
英语语言学笔记最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程: What is linguistics? 什么是语言学?Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. It studies not any particular language, but languages in general. 语言学是对语言科学地进行研究的学科。
The scope of linguistics 语言学研究的范畴Phonetics语音学\Phonology音系学\Morphology形态学\Syntax句法学\Semantics语义学\Pragmatics语用学\Sociolinguistics社会语言学\Psycholinguistics心理语言学\Applied linguistics应用语言学Prescriptive vs. descriptive 规定性与描述性Descriptive:a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use. Prescriptive: it aims lay down rules for “correct” behavior.Modern linguistics is descriptive; its investigations are based on authentic, and mainly spoken data.Traditional grammar is prescriptive; it is based on “high” written languageSynchronic vs. diachronic 共时性与历史性The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic studyThe description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic studyIn modern linguistics, synchronic study seems to enjoy priority over diachronic study.Speech and writing 口头语与书面语Speech enjoys priority over writing in modern linguistics study for the following reasons:(1) speech precedes writing in terms of evolution(2) a large amount of communication is carried out in speech tan in writing(3) speech is the form in which infants acquire their native languageLanguage and parole 语言与言语Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech communityParole refers to the realization of language in actual useCompetence and performance 能力与运用Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users‟ knowledge of the rules of his langu age Performance: the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communicationWhat is language? 什么是语言?Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication Characteristics of language: 语言的特性Language is a rule-governed systemLanguage is basically vocalLanguage is arbitrary (the fact different languages have different words for the same object is a good illustration of the arbitrary nature of language. This conventional nature of language is well illustrated by a famous quo tation from Shakespeare‟s play “Romeo and Juliet”: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”)Language is used for human communicationDesign features of language 语言的甄别特征American linguist Charles Hockett specified 12 design features:1) arbitrariness 武断性2) productivity 创造性3) duality 二重性4) displacement移位性5) cultural transmission 文化传递性二、音系学语言的声音媒介什么是语音学发音器官音标……宽式和严式标音法英语语音的分类音系学和语音学语音、音位、音位变体音位对立、互补分部、最小对立几条音系规则超切分特征Two major media of communication: speech and writingThe limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are the phonic medium of language. 用于人类语言交际的声音称为语音,这些数目有限的一组语音构成了语言的声音媒介。

《英语词汇学》课程编号:10190370课程名称:英语词汇学English Lexicology学分:2学时:32一.目的与任务1.课程性质:选修2.课程类别:专业基础课3.任务:《英语词汇学》以帮助学生扩大词汇量,有效运用英语词汇;更深入的理解词义,更有效的组织划分和贮存词汇;增强学生对词义和用法的了解,使学生准确使用英语词汇尤其是英语习语;使学生掌握使用参考书的技能,增加解决问题的能力和学习英语的有效性;提高学生的语言接受能力和语言使用能力为教学任务。

Chapter 7Changes in Word Meaning一、【考情分析】本章主要考核的知识点为:词义变化的种类,词义变化的原因。
二、【知识串讲】重点知识锦集:1. Extension(词义扩大) of meaning is also known as generalization.2. Narrowing of meaning is also called specialization.3. Of the modes of word-meaning change, extension and narrowing are by far the most common.4. Degradation(降格)or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation.5. The degraded meaning “sexual desire ”of the word “lust ”comes from its old meaning “ pleasure”.6. The name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo is extension.7. There are generally two major factors that cause changes in meaning: Extra-linguistic Factors and Linguistic Factors.(非语言因素和语言因素)8. The attitudes of classes have made inroads into lexical meaning in the case of elevation or degradation.9. The changes of meaning may be caused by internal factors within the Language system.10. The meanings of “lip”and “tongue”in “the lip of a wound”and “the tongue of a bell”have experienced associated transfer.(联想转移)11. The so-called “King’s English”serves as a class reason(阶级原因)in word-meaning change.12. The change of word-meaning is brought about by following internal factors: the influx of borrowing, shortening, analogy.13. Generalization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.14. The four major modes of semantic change are: extension(扩大), narrowing(缩小), elevation (升华)and degradation(降格).名词解释:1.extension(词义的扩大): It is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized. In other words,the term has extended to cover a broader and often less definite concept.2.narrowing(词义的缩小): it is the opposite of widening meaning. It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general meaning becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special meaning in present-day English.3.elevation(升华): Elevation or amelioration refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance.4. degradation(降格): Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It’s a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.5. transfer(转移): Words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer.论述问答题:1.What are the linguistic factors(语言因素) that have caused the changing of meaning? Try to explain it.答:Linguistic Factors that have caused the changing of meaning cover four:1) One type of such change occurs when a phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole。

Chapter 4Word Formation II一、【考情分析】本章主要考核的知识点为:词缀法,复合法,转类法,拼缀法,截短法,首字母缩略法,逆生法,专有名词普通化。
二、【知识串讲】重点知识锦集:1. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation.2. According to the positions which affixes occupy in words, affixes falls into two subclasses:prefixation and suffixation.(前缀和后缀)3. Affixation is also known as derivation.4. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning.5. Suffixes have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems. In other words, they mainly change the word class.6. We shall group suffixes on a grammatical basis into noun suffixes, verb suffixes, adjective suffixes, etc.7. Compounds can be written solid, hyphenated and open.(连写的,加连字符号的,不连写的)8. Most compounds consist of only two stems but are formed on a rich variety of patterns and the internal grammatical relationships within the words are considerably complex.9. Conversion is also known as functional shift.(功能转换)10. Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives, and verbs.11. The most productive, however, is the conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs.12. Unlike verbs, not all adjectives which are converted can achieve a full noun status. Some are completely converted, thus known as full conversion,(完全转换)others are only partially converted, hence partial conversion.(部分转换)13. Blending(拼缀法)is a very productive process and many coinages resulting from blending have become well-established.14. As far as the structure is concerned, blends fall into four major groups: head+tail, head+head, head+word, word+tail.15. The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns.16. Blends are mostly used in writing related to science and technology, and to newspapers and magazines.17. There are four common types of clipping: front clipping, back clipping, front and back clipping, phrase clipping.18. Both intialisms and acronyms have become very popular since the Second World War and thus extremely productive.19. Words created through back-formation are mostly verbs.20. Stylistically, back-formed words are largely informal and some of them have not gained public acceptance.21. Open compounds look like free phrases as the elements forming each word are writtenseparately.22. As a rule, the stress of compounds falls on the first element.23. A compound functions as a single grammatical unit, so the internal structure can not be changed.24. Conversion(转换法)refers to the use of words of one class as that of a different class.25. Partial conversion and full conversion are concerned with adjectives when converted to nouns.名词解释:1. affixation(词缀法): Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems.2. prefixation(前缀法): Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.3. suffixation(后缀法): Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems.4. compounding(合成法): Compounding, also called composition, is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. Words formed in this way are called compounds.5. conversion(转换法): Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.6. blending(拼缀法): Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. Words formed in this way are called blends or pormanteau words.7. clipping(截短法): Another common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called clipping.8. acronymy(首字母拼音法): Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.9. initialisms(首字母缩略词): Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter.10. acronyms(首字母拼音词): Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word.11. back-formation(逆生法): Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. It’s therefore the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.论述问答题:1. In what aspects do compounds differ from free phrases?答:Compounds differ from free phrases in the following three aspects:1). Phonetic features. In compounds the word stress usually occurs on the first element whereas in noun phrases the second element is generally stressed if there is only one stress.2). Semantic features. Compounds are different from free phrases in semantic unity. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word.3). Grammatical features. A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence, for example, a verb, a noun, or an adjective.2. What is the best way to classify prefixes? Why?答:Prefixes do not usually change the word-class of the stem but only modify lts meaning. Although present-day English finds an increasing number of class-changing prefixes, they make up only an insignificant number in the huge contemporary vocabulary. It might be the best way to classify prefixes by their non-class-changing feature.3. In what way are compound verbs generally formed? Give examples to illustrate your point.答:Compound verbs are created either through conversion or back-formation. This could be illustrated by two words, nickname and chain-smoker. Nickname, which is originally a noun, can be used as a verb through conversion. Chain-smoker, which is originally a noun, can turn into a verb through back-formation.4. What is the difference between partial and full conversion? Explain them with examples. 答:When converted to nouns, not all adjectives can achieve a full noun status. Some are completely converted, thus known as full conversion, others are only partially converted, hence partial conversion. When a noun fully converted from an adjective has all the characteristics of a noun, it can take an indefinite article or-(e)s to indicate singular or plural number. For example, adjective “white”can be fully converted to a noun “white”, which can take indefinite article: a white. When a noun partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with the definite article, and they retain some of the adjective features. For example, the poor, the rich.5. Both back-formation(逆生法)and back-clipping(截后留前)are ways of making words by removing the endings of words. How do you account for the coexistence of the two? Can you explain the difference?答:Back-formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. It’s considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. For example, “loafer”may be assumed to derive from the verb “loaf”’on the analogy of known derivatives, such as “swimmer” from “swim” or “driver” from “drive”. By removing the supposed suffixes –er from “loafer”, a verb “loaf”‟is coined. Majority of back-formed words are verbs. Back-clipping is different. The deletion occurs at the end of the word(usually a noun). Both the original long word and its short form remain in the same word class. In diffe rent context, one could be used in other‟s place.6. After he comes back, he oiled machine.In above sentence, which word is the converted word? Explain the type of the conversion and the effect of the conversion.答:In this sentence, the word “oil”is the converted word. It is converted from a noun to a verb. When it was used as a noun, the meaning of it is that “油”. But in this sentence, it was used as a verb, the meaning is “给…加油”; As is often the case, a noun can be converted to a verb without any change. The use of the verb converted is both economical and vivid.Chapter 5Word Meaning一、【考情分析】本章主要考核的知识点为:“意义”的意义,词义的理据,词义的类别。

第⼀章Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1. 词的定义Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2.声⾳与意义的关系There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbitrary and conventional.E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound.3.读⾳与拼写不⼀致的原因The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spellingc). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language4. 词汇的含义Vocabulary —— Vocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given displine and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.词汇的分类的原则Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by originthe English vocabulary consist of words of all kinds. they can be classified by different criteria and for different purpose . words may fall into the word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency, into content words and functional words by notion , and into native words and borrowed words by origin.基本词汇的特点1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.1.all national character (most important)– natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animals action,size,domain,state numerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj.2. stability– they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – past electricity,machine,car,plane ——now3.productivity– they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes.e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer4.polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.e.g. take to move or carry from one place to another to remove5.collocability– quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and others基本词汇在英语中的地位和重要性The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of thelanguage .though words of the basic word stock constitute a small percentage of the English vocabulary ,yet it is the most important part of it .e.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——(例⼦)1. terminology –technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicinephotoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus2. jargon– specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid3. slang—— substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener,dip,persuader cant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words– only by speakers of the dialectbeauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism– newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mailold meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation betweennotions,words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words –are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words,50,000-60,000What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. 2.frequent in use (in academic fields and science French,Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words,borrowing)– words taken over from foreign language. 80%本族语词在英语中的地位和重要性Native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language .therefore , what is true of the basic word stock is also true of native words.According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.1.Denizen s– words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.e.g. port from portus(L)shift,change,shirt,pork cup from cuppa(L)2.Aliens– retained their original pronunciation and spellinge.g. décor(F)blitzkreeg(G)emir,intermez,rowtow,bazaar,rajar,status quo3.translation loans– formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.1). Word translated according to the meaninge.g. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noir long time no see,surplus value,master piece 2). Words translated according to the sounde.g. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchup tea4. Semantic loans– their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dump new sassy dream old joy and peace pioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering work new a member of the young pioneer fresh old impertinent,sassy,cheeky第⼆章The Development of the English1、Indo-European language family (Europe,the Near East,India)It can be grouped into an Eastern set :Balto –Slavic 、Indo-Iranian、Armenian and Albanian; a Western set: Celtic、Italic 、Hellenic、GermanicIn the Eastern set , Armenian and Albanian are each the only modern language respectively,the Balto –Slavic comprises such modern language such as Prussian、Lithuanian、Polish、Czech、Bulgarian、Slovenian、Russian. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian, Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language Sanskrit.In the Western set, Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic. In the Celtic,we find Scottish, Irish,Welsh, Breton. the five Romance language ,namely, Portuguese,Spanish, French, Italian, Roumanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called Latin. The Germanic family consist of the four Northern European language :Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages. Then there is German, Dutch, Flemish and English.2、History (时间,历史事件,特征)1)Old English (450-1150)totally 50,000-60,000 wordsThe 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts,the language was Celtic.The second language was the Latin of the Roman Legions. The Germanic tribes called angles,Saxons and Jutes and their language,Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer to Anglo-Saxon as old English. At the end of 6th century,the introduction of Christianity has a great impact on the English vocabulary. The common practice was to create new words bycombining two native words. In the 9th century,many Scandinavian words came into English. At least 900 words of Scandinavian are in modern English,our daily life and speech.特点:highly inflected language///complex endings or vowel changes (full ending)2)Middle English (1150-1500)English,Latin,FrenchUntil 1066,although there were borrowings from Latin,the influence on English was mainly Germanic. But the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English.By the end of the 13th century,English gradually come back into public areas.Between 1250 and 150 about 9000 words of French origin pouered into English. 75% of them are till in use today.As many as 2500 words of Dutch origin come into English.特点:fewer inflections leveled ending3)Modern English (1500-up to now)early modern English (1500-1700)late modern English(1700-up to now)The Renaissance(the early period),Latin and Greek were recognized as the languages of the West ern world’s great literary heritage.From the 1500’s through the 1700’s ,many writers experimented with words. Over 10000 new words entered the English language .many of these were taken from Latin and Greek .The Industrial Revolution was in the mid-17 century. With the growth of colonization,British tentacles began a stretching out of to every corner of the globe,thus enabling English to absorb words from all major languages of the world.After World War II,many new words have been created to express new ideas,inventions and scientific achievements. More words are created by means of word-formation.thousands and thousands of new words have been entered to express new ideas inventions,and scientific achievements. more words are created by means of word-formation.in modern English,word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions English has evolved from a synthetic language to the present analytic language.science and technology terms make up about 45% of new words. words associated with life-style constitute of 24% and social and economic terms amount to over 10% .mention should be made of an opposite process of development i.e. old words falling out if use.特点:ending are almost lost.3. Three main sources new words当代英语词汇发展的现状New words sweep in at a rate much faster than at any other historical period of time .词汇发展的主要原因1).The rapid development of modern science and technology2).Social: economic and political changes3).The influence of other cultures and languages4. Three modes of vocabulary development(英语发展的三个主要⽅式:创造新词、旧词新意、借⽤外来语词)1. Creation – the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots,affixes and other elements. (This is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.)2. Semantic change - an old form which take on a new meaning to meet the new need.3. Borrowing – to take in words from other languages.(played a vital role in the development of vocabulary , particularly in earlier times)4. (Reviving archaic or obsolete)French 30%,Latin 8%,Japanese Italian 7%,Spanish 6%,German Greek 5%,Russian Yiddish 4%第三章Word Formation*1. Morpheme(词素) ——A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. (The smallest functional unit in the composition of words.)*2.Morph—— A morpheme must be realized by discrete units. These actual spoken minimal carriers of meaning are morphs.3.Monomorphenic words– morphemes are realized by single morphs.4.Allomorph(词素变体)——Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position. Such alternative morphs are allomorphemes. E.g. the morpheme of plurality (-s)has a number if allomorphemes in different sound context,e.g. in cats/s/,in bags/z/,in matches/iz/.5. Free morphemes or Free root —— The morphemes have complete meaning and van be used as free grammatical units in sentences,e.g. cat,walk. They are identical with root words. morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be free.6.Bound Morphemes——The morphemes cannot occur as separate words. They are bound to other morphemes to form words,e.g. recollection (re+collect+ion)collect – free morpheme re-and –ion are bound morphemes. (include bound root and affix)Bound morphemes are found in derived words.7.Bound root ——A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root,it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example:it conveys the meaning of ―say or speak‖ as a Latin root,but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before)we obtain the verb predict meaning ―tell beforehand‖。

