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1 the iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly 文化的冰山模式意味着要彻底理解文化是非常困难的。(T )

2 culture is innate as soon as a person is born

一个人出生就有文化(F )3 people may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity

人们有时会对他或她的文化身份感到困惑。(T )4 scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists witnin a dominant culture

在描述一种存在显性文化的文化时,学者们倾向于亚文化到共同文化。(F )5 a person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time

一个人可以同时成为几个不同的子组的成员。(T )6 Intracultural communication occurs when the sender and the receiver from different races exchang messages

文化的交流是发生在不同种族交换消息的发送者和接收者(F )7 communication and culture are inseparable and strongly connected

沟通与文化密不可分,紧密相连。(T )8 The sender must choose certain words or nonverbal to send an intentional message.this activity is called decoding

发送者必须选择言语或非言语的发出故意这活动被称为解码(F )9 The process of communication has nine components :sender,encoding,message,channel,noise,decoding,feedback,and context

通信过程由九部分组成:发送方、编码、消息、信道、噪声、解码、反馈和上下文。(T )10 No two of us can assume that our sensations are the same

我们谁也不能假定我们的感觉是一样的。(T )11 people may possess different sensing of the same smell

人们可能对同一气味有不同的感觉。(T )12 Our perception are influenced by who we are,includeing the accumulation of our experience

我们的感觉被我们是谁的影响,包括我们的经验的积累(T )13 we give meaning to or decode the information that we have selected and organized during the selection stage

我们在选择阶段对我们选择和组织的信息给予意义或解码。(F )14 the psychological filters refer to the psychological factors,including the attitudes,beliefs,and dispositions of the individual

心理过滤指的是心理因素,包括个人的态度、信念和性格。(T )15 ethnocentrism,stereotyping,prejudice and racism are learned

民族中心主义、刻板印象、偏见和种族主义被学习(T )16 although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgements,they can also be positive

虽然刻板印象被认为是消极的判断,但也可以是积极的。(T )17 when communicating with people from other cultures,an individual sometimes is likely to treat them as his people and to assume there is only one way of doing things:that is his way

当与来自其他文化的人交流时,一个人有时可能会把他们当作他的人看待,并假设只有一种做事方式:那就是他的方式。(T )18 assumption of superiority may lead to asuming similarity instead of difference

假设的优势可能会导致假设相似性而不是差异(F )19 economy is not the reason for the persistence of ethnocentrism,stereotyping,prejudice and racism

经济不是种族中心主义,坚持理性的成见,偏见和种族(F )20 an exacting style of communication can be found in Japan,china,and some Native American cultures

一个严格的沟通方式,可以发现在日本,中国,和美国本土文化(F )21 The self-effacement verbal style emphasizes the importance of boasting about one's accomplishments and abilities

自谦的言语风格强调夸耀一个人的成就和能力的重要性(F )22 the elaborate,exacting,or succint communication style deals with the quantity and/or volume of talk that is preferred across cultural groups

精心设计的,严格的,或简洁的沟通方式处理的数量和/或说是首选的跨文化群体体积(T )23 dialect refers to geographic variation,while sociolect refers to variation in terms of social group 方言是指地理变异,而方言是指在社会群体方面的变化(T )24 an elaborate style of communication can be seen in Arab cultures

在阿拉伯文化中可以看到一种复杂的交流方式。(T )25 speaking is the only mode of effective communication

口语是有效沟通的唯一方式。(F )26 the Thais liketo touch babies or small children,especially they like others to pat their children's head

泰国人喜欢触摸婴儿或小孩,尤其是他们喜欢别人拍拍孩子的头(F )27 Saudi Arabs belong to touch cultures

沙特阿拉伯人属于接触文化。(T )28 the appropriateness of eye contact varies with different cultures

眼睛接触的适当性因文化的不同而不同。(T )29 Paralanguage may imply the connotation of the actual differences

它可能意味着实际差异的内涵(T )30 In industrialized societies like the United States,the mastery-over-nature view tends to predominate

在像美国这样的工业化社会,对自然景观的掌控往往占主导地位。(T )31 The harmony-with-nature orientation draws clear distinctions among human life,nature,and the supernatural

与自然取向的和谐在人的生命、自然和超自然之间产生了明显的区别。(F )32 Both American and British show respect for tradition

美国人和英国人都尊重传统。(F )33 A doing orientation involves a focus on those types of activities which have outcomes that can be measured by someone else

做定向工作需要关注那些能被别人衡量的结果。(T )34 In Being cultures,social status and position are more important than what a person does

作为一种文化,社会身份和地位比一个人所做的更重要。(T )名词解释

1 焦虑Anxiety:occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing on that feeling and not be totally present in the communication transaction.
