
二战英语自我介绍二战英语自我介绍Hello everyone, it is an honor to meet you all here today. My name is John, and I come from the United States. I am here to share some information about my role in World War II and to give a brief overview of my experience as an American soldier.Firstly, I would like to stress that World War II was a global conflict that brought all nations together to fightfor a common cause. Being of American descent, I felt fortunate to have the opportunity to fight for my country and the world as a whole. I enlisted in the army in the year 1942 and was sent to various locations around the world to fight for freedom and justice.During my time in the military, I trained hard to become an effective combat soldier. I was part of the Allied forces that invaded Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The objective was to push back the German forces and gain a foothold in France. It was not an easy task, but we were determined to succeed. The operation marked a pivotal moment in the war, and we played a critical role in securing victory on the Western front.Subsequently, I had several other combat experiences in Europe, including the Battle of the Bulge, one of the largest and bloodiest battles of World War II. The battle took place in the Ardennes forest in Belgium and was fought between American and German forces. Our objective was to push the Germans back and secure the vital ports of Antwerp. It was agrueling battle that tested our resilience, but we emerged victorious.In addition to my combat experience, I had the opportunity to interact with people from different parts of the world, which broadened my perspective about the diversity of cultures. I am grateful for the lifelong friendships I formed during that time.In conclusion, my experience in World War II was one of the most significant events in my life. It taught me the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. The war brought the world closer together, and although it came at a great cost, it also paved the way for peace and prosperity in the years that followed. Thank you for listening to my story.。

二战感想英语演讲稿带翻译World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries. In a state of "total war", the major participants threw their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources.The impact of World War II was profound and continues to shape the modern world. The war led to the emergence of the United States and the Soviet Union as superpowers, and the establishment of the United Nations as a forum for international cooperation. It also resulted in the devastation of much of Europe, and the establishment of the European Union as a means of preventing such destruction from ever happening again. The war also led to the decolonization of Africa and Asia, and the rise of independence movements around the world.For me, as a student of history, the impact of World War II is deeply significant. It is a reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of international cooperation in preventing such conflicts in the future. The sacrifices made by millions of people during the war should never be forgotten, and we must strive to learn from the mistakes of the past in order to build a more peaceful and prosperous world for future generations.In conclusion, World War II was a defining moment in human history, and its impact continues to be felt to this day. As we reflect on the lessons of the war, it is important to remember the human cost of conflict and the importance of working together to build a better world. Let us honor the memory of those who suffered and died during the war by striving for peace and cooperation in our own time.二战,也被称为第二次世界大战,是一场持续了六年的全球性战争,从1939年持续到1945年。

竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿worldwar2briefintroduce:Asweallknow,worldwar2,wasaglobalmilitaryconflict,la stingfrom1939to1945.Today,ldliketogiveyouabriefintr oduceaboutthiswar.worldwar2involvedmostofthecountryatthattime,includi ngallofthegreatpowers,anditdividedinto2opposingmili taryorganization:theAxisandtheAllies.now,letslookatpicture,theAlliesmainlycontains:Ameri ca,Thesovietunion,britainandchina,theAxiscontains:german,Italy,Japanandsoon.Then,letsknowabouttheleadersofmainlycountryduringth ewar.1.Adolfhitler:Thecorecharactersingermanyofworldwar2 .In1939,heagainstpolandwhichlaunchedthesecondworldw ar2.winstonchurchill:Inworldwar2heservedasprimeministeroftheunitedKingdo mfrom1940to1945andplayedaleadingrolewhoagainstgerma ndominationofeurope.3.stalin,Joseph:generalsecretaryofthecommunistpartyoftheunionofsovi etsocialistRepublics(ussR)from1922to1953,heisregard edasthedespoticruler.4.Roosevelt:,Althoughheisthedisabledperson,heisstillthegreatestl eaderofusAwhosparkedthefireofthewholecountrywithone heartnewspirit.note1:TheVersaillesTreatywasregardedasthefuseofthewar.not e2:nazi,thisnameisfullofattractive,butinfact,itisthesymbolofevil.Reason:Theoutbreakofwarhadlotsofcauses,butasfarasImconcern ed,themostimportantreasonsarethat.Inaword,duetothes eriouslyeconomiccrisis,theAxiswenttothewayoffascist .Theytriedtheirwholecountrypowerandresourcestodevel opthearmsandtoprepareforexpansion.Inthemeantime,TheAxiswerenotsatisfiedwiththeVersail lesTreatyandtheyallwantedtocontrolthewholeworld.whi le,unfortunately,theAlliesfacedtotheambitionsoftheA xisnegativelyandtheywerebusydevelopingtheeconomic.s o,afterthat,theworldwar2brokeout.process:Ineuro.breakoutInseptember,1939,germanylaunchedalighteningattackon polandwhichledbritainandFrancedeclaredwarongermany2 dayslater.Afterthat,germanycapturedFranceandsomeoth ersmallwesterneuropeancountries.Then,on1941.6.22,germanyopeningofthesecondfrontanda ttacktheussR.1.LeningradDefence:Inthenorth,thenorthernArmygroupsurroundedtheLeningr ad,itwasthesymbolofthecultureinthesoviet.Despitegre atsuffering,however,thepeopleofLeningradrefusedtosu rrender.whenfoodranout,peoplediedfromhungeranddisea se.Finally,theRedArmybrokethethree-yearsiegeofLenin gradonJanuary15,1944.Thiswaristhebloodiestbattlesin thehistoryofwarfare.2.Thebattleofmoscow:moscowisthecapitaloftheunionofsovietsocialistRepubl ics(ussR)anditisalsothelargestsovietcity.moscowwasr egardedasthepoliticalcenter,sostalinorderedthatallt heRedArmysoldiersshouldneverstepback.Thisbattlelast edforabout6month,andendedwiththevictoryofussRin1942 .01.07.3.Thebattleofstalingrad:bythesummerof1942.Inthesouth,thesouthernArmygrouppu shedeasttostalingrad,agreatindustrialcity,itwasthee conomiccentreofthesoviet.Thiswarwasamajorbattleofwo rldwarII.Duringthisbattle,thesovietgiventhegermanyA rmyaheavyblow.Afterwards,thegermancanneverleadedoff anattack.soitstheturningpointsofthewar.InAsian.Japanattackedtopearlharborin1941,12,7.ThenAmericajo inedthewar.Thebattleofsonghu:IntheAsianbattlefield.chinaplayedaveryimportantrole .shesufferedfromthemainattackofJapan,andshealsomade greatsacrificetoantifascist.class2Theturningpoints.石张磊7号normandylandings:In1944,thesecondeuropeanfrontwasop ened,britainandtheuslandedonthebeachesofnormandy.It meansgermanywilltrendtofailureinnearfuture.Finallybattles.AftertheAlliesoccupiedberlin,in1945,5,8.germanysurrendered.onAugust,1945,theusdropped2a tombombsonJapan,finally,Japanesesurrendered.Theworldwar2cametotheend.mythought:Inmyhumbleopinion,despitethenon,justtobehonest,thegermanyArmywasthemostpowerfulforc esinthattime.butAdolfhitlerhadmade3unforgivablemist akeswhichletgermanywenttofail.First,hedidnttryhisbesttobeatbritain,soheforcedtofi ghtontwofrontswhichletgermanyspentmoreresources.sec ond,hedidntovercametheLeninZiegler,sogermanyArmycou ldntsuccesstomeetwithFinland,thecountrywasattackedb ythesovietin1939,andthepowerfulnorthernArmygroupcou ldntgotosouthtosurroundthesovietArmy.Finally,themos timportantpointisthathitleradoptedapolicyofgenocide .Duetothatreason,manyenemywasforcedtodolifeanddeath struggle,thoughtheywerereluctantandhatetofight.Result:worldwar2letmorethan60millionpeoplelosetheirlivesan dgavepeopleendlesstrauma.but,intheotherside,manycou ntriesbecamesocialistordemocraticandmanycolonies(殖民地)wontheirindependence.ofcourse,inordertoavoidwarh appenagain,InApril1945,justattheendofthewar,theunit ednationsorganizationstartedinAmerica.Itisthemostim portantorganizationwhichiscommittedtomaintainingwor ldpeace.Tag:Ifyouareinterestedinworldwar2orevenhavesomedifferen tideas.Imverygladtocommunicatewithyouandtogiveyouso memoredetailsafterclass.Thankyouforlistening.篇二:关于战争英语演讲稿awordthatchangetheworldatthebottomofyourheart,cryou tfreedomabout4700yearsago,ourancestorhuangdicreatedanewnation,ineasternasia,fromtheqinunificationtotherevolutionledbysunya t-senin1911,ithasappearedatotalof83chinesedynasties。

