香奈儿创始人CocoChanel 经典英语名言(中英对照)Chanel品牌的创办人Coco Chanel,原名“Gabrie lle Bonheu r Chanel”,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulo us.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。
In orderto be irrepl aceab le, one must always be differ ent.想要无可取代,就必须时刻与众不同。
Fashio n passes, style. remain s.时尚会过去,但风格永存The best colour in the wholeworld, is the one that looksgood, on you!最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。
Look for the womanin the dress. It thereis no woman, thereis no dress.记得要寻找穿衣服的女人。
Luxury must be comfor table, otherw ise it is not luxury.奢侈就必须舒适,否则就不是奢侈。
I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richne ss and ornate nessbut in the absenc e ofvulgar ity. Vulgar ity is the uglies t word in our langua ge. I stay in the game to fightit.我爱奢侈。
香奈儿英文讲稿(精选5篇)第一篇:香奈儿英文讲稿Design 1910 CHANEL MODES(配图1)Gabrielle [,ɡɑ:bri:'e] Chanel opens her first shop at 21 rue[ruː] Cambon in Paris, creating hats under the name “CHANEL Modes”.Favored by the most famous French actresses of the time, her designs help to establish her reputation.Gabrielle Chanel’s simple, elegant style of dress creates a sensation, and is soon imitated by all of Paris.1910 香奈儿时尚嘉柏丽尔·香奈儿在巴黎康朋街21号开设了自己的第一家女帽店,以“香奈儿时尚”为名,制作帽子。
1921 CHANEL N°5 Mademoiselle [mɑːdmwɑː'zel] Chanel unveils [ʌn'veɪl] her first fragrance, the iconic [aɪ'kɒnɪk] CHANEL N°5.Created by Ernest ['ɜ:nɪst] Beaux[boz], former perfumer to the Tsars[zɑr], N°5 is so called because it was the fifth scent presented to Mademoiselle Chanel.A truly timeless classic, N°5 remains the ultimate symbol of femininity.香奈儿N°5 香奈儿推出自己的第一款香水,标志性的“香奈儿N°5”。
香奈儿来历英文作文English:Coco Chanel, the founder of the iconic fashion brand Chanel, was born in Saumur, France in 1883. She overcame a difficult childhood and early career to establish herself as a revolutionary fashion designer. Chanel's unique vision and style led to the creation of the now famous Chanel brand, which has had a significant impact on the fashion industry. The brand’s notable pieces such as the little black dress, the classic Chanel suit, and the iconic Chanel No. 5 perfume have become timeless symbols of elegance and sophistication. Chanel's legacy continues to shape and influence contemporary fashion trends and remains one of the most respected and sought-after luxury brands in the world.中文翻译:香奈儿(Chanel)的创始人可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)出生于1883年的法国索米尔。
香奈儿生平 (1)
中文名:香奈儿英文名:CHANEL国家:法国巴黎创建年代:1910年创建人:可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel)现任设计师:卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld)在 Coco Chanel 1971年去世后,德国名设计师卡尔•拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 成为 Chanel 品牌的灵魂人物香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活。
她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店。
12岁时,因母亲去世、父亲离家出走,Gabriella Chanel被送到孤儿院,在这里却磨炼出一种紧坚韧的个性,并学会了缝纫。
1909年,她从一间小小的帽子店起家,并在商人Pierre Wertheimer先生的资助下,于1914年开创了Chanel 时装屋,总部位于巴黎31 Rue Cambon,并延续至今。
她留下名言,“Less is More”(约就是美),改造黑色“丧服”(也有说是“女佣服”)为只需变化首饰就成了适合日穿夜穿的“经典小黑裙”Little Black Dress。
她的Chanel Suit(花呢套装),以女性化为诉求,集美观、时髦、舒适、端庄、考究为一体,在树立女性职场自信平等的同时,不具侵略性地保留了女性大赋魅力……这一切的简约美、精致美、叛逆美都贯穿在日后的Chanel化妆品中。
coco chanel英文演讲稿
chanel女士 coco chanel女士 如果要问二十年代的时装女王是谁,那么答案只有一个Coco Chanel,她 超越生命极限的设计和崇尚自由随意搭配的风格,把女性从笨拙的扭曲 体型的束缚中解放出来,强调优雅简洁而容易穿着,成为现代女性衣着 的革命先锋。 她曾说过:“要把妇女从头到脚摆脱矫饰”。她要“创造一 个年轻的形象”夏奈尔的服装坦率、自由,裙子为齐膝短裙,上衣为宽 松直线型外套,不再强调胸部和臀部的曲线。她的毛呢无腰四分之三长 外套,去掉花哨的装饰,简朴得像男装一样。她反对过去的高级时装像 “鸽子那样挺胸凸臀”。“烦躁、杂乱”,她壮涨造型县简洁、朴实、 舒适自如,色彩单纯、素雅,她喜欢黑、白两色。夏奈尔改变了时装的 概念,是服装艺术真正迈入20世纪。
In 1920, she was introduced by ballet empresario Sergei Diaghilev to world famous composer Igor Stravinsky (Rite of Spring), to whom she extended an offer for him and his family to reside with her. During this temporary sojourn it was rumoured that they had an affair. Chanel never married.
