HAPPY HALLOWEEN第一篇章:万圣节之夜情景剧情景一:发现糖果音乐:HAPPY HALLOWEEN(穿插整场情景剧以及舞蹈)道具:一大桶糖果摆在舞台中间人物:A: Ms Liu Eva(蓝精灵)B: Dio Daniel(天才) C: Clair Jenny(幽灵)A蹦蹦跳跳出场(自我介绍),发现舞台中间有一大桶糖果,像只小馋猫一样凑过去东瞧瞧、西瞧瞧,嘴巴里念叨着:“糖果!糖果!哇!好多好吃的糖果!!”A: Candies , candies! OH my god ! So many candies ! (声音渐强)B淡定地走上舞台中间,A开心的跑到B跟前,说:“看,这里有一大桶糖果,看起来好好吃,我可以吃几颗吗?”A: look ! There is a barrel of candies, they look so yummy, can I try some?B:“现在不行,这桶糖果有特殊用途的,你现在还不可以吃!”B: Oh no , those candies are for something special use, you can’t eat now!A失落地问:“为什么?”A: Why ?情景二:糖果的用途幽灵出场灯光稍暗随着恐怖的音乐响起,幽灵自带声效飘到舞台中间。
A吓了一跳,大叫一声并躲到B的身后,害怕地问:“这是什么?”A: Ahh !! What’s this?C:“我是幽灵!”说完向刘飘过去,吓唬一下她。
刘吓得失声尖叫,四处乱窜.C:I am ghost! (ghost sound, chasing A)。
”B: Don’t be afraid, Its not real ghost Those candies are all for trick or treat game!C露出自己的样子,调皮地向大家招手情景三:万圣节的由来刘拍了拍胸脯,定了定神,接着又问:“小鬼?哪来的小鬼?”A: Ghost? Where is the ghost from?B:噢!蓝精灵,万圣节就快到了!我们在庆祝万圣节呢!B: My smurf , Halloween is coming soon ! We are celebrating Halloween.A:“原来是这样!可是万圣节是怎么来的呢?为什么要扮成鬼的样子呢?”A : Ok , but why we celebrate Halloween? why we dress up like ghost?C:“哈哈哈!让我来告诉你吧!很久以前,据说万圣节前夕灵魂会出来寻找替身,人们为了保护自己,就装扮成妖魔鬼怪的样子!”C:Let me tell you !Long long ago ,It was said the ghost would show up for substitute on Halloween night .People would dress up like ghosts and demons for protecting themselves.B:万圣节前夕,大家都会地装扮成妖魔鬼怪去玩“不给糖就捣蛋”的游戏呢!B : On the eve of Halloween , everybody will dress up and play the “trick or treat”game.A:噢!我明白了。
二、背景设定1. 神奇王国“幻境”在这个故事中,主要发生在一个叫做“幻境”的神奇王国。
2. 幸运村庄幸运村庄是幻境最安宁美丽的地方。
四、魔法宴会前1. 莉莉与小巫婆阿琳娜相遇小乌鸦带领着莉莉到达了城堡大门口,在那里她遇见了巫婆阿琳娜。
2. 出现了麻烦然而,正当仙人和巫婆们忙着准备庆祝活动时,一位邪恶巫师库尔特突然出现,并神秘消失了。
他留下的一封信里写道:“我将施展强大魔法摧毁你们的庆祝活动!”五、探险之旅1. 莉莉成为幸运村庄的救世主阿琳娜决定让莉莉成为幸运村庄的救世主,她给了莉莉一个能够打败库尔特的特殊护身符——一颗闪耀着金光的珠宝。
2. 融入仙人与巫婆团队莉莉加入了阿琳娜和其他仙人们组成的追捕库尔特团队。
whowasnotallowedintoheavenbecausehewasstingywithhismoneysoh ewassenttohell.butdownthereheplayedtricksonthedevil(satan),sohewaskickedoutofh ellandmadetowalktheearthforevercarryingalantern.但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。
well,irishchildrenmadejack'slanternsonoctober31stfromalargepotatoortur nip,hollowedoutwiththesideshavingholesandlitbylittlecandlesinside 在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作杰克的灯笼,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。
andirishchildrenwouldcarrythemastheywentfromhousetohousebeggi ngforfoodforthevillagehalloweenfestivalthathonoredthedruidgodmuckolla.为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞计食物theirishnamefortheselanternswasjackwiththelanternorjackofthelante rn,abbreviatedasjack-o'-lanternandnowspelledjack-o-lantern.这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是拿灯笼的杰克或者杰克的灯笼,缩写为jack-o'-lantern?在拼写为jack-o-lantern。
