
HUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRXRT-610Hardly affected by colorThe color or size of the object does not affect its sensingperformance.Hardly affected by backgroundThe sensor does not detectthe background beyond theset distance since it is ofdistance adjustable type.RobustIts robust enclosure is made of die-cast zinc alloy.High-speed response time: 1 msIt can be used on a high speed assembly line.BASIC PERFORMANCEWaterproof IP67 (IEC)The equipment on which the sensor is mounted can bewashed without any problem.ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCENote: H owever, take care that if it is exposed to water splashesduring operation. It may detect a water drop itself.Insusceptible to dustThe sensing performanceis less affected by dust asit does not depend on theincident light intensity.has a specular surface.Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200344FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-6105 m cable length type5 m 16.404 ft cable length type (standard: 3 m 9.843 ft ) is also available for NPN output type.Model No.: RX-LS200-C5Accessory• MS-RX-1 (Sensor mounting bracket)Narrow-view slit mask• OS-RXL-□Protective tubeTwo M4 (length 16 mm 0.630 in )hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG345Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610I/O circuit diagram Wiring diagramSymbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diodeTr : NPN output transistor±10 %RX-LS200NPN output type 056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200346FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610I/O circuit diagramWiring diagramNote: T he output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit.Do not connect it directly to a power supply or a capacitive load.Symbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diode Tr : PNP output transistorto 24 V DCSensing fields• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask(Horizontal)0.3940.394Left Center in )S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n Up Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.3940.394S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m in Left Center in)0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m mi nUp Center in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L(m m i nLeft Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nUp Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing range0.787 1.575 2.362 3.1503.937 in , 7.874 in , each, with white non-glossy 1.969 × 1.969 in ).side length a (mm in )S e n s i n g r a n g e L (m m i n D i s t a n c e L (m m i n RX-LS200-P PNP output type056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG347Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610Correlation between material (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in) and sensing range200 mm 7.874 in100 mm 3.937 in50 mm 1.969 inWhitenon-glossypaperPlywoodCardboardCeramiccircuitboardGraynon-glossypaper(Lightness:3)BlackrubbeMirrorThese bars indicate the sensing rangewith respective objects when thedistance adjuster is set at the sensingrange of 200 mm 7.874 in, 100 mm3.937 in and 50 mm 1.969 in long,each, with white non-glossy paper.(GreenmaskedsurfaceGlassepoxyprintedcircuitboardSensingrangeL(mminWiring• The output of RX-LS200-P does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit. Do not connect it directly to apower supply or a capacitive load.Others• Do not use during the initial transient time (50 ms) afterthe power supply is switched on.Mounting• The tightening torque should be 1.17 N·m or less.• Care must be taken regarding the sensor mountingdirection with respect to the object’s direction of movement.Do not make the sensordetect an object in thisdirection because it maycause unstable operation.Sensing object Sensing object Sensing objectintersection of the “ ”mark on the lens faceand the “ ” line.• When detecting a specular object (aluminum or copperfoil) or an object having a glossy surface or coating,please take care that there are cases when the objectmay not be detected due to a small change in angle,wrinkles on the object surface, etc.• When a specular body is present below the sensor, usethe sensor by tilting it slightly upwards to avoid wrongoperation.Use conditions to comply with CE Marking• Following work must be done in case of using thisproduct as a CE marking (European standard EMCDirective) conforming product.Ensure that the shield is connected to 0 V or the actualground.• In case of connecting a sensor to power supply 0 V by usinga shield (piping, etc.)• In case of grounding by using a shield (piping, etc.)Note: The shield (piping, etc.) must be insulated.• If a specular body is present in the background, wrongoperation may be caused due to a small change in theangle of the background body. In that case, install thesensor at an inclination and confirm the operation withthe actual sensing object.• Do not install the sensor at a distance of less than 50 mm1.969 in from the object because the sensing is unstablein this range.Correct Correct Incorrect056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200348FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610Distance adjustmentSensorRX-LS200 RX-LS200-PProtective tube (Optional)PT-RX500 PT-RX1000MS-RX-1Sensor mounting bracket (Accessory)Assembly dimensions• Follow only steps 1 and 2 respectively. Since the sensing point may change depending on the sensing object, be sure to check the operation with the actual sensing object.<When a sensing object is approaching / moving away from the sensor><When a sensing object moves horizontally to the sensor>) hexagon-socket-AdjustersAdjusting procedure056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。

1. 反射型光电传感器:反射型光电传感器由发送器和接收器组成,通过测量反射光信号的强度来检测物体的存在。
2. 透射型光电传感器:透射型光电传感器也由发送器和接收器组成,物体的存在是通过物体阻挡传感器和接收器之间的光信号来检测的。
3. 全局式光电传感器:全局式光电传感器是一种集成了发送器和接收器的传感器,通过测量接收器收到的散射光信号的强度来检测物体的存在。
在安装光电传感器时,应注意以下几点:1. 安装位置:根据实际需求和检测场景,选择合适的安装位置。
2. 防护措施:根据具体情况,选择适当的保护措施。
3. 连接线路:正确连接光电传感器与其他设备的线路,确保稳定的电源供应和正确的信号传输。
下面是一些常见的调试和校准步骤:1. 电源和信号调试:接通电源后,检查传感器的指示灯是否点亮,确保传感器正常供电。

