一、对照表以下是一个插件电容规格型号对照表,包含了常用的插件电容型号及其规格参数:型号容量(μF)电压(V)尺寸(mm)电极间距(mm)C1 1 50 6.3x11 2.5C2 2.2 50 7.3x13 2.5C3 4.7 50 7.3x13 2.5C4 10 50 9x15 5C5 22 50 11x19 5C6 47 50 13x21 5C7 100 50 16x25 7.5二、插件电容规格解读1. 容量(μF):容量是指插件电容可以存储的电荷量,单位为微法(μF)。
2. 电压(V):电压是插件电容可以承受的最大电压,单位为伏特(V)。
3. 尺寸(mm):尺寸是指插件电容的外形尺寸,单位为毫米(mm)。
4. 电极间距(mm):电极间距是指插件电容两个电极之间的距离,单位为毫米(mm)。
三、插件电容的选择和应用在实际应用中,选择合适的插件电容需要考虑以下几个因素:1. 容量选择:根据电路设计的要求,选择合适的容量。
2. 电压等级:根据电路的工作电压,选择符合要求的电压等级。
3. 尺寸匹配:根据电路板和元器件的尺寸要求,选择合适尺寸的插件电容。
Page-1Approval SheetforCarbon Film ResistorsCFR series±2% & ±5%YAGEO CORPORATIONHeadquarters: 3F, No.233-1, Pao Chiao Rd., Shin Tien, Taipei, Taiwan,R.O.C.Tel: 886-2-2917-7555 Fax: 886-2-2917-4286URL: Page-2Page-31. PRODUCT : CARBON FILM RESISTORS(Normal & Miniature Style)2. PART NUMBER : Part number of the carbon film resistor is identified by the name,power, tolerance, packing, temperature coefficient, special type and resistance value.Example :CFR -12 J T J 52 100RSeries Size Resistance Packing Temperature Special ResistanceName Code Tolerance Style Coefficient Type Value of Resistance(1) Style: CFR SERIES(2) Power Rating: -12=1/6W 、25S=1/4WS 、-25=1/4W 、50S=1/2WS 、-50=1/2W 、 1WS=1WS 、100=1W 、2WS=2WS 、200=2W(3) Tolerance: G=±2% J=±5%(4) Packaging Type : R =Paper Taping Reel T =Tape on Box Packing B =Bulk Packing(5) T .C .R : J=±350ppm/℃ — =lgnore(6) Special Type : 26=26mm 、52=52.4mm 、73=73mm 、 PN =PANAsert AV =AVlsert(7) Resistance Value: 1R 、10R 、100R 、10K 、100K 、330K 、1M………Page-43. BAND-CODE:4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTabe I*Standard resistance is 1Ω~ 10M Ω, below or over this resistance on request. *Rated Continuous Working Voltage (RCWV)=Value Resistance Rating Power ×FIG.1 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTPage-55. DERATING CURVE & HOT-SPOT TEMPERATURE6. DIMENSIONS7. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS(1) Short Time Over Load TestAt 2.5 times of the rated voltage. (If the voltage exceeds the maximum load voltage, the maximum load voltage will be used as the rated voltage) applied for 5 seconds, the resistor should be free from defects after the resistor is released from load for about 30 minutes and the change of the resistance value should be within ±(0.25%+0.05Ω) as compared with the value before the test.Page-6(2) Dielectric Withstanding VoltageThe resistor is placed on the metal V Block. Apply a Table I dielectric withstanding between the terminals connected together with the block for about 60 seconds. The resistor shall be able to withstand without breakdown or flashover.(3) Temperature Coefficient TestTest of resistors above room temperature 125°C to 130°C (Testing Temperature) at the constant temperature silicon plate for over 4 to 5 minutes. Then measure the resistance. The Temperature Coefficient is calculated by the following equation and its value should be within the range of requested.600010t t 1R R R t Coefficien e Temperatur sistor Re ×−×−=R= Resistance value under the testing temperature R 0= Resistance value at the room temperature t = The testing temperature t o = Room temperature(4) Insulation ResistanceApply test terminal on lead and resistor body. The test resistance should be high than 10,000 Mohm.(5) SolderabilityImmerse the specimen into the solder pot at 230±5°C for 5±0.5 seconds. At least 95% solder coverage on the termination.(6) Resistance to SolventThe specimen into the appropriate solvent of Methyleme Chloride condition ofultrasonic machine for 1 minutes. The specimen is no deterioration of coatings and color code.(7) Terminal StrengthDirect Load – Resistors shall be held by one terminal and the load shall be gradually applied in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the resistor unit the applied load reacheds 5 pounds. The load shall be held for 10 seconds. The load of weight shall be ≧2.5kg(24.5N).Page-7(8) Pulse OverloadApply 4 times of rated voltage to the specimen at the 1 second on and 25 seconds off cycle, subjected to voltage application cycles specified in 10000. The change of the resistance value shall be within ±(2%+0.05Ω).(9) Load Life in HumidityPlace the specimen in a test chamber at 40±2°C and 90~95% relative humidity. Apply the rated voltage to the specimen at the 1.5 hours on and 0.5 hour off cycle. The total length of test is 1000 hours. The change of the resistance value shall be within ±(1.5%+0.05Ω).(10) Load Life TestPlaced in the constant temperature chamber of 70±3°C the resistor shall be connected to the lead wire at the point of 25mm. Length with each terminal, the resistors shall be arranged not much effected mutually by the temperature of the resistors and the excessive ventilation shall not be performed, for 90 minutes on and 30 minutes off under this condition the rated D.C. voltage is applied continuously for 1000+48/-0 hours then left at no-load for 1hour, the change of the resistance value measured at this time to the value before the test shall be within ±(1.5%+0.05Ω). There shall be no remarkable change in the appearance and the color code shall be legible after the test.(11) Temperature Cycling TestThe temperature cycle shown in the following table shall be repeated 5 times consecutively. The measurement of the resistance value is done before the first cycle and after ending the fifth cycle, leaving in the room temperature for about 1 hour, the change shall be within ±(1%+0.05Ω). After the test the resistor shall be free from the electrical or mechanical damage.Temperature Cycling Conditions: Step Temperature(°C) Time (minute)1 +25+10 -5 10 to152 -65+0 -3 30 3 +25+10 -5 10 to15 4+150+3 -030Page-8(12) Resistance to Soldering HeatThe terminal lead shall be dipped into the solder pot at 350±10°C for 3±0.5 seconds up to 3 mm. The change of the resistance value shall be within ±(1%+0.05Ω).8. PACKING METHODS Bandolier for Axial leadsThe resistors are supplied on bandolier, either 1000 resistors in ammopack or 5000 resistors on reel.9. TAPE ON REEL PACKING & TAPE ON BOX PACKING10. SPECIAL TYPE (FORMING DIMENSIONS)。
其他 流体 回流 Yes 塑封编带 (180mm卷筒) 2000pcs
! Images are for reference only and show exemplary products. ! This PDF document was created based on the data listed on the TDK Corporation website. ! All specifications are subject to change without notice60AC
CGA5L1X7R1H106K160AC 纹波温度上升
CGA5L1X7R1H106K160AC(No Bias) CGA5L1X7R1H106K160AC(DC Bias = 25 )
Copyright(c) TDK Corporation. All rights reserved.
