《国际贸易实务与操作》Chapter 3
♦International Trade Practice
☆International Rules for the Interpretation
of Trade Terms《⑥陈瞰易求猪解眷通則》
☆Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit《跟单信用证铳一慣例》♦International T reaty
・Name of commodity
* Transport and insurance
、The time limit and place「of performance
、The prevention andhandling of dispute
Section One Definition of the
•What is contract
•A contract is an agreement between two or more competent parties in which an offer is made and accepted, and each party benefits< It is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties.
销售合同无须以书面订立或书面证明, 在形式方面也不受任何其它条件的限制O销售合同可以用包括人证在内的任何方 法证明。
Various Formats of Contract In
CIF术语变形解释 卸货费按班轮做法办理,即买方不负担卸货 费,而由卖方或船方负担 CIF舱底交接 卖方负责将货物从船舱吊起卸到船舶吊钩所 及之处的费用 由卖方承担将货物卸至码头上的各项有关费 用
表1—4 CIF术语的四种变形情况
CFR Ex Ship’s Hold
CFR Ex Tackle CFR Landed
CFR吊钩下交货 CFR卸至码头
表1—3 CFR术语的四种变形情况
CIF术语变形 CIFLinerTerms CIFExShip's CIFExTackle
CIF术语变形说明 CIF班轮条件 Hold CIF吊钩下交货
DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay) DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid) DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)
通则》 三、《2000通则》中六种主要的贸易术语 通则
(一)适用于海运方式的三种常用贸易术语 1. FOB:Free on Board,装运港船上交货(named port ofshipment,…… 指定装运港)。 指当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。 2. CFR:Cost and Freight,成本加运费(named port ofdestination,…… 指定目的港)。 指在装运港货物越过船舷卖方即完成交货,卖方必须支付将货物运至指 定目的港所需的运费。 3. CIF:Cost、Insurance and Freight,成本、保险费加运费(named port of destination,……指定目的港)。 指在装运港货物越过船舷,卖方即完成交货,卖方必须支付将货物运至 指定目的港所需的运费。
• 国际贸易(international trade)又称世界贸易, 是世界各国、各地区之间进行的商品交换 活动。
• 国际贸易与对外贸易是两个相互联系又有 区别的概念,二者是一般和个别的关系。
国际贸易实务与操作>>第一章>> 第二节 国际货物买卖
• 1、填写提交《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》 • 2、打印《登记表》 • 3、向备案登记机关提交备案登记材料
国际贸易实务与操作>>第一章>> 第七节 创建国际贸易实体
二、办理登记备案认定注册手续 • (一)办理海关注册登记(见教材26页) • (二)办理出口退税资格认定手续 • (三)办理自理报检登记备案手续 • (四)办理外汇管理局注册手续
• 一、从事国际贸易需具备的条件 • 二、业务人员基本素质及需注意的问题
国际贸易实务与操作>>第一章>> 第六节 从事国际贸易具备的条件和人员素质
• 1、要有全球眼光和迅速准确的信息 • 2.雄厚的资金和良好信誉 • 3.完备的贸易组织机构 • 4.要具备一系列专门知识
• 我国的“金关工程”及附属的“进出口配 额许可证管理”、“进出口统计”、“出 口退税”和“出口收汇和进口付汇核销管 理”等应用系统已基本完成,中国海关也 已开始运行相关的口岸电子执法系统。
• (二) “十一五”末期电子商务应用赶上世界先 进水平
国际贸易实务与操作>>第一章>> 第五节 EDI在国际贸易中的应用
卖方需要签订运输合同并支付运费 卖方在船上交货或以取得已经这样交付的货物方式交货,风险在此转移
卖方负责运输合同和保险合同 卖方办理出口清关,买方办理进口清关
第一部分 国际贸易概述
国际贸易定义 国际贸易类型 国际贸易的当事人
国际贸易 定义
国际贸易,泛指国际间的商品和劳务(或货物、知识 和服务)的交换。它由各国(地区)的对外贸易构成, 是世界各国对外贸易的总和。 对外贸易,即 “进出口贸易”,是指一个国家(地 区)与另一个国家(地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换。 由进口和出口两个部分组成。 国际贸易的特点 1、涉外性质的商业活动。 2、环境错综复杂,变化多端。 3、风险较大。 4、线长、面广、环节多。 5、竞争异常激烈。
卖方需要签订运输合同并支付运费 在卖方指定的目的地将还在运抵运输工具上,但已完成进口清关,且可 供卸载的货物交由卖方处置方式的交货,风险在此转移
无订立保险合同的义务 卖方办理出口,进口清关 卖方责任最大的贸易术语
FREE ALONGSIDE SHIP 船边交货 FAS,插入指定装运港 卖方在指定的装运港将货物交到买方指定的船边(例如,置于码头或驳船上)
Chapter1Introduction to International Trade PracticeTeaching Objectives :1.Introduce three international business forms: trade, licensing, and foreign directinvestment.2.Discuss typical risks associated with international transaction.3.Explain participants and procedures of international trade.Focus in TeachingSection 1 Forms of International BusinessBased on the methods of entering a foreign market,international business can be classified into three broad categories:trade,intellectual property rights and international licensing agreements,and foreign direct investment.1.TradeTrade consists of the import and export of goods and services.Exporting is the shipment of goods or the rendering of services to a foreign buyer located in a foreign country.Every export entails an import, and vice versa.Exporting is generally divided into two types.Direct exporting is often done through foreign agents who work on commission,or by selling directly to foreign distributors.Indirect exporting is used by companies seeking to minimize their involvement abroad.There are several typesof indirect exporting:export trading companies(ETC),export agents,and export management company(EMC).Government Controls over TradeTariffs are import duties or taxes imposed on goods entering the customs territory of a nation.Non-tarift barders are all barriers to importing or exporting other than tariffs.One form of non-tariffbarrier is the technical barrier to trade.or product standard.Another type is export contro1.Trade liberalization refers to the efforts of governments to reduce tariffs and non—tariff barriers to trade.All WTO nations are entitled to normal trade relations with one another.This is referred to as Most Favored Nation trading status.2.Intellectual Property Rights and International Licensing AgreementsIntellectual property, rights are a grant from a government to an individual or firm of the exclusive legal right to use a copyright,patent,or