The United K BGruiinitdgaedinotomCaEnoondufgnlGitsrihre-esSatpeaking Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Chapter 3 Government and the Commonwealth
A Guide to English-Speaking
2.1.3 The House of Lords
❖ often referred to as “the Upper House” ❖ The Lords Spiritual (上议院神职议员)
(archbishops and prominent bishops of the Church of England)
assemblies in the world (in the mid-13th century)
▪ Strictly speaking, the parliament consists
of the King or Queen, the House of Lords ( 上议院), the House of Commons (下议院)
❖ British Constitution is made up of:
▪ Statutory Law (成文法) ▪ Common Law (判例法) ▪ Conventions (习惯法)
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
❖The Lords Temporal (上议院世俗议员) (hereditary peers and life peers and the Law Lords)上议院高级法官)
一、文化概况1. 英国文化英国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家,其文化底蕴深厚。
2. 美国文化美国是一个移民国家,因此其文化融合了来自世界各地的元素,呈现出多元化和包容性。
3. 英美文化交流英美两国之间的文化交流十分频繁,互相影响。
二、历史概况1. 英国历史英国历史可以追溯到古代,罗马、盎格鲁-撒克逊、诺曼底人等不同民族和文化在英国留下了深远的影响。
2. 美国历史美国历史相对年轻,但是却是一个充满传奇色彩的国家。
3. 英美历史关系英国曾是美国的殖民地,双方有着深厚的历史渊源。
三、政治概况1. 英国政治英国是一个君主立宪制国家,国家元首是君主,首相是政府首脑。
2. 美国政治美国是一个总统制国家,总统是国家元首和政府首脑。
Townhouse(排房): 排房一般盖在城市或者小区的中 心,3层高,占地面积比较小,但是利用空间比较大。 排房一般每排有5-10栋房子连在一起, 每栋房子有独立的花园和停车位,卧室为2-4个,有客 厅、厨房,个别也有独立的车库。
Terraced house(小排房): 这是最便宜的房型, 每排会有10套房子以上,有些有独立花园。卧室为2-4个, 有客厅、厨房。一般小排房没有自己的车位。
英国体育运动开展较好,历史也很悠久, 曾于1908年和1948年以及2012在伦敦举行过三届奥林匹克运动会。 英国各种体育组织很多。英国人热爱运动,每个人都会参加运动俱乐部, 每个人都有喜欢踢球,看比赛。
主要体育运动: 英式足球,英式橄榄球,板球,网球还有赛马
伦敦西区(London's West End)是与纽约百老汇(Broadway)齐名的世界两大 是表演艺术的国际舞台,也是英国戏剧界的代名词。 莎士比亚戏剧在英国依然很受欢迎,莎士比亚的戏剧现在在1997年重建的 环球剧场上演。
交响乐团,合唱团,爵士乐乐团,还有其他的歌手。 著名的有披头士(The Beatles),亦称为“甲壳虫乐队” ,是一个英 国摇滚乐队,在20世纪60年代掀起了一阵“Beatlemania”(披头士狂热), 引领了英伦入侵
1.大部分英国人在陌生人面前会表现得很矜持,不会表现 得太友好。但在认识以后就会让朋友或陌生人感到友好 2.非常注重隐私,不愿意和别人多说话,从来不谈论自己, 感情不外露,更不会喜形于色。 3.英国人酷爱独居和个人自由。 4.英国人很幽默,不过都是一些对自身,对社会或者政府 嘲弄的幽默。
英美国家文化概况(中英文对照)-英国英国文化概况Chapter 1 Land and People第一章英国的国土与人民Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1. Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2. Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4. Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。
1.课程编号: 2.课程名称:英国文化 3.课程类别:专业选修课 公选课 4.教学时数: 周学时: 2 总学时: 30 5.学分: 2 6.先修课程: 英美概况 欧洲文化 7.教学目标与要求: 通过对英国历史、 政治制度、 艺术 、 娱乐、 媒体、 宗教 等专题的介绍,优化学生的知识结构,提高学生的交际能力 (语言能力、 语用能力、 认知能力和情感能力。 ) 为实现这一目的,鼓励学生进行专题调研、 信息收集 、小 组讨论和专题发言等。 8.教材:《英语国家社会与文化入门》 上册 朱永涛主编 高 等教育出版社 2001年
1.吴念等译,《美国政治中的道德争论》,重庆 出 版社,2001年 2.杜学增著,《中英文化习俗比较》,外语教学 与研究出版社,1999年 3.薛涌著,《直话直说的政治》,广西师范大学 出版社,2004年 4.林达著,《历史深处的忧虑》,生活?读书?新 知三联书店, 1997年 5.林达著,《总统是靠不住的》,生活?读书?新 知三联书店, 1998年
课程名称 : 英美文化概况
语言与文化相互作用、影响。英语语言文化知识 的学习能够促进学生提高英语语言应用能力,即能够 应用英语进行交际的能力。掌握相关的英语语言文化 知识有利于学生更有效地理解、应用英语语言知识。 本课程旨在通过指导学生学习相关的文化背景知识, 进一步提高学生的英语水平和跨文化交际的能力。适 应全球化日益深入、跨文化交际日益增强的需要和复 合型人才培养的需要。本课程以英美语言文化背景知 识为基础,结合相关的史料,借助于相关的影像资料, 使得学生能够在语境中学习语言背景知识。同时,本 课程注重学生语言能力的培养,针对相关的文化现象 组织学生进行课堂讨论,要求学生按时保质保量完成 课后作业。成绩评定将以课堂参与及作业为主。本课 程知识的传授主要通过教师讲解和学生讨论,鼓励学 生积极参与。
英美概况 British Culture
![英美概况 British Culture](
General Practitioner (GP) 全科医师: Family Doctor Community Health Services Hospitals at different levels Free system for emergency and for pregnancy and Baby Clinics
General Traits of the British People
reserved generous & hospitable
Cherishing one’s own space & privacy
• Manners
– Table manners – Manners outside home
Symbol of the nation Public trust in the Queen is much higher than in other politicians
A Rigid Class System
• The Upper Class: the aristocracy