可可·夏奈尔(Coco Chanel 1883一1971) 原名布里埃尔·邦思·夏奈尔(Gabrielle Chanel) ,生 于法国索米尔1883年8月19日,卒于法国巴黎1971 年6月10日。
Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (August 19, 1883 – January 10, 1971) was a pioneering French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy, menswear-inspired fashions, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important figure in 20th-century fashion. Her influence on haute couture was such that she was the only person in the field to be named on TIME Magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century.
1921年,香奈尔发明了香奈尔 五(Chanel No.5)香水,这款香 水面向全球销售,笔直的瓶身和同 时代其它的香水瓶设计有很大不同。 1924年,皮埃尔· 沃特海姆在香 水业务上成为她的合伙人。沃特海 姆拥有百分之七十的股份,香奈尔 得到了百分之十的股份,另外百分 之二十的股份由她朋友巴德拥有。 今天沃特海姆家族继续控制了香水 公司。玛丽莲.梦露在1950年代宣 布香奈尔五号是她最爱的香水。据 统计,每30秒钟就有一瓶香奈尔 五号售出。
她在25岁认识了法国面料商 艾亭奈· 巴桑,成为他的情妇。 巴桑在事业上帮助香奈尔起步。 之后她又结识了英国工业家阿 瑟· 卡伯,卡伯全力支持夏奈尔 的事业。
商店: 香奈尔的第一家商店于1910年在巴黎康朋街 开张,接着于1913年在多维尔开了一家流行女装商店, 于1915年开了一家女式时装屋。 婚姻:她一生未婚,私生活多姿多彩。 在爱汀讷· 巴尔森之后,她又相继和艺术家保 罗· 艾里伯,威斯敏斯特公爵,流亡法国的俄国狄米拉公 爵,英国运动员博伊· 卡佩尔传出恋情。她有30多年时间 以巴黎的巴黎里兹酒店为家。在那段时期,她与德国官 员斯· 冈瑟· 冯丁克拉格交往密切,汉斯安排她继续留在旅 店里。她在康朋街拥有一套公寓,在罗克布伦小镇有一 套别墅。 去世:1971年1月10日,她在巴黎里兹酒店的客房中去 世,她的墓碑上雕刻着五个石头狮子的头。
பைடு நூலகம்缪丹
介 生 平
中文名:可可· 香奈儿 外文名:Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel 籍贯:法国索米尔 性别:女 民族:高卢 时间:1883年8月19日---1971年1月10日 现代职业:服装设计师 香水设计师 成就:1921年,香奈尔发明了香奈尔五号(Chanel No.5)香水 名言:时尚不仅仅指服装而已,时尚存在于天空中、街道上,它
可可·香奈儿生平中英文介绍(总4页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hopeI can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly?.my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。
Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。
SAT写作人物素材:香奈儿永远的时尚霸主下面为大家整理的是关于香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel生平的SAT写作例子,这篇SAT写作例子中详细的介绍了她的生平以及所创立的品牌对世界女性时装行业的影响等内容。
Chanel品牌的创办人Coco Chanel,法国先锋时装设计师,香奈尔(Chanel)品牌的创始人。
她的朋友中就有抽象画派大师毕加索(Picasso)、法国诗人导演高克多 (Jean Cocteau) 等等。
自此,她由她的姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校 (Convent School),并在那儿学得一手针线技巧。
在她二十二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖啡厅歌手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名“Coco”,在不同的歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱维生。
Chanel No 5香水恒久流行:除了时装,Chanel也在1921 年推出Chanel No 5香水,女星妮可·基德曼 (Nicole Kidman)作代言人的No 5香水瓶子是一个甚具装饰艺术 (Art Deco) 味道的玻璃瓶。
1960年代,美国影星玛丽莲梦露在回答一位记者的“晚上穿什么睡衣入睡?”的问题时说到:“A few drops of Chanel NO.5(擦几滴香奈尔5号而已)。
Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly .my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa • Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre • 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。
Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。
香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel之 SAT写作例子
更多广州sat培训资料请进入:/sat/查看香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel之SAT写作例子下面为大家整理的是关于香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel生平的SAT写作例子,这篇SAT写作例子中详细的介绍了她的生平以及所创立的品牌对世界女性时装行业的影响等内容。
Coco Chanel, 1920Born:Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel19 August 1883(1883-08-19)Saumur, FranceDied:10 January 1971(1971-01-10) (aged 87)Paris, FranceNationality:FrenchEducation:Catholic Monastery in AubazineOccupation:Fashion designerAwards:Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, 1957Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was an influential French fashion designer, founder of the famous brand Chanel, whose modernist thought, practical design, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important and influential figure in 20th-century fashion. She was the only fashion designer to be named on Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century.Early lifeChanel was born to an unwed mother, Jeanne Devolle, a laundrywoman, in a facility for the indigent in Saumur, France. This was Devolle's second daughter. The father, Albert Chanel was an itinerant street peddler who with horse and cart lived a nomadic life, traveling to and from market towns, the family residing in rundown lodgings. He married Jeanne Devolle several years after Chanel was born. At birth Chanel’s name was entered into the official registry as ―Chasnel.‖ It is speculated that th is spelling was a clerical error or an ancient spelling of the family name. The couple eventually had five other children: Julia-Berthe, (1882–1913), Antoinette (born 1887) and three brothers, Alphonse (born 1885), Lucien (born 1889) and Augustin (born and died 1891).In 1895, when she was twelve years old, Chanel’s mother died of tuberculosis. Her father sent her two brothers out as farm laborers and the three daughters to a bleak area of central France, the Corrèze, intothe hands of a convent for orphans, Aubazine. It was a stark, frugal life demanding strict discipline but raised with the charity of the Catholic faith. At age eighteen, Chanel, now too old to remain at Aubazine, went to live in a boarding house set aside for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins.Having learned the sewing arts during her six years at Aubazine, Chanel was able to find employment as a seamstress. When not plying her trade with a needle, she sang in a cabaret frequented by cavalry officers. It was at this time that Gabrielle acquir ed the name ―Coco,‖ a name possibly derived from a popular song she sang, or an allusion to the French word for kept woman: cocotte.Later in life, she concocted an elaborate, fabricated history to cover up her humble beginnings with a more compelling