德国公司治理模式 ppt课件
者” 的利益,例如雇员、企业贷款
保险 公司
投资 公司
非金 融企
公共 部门
外国 投资
1984 7.6 3.1 1990 9.4 3.2 1996 9.5 5.6
2.7 36.1 10.2 18.8 21.4 3.3 41.4 6.0 18.3 18.6 5.8 37.4 10.9 15.7 15.3
法人持股,特别是法人相互持股是德日公司股权结构的基本特征, 这一特征尤其在日本公司中更为突出。二战后,股权所有主体多元化 和股东数量迅速增长是日本企业股权结构分散化的重要表现。但在多 元化的股权结构中,股权并没有向个人集中而是向法人集中,由此形 成了日本企业股权法人化现象,构成了法人持股的一大特征。
员 员工代理
主席根据三分之二多数原 则或股东代表多数原则选 出;投票对等时主席有
决定有投票权; 下设委员会
提供 报告
为了公司利 益共同协作
经营公司; 制定战略; 分配资源; 风险管理;
作为公司的治理 代表负责管理工作
负责报告公司的 发展战略、盈利、 重大决策等
江兰 龙亚会
Company LOGO
1.产生原因 2.权力结构 3.双层委员会结构 4.股权结构 5.总结
二、成立流程1. 公司名称选择与核准成立一家有限责任公司的第一步是选择一个公司名称,并申请核准。
2. 股东协议制定股东协议是关于有限责任公司内部事务管理的重要文件。
3. 注册办公地址有限责任公司需要在注册时提供一个办公地址,以便法院或相关政府机构与公司进行联系。
4. 资本认缴根据德国有限责任公司法,成立一家有限责任公司需要至少提供一定数额的股本认缴。
5. 公证与注册在完成上述步骤后,有限责任公司的成立需要进行公证并进行注册。
三、运营要求1. 公司管理机构有限责任公司的管理机构包括董事会和股东大会。
2. 财务要求有限责任公司需按照德国法律规定进行财务报告,并在规定期限内提交给相关机构。
3. 信息公示德国有限责任公司需要定期向国家商业注册机构和相关机构提交公司信息和报告。
German Panel on Corporate GovernanceCorporate Governance RulesforQuoted German CompaniesJanuary 2000German Panel on Corporate Governance *Code of Best PracticeforGerman Corporate GovernanceI.General questions of Corporate GovernanceThe purpose of Corporate Governance is to achieve a responsible, value-ori-ented management and control of companies. Corporate Governance Rules promote and reinforce the confidence of current and future shareholders, lend-ers, employees, business partners and the general public in national and inter-national markets. The Supervisory Board, Management Board and Executive Staff of the Company identify themselves with these Rules and are contractually bound by them. They are part of the general obligation to observe other inter-ests related to the corporate activity.The Rules of the Code serve as general guidelines for Corporate Governance for quoted German companies. Quoted companies are all enterprises whose shares are officially listed on a German stock exchange or traded over-the-counter. The Rules, their acceptance, implementation and respective adjust-ments to the specifics of the individual Company shall be communicated in the Annual Report.Due to the various legal systems, institutional parameters and traditions, there is presently no internationally accepted universal model for Corporate Govern-ance. The parameters for the Code are provided by codified law and leading cases, generally accepted national and international codes of good conduct and market practice. They include the directly relevant provisions of company and group law, in particular, the law governing stock corporations, financial ac-counting, banking supervision and the capital market as well as the Company's Memorandum and Articles of Association. From these derive the provisions, some of them detailed, with regard to the responsibilities and duties of the gov-erning bodies: Supervisory Board (§§ 95-116 German Stock Corporation Act), Management Board (§§ 76-94 German Stock Corporation Act) and General Meeting (§§ 118-147 German Stock Corporation Act) as well as the code of conduct of the members of the governing bodies.The essential points of the OECD Principles for Corporate Governance of May 1999 are covered as follows:Protection of Shareholders' rights: Following the introduction of the German Act on Corporate Control and Transparency (KonTraG) in 1998, there are adequate provisions safeguarding the rights of shareholders through the comprehensive mandatory rules under the German Stock Corporation Act. In particular, the fol-lowing OECD points are covered by mandatory law (§ 23 German Stock Corpo-ration Act):____________________________* Members:Prof. Dr. Theodor Baums, Prof. Dr. Dieter Feddersen, Ulrich Hartmann,Robert Koehler, Ulrich Hocker, Prof Dr. Rolf Nonnenmacher,- 2 -•full voting right for each ordinary share (§ 12 German Stock Corporation Act)•no impediments with regard to ownership or registration (§ 67 German Stock Corporation Act)•transferability of shares at any time (§ 68 German Stock Corporation Act)•participation, proxy and exercise of voting rights at General Meetings (§134 German Stock Corporation Act)•election of members of the Supervisory Board (§ 101 German Stock Corpo-ration Act)•participation in company profits (§ 58 German Stock Corporation Act).These points are mandatorily covered by German Law (§ 23 German Stock Corporation Act).An authorization to increase the share capital with exclusion of shareholder participation rights in order to pursue either an acquisition or a share placement near the prevailing market price will only be exercised by the Management Board if the share capital increase does not exceed 10 % of the then existing share capital. In this calculation the re-utilization of any repurchased shares will be included.Equal treatment of shareholders: The 'Equal treatment of shareholders' stipu-lated by the OECD is also in place for German companies. The precautionary measures against insider trading, self-dealing and disclosure of any personal interests in transactions or matters are extended beyond the legal requirements by the subsequent points 'II. Management Board' and 'III. Supervisory Board'. Until the enactment of the German Takeover Law, the voluntary Takeover Code of the Capital Markets Expert Commission of the German Ministry of Finance applies. This Code is accepted by the Company.In the case of repurchase of own shares according to § 71, subparagraph 1, No. 8 German Stock Corporation Act, the Company shall observe the principle of equal treatment of all shareholders.Disclosure and transparency: The point 'Disclosure and transparency' of the OECD Principles is generally covered by law for German companies through the corresponding provisions on the obligation to provide and enclose informa-tion (§§ 20 - 22, 160, 328 German Stock Corporation Act; §§ 15, 25 German Securities Trading Act; §§ 285, 325 ff German Commercial Code; §§ 35, 39 German Antitrust Act; § 24 German Banking Act). In addition, the Management Board shall regularly and with due regard to equal treatment of all shareholders ('Fair Disclosure') report on all Company matters through Annual and Interim Reports, 'ad hoc' communications, analyst and press conferences. The OECD information requirements are covered by these publicity undertakings.The Company shall adopt an accounting standard that is suitable for interna-tional comparison purposes..../3- 3 -As the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German companies have the decisive functions for Corporate Governance, the relevant points are dealt with in detail below:BoardI I.Management1.)Responsibilities and dutiesa) In the management of the Company, the Management Board is boundby Corporate interest, Company policy and the Group's guidelines aswell as the basic principles of proper management (§ 76 German StockCorporation Act).b) The Management Board develops, in consultation with the SupervisoryBoard, the strategy for the Group and is responsible for its implementa-tion.c) The Management Board is responsible for ensuring compliance withlegal provisions within the Group and to ensure their observation byGroup companies.2.)Information and disclosure requirementsa) The Management