– the royal families, the peerages and the offshoots of these families – Peerage system
The Monarchy Today
The present Sovereign, Queen ElizabethⅡ, was born on April 21, 1926 Her title in the UK is : “ Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.” 。“蒙上帝恩典,大不列颠
your name
• dominant in all sorts of way
• The seat of government;
• Cultural center • Business center • Financial center
your name
• The most confident of its own identity • The second largest of the four nations,
both in population and in geographical area • The Highlands in the north and the Southern Uplands • The largest city is Glasgow, the capital city is Edinburgh
your name
your name
• The capital is Cardiff • This southern area was an important
element in Britain’s industrial revolution, as it had rich coal deposits. • It is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England.
• Immigration: non-European ethnicity • from some of those Commonwealth
countries like India or Pakistan, and the countries of Caribbean.
英国有许多传统美食,如肉饼、约克郡布丁、烤 牛肉等,让游客在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到 英国的饮食文化。
• 现代节日庆典在保留传统习俗的基础上, 不断融入现代元素,如现代音乐、科技手 段等,使得传统习俗得以传承和发扬光大 。
英国是足球的发源地,拥有世界上最著名的足球联赛之一,即英 超联赛。观看足球比赛是英国人休闲娱乐的重要方式之一。
板球是英国的传统体育项目之一,尤其在英格兰和威尔士非常流行 。观看板球比赛也是英国人的一种休闲方式。
英国拥有许多著名的赛马场,如Newmarket、Epsom Downs等 。观看赛马比赛是英国贵族和上流社会人士的休闲活动之一。
英国人见面时通常会互相问候, 常用的问候语有“你好”、“早 上好”、“晚上好”等。
在英国,人们通常使用“先生” 、“女士”、“小姐”等称呼, 以表示对对方的尊重。
在英国,人们通常会谈论天气、新闻 、体育、文化等方面的话题,避免涉 及个人隐私和敏感话题。
5世纪,盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵 英国,带来了自己的文化和语 言。
1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉征服 了英格兰,开始了诺曼王朝的
英国有着深厚的贵族文化传统, 贵族社会地位崇高,拥有财富和
ukculture英美概况英国文化类英美概况模拟题(三)英国文化部分CultureMultiple Choice1. All children in theUKmust, by law, r eceive a full-time education from the a ge of _____ to _____.A. 5, 16B. 6,17C. 7, 182. In state schools the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “____ _” or parallel classes.A. gradeB. formC. streams3. Public schools belong to the categor y of the _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. local4. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examinatio n would go to _____ school.A. grammarB. technicalC. secondar y modern5.OxfordandCambridgeare the oldest u niversities dating from _____ and ___ __.A. 1167, 1284B. 1234,1325C. 1335, 14276. There are over _____ universities in Britain.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty7. The two features ofOxfordandCambr idgeare the college system and the __ ___.A. records of attendanceB. governin g councilC. tutorial system8. The universities of St. Andrews,Glas gow,AberdeenandEdinburghare called t he four _____ universities.A. oldB. newC. Scottish9. The _____ university offers courses through one of BBC’s television channe ls and by radio.A. openB. newC. middle aged10.BuckinghamUniversityis and _____ university which was established in 19 73.A. independentB. openC. old11. The second centre of the British pr ess is in _____.A. LondonB. the Fleet StreetC. Manc hester12. InBritaingreat majority of children attend _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. religious13. InBritaineducation at the age from 5 to 16 is _____.A. optionalB. compulsoryC. self-tau ght14. The oldest university inBritainis __ ___.A.CambridgeB. EdinburghC. Oxford15. British newspapers possess the foll owing features except _____.A. freedom of speechB. fast deliveryC. monoplied by one of