light. Of the various stories told about Coco Chanel, a great number were of her own invention. These legends were to be the undoing of the earliest of her biographies. These were ghosted memoirs commissioned by Chanel herself, but never published, always aborted before fruition, as she realized that the facts exposed a personage less laudatory than the mythic Chanel she had self-invented. Chanel would steadfastly claim that when her mother died, her father sailed for America to seek his fortune and she was sent to live with two cold-hearted spinster aunts. She even claimed to have been born in 1893 as opposed to 1883, and that her mother had died when Coco was six instead of twelve.Personal life and early careerIt was at Moulins that Chanel met a young, French, ex-cavalry officer, and wealthy textile heir Étienne Balsan. At age twenty-three, Chanel became Balsan’s mistress and for the next three years lived with him in his chateau Royallieu near Compiègne, an area known for its wooded equestrian paths and the hunting life. It was a life style of self-indulgence, Balsan’s wealth and leisure allowing the cultivation of a social set who reveled in partying and the gratification of human appetites with all the implied accompanying decadence. Balsan lavished Chanel with the beauties of "the rich life"— diamonds, dresses, and pearls. It was while living with Balsan that Chanel began designing hats, initially as a diversion that evolved into a commercial enterprise. Biographer Justine Picardie, in her 2010 study Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (Harper Collins), suggests that the fashion designer's nephew, AndréPalasse, supposedly the only child of her sister Julia- Berthe who had committed suicide, actually was Chanel's child by Balsan.Caricature by Sem of Chanel dancing with Boy Capel, 1913.In 1908 Chanel began an affair with one of Balsan's friends, Captain Arthur Edward 'Boy' Capel. In later years Chanel reminisced of this time in her life: ―…two gentlemen were outbidding for my hot little body.‖Capel, a wealthy member of the English upper-class, installed Chanel in an apartment in Paris and financed Chanel's first shops. It is said Capel's own sartorial style influenced the conception of the Chanel look. The bottle design for Chanel No. 5 had two probable origins, both attributable to the sophisticated design sensibilities of Capel.Chanel became a licensed modiste (hat maker) in 1910 and opened a boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris named Chanel Modes. Chanel's modiste career bloomed once theatre actress Gabrielle Dorziat modelled her hats in the F Noziere's play Bel Ami in 1912 (Subsequently, Dorziat modelled her hats again in Les Modes). In 1913, she established a boutique in Deauville, where she introduced luxe casual clothes that were suitable for leisure and sport. Chanel launched her career as fashion designer when she opened her next boutique, titled Chanel-Biarritz, in 1915, catering to the wealthy Spanish clientele who holidayed in Biarritz and were less affected by the war. Fashionable like Deauville, Chanel created loose casual clothes made out of jersey, a material typically used for men's underwear. By 1919, Chanel was registered as a couturiere and established her maison de couture at 31 rue Cambon.Coco Chanel, 1920.In 1920, she was introduced by ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev to Igor Stravinsky. Now a notable patron of the arts, Chanel guaranteed the production of the ballet Le Sacre du Printemps (―The Rite of Spring‖) against financial loss, an d provided her new home Bel Respiro, located in a Paris suburb, as a residence for composer Stravinsky and his family. In addition to turning out her couture collections, Chanel threw her prodigious energies into designing dance costumes for the cutting-edge Ballet Russe. Between the years 1923-1937, she collaborated on productions choreographed by Diaghilev and dancer Vaslav Nijinsky, notably Le Train bleu, a dance-opera, Orphée and Oedipe Roi.In 1924, Chanel made an agreement with the Wertheimer brothers, Pierre and Paul, directors of the eminent perfume house Bourgeois since 1917, creating a corporate entity, "Parfums Chanel." The Wertheimers agreed to provide full financing for production, marketing and distribution of Chanel No. 5. For ten percent of the stock, Chanel licensed her name to "Parfums Chanel" and removed herself from involvement in all business operations. Displeased with the arrangement, Chanel worked for more than twenty yea rs to gain full control of "Parfums Chanel." She proclaimed that Pierre Wertheimer was ―the bandit who screwed me.‖One of Chanel’s longest and enduring associations was with Misia Sert, a notorious member of the Parisian, bohemian elite and wife of Spanish painter José-Maria Sert. It is said that theirs was an immediate bond of like souls, and Misia was attracted to Chanel by ―her genius, lethal wit, sarcasm and maniacal destructiveness, which intrigued and appalled everyone.