticistC. classicistD. imagist48. “Rip Van Winkle” was written by_______.A. FreneauB. Allan PoeC. Washington IrvingD. Thomas Jefferson49.“The Scarlet Letter” is the masterpiece of______.A. HawthorneB. EmersonC. BradstreetD. Allan Poe50.It was______who wrote “The Age of Reason”A. WashingtonB. JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. Thomas Paine51.“Song of Myself” is a ______written by Whitman.A. novelB. poemC. dramaD. essay52.Tom in Beecher Stowe’s novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a _____.A. Negro slaveB. American IndianC. School masterD. industrialist53. Mark Twain belongs to the literary school of_____.A. transcendentalismB. realismC. romanticismD. naturalism54._______is a famous American female poet.A. Allan PoeB. FreneauC. Emily DickinsonD. Robinson55. “The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” is the masterpiece of_____.A. Mark TwainB. Henry JamesC. Stephen CraneD. Robert Lee Frost56. It was____ who wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken.”A. WhitmanB. FreneauC. Robert Lee FrostD. T.S.EliotⅡ Define the literary terms briefly in English1. American Transcendentalism2. Romanticism3. The Puritans4. Realism5. Enlightenment6. Transcendentalism7. EnlightenmentIII Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed.2. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference.3. Let us, then, be up and doing, With heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.4. And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked.5. Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!_____6. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need.7. But still he fluttered pulses when he said,“Good morning”, and he glittered when he walked.8. something there is that doesn’t love a wall,He says again, “Good fences make good neighbors.”9. Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat10. But to act, that each tomorrow Find us farther than today11. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Why is American literature important for you?2. What is the theme of “The Waste Land”?3. Whose novel (or which novel) do you enjoy most?Why?4. What is the style of Hemingway’s novel?5. What is the significance of American literature?6. Do you like American literature? Why?7. What is the real theme in “Sister Carrie”?8. What is the central subject and primary significance of Hawthorne’s major works?9. Which American writer do you like best? Why?10. What is the theme of “Catch-22”?11. What are the features of Emily Dickinson’s poems?12. Why should we learn American literature?13. Which poem do you enjoy most? Why?《美国文学》作业参考答案I.Multiple Choice1.C2.A3.B4.A5.D6.C7.A8.C9.B 10.D11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.A31.D 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D41.A 42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.C 47.A 48.B 49. A 50.D51.B 52.A 53.B 54.C 55. A 56. CII.Define the literary terms briefly in English1.American transcendentalism was a philosophical dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favor of the idealism of Kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalismemphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.2. Romanticism is characterized by the pursuit of freedom, emphasis of individualism, a reliance upon the good of nature and “natural” man, and an abiding faith in the boundless resources of the human spirit and imagination.3.The Puritans were members of the church of England who at first wished to reform or “Purify its doctrines. They kept in common with all advocates o f strict Christian orthodox, insisting on man’s original sin and depravity.4. Realism is a literary school. The American realist William Dean Howells refered to the method of realistic literary creation as “nothing more and nothing less than the truthful treatment of material. The realists tended to be highly selective in their choice of material, focusing upon what seemed real to their largely middle-class readers.5. Enlightenment in America was a progressive “intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans from the limitation of Puritanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for the establishment of their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress by education and appealed to Reason.6.American transcendentalism was a political dissent from Unitarianism. Transcendentalists rejected the materialistic psychology in favour of the idealism of kant who asserted that intuition could surpass reason as a guide to the truth. To transcendentalists, spirit is inherent and pervading and is the only reality in the universe in which nature stood as a symbol of Spirit. Transcendentalists emphasized the divinity of man, the significance and right of the individual, and the possibility of the self-perfection of the individual.7. Enlightenment in America was a progressive intellectual movement which contributed to free the Americans fromthe limitations of Purtanism which had been prevailing in American society, and stimulate them to strive for their independent and democratic nation. The enlighteners were confident in the proqress of education and appealed