trademark for a specified time.International ficensing.agreements are contracts by which the holder of intellectual property will grant certain rights in that property to a foreign firm under specified conditions and for a specified time.The exchange of technology and manufactnring know—how between firms in different countries through licensing agreements is known as technology transfer.Franchisind is a popular form of licensing.The franchisee is allowed to use a trade name or trademark in offering goods or services to the public in return for a royalty based on a percentage ofsales or other fee structure.Case 1-1(Dayan v.McDonald's Corp.)Dayan in Paris had an exclusive franchise agreement with McDonald’S in 1971.The agreement required that Dayan meet all quailty,service and cleanliness(QSC)standards set by McDonald‟S Due to quality and cleanliness violations for a long time,McDonald’S te rminated the franchise agreement with Dayan.Dayan couldn’t operate the restaurant with McDonald'S trademarks or name.3.Foreign Direct InvestmentForeign investment or foreign direct investment refers to the ownership and active control of ongoing business concerns,including investment in manufacturing,mining,farming,assembly operations,and other facilities of production.A distinction iS made between the home and host countries ofthe firms involved.The home country refers to that country under whose laws the investing corporation was created or is headquartered.Multinational Corporations are firms with significant foreign direct investment assets.Through direct investment,they can start a new foreign subsidiary company,form a ioint venture with an existing foreign company or acquire an existing foreign company by stock purchase.Multinational corporations are usually not a single legal entity.Of the three Forms of international business.Foreign investment provides the firm with the most involvement,and perhaps the greatest risk abroad.Investment in a foreign plant is often a result of having had successful experiences in exporting or licensing,and of the search for ways to overcome the disadvantages ofthe other entry methods.Section 2 Managing Risks of International Business TransactionsIn general,the level of risk rises from trade to licensing,and to foreign direct investment.The risks will also vary depending on which countries the business parties are located in or which country the transaction is to be performed in.1.PoliticaI RiskPolitical risk is generally defined as the risk to a firm‟s business interests resulting from political instability or political change in a country in which the firm is doing business.Handling political risk requires planning and vigilance.2.Language and Cultural DifferencesEven though English is widely used in business all over the world,the language of a given transaction still depends on the type of business one is doing and on the region of the world.One device to overcome language differences is to have the contract drawn in both the languages of the parties.Case I-2(Gaskin v.StllllllH HandelGmbh)Gaskin(an Ame rican citizen)could not speak o r read German,but he ente red into an employment cont ract written entirely in German with the German firm of Stumm Handel operated in New York.When he siRned the contract,the terms of the cont ract we re explained to him in English, includinR the "foum selection clause"of settling any disputes in the courts of Germany. Late r,the two parties had a disagreement Gaskin b rought this action against the German stumm Handel in the United States.but the cou rt dismissed his action due to his own negligence.3.Currency and Exchange Rate RisksThree separate risks relate to currency and international business transactions:convertibility, repatriation,and currency rate fluctuation.Such risk management refers to hedging currency risk.Case 1-3(Bernma Disuibucors,Inc.v.Bermna SewmgMach.)Bernina Sewing Machine Co.(Importer)had a seven-year contrad to import and supply Bernina sewing machines to Bernina Distributors in the US The importer was required to pay in Swiss francs.With the sharp decline of the dollar against the Swiss franc,the importer's costs doubled and thus halved its rate of return per dollar invested.So the importer wanted to cancel the contract with the distributor.But the cou rt ruled that the impo rte r bear the currency fludLuation risk according,to the contract.4.Legal RiskBecanse of differences in language,culture,and legal systems,the intentions of parties in an international transaction may not be easily discernable from their contract.The parties should express carefully intended rights