注意了你们全部小捣蛋Attention, all you trick-or-treaters,是时候穿上你们的食尸鬼服装了it's time to get your ghoul on,今晚是万圣节前夕for tonight is All Hallow's Eve,一年中我最喜欢的时间my favorite time of the year.我们的小镇真正复活将在10月31日Our little town really comes alive on October 31st, 当女巫和魔鬼小鬼和怪物when witches and devils, imps and monsters漫步在我们的镇roam our town.随着节日活动的开始As the holiday activities begin,夜晚街上充满着the streets are filled with all kinds各种各样的生物of creatures of the night.有些人戴着面具掩饰自己黑暗的意图Some wear masks to disguise their dark intentions, 而其他人则选择隐藏在平淡的视野while others choose to hide in plain sight.所以警告那些收集你的糖果So warning to those of you collecting your treats 和填饱你的肚子的人and filling your bellies.你要保持头脑清醒Keep your wits about you别忘了检查你的糖果and don't forget to check your candy.嘿迈克吃慢点Hey, Mikey, slow down.你会吃出病来的You're gonna make yourself sick.我错过了什么What'd I miss?只是迈克开始做人肉垃圾处理站Just Mikey being a human garbage disposal.我明白了Ooh, I see.说真的迈克你最好留着点做甜食Seriously, Mikey, you better save some for Sweet Tooth. 谁的甜食Who's Sweet Tooth?大概50年前About 50 years ago,蒂莫西布莱克住在这条街上Timothy Blake lived on this very street.蒂米很喜欢万圣节Timmy loved Halloween.他很喜欢打扮He loved to dress up.最重要的是他最喜欢不给糖果就捣蛋Most of all, he loved trick-or-treating.但当他要回家总是觉得很难过But he was always sad when he had to go home.但那才是最好的部分But that's the best part.你可以把全部糖果吃掉That's when you get to eat all the candy.但蒂米不是Not for Timmy.蒂米的父母真的很严格See, Timmy's parents were really strict.他们会让他出去不给糖就捣蛋They would let him go out trick-or-treating,但他们从不让他吃拿到的糖果but they never let him eat any of the candy.他们说吃糖果会造成他肥胖和变懒They said eating candy would make him fat and lazy还会蛀牙and rot his teeth.回你的房♥间儿子Go to your room, son.如果他不能吃糖Why let him go trick-or-treating then为什么让他去不给糖就捣蛋if he couldn't have any candy?他们拿糖果来干什么What do they do with it all?那正是蒂米想知道的That's exactly what Timmy wanted to know. 所以在一个万圣节So one Halloween,蒂米偷偷的下楼找答案Timmy snuck downstairs to find out.这些他从哪拿到的你找到了吗Where'd he get all this? Did you find it?含着这个Suck on this!那是我的糖吧There's my candy bar!他做了什么What did he do?不No!不不不No, no, no!他在杀了他的父母后After he killed his parents,蒂米终于吃了他第一块糖果Timmy finally had his first piece of candy. 他着迷了He was hooked.他把他父母没吃的全吃光He ate every last piece his parents hadn't. -但...-什么-But... -What?他想要更多He wanted more.但已经没有了But there wasn't any left.当然有Yes, there was.不是吧No way.蒂米把他父母体内能找到的Timmy ate all the candy he could find糖果全吃光但...inside his parents, but...-什么 -他想要更多-What? -He wanted more.现在每个万圣节从那之后的每个万圣节Now every Halloween, every single Halloween since,他邪恶的灵魂都会回来不给糖就捣蛋his evil spirit comes back trick-or-treating.如果你不跟他分享你的糖果If you don't share your candy with him,他会来全拿走he will come and take it, all of it,就算你已经吃掉的糖果也不例外even the candy you've already eaten.任何可以满足他的甜食Anything to satisfy his sweet tooth.丽斯凯尔说的是真的吗Lizzy, is it true what Kyle said?这只是个故事迈克他只是想吓你而已It was just a story, Mikey. He was just trying to scare you. 他是个混♥蛋♥He's a douchebag.睡觉吧Get some sleep.-你在干什么 -庆祝-What are you doing? -Celebrating.我觉得迈克差点吓出屎来了I think Mikey almost shit his pants.感谢你的协助Thanks for the assist.如果他今晚能睡得着我们就很幸运了We'll be lucky if he gets any sleep tonight.我觉得我们可能吓坏了他I think we might have taken it too far.别这样丽兹Come on, Liz.甜食故事可是万圣节的传统啊The Sweet Tooth story's a Halloween tradition.镇里每个小孩都听过就像一个成人礼一样Every kid in town falls for it. It's like a rite of passage.我知道但你没必要这么...I know, but you didn't have to be such a...好人An awesome guy?混♥蛋♥A douchebag.他的原话不是我说的His words, not mine.和好协议Peace offering?不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.离开那地方可能是粮仓着火了Get out in that field. It could be a barn fire.