积层贴片陶瓷片式电容器 CGA5L1X7R1H106K160AC
Associated Images
Land Pattern (Terminal Connection)
3 of 3 Creation Date : April 23, 2020 (GMT)
电容 额定电压 温度特性 耗散因数 (Max.) 绝缘电阻 (Min.)
AEC-Q200 包装形式 包装个数
1 of 3 Creation Date : April 23, 2020 (GMT)
合格数量 不合格数量
机 型 数 量 绝缘电阻抽样检验
合格数量 不合格数量
10pcs 占比例 0pcs 占比例 合格 检验者 焊锡性
外观抽样 形 状
盖检验章√Βιβλιοθήκη ¢0.5mm 10 Pcs
电介质种类 X7R 检测日期 110nF 90nF 100% 0% 100VDC 湿度 100% 0% <80% 260 ℃ 核准者
pcs 抽样数量 机 型 数 量
TH2617 最高容量 10pcs 最低容量 10pcs 占比例 0pcs 占比例 TH2681 10pcs 电 压 档 位
插件独石电容承认书 抽检日期 2010.06.11 客户名称 规格型号 电容容量
产品名称 独石电容 批号 容 差 ± 10 % 测试温度 额定电压 20-25℃ 50VDC 100nF
W: 0.8 mm
片芯尺寸 L: 1.6 mm 导线尺寸
T: 0.8 mm
Polypropylene (PP) Film and Foil Capacitors for Pulse Applications in PCM 7.5 mm to 15 mmPulse duty constructionVery low dissipation factorNegative capacitance changeversus temperatureVery low dielectric absorptionAccording to RoHS 2002/95/ECTypical ApplicationsFor high frequency applications e.g.Sample and holdTimingLC-FilteringOscillating circuitsAudio equipmentDielectric:Polypropylene (PP) filmCapacitor electrodes:Metal foilInternal construction:Encapsulation:Solvent-resistant, flame-retardentplastic case with epoxy resin seal, UL94 V-0Terminations:Tinned wireMarking:Colour: Red. Marking: Black. Epoxyresin seal: Yellow.Capacitance range:100 pF to 0.22 μF(E12-values on request)Rated voltages:63VDC, 100VDC, 250VDC, 400VDC,630VDC, 1000VDCCapacitance tolerances:±20%, ±10%, ±5%Operating temperature range:-55°C to +100°CTest specifications:In accordance with IEC 60384-13 andEN 131800Climatic test category:55/100/56 in accordance with IECInsulation resistance at +20°C:> 5 x 105 M(mean value: 1 x 106 M)Measuring voltage:Ur = 63V: Utest = 50 V/1 min.Ur > 100V: Utest = 100 V/1 min.Dissipation factors at +20°C: tanTest voltage:2 Ur, 2 secMaximum pulse rise time:1000 V/μsec for pulses equal to the ratedvoltageDielectric absorption:0.05%Temperature coefficient:-200 x 10-6/°C (typical)Voltage derating:A voltage derating factor of 1.35% per Kmust be applied from +85°C for DC voltagesand from +75°C for AC voltages.Reliability:Operational life > 300000 hoursFailure rate < 5 fit (0.5 x Ur and40°C)Graphs:Soldering:Mechanical Tests PackingPull test on leads:10 N in direction of leads according toIEC 60068-2-21Vibration:6 hours at 10...2000Hz and 0.75mmdisplacement amplitude or 10g inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-6Low air density:Available taped and reeled.Detailed taping information:Example for ordering / Part number:1kPa = 10 mbar in accordance with IEC60068-2-13Bump test:4000 bumps at 390 m/sec2 inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-29Permissible AC voltagein relation to frequency at 10°C internal temperature rise (general guide)Polypropylene (PP) Capacitors for Pulse Applications with Double-Sided Metallized Electrodes and Schoopage Contacts inPCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mmPulse duty constructionSelf-healingVery low dissipation factor Negative capacitance changeversus temperature According to RoHS 2002/95/ECTypical ApplicationsFor pulse applications e.g. Switch mode power suppliesTV and monitor setsLightingAudio/video equipmentConstructionDielectric:Capacitance range: 1000 pF to 15 μF (E12-values on request)Rated voltages:100VDC, 250VDC, 400VDC, 630VDC, 1000VDC, 1600VDC, 2000VDC,2500VDCCapacitance tolerances:±20%, ±10%, ±5% Operating temperature range:-55°C to +100°C Climatic test category: 55/100/56 in accordance with IEC Insulation resistance at +20°C: C < 0.33 μF: > 1 x 105 MTest voltage: 1.6 Ur, 2 sec Dielectric absorption:0.05% Voltage derating:A voltage derating factor of 1.35% per K must be applied from +85°C for DCvoltages and from +75°C for AC voltages.Reliability:Operational life > 300000 hours Failure rate < 1 fit (0.5 x Ur and 40°C)Polypropylene (PP) filmCapacitor electrodes:Double-sided metallized plastic filmInternal construction:Encapsulation:Solvent-resistant, flame retardent plastic case with epoxy resin seal, UL 94 V-0Terminations:Tinned wireMarking:Colour: Red. Marking: Black. Epoxyresin seal: Red. (mean value: 5 x 105 M)C > 0.33 μF: > 30000 sec (M xμF)(mean value: 100000 sec)Measuring voltage: 100V/1 min.Dissipation factors at +20°C: tanMechanical Tests PackingPull test on leads:d < 0.8 ?: 10 N in direction of leadsd > 0.8 ?: 20 N in direction of leadsaccording to IEC 60068-2-21Vibration:6 hours at 10...2000Hz and 0.75mmdisplacement amplitude or 10g inaccordance with IEC 60068-2-6Low air density:1kPa = 10 mbar in accordance with IEC60068-2-13Bump test:4000 bumps at 390 m/sec2 in accordancewith IEC 60068-2-29Available taped and reeled up to andincluding case size 15x26x31.5 / PCM27.5mm.Detailed taping information:Example for ordering / Part number:Permissible AC voltage in relation to frequency at 10°C internal temperature rise(general guide)。
1. 插件电容的封装规格尺寸一般以毫米(mm)为单位进行表示。
2. 封装形式:插件电容通常采用直插式封装形式,即通过直接插入PCB板上的孔洞进行固定。
3. 引脚数量:插件电容的引脚数量根据其容量大小和功能需求来决定。
4. 引脚间距:插件电容的引脚间距一般为2.54mm(常规间距)或
5. 外壳尺寸:插件电容的外壳尺寸在不同厂家和不同型号之间可能存在差异。
6. 高度尺寸:插件电容的高度尺寸一般指从PCB板上表面到插件电容顶部的距离。
7. 其他尺寸参数:插件电容的其他尺寸参数可能包括引脚长度、引脚过插深度等,具体根据不同型号而定。
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Kamcap supercapacitor product specification τ 充电至0.632×UR的时间(s); R 串联电阻(Ω)。 选择R值使τ为60s~120s。 (7)设备:开关 直流电压表 电阻 函数记录仪
C 容量(F);
I 放电电流(A);
U1 测量初始电压(V); U2 测量终止电压(V); t1 放电初始到电压达到U1(s)的时间; t2放电初始到电压达到U2(s)的时间。 放电电流I及放电电压下降的电压U1和U2参见表2。
表2 – 放电条件
