中英文版授权委托书授权委托书甲方:________(委托人中文姓名/公司名称/组织机构名称详细地质)乙方:________(代理人中文姓名/公司名称/组织机构名称详细地质)鉴于甲方有一项业务/权益/事务(以下简称“事项”)需要委托乙方代理处理/管理,甲方与乙方达成如下授权委托协议:________第一章委托事项的详细描述1. 委托事项的描述:________(在此处详细描述委托事项,包括具体的内容、目标和要求)2. 委托期限:________(在此处列明委托事项的开始日期和结束日期)第二章乙方的权力和义务1. 乙方的权力:________(在此处列明乙方作为代理人的权限和权力,包括但不限于代表甲方进行相关事务的能力)2. 乙方的义务:________(在此处列明乙方作为代理人应履行的责任和义务,包括但不限于按照甲方的指示进行操作、维护甲方的利益等)第三章报酬和费用1. 报酬:________(在此处描述乙方作为代理人所获得的报酬,可以是固定金额、比例分成或其他形式,需明确支付时间和方式)2. 费用:________(在此处描述委托事项所产生的费用,包括但不限于差旅、文件复印等费用的支付责任和方式)第四章保密条款1. 保密义务:________乙方应对与委托事项相关的所有信息进行保密,并不得向未经甲方授权的第三方透露、传播或使用该等信息。
2. 违约责任:________乙方如违反保密义务,应承担相应的违约责任,包括但不限于损害赔偿和法律责任。
第五章争议解决1. 协商解决:________各方应通过友好协商解决因本授权委托书引起的或与之相关的所有争议、纠纷或索赔。
2. 诉讼管辖:________若协商不能解决争议,各方同意将争议提交至相关法院管辖。
第六章其他条款1. 附加条款:________(在此处列明其他需要约定的相关条款,如终止协议、不可抗力等)本授权委托书以中文和英文两种语言书写,两种文本具有同等法律效力。
授权委托书-中英文版兹授权委托 [受托人姓名] 代表本人 [委托人姓名] 处理以下事宜:1. 代表本人签署相关文件、合同及协议。
2. 代表本人参加相关会议,并就会议内容作出决定。
3. 代表本人进行谈判,并在必要时作出最终决策。
4. 代表本人处理与上述事宜相关的所有法律事务。
5. 代表本人进行财务交易,包括但不限于支付、收款及资金管理。
6. 代表本人签署和提交所有必要的政府文件和报告。
本授权委托书自 [授权开始日期] 起生效,至 [授权结束日期] 终止。
委托人签名:________________________日期:____年____月____日Power of AttorneyThis Power of Attorney is granted by [Principal's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Principal") to [Attorney's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Attorney") to act on behalf of the Principal in the following matters:1. To sign relevant documents, contracts, and agreements on behalf of the Principal.2. To attend relevant meetings and make decisions regarding the content of such meetings.3. To negotiate on behalf of the Principal and make final decisions when necessary.4. To handle all legal affairs related to the above matters.5. To conduct financial transactions on behalf of the Principal, including but not limited to payments, receipts, and fund management.6. To sign and submit all necessary government documents and reports.This Power of Attorney shall be effective from [Start Date of Authorization] and shall terminate on [End Date of Authorization]. During this period, all lawful acts made by the Attorney shall be deemed as acts of the Principal, and the Principal shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.Signed by the Principal: ________________________Date: ____ Year ____ Month ____ Day。
1. 委托事项授权人特此委托受托人代表授权人进行以下事项(根据实际情况进行细化描述):1.1 _________(具体委托事项1)详细描述:(在此处对委托事项1进行详细描述,并包括双方共识的相关细节和约定)1.2 _________(具体委托事项2)详细描述:(在此处对委托事项2进行详细描述,并包括双方共识的相关细节和约定)2. 权限范围授权人特此授予受托人以代表授权人取得、行使、履行以及承担与上述委托事项直接相关的所有权利和义务。
3. 行使权限受托人有权代表授权人行使和履行上述委托事项,包括但不限于签署文件、与第三方商议、订立协议或者合同以及进行相关付款。
4. 期限本委托书自签署之日起生效,并持续有效直至_________(委托期限)或者委托事项完成。
5. 费用和报酬5.1 受托人在代表授权人行使委托事项时发生的费用由授权人承担,包括但不限于旅行费用、办公费用等。
5.2 受托人可按照约定获得报酬,具体报酬方式和金额如下:报酬方式: _______(具体报酬方式)报酬金额: _______(具体报酬金额)6. 解除委托6.1 当委托期限届满或者委托事项完成时,本委托书自动解除。
6.2 可以在以下情况解除本委托书:a) 受托人未按照授权人的指示和要求执行委托事项;b) 受托人丧失行为能力或者被法院宣告无民事行为能力;c) 受托人以不正当手段实施委托事项,或者涉嫌行为不轨。
7. 法律适合本委托书适合中华人民共和国的法律。
8. 附件本委托书附有以下附件(根据实际情况进行细化描述):附件 1:_______(具体附件1)附件 2:_______(具体附件2)9. 法律名词及注释9.1 授权委托书(Power of Attorney):被授权人代表授权人进行特定事项的书面授权文件。
法定代表人授权委托书英文版篇一Bank of China, Beijing BranchPower of Attorney by Legal Representative (or Principal)To a branch of Bank of China:This is to certify that the following persons are the employees of our company who are authorized to do transactions under our company's bank account (account # ) as set forth below:1. Account Opening issues, to authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile2. For daily transactions and account change or cancellation, authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile3. For the daily payments which meets Bank of China requirements, please confirm with the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone Mobile4. For the online banking transactions, or collect E-Token and envelopes with pins, authorize the following person:Name ID Type ID # Phone MobileThis authorization is □ for the first time, which will become effective upon execution and such authorization is not allowed to be transferred.