天啊真不敢信我们全吃掉了Oh, my God. I can't believe we ate it all.我感觉不舒服了I feel sick.你去哪Where you going?我去拿点止泻药防止我们都拉肚子了I'm going to get some Pepto before we both get sick. 最好快点Better hurry.你知道我们得去拿更多糖果You know we are going to have to get more candy. 别再提个糖字了Don't say the C-word.打他的头两眼的正中间Hit him in the head, right between the eyes.好枪法Good shot.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.迈克Mikey?我来了我来了I'm coming! I'm coming!别吐别吐Don't puke! Don't puke!你没事吧You gonna live?你最好快点回家You better get going.迈克的父母应该很快回来了Mikey's parents will be home soon.凯尔Kyle.凯尔Kyle!不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.丽斯Lizzy!迈克Mikey!我太累了I'm too tired.-我不想开车送她回家 -我也不...-I don't wanna drive her home. -I don't eith...-哇 -天啊迈克-Whoa! -Jesus, Mikey.今天万圣节别骂他Don't yell at him tonight. It's Halloween.-我太醉了去骂他 -顺便说一声万圣节快乐-I'm too drunk to yell at him. -Trick or treat, by the way.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.-你想捣蛋啊 -对-Do you want a treat? -Yes.-你想捣蛋我吗 -我想先玩个把戏-Do you want a treat from me? -I want a trick first.-那保姆怎么办 -好的好的-What about the babysitter? -Okay, okay, shh.我先去叫保姆走再继续我跟你保证好吧I'm gonna keep this thing on. I promise you that, okay?你绝对能抱着我♥干♥啊Absolutely you can tuck me in.他们把我的糖全吃了They ate all of my candy.真不敢信我让你说服了我来玩这个I can't believe I let you talk me into this.现在下午3点了而我们的打扮像混♥蛋♥似的It's 3 p.m., and we're dressed like assholes.我能说服你做任何事我想打扮成这样I can talk you into anything I want dressed like this.恶心我就在这啊Gross! I'm right here.你姐姐拿了你的服装你很生气啊小兄弟You mad that your sister took your costume, bud?你在那件衣服里是怎么呼吸How can you even breathe in that thing?外面他妈的就像有100度似的It's 100 fucking degrees outside.-你习惯就好了 -离他远点托德-You get used to it. -Leave him alone, Todd.-他很喜欢他的傻乎乎服装 -我的天比利-He likes his dorky outfit. -Oh, my God, Billy!我真是个白♥痴♥ 我完全忘记问你了I am an idiot. I totally forgot to ask.-你妈妈有打扮吗 -什么-Did your mother dress up? -What?你母亲是不是像你姐姐一样穿淫♥荡♥的服装Is your mother in a slutty costume like your sister?-嘿 -干嘛-Hey! -What?你记得你妈妈有一年穿着You remember your mom brought you to school猫女郎服装送你去学校吗in that Catwoman outfit one year?-我们还在说这个梗 -你这猪头-We still talk about it. -You're such a pig.我们可以去拿糖吗Can't we just go trick-or-treating?他是不是很特别现在还没天黑Is he special? It's not even dark yet.另外我想是时候你像大孩子一样过万圣节了Plus, I think it's time you do Halloween like the big kids.托德不要我们每年都得这样做吗Todd, don't. Do we have to do this every year?-做什么 -恶作剧-Do what? -Pranks.捣蛋和拿糖果Do the tricks and get the treats.今晚跟我们一起With us, tonight.比利你很喜欢糖果对吧Billy, you love candy, right?-是的 -而且你也很喜欢万圣节-Yeah. -And you also love Halloween因为你的打扮像个弱智的6岁小孩'cause you're dressed like a retarded six-year-old从小孩变成大人没有冒犯的意思from Leave it to Beaver, no offense.但你知道谁不喜欢万圣节吗But you know who doesn't love Halloween?你隔壁的邻居Your next-door neighbor.他每年都看着你这笨家伙He has to watch you spaz out every year.而他有没有摆过装饰出来And does he even put up any decorations或者亮着灯留一大碗糖果在外面or leave the lights on or leave out a bowl of candy?不是吧为什么我们要拿蛋扔人No way. Why would we egg anyone?你认为为什么孩子们每年都在他的房♥子做标记Why do you think kids tag his house every year?