二战自我介绍英语作文Hi there! I'm a World War II enthusiast and I'm here to share a bit about myself. I've always been fascinated by the history of this era and have spent countless hours reading about the battles, the leaders, and the impact it had on the world.I have a particular interest in the technological advancements that came out of World War II. The development of radar, the use of tanks and aircraft, and the creation of the atomic bomb all played a significant role in shaping the modern world.One of the most compelling aspects of World War II for me is the human stories. The bravery and sacrifice of the soldiers, the resilience of civilians, and the incredible stories of survival and heroism are all incredibly inspiring.I also find the political and social aspects of the warto be fascinating. The rise of dictators, the alliances formed between countries, and the impact on the home front all provide a rich tapestry of stories and lessons to be learned.In conclusion, World War II is a period of history that continues to captivate me. The sheer scale of the conflict, the diverse range of experiences, and the lasting impact it has had on the world make it a topic that I will continue to study and learn from for years to come.。

二战英文自我介绍I was born in a time of global upheaval, the 1940s, when the world was embroiled in the Second World War. Growing up amidst the echoes of war, I learned the value of resilience and unity.The war shaped my childhood, with stories of bravery and sacrifice from my parents who were part of the resistance. Their tales instilled in me a deep sense of justice and the importance of standing up for what's right.As a young adult, I witnessed the world rebuilding, a testament to the human spirit's ability to heal and move forward. This period taught me the power of hope and the necessity of perseverance.My education was heavily influenced by the post-war era, focusing on diplomacy and international relations. I was determined to contribute to a world that learned from its past and worked towards a more peaceful future.In my early career, I pursued opportunities that would allow me to understand different cultures and perspectives. This exposure broadened my worldview and reinforced my belief in the potential for global harmony.Throughout my life, I have been an advocate for peace and reconciliation, using my experiences to educate others aboutthe consequences of war and the importance of international cooperation.In my later years, I have dedicated myself to mentoring the younger generation, sharing my insights and encouraging them to be agents of change in their own communities.The lessons of the Second World War have been a constant reminder of the fragility of peace and the responsibility we all have to uphold it. My life's journey has been a testament to the power of resilience, hope, and the indomitable human spirit.。

