24G 陶瓷天线设计与PCB注意事项
2.4GHZ 2.4GHZ倒F及弯曲线 及弯曲线PCB蓝牙 PCB蓝牙天线 蓝牙天线设计指导 设计指导1Contents1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Inverted-F Antenna ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Meander Line Antenna................................................................................................................................... 5 Real Designs .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Proximity to Metal Objects ............................................................................................................................ 7 Proximity to Dielectric Materials................................................................................................................... 8 Network Analyser........................................................................................................................................... 9 Final Tuning.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 12Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Document History ............................................................................................................................................... 14List of Figures Figure 2.1: Inv erted-F Antenna ............................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3.1: Meander Line Antenna .......................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 3.2: Input Impedance of Two Meander Line Antennas................................................................................. 5 Figure 4.1: Approximate Dimensions of Inverted-F Antenna................................................................................... 6 Figure 4.2: Approximate Dimensions of Meander Line Antenna ............................................................................. 6 Figure 7.1: Preparation Before Measurement ......................................................................................................... 9 Figure 7.2: Assembled System Ready to Measure ................................................................................................. 9 Figure 8.1: Locating Product in Far Field of Antenna............................................................................................ 10 Figure 8.2: Final Tuning Procedure....................................................................................................................... 11第 2 页 共 13 页1IntroductionThis document outlines two ty pes of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) antennas used by CSR, which can be used with 2.4GHz radios. ■ Inverted-F ■ Meander Line In addition, this document discusses the effect of placing metallic or dielectric materials near an antenna.第 3 页 共 13 页2Inverted-F AntennaQuarterwaveInput OutputFigure 2.1: Inverted-F Antenna The inv erted-F is a quarterwav e antenna. It is bent into an L-shape. The shorter side is connected to earth. The longer side is left open-circuit at the end. The f eed point is located somewhere between the earth end and the open end. The resulting structure resembles the letter F and possesses the properties of both a loop antenna due to the circulating current from the f eed point to ground and a whip antenna due to the open circuited straight section. In the PCB v ersion, the antenna is printed on the top layer and a ground plane is placed near the antenna on the top lay er. There must not be a ground plane underneath the antenna. The aim is to make the quarterwav e section resonate at the midband frequency (which is 2441MHz f or 2.4GHz ISM radios). The f eed point (which is the input/output connection) is connected to the L-Shape at the point corresponding to 50∧ . Experiment with measurement to determine the correct location for the feed point and length of this antenna.