to reason.III Explain the following quotations in your own words.1. Those who have never succeeded before will enjoy the sweetness o success most.2. In my life and literary creation, I did not follow others’ footsteps (or footprints). SometimesI chose a different way. That was the reason why I was unique and different from them both in life and poetic writing.3. Let us rise up and take actionTo meet any challenge in our life.We should learn to work and to be patientAnd persevere in pursuing our goalTill we reap the fruit of achievement one after another.4. He always dressed himself properly and elegantly And he showed his kindness and considerateness when talked with others.5. Don’t tell me in sad voice that life is nothing but an meaningless and empty dream.6. Only when you feel thirstiest and bitterest, can you really understand and enjoy the holy sweet drink.7. He stirred the pulses of the persons he was greeting with “Good morning”. While he was walking, his manners appeared to be so brilliant and attractive that he drow much public attention.8. Wall, as a barrier for communication or mutual understanding, is not good at all. Sometimes, it is necessary to remove the wall.Wall, as a boundary or limitation or border, is needed sometimes, so that good relations can be kept among different strata of people, or different countries.Wall is a paradox, which is both good and bad in haman life9.The honeysuckle qrows so agreeably and beautifully.However the beautiful flower hid its beauty in the quiet and lonely place.10.We had better take action every day, not remain idle and inactive so that we can make progress each day.11.I have a lot of obligations and duties to fulfill, so there is still a long way for me to go beforeI can relax or leave this world.Ⅳ Answer the following questions in English1. Key points:① the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture ③the requirement of improving English2. The theme of the poem is modern spiritual barrenness, the despair and depression that followed the first world war, the sterility and turbulence of the modern world, and the decline and breakdown of Western culture.3. The answer depends on individual student’s inclination.4. His style of writing is characterized by short and terse sentences, simple diction filled with emotion, vivid colloquialisms, and particularly the simplicity of his laconic statements.5. Key points: ① its place in the world literature② the manifestation of American life and culture③ the requirement of professional knowledge and skills as English majon.6. The answer is flexible. It de pends on an individual Student’s inclination.7. The real theme in Sister Carrie is the purposelessness of life. While looking at individuals with warm, human sympathy, he also sees the disorder and cruelty of life in general.8. The central subject of Haw thorne’s major works was the human soul. His exploration of the soul resulted from his skeptical attitude toward the social reality that was characterized by a rapid change in almost all aspects of social life, and from his ambition to probe into the nature of man. The primary significance of his major works dwells in the interect and the consistend vitality of his criticism of life.9. The answer is flexible, depending on students’ inclination, logic and language skills.10. Its real theme is to expose the dehumanization of all contemporary institutions, the absurd and corrupt bureancracy and the alienation of individuals existing in a systemized chaotic condition, such as war.punctuation and capitalization. Her mode of expression is characterized by clear-cut and delicately original imagery, precise diction, and fragmentary and enigmatic metrical pattern.12. Key points: ①the significance of American literature in the world literature ② the manifestation of American life and culture ③ the requirement of improving English.13. The answer is flexible and depends on student’s inclination.。



华师《英美文学》在线作业一、单选题(共25 道试题,共50 分。

)1. Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson’s poetry is concerned?A. She seldom uses dashes.B. All her poems are about death or immorality.C. Her poems are very personal and meditativeD. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles.正确答案:C2. Robert Frost’s works mainly focus on the landscape and people in _________________.A. the WestB. American SouthC. New EnglandD. Mississippi正确答案:C3. Lyrical Ballads is the cooperative work of William Wordsworth and _________________.A. Samuel ColeridgeB. Robert SoutheyC. John KeatsD. Percy Bysshe Shelley正确答案:A4. The well-known soliloquy by Hamlet “To be , or not to be’ shows hisA. hatred for his uncleB. love for lifeC. resolution of revengeD. inner- strife正确答案:D5. _______ is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Innocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi正确答案:A6. The first novel written by Thomas Hardy is “__________________”.A. Desperate RemediesB. Under the Greenwood。

兰大《外国文学史》15春在线作业1 答案

兰大《外国文学史》15春在线作业1 答案

《外国文学史》15春在线作业1一、单选题(共16 道试题,共80 分。

)1. 《阿达拉》和《勒内》两部中篇小说的作者是A. 拉马丁B. 维尼C. 夏多布里昂D. 大仲马正确答案:C2. 《娜娜》、《萌芽》、《小酒店》是___的作品。

