



《雅思写作》课件CATALOGUE 目录•雅思写作概述•雅思写作任务类型与技巧•文章结构与段落展开方法•词汇、语法和句式运用指导•观点陈述、论证和批判性思维培养•模拟试题与范文欣赏01雅思写作概述CHAPTER雅思写作考试形式与要求考试形式雅思写作考试分为两部分,第一部分为图表作文(Task 1),第二部分为议论文(Task 2)。

字数要求Task 1要求考生写至少150字,Task2要求考生写至少250字。

时间限制Task 1的建议用时为20分钟,Task 2的建议用时为40分钟。

评分标准及考生常见问题评分标准考生常见问题如何备考雅思写作熟悉考试形式和评分标准积累词汇和句型练习写作请教老师或专业人士02雅思写作任务类型与技巧CHAPTER1 2 3理解图表信息选择重要信息使用适当的语言和结构图表作文写作技巧明确观点提供充分的论据逻辑清晰030201议论文写作技巧混合题型应对策略分别应对识别题型针对不同类型的题目,采用不同的应对策略。











IELTS作文讲解:范文赏析审题:1. 本题出现两个图,饼图与曲线图,首先确定写作结构,饼图和曲线图分别叙述,若两者之间有联系,则需要指出。

这样本篇作文的大体结构就可以设置三部分,第一段对总体进行概述,主体段对两个表格分别描述,末段进行总结(可选)2. 写作要点分析:饼图信息点:确定时间2000年,内容可口可乐罐装销售总额,地点为五个地区,分别占的百分比,最大与最小百分比分别对应的地区。

曲线图:确定时间96年-01年,内容为可口可乐的股价,以美元为单位计算,曲线信息可分为两个时间段,98年中期之前与之后的特点对比,总体趋势波动范文:The pie chart shows the worldwide distribution of sales of Coca-Cola in the year 2000 and the graph shows the change in share prices between 1996 and 2001.首段介绍两个图表的主要信息,巧妙地进行关键词的改写the worldwide distribution In the year 2000, Coca-Cola sold a total of billion cases of their fizzy drink product worldwide. The largest consumer was North America, where per cent of the total volume was purchased. The second largest consumer was Latin America. Europe and Asia purchased and per cent of the total volume。



simon雅思写作task2讲义摘要:1.介绍Simon雅思写作Task 22.分析Simon雅思写作Task 2的特点3.阐述如何应对Simon雅思写作Task 24.总结要点正文:一、介绍Simon雅思写作Task 2Simon雅思写作Task 2是一款针对雅思写作任务的培训讲义,旨在帮助学员提高雅思写作能力,特别是在Task 2部分取得更好的成绩。


二、分析Simon雅思写作Task 2的特点1.题目多样化:Simon雅思写作Task 2涵盖了许多不同类型的题目,包括图表作文、议论性文章、报告等,帮助学员熟悉雅思写作的各种题型。



4.难度逐步提升:Simon雅思写作Task 2的题目难度适中,适用于各个水平的学员。


三、阐述如何应对Simon雅思写作Task 21.熟悉题型:在备考过程中,学员需要先熟悉雅思写作的各种题型,了解题目要求和评分标准。





四、总结要点Simon雅思写作Task 2讲义为学员提供了丰富的写作资源和实用技巧,通过认真学习、刻苦练习,学员可以在短时间内提高雅思写作能力,为雅思考试做好充分准备。