第 4 页 共 13 页3Meander Line AntennaS Ground Plane Input Output第 5 页 共 13 页Figure 3.1: Meander Line Antenna The length of the meander line antenna is difficult to predict. It is usually a bit longer than a quarterwav e but dependent on its exact geometry and proximity to the ground plane.Note:In Figure 3.1 the ground plane is shown in black. S is the distance from the ground plane. See Figure 4.2 for approximate dimensions. This ty pe of antenna is alway s a PCB version. The antenna is printed on the top lay er and a ground plane is placed near the antenna on the top lay er. There must be no ground plane underneath the radiating section of the antenna.Smith ChartABFigure 3.2: Input Impedance of Two Meander Line Antennas The real part of the impedance of this antenna is about 15∧ to 25∧ , depending on geometry and proximity to the ground plane. The impedance matching is done by adjusting the length of the antenna until the input impedance is at the unity conductance circle (when normalised to 50∧ ), in the top half of the Smith chart (Point A). A shunt capacitor is then connected between the antenna input and ground to match to 50∧ (Point B). Experimental measurement is used to determine the correct design.4Real Designs18.0mm13.5mm Width=0.8mm 6 .0mm 5 .0mm Not to scaleGround PlaneActual SizeFigure 4.1: Approximate Dimensions of Inverted-F Antenna第 6 页 共 13 页1.5mm1.0mm4.4mm Width=0.5mm 2.8mm 1.7mm Ground Plane Not to scale1.5pF CapacitorPlaced immediatel y after F eedpoint8 .0 mm FeedpointActual SizeFigure 4.2: Approximate Dimensions of Meander Line Antenna第 7 页 共 13 页5Proximity to Metal ObjectsCSR recommends keeping metal objects as far away f rom the antenna as possible. Keeping metallic objects out of the near field is usually adequate. Near Field = 2D / λ D is the largest dimension of the antenna. In the case of these antennas, this is approximately a quarterwav e (λ/4).Notes:2λ is the wav elength of the signal in f reespace. In the 2.4GHz ISM band, λ=122mm in freespace. Substituting D=λ/4 into the Near Field equation giv es Near Field = λ/8. Near Field = 122/8 mm = 15.25mm.第 8 页 共 13 页6Proximity to Dielectric MaterialsDielectric materials (like plastic or FR-4) detune an antenna by lowering its resonant frequency. The effect is not as serious as placing an antenna next to metal objects and can be corrected by reducing the length of the antenna. Theref ore, it is important to tune the antenna when it is in the product. This is done during the dev elopment of the product.第 9 页 共 13 页71. 2.Network AnalyserCut the PCB track (trace) just before the antenna matching network to isolate the f ilter and previous stages f rom the measurement. Connect a coaxial cable between the VNA and the PCB of the product. The coaxial cable must hav e f errite beads fitted over its outer sleeve. The f errite beads help to prev ent RF currents from f lowing on the outer sleeve, which would disturb the measurement. Solder the outer sleeve of the coaxial cable to the ground plane of the PCB as close as possible to the input of the antenna-matching network. Perf orm a One-Port calibration on the VNA with Open, Short, Loads connected at the end of the coaxial cable inside the product. Solder the inner conductor of the coaxial cable to the input of the antenna-matching network. Tune the antenna by adjusting the values of any “matching network” components, the feed point of the antenna or the length of the antenna until the S11 trace (display ed on the VNA) is at the centre of the Smith chart at the midband f requency 2441MHz. Repair the cut track by putting a small amount of solder over the cut.Use a v ector network analyser (VNA) to perform the initial tuning of the antenna:3. 4. 