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一般过去时用来表示过去某一时间内发生的动作或存在的状态以及过去习惯性、反复性的动作。谓语动词要用动词的过去式,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday昨天、last night 昨晚、last week上周、last year去年、…ago等


1. Be动词的一般过去时在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词

am is 的过去式为was; are的过去式为were,was是表示单数,were是表示复数肯定句式:主语+ be(was , were) + 其它.

否定句式:主语+ be(was , were) + not + 其它.

一般疑问句:Be(was , were) + 主语+ 其它

2. 实义动词的一般过去时态肯定句要使用动词的过去式,否定句和疑问句要使用助动词did.

肯定句式:主语+ 动词(过去式)+ 其它

否定句式:主语+ didn’t + 动词(原形)+ 其它【did not = didn’t】

一般疑问句:Did + 主语+ 动词(原形)+ 其它【do , does的过去时均为did】注:did和didn’t 是构成一般过去时的助动词,其特点是要在其后跟动词的原形


1.一般情况下,在动词原形后面加-ed:looked played started visited stayed

2.以不发音e结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-d:lived cloesd liked loved tasted

3.以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词,先将y 改为i ,再加–ed:

study→studied try→tried cry→cried copy→copied carry→carried

4.以重读闭音节(即辅音+元音+辅音)或r音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要先双写这个辅音字母后,再加–ed: stop→stopped plan→planned


1. is→was am→was are→were do→did have→had

2. begin→began ring→rang run→ran drink→drank sing→sang swim→swam

sit→sat give→gave make→made come→came eat→ate

3.write →wrote speak→spoke drive→drove choose→chose tell→told ride→rode

shoot→shot get→got win→won forget→forgot

shake→shook take→took stand→stood

4. go→went meet→met sleep→slept sweep→swept spell→spelt

feel→felt keep→kept spend→spent bend→bent

5. know→knew fly→flew blow→blew grow→grew throw→threw

draw→drew 特别注意:glow→glowed

6. teach→taught catch→caught buy→bought fight→fought think→thought

7. find→found hear→heard say→said lie→lay see→saw learn→learnt mean→meant

8. put→put read→read cut→cut let→let



( )1.My father______ill yesterday.

A.isn't B.aren't C.wasn't D.weren't

( )2.______your parents at home last week﹖

A.Is B.Was C.Are D.Were ( )3.The twins______in Dalian last year.They______here now.A.are; were B.were; are C.was; are D.were; was ( )4.______your father at work the day_____yesterday(前天)﹖A.Was; before B.Is; before C.Was; after D.Is; after ( )5.—Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A.I am B.I was C.Yes, I was D.No, I wasn't 二、请用正确动词形式填空。(10)

1. I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend.

2. _________ she _________(practice) her guitar yesterday?

No, she _________.

3. What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening?

He ________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

4. They all _________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

She ________ (stay) at home and _________(do) some cleaning.


1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting


2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________.

She _________ an English book last night.

3. Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。
