LBC POWER系列电源控制器产品说明书
PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器 产品概述说明书
适用于0.75kW至630kW的三相异步及同步电机的开环及闭环控制2PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器目录PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器产品概述技术特点产品标准产品型号可选附件技术参数端子接线图配线及端子规格外围选件外观尺寸 (222356781011)伊顿DF1X1系列变频器是一款高效节能,功能全面的高性能矢量型变频器,产品支持交流异步电机和同步电机的开环及闭环矢量控制,可以覆盖典型工业及商业应用中的所有环节,满足各种变转矩和恒转矩应用控制需求。
PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器产品概述●丰富的控制方式:V/F 控制,开环及闭环矢量控制,压频分离控制,满足不同应用需求●支持永磁同步电机,同步磁阻电机控制,更高能效,减少碳排放;●强化PCBA 防护涂层,符合3C3,3S3等级要求,可耐受严苛的环境条件●FR1-FR4标配内置制动单元,FR5-FR7选配内置制动单元●内置双Modbus 通讯接口并可扩展PROFINET ,PROFIBUS ,CANopen 等工业总线通讯●两个扩展插槽,可扩展通讯,I/O 及编码器卡●窄体设计,支持并排零间距安装,节省柜内空间●支持共直流母线应用●具有过励磁制动功能,实现更快 制动●内置停电控制算法,当电网电压瞬时跌落时可以控制变频器输出避免故障停机●标配I/O 数量(可扩展):● 5DI, 1DO, 1RO ● 2AI, 1AO●高启动转矩:0.25Hz 时150%,0Hz 时200%(配合编码器卡)●丰富的软件功能:● 内置节能控制算法,有效降低能耗,并可监控用电量数据● 自动/捕捉再起动功能● 负载保护功能● 摆频(三角波)功能● PID 控制器● 张力控制功能● 示波器功能:通过功能强大的Drive Xpert 软件,用户可以通过虚拟示波器在电脑上实时监控参数,使调试,监控,故障排查更为便捷高效技术特点DF1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical目录描述 页码 DF1X1系列低压变频器3DF1X1系列低压变频器产品型号DF1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical 产品型号标准产品选型注:* 过载能力: VT/轻载:110%额定电流(1min/10min ) CT/重载:150%额定电流(1min/10min )380V 系列框架尺寸额定功率(kW )VT/轻载额定电流(A )VT/轻载 (I L )额定功率(kW )CT/重载额定电流(A )CT/重载(I H )产品型号FR1FR3FR21.产品系列DF1=系列名称配置选项2C 20C X1=带显示面板= IP20= 加强涂层电路板= 产品版本X1通讯选项PN DP = PROFINET = PROFIBUSNN DN NB = 标准配置=内置直流电抗器=内置制动单元配置选项13D0013310= 额定电流3A (重载)= 额定电流13A (重载)= 额定电流310A (重载)电流等级DF1 - 34 4D2 NN - C20CX1-PN电压等级3234= 三相200~240V = 三相380~480V = 三相620~690V36* FR5-FR7可选配内置制动单元;FR6-FR7可选配内置直流电抗器,FR8-FR12标配内置直流电抗器;FR1-FR5可选配出厂预装PN/DP 通讯卡* 如有其他配置需求,请咨询伊顿。
POWER-Z FL001中文使用说明书
POWER-Z FL001使用说明书一、外观显示介绍 (2)1、按键接口 (2)2、主屏显示 (3)二、电压电流测量 (8)1、USB PD协议测量 (8)2、VOOC、DASH测量 (9)3、其他快充测量 (10)三、容量能量测量 (13)四、协议诱骗 (15)1、高通QC2.0诱骗 (15)2、高通QC3.0诱骗 (17)3、华为FCP诱骗 (17)4、华为SCP诱骗 (18)5、三星AFC诱骗 (19)五、充电线线阻测量 (21)六、设置 (26)1、测试设置 (26)2、校准设置 (29)3、显示设置 (34)4、系统设置 (37)一、外观主显示介绍1、按键接口2、主屏显示界面主界面①主界面②主界面③主界面④主界面⑤主界面⑦二、电压电流测量1、USB PD测量POWER-Z FL001下方USB-C接口接左侧PD电源适配器或移动电源,上方USB-C 接口接右侧移动电源或其他负载。
注意:①如果上方USB-C接口接电源适配器或移动电源,下方接负载,电流一项会显示红色,表示电流此时是反向的;②如若按上图正确接线后POWER-Z FL001无反应,将接入POWER-Z FL001的两条数据线,选择其中任意一条的USB-C接口旋转180°后重新插入即可。
2、DASH、VOOC测量2.1 DASH闪充采用USB-C数据线,将数据线USB-A端连接适配器,USB-C端链接连接FL001底部的USB-C接口。
2.2 VOOC闪充采用MicroUSB数据线,只需将连接电源适配器的数据线MicroUSB 端插入FL001底部的MicroUSB口,其它的参照上图即可。
Power ConnectionsPE Connections: The Chassis PE connection points are connected internally to the PE terminal. Please follow proper grounding and shielding methods as describedin the Hardware Installation Manual.Dynamic Brake Resistor (DBR): If the stop time required by the end application is less than the natural coasting time of the load, connect a suitably rated Braking Resistor between the DC+ and DBR terminals.Note: Additional Brake Resistor protectionis recommended.Frame RatingsControl ModesLabel DescriptionL3 / PE Supply Input Phase L3 / Protective Earth L2 / N Supply Input Phase L2 / Neutral L1 / L Supply Input Phase L1 / Live DC+ DC+ / Dynamic Brake Resistor ‘+’ DBR Dynamic Brake Resistor ’-’ U Motor Output Phase U V Motor Output Phase V WMotor Output Phase WThe AC15 Series offers two control modes: 1. Volts/Hertz Mode (V/Hz): Basic open-loop operation used in fan/pump and multi-motor applications. Note: Induction Motors only. 2. Sensorless Vector (SLV) Mode: Tight speed regulation with good transient torque capability, without the need for speed feedback.Compatible MotorsThis product supports both Induction and Permanent Magnet (PMAC) motor types.230V, 1ø SupplyFrame 10.37 - 1.5kW230V, 3ø SupplyFrame 10.37 - 1.5kW400V, 3ø SupplyFrame 1 0.37 - 1.5WThe AC15 Series is available in 230V single phase, 230V three phase, and 400V three phase line input voltage versions, covered by Frame sizes 1 - 5. The Frame 1 ratings, as covered by this Quick Start, are shown below:µSD Card Slot :For application cloning and firmware updates in the field.6901 Keypad Support : Connect an optional remote 6901 keypad to the RJ11 port.Built-in Ethernet Comms :Modbus TCP/IP as standard.Program the drive through DSELite configuration tool or access the drive webpage.Optional Cable Screening Bracket :Optional brackets offer support to power cables and a means of grounding them.AC Line Fuses3ø Induction or PMAC MotorDynamic Braking ResistorVs = AC Voltage Source: - 1ø, 220-240V - 3ø, 220-240V - 3ø, 380-480VAC15 Series drive. Drive start ups should be performed by qualified electrical technicians who are familiar with AC drives and their applications. For detailed installation and safety information, refer to the Hardware InstallationManual. For advanced features and applications, refer to the Software Reference Manual.Ensure that all local electric codes are met while installing the drive. Check that all live parts are covered to protect against electric shock and that unexpected rotation of the motor will not result in bodily harm or injury.This document expects that the drive is already installed in its intended location and that all relevant installation procedures have been followed. Please ensure that the drive hasadequate ventilation so that ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C (104°F) under normal operating conditions.AC15 SeriesVariable Speed DriveFrame 1(0.37 - 1.5kW)The AC15 Series supports the following functions and features:DOC-0017-03:AC15 Series Hardware Installation ManualDOC-0017-05:AC15 Series Software Reference ManualQuick Start ManualEnglishDOC-0017-01-EN-C04-Apr-2023Website: /emeLabel Description16 110-230Vac / 24Vdc Supply 17 Healthy : Relay output (to lamp) 18 Motor thermistor ‘+’ 19 Motor thermistor ‘-’ 1 Setpoint (%): 0-10V input 2 Setpoint Trim (%): 4-20mA input 3 Speed Demand (%): 0-10V output 4 Value = 100%: +10V fixed output7 Run Forward : 24V input 8 Remote Reverse : 24V input 