雅思写作 大作文 Simon Writing Task 2 视频课笔记

雅思写作 大作文 Simon Writing Task 2 视频课笔记

Lesson 2: Introductions ---- Four types of questions1. DiscussionSome people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is better for them to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Topic- study in groups or aloneAnswer- sometimes better alone, usually better in a groupPeople have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to studying independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.2. OpinionSome people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Topic- community service for all teenagersAnswer- 3 choice (agree, disagree, balanced opinion)It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. (agree) I completely agree that this kind of scheme would be a good idea.(disagree) It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. In my opinion, it would be wrong to force teenagers to do any kind ofunsalaried work.(want mention both side) It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. While I disagree with the idea of making such programmers compulsory, I do believe that voluntary community service could benefit young people.3. Problem and solutionSome people reoffend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?Topic- criminals reoffendAnswer- several reasons, a variety of measures (government, communities)It is true that punishments do not always deter criminals from committing more crimes. There are various reasons why offenders repeatedly break the law, but governments could certainly take steps to address this issue.4. Two-part questionAs most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?Topic- job satisfactionAnswer- several factors, unrealistic / impossibleWork plays a central role in our lives, and we would all like to feel fulfilled professionally. While a variety of factors may lead to job satisfaction, it would be unrealistic to expect everyone to be happy at work.Lesson 3: Main paragraphs ---- Firstly, secondly, finally & Idea, explain, example4 paragraph essay- 2 main body paragraphs - 5 sentences in each- 90 to 100 words each 2 types- Firstly, secondly, finally[ advantages, disadvantages, problems, solutions ] - Idea, explain, example[ one idea, a reason, an opinion ]Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Firstly, secondly, finally3-minute plan:-disagree for several reasons-school timetable is full, no time for community service-students’ work in other subjects would be affected-teenagers might not want to do it (reluctant, no motivation) Try to write 5 sentences1. Topic sentences2. Firstly3. Secondly4. FinallyThere are several reasons why I would argue against having compulsory community service for secondary school students. Firstly, the school curriculum is already full with important academic subjects, such as maths, science and languages. For example, I remember having an extremely busy timetable when I was at high school, and it would not have been possible to add to it. Secondly, students’ performance in other subjects would be affected if valuable study time were taken by charity work or neighbourhood improvement schemes. Finally, I believe that teenage students would be reluctant to take part in any programme of obligatory work, and this could lead to poor motivation and even bad behaviour.Idea, explain, example3-minute plan:- voluntary (not compulsory) community service is positive - students more motivated if they can choose- gain work experience, self confidence, skills- good for CVs, career, university admissions, employers3 Try to write 5 sentences IdeaExplain (2 or 3 sentences) ExampleOn the other hand, the opportunity to do voluntary community service could be extremely positive for high school students. By making these programmes optional, schools would ensure that only motivated students took part. These young people would gain valuable experience in an adult working environment, which could help to build their self confidence and enhance their skills. Having such experience and skills on their CVs could greatly improve school leavers’career prospects. For example, a period of voluntary work experience might impress a university admissions officer or a future employer.Linking words do not help your “vocabulary” score. Examiners want to see “topic vocabulary”.blue - linking words green - Topic vocabulary red – paraphrasingLesson 4: Conclusions- One sentence - No new information - Paraphrasing to show variety1. Discussion questionIn many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime,but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom.Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?IntroductionIt is true that video surveillance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks.ConclusionIn conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of using video security systems in public places dooutweigh the disadvantages.2. Opinion questionFamilies who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support the state education system.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?IntroductionSome people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.ConclusionIn conclusion, I do not believe that any financial concessions should be made for people who chooseprivate education.3. Problem and solution questionIn the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.What problems will this cause for individuals and society?Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.IntroductionIt is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.ConclusionIn conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older.4. Two-part questionThere are many different types of music in the world today.Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heard everywhere nowadays?IntroductionIt is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music.ConclusionIn conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music.Lesson 5: PlanningSome people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is better for them to study alone.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 10-minute essay plan, 3 steps:1. Read and understand the question2. Plan your essay structure3. Plan ideas for the 2 main paragraphs1. Read and understand the question - highlight / underline key parts2. Plan your essay structure (4 paragraphs)1. Introduction: topic + answer[ topic ] – study in groups or alone[ answer ] – sometimes better alone, usually better in a group2. Benefits of studying alone3. Benefits of group study (my view)4. Conclusion: repeat answer - both have benefits, but I prefer group3. Plan ideas for the 2 main paragraphs (6 minutes)- brainstorm, note down any ideas you have- develop ideas in detail- keep asking yourself “why?”- think of examples to support your ideas- finally, try to group related ideas (number them)Lesson 6: Opinion essay ---- Do YOU agree or disagree? ( You CAN use “I” ,“my” or “in my opinion” )The money spent by governments on space programmes would be better spent on vital public services such as schools and hospitals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (275 words, band 9)1. Introduction: [ topic ] –government spending[ answer ] – agree, public services instead of space projects2. Explain why “space” spending should be stoppedexpensive (scientists, facilities, equipment),no benefits to normal people, politicians showing power,waste of money when project fail, risk of accidents, death e.g.challenger space shuttle3. Explain why public service spending is bettercheaper e.g. doctors, teachers, police instead of astronautspublic service impact on everyonewe all use schools, hospitals, police, roads etc.reduce poverty, better quality of life4. Conclusion: repeat answer – spend on services that benefit us allGovernments in some countries spend large amounts of money onspace exploration programmes. I completely agree with the ideathat these are a waste of money, and that the funds should beallocated to public services.There are several reasons why space programmes should beabandoned. Firstly, it is extremely expensive to train scientists andother staff involved with space missions, and facilities andequipment also come at a huge cost to the government. Secondly,these programmes do not benefit normal people in our daily lives;they are simply vanity projects for politicians. Finally, manymissions to space fail completely, and the smallest technologicalerror can cost astronauts their lives. The Challenger space shuttledisaster showed us that space travel is extremely dangerous, andin my opinion it is not worth the risk.I believe that the money from space programmes should go to vitalpublic services instead. It is much cheaper to train doctors,teachers, police and other public service workers than it is to trainastronauts or the scientists and engineers who work on spaceexploration projects. Furthermore, public servants do jobs that havea positive impact on every member of society. For example, we alluse schools, hospitals and roads, and we all need the security thatthe police provide. If governments reallocated the money spent onspace travel and research, many thousands of people could belifted out of poverty or given a better quality of life.In conclusion, my view is that governments should spend money onservices that benefit all members of society, and it is wrong towaste resources on projects that do not improve our everyday lives.Lesson 7: Discussion essaySome people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (270 words, band 9)1. Introduction:[ topic ] –competition or co-operation?[ answer ] –benefits of both, co-operation more important2. Why encourage competition?motivation,work harder, be better than other children,self confidence, independent work, faster progress,competitive situation when leave school e.g. job interviews,prepared for adult life3. Why teach co-operation? (my view)co-operation even more important,e.g. at work (team, follow boss’s instructions, help junior staff),collaboration more useful than winning,better attitude for young people,working together4. Conclusion: repeat answer – accept both views, co-operation betterPeople have different views about whether children should be taught to becompetitive or co-operative. While a spirit of competition can sometimes beuseful in life,I believe that the ability to co-operate is more important.On the one hand, competition can be a great source of motivation forchildren. When teachers use games or prizes to introduce an element ofcompetitiveness into lessons, it can encourage children to work harder tooutdo the other pupils in the class. This kind of healthy rivalry may help tobuild children’s self confidence, while pushing them to work independentlyand progress more quickly. When these children leave school, theirconfidence and determination will help them in competitive situations suchas job interviews. It can therefore be argued that competition should beencouraged in order to prepare children for adult life.On the other hand, it is perhaps even more important to prepare childrenfor the many aspects of adult life that require co-operation. In the workplace,adults are expected to work in teams, follow instructions given by theirsuperiors, or supervise and support the more junior members of staff.Team collaboration skills are much more useful than a competitivedetermination to win. This is the attitude that I believe schools should fosterin young people. Instead of promoting the idea that people are eitherwinners or losers, teachers could show children that they gain more fromworking together.In conclusion, I can understand why people might want to encouragecompetitiveness in children, but it seems to me that a co-operative attitudeis much more desirable in adult life.Lesson 8: Problem and solution essayIn many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? (270 words, band 9)1. Introduction:[ topic ] –student behaviour in schools[ answer ] – variety of reasons, steps can be taken to tackle2. Cause of bad student behaviourparents not strict (too leninent), children don’t accept teachers’ instructions or school rules,teachers’ fault, no control, bad classroom management,influence of celebrities who are bad example3. My suggested solutionsparents set rules for children, use punishments, actions have consequences,schools train teachers and parents, discipline techniques, better communication,famous people act as role models4. Conclusion: repeat answer – summarise the problem and stepsIt is true that the behaviour of school pupils in some parts of the worldhas been getting worse in recent years. There are a variety ofpossible reasons for this, but steps can definitely be taken to tacklethe problem.In my opinion, three main factors are to blame for the way youngpeople behave at school nowadays. Firstly, modern parents tend tobe too lenient or permissive. Many children become accustomed togetting whatever they want, and they find it difficult to accept thedemands of teachers or the limits imposed on them by school rules.Secondly, if teachers cannot control their students, there must be anissue with the quality of classroom management training or supportwithin schools. Finally, children are influenced by the behaviour ofcelebrities, many of whom set the example that success can beachieved without finishing school.Student behaviour can certainly be improved. I believe that thechange must start with parents, who need to be persuaded that it isimportant to set firm rules for their children. When childrenmisbehave or break the rules, parents should use reasonablepunishments to demonstrate that actions have consequences. Also,schools could play an important role in training both teachers andparents to use effective disciplinary techniques, and in improving thecommunication between both groups. At the same time, famouspeople, such as musicians and football players, need to understandthe responsibility that they have to act as role models to children.In conclusion, schools will continue to face discipline problemsunless parents, teachers and public figures set clear rules anddemonstrate the right behaviour themselves.Lesson 9: Two-part essayNews editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news, and would it be better if more good news was reported? (285 words, band 9)1. Introduction: [ topic ] –decisions about news stories[ answer ] – variety of factors, yes too much bad news2. Factors that influence news editorsinterest or attract viewers / readersinform the public, important issue and events, in the public interestpressure from owners, promote political views3. Too much bad news, should report more goodaccustomed to bad news,war, crime, natural, disasters, human suffering,desensitizes us, cynical about the world,prefer positive news, e.g. medical workers, volunteers, kindness,news to inspire us4. Conclusion: repeat answer – difficult news choices, more positiveIt is true that editors have to make difficult decisions about which news storiesthey broadcast or publish, and their choices are no doubt influenced by avariety of factors. In my opinion, we are exposed to too much bad news, and Iwould welcome a greater emphasis on good news.Editors face a range of considerations when deciding what news stories tofocus on. Firstly, I imagine that they have to consider whether viewers orreaders will be interested enough to choose their television channel or theirnewspaper over competing providers. Secondly, news editors have aresponsibility to inform the public about important events and issues, and theyshould therefore prioritise stories that are in the public interest. Finally, editorsare probably under some pressure from the owners who employ them. Forexample, a newspaper owner might have particular political views that he orshe wants to promote.It seems to me that people do become accustomed to negative news. We areexposed on a daily basis to stories about war, crime, natural disasters andtragic human suffering around the world. I believe that such repeatedexposure gradually desensitizes people, and we become more cynical aboutthe world and more sceptical that we can do anything to change it. I wouldprefer to see more positive news stories, such as reports of the work ofmedical staff after a natural disaster, or the kindness of volunteers who help intheir communities. This kind of news might inspire us all to lead better lives.In conclusion, it must be extremely difficult for editors to choose which newsstories to present, but I would like to see a more positive approach to this vitalpublic service.。

