ef英语测试摘要:一、ef 英语测试简介1.ef 英语测试的背景2.ef 英语测试的目的3.ef 英语测试的适用人群二、ef 英语测试的内容与形式1.ef 英语测试的考试科目2.ef 英语测试的题型及难度3.ef 英语测试的评分标准三、ef 英语测试的优势与特点1.国际认可度高2.考试方式灵活3.全面提升英语能力四、如何准备ef 英语测试1.了解考试要求和结构2.制定合理的学习计划3.参加培训课程和模拟测试五、总结1.ef 英语测试的重要性2.对考生未来的帮助3.鼓励更多人参加ef 英语测试正文:ef 英语测试是由著名的英语教育机构ef 推出的英语能力测试,旨在帮助考生全面评估自己的英语水平,为提升英语能力、申请国际学校或求职等提供有力证明。
本文将对ef 英语测试进行详细介绍,包括测试简介、内容与形式、优势与特点以及如何准备等。
一、ef 英语测试简介ef 英语测试在全球范围内具有广泛影响力,受到许多国家和地区的高度认可。
二、ef 英语测试的内容与形式ef 英语测试包括听力、阅读、写作、口语四个方面,全面考察考生的英语能力。
三、ef 英语测试的优势与特点ef 英语测试具有以下优势与特点:首先,其国际认可度高,成绩可作为申请国际学校、求职等的英语能力证明;其次,考试方式灵活,可根据考生的需求选择考试时间、地点和形式;最后,该测试不仅能帮助考生提升英语成绩,还能全面提升考生的英语实际应用能力。
四、如何准备ef 英语测试要想顺利通过ef 英语测试,考生需要做好充分准备。
首先,要了解考试要求和结构,做到心中有数;其次,要制定合理的学习计划,持之以恒地学习;最后,可以参加ef 提供的培训课程和模拟测试,提前适应考试环境,增强信心。
2008-Aptitude test and curriculum__ requirements
6. Your boss tells you that you have been chosen to go on a six-month course to learn a completely new language. Do you 0 A) look for another job? 3 B) say they’ve chosen the wrong person? 7 C) worry a bit but think you could cope? 10 D) long to get started? Being scared stiff is obviously a bad sign.
Good language learners are able to make imaginative guesses about the meaning of words.
3. Someone asks you the way in very bad English. When he/she doesn’t understand your reply, do you A) say it again but louder? 0 B) get angry and give up? 0 C) draw him/her a map? 10 D) find out if he/she speaks another language you know? 8
A) a bilingual dictionary (English into your language)? B) a monolingual dictionary (English-English)? C) both a bilingual and a monolingual dictionary? D) not dictionary at all?
文章标题:深度解析全国外语英语能力等级考试1. 介绍全国外语英语能力等级考试,简称FLRB(Foreign Language Proficiency Test in English),是我国教育部主管的一项国家级英语考试,旨在评定学生的英语水平。
2. FLRB1FLRB1是全国外语英语能力等级考试中的最低等级,适合英语基础薄弱的学生。
3. FLRB2FLRB2考试旨在考察学生在英语听力、口语、阅读和写作方面的整体能力。
4. FLRB3FLRB3考试要求学生在英语听力、口语、阅读和写作方面达到一定的熟练程度。
5. FLRB4FLRB4考试是全国外语英语能力等级考试中的最高等级,要求学生在英语听力、口语、阅读和写作方面达到较高的专业水平。
6. 个人观点与总结FLRB考试作为国家级的英语能力评定工具,对于提高学生的英语能力、促进教育事业的发展具有重要意义。
Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT)The Modern Language Aptitude Test or MLAT was the outcome of a five-year research study at Harvard University and is published by the Psychological Corporation. This test provides an indication of a student's probable degree of success in learning a foreign language. It predicts their potential for learning to speak and understand a foreign language and for learning to read, write, and translate a foreign language.Many colleges and universities require this test to diagnose a learning disability specific to foreign languages. The College of Charleston uses it as a screening device to determine if a student should be referred to a licensed psychologist or neurologist for further testing to identify a possible learning disability.Who should take it?Any student who is consistently having difficulty successfully completing a foreign language should take the MLAT.When a student's transcript shows A's, B's, and C's in most subjects and D's or F's in foreign language, this student should be referred to CDS for MLAT screening. Another pattern frequently seen is B's or C's in foreign language in high school, a C in 101, a D or F in 102, and an F in 201.Often students will repeat 102 or 201 several times earning an F each time. Some students will try different languages, but rarely with success. Often the student has an auditory processing deficit. These students have difficulty distinguishing different sounds, blending sounds, and associating sounds and symbols. All are necessary skills for learning to speak and comprehend a foreign language.If you suspect a student may have a language related learning disability, please refer that student to CDS for MLAT testing. The test takes about forty minutes to administer with an additional 15 minutes needed to score the results. If the student chooses to wait, results are tabulated at the time of testing. Otherwise, results will be mailed the following day.The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) measures an individual’s aptitud e for learning a foreign language. First published in 1959, the test can be used to predict success in learning all basic communication skills, but particularly speaking and listening. The Modern Language Aptitude Test is now the property of the non-profit entity Second Language Testing Foundation, Inc., who has acquired the rights to the test in order to ensure its continued availability to the second language testing community.Mechanical ReasoningThis tests your ability to understand the underlying principles behind machines. High scores in this test indicate proficiency in engineering and mechanical work. The test is concerned with whether you can reason through mechanical problems in a logical way and is, therefore, a useful way of measuring a person's mechanical aptitude. If you get a high score in this test, in space relations and abstract reasoning, you could give serious consideration to scientific, mathematical or technological subjects and careers. Abstract ReasoningThis aptitude has to do with your ability to reason with visual configurations. The questions in this assessment contain patterns and series, which have to be completed. They are a non-verbal measure of reasoning ability and as such are regarded by many occupational psychologists as a good measure of raw intelligence. The kinds of skills that this aptitude identifies are useful in architecture, design, draughting and computerisation such as CAD (Computer Aided Design)Language UsageLanguage usage is the ability to communicate in good, accurate grammatical English. It is a measure of how well one can distinguish between correct and incorrect grammar, punctuation and wording of sentences. It is an excellent predictor of performance in College Courses. While such careers as writing and teaching require especially developed language skills, nearly all kinds of work requiring College Education demand a considerable competence in this aptitude.The Modern Language Aptitude Test was designed to predict a student’s likelihood of success and ease in learning a foreign language.The Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) was developed to measure foreign language learning aptitude. Language learning aptitude does not refer to whether or not an individual can or cannot learn a foreign language (it is assumed that virtually everyone can learn a foreign language given adequate opportunity). According to John Carroll and Stanley Sapon, the authors of the MLAT, language learning aptitude does refer to the ―prediction of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions.‖ The MLAT has primarily been used for adults in government language programs and missionaries, but it is also appropriate for students in grades 9 to 12 as well as college/university students so it is also used by private schools and school and clinical psychologists. Similar tests have been created for younger age groups. For example, the Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery was designed for junior high and high school students while the MLAT-E is for children in grades 3 through 6.DevelopmentJohn B. Carroll and Stanley Sapon are mainly responsible for the development of the MLAT. They designed the test as part of a five-year research study at Harvard University between 1953 and 1958. The initial purpose of developing the Modern Language Aptitude Test was to help the US Army find and train people who would learn foreign languages with ease.After field testing many different kinds of verbal tasks, Carroll chose five tests that he felt worked well as a combination in predicting foreign language learning success in a variety of contexts. These tests were minimally correlated with one another, but used together they had demonstrated high predictive validity with respect to such criteria as language proficiency ratings and grades in foreign language classes.The design of the MLAT also reflects a major conclusion of Carroll's research, which was that language learning aptitude was not a "general" unitary ability, but rather a composite of at least four relatively independent "specialized" abilities. The four aspects, or "components," of language learning aptitude that Carroll identified were phonetic coding ability, grammatical sensitivity, rote learning ability and inductive language learning ability. In the article ―The prediction of success in intensive foreign language training,‖ Carroll defined these components as follows:1.Phonetic coding ability - an ability to identify distinct sounds, to formassociations between those sounds and symbols representing them, and toretain these associations;2.Grammatical sensitivity— the ability to recognize the grammatical functionsof words (or other linguistic entities) in sentence structures;3.Rote learning ability for foreign language materials— the ability