


单位缴费 20% 个人缴费 8%
企业职工法定退休年龄为:男职工60岁;从事管理和科 研工作的女职工55岁;从事生产和工勤辅助工作的女职 工50岁);
175 170 164 158 152 145
64 65 66 67 68 69
109 101 93 84 75 65
假设王先生30岁,平均月薪4000元,养老保 险缴费期限为20年,假设20年后郑州市月平 均工资是3000元,那么他在20年退休后能领 到多少养老金呢? ?
1、2003年末全国城乡就业人员74432万人,其 中城镇就业人员25639万人。全国参加基本养老 保险15506万人,其中参保职工11646万人,参保 离退休人员3860万人。 2、劳动和社会保障部和国家统计局发布的 《2004年度劳动和社会保障事业发展统计公报》 显示,2004年末全国参加基本养老保险的人数为 1.64亿,其中约25%是离退休人员。 3、据劳动和社会保障部部长郑斯林2004年透 露,我国养老金缺口达2.5万亿元,“收不抵支” 和“空账问题”严重。
长春市公共交通总公司 8424万元 重庆市钢铁集团公司 5851万元 吉林市公共交通总公司 3444万元 重庆市第一公共交通总公司 3289万元



关于中国福利制度的英文作文篇一:中外福利制度英文演讲美国社会福利制度简介introduction to social welfare system american发布于: 2007/11/04 12:58 ampublished: 2007/11/04 12:58 am引用quote社会福利是日常生活不可或缺的一部分,美国的社会福利制度相当全面完善。


social welfare is an indispensable part of our daily life, america social welfare system is veryperfect. to understand the america social welfare system, help you after the migration toexploit for their favorable welfare measures, strive for and protect their own rights.美国现行的社会福利制度是从1936年社会安全法案(social security act)实行之后,逐步完善起来的。

社会安全法案包含如下几类福利措施:america current social welfare system is from the social security actof 1936 (social securityact) after the introduction, gradually improve. the social security act contains the followingbenefits: 1、联邦社会保险1, the social insurance联邦社会保险是为就职人士设立的,在职或曾经工作过的本人及其家属都可参加,主要包括退休金(retirement benefits)、抚恤金(survivor’s benefits)、伤残金(disability benefits)和医疗福利(medicare benefits)等。



中国社会保障改革中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM IN CHINA: ISSUES AND OPTIONSSummaryAs part of its far-reaching reform of the overall economy, China has successfully initiated fundamental reforms of the social security system over the past decade, establishing a structure consistent with the needs of a market economy. The combination of a social pool and individual accounts in the mandatory system provides a structure which addresses the basic objectives of a pension system –poverty relief, income redistribution, insurance and consumption smoothing. Outside the mandatory system, enterprise annuity schemes, individual retirement plans, and other pension schemes organised by industries or localities are further essential components. These voluntary pensions can accommodate different needs, tastes and jobs, particularly necessary in a country as large and diverse as China. Thus the three elements of the present reformed system, if properly designed and administered, complement and strengthen one another, and together can serve as the basic structure of China’s pension system for the coming decades.In the course of implementation, however, problems have emerged. Fragmented organisation and limited coverage contribute to financing difficulties and to incompleteness of social insurance. The deficits contribute to the ‘empty individualaccounts’ –empty because local governments often use the contributions made by workers to their individual accounts to finance deficits in the social pool. Moreover, a system has not been developed for organising investments in capital markets by individual accounts. Nor are the capital markets in a satisfactory condition for such investments. Over time these problems will be a vicious circle, as the deficits are likely to persist, requiring continuing large fiscal subsidies, while ‘empty accounts’ and other systemic problems continue to undermine the credibility of the system, making further implementation enforcing compliance and extension of coverage –increasingly difficult. The emergingproblems are therefore serious and should be addressed urgently.This report by an international team of economists and social security experts is an attempt to address the key challenges faced by the Chinese pension system today. The full report contains 23 recommendations for further reforms, as well as a brief summary of the economic principles and international experience that form the basis for these recommendations. The next section briefly discusses the principles of pen sion design. The last section presents the team’s keyrecommendations.I. Principles of Pension DesignObjectives of a Pension SystemRetirement pensions allow a person to transfer consumption from his productive middle years tohis older years in retirement. They also provide insurance, mainly in the form of annuities, weekly or monthly payments to the individual for the rest of his life. Since the length of life isuncertain, such annuities are a form of pooling against the risk of individuals outliving theirpension savings.For a government, pension systems have additional objectives. They can redistribute incomes on a lifetime basis, complementing the role of progressive taxes on annual income. This can be achieved, for instance, by paying low earners pensions which are a higher percentage of their previous earnings. Pension systems can also redistribute across generations, for instance by imposing a higher contribution rate on the present generation, thereby allowing future generations to have higher pensions or to pay lower contributions. Finally, poverty relief targeted at the elderly, through minimum or citizen’s pensions, can be particularly efficient compared to a general system of poverty relief for the entire population. The latter creates some disincentives to work and a country may not be able to afford it.Issues of Pension DesignMany different structures can combine to address the objectives of pensions, but design must avoid large distortions which contribute little, if anything, to the achievement of core objectives. For instance, labour mobility is essential for an efficient labour market. To avoid unduly discouraging mobility, pensions should be portable for workers moving from job to job and place to place. Portability is achieved most readily when the system has a uniform structure across the covered population, both across localities and across sectors.An important feature of pension design is the degree of funding, i.e. whether contributions are used for current pension payments (‘pay as you go’ – PAYG), or toaccumulate assets from which pensions in the future are paid (Funding). Funding may or may not be desirable, depending on the circumstances of each country. The degree to which contributions are used to accumulate assets for the pension system can affect the level of national savings and thus the rate of growth. Funding may also improve the efficiency with which savings are channelled into investment. This is more likely in countries with developing financial institutions, if increased investment encourages reform of regulatory and supervisory capacity to improve the functioning of capital markets. However, greater recourse to capital markets with poor regulation and insufficient improvement can increase the risk and lower the return to investment. Finally, funding means increased contributions by the current generation of workers so that future generations may enjoy lower contributions or higher benefits, and thus it involves income redistribution from this generation to future generations.A desirable characteristic of a pension system is that it has the capacity to evolve in a straightforward way as incomes rise, overall economic reforms proceed and administrative capacity grows.International ExperienceThere is a wide range of pension designs across countries and many ways to design good systems. Most countries have a combination of different pension schemes. The simplest scheme is a tax-financed citizen’s pension, available to everyone beyond a given age, as in the Netherlands and New Zealand. Alternatively, there can be a guaranteed minimum income, available to all poor elderly people on the basis of an income test, as in many countries. A most common element internationally is a national defined-benefit (DB) scheme, in which a worker receives a pension based on his wage history and his age on first receipt of benefits. With funded defined-contribution (DC) schemes, also known as funded individual accounts, pensions are paid from a fund built over the years from members’ contributio ns. Countries with DC systems can use publicly organised investment (as in Singapore) or private, regulated financial intermediaries (as in Chile). A recent innovation internationally is the notional definedcontribution (NDC) schemes of Sweden and Italy, which have many properties of the DC element in individual accounts but with no funding. These various elements are assembled in different ways and with different relative sizes across countries. Thus, internationally, there is no single, dominant system.II. Options for Further ReformsOn the basis of economic principles and lessons from international experience, our full report makes a number of recommendations for further reform of the pension system in China, of which the most important are discussed in the section below. National Pensions Administration Pooling lies at the core of the redistributive and risk-sharing elements of pensions. Given the size and diversity of China, national pooling of the mandatory pension schemes is particularly important. The following measures will help achieve this. There should be a single set of regulations on mandatory pensions, preferably in the form of legislation that is enforceable. The rules on contributions and benefits should be set centrally by formula, though they should include room for regional variation in basic benefit levels, to reflect disparitiesboth in price evels and living standards. Variation must be compatible with a national system for portability of pension rights and hence labour mobility.There should be a single national pensions administration.A single administration which receives all pension revenues and delivers pensions is essential to achieve national pooling. A necessary element is a national database with information on each worker’s acc ount, both to foster a national labour market and to control the pension spending of localities (which could otherwise pay pensions at whatever level they wanted out of the national pool). The national pensions administration should be part of central government and funded from the central government budget. The pensions administration should administer both the basic pension and individual accounts. Contributions should be collected by the tax authority. The contributions base should be changed to match a definition of earnings to be used also in determining income-tax liability, with the contribution rate adjusted so that total contributions are broadly unaffected by the change.Reforms of the Individual AccountsIndividual accounts should be organised on a notional defined contribution (NDC) basis. NDC pensions are a recent innovation internationally, used by countries seeking to retain the usefulness of defined contributions without the necessity of funding. Each worker accumulates a notional individual account, comprising his contributions over the years, which is each year credited by the pensions administration with a notional interest rate defined by law. At retirement, each worker receives a pension based actuarially on his accumulation. Basing individual accounts on the NDC approach has significant advantages in China’s current circumstances. It offers consumption smoothing to today’s contributors in a similar way to funded DC schemes, and hence maintains the purpose of individual accounts. But, because no fund is built up, it does not require today’s (poorer) workers to make larger contributions so that future (richer) generations of workers can make smaller contributions, thus avoiding unsatisfactory intergenerational redistribution. It does not require the considerable private-sector financial and administrative capacity of funded schemes, since it is run by the public authorities. It is less risky for workers, since the rate of return avoids the short-run volatility of assets in the capital market; this is particularly important at a time when banking and financial-market institutions are still developing. Finally, the NDC approach will not require an increase in the contribution rate, or an increase in subsidies from the central Budget, as will be necessary if the ‘empty’ individual accounts are to be funded under the present scheme. By regularising the encouragement and regulation of voluntary supplementary pensions, there can be adequate capital-market 。



