



Oligo 7是一款引物设计软件,可以对引物进行评价。

以下是Oligo 7评价引物的标准:
1. 引物的特异性:评价引物与非特异性序列的结合能力,以及在基因组中的潜在结合位点。

2. 引物的长度:引物的长度会影响其特异性,太长或太短的引物可能导致不准确的PCR产物。

3. 引物的GC含量:GC含量过高或过低可能导致PCR过程中退火温度的选择和产物稳定性出现问题。

4. 引物二聚体和发卡结构:这些结构可能导致引物自身结合,影响PCR扩增效率。

5. 引物间的互补性:评价引物之间是否存在互补区域,这可能导致引物二聚体的形成。

6. 引物与模板的互补性:评价引物与模板DNA的结合能力,以确保PCR 产物的一致性。

7. 引物的突变和多态性:评价引物对基因突变和多态性的敏感性,以确保引物适用于不同基因型。

8. 引物的热稳定性:评价引物的解离温度(Tm),以确保PCR过程中选择合适的退火温度。

9. 引物的安全性:评价引物是否可能产生任何安全性问题,如对实验者的毒性或对环境的污染。

这些标准可以帮助您评估Oligo 7设计的引物质量,以确保PCR实验的成功和准确性。

Oligo 7操作方法

Oligo 7操作方法



修饰目的基因(设计引物)的原则:1.引物全结构包含保护碱基——酶切位点——防错位碱基——匹配序列;2.引物长度一般以25~32bp为宜,过长会导致延伸温度过高;3.从“ATG”开始计算,考虑到密码子的简并性,引物3’端最后一位要避开密码子的第3位,以免影响扩增的特异性与效率;4.考虑到引物的稳定性,引物3’末端应选择G/C而不选择A/T;5.引物自身、引物与引物之间存在的互补序列不应超过4个;6.发夹结构及引物二聚体只要不是太牢固即可忽略;7.上下游引物长度及GC含量尽可能接近,Tm值之差绝对值以小于4℃为宜;8.退火温度一般用58℃,以便上下调节;Oligo 操作:1.选择【file】,打开新文件;2.在弹出的对话框里粘贴进基因序列,选择【Accept】;3.弹出的对话框即为CDS区全长,先最小化该窗口;4.选择【edit】——【forward primer】,编辑上游引物;4.从全长序列5’端复制前30个碱基粘贴进新弹出的对话框中编辑,第一步筛选酶切位点【search】—【for Restriction Sites】,主要看是否是多克隆位点判断是否为多克隆位点(②法导入须看)提示目的基因里没有的酶切位点(①法导入须看)5.配合质粒图筛选出合适的两端酶切位点(质粒中存在而目的基因里不存在)6.在第4步得到的30位匹配序列对话框中,参照图5输入酶切位点序列→参照附录2输入保护碱基→参照原则输入防错位碱基,再在尾端删除配对序列碱基直至符合原则要求;7.上游引物就设计好了,点击确定保存,跳到全序列窗口,点击【change】--【Strands】转向反向互补链,复制30个,同理编辑下游引物;8.点击确定9.点击save,保存结束。



引物设计软件oligo 应用简介作者: 来源: 时间: 2007-03-07 字体: [大 中 小]在专门的引物设计软件中,“Oligo”是最著名的。


Oligo 5.0的初始界面是两个图:Tm 图和ΔG 图;Oligo 6.0的界面更复杂,出现三个图,加了个Frq 图。



oligo 的下载和安装我就不多说了,打开oligo 相信也无需多讲。

打开oligo 的页面如下:单击file 菜单再点open 或点击“打开”快捷图标或者用快捷键“CTrl+O”可打开下面的窗口在打开的OPEN窗口内选择FreqSeq再点“打开”选择drosfr或者其它一个文件点击“打开”出现以下窗口,点击“window”再点击“Tile”出现以下窗口,图中显示的三个指标分别为Tm、ΔG和Frq,其中Frq是6.0版本的新功能,为邻近6至7个碱基组成的亚单位在一个指定数据库文件中的出现频率。



如果觉得太拥挤,可去掉一个指标,如Frq,这样界面的结构同于Oligo 5.0,只是显示更清楚了。


Frq曲线为“Oligo 6”新引进的一个指标,揭示了序列片段存在的重复机率大小。

选取引物时,宜选用3’端Frq值相对较低的片段再点击Search再点“Fo'r Primers and probes”或使用快捷键F3出现以下窗口,点OK就OK了。

当然你也可以点击“Prameters”和“Search Range”选择你要的参数和你上下游引物的位置及你扩增产物的长度。

oligo7官方说明 中文版

oligo7官方说明 中文版

稳定性较差的引物与产物相差30°Tm。一组警告并不会取消它的资格,而只是表明它可能不是最优的选择。 当警告是“前向起爆药的终端稳定性太高”时,并不意味着反应会受到任何损害。这意味着当使用复杂的 底物时,如基因组DNA或逆转录的总mRNA,你可能会有错误的产物形成问题。至少有必要仔细检查预测产品 的大小。
The next slide shows the calculation graphically (data for temperature of 37° ).
DG 计算示例
Total DG = 1+1+0.3+0.5-1.3-1.3-2.2 = -2.0 kcal/mol
这是一种罕见情况。通常情况下,悬挂的末端正在稳定下来。这是在提醒你,有时添加一个基 地可能会降低双相熔化温度,后面展示了一个即使添加两个碱基也不会影响TM的例子
在搜索引物和探针之后,您可 以打开选定的寡核苷酸窗口。 在此示例中,在所选寡核苷酸 窗口底部列出的文件中执行了 对一致性引物的排序搜索(要以 此方式搜索,您需要单击 Search for Primer&Probe(搜 索引物和探针)窗口的 “SubSearches”(子搜索)选项 卡,然后单击“Consensus Primers”(一致性引物)检查 框中,选择文件并开始搜索。)。选中“选择共识寡核 苷酸”框时,如右图所示,当您双击显示有关给定引 物信息的行时,Oligo 7会选择共识引物。
引物位置的列表可以通过点击(或按住Option键单击)窗口的标题来按分数、寡头位置或/和窗 口的任何其他列进行排序。左上角的下拉菜单允许您选择正向或反向引物显示。在搜索T aqMan集合或嵌套引物之后,您将有更多的选择。