抗战胜利英语演讲稿推荐抗战胜利英语篇【1】Now, our life is very beautiful. Can you, ever, to a happy life today? It's soldiers with their own hot hot blood. The price is too big. Today, let's look at the past!In the history of the Anti Japanese war in the article, I saw smoke billowing from the battlefield, Gunfire licks the heavens. One of the Eight Route Army covered with blood, sweat, struggling soldiers. Among mountains and woods, Qingsha Zhang, China under the leadership of the Communist Party of the anti-Japanese guerrilla athletes everywhere to be hero; yanlingdui, Wugong behind the team, railway guerrilla team, tunnel warfare, mine warfare, sparrow war...... The jiaokuang a Japanese invaders into a vast expanse of water in the people's war behind enemy lines. I also saw the 19 Route Army chief to accept the organization "death squads" before the departure of the instructions. Then, "one, two eight" of the war in Zhabei, the first burning. One of the 19 Route Army calmly. I also see war on January 27 afternoon, Japanese troops ready to fire on the news to live in North Sichuan Road in the vicinity of Shanghai residents have flocked to the concession of refuge. Finally, Cai Yankai commander Pro line......Broadsword of Songhu battle in the 800 heroes loyalty medal, "bloody Taierzhuang" enemy, "battle of Wuhan" shoot enemy booty seized more than 3000 people of Wanjialing victory... In the early days of the Anti Japanese War, millions of troops of the Japanese attack were fighting on the front face, to the Japanese with a heavy blow, crushing the Japanese militarism "quick fix" dream."Anti Japanese is born, no resistance to death, for resisting Japan and saving the nation has become sacred duty of every fellow!" "Tianjin critical! North critical! Critical of the Chinese nation! Only the whole nation to implement the Anti Japanese War, is our way out." "Adheere to the Anti Japanese War, the persistence of a protracted war, the United Front, the final victory is bound to be China's."The Communist Party of China, the first to blow the horn of resistance. 1937 "seven seven incident" outbreak. In the positive efforts of the Communist Party of China and the promotion, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to abandon scores together again, the Chinese nation comprehensive holy war from the prairie fire burning up.This field in September 3, 1945 to win the victory of the war of the past completely different 110 years ago Jia Wu war. From the beginning of 1840 to the 105 years of the war of resistance against Japan, almost all of the large and small imperialist countries have invaded China, and we only won the victory of the years ago. It is nearly 100 years of poverty and weakness of China for the first time in a national survival war victory, the victory changed the destiny of the Chinese nation, awakened the sleeping for centuries in China.The historian Chen Yinque once said: "in death, history can not be destroyed, because the History Compiling" my national spirit on the life and death of a big ". In 20xx, the victory of the war of resistance against Japan the xxth anniversary of the occasion, I understand the tragic and heroic history. As a Chinese student, no doubt, is duty bound, but it is a difficult to carry the task.The students, the soldiers is such a throwing head, sprinkleblood, with sweat and blood for the new china. Let us not forget national humiliation, Study hard, become the future of the motherland a man of tremendous promise to revitalize the Chinese nation!抗战胜利英语演讲稿篇【2】Yi ancestors do unremitting self-improvement, self capital! Seventy years ago, had strains tenacious Grass, break through the battlefield on a piece of coke ash; years of rain, years of wind, years of green olive wind and vertical. Had the lone eagle, looking for free in the sky fly; years of soaring, seventy years of tears, years of flourishing dreams, night after night, regression. Had a great people, giant lion sleep to wake the hands; years of Jing Road, years of glory, the seventy years of the souls of condensed immortal monument. Five thousand years of great China, 3000 dust, one billion three hundred million fellow Chinese people sixty years, guoqiuguhen zhuanghuai exciting...... How many deep culture, there are many deep suffering, how many deep suffering, how many unyielding cry, who reminded me the glorious dream, halberd shouts, who would dare to make the Chinese? Face the mountain, you will be feeling it magnificent; looking at the sea, you will marvel at its surging; looking up to a pine, you will praise the big vigorous; overlooking the grass, you praise its perseverance. Yes, that is because they are full of the Chinese nation for thousands of years of indomitable will, it is because they are the Chinese nation's cohesion of the Chinese nation for thousands of years unyielding essence. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation reason suffered hardships do not decline, after suffering and unyielding, tempered and more tenacious, rely on is the majestic righteousness, clank iron character of the soul stirring, rely on is the indomitable andunyielding national spirit. The crystallization of the wisdom of the nation, with simple and powerful, solemn and sacred, condensed into a healthy blood root, flashing above the original pale of ages. Today, let's look back together, and go back to the hard times. "Birth,, death is also a male ghost." One thousand years ago, Li Qingzhao sigh. "All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty." More than xx0 years ago, Wen Tianxiang Byung Hwan through the ages; "Infinite tears, who said heaven and earth wide." More than 300 years ago, Xia Wanchun magnificent. "A cavity blood treasure Qin, sprinkling can still go pictorial." One hundred years ago, Qiu Jin and clouds, "Victory! We win!" seventy years ago, forty thousand people China Putian wayzgoose fight a bloody battle For seventy years, we are far from the fire, but never put out the anger against the dark; we say goodbye to the war, but has been continued and the battle of ignorance. Numerous silent struggle, our ancestors with life in exchange for peace in, our fathers with hard earned Ankang, we and all over the world hobby freedom and peace of the people together, to defend this profusion beautiful land Without pretense, from nature, I'm Chinese, I love my motherland.。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, we stand at a momentous crossroads in history, a time when the lessons of the past can illuminate our path to the future. As we reflect on the heroic struggles of our ancestors during World War II, let us draw inspiration from their unwavering spirit and resilience. It is through the lens of their experiences that we can understand the true essence of American strength and the indomitable will that defines our nation.World War II was a crucible of human courage and despair, a time whenthe fate of the free world hung in the balance. In the face of overwhelming odds, the United States emerged not only as a victor but as a beacon of hope and freedom. The stories of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who fought and sacrificed their lives on distant shores are etched into the annals of history. Their bravery and determination remind us that the essence of America is not merely in our land or our resources, but in the very fabric of our spirit.Let us embark on a journey through the pages of time, tracing thethreads of our nation's resilience and the indomitable spirit that propelled us through the darkest days of the 20th century.The Call to ArmsThe early years of the 20th century were marked by a growing sense of international tension. As fascism and totalitarianism spread across Europe, the world teetered on the brink of a second global conflict. When the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 thrust the UnitedStates into the war, the nation was mobilized in a way that few could have imagined.The call to arms resonated across America, transcending social, economic, and cultural boundaries. Men and women from all walks of life stepped forward, volunteering to serve their country. The spirit of patriotic duty was pervasive, and it fueled a collective resolve that would define the war effort.The March to VictoryThe road to victory was long and arduous. It required not only military might but also unwavering resolve and innovation. The United States,with its vast industrial capacity, played a pivotal role in the Allied war effort. From the production lines that churned out planes, ships,and tanks to the minds that developed new technologies and strategies, America's contribution was indispensable.The battles of Stalingrad, Midway, Normandy, and Iwo Jima were turning points in the war. They were not just military victories but symbols of human perseverance and the refusal to surrender. The courage of our soldiers, who faced unimaginable horror and hardship, serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of America.The Unseen HeroesWhile the stories of battlefield heroes are well-documented, there are countless unsung heroes whose contributions were no less vital. The women who took on jobs in factories, the civilians who rationed and recycled, the families who supported their loved ones from afar—each played a role in the war effort.The spirit of unity and solidarity that emerged during World War II wasa powerful force. It transcended individual interests and emphasized the collective good. This spirit of unity is a reminder that when we stand together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.The Legacy of ServiceThe legacy of World War II is not merely the physical conquest of enemies but the profound impact it had on the fabric of American society. The war taught us the value of freedom, the importance of democracy, and the necessity of compassion. It was a lesson in the human condition, a reminder that we are all connected by a shared destiny.The veterans of World War II returned home with stories of heroism and loss. They carried the scars of war, both physical and emotional, but they also carried the seeds of a better future. Their service and sacrifice paved the way for the prosperity and peace that followed.Embracing the LegacyAs we honor the memory of those who fought and died during World War II, let us also embrace the legacy of their service. Their courage and determination remind us that in times of darkness, the light of hope can still shine brightly.Today, we face new challenges, new threats, and new uncertainties. But the spirit of America is as strong as ever. It is a spirit that demands that we stand up for what is right, that we fight for the values we hold dear, and that we never, ever give up.In closing, let us remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Let us draw strength from the courage of our ancestors and let their legacy guide us as we continue to build a brighter future for our children and our grandchildren.Thank you. God bless America. And may God bless the memory of those who fought and gave their all for our freedom.The Unwavering Spirit of America: Embracing the Legacy of World War IILadies and Gentlemen, the journey is ours to continue. Let us carry forward the torch of freedom, the beacon of hope, and the indomitable spirit of America. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and create a world that is worthy of the sacrifices made by those who came before us.God bless America. And may the legacy of World War II inspire us all to be the best versions of ourselves.。