劳动关系labor relations1.Trustees 受托人2.bodies corporate 法人团体3.unincorporated associations 非公司社团4.Third party 第三方5.private sector pension membership 私营行业养老金会员6.Collective scheme集体计划7.consequential amendments 相应修正案8.Conciliation 调解9.union 工会10.redeployment 调动工作11.Collective scheme集体计划12.Negotiation 协商,谈判13.dispute 辩论,争论14.the shape of labor relations 劳动关系的类型15.conflict 冲突16.contract 合同17.The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) 中国工商联盟18.union organization 工会组织19.non-governmental organizations (NGO)非政府组织20.workers’ strikes 工人罢工21.collective contract system 集体合同 stoppage停工bor Dispute Mediation Body劳动争议调解机构bor Dispute Arbitration Committee劳动争议仲裁委员会25.discrimination in employment 就业中的歧视26.fair employment practices 公平的就业实践27.employment-at-will 随意雇佣28.triangle-relationship 三方关系29.temporary employees临时工30.temporary employment临时雇佣31.permanent employment终身雇佣32.JUVENILE WORKERS 童工33.arbitrator 仲裁者劳动经济1.gross earning 总收入2.inflation通货膨胀3.EU/EEA-country 欧盟/欧洲经济区国家4.Pension 津贴,退休金,抚恤金5.Flat rate 统一费用6.National Insurance contributions全国保险税7.residual earnings 剩余收入8.Equalisation均衡9.Surplus 过剩,盈余,剩余,顺差,剩余的,过剩的10.Effective 有效的11.Economic boom 经济增长12.issue of interest 利益问题13.economic development 经济发展14.planned economy 计划经济 economy 市场经济16.overall economic development 全面经济发展 door policy 对外开放18.regional development and pilot project 区域发展和引导发展19.special economic zones 经济特区 reduction, law exemption and special treatment减税,立法减税和特别对待21.prevent overheating 阻止过热22.World Trade Organization 国际贸易组织23.overall surplus 总体过剩24.Human Resource 人力资源bor market flexibility灵活劳动力市场26.elasticity of labor demand劳动力的弹性需求27.microeconomic analysis微观经济分析28.Elasticity n 弹性pensation deals:补偿处理|补偿贸易|补偿处理酬金/奖励 compensation:反馈补偿|反馈校正ernment intervention 政府干预32.residual 剩余的33.Public Management公共管理34.Work Experience工作经历35.Poverty贫困各种基金,规定,计划1.Supplementary provision 补充规定;追加拨款,增补拨款;追加备付款项2.forfeiture罚金3.statutory:法律的、法令的4.Prescribe 规定5.Nullity 无效6.Working Families Tax Credit 工作家庭税收抵免7.Disabled Persons Tax Credit 残疾人税收抵免8.earnings-related basic pension scheme与收入相关的基本退休金制度养老1.Pension scheme 退休金计划2.Occupational pension schemes 职业养老金计划3.Personal pension schemes 个人养老金计划4.Premium Pension Authority(PPM) 基金养老金管理局5.Pension Credit 养老金信用6.Workplace Personal Pensions工作场所的个人退休金7.Pensions Bill 养老金法案8.State Pension Age 法定领取养老金年龄9. A long-term pensions settlement 长期的养老金发放结算10.The national association of pension funds 养老基金的国家协会11.National pensions debate 国家养老金的争议12.Pensions commission 养老金发放委员会13.Social security and pensions 社会保障和养老金14.State earnings-related pension 国家和收入有关的养老金15.State pension system国家养老金制度16.Pension Funds养老保险基金失业1.the Swedish Unemployment Insurance Board(IAF) 瑞典失业保险委员会(IAF)2.unemployment insurance fund 失业保险基金3.part-time employment 非全日制就业4.self-employment 自主经营就业5.Swedish Federation of Unemployment Insurance Funds(SO) 瑞典联邦失业保险基金联合会(SO)6.the Unemployment Insurance Act 失业保险法7.the Unemployment Insurance Funds Act 失业保险基金法8.the Swedish Unemployment Insurance Board(IAF) 瑞典失业保险委员会(IAF)9.Enterprise grant 创业补贴10.redundancy pay 遣散费11.damages covering financial loss 经济损失赔偿金12.unemployment assistance 失业救助 Students大学生失业14.Structural unemployment结构性失业15.Cyclical unemployment周期性失业16.Disguised Unemployment隐蔽性失业17.Frictional unemployment摩擦性失业18.Seasonal unemployment季节性失业19.unemployment compensation失业补偿金20.Unemployment insurance fund失业保险基金医疗1.statutory sick pay 法定病假工资2.statutory maternity pay 法定产假工资3.birth of a child 产假4.child bearing 生育5.medical services at state expense公费医疗 pooling for serious disease 大病统筹7.civil medical treatment 全民医疗 medical service 免费医疗9.cooperative medical service in rural areas农村合作医疗10.Medical insurance Funds医疗保险基金11.Maternity Insurance Fund生育保险基金工伤1.Occupational Safety and Health Administration 职业安全与健康管理局2.Occupational Safety and Health Act职业安全与健康条例3.occupational diseases职业病4.working conditions工作条件(劳动条件)5.working environment工作环境(劳动环境)6.workplace工作场所(劳动场所)7.Injury Insurance Fund工伤保险基金社会保障其他名词 security 社会保障2.urban social security 城镇社会保障3.Social Security Administration社会保障局pensation and Benefits薪酬与福利5.Personal Accounts 个人账户6.Social Assistance社会救助7.Social Insurance社会保险8.Pension Insurance养老保险9.Medical Care; Medical Insurance; Health Care Insurance医疗保险10.Hospitalization Medical Insurance住院医疗保险11.Occupational Injury Insurance; employment injury insurance工伤保险12.Unemployment Insurance失业保险13.Maternity Insurance ; Birth insurance生育保险14.Social Welfare社会福利15.Old-Age Welfare老年人福利16.Disabled Welfare残疾人福利17.Women and children’s Welfare妇女儿童福利18.Other Welfare9.其他福利19.Housing Provident Funds住房公积金:20.Housing Mortgage Loan住房抵押贷款:21.Social Entitle社会优抚22.Soldier Security军人保障23.Additional Security补充保障24.Charity Work ;Philanthropy慈善事业munity Service社区服务26.Annuity Pension企业年金27.Accumulation of enterprise annuity积累制企业年金28.Admission is pay-Enterprise Annuity现收现付制企业年金mercial Insurance商业保险30.The main mode of social security社会保障的主要模式31.The welfare state model福利国家模式pulsory savings-type model强制储蓄型模式33.National Insurance-mode国家保险型模式34.Social Security Fund社会保障基金35.Sources of Social Security Fund社保基金的来源渠道36.State funding国家财政拨款37.Employers and individual contribution雇主和个人缴费munity funding社会筹资39.The social security fund-raising mode社会保障基金的筹集模式40.Pay-as-you-go现收现付式pletely accumulation type完全积累式42.Some accumulation部分积累式43.The social security fund financing mode社会保障基金的筹资模式44.Tax form征税方式45.Levy way征费方式pulsory savings system强制储蓄制47.Free Financing自由筹资48.Welfare Lottery Issue发行福利彩票munity donations社会募捐50.Social Insurance Fund社会保险基金51.Public funds公共基金52.Institutions Fund机构基金53.Personal Fund个人基金54.Care Insurance Fund护理保险基金55.Social insurance fund sources社会保险基金来源56.Tripartite burden三方负担57.Both burden双方负担58.Unilateral burden单方负担59.neoclassicism 新古典主义60.ageing society 老龄化社会劳动统计和相关部门1.actuarial保险精算的;保险统计的2.Apportionment 分配3.Defer 延期4.Amend 补偿,修改5.Levy 征收6.Demography 人口统计学7.Risk-sharing 风险分担8.real wage 实际工资9.urban income 城镇收入10.rural income 农村收入11.disparity of income 收入不等12.unequal distribution of incomes 收入分配不等13.a low average income 低平均收入14.rural population 农村人口15.Provincial Government 省级政府16.District Government 区政府17.Township Government 镇政府18.wage-hour 计时工资19.Wage and Hours Cases 工资及时间例20.Fair Employment Practice Cases 公平就业实践例21.general disrespect of minimum labor standards 一般不敬的最低劳工标准22.Implementation of labor standards and union rights 劳工标准和工会权利的执行情况23.The relevance of labor and union rights for investments in China 在中国投资的劳工和工会权利的相关性24.occupational safety and health standards 职业安全与保健标准25.Bureau of Labor Statistics劳工统计局26.population growth人口增长27.urban labor force城市劳动力28.rural labor force农村劳动力bor costs劳动力成本30.demographic group人口统计学小组31.productivity growth生产力增长32.Age Structure年龄结构33.Migrant workers:流动工人|农民工|外出打工人员34.Up rate 上升比率35.Marginal tax rate 边际税率 n.再就业37.unemployment rate n.失业率38.subpopulation n.分组人口39.hourly wage rate 计时工资率40.demographic adj.人口统计学的41.nonagricultural wage非农工资42.average hourly wage平均小时工资43.The corresponding figure 相似数据44.Subsidy补贴45.Deflation通货紧缩相关法案1.the Unemployment Insurance Act 失业保险法2.the Unemployment Insurance Funds Act 失业保险基金法3.International Covenant of Economic 世界经济公约4.Employment & Labor Law 劳动和就业法5.federal statutory law and administrative law 法定的联邦法律和行政的法律6.worker’s compensation law 劳工补偿法7.BNA's Labor Relations Reporter or CCH's Labor Law Reporter BNA 的劳动关系报告或卫生的劳动法报告bor Relations Reporter 劳动关系报告9.Trade Union Law 工会法10.the Chinese legislation concerning occupational safety and health 有关职业安全及健康的中国立法11.Employment Law就业法12.Employment Discrimination Law and Practice 就业歧视的法律与实践13.Basic insurance 基本保险bor Law 劳动法15.Trade Union Law 工会法16.Employment & Labor Law 劳动和就业法17.worker’s compensation law 劳工补偿法18.The Black Lung Benefits Act 尘肺福利法19.Pensions Act 2008 2008年退休金法 money purchase schemes 英国货币购买计划21.non-UK occupational pension schemes 非英国职业养老金计划22.Social Security Pensions Act 1975 1975年社会保险基金法案23.Polish Resettlement Act 1947 1947年移民定居条例改进法案24.Old Age Contributory Pensions Acts 1936 to 194125.Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 199226.National Insurance Act 196527.State Pension Credit Act 200228.Pension Schemes Act 199329.Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 199930.Employment Relations Act 200431.Pensions Act 200432.Pensions Act 200733.Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 199234.Pensions Schemes Act 199335.Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 199936.Proceeds of Crime Act 200237.Pensions Act 200738.。