Oligo 6 Tour 主要功能介绍Oligo是一种多功能的程序,通过从一个序列中搜索、选择寡核苷酸而广泛运用于PCR、DNA 测序、定向诱变及各种杂交中。

它采用nearest neighbor thermodynamic values的方法计算出杂交的温度及寡核苷酸的二级结构。




1、主窗口当你运行Oligo、并输入序列之后,Oligo出现了两个窗口:上面的一个为Tm窗口(The Melting Temperature window),下面的一个为内部稳定性窗口(五聚体的DG),还有第三个窗口,即寡核苷酸频率窗口,隐藏在内部稳定性窗口之后。


分析的片段的长度是可变的,取决于monitor resolution。


划分Tm图二等分的水平线代表了这个序列的所有的21个碱基的寡核苷酸的平均Tm值(or free energy or degeneracy or %GC)。


可被用于预测用于PCR 或测序反应特异性的把握度2. Analyze - Key Info显示寡核苷酸的基本信息。

--图4,53. Analyze - Duplex Formation显示了上游引物、下游引物的潜在的二级结构的形成。

Oligo 7 使用教程 个人总结

Oligo 7 使用教程 个人总结

Oligo 7使用教程本人根据自己的使用情况进行了一下总结,由于该软件是新近使用,故有什么不对的地方还望各位专家谅解并进行补充,只希望能对大家有一点帮助。

另附Oligo7软件的下载地址:/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4770823首先,同Oligo 6 一样,File菜单下,选择New sequence ,打开窗口将目的序列粘贴进来,或是选择Open定位到目的cDNA序列(在primer中,该序列已经被保存为Seq文件),这是最初打开时的界面:然后就是进行引物的设计了。

Search 菜单下,选择for primes &probes ,即出现引物搜寻窗口:根据自己的实际情况选择Parameters 或Ranges设置引物的相关参数和范围。



双击之后在最初的Sequence 窗口中就会出现下面的窗口:点击绿色方形图标前面的i标志可了解对应的具体信息。

之后便是对该引物的具体分析了,这部分的分析同Oligo 6基本上是一样的。

选择Analyze菜单,如下图:(1)Analyze中,第一项为Key info,点击Selected primers,会给出两条引物的概括性信息,其中包括引物的Tm值,此值Oligo是采用nearest neighbor method计算,会比Primer5中引物的Tm值略高,此窗口中还给出引物的Delta G和3’端的Delta G.3’端的Delta G过高,会在错配位点形成双链结构并引起DNA聚合反应,因此此项绝对值应该小一些,最好不要超过9。

(2)Analyze中第二项为Duplex Formation,即二聚体形成分析,可以选择上游引物或下游引物,分析上游引物间二聚体形成情况和下游引物间的二聚体情况,还可以选择Upper/Lower ,即上下游引物之间的二聚体形成情况。