Board will publish without delay any new facts arisingin the sphere of the Company's activities which are not yet publiclyknown and, due to their impact on their financial position of the Com-pany or its general course of business, are likely to impact significantlyon the price of the Company's listed securities (§ 15 German SecuritiesTrading Act).As part of its regular communication efforts, the dates of major regularpublications (such as annual and quarterly reports, General Meetings)shall be published in a 'Financial Calendar' (at least one year) in ad-vance.The information published by the company shall also be available in the'Internet'. This is to include the invitation to General Meetings, theiragenda as well as shareholder initiatives and management commentshereto as well as voting results of such meetings. If possible, all publi-cations are provided in the English language.b) The company shall pursue the principle of equal treatment of all share-holders in the matter of information dissemination.c) The regular financial reporting (annual and quarterly reports) will betimely. The quarterly reports contain segment reporting as well as re-sults per share.d) The Management Board shall inform the Supervisory Board on a regu-lar basis, in good time and comprehensively about all relevant mattersregarding business development, risk exposure and risk managementof the company and major group subsidiaries.e) Should the business trend or risk exposure of the Group change sig-nificantly against plan, the Management Board must immediately in-f) The Management Board shall list in the Notes to the Company Ac-counts the corporations in which the Company holds a minimum of10% of the share capital. Exempt from this are participations that are ofimmaterial importance for the Company's asset, financial and profitsituation.Equally, any existing mutual shareholdings and any shareholdings inthe Company which have been notified by third parties as well as theowner(s) of such shareholdings must be reported in the Notes to theAccounts.g) As soon as the Company is notified (§ 25 German Securities TradingAct), or becomes otherwise aware that another party has obtained, ex-ceeds or no longer holds 5, 10, 25, 50 or 75% of the voting rights in theCompany, this will immediately be published by the ManagementBoard.h) In the Notes to the Company Accounts details with regard to the Man-agement Board's interest in shares of the Company (including any ex-isting option rights) and their changes in relation to the previous yearhave to be published.3.)Remunerationa) The remuneration of the Management Board and the Executive Staffshall include sufficient motivation to ensure long-term corporate valuecreation. This includes share option programmes and performance-re-lated incentives related to the share price development and the con-tinuing success of the company. In connection with the granting ofshare options and similar rights to members of the Management Boardand the executive staff the following points shall be observed:The initial exercise of the rights arising from share option programmesshall not be possible before two years since the grant. To document theincentive character as well as to balance the surrender of the subscrip-tion right by the shareholders, the exercise shall depend on achievingor exceeding relevant and transparent benchmarks (e.g. the develop-ment of an industry index).The structure, total amount, exercise prices and exercise periods aswell as the allocations of share options and similar rights in the report-ing period shall be published in the Notes to the Company Accounts,separately by members of the Management Board and Executive Staff.To ensure compliance with insider laws, suitable precautions likeclosed periods of time are implemented.b) The fixed and variable remuneration elements of the ManagementBoard shall be detailed in the Annual Report.4.)Rules governing conflicts of interest and own-account transactionsa) In the running of the management of the company, the ManagementBoard members must not pursue any own interest that could be in con-flict with the interest of the Company.b) Members of the Management Board must disclose to the SupervisoryBoard material personal interests in transactions of the Company and Group companies as well as other conflicts of interest. They must also inform their Management Board colleagues.c) All transactions between the Company or any Group company andManagement Board members as well as associated persons or com-panies must comply with normal industry standards. The transactions and the terms and conditions thereof must be approved in advance by the Supervisory Board. They may not run counter to the interests of the Company or any Group company. The granting of loans to Manage-ment Board members must be approved by the Supervisory Board with advance notice to the Management Board. In all such transactions, the Company shall be represented by the Supervisory Board.d) Management Board members and senior Group executives may notexploit business opportunities available to the Company or Group com-panies for themselves or for the benefit of associated persons or com-panies.e) Management Board members and senior Group executives are alsoprohibited from conducting transactions, conflicting with the interests of the Company or any Group company, for themselves or for associated persons. This prohibition also extends beyond their business duties.Management Board members must disclose to the whole Management Board transactions (except daily life transactions) among themselves or with Supervisory Board members or senior Group executives. The transactions require the approval of the Supervisory Board.f) Management Board members and senior Group executives are duringtheir employment subject to a comprehensive prohibition of competition (Members of the Management Board: § 88 German Stock Corporation Act).g) Any other activities of Management Board members, in particular theacceptance of Supervisory Board appointments, require the approval of the Supervisory Board. Any other activities of senior Group executives require the approval of the Management Board.h) The purchase and sale of Company shares, options or other share de-rivatives by members of the Management Board and senior Group ex-ecutives are subject to special rules. It is generally welcomed that the Management Board and senior Group executives document their iden-tification with the Company through a shareholder status.However, they should refrain from frequent transactions and counter transactions which aim to achieve very short term gains (speculative deals). Appropriate measures such as closed periods for the purchase or sale of shares should ensure the observation of the provisions of the insider laws. The Management Board shall ensure the compliance through a Compliance Officer that shall report to the Supervisory Board at least once a year.i) Management Board members and Group employees may in connec-tion with their activity neither request nor receive gifts or other advan-tages for themselves or third parties, if