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图

雅思作文写作Task 1第二课时—柱状图和饼状图






饼状图是所有图表题中最好写的一种,唯一值得注意的地方在于如何丰富百分比的表达和“占”的表达,要采取多样性的表达,如25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of.描写饼状图中的比例构成就是饼状图图表作文的重点,但也应注意,这种描述并不是对图形的简单重复,对各项数据比例的描述应建立在归纳整理的基础上有条理地进行。


常用词汇、句型及模板1.柱状图1)倍数的表达今年的产量是去年产量的两倍➢The output this year is two times(twice) more than last year’s.➢As much as 不可数名词 as many as 可数The books of this semester are two times as many as that of last semester. ➢ A is two times the amount of B不可数➢ A is two times the number of B可数2) 常用套句➢There was …in the number of A from …to … (over next years), which was followed by … and then… until…when there was … for the next … years.➢From…onwards, there was … in the number of A which then increased / decreased …at …% in …➢In …, the number reached (was) …%, but (30) years later there was …➢The number of A increased rapidly from … to … during the (five-year) period. ➢In the (three years) from … through…, the percentage of A was slightly larger / smaller than that of B.➢The graphs show a threefold increase in the number of A.➢Here is an upward trend in the number of A.➢… (year) witnessed / saw a sharp rise in A.2.饼状图1)常用词:percentage, proportion, make up, constitute, account for, take up, ..isdivided into…parts, consume the largest/smallest portion.2)例句:➢The graph, presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…..➢The percentage of A in … is more than twice tha n that of B.➢The biggest loss was to A area.➢There is not a great deal of difference between A and B.➢In general positions, females outnumber males.➢ A much greater percentage of men than women are found in managerial positions. ➢The profit of company A doubled from May to September.3)模板:➢The two pie charts describe ………………………➢The first point to note is …………………………➢Comparing the graphs, …………………………….➢The graphs also suggest that ………………………➢In conclusion, it can be seen from the data that …………………..4)饼状图作文模型The two pie charts illustrate the significant changes in people’s ways of communication from 1970 to 1995.The first graph shows that in 1975, the most popular way to communicate was letter writing, with the percentage of 50%. Others ___________________________, the figures are 32% and 18% respectively.It can be seen from the second graph that ways of communication changed a lot in two decades. By 1995, ______________________________. By contrast, ________________________________.Comparing the two pie charts, we can see that the use of the phones and computers during the same period had both risen considerably. However, letter writing became less popular among the people.In general, people inclined to use more modernized mediums to communicate with others, while the traditional way became less employed.The pie chart depicts the proportion of ___________________________. It consists of six segments, the largest one representing _________, which account for 26% of the total. _____________ takes up 21%, becoming the second largest.__________________________________. The rest proportions, 15% of all, constituting 5% and 10% respectively.From the chart it can be seen clearly that ________________________.二、实例分析分析思路:1.第一幅柱状图的描述单位是百万,即人数;第二幅则是百分比。

雅思写作 IELTS Writing Unit 2 Education

雅思写作 IELTS Writing Unit 2 Education
n. -a set of information which is available on the internet
n. – a website on the internet used to keep in contact with friends and family.
n. -a young person aged 13-19
Tips: 1. 读懂大标题和各分栏标题 2.一般现在时 3. 开头要导入
Writing Task I
You should spend about Write
on this task. .
Television viewing figures for sports by country, in millions
Not many people like watching motor racing on television compared to the other sports. In the USA and Canada only 1-1.5 million people watch motor racing but it is more popular in the UK and Australia. Golf is very popular in the USA with 11 million viewers but it is not as popular in the other countries.
n. -a computer system that allows users to exchange information all over the world
n. - a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions in order to become more fit and flexible







范文分析One chart①shows the number of marriages and divorces in the USA in 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000.The other②shows the marital status of adult Americans in 1970 and 2000. 首段概述图表信息,对题目进行改写,注意动词的用法和时态。