the five large organizationD. no difficulty for independent newsp apers to survive16. The earliest newspaper inBritainis _____.A. Daily MailB. Daily TelegraphsC. Th e TimesD. Guardian17. _____ is the oldest Sunday newsp aper inBritain.A. Sunday TimesB. The ObserverC. The peopleD. News of the Worl d18. The most humorous magazine is _ ____.A. New SocietyB. Private EyeC. Pun chD. Spectator19. In theUKthere are about _____ dai lies and over _____ weeklies.A. 130, 1000B. 200,800C. 160, 120 020. There are _____ national daily ne wspapers which appear every morning except on Sundays.A. nineB. sevenC. eight21. The Daily Telegraph and Sunday T elegraph support the _____.A. Liberal PartyB. Labour PartyC. Co nservative Party22. The Economist, New Statesman, Sp ectator are _____.A. journalsB. daily newspapersC. loc al papers23. BBC was founded in _____ and ch artered in _____ as an independent pu blic corporation.A. 1922, 1927B. 1292,1297C. 1822, 182724. The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. isa _____ news agency.A. publicB. governmentalC. localD. private25. The BBC is mainly financed by ___ __.A. payment from all people who posse ss TV setsB. the income from advertisementsC. some large corporationsD. British government26. The most famous broadcasting co mpany inBritainis _____.A. British Broadcasting CorporationB. Independent Broadcasting AuthorityC. Reuters27. Reuters was founded in the year of _____.A. 1518B.1815C. 185128. The new headquarters’ building of _____ is at85 Fleet Street,London.A. BBCB. the Press Association Ltd.C. the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd.29. _____ is regarded as the most En glish of games.A. CricketB. SoccerC. Rugger30. _____ claims the highest popular attendance inBritain.A. Rugby footballB. Association foo tballC. Baseball31. _____ “pools” provide amusement for millions of people who bet on the results of matches.A. Association footballB. BaseballC. Cricket32. The annual _____ championships a t Wimbledon, inLondon, are the most f amous in the world.A. hockeyB. tennisC. netball33. _____ racing is chiefly a betting s port.A. HorseB. BoatC. Dog34. Hurdle or steeplechase racing take s up the winter months, leading to its climax in the Grand National Steeplec hase at _____ in March.A.LondonB. EdinburghC. Liverpool35. It was _____ who first revolutioni zed scientific thought inBritain.A. Francis BaconB. Thomas Newco merC. James Watt36. _____ discovered the circulation of food.A. Francis GlissonB. William HarveyC. George Stephenson37. The Royal Society was founded in _____ in _____.A.London, 1660B. Liverpool,1660C.Lo ndon, 176038. The Royal Society reached the sum mit of its prestige in 1703, when ____ _ became its president.A. Robert BoyleB. Issae NewtonC. F rancis Bacon39. James Watt was a great _____ en gineer and inventor.A. IrishB. ScottishC. English40. _____ developed atomic theory in the 18th century.A. JohnDaltonB. Francis GlissonC. Ro bert Boyle41. The minor’s safety lamp was inven ted by _____.A. Francis BaconB. William HarveyC. Humphy Davy42. Charles Robert Darwin Developed t he theory of _____.A. evolutionB. immunologyC. virolo gy43. _____ is considered the father of English poetry.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. John MiltonC. John Donne44. Big Ben is the nickname of _____.