‖ Both women, convent bred,maintained a friendship of shared interests, confidences and drug use. By 1935, Chanel had become a habitual drug user, injecting herself with morphine on a daily basis until the end of her life. According to Chandler Burr's The Emperor of Scent, Luca Turin related an apocryphal story in circulation that Chanel was "called Coco because she threw the most fabulous cocaine parties in Paris"Perfume Chanel No.5In 1923, Vera Bate Lombardi, born Sarah Gertrude Arkwright, reputedly the illegitimate daughter of the Marquess of Cambridge, afforded Chanel entry into the highest levels of British aristocracy. It was an elite group of associations revolving around such personages as Winston Churchill, aristocrats such as the Duke of Westminster and royals such as Edward, Prince of Wales. It was in Monte Carlo in 1923, at age forty-two that Chanel was introduced by Lombardi to the vastly wealthy Duke of Westminster, Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor, known to his intimates as ―Bendor‖. Th e Duke of Westminster lavished Chanel with extravagant jewels, costly art, and a home in Mayfair. In 1929, he gifted her with a parcel of land he had purchased near Monte Carlo where Chanel built an opulent villa, La Pausa His affair with Chanel lasted ten years. The Duke, an outspoken anti-Semite, intensified Chanel’s inherent antipathy toward Jews and shared with him an expressed homophobia.It was in 1931 while in Monte Carlo that Chanel made the acquaintance of Samuel Goldwyn. The introduction was made through a mutual friend, the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich, cousin to the last czar of Russia, Nicolas II. Goldwyn offered Chanel a tantalizing proposition. For the sum of a million dollars (approximately seventy-five million today), he would bring her to Hollywood twice a year to design costumes for MGM stars. Chanel accepted the offer. En route to California from New York traveling in a white train car, which had been luxuriously outfitted specifically for her use, she was interviewed by Colliers magazine in 1932. Chanel said she had agreed to the arrangement to "see what the pictures have to offer me and what I have to offer the pictures." This enterprise with the film industry left Chanel with a dislike for the business of movie making and distaste for the Hollywood culture itself, which she denounced as ―infantile.‖ Chanel's verdict was that: "Hollywood is the capital of bad taste...and it is vulgar." Ultimately, her design aesthetic did not translate well to film, failing to satisfy the standard of Hollywood glamour of the era. On screen her creations did not transmit enough dazzle and sexy allure.Her designs for film stars were not acclaimed and generated little comment. Despite her failure in Hollywood, Chanel went on to design the costumes for several French films, including Jean Renoir's 1939 film La Règle du jeu where she was credited as La Maison Chanel.Chanel was the mistress of some of the most influential men of her time, but she never married. She had affairs with the poet Pierre Reverdy, and illustrator and designer, Paul Iribe. After her romance with Reverdy ended in 1926, they still maintained a friendship which lasted some forty years. Her involvement with Iribe was a deep one until his sudden death in 1935. Iribe and Chanel shared the same reactionary politics, Chanel financing Iribe's monthly, ultra-nationalist newsletter, Le Témoin, which fueled an irrational fear of foreigners and preached anti-Semitism.Chanel was well aware that her lineage from peasant stock would forever prohibit her marriage into aristocratic circles. When asked why she did not marry the The Duke of Westminster, she stated: "There have been several Duchesses of Westminster. There is only one Chanel."Chanel was, "the first [designer] to show black dresses to be worn at any time."As the 1930s progressed, Chanel’s place on the throne of haute couture came under threat. The boyish look and the sho rt skirts of the 1920s flapper seemed to disappear overnight. Chanel’s designs for film stars in Hollywood had met with failure, and had not aggrandized her reputation as expected. More significantly, Chanel’s star had been eclipsed by her premier rival, t he designer, Elsa Schiaparelli. Schiaparelli’s innovative design, replete with playful references to Surrealism was creating much enthusiasm and excitement in the fashion world. Feeling she was losing her avant-garde edge, Chanel proceeded to collaborate with Jean Cocteau on his theatre piece, Oedipe Rex. The costumes she designed were mocked and critically lambasted: ―Wrapped in bandages the actors looked like ambulant mummies or victims of some terrible accident.‖World War IIIn 1939, at the beginning of World War II, Chanel closed her shops, maintaining her apartment situated above the couture house at 31 rue Cambon. She claimed that it was not a time for fashion. Three thousand female employees lost their jobs. The advent of war had given Chanel the opportunity to retaliate against those workers who, lobbying for fair wages and work hours, had closed down her business operation during the general labor strike in France in 1936. In closing her couture house, Chanel made a definitive statement of her political views. Her violent loathing of Jews, inculcated by her convent years and sharpened by her association with society elites had solidified her beliefs. She shared with most of her circle the conviction that Jews were a Bolshevik threat to Europe. During the German occupation Chanel resided at the Hotel Ritz, which was also noteworthy for being the preferred place of residence for upper echelon German military staff. Her romantic liaison with Hans Günther von Dincklage, a German officer who had been an operative in military intelligence since 1920, facilitated her arrangement