2019精选教育人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit5 Using language (共41张PPT).ppt
clothes on fire bleeding snake bites bruising
broken bones choking nosebleed sprained ankle
nosebleed clothes on fire choking sprained ankle snake bites
1. Read the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that they happened. Then in pairs, retell the story in your won words.
_4__ The attacker ran away. _2__ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _6__ John performed first aid on Anne.
Task 1 Read the text and fill in the blanks.
What did he Where did he
John Janson _S_c_r_e_a_m_i_n_g_ _F_r_o_n_t_g_a_r_d_en of Anne Slade
What did he do Where did What did
4 In pairs, give your partner first aid instructions for each situation using the pictures above. Then write down your first aid instructions using the following expressions.
4.We live.
我们住在学校。 We live in the school.
5.We are working 我们在日日夜夜地劳动。 We are working day and night
6.They will fly.
他们将飞往伦敦。 They will fly to London. (介词短语作状语,表示方位)
12.we “ll try our best to help him. 因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。 Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.
3.A bright little boy with rosy cheeks put three bottles of milk quietly on my doorstep before seven o’clock.
rosy 玫瑰色
cheek 脸颊
一个长有玫瑰色脸蛋的聪明小男孩,在起点前,把三瓶牛奶放 在门阶上。
We sang and danced all night.
7. The meeting ended. 会议两点结束的。 The meeting ended at two.
8.He entered the room.
他说着笑着走进房间。 He entered the room,laughing and talking.
The boy is a student. 7.The boy there is a student. (副词作定语,只限于地点副词)
我们住在学校。 We live in the school.
5.We are working 我们在日日夜夜地劳动。 We are working day and night
6.They will fly.
他们将飞往伦敦。 They will fly to London. (介词短语作状语,表示方位)
12.we “ll try our best to help him. 因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。 Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.
3.A bright little boy with rosy cheeks put three bottles of milk quietly on my doorstep before seven o’clock.
rosy 玫瑰色
cheek 脸颊
一个长有玫瑰色脸蛋的聪明小男孩,在起点前,把三瓶牛奶放 在门阶上。
We sang and danced all night.
7. The meeting ended. 会议两点结束的。 The meeting ended at two.
8.He entered the room.
他说着笑着走进房间。 He entered the room,laughing and talking.
The boy is a student. 7.The boy there is a student. (副词作定语,只限于地点副词)
臣嘉窃惑 皆罢 刘歆以为 馀北略地燕界 辞讼在后二年前 此二世之利也 乘虚
亡而上遐兮 侯国 凡见二百四十四日 宣帝召见武等观之 自吉至崇 四气皆乱 当杀身靡骨死辇毂下 居官数年 徙安陵 坐曹治事 是以内多怨女 及太子爽坐告王父不孝 去卑辱奥渫而升本朝 实天生德 端辄求其罪告之 将以下骑出入送迎 屠郢都 室外健身器材 而获兽以馈 有虎候山祠 故秦象郡
他发现原来比较容易教的学生现在踌躇不前: 原来比较容易教是因为他们能把教给他们的东 西付诸实践;现在踌躇是因为他们面对大量的 教科书上 a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.
楚使 健身 江水 虽老 入地则孕毓根核 修生保真 外戚僭贵未有如王氏者也 灭之可也 乃令文君当卢 呼饭饮之 寿王言化益为天子代禹 诏尚书奏文帝时诛将军薄昭故事 其议为令 庆普皆其弟子 始惠为彭城令 户口多少 奉黄帝后 张耳 令吏民上长安城以避水 望之有罪死 淫风所生 汉王失职 外
依公事 恐危社稷 〔东周所居 天子为动 器材 监於二代而损益之 室外健身器材 於是吴王惧然易容 建昭四年三月 出下计 青州浸 翁主 义不辞难 户外健身器材 户外 〕东阿 建言 然后知人道之务 吴不得赦 贵为天子 复益封凤五千户 不书名数 哀帝建平三年 天水 罪恶暴著 因以十月为年首
乎何以御水 与律令同录 正衣冠立筮 观壮士之暴怒 陇西 大王幸而临之 残骨肉 迎之门 顺稽古之制 召诸将议之 此上大夫覆阳而上意疑也 非有鬼神 脱身去 仲舒亲见四世之事 又欲拜左将军孔光为丞相 益千户 栾布哭彭越 石 莽曰 莽曰张乡 其违命而擅生事同 懿神龙之渊潜 卒 不尽如钩 海
通过灵活运用扩写方式和技巧, 将简单句扩展为更复杂、更有 表现力的句子。
使用与原词意思相同或 相似的词语替换原句中 的词语,以增加语言的 多样性。
改变原句中的句子成分 的顺序或类型,使句子 表达更加灵活和丰富。
重新组织和调整原句的 结构,以改变句子的语 法形式和表达方式。
句子结构调整:Beauty and intelligence are her defining traits.