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Sir Benjamin HallC. the 315-foot Clock Tower45. The British Museum was founded i n _____.A. 1659B.1763C. 175346. The British Museum is financed by _____ funds and is managed by a bo ard of 25 trustees.A. GovernmentB. individualC. local47. You could find the world-famous S peakers’ Corner in _____.A. Great RussellB. Hyde ParkC. Wes tminster Abbey48. _____ is the biggest and most wel l-known church inLondon.A. WhitehallB. St. Paul’s CathedralC. Westminster Abbey49. _____ is the monarch’s presentLon donhome.A.WestminsterPalaceB. Buckingham PalaceC.WhitehallPalace50. Stratford-on-Avon is the place whe re _____ was born in 1564.A. William ShakespeareB. Charles Di ckensC. Samuel ButlerFill in the Blanks1. There are two systems of primary a nd secondary education inBritain. They are the _____ school and the _____ school.2. The independ ent school or “_____” school is few in number but of great i nfluence.3. The four types of state schools in t he secondary education are the _____ schools, comprehensive secondary sch ools, _____ schools and secondary mo dern schools.4. For all children in state schools, sec ondary education begins at the age of _____.5. There are two systems for secondar y education in state schools, the ____ _ and the _____.6. Under the old selective system, chil dren took an examination called the _ ____ _____ in their last year at a pri mary school. The results of this exami nation determined the secondary educ ation a pupil would receive.7. The oldest schools inUKare _____ s chools.8. _____ _____ schools were establish ed before 1960, in which pupils were not separated by the criterion of acade mic ability.9. At _____ or _____ pupils take an e xamination, either at the Ordinary Lev el of the General Certificate of Educati on or the Certificate of Secondary Edu cation.10. At 18 there is another examination for the pupils, the _____ _____ of th e General Certificate of Education or t he Certificate of Secondary Education.11. _____ schools are often attached t o polytechnics.12. The four famous school:EtonColleg e,HarrowSchool,WinchesterCollegeandR ugbySchoolare never referred to as col leges but _____ schools.13. The public schools emphasize two factors in education. One is the study of classics and science, the other is th e development of what is called “____ _”.14. The old universities inBritainrefer t o _____ and _____.15. The five types of universities are t he two _____ universities, the four __ ___ universities, the middle-aged unive rsities, the new universities an the Op en university and the one _____ unive rsity.16.Oxfordgot started in the _____ cent ury. It has _____ colleges.17. There are about _____ students in OxfordandCambridgerespectively.18. The University ofLondonis a type of _____ university.19. There are three academic degrees inBritain, the _____, _____ and _____ degrees.20. A class in a state school is often c alled a “_____”, never a “grade”.21. Almost all the national papers are published in the city of _____.22. The _____ _____ is the national c entre of the press in theUK.23. The most famous broadcasting co mpany is _____ _____ _____.24. The most well-known news agency is _____.25. The second oldest university inBrit ainis _____.26. The Independent Broadcasting Aut hority gets its money from _____.27. You’ll find all BBC’s programmes in the magazine _____ _____.28. In 1851 Reuters was founded in _ ____.29. _____ is regarded as the most En glish