William Wordsworth 英国文学优秀课件
英美文学选读William WordsworthPPT课件
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• Verse 是指韵文,也就是带有押韵 、 句子分行的文体 。 verse强调的是外在的形式,符合上面2条的文体基本都可以 叫做verse,比如 打油诗、歌词、口号、名言、民谣等等。 • Poem强调内在,是真正意义上的诗歌,它发掘深刻的思 想、彰显高尚的情操,语言优美,感情深挚。至于是否押韵 等外在形式并不过分要求。
William Wordsworth
• William Wordsworth (17701850) was one of the greatest poets of England. As the leading figure of the English Romantic Movement, he has made great contribution in poetic theory. • “Poet Laureate” 桂冠诗人
Wordsworth’s writing style
William Wordsworth’s poems were fresh in imagination, simple, plain and vivid in language.
He was especially good at writing about nature and common people.
The Romantic Period
Romantic Movement
By the beginning of the 19th century a movement had taken
In her journal entry for 15 April 1802 she describes how the daffodils 'tossed and reeled and danced, and seemed as if they verily laughed with the wind, that blew upon them over the lake.'
Continuous as the stars that shine
↘ simile 它们连绵不断,像银河中
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending 的群星闪烁、眨眼,
Along the margin of a bay:
William Wordsworth’s “Daffodils”
In the poem, ‘The Daffodils’ the poet William Wordsworth has described how he once came across numerous daffodils rocking in the breeze. The beauty of the daffodils enthralled the poet and became a treasured experience for him.
A Brief History of
English Literature
William Wordsworth
(1770 –1850)
William Wordsworth (1770 –
William Wordsworth Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿
![William Wordsworth Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3c57c5c5bb4cf7ec4afed063.png)
W o r d s w o r t h’s C o n t r i b u t i o n:1)British poet, credited with ushering in the English Romantic Movement with the publication of Lyrical Ballads(1798) in collaboration with Samuel Taylor Coleridge2)In 1843 he succeeded Robert Southey (1774-1843) as England's poet laureate.3)He is regarded as a “worshipper of nature”.4)He defines the poet as “ a man speaking to men” and poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility.”5)He started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self.6. He changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.7. His deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure and profound poetry.Works:An Evening WalkLyrical BalladsThe PreludeThe ExcursionHis short poems can be classified into two groups:poems about naturepoems about human lifeFamous Poems:Ode on Intimations of ImmortalityTintern AbbeyI Wandered Lonely as a Cloud ( Daffodils)To the CuckooLucy PoemsI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host of golden daffodils.Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.和风吹拂舞翩跹Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way,They stretch'd in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay;Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dancemargin of a bay:湖弯的边缘随风偃仰舞兴浓The waves beside them danced, but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed-and gazed-but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought.Outdid :胜过jocund :cheerfulshow: spectacle 景象For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.Vacant:vacant mood, 茫然的心情that inward eye /Which is the bliss of solitude:华兹华斯认为在孤寂中回想曾经见过的自然美景是极大的快乐。
从 没 有 叫 出 这 样 甜 的 声 音
叫 破 了 海 洋 的 沉 静 ,
在 极 远 得 希 伯 里 得 斯 群 岛
春 天 时 分 杜 鹃 鸟 鸣
从 没 有 唱 得 这 样 好 听 ;
为 疲 倦 的 商 旅 所 欢 迎 ,
在 幻 洲 的 某 些 树 阴 ,
夜 莺 在 阿 拉 伯 的 沙 漠 里 面 ,
The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! E gaze –and gazed –but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.
William Wordsworth 英国文学优秀课件
![William Wordsworth 英国文学优秀课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3d47ecdfcaaedd3382c4d37a.png)
Special features
1. One of the greatest poets of nature. 2. Incidents and situations of common life. 3. A return to nature. 4. Simple and colloquial language: iambic
– Reverse personification: speaker—natural object, a cloud
– Personification: daffodils—human beings, dancing and “tossing their heads” in “a crowd, a host”.