《英语词汇学》心得《英语词汇学》心得词汇是构成语言的大致要素之一,词汇对于英语者来说,其作用极其重要,可以说是建立每一个者英语X国的基石.因这作为英语专业的专业必修课之一,《英语词汇学》一直占有十分重要的地位.可是是,从我自己的经历来看,词汇学课程一直都是枯燥无味理论性较强,这种心理一直影响到我现在的教育,一直到现在观看完X维友教授这些视频以为,才改变了自己陋的看法,给我带来了极大的启发.词汇的记忆对于者来说是一大难关,学生之中很多人会出现这样的情形:看到单词知道它怎么念,听到了也能够拼写出来,就是不知道这个单词是什么意思.我想这会成为英语的一大瓶颈.英语词汇学无疑可以很好的扶助我们很好的解决了这个问题.词汇学甚至能很好的扶助者对高级英语的.通过这次集训,我对英语词汇学的认识主要有.教师教育机智一定要灵活,在处理问题和矛盾如果不够成熟,比较冲动,易伤学困生英语的主动性;坚定逐渐尝试新的词汇模式,如果教师自己有所停顿和保留,就不能发挥其效果,对教师和学生自身认可有一定影响;教材的选择一定要全部和精致,一门课程的有趣无趣,很大程度上跟教材的选择有关.教师的讲课方式也很重要,教师自身具备扎实的专业基础知识和丰富的教育经验,才能知道怎样使学生很好的接受那些词汇学知识,更重要的是学生能够将学到的那些知识应用到将来的当中.在的过程,教师如果像填鸭子似地把知识抛给学生,肯定达不到很好的教育效果.除了使学生思考外,主动参与讨论能使学生知道自己的观点存在很大的不足,讨论是调动课堂气氛,也是使学生掌握知识的一个很好的一个方式.学生也会享受讨论的过程,在每一次思考每一次讨论中受益.总之,在这次集训中,通过自己仔细观看视频,浏览课程X,参与活动,主动完成作业,极大的受益于专家的宝X经验,开阔了视野,学到了知识,增进了交流,受益匪浅.在观看视频的过程中,我也看到了X维友教授在《英语词汇学》教育上的创意.尽管集训结束了,可是我们的还在持续,我会尽最大的努力主动投入教育工作.第二篇:英语词汇学心得心得------英语词汇学我从初一开始英语,在初一的时候,我的英语成绩非常之差,属于短板科目.我自己在当时也有找原因,发现主要是词汇积累不够,花在词汇上的时间非常少,个人自觉性也比较弱,没有自己去背诵单词.初二,初三在另外一所学校,那时英语教师严抓我们背诵单词和课文,这后,英语成绩迅速提升.所以说,从学英语的初始,我就深知词汇对于英语的重要性.词汇的记忆对于我们来说是一大难关,我们之中很多人会出现这样的情形:看到单词知道它怎么念,听到了也能够拼写出来,就是不知道这个单词是什么意思.我想这会成为英语的一大瓶颈.英语词汇学无疑很好的扶助我们很好的解决了这个问题.我们专业于大三的上学期开了词汇学这门课,接触这门课之前,我认为,词汇学应该主要是教授单词的词根,词缀和构词法这方面的知识,上课之后发现,词汇学的内容比我想象中的要丰富得多.与此同时.我发现,词汇学很好的扶助了我们对高级英语的.记得堂词汇学课上,教师给我们讲了许多关于词汇的小故事.模糊的记得是有关于耶稣的小故事.当然,主题是词汇.课堂气氛轻松幽默,非常吸引了同学们的注意力.教师的发音很水准,声音也比较动听.词汇学这门课,在一开始就给了我很大的吸引力.还记得教师在课堂上问我们“XXXX”一词的定义,后来总结出了四点:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.说实话,以前从来没有想过去给一个这样简单的单词下定义,仔细思考后,发现这个从还真不知道该怎么正确的去表述.这使我们深深的感觉到自身的不足,需要的东西还有很多;另一方面,再简单的东西也有其内涵,不可小觑.构词法无疑是词汇学的一大重点,英语构词法能够扶助我们很好的辨别并理解英语,与此同时也可以在短时间内增加我们的词汇量,英语构词法是英语的切实途径和强有力的“武器”.我想我们在背诵单词时遇到的很多问题,都可以通过构词法而迎刃而解.词是由形位构成的,有一些词只有一个形位,有一些词有两个形位,有一些词可有三个形位.而形位又可分为两种,一种是实义形位,一种是语法形位.实义形位是构成词的语义基础.有一些语言学著作将这类形位称之为自由形位,意指它可以自由存在,作为句中的大致结构单位使用.这种形位相当于词根.词根对于单词的背诵具有重要意义.全部了解词根的每一种意思,许多单词对于我们来说都可以通过词根来推断其意思.当然,这也需要词缀的辅助.从这个学期的词汇学课程中,我收获了很多,教师的丰富阅历也使我们了解了很多课本以外的关于词汇学的知识.如果有机会的话,我想我会更加深切的去研究词汇学这门学科.第三篇:XXXXXXX:英语词汇学心得XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1,背景+英语词汇学的意义XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXX’XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.2,具体说明英语词汇学的好处XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX,XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. 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XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.第四篇:《英语词汇学》的心得体会《英语词汇学》的心得体会外语系:X颖词汇学之初,有必要去澄清一些关于词和词汇的大致概念.词语XXXX是一个难以捉摸的概念,需要在开始就仔细关注.发音和意义之间的关系,声音和方式之间的关系,词语和词汇之间的关系.词语是什么.多年来已经造成了语言学家的关注.争议较大.尽管已经提出了很多的定义,没有一个是最好的.学者们仍然没有在词语的定义上达成一致.当我们谈起一个词语,我们倾向于依照视觉条件来思考.在这个角度,一个词可以被定义为平印在或者写在纸上的X母的有意义的集合.当依照口语定义的时候,词被看成是一个发音或发音的集合,是由人的发音器官自由的发出的.依照语义学家的意见,一个词是一个意义单位.语法学家,则认为一个词是在句中起作用的自由方式.等等.总结起来,词语的定义包含以下几点:(1)一个最小的自由形态(2)一个发音的集合体(3)一个意义单位(4)能独自影响句子的方式因这,我们能说“词语是语言最小的自由方式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用.”所有一种语言中的词构成了它的词汇.术语“词汇”使用在不同的地方.他不仅用来代表一种语言中的单词总数,他还能代表所有特定历史时期的单词,比如古代英语词汇,中古词汇和现代英语词汇.我们也用他来代表所有特定方言的词汇,一本书的词汇,一种学术的词汇和一个人的词汇.英语是非常发展的世界语言之一.自然词汇是最大最丰富的之一.今天的英语笼统估计词汇量超过100万.许多学者认为写作的许多困难实际上是缺乏表达词汇造成的(XXXXXX1985,XXXXX1983).内容贫乏,词不达意,上下文不联贯,句型单调等都与词汇贫乏有直接的联系词汇在语言能力中非常重要.词汇量的大小直接影响听说读写每一个能力的发展.语言能力在中指使用语言进行交际的能力,主要表现在听,说,读和写四个方面.文秋芳(1993)的研究表明词汇可以推动英语水准的提升.学生只有具备了充足的词汇量,才能读懂和听懂,从而也有可能为写作提供“可理解的输入”.学生的词汇量越大,阅读和听力的水准就越高.词汇是构成语言的大致要素之一,词汇对于英语者来说,其作用极其重要,可以说是建立每一个者英语X国的基石.因这作为英语专业的专业必修2课之一,《英语词汇学》一直占有十分重要的地位.可是是,从我自己的经历来看,词汇学课程一直都是枯燥无味理论性较强,这种心理一直影响到我现在的教育,一直到现在观看完X维友教授这些视频以为,才改变了自己陋的看法,给我带来了极大的启发.词汇的记忆对于者来说是一大难关,学生之中很多人会出现这样的情形:看到单词知道它怎么念,听到了也能够拼写出来,就是不知道这个单词是什么意思.我想这会成为英语的一大瓶颈.英语词汇学无疑可以很好的扶助我们很好的解决了这个问题.词汇学甚至能很好的扶助者对高级英语的.教育是建立在学生自主之上的,前提是学生对所学内容有所了解,教师应该起到引领,解惑,画龙点睛的作用.(1)安排学生作报告时避免使学生展示教育难点,教师许自己处理.(2)教师讲解时要考虑所涵盖的内容,可是不用面面俱到;要遵循教科书的内容顺序.1.指导学生辨认语言中的板块..XXXXXXXXXXXX(1997∶255)认为英语有四种板块:①词,短语,X:XXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.②搭配词(XXXXXXXXXXXX),比如:XXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.③惯用话语,比如:X’XXXXXXX.④句子框架和引语,比如:XXXXXXXX,...XXXXXXXXXX.2.领会,掌握词汇在语篇中的组篇作用,X,衔接.3.学生应加深领会词汇语体差别以及词汇选择与语域(XXXXXXXX)的关系.因为学生所接触的大多数是书面材料,因这,词汇方面语体混杂或语体不当.X,应该使用正式语体的场合使用非正式语体.4.培养学生使用策略猜词和记词的能力.XXXXXX(1990)提出如下策略:1)使用上下文猜词;2)使用助记忆性技巧记词意;3)使用词缀和词根通过这次集训,我对英语词汇学的认识主要有.教师教育机智一定要灵活,在处理问题和矛盾如果不够成熟,比较冲动,易伤学困生英语的主动性;坚定逐渐尝试新的词汇模式,如果教师自己有所停顿和保留,就不能发挥其效果,对教师和学生自身认可有一定影响;教材的选择一定要全部和精致,一门课程的有趣无趣,很大程度上跟教材的选择有关.3教师的讲课方式也很重要,教师自身具备扎实的专业基础知识和丰富的教育经验,才能知道怎样使学生很好的接受那些词汇学知识,更重要的是学生能够将学到的那些知识应用到将来的当中.在的过程,教师如果像填鸭子似地把知识抛给学生,肯定达不到很好的教育效果.除了使学生思考外,主动参与讨论能使学生知道自己的观点存在很大的不足,讨论是调动课堂气氛,也是使学生掌握知识的一个很好的一个方式.学生也会享受讨论的过程,在每一次思考每一次讨论中受益.总之,在这次集训中,通过自己仔细观看视频,浏览课程X,参与活动,主动完成作业,极大的受益于专家的宝X经验,开阔了视野,学到了知识,增进了交流,受益匪浅.在观看视频的过程中,我也看到了X维友教授在《英语词汇学》教育上的创意.尽管集训结束了,可是我们的还在持续,我会尽最大的努力主动投入教育工作.4第五篇:词汇学心得现代汉语词汇学心得分为二个部分,部分主要来谈谈现代汉语词汇学课程的感想和收获,第二部分阐述我在了这门课程后对于怎样进行对外汉语词汇教育的一些思考.一,现代汉语词汇学课程的感想和收获对于现代汉语词汇我们不是次接触了,早在大一的现代汉语课上就已经有所涉及.可是那都是很笼统的讲到,并没有做具体的分析研究,到了大三下学期才单独开设了现代汉语词汇学这门课程.在上这门课程前,就听学姐学长讲过词汇学很难,在学了这门课之后深有体会.记得在一开始的练习中就碰到了困难,如分析哪些是词自己就有点糊涂了,原因是自己尚未弄清楚词的具体该概念,即确定词的的一般方法,尤其是在扩展法上会出现问题.可是后来经过讨论,教师讲解,自己终于有所领悟.虽然在的当中会碰到很多难题,可是通过一学期的,自己也有很多收获.第一来谈谈教材,我们词汇学选符准X的《现代汉语词汇》增订本就是一本很好的教材.它的编订很合理,内容很详细,每章后都附有练习,有助于我们巩固我们所学的知识.除了解决词汇学中的一般问题,另外还提出了很多疑难问题使我们注意,这是其他教材很难做到的.比如章节疑难问题就提出具有争议的问题,怎样确定述补结构(吃饱打倒)等是不是词的问题,这些疑难问题对于我们真正把握词的概念,拓展我们的思维有很大扶助.第二,我也非常庆幸遇到一位优秀的教师来教授我们这么课程.教师1有着扎实的专业基础知识和丰富的对外汉语教育经验,所以知道怎样使我们很好的接受那些词汇学知识,更重要的是我们能够将学到的知识理论应用于实际.在的过程,教师并没有像填鸭子似地把知识抛给我们,而是时不时的给我们提一个问题,使我们去思考,虽然最后我们的答案并不尽人意,可是至少给了我们一个锻炼思考能力及分析问题的机会.在过程中教师一直强调我们不要读死书,要学会思考,这本书固然有它的优点,也存在一定的缺点,我们要取其精华,剔其糟粕.比如在第七章词汇划分问题上,教师就告诉我们书上的词汇划分不科学,对于大致词汇和一般词汇的定义模糊,可是在大致词汇的特点上有可取之处,大致词汇具有普遍性,稳固性和构成新词的基础,这一点很可取.再者,这门课程后我认识到词汇学的重要性,词汇学最为一门单独的专业课程开设是很有必要的.现代汉语词汇是逐渐丰富发展变化着的.社会生活的发展,包括新事物的出现,旧事物消灭,阶级斗争的发展;人的思想意识的发展;语言内部各个因素的相互作用等等.现代汉语词汇是历代积累传承下来的大量词语和和逐渐产生的大量词语组合起来的整体.现代汉语词汇有着十分重要的意义,它使我们意识到词汇的重要性,提升我们的表达能力,语言能力,而且有助于语文教育,词汇教育在语文教育中占有重要位置.要引导者掌握丰富的词语,正确理解词语的意义,正确使用词语,就要使用现代汉语词汇学所学的每一种知识.因这,一定要通过自身的努力学好掌握好这门学问.最后,通过这门课程的,我对怎样才能学好现代汉语词汇学有了一些体会.虽然这门课程即将结束,可是学问是无穷无尽的,这门课程只是为我们打开了词汇学的一个窗口,在平时我们还应当坚持课后自主,因这掌握一些词汇学的方法尤为重要.2,我们要重视古汉语知识,将现代汉语词汇和古汉联系起来,不能将现代汉语词汇和古汉语知识割裂开来.比如同义词的,我们知道本义.词源义对同义词辨析有很大扶助.比如房和屋是典型的同义词,可它们与同一语素构成的复合词“同房”和“同屋”却表示不同的意思,“屋顶花园”的“屋”也不宜用房来替换.房与屋这类特点的搭配关系是不是有其意义差异决定的.若是,它们的意义差别在哪里.屋的本义是屋的顶部覆盖,引申指房舍,还引申出覆盖,车盖,帽子顶部高起的部分等义位.而房本指正室两旁主要用于睡觉的房屋,其词源义为两旁.因为表房屋义的屋和房各有,因这在构词造句上表现出不同的倾向.具体而言,涉及房顶时多用屋,如屋顶花园,屋檐;与住宿睡觉有关的多用房,如同房指在同一间房间住宿或夫妻生活,而同室者,室友多称同屋.另外与住宿睡觉无关的书房,灶房可以成为书屋,灶屋,而与住宿睡觉有关的卧房,客房中的房却不能用屋来代替.在这个例子中,我们如果对本义,词源义茫然不知,就可能捕捉不到它们在不同词各自的语义特征,从而把它们解释为某些固定搭配说的约定俗称.在词义辨析中,有时仅仅从语意轻重,词义范围大小,感情色彩上是无法察觉的,而要从本义,词源义考释着手.因这,现代汉语词汇是离不开古汉语知识的,在平时我们也要不段充实丰富我们古汉语知识,为现代汉语词汇打下基础.第二,理论知识是为了实践的需要,我们不仅要现代汉语词汇学知识,还要用合理的方式去使用所学知识.在现代社会我们天天都需要交流,当我们每天说着一大堆的时候就应该反过来想想这个词我为什么就要这么用,他为什么会这么用,怎样说话更符合语境, 3写作时遣词怎样更雅,达,信,显得更有文采.比如在现实生活中,问年龄是很有讲究的,问七八十的老人我们可以用高寿,X庚,问年轻女孩用芳龄等等,如果我们不懂这些知识,就可能会显得不礼貌,甚至闹笑话,.因这我们要学以致用,这样不仅能够扶助巩固我们所学的知识,还能够提升我们的文化修养,更利于人际交往.二,关于对外汉语词汇教育的一些思考语言,词汇是基础,它应当贯穿的始终.汉语的词汇体现了语音的结构和变化,组成语句又体现了种种语法关系,词汇也连带学了语音和语法.汇教育是对外汉语教育的重要环节,一个留学生的汉语的水准,在很大程度上取决于他掌握词汇量的多少,词汇掌握量的多少还对留学生的汉语表达是否合适,得体有很大的影响.因这,对外汉语教育工必须使用每一种方法使留学生比较容易地掌握,理解汉语中的词汇,从而更好地习得汉语,顺畅地用汉语进行交流.在了现代汉语词汇学这门课程后,对汉语词汇有了更深刻的认识,我对怎样从事对外汉语词汇教育有了几点感想,如下:1.现代汉语词汇的语音联想教育.现代汉语同音词有一定的数量,文X改X出版社编《汉语拼音词汇》(增订稿,1963)收词五万九千一百多个,在此之中同音词五千五百多个,占9.5%,如以至,以致;启示,启事;绘画,会话;娇气,骄气等.在对外汉语的教育过程中,教师要善于使用同音词的语音联想,将涉及到的同音词列举出来,由这及彼,逐渐强化,可以增强学生对同音词的记忆能力和辨别能力,使学生相互联想.这样既强化了不同词汇的音,义分辨力,又巩固了所学的单词,由读音联想到词形,词义,收到事半功倍的效果.长这以往,教师可以培养学生对汉语中存在一定数量的同音词的辨析和掌4握,养成随遇随学的习惯.2.汉语词汇的语义联想教育在汉语教育过程中,教师不能把某个词当作独立的单位进行教育,而要适当使用词汇的本质特征,联系这个词在汉语词汇体系中所处的位置,进行联想教育.教师在对学生进行词汇语义教育时,可以使用联想法依照语义的特性进行教育.如教到“美丽”时,可使学生说出和“美丽”这个词义相近或相同的词,扶助学生扩大词汇量,并强化学生对词汇间的微妙词义差别的理解,起到辨析词义的作用.3.汉语词汇的用法联想教育依照汉语词汇不同的语法功能,将其划分为不同的词类,不同的词类具有不同的用法.在对外汉语教育过程中,教师在遇到一些常用动词,名词,形容词时,都应适当介绍其搭配用法,在学词的与此同时,介绍该词的语法使用规则,不仅使学生理解词的词义,也可帮学生加深理解词的使用方法.如名词前的修饰语一般用“的”,动词前的修饰语一般用“地”,动词后,补语前一般用“得”.又如,“得”作为动词使用时,可以和“高分”,“名”,“病”等联系使用.总结.从这个学期的词汇学课程中,我收获了很多,教师的丰富阅历也使我们了解了很多关于词汇学的知识,我也会将所学的词汇学知识更好地使用到将来的对外汉语词汇教育中.如果有机会的话,我想我会更加深切的去研究词汇学这门学科.。
Chapter One(A) 英语词汇学课程简介