to reside at the Ritz.World War II, specifically the Nazi seizure of all Jewish-owned property and business enterprises, provided Chanel with the opportunity to gain the full monetary fortune generated by "Parfums Chanel" and its most profitable product, Chanel No. 5. The directors of "Parfums Chanel," the Wertheimers, were Jewish, and Chanel used her position as an ―Aryan‖ to petition German officials to legalize her claim tosole ownership. On May 5, 1941, she wrote to the government administrator charged with ruling on the disposition of Jewish financial assets. Her grounds for proprietary ownership were based on the claim that ―Parfums Chanel ―is still the property of Jews‖…and had been legally ―abandoned‖ by the owners. ―I have,‖ she wrote, ―an indisputable right of priority…the profits that I have received from my creations since the foundation of this business…are disproportionate…[and] you can help to repair in part thepr ejudices I have suffered in the course of these seventeen years.‖ Chanel was not aw are that the Wertheimers, anticipating the forthcoming Nazi mandates against Jews had, in May 1940, legally turned control of ―Parfums Chanel‖ over to a Christian, French businessman and industrialist, Felix Amiot.Ultimately, the Wertheimers and Chanel came to a mutual accommodation, re-negotiating the original 1924 contract. On May 17, 1947, Chanel received wartime profits from the sale of Chanel No. 5, in an amount equivalent to some nine million dollars in twenty-first century valuation. Further, her future share would be two percent of all Chanel No. 5 sales worldwide. The financial benefit to her would be enormous. Her earnings would be in the vicinity of twenty-five million dollars a year, making her at the time one of the richest women in the world. In addition, Pierre Wertheimer agreed to an unusual stipulation proposed by Chanel herself. Wertheimer agreed to pay all of Chanel’s living expenses— from the trivial to the large— for the rest of her life.Protection from prosecutionIn September 1944, Chanel was called in to be interrogated by the Free French Purge Committee, theépuration. The committee, which had no documented evidence of her collaboration activity, was obliged to release her. According to Chanel’s grand-niece, Gabrielle Palasse Labrunie, when Chanel returned home she said, ―Churchill had me freed‖.The extent of Winston Churchill’s intervention can only be speculated upon. However, Chanel’s escape from prosecution certainly speaks of layers of conspiracy, protection at the highest levels. It was feared that if Chanel were ever made to testify at trial, the pro-Nazi sympathies and activities of top-level British officials, members of the society elite and those of the royal family itself would be exposed. It is believed that Churchill instructed Duff Cooper, British ambassador to the French provisional government, to―protect Chanel‖.Finally induced to appear in Paris before investigators in 1949, Chanel left her retreat in Switzerland to confront testimony given against her at the war crime trial of Baron Louis de Vaufreland, a French traitor and highly placed German intelligence agent. Chanel denied all accusations brought against her. She offered the presiding judge, Leclercq, a character reference: ―I could arrange for a declaration to come from Mr. Duff Cooper.‖Haute couture Chanel suit circa 1960Post-war life and careerIn 1945, she moved to Switzerland, eventually returning to Paris in 1954, the same year she returned to the fashion world. The re-establishment of her couture house in 1954 was fully financed by Chanel’s old nemesis in the perfume battle, Pierre Wertheimer. Her new collection was not received well by Parisians whose memory of Chanel's treasonous collaboration with the Nazis still resonated in the public mind. However, her return to couture was applauded by the British and Americans, who became her faithful customers.DeathIn early 1971 Chanel, then 87-years old, was tired and ailing but continued to adhere to her usual schedule, overseeing the preparation of the spring collection. She died on Sunday, January, 10th at the Hotel Ritz where she had resided for more than thirty years. She had gone for a long drive that afternoon and, not feeling well, had retired early to bed.Legacy as design revolutionaryAs early as 1915, Harper's Bazaar raved over Chanel’s designs: ―The woman who hasn’t at least one Chanel is hopel essly out of fashion…This season the name Chanel is on the lips of every buyer.‖ Chanel’s ascendancy as a fashion avatar was the official deathblow to the corseted female silhouette. The frills, fuss, and constraints endured by earlier generations of women were now passé. Her genius redefined the fashionable woman for the post WW I era. The Chanel trademark was a look of youthful ease, a liberated physicality, and unencumbered sportive confidence.The horse culture and penchant for hunting so passionately pursued by the elites, especially the British, fired Chanel’s imagination. Her own enthusiastic indulgence in the sporting life led to clothing designs informed by those activities. From her excursions on water with the yachting world, she appropriated the clothing associated with nautical pursuits: the horizontal striped shirt, bell bottom pants, crewneck sweaters, and espadrille shoes—all traditionally worn by sailors and fishermen.Ethnic influenceDesigners such as Paul Poiret and Fortuny