this could jeopardize the inter-ests of the Group or the interests of customers.I I I.Supervisory Board1.)Compositiona) The proposals for election of Supervisory Board members to the Gen-eral Meeting shall ensure that the proposed candidates have both therequired knowledge and skills as well as the relevant professional ex-perience. To ensure efficiency, regard will be given to size and compo-sition of the Supervisory Board. Board Members must make sufficienttime available to exercise their activity in a diligent manner.b) The Supervisory Board shall ensure independent advice and monitor-ing of the Management Board through a sufficient number of independ-ent persons who have no current or former business association withthe Group. This shall also be taken into consideration for the composi-tion of the Supervisory Board committees. The proposal for election tothe Supervisory Board shall not include as a matter of course the elec-tion of retiring Management Board members.c) If a member of the Supervisory Board does not participate personally inmore than half of the Board Meetings of any given fiscal year, this hasto be notified in the Annual Report.d) The remuneration of the Supervisory Board shall appropriately reflectthe responsibility, the work performed and the increase in the corporatevalue. The total remuneration shall be listed in the Notes to the Com-pany Accounts.e) The Notes to the Company Accounts shall contain details of the share-ownership (including existing option rights) of the Supervisory Boardmembers and their changes in relation to the previous year.2.)Responsibilities and dutiesa) The Supervisory Board advises the Management Board on a regularbasis regarding the management of the Company and the Group andmonitors the achievement of the long term corporate goals (monitoring:§ 111 German Stock Corporation Act). The Supervisory Board appointsthe members of the Management Board and ensures an orderly long-term succession planning (§ 84 German Stock Corporation Act).b) The Supervisory Board can subject certain transactions to its approval(§111 German Stock Corporation Act). This refers in particular to in-vestment projects, loans, the establishment of subsidiaries as well asthe acquisition or disposal of shareholdings above a certain size.c) The members are bound to confidentiality with regard to all specific in-formation and company secrets.d) The Supervisory Board issues its own Standing Rules and stipulatesthe information and reporting duties of the Management Board.e) The Supervisory Board mandates the Auditors to audit the Companyand the Group annual accounts (§111 German Stock Corporation Act).Particular regard shall be given to:•that the mandated Auditor has not achieved during the last five years with the Audit and advice of the Company (or with corpora-tions where the Company is a shareholder with more than 20%)more than 30% of his total revenue. This should also not be ex-pected for the current fiscal year,•that no auditor is employed in the Audit that has issued the audi-tors' confirmation for the Annual Accounts or Group Accounts inmore than 6 instances in the 10 years preceding the audit,•that no conflicts of interest exist for the Auditor.All members of the Supervisory Board shall receive the Audit Reportsin good time before the pertinent Supervisory Board meetings (§ 170German Stock Corporation Act). Audit related meetings shall be held inthe presence of the Auditors (§ 171 German Stock Corporation Act).f) Contracts, in particular consulting contracts of the company with mem-bers of Supervisory Board require the approval of Supervisory Board(except every day transactions).g) The Supervisory Board shall receive regularly (at least annually) a re-port by the Management Board with regard to donations exceeding anamount determined by the Supervisory Board.3.)Establishment of CommitteesThe Supervisory Board shall establish in line with its Standing Rules vari-ous committees to deal with complex business matters. With regard to the composition of such committees, the Supervisory Board shall ensure the requisite professional experience. Incorporation and duties of committees are subject to the specific circumstances and the size of the Company. The following committees could be instituted:•General Committee: The General Committee shall advise the Man-agement Board and prepare the decisions to be taken by the Super-visory Board. The General Committee deals with general policy mattersfor the Group. It discusses the strategy and planning for the Group andits business segments submitted by the Management Board on the ba-sis of different scenarios and their feasibility. The General Committeeassesses the internal state of the Group with regard to its operatingstrength, efficiency and potential to achieve the formulated targets. Itreviews the Corporate Governance Rules and their compliance on aregular basis (generally once a year).•Accounts and Audit Committee: The Accounts and Audit Committee is responsible for matters pertaining to the accounting and auditing for the Company and the Group. The Committee evaluates the Auditor's reports and reports to the Supervisory Board on its assessment of the comments in the audit report, particularly with regard to the future de-velopment of the Group. It verifies the Management Board's assump-tions on the budget figures for the Group and its business segments.Important other documents issued to shareholders shall be presented before publication to the Committee.The tasks of the Accounts and Audit Committee regularly comprise:- the preparation of the selection of the Auditor, the determination of major auditing issues, even if exceeding the legally required pointsand content of the Audit, as well as the determination of the Audi-tors' fee,- the preparation of the audit of the Annual and Group Accounts by the Supervisory Board, including the relevant business reports onthe basis of the results of the audit and additional points raised bythe Auditor,- the preparation of a report by the Management Board with regard to corporate donations exceeding an amount determined by theSupervisory Board,and, if applicable,- the discussion of partial auditing results during the year (e.g. of the internal control system),- the discussion of Interim Accounts and the results of any audits performed therefor.•Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee deals with the per-sonnel issues of the Management Board (including its succession planning). The Personnel Committee shall recommend with regard to the content of the employment contracts of the Management Board in-cluding their remuneration. In addition, the Committee is responsible for the approval of paid for outside company work by members of the Man-agement Board. The granting of loans to members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board shall also be dealt with by the Com-mittee.•Nomination Committee: The Nomination Committee is in charge of the composition, size and balance of the Supervisory Board and the proposals for election to the General Meeting.