5.6.Figure 7.1: Preparation Before MeasurementVNAFerrite BeadsAntenna 2.4GHz RadioFigure 7.2: Assembled System Ready to Measure第 10 页 共 13 页8Final TuningAfter tuning the antenna using the VNA procedure, it is necessary to perf orm fine-tuning. This y ields a small improv ement and is the f inal optimisation of the antenna. It is best to perf orm this procedure in an anechoic chamber, but when this is not possible, an indoor or outdoor test range can be used. It is important to minimise radio signal reflections. Avoid metallic objects such as lab-benches, filing cabinets, lampposts and cars.Approximately 2m RX Antenna2.4GHz RadioSpectrum Analy serFigure 8.1: Locating Product in Far Field of Antenna第 11 页 共 13 页Connect omni directional receive antenna to a spectrum analyser Place fully assembled product approximatel y 2m away from receive antenna Put product into continuous transmitWatch power level of received signal on the specturm anal yser while moving receive antenna ±10cm in each of x,y,z planes to ensure it is not located in a null point. A sudden dip in received power indicates a null pointYesIs antenna located in a null point?No Rotate product around in the x,y,z planes until the maximum power level is observed on the spectrum anal yser. This ensures that the dominant polarisation mode of the antenna is measured.NoHas the maximum possible power level been observed on the spectrum anal yser?Yes Record power level observed on the spectrum analyser. Turn off product, disassemble it and make adjustments to length of antenna, feed point or matching componentsReassemble product and place it in the same location and orientation as beforeNoHas the maximum receive power been obtained?Yes End of procedure Repeat process on multiple devices to ensure results are repeatableFigure 8.2: Final Tuning Procedure第 12 页 共 13 页9ConclusionMetal objects should be kept at least 15.25mm away from the Inverted-F and Meander Line types of antennas in the 2.4GHz ISM band f or the antenna to work efficiently. If that is not possible, experiment to determine an acceptable trade-off between antenna performance and product size. Ev en by f ollowing these rules, antenna detuning can occur. This usually results in lowering the resonant frequency of the antenna. Correct this by reducing the length of the antennaTerms and DefinitionsISM PCB RF VNA Industrial, Scientific and Medical Printed Circuit Board Radio Frequency Vector Network Analyser第 13 页 共 13 页。
pcb布板时应注意的事项及总结作为PCB工程师,在Lay PCB,应重点注意那些事项?1、电源进来之后,先到滤波电容,从滤波电容出来之后,才送给后面的设备。
4.Y 电容通用脚距10mm,留出焊盘,中间空隙是8mm,中间最好不要走线,中间不走线,放置的地方当然是板子的上下,左为强电,右为弱电。
Lay PCB(电源板)时,结合安规要求,重点注意那些事项?1、交流电源进线,保险丝之前两线最小安全距离不小于6MM,两线与机壳或机内接地最小安全距离不小于8MM。
3、高压区与低压区的最小爬电距离不小于8MM,不足8MM 或等于8MM的。
PCB大小: 33mm x7mm 空区大小: 5.5mm x 4.5mm
天线的頂部、底部、前方都净空区,不能有金属,这样天线的辐射 效率和损耗才能达到最佳的效果。
(C) M
1:陶瓷天线应该放在线路板的边缘,并在板边角落位置。 2:有较大的金属元件需要放在天线的周围时候,金属元件离天线 的的距离至少保存3mm以上,包括USB充点口 铜柱 麦克风 电池
Side Vie w
箭頭向外方向 禁止任何金属
1:有较大的金属需要摆放在天线周围时(按键或者咪头)尽量不要进入到净空区里面,离天线的距离保持在 3mm以上,上下的距离保持在3-5mm以上,包括充电铜柱,触摸铜箔,电池,金属饰物。 2:双极天线建议使用在长条的板子,或者水滴形板子上,摆放的位置越接近中间越好,有些看实际的板框来 确定天线的具体走向和设计,天线尽量在中间,天线两侧的地比较完整,天线的效果相对来说会比较好,不容 易出现死角。
以下图来看当入耳式蓝芽耳机以这种方式配戴时, 天线于PCB上的位置选择有以下两种较佳。
B位置优于A位置,以上图中的红色线为地,天线到地的距离2-2.5mm左右,线宽可以根据匹配料焊盘的宽度来 确定走线的大小。
若是是共板设计的,天线的摆放在中间,左右对称出现,因为现在的耳机多采有不分主从设计,故两边的耳机 天线的需要匹配。两边的天线的尽量采取大颗的天线,尽量远离人体,天线可以有效的辐射。
PCB全向天线 2.4G
首 页新闻资讯技术资料论 坛网电子元器件搜索:IC库存(8958万) PDF资料(329万) IC价格 IC求购 资讯维库电子市场网是国内外知名的电子元器件交易网站,为电子行业的广大用一种水平极化平面印刷全向天线的设计新闻出处:广东电子商贸网 发布时间: 2007-11-20来源:电子技术应用 作者:西安电子科技大学 高红卫 焦永昌 张福顺摘 要:介绍了一种水平极化奎向天线,先仿真设计再加工制作,最后实际测试。
自己动手制作路由器2.4G定向天线2012-04-04 00:05本站整理Emmanuel字号:A+|A-2.4GHZ本身就是高频要求制作精度高,如果您动手能力差的话还是不要做的好许多网友看到网上的制作资料就急不可耐的去找材料,然后加班加点的制作。
无线系统的天线长度通常是使用频率波长的1/4,2.4Ghz由于频率高,波长当然就短,所以天线自然就特别短,因此使用 2.4Ghz系统当然就再不需要传统那样长长的拉杆天线了。
单一菱形四条边:每一边长 1/4 波长,单个菱形全长 1个波长,有些人会计入缩短系数(根据线径粗细0.96-1.05),所以有这么多值跑出来,最好自己计算。
频率为2.4GHZ的波长是12.5cm ,2.4G波长=3*108/2.4?….*109=0.125m=12.5cm,根据频点可得不同长度。
反射板屏蔽掉能获得更大增益,双棱增益10DB,屏蔽12DB ;四棱增益13DB,屏蔽 14DB一个菱形标准是 3.15dbi,加反射板多 3db,菱形每多一倍加 3db,所以双菱形是 3.15+3+3=9.15dbi; 四菱形 12.15dbi;八菱形 15.15dbi; 16 菱形 18.15dbi;32 菱形21.15dbi;64 菱形 24.15dbi;128 菱形是 27.15dbi;要达到30dbi增益需要256 个菱形!!!高增益天线应用在短距离时,其效果并不见得会比低增益天线来的好(近距离时,低增益天线的"等效截面积",有时会比高增益天线来的大),如果再加上于室内使用,因为多重路径的关系,高增益天线的效果也不一定会比低增益天线好下面是国外网站10db定向天线制作过程:。