games.30.Schoolboys usually play rugger or _ ____ in winter, _____ in summer.31. Schools girls usually play tennis and _____ in summer and netball and _ ____ in winter.32. Netball is a kind of basketball, and rounders is a sort of _____.33. The _____ _____ founded inLondo nin 1660 is one of the most prestigiou s scientific bodies in the world.34. Issae Newton held the president of the Royal Society for _____ years.35. The famous book Mathematical Pri nciples of Natural Philosophy was writt en by _____ _____.36. James Watt was a great _____ en gineer and inventor.37. _____ _____, an English physician, discovered the vaccine for preventing smallpox and pioneered the sciences o f immunology and virology.38. The miner’s safety lamp was nickn amed _____ Lamp.39. Charles Robert Darwin published hi s book On the _____ _____ _____ wh ich caused a stir in Victorian times.40. Oscar Wilder was an aesthete advo cating “_____ _____ _____ _____”.41. The seat of the British Houses of Parliament is _____ _____.42. “Big Ben” was named after Sir ___ __ _____.43. The place where many famous figu res are buried is called _____ _____.44. Karl Marx once came to study and work in the British Museum Library a nd Completed most of his famous boo k _____ there.45._____Parkin the Centre of London i s one of the World’s most famous city parks.46. The _____ of _____ was a state p rison from Norman times.47. _____ is a most important street where some of the most important offi ces are located.48. The people can visit 300 life-size wax figures in _____ _____.Explain the Following Term1. BBC2. The Open UniversityAnswer the Following Questions1.What do you know about the differe nce between a quality paper and a po pular paper inBritain?英美概况自测题(三)英国文化部分答案Part IIII. ACBAA BCDAA CABCD CBCCD CA ACA ACBABABACA BABBA CAACC ABCBAI. State, Independent public gramm ar, technical l11 selective, comprehe nsive eleven plus grammar Compreh ensive secondary 15, 16 Advanced L evel Technical public character Oxford, Cambridge old, Scottish, independent 12th, 28 12000 middle-ag ed Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor’s for m London Fleet Street British Bro adcasting Corporation Reuters Cambri dge advertising Radio Times Lond on Cricket soccer, cricket rounders, hockey basketball, baseball Royal Society 23 Issae Newton Scottish Edward Tanner Davy Origin of Species art for art’s sake Westmins ter Palace Benjamin Hall Westmin ster Abbey Capital Hyde Tower, L ondon Whitehall Madame Tussaud’s。
英国的宗教信仰主要是基督教,而美国则更 为多元化,包括基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教 等。
英国人重视传统道德观念和社会秩序,而美 国人则更注重个人自由和权利。
学习并掌握英语或其他跨文化交际语言,以 便更好地交流和理解。
遇到文化冲突时,能够灵活调整自己的交际 策略,化解矛盾和误解。
在交际过程中,积极倾听对方的意见和观点 ,观察对方的文化习俗和行为方式。
将所学的文化知识运用到实际交际中,提高 解决跨文化交际问题的能力。
英美文化在全球化背景下的影响与传 播
从殖民地时期、独立战争、西进运动到现代社会,美国历史的演变塑造了其独 特的民族性格和文化。
美国是一个多元民族的国家,各个族群带来了各自的文化传统和习俗,形成了 丰富多彩的民族特色。
美国文学深受欧洲文学的影响,同时又具有独特的创新性, 如马克·吐温、海明威等作家的作品。
One writer during the era of Renaissance once described football as: “nothing but beastly fury and extreme violence”. Today, violence is still associated with football. “Football hooligans”, supporters of rival teams, sometimes clashes before, during and after matches and occasionally run riot through the town.
The game of golf was invented by the Scottish and today avid [ˈ æ vɪd] 热心的 golfers around the world dream of playing on the famous and ancient golf course at St Andrews, not far from Edinburgh.
