光纤传感会议ofs学术poster展示模板 -回复
![光纤传感会议ofs学术poster展示模板 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/526e992c7f21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa3f.png)
光纤传感会议ofs学术poster展示模板-回复光纤传感会议OFS学术Poster展示模板光纤传感(Optical Fiber Sensing, OFS)技术是基于光纤传输的光学传感技术,利用光纤作为传感元件,通过检测光的强度、相位、频率等参数的变化来实现对物理量、化学量、生物量等的测量和监测。
为了推动OFS技术的创新与交流,光纤传感会议(Optical Fiber Sensing Conference, OFSC)每年举办一次,其中学术Poster展示是重要的环节之一。
1. 标题(Title)在展示模板中,首先要准确、简明地给出研究的主题。
2. 摘要(Abstract)摘要应该提供研究的背景、目的、方法、结果和结论等关键信息。
3. 引言(Introduction)在展示模板中的引言部分,需要对研究背景进行简要介绍,阐明该研究的重要性和应用前景。
4. 方法与实验设计(Methods and Experimental Design)在展示模板中的方法与实验设计部分,需要详细描述所采用的实验方法和设计。
5. 结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)在展示模板中的结果与讨论部分,需要展示实验结果并对其进行相关性分析和解读。
国际学术会议poster ppt模板
![国际学术会议poster ppt模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/45e49586cc22bcd126ff0c12.png)
This is where you should put your name and date
Type your words here: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus massa in leo. Integer et nulla. Aenean at nisl at tellus blandit fringilla. Curabitur nunc lorem, volutpat sed, malesuada sed, facilisis eget, arcu. Vivamus iaculis sapien in nisi. Duis id tellus id arcu consectetuer fringilla. Vivamus aliquet ante vel nulla. Donec imperdiet semper turpis. Ut posuere risus sed libero. Vivamus iaculis sapien in nisi. Duis id tellus id arcu consectetuer fringilla. Vivamus aliquet ante vel nulla. Donec imperdiet semper turpis. Ut posuere risus sed libero.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr4th QtrMa Nhomakorabean Text
non-distress vocalizations 48%
other 38%
Berlin Los Angeles Beijing
38 20 17 36
gaze 10%
smile 4%
Reactions to non-distress vocalizations
neutral vocalizations of low or middle intensity
Contingency toward infant signals in mother-infant dyads from Culture & different cultural environments development
Joscha Kärtner & Heidi Keller
Percentages of child events
Child N Girls 47.4% 61.9% 64.7% 47.1% 57.7% Firstborn** * 73.7% 71.4% 100.0% 40.0% 26.9%
Mother Age*** 34.0a (3.0) 34.5a (3.0) 27.9b (2.8) 29.0b (3.4) 30.2 (6.2) 29.0b (8.4) Education* ** 15.2a (3.4) 17.0a (1.6) 15.2a/b (3.0) 15.5a (1.4) 12.9b (1.8) 6.6c (1.9)
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)
Acknowledgements: Thank NYU for providing the educational polygonal heart model, Helena Hanninen from
Finite Element Meshing for Cardiac Analysis
Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang*, Chandrajit L. Bajaj*, Thomas J. R. Hughes*, Wing Kam Liu†, Grace Chen†, Xiaodong Wang#, Marius Lysaker‡, Christian Tarrou‡
Fig. 3. Boundary Detection
aortic valve tricuspid valve pulmonary valve mitral valve
Fig. 4. Material Layer Detection
Original foramen ovale
Modified foramen ovale
Fig. 1. Heart Anatomy Model from [4]
1.2 Mesh Extraction We choose the extended Dual Contouring method to construct the tetrahedral heart model from volumetric gridded data [2][3] because it takes isosurfaces as boundaries and can generate adaptive and quality meshes for complicated structures.
Fifty-one 12-month-old infants and their mothers participated in a larger 3-year longitudinal study.
▪Procedure & Measures
At 12 months
The quantity and quality of infants’ looking during interaction
▪ Twelve-month-olds were more likely to look at task objects than at their mother during teaching interactions.
▪ The infants who more frequent and longer look to mother’s face in the interaction showed high emotional recognition in toddlerhood.
▪Findings from this longitudinal study suggest that infants’ social looking to their mothers during interactions may provide an opportunity to explore and percept others’ emotions.