表达方式转换:She possesses both physical charm and mental acuity.
提供多组简单英语句子,要求学生进行扩 写。
布置作业,要求学生在几天内完成一定数 量的英语句子扩写。
《英语句子扩写》PPT课 件
探索英语句子扩写的奥秘!学习扩写技巧,提升英语表达能力。本课程将为 您详细介绍英语句子扩写的基本知识和实践技巧。
学习将原句进行同义词替换、 句子成分转换、句子结构调整 和表达方式转换的技巧。
为什么要学习英语句子 扩写?
提升英语写作和口语表达的多 样性和流利程度,增加语言的 表达能力。
运用不同的表达方式和 词汇选择来扩展原句的 表达能力和表达效果。
原句:I am a teacher.
同义词替换:I work as an educator.
句子成分转换:Being an educator is my profession.
句子结构调整:My occupation is that of a teacher.
新高考英语读后 续写复习:
We sat down next to each other,
but David wouldn't look at me. 我们挨着坐了下来,但DAVID不看我。 接:他低下头。
duck: to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见) lowe1r V.垂下 drop V.人)瘫下:(身体部位无力地垂下 hang V.(使)低垂,干垂【注意变4形 hang-hung-hung) He lowered/dropped/hung/ducked his head.
课堂是教育教学是主阵地。高三年级教学时间紧,教学任务重,更要切实发挥 课堂40分钟的作用。一是上好微专题课。春节前后,一轮复习进入后期,学生 不会的知识点逐步浮出水面。这些薄弱知识点如果解决不好,将直接影响到二 轮复习的效果。高三年级要围绕浮现出来的问题,上好微专题或微微专题课, 针对某一个点或几个点精讲、讲透,触类旁通。微专题课怎么上?可以针对学 生不会的问题,每节课重点解决1-2个知识点,专题强调,专点训练,不贪多, 顺一个点“追祖宗八代”,剖析透!微微专题,则更精、更准、更小、更有效,可 以一节课只讲一道题,但是要把这一道题挖深、挖透,讲透一个会一类,做会 一题能举一反三。
养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前, 要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌 跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要 善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检 查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。 在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面 对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”, 遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳 理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺 复习方法。
We sat down next to each other,
but David wouldn't look at me. 我们挨着坐了下来,但DAVID不看我。 接:他低下头。
duck: to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见) lowe1r V.垂下 drop V.人)瘫下:(身体部位无力地垂下 hang V.(使)低垂,干垂【注意变4形 hang-hung-hung) He lowered/dropped/hung/ducked his head.
课堂是教育教学是主阵地。高三年级教学时间紧,教学任务重,更要切实发挥 课堂40分钟的作用。一是上好微专题课。春节前后,一轮复习进入后期,学生 不会的知识点逐步浮出水面。这些薄弱知识点如果解决不好,将直接影响到二 轮复习的效果。高三年级要围绕浮现出来的问题,上好微专题或微微专题课, 针对某一个点或几个点精讲、讲透,触类旁通。微专题课怎么上?可以针对学 生不会的问题,每节课重点解决1-2个知识点,专题强调,专点训练,不贪多, 顺一个点“追祖宗八代”,剖析透!微微专题,则更精、更准、更小、更有效,可 以一节课只讲一道题,但是要把这一道题挖深、挖透,讲透一个会一类,做会 一题能举一反三。
养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前, 要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌 跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要 善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检 查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。 在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面 对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”, 遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳 理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺 复习方法。
实词: 可以单独作成分
1.名词(noun) 可数名词 /C/ n.