OLIGO 7 Primer Analysis Software

OLIGO 7 Primer Analysis Software

2OLIGO7Primer Analysis SoftwareWojciech RychlikSummaryOLIGO performs a range of functions for researches in PCR and related technologies such as PCR and sequencing primer selection,hybridization probe design,inverse and real-time PCR, analysis of false priming using a unique priming efficiency(PE)algorithm,design of consensus and multiplex,nested primers and degenerate primers,reverse translation,and restriction enzyme analysis and prediction;based on a protein sequence,oligonucleotide database allows fully automatic multiplexing,primer secondary structure analysis,and more.OLIGO allows for sequence file batch processing that is essential for automation.This chapter describes the major functions of OLIGO version7software.Key Words:OLIGO primer analysis software;probe analysis;TaqMan probes design software; molecular beacons design software;siRNA design software;open reading frames analysis;gene design;PCR primer analysis;real-time PCR primer design;PCR multiplexing;ligase chain reaction;batch processing.1.IntroductionOLIGO software is the first computer application that appeared on the market.The first freeware version appeared in1986,and the first commercial release(version4)was written in DOS environment in1989.Since then, OLIGO went through many transformations and became a truly comprehensive tool for primer and probe design.The first general description of the software was published in1993(1),and much of the theory on primer selection has not changed since then,so the aim of this chapter is not to repeat general considerations on primer and probe selection but rather focus on functionality of our latest software,OLIGO7,scheduled to be released by the end of2007.From:Methods in Molecular Biology,vol.402:PCR Primer DesignEdited by:A.Yuryev©Humana Press,Totowa,NJ3536Rychlik OLIGO software is used for designing and analyzing oligonucleotide primers or probes and synthetic genes.Based on nearest-neighbor thermodynamics (2–9),OLIGO’s search algorithms find optimal primers for PCR(including design of multiplex,consensus or degenerate primers,inverse and nested PCR,and site-directed mutagenesis),real-time PCR(TaqMan probes),and sequencing.OLIGO searches also for hybridization,ligase chain reaction (LCR)probes,and molecular beacons and even siRNAs.For each primer or primer/probe set,OLIGO’s various analysis windows show a multitude of useful data.The software is also a useful tool for finding restriction enzyme sites(even in reverse-translated proteins)and analyzes all open reading frames (ORFs),including basic information about the translated proteins.The primer and probe selection may be automated by batch processing several sequence files.OLIGO also selects primers/probes in relatively uniform intervals throughout the entire long DNA sequences.2.General InformationThe source code of OLIGO7interface is written in Java,and the search and calculation algorithms are written in C++,compiled for specific machine codes(Windows,Macintosh)to maximize the speed.Presently,OLIGO works only on all newest Windows systems as well as on Mac OS X.There are plans to make it compatible with Solaris and Linux.The minimum free hard disk space is only5Mb and the minimum RAM requirement is25Mb,or higher, depending on the sequence size.OLIGO is shipped on a CD and comes with the installer.Once installed and registered,all updates may be easily downloaded using“Check for Update”function in the“File”menu.2.1.The InterfaceIf you do not load a nucleic acid sequence file,the main menu of OLIGO displays the menu bar only at the top of the screen,as shown in Fig.1,until you load a sequence file or enter one using the“File/New”command.Once you load or enter a file,the OLIGO“Sequence”window appears.To call up menu items on any of OLIGO’s screens,pull down the menu using the mouse.You may also use the shortcut keys.The shortcut keys are displayed to the right of the command description in the menu.Fig.1.The OLIGO7menu.OLIGO7Primer Analysis Software37 When a sequence file is opened,OLIGO displays one window,called the “Sequence”window(see Fig.2),and it includes the elements,functions,and capabilities described below.Information Boxes:At the top,there are three information boxes.The one on the left shows the sequence length,in nucleotides,current reading frame number(translated protein is on the bottom part of this window—more reading frames are displayed in the“Open Reading Frames”window),Current Oligolength,for which you see the Tm graph(see Fig.3),and its5 -end positionnumber along with its Tm in standarized conditions(100nM DNA in1M salt).In the lower left corner of this box,there is a small Info icon,and clicking on it will open“Analyze—Key Info—Current Oligo”window,containing basic information about the highlighted sequence fragment.The central box displays information on four selected oligos:Forward and Reverse Primers and Upper and Lower Oligos,as well as the length of a PCR product if the primers are selected.The central box has also info and a square icon.By clicking on the square icon,you are selecting the“Primer/Oligo”from the Current Oligo.After the selection,you may also invoke the corresponding“Key Info”windows.Clicking the non-dimmed Info icon in the PCR Product row will open the“Analyze—PCR”window.The box on the right displays all featuresFig.2.The OLIGO“Sequence”window.38RychlikFig.3.The OLIGO“Sequence”window:zoom-out area. (annotations)of the sequence.To browse the list,use the vertical scroll bars, if necessary.By clicking at any feature,the graphical representation of this particular feature is displayed in the“Sequence”window in two locations: zoomed out(center)and zoomed in(at the bottom of the window).The Zoom-Out Area:Graphical representation of the sequence is displayed below the information boxes in two areas.The top one is the zoom-out area, which shows the scale,the graph representing melting temperatures of the sequence oligos(of the Current Oligo length),positions of the selected oligos, strong hairpin loops in the template,hairpin loops in all oligos of the Current Oligo length,palindromes,results of search for a string,and a selected feature.Each vertical line of the Tm graph represents the Tmof an oligonucleotidecalculated with the nearest-neighbor method(2–9)or an average of several oligos if the screen has fewer pixels than the number of bases in the sequence.The Tm is calculated for an oligonucleotide length that is set in the“CurrentOligo Length”command from the“Change”menu—the default is a21-mer. The set oligo length is displayed on the window title bar.The Zoom-In Area:The zoom-in area is located at the bottom of the window and starts from the boxes showing the cursor position and corresponding Tm of an oligonucleotide at that position.The zoomed-in scale is just below,and it is followed by the row for Forward Primer,Upper Oligo,original sequence as saved in the file,its complement,Lower Oligo,and the Reverse Primer. Below these,there is the protein sequence translated from the DNA/RNA active sequence in the selected reading frame,followed by the sequence secondary structure and features in the same order as in the zoomed-out area,as shown in Fig.4.Sequences of the selected oligos are displayed in lower case letters when mismatched to the active sequence.OLIGO7Primer Analysis Software39Fig.4.The OLIGO“Sequence”window:zoom-in area.As you use the OLIGO program,there are some features that are available at a certain time and others that are not.OLIGO uses the standard system convention of“graying out”items that cannot be accessed on that particular screen or at that particular time.Explaining all menu options goes beyond the scope of this chapter,so only the major functions,particularly those not found in OLIGO6,will be described here.Besides the“Sequence”window,there are several different“Analyze”menu window types,and if you change something in one window,select another primer for example,the relevant information about the primer will be updated in every opened window.3.The Analyze OptionsThere are18different options in the“Analyze”menu.They are as follows:3.1.Key InfoThe following information is displayed in this window:the names of the oligonucleotide(s)assigned by OLIGO and its sequence,length,and positionnumber on the sequence file,Tm (dangling ends included,if there is a mismatchbetween a given oligo and the opened sequence,the melting temperature isdisplayed with the mismatch),tm (dangling ends and mismatches excluded), G(free energy),entropy and enthalpy,the3 - G of the3 -terminal pentamer,the degeneracy number,the priming efficiency(PE)numbers,and the extinction coefficient properties of the oligo,expressed in nmol/OD at260nm and in g/OD at260nm(OD,optical density unit).40Rychlik3.2.Duplex FormationThe information shown in this window includes the most stable3 -terminal dimer alignment of the primer or probe,the most stable primer dimer alignment overall,the most stable hairpin structure in the primer or probe,if any,and the stability values of the most stable uninterrupted duplex(see Fig.5)in eachalignment,and of the hairpin structure,expressed in kcal/mol;Tm of the hairpinis displayed when it is greater than0 .3.3.Hairpin FormationThe“Analyze—Hairpin Formation”windows display potential hairpin loop structures in the Forward and Reverse Primers and Upper,Lower,or Current Oligo.The hairpin stems are displayed in descending order of stability, expressed in hairpin loop G and the Tmvalues.position