G6经济型迷你光电开关德国西克传感器产品简介2 S I C K超越标准 - G6易于对准经济型迷你光电开关3w w w.s i c k.c o m/g lo b al s en so r片技术S I C K4 S I C KGTB6L+M QL+MQ NC漫反射式光电开关,背景遮蔽型LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能施克 芯片,抗环境干扰和传感器互相干扰ASIC 光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)G6S I C K5252010501550(1.97)mm(inch)100(3.94)150(5.91)200(7.87)250(9.84)300(11.81)Ø 6.6Ø 5.6Ø 5.3(5.91)(9.84)(1.97)(7.87)(3.94)(11.81)18 % 90 %2 6 %311)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值信号冗余最大典型检测范围检测距离对白色( 的反射率)的检测距离对灰色( 的反射率)的检测距离对黑色( 的反射率)的检测距离5) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)距离单位为毫米(英寸)6 S I C KL+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮光轴接收光轴发射L+M Q NC反射式光电开关,增强型漫类激光性能GTE6G6S I C K 71)对90%反射率物体(基于DIN 5033的标准白色)2) T a=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时3)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A4) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值检测范围1000101信号冗余mm(inch)50(1.9)100(3.9)150(5.9)200(7.9)250(9.8)300(11.8)215) 空载8) 0°C以下不可弯曲6)电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例1:1最大典型检测距离距离[mm]8 S I C KGL6镜反射式光电开关金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 施克ASIC芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰 大旋钮方便调节指示灯大而明亮L+M Q所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)L+M Q NC光轴接收光轴发射M3螺纹安装孔LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确G6S I C K 9(inch)(78.7)(157.5)(236.2)(315.0)1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲检测范围 (EGR: 2)[m]GL6镜反射式光电开关,可调节灵敏度检测距离 6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节+–4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6-P4211GL6-N4211GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-N1211GL6-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器①②③④⑤⑥⑦PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)S I C K10G6S I C K 11信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米)传感器3. = +25°C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3)不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA6) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间7) 亮/暗比例为1:18) 低于0 °C 时不可弯曲最大检测距离6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径8 mm ,距离350 mm 处偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3) 能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: QPNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 5)响应时间 < 625 µs 6)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 7)连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 8)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6-N1212N4211P1211P1212P4211检测距离和信号冗余型号Part no.GL6-P1211GL6-P1212GL6-P4211GL6-N1211GL6-N1212GL6-N4211105992210608151059241105992310608141059631订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m 订货号检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围12GL6G 镜反射式光电开关检测距离6 m镜反射式光电开关尺寸图所有型号调节4针,M81L+M Q34棕色蓝色黑色3 x 0.14 mm 2连接类型GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N4212GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212附件电缆和接头安装附件反射镜7.6(0.30)9.7(0.38)18.3(0.72)21 (0.83)11.4(0.45)31.5 (1.24)28.5 (1.12)25.4 (1.00)0.5 (0.02)0.5 (0.02)9.7(0.38)3 (0.12)L D12(0.47)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)1L+M Q NC342棕色蓝色黑色白色光轴接收器光轴发射器M3螺纹安装孔绿色LED 指示灯,电源黄色LED 指示灯,接收光线亮通/暗通旋钮: L = 亮通D = 暗通接收器灵敏度调节器+–PinPoint LED 光源技术,光点更亮更精确金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固SICK ASIC 芯片,抗环境光干扰和传感器互相干扰可通过270°电位计调节接收器灵敏度适用于特殊表面和光亮物体①②③④⑤⑥⑦S I C KG6S I C K 13信号冗余Ø 8 mmØ 25 mmØ 80 mmØ 130 mm距离(米) A = +25 °C 时,平均工作时间100000小时2) 限定值,短路保护下的最大电流为8 A 3) 不得超出供电电压V S 的允许范围值4) 空载5)最小光束衰减为20%6) V S > 24 V 或环境温度大于49 °C 时,最大电流I A = 50 mA7) 电阻负载下的信号传输时间8) 亮/暗比例为1:19)低于0 °C 时不可弯曲10) 温度需稳定在±10 °C 范围内最大检测距离 6 m 检测范围 5 m接收器灵敏度调节器270°电位计配套装置 PL80A 反射镜光源类型 LED 红光,650 nm 1) 光点直径 8 mm ,距离350 mm 偏光滤镜 供电电压V S 10 ... 30 V DC 2)残余纹波 ± 10 % 3)能耗 ≤ 30 mA 4)开关输出 NPN :集电极开路:QPNP: Q 光束衰减 > 20%特殊设计 适用于透明物体 5)PNP 高/低输出电压V S – (≤ 3 V)/约0 V NPN 高/低输出电压约V S /≤ 3 V 输出方式 亮通/暗通旋钮最大输出电流I A 100 mA 6)响应时间 < 625 µs 7)切换频率典型值为1 kHz 8) 连接方式电缆,PVC ,2 m 9)M8接头,4针防护等级电流保护电源极性反接保护输入输出短路保护输出过流保护防护等级IP 67环境温度T A 工作温度 –25 °C ... +55 °C 10)储存温度 –40 °C ... +70 °C 重量 M8接头型,约20 g2 m 电缆型,约60 g 外壳材质ABS, PC, PMMA随附配件P250反射镜,安装支架N1211技术数据GL6G-N1212N4211N4212P1211P1212P4211P4212检测距离和信号冗余型号订货号GL6G-P1211GL6G-P1212GL6G-P4211GL6G-P4212GL6G-N1211GL6G-N1212GL6G-N4211GL6G-N421210599241060812105963210608101059925106081110596331060809订货信息REF-IRF-56型反射镜PL20A 型反射镜P250型反射镜PL40A 型反射镜PL80A 型反射镜反射镜型号 检测范围0.25 ... 1.6 m0.07 ... 2.2 m 0.07 ... 3.5m 0.07 ... 3.8 m 0.07 ... 5.0 m检测范围最大检测距离距离单位为米(英寸)距离单位为米(英寸)最大检测距离检测范围传感器S I C KL+M QL+MQ NC射式光电开关对 LED光源技术,光点更亮更精确 金属螺纹安装孔,安装简便且坚固 大旋钮方便调节 指示灯大而明亮类激光性能光轴接收光轴发射所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)GSE610G6S I C K 111,000100101(inch)(157.48)(472.44)(314.96)(629.92)[m]信号冗余检测范围1) Ta=+25°C下平均工作时间100,000小时2)限定值,电源极性反接在短路保护下电流最大8A 3) 不可以超出供电电压Vs允许范围值4)空载5) 电阻性负载情况下信号传输时间6) 亮/暗比例1:17) 0°C以下不可弯曲最大典型检测距离距离电缆和插头/安装附件Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)Ø9.8(.4)8.2Ø9.81)使用过程中最小弯曲半径R min = 20 x 电缆直径12S I C KS I C K13附件L1412All dimensions in mm (inch)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)所有尺寸均为毫米(英寸)锁紧螺丝反射镜14 S I C K1)发货包含 GL6 标准型号S I C K15附件完善的服务领先的技术独特的产品SICK 概览SICK CHINA| 客户服务专线: 4000-121-0008014182/2013-09-09中文译本 内容如有变更,恕不另行通知SICK 是一家世界顶级的传感器技术提供商,在全球建立了接近50个子公司和众多的销售机构, 雇员总数超过6,300人。

二、光电传感器常见类型根据不同的工作原理和应用场景,光电传感器可以分为以下几种类型:1. 光敏电阻传感器:使用半导体材料制作的光敏电阻元件,在光照射下电阻值会发生变化。
2. 光电二极管传感器:光电二极管(Photodiode)是一种能够将光信号转换为电流信号的元件。
3. 光电三极管传感器:光电三极管(Phototransistor)是一种能够将光信号转换为电流信号的放大器件。
4. 光电开关传感器:一种通过控制光源和接收器间的光线来实现开关动作的传感器。
三、光电传感器的选择指南在选择光电传感器时,需要综合考虑以下因素:1. 检测距离:根据应用场景的需求,选择适当的检测距离。
2. 物体颜色:部分光电传感器对物体颜色的适应能力有限,尤其是对于特定颜色反射率较低的物体。
3. 工作环境:考虑到工作环境的条件,选择具有合适防护等级的光电传感器,以确保其能够适应恶劣的工作环境,如高温、湿度、腐蚀性气体等。

存在性检测、运动传感、位置编码、限位传感、运动 物体的检测和计数。
∙ 印刷机和复印机
∙ 数据储存系统 ∙ 运动控制系统
∙ 注射泵及其他无创式医疗设备 ∙ 扫描
∙ 自动交易系统 ∙


26 15
可调校型号 WT 24-2B 250 WT 24-2V 250
WT 24-2B 240 WT 24-2B 440 WT 24-2V 540
1.0 1.0
13 t2
14 t1 15 t1
H 11
t1 + t 2 12
测试输入“TE” 发射器关闭
VDE保护等级7) 电路保护8) 防护等级
工作环境温度 存储环境温度 重量 前镜加热 外壳材料
1)TA=+25℃叶的平均使用寿命 为100.000小时
WT 24-2 B 210 B 220 B 313 B 410 B 420 V 220 V 510
3针插头 1 L+ 2M 3 Q/Q
M12.4针插头 1 L+ 3M 4 Q/Q 2 TE
1 L+ 3M 4 Q/Q 5 2 TE
光源种类1) 光点直径
工作电压Vs 残余纹波3) 电流功耗4)
开关输出 最大输出电流 响应时间5) 开关频率6) 预故障信号输出 延时
开关输出 最大输出电流 响应时间5) 开关频率6) 预故障信号输出 延时

and retroreflective (DC)
The alarm output (PNP open
contamination or improper alignment.
