Catch-22 第二十二条军规
The Book Report catch22 《第二十二条军规》读书报告
![The Book Report catch22 《第二十二条军规》读书报告](
Contemplation in Insanity——a book report of Catch-22 If God can do anything, can He make a stone so heavy that He won’t be able to life it? As long as you think for a moment, you’ll find this question unanswerable. You may consider this famous fallacy a clever trick but what if you literally believe in it? What if people fight for their belief in an insane statement? You can find the answer in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.The Plot:During the second half of World War II, a soldier named Yossarian is stationed with his Air Force squadron on the island of Pianosa. All he wants is to survive the madness of war. He is convinced that everyone is trying to kill him, which is understandable seeing as how he’s fighting in a war, where everyone really is trying to kill another. Yossarian has to survive the dangerous combat missions he flies, while Colonel Cathcart continues to increase the number of missions hie men must complete.The novel does not flow in chronological order, but instead involve frequent flashbacks. Therefore it maybe confusing and so is war. The first part concentrates on the narrative present, the second part on the Great Big Siege of Bologna, the third part returns to the present, the fourth part centers on Milo’s actions, and finally on Yossarian’s escape from the military.Many of Yossarian’s actions are either in response to the death of a fellow soldier, or as a tactic to avoid flying dangerous missions. The Air Force administration’s action, on the contrary, are based on improving the ranks of the individual officers or making America look good in the war. What we come to hate about military bureaucracy as we read Catch-22 is its lack of logic; men are asked to risk their lives again and again for reasons that are utterly illogical and unimportant. The novel ends on an upbeat note with Yossarian learning of Orr ( his friend )’s miraculous escape to Sweden and Yossarian’s pledge to follow him there. He successfully stays sane and alive in the face of unfathomable danger and cold bureaucratic insensitivity.The Characters:Captain John Yossarian. John Yossarian, the protagonist of Catch-22, is both a member of the squadron’s community and alienated by it. Although he flies and liveswith the men, he is marked as an outsider by the fact that many of the men think he is insane. But Yossarian’s characteristics are not those of a typical hero. He does not risk his life to save others; in fact, his primary goal throughout the novel is to avoid risking his life whenever possible. Maybe it is because that the system of values around Yossarian is so skewed that this approach seems to be the only truly moral stance he can take, if only because it is so logical. In a world where life itself is so undervalued and so casually lost, it is possible to redefine heroism as simple self-preservation. In the end, when offered a choice between his own safety and the safety of the entire squadron, Yossarian is unable to choose himself over others. This concern for others complicates the simple logic of self-preservation, and creates its own Catch-22: life is not worth living without a moral concern for the well-being of others, but a moral concern for the well-being of others endangers one’s life.Milo Minderbinder.Representing an extreme version of capitalist free enterprise that has spiraled out of control, Milo seems simultaneously brilliant and insane. What starts out as a business in black-market eggs turns into a worldwide enterprise in which, he claims, “everyone has a share.” He lies, cheats and steals his way through the war. The Germans pay him to bomb his own base and the Americans pay him to bomb