A more gentle sport that is a sure sign that summer has arrived is the popular game of tennis. Tennis was invented in Britain and it owes its origins, literally, to the church.
and Festivals in
Religious Holiday
Capital: Belfast贝尔法斯特
Area: -10%
History: Ireland was conquered by England in the 17th C
Capital: Edinburgh爱丁堡
Area: - 30%
3. Rivers and Lakes
Rivers: River Clyde克莱德 , the most important in Scotland River Severn 塞文河 (355 km), the longest in the UK River Thames 泰晤士河(336km), the second longest but the most
beautiful rock scenery
Lake Poets 湖畔诗人- William Wordsworth 华兹华斯 in the 19th Century, a passive romantic poet消极浪漫主义诗人
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
“Ireland” = the Republic of Ireland+ Northern Ireland
爱尔兰岛 =爱尔兰共和国+北爱尔兰
Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (Britain / Great Britain / UK for short)
• 街头文化的习俗
• 尊重对方的习惯
• 适应不同的社交场合
• 保持良好的沟通
• 了解对方的文化背景
• 尊重对方的宗教信仰
• 适应对方的生活节奏
• 宗教文化的相似性
• 民主价值观的共享
• 称呼的礼仪
• 茶文化的习俗
• 餐桌礼仪
• 酒吧文化的习俗
• 社交礼仪
• 体育赛事的习俗
• 称呼的礼仪
• 餐桌礼仪
• 社交礼仪
• 咖啡文化的习俗
• 骑士文化的发展
• 工业革命的兴起
• 殖民主义的扩张
• 民主制度的完善
• 科技的进步
• 全球化的影响
• 社会问题的关注
• 欧洲移民的到来
• 宗教的多样性
• 奴隶制的兴起
• 民主制度的确立
• 浪漫主义文学的传承
Milk Porridge
Red juice
• Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.
British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.
这所房子最初建于1815年。在1860-1934年间, 曾用来出租。小说中的福尔摩斯正是于1881- 1902年 间居住于此。后来,有人买下了这所房子,直 到1990年,才正式建立了这个在世界上也许是独 一无二的博物馆。博物馆的结构与小说中完全相 同,加上精心的布置,使来此参观的人如同置身 于小说的场景之中 。口叼烟斗,总是带着一顶猎 帽的福尔摩斯,在阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下成为闻名全球的名侦探,小 说中福尔摩斯和华生住在贝克街221B的二楼,前 方是他们共用的书房,后端则是福尔摩斯的卧室, 书房中陈列许多 福尔摩斯的道具,如猎鹿帽、放 大镜、烟斗、煤气灯等。博物馆三楼则呈现不同 小说中的知名场景,等福尔摩斯迷来细细比对。 小说中福尔摩斯的房东是韩德森太太 (Mrs. Hudson)。事实上,地铁贝克街站的墙上满是 福尔摩斯的经典侧面像瓷砖,博物馆隔壁也有福 尔摩斯纪念品店。
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英美概况模拟题(三)英国文化部分CultureMultiple Choice1. All children in theUKmust, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of _____ to _____.A. 5, 16B. 6,17C. 7, 182. In state schools the letters A, B and C are often used to describe “_____” or pa rallel classes.A. gradeB. formC. streams3. Public schools belong to the category of the _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. local4. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven plus” examination would go to _____ school.A. grammarB. technicalC. secondary modern5.OxfordandCambridgeare the oldest universities dating from _____ and _____.A. 1167, 1284B. 1234,1325C. 1335, 14276. There are over _____ universities inBritain.A. thirtyB. fortyC. fifty7. The two features ofOxfordandCambridgeare the college system and the _____.A. records of attendanceB. governing councilC. tutorial system8. The universities of St. Andrews,Glasgow,AberdeenandEdinburghare called the four _____ universities.A. oldB. newC. Scottish9. The _____ university offers courses through one of BBC’s television channels and by radio.A. openB. newC. middle aged10.BuckinghamUniversityis and _____ university which was established in 1973.A. independentB. openC. old11. The second centre of the British press is in _____.A. LondonB. the Fleet StreetC. Manchester12. InBritaingreat majority of children attend _____ schools.A. stateB. independentC. religious13. InBritaineducation at the age from 5 to 16 is _____.A. optionalB. compulsoryC. self-taught14. The oldest university inBritainis _____.A.CambridgeB. EdinburghC. Oxford15. British newspapers possess the following features except _____.A. freedom of speechB. fast deliveryC. monoplied by one of the five large organizationD. no difficulty for independent newspapers to survive16. The earliest newspaper inBritainis _____.A. Daily MailB. Daily TelegraphsC. The TimesD. Guardian17. _____ is the oldest Sunday newspaper inBritain.A. Sunday TimesB. The ObserverC. The peopleD. News of the World18. The most humorous magazine is _____.A. New SocietyB. Private EyeC. PunchD. Spectator19. In theUKthere are about _____ dailies and over _____ weeklies.A. 130, 1000B. 200,800C. 160, 120020. There are _____ national daily newspapers which appear every morning except on Sundays.A. nineB. sevenC. eight21. The Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph support the _____.A. Liberal PartyB. Labour PartyC. Conservative Party22. The Economist, New