9 Jog : 24V input 10 Not Stop : 24V input 11 Not Coast Stop : 24V input 13, 14, 15STO DISABLED (drive operational)Label Description18 Motor thermistor ‘+’ (or link to TH2) 19 Motor thermistor ‘-’13, 14, 15STO DISABLED (drive operational)‘REMOTE’ Operation: Below is an example of the hardware connections required to run the drive in the ‘Standard’ (Basic Speed Mode) macro in ‘Remote’ operator mode:‘LOCAL’ Operation: Below is an example of the minimum hardware connections required to run the drive in ‘Local’ operator mode through the onboard keypad:Parameters: Set > Ctrl > CtrlNo. NameValue0892 Thermistor Type 0 (PTC) / 1 (NTC) 0030Motor Type0 (Induction) / 1 (PMAC)0031Control Strategy 0 (Volts-Hertz) / 1 (Vector)Parameters: Set > Ctrl > nPLA No. NameDefault Value0224Base Frequency 50 (Hz)0223Base Voltage400 (V) 0227 Motor Power0.75 (kW)0226 Nameplate Speed 1450 (rpm) 0228 Power Factor 0.71 0222 Rated Current 1.56 (A) 0182 IM Wiring0 (FALSE)1. Control Strategy Settings: The following parameters in the ‘Ctrl ’ setup menu must first be set:Initial Drive Setup2. Motor Nameplate Settings: Next, motor parameters must be set in the ‘nPLA ’ setup menu (Induction motor parameters shown for illustration):Note: By default, parameter value changes are saved automatically.Menu Navigation:= Enters sub-menu = Exits sub-menu= Scrolls up and down through menu listEdit Parameter Value:= Enters into parameter = Exits parameter = Increases or decreases valueOn drive power-up, the display will revert to the ‘Oper ’ menu. Press the ‘E ’ key three times to exit to the top menu level, so “r x.x ” is shown on the display (where ‘x.x’ is firmware version).Note: Setting ‘IM Wiring’ to ‘1’ (TRUE) swaps phases V & W - inverting motor direction.3. Running the Drive: In the ‘Oper’ menu, enter a speed setpoint (parameter 0459), and press the ‘Run ’ key. The drive will enable, rotating the motor at the speed demanded. Parameter 0105 (Speed Percent ) provides the speed feedback (%):Parameters: OperNo. Name Value 0459 Local Setpoint 0 -> 100 (%) 0105Speed Percent0 - > 100 (%)1. Enable ‘Local’ Control Mode: Hold the ‘Stop ’ key for approx. 3 seconds, until the hand icon appears on the display:2. ‘Autotune’ Routine (SVC Mode only): If parameter 0031 (Control Strategy ) is set to ‘1’ (Vector Control ), then an autotune routinemust be performed prior to running the drive. A ‘Rotating ’ autotune on an uncoupled motor is always the preferred ‘Atn Mode ’, whenever possible .To do this, set the ‘Atn Enable ’ parameter 0035 in the ’Ctrl ’ menu to ’1’ (TRUE ), and press the ‘Run ’ key to start the autotune routine:Parameters: Set > Ctrl > AutnNo. Name Value0036 Atn Mode 0 (Stationary) / 1 (Rotating) 0035Atn Enable0 (FALSE) / 1 (TRUE)Once the autotune routine has completed, the motor will decelerate to a stop and the drive will disable:The drive is now ready to run in ‘VectorControl’ (SVC) mode.Motor ‘Running’ icon ‘rotates’ in the direction of the shaft and “AL26” textis displayed.Press ‘Run’key.Motor ‘Running’ icon will continue ‘rotating’until the motor has come to a stop.3 seconds...Hold‘Stop’key.‘Local’ mode.To run the drive in ‘Remote’ operation using push-buttons, switches or PLC’s:2. Loading a Macro: Pre-defined application macro’s have been configured for remote operation. To load an Application macro, navigate to the ’App ’ setup menu:Parameters: Set > AppNo.NameValue1150 Application0 (Null) / 1 (Standard) / 2 (Auto/Manual) / 3 (Presets) / 4 (Raise/Lower) / 5 (PID) / 6 (Aux Comms) / 9 (Saved)1152Application Lock 0 (FALSE) / 1 (TRUE) 1151Load Application0 (FALSE) / 1 (TRUE)3. Running the Drive: Providing the drive is in ‘Remote’ operating mode, ’Initial Drive Setup’ is completed, and an ‘Autotune’ has been completed (if in SVC mode), the drive is ready to be run from the remote switches.Set parameter 1150 to the desired macro i.e. ‘1’ for the Standard ‘Basic Speed Control’ application (as per the ’Remote’ Control Connection example).Set parameter 1151 from ‘0’ to ‘1’ (FALSE to TRUE ) to load the application.To ‘lock’ the application so it can not be changed, set parameter 1152 from ‘0’ to ‘1’.1. Enable ‘Remote’ Control Mode: Hold the ‘Stop ’ key for approx. 3 seconds, until the hand icon disappears from the display:‘Remote’ Operation3 seconds...Hold ‘Stop’key.‘Remote’ mode.RunStop / ResetEscape Enter SVC Mode ‘Active’ Drive ‘Running’ Status Parameter Units Local Control ‘Active’ Comms Control‘Active’ Parameter Number / ValueROTATING MOTOR5. To Change the Motor Direction: With the drive stopped, press the ‘Stop ’ key and either the ‘Up ’ (Forward), or ‘Down ’ (Reverse) key simultaneously.Press ‘Stop’key.Motor ‘Running’ icon will continue ‘rotating’until the motor has come to a stop.4. Stopping the Drive: Press the ‘Stop ’ key to bring the motor to a standstill and disable the drive:Motor ‘Running’ icon ‘rotates’ in thedirection of the shaft.Press ‘Run’key.。
Power Wizard 电场电流控制器说明书
Phone: 800.866.2161 Fax: 330.562.7403
INST-04-0003-00 0092 Rev. 12-09
Electric Fence Energizer
This fence controller is not to be permanently mounted using conduit.
– 30 –
1. CAUTION: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. Do not install where small children, the elderly or unhealthy persons may come in contact with the live portions of electric fencing. Use electric fence warning signs wherever humans may come in contact with the fence.
Afin de reduire les risques d’electrocution, un controleur de cloture alimente sur ligne ac est muni d’une prise polarisee (un lame est plus large que l’autre). Cette pris s’emboite dans une sortie polarisee que d’une maniere. Si la prise ne s’engage pas totalement dans la sortie, inversez la prise. Si elle ne s’engage toujours pas, contactez un electricien qualifie pour installer une sortie appropriee. Ne changez la prise en aucune maniere.