兼任 湖北省学位委员会评议组成员、华中师范大学学位 委员会第3、4届委员、教育部人文社科基地华中师大语言 与语言教育研究中心兼职研究员。学术兼职包括全国专业 英语研究会理事、中南地区外语教学法研究会副理事长、 湖北省翻译者协会副会长、武汉欧美同学会常务理事等。 被邀担任教育部全国本科教学评估专家和教育部出国留学 基金语言学评审专家。同时担任上海外语教育出版社教育 部"十五"规划项目英语专业教材编写委员会委员,重庆出 版社中西部英语专业系列教材编写委员会委员。 主讲 英语词汇学、文体学、语义学等理论课程。从事语 言学和应用语言学方面的研究,并对话语篇章、语用、语 言与文化等有浓厚的兴趣。
近年来,汪榕培教授在中国古典文学英译和中西 文化比较等方面取得了突破性的进展,先后完成 了 《英译老子》、《英译易经》、 《英译陶诗》、 《英译诗经》、《英译庄子》、 《英译邯郸记》 《英译汉魏六朝诗三百首》、 《英译牡丹亭》、 《英译孔雀东南飞· 木兰诗》、等译著, 并撰写了一系列相关的论文,出版了专著《比较 与翻译》和《陶渊明诗歌英译比较研究》,得到 国内外学者的高度重视。他目前正在继续进行典 籍英译研究工作,兼任苏州大学、大连理工大学 博士生导师。
What we shall learn in ish lexicology is more than to learn to remember new words,but it will make you powerful in learning new words. 有人误认为词汇学就是“学词汇”。
4.所有作业,独立完成,不能抄袭 ,否则扣分。
Chapter One
The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary
自考 00832 英语词汇学-笔记(根据考纲标记重点)