to learnassociations between sounds and meanings rapidly and efficiently, and toretain these associations; and4.Inductive language learning ability— the ability to infer or induce the rulesgoverning a set of language materials, given samples of language materialsthat permit such inferences.The data used to calculate the statistical norms for the MLAT were collected in the fall of 1958. The MLAT was administered to approximately nineteen hundred students in grades nine to twelve and thirteen hundred students from ten colleges and universities. For adult norms, the MLAT was administered to about one thousand military and governmental enlisted persons and personnel. The test was given to the subjects before starting a language course or intensive training program. Their performance in the language program was later compared to their score on the MLAT to calculate the predictive validity of the test.Sections of the Modern Language Aptitude TestThe MLAT consists of five sections, each one testing separate abilities.Number LearningThis section is designed in part to measure the subject’s memory as well as an―auditory alertness‖ factor which would affect the subject’s audi tory comprehension of a foreign language.Phonetic ScriptThis section is designed to measure the subject’s sound-symbol association ability, which is the ability to learn correlations between a speech sound and written symbols. Spelling Clues/Hidden WordsThis highly speeded section is designed to test the subject’s vocabulary knowledge of English as well as his/her sound-symbol association ability.Words in SentencesThis section is designed to measure the subject’s sensitivity to grammatical structure without using any grammatical terminology.Paired AssociatesThis section is designed to measure the subject’s rote memorization ability, which is a typical component of foreign language learning.Uses of the Modern Language Aptitude TestThe uses for the Modern Language Aptitude Test include selection, placement and diagnosis of learning abilities.SelectionThe MLAT can be used to select individuals who show promise in learningforeign languages in order to justify the time and expense of placing them in a language training program.PlacementIn situations where there is more than one class or group of students in alanguage training program or course, the students can be placed according totheir language learning aptitude so that each class can work at the mostbeneficial pace.Diagnosis of Learning AbilitiesThe MLAT can also be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence todiagnose a foreign language learning disability.Looking at an individual’s score on the different parts of the test can be help to match students’ learning styles with instructional approaches.Modern Language Aptitude Test – ElementaryIn 1967, Carroll and Sapon authored the Modern Language Aptitude Test –Elementary (EMLAT; more recently, MLAT-E). This was an adaptation of the adult version of the MLAT intended for younger students (grades 3 through 6). TheMLAT-E is broken down into four parts, three of which are modified versions of the MLAT’s Part 3 - Hidden Words, Part 4 - Words in Sentences and Part 1 - Number Learning. It also includes a new section called Finding Rhymes, which tests the subject’s ability to hear speech sounds.Carroll and Sapon suggest using the MLAT-E in ways similar to the MLAT. It can be used to select students who have the capability to excel in foreign language learning (and may be ready to start instruction earlier), provide a profile of strengths and weaknesses, place students with similar learning rates in the appropriate class, and start to build a history of language learning difficulty, which could be used in conjunction with other evidence to diagnose a foreign language learning disability.Issues of DebateOne issue taken with the MLAT is that it does not include any measure of motivation. Motivation can be a powerful factor; low motivation may cause poor performance in a language course or training program despite a high score on an aptitude test like the MLAT. Alternatively, a relatively low score on an aptitude test combined with high motivation to learn a language may result in average or even above average performance because of a student putting more time and effort into the language program. Accordingly, proper use of the MLAT would be to use it as one part of a more comprehensive assessment of the learner, or use the test in a setting where motivation is known to be uniformly high. In response to this issue, Paul Pimsleur developed the Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery (PLAB), which includes a section that assesses motivation in examinees.Another issue taken with using language aptitude tests like the MLAT is that they are not directly helpful to individuals who are required to learn a language regardless of their language learning abilities. According to John Carroll, language learning aptitude is relatively stable over an individual’s lifetime, so if an individual scores poorly on the MLAT, there is no proven method to increase their language learning aptitude if they must learn a language. One way the MLAT could be helpful in this situation is to indicate that more time learning the language will be needed relative to someone who received a high score on the MLAT. It can also assist them by showing which learning strategies that they use best.The age of the test along with its norms is another area of concern. The test was developed in 1953-58 and the norms were calculated with data collected in 1958. The audio-lingual teaching methods used with the norming subjects have been replaced by a more communicative teaching method. In 1998, research conducted by Madeline Ehrman, the Director of Research, Evaluation and Development at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, produced validity coefficients at approximately the same levels as the original validity coefficients from 1958. Research from Leila Ranta (Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at University of Alberta) as well as Harley and Hart (with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto) has shown an association with good language analytic ability and good language learners in a communicative learning environment (2002).Ambiguity tolerance is the ability to perceive ambiguity in information and behavior in a neutral and open way.Ambiguity tolerance is an important issue in personality development and education. In psychology and in management, levels of tolerance of ambiguity are correlated with creativity,[1]risk aversion, psychological resilience, lifestyle,[2] orientation towards diversity (cross-cultural communication, intercultural competence), and leadership style.[3]Wilkinson's Modes of Leadership is largely based on ambiguity tolerance. Mode one leaders have the least tolerance to ambiguity with mode four leaders enjoying and preferring to work in ambiguous situations. In part this is due to what Wilkinson calls 'emotional resilience'.The converse, ambiguity intolerance,[4][5] which was introduced in The Authoritarian Personality in 1950,[6]was defined in 1975 as a ―tendency to perceive or interpret information marked by vague, incomplete, fragmented, multiple, probable, unstructured, uncertain, inconsistent, contrary, contradictory, or unclear meanings as actual or potential sources of psy chological discomfort or threat.‖不确定性或模糊事物的承受力Tolerance of Ambiguity英语教学与学生忍受不确定及猜测策略之相关性联考正式走入历史,使得长久以来以联考为导向的英语教学方式逐渐松绑,也为英语教学的改革露出一线曙光。
Definition I
• In terms of the tests that have been used to measure it.
• This view of aptitude reflects the skills which the audio-lingual approach to language teaching, popular in the post-war decades.
Research findings: 1) Early research revealed a substantial relationship between performance on language aptitude tests and performance in foreign language learning that was based on grammar translation or audio-lingual methods. 2) However, performance on language aptitude tests seems irrelevant to L2 learning with the adoption of a more communicative approach to teaching. 3) Successful language learners may not be strong in all of the components of aptitude. Learners’ strengths and weaknesses in the different components may account for their ability to succeed in different types of instructional programs.
外语学习能力测验Foreign Language Aptitude Test
(Modern Language Aptitude Test-Elementary) -- by John Carro & Stanley Sapon, 1967.
• 適用於小學(三至六年級)學生。 • MLAT兒童版。 • 有助於小學之外語學習能力分班及瞭解學 生語言學習之個別需求。
近期研究 (cont.)
• Critical Period Hypothesis and Aptitude • Dekeyser (2000)
– Proposition (Johnson & Newport’s 1989 study)
• Strong negative correlation between age on arrival and level of attained proficiency up till age 17 • There is no correlation between age on arrival and attained proficiency beyond the point.