• The soothing effect of memories on human thoughts; small things in life may bring happiness to us.
• The unity between human and nature in a simple style and musical eloquence.
未曾想到 • What wealth the show to me had brought; 这美景给了我
• For oft, when on my couch I lie 因为,每当我依榻而卧, • In vacant or in pensive mood, 或情怀抑郁,或心境茫然, • They flash upon that inward eye 水仙呵,便在心目中闪
• He claimed that the great subjects of poetry were “the essential passions of the heart” and “the great and simple affections” as these qualities interact with "the beautiful and permanent forms of nature” and are expressed in a “naked and simple” language that is “adapted to interest mankind permanently”.
英国浪漫主义时期文学 PPT
![英国浪漫主义时期文学 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/efa96f5f84254b35effd3430.png)
• Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.
• 8) A feeling of loneliness & a note of mecation of the commonplace--- the aim of good poetry is “to choose incidents and situations from common life” and to use a “selection of language really spoken by men”, and to awaken in the reader “freshness of sensation” in the presentation of “familiar objects”.
William Wordsworth 介绍 英文ppt
![William Wordsworth 介绍 英文ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/165fe5413c1ec5da50e27068.png)
Marriage and children
In 1802 Lowther's heir, William Lowther, 1st Earl of Lonsdale, paid the 4,000 pounds owed to Wordsworth's father through Lowther's failure to pay his aide.It was this repayment that afforded Wordsworth the financial means to marry. On 4 October, following his visit with Dorothy to France to arrange matters with Annette, Wordsworth married his childhood friend Mary Hutchinson.Dorothy continued to live with the couple and grew close to Mary. The following year Mary gave birth to the first of five children, three of whom predeceased her and William:
Creative career
Wordsworth made his debut as a writer in 1787 when he published a sonnet in The European Magazine. In the same year he began attending St John's College, Cambridge. The year 1793 saw the first publication of poems by Wordsworth, in the collections An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. In 1795 he received a legacy of 900 pounds from Raisley Calvert and became able to pursue a career as a poet. It was also in 1795 that he met Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Somerset. The two poets quickly developed a close friendship. In 1797 Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy moved to Alfoxton House, Somerset, just a few miles away from Coleridge's home in Nether Stowey. Together Wordsworth and Coleridge (with insights from Dorothy) produced Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣集(1798), an important work in the English Romantic movement. One of Wordsworth's most famous poems, "Tintern Abbey"丁 登寺, was published in this collection, along with Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".
by William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
➢ 英国经过18 世纪后期的工业革命迅速成为世 界上第一个工业化国家, 伦敦成了工业革命的 摇篮。工业革命的发展促使资本主义社会固有 矛盾日益激化, 出现了人剥削人、人压迫人的 现象。道德堕落, 身心腐败, 社会风气每况愈下 , 劳苦大众生活苦不堪言。面对资本主义给人 造成的摧残及给社会带来的种种丑恶, 当时许 多激进的文人志士都以自己的方式发泄内心的 愤慨, 写下了许多抨击社会现实的作品。
A Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour: B England hath need of thee: she is a fen B Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, A Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, A Have forfeited their ancient English dower B Of inward happiness. We are selfish men; B Oh! raise us up, return to us again; A And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.
➢ 资本主义带来了种种罪孽及丑恶,给人类带来了 灾害,导致了人类本性的失落,人类的利欲熏心到 了不顾廉耻的地步,城市文明失去了一切活力。 正如华兹华斯在诗中所说,那里是“死水污池”, 没有了往日的生机;人们没有自由。古老英国 的内蕴、风尚荡然无存,道德败坏, 人欲横流。随 着对资本主义社会现实的进一步失望,华兹华斯 对人类被摧残的认识也逐渐加深。当时,法国大 革命爆发,诗人仿佛觉得当时的法国是“站在黄 金时期的顶点”,他认为革命将拯救受压迫的人 民于水火。所以,华兹华斯疾呼弥尔顿式的革命 诗人和战士出现,来领导英国民众力挽颓风,涤瑕
1) William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
Lyrical Ballads (1798) 《抒情歌谣集》
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
2) George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)
Childe Harold‘s Pilgrimage
Don Juan 《唐·璜》(The Isles of Greece)
3) Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Then they settled at Dove Cottage in Grasmere in the Lake District, and this time with fellow poet Robert Southey nearby. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey came to be known as the “Lake Poets"
Birth Place of Wordsworth
Grasmere Lake District
Dove Cottage
-In 1850, he died at Rydal Mount
St Oswald’s Church→ in Grasmere
Wordsworth and his relatives were buried in the Grasmere churchyard.