and obligations in a written contract.5.Special Transaction Risks in Contracts for the Sale of GoodsThe risk that a buyer will default on a sales contract and fail to pay for the goods is known as payment risk,or credit risk.The risk that a buyer will not receive the goods udder a contract is called delivery risk.This textbook will focus on the special risks inherent in international transactions for the sale of goods.Section3 Participants and Procedures of Import-Export Transactions 1.ParticipantsThe core parties:the Seller and the BuyerOther important parties:the International Banks,the Freight Forwarder/Carrier,the Insurance Company,the Customs BrokerParties involved:the Export and Import Authority,the Chamber of Commerce,the Consular Office,the Notary Public,the Governmeut Regulatory Agency,the Attorney2.General Procedures of an Import-Export TransactionStage 1:Preparing for exporting or importing.Stage 2:Making a deal(refer to Chapter 2,Chapter 3 and Chapter 4).Stage 3:Fulfilling the contract(refer to Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Chapter 7,Chapter 8,Chapter 9 and Chapter 10).Stage 4:Settlement ofdisputes frefer to Chapter 1 1 and Chapter 12).Difficult Points in TeachingHedging Currency Risk (Extension)In finance,a hedge, is a position established in one market in an attempt to offset exposure to price fluctuations in some opposite position in another market with the goal of minimizing one‟s exposure to any unwanted risk.There are many specific financial vehicles to accomplish this,including insurance policies,forward contracts,swaps,opuons,many types ot over—the—counter and derivative products,and perhaps most popularly,futures contracts.Currency hedging(also known as foreign exchange risk hedging、is used both by financial investors to pass out the riks they encounter when investing abroad and by non—financial actors in the global economy for whom multi—currency activities are a necessary evil rather than a desired state of exposure.Hedging allows the investor to transfer the currency risk to someone else who wants to take up a position in the currency Examples of hedging include contracts for currencies,currency futures contracts,money market operations for currencies,forward exchange contracts for interest and others.TestI.Match the terms in Column A with the appropriate definitions in Column B.A1.import2.home country3.technology transfer4.delivery risk5.convertibility6.multinational corporation7.export8.intellectual property rights9.trade liberalization1 0.international licensing agreementBA.the ability to convert a currency into gold orother currencies without restrictionB.the exchange oftechnology and manufacturingknOW—how between firms in different countriesthrough licensing agreementsC.the buyer’S risk ofnot receiving the goods under acontractD.the country under whose laws the investingcorporation was created or is headquarteredE.goods produced by foreign countries andconsnmed by the domestic countryF.an individual’S or a firm’S exclusive legal rightstO use a copyright,patent,or trademark for aspecified timeG.government efforts to reduce trade barriersH.a contract specifying the conditions and timefor a foreign firm tO use certain rights fromthe intellectual property holderI.goods sent tO another country for saleJ.a firm with significant foreign direct investmentassetsII.Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.I.Why should countries trade?A.To help them thrive.C.To decrease output.B.To increase output.D.To keep themselves busy2.What is the term for a government’S interference with flee trade? A.Policy.B.Intercession.C.Hindrance tO trade.D.Barrier to trade.3.What do you call barriers to tradeA.Barriers to trade.C.Jingoist policies.that help domestic producers?B.Protectionist policiesD.Fiscal policies.4.What is it called when the government places taxes on imported goods? A.Subsidies.B.Taxes.C.Quotas.D.Tariffs.5.What is it called when the government places limits on the number of a given good that can be imported?A.Subsidies.B.tⅨes.C.Quotas.D.Tariffs.6.What develops when imports exceed exports?A.Tariff B.Quota.C.Trade deftcit.D.Trade surplus7.What is likely tO increase when one country’s real exchange rate falls?A.Cost of living.B.Imports.C.Exports.D.Standard of living.8.