DC DC模块电源IB05_S-W75R3系列商品说明书
选型表认证产品型号输入电压(VDC)输出满载效率(%)Min./Typ.最大容性负载(µF)标称值(范围值)电压(VDC)电流(mA)Max./Min.CEIB0503S-W75R35(4.75-5.25)3.3200/2064/682400IB0505S-W75R35150/1568/722400IB0509S-W75R3983/968/721000IB0512S-W75R31262/769/73560IB0515S-W75R31550/570/74560输入特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输入电流(满载/空载)3.3VDC/5VDC 输出--209/5221/10mA9VDC/12VDC 输出--208/12221/2015VDC 输出--202/18215/30反射纹波电流*--15--输入滤波器类型电容滤波热插拔不支持注:*反射纹波电流测试方法详见《DC-DC (定压)模块电源应用指南》。
输出特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位输出电压精度----±3%线性调节率输入电压变化±1%----±0.25%负载调节率10%-100%负载 3.3VDC 输出----±3%其他输出----±2纹波&噪声*20MHz 带宽--3075mVp-p 温度漂移系数100%负载--±0.02--%/℃短路保护可持续,自恢复注:*纹波和噪声的测试方法采用平行线测试法,具体操作方法参见《DC-DC (定压)模块电源应用指南》。
通用特性项目工作条件Min.Typ.Max.单位绝缘电压输入-输出,测试时间1分钟,漏电流小于1mA 1500----VDC输入-输出,测试时间1秒,漏电流小于1mA3000----0.75W ,定电压输入,隔离稳压单路输出专利保护RoHS产品特点●可持续短路保护●空载输入电流低至5mA ●工作温度范围:-40℃to +85℃●效率高达74%●隔离电压1500VDC/min,3000VDC/1s ●国际标准引脚方式●小型SIP 封装●符合UL62368认证●通过EN62368认证IB05_S-W75R3系列产品是专门针对板上电源系统中需要产生一组与输入电源隔离的电压的应用场合而设计的。
危险。 ● 请防止儿童或无关人员接近变频器。
1.2 送电中 危险
● 送电中绝不可插拔变频器上的任何连接器(操作面板除外),以 避免变频器损坏并造成人员伤亡。
1.3 运转中 注意
单/三相220 V ±20% ,三相 380 V ±20%; 48-62Hz;
最大不平衡度 3%;
输出 输出电压 电源 输出频率
三相0-100% 输入电压; 0-400Hz;
1Hz 150%;
主要 控制 功能
150%额定电流 (60s);
PWM载波频率 2K-16KHz;
用于操作面板需要外引的场合; 用于操作面板需要外引的场合;
用于拷贝变频器的参数到另外一台变频 器上;
IP20; -10℃-40℃; 5%-85%(95%时不结露); 1.14g; 1000m,1000m以上需降档使用; 屏蔽线:5米,非屏蔽线:50米;
HLP-C100 系列使用说明书
注:特殊环境下的变频器使用(降额): ● 温度降容:如果使用时的环境温度超过40℃,那么变频器必须 降容使用;如果在 50℃ 的环境温度下满负荷持续运行,将会 缩短变频器的使用寿命,建议客户降档使用。 ● 海拔高度降容:空气的冷却能力在低气压下会降低。海拔低于 10 0 0米时无需降容,但当海 拔10 0 0 米以 上时应 降 低 环 境 温 度 或最 大输出电流。对于10 0 0 米以 上的海 拔,应该 每10 0米 使 输 出降低 1%,或者每200米使最高环境温度降低1摄氏度。
power变频器说明书Power变频器说明书第一章:引言1.1 背景介绍Power变频器是一种用于调节电力设备输出频率的装置。
第二章:技术原理2.1 变频器的工作原理Power变频器通过将输入电源的直流电转换为高频交流电,然后通过PWM技术将高频交流电转变为输出频率可调的交流电。
第三章:产品特点3.1 高效节能Power变频器采用先进的控制算法和优化设计,能够实现高效能耗,并通过降低电机的负载损耗来节约能源。
3.2 安全可靠Power变频器具有过电压、过电流、过载、短路等多种保护功能,能够保证设备和电机的安全运行。
3.3 灵活调节Power变频器可以根据实际需要调节输出频率和电压,以满足不同工况下电机的要求。
3.4 易于安装和维护Power变频器采用模块化设计,结构紧凑,安装方便。
第四章:使用方法4.1 连接电源和电机用户在使用Power变频器前,需要先将其与电源和电机进行连接。
4.2 参数设置在开始使用前,用户需要根据实际需求设置Power变频器的参数。
4.3 启动和停止启动Power变频器前,用户需要先将控制面板上的开关拨到“ON”位置,并按照启动顺序进行操作。
4.4 故障排除如果在使用过程中出现故障,用户可以查看设备的故障代码和报警信息,并参照说明书中的故障排除方法进行处理。
LBC POWER6000 时序控制器
LBC POWER6000时序控制器
● 标准的19英寸机箱、1.5U外型设计
● 15A过载保护系统
● 后面板有8个时序电源插座(3个5A Max数字滤波接口,一个5A Max模拟滤波接口,一个10A Max模拟前级接口,3个13A Max大电流接口)
● 前面板有2个辅助电源插座
● 配线相位正反识别蜂鸣报警装置
● 系统供电电压监测显示及过高过低告警
● 内置大电流三级滤波器
● 内置大电流无线射频限波器
● 内置雷电、突波、浪涌保护器
立博科技以质量求发展,公司通过ISO 9001认证,依靠先进的管理方式与高素质的技术人才,为客户提供稳定,高效可靠的产品解决方案,以“预防为主”的行动方式对协作厂家进行验证与辅导,共同把握质量关。
C-Power系列转接板(HUB)使用说明书一、C-Power1200二、C-Power2200/3200三、C-Power4200/5200一、C-Power1200控制面积:512*16、256*32控制卡自带一个08接口与一个12接口;屏体有2个12接口的单元板(模组)高时:需要配08转12的HUB,HUB扣到控制卡的08接口上;如下图:08转12HUB扣在控制卡的08接口上二、C-Power2200/3200C-Power2200控制面积:1024*16、512*32、256*64C-Power3200控制面积:1024*32、512*64、256*128控制卡自带两个08接口与一个12接口;控制卡主板上OUT1与OUT2是08接口、OUT3是12接口;其中OUT2可扩充扣HUB(需要补焊空缺的四根排针),增加输出接口;一些接口定义如下:08接口(KB020)定义2 A B C D G1 G2 LD CK 161 GND GND GND OE R1 R2 GND GND 1512接口(KB004)定义2 A B C CK LD R G D 161 OE GND GND GND GND GND GND GND 15控制卡上OUT2 08接口扩充后的接口定义2 A B C D G1 G2 LD CK2 CK3 CK4 201 GND GND GND OE R1 R2 GND GND CK1 VCC 191、显示屏接口为两组信号(如08接口等):屏体有3到4个单元板(模组)高时:需要配一个带20P座子式的HUB,HUB扣到控制卡的OUT2上;如下图:20P座子式HUB扣在控制卡的OUT2上2、显示屏接口为一组信号(如12接口等):1)、屏体有2到4个单元板(模组)高时:需要配一个带20P座子式的HUB,HUB扣到控制卡的OUT2上;如下图:20P座子式HUB扣在控制卡的OUT2上2)、屏体有5到8个单板板(模组)高时:需要配两个带20P插针式的HUB,一根20P的一分二排线(3插口都一样),而且HUB的R1到R4的电阻焊接也不同;HUB1焊接R1、R3电阻,HUB2焊接R2、R4电阻;最后用排线与控制卡连接,排线的一口插在控制卡的OUT2上,另外2个口各连一个HUB;HUB、排线及连接方法如下:R1、R3电阻的焊接插针式HUB1:插针式HUB2:R2、R4电阻的焊接20P的一分二排线HUB1作为屏体的上4个接口高输入HUB2作为屏体的下4个接口高输入三、C-Power4200/ 5200C-Power4200控制面积:2048*256、1024*512C-Power5200控制面积:1024*64、768*80、512*128、256*256一些接口定义如下:08接口(KB20)定义(分全彩与双色2种)12接口(KB04)定义75接口(KB21)定义40接口(KB02)定义97接口(KB25)定义2 A B C B2 R2 G2 LD CK 161 GND GND B1 OE R1 G1 GND GND 152 A B C CK LD R G D 161 OE GND GND GND GND GND GND GND 152 G1 GND G2 GND B GND LD GND 16 1 R1 B1 R2 B2 A C CK OE 152 R0 B0 R1 B1 GND GND GND GND 16 1 R0 G0 R1 G1 CK LD OE GND 152 G GND GND A B 101 R U CK LD OE 91、显示屏接口为两组信号(如08接口、75接口、40接口等):1)、屏体有1到8个单元板(模组)高时:只需要一个带40P座子式的HUB, HUB扣到控制卡的OUT1上;如下图:40P座子式HUB扣在控制卡的OUT1上2)、屏体有9到16个单元板(模组)高时:需要两个带40P插针式的HUB,2根40P的排线;每个HUB配一根40P的排线,分别连接到控制卡OUT1与OUT2上;排线、HUB及连接方法如下:40P的排线插针式HUB :通过排线接到控制卡的OUT1上,作为屏体的上8个接口高输入通过排线接到控制卡的OUT2上,作为屏体的下8个接口高输入2、显示屏接口为一组信号时(如12接口等):1)、屏体有1到8个单元板(模组)高时:只需要一个带40P座子式的HUB, HUB扣到控制卡的OUT1上;如下图:40P座子式HUB扣在控制卡的OUT1上2)、屏体有9到16个单元板(模组)高时:需要两个带40P插针式的HUB,一根40P的一分二排线(3插口都一样),而且两个HUB上的R1、R2电阻焊接不同;HUB1焊接R1电阻、HUB2焊接R2电阻,最后用排线与控制卡连接,排线的一口插在控制卡的OUT1上,另外2个口各连一个HUB;排线、HUB及连接方法如下:40P的一分二排线插针式HUB1:R1电阻的焊接插针式HUB2:R2电阻的焊接3)、屏体有17到24个单元板(模组)高时:需要3个带40P 插针式的HUB ,一根40P 的一分二排线(3插口都一样),一根40P 排线;各HUB 上的R1、R2电阻焊接不同;HUB1与HUB3焊接R1电阻、HUB2焊接R2电阻,最后用排线与控制卡连接,一分二的排线一口扣在控制卡的OUT1上,另外2个口连接HUB1与HUB2;另一根排线一口扣在控制卡的OUT2上,一口连接HUB3;排线、接线方法如下:HUB1作为屏体的上8个接口高输入HUB2作为屏体的下8个接口高输入40P 的一分二排线40P 的排线4)、屏体有25到32个单元板(模组)高时:需要4个带40P 插针式的HUB ,两根40P 的一分二排线(3插口都一样),每根40P 排线接两个HUB ,各HUB 上的R1、R2电阻焊接不同, HUB1与HUB3焊接R1、HUB2与HUB4焊接R2;最后用排线与控制卡连接,一根排线一口扣在控制卡OUT1上,另外2个口连接HUB1与HUB2;另一根排线一口扣在控制卡OUT2上,另外2个口连接HUB3与HUB4。
罗克韦尔自动化 - controllogix 电源 - 安装指南 - 中文版说明书
安装指南中文版说明书ControlLogix 电源产品目录号 1756-PA30XT 、1756-PA50、1756-PA72、1756-PA75、1756-PB30XT 、1756-PB50、1756-PB72、1756-PB75、1756-PC75、1756-PH75、1756-PAXT 、1756-PBXT产品概述ControlLogix® 电源与 1756 机架结合使用,可直接为机架背板提供 1.2V 、3.3V 、5V 和 24V 的直流电源。
提供了标准、ControlLogix-XT™ 和窄型电源。
主题页码所需工具5电源和机架兼容性6安装电源7连接电源7移除保护标签9排除电源故障9技术参数10其他资源11ControlLogix 电源ATTENTION: Read this document and the documents listed in the Additional Resources section about installation, configuration and operation of this equipment before you install, configure, operate ormaintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all applicable codes, laws, and standards.Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained personnel in accordance with applicablecode of practice.If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.注意:在安装、配置、操作和维护本产品前,请阅读本文档以及“其他资源”部分列出的有关设备安装、配置和操作的相应文档。
电源控制器说明书目录第一章、设备使用注意事项 (2)第二章、绪言 (3)第三章、本机特点 (3)第四章、通讯协议 (4)第五章、电源控制器平面图 (6)注意事项及常见故障检修、售后服务与技术支持 (7)第一章、设备使用注意事项为确保设备可靠使用及人员的安全,请在安装、使用和维护时,请遵守以下事项:1、在设备安装时,应确保电源线中的地线接地良好,请勿使用两芯插头,。
Allen-Bradley 350 VA 电源无穷流 UPS 快速开始指南说明书