我意思是从我有记忆以来就这样I mean, it's been going on for as long as I can remember. -这是万圣节的传统 -是有点像-It's a Halloween tradition. -It kind of is.我其实也是在你这年纪开始这样做的I actually started when I was about your age too.另外如果你不做我会告诉所有人Plus, if you don't, I will tell everyone你尿裤子了that you pissed your pants.但我没有...But I don't pee...没有人知道你有没有尿裤子队长No one else will know that, Captain Pisspants.但我没有尿裤子But I don't pee in my pants.真的要做行Really? Fine.去吧上面Go. Up there.我的天Oh, my God.-完了 -该死的快跑-Oh, shoot! -Holy shit, run.中蛋了Oh, shit!对不起很对不起I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.对不起I'm sorry, I'm sorry.装束不错啊Nice costume.我不...我意思是我也不知道I didn't... I mean, I had no idea.不知道什么No idea that what?你这糟糕的小孩That you terrible children多年来一直破坏我的家have been destroying my home for years?他说...他们告诉我恶作剧是万圣节的传统He said... They told me it was a Halloween tradition to prank. 安静Quiet!年轻人...Young man...今晚...tonight...你将会学到...you are going to learn...什么是真正的万圣节传统what a real Halloween prank is.顺便问一句比利By the way, Billy,你母亲今年又打扮了吗is your mother dressing up again this year?女士们万圣节快乐Ladies, Happy Halloween.出发吧Come on.万圣节快...乐Happy Hallo... ween.糖果会蛀你的牙不能给你糖可以吗Candy rots your teeth. Can't have that, can we? 别忘记用牙线Don't forget to floss!真是个混♥蛋♥What an asshole.万圣节快乐Happy Halloween!-搞什么鬼 -嘿-What the hell? -Hey!-比利你搞什么鬼 -比利你这小王八-Billy, what the hell, man? -Billy, you little shit! 你在干什么那是汽油吗What are you doing? Is that gasoline?你在跟我开玩笑吧Are you joking me?你自己在这干什么What are you doing out here by yourself?这不好笑It's not funny!这不好笑It is not funny!嘿把糖果给我Hey, give me the candy!拿着Hold that.他有枪He's got a gun!就这样上上上That's it! Go, go, go, go, go, go!去去去把糖全拿过来Go, go, go! Get the trick-or-treater!去拿吧小孩Get 'em, kid!很绷紧衬衫里面很绷紧It's tight! Tight in the shirt!-是突发心脏病 -我的天-It's a heart attack. -Oh, my God.你没事吧Are you okay?-你不是阿德里安妮库瑞吗 -是的-Aren't you Adrianne Curry? -Yes.可以签个名给我吗Ooh! Might I have your autograph?我是你的大粉丝Big fan, big fan!好吧Okay.谢谢你Thank you.阿德里安妮库瑞Adrianne Curry!你微博有多少关注How many Twitter followers do you have?50万500 thousand?50万加多1个500 thousand and one.撞他们撞他们Hit 'em, hit 'em, hit 'em!嘘Shh.我想我们会再回来的Ah! I guess we'll come back again.干得好小伙伴Good going, buddy!刚才真的干得太好了末底改Excellent work back there, Mordecai.现在如果你能好心解开我们的客人Now if you'd be so kind as to untie our guest.什么我以为你要给我展示What? I thought you were gonna show me什么是真正的万圣节恶作剧what a real Halloween prank was.我相信我已经展示了Oh, I believe I did.还有我相信你会发现你家会有些游客And I believe you'll find some visitors at your home. 要不你现在跑回去吧小男孩Why don't you just run along now, little boy?你知道你母亲手上将会有很多You know, your mother's going to have a lot more free time 空闲时间了on her hands now.我只想你知道我会在这等她的I just want you to know that I plan to be here for her.别动举起手来Freeze! Let me see your hands!-趴在地上 -双手放在头上-Get on the ground! -Hands behind your head!-不要动 -你刚尿裤子了吗-Don't you move. -Did you just pee yourself?他刚尿裤子了He just peed himself!你丫的脑子有问题吗What the hell's wrong with you?我很好奇去年这东西发生什么事了I wonder what happened to the ones from last year.每一年我们都花很多钱在这些东西身上Each year we spend good money on these things,出来去年的那个不见了come out here, and the ones from last year's gone.花都死了Flowers die.看门的人或有其他人拿走了The caretaker or somebody takes them away.