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邝 霜1




,严 玲3

(11北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083;21首钢工学院 基础部,

北京 100041;31鞍山钢铁集团公司技术中心,辽宁鞍山 114001)

摘要:结合工业试制实际情况利用Gleeble 23800热模拟机模拟了不同冷速下冷轧双相钢的连续热镀锌退火过程。采用力学性能测试与电镜观察,研究了珠光体量对双相钢力学性能的影响,并对工业试制的双相钢产品进行了分析评价。结果表明,随冷却速度的增加,珠光体量减少,当冷却速度达到16℃/s,可以完全避开珠光体转变区间。随着珠光体量的增加,双相钢的屈服强度增大,而抗拉强度、n 值(加工硬化值)与烘烤硬化值减小。当珠光体量超过5%时,双相钢的应力2应变曲线出现屈服平台。工业试制钢的珠光体含量约为3%,其力学性能未受明显影响。

关键词:双相钢;珠光体;冷轧;热镀锌;退火;力学性能中图分类号:TG142.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:025426051(2008)0520064204

I nfluence of pearlite volu m e fracti on on the m echan i ca l properti es of cold rolled

hot ga lvan i zed dua l pha se steel

K UANG Shuang 1

,L I Yang 2wen 2

,K ANG Yong 2lin 1

,L IU Ren 2dong 3

,Y AN L ing 3

(11School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technol ogy Beijing,Being 100083,China;

21Basic Depart m ent,Shougang I nstitute of Technol ogy,Beijing 114001,China;31Technol ogy Center,Anshan Ir on and Steel Cor porati on,Anshan L iaoning 114001,China )

Abstract:Continuous hot galvanizing annealing with different cooling rate was si m ulated by using Gleeble 23800ther mal si m ulat or based on the industry p r oducti on .The influence of pearlite v olume fracti on on the mechanical p r operties of dual phase steels was studied by mechanical test and electr on m icr oscope .The industry trial p r oducts were analyzed and eval 2uated .The results show that volu me fracti on of pearlite decreases with the increase of cooling rate .W hen the cooling rate reaches 16℃/s,pearlite transf or mati on will be inhibited comp letely .W ith the increase of pearlite volume fracti on,the yield stress of dual phase steels increases,while tensile strength,work 2hardening and bake 2hardening abilities decrease .W hen the pearlite fracti on volume is more than 5%,yield point el ongati on in stress 2strain curve will appear .The pearlite quantity of industry trial steel is about 3%,which has little influence on the mechanical p r operties .Key words:dual phase steel;pearlite;cold r olling;hot galvanizati on;annealing;mechanical p r operty

作者简介:邝 霜(1981.09—),男,四川泸州人,博士研究生,主要从事新一代汽车用高强钢的开发与研究。联系电话:010********* E 2mail:steel w arri or@;steel w arri or@t 收稿日期:2007211223











出现少量珠光体(或颗粒状渗碳体)组织。本文结合工业实际,适当调整工艺参数,在实验室采用Gleeble 23800热模拟机对热镀锌连续退火过程进行了模拟,得到不同珠光体含量的双相钢,并分析研究了珠光体含量对双相钢力学性能的影响,为工业生产工艺的优化提供了参考。

1 试验材料与方法

鞍钢试制的工业用冷轧热镀锌双相钢为C 2Mn 2Cr 系,其主要化学成分(质量分数,%)为:0107~0110C 、115~118Mn 、013~015Cr 、<0105Si 、<01015P 、<0101S 、0102~0107A l (酸溶铝)、<01004N 、余量为Fe 。采用260t 转炉冶炼并连铸成厚度为170mm 的铸坯,热轧终轧厚度为5mm ,冷轧终轧厚度为1mm 。热镀锌退火生产工艺如图1所示,其工业实际控制的参数