collector 30 mA) for DC versions The alarm output is activated if the
BOS 65K Universal Series
Body Style Type
When your
application calls for
more power, the
BOS 65K high
power series is the photoelectric sensor
to choose. The
BOS 65K high
power series has a high excess gain
designed for dirty,
environments that
cause most sensors
to fail.
Large block 90° optics
Large block 90° optics
output or
Diffuse (270° Pot.)
PNP/NPN NO/NC Light/Dark-on 2 m, Timer
– Light-on/Dark-on AC/DC Relay NO/NC Light/Dark-on 2 m, Timer $
Polarized Retroreflective (270° Pot.)

二、选用光电传感器的关键因素1. 检测距离:根据需要检测的距离确定光电传感器的探测范围。
2. 材料适应性:在某些特殊场合,光电传感器在检测时可能会遇到一些特殊材料,如透明物体或金属物体。
3. 环境适应性:光电传感器在工业环境中工作,常常遇到各种干扰因素,如光线强度的变化、温度变化以及外界杂光等。
4. 响应速度:对于一些需要高速响应的应用,如快速流水线上的物体检测,需要选用响应速度较快的光电传感器,以保证检测的精确性和准确性。
三、光电传感器的使用技巧1. 安装位置:光电传感器的安装位置对于检测的准确性至关重要。
2. 清洁维护:光电传感器在使用过程中容易受到灰尘、污垢等的影响,导致检测不准确。
Omron 光电传感器选择指南说明书

IntroductionThe tables on the following pages provide information to assist in your selection of the Omron photomicrosen-sor that best meets your requirements.The part number key on this page provides a breakdown of component information included in the part number itself.For example,if your requirements call for a photomicrosensor that is pulse-modulated and slotted,you would limit your search to the EE-SPX numbers, and use the tables to find specific information about slot width,dimensions,and modulation types.E E--S--PhotomicrosensorP=Pulse modulatedX=SlottedY=DiffuseZ=Fiber opticW=Through-beam3=Built-in Amp(Dark ON)4=Built-in Amp(Light ON)6=Built--in Amp(Light ON/OFF)2or3digit development numberDevelopment numberAmplified PhotomicrosensorsJ SLOT (TRANSMISSIVE)Slot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 3.6mm21.2EE-SPX740Dark-ON Modulated24257.4EE-SPX840Light-ON 2424EE-SPX301Dark-ON 58267EE-SPX401Light-ON 58EE-SPX306-W2ADark-ON 307.42521.2EE-SPX406-W2A Light-ON 3021.2EE-SPX742Dark-ON 24137EE-SPX842Light-ON 0.52421.2EE-SPX302-W2ADark-ON 30137EE-SPX402-W2ALight-ON 3021.2EE-SPX743Dark-ON 24137EE-SPX843Light-ON 2421.27EE-SPX304-W2ADark-ON 3013EE-SPX404-W2A Light-ON 305.0mm15.5EE-SPX741Dark-ON 2427.26.95EE-SPX841Light-ON 2427.215.5EE-SPX305-W2A Dark-ON3015.5EE-SPX405-W2A Light-ON 0.83013.0mmEE-SPX303Dark-ON 54267.4EE-SPX303-15426EE-SPX403Light-ON0.554(This table continues on the next page.)Slot (transmissive)--continued from previous pageSlot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model OutputOptical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 5.0mm222EE-SX670Light-ON/Dark-ONNon-modulated3822.26.95EE-SX670A 4625.4EE-SX470Light-ON38155EE-SX671Light-ON/Dark-ON 3815.514.5EE-SX671A g 4626.2EE-SX471Light-ON38222EE-SX672Light-ON/Dark-ON3822.226EE-SX672A 4613.4EE-SX472Light-ON38222EE-SX673Light-ON/Dark-ON3822.212.8EE-SX673A 4613.4EE-SX473Light-ON 38155EE-SX674Light-OFF/ON3815.5215EE-SX674A 4621.513.6EE-SX474Light-ON 083818EE-SX770Dark-ON0.8344EE-SX770A31.1EE-SX870Light-ONEE-SX870A EE-SX771Dark-ON 342113EE-SX771AEE-SX871Light-ON18EE-SX871A EE-SX772Dark-ON3431.119.1EE-SX772AEE-SX872Light-ON12EE-SX872AJ DIFFUSESensing distance Sensing method Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Features Page 5.0mmDiffuse reflective20Horizontal modelEE-SPY301Dark-ON ModulatedWide operating voltage range 64267EE-SPY401Light-ON (5to 24VDC)Built-in LED indicatorControl output:6420Vertical modelEE-SPY302Dark-ON p 80mA64267EE-SPY402Light-ON641to 5mm2525.46.95Horizontal modelEE-SY671Light-ON/Dark-ONNon-modulatedBuilt-in sensitivity adjusterWide operating voltage range (5722525.46.95Vertical modelEE-SY672Light-ON/Dark-ONto 24VDC)Output mode selectable72EE-SB5MLight-ON Incorporated 68222EE-SB5MC Dark-ON filter cuts off visible light 6822.2695EE-SB5V Light-ONSensitivity dj t t 686.95EE-SB5VC Dark-ON y adjustment 6819mm (3/4")25.4EE-SB5V-ELight-ON terminals incorporated 682to 6mm (approx.Convergent reflective 22.8Horizontal modelEE-SPY311Dark-ON ModulatedDetects objects against 761/4")268EE-SPY411Light-ON mirror-like surfacesat a distance of more 7622.8Vertical modelEE-SPY312Dark-ON 20mm or more.Detects minute or black objects.76268EE-SPY412Light-ON 76200mmDiffuse retro--EE-SPZ301-ADark-ON Long-distance detection with 80reflective7.42625EE-SPZ401-ALight-ONthe E39-R1Reflector80Note:The maximum detectable distance of each reflective photomicrosensor is based on detecting a piece of white paper with areflection factor of 90%.J FIBER-OPTIC7.42625J THROUGH--BEAMSensing distance Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Detectable object (mm)Page 1m27EE-SPW311Dark-ON ModulatedOpaque:5dia.min.8625.48EE-SPW411Light-ON 8630cm125.8EE-SPW321(-A)Dark-ON Opaque:2dia.min.907.54610.712EE-SPW421(-A)Light-ON90Specialty PhotomicrosensorsSensing Distance Sensing Method Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Features Page 4mmReflective3031.915.4Z4D-F04AAnalogNon-modulatedResolution down to 5μm.1024mmReflective3031.915.4Z4D-F04DON/OFFResolution down to 5μm.1025mmInductive sensing(unshielded)641.328E2R-A01NPN open collectorNoneHigh response frequency of 5khz minimum.98J LIQUID LEVEL SENSORSlot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model OutputOptical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 13.0mm7.417.22616EE-SPX613Light-ON/Dark-ON Modulated0.896J CONNECTORSModel AppearanceApplicable sensorsEE-1001EE-SX470/470P/670/670P EE-SX471/471P/671/671P EE-SX472/472P/672/672P EE-SX473/473P/673/673P EE-SX474/474P/674/674P EE-1006The connectorincorporates a 2-m wire harness.EE-SX670A/670R EE-SX671A/671R EE-SX672A/672R EE-SX673A/673R EE-SX674A/674REE-SPX303/303-1/403EE-SY671/672EE-SB5M(C)/SB5V(C)EE-SB5V-EEE-SPY311/411/312/412EE-SPW311/411EE-1006A Connector HolderWhen using the EE-1006connectorEE-1006D,1006L The connectorincorporates a 2-m wire harness.EE-SPW311/411EE-1002EE-SPX301/-SPX401,EE-SPY301/-SPY401,EE-SPY302/-SPY402,EE-SPZ301-A/-SPZ401-A,EE-SPZ301Y-01/-SPZ401Y-01,EE-SPZ301W-01/-SPZ401W-01,EE-SPZ301W-02/-SPZ401W-02,EE-1003The connectorincorporates a 1-m wire harness.EE-SPZ301/-SPZ401EE-1003A Connector HolderEE-1010D Z4DEE-1013EE-SPX740/840E22-01E2R-A01J NPN-PNP OUTPUT CONVERTERModel Appearance Applicable sensor Page120 EE-2001EE-SPX301,EE-SPX401,EE-SPY301,EE-SPY401,EE-SPY302,EE-SPY402EE-SPZ301-A,EE-SPZ401-A,EE-SPZ301Y-01,EE-SPZ401Y-01,EE-SPZ301W-01EE-SPZ401W-01EE-SPZ301W-02,EE-SPZ401W-02,EE-SPZ301,EE-SPZ401120 EE-2002EE-SX670,EE-SX670-A,EE-SX671,EE-SX671-A,EE-SX672,EE-SX672-A,EE-SX673,EE-SX673-A,EE-SX470,EE-SX471,EE-SX472,EE-SX473,EE-SPY311,EE-SPY312,EE-SPY411,EE-SPY412,EE-SY671,EE-SY672,EE-SPX303,EE-SPX403,EE-SPW311,EE-SPW411,EE-SB5V,EE-SB5V-E,EE-SB5VC,EE-SB5M,EE-SB5MC。