好吧拿点口水擦擦就干净了Yeah, a little spit and polish will clean this up.嘿嘿看看这个Hey, hey, check this one out.很棒吧Awesome, huh?你真恶心You're disgusting!在看电影呢Shh! There's a movie on.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat!你们来了Oh, wow. Here you go.谢谢Thank you!你们装扮很不错啊You look great.为什么今年有那么多扮海盗的Why are there so many pirates this year?就像每个小孩都有一个眼罩It's like every other kid's got an eyepatch.也许他们都没眼睛了Maybe they're all missing eyes.你真坏You're so bad.一群戴着桩脚和打着补丁的瘸子小孩Bunch of gimpy kids with peg legs and patches. 给我些糖果伙计Give me some candy, matey!你这笨蛋 -You're stupid.-到你去了 -天啊-Your turn. -Man!去啊Go.好好好Fine, fine, fine.你像个小孩一样You're acting like a child!他们冲你而来了They're coming for you!看他们其中一个来了Look! There comes one of them now.-他会听到你说话的 -他来到了-He'll hear you. -Here he comes.我要出去I'm getting out.你能说不给糖就捣蛋吗Can you say trick-or-treat?嘿小公主Hey, there, princess.你想要什么What do you say, huh?这个小女孩Ah, that-a-girl.嘿你想来点朗姆酒和苹果酒吗Hey, you want some rum and cider? 不用了谢谢No, thanks.干杯Cheers!拜Bye,马上改变主意了Change your mind already, huh?是个巫婆太棒了Ah, it's a witch. Awesome.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat?尼尔森你喝醉了Nelson, you're drunk.她应该这样说She's supposed to say that.笨蛋Dummy.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat?捣蛋Trick.尼尔森Nelson.尼尔森Nelson?尼尔森Nelson!出什么问题了What's wrong?-我的天 -发生什么事了-Oh, my God. -What happened?出什么问题了What's wrong?宝贝宝贝什么我的...Baby, baby! What? Oh, my...怎么回事What the fuck?那个女孩干的It was the girl!草...Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!怎么回事What the hell?-怎么回事我报♥警♥ -我们得赶快去医院-What's wrong? I'll call 911! -We've gotta get to a hospital! 你们是白♥痴♥吗What are you guys, fucking idiots?把我钱包拿来我去拿车Give me my purse, and I'll get the car.内尔森坚持着宝贝Nelson, stay with me, baby!草Fuck!该死的Goddamn it!草Fuck!不No.我的天Oh, my God! Oh, my fucking God!车在哪Where's the car?-到底发生什么事了 -那小孩-What the fuck happened? -The little kid!什么是什么What? What is it?玛利亚她...Maria, she...-什么 -该死的真♥他♥妈♥的-What? -Oh, shit. Holy shit!不No.求你不要求你了Please don't. Please.万圣节快乐你这死变♥态♥Happy Halloween, you fucking sicko.不No!现在这有个故事送给你们Now here's a tale for all you hood rats走上了不归路的over there across town那些阴险小人on the wrong side of the tracks.举起你的手和坐下来Keep your heads up and your butts down因为当恶人在万圣节前夕出来作恶'cause the weak need all the help they can get软弱的人会需要所有when the wicked come out to ride能得到的帮助on All Hallow's Eve.不不等等伙计No, no. Wait, wait, guys.等一下等一下Hold on a second. Hold on a second.等等Wait.你万圣节拿糖果是不是有点太老了警长Ain't you a little old for Halloween candy, Sheriff?让我看看你的小猪蹄Show me piggy's trotters.不要爱丽丝求你了Please, Alice, please, please, please, please.爱丽丝求求你Alice, please.爱丽丝伙计们等等Alice, guys, hang on, hang on.不不不等等No, no, no, wait. Wait, wait.我认识你吗陌生人I know you, stranger?它会让那些伤害弱者的It spills the blood of the wicked恶人洒出鲜血where the wicked have harmed the weak.你以为你穿了这装束就变成怪物了小孩Think you turned yourself into a monster with that suit, boy? 变身Mount up.妈妈Mom?爸爸Dad?你就是小吉米亨森You'd be little Jimmy Henson.他们对你什么也没做They didn't do nothing to you.捉住他Hold him down.当这个词刻在肉体上就会发出召唤When the word is carved in flesh, the call is sent. 他们就会回归到他们进攻的地方Return them to the location of their offense.揍他Punch him!