• 有些FLAT不能反映認知心理學新理論及發現。 • 未將可能影響外語習得的因素,如年齡、學習動 機、學習環境、學習策略等一併納入評估。 • 語言學習能力評估未與學習成效相互印證。 • 雖則可藉測試結果給予獲高分者更多學習時數以 及瞭解其最佳學習策略,若未能有效提升個別學 習者語言學習能力,對受試者並無直接助益,。
中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2023 年9 月测试英语试卷本试卷共150 分,考试时间100 分钟。
第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分45 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AHello, everyone. Welcome to our school. Now let’s take a look at some interesting school publications.ColumbusIt is our literary magazine; the name shows the place where we live. Editorial training includes developing skills for critical evaluation of student creative writing. Published twice yearly, many student contributors are also recognized as Scholastic Writing Awards winners.DiversionIt is our language publication. Published annually, it features student work presented in Mandarin, French, and Spanish. Working with advisors who teach these languages, student editors help in presentin g their classmates’ work including poems, essays, short stories, comic strips(连环画)and art. Diversion is often used by our language teachers in the classroom as well.The BrunerIt is Trinity’s yearbook. Serving the entire school, it is a yearly testament(证明)to the many aspects of Trinity life. Editorial positions are named in May, allowing editors to attend a two-day summer conference at NYU. This conference allows students to develop their capability to acquire knowledge before the start of the school year. Work on the yearbook begins immediately thereafter, as students work to create an impressive K-12 publication.The Trinity TimesIt is the upper school newspaper, written, edited, photographed and produced entirely by students as an extracurricular activity. Current sections of the paper include Arts and Innovation, Trinity Life, NY Culture, Science, Opinion and Editorial, and Sports. The editorial policy is generally determined by the editorial staff and their faculty advisor.How often does Diversion come outA.Once a month. B.Once a year. C.Twice a month. D.Twice a year. What is the purpose of the summer conference at NYU?A.To make editorial policy.To present students’ poems and essays.To cultivate students’ ability gain knowledge.To develop student s’ skills for critical evaluation.Which publication are students responsible for A.Columbus. B.Diversion. C.The Bruner. D.The Trinity Times. BWhen my daughter was seven years old, she came home from soccer practice clearly downhearted. When pressed, she told me what a teammate said: Her teeth were too yellow. My heart broke for her. As parents, we strive to keep our children safe, but we can’t always be there to protect our kids from unkind words. I tried to comfort my daughter. I told her that she has a beautiful smile with nice, strong, healthy teeth. I explained why she shouldn’t let someone else’s criticisms define her. On the inside, though, I worried. From my youth, I’ve struggled with the concept that my self-worth was directly related to my physical appearance. The idea began when I was eight years old, with small, hurtful words, and grew into a beast that I still battle even today.When I became a mom, I was terrified that this concept would take root in my daughter. I wanted to protect her little ears from harsh words that might influence her idea of self-worth. I wanted to shield her little eyes from unrealistic beauty standards promoted by magazines, television, and movies. I wanted to guard her little heart from being broken by the notion that s he didn’t measure up insome way.On social media, the battle became exceptionally greater. Every day we are bombarded with people living their “best life”, all told through filters which only highlight the “best” parts: Best angles, best locations, best outfits, and best hair. Rarely do we get a glimpse of reality. On social media, outer beauty controls everything.How, then, can we teach our kids that they are much more than their appearance We can start by modeling kindness, empathy, and self-acceptance in our own lives. Kids are incredible mimics(模仿者), so be mindful of what you say, even when you think your kids aren’t listening. If we are constantly putting ourselves down, our kids will follow suit. Instead, adopt a positive attitude when it comes to your own self- worth. Additionally, strive to teach your children to see the inner beauty in themselves and in others. There’s beauty in strength, goodness, gentleness, perseverance, and kindness. Praise kids for their acts of kindness, like sharing with a friend or helping a family member without being asked, and talk to them about how it makes them feel.How did the author react to her daughter’s trouble(AThrilled.B.Apologetic. C.Sorrowful. D.Curious.) (A.Cure.B.Fix.C.Broaden. DProtect.)What does the underlined word probably mean in paragraph 2 6.What can be inferred from paragraph 3A.People like to share their privacy in social media. B.Everything in social media is not true.Social media reflects an unrealistic world.People attach more importance to their physical appearance. What should parents do to their kidsTell them to behave themselves.Praise their kids for their appearance.Set a positive example for their kids.Encourage their kids to ignore the outer beauty.CPeople hate mosquitoes due to their blood-sucking tendencies. Scientists, too, are troubled by mosquitoes and have been researching ways to keep them away. A team of researchers from Virginia Tech in the US looked into different kinds of soap. They invited volunteers to test how four different soap flavors attract mosquitoes.After analyzing the mosquitoes’ behavior, the researchers discovered several chemicals in the soap that can influence themosquitoes’ “choice of food”. Two chemicals, one with the smell of coconut and the other with the scent of flowers, can keep the insects away.The team also found that what matters to mosquitoes is not just the chemicals, but rather the combination of chemicals with each person’s smell. For example, people who attract mosqui toes can be more attractive to them after using one type of soap. They can also repel(驱除)mosquitoes by using another kind of soap. The findings were “remarkable”, said senior author Clement Vinauger in a news release, adding that he would choose a coconut-scented soap to keep mosquitoes away.How these insects manage to find humans has also made scientists curious. According to a new study published in Current Biology, researchers built a “canteen” for hundreds of mosquitoes. In the 20-by-20- meter facility, there were six pads that had the smell of different humans. The pads were heated to mimic sleeping humans. They found that the insects can track scents up to 60 meters. Also, mosquitoes are most attracted to a kind of chemical called carboxylic acid(羧酸), which is usually produced by bacteria on human skin. The smell of one participant wasn’t attractive to the insects, and researchers believed it was due to the person’s diet, which is a mainly plant-based food.By analyzing the chemicals that either attract or repel mosquitoes, scientists are able to improve mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂). With more studies, scientists believe changing a person’s diet could one day make them “mosquito-proof”. This is especially beneficial for regions where mosquitoes carry diseases, such as malaria, CNN reported.What did the researchers from Virginia Tech try to find outHow many soap flavors attract mosquitoes.What soap scents can help avoid mosquitoes.Why mosquitoes prefer certain soap flavors.What kind of people attracts mosquitoes most.What kind of smell may help chase the mosquitoes away A.Human skin. B.Grass. C.Carboxylic acid. D.Coconut.What did scientists discover in their studiesA.People’s diet can account