--Their works raised woman to the high place in literature.
英国文学史Lecture 3 William Wordsworth(II)
![英国文学史Lecture 3 William Wordsworth(II)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7090c03a2af90242a895e5b3.png)
• Pay special attention to the two comparisons in this stanza! • How do you interpret this stanza? • The song of a nightingale is so rare and exciting for the travellers in the Arabian Deserts to hear, so it is with the song of the cuckoo bird; but more exciting is to hear the singing of the solitary reaping girl here on the Highland.
夜莺a bird good at singing
1No =chant歌唱
Nightingale did ever chaunt 2More welcome notes to weary bands 3Of travellers in some shady haunt, 4Among Arabian sands
the girl is singing in Erse, which is not familiar to the poet.
of her parents
5. He is best in descriptions of mountains and rivers; flowers and birds; children and peasants; reminiscences of his own childhood and youth. == nature.
• Note first the recurrence of the same meaning in different words, and the repetition of the common words from daily language!
She dwelt among the untrodden ways Beside the springs of Dove, A maid there was none to ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้raise And very few to love:
A violet by a mossy stone Half hidden from the eye! --Fair as a star, when only one Is shinning in the sky.
Points of View
1. Poetry Is Spontaneous “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” 2. A whisper of nature: “the nurse,/the guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul/ of all my moral being” Nature to him is a source of mental cleanliness and spiritual understanding; a healing power; a teacher; the stepping stone between Man and God; 3. “emotion recollected in tranquility” A poet’s emotion extends from human affairs to nature, but emotion immediately expressed is as raw as wine newly bottled.
My Heart leaps up when I behold
华兹华斯 诗歌二首ppt课件
![华兹华斯 诗歌二首ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ec3912c9cf84b9d528ea7aa6.png)
华兹华斯诗歌的主要特点及思想意义 华兹华斯的小诗清新,长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义 平板,典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活波的浪漫主义诗风。他 的十四行诗雄奇,他的《序曲》(1805)首创用韵文来写自传 式的“一个诗人的心灵的成长”,无论在内容和艺术上都开 了一代新风。华兹华斯关于自然的诗歌优美动人,他的这类 诗歌的一个突出特点就是--寓情于境,情景交融.这种风格 的体现是作者通过对诗歌的题材、诗歌所用 的语言以及对诗歌所用的格律、诗体和作者对 诗歌词汇的选择体现出来的.
雄鸡啼叫, 溪水滔滔, 鸟雀声喧, 湖波闪闪, 绿野上一片阳光; 青壮老弱, 都忙农活; 吃草的群牛 总不抬头, 四十头姿势一样!
Like an army defeated The snow hath retreated, And now doth fare ill On the top of the bare hill; The plowboy is whooping—anon-anon: There's joy in the mountains; There's life in the fountains; Small clouds are sailing, Blue sky prevailing; The rain is over and gone!
残雪像军队 节节败退, 退到山顶, 面临绝境; 耕田郎阵阵吆喝; 山中有欢愉, 泉中有生趣; 云朵轻飏, 碧空晴朗, 这一场春雨已过!
双音节韵又称女韵或阴韵(feminine rhyme),其基本特征是行 尾单词最后两个音节押韵,其中倒数第二个音节是重读音节, 而最后一个音节是非重读音节。由于其读音是重读加非重读 结构,因此它又称扬抑格韵(trochaic rhyme)。
威廉·华兹华斯_最终版 ppt课件
![威廉·华兹华斯_最终版 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e8d183246bec0975f565e240.png)
In the autumn of 1798,Wordsworth,Dorothy,and Coleridge traveled to Germany. While Coleridge was intellectually stimulated by the trip, its main effect on Wordsworth was to produce homesickness.
