In the “Bible” (the Bible) the first chapter “The Creation” (Genesis) recorded that God decided to punish his bad subjects (wicked mankind) with heavy rains triggering major floods (deluge), the rain had fallen 40 days and nights, flooded the earth 150 days, only a virtuous Noah and the species on the ark survived.
4. Induced earthquake
As water, oil field activities such as water flooding caused by the earthquake known as the earthquake-induced. Such earthquake only in certain oil reservoir area or region.
As the volcano, such as magmatic activity and gas explosions caused by the earthquake known as the volcanic earthquake. Only in areas of volcanic activity may occur before the volcanic earthquakes, such earthquakes around the world accounts for only about 7 percent of the earthquake.
2. He _w_a_s _w_at_c_hi_ng_ (watch) TV when the doorbell rang.
3. I _w_a_s_sl_e_ep_in_g_ (sleep) when it started to rain.
(B ) 1. Which of the following is not a natural disaster?
home alone?
It’s raining. My house is all wet. Can I come in, Eddie?
Sure, come in.
I was sleeping when it started to rain.
Did you hear the rain?
Not until half an hour later. You must come home with me now.
A. Lightning B. A car accident C. Sandstorm D. Typhoon
( D)2. _________goes before thunder.
A. Typhoon B. Rain
C. Storm
D. Lightning
( C )3. A dog _______ the tree and died.
Unit 6 Natural disasters
Welcome to the unit
Task One
Talk about some common weather.
Task two
Learn about the bad weather.
3. I _w_a_s_sl_e_ep_in_g_ (sleep) when it started to rain.
(B ) 1. Which of the following is not a natural disaster?
home alone?
It’s raining. My house is all wet. Can I come in, Eddie?
Sure, come in.
I was sleeping when it started to rain.
Did you hear the rain?
Not until half an hour later. You must come home with me now.
A. Lightning B. A car accident C. Sandstorm D. Typhoon
( D)2. _________goes before thunder.
A. Typhoon B. Rain
C. Storm
D. Lightning
( C )3. A dog _______ the tree and died.
Unit 6 Natural disasters
Welcome to the unit
Task One
Talk about some common weather.
Task two
Learn about the bad weather.
International Day for disaster reduction
PART -03
从空间分布看 具有广泛性与区域性。
具有频繁性与不确定性、周 期性与不重复性从灾害间关 系看:具有联系性、关联性。
具有不可避免性、严重性, 但也具有可减轻性。
4、灾பைடு நூலகம்应对。
01 当遇到泥石流时,千万不要上树躲避,也不要停留在陡坡土层较 厚的低凹处,或躲在滚石或乱石堆后,更不能顺着沟谷往上或往 下跑。泥石流不像滑坡,树木会被连根卷起,土石块也会被挟裹 着往沟谷里倾泻。
02 在山谷中一旦遇到强降雨发生泥石流的时候,不要发慌,不要顺 着泥石流的方向逃生。遇到降雨出现泥石流的时候要果断判断出 安全路径逃生,路径要是与泥石流的方向垂直的方向向两边的山 坡上面爬,爬得越高越好,跑得越快越好,绝对不能往泥石流的 下游走。
International Day for disaster reduction
PART -02
“自然灾害”是指给人类生存带来危害或损害人类生活环 境的自然现象,
包括干旱、高温、低温、寒潮、洪涝、山洪、台风、 龙卷风、火焰龙卷风、冰雹、风雹、霜冻、暴雨、暴 雪、冻雨、大雾、大风、结冰、霾、雾霾、地震、海 啸、泥石流、浮尘、扬沙、沙尘暴、雷电、雷暴、球 状闪电、火山喷发等。
01 逃生时经过充满烟雾的路线,要防止烟雾中毒、预防窒息。为了防止火场浓烟呛入,可采 用毛巾、口罩蒙鼻,匍匐撤离的办法。烟气较空气轻而飘于上部,贴近地面撤离是避免烟 气吸入、滤去毒气的最佳方法。
自然灾害Natural Disasters
![自然灾害Natural Disasters](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/52f8113c376baf1ffc4fad3c.png)
Definition Natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts which affects human activities .
Reasons(Why natural disasters occur?)