Invasion in northern Europe 1940.4.9
In Norway
In Poland
French Debacle [dei'bɑ:kl]
• On May 10, 1940, the Germans decided to adopt "ManSiTanYin plan" of invasion of Poland, France and other western European countries. At the same time, the Germans to bypass the troops along the heavily fortified Maginot line, invade France.
the S.U.
Leningrad battle
Moscow battle
Battle of Stalingrad
Great Patriotic War ['pætri'ɔtik] 1941.6.22
• On July 3, 1941, Stalin broadcast speech to the people of the Soviet Union, the entire Soviet people are called on to unite,to go all out my desperate struggle with Hitler's Fascism,to outbreak of the soviet-german war.
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本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿World War 2Brief introduce:AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war.World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies.Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on .Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and played a leading role who against German domination of Europe.3.Stalin, Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler.4. Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of thewar.note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil .Reason:The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They triedtheir whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world.While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,afterthat ,the world war 2 broke out.Process:InEuro.Break outIn September,1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Polandwhich led Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later. After that , Germany captured France and some other small western European countries.Then ,on 1941.6.22, Germany opening of the second front and attackthe USSR.1. Leningrad Defence :In the north, the Northern Army Group surrounded the Leningrad ,itwas the symbol of the culture in the Soviet . Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. When food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. Finally ,the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad on January 15, 1944. This war isthe bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.The Battle of Moscow :Moscow is the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and it is also the largest Soviet city. Moscow was regarded as the political center ,so Stalin ordered that all the Red Armysoldiers should never step back. This battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of USSR in 1942.01.07.3.The Battle of Stalingrad :By the summer of 1942. In the south, the Southern Army Group pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the Soviet .This war was a major battle of World War II . During this battle, the Soviet given the Germany Army a heavyblow .Afterwards, the German can never leaded off an attack. So it's the turning points of the war.In Asian.Japan attacked to Pearl Harbor in 1941,12,7.Then America joined the war.The battle of SongHu :In the Asian battlefield .China played a very important role .She suffered from the main attack of Japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.Class2The turning points. 石张磊 7号Normandy landings : In 1944, the second European front was opened, Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy. It means Germany will trend to failure in near future.Finally battles. After the Allies occupied Berlin, in 1945,5,8. Germany surrendered. On August,1945 , the Us dropped 2 atom bombs on Japan ,finally ,Japanese surrendered .The World War 2 came to the end.My thought: In my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to behonest ,the Germany Army was the most powerful forces in thattime .But Adolf Hitler had made 3 unforgivable mistakes which let Germany went to fail.First ,he didn't try his best to beat Britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let Germany spent more resources . Second ,hedidn't overcame the Lenin Ziegler ,so Germany Army couldn't successto meet with Finland, the country was attacked by the Soviet in 1939,and the powerful Northern Army group couldn't go to south to surround the Soviet Army .Finally ,the most important point is that Hitler adopted a policy of genocide .Due to that reason , many enemy was forced to do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.Result:World War 2 let more than 60 million people lose their lives and gave people endless trauma .But ,in the other side ,many countries became socialist or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence .Of course ,in order to avoid war happen again ,In April 1945, just at the end of the war, the United Nations organization started in America .It is the most important organization which is committed to maintaining world peace.Tag:If you are interested in World War 2 or even have some different ideas. I'm very glad to communicate with you and to give you some more details after class.Thank you for listening.篇二:英语演讲稿英语演讲稿(附翻译)I believe in our futureHonorable Judges, fellow students: Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.。