introduced ethnic references into haute couture in the 1900s and early 1910s. Chanel continued this trend with Slav-inspired designs in the early 1920s. The beadingand embroidery on her garments at this time was exclusively executed by Kitmir, an embroidery house founded by an exiled Russian aristocrat, the Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, the sister of her erstwhile lover, Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich. Kitmir's fusion of oriental stitching with stylised folk motifs was highlighted in Chanel's early collections. One 1922 evening dress came with a matching embroidered 'babushka' headscarf. In addition to the headscarf, Chanel clothing from this period featuredsquare-necked tunic tops and elbow length sleeves alluding to Russian peasant attire, with chenille cloche hats for day wear. Evening designs were often embroidered with sparkling crystal and black jet embroidery.以上就是关于香奈儿的SAT写作经典例子的全部内容,非常全面。
关于香奈儿创新的文章英文In the Western business community where oligarchs reunite with cross-international and cross-industry group company brand matrix monopolistic competition,"CHANEL" has not only been fighting alone for more than a hundred years, but also set up a distinctive and maverick banner in the global fashion industry, with an unshakable leadership position and has always had an impact on the world's popular fashion. It is such a legendary brand, and the entrepreneurial path of founder Gabriel Coco Chanel is also legendary.Chanel learned the art of needlework at the convent school and became a café singer at the age of twenty-two under the stage name "Coco". During this career as a singer, she met two lovers and confidants, who often took her to high society circles and gave her the financial ability to open her own shop.Chanel opened a women's hat shop in Paris, and with extraordinary sewing skills, sewed hats with simple and attractive styles. Her two confidants introduced her to a number of celebrity guests. At that time, the ladies were tired of the fancy trims, so Chanel's simple and comfortable hat was as cool as a sweet spring for them. Within a year,business was on the rise, and Chanel moved her shop to the more fashionable Cummin neighborhood, which is still the base of Chanel's headquarters. Making hats was by no means enough to satisfy Chanel's ambitions for a fashion career, so she ventured into haute couture.CHANEL has launched a very innovative perfume from the fragrance to the name, to the bottle body and advertising, which is the famous CHANEL N°5. Chanel invited the Russian court perfumer Ennis Bao to create a bottle of "perfume that smells like a woman" for her, and Chanel 5 was born, the first perfume in history to be perfumed with an abstract theme. Ms. Chanel was unique in choosing an extremely simple trade name that looked like a registration number. This number seems to have a mysterious relationship with her constellation Leo, at least the commercial copywriting is well planned: Chanel's constellation Leo is the fifth constellation of the zodiac, and this is the fifth perfume sample provided by Ennis Bow, or perhaps she decided to protect this precious perfume with her lucky number. The name N°5 is unique and easy to r emember, even in any country that does not require a translation.The N°5 bottle body uses a very streamlined design,breaking away from the craftsmanship and surpassing the fashion, and standing in an elegant posture. The famous movie star Marilyn Monroe said in response to a reporter's question about what she wore to sleep, "I only wear N°5 to sleep", and this perfume has become legendary. One of the symbols of the twentieth century, the N°5 perfume bottle is included in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and its bottle body shines on a series of nine silk prints by the painter Andy Warhol. As the first synthetic "abstract" perfume, N°5 calls for a new olfactory vocabulary. N°5 ushered in a new era of perfumery, and since the n natural raw materials and synthetic substances have been harmonized in the modulation of perfumes. For Chanel, N° 5 set a stylistic tone that would influence all subsequent perfume creations.译文在寡头财团聚拥跨国际跨产业的集团公司品牌矩阵垄断式竞争的西方商界,“香奈儿(CHANEL)”不仅单打独斗百余年,并且在全球时尚界树立起一杆风格鲜明特立独行的招风大旗,具有不可撼动的领导地位,一直对世界流行风尚产生影响。
Chanel S.A., commonly known as "Chanel" (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈn ɛl/), is a Parisian fashion house founded by the late couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, recognized as one of the most established in haute couture, specializing in luxury goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others).[1] She gained the name "Coco" while maintaining a career as a singer at a coffee shop in France. Chanel has always specialized in items such as simple suits, dresses, women's pants, and costume jewelry. Coco Chanel's vision was to replace such opulent, sexy pieces with items which conveyed casual elegance.
In 1913, Chanel introduced women’s sportswear at her new boutique in Deauville, in the Rue Gounaut-Biron; Marthe, Countess de Gounaut-Biron (daughter of American diplomat, John George Alexander Leishman), was Chanel's first aristocratic client. Her third shop and successor to her biggest store in France was located in Deauville, France, where more women during the World War I era came to realize that women were supposed to dress for themselves and not their men. Chanel never married.