There are two reasons:
自然原因) ①Natural causes(自然原因 自然原因 Take earthquake (地震 and rock and mud 地震) 地震 slides for example (泥石流) 泥石流) The earthquake is mainly due to the earth‘s movement change (地壳的运动变化 地壳的运动变化) 地壳的运动变化 The rock and mud slides chiefly because of successive torrential rains (连续的强降雨 ,In 连续的强降雨), 连续的强降雨 addition, the stability of the geological structure (地质结构的稳定性)is also very 地质结构的稳定性) important
自然灾害是影响人类活动自然风险,例如洪水, 自然灾害是影响人类活动自然风险,例如洪水, 干旱、泥石流、海啸、地震,风暴和沙尘暴。 干旱、泥石流、海啸、地震,风暴和沙尘暴。
The year 2008
Originally, the interior of the earth is filled with hot magma. Under tremendous pressure, the hot magma will break through the earth's crust and spouts out, causing the volcano. 原来,地球内部充满了热的岩浆。在巨大的压力下, 滚烫的岩浆会冲破地壳,喷出,造成火山。
Flash floods occur suddenly due to rapidly rising water along a stream or lowlying area. 山洪突然出现是由于迅速上涨的水沿着小溪或低 洼地区奔流而下。
How does a typhoon happen?
When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun, it evaporates(蒸发)into the air.This makes the air hotter. When the air gets warm enough,it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then,cooler air around it rushes in.It fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly,making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.
Originally, the interior of the earth is filled with hot magma. Under tremendous pressure, the hot magma will break through the earth's crust and spouts out, causing the volcano. 原来,地球内部充满了热的岩浆。在巨大的压力下, 滚烫的岩浆会冲破地壳,喷出,造成火山。
Flash floods occur suddenly due to rapidly rising water along a stream or lowlying area. 山洪突然出现是由于迅速上涨的水沿着小溪或低 洼地区奔流而下。
How does a typhoon happen?
When lots of sea water gets hot in the summer sun, it evaporates(蒸发)into the air.This makes the air hotter. When the air gets warm enough,it starts to move higher up into the sky. Then,cooler air around it rushes in.It fills the space that is left. After the air gets warmer, it starts to move quickly,making wind. The wind goes in circles, and it keeps moving higher in the sky. The warmer the air gets, the quicker the wind moves. And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second, a typhoon begins.
自然灾害是指由于自然异常变化造成的人员伤亡、财产损失、社会失稳、 资源破坏等现象或一系列事件。
Do you remember the 5 .12 Wenchuan earthquake? which seriously damaged more than 100 thousand square kilometers of the region, the 5. 12 Wenchuan earthquake caused many deaths, injured, and many people missing, the most devastating earthquake since the founding of China, and the worst casualties after the Tangshan earthquake. 你还记得5· 12汶川地震吗?它严重破坏地区 超过10万平方千米,5· 12汶川地震造成许多人死 亡和受伤,很多人失踪,是中国成立以来破坏力 最大的地震,也是唐山大地震后伤亡最严重的一 次地震。
Natural disasters
What is natural disasters
Natural disasters refer to phenomena such as casualties, property losses, social instability and resource destruction caused by natural anomalies, or a series of events.
澳大利亚昆士兰省布里斯班遭受30年来最强 风暴吹袭,强风及冰雹造成至少39人受伤,有飞 机及直升机被吹翻、大量建筑物玻璃窗碎裂、多 达9万户停电,估计损失达1亿美元。(2014年)
Do you remember the 5 .12 Wenchuan earthquake? which seriously damaged more than 100 thousand square kilometers of the region, the 5. 12 Wenchuan earthquake caused many deaths, injured, and many people missing, the most devastating earthquake since the founding of China, and the worst casualties after the Tangshan earthquake. 你还记得5· 12汶川地震吗?它严重破坏地区 超过10万平方千米,5· 12汶川地震造成许多人死 亡和受伤,很多人失踪,是中国成立以来破坏力 最大的地震,也是唐山大地震后伤亡最严重的一 次地震。
Natural disasters
What is natural disasters
Natural disasters refer to phenomena such as casualties, property losses, social instability and resource destruction caused by natural anomalies, or a series of events.