□ the change of prior authorization, which will come into force on the next day after it's delivered to the bank. The prior Power of Attorney will be terminated automatically. The authorized items are not allowed to be transferred.Grantor's Signature:Grantor's ID Type Number: Company Seal:Date:请假条中英文版篇二请假条中英文版敬爱的马老师:I apologize that I cannot go to school today. Last night my mother had a high fever and coughed badly. I think that she has got flu. She didn t have a good sleep and is very weak today, so I will go to Tiantan Hospital with my mother, and then stay at home to attend her. Because of this I have to ask for leave. I will appreciate you very much if you can allow my leave.很抱歉我今天不能去上学了。
授权委托书中英文版授权委托书中英文版一、中文版1. 授权委托书特此委托,委托人(姓名)_____________,_____________,现授权受托人(姓名)_____________,_____________代为办理(具体事项),所有事宜委托受托人处理。
2. 委托事项1. 代为办理(具体事项1)2. 代为办理(具体事项2)3. 代为办理(具体事项3)3. 生效日期本授权委托书自受托人签收后生效,至委托事项办理完毕止。
4. 其他事项委托人声明以上内容真实有效,如有任何问题,愿承担相应的法律责任。
二、英文版1. Power of AttorneyI, the principal (Name)_____________, IDnumber_____________, hereby authorize the agent(Name)_____________, ID number_____________ to handle (specific matters) on my behalf, and all matters are entrusted to the agent for processing.2. Matters Entrusted1. Handling (specific matter 1) on my behalf.2. Handling (specific matter 2) on my behalf.3. Handling (specific matter 3) on my behalf.3. Effective DateThis Power of Attorney shall become effective upon the agent's receipt and remn valid until the completion of the entrusted matters.4. Other ProvisionsThe principal declares that the above content is true and valid, and is willing to assume corresponding legal responsibilities in case of any issues.以上为授权委托书的中英文版本,以备参考。
授权委托书致:中华人民共和国XX省XX市XX县XX路XX号尊敬的XX先生/女士:我(们),XXX(授权人姓名),性别:XXX,身份证号码:XXX,住址:XXX,现授权我(们)的代理人XXX(代理人姓名),性别:XXX,身份证号码:XXX,住址:XXX,代表我(们)处理以下事项:1. 代为办理我(们)名下的房屋产权转移登记手续,该房屋位于XXX,房屋产权证号:XXX。
2. 代为签署与该房屋相关的合同、协议等文件,包括但不限于买卖合同、租赁合同等。
3. 代为收取与该房屋相关的费用,包括但不限于物业费、水电费等。
4. 代为办理与该房屋相关的其他事宜,包括但不限于维修、装修、报修等。
授权人签名:_________授权日期:____年__月__日-------------------------------------------------------Authorization LetterTo: Mr./Ms. XXX, Address: No. XXX, XXX Road, XXX County, XXX City, XXX Province, ChinaDear Sir/Madam:I (we), XXX (name of grantor), gender: XXX, ID number: XXX, address: XXX, hereby authorize my (our) agent XXX (name of agent), gender: XXX, ID number: XXX, address: XXX, to represent me (us) in handling thefollowing matters:1. To act on my (our) behalf for the transfer of ownership registration of the property located at XXX, with property ownership certificate number: XXX.2. To sign contracts, agreements, and other documents related to the property on my (our) behalf, including but not limited to sales contracts, lease agreements, etc.3. To collect fees related to the property on my (our) behalf, including but not limited to property management fees, utility fees, etc.4. To handle other related matters of the property on my (our) behalf, including but not limited to maintenance, renovation, repair, etc.The authorization period shall be from the date of signing this letter of authorization until the completion of the matters to be handled. The grantor shall bear the legal liability for the actions of the agent during this period.Hereby authorized.Grantor's signature: _________Authorization date: ____ year __ month __ day。