香奈儿来历英文作文Chanel, a name synonymous with elegance and luxury, has a fascinating history that spans over a century. Founded by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel in 1910, the brand has revolutionized the fashion industry with its innovative designs and timeless style. Gabrielle Chanel, born in 1883, led a life full of adventure and creativity. She began her career as a singer and performer, but soon found her true passion in fashion. Her early designs, influenced by the simplicity and practicality of the working-class women she encountered, were a stark contrast to the elaborate and restrictive fashions of the time.Chanel's revolutionary designs, such as the little black dress, the Chanel suit, and the trademark tweed jackets, became instant icons. She emphasized the importance of comfort and freedom of movement in fashion, allowing women to dress in a way that was both stylish and practical. Her designs also emphasized the female form, flattering women's curves and highlighting their natural beauty. In addition to her contributions to fashion, Chanel was also a businesswoman ahead of her time. She understood the power of branding and marketing, and successfully grew her business into a global empire. Her signature scent, Chanel No. 5, remains one of the most popular perfumes in the world today.Chanel's legacy is not just about fashion or perfume, but about a spirit of independence and creativity. She empowered women to express their individuality through style, challenging social norms and embracing their unique beauty. Her influence is still felt today, with Chanel remaining a global icon of elegance and style.香奈儿,这个与优雅和奢华同义的名字,背后有着一段跨越一个世纪的迷人历史。
可可香奈儿英语作文Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, was a pioneering fashion designer whose timeless creations continue toinfluence the world of fashion to this day. Her life story is one of resilience, innovation, and an unwavering commitmentto elegance and practicality in design.Born in 1883 in Saumur, France, Chanel's early life wasmarked by hardship. Orphaned at a young age, she was raisedin a convent where she learned the art of sewing, a skillthat would later become the foundation of her illustrious career.In the early 20th century, Chanel opened her first hat shopin Paris, which quickly gained her a reputation for chic and affordable headwear. Her designs were a stark contrast to the corset-clad fashions of the time, offering women a sense of freedom and comfort. She soon expanded her business toinclude clothing, revolutionizing women's fashion with her iconic little black dress and the introduction of jerseyfabric into women's wear.Chanel's influence extended beyond clothing. She was instrumental in popularizing costume jewelry, making it a staple of everyday fashion. Her signature scent, Chanel No. 5, remains one of the best-selling fragrances in the world, a testament to her ability to create timeless pieces that resonate with women across generations.The house of Chanel, under her leadership, became synonymous with modernity and sophistication. Her approach to fashion was a reflection of her personal philosophy: "Luxury must be comfortable; otherwise, it is not luxury." This belief guided her in creating designs that were both luxurious and accessible, a concept that was revolutionary for its time.Despite facing numerous challenges, including the disruption of World War II, Chanel's legacy has endured. Her designs have been reinterpreted by successive creative directors, yet her core principles of simplicity, practicality, and elegance remain at the heart of the brand.In conclusion, Coco Chanel was more than a fashion designer; she was a visionary who transformed the way women dressed and perceived themselves. Her legacy serves as an inspiration to aspiring designers and a reminder to all that true style transcends trends and endures the test of time.。
CHANEL香奈儿的创始人Gabrielle Channel,她出生于法国一个穷苦的家庭,母亲早逝,父亲是个流浪汉,留下她与姐姐在修道院的孤儿院相依为命。
香奈儿最著名的服装设计是黑色小礼服,香奈儿认为她的划时代的服装应有前卫的香水搭配,1921年,著名的香奈儿五牌介绍:品牌世家:创办人:Coco Chanel设计师:Karl Lagerfeld发源地:法国成立年份:1914年官方网站:联系:(电话) +42 86 28 00; (传真) +47 03 43 61 总店地址:31 Rue Cambon, Paris, 75001, France 产品线:男装、女装、眼镜、香水、高级珠宝系列:-中国分店:共两家,分别位于北京、上海「双C」已经成为一种时尚界的骄傲,也是这个地球上女人最想拥有的品牌!永远的香奈儿,香奈儿已经成为全球最知名的品牌;双C的经典LOGO将永远袭卷时尚流行、永不缺席。
香奈儿夫人(GABRIELLE CHANEL)出生于1883年、逝世于1971年,COCO是她的小名,虽然她离开我们很久,但是其经典的风格一直是时尚界的鼻祖。
香奈儿开创人Coco Chanel 经典英语名言(中英对照)Chanel品牌的开办人Coco Chanel,原名“Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ” ,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,香奈儿一生都没有成婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳典范,也是最知道情感乐趣的新时期女性。
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.每一个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。
In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.想要无可取代,就必需时刻不同凡响。
Fashion passes, style. remains.时尚会过去,但风格永存The best colour in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!最适合你的颜色,才是世界上最美的颜色。
Look for the woman in the dress. It there is no woman, there is no dress.记得要寻觅穿衣服的女人。
Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.奢侈就必需舒适,不然就不是奢侈。
I love luxury. And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity. Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.我爱奢侈。