二战英文演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to stand before you today to speak about the Second World War, a conflict that shaped the course of history and had a profound impact on the world.The Second World War, which lasted from 1939 to 1945,was a global conflict involving many of the world's nations. It was a war that engulfed the entire world and resulted in the loss of millions of lives. The war was fought onmultiple fronts, including in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, and it saw the widespread use of new and devastating weapons such as the atomic bomb.The causes of the Second World War are complex and multifaceted, but one of the primary causes was the aggressive expansionist policies of Nazi Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Hitler's desire for territorial expansion and his racist ideology led to the invasion of Poland in 1939, which prompted Britain and France todeclare war on Germany, thus setting off the globalconflict.The war saw the rise of powerful alliances, with the Axis Powers, led by Germany, Italy, and Japan, pitted against the Allies, which included Britain, the Soviet Union, the United States, and China, among others. The conflict resulted in a series of major battles and campaigns, including the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Midway, and the D-Day landings, which ultimately led to the defeat of the Axis Powers.The impact of the Second World War was far-reaching and long-lasting. The war resulted in the devastation of many countries and the loss of countless lives. It also led to the creation of the United Nations and the establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, laying the foundation for international cooperation and human rights protection.In addition, the war had a profound impact on the geopolitical landscape, leading to the division of Europe and the onset of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The war also brought about significant social and cultural changes, including the advancement ofwomen's rights and the recognition of the need for greater diversity and inclusion.In conclusion, the Second World War was a conflict of unprecedented scale and impact, and its legacy continues to shape the world to this day. It is important for us to remember the sacrifices made and the lessons learned from this tragic chapter in human history, and to strive for a future of peace, understanding, and cooperation.各位女士们,先生们,今天能站在这里向大家谈论第二次世界大战是我的荣幸。

二战英文演讲Ladies and gentlemen,Today, I stand before you to discuss one of the most pivotal events in human history - World War II. This global conflict forever altered the course of our world and left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of mankind.World War II began on September 1, 1939, when Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. The ensuing years witnessed a devastating series of military conflicts that engulfed nations across the globe. As the war intensified, alliances were formed and battle lines were drawn between the Axis powers, led by Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allies, consisting of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, among others.One cannot discuss World War II without acknowledging the immense suffering it inflicted upon millions of people. The war claimed the lives of approximately 70-85 million individuals, including soldiers and civilians alike. It witnessed the horrors of genocide, most notably the Holocaust, where six million Jews were systematically exterminated by the Nazis.Amidst this darkness, however, World War II brought out the greatest qualities of humanity - resilience, bravery, and sacrifice. Countless acts of heroism were displayed by soldiers on both sides, as they fought for what they believed in. From the D-Day landings on the beaches of Normandy to the Battle of Stalingrad, these moments encapsulated the determination of the Allied forces to defeat tyranny and preserve freedom.Moreover, World War II propelled advancements in technology and innovation. It saw the development and use of powerful weapons such as nuclear bombs, forever altering the nature of warfare. The war also transformed society, as women took on integral roles in the workforce while men were away at war.Ultimately, World War II concluded on September 2, 1945, with Japan's formal surrender. The war left behind a world forever changed and forced nations to confront the consequences of their actions. It led to the establishment of international organizations such as the United Nations, with the hope of maintaining peace and preventing such devastating conflicts in the future.As we reflect on the events of World War II, we must remember the sacrifices made by countless individuals, the valor displayed by soldiers on all fronts, and the enduring legacy of unity and resilience. It is our responsibility to ensure that the lessons of this war are never forgotten, so that we may forge a path towards a future marked by peace, understanding, and respect for all. Thank you.。

二战的英语作文The English Essay on World War II。
World War II was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, involving the majority of the world's nations, including all of the great powers, organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.The war began on September 1, 1939, when Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany. The war quickly spread throughout Europe, with Germany conquering much of the continent by 1940.In 1941, Germany launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union, breaking the non-aggression pact signed between the two countries. The Soviet Union, along with the United States, Britain, and other Allied powers, fought against Germany and its allies, including Italy and Japan.The war was fought on multiple fronts, including in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. It involved the useof new and devastating weapons, including the atomic bomb, which was dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.The war ended on September 2, 1945, when Japan signedthe Instrument of Surrender, officially ending the war. The Allies emerged victorious, but at a great cost. The war resulted in the deaths of an estimated 70-85 million people, including civilians and military personnel.The aftermath of the war included the establishment of the United Nations, the division of Germany into two separate states, and the beginning of the Cold War between the Western powers and the Soviet Union.World War II had a profound impact on the world,shaping the political, social, and economic landscape for decades to come. It remains a significant event in human history, reminding us of the devastating consequences ofwar and the importance of working towards peace and cooperation among nations.。

丘吉尔二战演说稿英文Ladies and gentlemen,We are standing at a crucial juncture in history. The world is engulfed in the flames of the most devastating war mankind has ever witnessed – World War II. In this darkest hour, I rise before you to rally our spirits and ignite our determination. This is not just a fight for survival; it is a battle for the principles we hold dear –freedom, democracy, and justice.Let me be clear, we have already faced tremendous setbacks and sufferings. Our cities have been reduced to rubble, our people have lost their homes, and our soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Yet, these hardships should not dampen our determination, but rather fuel our resolve.We must remember that our cause is just. We are fighting against the forces of tyranny and oppression that seek to undermine the very foundations of our society. We stand against Hitler and his Nazi regime, and the atrocities they have committed. We cannot, and will not, allow such evil to triumph.But let us not forget that victory will not come without sacrifice. Every single one of us must be prepared to give our all – be it on the battlefront or on the homefront. We must mobilize our industries, our resources, and our collective will to ensure that we are fully equipped to face whatever challenges lie ahead. Furthermore, let us never underestimate the power of unity. Together, we are stronger. We must forge alliances with othernations who share our values and are willing to stand shoulder to shoulder in this fight. United, we will be an indomitable force, capable of defeating even the most formidable adversaries.Lastly, we must not lose sight of the future we are fighting for. It is not just a world free from dictatorship, but a world where peace, justice, and prosperity prevail. A world where every individual has the right to live without fear, where children can grow up in a society that cherishes their dreams.To achieve this vision, we must never waver. We must march forward with unwavering determination, driven by the belief that the power of good will always triumph over evil. The road ahead may be treacherous, but we have faced adversity before, and emerged victorious.Together, let us rise to this challenge. Let us be the torchbearers of hope in this dark world. Let us prove to the world that, no matter the odds, we will always fight for what is right.Thank you.。

the S.U.
Leningrad battle
Moscow battle
Battle of Stalingrad
Great Patriotic War ['pætri'ɔtik] 1941.6.22
• On July 3, 1941, Stalin broadcast speech to the people of the Soviet Union, the entire Soviet people are called on to unite,to go all out my desperate struggle with Hitler's Fascism,to outbreak of the soviet-german war.
Nazi (国家社 • Nazi Germany and the Third 会主义工人党) Reich are the common
English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (AKA NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1945. Officially, the state was, as in the preceding Weimar Republic era, still called the Deutsches Reich (German Reich).