•Market- and Credit Risk Committee: This Committee supervises the handling of market risks and credit matters of the Group. It handles loans and other transactions requiring its approval and is informed of loans requiring its notification. For urgent matters, decisions can be delegated to nominated Committee members.- 9 -•Mediation Committee: German Stock companies that are subject to codetermination by law, are legally required to establish a MediationCommittee (§ 27 subpara 3 Co Determination Act of 1976). This Com-mittee delivers proposals for the appointment of Management Boardmembers if the required two thirds majority for the appointment or ter-mination of Management Board members has not been achieved.4.)Rules governing conflicts of interest and own-account transactionsa) The Supervisory Board members must disclose any conflicts of interestto the Chairman of the Supervisory Board or his deputy unless they re-tire for cause. In the event of conflicts of interests, the Chairman of theSupervisory Board or his deputy shall decide to whom the informationshould be forwarded and whether the member of the SupervisoryBoard in question shall participate in meetings.b) In their decisions Supervisory Board members must not pursue theirown interests or those of associated persons or companies, which arein conflict with the interests of the Company or any Group company.They may not pursue for their own benefit business available to theCompany or its Group companies. In the event of possible conflicts ofinterest, the interests of the Company and its Group companies musttake priority and the Supervisory Board members concerned must ab-stain from voting.c) All transactions between the Company, any Group company and Su-pervisory Board members as well as associated persons or companiesmust comply with normal industry standards. The transactions (except:daily life transactions) and their terms must be approved in advance bythe Supervisory Board. They may not run counter to the interests of theCompany or any Group company.d) The granting of loans to Supervisory Board members by the Companyor Group companies require the agreement of the Management Boardand the Supervisory Board.e) Supervisory Board members may, in conjunction with their activity,neither request nor receive gifts or other advantages for themselves orthird parties, if this could jeopardize the interests of the Group or cus-tomers.Frankfurt, January 2000。
商事公司类型德国商事公司法根据不同的公司形式和结构,将商事公司分为多种类型,其中最常见的有以下几种:1. Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) - 有限责任公司有限责任公司是德国最常见的商事公司形式之一。
2. Aktiengesellschaft (AG) - 股份公司股份公司是一种由股东共同出资组成的商事公司形式。
3. Offene Handelsgesellschaft (OHG) - 无限责任合伙公司无限责任合伙公司由两个或更多个自然人组成,合伙人对公司债务承担无限责任。
4. Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) - 有限合伙公司有限合伙公司由至少一个有限责任合伙人和一个无限责任合伙人组成。
针对公司具体事务立法有1994年10月5日颁布的破产法(Insolvenzordnung)和1976年5月4日通过的《雇员共同决定法》(Gesetz über die Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer)。
Order of the President of the People'sRepublic of ChinaNo. 42The Company Law of the People's Republic of China has been amended and adopted at the 18th session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005. The amended Company Law of the People's Republic of China is promulgated hereby and shall go into effect as of January 1, 2006.The President of the People's Republic of China Hu JintaoOctober 27, 2005 The Company Law of the People's Republicof China (revised in 2005)(Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 in accordance with the Decision of the Thirteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth People's Congress on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 in accordance with the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on Amending the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Revised for the third time at the 18th Session of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2005)Contents,Chapter I General ProvisionsChapter II Establishment and Organizational Structure of a LimitedLiability CompanySection 1 EstablishmentSection 2 Organizational StructureSection 3 Special Provisions on One-person Limited Liability CompaniesSection 4 Special Provisions on Solely State-owned CompaniesChapter III Transfer of Stock Right of a Limited Liability CompanyChapter IV Establishment and Organizational Structure of a Joint StockLimited CompanySection 1 EstablishmentSection 2 Shareholders' MeetingSection 3 Board of Directors, ManagersSection 4 Board of SupervisorsSection 5 Special Provisions on the Organizational Structure of a ListedCompanyChapter V Issuance and Transfer of Shares of a Joint Stock Limited Company Section 1 Issuance of SharesSection 2 Transfer of SharesChapter VI Qualifications and Obligations of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers of a CompanyChapter VII Company BondsChapter VIII Financial Affairs and Accounting of a CompanyChapter IX Merger and Split-up of a Company; Increase and Deduction ofRegistered CapitalChapter X Dissolution and Liquidation of a CompanyChapter XI Branches of a Foreign CompanyChapter XII Legal Liabilities Chapter XIII Supplementary ProvisionsChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of regulating the organization and operation of companies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, maintaining thesocialist economic order, and promoting the development of the socialist market economyArticle 2 The term "company" as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company or a joint stock company limited established within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of this law.Article 3 A company is an enterprise juridical person, which has independent juridical person property and enjoys the property right of the juridical person. And it shall bear the liabilities for its debts with all its property. As for a limited liability company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the capital contributions they have paid. As for a joint stock limited company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they have subscribed to.Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall be entitled to enjoy the capital proceeds, participate in making important decisions, choose managers and enjoy other rights.Article 5 When undertaking business operations, a company shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations, social morality and business morality. It shall act in good faith, accept the supervision of the government and the general public, and bear social responsibilities.The legitimate rights and interests of a company shall be protected by laws and may not be infringed.Article 6 For the establishment of a company, an application for establishment and registration shall be filed with the company registration authority. If the application meets the requirements for establishment of this Law, the company registration authority shall register the company as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company. If the application fails to meet the requirements for establishment of this Law, it shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company.If any law or administrative regulation stipulates that the establishment of a company shall be subject to approval, the relevant approval formalities shall be gone through prior to the registration of the company.The general public may consult the relevant matters on company registration at a company registration authority, which shall provide consulting services. Article 7 For a lawfully established company, the company registration authority shall issue the company business license to it, and the date of issuance of the company business license shall be the date of establishment of the company. The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, actually paid capital, business scope, the name of the legal representative and etc. If any of the items as stated in the business license is changed, the company shall modify the registration, and the company registration authorityArticle 8 For a limited liability company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its company name the words "limited liability company" or "limited company". For a joint stock limited company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its company name the words "joint stock limited company" or "joint stock company".Article 9 The change of a limited liability company to a joint stock limited company shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in this Law for joint stock limited companies. The change of a joint stock limited company to a limited liability company shall meet the conditions as prescribed in this Law for limited liability companies. Under any of the aforesaid circumstances, the creditor's rights and debts of the company prior to the change shall be succeeded by the company after the change.Article 10 A company shall regard the locus of its main office as its domicile. Article 11 The company established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association which are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior managers.Article 12 The company's business scope shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered according to law. The company may change its business scope by modifying its articles of association, but shall go through the formalities for modifying the registration. If the business scope of a company covers any item subject to approval pursuant to laws or administrative regulations, the approval shall be obtained according to law.Article 13 The legal representative of a company shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be assumed by the chairman of the board of directors, acting director or manager, and shall be registered according to law. If the legal representative of the company is changed, the company shall go through the formalities for modifying the registration.Article 14 The company may set up branches. To set up a branch, the company shall file a registration application with the company registration authority, and shall obtain the business license. The branch shall not enjoy the status of an enterprise juridical person, and its civil liabilities shall be born by its parent company.The company may set up subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterprise juridical person and shall be independently bear civil liabilities.Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises. However, it shall not become a capital contributor that shall bear the joint liabilities for the debts of the enterprises it invests in, unless it is otherwise provided for by any law.Article 16 Where a company intends to invest in any other enterprise or provide guarantee for others, it shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be decided at the meeting of the board of directors or shareholders or shareholders' convention. If the articles of association prescribe any limit on the total amount of investments or guarantees, or on the amount of a single investment or guarantee, the aforesaid total amount or amount shall not exceed the responsive limited amount. If a company intends to provide guarantee to a shareholder or actual controller of the company, it shall make a resolution through the shareholder's meeting or shareholders' convention.The shareholder as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or the shareholder dominated by the actual controller as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not participate in voting on the matter as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Such matter requires the affirmative votes of more than half of the other shareholders attending the meeting.Article 17 The company shall protect the lawful rights and interests of itsinsurances, strengthen labor protection so as to realize safe production.The company shall, in various forms, reinforce the vocational education and in-service training of its employees so as to improve their personal quality. Article 18 The employees of a company shall, according to the Labor Union Law of the People's Republic of China, organize a labor union, which shall carry out union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the employees. The company shall provide necessary conditions for its labor union to carry out activities. The labor union shall, on behalf of the employees, conclude the collective contract with the company with respect to the remuneration, working hours, welfare, insurance, work safety and sanitation and other matters.Pursuant to the Constitution and other relevant laws, a company shall implement democratic management in the form of meeting of the representatives of the employees or any other ways.To make a decision on restructuring or any important issue related to business operation, or to formulate any important regulation, a company shall solicit the opinions of its labor union, and shall solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees through the meeting of the representatives of the employees or in any other way.Article 19 An organization of the Chinese Communist Party shall, according to the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party, be established in the company to carry out activities of the Chinese Communist Party. And the company shall provide necessary conditions for the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.Article 20 The shareholders of a company shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations and articles of association, and shall exercise the shareholder's rights according to law. None of them may injure any of the interests of the company or of other shareholders by abusing the shareholder's rights, or injure the interests of any creditor of the company by abusing the independent status of juridical person or the shareholder's limited liabilities.Where any of the shareholders of a company causes any loss to the company or to other shareholders by abusing the shareholder's rights, it shall be subject to compensation.Where any of the shareholders of a company evades the payment of its debts by abusing the independent status of juridical person or the shareholder's limited liabilities, and thus seriously damages the interests