Quick Start Guide for 350 V A Industrial UPSGuide de démarrage rapide de l'onduleur industriel 350 V A Guía de inicio rápido del SAI industrial de 350 V AGuia de inicialização rápida do no-break industrial de 350 V A Schnellstart-Anleitung für 350 V A Industrie-USVGuida introduttiva per gruppi di continuità industriali da 350 V AInstallation and Operation Installation et fonctionnement Instalación y funcionamiento Instalação e operação Installation und BetriebInstallazione e funzionamentoAllen-Bradley1609-S350NS 1609-S350ES350 V A, 120 V 350 V A 220-240 VAllen-BradleyQuick Start Guide for 350 V A Industrial UPS1609-S350NS - 350 V A, 120 V1609-S350ES - 350 V A, 220-240 VInstallation and OperationInstallationRead the safety instruction sheet before installing the UPS.UnpackingInspect the UPS upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is damage.The packaging is recyclable; save it for reuse or dispose of it properly.Check the package contents for: the UPS, serial cable and APC® PowerChute® software.Environmental SpecificationsDo not operate the UPS where there is excessive dust or in temperature and humidity outside the specified limits.Mounting the UPSThis unit is designed to mount on the back panel of an enclosure. An optional Din rail mounting kit, 1609-SDK1, is also available. If mounted in an enclosure, use six screws appropriate for the weight of the unit and the mounting surface material. Connecting the BatteryRemove the Battery Door, Connect the Battery, and Reinstall the Battery Door.Wiring of the UPS should be performed by a qualified electrician using appropriate wire gauges.Start-UpConnecting Power and Equipment to the UPS1.The UPS features a transient voltage surge-suppression (TVSSfor connecting the ground lead on surge suppression devices.Prior to connecting the grounding cable, ensure that the UPS is NOT connected to input (utility), or battery power.2.Connect the battery (see Connecting the Battery).3.Hardwire the UPS.4.Connect equipment to the UPS.5.6.••Do not expect full battery run capability during this initial charge period.7.For optimal computer system security, install PowerChute® monitoring software included with the UPS. Communications/Serial PortUse the cable supplied with the UPS. A standard standard interface cable is incompatible with the UPS.This port enables remote configuration and monitoring with the use of PowerChute software.Display Panel Indicators and Buttons* See Troubleshooting .IndicatorTitle DescriptionOn-Line The UPS is supplying utility power to the connected equipment.*A VR Trim The UPS is compensating for a high utility voltage.*A VR Boost The UPS is compensating for a low utility voltage.*On Battery The UPS is supplying battery power to the connected equipment.OverloadThe connected equipment is drawing more than the UPS power rating allows.*Replace Battery/Battery DisconnectedThe battery is disconnected or must be replaced.*User Configurable ItemsThe UPS settings are adjusted through PowerChute software.StorageStore the UPS covered in a cool, dry location with the battery module(s) fully charged.At 5° to 86° F (–15° to 30° C), charge the UPS battery module every six months.At 86° to 113° F (30° to 45° C), charge the UPS battery module every three months.Installing/Replacing the Battery ModuleThis UPS has an easy-to-replace, hot-swappable battery module. The corresponding replacement battery module is 1609-500SBAT. Replacement is a safe procedure, isolated from electrical hazards. You may leave the UPS and connected equipment on during the replacement procedure.For instruction, see applicable steps in Battery Connection .TroubleshootingAccess the troubleshooting guide for this UPS through PowerChute software.FunctionFactory DefaultUser Selectable ChoicesDescriptionAutomatic Self-TestEvery 14 days (336 hours)•Every 7 days (168 hours)•On start up only •No self-test Set the interval at which the UPS will execute a self-test.UPS IDUPS_IDEN Up to eight characters (alphanumeric)Uniquely identify the UPS (i.e. server name or location) for network management purposes.Date of Last Battery ReplacementManufacture Datemm/dd/yy Reset this date when you replace the battery module.Minimum Capacity Before Return from Shutdown0 percent •0%•15%•30%•45%•60%•75%•90%Specify the percentage to which battery module(s) will be charged following a low battery shutdown before powering connected equipment.V oltage Sensitivity High sensitivityHigh sensitivity Medium sensitivity Low sensitivityThe UPS detects and reacts to line voltage distortions by transferring to battery operation to protect the connected equipment.In situations of poor power quality, the UPS may frequently transfer to battery operation. If the connected equipment can operate normally under such conditions, reduce thesensitivity setting to conserve battery capacity and service life.Alarm Delay Control Enable•Enable •Mute •Disable Mute ongoing alarms or disable all alarms permanently.Shutdown Delay 90 seconds•0 s •90 s •180 s •270 s•360 s •450 s •540 s •630 sSet the interval between the time when the UPS receives a shutdown command and actual shutdown.Allen-Bradley Company, LLC Industrial Components Business 1201 South Second StreetMilwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA Phone 。
1ABBFeaturesRated output voltage 12 V DCOutput voltage adjustable via front‑face potentiometer “OUTPUT Adjust” Rated output current 2.1 A Rated output power 30 WWide range input 100‑240 V AC (90‑264 V AC, 120‑375 V DC) Efficiency of typ. 80 %Low power dissipation and low heatingFree convection cooling (no forced cooling with ventilators) Ambient temperature range during operation ‑40...+70 °C Open‑circuit, overload and short‑circuit stable Integrated input fuseU/I characteristic (fold‑forward behaviour at overload ‑ no switch‑off) LEDs for status indicationStructural form ideal for installation in distribution panels Light‑grey enclosure in RAL 7035ApprovalsA UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14*)H UL 1310, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.223(Class 2 Power Supply)*)H UL 60950, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.60950*)DGOST ECCC *)~*) Approval refers to rated input voltage U in Marksa CE bC‑TickpendingOrder dataApplicationThe primary switch mode power supply has two voltage input ranges. This enables the supply with AC or DC. Furthermore it is equipped with two generous capacitors, which ensure mains buffering of at least 30 ms. That is why the device can be used worldwide also in high fluctuating networks and battery‑pow‑ered plants.Operating modeAdjustable output voltageThis device features an continuously adjustable output voltage from 12‑14 V DC. Thus they can beoptimally adapted to the application, e.g. compensating the voltage drop caused by a long line length.