授权委托书-中英文版授权人:[姓名]被授权人:[姓名]一、授权内容本次授权人授权被授权人代表授权人进行如下事项:1. [具体授权事项一]2. [具体授权事项二]3. [具体授权事项三]......二、授权期限本次授权期限为[开始时间]至[结束时间],共计[天数]天。
六、解除与代理1. 本次授权委托书的授权可以被授权人书面申请解除。
2. 在授权期限内,如授权人需要撤回授权,应当书面通知被授权人,撤销授权凭证。
3. 被授权人代表授权人进行授权事项时,必须发扬诚信,保持机密性,并根据授权人的要求向其报告授权事项的执行情况。
七、其他条款1. 本授权委托书的效力受中华人民共和国法律法规的约束。
2. 本授权委托书未规定事项,以中华人民共和国相关法律法规为准。
3. 本授权委托书一式两份,由授权人和被授权人各执一份,具有同等效力。
中英文版授权委托书Authorization Letter授权人:[姓名]Authorized Person: [Name]被授权人:[姓名]Authorized Representative: [Name]一、授权内容The authorizer authorizes the authorized person to perform the following tasks on behalf of the authorizer:1. [Specifically authorized matter 1]2. [Specifically authorized matter 2]3. [Specifically authorized matter 3]......二、授权期限The authorization period of the authorization letter is from [start time] to [end time], a total of [day] days. After the authorization period expires, this authorization will automatically become invalid.三、授权范围The authorized person may exercise rights and fulfill obligations in accordance with the requirements of the specific authorization matters stated in this authorization letter in an appropriate manner. The authorized person may enter relevant places or buildings, or negotiate and signcontracts with third parties [in written or oral form]. However, when acting for the authorizer to carry out [specifically authorized matters], the authorized personshall abide by laws and regulations, learn and understand relevant knowledge, and ensure the smooth progress of the authorized matters.四、授权凭证The authorizer hereby verifies his/her identity and expressly authorizes the authorized person to perform the above-mentioned authorized matters on behalf of the authorizer. This authorization certificate takes effect from the date on which this authorization letter becomes effective and is only used to execute the authorized matters specified in this letter.五、法律责任If the authorized person causes damage to the interests of the company or individual due to carrying out the authorized matters, the authorized person shall bear legal responsibilities accordingly. If the authorized person violates the contents stated in this authorization letter, the authorizer has the right to revoke this authorization certificate.六、解除与代理1. The authorized person may apply for the termination of this authorization letter in writing.2. During the authorization period, if the authorizer needs to revoke the authorization, he/she shall notify theauthorized person in writing and revoke the authorization certificate. The authorized person shall not continue to exercise the authorized matters on behalf of the authorizer.3. When the authorized person acts on behalf of the authorizer to carry out authorized matters, he/she must mntn good fth, keep confidentiality, and report to the authorizer on the execution of authorized matters according to the authorizer's requirements.七、其他条款1. The effectiveness of this authorization letter is subject to the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.2. Matters not stipulated in this authorization letter shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.3. This authorization letter is in duplicate, with the authorizer and the authorized person holding one copy each, and both copies are equally effective.简要注释如下:1. 授权人:指授权他人行使某种权利或者代表自己办理某些事务的人。
授权委托书(中英对照)To Whom It May Concern:兹有中华人民共和国公民,身份证号:[身份证号码],以下简称“授权人”,现委托中华人民共和国境内合法注册的律师事务所,以下简称“受托人”,代表授权人办理以下事项:一、授权事项1. 授权受托人代表授权人办理[具体事项名称]的相关法律事务,包括但不限于起草、审核、修改、提交相关法律文件,参加诉讼、仲裁活动等。
2. 授权受托人根据授权事项的需要,向相关政府部门、企事业单位、社会团体或其他个人收集、提交必要的证据材料。
3. 授权受托人在办理授权事项过程中,如有必要,可聘请其他专业机构或个人提供辅助服务,相关费用由授权人承担。
二、授权范围1. 授权受托人在授权事项范围内,享有与授权人同等的权利和义务。
2. 授权受托人可自主决定办理授权事项的时间、地点、方式和方法。