for mosquitoes’ bites. B.Mosquitoes are attracted by each per son’s smell.The scent of flowers is most appealing to mosquitoes.Using soap when washing is an effective way to keep mosquitoes away.What is the best title of the passageHow to Kill MosquitoesWhat Kind of Soap Is Most UsefulSoap Science Beats away Bug BitesUsing Soap Is of Great SignificanceDRoughly translated as “cuteness”, kawaii is one of the most frequently used Japanese words. In a broader sense, it describes the culture of celebrating all things adorable and treating fictional characters as the representation of positivity. The concept has spread through many aspects of modern life, including art, fashion, technology, and even food.Japan’s kawaii culture is believed to have begun in the 1970s when teenagers developed their own childlike handwriting. Given a variety of names, including marui ji (round writing), koneko ji (kitten writing), and burikko ji (fake-child writing), it features curvy, noodle-like lines next to hearts, stars, and cartoon faces. People believe that this new cute style allowed the youth of the time to express their individual characteristics. In 1974, Japanese stationery brand Sanrio launched its iconic character, Hello Kitty. The super-cute white cat— with no mouth and a pink bow — was first printed onto a coin purse. Almost 55 years later, Hello Kitty is recognized all over the world, has been placed on countless products, and even has her own themed bullet train. In 2008, Japan named Hello Kitty as theirofficial tourism ambassador, inviting the rest of the world to cel ebrate the country’s proud kawaii identity. Since Hello Kitty, many producers have developed cute characters who, although are fictional, have also become pop signs.Kawaii doesn’t just apply to fictional characters, it also materializes in real life as a fashionable subculture. In Japan, there are several styles that are based on the idea of kawaii. Lolita fashion, for example, finds inspiration from the Victorian and Rococo period and consists of rich details, including fine bows. Related to this style is Sweet Lolita, which includes outfits that are even more “feminine”. The trend also involves turning basic packed lunches —comprising rice, fish or meat, and vegetables —into adorable works of art. Kawaii’s influence has resulted in two distinct bento (便当)box styles: Kyaraben (character bento) or oekakiben (picture bento).”What can we learn about kawaii according to the first paragraphIt is the most frequently used Japanese word.It is applied to almost all walks of life.It stands for various Japanese cultures.Both positive and negative things are related to it.What do people think of the early childlike handwriting A.Funny. B.Lifelike. C.Conventional. D.Personalized.What happened in Japan after Hello Kitty came onto the marketIt promoted local tourism.Japan’s economy was boosted greatly.It enjoyed popularity both at home and abroad.Other cute characters are no equal to Hello Kitty.Why does the author mention Lolita fashionTo illustrate Kawaii has an effect on the fashion trend.To describe Japanese passion for fashion.To introduce a new style of fictional character.To prove it has become a popular sign.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
语言学术语〔英-汉对照〕表Glossary and IndexAabbreviation 缩写词,略语Abercrombieablative 夺格,离格abstractness 抽象性accent 重音〔符〕accuracy 正确性accusative 宾格achievement test 成绩测试acoustic phonetics 声学语音学acquisition 习得acronym 缩略语action process 动作过程actor 动作者addition 添加address form 称呼形式addressee 受话人1.4;addresser 发话人1.4;adjective 形容词adjunct 修饰成分;附加语adverb 副词affix 词缀affix hopping 词缀跳跃affixation词缀附加法affricate 塞擦音agreement 一致关系airstream 气流2alliteration 头韵allomorph 词/语素变体allophonic variation 音位变体allophony音位变表达象alveolar 齿龈音ambiguity 歧义ambiguous歧义的American English 美式英语American structuralism 美国结构主义analogical creation 类推造字anapest 抑抑扬格anaphor 前指替代anaphoric reference 前指照应Andersonanimate 有生命的annotation 注解antecedent 先行词;前在词anthropological 人类学的anthropological linguistics 人类语言学anticipatory coarticulation 逆化协同发音antonomasia 换称;代类名antonymantonymy 反义(关系)appellative 称谓性applied linguistics 应用语言学11 applied sociolinguistics 应用社会语言学appropriacy 适宜性appropriateness 适宜性;得体性approximant 无摩擦延续音Apte 7;aptitude test 素质测试Arabic 阿拉伯语arbitrariness 任意性;12argument 中项;中词;主目article 冠词articulationarticulator 发音器官articulatory phonetics 发音语音学artificial speech 人工言语10aspect 体aspirated 吐气;送气assimilation 同化associative 联想associative meaningassonance 准压韵;半谐音Atkiattributive 属性;修饰语;定语;12.2.3 auditory phonetics 听觉语音学;Austin, John Langshaw 8.1;authentic input 真实投入authorial style 权威风格authoring program 编程autonomyauxiliary 助词auxiliary verb 助动词Bbabbling stage 婴儿语阶段back-formation 逆构词法Bally, CharlesBar-HillelBarnhart & Barnhartbase component 根底局部;12.4。
论文关键词:语言学能,研究综述,发展趋势1、前言外语学能一般是指人们学习第二语言时所呈现的相对稳定的专门能力倾向(Carroll:1990) ,这种能力不包括智力、兴趣和动机等其它变量( Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics 1995) 。
20 世纪20 年代,美国有一些预测外语能力的考试出现,如为高中学习外语进行的分班考试。
二战后美国军队又开发了ArmyLanguage Aptitude Test,即ALAT。
70 年代美国国防语言学院开发了Defense LanguageAptitude Battery,即DLAB,DLAB 比ALAT 预测效度更高。
语言学能的测量方面最有影响力的工具有两种:一种是由Carroll和Sapon 等1953-1959 年研制的Modern Language AptitudeTest ,简称MLAT ;另一种是由Pimsleur 等于1966 年制订的Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery,简称PLAB。
其他比较有影响的测试工具还有美国国防部的DefenseLanguage Aptitude Battery,美国陆军的Army Language Aptitude Test ,Parry & Child 设计的VORD 语言学能测量表,Grigorenkoet al. (2000)设计的CognitiveAbility for Novelty in Acquisition of Language as Applied to Foreign LanguageTest等。
Multiple-choice questions
• 题干 stem • 备选项 options / responses / alternatives / choices • 正确选项 answer / correct option / key • 干扰项 distractors
• 写作----翻译法(the essaytranslation approach) • 结构主义/心理测量法(the structuralist-psychometric approach) • 综合法(the integrative approach) • 交际法(the communicative appr• • • 水平测试 proficiency tests 成绩测试 achievement tests 分班测试 placement tests 诊断测试 diagnostic tests 直接性测试 direct tests 间接性测试 indirect tests
写作----翻译法(the essaytranslation approach
• 对测试的技能或专长没有专门要求,主 要是依靠教师的主观判断力 • 试卷通常包括翻译、写作和语法等项目 • 内容带有较浓厚的文学或文化色彩 • 试题一般采用书面回答形式,试卷需人 工评阅
结构主义/心理测量法(the structuralist-psychometric approach)
• 备选项的内容应合乎逻辑或情理。 e.g. John was highly praised by his teacher because he ____. A. won the first prize at the competition B. participated in the football match C. was able to fly in the air D. could move a container truck
ef英语测试【原创版】目录1.EF 英语测试简介2.EF 英语测试的分类和特点3.EF 英语测试的评分标准和成绩解读4.EF 英语测试的适用人群和用途5.EF 英语测试的优缺点分析正文【EF 英语测试简介】EF 英语测试,全称 English as a Foreign Language,是由瑞典 EF 教育公司研发并推广的一种英语能力测试。
【EF 英语测试的分类和特点】EF 英语测试主要分为两大类:EF 英语考试(EF English Test)和 EF 雅思考试(EF IELTS Test)。
EF 英语考试的特点如下:1.针对不同英语水平的考生,分为初级、中级、高级和熟练级四个级别。
【EF 英语测试的评分标准和成绩解读】EF 英语测试的评分采用 9 个等级制,从 A1(初级)到 C2(熟练级)。
【EF 英语测试的适用人群和用途】EF 英语测试适用于以下人群:1.计划留学、移民或求职的非英语母语人士。
外语测试的分类外语测试的分类2009/03/27 15:16[英语教育类 ]考试的定义为“⽤来获取某些⾏为的⽅法,其⽬的是从这些⾏为中推断出个⼈具有的某些特征。
⼀、按学习阶段来分1、编班测试(placement test)也叫分级测试。
2、随堂测试(classroom tests)教完⼀课书之后进⾏的⼩型测验。
3、期中测试(mid-term tests)4、期末测试(mid-term test)三个⽬的:促使学⽣巩固所学的知识,评价⼀学期的教学效果,调整下学期的教学安排。
⼆、按照⽤途来分1、⽔平测试(proficiency tests)衡量受试者综合运⽤外语能⼒的测试。
2、成就测试(achievement tests)成就测试的⽬的是评价、衡量学⽣在掌握所学教材⽅⾯取得的进展。
language aptitude
Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB)
(Peterson & Al Haik, 1976)
Used for some time in such contexts as Peace Corps Volunteer training programs and military communications to help predict successful language learners.
Should communicative competence be included?
In the past, communicative competence might not aught to be included in the aptitude test because of various constraints; however, in the 21st century, with the application of more communicative teaching methods and the higher requirements of the society, it should be taken into consideration.
input processing , inductive language learning, output strategies, and fluency..