“Default risk”represents—A.a possible loss caused by the payment incapacity of a creditorB.a possible loss caused by the payment incapacity of a debtorC.a possible loss caused by the payment incapacity of an insurance credit companyD.a possible loss caused by the payment incapacity of a guarantee credit company 9.When a Chinese company exporter some goods to Britain,what currency is best for the chinese exporter?A.A stable hard currency.B.An unstable soft currencyC.A currency that is not convertible.D.A third country’S currency which both parties disagree tO use10 The depreciation ofthe Euro against the USD will be a risk forA.a European creditor with a credit in EurosB.an American debtor with a credit in US dollarsC.an American creditor with a credit in US dollarsD.a European debtor with a credit in US dollarsChapter 2Negotiating Business ContractsTeaching Objectives :1.Explain the negotiation procedures.2.Discuss the negotiation tasks at each stage.3.Study the structure and contents of international sales contracts.Focus in TeachingNegotiation is an integral part of the total business activity.The process of negotiation takes place in a series of time scales:the first period(to prepare for the negotiation,and execute the initial approach),the second(to reach agreement for the common interests),the third(to carry out the agreement)and the final period(to continue business relationship and further negotiations).1.Forming the Negotiating TeamThe negotiating team should include members from commercial,technical,financial and legal areas.2.Creating the Information BaseNegotiators should identify all the issues that may be relevant,such as the political system,the legal system,the business system,the social system,the financial and fiscal system,the infrastructure and logistical system.3.Creditability StudyA creditability study of the counterpart is done before the negotiation4.Feasibility StudyA feasibility study is involved before the negotiation,e.g.if one party intends to invest or buy /sella certain kind of technology.5.Negotiating BriefDefine the negotiating objective in terms of the major issues to be discussed.State the minimum acceptable level for each of the major items.Establish the time period within which the negotiations should be concludedIdentify the team leader and other members of the negotiating team.Set up the lines of communication and the reporting system.6.Negotiating PlanAs part of the preparations for business negotiations,negotiators should define the initial strategy,develop the supporting arguments,decide on the location for the negotiations,and ensure that the appropriate administrative arrangements have been made.Section 2 Structure and Sequence of NegotiationsThe actual conduct of the negotiation may be divided into four stages.1.The Opening and Its ReviewThe objective can be described as exploration without commimient.Negotiators get to know each other and identifi~the issues involved.They then modify their negotiating plan as necessary to take account ofany factors disclosed in the opening ofwhich they had not previously been aware.2.The Follow-UpThe stage covers a broad period of bargaining.Each side starts significantly to adjust its demands and attitudes to the observed behavior of the other.It is important to limit the amount of the initial concession.The negotiators should know the effect of a time limit on negotiations.3.Identifying the BargainWhen a negotiator recognizes that he has received a signal of a particular concession—exchange situation,he knows that a bargain is available to him on those terms.4.Concluding the BargainBefore making the final concession、it is important to have the final review.The finai concession should be made at the right time,So as to emphasize its finality.The record of negotiation should be made in written form and initialed by all parties concerned before they depart.The two sides should make sure to have the same understanding of the terms to which they are agreeing when the bargain is being made.The negotiation process can also be summarized as:(1)Inquiry,(2)Offer,(3)Counteroffer,(4)Acceptance.Section 3 Structure and Contents of Sales ContractsA contract js an agreement that defines a relationship between two or more parties.Forms of a contract can be sales contract,confirmation,letter,fax,e-mail.telegram,telex,or EDI.The contents of an international sales contract are generally made up 0f three parts:preamble,main body and final clauses ofthe contract(or witness of the contract).Preamble:title,registered name of the compang address of operation/residence and contact information,date and place for signing of the contract.Body:According to the United Nations Couvention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.the following contents are essential or indispensable for a contract to take effect:Name of the Commodity;Quality;Quantity;Unit Price;Packing;Payment;Shipment;Commodity Inspection;Insurance;Industrial Property