一些基本的要求如下: 1( 传感器将被设计成为小型、外表粗糟的小盒子。
2( 对于便携式仪器,仪器具有合理的能源消耗,仪器所选的电源为市场容易得到的电池。
3( 仪器的操作和维护将是很容易完成,只要工厂内的职工经过简单的专业培训即可。
4( 安装固定传感器时,在某一周期内,传感器的功能将会达到连续可靠,该周期长达30天。
5( 仪器的费用是合理的。

VS - (≤ 3 V) / 约0 V 约VS / ≤ 3 V
100 mA
< 1,000 µs
500 Hz
2 m电缆6) M12公插头 (取决于产品型号)
A 7) B 8) D 9)
IP 67
< 500 µs 1,000 Hz
GRSE18 对射式光电传感器 – 0 m ... 15 m 0 m ... 10 m 可见红光/红外光 (取决于产品型号) PinPoint LED 3) LED 3) (取决于产品型号) Ø 250 mm (10 m) Ø 420 mm (10 m) (取决于产品型号)
• 更具成本效益的圆柱形M18光电传感器 • 7种不同的外壳设计 • 塑料或金属型,配置轴向出光或径向出光光学器件 • PinPoint 类激光光源 • 高亮的LED状态指示灯 • 采用久经考验的SICK技术,坚固耐用且可靠 • 外壳防护等级高达IP 67 • 提供特殊设计的“完全齐平”安装的金属型型号 (GR18S)
–25 °C ... +55 °C –40 °C ... +70 °C
在“Test(测试)”0V时发射 器关闭
其他型号g /en/GR18
• 光电传感器原理:漫反射式光电传感器 • 检测原理:增强型 • 外壳设计:轴向 • 光源种类:可见红光 • 开关模式:亮通/暗通切换 • 调校:电位计,270 °
– 紧固螺母(4个)
8015168/2014 - 05 -19 如有改动,恕不另行通知
GR18光电传感器 | SICK

377FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTOELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASUREMENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSSimple automatic sensitivity settingAnyone can carry out the optimum sensitivity setting bysimply pressing two buttons.Quick wire connectionA snap of the lever secures the connection of the sensor headcables on the SU-7 amplifier. It is no longer required to stripthe wire insulation. Further, the exclusive stripper (accessory)can be used to easily peel off the sensor cable outer sheath.1ligning with the mark to bedetected, press the “ON” button.2A ligning with the background,press the “OFF” button.Caution: The outer fluorine sheath of the chemical resistant type sensor head,SH-61R, cannot be cut off with the exclusive stripper.1Strip the cable sheathswith the exclusive stripper.2Insert the wires intothe holes.3Flip up and lockthe lever.Refer to “PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE(p.387~)” for further details.Nine advanced functions for versatile sensingFUNCTIONSthe push of one button without the presence of an object.the center towards either ON or OFF level.levels. They can be selected by the remote inputs.specified by an external input.stability indicator indicates thedegree of the sensitivity margin.ON-delay or OFF-delay of 0 to 5 sec.Thickness: 10 mm 0.394 inChemical resistant typeStrong against chemicalsSince the sensor heads and the attached cables arecovered by fluorine resin, SH-61R can be used in aharsh chemical environment.Moreover, it has a longsensing range of 2.5 m8.202 ft.ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCESH-61RInstallation space can be greatly reduced as the SU-7amplifier is just 10 mm 0.394 in thick.(W10 × H31.5 × D67 mm W0.394 × H1.240 × D2.638 in)MOUNTING / SIZELong sensing range2.5 m 8.202 ft/id/pidsx/globalSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES378FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREASENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOWSENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLEWIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURINGSYSTEMSLine-focus typeSuitable for detecting printed charactersIt can be used to detect printed characters because of its line shaped projected area of 1 × 4 mm 0.039 × 0.157 in .VARIETIESSH-84RSpot size 1 × 4 mm0.039 × 0.157 inGlass substrate detection typeReliable glass substrate detectionIts unique optical system enables detection of transparent glass plate, as well as, specular film deposited glass plate at the same distance.No dead zoneRepeatability: 0.03 mm 0.001 inNot affected by backgroundSuitable for tiny object sensingSpot diameter: ø0.7 mm ø0.028 inTop/bottom face of a chip component can be easily discriminated.Ultra-small typeSensor head with indicatorAn operation indicator, whichenables an easy checking of the operation at site, has beenincorporated.2 m 6.562 ft long sensing range with red LED beam (SH-33R)Visible red LED beam makes alignment easy.Ultra-slim typeCompact size: 0.3 cm 3Thickness: 3 mm0.118 inSH-72ø0.7 mm ø0.028 inRed/white color discriminationDiscrimination between red/white, red/yellow or red/orange, which is difficult with the red LED type, is easy with SH-82G .Spot diameter ø1 mm ø0.039 in• Side sensing Versatile mountingThru-beam type sensor head• Front sensingOperation indicator (Red)Diffuse reflective typesensor head• Front sensing379Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor heads AmplifiersSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES380FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSPlug-in connector typeIt is usable with the sensor & wire-saving link system S-LINK , sensor block for simple wiring SL-BMW or SL-BW , or with connector attached cable CN-54-C2 or CN-54-C5.Sensor & wire-saving link system S-LINK(Refer to our website for details.)Sensor block for simple wiring SL-BMW, SL-BW(Refer to p.1015~ for details.)Connector attached cable CN-54-C2 (2 m 6.562 ft long)CN-54-C5 (5 m 16.404 ft long)Accessories• MS-DIN-2(Amplifier mounting bracket)• SU-CT1(Exclusive stripper)• MS-SH6-1(Sensor head mounting bracket for SH-61R)Slit mask• OS-SS3The sensor head and the slit mask are mounted together.Sensor head mounting bracket• MS-SS3-1Two M3 (length 12 mm 0.472 in ) screws with washers are attached.• MS-SH6-2No screw is attached.• CHX-SC2Sensor checker• MS-DS-1Two M3 (length 14 mm 0.551 in ) screws withwashers are attached.381Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor heads2) The sensing range and the hysteresis of the diffuse reflective type sensor are specified for white non-glossy paper (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in) as theobject.3) Make sure to confirm detection with an actual sensor before use.4) The optimum condition is the condition when the sensitivity is adjusted so that the operation indicator just lights up at the given distance in the lightreceived condition.5) The optimum sensitivity stands for the sensitivity level when the operation indicator just lights up in the light received condition.Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES382FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERSPLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSobject approaches the spot sideways as shown below (0.12 mm 0.005 inSensor headsNotes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, theconditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 °C +73.4 °F .2) The sensing range and the hysteresis of the mark sensor are specified for white non-glossy paper (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in ) as the object.3) The sensing range and the hysteresis for the chemical resistant type sensor used in the convergent reflective mode is specified for white non-glossy paper (150 × 150 mm 5.906 × 5.906 in ) as the object .4) Make sure to confirm detection with an actual sensor before use.5) The optimum sensitivity stands for the sensitivity level when the operation indicator just lights up in the light received condition.6) The minimum sensing object for SH-84R is specified for the case when Spot383Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifiers2) SU-7J is plug-in connector type.Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES384FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITSWIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMS12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-7 SU-7J Standard type/NPN outputI/O circuit diagramWiring diagram12 to 24 V DC ±10 %12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-77Remote sensitivity setting type12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-75External synchronization input typeI/O circuit diagram12 to 24 V DC ±10 %SU-79Remote sensitivity selection typeI/O circuit diagramSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistorSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistorSymbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diode Tr 1, Tr 2 : NPN output transistor385Slim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric Sensor SU-7SERIES SHSERIESFIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE /FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULARUSE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICESLASER MARKERSPLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACESENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSSU-7P Standard type/PNP output I/O circuit diagram Wiring diagramSH-21 SH-21E Thru-beam type SH-31R Thru-beam type SH-31G Thru-beam type SH-33R Thru-beam typeSH-22Diffuse reflective type SH-32R Diffuse reflective typeSH-72Glass substrate detection sensor SH-82R Mark sensor SH-82G Mark sensor SH-84R Mark sensor Parallel deviation Parallel deviation Parallel deviation Parallel deviationSensing field Sensing fieldSensing field Sensing field Sensing field Sensing fieldCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing rangeAs the sensing object sizebecomes smaller than thestandard size (white non-glossypaper 50 × 50 mm 1.969 ×1.969 in), the sensing rangeshortens, as shown in the leftgraph.For plotting the left graph,the sensitivity has been setsuch that a 50 × 50 mm 1.969× 1.969 in white non-glossypaper is just detectable at adistance of 100 mm 3.937 in.12 to 24 V DC±10 %in)7.874 3.937 3.9377.874SettingdistanceL(mft0.787 1.575 2.362 3.150White non-glossy paperside length a (mm in)SensingrangeL(mmin)0.1570.157Center Right)SettingdistanceL(mminin)0.0390.0200.0200.039Symbols … D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diodeTr1, Tr2 : PNP output transistorSlim Body Automatic Sensitivity Setting Photoelectric SensorSU-7 SERIES SH SERIES386FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONSSIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSSH-61RChemical resistant typeFor ultra-small type, mark sensor & glass substrate detection sensor• The tightening torque should be 0.29 N·m or less when mounting the sensor head with the screws.Parallel deviationSensing field with optional mounting bracket (MS-SH6-2)Chemical resistant type• Use M3 screws to mount the sensor head with the attached sensor head mounting bracket.• Use M4 screws to assemble the sensor head with the optional sensor head mounting bracket MS-SH6-2, in order to form the convergent sensing mode.In case of chemical resistant type sensor head • Do not use where it can be exposed to molten alkali metals (sodium, potassium, lithium, etc.), fluorine gas (F 2), CIF 3, OF 2 (including gaseous state), etc.• In case of cable extension, the extended portionshould be placed in an area where it is not exposed to chemicals.Sensor head15.7487.87415.7487.874)S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m f t)MountingUltra-slim type The tightening torque should be 0.14N·m or less.The tightening torque should be 0.14 N·m or less.<Side sensing><Front sensing>• With tapped screws• With attached screws and nuts<Side sensing><Front sensing>Sensor head mounting bracket MS-SS3-1 (Optional)FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifierWiring• The self-diagnosis output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit. Do not connect it directly to apower supply or a capacitive load.Sensitivity setting●Normal sensitivity setting●Sensitivity for detecting minute differences●For applications in which beam intensity fluctuatesRemote sensitivity selection function (SU-79 only)• SU-79 can store four channels of sensitivity levels, whichcan be selected as per your requirement.Designate the channel that is to store the sensitivity bymaking the remote sensitivity selection inputs 1 and 2suitably High or Low.Signal conditionLow: 0 to 1 VHigh: 4.5 to 30 V, or openInput impedance: 10 kΩChannel selection●Maximum sensitivity setting*How to set sensitivity with external inputsFIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSAmplifierExternal synchronization function (SU-75 only)• The external synchronization function can be used to control the timing of sensing. Edge trigger or gate trigger are available.Note: The external synchronization selection switch must be turned fullyclockwise or counterclockwise.Test input (emission halt) function (SU-75 only)• When the test input (emission halt input) (violet) is short-circuited to 0 V (Low), the beam emission is halted. This function is useful for a start-up test since the sensing output can be made ON/OFF without the sensing object. Short-circuit to 0 V and open the input, repeatedly. If the sensing output follows this operation, the sensor is working well, else not.Timer function (Excluding SU-75)• Every SU-7 series amplifier (excluding SU-75) is incorporated with a variable ON/OFF delay timer for 0 to 5 sec.ON-delayAs only longersignals are extracted, this function is useful for detecting if a line is clogged, or for sensing only objects