二战时期演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿World War 2Brief introduce:AS we all know ,world war 2,was a global military conflict ,lasting from 1939 to 1945. Today , l 'd like to give you a brief introduce about this war.World war 2 involved most of the country at that time , including all of the great powers, and it divided into 2 opposing military organization :the Axis and the Allies.Now, let 's look at picture , the Allies mainly contains : America, The soviet union , Britain and China , the Axis contains : German , Italy , Japan and so on .Then ,let's know about the leaders of mainly country during the war.1.Adolf Hitler: The core characters in Germany of World War2.In 1939,he against Poland which launched the Second World War2.Winston Churchill:In World War2 he served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945and played a leading role who against German domination of , Joseph :General secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1922 to 1953, he is regarded as the despotic ruler.4. Roosevelt:,Although he is the disabled person , he is still the greatest leader of USA who sparked the fire of the whole country with one heart new spirit.note1: The Versailles Treaty was regarded as the fuse of the war.note2: Nazi ,this name is full of attractive, but in fact ,it is the symbol of evil .Reason:The outbreak of war had lots of causes , but as far as I'm concerned , the most important reasons are that. In a word, due to the seriously economic crisis , the Axis went to the way of fascist. They tried their whole country power and resources to develop the arms and to prepare for expansion.In the meantime ,The Axis were not satisfied with the Versailles Treaty and they all wanted to control the whole world. While ,unfortunately ,the Allies faced to the ambitions of the Axis negatively and they were busy developing the economic . So ,after that ,the worldwar 2 broke out.Process:InEuro.Break outIn September,1939,Germany launched a lightening attack on Poland which led Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later. After that , Germany captured France and some other small western European countries.Then ,on , Germany opening of the second front and attack the USSR.1. Leningrad Defence :In the north, the Northern Army Group surrounded the Leningrad ,it was the symbol of the culture in the Soviet . Despite great suffering, however, the people of Leningrad refused to surrender. When food ran out, people died from hunger and disease. Finally ,the Red Army broke the three-year siege of Leningrad on January 15, 1944. This war is the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.2.The Battle of Moscow :Moscow is the capital of the Union of SovietSocialist Republics (USSR) and it is also the largest Soviet city. Moscow was regarded as the political center ,so Stalin ordered that all the Red Army soldiers should never step back. This battle lasted for about 6 month, and ended with the victory of USSR in3.The Battle of Stalingrad :By the summer of 1942. In the south, the Southern Army Group pushed east to Stalingrad, a great industrial city, it was the economic centre of the Soviet .This war was a major battle of World War II . During this battle, the Soviet given the Germany Army a heavy blow .Afterwards, the German can never leaded off an attack. So it's the turning points of the war.In Asian.Japan attacked to Pearl Harbor in 1941,12,7.Then America joined the war.The battle of SongHu :In the Asian battlefield .China played a very important role .She suffered from the main attack of Japan, and she also made great sacrifice to anti fascist.Class2The turning points. 石张磊 7号Normandy landings : In 1944, the second European front was opened, Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy. It means Germany will trend to failure in near future.Finally battles. After the Allies occupied Berlin, in 1945,5,8. Germany surrendered. On August,1945 , the Us dropped 2 atom bombs on Japan ,finally ,Japanese surrendered .The World War 2 came to the end.My thought: In my humble opinion ,despite the non ,just to be honest ,the Germany Army was the most powerful forces in that time .But Adolf Hitler had made 3 unforgivable mistakes which let Germany went to fail.First ,he didn't try his best to beat Britain , so he forced to fight on two fronts which let Germany spent more resources . Second ,he didn't overcame the Lenin Ziegler ,so Germany Army couldn't success to meet with Finland, the country was attacked by the Soviet in 1939, and the powerful Northern Army group couldn't go to south to surround the Soviet Army .Finally ,the most important point is that Hitler adopted a policy of genocide .Due to that reason , many enemy was forcedto do life and death struggle ,though they were reluctant and hate to fight.Result:World War 2 let more than 60 million people lose their lives and gave people endless trauma .But ,in the other side ,many countries became socialist or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence .Of course ,in order to avoid war happen again ,In April 1945, just at the end of the war, the United Nations organization started in America .It is the most important organization which is committed to maintaining world peace.Tag:If you are interested in World War 2 or even have some different ideas. I'm very glad to communicate with you and to give you some more details after class.Thank you for listening.篇二:丘吉尔二战演讲[丘吉尔二战演讲]丘吉尔二战演讲1940年,从伦敦白厅的地下深处,在那些被称为内阁战时用房的建筑群里,温斯顿丘吉尔拯救了英国,丘吉尔二战演讲。

Battle of Moscow (30 Sep 1941 - 7 Jan 1942 )
• The Battle of Moscow is the name given by Soviet historians to two
periods of strategically significant
fighting on a 600 km (370 mi) sector of the Eastern Front during
Stroke in Poland 1939.9.1
• Germany launched a lightening attack on Poland which let Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later.
In Euro Invasion in northern Europe
ROOT cause : Uneven
economic and l
Historical cause : The treaty of Versailles
Nazi (国家社 • Nazi Germany and the Third 会主义工人党) Reich are the common
English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (AKA NSDAP or the Nazi Party), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1945. Officially, the state was, as in the preceding Weimar Republic era, still called the Deutsches Reich (German Reich).