澳大利亚昆士兰省布里斯班遭受30年来最强 风暴吹袭,强风及冰雹造成至少39人受伤,有飞 机及直升机被吹翻、大量建筑物玻璃窗碎裂、多 达9万户停电,估计损失达1亿美元。(2014年)
02 涝
如已被卷入洪水中,在等待救援的过程 中一定要尽可能抓住固定的或能漂浮的 东西,留住一线生存机会,然后呼救,
预 03
01 洪
防 04
如果已被洪水包围,要保持清醒头脑, 第一时间逃离,然后设法尽快与当地防 汛部门取得联系,报告自己的方位和险 情,积极寻求救援。
02 洪涝灾害预防
需提前根据当地电视、广播等媒体提供的 洪水信息,结合自己所处的位置和条件, 冷静地选择最佳路线撤离,避免出现“人
斜坡发生丘状隆起,出现裂缝;井水、泉水水位突然 发生明显变化、水质浑浊。
溪流突然断流或洪水突然增大并夹带有 较多杂草、树木;沟谷发生巨大的轰鸣声
当发现陡坡上有土块、石块掉落,小垮 塌不断出现以及能够听到陡崖不断有响 声出现,这是山体崩塌初期最明显的征 兆。
在避险期间,如发现高压线铁塔倾斜或 者电线断头下垂时,一定要迅速远避, 防止直接触电或因地面“跨步电压”触 电而受到伤害。
03 滑坡泥石流预防
滑坡时的主要症状就是滑坡山坡上建筑物变形、树木 向一个方向倾斜;
滑坡时,斜坡最易发生垮塌,并且垮塌的边界不断向 上发展,局部沉陷;
They can destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was. ____________________________________________________________
• (1)(2010年高考江苏卷)The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _________the students to return to their classrooms. A. enabling B. having enabled C. to enable D. to have enabled
During class (课内探究):Ⅰ、词汇精研
• 1、cause
vt.引起;导致 n.原因;动机;事业;理想 cause sb. sth.=cause sth. to sb. 使……遭受…… cause sb./sth. to do sth.导致某人(物)做某事 cause and effect 因果
pick up 1、_______________ 卷起;掀起;拿起;拾起; put down 2、_______________ 放下;记下 3、_______________ 脱掉(衣服);去\拿掉;(飞机)起飞 take off 4、_____________________ on (an\the) average 平均来说 5、_______________ of all time 有史以来 6、_______________ end up with\in 以……结束\结果为…… 7、______________ set fire to sth 使着火;放火烧 →(同义词)________________ set sth on fire 8、_____________ catch fire 着火(表动作)→(表状态)__________________ be on fire 9、_______________ put out the fire 扑灭(vt.) →(vi.) 熄灭____________________ (the fire) go out 10、______________ take place 发生 11、____________ 总计;合计→(同义词) ____________________ in all in total 12、______________ lose one’s life 失去生命 13、 ______________ warn sb of sth 警告某人某事 14、do _______________________ much damage (to…) (对…… )造成严重损害
anizations in kaohsiung county WeiWuYing park jointly hold prays for "meeting, 88 flood victims. ZhuDao comfort against
• People found her when she kneel, her bosom is a child. Is really great motherly love. People found her leave words on cellphones, top write: my dear baby, if you're alive, we must remember that I love you.
Deeply miss those who have been died in the earthquake
• May 12, 2008, a strong earthquake happened in wenchuan 8 class, this is since the founding of destructive and the scope affected the largest earthquake. The wenchuan earthquake caused by the direct economic losses 8451 billion yuan. Death 69142 people missing 17551.
Touching examples
• When someone found him, his arms open lie prone on the desk, lying under four students and four students lived, but he himself is dead.He isTanqianqiu.
• People found her when she kneel, her bosom is a child. Is really great motherly love. People found her leave words on cellphones, top write: my dear baby, if you're alive, we must remember that I love you.
Deeply miss those who have been died in the earthquake
• May 12, 2008, a strong earthquake happened in wenchuan 8 class, this is since the founding of destructive and the scope affected the largest earthquake. The wenchuan earthquake caused by the direct economic losses 8451 billion yuan. Death 69142 people missing 17551.
Touching examples
• When someone found him, his arms open lie prone on the desk, lying under four students and four students lived, but he himself is dead.He isTanqianqiu.