3. 除非授权人提前书面解除授权,否则受托人可在授权期限内继续办理授权事项。
四、其他事项1. 授权人应承担受托人在办理授权事项过程中产生的所有费用,包括但不限于律师费、差旅费、材料制作费等。
2. 受托人在办理授权事项过程中,如发生损害授权人利益的情况,授权人有权要求受托人承担相应的法律责任。
3. 本授权委托书一式两份,授权人和受托人各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
授权人签名:____________________日期:____________________受托人单位名称:____________________受托人签字:____________________日期:____________________The above Power of Attorney is executed in both Chinese and English versions, with each version having the same legal effect.授权人签名:____________________日期:____________________受托人单位名称:____________________受托人签字:____________________日期:____________________Please note that the above is a sample Power of Attorney and should be tailored to meet your specific needs. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional before using this template.。
中英文版授权委托书兹授权委托人(以下简称“委托人”)委托受托人(以下简称“受托人”)代表委托人处理以下事宜:1. 代表委托人与第三方进行谈判、签订合同。
2. 代表委托人签署相关文件、协议。
3. 代表委托人处理与委托人业务相关的所有法律事务。
4. 代表委托人进行财务结算和支付。
5. 代表委托人处理与委托人业务相关的其他事宜。
委托人签名:日期:受托人签名:日期:Power of AttorneyThis Power of Attorney is made this day of _______, 20__, by the undersigned Principal (hereinafter referred to as"Principal"), who hereby appoints the undersigned Attorney-in-Fact (hereinafter referred to as "Attorney-in-Fact") to act on behalf of the Principal in the following matters:1. To negotiate and enter into contracts with third parties on behalf of the Principal.2. To sign related documents and agreements on behalf of the Principal.3. To handle all legal matters related to the Principal's business.4. To conduct financial settlements and payments on behalf of the Principal.5. To handle any other matters related to the Principal's business.This Power of Attorney shall be effective from the date of signing and shall remain in effect until the Principal provides written notice to the Attorney-in-Fact to terminate the appointment.The Principal hereby guarantees that any actions taken by the Attorney-in-Fact within the scope of the authorization shall be deemed as actions of the Principal, and the Principalshall be legally responsible for the actions of the Attorney-in-Fact.This Power of Attorney is executed in two copies, one for the Principal and one for the Attorney-in-Fact.Signature of the Principal:Date:Signature of the Attorney-in-Fact: Date:。
授权委托书中英文版授权委托书(中英文版)Authorization Letter (Chinese and English Version)授权人:[授权人姓名] Authorization Party: [Name of the Authorizer]身份证件号码:[身份证件号码] ID Number: [ID Number]受委托人:[受委托人姓名] Authorized Party: [Name of the Authorized]根据《中华人民共和国民法总则》和其他相关法律法规的规定,授权人特此委托受委托人代表授权人进行以下事项:In accordance with the provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China and other related laws and regulations, the Authorization Party hereby authorizes the Authorized Partyto act on behalf of the Authorization Party in the following matters:1. 出差和旅行安排1. Arrangements for business trips and travels- 授权受委托人代表授权人处理一切与出差和旅行有关的安排事宜,包括但不限于预订机票、酒店、租车以及办理签证手续等。
- Authorize the Authorized Party to handle all matters related to business trips and travels on behalf of the Authorization Party, including butnot limited to booking flights, hotels, rental cars, and handling visa procedures.2. 合同签署与管理2. Contract signing and management- 授权受委托人代表授权人与第三方进行合同签署,并对合同进行管理和履行。
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I, [Fill in the name of the principal], hereby authorize [Fill in the name of the authorized agent] to act on my behalf in the following matters:
1. Enter into contracts on my behalf.
2. Make decisions regarding my financial matters.
3. Represent me in legal proceedings as per the law.
This authorization is effective from the date of signing and remns in force until further notice.