▪ However, longer looks to objects during social-oriented tasks were related to lower scores in recognizing highintensity emotions.
原创国际学术会议海报(poster)模板(英文)原创国际学术会议海报(poster)模板(英文)Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical TimeDomain Reflectometer (OTDR)Robb P. MerrillDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Utah IntroductionOptical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is a common technique for detecting damage in fiber optic cables. The process involves transmitting a pulse of light down the optical fiber, analyzing the amount of light reflected back to the source, and displaying the reflection patterns on the OTDR screen.During characterization of short fiber optic cables of approximately 1 meter, Fresnel reflections pose a serious challenge to accurate damage detection. The Fresnel tail obliterates any small reflections that are produced by damaged sections of cable, and the damage is overlooked.Simulation MethodThe Finite Difference Time Domain method [1] was implemented in MATLAB to simulate a pulse of light traveling through the patch and test fibers. The following parameters used in the simulation were obtained from an actual OTDR system: Index of refraction (n) of test fiber = 1.4525, Wavelength (λ) of light pulse = 850 nanometers [3] .Plotting the reflection response patterns from all four connection types shows that the Angled Physical Contact connector produced the lowest reflection (see Figure 6). Though much less expensive, Index Matching Fluid only has a lifetime of 2 years. Most optical fiber applications require 10 years life or more [3].Pulse DurationT o determine the effect of the light pulse duration on the saturation level of the OTDR unit, one period ofa raised cosine pulse was transmitted through the fiber at various frequencies. A pulse duration of 1 microsecond proved to be the most favorably responsive for the parameters of the simulation (see Figure 3). In realworld application, however, the duration must actually be smaller due to the relatively slow simulation speed vs. the physical speed of light.OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations 0.035 1 second 0.03 2 seconds 3 secondsAbnormalities in the fiber, such as bends, cracks, connectors, and other abrupt changes in the refractive index create reflection spikes called Fresnel ( Fre'-nel ) reflections [2]. After a spike is detected, a significant delay occurs when the reflectometer ‘settles down’ from its saturated state. This delay is called a Fresnel tail (Figure 1).Figure 1: OTDR screenshot showing reflection spike from cable connector, and resulting Fresnel tail (area marked by bracket)0.025Electric Field (V/m)0.020.01510.01Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)0.0050 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Travel Distance from Source (m) 4.5 5SummaryShort fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatestreduction in Fresnel reflection. By performing OTDRsimulations, an optical systems engineer could understand the behavior of a fiber network and detect potential problems before actual production.Figure 3: Simulated Fresnel Tail skews, then obliterates, the damage reflection at larger durationsConnector TypeThe index of refraction of the patch vs. the test fiber was allowed differ by up to 10%, which created a mismatch at the junction of the two fibers. Four types of connectors were simulated to determine which produced the lowest reflection magnitude.15x 10-3Ideal Reflection Characteristics (No OTDR Saturation)105Figure 2: Simulated ideal response showing fiber damage (small reflection bumps). Damage is visible because no Fres-nel tail is present.Electric Field (V/m)Figure 4: Common types of fiber optic connectors with relative reflection magnitudes shownReferences[1] Sadiku, N.O. Matthew. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics [2] Newton, Steven A. Novel Approaches to Optical Reflectometry [3] Knapp, John. Characterization of FiberOptic Cables Using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)0 2 2.5 3 Travel Distance from Source (m) 3.5Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical TimeDomain Reflectometer (OTDR)Robb P. MerrillDepartment ofElectrical and Computer Engineering - University of UtahIntroductionOptical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is a common technique for detecting damage in fiber optic cables. The process involves transmitting a pulse of light down the optical fiber, analyzing the amount of light reflected back to the source, and displaying the reflection patterns on the OTDR screen.During characterization of short fiber optic cables of approximately 1 meter, Fresnel reflections pose a serious challenge to accurate damage detection. The Fresnel tail obliterates any small reflections