社会保障Social Security社会保险Social Insurance➢参保participation in social insurance scheme➢参保人the insured➢个人缴费比例ratio of individual contribution➢个人账户individual account➢个人账户储存额deposit amount of individual accounts➢个人账户基金fund for individual accounts➢个人账户基金结余surplus in fund for individual accounts➢个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of interest of individual accounts➢社会保险机构Social security institution➢社会保险业务经办Social Insurance Operation➢在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be mademandatory in urban areas.1.养老➢养老保险retirement insurance➢养老保险制度the old-age insurance system➢基本养老金basic pensions➢农村养老保险Old-age Insurance in Rural Area➢法定退休年龄statutory retirement age➢个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings➢个人账户养老金individual old-age insurance account➢规定领取年龄prescribed age of benefits entitlement➢补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan.➢工资总额total pay-roll➢确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-ownedenterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full 2.医疗➢医疗保险制度the medical insurance system➢医疗保险medical insurance➢城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees➢大病统筹social pooling for catastrophic disease➢大额医疗费用补助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure➢定点药店designated pharmacy➢定点医疗机构designated medical institution➢定额控制quota control➢非营利性医疗机构non-profit medical institutions➢多层次医疗保障体系multi-level medical security system➢公费医疗free medical service➢国家基本医疗保险药品目录state medicine catalogue for basic medicalinsurance➢城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees3.失业➢失业保险unemployment insurance➢失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system➢失业保险金Unemployment insurance benefits➢失业率rate of unemployment➢城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate➢城镇失业率urban unemployment rate➢非本人意愿中断就业employment termination against one’s own wills ➢非正规就业non-standard employment➢待业人员job seekers➢完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system4.工伤➢工伤work-related injury➢工伤保险work-related injury insurance➢工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system➢工伤保险待遇benefits for work-related injury insurance➢工伤保险基金fund for work-related injury insurance➢《工伤保险条例》Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurance➢工伤补偿work-related injury compensation➢工伤认定work-related injury certification➢工伤医疗medical treatment of work-related injury5.生育➢生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system6.补充➢补充保险supplementary insurance➢补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance➢补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance社会救助Social Assistance➢补助金subsidy➢国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度basic living standard guarantee system for laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises➢关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.➢弱势群体disadvantaged groups1.低保➢城市居民最低生活保障制度scheme of guaranteeing minimum living standards for urban residents/guarantee of subsistence allowances forurban residents/the minimum living standard security system ➢贫困线the poverty line➢救助站social relief station2.住房➢公积金public accumulation fund➢安居工程housing project for low-income families3.就业➢残疾人就业保障金employment security fund for the disabled➢充分就业full employment➢促进就业employment promotion➢定向培训designated training➢工会trade union➢工会组织trade union organization➢公共就业服务public employment service➢保障妇女就业权力guarantee women’s right to employment➢合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure➢建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism➢建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations➢扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment➢实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment➢实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversifiedforms of employment➢提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’ quality➢统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system ➢推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-levelemployment service network➢完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment➢优化就业结构to optimize employment structure➢职业培训Vocational Training4.灾害➢灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system社会福利Social Welfare优抚安置Special treatment and placement社保基金➢保值增值maintenance and appreciation of values➢部分积累模式partial accumulation model➢财政补贴financial subsidy➢财政投入financial input➢待遇给付payment of benefit➢当期结余current surplus➢地方财政补贴local financial subsidy➢费率调整adjustment of contribution rate➢费用结算settling accounting of fees➢费用审核expense audit➢风险准备金reserve fund of risk➢付费方式method of payment➢给付利率interest rate of payment➢国家债券state bond➢国有股减持state stock reduction➢社会保险基金管理S ocial Insurance Fund Management➢社会保障基金监管Social Security Fund Supervision其他➢按劳分配distribution according to work➢保障水平level of security➢城乡二元结构dual economic structure of urban and rural areas ➢恩格尔系数Engel Coefficient➢覆盖率coverage rate➢雇佣关系employment relationship➢管理信息系统management information system➢国有企业改革reform of state-owned enterprises➢加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion➢人口老龄化aging of population➢人口增长与社会经济发展相协调try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development➢人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards➢预期寿命life expectancy➢政府主导计划government-sponsored programs➢剩余劳动力surplus labor➢贫困陷阱poverty trap。