自制24G WIFI天线
自制2.4G WIFI天线以前我总觉得DIY天线是一件十分困难的事情,受到BG7IOO的影响,我现在对天线也发烧了。
为了让自己的WIFI设备也能插上翅膀,我下定决心DIY一根属于自己的WIFI ANT!第1步:选型先上网收集天线资料,看到很多国外的天线DIYER做出来的WIFI天线真是五花八门!有螺旋天线、有八木天线、有菱形天线、有栅网天线、还有罐头天线......让人看得眼花缭乱。
但我觉得虽然该方法对使用十分方便,但同时也对信号造成了损耗(估计1-2DBI),尤其在2.4G 的频段更加明显!因此,我决定把屏蔽网直接焊在圆筒上(焊接前先把外壳打磨光滑),而作为振子的芯线则保留其原来的泡沫绝缘。
WiFi天线对PCB布局布线和结构的要求详解-全⽂ 随着市场竞争的加剧,硬件设备正以集成化的⽅向发展。
天线也由外置进化内置再进化到嵌⼊式,我们先来介绍这类应⽤的天线种类: ⑴ On Board板载式:采⽤PCB蚀刻⼀体成型,性能受限,极低成本,应⽤于蓝⽛、WIFI模组集成; ⑵ SMT贴装式:材质有陶瓷、⾦属⽚、PCB,性能成本适中,适⽤于⼤批量的嵌⼊式射频模组; ⑶ IPX外接式:使⽤PCB或FPC+Cable的组合,性能优秀,成本适中,⼴泛应⽤于OTT、终端设备; ⑷ External外置类:塑胶棒状天线,⾼性能,独⽴性,成本⾼,应⽤于终端设备,⽆须考虑EMC等问题; 外置天线⼤家都很熟知了,我们直接看看三类内置天线需要的空间: 再来总结⼀下空间要求和性能指标: 以上就是WIFI2.4G的天线设计参考啦! 天线最终的⽬的是要将射频信号辐射到⾃由空间,这时天线的设计就显得⾮常重要,但是天线设计很⼤程度上依赖于所安装平台的特性,另外天线对周围环境很敏感,这些原因导致很多情况下,天线对每个平台都是独⼀⽆⼆的设计。
WiFi天线对PCB布局布线和结构的要求 1.天线的形式及天线位置和馈点尺⼨的建议 内置天线经常采⽤的⼏种形式分别为,分为弹⽚形式和chip贴⽚天线和FPC天线。
天线RF 馈电焊盘应采尺⼨为2&mes;3mm,焊盘含周边≥0.8mm的⾯积下PCB所有层⾯不布铜。
为了使性能最佳,PRoC BLE和PSoC4 BLE2.4GHz射频必须与其天线正确匹配。
图2. 偶极天线基础如图2所示,导体的波长为λ/2,其中λ为电信号的波长。
41、俯仰终宇宙,不乐复何如。 42、夏日长抱饥,寒夜无被眠。 43、不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。 44、欲言无予和,挥杯劝孤影。 45、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时 当勉励 ,岁月 不待人 。
21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。——培根 22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。——韩愈
23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。——马克思 24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。——莎士比亚
影响GPS天线性能的主要因素及其使用注意事项我们知道,GPS 就是通过接受卫星信号,进行定位或者导航的终端(GPS是什么)。
Freescale Semiconductor AN2731 Rev. 1.2 11/2004Application NoteCompact Integrated AntennasDesigns and Applications for the MC13191/92/931 Introduction Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Good antenna design is the most critical factor in 2 Antenna Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2obtaining good range and stable throughput in a wireless 3 Basic Antenna Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2application. This is especially true in low power and 4 ImpedanceMatching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6compact designs where antenna space is less than 5 Miniaturization Trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13optimal. However several compact cost efficient and 6 Potential Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14very effective options exist for implementing integrated 7 Recommended Antenna Designs . . . . . . . . 14 8 Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16antennas.To obtain the desired performance it is required thatusers have at least a basic knowledge about howantennas function and the design parameters involved.These parameters include selecting the correct antennaantenna tuning matching gain/loss and knowing therequired radiation pattern.This note will help users understand antenna basics andaid in selecting the right antenna solution for theirapplication. Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 2004. All rights reserved.Antenna Terms2 Antenna TermsAntenna Gain A measure of how well the antenna radiates the RF power in a given direction compared to a reference antenna such as a dipole or an isotropic radiator. The gain is usually measured in dB’s. A negative number means that the antenna in question radiates less than the reference antenna a positive number means that the antenna radiates more.Decibel dB A logarithmic scale used to represent power gain or loss in an RF circuit. 