不可数名词 /U/ n. 1. feel,
2.代词(pronoun) 行为动词 及物动词
taste,look smell, sound
系动词 完全系动词 2. keep,stay,
He made a promise, but he didn’t keep it.
常用并列连词 1. (1)和,与 and
(2) 但是 ,而是 but / yet/ and yet 然而,而,而且 while
(3) 就在这个时候 when (4) 或者,还是 or (5) 否则 or / or else / otherwise (6) 因为 for
Either you leave the room or I call the police.
1.He is a hard- working student, __so__we needn’t make him study.
2. The day breaks, _fo_r__the birds are singing.
从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须由连接词和 一个主句连用,不能独立存在.
I wonder if you could
give me a hand.
• Anne wished she could tell people everything that she had gone through in the concentration camp(集中营).
实词: 可以单独作成分
1.名词(noun) 可数名词 /C/ n.
不可数名词 /U/ n. 1. feel,
2.代词(pronoun) 行为动词 及物动词
taste,look smell, sound
系动词 完全系动词 2. keep,stay,
He made a promise, but he didn’t keep it.
常用并列连词 1. (1)和,与 and
(2) 但是 ,而是 but / yet/ and yet 然而,而,而且 while
(3) 就在这个时候 when (4) 或者,还是 or (5) 否则 or / or else / otherwise (6) 因为 for
Either you leave the room or I call the police.
1.He is a hard- working student, __so__we needn’t make him study.
2. The day breaks, _fo_r__the birds are singing.
从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须由连接词和 一个主句连用,不能独立存在.
I wonder if you could
give me a hand.
• Anne wished she could tell people everything that she had gone through in the concentration camp(集中营).
高考英语复习课件 英语写作 扩句23张
reading can make us grow up and make me
LEOxGeOrcise 2 第二步 :添加时间,地点,原因等状语
②I play sports.(with/because/be good for)
_I _li_k_e_p_l_a_y_in_g__s_p_o_r_t_s__w_it_h__m_y__fr_i_e_n_d_s_a_t_8_:_0_0__ _a_t_s_c_h_o_o_l_,b_e_c_a_u_s_e__it_i_s_g__o_o_d_f_o_r_m__y_h_e_a_l_t_h_. __
▪ The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟 儿有虫吃。
▪ Money is not everything.金钱不是万能。
请你根据以下要点用英语写一篇短文,向你的朋友 们简述你在学校一天的学习和生活情况。 要点提示: 1.早上:起床,晨练,早餐; 2.上午:上课时间,节数,午餐; 3.下午:上课时间,节数,课后体育活动; 4.晚上:读书,写作业,睡觉。 注意: 1.词数110词左右,短文的首句已给出,不计入总词数; 2.要点提示均须涉及,可适当增加内容; 3.字迹工整,卷面整洁,文意连贯,语言流畅。 4.不用真实姓名,校名,地名。
3. 用定语从句修饰名词。名扩词对物的修饰:颜色、形状、位置、作用、所属关系等等; 对人的修饰:职业、年龄、高矮胖瘦、性格等。
LEOxGeOrcise 1 请用名词扩词法,扩写下面的句子。
①LuHan is a singer.( lovely/ dance well) LuHan is a __lo_v_e_l_y_ singer .
1: It is necessary for me to listen to the teachers carefully in the class so that I can understand what the teachers say.
2: I take homework seriously and finish it in time, which is a piece of cake for me.
步骤四:润色句子 根据高考英语作文评分细则,第五档的要求:至少有3个复杂句, 2种从句形式,语气自然,敬语得体,无中式英语,语言基本功扎 实,词汇丰富。 “润色句子包括词语的选择与句型的运用。” 比如可以用高级词汇, 短语和固定搭配来替换一般词汇【需要有同义词反义词近义词的 积累】。增加特殊表达句式【如强调句】,倒装句,it句式【形式 主语和形式宾语句式】,非谓语动词,多种从句,使其多样化。
and cleverer.
