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when, while, as, before, after, since, until (till) once as soon as, the moment, the minute, immediately, directly, each/every time, the first time, the last time, next time, by the time,


Every/Each time I was in trouble, he would come to my help.

I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.

注意:(1)when, while, as的区别:


When I got to the airport, the plane had already taken off. (主先从后)(短暂性)

When I lived there, I used to go to the seaside on Sundays. (同时) (持续性)

When the movie ended, the people went back. (从先主后)


While we were chatting she was looking at the time table on the wall.


Sometimes I watch TV as I am having breakfast.


I was having a rest on the sofa when the telephone rang.

They were surprised that a child should work out the problem while they couldn't .


①…was/were doing…when…(正在做…突然)

②…was/were about to do…when…(刚要做…突然)

③…was/were on the point of doing…when…(刚要做…突然)

④…had just done…when….(刚一…就)

⑤Hardly/Scarcely had…done…when…(刚一…就)


1.Before I could get in a word, the tailor had measured me.(还没来得及…就)

2.We hadn't run a mile before he felt tired.(还没…就)

3.We had sailed 4 days before we saw land.(…才…)

4.Please write it down before you forget it.(趁还…没就)

(3)till (until) 和not…till (until)

1)till (until):主句谓语动词必须是持续性的,意思是“到…为止“如:

He remained there till/until she arrived.

2)not…till (until)…: 主句谓语动词必须是短暂性的,意思是“直到…才”如:She won't go to bed till/until he returns home.


强调句:It is not until he returns home that she will go to bed.

倒装句:Not until he returns home will she go to bed.


1)It was +时间点+when…(当的时候时间是)

It was 5 am when we arrived at the village.

2)It was/will be+时间段+before…(没过…就/过了…才)

It was/will be two weeks before we met/meet again.

3)It is /has been +时间段+since…(自从…以来有…)

It is/has been 3 years since we last met.


注意:在“It is /has been +时间段+since…”句型中,从句的动词必须是短暂性的,如果是延续性的动词,时间要从从句的动作结束时算起。如:

It is 3 years since I smoked.( 我戒烟有三年了)

补充:as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment, the minute, the instant, no

sooner…than…, hardly/scarcely….when….和once这些从属连接词引导的从句都表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作随即就发生,常译为“一…就…”。从句中一般时态代替将来时态。

every time, each time, next time, the first time, any time, all the time 等名词短语用来引导时间状语从句,表示“每当…..,每次…..;下次……”等。


1. It was quiet ________ those big trucks started coming through the town.

A. before

B. after

C. until

D. unless

2. It seemed only seconds ________ the boy finished washing his face.

A. when

B. before

C. after

D. even if

3. Hardly had he reached the school gate ________ the bell rang.

A. while

B. when

C. as

D. as soon as

4.We were told that we should follow the main road _____ we reached the central railway station.

A. whenever

B. until

C. while

D. wherever

5. I recognized you ________ I saw you at the airport.

A. the moment

B. while

C. after

D. once

6. He was about to go to bed ________ the doorbell rang.

A. while

B. as

C. before

D. when

7.________I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.

A. Every time

B. When

C. While

D. Until

8. _____ John was watching TV, his wife was cooking.

A. As

B. As soon as

C. While

D. Till

) ______ they saw the guard.

果园9. The children ran away from the orchard(

A. the moment

B. after

C. before

D. as

10. No sooner had I arrived home _____ it began to rain.

A. when

B. while

C. as

D. than

11. Several weeks had gone by _____ I realized the painting was missing.

A. as

B. before

C. since

D. when