ᕃᕇᕆᕅᕈᕄ2C D C 271 025 F 0t 07a OUTPUT ++/‑‑:terminals ‑ output b INPUT L, N:terminals ‑ input c DC ON: green LED ‑output voltage applied d DC LOW: red LED ‑output voltage too low e OUTPUT Adjust: poten‑tiometer ‑ adjustment of output voltage f Circuit diagramInstallationThe switch mode power supply can be snapped on a DIN rail accordingrail and locked by lifting it downwards.DemountingRemove the switch mode power supply as shown in the accompanyingpicture. For that the latching lever is pulled downwards by means of thescrewdriver. Alternatively you can press the unlock button to release therail edge and removed.Mounting positionThe devices have to be mounted horizontally with theinput terminals on the bottom. In order to ensure a suf‑ficient convection, the minimum distance to other mod‑and horizontal direction.Electrical connectionConnect the input terminals L and N. The installation must be executed acc. to EN 60950, provide a suit‑able disconnecting device (e. g. line protection switch) in the supply line. The input side is protected byan internal input fuse.Rate the lines for the maximum output current or provide a separate fuse protection. We recommend tochoose the cable section as large as possible in order to minimize voltage drops. Observe the polarity.Actuate plug connector only when power is off. The device is overload, short‑circuit and open‑circuitproof. The secondary side of the power supply is electrically isolated from the input and internally notearthed (SELV) and can therefore be earthed by the user according to the needs with + or ‑ (PELV).ABB 23ABBConnection diagram(s)+ +, ‑‑Output voltage L, N Input voltageSafety instructions and warningsThe device must be installed by qualified persons only and in accordance with the specific national regulations (e. g. VDE, etc.).CP‑D power supplies are chassis‑mounted units. They are maintenance‑free and do not contain any integralsetting elements and should therefore not be opend.Before any installation, maintenance or modification work:Disconnect the system from the supply network and protect against switching on!Before start of operation the following must be ensured:Connect to main according to the specific national regulations.Power supply cables and unit must be sufficiently fused. A disconnecting device has to be provided for the end product to disengage unit and supply cables from supply mains if required.Rate the output lines for the output current of the power supply and connect them with the correct polarity.In order to ensure sufficient air‑cooling the distance to the other devices has to be considered. Attention! Improper installation/operation may impair safety and cause operational difficulties or destruction of the unit.In operation pay attention to:Do not modify the installation (primary and secondary side)! High current! Risk of electric arcs and electric shock (danger to life)!Risk of burns: Depending on the operation conditions the enclosure can become very hot.If the internal fuse blows, most probably the device is defect. In this case, an examination of the switch mode power supply by the manufacturer is necessary.Attention! Danger to life!Disconnect the system from the supply network before executing any works at the device and protect against switching on!The power supply contains components with high stored energy and circuits with high voltage! Do not introduce any objects into the unit and do not open the unit.With some units of this range the output is capable of providing hazardous energy. Ensure that theservice personnel is protected against inadvertent contact with parts carrying energy.2C D C 272 039 F 0b 07Technical dataData at Ta = 25 °C, Uin= 230 V AC and rated values, unless otherwise indicated4ABB5ABBABB67ABBTechnical diagramsOutput behaviourU out [V]I out [A]Characteristic curve of output at T a = 25 °CThe switch mode power supply CP‑D 12/2.1 is able to supply at 12 V DC output voltage and at an ambient temperature of:≤ 60 °C a continuous output current of approx. 2.1 A at ambient temperatures of:60 °C < T a ≤ 70 °C the output power has to be reduced by 2,5 % per °C temperature increase. If the switch mode power supply is loaded with an output current > 2.1 A, the operating point is pass‑ing through the U/I characteristic curve shown.Temperature behaviourP T a [°C]Characteristic curve of temperature at U OUTDimensionsin mmCP-D 12/2.12C D C 272 012 F 0b 07Further DocumentationYou can find the documentation in the internet under /lowvoltage R Control Products R ...ABB 8ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organisation on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG. Copyright© 2010 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 4 0 5 3 D 0 2 0 1 ( 1 2 / 1 0 )。
PowerFlex755变频器 操作说明
目录一、POWERFLEX 750 变频器面板简介 (3)1、人机接口模块(HIM)简介 (3)1.1、View 软键 (4)1.2、REF 软键 (4)1.3、EDIT 软键 (4)1.4、P AR# 软键 (4)1.5、状态屏幕下的语言切换软键 (4)1.6、启动和停止按键 (4)1.7、功能键 (4)1.8、文件夹按键 (5)2、复位到出场设置 (5)3、调整面板亮度 (7)4、设置时间 (8)5、备份参数/删除备份参数 (9)5.1、使用CopyCat功能 (9)5.2、创建CopyCat文档 (10)5.3、删除CopyCat文档 (11)6、带电拔插操作面板 (12)7、快速访问参数 (13)8、使用启动向导 (13)设置电机控制模式 (15)输入电机铭牌数据 (16)设置速度反馈装置 (18)设定速度限制 (20)方向测试、自整定和惯量测试 (20)组态速度参考和斜坡速率 (24)组态输入和输出 (25)二、POWERFLEX 750 变频器接线 (27)1、P OWER F LEX753典型接线图 (27)2、P OWER F LEX753主板内置I/O位置 (28)3、P OWER F LEX755典型接线图 (29)4、P OWER F LEX755主板内置I/O位置 (30)5、PF750系列变频器扩展I/O模拟量跳线 (31)6、PF750系列变频器端口的说明 (31)三、POWERFLEX 750 变频器参数 (32)1、PF750变频器常用参数简单说明 (32)1.1、PF750变频器常用参数(00号端口) (32)1.2、安全速度卡相关参数(Safe Speed Monitor) (34)1.3、双通道编码器反馈卡相关参数(Dual Encoder) (35)1.4、24VDC扩展I/O卡相关参数(I/O Module 24V) (35)1.5、13号端口PF755内置以太网参数 (35)1.6、14号端口PF750内置DeviceLogix (35)1.7、数字量输入组态举例 (35)1.8、数字量输出组态举例 (35)1.9、使用模拟量输入作为速度源组态举例 (36)四、POWERFLEX 750 变频器故障处理 (37)五、其他 (38)1、变频器相关参考资料 (38)附件一:POWERFLEX755变频器和POWERFLEX700变频器比较 (39)1.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700电气性能比较 (39)2.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700功能比较 (40)3.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700外形尺寸比较 (40)4.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700接线图的比较 (41)5.P OWER F LEX755和P OWER F LEX700参数的比较 (43)一、PowerFlex 750 变频器面板简介1、人机接口模块(HIM)简介下图显示了20-HIM-A6面板的按键。
