Unit3期中复习默写精华版 沪教版(五四学制)(2024)英语六年级上册

6A Unit 3 Food期中复习1.n.盐adj.咸的2.n.产品v.生产;引起3.n./v.平衡;保持平衡adj.保持平衡的4.v.选择n.选择5.n.高兴;快乐【U】adj.令人愉快的;惬意的adj.满意的;高兴的6.n./v.味道,品味;尝起来adj.美味的7.n./v.意想不到的事;使…吃惊adj.意外的adj.令人惊讶的8.v.油煎adj.油炸的9.adj.最后的adv.最后10.n.健康adj. 健康的adj.不健康的1.健康的东西______________________2.保持健康________________________3.一份均衡膳食对健康有益。
________________________________________________________________________10.因某事感谢某人__________________________________________________________11.一些(用于可数名词前)________________________________________12.一些(用于不可数名词前)_____________________________________13.很少,几乎没有(用于可数名词前)_________________________________14.很少,几乎没有(用于不可数名词前)_____________________________________15.相当多,颇多____________________________________________16.相当多,颇多___________________________________________17.一个购物应用软件_______________________________________18.冷冻食品区_____________________________________________19.在冰箱里储存食物_______________________________________20.购买一道菜的原材料_____________________________________21.用…来制作它___________________________________________22.我们成功了!____________________________________________23.做出一个选择____________________________________________24.不需要某物(实义动词)__________________________________25.不需要去做某事(实义动词)_________________________________26.不需要做某事(情态动词)________________________________27.你想要一些…吗?________________________________________28.在某人的博客中__________________________________________29.作为一个生日惊喜________________________________________30.令某人惊讶的是__________________________________________31.对…感到惊讶____________________________________________32.做…的时间到了__________________________________________33.在B中加入A____________________________________________34.教我如何去烹饪..._________________________________________35.尽力做某事_______________________________________________36.做...的方法_______________________________________________写出下面可数名词复数leaf-_______ scarf-_________ life-________knife-________ wife-___________dish-___________ beach-____________ box-___________ dress-___________ tomato-___________ potato-_____________ hero-_____________activity-_____________ strawberry-_______________ lady-_______________foot-_________ mouse-___________ child-___________woman-_____________ man-_____________tooth-_______________。
6A Unit3复习资料

Unit three【词汇】1. holiday 假日,假期2. National Day 国庆节3. call 打电话4. bund (上海)外滩5. Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆6. star 星星7. Great Wall 长城8. Palace Museum 故宫9. Summer Palace 颐和园10. Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场11. fashion show 时装表演12. excited 激动的,兴奋的13. paper 纸14. ask 问15. bottle 瓶子16. go well 进展顺利17. at first 开始,最初18. heavy rain 大雨19. museum 博物馆20. square 广场21. lake 湖泊22. fashion时尚的,时髦的23. cool 酷,真棒【词组或短语】1. National Day 国庆节2. Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆3. Great Wall 长城4. Palace Museum 故宫5. Summer Palace 颐和园6. Tian’an men Square 天安门广场7. fashion show 时装表演,时装秀8. go well 进展顺利9. at first 开始,最初10.heavy rain 大雨11. holiday fun 假日快乐12. come back to school回到学校13. after the National Day holiday国庆假日之后14. call you打电话给你15. at home 在家16. go to Shanghai去上海17. visit my aunt拜访我的阿姨18. go to the Bund去外滩19. visit the Shanghai Museum参观上海博物馆20. see many interesting things看见许多有趣的事21. How was your holiday? 你的假日怎么样22. great fun有趣的事23. our family我们全家24. go to a farm去农场25. near Star Lake在星星湖边26. pick some oranges摘一些橘子27. go fishing去钓鱼28. catch a big fish钓了一条大鱼29. want to give you the fish想要把鱼给你30. pick an orange for me为我摘只橘子31. talk about your travel experiences 谈论你的旅游经历32. want an orange from the tree想要树上的一只橘子33. three main school holidays三个主要的学校假日34. in the UK在英国35. the Easter holiday复活节假期36. the summer holiday暑假37. the Christmas holiday圣诞假期38. It is time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。