[Signature of the Principal]: [Signature]
Date: [Date of signing]
1. 代表本人签订合同。
2. 处理本人财务事务。
3. 依法代表本人进行法律诉讼。
签署甲方(委托人):•法定代表人签字:____________•盖章:____________•日期:___________乙方(受托人):•法定代表人签字:____________•盖章:____________•日期:___________Authorization LetterTitleAuthorization LetterPrincipal’s Information•Principal (Party A): [Full Name of Party A]•Address: [Address of Party A]•Phone: [Phone Number of Party A]•Legal Representative: [Name of Legal Representative of Party A] Agent’s Information•Agent (Party B): [Full Name of Party B]•Address: [Address of Party B]•Phone: [Phone Number of Party B]•Legal Representative: [Name of Legal Representative of Party B] Authorization MattersParty A hereby authorizes Party B to handle the following matters due to [specific reason]:Scope of Authorization1.[Specific Authorization Matter 1]2.[Specific Authorization Matter 2]3.[Specific Authorization Matter 3]o Etc.Duration of AuthorizationThis authorization letter is valid from [Start Date] to [End Date].Place of AuthorizationThis authorization letter is applicable to [Place or Area of Authorization].Rights and Obligations of Both PartiesRights and Obligations of Party A•Party A has the right to supervise the agency actions of Party B and to require Party B to report the handling of agency affairs in a timely manner.•Party A shall provide Party B with necessary information and documents to enable Party B to carry out agency affairs smoothly.Rights and Obligations of Party B•Party B shall carry out agency affairs faithfully in accordance with the instructions and requirements of Party A.•Party B shall properly keep all documents and materials provided by Party A and return them to Party A after the completion of agency affairs.Legal Liability•If Party B violates the instructions of Party A or causes losses to Party A due to negligence during the agency process, Party B shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.•Party A shall ensure the authenticity and legality of the information and documents provided, otherwise, Party A shall bear all consequences arisingtherefrom.Dispute ResolutionAny dispute arising from this authorization letter shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, either party may submit the dispute to [the agreed arbitration institution or court] for arbitration or litigation.Other Terms•This authorization letter is made in two copies, each party holds one copy, and both have equal。
中英文版授权委托书授权委托书英文版:Authorization Letter本授权委托书(以下简称“本委托书”)由授权人(以下简称“委托人”)与受托人(以下简称“代理人”)共同制定并签署,用于明确委托人授权代理人在特定事务上代表委托人的权利和义务。
第一章委托人信息1-1 委托人姓名:1-2 委托人/护照号码:1-3 委托人联系地质:1-4 委托人1-5 委托人电子邮箱:第二章代理人信息2-1 代理人姓名:2-2 代理人/护照号码:2-3 代理人联系地质:2-4 代理人2-5 代理人电子邮箱:第三章授权事项3-1 授权事项描述:描述委托人授权代理人具体负责的事务范围。
3-2 授权期限:授权时间的起止日期,包括具体的开始日期和结束日期。
3-3 授权内容:具体委托人授权代理人可以执行的事项,包括但不限于签署文件、处理行政手续、代表委托人参加会议等。
3-4 收费方式:如有需要,说明代理人的服务费用以及支付方式。
第四章权力与义务4-1 权力:详细说明代理人在代表委托人执行授权事项时所拥有的权力。
4-2 义务:详细说明代理人在代表委托人执行授权事项时应履行的义务。
第五章终止与解除5-1 终止条件:描述委托人或代理人可以解除委托关系的条件,例如超过授权期限、双方协商解除等。
5-2 解除程序:描述委托人或代理人解除委托关系的具体流程和程序。
第六章附件本文档附带以下附件:(在这里列出附件的名称或描述)第七章法律名词及注释7-1 法律名词:(在这里列出本文档中涉及的法律名词)7-2 注释:(在这里提供对于本文档中法律名词的解释和注释)全文结束。
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授权委托书中英文对照版Authorization Letter (English Version)I, [YOUR NAME], [YOUR ADDRESS], [YOURCITY/STATE/PROVINCE], [YOUR COUNTRY], hereby authorize [AUTHORIZED PERSON’S NAME], [AUTHORIZED PERSON’S ADDRESS], [AUTHORIZED PERSON’S CITY/STATE/PROVINCE], [AUTHORIZED PERSON’S COUNTRY], to act on my behalf in the following matters:1.[SPECIFY MATTER 1]2.[SPECIFY MATTER 2]3.[SPECIFY MATTER 3]4.[SPECIFY MATTER 4]5.[SPECIFY MATTER 5]This authorization is effective from [START DATE] to [END DATE] and shall be revoked automatically upon the expiration of the aforementioned period.Signed,[YOUR SIGNATURE]Date: [DATE OF SIGNING]授权委托书 (中文版)我,[你的名字],住在[你的地址],[你的城市/州/省],[你的国家],特此授权[被授权人的姓名],住在[被授权人的地址],[被授权人的城市/州/省],[被授权人的国家],代表我处理以下事务:1.[事务1]2.[事务2]3.[事务3]4.[事务4]5.[事务5]本授权委托书有效期为[起始日期]至[结束日期],在到期后自动撤销。
第1篇授权委托书兹有本人(以下称“委托人”),因(以下具体说明授权委托事由,例如:购买房产、签订合同、参与诉讼等),特此委托(以下称“受托人”),代为处理以下事项:一、受托人有权代表委托人进行以下行为:1. 代表委托人与第三方进行洽谈、签订合同、履行合同等相关事宜;2. 代表委托人进行房产登记、过户、抵押等手续;3. 代表委托人进行诉讼、仲裁、调解等相关法律事务;4. 代表委托人进行其他委托人认为必要的法律行为。