Right and Patent;Claim and Dispute Settlement;Clause of Force Majeure;Miscellaneous and so on.Final Clauses:concluding sentence,languages,validity and number of copies,seal or/and signatures(1egal representative,agent).Difficult PointS in Teaching1.Methods of NegotiationOral:face to face,or telephone call;Business Correspondence:letter,cable,telex,fax,e—mail2.The Complexity of International Business NegotiationsInternational business negotiations are complicated because of language,cultural and legal differences,so it is important to make preparation in advance.To avoid misunderstandings among the contracting parties,the buyer and the seller should clarify each party’s responsibility by paying close attention to every contract term.Case 2-1(Act of State Doctrine Applicable?):This is a case decided in an American cou rt where of cou rse American law was applied The ad of state doctrine is a rule that prevents the court from exercising jurisdiction over foreign states when an official act of foreign sovereign gets involved within their own territory. The doctcrine is employed more broadly in America. The case is selected to remind the students of the complexity of international negotiations in terms of legal differences.3.Negotiation TechniquesIndividuals often fail in negotiations because they have had no grounding in basic negotiation skills.The most frequently used methods for closing negotiations can be referred to as the “alternative”,“assumption”,“concession”,“incremental”,“linkage”,‘‘prompting”,“summarizing”,“splitting the difference”.“trial’’and the“ultimatum/or else”techniques.4.Negotiation PracticeIn an international business agreement,either securing an export order or entering into a joint venture.the aim is the creation of a shared investment in a common future business relationship.When conducting business negotiations,negotiators should keep several points in mind.These points all begin with the letter“C”.which makes them easy to remember.(1)Situations to avoid:conflict,controversy and criticism.(2)Attitudes to develop:communication,collaboration and cooperation.(3)Goals to seek:change(or,alternatively,continuity),coherence,creativity,compromise,concessions,commonality,consensus,commitment and compensation.Testl.decide whether the following statements are true(T) OR false(F).1.Negotiation is an integral part of a busines activity which can not be isolated2.It is sufficient to have commercial personnel form the company to form the negotiating team for international negotiations3.Negotiators need to consider issues such as political system and religion.4.The local emplyment(labor ) law has nothing to do with international business negotiations.5.Athe feasibility study should be done before the negotiation while the creditability study can be doen afrer the negotiation.6.The negotiating brief shares the same contents with the negotiatiators to know as much as possible about their counterparts.7.The opening stage of a negotiation enables the negotiators to know as much as possible about their counterparts.8.Revieing of the opening stage is necessary for the negotiators to identify the accptable bargan to all the parties involved9.The time limit has no effect onn negotiators10The negotiation can be put to an end if an agreement is reaches on price .2.Choose the best answe from the four choices marked A,B,C and D1.subject to satisfactory arrangements___terms and conditions,we should be pleased to act as your sole agent.A.asB.as perC.as ifD.as to2.When you ____an agent, the appointment is usually___in writing.A.need,metB.want takeC.appoint,madeD.require,make3.Good harvest this year has made it possible for us to supply walnuts___ last year‟s prices.A,at B.in C.against D.on4.Any alteration in design would mean resettingou machines,and the cost of theis would be prohibitive___you could place an order for more than 5,000A.UNTIL b.with C.unless D,when5.We regret having received you offer too late, because we ___our needs elsewhere.A.already coverB. already coveredC.have already coveredD.had already covered6.We are not in a position to offer firm,as the goods are___A.out of stockB.out side in stockC.without stockD.no stock7.We confirm___accepted your counter proposal yesterday.A.haveB.havingC.to haveD.has been8.This agreement may be ___six months before its expiry.A.expandedB.renewedC.postponedD.prolonged9.We thank you for your letter of May 5th, your purchase from US of 5,000 tons Green Beans.A.confirm B.tO confirm C.confirming D.confirmed10.This offer is your reply reaching US before May 5th.A.subject B.subjected C.subject to D.subjected tollI.Full in the contract form in English with the particulars given in the following letters and/or telexes.