[问答题,案例分析题]海威公司为上市公司,主要从事电子器材的生产和销售,为中天会计师事务所的常年审计客户。注册会计师王莉负责审计海威公司2014年度财务报表。注册会计师王莉于2015年1月对海威公司采购与付款循环的内部控制进行了了解和测试,并在相关审计工作底稿中记录了关于 [单选,案例分析题]某区域电网中现运行一座500kV变电所,根据负荷发展情况需要扩建,该变电所现状、本期及远景建设规模见表15-1。该变电所现有750MVA主变阻抗电压百分比为Uk(1-2)%=14%,本期扩建的2×1000MVA主变电抗电压百分比采用,若三台主变并列运行,它们的负载分布为下列哪 “十二五”时期,健全农业社会化服务体系时,须加强农业公共服务能力建设,培育的农业社会化服务组织,积极发展农产品流通服务。A.信息化B.多元化C.市场化D.城镇化 中国联合网络通信有限公司愿景包含哪几个要素?A、3G领先B、信息生活C、引领创新D、领导者E、卓越服务 把表达判断的语句叫做___。A.命题B.信息C.推理D.概念 能穿过胎盘的螺旋体是A.雅司螺旋体B.回归热螺旋体C.奋森螺旋体D.梅毒螺旋体E.伯氏疏螺旋体 29岁,男,因发热、头痛、全身酸痛、软弱无力6天入院。当天起出现心慌、气促,体温39.6℃。体检:面色苍白,腓肠肌压痛,心率130次/分,呼吸36次/分。肺部散在湿性啰音。血象:血白细胞计数9.2×10/L,中性粒细胞0.76,淋巴细胞0.24。X线摄片示:两肺纹理增多,有散在性点状阴影 简述公共关系职业相关的法律知识。 凿井提升机房的位置,须根据提升机型式、数量、井架高度以及提升钢丝绳的倾角,偏角等来确定,布置时应避开,并考虑提升方位与永久提升方位的关系,使之能适应井筒开凿、平巷开拓、井筒装备各阶段提升的需要。A.永久建筑物的位置B.临时提升机的位置C.凿井绞车的位置D.井口房的位置 男性,40岁。确诊支气管扩张症20余年,近2周来咳嗽,咳脓性臭痰,伴发热38.5℃,气急加重就诊。曾服过中药,未用过抗生素。痰普通培养有需氧革兰阴性杆菌生长。而痰涂片革兰阳性菌和阴性菌均见到,并且有真菌菌丝。你认为下列哪一类感染可能性最大。A.需氧革兰阴性杆菌感染B.需氧 测定水的浊度时,水样中出现有物和物时,便携式浊度计读数将不准确。 甲状腺吸碘率高峰前移常见于A.甲状腺腺瘤B.亚急性甲状腺炎C.桥本甲状腺炎D.Graves‘病E.甲状腺功能减退症 下列哪项在心主血脉中起关键作用A.心血充盈T淋巴细胞B淋巴细胞C.NK细胞D.脂肪细胞E.上皮细胞 新生儿保健的重点在A.出生后1小时B.出生后第1天C.出生后1周内D.出生后2周内E.出生后1个月内 小儿肺活量为。A.30~50ml/kgB.50~70ml/kgC.70~90ml/kgD.90~110ml/kgE.110~130ml/kg 我司泵车配置的无线遥控最远距离可达100m。A.正确B.错误 关于CT扫描方法的叙述错误的是A.低剂量扫描:指在保证诊断要求的前提下,降低螺旋CT的扫描参数,降低了病人X线的剂量B.动态扫描:指静脉团注对比剂后,在极短的时间内对某一组织器官进行快速连续扫描,一边扫描一边重建图像的方法C.目标扫描:又称靶扫描或放大扫描,是对兴趣区进 酸类化合物在酒中既是重要的,又是类化合物的前体物质,在香味成分转换时占有重要地位。 电力管理部门根据工作需要,必须配备电力监督检查人员。A.正确B.错误 药物在血浆中与血浆蛋白结合后,下列正确的是()A.药物作用增强B.药物代谢加快C.药物排泄加快D.暂时失去药理活性E.药物转运加快 医疗机构的从业人员基本行为规范:①以人为本,践行宗旨;②遵纪守法,依法执业;③尊重患者,关爱生命;④优质服务,医患和谐;⑤廉洁自律,恪守医德;⑥严谨求实,精益求精;⑦爱岗敬业,团结协作;⑧乐于奉献,热心公益。请选择正确A.①、②、④、⑥、⑧B.①、③、⑤、⑦、⑧C 按照《担保法》的规定,下列财产中可以作为抵押物的是。A.抵押人依法有权处分的国有土地使用权B.抵押人使用的宅基地C.抵押人拥有的股票D.学校设施 管理人员是指在医疗机构及其内设各部门、科室从事工作的人员。A.医学物理工程B.医疗器械检验C.医疗器械维护D.临床、科研、教学E.组织协调 治疗气胸的主要方法是A.镇咳B.向患侧卧位,减轻疼痛C.吸氧、止痛剂D.治疗并发症E.排气、减压 脑膜炎球菌的主要致病因素是A.变态反应致细胞病变B.外毒素C.神经毒素D.直接致组织细胞坏死E.内毒素 小儿呼吸功能的特点不包括。A.年龄越小,潮气量越小B.正常婴幼儿每分钟通气量如按体表面积计算与成人相近C.小儿肺脏小,肺泡毛细血管总面积与总容量均比成人小,故气体弥散量亦小D.小儿气道阻力大于成人,随年龄增大而递减E.小儿肺活量为70~90ml/kg 一般病区设主管护师人数为A.每10~20病床1名B.每30~40病床1名C.300张床以上医院设1名D.每5名护士1名E.每张床1~2名 大气在铅直方向上分层的依据是什么?大气在铅直方向上可分为哪几层?其中最低的一层有什么特点? 患者,男性,35岁,营业员。癫痫史10年。在工作时突然跌倒在地,口吐白沫,四肢强直—抽搐发作。旁观者给予下列哪项处理措施是错误的A.用力按住其手足,阻止抽搐发作B.用缠以纱布的压舌板塞入其一侧上、下门齿之间C.使患者头偏向一侧D.解松患者的衣领及裤带,以利呼吸E.在患者背后 关于排泄性尿路造影,正确的描述是A.检查前不需作碘过敏试验B.妊娠病人也可作此检查C.应用胆影葡胺作造影剂D.检查前鼓励病人多饮水E.检查前需作肠道准备 高空施工过程中,需用塑料编织袋覆盖施工位置前后钢轨,防止落物损伤线路设备。A.5米B.8米C.10米D.12米 急性外伤性硬膜下血肿的出血来源包括、或。 将等物质的量的SO2、H2S于常温下在定容的密闭容器中充分反应后恢复到常温,容器内是原压强的。A、1/2B、1/4C、<1/4D、>1/4 适用疏浚工程预算定额编制预算时应考虑等因素。A.施工区土质B.工程量C.水域条件D.实际、超宽、超深的影响E.船舶性能

华育中学6AU1Part Two Vocabulary and GrammarI.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案25%)1.Can you make more birthday cards ________ your relatives?A. toB. orC. fromD. with2.-Must I finish my correction now? - ________.A. Yes. I mustB. No, you mustn’t.C. No, you needn’t.D. Yes, you may.3.There are________ beautiful fish in the pond in our school.A. so muchB. too manyC. veryD. so many4.She has two aunts. One is a doctor and________ is a teacher.A. othersB. anotherC. otherD. the other5.Never put your bag between________.A. he and IB. me and heC. him and meD. I and he6.I haven't been to Singapore________. What about you?A. has sheB. elseC. alreadyD. yet7.She has never been late for school, ________?A. has sheB. hasn't sheC. is sheD. isn’t she8.Almost all the people________ "Sorry" to Mary at the meeting.A. talkedB. spokeC. saidD. told9.-________ are you going________? --I'm going to the zoo.A. WhereB. Where, toC. What, /D. What, to10.-- ________ does your sister go back home? -Four times a month.A. How oftenB. How longC. How manyD. What time11.There________ a big cage and two meadows in our campus.A. isB. areC. hasD. be12.Danny and Ben________ the Expo site. They will be back this afternoon.A. has gone toB. have gone toC. has been toD. have been to13.I haven't got any brothers, ________. What about you?A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. else14.You always play with your cousins. ________ do you always play with?A. What elseB. Who elseC. Where elseD. When else15.We must________ the classroom________.A. keep; quietB. keep; quietC. keep; quiteD. keep; quitely16.What do you like? I like________ tennis.A. playB. playing theC. to playD. to play the17.