that are produced by damaged sections of cable, and the damage is overlooked.Simulation MethodThe Finite Difference Time Domain method [1] was implemented in MATLAB to simulate a pulse of light traveling through the patch and test fibers. The following parameters used in the simulation were obtained from an actual OTDR system: Index of refraction (n) of test fiber = 1.4525, Wavelength (λ) of light pulse = 850 nanometers [3] .Plotting the reflection response patterns from all four connection types shows that the Angled Physical Contact connector produced the lowest reflection (see Figure 6). Though much less expensive, Index Matching Fluid only has a lifetime of 2 years. Most optical fiber applications require 10 years life or more [3].Pulse DurationTo determine the effect of the light pulse duration on the saturation level of the OTDR unit, one period of a raised cosine pulse was transmitted through the fiber at various frequencies. A pulse duration of 1 microsecond proved to be the most favorably responsive for the parameters of the simulation (see Figure 3). In realworld application, however, the duration must actually be smaller due to the relatively slow simulation speed vs. the physical speed of light.OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations 0.035 1 second 0.03 2 seconds 3secondsAbnormalities in the fiber, such as bends, cracks, connectors, and other abrupt changes in the refractive index create reflection spikes called Fresnel ( Fre'-nel ) reflections [2]. After a spike is detected, a significant delay occurs when the reflectometer ‘settles down’ from its saturated state. This delay is called a Fresnel tail (Figure 1).Figure 1: OTDR screenshot showing reflection spike from cable connector, and resulting Fresnel tail (area marked by bracket)0.025Electric Field (V/m)0.020.01510.01Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)0.0050 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Travel Distance from Source (m) 4.5 5SummaryShort fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatest。
Doctors Technician Training Module
Natoque penatibus er Nulla facilisi Checklist ▪ A Morbi id ligula ▪ Magnis ▪ Cam sociia natoque ▪ Penatibus et magnis dis ▪ Montes, nascetur idiots ▪ Curabitur in metyus
faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna
nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient
Expected Results
Montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta
Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta.
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
East West North
4th Qtr
Montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta
学术海报英语作文Academic posters play a crucial role in the dissemination of research findings and ideas within the scientific community. These visual representations serve as powerful tools for effectively communicating complex information to a diverse audience, fostering collaboration, and advancing knowledge in various fields. Crafting an impactful academic poster requires a meticulous approach that balances the effective presentation of research outcomes with the strategic use of design elements.The primary objective of an academic poster is to concisely and clearly convey the essence of a research project or study. This concise format allows researchers to present their work in a visually engaging manner, enabling attendees at conferences or symposia to quickly grasp the key findings and implications. The poster should be structured in a way that guides the viewer through the research process, from the introduction of the problem or hypothesis to the methodology, results, and conclusions.One of the fundamental aspects of effective academic poster designis the strategic use of layout and organization. The poster should be divided into distinct sections, each with a clear and informative heading, to ensure a logical flow of information. This can typically include an introduction, a section on materials and methods, a presentation of results, a discussion of the findings, and a conclusion. By adopting a well-structured layout, the viewer can easily navigate the poster and quickly identify the most salient points.The selection of appropriate visual elements is another crucial consideration in academic poster design. Carefully chosen graphics, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, can effectively illustrate complex data and findings, making them more accessible to the audience. The use of high-quality images, clear and legible text, and a consistent color scheme can further enhance the overall aesthetic appeal and readability of the poster.In addition to the visual aspects, the textual content of the academic poster must be concise, informative, and engaging. Researchers should strive to strike a balance between providing sufficient