Statesman, Spectator are _____.A. journalsB. daily newspapersC. local papers23. BBC was founded in _____ and chartered in _____ as an independent public co rporation.A. 1922, 1927B. 1292,1297C. 1822, 182724. The Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. is a _____ news agency.A. publicB. governmentalC. localD. private25. The BBC is mainly financed by _____.A. payment from all people who possess TV setsB. the income from advertisementsC. some large corporationsD. British government26. The most famous broadcasting company inBritainis _____.A. British Broadcasting CorporationB. Independent Broadcasting AuthorityC. Reuters27. Reuters was founded in the year of _____.A. 1518B.1815C. 185128. The new he adquarters’ building of _____ is at85 Fleet Street,London.A. BBCB. the Press Association Ltd.C. the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd.29. _____ is regarded as the most English of games.A. CricketB. SoccerC. Rugger30. _____ claims the highest popular attendance inBritain.A. Rugby footballB. Association footballC. Baseball31. _____ “pools” provide amusement for millions of people who bet on the results of matches.A. Association footballB. BaseballC. Cricket32. The annual _____ championships at Wimbledon, inLondon, are the most famous in the world.A. hockeyB. tennisC. netball33. _____ racing is chiefly a betting sport.A. HorseB. BoatC. Dog34. Hurdle or steeplechase racing takes up the winter months, leading to its climax in the Grand National Steeplechase at _____ in March.A.LondonB. EdinburghC. Liverpool35. It was _____ who first revolutionized scientific thought inBritain.A. Francis BaconB. Thomas NewcomerC. James Watt36. _____ discovered the circulation of food.A. Francis GlissonB. William HarveyC. George Stephenson37. The Royal Society was founded in _____ in _____.A.London, 1660B. Liverpool,1660C.London, 176038. The Royal Society reached the summit of its prestige in 1703, when _____ bec ame its president.A. Robert BoyleB. Issae NewtonC. Francis Bacon39. James Watt was a great _____ engineer and inventor.A. IrishB. ScottishC. English40. _____ developed atomic theory in the 18th century.A. JohnDaltonB. Francis GlissonC. Robert Boyle41. The minor’s safety lamp was invented by _____.A. Francis BaconB. William HarveyC. Humphy Davy42. Charles Robert Darwin Developed the theory of _____.A. evolutionB. immunologyC. virology43. _____ is considered the father of English poetry.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. John MiltonC. John Donne44. Big Ben is the nickname of _____.A. Benjamin FranklinB. Sir Benjamin HallC. the 315-foot Clock Tower45. The British Museum was founded in _____.A. 1659B.1763C. 175346. The British Museum is financed by _____ funds and is managed by a board of25 trustees.A. GovernmentB. individualC. local47. You could find the world-famous Speakers’ Corner in _____.A. Great RussellB. Hyde ParkC. Westminster Abbey48. _____ is the biggest and most well-known church inLondon.A. WhitehallB. St. Paul’s CathedralC. Westminster Abbey49. _____ is the monarch’s presentLondonhome.A.WestminsterPalaceB. Buckingham PalaceC.WhitehallPalace50. Stratford-on-Avon is the place where _____ was born in 1564.A. William ShakespeareB. Charles DickensC. Samuel ButlerFill in the Blanks1. There are two systems of primary and secondary education inBritain. They are the _____ school and the _____ school.2. The independent school or “_____” school is few in number but of great influence.3. The four types of state schools in the secondary education are the _____ school s, comprehensive secondary schools, _____ schools and secondary modern schools.4. For all children in state schools, secondary education begins at the age of ____ _.5. There are two systems for secondary education in state schools, the _____ and t he _____.6. Under the old selective system, children took an examination called the _____ __ ___ in their last year at a primary school. The results of this examination determined the secondary education a pupil would receive.7. The oldest schools inUKare _____ schools.8. _____ _____ schools were established before 1960, in which pupils were not sep arated by the criterion of academic ability.9. At _____ or _____ pupils take an