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Unit 3 Computers

Period 4 Using language教学设计



To discuss about IT

To write a report about IT

To read about androids or robots


I. Warming up by talking about IT

What is Information technology?

Information technology (IT) or information and communication technology (ICT) is the technology required for information processing. In particular the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.

II. Listening and writing

Turn to page 21. Look at the pictures and listen to a conversation about different kinds of information technology or IT, discuss and write down in groups the advantages and disadvantages of each kind.

III. Speaking and writing

Suppose you and your partner are going to help choose computers for your school. Now talk about the special things each of the computer can do and write a report to your headmaster.

IV. Reading, underlining and speaking

It is said that computers could be put into androids or robots. Read the text Andy—The Android,

underlining all the expressions and think of the fun you could have!

Expressions from Andy—The Android

part of a football team, once a year, get together, play a football game, be as…as…, in fat, look like…, on the football team, run fast, think like a human, shout to…, in computer language, have a good shot for a goal, get second place, win the first place, have a new kind of program, improve one’s intelligence, create a better system, play against a human team, in a way, program…with…, make up…, after all, with the help of…

V. Writing a letter

Suppose you are an android. What would say to a spoiled child who would not do his homework? Write a letter to the boy.


An android is an artificially created being that resembles a human being. The

word derives from Greek Andr- ‘man, human’ and the suffix -eides used to

mean ‘of the species, kind, alike’ (from eidos ‘species’).

The word droid, a robot in the Star Wars universe, is derived from this meaning. Some people maintain that, etymologically, the word android means resembling a male human and that a robot resembling a woman should logically be called a gynoid for sexist language to be avoided; however, this word is not commonly used.

Unlike the terms robot (a mechanical being) and cyborg (a being that is partly organic and partly mechanical), the word android has been used in literature and other media to denote several different kinds of man-made, autonomous creations:

a robot that closely resembles a human

a cyborg that closely resembles a human

an artificially created, yet primarily organic, being that closely resembles a human

Although essentially human morphology is not the ideal form for working robots, the fascination in developing robots that can mimic it can be found historically in the assimilation of two concepts: simulacra (devices that exhibit likeness) and automata (devices that have independence). The term android was first used by the French author Mathias Villiers de l'Isle-Adam (1838-1889) in his work Tomorrow’s Eve, featuring a man-made human-like robot named Hadaly. As said by the officer in the story, “In this age of Realien advancement, who knows what goes on in the mind of those responsib le for these mechanical dolls.”