detail to convey the significance of their work and maintaining a succinct and focused presentation. The use of clear and concise language, along with the strategic placement of key information, can help the viewer quickly grasp the essence of the research.Another important consideration in academic poster design is theeffective use of white space. Judicious use of white space can help to create a sense of balance and organization, guiding the viewer's eye through the various sections of the poster. This can also help to prevent the poster from appearing cluttered or overwhelming, which can detract from the overall impact of the presentation.The successful dissemination of research findings through academic posters often hinges on the ability to engage the audience and foster meaningful discussions. Researchers should be prepared to clearly and concisely explain the key aspects of their work, addressing any questions or concerns that may arise from the attendees. This interactive component of the academic poster presentation can lead to valuable feedback, collaborative opportunities, and the advancement of scholarly discourse.In the digital age, the importance of adapting academic poster design to online and virtual formats has become increasingly evident. With the growing prevalence of virtual conferences and online poster sessions, researchers must consider the unique challenges and opportunities presented by these digital platforms. Ensuring that the poster is optimized for digital viewing, with clear and legible text and high-quality graphics, can enhance the accessibility and impact of the research presentation.Furthermore, the integration of interactive elements, such asembedded videos or links to supplementary materials, can further enrich the digital poster experience and engage the audience in a more meaningful way. By embracing the evolving landscape of academic communication, researchers can leverage the power of technology to extend the reach and impact of their work.In conclusion, the crafting of an effective academic poster is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the research, a keen eye for design, and a commitment to clear and engaging communication. By striking a balance between the presentation of research findings and the strategic use of visual and textual elements, researchers can create posters that effectively convey the significance of their work and foster meaningful discussions within the academic community. As the landscape of scholarly communication continues to evolve, the importance of mastering the art of academic poster design will only become more crucial in the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of scientific progress.。
学术会议的交流主要有两种形式:oral 和poster,就是所谓的口头和张贴两种。
图一. poster 初稿从10点大约折腾到凌晨1点找素材,确定模板,然后睡觉去了。
我在晚上7点时候基本完成了这个poster,妹子给我挑了一些毛病,然后后面说“忽略那些小问题,我非常喜欢这个po ster哈!”(你丫敢不喜欢……)8点半左右基本定型了,明天早起再最后看一眼。
3. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Figure #1
ei会议 poster模板
![ei会议 poster模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a76ee22eae1ffc4ffe4733687e21af45b307fecd.png)
ei会议 poster模板一、概述EI会议 poster 模板是一种用于展示参会者在会议上研究成果的标准化格式,旨在向全球范围内的专家学者展示参会者的研究水平和成果。
本文将详细介绍EI会议 poster 模板的设计、制作和展示过程,帮助参会者更好地呈现自己的研究成果。
二、设计要素1. 标题:poster的标题应简明扼要,反映研究主题。
2. 背景:poster的背景颜色应以白色为主,简洁明了。
3. 主标题与副标题:主标题应突出研究主题,副标题则可用于补充说明研究细节。
4. 内容布局:poster的内容布局应合理,突出重点,避免杂乱无章。
5. 图片与图表:如有相关图片或图表,应清晰明了,易于理解。
6. 字体与字号:字体应选择易读性强、无过多花哨的字体,字号应适中。
三、制作步骤1. 确定主题:根据所参加的会议和研究内容,确定poster的主题。
2. 搜集资料:搜集相关文献、数据和图片,为poster的制作做好准备。
3. 设计模板:根据EI会议 poster 模板的要求,设计符合规范的模板。
4. 填写内容:按照模板要求,填写poster的主要内容,确保逻辑清晰、条理分明。
5. 添加图片与图表:根据需要,添加相关的图片和图表。
6. 校对与修改:仔细校对poster的内容,发现问题及时修改,确保无误。
四、展示技巧1. 摆正poster的位置:确保poster的摆放位置稳定,避免倾斜或摇晃。
2. 保证展示效果:确保poster的展示效果良好,光线适宜,布局合理。
3. 与观众互动:积极与观众互动,回答他们的问题,提高观众参与度。
4. 突出重点:在展示过程中,要突出研究重点和成果,让观众一目了然。
5. 配合讲解:如有需要,可以配合讲解员进行讲解,使观众更好地理解研究内容。
五、注意事项1. 格式规范:确保poster的格式符合EI会议的要求,避免出现排版错误或格式问题。
2. 内容真实:确保poster内容真实可靠,不夸大研究成果,不作虚假宣传。
学术会议 学术交流poster模板
![学术会议 学术交流poster模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/61faf0180508763230121226.png)
• In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam tellus.
Age (years)
60.9 + 9.2
17 (100)
Hormone therapy
9 (52.9)
Previous posterior repair
7 (41.2)
Defecatory symptoms
9 (52.9)
Bulge symptoms
15 (88.2)
20 O
O Factor
1 3* 5
24 6
24 6
*p < .05
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam in diam consectetuer odio blandit elementum. Morbi id ligula ac ligula adipiscing iaculis. Nulla risus lorem, molestie ac, scelerisque quis, gravida eleifend, wisi. Proin sapien ante, faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta. Integer diam. Mauris pellentesque aliquet elit. Curabitur hendrerit metus quis augue. Mauris rhoncus, magna vitae laoreet imperdiet, ligula dolor hendrerit quam, sit amet mollis augue nibh et lorem.