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)Lexicology(词汇学): is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.The Nature and Scope of English lexicology:English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.The subjects that English Lexicology correlated with and extent to:English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学)The reason for a student to study English lexicology:According to the textbook, English Lexicology will definitely be beneficial for students of English.A good knowledge of morphological structures of English words and rules of word-formation will help learners develop their personal vocabulary and consciously increase their word power. The information of the historical development and the principles of classification will give them a deeper understanding of word-meaning and enable them to organize, classify and store words more effectively. The understanding and their sense relations will gradually raise their awareness of meaning and usage, and enable them use words more accurately and appropriately. A working knowledge of dictionaries will improve their skills of using reference books and raise their problem-solving ability and efficiency of individual study.Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabularyWord(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentenceSound and meaning(声音与意义): al most arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabularyVocabulary(词汇): all the words in a language make up its vocabularyClassification of English Words:By use frequency:basic word stock&nonbasic vocabularyBy notion:content words&functional wordsBy origin:native words&borrowed wordsThe basic word stock(基本词汇): is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. Though it constitute a small percentage of the EV, it is the most important part of vocabulary.The Fundamental Features of the Basic Word Stock(基本词汇的特征):1)All-National character(全民通用性most important) 2)Stability(相对稳定性)3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性) 5)Collocability(可搭配性)没有上述特征的words:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话) (3)slang (俚语) (4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words(方言) (6) Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms means newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings.(email)Content words/notional words实词(cloud, run walk, never, five, frequently) and functional words/empty words虚词(on, of, and, be, but) Native Words and Borrowed WordsNative words(本族语词): known as Anglo-Saxon words (50,000-60,000), are words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes. (mainstream of the basic word-stocks).Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in useBorrowed words/Loan words(外来语词): words taken over from foreign languages.(80% of modern EV)4 Types of loan words:1) denizens(同化词): (shirt from skyrta(ON))2) aliens(非同化词/外来词):are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling (kowtow (CH)磕头)3) translation loans(译借词):按其他语言方式组成英语 long time no see (from China)4) semantic loans(借义词):they are not borrowed with reference to the form,but their meanings are borrowedChapter 2 the development of the English VocabularyThe Indo-European Language Family(印欧语系)The Eight Groups in Indo-European Family of Languages(8大印欧语群)The Eastern set:(1)The Balto-slavic Group(波罗的-斯拉夫语族):Russian,Bulgarian,Polish,Czech etc.(2)The Indo-Iranian Group(印度-伊朗语族):Hindi,Bengali,Persian etc.(3)The Armenian Group(亚美尼亚语族):Armenian.(4)The Albanian Group(阿尔巴尼亚语族):Albanian.The Western set:(5)The Hellenic Group(古希腊语族):Greek.(6)The Italian Group(意大利语族):Latin ,Romance languages(French,Italian,Spanish, portuguese,Romanian) etc.(7)The Celtic Group(凯尔特语族):Irish,Welsh,Breton etc.(8)The Germanic Group(日耳曼语族):Flemish,German,Dutch,Scandinavian(Norweigian, Swedish,Danish,Icelandic) etc.The Three Stages of Development of the English Vocabulary:1 Old English (450-1100) (vocabulary 50,000 to 60,000):was I high inflected language.2 Middle English (1150-1500):retaines much fewer inflections3 Modern English (1500-up to now): in fact more than 25% of modern E words come almost directly from classical languages. In Modern E, words endings were mostly lost with just a few expections.English has evolved from a synthetic language(Old English) to the present analytic language. Modes of Vocabulary Development(词汇的发展模式):1)creation创造新词:the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely toots,affixes and other elements.(最重要方式)2)semantic change旧词新义 :does not increase the number of word forms but create many more new useages of the words.3) borrowing借用外来词:constitute merely 6 to 7 percent of all new words Reviving words or obsolete words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though quite insignificant.Chapter 3 Word Formation IMorpheme(词素):the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words Allomorph(词素变体): is a different variant form of a morpheme,differ in phonological and spelling form, but at the same in function and meaning Type of Morpheme(词素的分类)(1)Free Morphemes(自由词素): have complete meaning in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. A free morpheme is one that can stand by itself. (independent).(2)Bound Morpheme(粘着语素): A bound morpheme is one that cannot stand by itself.Bound Morpheme includes two types: (1) bound root(粘附词根) (2)Affix(词缀)Affixes can be put into two groups:1)Inflectional affixes (屈折词缀):affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional,thus known as inflectional morphemes.2)Derivational affixes(派生词缀): A) prefix: A prefix comes before words.B)suffix:An adjective suffix(形容词后缀) that is added to the stem, whatever class is belongs to , the result will be an adjective.Free Morpheme =free root(自由词根)Morpheme(词素)Bound root prefixbound derivationalaffix suffixinflectionalRoot and stem(词根和词干)The differences between root and stem:A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.A stem is the surplus part after the cutting of inflectional morpheme in a word with inflectional morphemes,can be further analyzed, it sometimes could be a root.Chapter 4 Word-Formation II(构词法)1.Affixation词缀法(Derivation派生法):the formation of words by adding word-formaing or derivational affixes to stem.(1)Prefixation(前缀法):It's the formation of new words by adding a prefixes to stems.1)Negative prefixes(否定前缀): un-,non-,in-,dis,a- ,il-,ir-,im-,etc.disobey(not obey)2)Reversative prefixes(逆反前缀): un-,de-,dis- etc. unwrap(open)3) Pejorative prefixes: mis(贬义前缀):mis-,mal-, pseudo- etc.misconduct(bad behaviour)4) Prefixes of degree or size(程度前缀):arch-,extra-,hyper-,macro-,micro-,mini-,out-,over-,sub-,super-,sur-,u ltra-,under-,ect. overweight5) Prefixes of orientation and attitude(倾向态度前缀):contra-,counter-,anti-,pro- etc.anti-nuclear6)Locative prefixes(方位前缀):extra-,fore-,inter-,intra-,tele-,trans-, etc. extraordinary(more than ordinary)7) Prefixes of time and order(时间和顺序前缀):fore-,pre-,post-,ex-,re- etc. monorail(one rail)8) Number prefixes(数字前缀):uni-,mono-, bi-,di-, tri-,multi-,poly- ,semi-,etc.bilingual(concerning two languages)9) Miscellaneous prefixes(混杂前缀):auto-, neo-, pan-, vice-.vice-chairman(deputy chairman)(2)Suffixation(后缀法): It's the formation of a new word by adding suffixes to stems.1)noun suffixes 2)adjective suffixes 3)Adverb suffixes 4)verb suffixespounding复合法(also called composition)Compounding: is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems Compounds are written in three ways: solid连写(airmail),hyphenated带连字符(air-conditioning)and open分开写(air force, air raid)Formation of compounds(复合词的形式)(1)noun compounds :e.g. : air + plane = airplane,flower + pot = flower pot(2)adjective compounds : e.g. acid + head = acid-head(3)verb compounds : e.g. house + keep = housekeep3.Conversion转类法Conversion: is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.(功能转换,又叫零派生.functional shift/zero-derivation)4.Blending拼缀法Blending : is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. e.g: motor + hotel = motel, smoke + fog = smog, formula + translation = FORTRAN5.Clipping截短法Clipping:is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead.e.g. plane from airplane, phone from telephone. 四种形式:1).Front clippings删节前面 (phone from telephone)2).Back clippings删节后面 (dorm from dormitory)3).Front and back clippings 前后删节(flu from influenza)4).Phrase clippings 短语删节(pop from popular music)6.Acronymy首字母缩写法Acronymy:is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.(1)Initialism(首字母缩写词法): initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter. e.g.: BBC(for British Broadcasting corporation)(2)Acronym(首字母拼音法):Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. E.g.:TEFL(teaching English as a foreign language)7.Back-formation(逆生法,逆构词)Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. It’s the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. (greed from greedy)8.Words From Proper Name(专有名词转成法):Names of people, places, book, and tradenames (e.g.: sir watt siemens(人名) -- watt(瓦特,电功率单位)Chapter 5 Word MeaningThe meanings of “Meaning” (“意义”的意义)Reference(所指):It is the relationship between language and the word. It is the arbitrary and conventional. It is a kind of abstraction, yet with the help of context, it can refer to something specific.Concept(概念):which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition(认识),reflecting the objective world in the human mind. Sense(意义):It denotes the relationship inside the language. ‘The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships withother expressions in the language.’Motivation(理据):It accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.1) Onomatopoeic motivation(拟声理据):words whose sounds suggest their meaning, for these words were creates by imitating the natural sounds or noises. Knowing the sounds of the words means understanding the meaning.E.g.: bang, ping-pong, ha ha.2)Morphological motivation (形态理据):multi-morphemic words and the meaning of many are the sum total of the morphemes combines. E.g.: airmail, miniskirt .例外:black market, ect.3)Semantic motivation(词义理据):refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word. E.g:the foot of the mountain(foot)4)Etymological motivation (词源理据):the history of the word explains the meaning of the word. E.g:pen-featherTypes of meaning(词义的类别)1.Grammatical Meaning(语法意义):indicates the grammatical concept or relationships (becomes important only in actual context)2.Lexical Meaning (词汇意义)(Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning make up the word-meaning) Lexical meaning has 2 components内容: Conceptual meaning(概念意义) and associative meaning(关联意义)1)Conceptual meaning(概念意义): also known as denotative meaning(外延意义) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.2)Associative meaning(关联意义):is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.[4types:(1) Connotative(内涵意义):the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning, traditionally known as connotations.(例如“母亲”经常与“爱”“关心”“温柔”联系起来)(2) Stylistic(文体意义):many words have stylistic features, which make them appropriate for different contexts.(3) Affective(感情意义):indicates the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in question.这种情感价值观分两类:褒义和贬义appreciative & pejorative(4) Collocative(搭配意义):is the part of the word-meaning suggested by the words before or after the word in discussion.]Chapter 6 --Sense relation and semantic field(语义关系和语义场)Polysemy(多义关系)Two approached to polysemy(多义关系的两种研究方法):1.diachronic approach(历时方法) :from the diachronic point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word. First meaning is the primary meaning , the later meanings are called derived meanings.2. synchronic approach (共时方法) : synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time.基本意义是central meaning , 次要意义是derived meaning.Two processes of development(词义的两种发展类型):1.radiation(辐射型):is a semantic process in which the primary meaningstands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes. (e.g: face, neck)2.concatenation(连锁型):is the semantic process in which the meaningof a word move gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning.(e.g:treacle) 3.In radiation, each of the derived meaning is directly connected to theprimary meaning. In concatenation, each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between.4.They are closely related, being different stages of the developmentleading to polysemy. Generally, radiation precedes concatenation. In many cases, the two processes work together, complementing each other. Homonymy(同形同音异义关系):words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.Types of homonyms(同音同形异义关系的类别)1)Perfect homonyms(完全同音同形异义词):words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning.2)Homographs(同形异义词):words identical only in spelling, but different in sound and meaning.(最多最常见)3)Homophones(同音异义词):words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.Origins of homonyms (同形同音异义词的来源)1)change in sound and spelling :(eare-ear, lang-long, langian-long) 2)borrowing (feria-fair, beallu-ball, baller-ball )3)Shortening(缩略): (ad-advertisement,)The differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemes(同音同形异义词和多义词的区别):1)The fundamental difference : Homonymy refers to different words which happen to share the same form and polysemy are the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings.2)One important criterion is to see their etymology(词源):Homonymys are from different sources. Polysemant is from the same source.3)The second principle consideration is semantic relatedness(语义关联): The various meanings of polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning. Meanings of different homonymys have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a polysemant has its meaning all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries.Rhetoric features of homonyms(同形同音异义词的修辞特色):As homonyms are identical in sound or spelling, particularly homophones, they are often employed to create puns for desired effect of, say, humor, sarcasm or ridicule.Synonymy(同义关系): one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning .Types of Synonymy(同义词的类别) :(1)Absolute synonyms(完全同义词):also known as complete synonyms arewords which are identical in meaning in all aspects, i.e. both in grammatical meaning and lexical meaning, including conceptual and associative meanings.[ Absolute synonyms are restricted to highly specialized vocabulary in lexicology. ](2)relative synonyms(相对同义词):also called near-synonyms are similaror nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality.(e.g: change/alter/vary, stagger/reel/totter, strange/odd/queer, idle/lazy/indolent)Sources of synonyms(同义词的来源) :1)Borrowing(借词):最重要的来源(room-chamber, foe-enemy, help-aid, leave-depart, wise-sage, buy-purchase)2)Dialects and regional English (方言和地区英语)3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words (单词的修饰和委婉用法):occupation/profession-walk of life, dreamer--star-gazer, drunk-elevated, lie-distort of fact.4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions(与习惯表达一致):win-gain the upper hand, decide-make up one’s mind, finish-get through, hesitate-be in two minds, help-lend one a hand.Discrimination of Synonyms(1)difference in denotation外延不同. Synonyms may differ in the range andintensity of meaning.(rich-wealthy, work-toil, want-wish-desire) (2)difference in connotation内涵不同. By connotation we mean thestylistic and emotive colouring of words. Some words share the same denotation but differ in their stylistic appropriateness. (借词:answer-respond, storm-tempest, wood-forest, handy-manual, unlike-dissimilar, homely-domestic, fleshy-carnal.中性词:policeman-constable-bobby-cop, ask-beg-request. 古语词、诗歌:ire/anger, bliss-happiness, forlorn-distresses, dire-dreadful, list-listen, enow-enough, save-expect, mere-lake )(3)difference in application. Many words are synonymous in meaning butdifference in usage in simple terms. They form different collocations and fit into difference sentence patterns. (allow sb. to do sth.- let sb. do sth. / answer the letter-reply to the letter)Antonymy (反义关系) :it is concerned with semantic opposition. Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.Types of Antonyms:1)contradictory terms (矛盾反义词): these antonyms truly represent oppositeness of meaning. 特点:①The assertion of one is the denial of the other. ②Such antonyms are non-gradable. They cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like “very”to qualify them . (e.g: single/married)2)contrary terms(对立反义词): antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes.(e.g: old/young, rich/young, big/small) The two opposites are gradable and one exists in comparison with the other.3)relative terms(关系反义词): this type consists of relational opposites.(parent/child, husband/wife, employee/employer, sell/buy, receive-give)Some of the characteristics of antonyms(反义关系的特点):1)antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition(语义对立)2)a word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym3)antonyms differ in semantic inclusion(语义内涵)4)contrary terms are gradable antonyms,differing in degree of intensity, so each has its own corresponding opposite.(hot/warm: hot-cold/warm-cool) The use of antonyms(反义词的使用)1)Antonyms are helpful and valuable in defining the meaning of words.2)To express economically the opposite of a particular thought for the sake of contrast.(e.g :now or never, rain or shine, friend or foe敌友,weal and woe哀乐)3)To form antithesis(对比法) to achieve emphasis by putting contrasting idea together. (proverbs and sayings: easy come , easy go./ more haste, less speed.)Hyponymy(上下义关系): Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. For example, a cat is hyponym of animal Superordinate and Subordinate (上义词和下义词):use subordinates which are concrete and precise ,presenting a vivid verbal picture before the reader. Superordinates which convey only a general and vague idea.Semantic Field(语义场)Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory.e.g.(apple, pear, peach, date, mango, orange, lemon, etc. make up the semantic field of ‘fruits’)The semantic field of the same concept may not have the same members in different language.e.g.(aunt in English, may means “父亲的姐姐,妈妈的姐姐,父亲哥哥的妻子” in Chinese.(122)Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning词义的演变Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content. Comparatively the content is even more unstable than the form.Types of Changes (词义变化的种类)1.Extension /generalization(词义的扩大): is the name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo. It is a process by which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.(e.g: manuscript, fabulous, picture, mill, journal, bonfire, butcher, companion)2.Narrowing/ specialization(词义的缩小):is the opposite of widening meaning. It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special meaning in present-day English.(e.g: deer, corn, garage, liquor, meat, disease, poison, wife, accident, girl). [ when a common word is turned into a proper noun, the meaning is narrowed accordingly. ]3.Elevation /amelioration(词义的升华):refers to the process by which words rise from humble(粗陋的) beginnings to positions of importance. [nice, marshal, constable, angel, knight, earl, governor, fond, minister, chamberlain ]4.Degradation / pejoration(词义的降格):A process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to used in derogatory(贬损的) sense.[boor, churl, wench, hussy, villain, silly, knave, lewd, criticize, lust ]5.Transfer(词义的转移): Words which were used to designate指明 one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer.Causes of Semantic Change(词义变化的原因)1.Extra-linguistic factors(词义演变的语言外部因素):1) Historical reason(历史原因):Increased scientific knowledge anddiscovery, objects, institutions, ideas change in the course of time. E.g: pen, car, computer.2 )Class reason(阶级原因):The attitude of classes have also made inroads into lexical meaning in the case of elevation or degradation.3) Psychological reason(心理原因):the associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words are often due to psychological factors. Such slow, humble and despised occupations take more appealing names is all due to psychological reasons.2.Linguistic factors(语言内部原因):the change of meaning may be caused by internal factors with in the language system.1)shorting缩略:gold-gold medal, gas-coal gas, bulb-light bulb, private-private soldier2)borrowing借用:deer-animal-beast3)analogy类推:Chapter 8 Meaning and Context 词义和语境Context in its traditional sense refers to the lexical items that precede or follow a given word. Modern linguists have broadened its scope to include both linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts.Two types of context(语境的种类)1. Extra-linguistic context/ Non-linguistic situation(非语言语境):Ina broad sense, context includes the physical situation as well, which embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background. (look out, weekend, landlord )2.Linguistic context/ grammatical context(语言语境):In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. It may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book.分为两类:1) Lexical context(词汇语境):It refers to the word that occurs together with the word in question. (e.g: paper, do)2) Grammatical context(语法语境):It refers the situation when the meaning of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. (e.g: become)The role of context(语境的作用)1.Elimination of ambiguity(消除歧义)1)Ambiguity due to polysemy or homonymy.2)Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity如何消除歧义?——①extend the original sentence ②alter the context a little2.Indication of referents(限定所指)如何限定所指?——①with clear context ②with adequate verbal context 3.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning (提供线索以猜测词义)1)definition2)explanation3)example4)synonymy5)antonymy6)hyponymy(上下义关系)7)relevant details8)word structureChapter 9 English Idioms 英语习语Idioms(习语的定义): are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meaning of individual elements. In a broad sense, idiom may include colloquialisms(俗语), Catchphrases(标语),slang expressions (俚语),proverbs(谚语),etc. They form an important part of the English vocabulary.Characteristics of Idioms(英语习语的特点)1.Semantic unity (语意的整体性): words in the idiom they have lost their individual identity. Their meanings are not often recognizable in the meaning of the whole idiom.The semantic unity of idioms is also reflected in the illogical relationship between the literal meaning of each of the idiom.2.Structural stability(结构的稳定性):the structure of an idiom is to a large extent un changeable.1) the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced2) the word order cannot be inverted or changed3) the constituents of idioms cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article.4) many idioms are grammatically unchangeableThe fixity of idiom depends on the idiomaticity.习语性表达习惯Classification of Idioms(英语习语的分类)1. idioms nominal in nature 名词性习语 (white elephant累赘物)2 .idioms adjectival in nature形容词性习语(as poor as a church mouse)3 .idioms verbal in nature 动词性习语(look into)4 .idioms adverbial in nature副词性习语(tooth and nail 拼命)5 .sentence idioms 句式习语(never do things by halves)Use of idioms(习语的使用)1.Stylistic features(文体色彩):1)colloquialisms(俗语)2)slang (俚语)3)literary expressions(书面表达)The same idiom may show stylistic differences when it is assigned(指派)different meanings.2.Rhetorical features(修辞色彩)1) phonetic manipulation (语音处理):(1)alliteration头韵法(2)rhyme尾韵法2)lexical manipulation(词法处理)(1)reiteration(duplication of synonyms)同义词并举 [scream and shout] (2)repetition 重复[out and out](3)juxtaposition (of antonyms) 反义词并置 [here and there]3.figures of speech(修辞格)(1)simile明喻(2)metaphor暗喻(3)metonymy换喻/以名词代动作:live by one’s pen(4)synecdoche提喻/以部分代整体:earn one’s bread(5)Personification拟人法(6)Euphemism委婉语:kick the bucket(die)(7)hyperbole 夸张:a world of troubleVariations of idioms(习语的变异形式):1.addition增加2.deletion删除3.replacement替换4.position-shifting位置转移5.dismembering分解Chapter 10 English Dictionaries 英语字典Dictionary: presents in alphabetical order the words of English, with information as to their spelling ,pronunciation, meaning, usage , rules and grammar, and in some, their etymology(语源).Types of dictionaries(词典的种类):1.Monolingual & bilingual dictionaries(单语词典和双语词典):最早的词典都是双语的(1).Monolingual dictionary: is written in one language (LDCE, CCELD). The headword or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language.(2).Bilingual dictionary: involve two languages (A New English-Chinese D, A Chinese-English D)2.Linguistic and Encyclopedic dictionaries(语文词典与百科词典)(1)Linguistic dictionary: aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language (spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical,。