A. 拉辛B. 莱辛C. 左拉D. 易卜生正确答案:C3. 中世纪骑士文学反映的思想意识的阶层是A. 教会B. 贵族妇女C. 市民D. 世俗封建主正确答案:D4. 马克·吐温的代表作是A. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》B. 《汤姆·索亚历险记》C. 《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》D. 《百万英镑》正确答案:A5. 《毛猿》的副标题是“古代和现代生活的八场喜剧”,其主题是A. 表现人丑恶的私欲B. 人类归属问题C. 人与人的冲突D. 表现作者无所顾忌的反抗精神正确答案:B6. 希腊神话中的英雄传说起源于A. 民间滑稽戏B. 祖先崇拜C. 酒神祭祀D. 狂欢歌舞剧正确答案:B7. 萨克雷在《名利场》中塑造了一个女冒险家的形象,她是A. 蓓基.夏泼B. 玛丽.巴顿C. 简.爱D. 凯瑟琳正确答案:A8. 《哈里贝利·费恩历险记》的主题是A. 追求民主、自由B. 歌颂敢于冒险的精神C. 歌颂美国的文明社会D. 颂扬人道主义正确答案:A9. 贺拉斯最重要的文艺理论著作是A. 《诗学》B. 《诗艺》C. 《讽刺诗》D. 《颂歌集》正确答案:B10. 斯特恩最重要的成绩是写了幽默不拘一格的小说A. 《感伤的旅行》B. 《项狄传》C. 《查第格》D. 《天真汉》正确答案:B11. 英国革命诗人弥尔顿在《失乐园》中塑造的反抗者形象是A. 亚当B. 夏娃C. 撒旦D. 参孙正确答案:C12. 人文主义文学的基本主题是A. 歌颂现世生活B. 讲究理性、学习知识C. 追求爱情幸福D. 反封建反教会正确答案:D13. 左拉最著名的描写劳资矛盾的小说是A. 《金钱》B. 《娜拉》C. 《小酒店》D. 《萌芽》正确答案:D14. 德国第一次提出浪漫主义名称,并且系统的阐述了期浪漫主义文学主张的作家是A. 格林兄弟B. 施莱格尔兄弟C. 诺瓦利斯D. 蒂克正确答案:B15. 赫西俄德的作品是A. 《神谱》B. 《波斯人》C. 《婆母》D. 《两兄弟》正确答案:A16. 西班牙民族戏剧的奠定人是A. 斯宾塞B. 莫尔C. 维加D. 李利正确答案:C《外国文学史》15春在线作业1二、多选题(共4 道试题,共20 分。



福师15春《英美文学选读》在线作业一试卷总分:100 测试时间:--一、单选题(共50道试题,共100分。

英美文学选读作业策略)1.John cannot afford to go to university, _______going abroad.A. nothing to speak ofB. not to speak ofC. anything butD. nothing but满分:2分2._________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.A. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be满分:2分3.There a canal was being built to ____ commerce between the two countries.A. allocateB. facilitateC. induceD. furnish满分:2分4.______recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.A. In view ofB. In favor ofC. In case ofD. In memory of满分:2分5.A series of strikes have ____ many of the basic industries in that country.A. crippledB. damagedC. changedD. decreased满分:2分6.Fuel scarcities and price increases ________ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks .A. persuadedB. promptedC. imposedD. enlightened满分:2分7.A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which ____ a right angle.A. makeB. advocateC. adjoinD. shape满分:2分8.Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an ______for breaking the law.A. optionB. intentionC. approvalD. excuse满分:2分9.The wealth of a country should be measured ______ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce . A. in line withB. in terms ofC. in regard withD. by means of满分:2分10.I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.A. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but满分:2分11.At first, the _____ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible ,but , with the painstaking efforts and at great expense ,it became a reality.A. transactionB. transmissionC. transformationD. transition满分:2分12.A man who always ____ his salary can never become very wealthy.A. anticipateB. articulateC. manifestD. monitor满分:2分13.For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.A. to name a fewB. let aloneC. not to speakD. let’s say满分:2分14.Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _____in the coastal city.A. goalsB. destinationsC. targetsD. aims满分:2分15.They had the greatest difficulties ____ during the journey to Antarctica.A. imaginaryB. imaginativeC. imaginableD. imaginal满分:2分16.The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.A. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having满分:2分17.Politically these nations tend to be ______,with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.A. unsteadyB. unstableC. rationalD. reluctant满分:2分18.The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by hand signals.A. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along满分:2分19.The London Marathon is a difficult race._______, thousands of runners participate every year.A. ThereforeB. AccordinglyC. NeverthelessD. Furthermore满分:2分20.Preliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion, _____the $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress.A. in proportion toB. in reply toC. in relation toD. in contrast to满分:2分21.The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was _____ to the issue at hand .A. irrationalB. unreasonableC. invalidD. irrelevant满分:2分22.The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their ____.A. integrityB. compactnessC. installmentD. flexibility满分:2分23.James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday.A. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came满分:2分24.Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ____ of new development in his field.A. tediousB. subtleC. ignorantD. intellectual满分:2分25.There are several possible explanations for the greater job____ in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.A. creativityB. securityC. sensitivityD. stability满分:2分26.Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ____of the motor industry is uncertain.A. estimateB. terminalC. fateD. benefit满分:2分27.Modern sonar makes it possible to ____ an under water submarine.A. communicateB. sinkC. searchD. locate满分:2分28.Miss Jane always buys ____ priced clothes.A. highlyB. highestC. highD. higher满分:2分29.To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming ____.A. sensationalB. sensitiveC. sentimentalD. sensible满分:2分30.The archaeologist ____that the vase was 3500 years old.A. utilizedB. estimatedC. sustainedD. upheld满分:2分31.That day the teacher ____ from her custom and gave out no homework.A. disconnectedB. distortedC. detachedD. deviated满分:2分32.The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary ________too much work last week.A. take awayB. take outC. take toD. take on满分:2分33.Mr. Jackson feels very happy that he has derived a good deal of benefit ____ the investment in the city.A. withB. ofC. fromD. upon满分:2分34.He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that he paid me back the following week.A. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if满分:2分35.Radio reception wasn’t v ery good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcer’s voice sounded very ____.A. disputedB. discardedC. dismissedD. distorted满分:2分36.Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4,1826,the fiftieth_ ______of American Independence.A. ceremonyB. anniversaryC. occasionD. occurrence满分:2分37.Poor health and lack of money may both be ____ to educational progress.A. scarcitiesB. stainsC. restraintsD. barriers满分:2分38.In no case will they ____ with folded arms.A. pass byB. look onC. go byD. hold on满分:2分39.She hit the chair and ____ the coffee.A. spoiledB. pouredC. spilledD. splashed满分:2分40.Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished telling the ____ tale.A. patheticB. patrioticC. panicD. periodic满分:2分41.His contribution to the program was ____ because 99 percent of the work was completed by his colleagues.A. invisibleB. negligibleC. appreciableD. considerable满分:2分42.His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.A. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to满分:2分43.Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.A. themB. /C. itD. theirs满分:2分44.Such a (n)____ person has got to the top of the company!That’s more than I bargained for.A. responsibleB. illegalC. notoriousD. illegitimate满分:2分45.Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not ____ with each other.A. comparableB. compatibleC. competitiveD. complacent满分:2分46..________quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.A. ExtremeB. ExclusiveC. ExtensiveD. Excessive满分:2分47.His talent is quite ____.A. mereB. uniqueC. singleD. only满分:2分48.The football club decide to ____ its working contract with the head coach because of its team’s poor performance during his coaching.A. diminishB. diffuseC. precludeD. terminate满分:2分49.I can’t ________ what has happened to the vegetables, for they werefreshly picked this morning.A. figure outB. draw outC. look outD. work out满分:2分50.Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against the local authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field.A. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest满分:2分福师《英美文学选读》在线作业二试卷总分:100 测试时间:--一、单选题(共50道试题,共100分。



东师《英美文学》15春在线作业1一、单选题:1.Author of Gulliver’s Ttravels also wrote(满分:2.5)A. A Modest ProposalB. Robinson CrusoeC. Henry VD. The Tyger2.American romanticism started with the publication of ( ) and ended with Leaves of Grass . (满分:2.5)A. The Sketch BookB. NatureC. Leatherstocking Tales3.Here are four lines from a long poem: “Others for language all their care express, / And value books, as women men , for dress.” The poem must be(满分:2.5)A. Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”B. John Milton’s Paradise LostC. Alexander Pope’s Essay on CriticismD. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream4.Angry Young Man of the 1950’s most came from(满分:2.5)A. the lower classB. the upper classC. peasantsD. workers5.“The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” This novel is most probably . (满分:2.5)A. Charles Dickens’s David CopperfieldB. James Joyce’s A Po rtrait of the Artist as a Young ManC. Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding GrowdD. Henry Fielding’s Tom Jones6.Hardy started as a poet and ended as a (满分:2.5)A. playwrightB. novelistC. poetD. critic7.Mary Ann Evans was the original name of one of the following writer: (满分:2.5)A. Mrs. GaskellB. CharlotteC. AustenD. Eliot8."She lived unknown, and few could know When Lucy ceased to be; But she is in her grave, and, oh, The difference to me!" The word "me" in the last line of the above stanza quoted from Wordsworth‘s poem "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways"may possibly refer to ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. the poetB. the readerC. her loverD. everybody9.“Rip Van Winkle” r eveals the theme of ( ) the past. (满分:2.5)A. nostalgia forB. rejection toC. detachment fromD. nothing related to10.Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms - the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse - with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of ( ) farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax. (满分:2.5)A. SouthernB. WesternC. New HampshireD. New England11.Here is a passage from Middlemarch, a novel by George Eliot: "Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made itself one with the chill, colourless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and the ghostly stag in pale fanatic world that seemed to be vanishing from the daylight," Who is the lady mentioned in the quoted passage? (满分:2.5)A. DorotheaB. EmmaC. MollyD. Irene12.the most significant idea of the Renaissance is( ). (满分:2.5)A. humanismB. realismC. naturalismD. skepticism13.John Bunyan‘s pilgrim`s progress is often regard ed as a typical example of( ). (满分:2.5)A. allegoryB. romanceC. epic in proseD. fable14.