20 10 0
b a
20 10
• Contingent responses are additions, modifications and deletions of specific behaviors • We allow for settings with multiple caretakers to guarantee ecological validity (there were either 1 (11.5%) or 2-3 (4.8%) other persons besides the mother)
80 70
d a b/d
a a
contingency rate in %
60 c/d/e
n.s .
n.s .
b/c a/c a/c a/b b
analysis of caretakers’ behavior
b/d a/b/c/ d a
Percentages of child events
THEORETICAL BACKGROUND • To react contingently toward a baby’s signals is part of the universal intuitive parenting repertoire (Papoušek & Papoušek, 1991). In two recent studies vocalizing was the dominant modality followed by touching (Hsu & Fogel, 2003; VanEgeren et al., 2001) • Furthermore, there are culture-specific modulations: • Gusii mothers from rural Kenya predominantly reacted by holding and touching whereas Boston middle-class mothers reacted primarily by looking and vocalizing (Richman et al., 1992) • Japanese mothers reacted more by touching as compared to Euro-American mothers who used facial expressions and vocalizing more often (Fogel et al.,1988) Our study addresses the general occurrence of contingent responsiveness as well as the specificity of reactions using a multicultural design with mothers who differ with respect to their interactional preferences: • Mothers with an independent model of parenting (Berlin and Los Angeles) should use distal modalities more often, • Mothers with an interdependent model of parenting (rural Nso) should use proximal modalities more often, and • Mothers with an autonomous relational model of parenting (Beijing, Delhi, urban Nso) should use both distal and proximal modalities equally often PROCEDURE • Families were visited at home • 10 minutes free play interaction between the caretaker and her 3-month old baby was videotaped METHODS – modalities for contingent responsiveness: 1.Body contact (holding) 2.Body stimulation (touching) 3.Gaze (looking) 4.Smile 5.Facial expression (raised eyebrows, mouth open) 6.Vocalization (talking) 7.Object stimulation (toys) 8.Acoustical stimulation (flipping, rattling)
To solve diamond grits exact energy, we have designed an energy-absorbing device of impact-bearing bar, bolt with index plate; nut and horizontal beam (see Fig.2) .By adjusting the distance from the top of the impact-bearing bar to the anvil and making it lower than the height of the diamond grit tested, we can make sure that the energy sent to diamond grit by impact-bearing bar is just the right size for grit-fracturing while the superfluous energy is absorbed by the horizontal beam. Thus we can get exact strength value for each specimen by only one impact..
It can be seen from Fig.3 that as the energy of hammer changes when the hammer falls from different height, the impact fracture force F keeps no change and the relative error is less than 2%. In another word, the impact fracture force F is irrelative to the dropheight of hammer. It indicates that the superfluous energy has been absorbed by the energy-absorbing device and the device is obviously reliable
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
学术会议的交流主要有两种形式:oral 和poster,就是所谓的口头和张贴两种。
图一. poster 初稿
我在晚上7点时候基本完成了这个poster,妹子给我挑了一些毛病,然后后面说“忽略那些小问题,我非常喜欢这个po ster哈!”(你丫敢不喜欢……)8点半左右基本定型了,明天早起再最后看一眼。
比如A0,比如36x4 8cm等等。
•模板来源:/html/free_poster_templates.ht ml#42x90
图二. poster网站截屏
比如我这个例子,University of Rochester 心理系两位研究者发表的文章,我恰
好找到了罗村儿大学医学院的poster session的网站,学习了一个小时,就有数了(话说我真在里面看见了一个直接套用前面网站里母版一丁点儿都不改的poste
好比说诸位大侠决定了用什么样的布局,那就进入P PT的母版模式进入布局的修改(见图三)。
图三. PPT母版视图(好像英文版的叫Master Vi ew 之类的)
图四. Univ of Rochester 官网给出的配色建议
•字体和字号:字体的话中文建议类似“微软雅黑”的字体,英文建议类似“Helv etica”(Arial 就是模仿它!)的字体。
学术一点儿,叫无衬线字体(sans serif),说的是笔划的粗细大体一样。
一样,比如宋体、Times New Roman。
此外,文中正文不建议大段堆砌,建议用项目符号(Bullet Points)进行分割。
post er的标题可以不同于文章的标题,所以可以把标题起得“性感”一些,但不要违反科学性的原则。
这块儿一般还分为这么几个子版块:被试(participants),刺激(stimuli),条件(cond itions),程序(procedure)等,逐一介绍。