taking a long time to travel.OFF-delaySince the outputa fixed time interval, this function is useful if the output signal is so short that the connected device cannot respond.Self-diagnosis function• The sensor checks the incident light intensity, and if it isreduced due to dirt or dust, or beam misalignment, an output is generated.Sensing condition Sensing output (operation indicator)(in the Light-ON mode)Stability indicatorSelf-diagnosis output1The self-diagnosis output transistor stays in the “OFF” state during stable sensing.2 When the sensing output changes, if the incident light intensity does not reach the stable light received level or the stable dark level, the self-diagnosis output becomes ON. It is automatically restored after 40 ms approx.Further, the self-diagnosis output changes state when the sensing output changes from Light to Dark state.It is not affected by the output operation of the sensing output.3 In case of insufficient beam interruption, there will be a time lag before the self-diagnosis output turns ON.Others• Do not use during the initial transient time (0.5 sec.) after the power supply is switched on.• Timer period settingNote: Adjust the timer under “SET” mode. Adjustmentis not allowed in “SIF” or “RUN” mode.Adjust the time duration of ON or OFF delay by turning the timer adjuster.T ≥ 0.6 ms (T ≥ 0.8 ms when the interference prevention function is used)Place ferrite core at the sensor cable.Place a ferrite core near the amplifier.In that condition, the sensor head cable should be single-winding.Prepare 1 pc. of the following recommended ferrite core (or an equivalent product.)<Recommended product>ESD-SR-110 [NEC TOKIN Corporation]When sensor head is reflective typeWhen sensor head is thru-beam typeUse conditions to comply with CE Marking(SH-3□ only)• Following work must be done in cace of using this product as a CE marking (European standard EMC Directive) conforming product.FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSMS-DIN-2Amplifier mounting bracket (Accessory for amplifier)Sensor headSH-21ESensor headSH-22Sensor headSH-32RSensor headSH-21Sensor headSH-31R SH-31G SH-33RAssembly dimensions with attached amplifier mounting bracketNotes: 1) It is the external synchronization selection switch on SU-75.2) The top view is shown without the cover or the sensor head cable.Note: The above dimensions are identical for the emitter and the receiver.0.089Material: C old rolled carbon steel (SPCC)(Uni-chrome plated)FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSSensor head SH-82R SH-82G SH-84RSensor headSH-72Sensor headSH-61RMS-SH6-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Accessory for SH-61R )Stripper (Accessory for amplifier)SU-CT1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-DS-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-SS3-1Sensor head mounting bracket (Optional)MS-SH6-20.5.5 t 0.024) ) Material: S Material: S (SUS304)。

SELECTION GUIDE According to EN 954-1** The given information is indicative and synthetic; it is compulsory to refer to the complete EN 954 standard for a correct risk and safety type evaluation.TYPE2TYPE41515UNSHIELDEDCABLESSHIELDED CABLESAPPLICATIONSO P E R A T I N G P R O T E C T I O N P O I N TACCESSORIESC O N N E C T O R C A B L E SS E 2-335S F 2-330POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 35 mm 30 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1500 mm RESPONSE TIME 15 ... 32 ms 24 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm31 x 32 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual reset Total/partial Muting selection Automatic resetOverrideCERTIFICATIONSAutomatic packaging machinesAutomated assembly lines Automatic working machines Automatic machines for packing and packaging Automatic warehousing and materials handling Automated assembly lines (pick and place)Textile, ceramic, wood and leather industryAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2C V s e r i e sC S s e r i e sM12 axial and radial connector cables with 3, 4, 8 poles Cable lengths: 3, 5, 10, 15, 25 m Cable material: PVCThe use of shielded cables is compulsory for the safety devices of the SE2and SE4 series, suggested for the Sx -SS T2/ST4M12 axial and radial connector cables with 3, 4, 5 polesCable lengths: 3, 5, 7, 10 m Cable material: PVCM12 4-poles non-cabled connectors are availableAPPLICATIONSO P ER AT IN G P R O T E C T I O N P O I N TS E 4-330S E 4-335POWER SUPPLY24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 14 mm 20 mm 30 mm 35 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 6 m 0.2 ... 6 m 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 150 ... 900 mm 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1650 mm RESPONSE TIME 18 ... 39 ms 16 ... 39 ms 15 ... 32 ms 15 ... 32 ms OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Total/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionOverrideOverride Override OverrideCERTIFICATIONSOTHER FUNCTIONS S E 4-114S E 4-220Benders and cuttersMetal, plastic and leather working machinesPresses and punching machinesMetal forming, milling and drilling machinesAccording to IEC 61496-1/IEC 61496-2Presses and punching machinesBenders and cutters Metal working machines COLUMN AND FLOOR STANDSACCESSORIESC O L U M N A ND F L O O R S T A N D S / P R O TE C T I V E S T A N D SPROTECTIVE STANDSS E -S S s e r i e sS E -P P s e r i e sTo be used with the SE2, SE4, SF2safety light curtains series and SE -DD M deviating mirror series Available in different heights:800, 1000 and 1200 mm with 30 x 30 mm profile dimensions1500 and 1800 mm with 45 x 45 mm profile dimensionsGround fixing plate dimensions: 240 x 240 mmTo be used with the SE2, SE4and SF2 safety light curtains series Available in different heights ranging from 273 mm to 1743 mmPRESENCE CONTROL PROTECTION: TYPE 2APPLICATIONSPR ES EN C E C O N T R O L P R O T E C T I O NS F 2-550S F 2-990POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 50 mm 90 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 300 ... 1500 mm 300 ... 