________ horse is________ useful animal.A. /, aB. A, aC. The, anD. A, an18.Alice works________ Jenny.A. more hardly thanB. harder thanC. more harder thanD. hardlier than19.I________ my car for five years, but it is still in very good condition.A. boughtB. have boughtC. have hadD. have20.I will try my best________ careless again.A. not to beB. not beC. don't beD. not to21. ________ great fun it is to swim in summer!A. HowB. WhatC. What anD. What a22. ________ will they finish their work? In half an hour.A. How muchB. How oftenC. How soonD. How long23.When some visitors________ the airport, nobody greeted them.A. arrived inB. reached atC. arrived toD. arrived at24.Tina will fly back to Australia________ next week.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times25.John, you forgot to add ________"s" to the word "book " here. Be careful next time, please!A. theB. aC. anD. /I.Fill in the blanks with the words in proper forms. (用单词适当形式填空5%)1.I live very __________(happy) with my family2.Do you have any __________ in America? (relation)3.His grandfather fell sick yesterday. Now he is even __________ than yesterday. (ill)4.The new dictionary is very __________ to the students. It helps them a lot. (use)5.Tomorrow will be Jack’s __________ birthday (twelve)II.Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. (动词填空6%)1.The man told his son __________ (make) a promise right now.2.Look! Tim __________ (cycle) on the pavement, how dangerous!3.Rose’s father __________ (give) her a new bike for her birthday last week. She liked it very much.4.The twins __________ (not do) morning exercises every day.5.Alice always __________ study with me. (discuss)6.He ___________ (introduce) himself to the class tomorrow.III.Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子,一格一词12%)1.His aunt never talks much, __________ __________? (改为反义疑问句)2.Alice has got a lot of presents from her relatives. (改为否定句)Alice __________ __________ __________ presents from her relatives.3.I usually go to the cinema with my uncle. (划线部分提问)__________ __________ __________ usually __________ with your uncle?4.Mike always plays badminton with Tom after school. (划线部分提问)__________ __________ Mike always __________ badminton with Tom?5.Does he always work hard? (同意转化)__________ he always __________?IV.Translation. (根据中文内容,填入所缺的英语词组5%)1.把—张照片放在一张空白纸上_______________________________2.在作业上彼此互相帮助_______________________________3.担心交朋友_______________________________4.听上去很正式_______________________________5.擅长于讲故事_______________________________I. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)Sandra is twenty years old. She comes from Santiago, a city in Dominica. She lives with her aunt and uncle and three cousins in Manhatan, a part of New York. Her parents and two brothers still live in Santiago. Her brothers want to come to the United States, but her parents are going to stay in Santiago.Sandra works in a small shop on Broadway. One of her cousins owns the shop. She works six days a week from ten in the morning until eight at night. The job isn't hard, but the hours are long and the pay is low. Sandra wants to get a better job, but she doesn't know any English. If you don't know English, it's almost impossible to get a good job.Life in New York city isn't easy for Sandra. The weather is cold; the Americans seem cold; and sometimes her room is cold. When she comes home from work, she thinks about her parents, brothers, and friends in Santiago. Sometimes she cries a lot. She dreams of going back, but she can't In Santiago the weather is warm and the people are friendly, but there are no jobs there for Sandra.