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Kamcap supercapacitor product specification 1 适用范围SCOPE:
Kamcap supercapacitor product specification
11 KAMCAP性能测试方法 (1)依据标准
IEC 62391-1《Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment – Part 1:Generic specification》
SE-5R5-D224VY 50
4800 270×195×95 415×295×310
1.60+0.40-0.0 2.00±0.20 2.50±0.20
2 类陶瓷介质 MLCC / Class2
25 50 16
25 50 16 25
50 100 16 25
50 100 16
25 50
类别 CLASS T.C. 尺寸规格 SIZE 额定电压
VOLTAGE 6 . 3 0201 10 4 6.3
2 类陶瓷介质 MLCC / Class2
10 16 25 6.3
10 16 25 6.3 10
16 25 50 6.3 10
16 25 50 16
1210 25 50
50 100 16
25 50
标称电容量符合 E12 系列
厚度 代码 厚度 mm 厚度 代码 厚度 mm 厚度 代码 厚度 mm
39nF 47nF 56nF 68nF
Murata LQW03AW_00系列芯片电容器(芯片导纳)参考规格书说明书
![Murata LQW03AW_00系列芯片电容器(芯片导纳)参考规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3a7bd05a854769eae009581b6bd97f192279bfae.png)
CHIP COILS (CHIP INDUCTORS) LQW03AW□□□□00□ REFERENCE SPECIFICATION1. ScopeThis reference specification applies to chip coils (chip inductors) LQW03AW_00 series for general electronic equipment.2. Part Numbering(Ex.)LQ W 03 A W 5N4 J 0 0 DProductID Structure Dimension(L × W)ApplicationandcharacteristicCategory Inductance Tolerance Performance ElectrodespecificationPackagingD: taping*B: bulk*B: Bulk packing is also available (taping condition: however, products without reels are put in plastic bags).3. Part Number and RatingOperating temperature range -55°C to +125°C (including self-generated heat)Storage temperature range -55°C to +125°CCustomer Part numberMurataPart numberInductance Q(900 MHz)(Typicalvalue)DCresistance(Ω max.)Self-resonantfrequency(GHz min.)Ratedcurrent(mA) Nominalvalue(nH)ToleranceLQW03AW1N0C00D1.0C:±0.2nH 48 0.03 19.0 900 LQW03AW1N1C00D1.1C:±0.2nH 41 0.06 19.0 660 LQW03AW1N7C00D1.7C:±0.2nH 41 0.07 19.0 600 LQW03AW1N8C00D1.8C:±0.2nH 37 0.10 19.0 520 LQW03AW1N9C00D1.9C:±0.2nH 41 0.08 19.0 620 LQW03AW2N0C00D2.0C:±0.2nH 42 0.10 19.0 490 LQW03AW2N1C00D2.1C:±0.2nH 35 0.16 19.0 400 LQW03AW2N2C00D2.2C:±0.2nH 33 0.16 19.0 400 LQW03AW2N7C00D2.7C:±0.2nH 46 0.06 15.0 720 LQW03AW2N8C00D2.8C:±0.2nH 44 0.08 14.0 600 LQW03AW2N9C00D2.9C:±0.2nH 41 0.10 13.0 540 LQW03AW3N0C00D3.0C:±0.2nH 34 0.22 14.0 350 LQW03AW3N1C00D3.1C:±0.2nH 48 0.07 12.0 720 LQW03AW3N2C00D3.2C:±0.2nH 48 0.08 10.0 580 LQW03AW3N3C00D3.3C:±0.2nH 47 0.11 11.0 520 LQW03AW3N4C00D3.4C:±0.2nH 43 0.15 11.0 440 LQW03AW3N5C00D3.5C:±0.2nH 43 0.15 12.0 440 LQW03AW3N6C00D3.6C:±0.2nH 36 0.23 11.0 340 LQW03AW3N7C00D3.7C:±0.2nH 38 0.23 11.0 340 LQW03AW3N9C00D3.9C:±0.2nH 48 0.07 11.0 650 LQW03AW4N3J00D4.3 J:±5% 45 0.12 11.0 480 LQW03AW4N7J00D4.7 J:±5% 45 0.09 9.5 620 LQW03AW5N1J00D5.1 J:±5% 45 0.14 9.5 480 LQW03AW5N4J00D5.4 J:±5% 46 0.21 9.5 420 LQW03AW5N6J00D5.6 J:±5% 37 0.33 8.3 330 LQW03AW5N8J00D5.8 J:±5% 47 0.16 8.8 460 LQW03AW6N2J00D6.2 J:±5% 39 0.22 9.9 360 LQW03AW6N8J00D6.8 J:±5% 42 0.18 7.7 460 LQW03AW7N5J00D7.5 J:±5% 41 0.24 7.5 400 LQW03AW8N2J00D8.2 J:±5% 40 0.26 8.5 290Customer Part numberMurataPart numberInductance Q(900 MHz)(Typicalvalue)DCresistance(Ω max.)Self-resonantfrequency(GHz min.)Ratedcurrent(mA)Nominalvalue(nH)ToleranceLQW03AW8N7J00D8.7J:±5% 39 0.42 7.5 290 LQW03AW9N1J00D9.1J:±5% 46 0.22 6.4 460 LQW03AW10NJ00D10.0J:±5% 37 0.46 7.2 250 LQW03AW11NJ00D11.0J:±5% 37 0.47 7.0 260 LQW03AW12NJ00D12.5J:±5% 39 0.54 6.0 280 LQW03AW13NJ00D13.0J:±5% 39 0.54 5.9 280 LQW03AW14NJ00D13.5J:±5% 37 0.53 6.0 240 LQW03AW15NJ00D15.5J:±5% 38 0.60 5.7 230 4. Testing ConditionsUnless otherwise specified Temperature: ordinary temperature (15°C to 35°C)Humidity: ordinary humidity [25% to 85% (RH)]In case of doubt Temperature: 20°C±2°CHumidity: 60% to 70% (RH)Atmospheric pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa5. Appearance and DimensionsUnit mass (typical value): 0.23 mg6. MarkingNo marking.7. Electrical PerformanceNo.ItemSpecificationTest method7.1 InductanceMeet chapter 3 ratings.Measuring equipment: Keysight E4991A or the equivalentMeasuring frequency: Inductance 250 MHz 1.0 nH to 3.9 nH 100 MHz 4.3 nH to 15.5 nH Measuring conditions:Measurement signal level: Approx. 0 dBm Measurement terminal distance: 0.3 mm Electrical length: 10.0 mmMeasuring fixture: Keysight 16197APosition the chip coil under test as shown in the measuring example below and connect it to the electrode by applying weight. Measurement example:Measuring method: see "Electrical performance: Measuring method for inductance/Q" in the chapter"16. Appendix".7.2 QMeet chapter 3 ratings.7.3 DC resistance Meet chapter 3 ratings. Measuring equipment: digital multimeter 7.4 Self-resonantfrequency Meet chapter 3 ratings.Measuring equipment: Keysight N5230A or theequivalent7.5 Rated currentProduct temperature rise: 20°C max.Apply the rated current specified in chapter 3.8. Mechanical PerformanceNo.ItemSpecificationTest method8.1 Bending testNo significant mechanical damage or no sign of electrode peeling off shall be observed. Test substrate: glass-epoxy substrate (100 mm × 40 mm × 0.8 mm) Pressurizing speed: 1 mm/sDeflection: 2 mm Holding time: 5 s8.2 VibrationAppearance shall have no significant mechanical damage.Oscillation frequency: 10 Hz to 55 Hz to 10 Hz, for approx. 1 minTotal amplitude: 1.5 mmTest time: 3 directions perpendicular to each other, 2 h for each direction (6 h in total)No.ItemSpecificationTest method8.3 Solderability90% or more of the outer electrode shall be covered with new solder seamlessly. Flux: immersed in ethanol solution [including anactivator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)%]with a rosin content of 25(wt)% for 5 s to 10 s. Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solderPre-heating: 150°C±10°C/60 s to 90 s Solder temperature: 240°C±5°C Immersion time: 4 s±1 s 8.4 Resistance tosoldering heatAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5%Flux: immersed in ethanol solution [including anactivator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)%] with a rosin content of 25(wt)% for 5 s to 10 s. Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solderPre-heating: 150°C±10°C/60 s to 90 s Solder temperature: 270°C±5°C Immersion time: 5 s±1 sPost-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h9. Environmental PerformanceThe product is soldered on a substrate for test. No. Item Specification Test method9.1 Heat resistanceAppearance: No significant mechanicaldamage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5%Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: 125°C±2°CTest time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h 9.2 Cold resistanceAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: -55°C±2°CTest time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h9.3 HumidityAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: 70°C±2°CHumidity: 90% (RH) to 95% (RH) Test time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h 9.4 Temperature cycle Appearance: No significant mechanicaldamage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Single cycle conditions:Step 1: -55°C±2°C/30 min±3 minStep 2: ordinary temperature/10 min to 15 min Step 3: +125°C±2°C/30 min±3 minStep 4: ordinary temperature/10 min to 15 min Number of testing: 10 cyclesPost-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h10. Specification of Packaging10.1 Appearance and dimensions of tape (8 mm width/paper tape)A (0.52)B (0.65) t 0.75 max.(in mm)10.2 Taping specificationsPacking quantity (Standard quantity) 10000 pcs/reelPacking method The products are placed in embossed cavities of a base tape and sealed by a cover tape.Feed hole position The feed holes on the base tape are on the right side when the cover tape is pulled toward the user. JointThe base tape and the cover tape are seamless.Number of missing productsNumber of missing products within 0.025% of the number per reel or 1 pc., whichever is greater, and are not continuous. The specified quantity per reel is kept.10.3 Break down force of tapeBreak down force of cover tape5 N min.10.4 Peeling off force of cover tapeSpeed of peeling off 300 mm/minPeeling off force0.1 N to 0.6 N (The lower limit is for typical value.)10.5 Dimensions of leader section, trailer section and reelA vacant section is provided in the leader (start) section and trailer (end) section of the tape for the product. The leader section is further provided with an area consisting only of the cover tape (or top tape). (See the diagram below.)10.6 Marking for reelCustomer part number, Murata part number, inspection number (*1), RoHS marking (*2), quantity, etc. *1 Expression of inspection No.: □□ ○○○○(1) (2) (3)(1) Factory code(2) Date First digit: year/last digit of yearSecond digit: month/Jan. to Sep.→1 to 9, Oct. to Dec.→O, N, D Third, Fourth digit: day (3) Serial No.*2 Expression of RoHS marking: ROHS- Y ( ) (1) (2)(1) RoHS regulation conformity(2) Murata classification number10.7 Marking on outer box (corrugated box)Customer name, purchasing order number, customer part number, Murata part number, RoHS marking (*2), quantity, etc.FCover tapetape165°to 180゜10.8 Specification of outer boxDimensions of outer box(mm) Standard reel quantity in outer box (reel)WDH186 186 935* Above outer box size is typical. It depends on a quantity of an order.11. Caution11.1 Restricted applicationsPlease contact us before using our products for the applications listed below which require especially high reliability for the prevention of defects which might directly cause damage to the third party's life, body or property. (1) Aircraft equipment (2) Aerospace equipment (3) Undersea equipment (4) Power plant controlequipment(5) Medical equipment (6) Transportation equipment (vehicles, trains, ships, etc.) (7) Traffic signal equipment (8) Disaster/crimeprevention equipment(9) Data-processing equipment (10) Applications of similar complexity and/or reliability requirements to the applications listed in the above11.2 Precautions on ratingAvoid using in exceeded the rated temperature range, rated voltage, or rated current.Usage when the ratings are exceeded could lead to wire breakage, burning, or other serious fault.11.3 Inrush currentIf an inrush current (or pulse current or rush current) that significantly exceeds the rated current is applied to the product, overheating could occur, resulting in wire breakage, burning, or other serious fault.11.4 Corrosive gasPlease refrain from use since contact with environments with corrosive gases (sulfur gas [hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, etc.], chlorine, ammonia, etc.) or oils (cutting oil, silicone oil, etc.) that have come into contact with the previously stated corrosive gas environment will result in deterioration of product quality or an open from deterioration due to corrosion of product electrode, etc. We will not bear any responsibility for use under these environments.12. Precautions for UseThis product is for use only with reflow soldering. It is designed to be mounted by soldering. If you want to use