3 dB is a doubling of the power -3 dB is half the power. -6 dB represents half the voltage or current and quarter the power.Radiation Resistance The part of antenna’s impedance which produces radiated power. The measured impedance of an antenna is comprised of radiation resistance and loss.3 Basic Antenna TheoryEvery structure carrying RF current generates an electromagnetic field and can radiate RF power to someextent and likewise an external RF field can introduce currents in the structure. This means thattheoretically any metallic structure can be used as an antenna. However some structures are more efficientin radiating and receiving RF power than others. The following set of examples explains this concept.Transmission lines striplines coaxial lines etc. are designed to transport RF power with as little radiationloss as possible because these structures are designed to contain the electromagnetic fields. To obtain anyappreciable radiation from such a structure requires excessively high RF currents which causes lowefficiency due to high losses. Likewise the ability to introduce RF currents into the structure is ofimportance described by the feed point impedance. If the feed point impedance is very high lowand/orhighly complex it is difficult to introduce RF current with good efficiency.The antenna structure should be of reasonable size compared to the wavelength of the RF field. A naturalsize is half a wavelength which corresponds to approximately 6 cm at the 2.4 GHz ISM band. This size iseffective because when fed with RF power at the center point the structure is resonant at the half wavefrequency. Reducing the size below 6cm tends to make the antenna less visible to the RF field and notresonant which causes low efficiency. Not all structures make an efficient antenna.Numerous structures have been devised that provide good efficiency and impedance match but most ofthese are derived from a few basic structures. A short description of these basic antennas and some goodadvice on how to implement these with success is provided later in this note.Thisnote does not include complicated formulas concerning antenna theory because it is beyond the scopeof this note. The intention of this note is to provide basic information about how antennas work whichshould allow users to achieve reasonable performance with a minimum number of attempts.If users are interested in performing comp lex calculations and antenna simulations they should consult theabundant and widely available literature concerning antenna theory and design. Note that simply copyingan existing design does not necessarily ensure reasonable performance. A lot of external factors affectantenna tuning gain radiation patterns etc. An antenna tuned for one set of environmental factors maynot perform at all if put into a new environment and may require a lot of tuning to achieve even reasonableperformance. Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.22 Freescale Semiconductor Basic Antenna Theory3.1 Basic Antenna Variations3.1.1 3.1.1 Dipole AntennaThe dipole is one of the most basic antennas. The dipole is a straight piece of wire cut in the center and fedwith a balanced generator or transmission line. As previously stated this structure is resonant ornon-reactive at the frequency where the conductor length is 1/2 wavelength. For the ISM band this lengthis approximately 6 cm or about 2 inches. At this length the dipole shows resonance the feed impedanceis resistive and is close to 73 Ohms. This also holds true for a very thin wire in free space. Total Length is Approximately Wavelength At 2.4 GHz Length is Approximately 6 cm Figure 1. Basic DipoleA practical dipole of some thickness loaded with different dielectric materials PCB etc. and perhapsrelatively close to ground shows resonance at a slightly shorter length than calculated and the radiationresistance drops somewhat. For dipoles not too close to ground the shorting factor is typically in the rangeof 5-20 the shorter being more heavily dielectric loaded and radiation resistance is in the range of 35-65Ohms.This dipole setup exhibits a relatively good match to a 50 Ohm generator but the feed is differential. Asmall ceramic balun can be used forsingle-ended feed. The bandwidth is typically 2-5 depending on thereturn loss required. The radiation pattern in free space is doughnut-shaped with pronounced dips alongthe direction of the wires.To fill out these dips the outer ends of the antenna can be bent at a 45 degreeangle. Several configurations are possible including the “broken arrow” shape. Any materials close to theantenna can distort the radiation pattern. Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.2Freescale Semiconductor 3Basic Antenna Theory Figure 2. Dipole Shapes to Improve Omnidirectional CharacteristicsTo reduce the size of the dipole several options exist: Replacing some of the wire length with loading coils Bending the dipole ends back on the dipole Folding the dipole into a meander pattern Hairpin or coil loading of the center Capacitive loading of the dipole ends Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.24 Freescale Semiconductor Basic Antenna Theory Folding Inductive Loading Meander Pattern Hairpin Loading Figure 3. Dipole Loading ExamplesIn general the smaller the antenna the lower the radiation resistance and the lower the efficiency. Theantenna should also be removed somewhat from the ground plane preferably at least wavelength 3 cmbut not less than 1 cm. Sometimes a loading technique is employed where the dipole ends are bent close to theground plane or even loaded with small capacitors to ground. This technique shorts the dipole considerably butcauses heavy RF currents to flow in the ground plane resulting in low efficiency. Often some of the other loadingtechniques result in better performance. Compact Integrated Antennas Rev.1.2Freescale Semiconductor 5Impedance Matching4 Impedance MatchingFor heavily loaded antennas and antennas close to ground the radiation resistance maydeviateconsiderably from 50 Ohms which causes a poor match. An Inductive/Capacitive LC matching networkmay be employed but better efficiency is possible by raising the feed impedance.These techniques may also be employed if an impedance higher than 50 Ohm is required.The current and voltage distribution on a dipole is such that the impedance is low in the center and raisestowards the ends. By tapering the dipole at some distance from the center an appropriate match can befound. The tapering may take the form of Gamma Delta or Capacitive tapping as shown in Figure 4. Thisallows for matching impedances from 2 up to 300 Ohms. Some loading may be required to take out thereactance introduced by the tapering or the antenna could be slightly offset tuned to compensate for theadded reactive component. Gamma Impedance Match Delta Impedance Match Capacitive Impedance Match Figure 4. Impedance MatchingAnother approach is using the folded dipole. This is where two parallel wires are placed closely together.Due to the tight coupling the current distribution is approximately proportional to the surface area of eachwire. This means that in two equal wires the current in the feeding wire is approximately half the value ofthe wires together. Half the current at the same power means twice the voltage or four times the impedanceof 73 Ohms 292 Ohms. In practice the impedance is somewhat lower as in the normal dipole case.however by changing the relative wire diameter or even introducing several wires it is possible to tunethe impedance from less than 100 Ohms to several hundred Ohms. Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.26 Freescale Semiconductor Impedance Matching Figure 5. The Folded DipoleAll the different dipole types loading techniques and feeding networks total up to an enormous amountof possible combinations each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the correct designfor your application is best found using case-by-case assessment.4.1 Monopole AntennasIf one part of a dipole antenna is removed and replaced by an infinite ground plane the remaining half ofthe dipole “mirrors” itself in the ground plane much in the same way that one sees their own reflection inwater.For all practical purposes the monopole behaves as a “half” dipole. That is it has the same doughnutshaped radiation pattern the radiation resistance is half that of the dipole 37 Ohm it can be bend and befolded like the dipole and the same loading and feeding techniques can be applied.However one very important difference remains in that the antenna feed point is not balanced but singleended. Because of this and because most RF circuits are of the unbalanced type this antenna type has beenimmensely popular and a lot of variations of the monopole theme exist most designed to match 50 Ohms. Figure 6. Monopole Above a Ground Plane Showing the 癕irror” AntennaIt is important to note that the “whip” is only half the antenna and that the remainder is made up of theground plane or counter weight as it is sometimes called. In a practical application the ground plane isoften made up of the remainder of the PCB ground and supply planes traces and components. Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.2Freescale Semiconductor 7Impedance MatchingThe ground plane should be a reasonably sized area compared to the antenna and should be reasonablycontinuous. If a monopole is used on a very small PCB perhaps even with only a small area of copperefficiency suffers and the antenna is difficult to tune. Components and tracks introduce additional lossesand affect the feed point impedance.As for the dipole resonance is obtained at a length slightly shorter than one quarter wavelengthtypically5-15 shorter. Typical lengths are slightly more than an inch or two or 3 to 5 cm. The radiation resistanceis caused by bending the antenna and like the dipole the markeddip in the radiation pattern can beeliminated. By bending the antenna closer to ground the radiation resistance and efficiency drops so theantenna should not be placed too close to ground. Like the dipole the monopole can also be folded andbent around corners if board space requires this or it can be loaded with series coils.Of the many variations that exist the following sections highlight the most common.4.1.1 PCB Whip Quarter Wave Monopole or Quarter WaveIf board space allows a full-size quarter wave antenna is quite efficient and often provides a reasonable match toa 50 Ohm system. Slight folding or bending of the ends has negligible impact on performance.4.1.2 Open Stub Tilted WhipIf the monopole is bent and traced along the ground plane it will be more compact and the null in theradiation pattern is partly eliminated. The antenna should not bee too close to ground preferably not closerthan 1/10 wavelength 1 cm or efficiency suffers too much. At this close spacing the radiation resistanceis so low in the order of 10 Ohms that a matching network is usually needed. If the monopole is veryclose to ground it resembles a transmission line with little or no radiation at all.4.1.3 The F-AntennaThe F-antenna can be thought of as a tilted whip where impedance matching is done by tapping theantenna at the appropriate impedance point. Because this antenna is reasonably compact has anomnidirectional radiation pattern good efficiency and is very simple it is used extensively in applicationsincluding the mobile communications business. It should be noted that the currents in the ground leg arehigh and that a good sized ground plane is necessary to provide good efficiency. Figure 7. Tilted Whip and F - Antenna Note the Ground Plane Area Compact Integrated Antennas Rev. 1.28 .。
2.4G WIFI 天线运用要点天线可以有很多种,目前我们主要用了两种天线处理方式,板载的和通过同轴线连接的。
板载的有PCB天线,和陶瓷天线(chip antenna).通过同轴线连接偶极子类天线种类很多,不讨论。
z严格按照以上尺寸做天线PCB封装,单位是mm,铜皮厚是1oz.z粉红色的十字是天线的馈点,F中蓝色的那段接WIFI模块中的GND. 绿色的区域是净空区,绿色区不应有任何的的信号走线和铺铜。