第一单元英语词汇概说英语单词的结构⒈词word: It is a minimal free form of language which has given sound and meaning andsyntactic function. Eg: book, red …..⒉词条entry: It is a term used by dictionary compilers. It refers to all the information aboutword that appears in a dictionary.It includes the headword, the pronunciation, definition, irregular plural forms, comparative and superlative form, irregular forms of verbs, part of speeches, even derivatives of the headword, etc.⒊词位lexeme: In linguistic study, every entry (specifically the headword) which are collectedinto a dictionary is called a lexeme by linguists. An lexeme is an abstract unit in linguistics that roughly corresponds to a set of forms taken by a single word. Eg: run, runs, ran, running. 原形大写表示词位,词位相当于词条中的headword.⒋词形word form: Different forms of a word which are caused by the change of tense, number,point of view, part of speech, etc. are called word form.⒌词汇vocabulary/ lexicon: all the words in a language are termed as it. However, vocabularycan also be used to refer to all the words in a book or in a particular historical period of time, or in a dialet, or in a particular discipline, or eben to all the words that a person possesses.⒍词汇单位lexical unit/ item: is a single word or chain of words that are the basic elements of alanguage’s lexicon. Eg: cat, traffic light, take care of, by-the-way, it’s raining cats and dogs. The entire store of lexical items in a language is called its lexis(词库).Ⅱ、classification of English wordsBy origin: native words 本土词; loan words外来词.By use frequency: basic word stock基础词; non-basic word stock非基础词.By the level of usage: common words 常用词;literary words 书面词;colloquial words口语词;slang words 俚语;technical words 术语.By notion(function): content words 实义词;function words 功能词.Ⅲ、⒈词素morpheme: is the smallest meaningful linguistic unit of language, not divisible oranalyzable into smaller forms. Word is composed of morphemes. 词素是词的组成部分,是语言中语音和词义的最小结合体。

《英语词汇学课程》教学大纲一、课程基本情况总学时:32 讲课学时:24 实践学时:8 总学分:2课程类别:专业选修考核方式:考查适用对象英语专业先修课程:英语语法,基础英语,英语阅读参考教材:陆国强现代英语词汇学(新版)上海外语教育出版社二、课程设置目标英语词汇学是英语专业学生学习的必要课程。
三、教学内容、教学方法和手段、学时分配知识单元一:英语概述(2学时)知识点1:英语的来源和背景:重点:1.1世界十大语系1.2 印欧语系十二语族学生要了解英语相关历史及背景知识。
主要内容:古英语(450-1150);中古英语(1150-1450/1500)现代英语(1450/1500-至今,包括早期现代英语(1450/1500-1700)和晚期现代英语(1700至今)教学方法和手段:讲授、实例分析:如;词的形态变化 doth—does; caru--care知识单元二:词的概述(4学时)知识点1:词的定义、词的语音与意义、词的词汇意义与语法意义重点:词的词汇意义与语法意义学生了解和掌握什么是词、词汇;词与音的关系以及词汇意义和语法意义。

英语词汇学笔记之“名词解释篇”1.Word --- A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic funtion.2. Morpheme --- A morpheme is the minimal significant element in the composition of words.3. Free morphemes or Content morphemes (Free root)--- They are morphemes that may constitute words by themselves : cat, walk.4. Bound Morphemes or Grammatical morphemes--- They are morphemes that must appear with at least one other morpheme, either bound or free : Catts, walk+ing.5. Bound root --- A bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a free root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. Take -dict- for example: it conveys the meaning of "say or speak" as a Latin root, but not as a word. With the prefix pre-(=before) we obtain the verb predict meaning "tell beforehand".6. Affixes --- Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or funtion.7. Inflectional morphemes or Inflectional affixes --- Affixes attaches to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional ,thus known as inflectional morphemes.There is the regular plural suffix -s(-es) which is added to nouns such as machines, desks.8. Derivational morphemes or Derivational affixes--- Derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words.9. Prefixes --- Prefixes are affixes that come before the word, such as, pre+war.10. Suffixes --- suffixes are affixes that come after the word, for instance, blood+y. Derivational morphemes/ derivational affixes --- A process of forming new words by the addition of a word element. Such as prefix, suffix, combing form to an already existing word.Prefixation ---- is the formation of new words by adding prefix or combing form to the base. (It modify the lexical meaning of the base)Suffixation--- is the formation of a new word by adding a suffix or combing form to the base and usually changing the word-class of the base. Such as boy. Boyish (noun- adjective)11. Roo t --- A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analysed without total loss of identity.12.Opaque Words--Words that are formed by one content morpheme only and cannot be analysed into parts are called opaque words, such as axe, glove.13. Transparent Words--Words that consist of more than one morphemes and can be segmented into parts are called transparent words: workable(work+able), door-man(door+man).14. Morphs--Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning.15. Allomorps--Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorphs. For instance, the morpheme of plurality {-s} has a number of allomorphs in different sound context, e.g. in cats /s/, in bags /z/, in match /iz/.16.Derivation or Affixation--Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation.17.Prefixation--Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems.18.Suffixation--Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems.19. Compounding(Compositon)--Compounding is a process of word-formation by which two independent words are put together to make one word. E.g. hen-packed; short-sighted.20. Conversion--Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. This process of creating new words without adding any affixes is also called zero-derivation. E.g. dry (a.)-->to dry.21. Back-formation-- is a process of word-formation by which a word is created by the deletion of a supposed affix. E.g. editor entered the language before edit.22. Abbreviation ( shortening )-- is a process of word-formation by which the syllables of words are abbreviated or shortened.23. Abbreviation includes four types : I. Clipped words II. Initialisms III. Acronyms IV. Blends.I. Clipped words--are those created by clipping part of a word, leaving only a piece of the old word. E.g. telephone-->phone, professional-->pro.II. Initialisms--are words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as letters. E.g. IMF/ai em ef/=International Monetary Fund.III. Acronyms--are words formed from the initial letters of word and pronounced as words. E.g. NATO/'neito/=North Atlantic Treaty Organization.IV.Blends--are words that are combined by parts of other words. E.g. smoke+fog=smog.24. Polysemy--The same word may have two or more different meanings. This is known as "polysemy". The word "flight", for example, may mean "passing through the air", "power of flying", "air of journey", etc.*Two approaches to polysemy: Diachronic and SynchronicDiachronically, we study the growth or change in the semantic structure of a word , or how the semantic structure of a word has developed from primary meaning to the present polysemic state .Synchronically,we are interested in the comparative value of individual meanings and the interrelation between the central meaning and the secondary meanings.*Two processes leading to polysemy: Radiation and concatenationRadiation: Semantically, radiation is the process in which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.Concatenation: is a semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, untill there is no connection between the sense that is finally developed and the primary meaning.25. Homonyms--are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical『a.同一的,完全相同的』only in sound or spelling.26. Perfect Homonyms--are words identical both in sound and spelling,but different in meaning。

英语词汇学笔记整理Chapter 11 - The definition of a word comprises the following points:(1) a minimal free form of a language;(2) a sound unity;(3) a unit of meaning;(4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2- Sound and Meaning: symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary and conventional.A dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up the word just automatically suggest the animal in question.3- Old English, the speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. The internal reason for this is that the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination.Another reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years, and in some cases the two have drawn far apart.4-A third reason is that some of the differences were created by the early scribes. Finally comes the borrowing, which is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary.5 - Vocabulary: All the words in a language make up its vocabulary. Not only can it refer to the total number of the words in a language, but it can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period. We also use it to refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person. The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over million words.words used in a particular historical period. We also use it to refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person. The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over million words.words used in a particular historical period. We also use it to refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person. The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over million words.words used in a particular historical period. We also use it to refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person. The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over million words.6 - Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency, into content words and functional words by notion, and into native words and borrowed words by origin.7 - The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language. Though words of the basic word stock constitute a small percentage of the English vocabulary, yet it is the most important part of it. These words have obvious characteristics.8 - All national character. Words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us, which are indispensable to all the people who speak the languageNatural phenomena/Human body and relations/Names of plants and animals/Action, size, domain, state/Numerals, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions9 - Stability. Words of the basic word stock have been in use for centuries.10 - Productivity . Words of the basic word stock are mostly root words or monosyllabic words. They can each be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes.11 - Polysemy. Words belonging to the basic word stock often possess more than one meaning because most of them have undertone semantic changes in the course of useand become polysemous.12 - Collocability . Many words of the basic word stock quite a number of set expressions, idiomatic usages, proverbial sayings and the like.13 - Terminology consists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas .14 - Jargon refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves such as in business.15 - Slang belongs to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words like cant, jargon, and argot, all of which are associated with, or most available to, specific groups of the population.Slang is created by changing or extending the meaning of existing words though some slang words are new coinages altogether. Slang is colourful, blunt, expressive and impressive.16 - Argot generally refers to the jargon of criminals.17 - Dialectal words are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question.18 - Archaisms are words or forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.19 - Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on new meanings.20 - By notion, words can be grouped into content words and functional words. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals, which denote objects, phenomena, action, quality, state, degree, quantity.21 - Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, they are also called empty words. As their chief function is to express the relation between notions, the relation between words as well as between sentences, they are known as formwords. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.22 - However, functional words do far more work of expression in English on average than content words.23 - Native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the German tribes; the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words.24 - Apart from the characteristics mentioned of the basic word stock, in contrast to borrowed words, native words have two other features:Neutral in style. they are not stylistically specific.Stylistically, natives words are neither formal nor informal whereas the words borrowed from French or Latin are literary and learned, thus appropiate in formal style.Frequent in use. Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech and writing.25 - Words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings in simple terms. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80 percent of the modem English vocabulary. The Englishlanguage is noted for the remarkable complexity and heterogeneity of its vocabulary because of its extensive borrowings26 - Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. These words are immediately recognizable as foreign in origin.27 - Semantic-loans. Words of this category are not borrowed with reference to the form. But their meanings are borrowed. In other words, English has borrowed a new meaning for an existing word in the language.Chapter 21 - It is assumed that the world has approximately 3, 000 (some put it 5, 000 ) languages, which can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.2 - The Indo-European is one of them. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East, and India.3 - They accordingly fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set: Balto-Slavic , Indo-Iranian , Armenian and Albanian ; a Western set: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, Germanic.4 - In the Eastern set, Armenian and Albanian are each the only modern language respectively. The Balto-Slavic comprises such modern languages as Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Russian.5 - In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian. Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived from the dead language Sanskrit.6 - In the Western set, Greek is the modern language derived from Hellenic.7 - The Germanic family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavianlanguages. Then there is German, Dutch, Flemish and English.languages. Then there is German, Dutch, Flemish and English.8 - Old English (450-1150)Anglo-Saxon as Old English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50, 000 to 60, 000 words. It was a highly inflected language just like moderm German.Anglo-Saxon as Old English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50, 000 to 60, 000 words. It was a highly inflected language just like moderm German.9 - Middle English (1150-1500)Although there were borrowings from Latin, the influence on English was mainly Germanic.Between 1250 and 1500 about 9000 words of French origin poured into English. Seventy-five percent of them are still in use today.If we say that Old English was a language of full endings. Middle English was one of leveled endings.10 - Modern English (1500-up to now)Modern English began with the establishment of printing in England.Early (1500-1700) and Late (1700-up to the present) Modern EnglishModern English began with the establishment of printing in England.Early (1500-1700) and Late (1700-up to the present) Modern EnglishIn the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as the Renaissance.Latin and Greek were recognized as the languages of the Western world’’s great literary heritage and of great scholarshipIn fact, more than twenty-five per cent of modern English words come almost directly from classical languages.It can be concluded that English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present analytic language.11 - Three main sources of new words: the rapid development of modern science and technology(45%); social, economic and political changes(24%);the influence of other cultures and languages(11%).the influence of other cultures and languages(11%).12 - Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, borrowing.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and other elements. In modern times, this is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need. This does not increase the number of word forms but create many more new usages of the words, thus enriching the vocabulary.Borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particularly in earlier times. Borrowed words constitute merely six to seven percent of all new worlds. In earlier stages of English, frnch, greek and Scandinavian were the major contributiors.Reviving archaic or obsolete words(复活古词和废弃词) also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though quite insignificant.Chapter 31 - These different forms occur owing to different sound environment. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes.In other words, the morpheme is "the amallest functioning unit in the composition of words"In other words, the morpheme is "the amallest functioning unit in the composition of words"2 - Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. They are actual spoken , minimal carriers of meaning. The morpheme is to the morph what a phoneme is to a phone.3 - These morphemes coincide with words as they can stand by themselves and function freely in a sentence. Words of this kind are called monomorphemic words.4 - Some morphemes, however, are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorphs.5 - There are cases where the allomorphs of the plural morpheme are realized by the change of an internal vowel or by zero morph.6 - Free Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to be free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. They are identical with root words, as each of them consists of a single free root, we might as well say that free morphemes are free roots.7 - Bound Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.8 - Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and affix.Bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a tree root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words.In English, bound roots are either Latin or Greek. Although they are limited in number, their productive power is amazing.Bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just like a free root. Unlike a tree root, it is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words.In English, bound roots are either Latin or Greek. Although they are limited in number, their productive power is amazing.Affixes are forms that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. According to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two groups; inflectional and derivational affixes.Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships are inflectional, thus known as inflectional morphemes. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable.Derivational affixes. As the term indicates, derivational affixes are affixes added to other morphemes to create new words. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes come before the ward and the suffixes after the word.9 - A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analysed without total loss of identity. The root, whether free or bound, generally carries the main component of meaning in a word. Root is that part of a wordform that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed.10 - A stem may consist of a single root morpheme as in iron or of two root morphemes as in a compound like handcuff. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes as in mouthful.A stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added。