伯乐Power PacTM通用型电源
伯乐PowerPac TM 通用型电源面板说明红外接口 数值-字母键清除键箭头 编辑EDIT 设置SETUP停止/主菜单 运行/暂停软键运行/暂停 当暂停后,当前步骤的运行参数可以被修改,修改后的程序可以在运行结束后按SA VE 储停止/主菜单 立即终止当前程序并显示最后的运行参数,如果没有程序运行,则返回主菜单N ote :在运行阶段修改程序,必须在结束后按SA VE 保存 设置 设置电源的默认参数,如断电检测,时间,屏幕对比度以及按键声音等编辑 调用软键功能来设置运行模式(恒流/恒压/恒定功率),限制参数(电压/电流/功率)和时间模式 箭头 在选项间移动,以*标示选中的选项清除 清楚输入的数值,或恢复之前输入的数值 数值-字母键 用来输入参数的数值或程序的名称,连续点击同一个按键,可以在切换输入的内容 如:连续点击2abc 这个按键,可以在a/b/c/2/A/B/C/2之间切换软键 分别对应LCD 屏幕下方的三个不同的功能键操作指南电源安装正确插入电引线将电引线插入电源输出(角度垂直于插口斜面)仪器设置PFd 断电检测,恢复供电时,程序将继续运行PFd=ON NEXY RUN ONLY 仅对本次运行有效PFd= ON 对所有运行有效RRCd-NLDd 检测负载超过20%或15mA或空载(低于2mA)系统会发出警报并中断程序PANEL 仪器面板设置,包括对比对(CONTRAST),按键声音(KEY CHIRP)以及时钟(CLOCK)实验操作开机后进入主菜单,使用软件选择程序的类型MANUAL一步程序,不储存METHODS一步/多步程序,储存按METHODS,创建一个新的方法按向上箭头,输入方法的名字按CE键盘清楚默认名字,然后通过数值-字母键输入名字完成后按OK按EDIT编辑一个空的步骤(*标记)选择CONSTV/CONSTA/CONSTW(恒压/恒流/恒定功率)并输入如果不需要设置限制参数(默认的限定参数显示在屏幕右侧)和时间模式,直接点击运行按EDIT设置限制参数,如无需设置时间模式,则直接点击运行按EDIT设置时间模式小时/伏特-小时/无限制添加一个新的步骤或保存按向下箭头选择一个空的步骤,重复上述步骤完成编辑或直接保存点击运行。
PrecisionPower 电机控制软件用户手册3.24版本软件安装指南最低系统要求﹡233Mhz处理器﹡64MB内存﹡10MB可用磁盘空间﹡Microsoft Windows 98(或更高)﹡Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1版本(或更高)-见步骤2﹡首选一个可用的RS 232串口或一个USB串行端口。
-见步骤4安装指南1.precision power v3.2x安装磁盘到CD驱动器,通过开始-我的电脑-CD驱动器,打开驱动器(通常标示为D:)2.计算机没有安装NET Framework,请先安装。
大多数的Windows 计算机均已安装NET Framework。
如果图标未显现,复制CD中的dotnetfx软件到桌面,随后安装NET Framework。
3.从CD盘复制PPL v3.2 Release文件到某一位置,比如,C:驱动器或桌面上。
4.如果您的电脑没有RS 232COM端口,那么有可用USB端口的USB-RS232适配器也可以使用。
b.用户指南,遵照以下安装指南进行安装5. 双击位于PPL v3.2X Release文件夹中的PrecisionPower图标,运行软件。
6. 运行PrecisionPower软件后,将会出现进度条。
初次使用PrecisionPower软件,,安全级别1和2各自的默认密码是“security 1”和“security 2”.按enter键输入密码,按开始键运行程序。
安全级别0 允许用户自行开始关闭程序,可读取数值。
安全级别1 允许用户进入安全级别0功能,并可以清除存储的数据存储器。
LBC 电动传输烤箱说明书
Model LPC-19-E & LPC-31-EELECTRIC CONVEYOR OVENINSTALLATION, SERVICE & PARTS MANUALRETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCELBC BAKERY EQUIPMENT, INC.6026 31st Ave NEMarysville, WA 98271, USAPhone: 888-RACKOVN (888-722-5686)Email: *********************Website: REV E 10/2016TREAD, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER/OPERATORS OF THIS APPLIANCE TO TRAIN, SUPERVISE AND AUTHORIZE ANY PERSON DESIGNATED AS AN OPERATOR. ALL OPERATORS MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS MANUAL.Your LBC Conveyor Oven was manufactured to rigid standards. The appliance has been tested and is listed by Intertek Testing Services (ETL Semko) and meets applicable safety and sanitation standards.A. The responsibility of the manufacturer is to supply suitable, comprehensive instructions and recommendations forproper operation and maintenance.B. All operations, maintenance and repair of this or any appliance must be performed by properly trained and qualifiedpersonnel, and all such operations, maintenance and repair must be performed in a diligent manner. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure proper training and diligence of any person coming into contact with either the subject units or the output (product, fumes or otherwise) of the subject units. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure that the subject units are installed and operated in accordance with OSHA Standard 1910.263.C.A regular periodic program of cleaning, inspection and maintenance must be established and comprehensive maintenance records maintained. It is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator to establish, schedule and enforce the frequency and scope of these programs in keeping with recommended practice and with due consideration given to actual operating conditions.D.The appliance must be operated within limits which will not exceed its working limits. It is the responsibility of the user to operate this appliance in accordance with the rules and limits described in this manual and the published product specification sheet, and in accordance with the directions and instructions of the owner/operator of the appliance or employer, and in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and ordinances.T CHAPTER PAGE Read First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Clearance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conditions of Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Receiving and Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reversing Conveyor Belt Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Servicing / Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Control Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Wiring Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24STop ViewFront View Appliance Dimensions:Top View Front ViewLBC Bakery Equipment shall, for a fee contingent on site location and provided that the conditions of installation are met, provide a factory-authorized service agency to install the LBC Rotisserie. The job site must be ready for installation before LBC Bakery Equipment or its authorized agent arrives. If the installation site is not properly prepared or if there are construction delays, the customer shall be responsible for all expenses incurred during this delay. All expenses resulting from job delay or extension, for reasons beyond the control of LBC Bakery Equipment, shall be the responsibility of the customer. Installation shall be conducted during normal business hours. This installation is for a single trip. Start-up and training are not included.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM WITH LOCAL CODES.It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to do the following: A. Secure all required permits and meet all local code requirements.B. Ensure the installation site is cleared and ready for installation before the authorized installer arrives on site. The siteshall be smooth and level.C. Provide electric utilities within five (5) feet of installation location per specifications provided by LBC Bakery EquipmentD. Provide licensed trades person to make the final electrical and water connections.E. Provide adequate ventilation, including vented hoods and associated roof penetrations.F. Remove all packing materials, crates, etc. resulting from the installation.G. Provide any sheet metal work required by local codes or otherwise to bridge gaps between appliance and adjacent wallsor other building structures.ReceivingUpon receiving the appliance, immediately check for damage (both visible and concealed) and loss. Visible damage must be noted on the freight bill at the time of delivery and signed by the carrier’s agent. Concealed damage or loss means damage or loss which does not become apparent until the merchandise has been unpacked. If concealed damage or loss is discovered upon unpacking, make a written request for inspection by the carrier’s agent within 15 days of delivery. All packing material should be kept for the inspection. DO NOT return damaged merchandise to LBC Bakery Equipment; you must file your claim with carrier.UnpackingPrior to unpacking, move the appliance as near to its intended location as practical. Existing packaging will help protect the oven from physical damage normally associated with moving it through hallways and doorways. The appliance will arrive inside a wood frame and affixed to a pallet. Remove the wood frame and strapping bands before lifting the unit from the pallet and placing in its intended location.