中国社会保障英文关键词(keywords on social security)

中国社会保障英文关键词(keywords on social security)

社会保障制度: Social security system社会保障体系: Social security system商业保险:Commercial insurance慈善事业:Charity补充保障:Supplemental Security养老保险: Old age insurance社会排斥:Social exclusion社会对抗: Social resistance医疗保障: Health security医疗卫生:Medical treatment and public health医疗保险: Health insurance公费医疗: Public medical services社会救助: Social assistance社会福利: Social welfare services社会服务: Social services失业保险: Unemployment insurance工伤保险: Work injury insurance生育保险:Maternity insurance军人保障:Military personnel security军人保险: Military personnel insurance军人抚恤: Military Personnel preferential treatment军人安置: Military Personnel placement老年人福利:Welfare for the elderly残疾人福利:welfare for the disabled妇女福利:Women welfare儿童福利:Child welfare职业福利:Occupational welfare其他保障:Other security专项救助:Special Assistance社会救济:Social relief护理保险:Long-term care insurance社会保险项目: Social insurance programs 住房福利:Housing welfare services住房公积金:Housing provident fund教育福利: Education welfare services灾害救济:Disaster relief最低生活保障制度:The minimum living standard guarantee system社会统筹:Social pooling 个人账户:Individual accounts单位:Work unit机关:State organs事业单位:Public institutions企业:enterprise五保(供养)制度: The five guarantees system国家—单位保障制:State-work unit security system国家-社会保障制:State-social security system国有企业改革: the reform of state-owned enterprises覆盖面:Coverage劳动合同制度: Labor contract system市场经济体制: The market economy system待业保险: Job-waiting subsidy计划经济: The planned economy分配: Distribution收入分配: Income distribution劳资双方: employee and employer改革开放: Reform and opening-up经济社会转型期: Economic and social transition period下岗:Lay-off下岗职工: Laid-off workers社会化:Socialization多元化:Diversification合同制工人: Contract workers离退休人员:Retirees农民工: Migrant workers城镇户口: Urban hukou公益事业:Public welfare programs文化大革命: Cultural Revolution扶贫开发poverty alleviation and development传统社会救济traditional social relief灾害救助disaster assistance医疗救助medical assistance教育救助education assistance住房救助housing assistance法律援助lawsuit assistance贫困线poverty line贫困陷阱poverty trap流浪乞讨人员救助assistance for vagrants and beggars in cities福利依赖welfare dependency安全网safety net三无人员Three-No’s包办就业arranged employment格局framework铁饭碗permanent employment自由流动权The rights of free flow队办企业Brigade-owned enterprises转移transfer试点pilot机构改革institutional reform政府代表government representatives企业代表employers’ representatives职工代表employees'representatives 社会机构Social institutions统筹调剂pooling and co-coordinating保值增值Value maintenance and appreciation非主管部门department-not-in-charge主管部门department-in-charge定型stereotypes户籍制度the household registration system进城务工人员inter-provincial migrants人均纯收入net income per capita民生People's livelihood修正案the revised ordinance国家机关government organizations事业单位public institutions劳动保险制度the labor insurance system 财政拨款financial allocation生产收益Production Gain孤寡老人an elderly person of no family农业生产合作社agricultural production cooperation 五保“five guarantees”军官military officer集体经济the collective economy“文化大革命” “cultural revolution”老化aging终身制life-long tenure国营企业state-owned enterprise劳动保险金Labor insurance funds社会事务Social Affairs内部事务internal affairs阶级斗争class struggle思想路线指导the ideological guideline年老体弱Old and frail离休honorary retirement政策法规Policies and Regulations城镇劳动者urban workers土地联产c承包责任制the land contract responsibility system组织基础Organizational foundation配套措施supplementary measures劳动就业体制labor employment system 财政税收体制fiscal and taxation system 社会化socialization铁饭碗permanent employment局限性limitation单位保障work unit insurance责任分担responsibility-sharing单一层次Single-Level计划生育政策family planning policy土地保障land security计划生育政策family planning policy社会保险机构Social security institution标准工资standard wage退休待遇retirement benefits大队brigade生产队production team公益金public welfare fund社区(乡镇、村)Community (township and village)县级机构county-level organization中央层面the central level附件attachment探索试点the exploratory pilot计发办法payment method一次性lump-sum老人the people retired before the reform 中人the people worked before the reform and retired after the reform.新人the people worked after the reform 试点方案Pilot Project省级调剂制度Provincial adjustment system 属地化localization职业年金制度occupational pension system亚洲金融危机Asian Financial Crisis管理事务administration affairs养老金增长机制pension growth mechanism制度创新institutional innovations资料来源date source农业生产经营Agricultural production and operation漏洞巨大great vulnerability劳动合同制度the labor contrast system 正规就业劳动者formally employed workers 非正规就业劳动者informally employed workers灵活就业casual employment自我雇佣self-employment私营企业主private entrepreneurs雇员制employee system住房保障制度Housing security system民生保障制度Livelihood security system 住有所居residents have houses to live低收入家庭/低收入群体Low-income families/groups住房体制改革Housing System Reform道路Gradual path实物in-kind全民保障Security for all people住房非商品化Non-commercial housing分配体制Distribution system 公有住房public housing购房补贴housing subsidies货币cash经济适用房affordable house商品房commercial house公积金制度Housing Provident Fund system廉租房Low-rent house小康生活水平Comfortable standard of living住房券Housing vouchers/coupons经济体制改革Economic system reform社会主义有计划商品经济Socialist planned commodity economy无偿分配Free distribution再生产reproduction维修费、管理费、折旧费Maintenance fees, management fees, depreciation charges 基本思路Basic ideas住房建设投资housing construction Investment住房分配体housing distribution system国家贷款资金State loan城市配套资金City supplemental funds城市住房基金Urban Housing Fund单位住房基金work Unit housing funds其他房改资金Other housing reform funds 高收入户High-income households利润率profit rate住房公积金缴纳率Housing provident fund contribution rate按月补贴Monthly subsidy一次性补贴Lump-sum subsidy明补Public subsidies社会的安定团结social stability and unity财政预算资金the fiscal budget funds多渠道Multi-channel因地制宜under the local conditions行政事业性收费Administrative fees基础设施建设费用Infrastructure costs房地产市场the real estate market硬指标Fixed target社会建设Social construction民生发展目标Livelihood development goals农民工合法权益the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers完全产权the full property rights缴存余额Deposit balance三位一体Trinity政府主导的公共房屋Government-led public houses市场主导的商品房屋Market-led commercial houses市场规律the market rules公共土地资源the public land resources, 财政资源the financial resources补充保障体系the supplementary security system渐进式改革gradual reform子系统subsystem民政福利Civil Welfare职工福利employee welfare价格补贴price support(subsidy)生活保障living security儿童照顾child-care补救性模式Residual model住房福利housing welfare教育福利education welfare社会福利事业social welfare cause人民团体people's organizations老弱、病残、孤寡成员the elderly, sick, widows and orphans优待: preferential treatments义务兵役制: compulsory military service system 老年人抚养比old-age Dependency Ratio 文化福利cultural welfare农村集体经济rural collective economy土地承包责任制household contract responsibility system劳保labour protection利益共同体interests-shared Community 路径依赖Path-Dependence企业年金enterprise Annuity商业保险Commercial Insurance退休养老金待遇Treatment of pensions基本养老保险制度Basic old-age insurance system职业福利Occupational Welfare企业补充养老保险Enterprise Supplementary old-age insurance非营利性的事业单位Non-profit public institutions社会统筹和个人账户相结合combination of Social pooling and individual accounts 完全积累Fully funded法人受托机构Corporate trustee账户管理人Account Manager托管人Custodian委托代理Commissioned agent企业所得税Corporate Income Tax等价交换原则The principle of equivalent exchange费率payment Rates保险条款Insurance Terms企业财产保险Enterprise Property Insurance集体所有制企业Collectively-owned enterprises固定资产Fixed assets 赔付率Loss ratio。