(I)Incoming LetterVancouver,July 25,2009LlDU TEXILE IMP&EXP CURPBeijing,ChinaRe:COTTON BATH ToWELSDear Sirs,A customer of our firm,who is one of the biggest importers in Canada,is in the market for the subject commodity.We would therefore ask you to make ns an offer as soon as possible.When offering,kindly quote your lowest prices on the basis of CFR Vancouver including our commission of 3%with indication of colors.assortments.method of packing and any additional information you consider necessary.We shall appreciate it if you will arrange for shipment to be made as early as possible by direct steamer for Vancouver.We are looking forward tO receiving your offer.Yours faithfully,V ANCOUVER TRADING CO,LTD.(2)Outgoing LetterBeij ing,August 2,2009V ANCOUVER TRADING CO,LTD.Vancouver,CanadaDear Sirs,Thank you for your letter ofJuly 25 inquiring for COTTON BATH TOWELS.We are glad tO send you tinder separate cover our quotation sheet No.AC一8 1 1 5 for your reference.Sample cuttings of each design have been dispatched today by air parcel.We expect our quotation will reach you in due time and assure you ofour best and prompt attention tO your requirements at any time.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,LI DU TEXTILE,IMP&EXP CORP.(3)Incoming TelexAugust 10,2009RE:COTTON BATH TOWELSTKS FR UR LTR AUG 2 AS WELL AS SMPL CUTTINGS OF THE SUBlECT GDS.oN EXAMG UR SMPLS.OUR CSTMRS HV FND INTRST IN AIU’No.G3030 N WISH To PLACE TRL oRDR FR 1,000 DZ IN WHITE N YELLoW CoLoR EOUALL Y ASSoRTEDFR SHPMT OCT/NOV AS USUAL.OUR SIGHT IRRE-LC WL B OPND IN UR FA VOR 30 DlAYS BFR SHPMT TIME.RGDS(4)Outgoing LetterBeijing,August 1 1,2009V ANCOUVER TRADING CO,LTDVancouver,CanadaDear Sirs,Thank you for your order of August 10 for 1,000 dozens COTTON BA TH TOWELS·We are now making you the following offer,subject to your confirmation reaching US not later than August 20,1000,dozen of Art.No.G3030 COTTON BATH TOWELS details as per your telex of August 10)at CAN$24 per dozen CFRC2 Vancouver for shipment from any Chinese mainland port in October.P1ease note that,there is no direct steamer available for Vancouver in October,we find it onlypossible to ship the goods with transshipment at Hong Kong.The goods are to be packed in cartons each containing 5/10 dozen at Buyers’option.We look forward to your early acceptance.Yours faithfully,LI DU TEXTILE IMP&DXP CORP.(5)Incoming TelexAugust 15,2009TK U FR UR LTR AUG 11.UR OFR 1,000 DZ COTTON BATH TOWELS ACEPTD.V R NOW ARRANGING WITH OUT BK FR RELEV ANT LC.AS TO PACKG,V PREFER CTNS CONTAINING 5 DZ.PLS SEND CONTRACT ASAP.CONTRACTNO.09—110SELLERS:BUYERS:This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:Commodity:Specifications:Quantity:unit Price:Total Value:Packing:Shipping Mark:Insurance:Time of Shipment:Port of Shipment:Port of Destination:Terms of Payment:Done and signed in Beijing 011 this 20th day of August 2009.Chapter 3Formation of International Sales Contracts(CISG)Teaching objectives1.Outline the structure and contents of the CISG.2.Understand the application rules of the CISG.3.Discussthe legal features of offer and acceptance in the CISG4.Introduce the UNCIRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce.Focus in TeachingThe United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG)had been ratified by 7 1 countries by 2008.The CISG was developed by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law(UNCITRAL).Section 1 Structure and Contents of the CISGThe CISG has 101 articles in total.which faIl into fonr parts:1.Articles 1—13:sphere ofapplication ofthe Convention and general provisions.2.Articles 14_24:formation of the contract.3.Articles 25—88:sale of goods,obligations of the seller,obligations of the buyer,passing of risk,obligations common to both the buyer and the seller.4.Articles 89-101:final provisions including how and when the Convention comes into force,permitted reservations and declarations,and the application of the Conventionto international sales where both States concerned have the same or similar 1aw on the subject.The CISG does not govern:validity,transfer ofproperty,limitation ofclaims,product liability, legality ofthe contract.Note:The gap filling is left to the applicable national contract law.Section 2 Application of the CISGIn accordance with Articles 1 and 95 of the CISG,the application of the CISG can be described as follows:1.The contract is for the commercial sale of goods;and2.The contract is between parties whose places ofbusiness are in different countries(nationality or citizenship