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1.Can Mary sing an English song?

A.Sorry,I don't know.B.Yes.she can.C.No.she cant.


2.How does Dave usually get to school?

A.He takes the subway.B.He takes the bus.C.He walks.


3.Where are they talking?

A.In the library.B.In the hospital.C.In the post office.


4.What's Mary's favorite animal?


5.What did Carol do on a farm last weekend?


How much is that blue T﹣shirt?


7.When is Bill's birthday?

A.On September 3th.B.On September 4th.C.On September 5th.


8.What was Bob doing at the time of the rainstorm?

A.Cleaning in the classroom.B.Reading in the library.C.Eating in the kitchen.听下面一段对话,回答下面各小题

9、What club does Jim want to join?

A.A chess club.B.A sports club.C.An art club.

10、Can Jim play soccer or volleyball?

A.He can play soccer.B.He can play volleyball.C.He can play basketball.


11、What's the matter with Ben?

A.He has a toothache.B.He has a cold.C.He has a headache.

12、What should he do right now?

A.Drink some hot water.B.Have a rest.C.See a dentist.


13、What does Anna often do on weekends?

A.She often goes shopping.

B.She often plays basketball.

C.She often plays soccer.

14、Does Jack go shopping?

A.Yes,he does.B.No,never.C.Yes,he is.

15、How often does Jack play basketball?

A.Never.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.




21.﹣Hi.Mom.Where is my_____?

﹣Oh,it is in your room.()

A.schoolbags B.a schoolbag C.schoolbag

22.﹣______is your T﹣shirt,Kate?

﹣It's seven dollars.()

A.How much B.How many C.How old

23.﹣When is your birthday,Mike?

﹣My birthday is_____June 3rd.()

A.on B.in C.at

24.﹣What happened just now?

﹣A car hit an old lady at the crossing.She was hurt,_____not too bad.()A.and B.but C.or

25.﹣Hi,Bob.What club do you want to join?

﹣I want to Join a sports club.I can____very well.()

A.play the football B.play a football

C.play football

26.﹣What time_____Jim usually take a shower,Rick?

﹣He usually takes a shower at six forty.()

A.do B.does C.did

27.﹣How far is it from_____home to school?

﹣I'm not sure…about 10kilometers.()

A.your B.you C.yours

28.﹣Excuse me,Mary.Can you read "198" in English?

﹣Yes,of course._____.()

A.One hundred ninety﹣eight.

B.One hundred nine eight

C.One hundred and ninety﹣eight

29.﹣Linda,why do you often go to see the pandas?

﹣I go to see_____because they are very interesting.()

A.they B.them C.their

30.﹣Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?

﹣_____.It's just between my house and a post office.()

A.Yes,it is B.No,there isn't C.Yes,there is

31.﹣What is Bill doing right now?

﹣He_____soccer.He_____soccer every Saturday.()

A.play;plays B.plays;is playing C.is playing;plays

32.﹣Can you come to my birthday party tonight?

﹣Yes,I'd love to.But I have to finish_____my English homework first.()A.doing B.to do C.does

33.﹣Mr.Wang,must I come back to clean the classroom again?

﹣No,you_____.I have asked Kate to do it.()

A.mustn't B.needn't C.shouldn't

34.﹣In our English study,I think speaking is as important as reading.

﹣I don't agree with you.Reading is ____than speaking,I think.()