关于DIOR或CHANEL的历史,创始人之类的英文介绍Christian Dior was born in the year 1905, in France on the French coastline, in a small town called Grenville. Dior lived in this town until he was about 5 years old, and then he up and moved with his family for Paris, France.Christian Dior fell upon hard times, with the untimely death of both his mother and his brother, and he moved to the Soviet Union. He was hurting very bad financially, so an old-time friend of his gave him a place to stay and he also helped him start his career sketching dresses and hats.Christian Dior started to sell his sketches, and some famous actresses loved them and purchased them. In 1941 when Christian Dior was out of the military he moved back to Paris -- and he joined another designer by the name of Lucien Lelong. Dior stayed with him until 1946 when he moved out on his own, and got his own salon and designed for himseld. Dior's first show was 90 outfits that were worn by six girls.After his first collection, Christian Dior sat long and hard and tried to think what the women of Paris would want as the next big thing in their fashionable clothing. He thought that women were sick of the broad shoulders, built for men, really covered up look that was going on during this time and he mainly decided to shake things up a bit. Christian Dior thought to himself that he had to " Bring back beauty, feminine clothing, soft rounded shapes, and full flowing skirts). He wanted to make the women feel like flowers again like they felt in the 1930's, and he called this collection the COROLLE, also known as the ring of petals collection.Women all over the world were embracing this wonderful new look of the Christian Dior Dresses. For some reason though, even with so many people loving this new look, many people were also against it. Some models that were on a photographic shoot even had things as extreme as having their clothes town off of them, and some governments throughout the world forbid the line, calling the collection outrageous and wasteful -- I wonder if they would feel the same today.With many people loving Christian Diors styles, some when be come to USA would greet him with signs protesting his clothing line. Christian Dior didn't let the negativity of some hold him back, and every 6 months he released a new line, releasing 22 lines very swiftly.The Master which is what Christian Dior was known by, passed on in the year of 1957, as he died of a very sudden heart attack. The fashion world as a whole was stunned in dis-belief when the new came out, and the company of Christian Dior which had over 1200 employee's was devestated. The company continued to prosper after the death of the creator, as the number two in line took charge and continued the domination in the fashion industry.。
Now Chanel is one of the most well known and instantly recognisable brands in the world.
The brand is now headed by German-born designer Karl Lagerfeld, who also designs for the House of Fendi, as well as his namesake label.
Gabrielle Chanel, founder of the House of Chanel(香奈儿公司), began her fashion career in 1910. She heralded(传递) new designs and revolutionized thefashion industry by going “back to basics,” incorporating(表现) elegance, class, and originality. Under her tight reign from 1909-1971, Gabrielle Chanel held the title as ‘Chief Designer’ until her death on January 10, 1971.
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La muerte de Coco
Murió el 10 de enero de 1971, a los 88 años de edad. Se dice que ella estaba aún diseñando y trabajando hasta el momento de su fallecimiento. La dirección de la empresa quedó en manos de los nietos del hombre que tiempo atrás le habí a arrebatado a Coco su empresa. La compañí a siguió teniendo un éxito regular.
El regreso de Coco
Chanel volvió a Parí s en 1953. Allíse dio cuenta que su popularidad habí a disminuido debido al diseñador Christian Dior. Ella pidió consejo al dueño de su propia marca que anteriormente se la habí a arrebatado y fue ayudada económicamente. A cambio, él obtuvo los derechos completos de todos los productos que llevaran el nombre "Chanel“.
COCO CHANEL (1883-1971)
Coco, de la rebeldí a a la leyenda de Chanel.
• Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel, nació en Saumur (Francia) el 19 de agosto de 1883, hija de un vendedor ambulante y una ama de casa y a los 12 años fue abandonada en un orfanato junto a sus cuatro hermanos por el fallecimiento de su madre.
Chanel en la actualidad
Es uno de los imperios de moda más existosos en la actualidad. Las “celebrities” no han podido resistirse a sus diseños de alta costura y a sus complementos llenos de lujo Karl Lagerfeld entró a formar parte del imperio como diseñador principal de la firma.
Complementos caracterí sticos
La empresa reintrodujo el "Traje Chanel", el cual fue la base para muchas de sus colecciones. En 1957, Chanel presentó al mercado los célebres bolsos 2.55, hechos de cuero acolchado con asas de cadena. Y la caracterí stica fragancia “Chanel nº 5” .
“Todo lo que es moda pasa de moda”
Criticaba la estricta moda que seguí an las mujeres y desplegó toda su imaginerí a hasta convertirse en una de las grandes diseñadoras del siglo XX. Coco eliminó la moda recargada que imperaba, diseñando prendas muy sencillas, muy cómodas, pero con un toque de alta distinción. Coco marcó la pauta durante los «felices años 20»
Chanel y al afiliación nazi
Cuando comenzó la 2º Guerra Mundial se comprometió en matrimonio con un oficial nazi y su empresa queda bajo un poder ario colaborando con ellos. Tras la liberación de Francia es perseguida y huye a Suiza dejando aquísu imperio.
Sus inicios
En el orfanato aprendió a coser con gran habilidad, lo que hizo que a los 17 años le consiguieran un empleo como costurera. Siempre se ha aprovechado de sus amantes que le apoyaban económicamente en sus proyectos laborales y asímontó su primer negocio: “Modas Chanel”.
Imperio Chanel
• Coco formó esta casa de moda en Parí s en 1910 con la ayuda económica de uno de sus amantes: el duque de Westmisnter. • La marca se especializa en diseñar y confeccionar artí culos de lujo, como indumentaria de alta costura, lista para usar bolsos, perfumes y cosméticos, entre otros.