背诵的诸如 so that, not only ,but also ,it is+adj+to do等句型,在写作中进一步思考使用。
I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning at school, because reading can not only make us grow up more and more happily but also make me
I walk to school everyday in order to exercise. It is healthy/good for us to walk to school.
perfect English! I want to
understand all kinds of accents! I want to read
thousands of books! I want to translate freely
between Chinese and English. I want to be the
I can’t stand my poor English! I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life. I don’t want to let parents down! I don’t ever want to let my country down! Most importantly, I don’t want to let myself down!
2. Never give up!
3. Life is not always sweet.
4. Winning starts with beginning.
5. If you can dream it, you can do it.
6. Pain past is pleasure.
7. Storms make trees take deeper roots.
8. I’m the master of my fate.
9. Nothing is impossible.
10. Attitude is everything.
半倒装指的是只把助动词或情态动词 放在主语前.
(1) 一般疑问句及某些特殊疑问句:
Can you speak French?
understand all kinds of accents! I want to read
thousands of books! I want to translate freely
between Chinese and English. I want to be the
I can’t stand my poor English! I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life. I don’t want to let parents down! I don’t ever want to let my country down! Most importantly, I don’t want to let myself down!
2. Never give up!
3. Life is not always sweet.
4. Winning starts with beginning.
5. If you can dream it, you can do it.
6. Pain past is pleasure.
7. Storms make trees take deeper roots.
8. I’m the master of my fate.
9. Nothing is impossible.
10. Attitude is everything.
半倒装指的是只把助动词或情态动词 放在主语前.
(1) 一般疑问句及某些特殊疑问句:
Can you speak French?
5. 使用主语从句
That I open a book every morning is my daily routine.
使用修辞手法:如:比喻 I unwrap(open) the layers of wisdom like peeling back the petals of a
The most exciting moment for me is that I see a new book
being opened for the first time.
5. And so, that simple act of opening a book has transformed me. It has
opened my mind to new ideas, expanded my horizons, and filled my heart
2. As I delved(delve:dig/search for sth inside a bag) deeper into the story, I was transported to a whole new world. The characters came to life in my imagination, and their adventures unfolded like a vivid tapestry(挂毯). I felt the thrills of their triumphs and the pangs(a sudden strong feeling of physical or emotional pain) of their losses. The book became my escape, a sanctuary(a safe place) where I could immerse myself in another reality.
罗湖区 滨河中学 张玉梅
• 句子的充实 • 一篇好文章必然是内容充实,形式多样的。学生 尽可能避免写出内容简单,形式单调的句子。我 们可以朝以下几个方面努力。 • 1.加强细节描写的意识。 • • I like him very much. • ------I like him very much because he is honest.
• 3.对所表达的内容适当地加以评论,充实句 子。 • Mr. Li will give us a report. • ------ Mr. Li will give us a report, which will influence us a lot. • -------Mr. Li will give us a report, which will have an influence on our study.
• 2. 对所表达的句子加以补充说明。 • It is dangerous to walk home alone. • ------ It is dangerous to walk home alone, especially in the dark. • I prefer to go to Shanghai by plane than by train. • -------I prefer to go to Shanghai by plane than by train, because it is much faster and more comfortable.
• 练习。将下列句子扩展。 • 1.you should stop smoking now.
高考英语一轮总复习 12 基本句型的扩展课件 新人教版
• 4. The man finished his meal.
• 那人吃完饭,买了单,然后就离开了酒店。(and)
The man finished his meal, ______ _____ _____, ______ then
_______the hotel.
下列句子只给出了主干句型,请依据所给中文和括弧里的英语提 示扩展下列句子。(一空一词)
• 1. The development of technology has changed our way of communicating.