( ) pen name was Mark Twain . (满分:2.5)A. Samuel Langhorne Clemens‘B. Henry James‘C. William Dean Howells‘15."And where are they? And where art thou," My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now- The heroic bosom beats no more!"(George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza, "art thou" literally means ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. "are you"B. "art though"C. "are though"D. "art you"16.All the qualities can be contributed to Portia except (满分:2.5)A. nosyB. culturedC. courteousD. kind-hearted17.The one who translated Homer’s epics into Engli sh is (满分:2.5)A. ShakespeareB. MarloweC. ChapmanD. Sidney18.In his poem“Tyger,Tyger,”William Blake expresses his perception of the“fearful Symmetry”of the big cat.The phrase“fearful Symmetry”Suggests(). (满分:2.5)A. the tiger‘s two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically setB. the poet‘s fear of the predatorC. the analogy of the hammer and the anvilD. the harmony of the two opposte aspects of God’s creation19.The statement “A demand ing mother turns away from her husband and gives all her a ffection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrence′s .(满分:2.5)A. Lady Chatterley’s LoverB. Women in loveC. Sons and LoversD. The Plumed Serpent20.In William Blake‘s poetry, the father(and any other in whom he saw the image of the father such as God, priest, and king)was usually a figure of ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. benevolenceB. admirationC. loveD. tyranny21.The first novel of Thomas Pynchon is ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. V.B. The Crying of Lot 49C. Entropy22.Irving‘s Rip Van Winkle is famous for () . (满分:2.5)A. Rip‘s escape into the mountainB. Rip‘s seeking for happinessC. Rip‘s 20–year sleep23.Tennyson’s“Ulysses” is a (). (满分:2.5)A. English sonnetB. ThomasC. Italian sonnetD. Free verse24.As an autobiographical play, O‘Neill‘s () (1956)has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama. (满分:2.5)A. The Iceman ComethB. Long Day‘s Journey Into NightC. The Hairy ApeD. Desire Under the Elms25.All of the following are written by Hemingway except ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. The Sun Also RisesB. For Whom the Bell TollsC. Sartoris26.provides the main source of influence on American naturalism. (满分:2.5)A. The puritan heritageB. Howells’ ideas of realismC. Darwin’s theory of evolutionD. The pioneer spirit of the wild west27.The novelist who was born in Poland wrote (满分:2.5)A. The portrait of A LadyB. A Passage to IndiaC. The Heart of DarknessD. Dubliners28.( ) has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”.(满分:2.5)A. Tennessee WilliamsB. Eugene O’NeillC. Arthur MillerD. Hendrik Ibser29.Dramatic monologue was created by the author who wrote (满分:2.5)A. Crossing the BarB. Ode to the West WindC. The Ring and the BookD. Jude the Obscure30.( ) was written by James Joyce. (满分:2.5)A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManB. Portrait of a LadyC. Picture of Dorian GrayD. To the Lighthouse31."Not on thy sole but on thy soul, harsh Jew,/Tho u mak‘st thy knife keen." In the above quotation taken form The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare employs a(n)( ) . (满分:2.5)A. oxymoronB. punC. simileD. synecdoche32.G.B.Shaw‘s play Mrs.Warren‘s Profession is a realistic expo sure of the ( ) in the English society. (满分:2.5)A. slum landlordismB. inequality between men and womenC. political corruptionD. economic exploitation of women33.The statement "It reveals the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life" may well sum up the main theme if Dickens‘s ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. David CopperfieldB. Bleak HouseC. Great ExpectationsD. Oliver Twist34.Which of the following information about John Milton is NOT true? (满分:2.5)A. John Milton was the greatest English Poets after Shakespeare.B. Milton was born in a Roman Catholic family and both his parents wereunderstanding parents.C. He received education at Cambridge and in 1632 he completed his M.AD. His masterpiece is Paradise Lost35.“My last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning’s ( )( )( ). (满分:2.5)A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologue36.The publication of ( ) established Emerson as the spokesman of Transcendentalism . (满分:2.5)A. NatureB. Self—relianceC. The American Scholar37.Romanticism shares the following common features except (满分:2.5)A. imaginationB. intuitionC. restraintD. natural sentiment38.In Hardy‘s Wessex novels,there is an apparent( )touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.(满分:2.5)A. nostalgicB. humorousC. romanticD. ironic39.Dreiser‘s Trilogy of Desire includes three novels. They are The Financier, The Titan and ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. The GeniusB. The TycoonC. The StoicD. The Giant40.The one who propose the story-telling in the Canterbury tales is (满分:2.5)A. the poetB. the knightC. the bossD. the pardoner《英美文学》15春在线作业2一、单选题:1.The Pilgrim‘s Progress by John Bunyan is of ten said to be concerned with the search for ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. material wealthB. spiritual salvationC. universal truthD. self-fulfillment2.The subject matter of Robert Frost’s Poems focuses on .