Ladies and Gentlemen,As we stand on this hallowed ground, surrounded by the echoes of history, it is with profound respect and a deep sense of purpose that I address you today. We gather not just to remember, but to honor the legacy ofthe Greatest Generation—a generation that faced the darkest hour of human history and emerged not only victorious but also as a beacon of hope for the world.The clouds of war hung heavy over Europe and Asia, casting a shadow of uncertainty and despair upon the innocent. Yet, in the face of this existential threat, America stepped forward with a resolve that would define our nation and the course of history. Today, I stand before youto invoke that same spirit, to call upon the unwavering spirit of America that led us through the trials of World War II.Let us remember the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who on December 29, 1941, addressed the nation in a speech that would resonate through the ages:"We have nothing to fear but fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreatinto advance."In those fateful days, fear was indeed a formidable foe. But it was not fear that drove us to battle. It was the unyielding determination to protect our freedoms, our families, and our way of life. It was the courage to face the unknown, to step into the abyss, and to emerge stronger than before.The story of America in World War II is a testament to the power of the human spirit. It is a story of ordinary men and women who rose to extraordinary heights, bound together by a common cause and a shared destiny.Consider the young soldiers who left their homes and families, theirlives and their dreams, to fight for a cause greater than themselves. They braved the cold of the Aleutians, the jungles of the Pacific, and the sands of North Africa. They faced enemy fire, starvation, anddisease, yet they never wavered. Their sacrifice and bravery are etched into the annals of history, a testament to the enduring strength of the American spirit.But the story of World War II is not just about the soldiers. It is also about the families left behind. The mothers and fathers, the sisters and brothers, who worried and prayed for their loved ones at the front. The children who grew up without their parents, who learned to live with the fear of loss. These silent heroes, whose strength and resilience were just as vital to the war effort, remind us that victory is not measured solely in terms of military success.In the face of such adversity, America's resolve was unbreakable. We banded together, each contributing our part to the war effort. Factories turned into assembly lines, producing the weapons and equipment needed to defeat the Axis powers. Citizens took to the home front, rationing food and goods, and working tirelessly to support the war effort. The entire nation was mobilized, united in a common purpose.The technological innovations of the war era were nothing short of miraculous. From the development of radar and sonar to the creation of the atomic bomb, America's ingenuity and resourcefulness played apivotal role in our ultimate victory. These advancements did not just change the course of the war; they laid the foundation for the technological revolution that would define the 20th century and beyond.But let us not forget the moral courage that guided us through those dark times. America stood as a beacon of freedom and democracy, a light in the darkness. Our leaders, like President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin, were united in their commitment to defeat tyranny and restore peace. Their words and actions inspired millions, giving them hope in the face of despair.Today, as we reflect on the sacrifices of those who fought and those who supported them, we must also consider the lessons we have learned. The Greatest Generation taught us that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. They showed us that unity and perseverance canovercome the greatest challenges. And they reminded us that the power of love and hope can overcome even the darkest times.As we stand on the cusp of a new era, with our own set of challenges and uncertainties, we must draw upon the spirit of those who came before us. The unwavering resolve that led America to victory in World War II is still within us. It is the same spirit that brought us through the Great Depression, that allowed us to land on the moon, and that has driven us to innovate and lead in every field of human endeavor.So let us not be daunted by the complexities of our time. Let us not be consumed by fear. Instead, let us embrace the spirit of America, the spirit of the Greatest Generation. Let us be bold, let us be courageous, let us be united in our pursuit of a better world.As we move forward, let us remember that the legacy of World War II is not just a story of past triumphs. It is a call to action, a reminder that we have the power to shape our destiny. It is a call to be the stewards of our values, the protectors of our freedoms, and the architects of a future that is bright and full of promise.Ladies and Gentlemen, let us honor the memory of those who fought and died for our country. Let us live up to the standards they set, the example they gave. Let us carry the torch of their sacrifice, and let it guide us as we continue to write the story of America.Thank you. God bless America. And may God bless us all.。