➢描述类的常用词有:show/describe/illustrate/demonstrate/indicate;分析思路1.四个饼状图可以分为两组,一组是澳大利亚,一组是法国;2.饼状图由五部分组成:coal, oil, natural gas, hydro power, nuclear power;3.图中的时间是1980年和2000年4.单位是units范文分析The charts①compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years electricity production almost②doubled, ③rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to 180 units in France.①对比:compare②翻番:double③从多少增长到多少:rise from……to……In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the①remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced and only hydro②continued to be another significant2.饼状图。



雅思写作课程教案第一章:雅思写作简介1.1 课程目标让学生了解雅思写作考试的格式和要求帮助学生掌握雅思写作的基本技巧和策略1.2 教学内容雅思写作考试的评分标准雅思写作考试的格式和要求雅思写作的常见问题和错误1.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作考试的评分标准和格式要求分析雅思写作的常见问题和错误让学生进行一些练习题,以巩固所学的知识第二章:雅思写作Task 12.1 课程目标让学生掌握Task 1 的写作技巧和策略帮助学生提高Task 1 的写作速度和准确性2.2 教学内容Task 1 的写作格式和要求Task 1 的写作技巧和策略Task 1 的常见问题和错误2.3 教学活动介绍Task 1 的写作格式和要求分析Task 1 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些Task 1 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第三章:雅思写作Task 23.1 课程目标让学生掌握Task 2 的写作技巧和策略帮助学生提高Task 2 的写作速度和准确性3.2 教学内容Task 2 的写作格式和要求Task 2 的写作技巧和策略Task 2 的常见问题和错误3.3 教学活动介绍Task 2 的写作格式和要求分析Task 2 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些Task 2 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第四章:雅思写作Coherence and Cohesion4.1 课程目标让学生了解Coherence and Cohesion 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生掌握Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略4.2 教学内容Coherence and Cohesion 的定义和作用Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略Coherence and Cohesion 的常见问题和错误4.3 教学活动介绍Coherence and Cohesion 的定义和作用分析Coherence and Cohesion 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Coherence and Cohesion 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第五章:雅思写作Lexical Resource5.1 课程目标让学生了解Lexical Resource 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生扩大词汇量和提高词汇运用能力5.2 教学内容Lexical Resource 的定义和作用扩大词汇量的方法和技巧提高词汇运用能力的技巧和策略5.3 教学活动介绍Lexical Resource 的定义和作用分析扩大词汇量和提高词汇运用能力的技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Lexical Resource 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第六章:雅思写作Grammatical Range and Accuracy6.1 课程目标让学生了解Grammatical Range and Accuracy 在雅思写作中的重要性帮助学生掌握Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略6.2 教学内容Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的定义和作用Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的常见问题和错误6.3 教学活动介绍Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的定义和作用分析Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的写作技巧和策略让学生进行一些关于Grammatical Range and Accuracy 的练习题,以巩固所学的知识第七章:雅思写作模拟测试与讲解7.1 课程目标让学生通过模拟测试检验自己的写作水平帮助学生通过讲解提高自己的写作技巧和策略7.2 教学内容设计一份接近真实雅思写作考试的模拟测试对学生的模拟测试作品进行讲解和评价针对学生的错误和不足提供针对性的建议和指导7.3 教学活动发放模拟测试题目,让学生进行限时写作对学生的作品进行评价和讲解根据学生的表现提供针对性的建议和指导第八章:雅思写作常见话题及范文解析8.1 课程目标让学生熟悉雅思写作的常见话题帮助学生通过分析范文提高自己的写作技巧和策略8.2 教学内容雅思写作的常见话题及其特点分析范文的结构、论点、论据和表达方式让学生模仿范文的写作风格和技巧8.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作的常见话题及其特点分析范文,讲解其结构、论点、论据和表达方式让学生模仿范文的写作风格和技巧,进行练习第九章:雅思写作策略与技巧9.1 课程目标让学生掌握雅思写作的策略与技巧帮助学生在写作过程中更高效地发挥自己的优势9.2 教学内容雅思写作的策略与技巧,如:审题、构思、时间管理等如何有效地应对雅思写作中的各种挑战,如:论点不足、时间紧张等让学生了解自己的写作风格和习惯,找到适合自己的写作策略和技巧9.3 教学活动介绍雅思写作的策略与技巧分析学生在写作过程中的困难和挑战,提供应对策略让学生进行实际操作,找到适合自己的写作策略和技巧第十章:雅思写作课程总结与提升10.1 课程目标让学生回顾整个课程的内容和收获帮助学生进一步提高自己的雅思写作能力10.2 教学内容回顾雅思写作的各个方面的技巧和策略分析学生在课程中的进步和不足,提供针对性的建议激发学生继续学习雅思写作的热情和信心10.3 教学活动学生分享自己在课程中的收获和感悟教师总结课程的重点和难点,提供针对性的建议鼓励学生持续学习,不断提高自己的雅思写作能力重点解析本文档为雅思写作课程的教案,共包含十个章节。