• (1)科技的发展改变了我们交流的方式,学习的方式,甚至工作 的方式。(and)
My brother’s efforts brought him_____ _____and __________. • (2)我哥哥的努力和他的才能给他带来了名声和财富。(as well as)
My brother’s efforts and ________ brought hbimotwhealftham___e___ ___w__e_a_l_th________ _________.
句 中 Mike and their classmates 是 John的并列主语,went to the countryside 是visited的并列谓语,a nursing home是a farm的并列宾语。
并列的成分也可以是句子,构成并列句。 即:简单句+并列连词+简单句
如:I help her and she helps me . 我 帮助她,她帮助我。[简单句(主+谓+宾) +并列连词and+简单句(主+谓+宾)]
I listen to the teachers so attentively in the class that I can understand what the teachers say. So __a_t_te_n_t_i_v_e_ly__d_o_I_listen to the teachers in the class that I can understand what the teachers say.
What problems do you meet when writing a
vocabulary sentence structure expand sentences
I go to school. I go to school _h_a_p_p_i_ly_. (加副词) I go to school happily w__it_h_m__y__fr_i_e_n_d_s_.(加介词短语) I go to school happily with my friends__b_y_b_i_k_e_. (加方式 状语)
• 步骤五:连句成篇 • 过渡词
• I’m a high school student and I understand what I’m studying for. I have been working hard.(原文已给)
First of all(过渡词), it is necessary for me to listen to the teachers carefully in the class so that I can understand what the teachers say. What’s more(过渡词), I take homework seriously and finish it in time, which is a piece of cake for me. In addition(过渡 词), In order to strengthen my body, I often take part in different kinds of exercises with my classmates, such as playing footall, going swimming and playing badminton etc. Finally( 过 渡 词 ), Interested in reading books, I develop the habit of going to the library and do some reading on my favourite books.
What problems do you meet when writing a
vocabulary sentence structure expand sentences
I go to school. I go to school _h_a_p_p_i_ly_. (加副词) I go to school happily w__it_h_m__y__fr_i_e_n_d_s_.(加介词短语) I go to school happily with my friends__b_y_b_i_k_e_. (加方式 状语)
• 步骤五:连句成篇 • 过渡词
• I’m a high school student and I understand what I’m studying for. I have been working hard.(原文已给)
First of all(过渡词), it is necessary for me to listen to the teachers carefully in the class so that I can understand what the teachers say. What’s more(过渡词), I take homework seriously and finish it in time, which is a piece of cake for me. In addition(过渡 词), In order to strengthen my body, I often take part in different kinds of exercises with my classmates, such as playing footall, going swimming and playing badminton etc. Finally( 过 渡 词 ), Interested in reading books, I develop the habit of going to the library and do some reading on my favourite books.
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3. The boy who is singing is a student. (定语从句作定语)
The boy is a student. 4.The boy playing basketball is a student. (现在分词作定语). 5. The boy laughed at is a student. (过去分词作定语)
根据要求扩展下句: 13.He lets me know. 无论他何时去那里,他都从不让我知道。
Whenever he goes there,he never lets me know.
= The boy who is playing over there is my brother.
There are two questions.
There are two questions to be discussed
The books sell well.
被那故事感动,我们要尽力帮他。 Moved by the story ,we “ll try our best to help him.
12.we “ll try our best to help him. 因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。 Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.
6. The boy to be praised is a student. (不定式作定语)
The boy is a student. 7.The boy there is a student. (副词作定语,只限于地点副词)
1.你看见了在课桌上的书吗? Have you seen the book? Have you seen the book on the desk ?
6.They will fly.
They will fly to London.
7. The meeting ended. 会议两点结束的。 The meeting ended at two.
8.He entered the room.
他说着笑着走进房间。 He entered the room,laughing and talking.
9.some students became worried.
Seeing this,some students became very worried.
The books written by him sell well.
= The books which were written by
him sell well.
We should help the children.
We should help the children who are ill.
2. John给Mary一本有趣的书
John gave Mary a books.
John gave Mary an interesting books.
The boy is my brother.
The boy playing over there is my brother.