你知道...You know...这还真有点诗意it's kinda poetic, really.你...You...我们...us...一起...together...在万圣节前夕on All Hallow's Eve!这没有怪物There are no monsters here.只有我Just me.今晚满地球都是神灵Spirits roam the earth tonight.你知道为什么万圣节要穿服装吗Do you know why wear costumes on Halloween? 这样可以让死神不知道谁还活着It's so the dead won't know who's alive.他们的夜晚虽然他们有些Their night. And while some of them喜欢混入活人之中like mingling with the living,也有些不喜欢被看见there are others who don't like to be seen at all.有一只鬼它比其他都更讨厌被看见There's one ghost who hates it more than any of the others. 玛丽贝利一生都被嘲笑Mary Bailey was laughed at her whole life.她因为被欺负和没人爱而死She died being bullied and unloved.就因为她毁容了All because she had a disfigured face.但现在轮到她笑了But now it's her turn to have the last laugh.她每年万圣节都回来嘲笑活着的人She comes back every Halloween to taunt the living而且在他们的背后嘲笑and to laugh at them behind their backs.那么今晚就警告你们一下So just a word of warning tonight.如果你一个人回家时发现If you find yourself alone on the way back,你听到一个邪恶的笑声and you hear an evil cackle你身后有脚步声and footsteps behind you,我不会转身看I wouldn't turn around因为如果她发现你在看because if she finds you looking,当你意想不到的时候when you least expect it,她会挖走你的眼睛she's gonna take your eyes.很有趣时机刚刚好你们Very funny. Good one, you guys.我们从不错过让你吓一跳的机会We never miss a chance to make you jump.上帝保佑你们God bless 'em.你们都想整我You're all in on it, huh?我们无法抗拒Well, we couldn't resist.你很容易被吓到You scare so easily!幸好今天是万圣节You're lucky it's Halloween.干杯我的宝贝Cheers, my baby.妈妈Mom.咱们来喝一杯吧Let's have a drink!-你能开车吗 -当然-Are you good to drive? -Oh, yeah.我不是很远而且我不是很醉I'm not that far, and I'm not that drunk.你开什么...What are you... Oh!你还在开那台破车啊Are you still driving that piece of crap?-我很喜欢这台破车 -晚安-I love that piece of crap. -Good night.-拜伙计们 -很好的派对-Oh, bye, guys. -Lovely party.-谢谢你 -拜-Thank you. -Bye.好了谢谢你来万圣节派对All right, well, thank you for coming to the Halloween party. 别这样我知道这对你有多重要Oh, come on, I know how much this means to you.好吧Well, all right.-晚安妈妈 -路上小心-Good night, Mom. -Drive safe.我会的I will.下年再见See you before next year.好的Yeah! Duh!一首歌♥带你过A song to get you to the other side午夜的另一边of the witching hour.我的天Oh, God.该死的Oh, shit.好了Okay.不是吧Oh, come on.我♥草♥Shit!天啊Oh, God.该死的Shit.该死的Oh, shit.看看Let's see.不是吧Oh, shit!完了Oh, shit.玛丽贝利那死故事Mary Bailey bullshit!别看别看别看Don't look, don't look, don't look.宝贝你吓到妈妈了你在干什么Baby, you scared Mommy! What are you doing? 是什么宝贝你在看什么What is it, Baby? What are you looking at?宝贝Baby?你去哪里Where you going?不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat!看看外面的孩子们Look at all those children out there.这不公平It's not fair.我知道亲爱的I know, honey.但看But look.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.-你在干什么杰克 -我不知道我以为...-What are you doing, Jack? -I don't know. I thought...把我们的狗装扮成长发公主Dressing our dog up like Rapunzel可以让我忘记我们没有孩子would make me forget that we don't have a child?-格里塔 -什么-Gretel. -What?她就是格里塔你明白吗She's supposed to be Gretel, you know?像《糖果屋的故事》一样Like Hansel and Gretel?我的孩子在哪Where is my child?!我给不了她想要的I couldn't give her what she wanted.我的孩子在哪Where is my child?!今晚我们要融入环境杰克Tonight we embrace the situation, Jack.不躲藏在黑暗之中我们要找点乐子No hiding in the dark. We're gonna have fun.