of any creditor, it shall bear joint liabilities for the debts of the company.Article 21 Neither the controlling shareholder, nor the actual controller, any of the directors, supervisors or senior managers of the company may injure the interests of the company by taking advantage of its connection relationship. Anyone who has caused any loss to the company due to violation of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to compensation.Article 22 The resolution of the shareholders' convention, shareholders' meeting or board of directors of the company that has violated any law or administrative regulation shall be null and void.Where the procedures for convoking and the voting form of a shareholders' convention or shareholders' meeting or meeting of the board of directors, violate any law, administrative regulation or the articles of association, or the resolution is in violation of the articles of association of the company, the shareholders may, within 60 days as of the day when the resolution is made, request the people's court to revoke it.If the shareholders initiate a lawsuit according to the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall, in light of the request of the company, demand the shareholders to provide corresponding guarantee.convention, shareholders' meeting or meeting of the board of directors, completed the modification registration, and the people's court declares the resolution null and void or revoke the resolution, the company shall file an application with the company registration authority for revoking the modification registration.Chapter II Establishment and Organizational Structure of a Limited Liability Company Section 1 EstablishmentArticle 23 The establishment of a limited liability company shall satisfy the following conditions:(1) The number of shareholders accords with the quorum;(2) The amount of capital contributions paid by the shareholders reaches the statutory minimum amount of the registered capital;(3) The articles of association are worked out jointly by shareholders;(4) The company has a name and its organizational structure complies with that of a limited liability company; and(5) The company has a domicile.Article 24 A limited liability company shall be established by not more than 50 shareholders that have made capital contributions.Article 25 A limited liability company shall state the following items in its articles of association:(1) the name and domicile of the company;(2) the business scope of the company;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) names of shareholders;(5) forms, amount and date of capital contributions made by shareholders;(6) the organizations of the company and its formation, their functions and rules of procedure;(7) the legal representative of the company;(8) other matters deemed necessary by shareholders. The shareholders should affix their signatures or seals on the articles of association of the company. Article 26 The registered capital of a limited liability company shall be the total amount of the capital contributions subscribed to by all the shareholders that have registered in the company registration authority. The amount of the initial capital contributions made by all shareholders shall be not less than 20% of the registered capital, nor less than the statutory minimum amount of registered capital, and the margin shall be paid off by the shareholders within 2 years as of the day when the company is established; as for an investment company, it may be paid off within 5 years. The minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company shall be RMB 30, 000 Yuan. If any law or administrative regulation prescribes a relatively higher minimum amount of registered capital of a limited liability company, the provisions of that law or administrative regulation shall be followed.Article 27 A shareholder may make capital contributions in currency, in kind or intellectual property right, land use right or other non-monetary properties that may be assessed on the basis of currency and may be transferred according to law, excluding the properties that shall not be treated as capital contributions according to any law or administrative regulation.The value of the non-monetary properties as capital contributions shall be assessed and verified, which shall not be over-valued or under-valued. If any law or administrative regulation prescribes the value assessment, such law oradministrative regulation shall be followed.The amount of the capital contributions in currency paid by all the shareholders shall be not less than 30% of the registered capital of the limited liability company.Article 28 Every shareholder shall make full payment for the capital contribution it has subscribed to according to the articles of association. If a shareholder makes his/its capital contribution in currency, he shall deposit the full amount of such currency capital contribution into a temporary bank account opened for the limited liability company. If the capital contributions are made in non-monetary properties, the appropriate transfer procedures for the property rights therein shall be followed according to law. Where a shareholder fails to make his/its capital contribution as specified in the preceding paragraph, it shall not only make full payment to the company but also bear the liabilities for breach of the contract to the shareholders who have make full payment of capital contributions on schedule.Article 29 The capital contributions made by shareholders shall be checked by a lawfully established capital verification institution, which shall issue a certification.Article 30 After the initial capital contributions made by the shareholders for the first time have been checked by a lawfully established capital verification institution, the representative designated by all the shareholders or the agent entrusted by all the shareholders shall apply for establishment and registration with a company registration application, the articles of association, capital verification and other documents to the company registration authority.Article 31 After the establishment of a limited liability company, if the actual value of the capital contributions in non-monetary properties is found to be apparently lower than that provided for in the articles of association of the company, the balance shall be supplemented by the shareholder who has offered them, and the other shareholders of the company who have established the company shall bear joint liabilities.Article 32 After the establishment of a limited liability company, every shareholder shall be issued with a capital contribution certificate, which shall specify the following:(1) the name of the company;(2) the date of establishment of the company;(3) the registered capital of the company;(4) the name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution, and the day when the capital contribution is made; and(5) the serial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate. The capital contribution certificate shall bear the seal of the company.Article 33 A limited