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM WITH LOCAL CODES.ClearancesRefer to Clearance Requirements section of this manual for spacing from combustible construction and clearances required for servicing or inspecting components.Ventilation and ExhaustVENTILATION AND EXHAUST REQUIREMENTS MUST COMPLY WITH THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION STANDARD, NFPA 96, AS WELL AS ANY AND ALL LOCAL AND STATE CODES.The conveyor oven must be installed under a ventilation hood. Hood must have adequate overhangs and exhaust rates to completely capture byproducts of combustion discharged from oven.Lifting Individual OvensNote safe lifting zones indicated by red dashed lines and arrows on illustration below. Do not attempt to lift oven by edges not shown with a dashed line. Refer to this illustration when moving oven(s) as called out on the following installation steps.RemoveAdjustablePanelseach endBase and CastersDepending upon model, appliance will be supplied with either a base with swivel casters or swivel casters only. (Single-stacked and double-stacked ovens are installed on base with casters; triple-stacked ovens are installed on casters only.) Locate base panel and secure base or casters to underside of it as shown below. Use 16 each M8 X 20mm hex bolts, M8 plain washers and M8 lock washers provided. Once this is done, lift the oven onto the base panel sub-assembly. Remove oven front panel and rear panel and secure oven to base panel (4 places LPC-19-E, 8 places LPC-31-E) through the oven cook chamber floor. Use M6 X 20mm truss head screws, 6mm flat washers and 6mm lock washers provided.LevelingOnce assembled, move oven to desired location and check level. If oven is not level, loosen bolts at leg or caster mount plates and shim between plates and underside of oven with washers as needed. Once level, re-tighten hex bolts.BaseBase PanelFirst: SecureBase to Base PanelBase PanelCasterSingle-Stacked and Double-Stacked OvensTriple-Stacked OvensSecond: Secure Oven to BaseFirst: Secure Casters to Base PanelSecond: Secure Oven to Base PanelStacking (For single ovens, skip to next step)Lift stacked oven onto bottom oven. Place hands only in safe lifting zones as noted previously in this section. Align top oven bottom flange over bottom oven and gently lower into place. Bottom flange of top oven should slide over bottom oven as shown below. Repeat this step for triple stacked ovens.Remove front and rear oven panels of stacked oven(s). Do not remove panels of bottom oven. Locate 4 each holes in bottom flanged panel of each oven. Secure each pair of ovens together through these holes with 4 each M6 X 20mm truss head screws, plain washers and lock washers provided.Install Top PanelSecure Top Panel to top of top oven. For LPC-19-E, use 4 each M6 X 20mm truss head screws provided. For LPC-31-E, use 8 each M6 X M50mm truss head screws provided.Top PanelConveyor Belt InstallationRemove chain cover attached to side of control compartment (see Illustration 1), exposing driver sprocket. From control side of cook chamber, place end of conveyor belt onto oven opening with pre-installed driven sprocket on belt oriented toward driver sprocket (Illustration 2) and slide belt assembly into cook chamber until end of conveyor extends through far side oven opening. Install chain provided between driver sprocket and driven sprocket. Lift and slide conveyor belt into cook chamber to minimize distance between driver and driven sprockets and loop chain over both sprockets (Illustration 3). Once chain is correctly engaged on both sprockets, pull belt assembly toward control end of bake chamber until chain is taut and conveyor frame is properly seated. Lastly, reinstall chain cover.Chain CoverDriven SprocketDriver SprockeIllustration 2Belt Assembly FrameConveyor Belt Tension AdjustmentLift conveyor belt and measure distance from belt to top of conveyor frame (Illustration 1). Distance should be between 2”and 3”. To adjust tension, turn belt tension-adjustment knobs at corners of conveyor frame opposite sprocket end (Illustration 2). NOTE: Conveyor must be cool when adjusting belt.Illustration 1 Illustration 2Electrical ConnectionAPPLIANCE, WHEN INSTALLED, MUST BE ELECTRICALLY GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL CODES, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF LOCAL CODES, WITH THE National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA 70, OR The Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.2, AS APPLICABLE.Connect oven(s) to a power source. For dimensional locations of cord connect points, refer to Specifications section of this manual. For circuit requirements and breaker sizes for each deck, refer to this table:Functional Check(Also refer to Controller Operation section of this manual)Turn wall breaker on to energize oven and verify:∙Oven controller Power button LED is onTurn oven on at Power button and verify:∙All controller displays illuminatePress Conveyor button to turn conveyor on and verify:∙Belt consistently engages center sprockets without slipping off teeth∙All adjacent center sprockets engage the same belt link2"3"Belt Tension-AdjustmentKnobsCenterSprocketsPress Fan button to turn fan on and verify:∙Heat-circulation fan turns on∙Fan button LED illuminatesCalibrate Oven Temperature, if required. Insert a thermocouple inside the cook chamber and place on the conveyor belt. Route the probe wire out of the loading door opening