and T mThese windows display the base composition and melting temperatures of the selected oligos,entire sequence,or PCR product at various conditions by various calculation methods:nearest neighbor,%GC,and2×AT+4×GC.Besides the Tm values,the“Composition”windows display Tmof DNA/RNAhybrids,the A260/A280absorption ratio(single strand),the molecular weightFig.5.One of the OLIGO duplex formation windows:Forward Primer Duplexes.OLIGO7Primer Analysis Software41 of the given oligo,both single and double stranded,the number and percentage of each base in the oligo plus the number and percentages of A+T and of G+C in this sequence,the melting temperature of the selected nucleic acid molecules with their complements at various salt concentrations(expressed both as mM and as multiples of the SSC buffer)in0,10,and50%formamide, and,for the short oligos only,a calculation of melting temperatures with up to five mismatches.3.5.False Priming SitesThe“Analyze—False Priming Sites”windows display potential false-priming sites for the selected oligos in the sense and antisense strands of the active sequence(see Fig.6).The PE number is a formulation unique to the OLIGO program(a proprietary algorithm)that quantifies the likelihood that a given oligonucleotide will prime at a given site on the template.It has been determined that matching PCR primers by their PE number gives better resultsthan matching the primers by their Tm ’s.This is perhaps more important indesigning multiplex PCR experiments.The PE considers the stability G of primer–template duplexes and their distance from the3 -end,bulge loops, mismatches and their distance from the3 -end,and the overall primer length.3.6.HomologyThe“Analyze—Homology”windows display the best homology alignments for all the four possible oligos that could be analyzed using OLIGO in both the sense and antisense strands of the active sequence.The homology search is using the Lipman and Pearson’s FASTN algorithm(10).3.7.Selected OligonucleotidesThe“Analyze—Selected Oligos”window lists all oligonucleotide selections from the most recent search.Choose the kind of oligos to be displayed(Forward Primers,Upper Oligos,etc.)with the button at the upper left corner of the window.The data table shows all the oligos found in the last search,but if the check box“Hide unpaired oligos”is checked,the table shows only the oligos that match with other oligos in the table that create sets.The sets are created during the search for PCR primer pairs,nested primers,TaqMan probes,or molecular beacons.Although PCR primer search data can be displayed using42RychlikFig.6.An example of a “False Priming Sites”window.The site with priming efficiency of 244points is the real false-priming site as confirmed experimentally (11)in the m13mp18DNA.this option,the window is primarily for displaying sequencing primer and hybridization probe search data.Accordingly,the data table lists T m of the oligo,the 3 -terminal pentamer G (specificity),and GC clamp G stability (the most stable pentamer in the oligo)associated with each oligonucleotide starting at the displayed position.If you have searched for consensus primers or probes,you may pull down the window separator to reveal all sequence alignments and the consensus sequence,which you may select.At the default setting,the window sorts oligonucleotides by descending score,ascending position,and descending length.You may also sort the tableOLIGO7Primer Analysis Software43by oligo’s Tm 3 - G,or GC clamp by clicking on the Sort button abovethat column.You may implement secondary sorts,tertiary sorts,and so on. Simply hold down the<option>key(Mac)or<Ctrl>key(Win)and click on the name of the row.The primary sort field button will be labeled“1,”the secondary“2,”the tertiary“3,”etc.As you click on different positions in the table,the Current Oligo position is updated accordingly.Double clicking on a displayed number selects this oligo as a relevant primer or probe.3.8.Primer Pairs/ProbesThis window contains a table of primer pair data from the most recent search for PCR primers,nested primers,TaqMan probes,or molecular beacons.The following information is included in the table:the primer/probe set number, the primers and probe positions on the positive-and negative-strand active sequences,the PCR product score,the length of the PCR product the pair would generate,the calculated optimal annealing temperature recommended for PCR using this primer pair,and the GC content of the PCR product generated by the listed pair of primers.3.9.PCRThe“Analyze—PCR”window displays various data for PCR based on a user-selected PCR primer pair.The primer pair must be selected before this window can be called up.Optimal annealing temperature for PCR T a OPT and the maximum annealing temperature T a max are given.For an initial experiment,use T a OPT,because it usually gives the highest yield.The T a max should be used mainly for diagnostic purposes because PCR is more specific in these conditions.The information content of this window is illustrated in Fig.7.The Comments area cautions when a particular primer or a probe has some design problems.Avoid a primer-product difference of more than29 because this will produce too much competition between template–template and primer–template annealing.Also avoid designing primers with a high T mdifference whenever possible.When the selected primers have disparate Tm ’s(greater than10 ),the more stable primer does not work optimally because the annealing temperature has to be reduced to compensate for the less stable primer.Removing nucleotides from the5 -end of the more stable primer tomatch Tm ’s does not decrease PCR efficiency.On the contrary,increasing thelength of the less stable primer to match the Tm of the more stable primer willtypically improve PCR.44RychlikFig.7.The“Analyze—PCR”window.3.10.LCRLCR is a diagnostic technique designed to confirm the sequence in a target DNA sample.The LCR function designs two pairs of complementary LCR primers for a wild-type DNA sample,and,optionally,an additional pair to detect a point mutation.3.11.Melting Temperature GraphThe“Melting Temperature”window shows a stability or degeneracy graph displayed on the bottom of the window sequence segment,calculated using the nearest-neighbor method(if stability is displayed)(see Fig.8).Each pointor bar on the graph represents the Tm or G of an oligonucleotide,the5 -terminus of which is located at the position listed on the top right of the window(cursor position).The Tm is calculated for oligonucleotide length that is setin the“Current Oligo Length”option from the“Change”menu—the default is a21-mer.The currently set oligo length is displayed on the window tool bar.The Current Oligo sequence is in red,and a small red circle representsits Tm .This window may display Tmor G profile of oligomers,as well asGC%or degeneracy.There are three modes of displaying Tm and G:withoutdangling ends,and with dangling ends on either forward or reverse strand.Fig.8.The“Melting Temperature”window,dot style,using Zoom1option.The Current Oligo length was set to19nt.The certain display mode propagates to the“Sequence”window.The default isthe melting temperature without the dangling ends,marked as“tm ”throughoutentire OLIGO software.3.12.Internal StabilityThese windows plot the G of pentamers(internal stability)of the active sequence(Current Oligo),and all individual primers and probes.There are two display styles available for this window:“bar”and“dot,”which may be switched using the Options icon.Each base of the Current Oligo pentamer is represented by a red dot or a deep-green bar,whereas the rest of the sequence pentamers are represented by green dots or light-green bars.The colors are uniform for the other“Internal Stability”windows that show short oligos.The cursor position number displayed at the top right shows the pentamer number in a given oligo or the position number of the sequence(“Current Oligo”window).Besides this cursor position,you can read also the G value of the pointed-on pentamer(the cursor points at its5 -end).This window can be used to check whether a given oligo has GC clamps or other features in its G stability.An oligo with a slightly unstable 3 -end,but with higher stability along the remainder of its length,is likely to be an efficient and specific primer,assuming that other design characteristics are optimized.3.13.Sequence FrequencyThis window shows the relative frequency of nucleic acid subsequences (6-or7-mers)throughout the entire loaded sequence.Oligonucleotides with 3 -ends common in a specific database(subset of GenBank)have a greater likelihood of false priming.The tables of frequencies(located in the Frequencies folder)are user-selected and contain normalized frequencies of GenBank subse-quences(6-or7-mers).By choosing oligos with infrequent3 -ends,you aredecreasing the likelihood of selecting a primer that primes on many sites in a complex substrate,such as genomic DNA.In other words,using oligos with low-frequency numbers decreases the chances of unspecific PCR.A frequency of1000is the average hexamer(or heptamer)frequency for a given database. These data tables are also used in the“Eliminate Frequent Oligos”subsearch for primers.3.14.Open Reading FramesThis window displays all ORFs of the loaded sequence(see Fig.9).They are displayed graphically on the top and by the amino acid symbols on the bottom part of the window.ORFs are displayed graphically below the tool bar. The yellow line dividing the positive-and negative-strand