英语句子的主要成分是什么? 主语 谓语 宾语 宾补 表语 什么叫简单句扩展?
就是在简单句中添加________ 英语句子的附属成分是什么?
A. 扩展附加成分(定语)
根据要求扩展下句: The boy is a student.
1.这个很帅的男孩是个学生. 2.房间里的那个男孩是个学生。 3.正在唱歌的那个男孩是个学生。
5.被人嘲笑了的那个男孩是个学生 6.要受到赞扬的那个男孩是个学生。
The boy is a student. 扩展附加成分(定语) 1. The handsome boy is a student. (形容词作定语)
2. The boy in the room is a student. (介词短语作定语)
4.We live.
我们住在学校。 We live in the school.
5.We are working
We are working day and night
1.We are working.
We are working hard.
2. We sing.
We often sing there.
(副词作状语,表示频率) (副词作状语,表示地点)
3.They came. 他们来这里看我们。 They came here to see us
(现在分词作状语,表示原因) (副词作状语,表示程度)
10. he jumped. 听到这个消息,他高兴得跳起来。
Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.
(现在分词作状语,表示时间) (介词短语作状语,表示原因)
11. we ”ll try our best to help him.
7.可怜的John 每天要去医院
John went to hospital every day .
Poor John went to hospital .
8.这就是那块破玻璃. This is the glass. This is the broken glass.
A. 扩展附加成分(状语)
The boy is a student. 4.The boy playing basketball is a student. (现在分词作定语). 5. The boy laughed at is a student. (过去分词作定语)
根据要求扩展下句: 13.He lets me know. 无论他何时去那里,他都从不让我知道。
Whenever he goes there,he never lets me know.
= The boy who is playing over there is my brother.
There are two questions.
There are two questions to be discussed
The books sell well.
被那故事感动,我们要尽力帮他。 Moved by the story ,we “ll try our best to help him.
12.we “ll try our best to help him. 因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。 Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.
6. The boy to be praised is a student. (不定式作定语)
The boy is a student. 7.The boy there is a student. (副词作定语,只限于地点副词)
1.你看见了在课桌上的书吗? Have you seen the book? Have you seen the book on the desk ?
6.They will fly.
They will fly to London.
7. The meeting ended. 会议两点结束的。 The meeting ended at two.
8.He entered the room.
他说着笑着走进房间。 He entered the room,laughing and talking.
9.some students became worried.
Seeing this,some students became very worried.
The books written by him sell well.
= The books which were written by
him sell well.
We should help the children.
We should help the children who are ill.
2. John给Mary一本有趣的书
John gave Mary a books.
John gave Mary an interesting books.
The boy is my brother.
The boy playing over there is my brother.
英语句子的主要成分是什么? 主语 谓语 宾语 宾补 表语 什么叫简单句扩展?
就是在简单句中添加________ 英语句子的附属成分是什么?
A. 扩展附加成分(定语)
根据要求扩展下句: The boy is a student.
1.这个很帅的男孩是个学生. 2.房间里的那个男孩是个学生。 3.正在唱歌的那个男孩是个学生。
5.被人嘲笑了的那个男孩是个学生 6.要受到赞扬的那个男孩是个学生。
The boy is a student. 扩展附加成分(定语) 1. The handsome boy is a student. (形容词作定语)
2. The boy in the room is a student. (介词短语作定语)
4.We live.
我们住在学校。 We live in the school.
5.We are working
We are working day and night
1.We are working.
We are working hard.
2. We sing.
We often sing there.
(副词作状语,表示频率) (副词作状语,表示地点)
3.They came. 他们来这里看我们。 They came here to see us
(现在分词作状语,表示原因) (副词作状语,表示程度)
10. he jumped. 听到这个消息,他高兴得跳起来。
Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.
(现在分词作状语,表示时间) (介词短语作状语,表示原因)
11. we ”ll try our best to help him.
7.可怜的John 每天要去医院
John went to hospital every day .
Poor John went to hospital .
8.这就是那块破玻璃. This is the glass. This is the broken glass.
A. 扩展附加成分(状语)