China’s Welfare(系统全面讲解中国的福利)英文版

China’s  Welfare(系统全面讲解中国的福利)英文版

In China, primary and secondary education takes 12 years to complete, divided into primary, junior secondary and senior secondary stages. Primary education lasts either five or six years with the former accounting for 35 percent of the total enrollment and the latter 65 percent of the total enrollment. At junior secondary stage, most have three years schooling with a tiny part of four years. Almost 98 percent of students are enrolled in the former schools. The nine-year schooling in primary and junior secondary schools pertains to compulsory education. General senior secondary education lasts three years.
China’s Welfare System 1.Social welfare 2.Medical welfare cation welfare
Social welfare:
the old-age insurance system unemployment insurance benefits special policies for certain people communal pension fund(公共养老基 金)


During the 10 chaotic years, social insurance work suffered serious setbacks and destruction, management organs were dissolved. trade union organizations were compelled to suspend activities, social pooling from society for retirement expenses was cancelled, and social insurance was turned into enterprise insurance.
of the government and institution
▪ Social security is an economic and social system relating to the vital interests of members of the entire society for safeguarding social stability, promoting economic development.
▪Definition ▪History of Development ▪Current Situation ▪How to improve ▪Conclusion
• HISTORY of Development
China's social security system, founded during the war years on the basis of the supply system, has roughly gone through four stages.






















社会保障Social Security社会保险Social Insurance➢参保participation in social insurance scheme➢参保人the insured➢个人缴费比例ratio of individual contribution➢个人账户individual account➢个人账户储存额deposit amount of individual accounts➢个人账户基金fund for individual accounts➢个人账户基金结余surplus in fund for individual accounts➢个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of interest of individual accounts➢社会保险机构Social security institution➢社会保险业务经办Social Insurance Operation➢在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be mademandatory in urban areas.1.养老➢养老保险retirement insurance➢养老保险制度the old-age insurance system➢基本养老金basic pensions➢农村养老保险Old-age Insurance in Rural Area➢法定退休年龄statutory retirement age➢个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings➢个人账户养老金individual old-age insurance account➢规定领取年龄prescribed age of benefits entitlement➢补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan.➢工资总额total pay-roll➢确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-ownedenterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full 2.医疗➢医疗保险制度the medical insurance system➢医疗保险medical insurance➢城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees➢大病统筹social pooling for catastrophic disease➢大额医疗费用补助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure➢定点药店designated pharmacy➢定点医疗机构designated medical institution➢定额控制quota control➢非营利性医疗机构non-profit medical institutions➢多层次医疗保障体系multi-level medical security system➢公费医疗free medical service➢国家基本医疗保险药品目录state medicine catalogue for basic medicalinsurance➢城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees3.失业➢失业保险unemployment insurance➢失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system➢失业保险金Unemployment insurance benefits➢失业率rate of unemployment➢城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate➢城镇失业率urban unemployment rate➢非本人意愿中断就业employment termination against one’s own wills ➢非正规就业non-standard employment➢待业人员job seekers➢完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system4.工伤➢工伤work-related injury➢工伤保险work-related injury insurance➢工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system➢工伤保险待遇benefits for work-related injury insurance➢工伤保险基金fund for work-related injury insurance➢《工伤保险条例》Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurance➢工伤补偿work-related injury compensation➢工伤认定work-related injury certification➢工伤医疗medical treatment of work-related injury5.生育➢生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system6.补充➢补充保险supplementary insurance➢补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance➢补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance社会救助Social Assistance➢补助金subsidy➢国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度basic living standard guarantee system for laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises➢关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.➢弱势群体disadvantaged groups1.低保➢城市居民最低生活保障制度scheme of guaranteeing minimum living standards for urban residents/guarantee of subsistence allowances forurban residents/the minimum living standard security system ➢贫困线the poverty line➢救助站social relief station2.住房➢公积金public accumulation fund➢安居工程housing project for low-income families3.就业➢残疾人就业保障金employment security fund for the disabled➢充分就业full employment➢促进就业employment promotion➢定向培训designated training➢工会trade union➢工会组织trade union organization➢公共就业服务public employment service➢保障妇女就业权力guarantee women’s right to employment➢合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure➢建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism➢建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations➢扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment➢实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment➢实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversifiedforms of employment➢提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’ quality➢统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system ➢推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-levelemployment service network➢完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment➢优化就业结构to optimize employment structure➢职业培训Vocational Training4.灾害➢灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system社会福利Social Welfare优抚安置Special treatment and placement社保基金➢保值增值maintenance and appreciation of values➢部分积累模式partial accumulation model➢财政补贴financial subsidy➢财政投入financial input➢待遇给付payment of benefit➢当期结余current surplus➢地方财政补贴local financial subsidy➢费率调整adjustment of contribution rate➢费用结算settling accounting of fees➢费用审核expense audit➢风险准备金reserve fund of risk➢付费方式method of payment➢给付利率interest rate of payment➢国家债券state bond➢国有股减持state stock reduction➢社会保险基金管理S ocial Insurance Fund Management➢社会保障基金监管Social Security Fund Supervision其他➢按劳分配distribution according to work➢保障水平level of security➢城乡二元结构dual economic structure of urban and rural areas ➢恩格尔系数Engel Coefficient➢覆盖率coverage rate➢雇佣关系employment relationship➢管理信息系统management information system➢国有企业改革reform of state-owned enterprises➢加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion➢人口老龄化aging of population➢人口增长与社会经济发展相协调try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development➢人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards➢预期寿命life expectancy➢政府主导计划government-sponsored programs➢剩余劳动力surplus labor➢贫困陷阱poverty trap。


