ORFs has a green box representing the range of the lower portion of the window with amino acid symbols and the DNA sequence.The extent of the zoomed graph shows also the nucleotide numbers of the most-to-the-right and most-to-the-left nucleotides represented in the graph area.Fig.9.The“Open Reading Frames”window with the color display showing various amino acid types.If you click on any of the ORF,displayed graphically or by the letters(the given ORF block becomes underlined in green),the ORF Statistics table will show its reading frame number,positions on the DNA sequence,size of the protein in the number of amino acids and molecular weight,and the mean pKa value,which is usually similar to its isoelectric point.To the right of the ORF Statistics table,there is a table explaining the meaning of colors used to present ORFs in the graphic style(above)as well as in the letter style in the zoomed area below.In the zoomed area at the bottom of the window,you can see the DNA sequence in the middle,its positive-strand translation above it,and the translation of its negative strand below it in all reading frames.The amino-and carboxy-termini of the proteins are labeled on the sides.The scale on the top indicates the nucleotide position of the sequence. Clicking on any ORF will set the appropriate reading frame in the“Sequence”window.3.15.Restriction Enzyme SitesThis“Analyze”window is available after the Search for the Restriction Sites, which is described in the“Search”menu section.There are two parts of this window that display results of the search in two formats,the top is in graphical format and the bottom is the table listing(see Fig.10).The graphical part consists of three columns.The first two are the same as in the table listing below:the number of an enzyme in the restriction enzyme file that was used to perform the search and the enzyme name.The third column shows at the top the nucleotide position scale of the entire sequence file and at the bottom the recognition sites as vertical blue lines spanning from top to bottom of each row representing the space for a given restriction enzyme.The list,besides the number and the enzyme name,has three more columns, depending on the window width,displaying the actual recognition site,the number of sites in the entire active sequence file,and the recognition sites’positions(in black).The site positions are interrupted by the fragment sizes, displayed in green.Below the table,there is listing of enzymes that do not cut the sequence.At the window bottom,the two search parameters are displayed:the type of sequence(linear or circular)and the file name of the restriction enzyme database used in the search.3.16.Restriction Enzyme Sites in ProteinThis“Analyze”window is available after the Search for the Restriction Sites in Protein.The window looks exactly the same as in the option describedFig.10.The“Restriction Enzyme Sites”window.above,with the same features displayed.The bottom window shows the search range and the type of enzyme cuts that have been considered:blunt ends,3 -or 5 -overhangs,or other(odd).The layout of this window is essentially the same as shown in Fig.10.This search can be performed only on the positive-strand sequence in any of the three reading frames.It is easy to use“Open Reading Frames”window, select the ORF of interest from there,and read the exact search range that needs to be performed.This is the analysis of a protein,so the actual nucleotide sequence has little to do with it.The sites in the potential DNA sequence are calculated onlyfrom reverse-translated protein using the degenerate method,and the windowdisplays all possible restriction sites that could be used in the DNA sequence without changing the protein sequence.3.17.Hybridization TimeThe“Analyze—Hybridization Time”command calculates oligonucleotide hybridization time for various user-selected lengths and concentrations.OLIGO uses the following formula for calculation of the time required to reach half of the equilibrium(after this value,half of all possible duplexes should be already formed):T1/2=ln2∗√L/3 5∗105∗C N 12where N is the total number of base pairs in a non-repeating sequence(molecular complexity),L is the oligonucleotide length(in nt),and CN is theoligonucleotide concentration(mol nucleotides/liter).You may enter new DNA length and concentration values,and the hybridization time will be re-calculated.3.18.ConcentrationsThis is basically a fancy calculator converting different DNA concentrations units.It also calculates the DNA amounts needed to make certain volumes of a nucleic acid at specific molarity.From this window,you may read:“X micrograms of DNA/RNA or Y optical density(OD)units or Z nanomoles in K microliters makes M micromolar DNA/RNA solution.”4.The Search OptionsThe“Search”menu lists four types of searches:for Primers and Probes,a Sequence String,Restriction Sites,and Restriction Sites in Protein.The last two options were mentioned in the previous chapter,the search for Sequence String provides for finding short nucleotide subsequences throughout the entire sequence where the degenerate bases are allowed,and the main OLIGO searches are available from the“Primers and Probes”menu.In the previous versions of OLIGO,there were additional search items—for Hairpin Loop Stems in the template and for Palindromes.It is not that OLIGO7does not have these search possibilities,quite to the contrary,they are automatically performed each time a new sequence file is opened and results are displayed in the “Sequence”window.Moreover,the search for hairpin loops in the template has been integrated with the primer and probe selection schemes.This chapter will only describe in detail the“Search for Primers and Probes”option.The Search for Primers and Probes allows you to search for optimized PCR primer pairs,sequencing primers,TaqMan probes,molecular beacons, hybridization probes,or even siRNA probes in the active nucleic acid sequence. Each of these searches consists of several simple procedures,listed in the “Subsearches”window.If you click the Subsearches button,you will see all available subsearches OLIGO may perform.You may manually check/uncheck each button to activate or deactivate a particular subsearch option.The“Ranges and Parameters”dialogs may be accessed by clicking on the respective buttons in the“Search for Primers and Probes”windows(see Fig.11).These options are also available from the“Change”menu.You can change the search parameter values individually or globally using the Param-eters button.You may specify the search ranges using the Ranges button and change all parameters to defaults at a given stringency level(except the ranges) using the Defaults button.4.1.Available Search ModesSearch in Positive or Negative Strand:You can search in the positive strand, negative strand,or both—just check or uncheck the appropriate boxes.Search Mode:The“Search Mode”is controlled by the Select and Verify buttons.The“Select”search mode is standard for all composite searches and subsearches,wherein all the oligonucleotides in the sequence,within a given search range,are tested.In the“Verify”search mode,all oligos previously found by the search are verified whether they still pass all the tests.This couldFig.11.The“Search for Primers and Probes”windows.be useful after a search at lower stringency followed by increasing the search stringency parameter(s).Oligos that fail to pass through the various subsearch filters are removed,leaving only oligos that passed those two subsequent searches.When the“Complex Substrate”box is checked,two additional subsearches are performed:the“Highly Specific Oligos”subsearch,which eliminates primers with excessively stable3 -ends,and the“Eliminate Frequent Oligos”subsearch,which eliminates primers having3 -ends which occur more frequently in a given database of sequences.If the substrate for your PCR or sequencing reaction is not complex(i.e.,plasmid),checking this box is not typically necessary.posite Search Options4.2.1.PCR Primers:Compatible PairsThe“Compatible Pairs”option generates optimal PCR primer pairs from a nucleic acid patible primer pairs can be selected across the entire active sequence,or they can be selected from specific regions on the file by setting search ranges.Setting search ranges also speeds up this and other OLIGO searches.The stringency of the search can be controlled using the search stringency settings(global)and/or individual parameter settings in the“Parameters”window.The following subsearches are used to find the PCR primers:•Eliminate Ambiguous Bases—by default,selects non-degenerate primers •Duplex-free Oligonucleotides—selects primers free of3 -end and internal dimers •Highly Specific Oligonucleotides(3 -end Stability)—selects moderately stable 3 -ends•Oligonucleotides with GC Clamp—selects oligos with high internal stability regions•Oligonucleotides within Selected Tm Limits—selects oligos with certain T m range•Hairpin-free Oligonucleotides•Eliminate Mono-and Di-Nucleotide Repeats—selects oligos without internal repeats •Detect Sequence Repeats—selects oligos without repeats other than those in the above option•Eliminate Frequent Oligonucleotides—primers with most common3 -ends,found in GenBank(6-or7-mers)are eliminated•Omit High Secondary Structure Regions in the Template—certain sequence areas will not be amplified•Check Primers/Probe Sequence Constraints—no constraints by default but you may ask OLIGO not to choose primers that start with a specific base,for example。