Grigorenko, CANAL-F test :in a process of learning a Sternberg, simulated language embedded in a multifaceted & Ehrman (2000)
并把相应的数字填在每题前的括号内.一、对英语学习难度的看法(5项)( )1.英语是--Nl1)非常难的语言2)滩的语言3)中等难度的语言4)简单的语言5)非常简单的语言( )2.如果一个人每天花-4,时学习英语,你认为需要花多长时间才能把这门语言学得很好;1)不到一年2)一到两年3)三到五年4)五到十年5)一个人每天只花一个小时学习英语是无法学好英语的.( )3.英语比其它外语相对来说更容易学。
1) 2) 3)4) 5)( )4.说英语要比听值英语容易。
1) 2) 3)4) 5)( )5.读、写英语比听、说英语容易。
1) 2) 3) 4)二、对英语学习能力的看法(8项)( )6.儿童比成人学习英语要容易。
I) 2) 3) 4)( )7.有些人天生就柯学习英语的特殊才能。
1) 2) 3) 4)( )8.我有学习英语的特殊才能. 1) 2) 3) 4)5)51,5)5)6I( )9.女性比男性更擅长学英语。
( )lO.能说不止一种语言的人很聪明。
( )11.中国人擅长学习英语。
( )12.每个人都有学好英语的潜力.1) 2) 3) 4) 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5)I) 2) 3) 4) 5)1) 2) 3) 4) 5)( )13.数、理化学得好的人丕擅长学英语. 1) 2) 3)4) 5)三、对英语学习本质的看法(6项)( )14.为了学习英语,了解以英语为母语的国家的文化是必要的。
现代外语教学复习资料绪论我国外语教学存在的问题:(P2-P5)1. theoretical researches are weak2. teachers' faculty is not strong3. schools are short of teaching resources4. teaching concepts lag behind the society5. education is mainly exam-oriented6. the interference related to power and money is serious第二章1.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)ontology: essential characteristics of language itself and language teaching 2.语言的本质特点:1). the most important tool to communicate2). a linguistic system made up of various subsystems3). a tool to think and a carrier for culture4). require special physiological basis2.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)② positivism: principles of foreign language teachinga. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cognitive principled. cultural principlee. affective principle外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)③ methodology: organization, strategies and methods of foreign language teaching存在的问题:a. exclusivenessb. one-sidednessc. intricacy第三章1.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)② intelligence:a. take different steps to students of different level of intelligenceb. general intelligence → communicationhigher intelligence → form2.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)③aptitude:a. phonetic coding abilityb. grammatical sensitivityc. inductive sensitivity3.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)④cognitive style:a. field dependenceb. field independence4. 外语学习者的情感因素:(P52-P55)①motivation and attitude:a. Brown: global motivationsituational motivationtask motivationb. Gardner and Lambert: integrative motivationinstrumental motivation②personality:extrovert vs. introvert5. 对教学的启示:a. strengthen students' merits in different occasionsb. change students of different personality to the contrary6. 理想的外语学习者:(P55-P56)(二语习得P122)a. group dynamicsb. use the target languagec. attend to meaning rather than to formd. use of study techniquese. the early stages of grammatical developmentf. analytic skillsg. integrative motivation/ task motivationh . take risksi. adapt to different learning conditions7. EA的一般步骤:(P62)(二语习得P52)a. a corpus of language is seletedb. the errors in the corpus are identifiedc. the errors are classifiedd. the errors are explainede. the errors are evaluated8. EA的作用:(P62)a. recognize which stages are students in/ how much contents are remainedb. evidence of how the learners learn or aquire languagec. a means used to aquire language/ a means used to inspect the essence of the language9.EA的局限性:(P64-P65)a. it's difficult to define and distinguish errorsb. lack of a common standard to classify errorsc. it's difficult to distinguish avoidence from errors10. 中介语的特点:(P66)a. openb. flexiblec. systematic11. 中介语构建的手段:(P67)a. language transferb. overgeneralization of target language rulesc . transfer of trainingd. trategies of L2 learninge. strategies of L2 communication12. 成功的外语学习者所采用的五大策略:(P71)a. participate language learning positively by searching and ultilizing favourable learning environmentb. set language as a system of formsc. set language as a tool to communicated. accept and deal with the affective needs during the learning processe. expand and revise the foreign language system by inferencing and monitoring.13. 学习者策略对外语教学的启发:(P83)a. guide students to make the best use of existing knowledgeb. make the best use of learning strategies to improve language learning abilitiesc. help learners use communicative strategies correctly第四章1. CLT的理论基础:(P89-P90)a. theories of language communication:a system made up of basic unitsfundamental function is communicationthe language structure reflect the function and communicative uasge the basic units of language are showed in the communicative functions of discourese rather than just grammatical rules and structural characteristics②learning theories:communicative principletask principlemeaningful principle2. 语法编写的原则:(P103)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. contrastive principled. cognitive principle3. 词汇教学的原则:(P108-P109)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cultural principled. cognitive principlee. affeive principle3. 影响听力的重要因素:(P111-P115)a. the characteristics of listening materials (speed/pause/hesitation)b. the characteristics of the speakers (sex/authority of the speaker)c. the characteristics of the tasksd. the charateristics of the learnerse. the charateristics of the process4. 外语阅读和母语阅读不同特点的比较:(P118-P119)a. the positive transfer has its limits/ language rules and pragmatic principleb. the shortcomings of the abilities and skills on mother-tongue reading influence the process of positive transfer and the improvement of reading abilities in foreign languagec. affective factors also influence the process of reading5. 语言和文化的关系:(P128-P129)a. language is a part of cultureb. langauge is the carrier of culturec. culture is the base of language6. 文化导入的必要性和重要意义:(P130)a. cultural knowledge and accommodation ability are important parts of communicative competenceb. communicative competence is the essential base and method to acquire further cultural languagec. adapt to the requirements of special positions7. 文化导入的重要原则:(P132-P133)a. practical principleb. stage principlec. accommodation principle8. 文化导入的主要方法:(P133-P134)a. annotationb. fusionc. practiced. comparisone. specifically explanation第五章1. 课程设计的阶段:(P136)a. fact-findingb. the theory and practical evidence of course design and syllabus designc. make the goals to plans, recognize the aims and contentsd. prepare the materials and compile the textbook2. 教材编写的原则:(P144)a. authentic principleb. gradual principlec. interesting principled. diverse principlee. modern principlef. practical principle3. 合格的外语教师应具备的素质:(P151)a. solid professional knowledge and skillsb. abilities of classroom management and implementc. good characters and delightful personalitiesd. systematic knowledge of modern languagee. considerable knowledge of foreign language acqu isition theoriesf. knowledge of foreign language teaching4. 外语教学的实施的主要过程:(P155)a. needs analysisb. curriculum designc. material developmentd. classroom instructionf. course evaluation5. 传统课堂教学模式(PPP)的不足:(P156-157)a. teaching model is teacher-centredb. the result of PPP model is exam-oriented educationc. students haven't received enough inputd. mislead students to a worry learning way6. 课堂教学最基本目标:(P159-162)a. cultivate students' interestsb. provide authentic language inputc. help students use learning strategies which are benefit to foreignlanguage learningd. help students overcome the difficulties during the learning process7. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)a. 测试目的:aptitude testachivement testdiagnostic testproficiency testexit testb. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)②测试的方法和方式:direct testingindirect testing③测试题型:a. discrete-point testingb. integrative testingc. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)④考试成绩判别的标准:norm-referenced testingcriterion-referenced testing⑤判卷标准:a. subjective testingb. objective testing8. 效度(test validity):(P170)a. whether the test can test what it meant to exactlyb. content validityc. criterion-related validityd. construct validitye. face validity9. 信度(test reliability):(P172)a. whether the result of the test are reliableb. test itselfc. marking of papers第六章1. 外语教学法的主要流派:(P180-P206)a. The Oral Approach and the situational Language Teachingb. The Audiolingual Meathodc. Communicative Approachd. Total Physical Responsee. The Silent Wayf. Community Language Learningg. The natural Approachh. Suggestopedia2. 任务型教学的原则:(P209-P210)a. interactive principleb. authentic in linguistic materialsc. process principled. emphasize the improvement made by learners' experiencef. classroom language learning is related to language application outside the class3. 任务型教学的优点:(P221)a. reflect new ideas about language learning and teachingc. shorten the distance between class and lifed. it aims at cultivating students' learning capacity/ cooperative learning4. 任务型教学的局限性:(P221-P222)a. the recognition of language learning is extremeb. the randomness of task selectingc. the limitation of application scoped. instead special tests of whether the tasks have been accomplished。