(满分:2.5)A. ordinary country people and scenesB. battle scenes of ancient Greek and Roman legendsC. struggling masses and crowded urban quartersD. fantasies and mythical happenings3.John Milton wrote his masterpieces after blindness expect (满分:2.5)A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Areopagitica4.Chinese–American Literature can be defined as literature by and about ( ) in America . (满分:2.5)A. Chinese immigrantsB. Chinese studentsC. Asian immigrants5.The following poets are all Poet Laureate except( ) (满分:2.5)A. Ben JonsonB. Thomas GrayC. Robert SoutheyD. William Wordsworth6.( ) has been regarded as the “founder of the American Drama”.(满分:2.5)A. Tennessee WilliamsB. Eugene O’NeillC. Arthur MillerD. Hendrik Ibser7.Who first used the term ‘‘ Beat Generation ‘‘ ?(满分:2.5)A. GinsbergB. MailerC. Kerouac8.The major concern of ( ) fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. (满分:2.5)A. Charles Dickens‘sB. wrence‘sC. Thomas Hardy‘sD. John Galsworthy‘s9.“My last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Browning’s ( )( )( ). (满分:2.5)A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologue10.In Hardy‘s Wessex novels, there is an apparent () touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life. (满分:2.5)A. humorousB. romanticC. nostalgicD. sarcastic11.The lines, "It was a miracle of rare device,/ A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice," are found in ( )( ). (满分:2.5)A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s "Kubla Khan"B. William Wordsworth’s "Lines Written in Early Spring"C. John Keats’s "Ode to Autumn"D. Percy Bysshe Shelly’s "ode to the West Wind"12.The Idylls of the King is written by (满分:2.5)A. BrowningB. TennysonC. George EliotD. Carlyle13.Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by (满分:2.5)A. ChaucerB. LanglandC. BedeD. None of the above14.Here are four lines from a long poem: “Others for language all their care express, / And value books, as women men , for dress.” The poem must be(满分:2.5)A. Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”B. John Milton’s Paradise LostC. Alexander Pope’s Essay on CriticismD. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream15.In Hardy‘s Wessex novels,there is an apparent( )touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.(满分:2.5)A. nostalgicB. humorousC. romanticD. ironic16.Which of the following is not written by Hawthorne ? (满分:2.5)A. The Scarlet LetterB. White JacketC. The Marble Faun17.The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrence′s .(满分:2.5)A. Lady Chatterley’s LoverB. Women in loveC. Sons and LoversD. The Plumed Serpent18.( ) saw a new upsurge of Black American Literature in what has come to beknown as the Harlem Renaissance . (满分:2.5)A. 1900sB. 1910sC. 1920s19.Dryen’s contribution to England lite rature lies in the following except (满分:2.5)A. he established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse formsB. he clarified the English proseC. he raised the English literary criticism to a new levelD. he raised English comedy to a higher level20.Irving‘s Rip Van Winkle is famous for () . (满分:2.5)A. Rip‘s escape into the mountainB. Rip‘s seeking for happinessC. Rip‘s 20–year sleep21."O prince, O chief of many throned powers," That le d th‘ embattled seraphim to war Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds Fearless, endangered Heaven‘s perpetual King." In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton‘s Paradise Lost, the phrase "thy conduct" refers to ( ) conduct. (满分:2.5)A. Satan‘sB. God‘sC. Adam‘sD. Eve‘s22.It is on his ( ) that Washington Irving‘s fame mainly rested.(满分:2.5)A. childhood recollectionsB. sketches about his European toursC. early poetryD. tales about America23.Author of Gulliver’s Ttravels also wrote(满分:2.5)A. A Modest ProposalB. Robinson CrusoeC. Henry VD. The Tyger24.The poems such as,“The Chimney Sweeper”are found in both Songs of lnnocence and SongS of Experience by( ). (满分:2.5)A. William WordsworthB. William BlakeC. John KeatsD. Lord Gordon Byron25.provides the main source of influence on American naturalism. (满分:2.5)A. The puritan heritageB. Howells’ ideas of r ealismC. Darwin’s theory of evolutionD. The pioneer spirit of the wild west26.After WWⅠ, many disillusioned American writers and artists left for Paris andformed a small community . They were ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. emigrantsB. expatriatesC. immigrants27.Here is a passage from Middlemarch, a novel by George Eliot: "Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made itself one with the chill, colourless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and the ghostly stag in pale fanatic world that seemed to be vanishing from the daylight," Who is the lady mentioned in the quoted passage? (满分:2.5)A. DorotheaB. EmmaC. MollyD. Irene28.Which of the following brings LITTLE impact on the development of 20th century literature? (满分:2.5)A. Friedrich Nietzche’s assertions29.The one of the following not known as a dramatist is ( ) . (满分:2.5)"God is dead"B. Arther Schopen haruer’s and Henry Bergson’s philosophical ideas of irrationality.C. Oscar Wilde’s idea of "Art for Art’s Sake".D. Freudian-Jungian psycho-analysis30.Mark Twain‘s first novel () , written in collaboration with Charles D. Warner and published in 1873,though not an artistic success, gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period which it attempts to satirize. (满分:2.5)A. MillerB. PoundC. O‘Neill31.The character that appears in The Red Badge of Courage is ( ). (满分:2.5)A. The Gilded AgeB. The Age of InnocenceC. The Roughing TimeD. The Jazz Age32.