Oligo 5.0的初始界面是两个图:Tm图和ΔG图;Oligo 6.0的界面更复杂,出现三个图,加了个Frq图。







如果觉得太拥挤,可去掉一个指标,如Frq,这样界面的结构同于Oligo 5.0,只是显示更清楚了:∆G值反映了序列与模板的结合强度,最好引物的∆G值在5'端和中间值比较高,而在3'端相对低(如图)。


Frq曲线为“Oligo 6”新引进的一个指标,揭示了序列片段存在的重复机率大小。

选取引物时,宜选用3'端Frq值相对较低的片段:再点击Search再点“Fo'r Primers and probes”或使用快捷键F3:出现以下窗口,点“OK”就OK了。

当然你也可以点击“Prameters”和“Search Range”选择你要的参数和你上下游引物的位置及你扩增产物的长度:出现Search Status窗口,点“OK”:出现Primer pairs窗口,#代表引物对的编号,依次为引物对所处的位置、产物的长度、最适合的退火温度、和GC的百分含量:点击任一行出现“PCR”窗口,告知你扩增片断的位置,最合适的退火温度等等信息:关掉“PCR窗口”和“primer Pairs窗口”回到原来的窗口你就能看到你引物的序列和位置,图中手型鼠标所指即为引物序列:至此引物设计已经完成,你可以用“Analyse”菜单分析你的引物:有无引物二聚体、发卡结构等等:当上下游引物全选好以后,需要对引物进行评价并根据评价对引物进行修改。



发表于 06-12-30 10:00 只看该作者
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oligo的下载和安装我就不多说了,打开oligo相信也无需多讲。打开 oligo的页面如下:
单击file菜单再点open或点击“打开”快捷图标或者用快捷键“CTrl +O”可打开下面的窗口
在打开的OPEN窗口内选择FreqSeq再点“打开” 选择drosfr或者其它一个文件点击“打开”
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Re: 【分享】PCR引物设计软件oligo应用简介 好象在另外网站看过且下载了,不错的分享,能标明去处更好!
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点击任一行出现“PCR”窗口,告知你扩增片断的位置,最合适的退 火温度等等信息。
关掉“PCR窗口”和“primer Pairs窗口”回到原来的窗口你就能看 到你引物的序列和位置,图中手型鼠标所指即为引物序列。
至此引物设计已经完成,你可以用“Analyse”菜单分析你的引物:有 无引物二聚体、发卡结构等等。




在正式进行引物设计前,我们首先面临的一个任务就是向Oligo程序导入模板序列,根据不同的实验情况,导入模板有三种方法:1,直接用键盘输入:a,点击file菜单中的New Sequence 浮动命令,或直接点击工具栏中的New Sequence命令,进入序列展示窗口;b,此时即可键入DNA序列;c,如果需要的话,Oligo提供碱基回放功能,在边键入时边读出碱基,防止输入错误。