Lesson 2: Introductions ---- Four types of questions1. DiscussionSome people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it isbetter for them to study alone. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Topic- study in groups or aloneAnswer- sometimes better alone, usually better in a groupPeople have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to studying independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.2. OpinionSome people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Topic- community service for all teenagersAnswer- 3 choice (agree, disagree, balanced opinion)It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. (agree) I completely agree that this kind of scheme would be a good idea.(disagree) It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. In my opinion, it would be wrong to force teenagers to do any kind ofunsalaried work.(want mention both side) It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. While I disagree with the idea of making such programmers compulsory, I do believe that voluntary community service could benefit young people.3. Problem and solutionSome people reoffend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimesafter they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?Topic- criminals reoffendAnswer- several reasons, a variety of measures (government, communities)It is true that punishments do not always deter criminals from committing more crimes. There are various reasons why offenders repeatedly break the law, but governments could certainly take steps to address this issue.4. Two-part questionAs most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?Topic- job satisfactionAnswer- several factors, unrealistic / impossibleWork plays a central role in our lives, and we would all like to feel fulfilled professionally. While a variety of factors may lead to job satisfaction, it would be unrealistic to expect everyone to be happy at work.Lesson 3: Main paragraphs ---- Firstly, secondly, finally & Idea, explain, example4 paragraph essay- 2 main body paragraphs - 5 sentences in each- 90 to 100 words each 2 types- Firstly, secondly, finally[ advantages, disadvantages, problems, solutions ] - Idea, explain, example[ one idea, a reason, an opinion ]Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Firstly, secondly, finally3-minute plan:-disagree for several reasons-school timetable is full, no time for community service-students’ work in other subjects would be affected-teenagers might not want to do it (reluctant, no motivation) Try to write 5 sentences1. Topic sentences2. Firstly3. Secondly4. FinallyThere are several reasons why I would argue against having compulsory community service for secondary school students. Firstly, the school curriculum is already full with important academic subjects, such as maths, science and languages. For example, I remember having an extremely busy timetable when I was at high school, and it would not have been possible to add to it. Secondly, students’ performance in other subjects would be affected if valuable study time were taken by charity work or neighbourhood improvement schemes. Finally, I believe that teenage students would be reluctant to take part in any programme of obligatory work, and this could lead to poor motivation and even bad behaviour.Idea, explain, example3-minute plan:- voluntary (not compulsory) community service is positive - students more motivated if they can choose- gain work experience, self confidence, skills- good for CVs, career, university admissions, employers3 Try to write 5 sentences IdeaExplain (2 or 3 sentences) ExampleOn the other hand, the opportunity to do voluntary community service could be extremely positive for high school students. By making these programmes optional, schools would ensure that only motivated students took part. These young people would gain valuable experience in an adult working environment, which could help to build their self confidence and enhance their skills. Having such experience and skills on their CVs could greatly improve school leavers’c areer prospects. For example, a period of voluntary work experience might impress a university admissions officer or a future employer.Linking words do not help your “vocabulary” score.Examiners want to see “topic vocabulary”.blue - linking words green - Topic vocabulary red– paraphrasingLesson 4: Conclusions- One sentence - No new information - Paraphrasing to show variety1. Discussion questionIn many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime,but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom.Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?IntroductionIt is true that video surveillance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks.ConclusionIn conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of using video security systems in public places dooutweigh the disadvantages.2. Opinion questionFamilies who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support thestate education system.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?IntroductionSome people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I completely disagree with this view.ConclusionIn conclusion, I do not believe that any financial concessions should be made for people who chooseprivate education.3. Problem and solution questionIn the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.What problems will this cause for individuals and society?Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.IntroductionIt is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.ConclusionIn conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older.4. Two-part questionThere are many different types of music in the world today.Why do we need music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the internationalmusic that is heard everywhere nowadays?IntroductionIt is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music.ConclusionIn conclusion, music is a necessary part of human existence, and I believe that traditional music should be given more importance than international music.Lesson 5: PlanningSome people think that it is more effective for students to study in groups, while others believe that it is betterfor them to study alone.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 10-minute essay plan, 3 steps:1. Read and understand the question2. Plan your essay structure3. Plan ideas for the 2 main paragraphs1. Read and understand the question - highlight / underline key parts2. Plan your essay structure (4 paragraphs)1. Introduction: topic + answer[ topic ] – study in groups or alone[ answer ] – sometimes better alone, usually better in a group2. Benefits of studying alone3. Benefits of group study (my view)4. Conclusion: repeat answer - both have benefits, but I prefer group3. Plan ideas for the 2 main paragraphs (6 minutes)- brainstorm, note down any ideas you have- develop ideas in detail- keep asking yourself “why?” - think of examples to support your ideas- finally, try to group related ideas (number them)Lesson 6: Opinion essay ---- Do YOU agree or disagree? ( You CAN use “I” ,“my” or “in my opinion” )The money spent by governments on space programmes would be better spent on vital public servicessuch as schools and hospitals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (275 words, band 9)agree, public services instead of space projectsgovernment spending[ answer ] – 1. Introduction: [ topic ] –2. Explain why “space” spending should be stoppedexpensive (scientists, facilities, equipment),no benefits to normal people, politicians showing power,waste of money when project fail, risk of accidents, death e.g.challenger space shuttle3. Explain why public service spending is bettercheaper e.g. doctors, teachers, police instead of astronautspublic service impact on everyonewe all use schools, hospitals, police, roads etc.reduce poverty, better quality of lifespend on services that benefit us all4. Conclusion: repeat answer – Governments in some countries spend large amounts of money onspace exploration programmes. I completely agree with the ideathat these are a waste of money, and that the funds should beallocated to public services.There are several reasons why space programmes should beabandoned. Firstly, it is extremely expensive to train scientists andother staff involved with space missions, and facilities andequipment also come at a huge cost to the government. Secondly,these programmes do not benefit normal people in our daily lives;they are simply vanity projects for politicians. Finally, manymissions to space fail completely, and the smallest technologicalerror can cost astronauts their lives. The Challenger space shuttledisaster showed us that space travel is extremely dangerous, andin my opinion it is not worth the risk.I believe that the money from space programmes should go to vitalpublic services instead. It is much cheaper to train doctors,teachers, police and other public service workers than it is to trainastronauts or the scientists and engineers who work on spaceexploration projects. Furthermore, public servants do jobs that havea positive impact on every member of society. For example, we alluse schools, hospitals and roads, and we all need the security thatthe police provide. If governments reallocated the money spent onspace travel and research, many thousands of people could belifted out of poverty or given a better quality of life.In conclusion, my view is that governments should spend money onservices that benefit all members of society, and it is wrong towaste resources on projects that do not improve our everyday lives.Lesson 7: Discussion essaySome people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (270 words, band 9)1. Introduction:benefits of both, co-operation more important [ topic ] –competition or co-operation?[ answer ] –2. Why encourage competition?motivation,work harder, be better than other children,self confidence, independent work, faster progress,competitive situation when leave school e.g. job interviews,prepared for adult life3. Why teach co-operation? (my view)co-operation even more important,e.g. at work (team, follow boss’s instructions, help junior staff),collaboration more useful than winning,better attitude for young people,working togetheraccept both views, co-operation better4. Conclusion: repeat answer – People have different views about whether children should be taught to becompetitive or co-operative. While a spirit of competition can sometimes beuseful in life,I believe that the ability to co-operate is more important.On the one hand, competition can be a great source of motivation forchildren. When teachers use games or prizes to introduce an element ofcompetitiveness into lessons, it can encourage children to work harder tooutdo the other pupils in the class. This kind of healthy rivalry may help to, while pushing them to work independentlybuild children’s self confidenceand progress more quickly. When these children leave school, theirconfidence and determination will help them in competitive situations suchas job interviews. It can therefore be argued that competition should beencouraged in order to prepare children for adult life.On the other hand, it is perhaps even more important to prepare childrenfor the many aspects of adult life that require co-operation. In the workplace,adults are expected to work in teams, follow instructions given by theirsuperiors, or supervise and support the more junior members of staff.Team collaboration skills are much more useful than a competitivedetermination to win. This is the attitude that I believe schools should fosterin young people. Instead of promoting the idea that people are eitherwinners or losers, teachers could show children that they gain more fromworking together.In conclusion, I can understand why people might want to encouragecompetitiveness in children, but it seems to me that a co-operative attitudeis much more desirable in adult life.Lesson 8: Problem and solution essayIn many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? (270 words, band 9)1. Introduction:variety of reasons, steps can be taken to tackle [ topic ] –student behaviour in schools[ answer ] – 2. Cause of bad student behaviourparents not strict (too leninent), children don’t accept teachers’ instructions or school rules, teachers’ fault, no control, bad classroom management,influence of celebrities who are bad example3. My suggested solutionsparents set rules for children, use punishments, actions have consequences,schools train teachers and parents, discipline techniques, better communication,famous people act as role modelssummarise the problem and steps4. Conclusion: repeat answer – It is true that the behaviour of school pupils in some parts of the worldhas been getting worse in recent years. There are a variety ofpossible reasons for this, but steps can definitely be taken to tacklethe problem.In my opinion, three main factors are to blame for the way youngpeople behave at school nowadays. Firstly, modern parents tend tobe too lenient or permissive. Many children become accustomed togetting whatever they want, and they find it difficult to accept thedemands of teachers or the limits imposed on them by school rules.Secondly, if teachers cannot control their students, there must be anissue with the quality of classroom management training or supportwithin schools. Finally, children are influenced by the behaviour ofcelebrities, many of whom set the example that success can beachieved without finishing school.Student behaviour can certainly be improved. I believe that thechange must start with parents, who need to be persuaded that it isimportant to set firm rules for their children. When childrenmisbehave or break the rules, parents should use reasonablepunishments to demonstrate that actions have consequences. Also,schools could play an important role in training both teachers andparents to use effective disciplinary techniques, and in improving thecommunication between both groups. At the same time, famouspeople, such as musicians and football players, need to understandthe responsibility that they have to act as role models to children.In conclusion, schools will continue to face discipline problemsunless parents, teachers and public figures set clear rules anddemonstrate the right behaviour themselves.Lesson 9: Two-part essayNews editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news, and would it be better if more good news was reported? (285 words, band 9)variety of factors, yes too much bad news1. Introduction: [ topic ] –decisions about news stories[ answer ] – 2. Factors that influence news editorsinterest or attract viewers / readersinform the public, important issue and events, in the public interestpressure from owners, promote political views3. Too much bad news, should report more goodaccustomed to bad news,war, crime, natural, disasters, human suffering,desensitizes us, cynical about the world,prefer positive news, e.g. medical workers, volunteers, kindness,news to inspire usdifficult news choices, more positive4. Conclusion: repeat answer – It is true that editors have to make difficult decisions about which news storiesthey broadcast or publish, and their choices are no doubt influenced by avariety of factors. In my opinion, we are exposed to too much bad news, and Iwould welcome a greater emphasis on good news.Editors face a range of considerations when deciding what news stories tofocus on. Firstly, I imagine that they have to consider whether viewers orreaders will be interested enough to choose their television channel or theirnewspaper over competing providers. Secondly, news editors have aresponsibility to inform the public about important events and issues, and theyshould therefore prioritise stories that are in the public interest. Finally, editorsare probably under some pressure from the owners who employ them. Forexample, a newspaper owner might have particular political views that he orshe wants to promote.It seems to me that people do become accustomed to negative news. We areexposed on a daily basis to stories about war, crime, natural disasters andtragic human suffering around the world. I believe that such repeatedexposure gradually desensitizes people, and we become more cynical aboutthe world and more sceptical that we can do anything to change it. I wouldprefer to see more positive news stories, such as reports of the work ofmedical staff after a natural disaster, or the kindness of volunteers who help intheir communities. This kind of news might inspire us all to lead better lives.In conclusion, it must be extremely difficult for editors to choose which newsstories to present, but I would like to see a more positive approach to this vitalpublic service.。