liability company shall prepare a register of shareholders, which shall specify the following:(1) the name of every shareholder and his/its domicile thereof;(2) the amount of capital contribution made by every shareholder;(3) the serial number of every capital contribution certificate. The shareholders recorded in the register of shareholders may, in light of the register of shareholders, claim to and exercise the shareholder's rights. A company shall register every shareholder's name and the amount of its capital contribution in the company registration authority. Where any of the registered items is changed, it shall handle the modification of the registration. If the company fails to do so, it shall not, on the basis of the unregistered or un-Article 34 The shareholder shall be entitled to consult and copy the articles of association, records of the shareholders' meetings, resolutions of the meetings of the board of directors, resolutions of the meetings of the board of supervisors, as well as financial reports.The shareholder may request to consult the accounting books of the company. Where a shareholder requests to consult the accounting books of the company, it shall submit to the company a written request which shall state its motives. If the company, pursuant to any justifiable reason, considers that the shareholder's request to consult the accounting books for any improper purpose may damage the legitimate interests of the company, it may reject the request of the shareholder, and shall, within in 15 days after the shareholder submits a written request, give it a written reply which shall include an explanation. If the company rejects the request of any shareholder to consult the accounting books, the shareholder may plead the people's court to demand the company to approve consultation.Article 35 The shareholders shall distribute dividends in light of the percentages of capital contributions actually made by them, unless all shareholders agree that the dividends are not distributed on the percentages of capital contributions. Where the company is to increase its capital, its shareholders have the preemptive right to contribute to the increased amount on the basis of the same percentages of the old capital contributions they have made, unless all shareholders agree that they will not contribute to the increased amount of capital on the basis of the percentages of the old capital contributions they have made.Article 36 After the establishment of a company, no shareholder may illegally take away the contribution capital. Section 2 Organizational StructureArticle 37 The shareholders' meeting of a limited liability company shall comprise all the shareholders. It shall be the authority of the company, and shall exercise its authorities according to this Law.Article 38 The shareholders' meeting shall exercise the following authorities:(1) determining the company's operation guidelines and investment plans;(2) electing and changing the director and supervisors assumed by non-representatives of the employees, and determining the matters concerning their remuneration;(3) deliberating and approving the reports of the board of directors;(4) deliberating and approving the reports of the board of supervisors or the supervisor;(5) deliberating and approving annual financial budget plans and final account plans of the company;(6) deliberating and approving profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans of the company;(7) making resolutions on the increase or decrease of the company's registered capital;(8) making resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;(9) adopting resolutions on the assignment, split-up, change of company form, dissolution, liquidation of the company;(10) revising the articles of association of the company;(11) other functions as specified in the articles of association. Where any of the matters as listed in the preceding paragraph is consented by all the shareholders it in writing, it is not required to convene a shareholders' meeting. A decision may be made directly with the signatures or seals of all the shareholders.shareholder who has made the largest percentage of capital contributions and shall exercise its authorities according to this Law.Article 40 The shareholders' meetings shall be classified into regular meetings and temporary meetings. The regular meetings shall be timely held in pursuance with the articles of association. Where a temporary meeting is proposed by the shareholders representing 1/10 of the voting rights or more, or by directors representing 1/3 of the voting rights or more, or by the board of supervisors, or by the supervisors of the company with no board of supervisors, a temporary meeting shall be held.Article 41 Where a limited liability company has set up a board of directors, the shareholders' meetings shall be convened by the board of directors and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. If the chairman is unable or does not perform his duties, the meetings thereof shall be presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. If the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or does not perform his duties, the meetings shall be presided over by a director jointly recommended by half or more of the directors. Where a limited liability company has not set up the board of directors, the shareholders' meetings shall be convened and presided over by the acting director.If the board of directors or the acting director is unable or does not perform the duties of convening the shareholders' meeting, the board of supervisors or the supervisor of the company with no board of supervisors may convene and preside over such meetings. If the board of supervisors or supervisor does not convene or preside over such meetings, the shareholder representing 1 / 10 or more of the voting rights may convene and preside over such meetings on his/its own initiative.Article 42 Every shareholder shall be notified 15 days before a shareholders' meeting is held, unless it is otherwise prescribed by the articles of association or it is otherwise stipulated by all the shareholders. A shareholders' meeting shall make records for the decisions on the matters discussed at the meeting. The shareholders who attend the meeting shall affix their signatures to the records. Article 43 The shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders' meetings on the basis of their respective percentage of the capital contributions, unless it is otherwise stipulated by the articles of association. Article 44 The discussion methods and voting procedures of the shareholders' meeting shall be prescribed in the articles of association, unless it is otherwise provided for by this Law. A resolution made at a shareholders' meeting on amending the articles of association, increasing or reducing the registered capital, merger, split-up, dissolution or change of the company form shall be adopted by the shareholders representing 2 / 3 or more of the voting rights. Article 45 The board of directors established by a limited liability company shall