1500 mm RESPONSE TIME 24 ms max.24 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 31 x 32 mm 31 x 32 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONS TestTestAutomatic resetAutomatic resetCERTIFICATIONSStorage and stacking areasWorking areas Robot areas Robot areas Transfer areas Palletising areasStorage and stacking areasAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2(pending)(pending)ACCESSORIESF I X I NG B R A C K E T S / S A F E T Y R E L A Y SFIXING BRACKETSSAFETY RELAYSS T s e r i e sS E -S S R 2 s e r i e sThe fixing brackets are supplied together with the safety light curtains of the SE2, SE4 and SF2 seriesStandard fixing brackets (4 pcs kit) are available for the SE2and SE4safety light curtains, as well as orientable, anti-vibration supports and anti-scratch fixing brackets for the SF2 seriesT ype 4 safety relays - safety contacts: 3 NO 1 NCT o be used with the SE2, SE4and SF2safety light curtain seriesPRELIMINARYPRELIMINARYAPPLICATIONSA C C E S S P R O T E C T I O NSB -B B WS-T T 2+Sx -SS T2POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc24 Vdc N° BEAMS2-3-4up to 2OPERATING RANGE 0.5 ... 50 mup to 50 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT500-800-900-1200 mm 500 mm RESPONSE TIME 14 ms22 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 relayCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mmDEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual resetTotal/partial Muting selection OverrideS E 2-P PCERTIFICATIONSAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2Automatic warehousesRobots Transfer areasPalletisers / depalletisers Automatic warehousesAccess control, working areas and robotsConveyorsSAFETY SENSORS3-pole shielded cable S5/S10-ST2M12 connector – S5/S10/S30-ST2Terminal block – S30-ST2SB-BWS-T2 control unitS5-ST2 M18 plastic safety sensors S10-ST2 M18 metal safety sensors S30-ST2 maxi safety sensorsACCESSORIESD E V I A T I N G M I R R O R S / L A S E R P O I N T E RDEVIATING MIRRORSLASER POINTERS E -D D M s e r i e sS E -L L P s e r i e sT o be used with safety light curtains of the SE2, SE4, SF2series and Sx -S S T2/ST4monobeam safety photosensor seriesAvailable in different heights ranging from 150 mm to 1800 mm Deviating mirrors dimensions: 124 mm width, 6 mm depthTo be used with SE2and SE4 safety light curtain seriesACCESSORIESMUTIN G D E V I C E S /T E S T P I E C E S APPLICATIONSA C C E S S P R O T E C T I O NS E 4-P PSB -B B WS -T T 4+Sx -S S T4POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc N° BEAMS2-3-42-3-42-3-4OPERATING RANGE 0.5 ... 25 m4 ... 50 mup to 50 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 500-800-900-1200 mm 500-800-900-1200 mm RESPONSE TIME 14 ms14 ms32 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 relayCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Total/partial Muting selection Total/partial Muting selection Total/partial Muting selection OverrideOverrideDouble Muting/OverrideS E 4-Q QCERTIFICATIONSAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2Assembly robotised linesPalletisers Conveyors Palletisers / depalletisers Automatic warehousesAccess control, working areas and robotsConveyorsSAFETY SENSORS3-pole shielded cable S5/S10-ST4M12 connector – S5/S10/S30/SL5-ST4T erminal block – S30-ST4SB-BWS-T4 control unitS5-ST4 M18 plastic safety sensors S10-ST4 M18 metal safety sensorsSL5-ST4 laser M18plastic safety sensors S30-ST4 maxi safety sensorsMUTING DEVICESTEST PIECESL M S s e r i e sMuting lamps: standard, tower modular, with horizontal and vertical mountingMuting sensors: DATASENSOR non-safety sensors can be used (refer to relative documentation)T P s e r i e sVersions with 14, 20, 30 and 35 mm diameterOTHER FUNCTIONSDATASENSOR SpA is the Italian leading company in the production and sales of optoelectronic devices for detection, safety, measurement and inspection for industrial automation. The range includes complementary products, such as temperature controllers and ultrasonic sensors. The DATASENSOR worldwide presence is guaranteed by the subsidiaries in France, Germany, Spain and UK, as well as a widespread network of local distributors, including selected Qualified Automation Partners (QAPs). Thanks to its unique technology of the product and production process, DATASENSOR can boast an active partnership with the main companies operating in the world of automation.T h e w o r l d w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r k i s o n -l i n e :w w w .d a t a s e n s o r .c omDATASENSOR SpAvia Lavino 265, 40050 Monte San Pietro, BO - Italy Tel. +39 051/6765611 • Fax +39 051/6759324 •e-mail:*******************DATASENSOR FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)4/72476180Fax +33 (0)4/72470721 e-mail:******************DATASENSOR GmbH Tel. +49 (0)8104/89060Fax +49 (0)8104/890699e-mail:******************。

237SENSORSSENSORSHUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610Unit volume ratio reduced by about 50%* * As compared to EX-10 seriesThe world’s thinnest* sensor dimension of 3 mm 0.118 in has been achievedby utilizing new semiconductor packaging technology that does not use wirebonding. The small unit size allows installation of sensors in a narrow spacewhere only a conventional fiber sensor head could be installed before. The built-inamplifier also saves on installation space.* Among photoelectric sensors with built-in amplifier, as of April 2017 in-company surveyFront sensing type Side sensing typeApprox.50% smallerin volume ratiothan EX-10Approx.35% smallerin volume ratiothan EX-10EX-Z1□F□W8 × H14 × D3 mmW0.315 × H0.551 × D0.118 inEX-Z1□W5.5 × H15.9 × D6.5 mmW0.217 × H0.626 × D0.256 inSEN TRONIC056 222 38 18Capable of sensing an extremely small ø0.3 mmCapability to sense a small ø1.0 mm ø0.039 in in-company surveyBuilt-in slitEX-Z11□Slit diameter: 0.3 mmIP67(IEC239Ultra-minute Photoelectric Sensor EX-Z SERIESFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610A variety of mounting brackets are available!A spacer for mounting at the back (1 type) for through-wall sensing and sensor mounting brackets (3 types) are available tomeet a diversity of sensor installation needs.Spacer for mounting at the back(for front sensing type only)Operation indicator (orange) canbe checked from the rear side.Through-wall detectionNote: The model No. with “E” shown on the label affixed to the thru-beam type sensor is the emitter, “D” shown on the label is the receiver.