“Humor” according to Ben Jonson means(满分:2.5)A. HurstwoodB. DrouetC. Fleming33.In 1704, ( )( )founded th e periodicals “the Review”.(满分:2.5)A. funB. comedyC. thoughtD. temperament34.The term tone in literature means( )( ). (满分:2.5)A. SwiftB. BlakeC. MiltonD. Defoe35.(The)( )was a progressive intellecrual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.(满分:2.5)A. sound effect such as rhyme and metrical deviceB. the pitch of a word used to determine its meaning in the given contextC. the manner of expression to indicate the speaker’s attitude towards the subjectD. a shade of colour to reflect the change of the light36."And where are they? And where art thou," My country? On thy voiceless shore The heroic lay is tuneless now- The heroic bosom beats no more!"(George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza, "art thou" literally means ( ) . (满分:2.5)A. RomandcismB. HumanismC. EnlightenmentD. Sentimentalism37.“In dream vision Arthur witnessed the loveliness of Gloriana, and upo n awaking resolves to seek her.” The two literary figures Arthur and Gloriana are form . (满分:2.5)A. "are you"B. "art though"C. "are though"D. "art you"38.The plot of ( ) is divided into three parts. (满分:2.5)A. Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie QueeneB. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and JulietC. Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His love”D. John Donne’s “A Valediction39.One of the following events played an important part in Chaucer’s writing: (满分:2.5)Forbidding Mourning”40.The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all EXCEPT . (满分:2.5)A. Native SonB. Invisible ManC. Song of Solomon。

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1.第6题The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on a train trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job.A.New YorkB.BeijingC.BostonD.Chicago答案:D2.第7题Among the following titles, only one is not among the Leather-Stoking Tales series. It is__________.A.The Last of the MohicansB.The PrairieC.The PathfinderD.Moby Dick答案:D3.第8题The last finished novel written by Fitzgerald is __________.A.This Side of ParadiseB.All the Sad Young MenC.The Great GatsbyD.Tender Is the Night答案:D4.第9题"Two roads diverged in a yellow woods" is a line in a poem written by ---.A.T. S. EliotB.Wallace StevensC.Robert Frost答案:C5.第10题In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter,the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.A.ChillingworthB.PearlC.DimmesdaleD.Hester Prynne答案:C6.第11题The arbiter of nineteen-century literary realism in America was ______.A.Mark TwainB.Henry JamesC.O’HenryD.William Dean Howells答案:D7.第12题Puritans emphasized a ____God.A.mercifulB.wrathfulC.benevolentD.learned答案:B8.第13题The best of Cooper’s sea romances was ____.A.The prairieB.The PilotC.The PoineersD.the pathfinder答案:B9.第15题The first American writer who propounded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effect is ___.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB.Herman MelvilleC.Edgar Ellan Poe答案:C10.第16题Among the following 3 authors the one who later became a naturalized British citizen was ---.A.Mark TwainB. FitzgeraldC.Henry James答案:C11.第17题among the following three american writers, only one has never been married in his or her life. the person is ___.A. Edgar Ellan PoeB.Herman MelvilleC.Emily Dickinson答案:C12.第20题“I become a transparent eye-ball. i am nothing. i see all. thecurrents of the universal being circulate through me; i am part or particle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay __________.A.The American ScholarB.NatureC.Self-Reliance答案:B13.第21题The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.A.Martin EdenB.The Iron HeelC.The Sea WolfD.The Call of the Wild答案:C14.第22题Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---.A.Carl SandburgB.Edwin Arlington RobinsonC.Ezra Pound答案:C15.第23题Among the following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _____________.A.Light in AugustsB.As I Lay DyingC.The Golden BowlD.Go Down, Moses答案:C16.第26题Eugene O’Neil did not write ______.A.The Emperor JonesB.Anna ChristieC.The Hairy ApeD.The Saloon答案:D17.第27题____ Bryant’s best-known poem, was written when he was only sixteen years old.A.To a WaterfowlB.ThanatopsisC.To HelenD.Annabel Lee答案:B18.第28题. the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________.A.1910sB.1920sC.1930sD.1960s答案:B19.