委托人(签字):身份证号码:联系方式:受托人(签字):身份证号码:联系方式:以下是授权委托书的英文翻译样本:Authorization LetterThis is to certify that [Name of Principal], hereinafter referred to as "the Principal", for the purpose of [specify the reason for the authorization, e.g., purchasing property, entering into contracts, participating in litigation, etc.], hereby authorizes [Name of Agent], hereinafter referred to as "the Agent", to act on behalf of thePrincipal in the following matters:I. The Agent is authorized to perform the following acts on behalf of the Principal:1. Negotiate with third parties, sign contracts, and perform contractual obligations on behalf of the Principal;2. Handle property registration, transfer, and mortgage procedures on behalf of the Principal;3. Represent the Principal in legal matters such as litigation, arbitration, and mediation;4. Perform other legal actions deemed necessary by the Principal.II. When exercising the above rights, the Agent shall comply with national laws and regulations, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Principal, and keep the Principal's business secrets confidential.III. The Agent shall act in accordance with the Principal's instructions and shall not unilaterally change the authorized matters in this authorization letter without the written consent of the Principal.IV. In the event of any loss suffered by the Principal due to the fault of the Agent during the exercise of the authorization, the Agent shall assume corresponding legal liability.V. The term of this authorization letter shall be from the date of signature (or seal) to [specific date]. The Principal may terminate the authorization in writing before the expiration of the authorization period, and the Agent shall immediately cease exercising the authorization upon receipt of the notice.VI. This authorization letter is executed in two copies, one for the Principal and one for the Agent.VII. This authorization letter shall take effect upon the signature (or seal) of both parties.Principal (Signature):ID Number:Contact Information:Agent (Signature):ID Number:Contact Information:[Please note that this is a sample and should be customized according to the specific needs and legal requirements of the situation.]第2篇授权委托书中文版:授权委托书兹有本人(以下称“委托人”)因(具体事由,如:出差、商务谈判、法律诉讼等),特此授权(以下称“受托人”)代为处理以下事项:一、授权事项1. 代表委托人签订、修改、终止合同或协议;2. 代为收发文件、信函、邮件;3. 代为处理与上述事项相关的商务、法律、财务等事宜;4. 代为出席相关会议、谈判;5. 代为处理与上述事项相关的其他事宜。
Article 1: Scope of Authorization
1.1 To sign all contracts, agreements and other legal documents related to __________ (project name);
1.2 To handle all matters related to __________ (project name), including but not limited to communication, consultation and negotiation with third parties;
1.3 To collect all payments related to __________ (project name);
1.4 To handle all disputes and litigation matters related to __________ (project name).
中英文版授权委托书中英文版授权委托书【1】The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing___________(pany name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, munication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (pany name)and__________(pany name).Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.[Signature to be authorized] [Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address][Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number][Print name of pany] [pany chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature][Date][Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number][Print address]有权签字人委托书兹全权委托 X X X 先生(女士)和 X X X 先生(女士)代表本公司与贵公司签署货物买卖合同事宜,其代表本公司签署的合同、订单以及其他文件,本公司确认其法律效力。
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在法律英语中,Power of Attorney和Proxy 均可用作表示授权的委托书,区别在于Power of Attorney所指的被委托人应为律师,即具有律师身份,而Proxy则无此种要求,即被委托人一般不需具备律师身份。
I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.
Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__
STATE OF__(9)__(签名处)
COUNTY OF__(10)__
BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.
WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__.
I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.
Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__
STATE OF__(9)__(签名处)
COUNTY OF__(10)__
BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.
WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__.