examination, either at the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate of Education or the Certificate of Secondary Education.10. At 18 there is another examination for the pupils, the _____ _____ of the Gen eral Certificate of Education or the Certificate of Secondary Education.11. _____ schools are often attached to polytechnics.12. The four famous school:EtonCollege,HarrowSchool,WinchesterCollegeandRugbySch oolare never referred to as colleges but _____ schools.13. The public schools emphasize two factors in education. One is the study of clas sics and science, the other is the development of what is called “_____”.14. The old universities inBritainrefer to _____ and _____.15. The five types of universities are the two _____ universities, the four _____ uni versities, the middle-aged universities, the new universities an the Open university a nd the one _____ university.16.Oxfordgot started in the _____ century. It has _____ colleges.17. There are about _____ students inOxfordandCambridgerespectively.18. The University ofLondonis a type of _____ university.19. There are three academic degrees inBritain, the _____, _____ and _____ degre es.20. A class in a state school is often called a “_____”, never a “grade”.21. Almost all the national papers are published in the city of _____.22. The _____ _____ is the national centre of the press in theUK.23. The most famous broadcasting company is _____ _____ _____.24. The most well-known news agency is _____.25. The second oldest university inBritainis _____.26. The Independent Broadcasting Authority gets its money from _____.27. You’ll find all BBC’s programmes in the magazine _____ _____.28. In 1851 Reuters was founded in _____.29. _____ is regarded as the most English games.30.Schoolboys usually play rugger or _____ in winter, _____ in summer.31. Schools girls usually play tennis and _____ in summer and netball and _____ in winter.32. Netball is a kind of basketball, and rounders is a sort of _____.33. The _____ _____ founded inLondonin 1660 is one of the most prestigious scien tific bodies in the world.34. Issae Newton held the president of the Royal Society for _____ years.35. The famous book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy was written by _____ _____.36. James Watt was a great _____ engineer and inventor.37. _____ _____, an English physician, discovered the vaccine for preventing smallp ox and pioneered the sciences of immunology and virology.38. The miner’s safety lamp was nicknamed _____ Lamp.39. Charles Robert Darwin published his book On the _____ _____ _____ which ca used a stir in Victorian times.40. Oscar Wilder was an aesthete advocating “_____ _____ _____ _____”.41. The seat of the British Houses of Parliament is _____ _____.42. “Big Ben” was named after Sir _____ _____.43. The place where many famous figures are buried is called _____ _____.44. Karl Marx once came to study and work in the British Museum Library and Com pleted most of his famous book _____ there.45._____Parkin t he Centre of London is one of the World’s most famous city parks.46. The _____ of _____ was a state prison from Norman times.47. _____ is a most important street where some of the most important offices are located.48. The people can visit 300 life-size wax figures in _____ _____.Explain the Following Term1. BBC2. The Open UniversityAnswer the Following Questions1.What do you know about the difference between a quality paper and a popular p aper inBritain?英美概况自测题(三)英国文化部分答案Part IIII. ACBAA BCDAA CABCD CBCCD CAACA ACBABABACA BABBA CAACC ABCBAI. State, Independent public grammar, technical l11 selective, comprehensiv e eleven plus grammar Comprehensive secondary 15, 16 Advanced Level T echnical public character Oxford, Cambridge old, Scottish, independent 12th, 28 12000 middle-aged Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctor’s form London Fleet St reet British Broadcasting Corporation Reuters Cambridge advertising Radio Ti mes London Cricket soccer, cricket rounders, hockey basketball, baseball R oyal Society 23 Issae Newton Scottish Edward Tanner Davy Origin of Sp ecies art for art’s sake Westminster Palace Benjamin Hall Westminster Abb ey Capital Hyde Tower, London Whitehall Madame Tussaud’s。