Germans. He uses military planes to fly his goods from place to place, and lives in palaces. Milo tells the men in his squadron that they all have a share of his profits, but he bombs his own squadron as part of a deal he has made with the Germans. His willingness to allow his own camp to be bombed shows his complete disregard for the sides drawn by the war, and the men’ s acceptance of payment for being bombed shows that Milo is not alone in placing a high value on making money.The Themes and Ideas:Catch-22.There’s only one catch to Yossarian’s plan to save himself, and that’s Catch-22. This passage from Chapter 5 marks the novel’s first mention of the paradoxical law called “Catch-22.”There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he wassane he would have to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.“That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he observed.“It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.The more Yossarian learns about Catch-22, though, the bigger it grows, each new clause as infuriating and paradoxical as the last. Catch-22, we learn, is the Bible of bureaucracy — every pointless and petty regulation made by someone who has never seen a battlefield to make themselves look good with no sleep lost for the people like Yossarian who get killed in the process.There’s no reasoning or arguing with Catch-22. It’s not personal. It’s just the rules, and if the rules say that Yossarian has to die, then that’s what Yossarian has to do.Over the course of the novel, Catch-22 is described in a number of different ways that can be applied to a number of different aspects of wartime life; here, however, Catch-22 affects Yossarian most specifically. Catch-22 is alarmingly persuasive; even Yossarian accepts what seems to be its logical infallibility. But Catch-22 is an abstract thing; we find out later that Yossarian believes that Catch-22 does not really exist. It is a trap made up of words, and words are faulty things, often misrepresenting reality. What is so upsetting about the way Catch-22 is applied throughout the novel is that real men are sent into real peril based on a few unreal and unreliable words. The the pointlessness of the fact makes Yossarian crazy.Personality in the insane world.Unlike other anti-romantic war novels, Catch-22relies heavily on humor to convey the insanity of war, presenting the horrible meaninglessness of armed conflict through a kind of desperate absurdity rather than through graphic depictions of suffering and violence. Catch-22also distinguishes itself from other anti-romantic war novels through its core values: the story of Yossarian, the protagonist, is ultimately not one of despair but one of hope. He believes that the positive urge to live and to be free can redeem the individual from the dehumanizing machinery of war. The novel is told as a series of loosely related, tangential stories in no particular chronological order. The narrative that emerges from this structural tangle upholds the value of the individual in the face of the impersonal, collective military mass; at every stage it mocks insincerity and hypocrisy, even when such values appear triumphant.Despite its World War II setting, Catch-22is often thought of as a signaturenovel of the 1960s and 1970s. It was during those decades that American youth truly began to question authority. Hippies, university protests, and the civil rights movement all marked the 1960s as a decade of revolution, and Heller’s novel fit in perfectly with the spirit of the times. In fact, Heller once said, “I wasn’t interested in the war in Catch-22. I was interested in the personal relationships in bureaucratic authority.” Whether Heller was using the war to comment on authority or using bureaucracy as a statement about the war, it is clear that Catch-22 is more than just a war novel. It is also a novel about the moral choices that every person must make when faced with a system of authority whose rules are both immoral and illogical. This reminds me the dark ten years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Millions of people were persecuted and suffered a wide range of abuses and millions of people became insane illogical, which makes the perseverance of personal principles more valuable and remarkable.Reference:[1]约瑟夫·海勒.