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无剥落 1 1 1 天花板无悬吊不要物,无蜘蛛网 2 1

保持整洁,无脏污,乱画 2 1 1 墙面没有悬挂不要物,悬挂物表面清洁 2 1 电器开关处于安全状态,表单、通知等定位粘贴 3 1

墙体无破损 4 1

地面无垃圾,无污染,无杂物,无积水,保持清洁 3 1 1 地面物品定位放置,标识明确 2 1 路面通道有明显合理划分,保持通畅,无障碍物,不占道作业3 1

两侧物品不超过通道线 4 1

定位摆放,标识明确 4 1 1 垃圾桶本身保持整洁,垃圾不超出桶口 2 1 定期摆放,花盆外观清洁 5 1 1 盆景定期浇水,泥土没有干裂 2 1

赏叶型植物叶子保持整洁,无枯黄 3 1

定位摆放,隔断整齐 6 1 1 办公桌抽屉应分类标识 2 1 椅台面整洁,无灰尘,杂物 3 1

离开座椅,台面物品、椅即归位 4 1

桌面、办公抽屉不杂乱 5 1

与正进行工作无关物品应归位 6 1

椅上不得披挂任何物品 7 1

桌椅无涂写 8 1

定位分类放置,按规定标识清楚,明确责任人 7 1 1 文件夹夹(盒)内文件定

期清理、归档 2 1 (盒) 夹(盒)保持整洁有序 3 1

文件归入相应文件夹(盒)内 4 1

文件柜分类标识清楚,明确责任人 8 1 1 文件柜文件柜保持整洁,柜顶无积尘、杂物 2 1

文件柜内物品、资料应分区定位,标识清楚 3 1

饮水机、取暖器、空调、电脑(套)、打印机、复印机、传真机、等定位放9 1 1 其它置

设施以上设施状态完好,无安全隐患,整洁有序 2 1

门、窗、玻璃、窗帘保持完好、整洁 3 1

门、窗、玻璃无贴纸等现象 4 1

摆放位置合理、明确、标识清楚、方便取用 10 1 1 消防定位区内无障碍物

2 1 器材及时更换、状态完好,按要求摆放,整洁整齐

3 1

需有台账及负责人 4 1 with effective measures. Public security monitoring system used advanced of, and prevention capacity very strong of digital integrated system, it can through remote control photo as machine directly watch was monitored places of situation, at a glance; monitoring picture can select SD, HD, mode, monitoring image quality high, picture clear smooth, adapted current and future on monitoring clarity of requirements. monitoring system can and alarm, other security technology prevention system linkage run, makes system of prevention capacity more powerful. With advanced user rights management system application software, avoid beyond the purview of the monitoring, control, setting, avoid an illegal operation. The programme monitoring system uses a modular design, you can provide a more flexible system, users can be configured flexibly according to demand amount of hardware.

When the system needs to change when the monitoring level, the number of network clients by adding the corresponding standalone systems can be integrated into existing systems. Video surveillance set of network management platform access gateway, professional storage, monitoring, intelligent analysis of the platform in one. Support concurrent access equivalent to 256 D1 digital video, when 1080P support 32-way, 720P 96 channels. Can support up to 100 simultaneous users, equivalent 128-channel D1 video video stream forwarding number. Monitoring front end over IP network connections and related devices such as alarms, you can achieve a fully digitally networked video surveillance. Intelligent retrieval system to support video content enhancements, can be used for video content by keyword, key features of the automatic search, image and video search feature and video display.

电器及开关需有标识,无安全隐患 1 1 11 电器、开关、电线保持整洁 2 1

电器、电线布局合理整齐,无安全隐患(裸线、线上挂物等) 3 1 电线、无长明灯现象 4 1 开关、低压灯需有安全罩 5 1 电灯大型电器检修时需有警示标识 6 1

应有固定的摆放位置,标识清晰明确,便于识别 12 1 1 资料、标记录、标识牌等挂放或摆放合理、整洁、牢固 2 1 识牌标牌、资料、记录清晰准确,具可参考性 3 1

桌面整洁,无杂物 13 1 1 桌面物品定位摆放,标识清晰明确 2 1

工作时物品摆放有序,无杂乱 3 1

定位,整齐摆放,分类标识 14 1 1 生活茶水壶、杯、烟灰缸等定位摆放,

保持整洁 2 1 用品毛巾等定位放置,保持整洁 3 1