英语词汇学笔录整理Part 1前缀(Prefixes)1.Negative prefixesa-;an- 缺乏、缺乏amoral( 缺德 ) asexual( 雌雄同体的 ) asymmetry(不平均的)anarchy( 无政府的 )dis- 否、不dishonestnon- 非、否non-black(非黑人区的)non-science non-smoker nonresistant(非抵挡)in- ; i- ; im- ; ir-complete——incomplete correct —— incorrect小结:清辅音 [k],[f],[t]前的前缀加in-; 唇音从前加im-; “ l”前加 il-; “ r ”前加 ir- 。
un- 不unhappy unfriendly infamous2. Pejorative prefixes表贬义mal- 不好的,坏的maltreat(凌虐)malformed(畸形的)malnutrition(营养不良的)malfunction( 功能杂乱 )mis- 错误的misdial( 拨错号 ) misleading(误导)misbehaved(行为不规范) misconception(错误的认知)pseudo-错,假的pseudoscience( 伪科学 ) pseudo teaching(实习)3. Reversative prefixes表逆转的前缀de-defrost(除霜)deplane(下飞机)deindustrialization(非工业化的)decode(解码)dis-表示动作的逆转disconnect( 切断 ) dishearten(灰心)disown( 扔掉 )4.Prefixes of degree or sizearch- means“ most” ” supreme”常带有贬义archenemy archbishop(红衣大主教)arch monetarist(拜金主义者) co-“ joint” or“equally”coexistence( 共存的 ) combine colleague correspondence(通讯联系)小结: co- 这个前缀依据所跟单词的首字母而发生变化在元音前加co- ; -b\-p从前用com-;-l从前用col-;-f\-c\-g前用con-;-r从前用cor- hyper-means“extreme”hyperactive( 过于活跃的 ) hyper cautious(过分当心的)mini-means“ little”minibus miniskirt ministered minimalmaxi-means“ big”maxi coat maxi skirtout-means“ surpassing” ,程度多,超出outclass( 优良的 ) outlive(长寿的)outgrowover-means“excessive” 相当的,带贬义overeat overweight overestimate(高估)overwork overjoyed(惊喜若狂的 ) overflow( 溢出 )sub-亚,次的subculture( 亚文化 ) subtext(潜台词)subconscious(潜意识)subsonic(低音速)super-超级supernatural( 超自然的 ) supermansur- means“over and above” 超surcharge(额外收费)surtax( 附带税 ) surreal( 超现实 )ultra-相当,特别ultramodern ultraconservative(特别守旧的)ultrasonic(超音速)ultraviolet( 紫外线 )under-低于undercharged underestimate(低估)5.Prefixes of orientation and attitudeanti- means“ against” 反anticlockwise( 逆时针 ) anti-aging(抗衰老的)antibacterial(抗菌的) antineutron(反中子)contra- means“opposite” ,“ contrasting”contradiction conrafactualcounter- means“ against” ,“ in opposition to”counterattack counterexample countercurrent(逆电流) pro-支持,站在一方pro-European pro-student6. Locative prefixes表示方向的前缀fore-前部forearm foreground forehead forewordinter- means“ between” ,“ among” 在之间international intermarry(近亲成婚)internetsub- means“under”submarine(潜水艇)subway sublet( 转租 )super- means“ above”superstructure( 上层建筑物 )trans- means“ across”transform( 变形 ) transplant transcontinental(跨州的) 7. Prefixes of time and order表示时间温次序的前缀ex- means“ former” 从前的ex-husband ex-presidentfore-表时间foresee( 预示 ) foretell(预知)post- means“after”postmodernism(后现代的 ) postwar(战后)posttretment(复建)pre-在从前preschooler( 学龄前少儿 ) prehistory(史前史)pre-liberation(解放前)8. Number prefixesbi-;di- means“two” 双bimonthly( 双月的 ) bicycle( 自行车 ) bilingual(双语的)bigamy(重婚) dioxide( 二氧化物 ) disyllable( 双音节 )multi-;poly- means“ many” 多,几个multi-national polygamy(一夫多妻制)polyandry(一妻多夫制) semi-;demi-;hemi- means“ half” 半semiliterate( 半文盲 ) demigod(半人半神)hemisphere(半球)semivowel(半元音 )tri-三triangle(三角形)tricycle( 三轮车 ) trinity(三维一体)trilingual(三语的) uni-; mono- means“ one” 单调的uniform monogamy(一夫一妻制)monologue(单独)9. Neo- Classical prefixes与科技相关的auto- means“self”autobiography(自传 ) autosuggestion(自荐)autocrat(专制)extra-超的extraordinary( 特别的 )extraterrestrial(外星的)neo- means“ new” 新的neo-Nazi(新纳粹党)neo-impressionism(新映像派)pan- means“ all” ,“ world-wide”pan-Americanism泛美主义proto- means“ first” ,” original” 原始的,最先的protohistory( 史古人类学 ) prototype(原型,典型)tele- means“ distant” 远程的telescope telegram televisionPart 2 Suffixation后缀1. Noun suffixes[1] noun + noun suffixes, abstract由此类词缀组成的名词表示抽象的观点-age means“ measure of” or“ collection of”Baggage luggage percentage(会合名词,百分比,不可以和数字直接连用) mileage(里程)-dom means“ the state of being”kingdom officialdom(官僚)stardom(明星地位)-ery, -ryslavery nunnery(尼姑庵)nursery refinery( 精华 )-ful means“ the amount contained”handful mouthful spoonful-hood means“ the state” or“ time of being something”childhood boyhood brotherhood neighborhood widowhood-ing means“ material of” or“ activity connected with”carpeting matting tubing blackerring-ism means“doctrine of”Impressionism( 映像派 ) optimism pessism idealism materialism -ocracy means“ government by”democracy( 民主 )-shiprelationship friendship dictatorship(专制主义)[2] noun + noun suffixes, concrete由此类词缀组成的名词表示详细的观点-eer means“ skilled in”auctioneer( 拍卖师 ) engineer mountaineer-er means“ having doininant characteristics”teenager villager Londoner cooker roaster-ess means“ a female”actress hostess lioness tigress在 masculine( 阳性 )名词后加 - essauthor : authoress女作家heir : heiress女性继承人host : hostess女主人lion : lioness雌狮例外:actor : actress女演员hunter : huntress女猎人tiger : tigress母老虎negro : negress女黑人master : mistress女主人/情妇(concubine二奶)prince : princess公主murderer : murderess女杀手masculine(阳性)与feminine完整不一样bachelor 只身一人汉—— maid少女bull 公牛—— cow母牛cock公鸡——hen母鸡dog 狗—— bitch母狗gentleman男士—— lady女士horse 马—— mare母马king 国王—— queen王后monk 和尚—— nun尼姑nephew 外甥—— niece外甥女在名词前后加上性又名词man-servant——maid-servantcock-sparrow——hen-sparrowhe-goat——she-goattom-cat——she-catpeacock —— peahen-let means“ small” 小booklet piglet starlet-ling means“minor” or“ off spring of”小,后辈duckling princeling-ster means“involved in”gamester(means a person who plays a game for money)gangster(黑帮)[3] verb + noun suffix加在动词后的名词后缀-ant means“a person or thing”informant consultant(顾问)inhabitant lubricant(润滑剂)-ee means“ one who is object of the verb”interviewee nominee(被提名者)trainee-er, -or means“a person or thing”Driver teacher silencer( 消音器 ) computer-al means“ the action on result of”arrival refusal revival-ation means“ the process or state of”classification( 分类 ) interpretation(剖析)explanation globalization(全世界化)explorationPart 3转类法——词形不变,词性改变Assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form.eg: 1. He designed to be a scientist.1.He had a desire to be a scientist.Zero derivation零派生eg: smoke——He smokes a pipe. (verb.)——Let ’The smoke from the chimney. (noun.)s have a smoke. (noun.)英语词类的转变一般是简单词增补: breakfast的来历在阿拉伯, fasting为斋月,从breakfast的构造看来,意为“打破斋戒”的意思,在晚饭和早饭之间的时间较长,而吃早饭就像打破了一个小型的斋戒。

Vocabulary also refers to all the words of a given dialect, given book,
a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person.
adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to
represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do
double duty or work together in combination.
Classification of Words (本课的一个重点, 年年考试都考)
What is the classification of words? How to classify words in
Three criteria :
1) By use of frequency
What are the characteristics of basic word stock?
1) All national character
2) Stability
3) Productivity
4) Polysemy
5) Collocability
要把握住‘All national character’的词,就是和我们日常生活息息相关的,最普通的词

英语词汇学课程大纲《英语词汇学课程》教学大纲一、课程基本情况总学时:32 讲课学时:24 实践学时:8 总学分:2课程类别:专业选修考核方式:考查适用对象英语专业先修课程:英语语法,基础英语,英语阅读参考教材:陆国强现代英语词汇学(新版)上海外语教育出版社二、课程设置目标英语词汇学是英语专业学生学习的必要课程。
三、教学内容、教学方法和手段、学时分配知识单元一:英语概述(2学时)知识点1:英语的来源和背景:重点:1.1世界十大语系1.2 印欧语系十二语族学生要了解英语相关历史及背景知识。
主要内容:古英语(450-1150);中古英语(1150-1450/1500)现代英语(1450/1500-至今,包括早期现代英语(1450/1500-1700)和晚期现代英语(1700至今)教学方法和手段:讲授、实例分析:如;词的形态变化 doth—does; caru--care知识单元二:词的概述(4学时)知识点1:词的定义、词的语音与意义、词的词汇意义与语法意义重点:词的词汇意义与语法意义学生了解和掌握什么是词、词汇;词与音的关系以及词汇意义和语法意义。