( ) 26. Sandra now lives and works in New York.( ) 27. The Americans aren't friendly to Sandra.( ) 28. Sandra can't find a better job, because her uncle doesn't help her.( ) 29. Though she misses her parents, Sandra can't join them, because she doesn't want to go back to Santiago.( ) 30. Sandra feels cold because she has no money for clothes.(B)Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the sea as served the needs of man. The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world. Today, nearly two-thirds of the world's population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast.In the modern technological world the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive (continue to live). Resources on land are beginning to be used up. The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many of man’s needs.The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology is impressive. Oil and gas explorations (探险) have been carried out for nearly 30 years. Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined (开采).Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food. The culture of fish and shellfish (贝类动物) is an ancient skill practised in the past mainly by Oriental people.Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy. Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship. Ocean currents (水流) and waves offer possible use as a source of energy.Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the development of strong, new materials has made this possible.The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by the year 2015 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved.31. The major things that the sea offers man are ________.A. fish and oilB. minerals and oilC. warm temperature and ocean currentsD. the food, energy sources, and minerals32. The sea serves the needs of man because________.A. in provides man with foodB. it offers oil to manC. it supplies man with mineralsD. all of the above33. We can conclude from this passage that________.A. the sea resources have largely been used upB the sea, in the broad sense, has not yet been developedC. the problems that prevent us from using the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea have already been solvedD. by the year 2015, the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea resources34. The underlined words Oriental people in the fourth paragraph probably mean________.A. the people in AsiaB. African peopleC. European peopleD. American people35. The best title for this passage is________.A. Sea harvestB. Sea FoodC. Technology for Exploiting the SeaD. Man and the SeaII: Cloze(A)There was once a kind man called Goldsmith in a small town. He was always ready to help ____36____. He gave away so much to the poor people, but he himself was always poor.He also studied medicine, so the people in the village called him Doctor Goldsmith.One day a poor woman asked Doctor Goldsmith ____37____ her husband. She said to the doctor, “My husband is badly ill and hasn’t eaten anything for three days.”Goldsmith went to her house with her. He found that the family needed food and money very much. The man had been out of work for quite a long time. In fact, he wasn’t till but hungry because there was no food in the house.“Come to my house this evening,” said Goldsmith to the woman, “and I'll give you some medicine ____38____ your husband.”In the evening Goldsmith gave the woman a paper box. It was very heavy.