第二十二条军规[M].南京: 译林出版社.[2]常文革.黑色幽默的典范[N].长春师范学院学报,2005-9。
• 小说自始至终都笼罩着“第二十二条军规”的阴 影。尽管它没有实在的文本,但从尤索要的求生 过程可知,无论人们怎样挣扎总也逃不出它的钳 制。 • 作家从社会生活和切身体验中发现,无论战时战 后,美国人都处在一种不可捉摸又无所不在的异 已力量胁迫之下,岌岌惶惶而无可奈何。就虚构 了“catch-22”这一寓言形象。定名“军规”, 既使它更具令人畏惧的强制性,又使它跟世界荒 诞的极端—战争紧相关联。冠之以“第二十二 条”,则使它成为不存在的存在。而“catch”的 1/1/2019 原意就是陷阱、圈套。
两派人物 :军事官僚集团和普通军人
• • • •
1.特种警备司令佩克姆将军 2.飞行大队司令官卡思卡特上校 3.负责空军军官操练的谢司科普夫中尉 4.伙食管理员迈洛中尉
5.主人公尤索林是处于被主宰地位的 普通军人的代表
• 本是个热情、诚实、富于正义感的爱国青年。 • 后来对战争大失所望,认识到替卡思卡特之 流升官发财卖命是毫无意义的愚蠢行为。 • 从此变成了怕死鬼,“活下去”是他生活的 唯一目的和“最高准则”。 • 最后在几个知心朋友帮助下,他驾机逃往瑞 典去了。
• 尤索林身上绝无传统英雄所具备的崇高壮烈的 行为和出类拔萃的品格,其非同一般之处仅在于 面对疯狂世界不放弃自由选择。他成了当代世界 文学画廊一个典型的“反英雄”形象。
• 作者写在小说扉页上的一句话——“我敢打赌,它 根本就不存在。”尽管他确信无疑,可那又有什 么用呢?问题在于每个人都认为它存在。而更糟 糕的是,它没有什么实实在在的内容或条文可以 让人们嘲笑、驳斥、指责、批评、攻击、修正、 憎恨、谩骂、啐唾沫、撕成碎片、踩在脚下或者 烧成灰烬。
成语释义 同类例句
小说《第二十二条军规》 作者简介
电影《第22条军规》 简介
主人公约翰”尤萨林上尉”﹙Captain John Yossarian﹚是美国陆军第27航空队B-25轰炸机上的一名领航员兼投弹手,他渴望保住自己的性命。根据司令部规定,完成25次战斗飞行的人就有权申请回国,但必须得到长官批准。当尤萨林完成32次任务时,联队长卡思卡特上校已经把指标提高到40次了。等他飞完44次,上校又改成50次。当他飞完51次,满以为马上就能回国了,定额又提高到60次。因为第二十二条军规规定,军人必须服从命令,即使上校违反了司令部的规定,在他飞完规定次数后还叫他飞,那他也得去,否则他就犯下违抗命令的罪行。所以无论他飞满多少次,上校总可以继续增加定额,而他却不得违抗命令。如此反复,永无休止。官兵们的精神已近乎崩溃,可谁也不可能停飞。于是他逃进医院装病,军医说他是“在白费时间”,他“当场就决定发起疯来”,因为根据条例,精神失常的人是不准上天飞行的,但只能由他本人提出申请。而一个人在面临真正的危险时却担心自身安全,就证明他神智清醒。于是就产生了如下逻辑:如果你疯了,只要你申请就允许你停飞。可你一旦提出申请,就证明你不是疯子,还得接着飞。最后,尤萨林终于明白:“这里面只有一个圈套……就是第二十二条军规。” 这也是作者写在小说扉页上的一句话。 “我敢打赌,它根本就不存在。”尽管他确信无疑,可那又有什么用呢?问题在于每个人都认为它存在。而更糟糕的是,它没有什么实实在在的内容或条文可以让人们嘲笑、驳斥、指责、批评、攻击、修正、憎恨、谩骂、啐唾沫、撕成碎片、踩在脚下或者烧成灰烬。 最后,他不得不开小差逃往中立国瑞典。 在海勒的世界里,第二十二条军规是神秘的代名词,象征了一种具有超自然的、能操纵人类命运的神秘力量。这里既有现代官僚机器的异己力量,也包含了某些神秘,即海勒自己所感到的不可捉摸、无力把握的异己力量。对于海勒来说,美国政府只是一个穷兵黩武、对外进行侵略扩张的军事官僚集团。这样的集团无论对国内百姓还是对海外士兵都实行严密的控制。谁也摆脱不了那如同魔力般军规的约束。可见,第二十二条军规所造成的意境明显带有超验的、永恒的色彩,否则,它何以从一个专有名词进入美国人的日常语言? 具有无上权力和随意性的第二十二条军规并不存在而又无所不在,是一种有组织的混乱和制度化疯狂的象征。它既是一项具体而荒谬的法律条文,更是一种抽象的专制现实。它永远对,你永远错;它总有理,你总没理。它总是与灭绝人性的官僚体制如影随形,使你永远无法摆脱,无法逾越。 在现实生活中,我们也时常会遭遇大大小小的“第二十二条军规”,其实就是形形色色的制度陷阱,通常在资源被强势一方所垄断,当事人双方信息严重不对称或权利不平等的情况下最容易产生。它类似“霸王”条款,简直就像是为官员权力寻租或行政免责而量身度造的。比如在某些国家,你要当医生就必须先获得从业资格,而资格的认定条件却是“行医××年以上”。也就是说,要取得从业资格必须先有从业经历,可没有从业资格你却无法取得从业经历。 过去单位分房和评职称、评奖过程中产生的“第二十二条军规”最多。它们通常都采取“群众评议,领导拍板”的所谓民主集中制方式,给暗箱操作留下巨大空间。总是先成立一个带倾向性的评委会,通过不断制造针对某些人群的新规则,抬高他们的门槛,发布一轮又一轮的排行榜,等到评选程序复杂到足以把所有人都搞晕时,才有机会把不希望的人选打压出局,从而把有某种背景的人选推上去。 在一个相对封闭的环境中,规则或者说“土政策”通常是上级比着自己鞋后跟划定的,对下的刚性和对上的弹性都很大,所以执行起来既要坚持制度的原则性,又要把握政策的灵活性,结果自然会因人而异,就看解释权在谁了。(钱大川)
第二十二条军规英语读后感"Catch-22" is a timeless classic of American literature, a satirical novel written by Joseph Heller that exploresthe absurdities and ironies of war and the military system. Upon finishing this remarkable work, I was left with a profound sense of discomfort and reflection, as Heller's sharp wit and profound insights into the complexities of human nature and the folly of war resonated deeply within me.The novel's central theme, the infamous "Catch-22," encapsulates the paradoxical and self-perpetuating natureof military regulations. This catch-phrase refers to a situation where soldiers are trapped in a vicious cycle: they are declared insane and unfit for flight if they apply for a ground assignment out of fear of flying, but if they volunteer for dangerous missions, they are considered sane and must continue flying. This paradoxical rule not only highlights the absurdity of military logic but