other mounting method, for example, using a conductive adhesive, please consult us beforehand.Also, if repeatedly subjected to temperature cycles or other thermal stress, due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion with the mounting substrate, the solder (solder fillet part) in the mounting part may crack.The occurrence of cracks due to thermal stress is affected by the size of the land where mounted, the solder volume, and the heat dissipation of the mounting substrate. Carefully design it when a large change in ambient temperature is assumed.12.1 Land dimensionsThe following diagram shows the recommended land dimensions for reflow soldering.The land dimensions are designed in consideration of electrical characteristics and mountability. Use of other landdimensions may preclude achievement of performance. In some cases, it may result in poor solderability, including positional shift. If you use other land pattern, consider it adequately.a 0.23b 0.65c 0.4(in mm)WDLabelH12.2 Flux and solder usedFlux• Use a rosin-based flux that includes an activator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)% to 0.1(wt)%. • Do not use a highly acidic flux with a halide content exceeding 0.2(wt)% (chlorine conversion value). • Do not use a water-soluble flux.Solder• Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder.• Standard thickness of solder paste: 80 μm to 100 μmIf you want to use a flux other than the above, please consult our technical department.12.3 Soldering conditions (reflow)• Pre-heating should be in such a way that the temperature difference between solder and product surface is limited to 150°C max.Cooling into solvent after soldering also should be in such a way that the temperature difference is limited to 100°C max. Insufficient pre-heating may cause cracks on the product, resulting in the deterioration of product quality. • Standard soldering profile and the limit soldering profile is as follows.The excessive limit soldering conditions may cause leaching of the electrode and/or resulting in the deterioration of product quality.Standard profile Limit profilePre-heating 150°C to 180°C/90 s±30 s 150°C to 180°C/90 s±30 s HeatingAbove 220°C/30 s to 60 sAbove 230°C/60 s max.Peak temperature 245°C±3°C 260°C/10 s Number of reflow cycles2 times2 times12.4 Reworking with soldering ironDo not perform reworking with a soldering iron on this product.12.5 Solder volumeSolder shall be used not to increase the volume too much.An increased solder volume increases mechanical stress on the product. Exceeding solder volume may cause the failure of mechanical or electrical performance.Limit ProfileStandard Profile90s±30s230℃260℃245℃±3℃220℃30s~60s60s max.180150Temp.(s)(℃)Time.12.6 Product's locationThe following shall be considered when designing and laying out PCBs.(1) PCB shall be designed so that products are not subject to mechanical stress due to warping the board. [Products direction]Products shall be located in the sideways direction (length: a < b) to the mechanical stress.(2) Components location on PCB separationIt is effective to implement the following measures, to reduce stress in separating the board.It is best to implement all of the following three measures; however, implement as many measures as possible to reduce stress.Contents of measures Stress level(1) Turn the mounting direction of the component parallel to theboard separation surface.A > D *1 (2) Add slits in the board separation part.A >B (3) Keep the mounting position of the component away from the board separation surface.A > C*1 A > D is valid when stress is added vertically to the perforation as with hand separation. If a cutting disc is used, stress will be diagonal to the PCB, therefore A > D is invalid.(3) Mounting components near screw holesWhen a component is mounted near a screw hole, it may be affected by the board deflection that occurs during the tightening of the screw.Mount the component in a position as far away from the screw holes as possible.12.7 Handling of substrateAfter mounting products on a substrate, do not apply any stress to the product caused by bending or twisting to the substrate when cropping the substrate, inserting and removing a connector from the substrate or tightening screw to the substrate. Excessive mechanical stress may cause cracking in the product.Bending Twisting〈Poor example 〉〈Good example〉ba12.8 CleaningThe product shall be cleaned under the following conditions.(1) The cleaning temperature shall be 60°C max. If isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is used, the cleaning temperature shall be 40°Cmax.(2) Perform ultrasonic cleaning under the following conditions. Exercise caution to prevent resonance phenomenon inmounted products and the PCB.Item RequirementPower 20 W/L max.Time 5 min max.Frequency 28 kHz to 40 kHz(3) CleanerAlcohol-based cleaner: IPAAqueous agent: PINE ALPHA ST-100S(4) There shall be no residual flux or residual cleaner. When using aqueous agent, rinse the product with deionized wateradequately and completely dry it so that no cleaner is left.* For other cleaning, consult our technical department.12.9 Storage and transportationStorage period Use the product within 12 months after delivery.If you do not use the product for more than 12 months, check solderability before using it.Storage conditions • The products shall be stored in a room not subject to rapid changes in temperature and humidity.The recommended temperature range is -10°C to +40°C. The recommended relative humidityrange is 15% to 85%.Keeping the product in corrosive gases, such as sulfur, chlorine gas or acid, oxidizes theelectrode, resulting in poor solderability or corrosion of the coil wire of the product.