“Here is the medicine,” he said, “____39____ it and your husband will get better very soon. But don’t open the box until you get home and you’ll ____40____ the instruction (说明) inside the box.”Choose the best answers( )36. A. others B. other C. the other D. the others( )37. A. went and saw B. went to have a look at C. go and see D. to go and see ( )38. A.to B. for C. about D. with( )39. A. Bring B. Carry C. Take D. Put( )40. A. look for B. find out C. find D. look at(B)Mr. and Mrs. Wang are very forgetful. For example, Mr. Wang sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning, because he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs. Wang sometimes forgets to cook supper for the f________ (41).One summer they planned to fly to New York for their h________ (42). They arrived at the airport o________ (43) ten minutes before the plane took off. So time was very short. But suddenly Mrs. Wang said that she must tell Lingling, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school. But Lingling then was at school. They could only tell her about it by letter. So they h________(44) to the post office. Mrs. Wang wrote a short note to Lingling, and Mr. Wang b________(45) a stamp and an envelope. Soon the note was r________(46). They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it into the letter box, but suddenly Mrs. Wang began to cry s________(47). The short note which she wrote was still in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope!Keys:I: 1-5 BCDDC 6-10 DACBA 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 CBBCA 21-25 BCDACII: 1-5 happily; relatives; worse; useful; twelfthIII: 1-6 to; is cycling; gave; don’t do; discusses; introducesVI: 1-5 does she; hasn’t got many; What do you do; When does play; hasn’t yet; Is hardworkingIV1. put a photo on a white piece of paper2. help each other with our homework3. worry about making friends4. sound very formal5. be good at telling storiesReading: A: 26-30. TTFFF B: 31-35. DDBADCloze: A: 36-40: ADBCCB: 41. family 42. holiday 43. only 44. hurried 45. bought 46. ready 47. sadly。
【单元测】英语六年级上册-Unit 3 人教精通版(含答案)

单元测试卷六年级英语上册Unit 3 Would you like to come to mybirthday party?人教精通版(含答案)一、看图写单词。
(10分)1. _______2. _______3._________4. ________5.________二、选词填空。
(10分)1. Would you like ____ go to Yunnan.2.This is ___ big birthday cake .3.There is a card ____ her.4.I want to play football ____ school.5.I invite my friends _____ my party.6.I’d love ____.三、单项选择。
(15分)()1.Would you like ________my birthday party?A.to comee toC.to come to()2.What time ________your party begin?A.doesB.doC.is()3.Can I have________ ice cream?A.manyB. someC.any()4.—__________do they celebrate the birthday?—They sing a birthday song and eat a cake.A.WhereB.WhatC.How()5.It’s time to _________the birthday candles.A.blow outB.blowC.cut off()6. I will make a birthday cake chocolate.A. inB. atC. with()7. — Would you like a cup of coffee?— I like coffee very much.A.Yes, please.B. No, thanks.C. Yes,I would. ()8. — Would you like cake?— No, thanks. I’d like a piece fruit pie.A. some; ofB. any; ofC. some; in ()9. There is no one in the room. Please the candles.A. blow outB. blow offC. blow to ()10. — What kind of cake would you like?—A.This one is good.B. I’d like the star-shaped cake.C. I’d like some cake.四、判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。

2018-2019学年度高中英语(人教版)选修六Unit-3-A-healthy-life-Learn ing-about-language课时作业(1)Unit 3 A healthy life Learning about language课时作业第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