also serves as a microcosm for the larger absurdities andcontradictions inherent in war and society.The characters in "Catch-22" are a testament toHeller's keen observation of human behavior and psychology. Each character is a complex, multi-faceted individual, with their own unique quirks, flaws, and dreams. The protagonist, Yossarian, is a relatable figure who struggles to navigate the insanity of war while trying to preserve his sanity and humanity. His interactions with the other characters, such as the cynical Milo Minderbinder and the eccentric Doc Daneeka, reveal the diverse range of human responses to the stress and chaos of war.What makes "Catch-22" particularly powerful is itsability to transcend the specific context of the Second World War and speak to the universal themes of humanity, power, and morality. Heller's satire is not limited to the military but extends to society at large, exposing thefolly and hypocrisy that can exist in any system wherepower and authority are unchecked.The novel's writing style is also noteworthy. Heller's use of humor and irony to expose the absurdities of war is both brilliant and effective. His narratives are often chaotic and disjointed, reflecting the confusion and chaosof war itself. The language is both colloquial and poetic, with Heller's unique voice shining through in every sentence.Reading "Catch-22" has been a deeply enriching experience for me. It has not only expanded my understanding of war and the military but has also challenged my views on society and human nature. Heller's satire forces us to question the values and assumptions that underlie our world, making us more aware of the potential absurdities and ironies that can exist in even the most seemingly rational systems.In conclusion, "Catch-22" is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of human nature and the folly of war. It is a thought-provoking and insightful novel that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the subtleties and paradoxes of life. Heller's masterful blend of humor, irony, and profound social commentary makes "Catch-22" a timeless classic that will continue to resonate with readers for generations to come.。
第二十二条军规 内容简介
![第二十二条军规 内容简介](
• Second world war • Yossarian(USbomber Bombardier) is stationed with his Air Force squadron on the island of Pianosa
• He is full of enthusiasm to participate in the war to save the justice
desire to keep his life, determined to escape from the" world"
he pretended to be ill in the hospital in order to avoid thech -22
Their colonels(Cathcart) continually raise bombing missions that they are required to perform before being sent home
witnessed the illusory(虚妄), absurd, crazy, cruel phenomenon
rational ,actually absurd
a trap, is an insurmountable obstacle不可逾越的障碍
So- called“justice behavior” fled to Sweden
Catch --22 not exist ,A logical conundrum(逻辑难题) in which someone is essentially trapped, no matter what decision is made
Milo Minderbinder • A powerful mess(食堂) officer, Milo controls an international black-market syndicate(辛迪加)M&M Enterprises and doing business in obscure corners all over the world. He ruthlessly chases after profit and bombs his own men as part of a contract with Germany.
Explanation of the novel's title
• The title is a reference to a fictional bureaucratic stipulation which embodies forms of illogical and immoral reasoning. Catch means "regulation","rule" but also means "trap"圈套.The opening chapter of the novel was originally published in New World Writing as Catch-18 in 1955, but Heller's agent, Candida Donadio, requested that he change the title of the novel, so it would not be confused with another recently published World War II novel, Leon Uris's Mila 18. The number 18 has special meaning(alive) in Judaism.