• Do not keep products in bulk packaging. Doing so may cause collision between the products orbetween the products and other products, resulting in core chipping or wire breakage.• Do not place the products directly on the floor; they should be placed on a palette so that they arenot affected by humidity or dust.• Avoid keeping the products in a place exposed to direct sunlight, heat or vibration.Transportation Excessive vibration and impact reduces the reliability of the products. Exercise caution whenhandling the products.12.10 Resin coatingThe inductance value may change due to high cure-stress of resin to be used for coating/molding products.A wire breakage issue may occur by mechanical stress caused by the resin, amount/cured shape of resin, or operatingcondition etc. Some resin contains some impurities or chloride possible to generate chlorine by hydrolysis under some operating condition may cause corrosion of wire of coil, leading to wire breakage.So, please pay your careful attention when you select resin in case of coating/molding the products with the resin.Prior to use the coating resin, please make sure no reliability issue is observed by evaluating products mounted on your board.12.11 Handling of product• Sharp material such as a pair of tweezers or other material such as bristles of cleaning brush, shall not be touched to the winding portion to prevent the breaking of wire.• Mechanical shock should not be applied to the products mounted on the board to prevent the breaking of the core.12.12 Handling with mounting equipment• With some types of mounting equipment, a support pin pushes up the product from the bottom of the base (paper) tape when the product is sucked with the pick-up nozzle.When using this type of equipment, detach the support pin to prevent the breaking of wire on the product.• In some cases, the laser recognition function of the mounting equipment may not recognize this product correctly.Please contact us when using laser recognition. (There is no problem with the permeation and reflection type.)13. Note(1) Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our product being mounted toyour product.(2) You are requested not to use our product deviating from the reference specifications.(3) The contents of this reference specification are subject to change without advance notice. Please approve our productspecifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering.14. AppendixElectrical performance: Measuring method for inductance/Q (Q measurement is applicable only when the Q value is included in the rating table.)Perform measurement using the method described below. (Perform correction for the error deriving from the measuring terminal.)(1) Residual elements and stray elements of the measuring terminal can be expressed by the F parameter for the 2-poleterminal as shown in the figure below.(2) The product's impedance value (Zx) and measured impedance value (Zm) can be expressed as shown below, by usingthe respective current and voltage for input/output.Zm=V1I1Zx=V2I2(3) Thus, the relationship between the product's impedance value (Zx) and measured impedance value (Zm) is as follows.Zx=αZm-β1-ZmΓHere,α=D/A=1β=B/D=Zsm - (1 - Yom Zsm) ZssΓ=C/A=YomZsm: measured impedance of short chipZss: residual impedance of short chip (0.480 nH)Yom: measured admittance when measuring terminal is open (4) Calculate inductance Lx and Qx using the equations shown below.Lx=Im (Zx)2πfLx: inductance of chip coilQx: Q of chip coilf: measuring frequencyQx=Im (Zx) Re (Zx)。
贴片电容的材质规格贴片电容的材质规格贴片电容(MLCC)Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor常规贴片电容按材料分为COG(NPO)、X7R、Y5V,常见封装有0201、0402、0603、0805、1206、1210、1812、2010。
上表可看出各个不同材料的温度特性一 NPO电容器NPO是一种最常用的具有温度补偿特性的单片陶瓷电容器。
二 X7R电容器X7R电容器被称为温度稳定型的陶瓷电容器。
三 Z5U电容器Z5U电容器称为”通用”陶瓷单片电容器。
NEC 钽电容规格书
![NEC 钽电容规格书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f3b0375168884868762d62b.png)
Test Conditions : Conform to IEC 60384-1
TEST CONDITION Derate voltage at 85°C at more 16V 12.8V 20V at 85°C at 105°C at 85°C at 120 Hz Voltage: Rated voltage for 5min. at 120 Hz at 100 kHz Temperature : 85±2°C Applied voltage : Surge voltage Series resistance : 33 ohm Duration of surge : 30±5 sec Time between surge : 5.5min. Number of cycle : 1000 Step 1: 25±2°C 0 Step 2: –55 –3 °C Step 3: 25±2°C 0 Step 4: 105–3 °C Parts shall be temperature cycled over a temperature range of –55 to +105°C, five times continuously as follow. 0 Step 1: –55 –3 °C, 30±3min. Step 2: room temp. , 10 to 15min. 0 °C, 30±3min. Step 3: 105–3 Step 4: room temp, 10 to 15min. Reflow soldering method 240°C, 10 sec.Max. *2 at 40°C at 90 to 95% RH 500 hour at 85°C at rated voltage 1000 hour at 105°C at Derated voltage 1000 hour at 85°C: rated voltage at 105°C: derated voltage Strength : 4.9N Time : 10±0.5sec. (two directions) at 100 kHz Conform to IEC60384–1 *1
三星电容规格书1. 引言本规格书旨在介绍三星电容的详细规格和特性。
2. 技术参数2.1 电容值三星电容提供多种不同的电容值,范围从几皮法到数百微法。
2.2 额定电压每个三星电容都有一个额定电压,表示其能够承受的最大工作电压。
2.3 容差三星电容的容差指标表明了其实际值与标称值之间的允许偏差范围。
2.4 工作温度范围三星电容适用于不同的工作温度范围,常见的工作温度范围包括-40℃至+85℃、-55℃至+125℃等。
2.5 极性部分三星电容是极性电容,需要按照正确的极性连接。