comprise 3 up to 13 members, unless it is otherwise provided for in Article 51 of this Law. If a limited liability company established by 2 or more state-funded enterprises or other state-funded investors, the board of directors shall comprise the representatives of employees of this company. The board of directors of any other limited liability company may also comprise the representatives of employees of the company concerned. The employees' representatives who are to serve as the board of directors shall be democratically elected by the employees of the company through the general meeting of the representatives of employees, employees' meeting of the company or in any other way. The board of directors shall have one board chairman and may have one or more deputy chairman. The appointment of the chairman and deputy chairman shall be prescribed in theArticle 46 The terms of office of the directors shall be provided for in the articles of association, but each term of office shall not exceed 3 years. The directors may, after the expiry of their term of office, hold a consecutive term upon re-election. If no reelection is timely carried out after the expiry of the term of office of the directors, or if the number of the members of the board of directors is less than the quorum due to the resignation of some directors from the board of directors prior to the expiry of their term of office, the original directors shall, before the newly elected directors assume their posts, exercise the authorities of the directors according to laws, administrative regulations as well as the articles of association.Article 47 The board of directors shall be responsible for the shareholders' meeting and exercise the following authorities:(1) convening shareholders' meetings and reporting the status on work thereto;(2) carrying out the resolutions made at the shareholders' meetings;(3) determining the operation plans and investment plans;(4) working out the company's annual financial budget plans and final account plans;(5) working out the company's profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans;(6) working out the company's plans on the increase or decrease of registered capital, as well as on the issuance of corporate bonds;(7) working out the company's plans on merger, split-up, change of the company form, dissolution, and etc.;(8) making decisions on the establishment of the company's internal management departments;(9) making decisions on hiring or dismissing the company's manager and his remuneration, and, according to the nomination of the manager, deciding on the hiring or dismissing of vice manager(s) and the person in charge of finance as well as their remuneration;(10) working out the company's basic management system; and(11) other functions as prescribed in the articles of association.Article 48 The meeting of the board of directors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board of directors. If the chairman of the board of directors is unable or does not perform his duties, the meeting may be convened or presided over by the deputy chairman of the board of directors. If the deputy chairman of the board of directors is unable or does not perform his duties, the meeting may be convened or presided over by a director jointly recommended by half or more of the directors.Article 49 The discussion methods and voting procedures of the board of directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association, unless it is otherwise provided for by this Law. The board of directors shall make records of the decisions on the matters discussed at the meetings thereof. The shareholders who attend the meeting shall affix their signatures to the records.In the voting on a resolution of the board of directors, one person shall have one vote.Article 50 A limited liability company may have a manager who shall be hired or dismissed upon the decision of the board of directors. The manager shall be responsible for the board of directors and shall exercise the following authorities:(1) taking charge of the management of the production and business operations of the company, and organizing to implement the resolutions of the board of directors;。
第9条[股票的发行金额] (1)不允许折扣发行股票。
关于德国公司治理法典的内容、创新与最新进展概述(doc 26页)
关于德国公司治理法典的内容、创新与最新进展概述(doc 26页)德国公司治理法典的内容、创新与最新进展彭真明陆剑来源:北大法律信息网(一)德国公司治理法典的内容简介1、法性质与效力《法典》以概括性的、易于理解的方式整合了不同的现行法律,即《股份法》、《商法典》、《共同决定法》,以及分散于其他法律中的关于公司管理和监督的规定。
• 德国公司法概述 • 德国公司的类型与特点 • 德国公司的设立与变更 • 德国公司的资本制度 • 德国公司的组织机构与治理 • 德国公司的财务与会计制度 • 德国公司的解散与清算
德国公司法起源于中世纪商法典,该 法典规定了商人之间的交易规则和商 业组织的形式。
公司增资必须经过股东大会的决议,并修改公司章程。增资后, 新股东按照约定比例享有公司权益。
公司减资同样需要股东大会的决议,并修改公司章程。减资可以通 过减少股份数量或降低每股面值来实现。
在增资或减资过程中,必须确保债权人的利益不受损害。公司需要 向债权人提供相应担保或提前清偿债务。
有限责任公司(Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung,简称 GmbH)是德国最常见的公司形 式,股东的责任限于其认缴的股 本。
相对稳定性、灵活性高、适用于 中小型企业、股东人数较少。
合伙人共同承担无限责任、灵活性高、适用于特定行业和项 目。
一人有限责任公司(Einzelunternehmen):由单一自 然人或法人设立的公司,责任限于认缴股本。
互助合作社(Genossenschaft):以互助合作为目的的 公司形式,常见于农业、手工业等领域。
欧洲公司(SE):适用于跨国经营的大型企业,可在欧 盟范围内自由设立分公司和进行跨境合并。
在商号的确立方面,立法者表现得过于谨小慎微,以致于任何一个1900年建立的股份有限公司以及任何一个合作社似乎都应该确立一个物名商号(股份法原第4条,合作社原第3条第2款), 而任何一家独资企业或商事人合公司则似乎应确立一个人名商号(商法典原第18条、第19条),甚至禁止缩写人名在商号中的运用(例如将maximilian缩写成max,将theodor缩写成ted,将wilhelm缩写成willy或wim),即使对于允许使用人名或物名商号的有限责任公司,仍不允许其使用其它想象的名称。
同这种商号法规定上的严格和僵化形成鲜明反差的是要求在商号中注明企业法律形式的规定过于灵活大度,以致于迄今只是在合作社、资合公司以及资合公司作为无限责任股东的两合公司中运用了准确的法律形式附加文句(合作社法第3条第2款,股份法第4条, 有限责任公司法第4条以及商法典原第19条第5款)。
有关在企业的商业信函中注明法律形式的规定也仅限于上述企业类型(合作社法第25a条,股份法第80条,有限责任公司法第35a条,以及商法典原第125a 条)。
因此, 我们可以得出这样的结论,即迄今的商号法过于关注琐碎的细节而相反却忽视了商号中企业公示的原则性问题,这非改不可。
新的商号法取消了其以往对商号狭隘的、过于注重琐碎细节的规定,并进而避免了由此所造成的企业所有人及企业法律形式的模糊不清,其具体体现为以下三方面的特征: -识别力(商法典第18条第1款新规定) -误导禁止(商法典第18条第2款新规定) -法律形式附加文句(商法典第19条新规定) 西罗马帝国灭亡后,欧洲商业的发展曾一度中断,并呈衰落之势。
lka法规LKA法规是指德国《德国公司法》(Limited Liability Companies Act)的简称,该法规对德国有限责任公司的设立、运营和解散等方面进行了详细的规定。
第一节资合公司的概 念
第四节作为商业社团 和企业的资合公司
第五节资合公司作为 企业的经济意义
第七节欧洲公司法 第八节国际公司法
第二章股东的法律 地位
第一章股份有限公 司的概念和设立
第三章股份有限公 司的组织机构
第四章股份有 限公司的财务
第二章变更形 式
第三章敌意收购要 约
第七十八节基 础
第七十九节市 场准入
第八十节有价 证券交易
第八十一节退 出市场
第八十二节投 资者保护
01 思维导图
03 目录分析 05 读书笔记
02 内容摘要 04 作者介绍 06 精彩摘录
法律 概念
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德国公司法概况一、公司法体系简介 德国公司法体系比较健全,既有涵盖各类注册形式及企业运转整个过程的综合性立法,也有针对具体注册形式或具体事务的专门立法。
针对公司具体事务立法有1994年10月5日颁布的破产法(Insolvenzordnung)和1976年5月4日通过的《雇员共同决定法》(Gesetz über die Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer)。
二、人和公司的有关法律 人员组合公司(以下简称人合公司)系指两个或两个以上以其全部资产对公司的债权人承担无限责任的自然人或法人注册成立并进行经营管理的公司,主要有无限责任公司、两合公司等。
(一)无限责任公司 德国商法典第二卷第105至160条对无限责任公司的设立、解散、股东之间以及股东与第三者之间的法律关系进行了规定。
(二)两合公司 德国商法典第二卷第161至177条对无限责任公司做出了规定。
(三)有限责任两合公司 有限责任两合公司是两合公司的一个变种,其中无限责任股东为一家或几家有限责任公司。
商法典还规定了静止公司(Stille Gesellschaft)这一特殊的法律形式,实际上泛指拥有一位以上没有投票权、不参与公司经营管理、但可根据公司章程享受一定比例利润收益的静止股东的公司(例如,具体到股份公司,拥有优先股、无投票权的股东即为静止股东)。
三、资和公司的有关法律 成立资本组合公司系指一个或数个以达到法律规定的最低注册资本做资本金的自然人或法人注册成立的公司,主要有有限责任公司、股份公司、两合股份公司等形式。
(一)有限责任公司 德国是最早进行有限责任公司立法的国家,对包括我国在内的世界许多国家产生了深远的影响。
1、如何成立有限责任公司 发起人应首先制定公司章程,主要内容包括公司名称、住所、业务范围、注册资本、每一位股东在注册资本中的认缴金额,全体股东签字后生效。
2、股东与公司之间的法律关系 股东对公司承担出资义务,如果股东在公司要求时间内没能缴纳出资额,应为此支付利息。
3、组织结构 有限责任公司至少有以下两个机构:董事会(董事)和股东会议。
4、章程的修改 修改章程需股东会议四分之三以上的有效票同意,公司章程还可就此另作规定。
5、有限责任公司的解散 在达到公司章程规定的营业期限,或股东会议以四分之三有效票通过决议,可以解散有限公司。