of individuals is not a determining factor);and3.The D1aces ofbusiness are located in countries that have ratified the CISG.Case 3-I(Asante Technologies,Inc.v. PMC-sierra,Inc.):This litiflation is between parties of two different Contradinfl States—Canada&US.Therefore,the CISG appliesSection 3 Formation of International Sales ContractsOffer+Acceptance=Contract(mutual agreement)1.0fferA proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer ifit is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offer or to be bound·A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price.The offer must be communicated directly to the offeree to be a legal contract.An offer cannot be accepted without knowledge of it.Case 3-2 (Was the ContractMade?)lt was sufficiently definite as to type of foods,price and quantity,and it indicated Ihe offeror’S intention to be bound.case 3-3 (Is the Proposal an Offer?)The offer is definite.If the price is not fixed,the price will be that charged “for such goods sold under comparable circumstances in the t rade concerned.”(Article 55)Case 3-4(Counter-offer or Acceptance?)The seller did two counter-offers,and the buyer refused both.No acceptance 2.AcceptanceThe agreement to the terms of the offer,provided that certain other requirements are fulfilled,converts the offer into a legally binding contract.If the method by which the acceptance is tO be manifested is indicated by the offeror,that method alone will be effective.Case 3-5(Silence asAcceptance?)."This is an example of exceptionThe fellowing tables summarize the leglal features of offer and acceptance。
第三章 国际贸易实务模拟操作的基本流程 《国际贸易实务模拟操作教程》PPT课件
• 12、申请检验:出口商根据信用证的规定填写《出境货物报检单》 (Application for Certificate of Export Inspection),并备齐商业发票、装箱单等 相关文件向出入境检验检疫局申请出口检验。
• (二) 出口商备货装运(程序5-20)
• 采用D/P方式付款时,没有信用证介入,因此 进口商不必申请开立信用证,出口商签订合同 后就可直接办理备货装运的各项手续,此阶段 与L/C方式下的实务流程相同。
• (三) 结汇与求偿(程序21~30)
• 21、备齐相关单据,办理托收:货物装运出口后,出口商按双方规定, 备妥文件(商业发票、装箱单、海运提单、货物运输保险单、商检证 书、产地证等),并签发以进口商为付款人的即期汇票,向出口地银 行办理托收(Collection)。
36、到货通知:此时,货物已运抵进口国的目的港,船公司通知进口商来 换取提货单。
• 37、交提单,换取提货单: 进口商向船公司缴交提单(B/L) 换取提货 单(Delivery Order;D/O)。尤其当进口商是在FOB术语下买入货物时,进口 商唯有向船公司缴清运费及杂费,并将B/L向船公司换取D/O,才能向 海关提出要求报关,表明进口商已获得船公司同意可以提领货物。
• 由于托收方式下与L/G方式下的实务流程区别仅在于与信用 证相关的部分,其他程序
• 基本上一样,因此下图说明中将相同部分予以简化。其CIF 下的实务流程请参阅图3-2 (见教材) :
不同国家和地区海关监管政策 存在差异,对跨境电子商务造 成一定困扰。应对策略包括了 解目标市场海关政策、合理规 划进出口流程、寻求专业法律 咨询等。
为鼓励特定商品或领域的国际贸 易,国家会实施关税减免政策, 降低关税壁垒。
通过制定严格的技术标准、认证制度等手段,限制或禁止不符合 要求的商品进口。
针对倾销行为采取的惩罚性措施,保护国内产业免受不公平竞争 损害。
建议学生继续深入学习国际贸易实务相关知 识,包括贸易法规、贸易融资、国际商务谈 判等高级课程。
鼓励学生通过参加实习、模拟贸易等方式,提升自 己的实务操作能力,为未来的职业发展打下坚实基 础。
建议学生关注国际贸易的最新动态和政策变 化,了解国际贸易的发展趋势和前沿问题, 拓宽自己的国际视野。
市场调研与风险评 估
第二部分准备合同2-1 发盘与接受在诸多使合同具有法律约束力的条件中,需要包含发盘和接受。
、制定经营和价格方案、促销等。 (2)商订出口合同:函电联系、当面洽谈等磋商交
易。 (3)出口合同的履行:备货、交货、落实信用证、
订舱、投保、缮制单据、结汇、收取货款等。 2、进口贸易的程序 (1)交易前的准备:制定进口经营方案、调查国外
市场和外商资信、选择供货对象等。 (2)商订进口合同:配备好专业洽谈人员和精明能
2、 使用EXW时应注意的三个问题
一、EXW Ex Works(…named place)
EXW术语要求卖方在规定的时间和指定的交 货地点,将符合合同要求的货物交给买方控制并 提交有关票据;
由买方承担收到货物后的 一切风险和费用( 包括自负风险和费用办理货物的运输以及货物的 进口和出口手续)
3.2.2 非固定价格
非固定价格,即一般业务上所说的“活价”,大体上可 分为下述几种: 1)待定价格 这种订价方法又可分为以下两种具体做法: (1)在价格条款中明确规定定价时间和定价方法。 (2)只规定作价时间,例如:“由双方在某年某月某日 协商确定价格”。
2)暂定价格 在合同中先订立一个初步价格,作为开立信用证和
在通货膨胀的条件下,它实质上是出口厂商转嫁国内 通货膨胀、确保利润的一种手段。
在价格调整条款中,通常使用下列公式来调整价格: P=P。(A+BM/M。+CW/W。)
在上述公式中: P代表商品交货时的最后价格; P。代 表签订合同时约定的初步价格; M代表计算最后价格时引 用的有关原料的平均价格或指数; M。代表签订合同时引 用的有关原料的价格或指数; w代表计算最后价格时引用 的有关工资的平均数或指数; w。代表签订合同时引用的 工资平均数或指数。 A代表经营管理费用和利润在价格中 所占的比重; B代表原料在价格中所占的比重; C代表工 资在价格中所占的比重; A、B、C所分别代表的比例签合
出口商品盈亏率=(FOB出口人民币净收入-出口总成本 )/出口总成本×100%
4)出口创汇率 出口创汇率也称外汇增值率,或出口收汇率,用于加 工贸易,反映了以外汇购买原料、辅料,经加工成为成 品后再出口的创汇效果。 计算公式为: 出口创汇率=(成品出口外汇净收入-原料外汇成本)/ 原料外汇成本×100% 公式中的成品出口外汇净收入-原料外汇成本=外汇 增值额,如结果为正数,则表示外汇增值,若结果为负 数,则表示“倒贴外汇”。要注意的是其中原料外汇成本是 进口的CIF价,出口外汇净收入是出口的FOB价。
3.5.2 出口外汇净收入与出口换汇成本
1)出口外汇净收入 出口外汇净收入是指出口外汇总收入扣减非贸易外汇 收入后的FOB外汇收入,即出口商品按FOB价格出售所得 外汇净收入。计算公式为: 出口外汇净收入= 出口外汇总收入-(国外运费 + 国外 保险费 ) 2)出口换汇成本 出口换汇成本是指某商品出口净收入一个单位的外汇 所需要的人民币成本,它是反映企业出口交易盈亏的重 要指标。计算公式为 : 出口换汇成本=出口总成本(人民币元)/出口外汇净 收入(外汇)
• 3、长度(Length)计算。常用的长度单位有:米(Meter)、英 尺(Foot)、码(Yard)、寸(Inch)等。
运输标志(Shipping Mark) 指示性标志(Indicative Mark) 警告性标志(Warning Mark)
含义: 又称唛头,是一种识别标 志,通常由一个简单的几何图形和 一些字母、数字及简单的文字组成。
(2)指示性标志(Indicative Mark)
For Example:吨:
实施公制的国家用公吨=1000公斤 实施英制的国家用长吨=1016公斤
明确单位 避免争议
面积计量 体积计量 容积计量
• 1、重量(Weight)计算。常用的重量单位有:公吨(MT)、长吨 (LT)、短吨(ST)、千克(KG)、克(G)、磅( Pound,lb)、 盎司( Ounce)、克拉( Carat)等。
内容:一般包括包装材料、包装方式、费用 和运输标志等。
例:每件装一塑料袋,半打为一盒, 十打装一木箱。
1、考虑商品特点及运输方式。 2、包装的规定要明确。不宜“海运包装”、“习惯包装”。 3、唛头一般由卖方决定。 4、包装费用的负担要明确。
新 加 坡
管制严销 路窄
行业则因新加坡的卫生法限制,多用塑料器皿。新加 坡的陶瓷铅溶出量不得超过7PPM。此外,有崩裂破损 的陶瓷均禁用,一经查获,除禁止使用外,并有被罚
2.3.3 交易磋商
Enquiry Offer
Counter-offer acceptance
• 口头谈判 • 书面谈判
Four yuan for 1 kilo. Three yuan and eight.