3. 材料特性3.1 介质材料三星电容的介质材料通常采用高质量的聚合物或陶瓷材料。
3.2 极板材料三星电容的极板通常采用优质金属,如铝或钽。
3.3 封装材料三星电容的封装材料通常采用环保型塑料或金属外壳。
4. 封装形式4.1 表面贴装型(SMD)三星电容可提供表面贴装型封装,方便在PCB上进行自动化焊接。
4.2 插件型三星电容也可提供插件型封装,适用于手工焊接或特殊应用场景。
5. 应用领域5.1 通信设备三星电容广泛应用于各种通信设备,如手机、无线路由器、基站等。
HCCCAP EDLCs 超级电容规格书说明书
![HCCCAP EDLCs 超级电容规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4b2da3b4534de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72f1f.png)
HCCCAP EDLCsSPECIFICATION HCCCAP超级电容规格书【PRODUCT】产品:HCCCAP EDLCs【MODEL】型号:HCAP-D5R5155-F北京合众汇能科技有限公司HCC ENERGY TECH.Co.,LTD.TEL:+86-10-82897371email:*******************1.适用范围Scope本产品规格书对产品的性能,测试方法进行了规范,作为技术确认的参照。
This specification describes,the product property and test method,and should serve as the reference for technical assurance.These data is only for reference,actual product data in different batches and different times may vary,with the actual receipt of the product as a prospective,exact parameters,please promptly to the manufacturers to verify.2.一般特性General Specifications1)产品性能Features●高能量密度Ultra High Energy Density●长寿命Long Usage Life●高低温性能Excellent Performance at High and Low Temperatures●环保Environmental Friendly●免维护Maintenance Free2)产品应用范围Typical Applications●智能电网及其它配套设备Smart grid and other ancillary equipment●智能三表Intelligent Three-ammeters●集中器Concentrator●故障指示器Fault Indicator●混合动力汽车HEV/EV●太阳能/风能Solar/Wind energy●电机启动Motor drive●后备电源Memory Back up Batteries3)标准测试条件在标准大气压,温度5~35℃,相对湿度小于85%条件下进行测试;本规格书标准测试条件为标准大气压,温度25℃,相对湿度小于60%。
超级电容规格书--BRP002R8L106FA (2.8V 10F)
![超级电容规格书--BRP002R8L106FA (2.8V 10F)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/54d23c3d0722192e4536f6e5.png)
型号 Part Number BRP002R8L106FA
存储能量,mWh Max. stored energy
额定电流,A Nominal current
重量,g 3.90
额定电流:充电至额定电压 U0,5s 放电至 1/2U0 的电流值;
◆ 包装规格 Packing Specification
步骤 4 满足初始规定值
漏电流 LC
满足初始规定值 30%范围内
耐久性 Endurance
小于等于初始规定值 4 倍
漏电流 LC 小于等于初始测量值
循环寿命 Cycle life
容量∆C ESR
满足初始规定值 30%范围内 小于等于初始规定值 4 倍
◆ 型号命名规则 Part Number System
卷绕 PC 系列-BRE 卷绕 AN 系列-BRP 纽扣 PC 常规-BCE 纽扣 4Φ小型-BCM 纽 扣 高 温 系 列 85 ℃ -BCT S组er合ie高s_B温C系T 列 85℃-BMT 组合 PC 系列-BME 组合 AN 系列-BMP 卷绕高比能量 AN 系列-BUP 卷绕高温系列 85℃-BRT 模组系列-BMS
恒流放电法测量: 1、恒流/恒压源的直流电压设定为额定电压(UR)。 2、设定规定的恒电流放电装置的恒定电流值。 3、将开关S切换到直流电源,在恒流/恒压源达到额定电压后恒压充电30min。 4、在充电30min结束后,将开关S变换到恒流放电装置,以恒定电流进行放电。 5、测量电容器两端电压从U1到U2的时间t1和t2,如图所示,根据下列等式计算电容量值:
村田制作所 电路板插件式 (DC用) EMI静噪滤波器 (EMIFIL) 说明书
![村田制作所 电路板插件式 (DC用) EMI静噪滤波器 (EMIFIL) 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e547f3e95ef7ba0d4a733bdf.png)
・详情请参见本公司网站“Murata's Approach for EU RoHS”(/info/rohs.html)。
12345624713646769818592目录本产品目录中的EMIFIL r 、EMIGUARD r 、“EMIFIL”和“EMIGUARD”是村田制作所的注册商标。
2DLW5BS(AH)DLW31SNFM41PNFA31C2220NFM55PNFE61PNFL21SNFA31GNFA21S开始开始片状EMIFIL r共模扼流线圈3EMI静噪滤波器选择指南品种一览表/有效频率范围4品种一览表/有效频率范围5品种一览表/有效频率范围6..............p.21–91............p.146–148BLM03BLM02BLA31BLM31BLM41BLM18BLM21BLM15BLA2ABL01BL02RN1BL02RN2BL03RN2片状铁氧体磁珠铁氧体磁珠电感器o 片状铁氧体磁珠o 铁氧体磁珠电感器" 片状铁氧体磁珠可在几MHz到几GHz频率范围内有效。
" 片状铁氧体磁珠可在低频范围内产生微小的电感。
DC用EMI静噪滤波器 (EMIFIL r ) 概要介绍7...............p.95–99p.103–105p.114–120.............p.150–158............p.121–122NFE31P NFE61P/HNFM21P NFM31PNFM21CNFM3DCDS-6DS-9DS-9HNFA31C NFA18S806040201510C=2200pF501005001000 NFM18PNFA21S片状EMIFIL r引线型EMIFIL rT型片状EMIFIL ro片状EMIFIL ro T型片状EMIFIL ro引线型EMIFIL r" 该电容器型EMI静噪滤波器对从几MHz到几百MHz的频率具有大噪声静噪效果。
M 20%
Current <50mA <50mA <50mA <50mA <50mA
Typical Example of Temperature characteristics
NPO~N750 SL:P350~N1000
48 3mm
Body diameter Body thickness Lead wire diameter Pitch of component Feed hole pitch Feed hole center to lead Hold center to component center Lead to lead distance Component alignment F-R Tape width Hold down tape width Hole position Hold down tape position
TOLERANCE 0.25pF 0.5pF
K 10%
M 20%
+80% -20%
+100% Guaranted Guaranted -0% Min.-Value Min.-Value
+350 -1000
CC 0805 K K X7R 9 B N 104
Code 1~2 Series Name CC = Multi-layer
chip cap. CA = Cap. Array CL=Low. Inductance
Code 3~6
Size Code
inches (mm)
0402 (1005)
Tanδ≤ 5% or ≤ 7%, 25V/50V depending on capacitance value
Tan δ ≤ 4%, 50V Tan δ ≤ 6%, 25V
Tanδ≤ 9% or ≤12.5%, Tan δ ≤ 9%, 16V 16V depending on capacitance value
Operation temperature range Temperature characteristic/coefficient (TC) Capacitance tolerance
C ≥ 10pF Tan δ ≤ 10 x 10-4
±10%, ±20%
Tan δ ≤ 2.5%, 50V Tan δ ≤ 2.5%, 25V Tan δ ≤ 3.5%, 16V Tan δ ≤ 5%, 10V
+30% to –80%
+22% to –56%
±20%, -20%~+80% ±20%, -20%~+80%
Tan δ ≤ 12.5%, 10V
Insulation resistance(IR)
H(max) 7.0 7.5 9.0 10 12 12.5
H(±0.5mm) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0
d(±0.5mm) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
额定电压 (V)
6.35±0.4 ±1.3max
CA42 类型
105 容量(μF)
插件钽电 容器
容量精度 额定电压
K=±10% M=±20%
4V=004 6.3V=006 10V=010 16V=016
20v=020 25V=025 35V=035
Max D.F(%)
+20 +85 -55℃
Max DCL(µA)
+85 +125℃
1.5~6.8 10~68
±10 ±15
10 I0 12.5 I0
10 8 10
12 10 12
壳号 A B C D E F
D(max) 4.4 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.2 8.5
CA42 型插件钽电容器
CA42 型插件钽电容器采用优质的防潮、阻燃性黄色环氧树脂粉末包封,激光打印,其具有 稳定性好、漏电流和介质损耗小、频率及温度特性好和寿命长等特性。适用于尖端军事、电 脑、汽车、通讯、高档家用电器等领域。本产品符合采用 EIC 384-3-1 标准制定的企业标准 QB/PWV-109-2003。
tdk贴片电阻电容规格书概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述引言部分将对整篇文章的内容进行概述,介绍文章所要讨论的主题以及相关背景信息。
1.2 文章结构本文按照以下结构组织:引言、TDK贴片电阻电容规格书概述、TDK贴片电阻规格书解释说明、TDK贴片电容规格书解释说明、结论。
1.3 目的本文旨在帮助读者更好地理解和应用TDK贴片电阻和电容的规格书。
2. TDK贴片电阻电容规格书概述:2.1 什么是TDK贴片电阻和电容:TDK贴片电阻是一种小型、高性能的电子元件,用于限制和控制电流流动。
2.2 TDK贴片电阻电容的特点和应用领域:TDK贴片电阻具有体积小、频率响应范围广、功耗低以及温度稳定等特点。
2.3 TDK贴片电阻电容规格书的意义和作用:TDK贴片电阻和电容规格书是厂商提供给客户的重要文档,它包含了元件的详细规格和参数信息。
Capacitor-EYANG电容 产品规格书