英语专业-英语词汇学-笔记1.What is polysemy?Having multiple meanings that are related.2.What are the two different ways of organising polysemous words?Explain them1)The diachronic approach begins with the primary meaning andthen arrange the other meanings (derived meanings) in the orderin which they developed.2)The synchronic approach begins with the most popular meaning(central meaning) and then arrange the other meanings(marginal meanings) in order of popularity.3.What are the two different ways in which polysemy develops? Explainthem1)Radiation. Secondary meanings are independent from oneanother and are derived directly from the primary meaning.2)Concatenation. Secondary meanings are connected and derivefrom primary meaning through successive shifts of meaning fromone secondary meaning to another.4.What is homonymy?Homonyms are works different in meaning but either identical both in sound or spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.5.Give an example of a perfect homonym, a homophone and ahomograph1)perfect homonym 同音同形date日期/date红枣2)homophone 同音异形Knew/new, meet/meat3)homograph 异音同形record(v.)/record(n.)6.Give an example of the rhetorical use of homonymyHi Jack (你好杰克)– hijack(打劫)7.What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy? Give anexample to illustrate the difference1)Polysemy is about connection of meanings. Book can mean abook as in “I read a book”, and “I book a hotel room”. Thesecond meaning is related to the first one because in the past hotel staff will write the customers’ information on a book whenreserving a room.2)homonymy is about form. Lie can mean not being honest orbeing in a horizontal position. These two meanings have the same form but no connection.8.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into complementaries(binaries), contraries (gradable) or converses (relational). Explain why1)Good/bad, contraries2)odd/even, complementaries3)above/below, converses4)clean/dirty, contraries5)remember/forget, complementaries?6)old/young, contraries7)before/after, converses9.What is hyponymy? Give an exampleThe meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word.例Flower is the superordinate term, rose is the subordinate term. 10.What is synonymy?Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but nearly or exactly alike in essential meaning.11.What is the difference between absolute and near (relative)synonyms?1)Absolute synonyms – interchangeable in every way2)Near synonyms – similar in denotation but have different shadesof meaning or different degrees of a given quality.12.What are some of the reasons why synonyms exist?1)Borrowing from other languages2)Dialects and regional English3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions13.What are some of the factors that discriminate between relativesynonyms? Use examples1)Range of meaning. “timid” is more extensive because it can beused to describe the state of mind at a time and the disposition,but “timorous” only describe the disposition.2)Degree of intensity. A “wealthy” person has much moremoney than a “rich” person.3)Differences in stylistic features. “ask” is used commonly andtend to be colloquial. “question” is more formal.14.(The development of English) What was the language spoken in theBritish Isles before English? How was English introduced?Celtic. Germanic tribe invaded and settled after Roman. They brought their own culture. It was called Anglo-saxon (the name of two tribes) and also called old English.15.What are the three phases of the English language and what weretheir time periods? What events marked the transition of one phase to another?a)Old English (450 - 1150) ——Norman conquest from France in1066, but the real development of middle English started in the12th century because the ruling class spoke Anglo French and thepeasants spoke Anglo-Saxon so it took quite a long time for themto intermix.b)Middle English (1150 - 1500) ——during Renaissance there wasan explosion of information and knowledge about Ancient Greece and Roman. People stated to read so ideas spread. Greekand Latin words started entering English. Besides, printing wasinvented, more can read and write books.c)Modern English (1500 – present)16.Over its history, English has evolved from a highly inflected languageto a nearly non-inflected language. What is the difference? Give an example of inflection in EnglishInflection means to modify a word to indicate grammatical relations.A lot of words in a highly inflected language have ending or formchanges in order to show its grammatical function. But a weaklyinflected language has fewer changes. As English developed, it has changed from a highly infected language to a weekly one.17.What are the most important languages that English has borrowedfrom? Why?1)French – Norman conquest2)Latin –Renaissance, a lot of Latin book were translated intoEnglish3)Scandinavia – Vikings (9 century) influenced old English18.What is the difference between a Content Word and a Functionalword? Give an example of each.Content words are those are about something. 例nation, earth.Functional words are those used to express relations. 例the, and. 19.Explain two properties of Basic words and give examples1)Productivity. Basic words are very productive because thet aremostly root words or monosyllabic words. They can be used alone and are often used to form now words with other roots andaffixes. 例foot-football-footprint2)Many basic words take part in a number of set expressions. 例heart- by heart –from the bottom of one’s heart- lose heart 20.What is a denizen word? Give an exampleDenizens are words that were borrowed a long time ago, they look and sound like a native word.例‘pork’ from the French ‘porc’21.What is an alien word? Give an exampleAliens are borrowed words which have kept their originalpronunciation and spelling.例café , fiancée22.What is a translation loan? Give an exampleTranslation loans are words and expressions formed from existing material in the English language but tranlate the meaning or thesound from another language.例‘black humour’ from the French ‘humour noir’例‘tea’ from the Chinese23.What is a semantic loan? Give an exampleSemantic loans are where a word already exists in native English but borrows a new meaning from another language.例‘dumb’ has come to mean ‘stupid’ because of the German word ‘dumm’24.(The structure of Words) What is a morpheme?A morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language.25.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph?Morpheme is about meaning.Morph is about shape and sound.Morphemes are abstract, and are realized in speech by morphs.26.What is the difference between a bound morpheme anda freemorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 例dis-, mis-.2)Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free.例man, dog.27.What is the difference between a derivational morpheme and aninflectional morpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Derivational morphemes can derive new words. 例football,slowly2)Inflectional morphemes don’t create new words and justindicate syntactic relationships. 例-ed, -ing, -er, -est, -s28.What is the difference between a content morpheme and agrammatical morpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Content morphemes have content and can be used to derive newwords. = derivational morphemes.2)Grammatical morphemes are grammatical markers, includingInflectional morphemes & free morphemes. 例while, where, they 29.What is an affix?An affix is a form that are attached to words to modify meaning or function.30.What is the difference between a derivational and an inflectional affix?Give an example of each1)Inflectional affix do not create new words, and indicate syntacticrelationships between words. 例–ed, talked2)Derivational affix derive new words. 例–less, careless. non-,non-smoker.31.What is a root? Give an exampleA root is a word element that contains the main component ofmeaning in a word. It is that part of a word that remains when allaffixes have been removed.例:internationalists → nation Impracticality → pratice。

《英语词汇学》教学大纲一、课程编号:1501013二、课程名称:英语词汇学(English Lexicology)三、学分、学时:2学分,32学时四、教学对象:外国语学院英语专业三年级学生五、开课单位:英语系六、先修课程:无七、课程性质、作用、教学目标(含知识、能力、素质的要求)课程性质:专业基础选修课作用:本课程为英语专业高年级阶段的知识性课程,对英语词汇作全面而系统的介绍,使学生系统地掌握英语词汇在构词、意义、词源等方面的基本知识,培养学生的词汇意识,提高学生记忆词汇、理解词汇和应用词汇的能力,为高级英语学习打好扎实基础。
八、教学内容课内讲授内容及学时安排:1. Basic concepts & Development of English vocabulary2. Word FormationMorphemesAffixationCompoundingConversionBlendingClippingAcronymBackformation3. Word Meaning4. Sense Relations & Semantic Field5. Changes in Word Meaning6. English Idioms7. English Dictionaries九、实践性环节的内容、要求: 无十、多媒体教学手段运用的要求要求课内教学的全过程采用多媒体教学手段,即要求在配备用多媒体设备的教室上课。
十一、教材和参考书●张维友主编《英语词汇学》外语教学与研究出版社2000●汪榕培主编《英语词汇学教程》上海外语教育出版社2000●汪榕培主编《英语词汇学教程》(教学参考用书)上海外语教育出版社2000●汪榕培主编《英语词汇学教程读本》上海外语教育出版社2005●陆国强主编《现代英语词汇学》(新版) 外教社2000十二、考核方式闭卷书面考试成绩评定:平时练习和课堂表现(30%)+闭卷笔试(70%)十三、教学大纲说明课程的重点和难点:Basic concepts, word formation, sense relations and English idiomsThe Teaching Plan of English Lexicology1. Course description:English lexicology is a theoretically-oriented course. It is chiefly concerned with the basic theories of words in general and of English words in particular. This course aims at studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages. In addition, an introduction of English dictionaries is covered at the end with the purpose of improving students’ skills of using instrumental books. In spite of its heavy theoretical color, this course is practical as well, for we will deal with copious stocks of words and idioms, and study a great many usage examples. Besides, after each chapter, there will be “questions and tasks” designed to deepen students’ learning.2. Course objectives:In this selective course of 32 teaching hours,Students will obtain a good knowledge of morphological structure of English words and rules of word formation.Students will haCoffin, Judith & Robert Stacey Western Civilizations New Y ork: W.W.Norton & Company 2005Hu, Wenzhong (edit). A Dictionary of British and American Culture. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 1995.Y u, Zhiyuan(edit). English-Speaking Countries: A Survey. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000.Encyclopedia BritannicaEncyclopedia Americanave a deeper understanding of word-meaning and be able to organize, classify and store words more effectively.Students will raise their awareness of word meaning and usage, and be able to use words more accurately and appropriately.Students will improve their skill of using English dictionaries which is very helpful for self study.3.Content1) Basic concepts & Development of English vocabulary2) Word Formation●Morphemes●Affixation●Compounding●Conversion●Blending●Clipping●Acronym●Backformation3) Word Meaning4) Sense Relations & Semantic Field5) Changes in Word Meaning6) English Idioms7) English Dictionaries1.Teaching materials:Zhang,Weiyou. English Lexicology. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, 2000.Wang, Rongpei A Survey of English Lexicology. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20002.Ways of teachingMultimedia is employed throughout the whole classroom teaching. A great number of examples of word meaning and usage will be given to deepen the students’ understanding of lexicological theories and rules. Open questions are designed for classroom discussion.3.The way of examination:Final examination is a combination of objective items and essay questions. Final exam makes 70% of the total mark, while classroom performance, quiz and homework make 30% of the total mark4.Reference books recommended for students:●Y ang, Chenghu. Reference Book for English Lexicology. Beijing:ChinaRenshi Press, 2000.●Lu, Guoqiang. Modern English Lexicology(New Edition). Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.Wang, Rongpei. A Survey of English Lexicology(Teacher’s book). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000。

1.What is polysemy?Having multiple meanings that are related.2.What are the two different ways of organising polysemous words? Explain them1)The diachronic approach begins with the primary meaning and then arrangethe other meanings (derived meanings) in the order in which theydeveloped.2)The synchronic approach begins with the most popular meaning (centralmeaning) and then arrange the other meanings (marginal meanings) inorder of popularity.3.What are the two different ways in which polysemy develops? Explain them1)Radiation. Secondary meanings are independent from one another and arederived directly from the primary meaning.2)Concatenation. Secondary meanings are connected and derive from primarymeaning through successive shifts of meaning from one secondary meaningto another.4.What is homonymy?Homonyms are works different in meaning but either identical both in sound or spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.5.Give an example of a perfect homonym, a homophone and a homograph1)perfect homonym 同音同形date日期/date红枣2)homophone 同音异形Knew/new, meet/meat3)homograph 异音同形record(v.)/record(n.)6.Give an example of the rhetorical use of homonymyHi Jack (你好杰克)– hijack(打劫)7.What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy? Give an example toillustrate the difference1)Polysemy is about connection of meanings. Book can mean a book as in “Ibook a hotel room”. The second meaning is related to read a book”, and “Ithe first one because in the past hotel staff will write the customers’information on a book when reserving a room.2)homonymy is about form. Lie can mean not being honest or being in ahorizontal position. These two meanings have the same form but noconnection.8.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into complementaries (binaries),contraries (gradable) or converses (relational). Explain why1)Good/bad, contraries2)odd/even, complementaries3)above/below, converses4)clean/dirty, contraries5)remember/forget, complementaries?6)old/young, contraries7)before/after, converses9.What is hyponymy? Give an exampleThe meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word.例Flower is the superordinate term, rose is the subordinate term.10.What is synonymy?Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but nearly or exactly alike in essential meaning.11.What is the difference between absolute and near (relative) synonyms?1)Absolute synonyms – interchangeable in every way2)Near synonyms – similar in denotation but have different shades of meaningor different degrees of a given quality.12.What are some of the reasons why synonyms exist?1)Borrowing from other languages2)Dialects and regional English3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions13.What are some of the factors that discriminate between relative synonyms? Useexamples1)Range of meaning. “timid” is more extensive because it can be used todescribe the state of mind at a time and the disposition, but “timorous” onlydescribe the disposition.2)Degree of intensity. A “wealthy” person has much more money than a“rich” person.3)Differences in stylistic features. “ask” is used commonly and tend to becolloquial. “question” is more formal.14.(The development of English) What was the language spoken in the British Islesbefore English? How was English introduced?Celtic. Germanic tribe invaded and settled after Roman. They brought their own culture. It was called Anglo-saxon (the name of two tribes) and also called old English.15.What are the three phases of the English language and what were their timeperiods? What events marked the transition of one phase to another?a)Old English (450 - 1150) ——Norman conquest from France in 1066, butthe real development of middle English started in the 12th century becausethe ruling class spoke Anglo French and the peasants spoke Anglo-Saxon so it took quite a long time for them to intermix.b)Middle English (1150 - 1500) ——during Renaissance there was anexplosion of information and knowledge about Ancient Greece and Roman.People stated to read so ideas spread. Greek and Latin words startedentering English. Besides, printing was invented, more can read and writebooks.c)Modern English (1500 – present)16.Over its history, English has evolved from a highly inflected language to a nearlynon-inflected language. What is the difference? Give an example of inflection in EnglishInflection means to modify a word to indicate grammatical relations. A lot ofwords in a highly inflected language have ending or form changes in order toshow its grammatical function. But a weakly inflected language has fewerchanges. As English developed, it has changed from a highly infected language toa weekly one.17.What are the most important languages that English has borrowed from? Why?1)French – Norman conquest2)Latin – Renaissance, a lot of Latin book were translated into English3)Scandinavia – Vikings (9 century) influenced old English18.What is the difference between a Content Word and a Functional word? Give anexample of each.?Content words are those are about something. 例nation, earth.?Functional words are those used to express relations. 例the, and.19.Explain two properties of Basic words and give examples1)Productivity. Basic words are very productive because thet are mostly rootwords or monosyllabic words. They can be used alone and are often used toform now words with other roots and affixes. 例foot-football-footprint2)Many basic words take part in a number of set expressions. 例heart- by- lose heartheart –from the bottom of one’s heart20.What is a denizen word? Give an exampleDenizens are words that were borrowed a long time ago, they look and soundlike a native word.例‘pork’ from the French ‘porc’21.What is an alien word? Give an exampleAliens are borrowed words which have kept their original pronunciation andspelling.例café , fiancée22.What is a translation loan? Give an exampleTranslation loans a re words and expressions formed from existing material inthe English language but tranlate the meaning or the sound from anotherlanguage.例‘black humour’ from the French ‘humour noir’例‘tea’ from the Chinese23.What is a semantic loan? Give an exampleSemantic loans a re where a word already exists in native English but borrows anew meaning from another language.例‘dumb’ has come to mean ‘stupid’ because of the German word ‘dumm’24.(The structure of Words) What is a morpheme?A morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language.25.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph??Morpheme is about meaning.?Morph is about shape and sound.Morphemes are abstract, and are realized in speech by morphs.26.What is the difference between a bound morpheme and a free morpheme? Givean example of each kind of morpheme1)Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 例dis-,mis-.2)Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. 例man,dog.27.What is the difference between a derivational morpheme and an inflectionalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Derivational morphemes can derive new words. 例football, slowlycreate new words and just indicate syntactic2)Inflectional morphemes don’trelationships. 例-ed, -ing, -er, -est, -s28.What is the difference between a content morpheme and a grammaticalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Content morphemes have content and can be used to derive new words. =derivational morphemes.2)Grammatical morphemes are grammatical markers, including Inflectionalmorphemes & free morphemes. 例while, where, they29.What is an affix?An affix is a form that are attached to words to modify meaning or function. 30.What is the difference between a derivational and an inflectional affix? Give anexample of each1)Inflectional affix do not create new words, and indicate syntacticrelationships between words. 例–ed, talked2)Derivational affix derive new words. 例–less, careless. non-, non-smoker.31.What is a root? Give an exampleA root is a word element that contains the main component of meaning in aword. It is that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed.例:internationalists → nation Impracticality → pratice32.What is a stem? Give an exampleA stem is that part of the word form that remains when all inflectional affixeshave been removed.例:internationalists → nationalistsUndesirables → desirable33.What is a base? Give an exampleA base is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.例:possible, understand34.(Word Formation)What is blending?the combination of parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.35.Give an example of blending and explain how the word has been formedSmog=smoke+fog36.What is clipping?a part of the original word is removed.37.Give an example of clipping and explain how the word has been formedExam-examination38.What is acronymy?new words are formed by joining the initial letters of composite namesor phrases39.Give an example of an initialism and explain how the word is formedInitialism ——pronounced letter by letter. 例:BBC,CCTV40.Give an example of a true acronym and explain how the word is formedTrue acronym ——pronounced as a normal word. 例:NATO, AIDS41.What is the commonization of a proper name? Give an exampleWords come from proper names. 例“rugby” from “Rugby School”, where itwas first played.42.What are the three most productive ways of forming new words in the Englishlanguage?Affixation, compounding, conversion.43.What is affixation? Give an exampleThe formation of new words by adding word-forming or derivationalaffixes to bases.44.What is compounding? Give an exampleThe forming of new words by joining two or more bases. 例hot dog, blueprint45.Give an example of the use of a conversion prefix (a prefix that you add tosomething that changes word class) and explain the shift in word classCage (n.) uncage(v.)46.Give an example of the use of a noun suffix ( a suffix that you add to somethingto produce a noun) and explain the shift in word classDance(v.) dancer(n.)47.Give an example of the use of an adjective suffix and explain the shift in wordclassChild(n.) childish(adj.)48.Give an example of the use of a verb suffix and explain the shift in word classShort(adj.) shorten(v.)49.What differences typically exist between a compound and its matching freephrase? Give an example1)Phonological features. In compounds the word stress usually occur on thefirst constituent whereas in free phrases this generally falls on the second.例fat head复合词fat head短语2)Semantic features. A compound expresses a single idea. 例hot dog3)Grammatical features. A compound tends to behave as single grammaticalunits such as a verb, noun, or adjective. 例’bad-mouth’ used as a verb50.(Meanings)What is a ‘referent’?The object or idea to which a word or phrase refers. It is arbitrary andconventional.?51.What is a ‘concept’Concept is the totality of real world knowledge about an item.52.What is the relation between ‘word’, ‘concept’ and ‘referent’?A word symbolizes a concept, a concept refers to a referent, a word stands for areferent. 【Words are connected to their referent via a concept.】53.54.What is ‘sense’?The realization of a concept by a definite language system.55.How would you describe the difference between a word whose meaning ismotivated and a word whose meaning is u nmotivated?See if there is connection between linguistic symbol and its meaning.56.What is onomatopoeic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationSome words are created by imitating the natural sounds. 例ha ha57.58.What is morphological motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationCompounds and derived words are multi-morphemic and the meanings of many of them are the meanings of the morphemes combined. 例airmail, hopeful59.60.What is semantic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationThe meaning is based on an association with the conceptual meaning of a word.例the mouth of the river.61.How would you describe the difference between conceptual meaning andassociative meaning???Conceptual meaning is meaning as it is given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. The same word generally has the sameconceptual meaning to all the speakers in the same speech community?Associative meaning is secondary meaning supplemental to conceptual meaning. It can be influenced by a range of factors including culture, education, religion, experience, geographical region and so on62.What is connotative meaning? Give an exampleassociations that a word has that is suggested by its conceptual meaning例mother- love, care, forgiving63.What is stylistic meaning? Give an examplestylistic properties that make them appropriate for different styles.例child is formal, kid is informal. Father is formal, papa is informal.64.What is affective meaning? Give an example of pejorative and appreciativemeaningthe speaker’s attitude towards the person orthing in question例the country is backward. (pejorative) the country is developing.(appreciative) 65.What is collocative meaning? Give an exampleassociations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment’例tremble with fear; quiver with excitement.。