剑桥雅思IELTS第二篇大作文task 2 讲义

剑桥雅思IELTS第二篇大作文task 2 讲义

如何通过有效审题来提高写作速度!关于审题1. 30s 读懂题目生词: 现场—猜在家—通读机经2. 1m 判断题型—回忆结构—预计文章body 段篇幅3. 3m-8m 列出body 段的提纲(points/ideas列出—筛选—对于驳论文决定立场—重新排序Brainstorming: 越多越好筛选: 没有词汇支持、很难讲清楚的、论证力度较弱的选择立场: 论据充分,容易写重新排序: 分段At home VS nursing house优点1. 与家人情感交流 1. friends: topic & interest2. 方便照顾2. pro. Medical care→ Customized emergency3. 尽孝道→责任义务3. colorful life→ 单身4. share house work 4. we won’t be distracted → adult children can 同左focus on career反方缺点5. 右边费用高 5. 子女工作忙,在家孤独服务不好排序1. pro medical care→ healthprobl em → facility+equipment+staff→ care →emergency →quicklyrespond → accident/tragedy2. adult children don’t need to worryabout…→ focus on career3. friends+activity→ peers → share same topic and interest→ psychological problems can beavoided. → children have little time→ job to dobody 段1示范Most obviously and importantly, aged parents can be well tended in nursing houses. As is known to all, old people, usually suffering from the pain of diseases or the potential health hazards, can receive professional care in nursing houses, where first-class medical facilities are equipped andexperienced staff are always available. Furthermore, when emergency happens, nursing houses will definitely responde more promptly than children who are not likely to be with their parents all the time, and for this reason, accidents and tradegy can be avoided. At a deeper level, adults don’t have to be distracted to worry about their parents, so they can better focus on their career, which benefits the society to some extent.Admittedly, staying in home and being taken care of by their own children can give old people a stronger sense of family bound. However, for most people, nursing houses offer more advantages and minimize the possible risks. Therefore, …重申立场Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced. Do you agree or disagree?***驳论文段落结构1. 开头段: 话题引入(背景句+考题观点改写+ 本人立场中立--清晰写明2. body段(2-3paras : 支持/反对的原因3. 让步:(反方观点的理由 (yes and no 中立时应该和正面篇幅相当4. 结尾段: 重申立场(yes or no/ A or B 可以和让步合并在一段)Some people think that the use of aircraft is not practical and causes many problems thus should be reduced . Do you agree or disagree?I. 开头段A: 背景句思路—话题引出Tips:1. 逻辑完整2. 可以借助功能句: 内容决定语言Nowadays, …are playing increasingly ***part/role in /when…⏹ In the present days, with the development of(thanks to ***)…, *** is becoming more and more *** …⏹Today the way we do …… is heavily influenced by XXXX.⏹ Recent years has witnessed the great development/changes of XXX.3. 开头句思路从论据联想 (把正文中可能不需要详细拓展的论据,写在开头段4. 名人名言,举例,报道,新闻,故事。



Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your opinion.范文及解析IntroductionIn the contemporary world,many thoughtful teachers, scholars and even statement have propounded that education isa pathway to equip the pliable minds with characteristics and talents that confer needed contribution to societal progress. Yet we are still unable to decide whether overarching aim ofeducation should tilt in favor of societal values or individual aspirations.解析今天,许多有思想的教师、学者甚至政治家都提出,教育是一种途径使柔韧头脑具备为社会进步做出必要贡献的特点和才能。


❖propound 提出v.❖pathway 途径n.❖the pliable minds 柔韧头脑,比喻学生❖confer 授予v.❖overarching 首要的adj.❖tilt in favor of 倾向于Body 1Exacerbating rivalry in the internationalcommunity, compounded by ongoing challenges ranging from displacement of traditional jobs caused by automationto lingering effects of Covid-19 have underscored the significance of planning new citizens in order to parallel shifting demands to hopefully gather momentum for a more sustainable development. Some social advancement would demand labors experienced in agriculture, chip making or service sectors, while others would necessitate citizenswith civic spirits for community engagements and volunteering.However, whether the aforementioned notion becomes exceedingly nebulous is dependent on whether pupils' intrinsic desires are satisfied. If both educators and the educational system deny young brains' individuality in personal quest, it appears that a circle of victimization wouldnever cease.解析国际社会的竞争加剧,再加上自动化导致的传统工作岗位被取代,以及新冠肺炎疫情的挥之不去的影响,这些都凸显了规划新公民的重要性,以适应不断变化的需求,为更可持续的发展积聚动力。



小作文精讲(一)-------柱状图(bar chart)migrant amphibian seaweed gorilla ocean river stream pool pond lakePest insecticide killer whale sperm whale terrestrial aquatic marine lifeEndanger habit habitat nutrient vegetation vegetarian threatenLog restrict=inhibit=restrain maintain territory territorial generateEmerge connect =depend on=lean on=count on erosion intact HR resource Source nurture nurse discard=abandon vital=important =significant =critical abundant =lush sustain overestimate underestimate preserve strip=depriveFracture hibernate hide+ber+nate decline=fall=reduce=depress legal illegalFragile reproduce 同位语require measure be sufficient toEnsure emphasis emphasize=highlight=stress expansion justified=reasonable Destination include exclude graduate postgraduate一写作思路及技巧1.看清横纵轴分别代表什么。



例:Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?
Another reason can be seen by everyone is that_______________.就理由进行解释___________________For example,____________________
The argument I support in the first paragraph is also ina position of advantage because_________________. Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B,I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious。Such as________________。
Sentence 3:personal opinion or brief description of the main body
支持:As far as I know, its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.
IELTS大作文讲解:agree & disagree/what's your opinion类作文

【7A文】雅思写作Task 2真题思路(1)--教育

【7A文】雅思写作Task 2真题思路(1)--教育

雅思作文Task2真题思路(1)--教育教育1-学点啥?0603180610140707070701130712080805220806051.Somepeoplethinkthatteachersshouldberesponsibleforteachingstudentshowtojudgerightandwrongandhowtobehavewell.Somesaytha tteachersshouldonlyteachstudentsaboutacademicsubjects.Discus sbothviewsandgiveyouropinion.(060318)翻译:学做人vs学做事有些人认为老师应当负责教给学生如何判断对错和如何行为得体;有些人说老师应当只教给学生学术科目,讨论两个观点给出你的意见。







(完整word版)雅思作文写作Task 2 第六课时—causes+solutions类

(完整word版)雅思作文写作Task 2 第六课时—causes+solutions类
3。 学习写作思路
5)…越多,似乎…越少 As more and more…, there would seem to be less and less…
6)但是对于这个问题的解决,在世界范围内毫无进展 Yet little has been done to solve this problem worldwide。
Among a myriad of suggested solutions t/plans for _____ /moves toward _____ /ideas on _____), three have begun to stand (/stick) out。 First of all, _____. An equally effective measure (/solution/recipe) is _____. Last but not least, _____。
审题关键:严重注意写作指引,写作过程中一定要体现出causes and solutions。