"Catch-22"是一个典故来源于美国作家Joseph Heller所写的同名小说,该小说于1961年出版。
Catch-22 第二十二条军规
![Catch-22 第二十二条军规](
3. Plot Overview
WWII, Yossarian and his squadron stationed on Pianosa. They endure a nightmarish, absurd existence defined by bureaucracy and violence. (inhuman resources, brutal combat situations, good aerial photographs, number of missions inscreasing, a war going on in Yossarian’s mind, crazy)
3. Plot Overview
Nately died in mission when falling in love with a whore who blamed Yossarian and tried to kill him. Milo claims every has a share, but false. Arrested in Rome, 2 choices---court martial or home honorable (support, agree 80 missions). Desert army , flee to Sweden, goodbye to dehumanizing cold machinery of the military, rejects the rule of Catch-22, a future in his own control.
可以说,“第二十二条军规”所 象征的是现代统治的方式,象征 了一种有组织的混乱以及有理性 的荒诞,象征了后现代社会的一 种谁也看不到,但却无所不在的 统治。
小说中出现了下面这样一个经 典情节:
《第二十二条军规》艺术特点: 第一,将深刻的讽刺隐藏在看似 荒唐 的幽默之中;
第二,放射状的结构和无主角的 人物世界; 第三,荒诞的情节。
海勒的小说创作具有重要的意义。 《中国大百科全书· 外国文学卷》中这 样评价道: “海勒是黑色幽默的代表人物, 在他之前虽已出现黑色幽默的作品, 但他的作品在黑色幽默文学中的影 响最大,成为这一流派的支柱。
他注意发掘社会重大的主题,揭 示现代社会中使人受到摧残和折磨的 异己力量,具有象征意义。 他的创作方法往往以超现实而不 是从写实的角度出发,经常以夸张的 手法把生活漫画化,表现了一种和写 实性质的真实完全不同的真实;
海勒与《第二十二条军规》 (Catch--22): 它不是一部历史小说,而是一
部当代寓言,它并不是要表现历史 的真实,而是要表现超现实的哲理。
“第二十二条军规”作为一 个生存的总体隐喻是直接指向当 代世界的生存现状的,隐喻的是 人类荒谬的存在处境。
二、《第二十二条军规》 作品以第二次世界大战为背景, 充满特有的机智和幽默,但也让人 感到心酸和恐惧。其主要人物是一 支美国空军轰炸机联队的中尉飞行 员尤索林。作品对资本主义各国为 了争权夺利而进行的世界战争进行 了深刻的批判,对极不合理的社会 体制也作了辛辣的嘲讽。在政治意 义之外,小说更具有丰富的哲理内 涵。
他又善于把令人发指的暴行和难 以忍受的痛苦写成笑话,但作品的基 调是绝望的,排斥了任何具有正剧含 义的光明的圆满的结局。
• 尤索林身上绝无传统英雄所具备的崇高壮烈的 行为和出类拔萃的品格,其非同一般之处仅在于 面对疯狂世界不放弃自由选择。他成了当代世界 文学画廊一个典型的“反英雄”形象。
• 作者写在小说扉页上的一句话——“我敢打赌,它 根本就不存在。”尽管他确信无疑,可那又有什 么用呢?问题在于每个人都认为它存在。而更糟 糕的是,它没有什么实实在在的内容或条文可以 让人们嘲笑、驳斥、指责、批评、攻击、修正、 憎恨、谩骂、啐唾沫、撕成碎片、踩在脚下或者 烧成灰烬。
美国黑色幽默派及荒诞派代表作 家,出生于纽约市布鲁克林一个 俄裔犹太人家庭。二战期间曾任 空军中尉。战后进大学学习, 1948年毕业于纽约大学,获文学 学士学位。1949年在哥伦比亚大 学获文学硕士学位后,赴牛津大 学深造。1950到1952年在宾夕法 尼亚州立大学等校任教。1961年, 长篇小说《第二十二条军规》问 世,一举成名。除《第二十二条 军规》外,海勒还发表过长篇小 说:《出了毛病》(1974)和 《像高尔德一样好》(1979)
两派人物 :军事官僚集团和普通军人
• • • •
1.特种警备司令佩克姆将军 2.飞行大队司令官卡思卡特上校 3.负责空军军官操练的谢司科普夫中尉 4.伙食管理员迈洛中尉
பைடு நூலகம்
5.主人公尤索林是处于被主宰地位的 普通军人的代表
• 本是个热情、诚实、富于正义感的爱国青年。 • 后来对战争大失所望,认识到替卡思卡特之 流升官发财卖命是毫无意义的愚蠢行为。 • 从此变成了怕死鬼,“活下去”是他生活的 唯一目的和“最高准则”。 • 最后在几个知心朋友帮助下,他驾机逃往瑞 典去了。