Do you have carrots here?
• 涉及法律的复杂性 • 中间环节多 • 受外在因素的影响大 • 交易成本巨大 • 高风险行业
国际市场调研 寻找客户 建立业务关系
经济 市场 客 户 调研 调研 调研
How much is it?
That’s too much! Three for 1 kilo?
Deal. I’ll take 5 kilos! Yes! Plenty of !Do you want some?
我方某公司按CIF条件和美一公司成交一笔草帽业务,货装船后 停泊在码头,结果在启运前发生一场大火,将一船草帽全部烧光。买 方闻讯后即致电我方,要求退货款或由卖方赔偿一切损失,问我方是 否应赔偿损失或退款?
遇到这种贸易纠纷我们该如何处理呢?应该由谁承担这个风险, 由谁负这个责任呢?又由谁赔偿这笔损失呢?
4. 2010通则在A1和B1条款在各方约定或符合惯例的情况下, 赋予电子信息与纸质信息同等效力。 5. 关于有关保险的用语作出了调整。 6. 有关“安检通关及其通关所需信息”的规定。 7. 有关“码头作业费”的规定。 8. 有关“链式销售”的规定。
由此可见,贸易术语具有两重性,即一方面表示交货条件;另一方面 表示成交价格的构成因素。这两者是紧密相关的。
①有利于买卖双方洽商交易和订立合同 ②有利于买卖双方核算价格和成本 ③有利于买卖双方解决履约中的争议
运费 v 6.EX Dock (Named Port of Importation)——目的港
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) was ratified by 71 countries by 2008. CISG has 101 articles in total, which fall into four parts: 1. Articles 1-13: the sphere of application of the Convention and general provisions. 2. Articles 14-24: formation of contract.
Section 2 Application of the CISG
Case 3-1 Asante Technologies, Inc. v. PMC-sierra, Inc. Facts: The Asante (P), in California, purchased electronic parts from the PMC (D), whose office and factory were in Canada. P directly corresponded with D at D’s Canadian address. P placed its orders through D’s authorized distributor, Unique Technologies, located in California. Invoices were sent from Unique, and payment remitted to Unique. P claimed that the goods did not meet its specifications. What law is applied to this case?
Section 2 Application of the CISG
Case 3-1 This litigation is between parties of two different Contracting States – Canada & US. Therefore, CISG applies.
Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contract
Case 3-4 Counter-offer or Acceptance ? Facts: An Italian seller and a Belgian buyer wanted to enter into a contract for the sale of textiles. The seller provided samples of its fabrics to the buyer on the bases of which, the latter determined its collection of sandals to be presented to its customers. After selecting a certain fabric the buyer placed an order. However, the seller proposed a substitute for the ordered fabric and, shortly after that, it communicated the impossibility of delivery unless a larger quantity of fabric was ordered. The buyer refused both these proposals. Was there a contract concluded?
Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contract
Article 14 (1) A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price. (2) A proposal other than one addressed to one or more specific persons is to be considered merely as an invitation to make offers, unless the contrary is clearly indicated by the person making the proposal.
Section 1 Structure and Contents of the CISG
3. Articles 25-88: sale of goods, obligations of the seller and the buyer, passing of risk. 4. Articles 89-101: final provisions including how and when the Convention comes into force, permitted reservations and declarations, and the application of the Convention to international sales where both States concerned have the same or similar law on the subject.
Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contract
Case 3-2 It was sufficiently definite as to type of goods, price and quantity, and it indicated the offeror’s intention to be bound.
International Trade Practice and Operation
Chapter 3 Formation of the International Sales Contract (CISG)
Teaching Objectives 1. Outline the structure and contents of CISG. 2. Understand the application rules of CISG. 3. Discuss the legal features of offer and acceptance in CISG. 4. Introduce UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce.
Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contract
1. Offer An indication of willingness to do or refrain from something that is capable of being converted by acceptance into a legally binding contract. An offer is made from an offeror to an offeree and is capable of being accepted only by someone who knows of its existence. The offer must be communicated directly to the offeree to be a legal contract. An offer cannot be accepted without knowledge of it.
Section 3 Formation of International Sales Contract
Case 3-2 (Was the Contract Made?): Facts: A French company (the seller) sent a fax in English to a German company (the buyer) proposing the delivery of twenty truck loads of tomato concentrate. The buyer replied by fax accepting delivery. Thereafter, only one truck load was received by the buyer. Question: Was there a contract established between the seller and the buyer?
Section 1 Structure and Contents of the CISG
CISG does not govern: validity, transfer of property, limitation of claims, product liability, legality of a contract. The gap-filling is left to the applicable national contract law.