![Capacitor-EYANG电容 产品规格书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a23831dbb9f3f90f76c61b43.png)
尺寸 规格
额定电压 /UR 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V 50V 25V 16V 10V 6.3V
NP0(C0G、C0H) 0.1pF~470pF 100pF~1000pF — — — 0.47pF~3300pF 1000pF~4700pF — — — 1.0nF~10nF 10nF~33nF — — 12nF~33nF 0.1μF — — — 39nF~100nF 0.1μF — — — X7R 100 pF~0.01μF 0.01μF~0.047μF 0.1μF — — 100pF~0.1μF 0.056μF~0.22μF 0.18μF~1.0μF — — 0.1μF~0.33μF 0.47μF~2.2μF 0.68μF~2.2μF 4.7μF — 0.47μF~1μF 0.68μF~4.7μF 1.0μF~10μF 10μF — 1.5μF~3.3μF 2.2μF~10μF 10μF/ 22μF — — 2 X5R — 0.039μF/ 0.047μF/ 0.1μF 0.056μF/ 0.1μF 0.1μF /0.22μF / 1.0μF 0.22μF / 0.47μF/ 0.68μF / 1.0μF — 0.22μF~ 1.0μF 0.33μF~ 1.0μF 0.47μF ~2.2μF 1.0μF/2.2μF / 4.7μF — — 1μF 1.0μF~4.7μF 4.7μF~22μF — 3.3μF/4.7μF/10μF 2.2μF~10μF 2.2μF~10μF 10μF~47μF — 10μF~22μF 15μF~33μF 22μF~47μF — Y5V — 0.001μF~0.1μF 0.01μF~0.1μF 0.1μF~1.0μF 1.0μF 0.001μF~0.22μF 0.47μF~1.0μF 0.1μF / 1.0μF 1.0μF / 2.2μF 1.0μF / 4.7μF 0.47μF/1μF 2.2μF 4.7μF 10μF 22μF 2.2μF 4.7μF 10μF 22μF — 4.7μF/10μF 10μF/22μF 22μF/47μF 47μF —
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CD11型产品规格书CD11 Series Product Specification一、适用范围 Adapt Range本产品规格书适用于chang 牌CD11型铝电解电容器产品。
±20% (120Hz, +20℃)漏电流Leakage currentFor capacitance value >1000μF, add 0.02 per another 1000μFU R (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Z-25℃/Z+20℃ 5 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 Z-40℃/Z+20℃1210854333U R (V)160200250400450Z-25℃/Z+20℃ 3 3 4 8 10Z-25℃/Z+20℃,容量大于1000μF 者,每增加1000μF 阻抗比增加0.5 For capacitance value > 1000μF,Add 0.5 per another 1000μF for Z-25°C/ Z+20℃ Z-40℃/Z+20℃,容量大于1000μF 者,每增加1000μF 阻抗比增加1.0For capacitance value >1000μF,Add 1.0 per another 1000μF for Z -40℃/ Z+20℃续上表六、标称电容量、额定电压、浪涌电压与外形尺寸对应表Nominal capacitance, rated voltage, surge voltage and case size table.六、标志 Marking七、铝电解电容器的使用注意事项 Guidelines For Using Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor为使您获得电解电容器的最佳性能和延长电解电容器的使用寿命,在使用电解电容器器前,请务必阅读本注意事项。
Upon using Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ,please proper handing and observing to following important points will insure optimum capacitor performance and long life.1、直流电解电容器是有极性的 DC electrolytic capacitors are polarized.① ② ③确定极性,极性标志在电容器的基体上。
Make sure of the polarity .The polarity is marked on the body of the capacitor .Application of the reversed voltage cause a short circuit or damage to the capacitor .Use bipolar capacitors when the polarity is not determined or unknown . Note that DC electrolytic capacitors can not be used for AC application .2、使用电压不要大于额定电压Do not apply voltage greater than rated voltage .使用电压大于额定电压,漏电流会增大,可能损坏电容器。
If a voltage exceeding the rated voltage is applied ,the leakage current will increase , which damage the capacitor . Recommended working voltage is 70 to 80 percent of tatted voltage . Using capacitors at recommended working voltage prolongs capacitor life .3、不要使过量的纹波电流通过电容器Do not allow excessive ripple current through the capacitor .流过电容器的纹波电流超过许可值,将会引起电容器发热,电容量减少,损害电容器。
The flow of ripple current over permissible ripple current will cause heat of the capacitor ,which may decrease the capacitance and damage the capacitor .ripple current on the capacitor must be at or bellow allowable level .4、快速的充放电电路中,使用专门设计的电容器Use specially designed capacitors for the circuits where charge and discharge are frequency repeated .在经受快速的周期性充放电电路中,电容器可能受损害,它的寿命因容量下降、温升等原因而缩短,在这种电路中,一定要使用专门设计的电容器。
In the circuit subjected to rapid charge cycles ,capacitors may be damaged ,its life may be shortened by capacitance decrease ,heat rise , ect . Be sure and use special capacitors in these applications .5、工作温度范围Operating temperature range .电容器的特性随工作温度而变化,在温度较高的情况下,容量、漏电流增大,损耗减少;在低温情况下,容量和漏电流下降,损耗增大。
The characteristics of capacitors change with the operating temperature .The capacitance and leakage current increase and tgδdecrease at higher temperatures . The capacitance and leakage current decrease and tgδat increase lower temperature .Usage at lower temperature will ensure longer life .6、核对工作频率Check operating frequency .电解电容器的容量通常是在100Hz或120Hz下测得的。
The capacitance of electrolytic capacitors is usually measured at 100Hz or 120Hz . However ,remember that capacitance decrease and tgδincrease as the applied frequency becomes higher whereas the ambient temperature becomes higher .7、长时间存放的电容器,在使用前加额定直流电压处理Apply rated DC voltage treatment to the capacitors which have been stored for a long time .长时间的存放,实际对电容器的容量和tgδ没有多大的影响,然而往往会使漏电流增大,耐压降低。
Long periods of storage have virtually no ef fect no a capacitor’s capacitance and tgδ.Such periods tendhowever ,to increase leakage current and decrease withstand voltage .After removing capacitors fromlong-duration storage ,first apply a gradually increasing DC voltage to rated voltage and then use them.8、电容器外壳与阴极端是不绝缘的The capacitor case is not insulated from the cathodeterminal .电容器外壳与阴极端是通过电解液连接的,如果电容器的外壳必须与线路绝缘,则电容器的安装位置处,一定要采取绝缘出措施。
The capacitor’s case and cathode terminal connect through the electrolyte .If the case is to be completely insulated ,that insulation must be at the capacitor’s mounting point .9、电容器的端子或引线上不要施加过大的力Do not apply excessive force to the terminals and leads.过大的力施加到端子和引线上,可能引起引线的断裂或端子分裂,转而会引起内部连接的破坏。
The excessive strong force applied to the terminals and lead wires may cause leads to break or terminals to separate and ,in turn ,cause the internal contact to fail.CD11型产品规格书CD11 Series Product Specification 测试数据。