我们需要乐子We need to have fun.这不会让你难过吧亲爱的This isn't gonna upset you, is it, honey?为什么可爱的小孩们会来我们家会让我难过呢Why would adorable children coming to our door upset me? 不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat!哈喽我的小美眉Well, hello, my little pretties.你们都扮什么角色了And what are we supposed to be?-巫婆 -我是恶魔-Witch! -I'm the devil.外星人Alien.是的你们是吗Oh, you are, are you?好了不说客套话了Well, pleasantries aside,我想你们来这是为了糖果的I assume you're here for candy.对Yeah.很好汉斯这又很多糖果Good! Hansel here has lots of candy.但我们一直都拿来喂他的But we've been using it to fatten him up,那么我就可以吃了他so I can eat him,就像我吃了他的小妹妹格里塔just like I ate his little sister Gretel.我最后吃了她的耳朵I ate her ear last,所以她可以听到自己被吃掉so she could hear herself be eaten.汉斯Hansel?你们想拿点我的糖果吗Uh, would you like some of mein candies?别忘了你的底线Don't forget your line.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat!我最后吃了她的耳朵所以她可以听到自己被吃掉I ate her ear last, so she could hear me chew.也许我们今晚该结束了Maybe we should call it a night.你知道早点上♥床♥ 把这些都忘了You know, go to bed early, forget about all this. 为什么你逼我这样Why do you make me do it?我不是故意的I don't mean to.他们是不是很可爱Aren't they just so darn cute?我可以把他们全吃光I could just eat them up.我要去做曲奇I'm gonna make cookies!也许我们只是运气不好杰克Maybe we just have bad luck, Jack.或者也许我现在怀孕了Or maybe I'm pregnant right now,只是我们还不知道而已and we just don't even know it.万圣节快乐Happy Halloween!小家伙There, there.你迷路了吗小家伙Are you lost, little one?我可以带你回人行道I can take you back to the sidewalk帮你找你的母亲to help you look for your mother.没事的进来吧It's okay. Come inside?里面很安全It's safe in there.这小孩是你的吗Is this one yours?托比Toby?我告诉过你不要乱跑的I told you not to run away like that.谢谢你们Thank you.我是怎么回事杰克What's wrong with me, Jack?也许像我们这样的人不应该有小孩Maybe people like us shouldn't have kids. 你对我做的那些事The things you do to me,你伤害我的方式the way you hurt me,我不能让你这样对待小孩I couldn't let you do that to a child.我看了医生I saw a doctor,而他很肯定我不能给你个孩子and he made it so that I couldn't give you one.对不起I'm sorry.你...You...求你了Please!不要No!我在融化I'm melting!谁敢打扰死者休眠Who dares disturb the sleep of the dead?我想就是你们I'm guessing you guys.搞什么鬼What the hell?我受够了That's enough.这个我要再黑一点点We need a little bit more black over on this.什么What?嘿僵尸医生你好吗Hey, Dr. Cadaverino! How you doin'?-你可以把音乐关掉吗 -什么-Would you turn the music down? -What?很抱歉这有点吵I'm sorry. It's a little loud out here.我想要你把音乐关掉I would like you to turn the music down.我也想帮你但这是他妈的万圣节Oh, I'd like to help you out, but it's fucking Halloween!我最爱的节日My favorite holiday.这是个神圣的节日It's a sacred holiday.正是你也明白对吧Exactly! You get it, right?看看你这套不死的诺斯法拉图医生造型Look at you, with that whole undead Dr. Nosferatu thing 你得与时并进you got going on.你真的得扔了这套造型You really threw down with that, man.听着你知道...Look, you knew...我过去20年一直都是做一模一样的I have been doing this display exactly as-is这个陈列的for the past 20 years.我们都知道Yeah, we can tell.可以请你把音乐关了吗Would you please turn the music down!而你穿着黑裙子的把奶收起来And you, it's after dark. Close the dairy.滚吧老家伙Fuck off, old man.哇伙计怪物上身了别这么扫兴Whoa, dude, monster up! Don't be such a party pooper. 这是代表美丽的This is what's beautiful.这是代表迷失的This is what's been lost因为你们...还有这个because of you... and this.我喜欢你那边的陈列哥们I like what you did over there, man.