雅思task 2关于医学的写作

雅思task 2关于医学的写作

【雅思写作Task 2关于医学的文章】作为一名雅思写手,今天我将带您探索雅思写作Task 2关于医学的主题。


1. 医学的重要性医学作为一门重要的学科,在社会发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。



2. 医学领域的挑战然而,随着社会的发展和人口的增长,医学领域也面临着诸多挑战。



3. 医学领域的发展尽管面临着诸多挑战,然而医学领域的发展仍然充满着希望。









在今天的文章中,我们对雅思写作Task 2关于医学的主题进行了深入探讨。




机密雅思写作之小作文张家铭CHRISSelf-intro 张家铭Chris四级,考研,TOEFL ,SAT ,GRE ,IELTS ,GMAT.微博:@张家铭Chris微信:zjmxhxmm已接受雅思写作TASK 1TASK 2分数目标 6.5-7分范文分析The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007. (C11T3W1)范文分析Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (C13T1W2)It is clear that living in a foreign country has its own benefits and drawbacks to consider.I agree with this statement;however I think that anybody coming in another country should respect national culture.In this essay,I would like to outline the social and practical problems.The social problems would be language barrier,which means that a person coming from another country might not be able to speak and understand the language which might be a problem as far a person who is living in a country,and a person who came in the country.Another problem is linked to the language barrier,but it might influence the behaviour of others.An individual who come into the country might offend others with their behaviour or language.For example;some cultures like English people prefer to be very polite and say things differently from other cultures.Therefore,a person who doesn’t know how to behave in a particular culture might offend others around him.The practical problems would be misunderstanding of culture.That means that a person who visits other countries does not understand other culture and he behaves as he wants to.The second practical problem is finding a job.An individual who works in foreign country might not be appropriate for people who he serves.For example if an individual works in a restaurant,the people who live in a country and they were born in that country might not respect and not like the behaviour of a person who works in a restaurant,it might be because,the cultures are different.To summarise,it can be said that there are a lot of misconceptions which people have when they come in a foreign country,and in my opinion and from my personal experience people should educate themselves in order to know how to behave in different situations with different cultures.TASK 11.题型综述2.Task1的段落结构3.趋势的表达4.副词的写法5.常用短语的介绍Task 1 的六大题型题型考点与难点难度星级Pie chart Diversity of describing percentages **Bar chartCombination ****Line/curve chartTrends & classification ***TableHow to list statistics effectively ****diagramWriting sequence& imagination ****map Location/change *****Task1的段落结构1.Opening改写题目2.Body宏观描写:图标整体特征(main feature)微观描写:趋势,关键数值,对比等3.Ending/Conclusion明显特征:图中稳定的一些趋势、特征,极值隐藏特征:合理客观推理信息Opening一:换词:show:describe,illustrate,demonstrate proportion / percentageinformation / datanumber / figurecategories / kinds / types二.换句Opening 句型1As is shown / illustrated / demonstrated in the (1)图的类型,the (2)图的单位(number/amount/percentage/figure) of 图的主题(3)图的主要趋势(4)图的时间趋势:vary —动态图Differ —静态图(4)图的时间From...to...During...and...within...The graph below shows the difference modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city, in 1950,1970 and 1990.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.You should write at least 150 words.As is shown in the (1)图的类型, the (2)图的单位of 图的主题(3)图的主要趋势(4)图的时间As is demonstrated in the bar chart, the percentage of travellers to and from work by different modes of transport in one European city varied dramatically from 1950 to 1990.句型2The _____ chart(s) illustrate(s) a clearpicture/overview/information of the characteristics and trends(differentiation/contrast) of _____ .The table below shows the kilometers of route,date opened and passengers per year of the underground railway system in 6 cities.▪The table illustrates the differentiation concerning the length of route, launching year and the annual capacity of the metro system in6 metropolises.句型3▪两图题▪The ____ graph describes data(趋势) about ___ whilst the ____ chart illustrates information about ________.The line graph describes data about water use worldwide while thetable illustrates information about consumption in two different countries –Brazil and Congo.▪剑6 Test 1▪The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.Ending/Conclusion写1~2句结论:合理,客观即可1.明显特征:图中稳定的一些趋势、特征,极值2.隐藏特征:合理客观推理信息明显特征1.Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period.2.what is worth mentioning is that before1989 beef was the most popular food and after that chicken became the most consumed meat.trend四种趋势:涨跌平波上涨下跌平稳波动increase decrease词语说明词语说明common words rise fallgrow declineclimb dropswell sinkPreferred words rocket90plummetsoar60slumpsurge45subsideboom30ebbascend20slidecreep up<10creep downSpecial words accrue小平涨abate小平跌leap大平涨plunge大平跌上升表达例1:意大利的工业产值增长了5%。

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Body Paragraphs for Discussion Essays
Start each body paragraph with the main idea
The first body paragraph Main idea – Your view
The second body paragraph Main idea – The other view
Discussion Essay
Example: Prison is the best punishment for criminals. Discuss.
Paragraph 1
2 3
Discussion Essay Intro – explain the two views and give your opinion
This week….
We will look at the different types of essay questions you may asked for the IELTS Writing Task 2 and plan the body paragraphs for each We will also look at example questions to practise your critical thinking.
Sentence 2: Topic Sentence a sentence or two giving some background about the topic
Sentence 3: Rewrite the question in your own words
Sentence 4: Your plan for this essay “In this essay I will……(and give your opinion if necessary)”
Remember the number of body paragraphs depends on how main ideas you have and how many words you need to write!
Introduction Paragraph
What is the structure of the Introduction? Sentence 1: The hook sentence a catchy or interesting first sentence about the topic, could be a question, quote or a fact but NOT your opinion
Discuss first view e.g. “Yes, prison is the best punishment for criminals” Discuss second view e.g. “No, prison is not the best punishment for criminals” Short conclusion – clearly state your own opinion and which view you support
How can we improve this paragraph?
How can we improve this paragraph?
One of the reasons so many people are obese is that they eat junk food, like hamburgers, chips or fried chicken. The solution is for the government to increase tax on unhealthy food.
•It’s too short! •Needห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ a sentence to say why people eat junk food •Needs an example to say what will happen when tax is increased
Put these sentences in the correct order to form a good paragraph
Paragraph 1 2 3 4 5
Problem and Solution Essay Introduction Cause 1 + Solution 1 Cause 2 + Solution 2 Cause 3 + Solution 3 Conclusion
Building a good paragraph for Problem and Solution essays
Useful phrases for Introductions
Time expressions Useful phrases
Over the last few years…. + present perfect
Most people say that…..
In the last decade……+ present It is clear that……is becoming perfect more popular Recently, it has…. + present perfect These days……..+ present simple/ present continuous Nowadays, fewer people + present simple/ present continuous There is no doubt that…...
1. The main idea of the paragraph 2. A supporting sentence which explains the idea 3. An example 4. The solution to the problem 5. The result of the solution
A B This would hopefully encourage consumers to buy healthier food and therefore lose weight It is common these days for people to eat takeaway food or pick up a ready meal from the supermarket which is quicker and more convenient. One of the reasons that so many people are overweight is that they eat junk food instead of cooking a healthy meal. To address this issue, the government could increase sales tax on food considered to be unhealthy. For instance, in the UK, sales of pre-prepared meals, which contain high levels of fat and salt, have increased dramatically in the last few years
Now your turn…
People who live in large cities face a range of problems in their daily life. What are the most significant of these problems? How can these problems be tackled?
The main idea of the paragraph (IDEA) C One of the reasons that so many people are overweight is that they eat junk food instead of cooking a healthy meal. A supporting sentence which explains the idea (EXPLAIN) B It is common these days for people to eat takeaway food or pick up a ready meal from the supermarket which is quicker and more convenient. An example (EXAMPLE) E For instance, in the UK, sales of pre-prepared meals, which contain high levels of fat and salt, have increased dramatically in the last few years The solution to the problem D To address this issue, the government could increase sales tax on food considered to be unhealthy. The result of the solution A This would hopefully encourage consumers to buy healthier food and therefore lose weight
In groups – work out the plan of the body paragraphs: •Problem Explain Example Solution Result •Problem Explain Example Solution Result •Problem Explain Example Solution Result