两次世界大战演讲稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,。
Today, I stand before you to speak about the two most devastating conflicts in human history the First and Second World Wars. These two global wars not only shaped the course of the 20th century, but also had a profound impact on the world we live in today. As we reflect on the lessons of the past, it is important to remember the sacrifices made and the valuable lessons learned from these tragic events.The First World War, also known as the Great War, erupted in 1914 and lasted for four long years. It was a conflict that involved many of the world's great powers, and resulted in the loss of millions of lives. The war was fought on multiple fronts, with trench warfare and new technologies such as tanks and chemical weapons changing the nature of combat. The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, officially ended the war, but its repercussions would be felt for decades to come.The Second World War, which began in 1939, was even more destructive and widespread than the first. It saw the rise of totalitarian regimes, the Holocaust, and the use of atomic weapons. The war involved countries from all over the world, and resulted in an estimated 70-85 million fatalities. It was a war that reshaped the global balance of power and led to the establishment of the United Nations, an organization dedicated to preventing such devastation from happening again.These two wars taught us the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and the preservation of peace. They showed us the horrors of war and the human capacity for both great evil and great courage. They also demonstrated the need for international institutions and the rule of law to prevent conflicts from escalating to such catastrophic levels.As we look back on these dark chapters of human history, we must not forget the sacrifices made by those who fought and died in these wars. We must honor their memory by working towards a world where such conflicts are never repeated. It is ourduty to learn from the mistakes of the past and strive for a future of peace, understanding, and cooperation.In conclusion, the two World Wars were defining moments in human history. They left an indelible mark on the world, and their legacy continues to shape global politics and society. As we move forward, let us remember the lessons of the past and work towards a world free from the devastation of war. Let us strive for a future where dialogue and understanding prevail, and where the sacrifices of those who came before us are never forgotten.Thank you.。
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竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除二战英语演讲稿篇一:二战英语演讲稿worldwar2briefintroduce:Asweallknow,worldwar2,wasaglobalmilitaryconflict,la stingfrom1939to1945.Today,ldliketogiveyouabriefintr oduceaboutthiswar.worldwar2involvedmostofthecountryatthattime,includi ngallofthegreatpowers,anditdividedinto2opposingmili taryorganization:theAxisandtheAllies.now,letslookatpicture,theAlliesmainlycontains:Ameri ca,Thesovietunion,britainandchina,theAxiscontains:german,Italy,Japanandsoon.Then,letsknowabouttheleadersofmainlycountryduringth ewar.1.Adolfhitler:Thecorecharactersingermanyofworldwar2 .In1939,heagainstpolandwhichlaunchedthesecondworldw ar2.winstonchurchill:Inworldwar2heservedasprimeministeroftheunitedKingdo mfrom1940to1945andplayedaleadingrolewhoagainstgerma ndominationofeurope.3.stalin,Joseph:generalsecretaryofthecommunistpartyoftheunionofsovi etsocialistRepublics(ussR)from1922to1953,heisregard edasthedespoticruler.4.Roosevelt:,Althoughheisthedisabledperson,heisstillthegreatestl eaderofusAwhosparkedthefireofthewholecountrywithone heartnewspirit.note1:TheVersaillesTreatywasregardedasthefuseofthewar.not e2:nazi,thisnameisfullofattractive,butinfact,itisthesymbolofevil.Reason:Theoutbreakofwarhadlotsofcauses,butasfarasImconcern ed,themostimportantreasonsarethat.Inaword,duetothes eriouslyeconomiccrisis,theAxiswenttothewayoffascist .Theytriedtheirwholecountrypowerandresourcestodevel opthearmsandtoprepareforexpansion.Inthemeantime,TheAxiswerenotsatisfiedwiththeVersail lesTreatyandtheyallwantedtocontrolthewholeworld.whi le,unfortunately,theAlliesfacedtotheambitionsoftheA xisnegativelyandtheywerebusydevelopingtheeconomic.s o,afterthat,theworldwar2brokeout.process:Ineuro.breakoutInseptember,1939,germanylaunchedalighteningattackon polandwhichledbritainandFrancedeclaredwarongermany2 dayslater.Afterthat,germanycapturedFranceandsomeoth ersmallwesterneuropeancountries.Then,on1941.6.22,germanyopeningofthesecondfrontanda ttacktheussR.1.LeningradDefence:Inthenorth,thenorthernArmygroupsurroundedtheLeningr ad,itwasthesymbolofthecultureinthesoviet.Despitegre atsuffering,however,thepeopleofLeningradrefusedtosu rrender.whenfoodranout,peoplediedfromhungeranddisea se.Finally,theRedArmybrokethethree-yearsiegeofLenin gradonJanuary15,1944.Thiswaristhebloodiestbattlesin thehistoryofwarfare.2.Thebattleofmoscow:moscowisthecapitaloftheunionofsovietsocialistRepubl ics(ussR)anditisalsothelargestsovietcity.moscowwasr egardedasthepoliticalcenter,sostalinorderedthatallt heRedArmysoldiersshouldneverstepback.Thisbattlelast edforabout6month,andendedwiththevictoryofussRin1942 .01.07.3.Thebattleofstalingrad:bythesummerof1942.Inthesouth,thesouthernArmygrouppu shedeasttostalingrad,agreatindustrialcity,itwasthee conomiccentreofthesoviet.Thiswarwasamajorbattleofwo rldwarII.Duringthisbattle,thesovietgiventhegermanyA rmyaheavyblow.Afterwards,thegermancanneverleadedoff anattack.soitstheturningpointsofthewar.InAsian.Japanattackedtopearlharborin1941,12,7.ThenAmericajo inedthewar.Thebattleofsonghu:IntheAsianbattlefield.chinaplayedaveryimportantrole .shesufferedfromthemainattackofJapan,andshealsomade greatsacrificetoantifascist.class2Theturningpoints.石张磊7号normandylandings:In1944,thesecondeuropeanfrontwasop ened,britainandtheuslandedonthebeachesofnormandy.It meansgermanywilltrendtofailureinnearfuture.Finallybattles.AftertheAlliesoccupiedberlin,in1945,5,8.germanysurrendered.onAugust,1945,theusdropped2a tombombsonJapan,finally,Japanesesurrendered.Theworldwar2cametotheend.mythought:Inmyhumbleopinion,despitethenon,justtobehonest,thegermanyArmywasthemostpowerfulforc esinthattime.butAdolfhitlerhadmade3unforgivablemist akeswhichletgermanywenttofail.First,hedidnttryhisbesttobeatbritain,soheforcedtofi ghtontwofrontswhichletgermanyspentmoreresources.sec ond,hedidntovercametheLeninZiegler,sogermanyArmycou ldntsuccesstomeetwithFinland,thecountrywasattackedb ythesovietin1939,andthepowerfulnorthernArmygroupcou ldntgotosouthtosurroundthesovietArmy.Finally,themos timportantpointisthathitleradoptedapolicyofgenocide .Duetothatreason,manyenemywasforcedtodolifeanddeath struggle,thoughtheywerereluctantandhatetofight.Result:worldwar2letmorethan60millionpeoplelosetheirlivesan dgavepeopleendlesstrauma.but,intheotherside,manycou ntriesbecamesocialistordemocraticandmanycolonies(殖民地)wontheirindependence.ofcourse,inordertoavoidwarh appenagain,InApril1945,justattheendofthewar,theunit ednationsorganizationstartedinAmerica.Itisthemostim portantorganizationwhichiscommittedtomaintainingwor ldpeace.Tag:Ifyouareinterestedinworldwar2orevenhavesomedifferen tideas.Imverygladtocommunicatewithyouandtogiveyouso memoredetailsafterclass.Thankyouforlistening.篇二:关于战争英语演讲稿awordthatchangetheworldatthebottomofyourheart,cryou tfreedomabout4700yearsago,ourancestorhuangdicreatedanewnation,ineasternasia,fromtheqinunificationtotherevolutionledbysunya t-senin1911,ithasappearedatotalof83chinesedynasties。