(2018·江苏扬州中学高二期中)A PRANK (恶作剧) is naughty behavior that is at most scolded if it gets too much. This is__1__three Chinese students studying in California in the US described what they had done.Zhai Yunyao,Yang Yuhan and Zhang Xinlei,all 19,called it a “prank”when they took their classmate Liu Yiran to a park where “Liu was. . . beaten,spat (吐痰) on,__2__with cigarettes and forced to eat her own hair during a five-hour attack”,__3__the Associated Press.However,their “prank”in March 2015 was__4__a crime in the US. The punishment was years in prison for kidnapping and assault (攻击).Zhai was__5__to 13 years in prison,Yang to 10 years and Zhang to six years on Feb 17. They will be sent back to China__6__serving their sentences,reported The Los Angeles Times.The bullying (欺凌) case has caused quite a discussion in China where school bullying is not__7__but is seldom considered a crime. According to a survey done by China Youth Daily in July last year,73. 3 percent of the 1,002__8__said they had experienced or seen bullying cases at school.However,__9__offenders (冒犯者) receive proper punishment. In most of the cases,offenders only get criticism from schools. Offenders under 14 have no criminal__10__. Those aged between 14 and 16 usually get a light punishment only when they__11__serious crimes like murder and rape (强奸),according to China's laws.“The articles about protecting minors (未成年人) have started to get__12__punishing school bullies,”commented an article in Bandao Metropolis Daily. “Some bullies even use the laws as a shield(挡箭牌)for their violent__13__. ”In__14__,the US is quite tough on bullying.A(n)__15__of 11 of the 15 US states now have their own anti-bullying laws,according to the US Department of Education. Bullying,according to those anti-bullying laws,__16__not only direct physical contact like hitting,but also verbal assaults like name-calling.Also,judges in the US have the right to__17__minor offenders as adults if the cases are serious or if they have criminal records.China could learn from the US,__18__its legal system to stop bullying,some people have suggested. Huang Zhiyuan,a procurator (检察官) at the Henan People's Procuratorate,advocated lowering the criminal age in Procuratorate Daily. Li Fangchao of China Daily advised China to make a__19__anti-bullying law.A more profound (深刻的) message the case showed to us is that“the common tolerant__20__toward bullying should be changed”,commented Jiaxing Daily. “When teenagers do something wrong,we should tolerate and help them when necessary. But all of these have a limit. ”1.A. what B.whereC.how D.why答案C[对比前一句可知此处指的是,这就是三个中国学生如何描述他们所做的事情的。

Test 6A M1U1-U52018.10.31Part 2 Vocabulary and GrammarL Choose the best answer(23%)26. The underlined part in the word "picked" is pronounced asA. /t/.B. /d/C. /id/D. /it/27. ---This is a useful dictionary, I think. .---So it is, and it's unusual one.A. theB. anC. aD. 不填28. I'm looking after Tom today. He's been in my house8:00 this morning.A. atB. forC. sinceD. till29. Linda's. father hates waiting in long lines. I think he's just not veryA. patientB. talented.C. popularD. powerful30. -Finish your homework, you can't play computer games, Jim-All right, Mum.A. butB. tillC. andD. or31. -How are you getting along with your classmates?-Very well. They are all me.A. afraid ofB. friendly toC. angry withD. sorry for32. In this exam, you're asked to write a composition of aboutA. 90-wordsB. 90-wordC. 90 wordsD. 90 word's33. -The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult.The doctor is, right yoú eat, _you will be.A. The less; the healthierB. The less; the more healthierC. The more; the healthierD. The more; the more healthier34. There's little important news in the newspaper today, ?A. isn't thereB. is thereC. is itD. are there35. People the southwest of China were in great need of water last year.A. inB. at.C. toD. on36. -It snowed heavily last night. Is everyone in our class here today?-Yes, and . of us was late for school this morning.A. noneB. neitherC. allD. either37. -Hi, guys. How was your party yesterday?-Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed.A. themselvesB. myselfC. yourselvesD. ourselves38. My mother is ill in hospital. I have to my grandparents at home.A. look outB. look afterC. look upD. look at39. -George, how can you prove the earth is round?-I can't, sir. - , I never said it was.A. ThenB. HoweverC. BesidesD. Instead40. -Jane, when did you come here?-In 2010. I here for two years.A. comeB. have gone toC. have comeD. have been41. He has born in Italy, but he has made China his.A. family.B. addressC. houseD. home42. -I really hope we'll see the famous singer.-Maybe, if we areA. enough luckyB. lucky enoughC. unlucky enoughD. enough unluck43. He thinks himself somebody, but we think himA. nobody .B. anybody.C. somebodyD. everybody44. -I really hate to go to such a noisy place. . -A. So am I.B. So do IC. So have ID. So can I45. -Do you know the soldiers came to Yingshi Town?-The roads were badly broken. They had to walk there.A. whyB. when.C. how.D. where46. -It is very kind of you to help me with my English.---A. With pleasureB. Thank youC. My pleasure.D. Don't say so47. -Can I park my car here, sir?- . You see, there's much traffic here.A. Never mindB. You'd better notC. Of course notD. Yes, please48. -I will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. - You can make it!A. Congratulations!B. Take it easy.C. Look out!D. Have a good time.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words(6%)49. People are the of history and they are the real heroes. (create)50. My favourite outdoor is playing football. (act)51. A doctor makes sick people . (well)52. It will be Grandpa's birthday. next Monday. (sixty)53. Mount Everest is the in the world. (high)54. Friends of the Earth are to the earth. (help)III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs. (6%)55. We should start to old books in order to protect the environment. (use)56. The New York Times published daily. (be)57. Look! The firemen out fires. (put)58. The law requires that everyone should have his car at least once a year. (check)59. The fish in the bowl bad. Why don't you throw them away?(go)60. Some animals will soon because of the serious pollution. (appear).IV. Rewrite the following 'sentences as required(6%)61. Don't leave rubbish in public places. (保持句意基本不变)We rubbish in public places.62. What's Tom's job?(同意句)Tom?63. He has already been to Garden City. (否定句)He been to Garden City64. We visited Modern Art Museum yesterday(划线提问)·you visit yesterday?65. Today my family spent three hours in travelling. (一般疑问句).your family three hours in travelling today?66. It is a very useful dictionary. (感叹句)dictionary it is!V. Translation. (根据课文内容, 填入所缺的英语词组或句子10%)67. 他们正在计划开放日的活动安排.They are. 68. 凯蒂想弄清他是否喜欢他的职业.Kitty wants to. 69. 把所有你同学们的诗放在一起并把它们贴在展板上.Put. 70. 不管是冷还是热, 穿质量好的鞋都非常重要. .Whether hot or cold, . 71. 仅仅片刻之后, 巨浪席卷了沙滩。
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6A M1U3Part Two Vocabulary and GrammarI. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案22%)20.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A. angryB. islandC. albumD. dragon21.Alice lives ________ Spring Bay while Jack lives ________ Sunny Island.A. on; inB. at; inC. in; onD. on; at22.She told me that she only wanted to study in ________ Sunny Island.A./B. theC. anD. a23.---Is your home ________ the park?---No, it’s ________ the park.A.far to; near fromB. far from; nearC. far from; near toD. far to; near to24.The boy fell ________ the rock and ________ himself.A.from; hurtedB. down; hurtC. off; hurtedD. off; hurt25.---I like driving fast. It’s very exciting.---Oh! Yo u mustn’t do it like that, ________ it may cause an accident.A.andB. orC. soD. unless26.E-mails will ________ less, and they will certainly travel faster than letters.A.spendB. costC. takeD. pay27.My books are upstairs; will you ________ them down?A.bringB. takeC. carryD. get28.The mother ________ the baby on the bed and then ________ beside it.y; layB. lied; layC. laid; laidD. laid; lay29.The couple enjoys walking about the streets ________.A.at weekendB. at the weekendC. on weekendD. on the weekends30.