ModernLanguageAptitudeTestandManualModern Language Aptitude Test and Manual (MLAT)Carroll, J.B., & Sapon, S.M. (1959). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.Linda Steinman and Monika Smith, OISE/UTThe Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) was designed to measure the ability of English speakers to learn a foreign language quickly in classroom settings. The test, used for selection, placement, and diagnostic purposes, was developed over 40 years ago and has not been updated in any way since then. It is still in use, however, and this intrigued us. In this paper, we take a critical look at the MLAT to determine why this test has retained a firm hold in the area of predicting foreign language aptitude and to explore whether it should, at this time, be updated.The testThe MLAT measures four skills: phonetic coding ability, grammatical sensitivity, memory ability, and inductive language learning ability. The names of the five test sections and the tasks that the test-takers must perform are as follows:Part I: Number Learning (aural) - Listen on tape to pseudo-words for numbers and then transcribe numbers of up to three digits.Part II: Phonetic Script (aural) - Learn and then demonstrate recognition of correspondences between speech sounds and orthographic symbols.Part III: Spell ing Clues - Read words that are spelled as they are pronounced and choose synonyms for them.Part IV: Words in Sentences - Note selected words in model sentences and locate words that have similar functions in other sentences.Part V: Paired Associates - Memorize a lexicon of 24 words from another language, practise, and then be tested on those words.Case studyIn order to examine face validity and to determine first hand the ease of test operation, we administered the MLAT to a volunteer graduate student. A native English speaker, he was interested in knowing how proficient a language learner he is. We selected the long form of the MLAT, which takes one hour to complete.Operationally, the test is a pleasure. All that is needed is a tape recorder, thepre-recorded MLAT cassette, a test booklet, an examinee answer sheet, atest-scoring sheet, an administrator's manual, and a pencil. The manual is excellent and answered most of our questions. The tape delivers all instructions to thetest-taker and even allows for time allotments.We interviewed our volunteer after he wrote the test. Some of his comments follow: 'It was quite hard. There was no time to think about how you were doing. I am used to essay-type questions, so the multiple choice was different for me and it was sometimes hard to keep my place on the scoring sheet.' (We noticed his time-saving strategy of not filling in the circles on his answer sheet with pencil; he just circled them and went back after to 'colour them in.')We asked, 'Would you say it is a fair test? Would you accept it as a fair predictor of your foreign language aptitude?' He replied, 'Yes, the test was a good one. It was long enough and it had a range of questions. But I know there is more to language learning that what was on the test, such as motivation and personality.'One of our expectations was that the volunteer would find the test vocabulary or the test format dated. We asked, 'Did the test seem current?' He replied, 'The voice on the tape was a little old, but otherwise it seemed fine.'In our minds, both face validity and ease of test administration were established.A point of interest: it is stated in the manual that while it is preferable to administer the long form of the test, the short form (which takes 30 minutes and omits Parts I and II) should yield similar results. This did not hold true for our volunteer, who did far better on the first two parts of his test. If he had taken the short form, his score would have been significantly lower.Validity and concernsThe MLAT was developed over five years of extensive research into the prediction of success in foreign languages. Experimental tests were administered to approximately 5,000 people. Four relatively independent components of language aptitude were identified for the final version of the test. The test was validated thoroughly, and validation has been ongoing since then (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995; Grigorenko, Sternberg, & Ehrman, 2000; Sparks, Ganschow, & Patton, 1995).The MLAT is also the established benchmark test for validating other measures of language aptitude or predictors of language proficiency. Some recent examples include the VORD (Parry & Child, 1990) and the CANAL-FT (Grigorenko, Sternberg, & Ehrman, 2000).The MLAT has consistently achieved good results and has high predictive value, but it has not gone unquestioned. A frequent challenge to the MLAT has been that it does not reflect current knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology (Oxford, 1990; Rees, 2000; Stansfield, 1989). Researchers, however, find it difficult to agree on how to define, and then on how to measure, many of these traits (Rychlak, 1981, cited in Rees, 2000; Sternberg, 1995). There appear to be, for example,irreconcilable differences in theories about what constitutes personality and contention over distinguishing learning style from ability.Does the MLAT measure language aptitude? We are satisfied that the test measures the four components mentioned earlier, but Carroll himself agrees that not all possible aspects of language aptitude are included in the MLAT (Carroll, 1990). His model indicates that language proficiency results from a combination of aptitude, motivation, institutional setting, and other possible factors. An aptitude test, therefore, will predict success in a language course only to some degree. Aside from the difficulties already mentioned in determining which other factors to include and how to measure them reliably, expanding the aptitude test might generate practicability problems. The test might become too long and/or harder to administer. Furthermore, the predictive success of an aptitude test will itself depend on the reliability of the achievement measurement to which it is compared (Goodman et al., 1990; Green, 1975).Another challenge to the MLAT has been the change in classroom methodology since the test's development. Language training is now more communicative. Does this make the MLAT less useful? Carroll reports in the MLAT manual that different approaches to language teaching did not significantly alter the validity of the test scores (p. 22). The MLAT continues to perform well even in recent studies (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995), achieving good correlations with proficiency measures in modern classrooms. Perhaps the MLAT measures metalinguistic awareness which is independent of classroom methodology (Sparks, Ganschow, & Patton, 1995). Changes in classroom methodology, therefore, do not seem to indicate a pressing need for a change to or update of the test.Need for updatingThe MLAT manual provides norm tables for high school students (Grades 9-12) as well as for adult learners. However, we had difficulties deciding on a suitable table for evaluating our volunteer's performance. As an adult graduate student, he seemed to fit neither the table for high school student nor the table for members of (mostly) the Armed Forces enrolled in language schools. In addition, the norms tables in the manual were established in 1958, when the high school population would have been quite different from more recent cohorts. The importance of establishing local norms for determining cut-off scores is emphasized by Ehrman and Oxford (1995) and in the MLAT manual (p. 20). However, when, as in our case, individuals (not groups) are tested, no comparison