一、叙事结构独特 小说结构看似散乱,却是精心策划下用以表现现实社会及其官僚机构的荒诞、疯狂和不可理喻的独特手法。 它没有按照一般传统的小说结构模式“开端、发展、高潮、结局”展开叙述,而是以若干个小故事小情节进行拼贴, 创造了独具一格的“拼贴法”小说形态。作者试图以皮亚诺萨岛为背景,通过对军队中形形色色人物的描写折射出 整个世界的疯狂和荒诞。小说利用形象来暗示、烘托、对比和象征,由一连串滑稽的片断拼凑在一起。内容相当庞 杂,情节结构十分松散,这就使它的发展脉络模糊不清。海勒置传统小说的结构模式于不顾,没有完整的故事情 节,也没有传统作品中的理想人物,正面人物。海勒的构思充满了扭曲变形的夸张处理。将社会和世界的荒谬用哈 哈镜加以放大,使之更加荒诞不经,滑稽可笑,同时也寄托了自己对现实的无可奈何的悲观心情。在海勒的笔下, 战场就是疯人院、骗局和圈套,保持清醒的头脑反而被认为是疯子。海勒利用荒唐怪诞的反逻辑构思,恰如其分地 表现了现实世界的颠倒黑白、不可理喻。全书共四十二章,有三十七章以人物姓名或称呼为标题,每一章描写一个 人物形象,而以尤索林为贯穿全书的线索,使全书构成了一个庞大的人物关系网。作品采用电影蒙太奇的手法,使 众多的线索在混乱的时间次序中交错重合发展,从而造成了一种鲜明的立体感。叙述方式是把若干小故事、小情 节拼凑起来,看似支离破碎,却更能有效表现作品的主题。 在《第二十二条军规》中,海勒通过变形的漫画式,极端类型化的手法,塑造了一批战争的牺牲品,这些行为怪 诞、性情乖张的疯子们被变幻莫测的官僚机器掌握着命运,真实地反映了资产阶级的社会现实。小说打破了符合 理性的现实主义传统,找到了一种和荒谬与混乱的内容完全一致的散乱形式。但是,在散乱中,小说并没有造成不 可收拾的混乱,它具有内在的联系。海勒的成功之处就在于以捉摸不定的思维方式去构思,从而表现外部世界的 变幻莫测,使广大西方人对纠结在心头而又不可名状的感情获得顿悟的认识。 二、人物杂乱无章却寓意深刻 《第二十二条军规》中人物众多,但大多根据作者的意念突出其性格的某一侧面,甚至夸大到漫画式、动画式 的程度,而有的则是象征性的。作者在小说中虽然摈弃了传统的现实主义的创作手法,使整个作品没有一条完整
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Black Humor
•Black humor is a novel school rise in 1960s in America, holds an impoetant status in the western literature. •The term black humor (from the French humour noir) was coined by the surrealist theoretician André Breton in his book Anthology of Black Humor in 1939. •Black humor refers as much to the tone of anger and bitterness as it does to the grotesque(荒诞的) and morbid(病态的) situation, which often deals with suffering,anxiety and death.Black humor is a substantial element in the anti-novel and the Theater of the Absurd.
Features of Black Humor:
ic way to express tragic situations 2.Creation of anti-hero 3.Illogical narrative structure
Black Humor are different from the traditional humor. Traditional humor bases on the optimism, which believes good will prevail over evil.Its laugh is relaxing and delightful. However,Black Humor bases on the pessimism, express tragic situations in comic way.Its laugh is bitter and forced.
Catch-22 第二十二条军规
![Catch-22 第二十二条军规](
1. Madman may not perform flight duties must submit an application. 2. Pilots can return home after finishing 25 flights, but they have to obey orders.