点击Edit菜单中的“Readback on”即可。







一,普通引物对的搜索:以Mouse 4E(cDNA序列)为例。

我们的目的是以Mouse 4E(2361 bp)为模板,设计一对引物来扩增出600-800bp长的PCR产物。



把CDS序列和选用质粒的酶切位点进行比较,经核对,二者没有相同 的酶切位点所以用质粒的内切酶不会破坏目的基因序列的完整性
• 根据Oligo分析得到的引物所需要的PCR信息,对目的 基因进行扩增即可。

点击Search For primers&probes(可以根据 自己需求对下面条件进行选择)

根据我们需求选择最适合的的那个引物,即是第5个,并双击得出其PCR 的信息,并将其作为目的引物。
输入基因的CDS 放线菌(actinomycetes) DNA序列并选定,点击sequence 的下拉菜单load sequence的子菜单from selection。点击图中的“是”就可以 将序列导入
从NCBI网站上,利用其搜索放线菌基因有关信息。仔细阅读其相关参数何其 信息,并将其DNA序列保存。打开Oligo 7软件,点击File,再点击子菜单中 的open,然后找到我们之前已保存的放线菌基因,文件名为actinomycetes gene。然后打开如下:




在正式进行引物设计前,我们首先面临的一个任务就是向Oligo程序导入模板序列,根据不同的实验情况,导入模板有三种方法:1,直接用键盘输入:a,点击file菜单中的New Sequence 浮动命令,或直接点击工具栏中的New Sequence命令,进入序列展示窗口;b,此时即可键入DNA序列;c,如果需要的话,Oligo提供碱基回放功能,在边键入时边读出碱基,防止输入错误。

点击Edit菜单中的“Readback on”即可。




3,如果序列已经保存为Seq格式或者FASTA,GenBank格式时,oligo 就可以直接打开序列文件。



一,普通引物对的搜索:以Mouse 4E(cDNA序列)为例。




在正式进行引物设计前,我们首先面临的一个任务就是向Oligo程序导入模板序列,根据不同的实验情况,导入模板有三种方法:1,直接用键盘输入:a,点击file菜单中的New Sequence 浮动命令,或直接点击工具栏中的New Sequence命令,进入序列展示窗口;b,此时即可键入DNA序列;c,如果需要的话,Oligo提供碱基回放功能,在边键入时边读出碱基,防止输入错误。

点击Edit菜单中的“Readback on”即可。







一,普通引物对的搜索:以Mouse 4E(cDNA序列)为例。

我们的目的是以Mouse 4E(2361 bp)为模板,设计一对引物来扩增出600-800bp长的PCR产物。
















再点击Search再点“Fo'r Primers and probes”或使⽤快捷键F3出现以下窗⼝,点OK就OK了。

当然你也可以点击“Prameters”和“Search Range”选择你要的参数和你上下游引物的位置及你扩增产物的长度。

出现Search Status窗⼝,点“OK”出现Primer pairs窗⼝,#代表引物对的编号,依次为引物对所处的位置、产物的长度、最适合的退⽕温度、和GC的百分含量点击任⼀⾏出现“PCR”窗⼝,告知你扩增⽚断的位置,最合适的退⽕温度等等信息。




ﻫﻫ在正式进行引物设计前,我们首先面临得一个任务就就是向Oligo程序导入模板序列,根据不同得实验情况,导入模板有三种方法:1,直接用键盘输入:a, 点击file菜单中得New Sequence 浮动命令,或直接点击工具栏中得New Sequence命令,进入序列展示窗口;b,此时即可键入DNA序列;ﻫc, 如果需要得话,Oligo提供碱基回放功能,在边键入时边读出碱基,防止输入错误。


ﻫ2, 利用复制与粘贴:当我们序列已经作为TXT文件存在或其它oligo不能直接open得文件格式,如word文件、html格式,这个功能就显得很有用了。


3ﻫ,如果序列已经保存为Se q格式或者FASTA,GenBank格式时,oligo就可以直接打开序列文件.点击File菜单中得“Open”浮动命令,找到所需文件,打开即可。



我们得目得就是以Mouse 4E(2361 bp)为模板,设计一对引物来扩增出600-800bp长得pcr产物.1,点击“Search“菜单中得"ForPrimersand Probes“命令,进入引物搜索对话框;2ﻫ,由于我们要设计得就是一对PCR引物,因此正、负链得复选框都要选上,同时选上patible pairs.在Oligo默认得状态下,对此引物对得要求有:a,无二聚体;b,3’端高度特异,GC含量有限定,d,去除错误引发引物等。



一,普通引物对的搜索:以Mouse 4E(cDNA序列)为例。

我们的目的是以Mouse 4E(2361 bp)为模板,设计一对引物来扩增出600-800bp长的PCR产物。

1,点击“Search“菜单中的”For Primers and Probes“命令,进入引物搜索对话框;2,由于我们要设计的是一对PCR引物,因此正、负链的复选框都要选上,同时选上Compatible pairs。



①单击:“search Ranges”按钮,弹出“Search Ranges”对话框。


②单击“Paramaters”按钮进入“Search Parameters”对话框,对话框种分三个活页,分别是:不同设定,参数以及更多参数。


④当我们对引物的各种参数的含义及应该设定多大值并不是特别清楚时,就可以直接设定Very high/High等来完成对引物设计参数的设定。

⑤当我们选中“Automatically Change String”后,Oligo会在引物搜索过程中:如果在高等级设定中无法找到引物对时自动降低一个定级来进行搜索,知道找到引物对。

在设计反向PCR引物对时,就选中“Inverse PCR”复选框。

⑥我们还可以让引物的长度可以改变,以适应设定的Tm值或PE?(Prime Effitions,引发效率)。



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在正式进行引物设计前,我们首先面临的一个任务就是向Oligo程序导入模板序列,根据不同的实验情况,导入模板有三种方法:1,直接用键盘输入:a,点击file菜单中的New Sequence 浮动命令,或直接点击工具栏中的New Sequence命令,进入序列展示窗口;b,此时即可键入DNA序列;c,如果需要的话,Oligo提供碱基回放功能,在边键入时边读出碱基,防止输入错误。

