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Part IListening Comprehension【15 minutes】

Directions:This part is to test yourfist ening ability.It consists of 3 sections.


Directions:This section is to testyour amlity to understand short dialogues.There are 5recorded dialogues in it.After each dialogue,there is arecorded question.Both the dialogues and questions willbe spoken only once.When you hear a question,you shoulddecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D given in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding

letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


A.At the downstairs.

B.In the closet.

C.In the drawer.

D.In the living room.


A.5 P.m.

B.12 noon.

C.8 a.m.

D.9 a.m.


A.She cou]d not afford to fly to Beijing.

B.It is more convenient totake a plane.

C.Taking a plane costs morebut saves time.

D.It is better to go toBeijing by train.

4.A.Hefelt better.

B.He barely finished it.

C.It was easy.

D.It was difficult.

5.A.Heturned to the monitor.

B.He turned to the teacher.

C.He turned to the policeman.

D.He reported it to the announcer.


Directions:This section is to testyour ability to understand short conversations.Thereare 2 recorded conver-Sations in it.After eachconversation,there are some recorded questions.Both theconversations and questions will be spoken two times.Whenyou hear a question,you should decide on the COl-rect answer from the 4

choicesmarked A,B,C and D given inyour test paper.Then you should mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.



A.He caught a bad cold.

B.He hurt himself.

C.He had a fever.

D.He got a headache and cough.


A.To drink a lot of water only.

B.To stay in bed.

C.To go to see the doctorimmediately.

D.To watch the basketball match.



A.Because she is on vacation.

B.Because she doesn’t want t0.

C.Because she is workingbusily.

D.Because she is studying for exam.


A.Kate is going to go to night school next year.

B.Kate is learning Japanesein night schOO1.

C.Kate is a good typist.

D.Kate and Jane are learningJapanese in night sch001.




C.Worth the money.

D.We don’tknow.

11.Why do many people dislikecity life?

Becausethey feel__________________________0f living in the city.12.For the city people,what are the attractions of the country life? Thequiet,theclean air and the beautiful___________.

13.What do some of the citypeople feel when they live longer in the countryside?


14.Why do people from thecountry enjoy visiting the city for a day or an evening?

They cando some_____________________Or go to the theater or a concert.