---Where is Tom?---He’s ________ to Australia. He’s ________ there three times already.A.gone; goneB. gone; beenC. been; goneD. been; been31.The doctors and the nurses think more of ________ than themselves.A.the othersB. othersC. anotherD. the other32.The cupcakes tasted so ________ that I ate them up though I am on diet.A.wonderfulB. wonderfullyC. sweetlyD. lively33.There is little milk in the bottle, ________?A.is itB. isn’t itC. is thereD. isn’t there34.You will ________ what kind person he is some day.A.findB. find outC. look forD. discover35.The table won’t take up ________ space in the room.A.muchB. manyC. a lotD. lots of36.The class ________ the victory of the football game when I entered the classroom.A.celebratedB. were celebratingC. was celebrateD. has celebrated37.Mr.Wang is our new class teacher. He teaches ________ science.A. ourB. weC. usD. ours38. It ________ too much time ________ from Shanghai to Beijing by train.A. costs, to travelB. pays, for travellingC. spends, travellingD. takes, to travel39. ----When did they ________ Nanjing?----They ________ there at 4:00 p.m.A. reach, arrived inB. reach, arrivedC. arrive, reachedD. get to, arrived at40. ----Would you mind waiting outside for a moment?----_________A. Never mindB. Of courseC. Certainly notD. You are welcome41. ----Why don't we have a day out?---- ________.A.That's right.B.You're great.C.That's alright.D. All right.20-25 BCDBDB 26-30 BADBB 31-35 BACBA 36-40 B C D B C 41DII. Fill in the blanks with the words in proper forms. (用单词适当形式填空7%)42. His parents don't allow him to take part in those extra-curricular ________. (act)43. ________, it rained, so the match was canceled. (luck):44. He one of the most famous art ________ of his day. (collect)45. The volunteers in the Expo site are never ________ to people in need. (kind)46. Please keep the door ________ when you leave. (close)47. The host added, "Well, I hope you will both enjoy ________ .” (you)48. Is Kate visiting the History Museum for the ________ time? (two)IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. (动词填空6%)49. My brother Will ________ (plan) to become an astronaut at the age of eighteen.50. Parents often tell their kids ________ (not play) with fire.51. They have ________ (know) each other since childhood.52. He's promised that he ________ (finish) the work before the end of September.53. Jim invited me to ________ (join) their school trip to West Lake.54. He stopped ________ (help) an old lady cross the road.42.activities 43. Unluckily 44. collectors 45. unkind 46. close 47. yourselves48. second 49. plan 50. not to play 51. have known 52. would finish 53. to join54.To helpV. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子,12%)55. How about having a barbecue this Sunday?(改为同意句)________ ________ have a barbecue this Sunday?56. Let us do no harm to our environment, ________ ________? (反义疑问句)57. Cathy wouldn't buy the dress because it was too expensive. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ Cathy buy the dress?58. We visited Chinese museums during National Holiday. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ you visit during National Holiday?59. It cost him 100,000 dollars to build the house. (改为同意句)He ________ 100,000 dollars ________ the house.60. Jill would like to go boating last weekend. (改为同意句)Jill ________ ________ go boating last weekend.55.Shall we 56. will you 57. Why wouldn’t 58.What did 59. spent....building60.wanted toVI. Translation.(根据中文内容,填入所缺的英语词组或句子5%)61. We are__________________ the day after tomorrow.(我们计划后天去堆沙堡。