劳动与社会保障专业词汇汇总劳动经济学Labour Economics/ Industrial Relation Studies劳动心理学Labor Psychology福利经济学Welfare Economics社会政策Social Policy公共管理Public Management社会保护Social Protection劳动法Labour Law劳动关系Labour Relations劳动合同Labour Contract劳资谈判Collective Bargaining劳资纠纷labor Dispute劳动统计Labour Statistics劳动指标Labour Indicators就业指标Employment Indicators社会保障指标Social Security Indicators就业Employment劳动力labor force经济活动人口Economically Active Population就业人口Employment Population在业人口Working Population劳动力参与率Labor Force Participation Rate就业登记Employment Registration再就业Re-employment非正规就业Informal Employment灵活就业Flexible Employment自雇者Self-employment失业Unemployment / Jobless失业率Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate 调查失业率Surveyed Unemployment Rate长期失业Long-term Unemployment培训Training职业培训Vocational Training职业教育Vocational Education Exchange人力资源Human Resources人力资本Human Capital公开招聘Open Recruitment面试Interview职位Position工作经历Work Experience企业文化Corporate Culture定位Orientation工作分析Job Analysis工资Wages / Income / Salary工资等级Salary Grade最低工资Minimum Wages收入分配Income Distribution收入差距Income Disparities / Income Gap职业安全Work Safety劳动保护Labour Protection事故预防Accident Prevention职业病Occupational Disease社会保障Social Security社会保障号码Social Security Number社会保险Social Insurance劳动保险Labour Insurance社会保险范围Social Insurance Coverage社会保险基金Social Insurance Fund缴费Contribution社会保险待遇Social Insurance Benefits社会保险待遇享受资格Qualification of Social Insurance养老保险Old-Age Insurance老年保障Old-Age Security社会统筹Social Pooling个人账户Individual Account现收现付Pay as You Go职业年金/企业年金??Annuity Pension / Supplementary Pension / Private Pension 医疗保险Medical Care / Public Health公费医疗Free Medical Service大病统筹Social Pooling for Serious Disease医疗救助Medical Assistance失业保险Unemployment Insurance失业保险金Unemployment benefits生育保险Maternity Insurance工伤保险Work-related Insurance工伤康复Injury Rehabilitation家庭津贴Family Benefit / Family Allowance社会福利Social Welfare贫困Poverty扶贫Poverty Relief / Poverty Alleviation社会捐助Social Donation孤儿Orphan弱势群体Disadvantaged / Vulnerable Population/ Groups社会工作Social Work优抚Preferential Treatment五保Five Guarantees社会救济Social Relief最低生活保障minimun living standard guarantee 劳资关系union-management relations雇佣关系employment relations员工employee雇主协会manager union斡旋者councilor调解者mediator仲裁者arbitrator合作cooperation冲突conflict力量power权利right罢工stike沟通communication共同协商negotiation外购outsourcing转包contracting out宽容型accommodative职位阶梯job ladder家长制管理paternalistic management工作生活质量计划quality of work life programs 职务扩大化job enlargement职务轮换job rotation职务深度job depth自主性工作团队autonomous work teams综合性工作团队integrated work teams雇员参与计划employee involvement schemes劳资联合委员会labor-management committees共同管理计划comanagement arrangement内部公平制度internal justice system工会申诉制度union grievance system雇员持股计划employee stock ownership plans全面质量管理total quality management双轨经营战略twin-track business strategy心理契约psychological contract“非强制“条款non-imposition clause工会trade union总工会general union职业协会professional association职业工会occupational union同行工会craft union白领工会non-manual union行业工会industrial union公司工会company union垄断性行业工会monopoly industrial union谈判单位bargaining unit北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade Agreement 对抗confrontation休战armed truce和睦相处working harmony合作cooperation利润分享计划gainsharing program授权选举certification election间接纠察secondary picketing失业效应unemployment effect工会巡视员walking delegate申诉程序grievance procedure公共部门雇主public sector employer公共选择理论public choice theory自由放任主义laissez faire社团主义corporatism社会正义social justice维持生活工资living wage热炉规则hot-stove rule渐进性惩处progressive discipline公正与公平fairness and equity权力与职权power and authority个人主义individualism集体主义collectivism保护者protector促进者promoter调停者peace-maker规划者planner选举捐款campaign contribution社会伙伴机制social partnership mechanism 失业政策unemployment policy收入政策income policy维持生活工资living wage小额福利fringe benefit劳动合同labor contract体面工作decent work核心劳动标准core labor standards工资决定wage determination计时工hour rated worker非正规部门informal sector书面合同written contract诚实谈判bargain in good faith正式谈判formal bargaining协调性谈判coordinated bargaining合作式谈判cooperative bargaining让步式谈判concession bargaining和解conciliation实地调查的fact-finding利益仲裁interest arbitration常规仲裁conventional arbitration最后仲裁final arbitration集体协议collective agreement小环境niche国际劳工公约International Labor Organization Convention 劳动统计Labor statistics变量Variable补贴Subsidy长期职工Long-term staff城乡一体化City and countryside integration城镇登记失业率urban registered unemployment rate城镇登记失业人员registered unemployed urbanites城镇失业率urban unemployment rate城镇失业人员unemployed persons in urban areas城镇私营从业人员urban privately operated jobholders出生率(又称粗出生率) birth rate (crude birth rate)从业人员Jobholders简单随机抽样Simple random sampling奖金Bonus津贴Allowance经济活动人口Economically active population劳动力资源Labor force resources类型抽样??分层抽样?? Typical sampling(Stratified sampling)临时职工Temporary staff劳动报酬Payment for labor劳动工资Labor wages劳动就业Labor employment劳动生产率Labor productivity劳动收入Labor income离休人员Retired personnel离休人员保险福利费用Retired personnel's insurance and welfare expense 卖方市场Seller market买方市场Buyer market高失业??High unemployment低失业??low unemployment自然失业??natural unemployment白领失业??White-collar unemployment高龄失业??Old unemployment高学历失业??Highly educated unemployment结构性失业??Structural unemployment周期性失业??Cyclical unemployment隐蔽性失业??Disguised Unemployment摩擦性失业??Frictional unemployment季节性失业??Seasonal unemployment教育性失业??Educational unemployment制度性失业??Institutional unemployment永久性失业??Permanent unemployment知识性失业??Intellectual Unemployed暂时性失业??Temporary unemployment需求不足型失业?? Unemployment of insufficient demand自愿失业??Voluntary unemployed非自愿失业??Involuntary unemployment城镇登记失业?? urban registered unemployment rate长期失业??Long-term Unemployment均衡失业??Balanced unemployment增长型失业??Increasing unemployment失业率??Unemployment Rate / Jobless Rate平均失业率??The average unemployment rate自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment原住民登记失业率?? registered unemployment rate in indigenous 最优失业率??也就是自然失业率??natural rate of unemployment ??调查失业率??Surveyed Unemployment Rate失业救济??Unemployment Relief失业津贴??Unemployment benefits失业保险??unemployment insurance失业保险金?? Unemployment insurance benefits失业补助金??Unemployment benefits失业补偿金??unemployment compensation失业辅助??Unemployment Guidance失业赔偿??Unemployment compensation失业登记?? registration of unemployment失业保险制度??the unemployment insurance system失业风险??Unemployment Risk妇女儿童福利Women and children ’ s Wel fare住房公积金??Housing Provident Fund住房抵押贷款??Housing Mortgage Loan社会优抚Social Entitle军人保障Soldier Security补充保障Additional Security慈善事业Charity Work ??Philanthropy社区服务Community Service企业年金Annuity Pension商业保险Commercial Insurance家庭保障Family protection社会保险型模式The social insurance-type model福利国家模式The welfare state model强制储蓄型模式Compulsory savings-type model国家保险型模式National Insurance-model社会保障基金Social Security Fund社保基金的来源渠道Sources of Social Security Fund国家财政拨款State funding其他渠道Other channels发行特种国债Issuing special bonds国际援助International aid社会保障基金的筹集模式The social security fund-raising mode现收现付式Pay-as-you-go完全积累式fully accumulated model部分积累式partial accumulation model征税方式Tax form征费方式Levy way强制储蓄制Compulsory savings system自由筹资Free Financing福利彩票Welfare Lottery社会募捐Community donation社会保险基金Social Insurance Fund社会保险基金的所有权分类The social insurance fund ownership classification 公共基金Public fund机构基金Institutions Fund个人基金Personal Fund养老保险基金Pension Fund医疗保险基金Medical insurance Fund失业保险基金Unemployment insurance fund工伤保险基金Injury Insurance Fund生育保险基金Maternity Insurance Fund护理保险基金Care Insurance Fund社会保险基金来源Social insurance fund sources三方负担Tripartite burden双方负担Both burden单方负担Unilateral burden医疗保险medical care/ public health大病统筹social pooling for serious disease免费医疗free medical service农村合作医疗cooperative medical service in rural areas离休人员医疗保障medical security for honored retirees医疗卫生体制health care system社会医疗救助social medical relief/social medical assistance医疗保障制度medical insurance system城镇职工基本医疗保险制度basic medical insurance system for urban employees 医疗保险制度改革the reform of the medical insurance system劳保医疗制度medical labor insurance system基本医疗保险basic medical insurance大额医疗费用互助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure企业补充医疗保险supplementary medical insurance for enterprise商业医疗保险commercial medical insurance多层次医疗保障体系multi-level medical security system大病风险risk for catastrophic disease医疗保险覆盖范围medical insurance coverage卫生部Ministry of Health卫生所health care center卫生院community clinic医务室clinic/infirmary医疗保险机构medical insurance institutions商业医疗保险公司commercial medical insurance company医院信息管理系统information management system for hospitals专科医院specialized hospitals综合医院general hospitals民营医疗机构private medical institutions营利性医疗机构profit-going medical institutions医院等级hospital grade定点医疗机构designated medical institution社区医院community hospital定点药店designated pharmacy/designated drug store慢性病chronic disease精神病mental illness医疗保险费medical insurance expenses基本医疗保险基金basic medical insurance fund企业补充医疗保险基金supplementary medical insurance fund for enterprise 医疗保险信息管理系统medical insurance management information system 医疗补助金medical subsidies社会统筹social pooling离退休人员医疗费用统筹social pooling for medical expenditures of retirees 个人帐户individual account医疗保险金medical insurance premium门诊outpatient service门诊包干reimbursement quotas system for outpatient service charge门诊病人patients of outpatient department门诊部outpatient department门诊费outpatient service charge门诊人次person-times of outpatient service门诊特殊病种special disease in outpatient service诊疗项目范围scope of clinic items诊疗项目管理management of clinic items急诊费emergency call charge手术费operation costs药品费用drugs expenses补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance企业补充养老保险supplementary old-age insurance for enterprise 多层次养老保障体系multi-level old-age security system资金来源fund source个人缴费individual contribution用人单位缴费contribution of the employing units基金筹集模式the mode of fund collection缴费确定型defined contribution〔DC〕完全积累式total accumulation model个人储蓄性养老保险old-age insurance by personal savings基金收缴contribution collection企业/ 个人负担比例ratio of corporate/individual responsibility 企业/ 个人缴费率enterprise / individual contribution rate企业/ 个人缴费额amount of corporate/ individual contribution个人账户individual account企业/个人缴费基数bases of corporate/ individual contribution月平均工资average monthly wage企业在职职工工资总额total pay-roll of enterprise employees年金生命表annuity life table职工福利费workers welfare fund从成本中列支be listed as a production cost代扣代缴withhold and remit待遇支付benefit payment现金给付cash payment一次性给付Lump-sum benefit分期给付staged benefit给付条件qualifying condition/qualification for benefit实际缴费年限actual contribution time法定退休年龄statutory retirement age提前退休early retirement正常退休normal date retirement累计缴费时间accumulated contribution time待遇水平benefit level企业年金替代率replacement rate of corporate pension个人账户基金fund for individual accounts专项基金special fund积累基金accumulation funds个人账户存储额deposit amount of individual accounts累积数额accumulation amount个人账户计息利率interest rate for calculation of individual accounts 基金收入revenue of the fund给付增长率accrual rate of benefit年金购买率annuity purchase rate投资运营investment operation投资组合investment portfolio投资基金investment fund年金风险annuity risk运营收益率return rate of operation保值增值maintenance and appreciation of values信托trust信托财产/基金trust property/fund信托受益人beneficiary of trust信托合同trust contract 〔between corporate and trustee〕信托关系fiduciary relation集体协商机制collective consultation system职工代表大会congress of works representation职工大会workers congress。