第29题“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not TakenB.Mending WallC.Two Yellow RoadsD.After Apple Picking答案:A20.第30题Among the following fictions, only one is not written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is ___________.A.The Scarlet LetterB.The Blithedale RomanceC.The Marble FaunD.The Fall of the House of Usher答案:D21.第31题The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.A.Henry David ThoreauB.Ralph Waldo EmersonC.Henry James答案:B22.第32题As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______A.cubist school of modern paintingB.Imagist MovementC.stream-of-consciousness techniqueD.German Expressionism答案:B23.第33题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D24.第34题Jack London did not write ______.A.The Sea WolfB.The Call of the WildC.The AmbassadorsD.White Fang答案:C25.第35题"The Spectre Bridegroom" was written by the American author ---.A.Washington IrvingB.Nathaniel HawthorneC.James Feminore Cooper答案:A26.第36题Ernest Hemingway's Last important literary work is ---.A.the old man and the seaB.The Sun Also RisesC. For Whom the Bell Tolls答案:A27.第37题“by nature’s self in white arrayed\ she bade thee shun the vulgar eye,\ and planted here the guarding shade,\ and sent soft waters murmuring by; \ thus quietly thy summer goes,\ thy days declining to repose.” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is ______________.A.abababB.ababccC.aabbcc答案:BThe Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.A. Ezra PoundB. Sylvia PlathC. T. S. Eliot答案:C29.第39题The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.A.Ernest HemingwayB.Ezra PoundC.T. S. EliotD.William Carlos Williams答案:B30.第40题Of Mice and Men is a novel written by ---.A. John SteinbeckB.Sherwood AndersonC.Sinklair Lewis答案:A31.第46题The famous pamphlet Common Sense appearing in 1776 was written by_____________.A.Thomas JeffersonB.Thomas PaineC.Benjamine Franklin答案:B32.第52题A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by _______.A.Henry JamesB.Mark TwainC.Jack LondonD.Theodore Dreiser答案:B33.第53题The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist _____________.A.Jack LondonB.Ernest HemingwayC.Mark Twain答案:BThe salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named _____________.A.Charles DrouetB.HurstwoodC.Stephen CraneD.Frank Norris答案:A35.第55题Among the following authors the one who once visited China was ---.A.Henry JamesB.William FaulknerC.Ernest Hemingway答案:C36.第56题A poetic line of two feet is called ___________.A.monometerB.dimeterC.trimeterD.tetrameter答案:B37.第57题when we say that a poor young man from the west tried to make his fortune in the east but was disillusioned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about ______’s thematic concern in his fiction writing.A.Henry JamesB.Scott FitzgeraldC.HemingwayD.William Faulkner答案:B38.第58题_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen CraneB.Frank NorrisC.Jack LondonD.Walt Whitman答案:D39.第59题“ I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part” These lines written by ____________.A.Roger WilliamsB.John EliotC.Anne BradstreetD.Washington Irving答案:C40.第60题Among the following fictions written by John Steinbeck, only one is about the Second World War. It is ______________.A. “The Snake”B. The Grapes of WrathC. “The Moon Is Down”D.“The Pearl”答案:C41.第1题By the end of the nineteenth century, the realists rejected the portrayal of idealized characters and events.答案:正确42.第2题"Tell me not, in mournful numbers" is a line in Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life".答案:正确43.第3题Many of Poe’s Gothic tales bear the theme of claustrophobia.答案:正确44.第4题The most important Southern writer is Robert Penn Warren who was the author of the poem “All the King’s Men”.答案:错误45.第5题The House of the Seven Gables is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne based on his experience in the Brook Farm.答案:错误46.第14题benjamin franklin was a prose stylist whose writing reflected the romantic ideals of clarity, restraint, simplicity and balance.答案:错误47.第18题John Stwinbeck didn't win a Nobel Prize because he was sympathetic with the working class people.答案:错误48.第19题Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was about the Spanish Civil War. 答案:正确49.第24题The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确50.第25题Ralph Waldo Emerson was a representative figure of the American Transcendentalism.答案:正确51.第41题Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误52.第42题Besides Moby Dick, Melville also wrote some other sea novels.答案:正确53.第43题As a novelist, Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply influenced by Puritanism. 答案:正确54.第44题“The Premature Burial” is a detective story written by Poe.答案:错误55.第45题Though Emily Dickinson married twice in her life, love had never been a major theme in her poetry.答案:错误56.第47题Long fellow’s poems belong to the darker aspect of the Romantic Movement.答案:错误57.第48题The famous philosopher Williams James was the novelist Henry James' brother.答案:正确58.第49题“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确59.第50题Stream of Consciousness is a minor technique that William Faulkner employed in his novels.答案:错误60.第51题"In a Station of the Metro" is a short poem written by Ezra Pound.答案:正确。