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGUltra-minute Photoelectric SensorEX-Z SERIES240FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITSWIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERSPLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-610Sensor mounting bracketMaterial: S tainless steel(SUS304) Two M2 (length 4 mm0.157 in ) pan head screws and two M2 (length 8 mm 0.315 in ) pan head screws are attached.Material:S tainless steel (SUS304) Two M2 (length 4 mm0.157 in ) pan head screws are attached.tainless steelMaterial: PolyacetalM2 (length: 10 mm0.394 in ) screws, nuts, springwashers and flat washers are attached. (20 pieces each)• MS-EXZ-2• MS-EXZ-3• MS-EXZ-4Spacer for mounting at the backMounting• In case of mounting on tapped holes (Unit: mm in )The tightening torque should be 0.2 N·m or less.• In case of using attached screws and nuts (Unit: mm in )The tightening torque should be 0.2 N·m or less.Side sensingFront sensingM2 screw (length 10 (accessory)plate: 2 0.079 or less plate: 2 0.079 or less (accessory)Nut Spring washer Flat washerOther• Do not use during the initial transient time (0.5 sec. approx.) after the power supply is switched on.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG241Ultra-minute Photoelectric Sensor EX-Z SERIESFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +23°C 73°F.2) Model Nos. having the “-P” are PNP output type and model Nos. having the “-R” are bending-resistant cable type.3) The bending-resistant cable type has a 0.1 mm2 3-core (thru-beam type emitter: 2-core) bending-resistant cabtyre cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGUltra-minute Photoelectric SensorEX-Z SERIES242FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-6100.7870.3940.3940.787Operating position ℓ (mm in )Left Left Right Operating angle θ (°)S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nS e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L(m m i n3.9371.969 1.969 3.937Operating position ℓ (mm in )Left Left Right Operating angle θ (°)S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n3.9371.969 1.969 3.937S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n S e t t i n g d i s t a nc e L (m m i n Left Right in )LeftEX-Z11F□ EX-Z11□Thru-beam typeParallel deviationParallel deviationParallel deviationAngular deviationAngular deviationAngular deviationNPN output type I/O circuit diagramPNP output type I/O circuit diagram12 to 24 V DC ±10 %Note: The emitter does not incorporate the output.Symbols … D 1: Reverse supply polarity protection diode D 2: Reverse output polarity protection diode Z D : Surge absorption zener diode Tr: NPN output transistorNote: The emitter does not incorporate the output.Symbols … D 1: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeD 2: Reverse output polarity protection diode Z D : Surge absorption zener diode Tr: PNP output transistorEX-Z12F□ EX-Z12□Thru-beam typeEX-Z13F□ EX-Z13□Thru-beam type056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG243Ultra-minute Photoelectric Sensor EX-Z SERIESFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610EX-Z11F□ EX-Z12F□ EX-Z13F□Sensor EX-Z11□ EX-Z12□ EX-Z13□Sensor4.41.756.5EmitterReceiverEmitterMS-EXZ-1Sensor mounting bracket (Optional)Material: Stainless steel (SUS304)Two M2 (length 4 mm 0.157 in) pan head screws and two M2(length 8 mm 0.315 in) pan head screws are attached.MS-EXZ-2Sensor mounting bracket (Optional)Material: Stainless steel (SUS304)Two M2 (length 4 mm 0.157 in) pan head screws are attached.10.50.2683.3056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGUltra-minute Photoelectric SensorEX-Z SERIES244FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-610MS-EXZ-3Sensor mounting bracket (Optional)MS-EXZ-4Spacer for mounting at the back (Optional)0.2680.177Material: Stainless steel (SUS304)Two M2 (length 8 mm 0.315 in ) pan head screws are attached.Material: PolyacetalSet of 10 piecesM2 (length: 10 mm 0.394 in ) screws, nuts, spring washers and flat washers are attached. (20 pieces each)056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。

光电传感器Photoelectric Sensors
12~24V DC
12~24V DC
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(以QS18VN6FPQ 为例)
Q S 18
D10=10mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D11=11mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D12=12mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装FI22=扁平式塑料光纤放大器VS1=小型自含传感器(聚焦式)
VS2=小型自含传感器(对射,聚焦式)VS3=小型自含传感器(对射,反射板式)VS4=小型自含传感器(对射式)T08=8mm 螺纹T 型
Q10=小型自含式直流光电传感器Q14=14mm 直角型传感器
QS12=MINI-BEAM2®12mm 螺纹小型光电传感器Q23=23mm 直角型传感器
Q23H =水平式23mm 直角型传感器
小型自含式光电传感器,具有多种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳
QS18E =小型自含式专家型光电传感器,具有多
种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳
30mm 安装螺纹外壳
SM312=MINI-BEAM 系列传感器,具有普通型和
S12=12mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关S18=18mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关M18=18mm 螺纹金属圆柱型光电开关S30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关
Q25=25mm 宽,带安装螺母18mm 螺纹Q40=40mm 宽,带安装螺母30mm 螺纹T18=18mm 螺纹T 型
TM18=18mm 螺纹金属T 型光电开关T30=30mm 螺纹T 型
SM30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型增强密封型光电开关QM42 & QMT42= 金属外壳自含式直流光电传感器PD45=聚焦式高精度激光传感器Q50=光电位移传感器
Q60=可调区域式光电传感器60x75mm Q85=端子输出形式,直角型85x65mm R55=色标传感器
SL30=30mm 宽,槽型传感器SL10=10mm 宽,槽型传感器
带自适应数字逻辑电路M12=激光发射器1、2级QC50=真彩颜色传感器QL50, QL55= 荧光传感器OTB =光电按钮
LTB =锁定功能光电按钮STB =自检功能光电按钮VTB =工序校验光电按钮V N
A =亮态操作或常开
B =可选(常开或常闭)
DA =动态输出(AC 耦合,常开)DR =动态输出(AC 耦合,常闭)F =预留
I =隔离型互补输出(常开加常闭)L =模拟量输出R =暗态操作或常闭
S =可选输出(互补输出或常开加报警输出)T =可选输出(互补输出或常闭加报警输出)V =互补输出(常开加常闭)
X =适用总线加(两位定义总线类型和模式)Z
Z 形式输出(1常开+1常闭,独立)
B =双极性(1NPN & 1PNP 输出)D =2线直流(晶体管输出)I =模拟量电流输出IU =模拟量电流电压输出M =NPN/PNP 可选输出N =NPN 晶体管输出P =PNP 晶体管输出
R =继电器输出(机电触点)U =模拟量电压输出W =3线交流
Email: sensors@
A =自动修正
B =公制管螺纹C1=600V 交流电缆
H =高增益(不改变响应时间)MK =kodak 定制(940nm 发射器)Q =接插件式QP =电缆接插式S =慢速响应时间T =延时功能W/..=加长电缆Y =高速响应
Y2=高速响应/脉宽延时(暗态操作)MHS =
1=90 ~ 130V ac 2=90 ~ 250V ac 21=90 ~ 240V ac 23=22 ~ 36V ac
3=20 ~ 250V ac 或12 ~ 250V dc + 24 ~ 250V ac
31=20 ~ 250V ac + 22 ~ 36V dc 4=预留40=预留
6=10 ~ 30V dc 62=10 ~ 48V dc 63=12 ~ 24V dc 64=15 ~ 24V dc 65=24V dc ±10%
7=10 ~ 30V dc TTL 兼容72=5V dc ±10%, TTL 兼容8=预留
81=20 ~ 30V ac/dc 9
C =聚焦式(红外光)W =宽角度直反式CB =聚焦式(蓝光)E =发射器
CW =聚焦式(白光)EB =发射器(镜头齐平)CG =聚焦式(绿光)EF =发射器光纤式CV =聚焦式(可见红光)EK =发射器带同步线CVB =聚焦式(可见蓝光)EL =发射器(长距离)CVW =聚焦式(可见白光)ELD =发射器(激光器)CVG =聚焦式(可见绿光)
EX =发射器(高能量)F =光纤式(红外光,玻璃光纤)R =接收器
FP =光纤式(可见红光,塑料光纤)RB =接收器(镜头齐平)FV =光纤式(可见红光,玻璃光纤)RF =接收器光纤式FVB =光纤式(蓝光,玻璃光纤)RK =接收器带同步线FVW =光纤式(白光,玻璃光纤)RL =接收器(长距离)FVG =光纤式(绿光,玻璃光纤)RX =接收器(高能量)FPB =光纤式(蓝光,塑料光纤)FF =固定区域式FPW =光纤式(白光,塑料光纤)AF =可调区域式FPG =光纤式(绿光,塑料光纤)LAF =激光固定区域式D =直反式(短距离)L =反射板式(红外光)DL =直反式(长距离)LV =反射板式(可见红光)DB =直反式(镜头齐平)LP =反射板式(偏振光)
DBZ =直反式(镜头齐平)LPC =反射板式(偏振光,透明物体检测)DX =直反式(高能型)LL =反射板式(激光)LD =激光直反式
LLP =反射板式(激光偏振)