社会保障social security残疾人社会保障social security for handicapped福利保障security on welfare风险risk抚恤comfort and compensation个人账户individual account给付确定制defined benefit给付项目benefit package后付制post-payment环境保障security on environment公平equality工伤社会保险social insurance for work-related缴费确定制defined contribution基金积累funded pooling健康维护组织health maintenance organization(HMOs) 济贫法Poor Law教育保障security for education就业保障security for employment康复保障security for recovery老年福利elderly welfare老年服务service for elderly商业保险commercial insurance社会保障制度social security system社会保障制度改革the reform of social security system 社会保障法Social Security Act社会保障基金social security fund社会保障管理social security management社会保障水平social security level社会保障水平指标index of social security level社会保险social insurance社会保险基金social insurance fund社会救济(社会救助) social assistance生育基金child-bearing fund现收现付pay as you go医疗社会保险social insurance for medical优待special treatment优抚安置veteran placement总额预付制global budget最低生活保障标准minimum living level职工福利employee welfare职工福利项目employee welfare project职工福利基金employee welfare fund职工福利管理employee welfare management职工福利设计employee welfare design基本养老保险basic endowment insurance基本医疗保险basic medical insurance工伤保险employment injury insurance失业保险unemployment insurance生育保险maternity insurance社会保障体系social welfare system大额医疗费用补助subsidy for big amount of medical expenditure 公费医疗free medical service公积金public accumulation fund雇佣关系employment relationship国际劳工公约international labor convention劳动和社会保障部the ministry of labor and social security社会救济social relief优抚安置special treatment and placement。