Part 2
The causes of the earthquake.
What's the earthquake?
The cause of earthquakes is the movement of tectonic plates.(板块)
According to the earthquake origin(起源),it can be divided into many different types.They are as follows:
Introduction to the earthquakes
Part 1
Let's step close to r the Tangshan earthquake on July 28,1976?
• After the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Tangshan, China, in 1976, a mother had to save one of her kids. The mother finally chose to save her brother, but the sister survived and was adopted(收养) by the People's Liberation Army. Thirty-two years later, the family members meet unexpectedly.The pain brought by the earthquake will never be erased.(抹去)
Earthquake prevention
When an earthquake happens, we can not panic(惊慌) . We are excepted to run away in an orderly way.
英语教学课件系列 Natural disasters 自然灾害 主要任务 Main task
![英语教学课件系列 Natural disasters 自然灾害 主要任务 Main task](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2373f5b9ec3a87c24028c4be.png)
5. How did you feel? (1) frightened/excited/terrible/in fear/worried/sad… (2) screamed/shouted/calmed down…
Useful expressions for the last part
1. hear noise/cries/shouts… 2. saw people removed the snow/cleaned the
Write the introduction part
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
Sentence structure: It happened in Beijng, on 13th December. A snowstorm hit Beijing on 13th December. It was in Beijing. It happened on 13th December. ……
These words are useful:
First, Then, Next, Finally/At last
1. Finish the article. 2. Finish the exercises in exercise book.
Thank you.
after I heard the noise.
Complete the article
Paragraph 1 A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 2_8_t_h_J_a_n_u_a_r_y.It got worse in the afternoon. Paragraph 2 I was at _s_c_h_o_o_l _ and Mr Wu told us t_o_g_o__h_o_m_e_ early. Millie asked me to go to her house because I forgot to bring my keys. I _s_h_a_r_e_dan umbrella with her and then we walked to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. We could only hear the _w__in_d___ . __S_n_o_w___ continued to fall around us.
Useful expressions for the last part
1. hear noise/cries/shouts… 2. saw people removed the snow/cleaned the
Write the introduction part
Where did it happen?
When did it happen?
Sentence structure: It happened in Beijng, on 13th December. A snowstorm hit Beijing on 13th December. It was in Beijing. It happened on 13th December. ……
These words are useful:
First, Then, Next, Finally/At last
1. Finish the article. 2. Finish the exercises in exercise book.
Thank you.
after I heard the noise.
Complete the article
Paragraph 1 A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 2_8_t_h_J_a_n_u_a_r_y.It got worse in the afternoon. Paragraph 2 I was at _s_c_h_o_o_l _ and Mr Wu told us t_o_g_o__h_o_m_e_ early. Millie asked me to go to her house because I forgot to bring my keys. I _s_h_a_r_e_dan umbrella with her and then we walked to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. We could only hear the _w__in_d___ . __S_n_o_w___ continued to fall around us.
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Environmental awareness has increased among people. So, the earth is only one. We should protect it!
typhoo wind and rain from the sea
Very dry period with no rain
A mountain emitting fire
Such As ……
What the government do:
Carry out water conservancy projects (such as reservoirs)
Organize tree-planting to reduce greenhouse effects and global warming
Yeah .The calamities heartless but person has feeling! Because we are a big one family. We can help with each other! Maybe, for these natural calamities, we have no ways. But from now on, We can protect the environment.
A lot of water covering the ground
Falling ground or rocks
Sudden shaking of the ground
A large fire in the forest
A lot of dust blowing in the wind
A large wave on the beach
Natural calamities are very terrible,calamities have killed millions upon millions of people. Make a lot of people lost their homes and loved ones or relatives.
What the common can people do:
Save water in our daily life. for example, always turn the tap off properly after using it Refrain from polluting water Lead a low-carbon life to reduce greenhouse effects, for example, …. Donate to drought-stricken areas Work as volunteers to help the people there
Develop water-saving agriculture; save water in irrigation
Introduce drought-resistant crops
Ban water-consuming projects in dry areas Prevent water pollution by factories so that more water can be used Restrict factories 'carbon dioxide emissions to reduce greenhouse effects
As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse,because now there are so many natural calamities in our world.