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1.What is polysemy?Having multiple meanings that are related.2.What are the two different ways of organising polysemous words? Explain them1)The diachronic approach begins with the primary meaning and then arrangethe other meanings (derived meanings) in the order in which theydeveloped.2)The synchronic approach begins with the most popular meaning (centralmeaning) and then arrange the other meanings (marginal meanings) inorder of popularity.3.What are the two different ways in which polysemy develops? Explain them1)Radiation. Secondary meanings are independent from one another and arederived directly from the primary meaning.2)Concatenation. Secondary meanings are connected and derive from primarymeaning through successive shifts of meaning from one secondary meaningto another.4.What is homonymy?Homonyms are works different in meaning but either identical both in sound or spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.5.Give an example of a perfect homonym, a homophone and a homograph1)perfect homonym 同音同形date日期/date红枣2)homophone 同音异形Knew/new, meet/meat3)homograph 异音同形record(v.)/record(n.)6.Give an example of the rhetorical use of homonymyHi Jack (你好杰克)– hijack(打劫)7.What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy? Give an example toillustrate the difference1)Polysemy is about connection of meanings. Book can mean a book as in “Iread a book”, and “I book a hotel room”. The second meaning is related tothe first one because in the past hotel staff will write the customers’information on a book when reserving a room.2)homonymy is about form. Lie can mean not being honest or being in ahorizontal position. These two meanings have the same form but noconnection.8.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into complementaries (binaries),contraries (gradable) or converses (relational). Explain why1)Good/bad, contraries2)odd/even, complementaries3)above/below, converses4)clean/dirty, contraries5)remember/forget, complementaries?6)old/young, contraries7)before/after, converses9.What is hyponymy? Give an exampleThe meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word.例Flower is the superordinate term, rose is the subordinate term.10.What is synonymy?Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but nearly or exactly alike in essential meaning.11.What is the difference between absolute and near (relative) synonyms?1)Absolute synonyms – interchangeable in every way2)Near synonyms – similar in denotation but have different shades of meaningor different degrees of a given quality.12.What are some of the reasons why synonyms exist?1)Borrowing from other languages2)Dialects and regional English3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions13.What are some of the factors that discriminate between relative synonyms? Useexamples1)Range of meaning. “timid” is more extensive because it can be used todescribe the state of mind at a time and the disposition, but “timorous” onlydescribe the disposition.2)Degree of intensity. A “wealthy” person has much more money than a“rich” person.3)Differences in stylistic features. “ask” is used commonly and tend to becolloquial. “question” is more formal.14.(The development of English) What was the language spoken in the British Islesbefore English? How was English introduced?Celtic. Germanic tribe invaded and settled after Roman. They brought their own culture. It was called Anglo-saxon (the name of two tribes) and also called old English.15.What are the three phases of the English language and what were their timeperiods? What events marked the transition of one phase to another?a)Old English (450 - 1150) ——Norman conquest from France in 1066, butthe real development of middle English started in the 12th century becausethe ruling class spoke Anglo French and the peasants spoke Anglo-Saxon soit took quite a long time for them to intermix.b)Middle English (1150 - 1500) ——during Renaissance there was anexplosion of information and knowledge about Ancient Greece and Roman.People stated to read so ideas spread. Greek and Latin words startedentering English. Besides, printing was invented, more can read and writebooks.c)Modern English (1500 – present)16.Over its history, English has evolved from a highly inflected language to a nearlynon-inflected language. What is the difference? Give an example of inflection in EnglishInflection means to modify a word to indicate grammatical relations. A lot of words in a highly inflected language have ending or form changes in order toshow its grammatical function. But a weakly inflected language has fewerchanges. As English developed, it has changed from a highly infected language toa weekly one.17.What are the most important languages that English has borrowed from? Why?1)French – Norman conquest2)Latin – Renaissance, a lot of Latin book were translated into English3)Scandinavia – Vikings (9 century) influenced old English18.What is the difference between a Content Word and a Functional word? Give anexample of each.•Content words are those are about something. 例nation, earth. •Functional words are those used to express relations. 例the, and.19.Explain two properties of Basic words and give examples1)Productivity. Basic words are very productive because thet are mostly rootwords or monosyllabic words. They can be used alone and are often used toform now words with other roots and affixes. 例foot-football-footprint2)Many basic words take part in a number of set expressions. 例heart- byheart –from the bottom of one’s heart- lose heart20.What is a denizen word? Give an exampleDenizens are words that were borrowed a long time ago, they look and sound like a native word.例‘pork’ from the French ‘porc’21.What is an alien word? Give an exampleAliens are borrowed words which have kept their original pronunciation andspelling.例café , fiancée22.What is a translation loan? Give an exampleTranslation loans are words and expressions formed from existing material in the English language but tranlate the meaning or the sound from anotherlanguage.例‘black humour’ from the French ‘humour noir’例‘tea’ from the Chinese23.What is a semantic loan? Give an exampleSemantic loans are where a word already exists in native English but borrows a new meaning from another language.例‘dumb’ has come to mean ‘stupid’ because of the German word ‘dumm’24.(The structure of Words) What is a morpheme?A morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language.25.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph?•Morpheme is about meaning.•Morph is about shape and sound.Morphemes are abstract, and are realized in speech by morphs.26.What is the difference between a bound morpheme and a free morpheme? Givean example of each kind of morpheme1)Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 例dis-,mis-.2)Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. 例man,dog.27.What is the difference between a derivational morpheme and an inflectionalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Derivational morphemes can derive new words. 例football, slowly2)Inflectional morphemes don’t create new words and just indicate syntacticrelationships. 例-ed, -ing, -er, -est, -s28.What is the difference between a content morpheme and a grammaticalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Content morphemes have content and can be used to derive new words. =derivational morphemes.2)Grammatical morphemes are grammatical markers, including Inflectionalmorphemes & free morphemes. 例while, where, they29.What is an affix?An affix is a form that are attached to words to modify meaning or function. 30.What is the difference between a derivational and an inflectional affix? Give anexample of each1)Inflectional affix do not create new words, and indicate syntacticrelationships between words. 例–ed, talked2)Derivational affix derive new words. 例–less, careless. non-, non-smoker.31.What is a root? Give an exampleA root is a word element that contains the main component of meaning in aword. It is that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed.例:internationalists → nation Impracticality → pratice32.What is a stem? Give an exampleA stem is that part of the word form that remains when all inflectional affixeshave been removed.例:internationalists → nationalistsUndesirables → desirable33.What is a base? Give an exampleA base is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.例:possible, understand34.(Word Formation)What is blending?the combination of parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.35.Give an example of blending and explain how the word has been formedSmog=smoke+fog36.What is clipping?a part of the original word is removed.37.Give an example of clipping and explain how the word has been formedExam-examination38.What is acronymy?new words are formed by joining the initial letters of composite names or phrases39.Give an example of an initialism and explain how the word is formedInitialism ——pronounced letter by letter. 例:BBC,CCTV40.Give an example of a true acronym and explain how the word is formedTrue acronym ——pronounced as a normal word. 例:NATO, AIDS41.What is the commonization of a proper name? Give an exampleWords come from proper names. 例“rugby” from “Rugby School”, where itwas first played.42.What are the three most productive ways of forming new words in the Englishlanguage?Affixation, compounding, conversion.43.What is affixation? Give an exampleThe formation of new words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases.44.What is compounding? Give an exampleThe forming of new words by joining two or more bases. 例hot dog, blueprint 45.Give an example of the use of a conversion prefix (a prefix that you add tosomething that changes word class) and explain the shift in word classCage (n.) uncage(v.)46.Give an example of the use of a noun suffix ( a suffix that you add to somethingto produce a noun) and explain the shift in word classDance(v.) dancer(n.)47.Give an example of the use of an adjective suffix and explain the shift in wordclassChild(n.) childish(adj.)48.Give an example of the use of a verb suffix and explain the shift in word classShort(adj.) shorten(v.)49.What differences typically exist between a compound and its matching freephrase? Give an example1)Phonological features. In compounds the word stress usually occur on thefirst constituent whereas in free phrases this generally falls on the second.例fat head复合词fat head短语2)Semantic features. A compound expresses a single idea. 例hot dog3)Grammatical features. A compound tends to behave as single grammaticalunits such as a verb, noun, or adjective. 例’bad-mouth’ used as a verb50.(Meanings)What is a ‘referent’?The object or idea to which a word or phrase refers. It is arbitrary andconventional.51.What is a ‘concept’?Concept is the totality of real world knowledge about an item.52.What is the relation between ‘word’, ‘concept’ and ‘referent’?A word symbolizes a concept, a concept refers to a referent, a word stands for areferent. 【Words are connected to their referent via a concept.】53.What is ‘sense’?The realization of a concept by a definite language system.54.How would you describe the difference between a word whose meaning ismotivated and a word whose meaning is unmotivated?See if there is connection between linguistic symbol and its meaning.55.What is onomatopoeic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationSome words are created by imitating the natural sounds. 例ha ha56.What is morphological motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationCompounds and derived words are multi-morphemic and the meanings of many of them are the meanings of the morphemes combined. 例airmail, hopeful 57.What is semantic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationThe meaning is based on an association with the conceptual meaning of a word.例the mouth of the river.58.How would you describe the difference between conceptual meaning andassociative meaning?•Conceptual meaning is meaning as it is given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. The same word generally has the same conceptual meaning to all the speakers in the same speech community •Associative meaning is secondary meaning supplemental to conceptual meaning. It can be influenced by a range of factors including culture, education, religion, experience, geographical region and so on 59.What is connotative meaning? Give an exampleassociations that a word has that is suggested by its conceptual meaning例mother- love, care, forgiving60.What is stylistic meaning? Give an examplestylistic properties that make them appropriate for different styles.例child is formal, kid is informal. Father is formal, papa is informal.61.What is affective meaning? Give an example of pejorative and appreciativemeaningthe speaker’s attitude towards the person o r thing in question例the country is backward. (pejorative) the country is developing.(appreciative) 62.What is collocative meaning? Give an exampleassociations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment’例tremble with fear; quiver with excitement.。