Antinomy Absurd
Panic about war Criticism of the bureaucracy
In text
1. “But I’ve never had a chance to operate before. Which one is the scalpel? Is this one the scalpel?”(P312)
A synthesis of iction The fatuity and cruelty of the ruling class
“This is his pancreas, you…Shall I wash my hands first?”(P314) The absurdity and craziness of doctor Doctor’s numbness to death
2. “The raw muscles inside twitched like live hamburger meat.”(P318) Here was God’s plenty…that day for lunch.(P320) miserable and humorous Anger at war the cruelty of war
Black humor in characterization
1. Yossarian • A warrior with patriotism and sense of justice
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Parody means the hyperbolic, distorted, ironic imitation of contemporary social phenomena or historical events as well as the structures, themes, genres of classic works, making them look preposterous, burlesque and absurd, thus criticizing the conventional and historical sense of value from the literary angle.
4. Character Analysis
Milo Minderbinder: representing capitalist free enterprise, brilliant and insane, black market to make money, bend his rules for money, liked by everyone; however, bomb own squadron because of the deal with Germans, becomingcontrolled, show capitalism transending political ideology, acceptance of payment to show everyone values money.
3. Plot Overview
WWII, Yossarian and his squadron stationed on Pianosa. They endure a nightmarish, absurd existence defined by bureaucracy and violence. (inhuman resources, brutal combat situations, good aerial photographs, number of missions inscreasing, a war going on in Yossarian’s mind, crazy)
1. Catch-22 (paradoxical)
• insane so can be grounded • claim insane only prove sane, can not be grounded • a Catch-22 situation: an impossible situation because you cannot do one thing until you do another thing, but you cannot do the second thing until you do the first thing. 相互矛盾的 困窘 • Eg. It's a Catch-22 situation here. Nobody wants to support you until you're successful, but without the support how can you ever be successful?
Black humor, also called “black comedy”, or “comedy of the absurd.” Compared with traditional, black humor is more close to satire, meaning a kind of humor including both comic and terrible. Black humor writers usually break the convention, making the plot illogical, mixing the reality with fancy and reminiscence, seriousness with playfulness.
4. Character Analysis
Yossarian: protagonist, alienated, insane outsider, anti-hero, avoid risking life, morbid life philosophy, illogical world (life threated by missions), logical to survive, self-preservation, in conflict by friends’ death, when have to make a choice, between, formed his own Catch-22---no mortal concern about others, meaningless life; if yes, life in danger, flee, liberate
Merchant of Venice, Shylok says the following words in Act three: “I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick. us, do we not bleed?”
• “You’re dead, sir,” one of his two
enlisted men explained. • Doc Daneeka jerked his head up quickly with resentful distrust. “What’s that?” • “You’re dead, sir,” repeated the other. “That’s probably the reason you always feel so cold.” • “That’s right, sir. You’ve probably been dead all this time and we just didn’t detect it.”(p. 341)
5.1 Structure Formless formation Repetitious Scenes Bewildering Chronology (psychological time) 5.2 Black Humor, (example) 5.3 Parody, example 5.4 Symbolism 5.5 Anti-hero
published in 1961. It is set during WWII in 1943 and is frequently cited as one of the great literary works of the twentieth century. It uses a distinctive nonchronological third-person omniscient narration, describing events from different characters' points of view and out of sequence so that the time line develops along with the plot.
5. Themes
• • • • 5.1 The Absolute Power of Bureauracy 5.2 Loss of Religious Faith 5.3 The Impotence of Language 5.4 The Inevitability of Death
6. Writing Techniques
1. Nazi’s butcher: atomic bomb, people’s panic 2. Cold war: Mccarthyism, mutural fear and hostility 3. The Korean War and Vietnam War 4. Assassination of Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Feminism, anti-war movement, Water-Gate scandal 5. American dream disillusion
3. Plot Overview
Nately died in mission when falling in love with a whore who blamed Yossarian and tried to kill him. Milo claims every has a share, but false. Arrested in Rome, 2 choices---court martial or home honorable (support, agree 80 missions). Desert army , flee to Sweden, goodbye to dehumanizing cold machinery of the military, rejects the rule of Catch-22, a future in his own control.
3. Plot Overview
Yossarian’s story, core of the novel, events refracted through his point of view, take the war personally, not swayed by national ideals, furious when life in danger, desire to live, so in hospital, faking illness to avoid war, troubled by his memory of Snowden, him in ridiculous, absurd, desperate, tragic circumstances---friends disappear, bombed by own men, top dogs merciless.