点击Edit菜单中的“Readback on”即可。







一,普通引物对的搜索:以Mouse 4E(cDNA序列)为例。

我们的目的是以Mouse 4E(2361 bp)为模板,设计一对引物来扩增出600-800bp长的PCR产物。

1,点击“Search“菜单中的”For Primers and Probes“命令,进入引物搜索对话框;2,由于我们要设计的是一对PCR引物,因此正、负链的复选框都要选上,同时选上Compatible pairs。



①单击:“search Ranges”按钮,弹出“Search Ranges”对话框。


②单击“Paramaters”按钮进入“Search Parameters”对话框,对话框种分三个活页,分别是:不同设定,参数以及更多参数。


④当我们对引物的各种参数的含义及应该设定多大值并不是特别清楚时,就可以直接设定Very high/High等来完成对引物设计参数的设定。

⑤当我们选中“Automatically Change String”后,Oligo会在引物搜索过程中:如果在高等级设定中无法找到引物对时自动降低一个定级来进行搜索,知道找到引物对。

在设计反向PCR 引物对时,就选中“Inverse PCR”复选框。

⑥我们还可以让引物的长度可以改变,以适应设定的Tm值或PE?(Prime Effitions,引发效率)。




在“More Parameters“窗口中,一般也无需作任何改变,直接用Oligo的默认值。










例如点击“Duplex Formation”,我们就可以得到上游引物间,下游引物间及上下游引物间形成二聚体的情况。

同理,“Hairpin Formation”,“Composition and Tm”,“False Priming Sites”等命令就可以显示出相关信息。


需要说明的是,1,如果一次搜索得到的引物对太多时,我们可以适当提高选定的条件和规定更合适的搜索范围来减少引物对数;2,引物一般尽量不要在3’端或是离3’端太近的位置形成二聚体,同时二聚体的自有能绝对值尽量小于10;3,对于错误引发,在普通PCR中,如果引发效率在160 points以上时,就可能出现杂带,在测序反应中,错误引发效率则应该严格控制在120 points以下。

8,Oligo中每对引物的详细信息可以直接导出为一个文本文件:首先点击“File”菜单中的“Print/Save Options”,在出现的对话框中的普通设定选中“Selected”;在“Analyze I”中选择需要保存的信息,在“Analyze II”中选中PCR。

单击确定按钮退出,这时再次点击“File”菜单,Save浮动命令中的“Data Save as”,选择路径及文件名即可。


还是以Mouse 4E为例,假如我们要在600-800bp的位置设计一条测序引物。

Open-Search在“Search”窗口中,选中“Sequece Primer”,同时去除负链Search的选中在“Search Range”窗口,输入正链的600-800bp在“Parameters”中选定very high ,引物长度改为18bp结果得到11条测序引物,与普通引物同理,根据其详细信息就可以挑选到一条最佳的测序引物。




1,点击File菜单中的New命令;2,在“Edit New Sequence”的窗口中用键盘输入上游引物;3,如果该引物的首位置不是1的话,可以在“Edit”窗口中输入新的5’端位置数字,如20;4,点击Accept/Discard菜单的Accept命令;5,如果引物序列长度不同于当前的引物的话,可以从“Change”菜单中改变当前的引物长度;6,选取当前序列为上游引物(点击“upper”按钮);7,从Edit菜单中选取“Lower Primer”命令,在Edit Lower窗口中输入下游引物的序列;8,在Edit窗口的上角处,输入相应的5’位置;9,选取“Accept and Quit”命令;如果想让程序给出最佳退火温度,在此时的对话框中输入PCR产物的长度以及GC含量所占百分比,一般哺乳动物的cDNA序列中GC大约占44%。


心得yvette wrote:对于作PCR的来说,最难的莫过于设计引物了,理论现在已经很多了,但是真正实践起来是要付出一定的心智的,记得曾经看到某一位主任说他设计了上千对引物,从没有失手的时候,真是让我佩服得五体投地。

最近看了一下OLIGO6.0的使用说明,英文的,感觉有很多地方还是讲得不很明白,比如Nested primers design 及multiplex PCR Primer design.下面我先来讲讲普通的利用OLIGO 设计引物的方法吧:1 从文件菜单打开模板序列,当然,不是随便什么序列都可以打开的,要有特定的格式,一般扩展名为*.seq的序列可以直接打开,或者就从文件菜单选择new sequence打开一个空窗口,然后利用复制/粘贴也可以导入模板序列,或者直接在该窗口中写,然后要打开文件菜单旁边的accept 菜单,选accept就可以了;这时候有三个窗口,重叠在一起,很不方便看,可以从window菜单选Tile,这样,三个窗口就平行排列了。

2 从search菜单选primers and probes,打开了引物搜索窗3 点黑PCR下面的compatible pairs 前面的小圆孔4 在oligonucleotide with GC clamp 及Eliminate false priming 前的小方格里打上勾5 如果在PCR中可能存在其他的模板,要想使所设计的引物与该模板不会形成错配,可在And continue above search in other files 的条目前方格中打勾,这时会出现一个新的select files窗,导入可能会形成错配的模板序列。

点OK6 点Search ranges按钮,输入你想要的上游和下游引物在模板序列上的区间及想要的产物的长度,点OK7 点parameters 即引物参数按钮,一般将搜索严谨性设为high,如果搜不到,再降低严谨性,另外,在adjust length to match Tm's前的方格中打勾。

点OK8 点击OK开始自动搜索9 搜索完成后,在search status窗口的下部选show:primer primers, 点OK10 得到的引物可以根据位置、长度、退火温度及GC含量进行排序(sort)11 点击您所想要的就打开了一个窗口显示引物的位置、退货温度、GC含量、PE(Priming efficiency 引发效率)等。