The Reign of Terror estranged him from the Republican movement, and war between France and Britain prevented him from seeing Annette and Caroline again for several years.
Because of lack of money and Britain's tensions with France, he returned alone to England the next year. The circumstances of his return and his subsequent behaviour raise doubts as to his declared wish to marry Annette, but he supported her and his daughter as best he could in later life.
He returned to Hawkshead for his first two summer holidays, and often spent later holidays on walking tours, visiting places famous for the beauty of their landscape. In 1790, he took a walking tour of Europe, during which he toured the Alps extensively, and also visited nearby areas of France, Switzerland, and Italy.
William Wordsworth.pptx
![William Wordsworth.pptx](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cfe302c5b9f3f90f76c61bf6.png)
2. Wordsworth‘s personality and poetry were deeply influenced by his love of nature, especially by the sights and scenes of the Lake Country, in which he spent most of his mature life.
Literary Position
A leader of English Romanticism A lake poet Poet of nature Poet laureate 桂 冠诗人
sunjinde、 yujintao、hewen、
caiqingsong yangyongxiang、
William Wordsworth
• 英国浪漫主义诗人。1770年4月7日生于北部昆布兰 郡科克茅斯的一个律师之家,1850年4月23日卒于 里多蒙特。8岁丧母。5年后,父亲又离开了他。亲 友送他到家乡附近的寄宿学校读书。
......1787年他进入剑桥大学圣约翰学院学 习,熟读了希腊拉丁文学,学习意大利文、法文 和西班牙文。1790年和1791年两次赴法。当时正 是法国大革命的年代,年轻的华兹华斯对革命深 表同情与向往。回国后不久,局势剧变,华兹华 斯对法国大革命感到失望。1795年,他和妹妹多 萝茜以及诗人柯勒律治居住在北部山地的湖区, 并在此消磨了一生。1798年华兹华斯与柯勒律治 共同发表了《抒情歌谣集》,1800年这部诗集再 版时华兹华斯写了序言。
Rydal Mount is a house in the Lake District. It is best known as the home of the poet William Wordsworth from 1813 to his death in 1850.
Revolution exert great influence on English
• Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.
• English Romanticism is a revolt of the
English imagination against the
neoclassical reason. The French Revolution
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The Solitary Reaper:
a postcolonial interpretation
• The postcolonial critic Edward Said pointed out in his “Orientalism”(1978) that non-western otherness was created and consumed by western commentators. They sought not so much to understand other cultures but to revel in the spectacle and sensation of their difference.
What is good poetry?
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility: the emotion is contemplated till by a species of reaction the tranquility gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was before the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced, and does itself actually exist in the mind.
Who can be a poet?
• A poet is a man speaking to men,: a man, it is true, endued with more lively sensibility, more enthusiasm and tenderness, who has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul, than are supposed to be common among mankind; a man pleased with his own passions and volitions, and who rejoices more than other men in the spirit of life that is in him; delighting to contemplate similar volitions and passions as manifested in the going-on of the universe, and habitually impelled to create them where he does not find them.
• He claimed that the great subjects of poetry were “the essential passions of the heart” and “the great and simple affections” as these qualities interact with "the beautiful and permanent forms of nature” and are expressed in a “naked and simple” language that is “adapted to interest mankind permanently”.
• Brought about a revolution in poetry by taking common themes and events and writing in the language of ordinary men.
• He was strongly against the neo-classical poetry. He changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of thlitary Reaper: a postcolonial interpretation • Rather than assuming a single nationalist viewpoint, it might be suggested to see the different layers of cultural identity. • Out of treacherous circumstances, as much as any more positive ones, emerges literary expression.
William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
• One of the most accomplished and influential of England’s romantic poets
• One of the Lake Poets: William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert Southey