with other members of a cohort is available. It would therefore be useful if an update of the manual were to include some new norms tables.Carroll (1990) mentions a need to 'fine-tune' the MLAT and suggests a possible alternate form of the test to relieve test-giver tedium, prevent leakage, and permit retesting of individuals. Minor defects cited by Carroll include a lack of clear noticeabout the speeded nature of Part III. Our volunteer test-taker was not aware of the short time available for answering this section and consequently ran out of time half way through. We recommend that a more explicit warning be added to test instructions on the answer sheet and on the tape. Similarly, in Part I, each digit of the three-digit number is scored separately. This is not made clear to test-takers, and they might well feel that it is not worth entering any of the digits if they mishear one of them. Thus, they would lose the opportunity to earn partial marks.We would like to see some minor changes to the manual itself, such as the deletion of instructions regarding the old reel-to-reel tape recorders. The current version of the test comes with a cassette tape, so the directions should correspond.Finally, as the test is clearly still valuable (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995, recommend using the MLAT more often), a computer version would appear appropriate.We return to the question of the MLAT'S staying power and offer the following possibilities. Firstly, a prodigious amount of testing has gone into the MLAT, and Carroll has countered many of the challenges to the test. Secondly, many tests and studies done in the last 40 years have used the MLAT as a benchmark. To call the MLAT into question would call manysubsequent studies into question, too.There is, however, current activity in the development of foreign language aptitude tests. Jonathan Rees (2000) writes about a test being developed now at the University of Birmingham, where he believes that 'the time is ripe, both intellectually and commercially' for new research in this area. As well, the CANAL-F Test (Cognitive Ability for Novelty in Language Acquisition-Foreign) is currently being refined.For now, the MLAT appears to serve its purpose. With some updating, it is likely to continue to be a strong test instrument for many years to come.ReferencesCarroll, J.B. (1990). Cognitive abilities in foreign language aptitude: Then and now. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 11-29). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Ehrman, M.E., & Oxford, R.L. (1995). Cognition plus: Correlates of language learning success. Modern Language Journal, 79, 67-89.Goodman, J.F., et al. (1990). Determining exemptions from foreign language requirements: Use of the Modern Language Aptitude Test. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 15, 131-141.Green, P. (1975). Aptitude testing: An on-going experiment. Audio-Visual Language Journal, 12, 205-210. Grigorenko, E.L., Sternberg, R.J., & Ehrman, M.E. (2000). A theory-based approach to the measurement of foreign language learning ability: The Canal-F theory and test. Modern Language Journal, 84, 390-405.Oxford, R. (1990). Styles, strategies and aptitude: Connections for language learning. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 67-125). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Parry, T.S., & Child, J.R. (1990). Preliminary investigation of the relationship between VORD, MLAT, and language proficiency. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 30-66). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Rees, J. (2000). Predicting the future of foreign language aptitude testing. In S. Cornwell & P. Robinson (Eds.), Individual differences in foreign language learning: Effects of aptitude, intelligence, and motivation. Conference proceedings, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo.Sparks, R.L., Ganschow, L., & Patton, J. (1995). Prediction of performancein first-year foreign language courses: Connections between nativeand foreign language learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 638-655.Spolsky, B. (1995). Prognostication and language aptitude testing. Language Testing, 12, 321-340.Stansfield, C.W. (1989). What is foreign language aptitude? Washington, DC: Eric Clearinghouse. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 318 226)Sternberg, R. (1995). Styles of thinking and learning. Language Testing, 12,259-291.2001 The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 58, 2 (December/décembre) The College of Oxford University“Mode N” Test for Entrance to Classics 1995LANGUAGE APTITUDE TESTTime allowed: 60 minutesPlease write your name and college of first choice at the top of this page.1.The problems below are in roughly ascending order of difficulty and youshould work your way through them in this order. Credit will be given for all work done even if the paper is not completed.2.Read very carefully all the information you are given.3.Write your answers in he space provided on the paper.(You may if you wish towrite your rough work also on the paper).4.Write very clearly.I. The following sentences are in This language (an invented language).Isolate the individual words and work out their meanings. Your analysis should be such that every segment of every sentence is assigned to the same word; that is, when a sentence is broken up into words, there should be no residue:a. hi–tiacumya–? Is a cat listening carefully?b. hi–tisno–sist? Is the little girl listening carefully?c. mya–tsno–hi–ti. The cat is listening sleepily.d. sisacuhi–ti. A little girl is listening carefully.How does one express the following in This language?1. … cat?? _______2. …little girl”? ________3. … carefully?? __________4. …sleepily?? _________5.…a?? __________6.“the”? _________7.… is listening??__________II. In This language (the same as in problem one) there are two classes of nouns and two classes of verbs In sentences, each member of each class of verbs and nouns behaves according to exactly the same pattern as every other member of its class but the pattern may vary from class to class.One class of nouns and one class of verbs is characterized by the presence of a long vowel (a –e –i –o u –) in some or all of its forms; the other class of each is characterized by the absence of a long vowel.The only other thing you need to know is hat the order of words is much more flexible in This language than it is in English. Now proceed by studying the examples that are translated for you and then translating the sentences that follow:a.cunmati kid.'A child is coming.'b.go-ti kid't.'The child is going.'c.mu- kid'n go-pi.'A cow and a child are going.'d.cunmapi ben mu-'t'n, la-pi'n.'A boy and the cow are coming and singing.'Translate into English:8.kid't mu-'n cunmapi, sno-'n go-pi.Translate into This Language:9. A cow is coming.10.The boy is singing.e.ner't ge-'t'n spi-pi benun mu-f'n.'The man and the girl see a boy and (some) cows'.f.g e-s benus'n neruf't lunkapi, stri-n't'n bungapi.'(Some) girls and (some) boys are watching the men and annoying thewoman' .Translate into English:11.mu-n sisuf'n spi-ti stri-'t.Translate into This Language:12.A woman is watching the man.13.The children are annoying the women.g.kid't spit ho-n't.'The child saw the house (his home).'h.wuf't cumat stri-n't.'The dog came to the woman.'i.benus't bugap mu-n't, gop'n ho-f't.'The boys annoyed the cow and went to the houses (their homes,home).'Translate into English:14.spip neruf't lukap'n mya-s't.Translate into This Language:15.The children sang and the man went home.16.The boy came home and annoyed the women.III. In each of Questions 17-31, you find an English sentence containing a word UNDERLINED IN CAPITALS: let us call this word "the model". There follows in each case at least one other sentence in bold type.For each question, consider the function that the model has in the structure of its sentence -- the job that it does in relation to the other words in its sentence -- and then underline in the bold sentence the single word which most closely matches it in terms of this function within its sentence.If you find that two (or more) words match the model equally closely, underline them both (all). In questions with more than one bold sentence, do not expect to find a match necessarily in each sentence; there may be one in each sentence but there may not be.Here is an example:("model") Anne is cutting up APPLES.Ben is growing up fast.Maria is throwing the dogs sticks.The answer is sticks in the second sentence. Like APPLES, and unlike any other word in the bold sentences, sticks names what is directly acted on by the action of the verb: sticks are being thrown, just as APPLES are being cut.Now answer the questions that follow:17.This Act was the first to legalize the UNIONS.I know my parents shared a love of music.The other week, friends we visited told us the same story.18.Diaries and memoirs have not caused ME much interest.One Sunday I rang to see what they would offer Dad.Her look made you first freeze and then move as fast as you could.Dad told us to come and watch the man giving the dolphins fish.19.A fresh START was the crux of the idea.Small wonder John and Sarah found life a heavy burden.Not one of them escaped the consequences of that conflict and each in turn became part of that movement of peoples. 