and adjust the oven set point to 350o F. Allow the oven to reach the set point and stabilize for at least 90 minutes. If the thermocouple reading and the controller actual temperature differ by more than a couple degrees, the control must be calibrated. To begin, make a note of the temperature difference between the thermocouple and the controller actual temperature, then turn the control power button off and hold the fan off/on button for 3 seconds until a value appears in the set point display. Use the set point up or down arrow to add or subtract the difference in temperature. (EXAMPLE: If the thermocouple is 10o higher than the actual temperature, add 10. If the thermocouple is 10o lower than the actual temperature, subtract 10.) Turn the control button on and re-check the thermocouple against the controller actual temperature. Repeat this procedure until the two temperatures match.Reversing Belt DirectionBelt direction switch can be found at backside of control box. Set to desired position.Chain Restraint KitSecure the appliance to a building structure with a chain restraint. Affix one end of restraint to rear panel of oven. Two holes must be drilled to affix 2-hole plate located on either end of restraint. A drill bit and mounting hardware are provided in chain restraint kit.Final InspectionVerify the following:∙All screws and connections are tight∙Gas connections are tight and do not leak∙Sandwich door opens and closes easily and remains closed while in vertical position∙Fingerprints, dirt and sticker residue have been cleaned from oven)SERVICE WORK MUST CONFORM WITH LOCAL CODES, OR IN THE ABSENCE OF LOCAL CODES, WITH THE National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, OR The National Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, AS APPLICABLE.ClearancesRefer to Clearance Requirements section of this manual for spacing from combustible construction and clearances required for servicing or inspecting components.ElectricalBefore servicing, disable power supply to oven. Disconnect plug(s) from electrical outlet(s). If oven has been installed with a junction-box, disable power at wall breaker and lock-out/tag-out per customer’s procedures. Check all electrical terminal screws in control compartment and tighten as needed. After servicing is complete and after appliance has been returned to its originally-installed position, reconnect power and/or turn breaker back on.Chain RestraintThe oven has been supplied with a chain restraint. If disconnection of restraint is necessary for servicing, reconnect restraint after servicing is complete and after appliance has been returned to its originally-installed position.Main MotorCheck main motor cooling vents for accumulations of lint or other debris and clean as required. NOTE: Main motor bearings are fully enclosed and do not require lubrication.Cooling FanCheck cooling fan for accumulations of lint or other debris and clean as required.LActual Temp DisplayThis is the actual temp inside cook chamber.Conveyor Speed Buttons Use to change the conveyor belt speed.Set Point Buttons Use to set temp. Change Temperature Scale Simultaneously press-and- hold both arrows for 3 sec to change from o F to o C and back.Set Point Display Use Set Point arrows to set temp. Set temp will appear in this display.Conveyor Belt On/Off ButtonUse to turn the conveyor belt on and off. Conveyor Speed Display Use Conveyor Speed arrows to set desired belt speed. Belt speed will appear in this display in minutes andseconds.Fan On/Off Button Use to turn the heat circulation fans onand off.Heat On Light This light illuminates when heaters are on.CooLCool-Down Feature On shutdown, if cook chamber temp is ≥200o F, heaters will turn off while heater fans continue to run. When chamber temp drops below 200o F, fanswill stop and control will turn off. “CooL” willappear in Conveyor Speed display whenever Cool-Down Feature is active.WTo order any of the optional parts or accessories listed below, visit our website at . You may also call our factory toll free at 1-888-722-5686, or email us at *********************.Main AssemblyController PartsForward Control Compartment Parts (Continued)Rear Panel Parts (LPC-19 only) Rear Panel Parts (LPC-31 only)Horizontal Duct PartsConveyor Parts* See 89 for complete ConveyorPARTS LIST (Part 6 of 8) WWW Wiring diagrams are also located on the inside of the control compartment cover.WIRING DIAGRAM (Part 2 of 2) W Wiring diagrams are also located on the inside of the control compartment cover.Element Connection Table。
英力宝 DG2000AXDP DC电源技粉述说明书
connect in series or parallel for increased voltage or current capabilities (Models 1780 and 1775) ■ Integral system software makes in-case calibration quick and accurate ■ Large character LCD display assures fast, “easy-to-read” measurements
Accessory Supplied
“User Manuals, Software”
Approximately 11lbs. (5Kg)
LED Voltmeter & Ampmeter
Two Year Warranty
SUPPLIED: User Manual, Serial Cable, Windows® & DOS Software
DC Output MAX Ratings Voltage Current
0-17.5V; 0-35V 0-6A; 0-3A
0-35V 0-2A
0-18V 0-4A
Programming Resolution Voltage Current OVP
10mV 2mA 200mV
10mV 0.6mA 200mV
18lbs. (8.1kg)
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一般性概要 (1)
产品简介 (2)
应用选型 (2)
面板功能 (3)
时序器拔码举例 (3)
控制器拔码举例 (3)
接线说明 (4)
单机与电脑/中控联接 (4)
时序器外接I/O口控制 (4)
多机级联接线 (4)
混合级联控制(通过RS232口控制) (5)
串口通信协议 (6)
8005外观示意图 (9)
8003外观示意图 (10)
注意事项 (11)
* 8005为早期8002产品的外型改良版,具有相同的功能及配置方法
设置3:电源控制器地址设定(ID SET),提供[1]、[2]、[4]三位拨码,可组成数值为1至7的7个ID地址。
0x01 : 开启几路电源控制器
0x11 : 关闭几路电源控制器
0x03 : 全开电源控制器
0x13 : 全关电源控制器
0x21 : 查询状态
0x7F : 命令没有执行
0x88 0x0B 0xFF (开时序器)
如果正确:0x8F 0x0B 0xFF
如果错误:0x8F 0x7F 0x0B 0xFF (指示0x0B号指令没有执行)0x88 0x0D 0xFF (关时序器)
如果正确:0x8F 0x0D 0xFF
如果错误:0x8F 0x7F 0x0D 0xFF (指示0x0D号指令没有执行)
0x81 0x01 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x07 0xFF (开启1,2,3,7号通道继电器)
如果正确:0x91 0x01 0xFF
如果错误:0x91 0x7F 0x01 0xFF (指示0x01号指令没有执行)
0x83 0x11 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0xFF (关闭1-7号通道继电器)返回:
如果正确:0xB1 0x11 0xFF
如果错误:0xB1 0x7F 0x11 0xFF (指示0x11号指令没有执行)
0x85 0x03 0xFF (全开5号电源控制器)
如果正确:0xD1 0x03 0xFF
如果错误:0xD1 0x7F 0x03 0xFF (指示0x03号指令没有执行)
0x86 0x13 0xFF (全关6号电源控制器)
如果正确:0xE1 0x13 0xFF
如果错误:0xE1 0x7F 0x13 0xFF (指示0x13号指令没有执行)
0x86 0x21 0xFF (查询7号电源控制器)
0xF1 0x21 0x0y 0x0z 0xFF (y表示1-4号开关开启状态,z表示5-8号开关)如果错误:
0xF1 0x7F 0x21 0xFF (指示0x21号指令没有执行)
稀少、远离火源,温度-10℃~+60℃,湿度<70% 。