Vol.9No.72012年7月第9卷第7期Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences)湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)Jul.2012我国从1956年完成生产资料的社会主义改造,建立社会主义制度,到改革开放30多年后的今天,社会各方面都取得了较快的发展,成就令世人瞩目,社会保障方面也得到了相当程度的发展,但与世界上一些发达国家相比较,我国的社会保障体系还不健全、不完善。


























Pension 养老金Medical insurance医保Unemployment insurance 失业保险Maternity insurance 生育保险Occupational injury insurance 工伤保险Social pension insurance for urban residents城镇居民基本养老保险Social old-age insurance for urban residents城镇职工社会养老保险The new rural social pension insurance新型农村社会养老保险The rural cooperative healthcare system农村合作医疗制度the judicial review司法整合National audit office国家审计署Social welfare institutions社会福利机构Social welfare system社会福利系统Basically guaranteed基本保障The social insurance fund社会保险基金Social security funds社会保险基金Social security net社会保障网Social security network社会安全网络Social equity社会公平livelihoods生活水平Social harmony and stability社会和谐与稳定a personal fund个人账户a social pool统筹账户medical insurance card医疗卡unemployment benefits失业救济金maternity fund产科基金maternity leave生育休假the local social insurance bureau当地社会保险局occupational insurance fund职业保险基金housing fund住房公积金initial down-payment首付commercial loan商业贷款the local tax bureau当地税务机构mandatory benefits强制性福利the old-age dependency ratio赡养率,抚养比legacy debt遗留债务legacy cost遗留成本the pay-as-you-go pillar现收现付制cradle-to-grave security system从摇篮到坟墓的保险制度state owned enterprises国有企业iron rice owl铁饭碗labor-intensive劳动密集型technology-intensive科技密集型demographic shift人口统计表social welfare社会福利标记housing benefits住房福利补贴attend higher education参加高等教育legal aid法律援助medical service医疗服务the minimal subsistence allowance最低生活保障fiscal revenue财政收入one-child policy一个孩子的政策state coffers国库finical sector财政部门the working age工作年龄人口the median age年龄中位数graying of the population人口老龄化state institutions国家机构fiscal allocations财政分配social obligations社会责任pilot projects试点individual accounts个人账户enterprise annuity企业年金pension entitlements养老金待遇unfunded liability负债life expectancy预期寿命social pension contributions社会养老缴费social insurance contributions社会保险金的缴纳lottery ticket彩票national social security fund全国社会保险基金sub-nation regions地方区域decentralized administrative level分散管理demographic人口统计的annuity年金,养老金redistributions再分配notional defined contributions名义固定缴款government ministries政府部门payroll tax工资税pension administration养老金管理the state administration of taxation国家税务总局social relief社会救助the ministry of health卫生部the ministry of labor and social security人事与社保部urban employees城镇职工rural citizens农村人口military personnel军人labor force劳动力laid-off workers下岗职工the pilot urban resident basic medical insurance城市居民基本养老保险试点the local employment office当地就业部门the social insurance operation institution社会保险经办机构non-automotive vehicles非机动车gaining re-employment再就业an administrative review行政复议。



中国的社会保障状况和政策China's Social Security and Its Policy中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室Information Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China二○○四年九月·北京September 2004, Beijing目录Contents前言Foreword一、养老保险I. Old-Age Insurance二、失业保险II. Unemployment Insurance三、医疗保险III. Medical Insurance四、工伤保险IV. Insurance for Work-related Injuries五、生育保险V. Maternity Insurance六、社会福利VI. Social Welfare七、优抚安置VII. Special Care and Placement八、社会救助VIII. Social Relief九、住房保障IX. Housing Security十、农村社会保障X. Social Security in Rural Areas结束语Conclusion前言Foreword社会保障是现代国家最重要的社会经济制度之一。


Social security is one of the most important socio-economic systems for a country in modern times. To establish and improve a social security system corresponding to the level of economic development is a logical requirement for coordinated economic and social development. It is also an important guarantee for the social stability and the long-term political stability of a country.中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口众多,经济发展起点低,地区之间、城乡之间发展不平衡,完善社会保障体系的任务十分艰巨和繁重。

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State Department
Health Care System
Prov Dept of Health
The Ministry of Health
Government of Provincial, Municipal, Autonomous Region
Chinese Academy of Medical Science Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine Medical Colleges and Universities Drug and Bioengineering Product Research Institute General and Specialized hospital Epidemic Prevention Station Maternity and Children Health Care Hospital (Clinic) Drug Inspection Station General and Specialized hospital Epidemic Prevention Station Maternity and Children Health Care Hospital (Clinic) Drug Inspection Station
•Source : China statistical year book,2001
Economic Status by Province, 1999
Source : China statistical year book,2000
The organization structure of Chinese health Care system
Township government, Subdistrict Office
Villagers’ committee, Neighborhood residents’ committee
Three tiered prevention and health care system
Township hospital (clinic), District hospital Outpatient clinic
Facilities of Diseases Control and Health Supervision at all levels
• Population in rural areas: 63.8%
• Administrative Region: 31 provinces
• GDP: 8,940.4 billion RMB • Number of health agencies: 330 thousand • Number of health workers: 5.568 million • Number of school of public health: 36
Regional Administrative Office
Local Dept.of Health
Government of Municipal, County, Disent of Health
Municipal (District) hospital, County hospital, Epidemic Prevention Station, Endemic Disease Prevention Station Maternity and Children Health Care Hospital (Clinic), Secondary Health School
The Health Care System and Public Health in China
I will discuss…
• China‘s Health Care System • Public Health in China
China and its Health Care System • Basic Statistics/Economic status
Village health station, Red Cross health station
Health Network of Three Tiered in Rural Area
County Hospital Agencies: 2008 Workers:487684 County Epidemic Prevention Station Agencies: 1657 Workers:87468 County Maternity and Child Health Hospital Agencies: 1387 Workers:49313
• System overview
• Who pay for health services?
• Government‘s health policies
China:Basic Statistics
• Area: 9.6 million km2
• Total population: 1.27 billion (2000)
Township hospital(Clinic) Agencies: 47928 Workers:1163700
Township hospitals Agencies:693518 Workers:1282310
China Health Information System
Ministry of Health, P.R.China
Institute of Medical Information, CAMS
Center of Information of MOH
China CDC
Other Health Project Univ.directly under MOH
Provincial Dept of Health
Local Health Dept Health Units