20.WE apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.Will anyone notice the difference?Why doesn't he just sit down and get on with it?21.With a sinister tearing noise the large package SPLIT apart.He shrugged his shoulders, wrinkled his face and shook with laughter.Sometimes they open quite easily but usually you need a knife to split them.22.Under the stairs was found the missing PIECE of cakeA new car was offered as first prize.He was handed a shovel and given two hours to finish the job.23.My father, SEARCHING for a job, had left Manchester and his parents in1912.The acres had remained intact, growing in value and not decreasing in number.John Thomas Salt, whose friends seemed to relish using both his forenames, had married Mary Jane Jones from North Cheshire.To us, accustomed to such upheavals, it would seem natural to leave home fora safer haven.24.Without exception it was a time of EMBRACING new cultures and rejectingthe past.In the unhealthy conditions surrounding heavy engineering and mining, working and holding on placed many pressures on dwindling family resources.25.Small wonder John and Sarah found life a heavy BURDEN.He shifted his weight nervously from foot to foot.Recent legislation has made it an offence to fail to disclosesuch details.26.But these farms and bits of ground had gone again BEFORE our time.It was not easy to resettle in lands supposedly fit for heroes to live in after over twenty million souls had perished.27.I must write BEFORE the mists of time obscure the clarity of my recollections.Before 1914 life had gone on at a very different pace.Even when the battles began, change uas slow to come.28.Some left FOR the colonies or journeyed to the Americas.He married his sweetheart and they set up home outside Coventry.During the early days of his high hopes he had become used to her presence.29.I knew the day would EVENTUALLY arrive when I could sit down and takestock.Naturally, conditions in 1960 were still a far cry from those we enjoy today.How he got in was little short of a miracle.30.He'll PROBABLY recommend that we wait another SLY months.Predictably, the previously mentioned grand-daughter resisted this fiercely.31.What I am loath to do is SCRIPT a narrative about myself.Editing the Bulletin is a difficult task, since copy arrives at three of the busiest times of the year.END OF PAPERCUCD Bulletin 25 (1996)University of Oxford 1996(http:/doc/aea13682dd3383c4bb4cd2f5.html /Classics/CUCD/test.html)。
一、【英语面试】个人信息篇Personal Information应征者的基本信息,虽然是一些很简单的问题,但是正是根据这些信息,主考官可以初步断定应试者是否符合他们的要求,比如有些工作只适合本地人来做;有些工作需要经常出差,单身的人就有优势。
但是有些涉及个人隐私,自己不便于说的,比如主考官问你:I noticed you’re wearing a wedding ring. Do you have any children?这时你最好的回答就是Why do you ask?,这样可以使你掌握主动,使主考官把他真正的意图说出来,比如也许他是在试探你是否能长时间留在他们公司。
WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 关键词name 姓名pen name 笔名alias 别名road 路street 街district 区house number 门牌lane 胡同,巷age 年龄height 身高bloodtype 血型weight 体重address 地址born 生于permanent address 永久住址birthday 生日province 省birthdate 出生日期city 市birthplace 出生地点resident 居民,居住者domicile (法律)原籍county 县home phone 住宅电话prefecture 专区office phone 办公电话autonomous region 自治区nationality 民族;国籍citizenship 国籍date of birth 出生日期native place 籍贯postal code 邮政编码duel citizenship 双重国籍marital status 婚姻状况family status 家庭状况married 已婚single 未婚divorced 离异separated 分居number of children 子女人数health condition 健康状况health 健康状况excellent (身体)极佳near-sighted 近视far—sighted 远视ID card 身份证current address 目前住址date of availability 可到职时间BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达【面试方】:(1)姓名1)What is your name,please?请问,你叫什么名字?2)Can you tell me what your full name is, please?能把你的全名告诉我吗?3)How do you spell your full name? 你的全名怎么拼写?4)Can I have your name,please? 你叫什么名字?(2)年龄5) You look very young.How old are you?你看上去很年轻,你多大了?6)What is your age?你多大了?7)Can I ask your age? 能告诉我你多大了?8)What’s your birthday?你的出生日是?9)When is your birth date?你哪一年出生?10)When were you born? 你哪一年出生?(3)籍贯11)Where are you from?/ Where do you come from?你是哪里人?12)Where is your native place?你的籍贯是哪里?13)Where do you live now?你现在住哪里?14)Where is your hometown?你的老家是哪里?15)Where is your native place?你老家是哪里?16)Where is your domicile place?你老家在哪里?17)Where is your permanent place?你永久性的居住地是哪里?(4)家庭18)Can you tell me something about your family? 能介绍一下你的家庭情况吗?19)Are you married?你结婚了吗?20)How long have you been married? 你结婚多长时间了?二、【英语面试】个人技能篇Competence在面试时,个人技能主要指除了专业之外的、能对你的专业发展有帮助的一些技能。
flrb)全国外语英语能力等级摘要:一、引言二、全国外语英语能力等级考试介绍1.考试背景2.考试目的3.考试分级三、考试内容与形式1.考试模块2.考试题型3.考试时长与分值四、考试成绩与应用1.成绩报告2.证书颁发3.国内外认可度五、备考策略与建议1.制定合理的学习计划2.全面提升听说读写能力3.参加培训课程与模拟考试六、总结正文:一、引言全国外语英语能力等级考试(National Foreign Language English Proficiency Test,简称NELPET)是我国针对英语能力的一项权威性考试,旨在评估非英语母语者在英语听、说、读、写四个方面的能力水平。
3.考试分级全国外语英语能力等级考试分为五个等级,分别是初级、中级、中高级、高级和特级,分别对应欧洲共同语言参考框架(CEFR)的A1、A2、B1、B2 和C1 级别。
2.考试题型各模块考试题型如下:听力:选择题、填空题等阅读:选择题、简答题、阅读填空等写作:短文写作、图表作文等口语:问答、陈述、角色扮演等3.考试时长与分值全国外语英语能力等级考试总时长约为3.5 小时,各模块分值分别为:听力30 分、阅读40 分、写作30 分、口语30 分,满分130 分。
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• Ability to infer structure of an artificial (English-like) language
• Focuses on Western Indo-European languages
• 預估個人習得外語所需時間 • 能力分班 (program placement) • 課程評估與計畫 (program assessment and
planning) • 學習能力之診斷 (diagnosis of learning
現今幾種外語學習能力測驗 (FLAT)
• 測試四種學習能力: 1. 語音辨識能力(phonetic coding ability): 測試語音辨識、語
音與符號連結的能力,關係受試者聽音辨義能力。 2. 語法感知力(grammatical sensitivity):區別句中字、詞之語
法功能的能力,關係受試者語法分析能力。 3. 記憶能力(rote learning ability):特指外語學習之記憶,有
Foreign Language Aptitude Test
報告人:張玲瑛 日期:10月17日
• 學習外語需要特別的天分。 • 個人習得外語所需時間長短不同,因此外語學
習能力不同。 • 外語學習能力與一般學習能力不同。 • 外語學習能力測驗也與語言能力測驗不同。
CANAL-FT (Cognitive Ability for Novelty in
Acquisition of Language) — by Grigorenko, Sternberg, & Ehrman, 2000.
• Similar to MLAT, PLAB, and DLAB, but adds delayed recall measures
• 一般學業成績(grade point average) • 學習外語的興趣(interest) • 字彙知識(vocabulary) • 外語分析能力(language analysis) • 語音辨聽能力(sound discrimination) • 語音與符號之連結能力(sound-symbol
別於一般記憶力。 4. 歸納能力(inductive language learning ability): 特指外語
1. number learning: 聽數字選數。 2. phonetic script: 聽字音選拼音符號。 3. spelling cues: 視字母線索選意義相關字。 4. words in sentences: 依句中某字功能選另句中相
PLAB (Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery)
-- by Paul Pimsleur, 1965,2019.
• 適用於國、高中(七至十二年級)學生。 • 預測影響外語學習之四因素:
– 語言智能 (verbal intelligence) – 學習動機(motivation) – 聽習能力(auditory ability) – 一般學業成績(grade point average)
– Bio data – Spoken stress – Deductive rule application – Inductive pattern application
(Army Language Aptitude Test) – by Horne, 1971
• Relatively short (57 Nhomakorabeaitems)
得接受不同外語之培訓,亦可用於能力分班或評估給予不 等時數訓練之用。
85分以上:可學習荷、法、義、葡、西語 90分以上:可學習德語 95分以上:可學習希臘、希伯來、波斯、波蘭、俄、
泰、土耳其、越南語等 100分以上:可學習阿拉伯、華、日、韓語
• 選擇題, 90 分鐘 • 分數範圍 0-164, 均值 100, 標準偏差 15 • 分四部分
(Defense Language Aptitude Battery)
– by Peterson & Al-Haik, 1976.
• 美國國防部挑選軍中外語人員用,達到外語學習潛力測驗 特定分數者,方可至DLI接受特殊外語人才培訓。
• 除軍方外,聯邦調查局(FBI)也用。 • 依受試成績可分為四種等級:達到85、90、95、100分者
(Vord is a Turkic-like artificial language)
– by Parry & Child, 1990.
• 以人造語言分析能力測試語言學習能力 • 語言分析項目有三部分:
– 名詞構詞(Nominal morphology) – 動詞構詞(Verbal morphology) – 詞組及句法(Phrase and sentence syntax)
5. paired associates: 授以某語之音義連結後測試此
(Modern Language Aptitude Test-Elementary) -- by John Carro & Stanley Sapon, 1967.
• 適用於小學(三至六年級)學生。 • MLAT兒童版。 • 有助於小學之外語學習能力分班及瞭解學
MLAT (Modern Language Aptitude Test) -- by John Carroll & Stanley Sapon, 1959.
• 適用於高中(九至十二年級)學生及成人。 • 美國及加拿大各政府機關常用,美國政府情報單位也用。