你就像是个可爱的小玩具展一样You're like a cute little kiddie show.像个幽灵托儿所一样Like a spooky daycare.就是这种精神Yeah! That's the spirit!嘿混♥蛋♥Hey, asshole!当然你知道这意味着开战咯Of course you realize this means war.不不要No! Don't do it!打架了大家Fight, everybody!你知道什么可以让这傻屌♥陈列活跃起来吗Do you know what would perk up this candy-ass display? 一些操♥他♥妈♥的血Some motherfucking blood.不No!你打得过他的揍死他You got him! Kick his ass, man!嘿嘿我压20刀在科学家身上Hey, hey, I got 20 bucks on the scientist!20刀 20刀20 bucks! 20 bucks!这就对了宝贝Yeah, baby!上啊混♥蛋♥ 上啊Go, fucker, go!这就对了打死他宝贝Yeah! Get him, baby!打打打Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!来呀继续打Come on! Come on!打打打Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!完了Oh, shit.从前在这个晚上In olden days, on this night,它被认为是两个世界间的面纱it was believed that the veil between our world而神界就是它最薄的地方and the spirit world was at its thinnest.So be careful.然而你可能认为你看起来很可怕However terrifying you might think you look,但总有些更可怕的潜伏在那里there's always something worse lurking out there. 而且在万圣节一切都不是它看起来的那样And on Halloween, nothing is what it seems.求你了不要Please! No!救命啊Help me!凯西Casey!求求你不要Please, no!你不一定要这样做不不You don't have to do this! No! No!不要再这样No more嗨Hi!哈喽Hello.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.我不知道我不知道I don't know. I don't know.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.不给糖就捣蛋不给糖就捣蛋Trick or treat.你们这些小孩还没睡Are you kids still up,还是你们藏在床上or are you tucked away in bed?这晚还没结束而你们也不安全The night isn't over, and you're far from safe.所以这有点东西让你有个伴So here's a little something to keep you company.面具Mask.为什么我一定做公主Why do I gotta be the princess?因为我们只有两个面具'Cause we only have two masks,而我很确定我不会做公主and I sure as shit ain't going as a princess.他来了快准备Here he comes. Get ready.你能想象到如果你♥爸♥爸Oh, boy, can you imagine what it's like是个亿万富豪会怎么样吗to have your daddy as a millionaire?就是爸爸Just dad.看看这被宠坏的小孩Look at the spoiled little brat.抢劫银行是本行但我不懂绑♥架♥啊Robbing banks is one thing. I don't know about kidnapping. 我的天啊认真点荷兰人Oh, my God. Seriously, Dutch.拜托你别跟我说什么道德的废话Please don't give me that moral bullshit.我们不会伤害他We're not gonna hurt him.而雷克斯企业会给那少得可怜的赎金And Rex Enterprise is gonna handle the measly ransom,相信我believe me.。
成长的烦恼之万圣节Happy Halloween全英文剧本(删减彩色版)
607 Happy Halloween (Part 1 of 2)Grandpa苗蕾Grandma聂茵Jason黄晟Maggie陈玉凤Mike陶润琪Carol戴雪超Ben张永伟Chrissy陈霞Kara徐缙雯police和old Carol葛依萍每种颜色代表一个人,后面还有客串的表演,看好自己的颜色了Chrissy: How's it going Dwayne? (陈霞)Dwayne: Great. I puked three times already. (聂茵)Chrissy: Mum, dad, let's go already. People are going to run out of candy and start handing out sticky fruit.Maggie: Hang on a minute Chrissy. (陈玉凤)Chrissy: And the time it's taken you to change clothes, I changed sexes. Jason: Chrissy you've been hanging around Ben too much. (黄晟)Ben: Tell them you heard it from Mike.(张永伟)Chrissy: Ben said I heard it from Mike.Ben: So where's all the candy we're going to hand out?Chrissy: We don't have any this year, since nobody's going to be home.Ben: Well I'm not trick or treating. I'm going to be home.Chrissy: That's not a costume?Ben: No.Mike: Hey guys, how's it going? Wow Chrissy! What a great costume. Hey great cross thesis. Look Ben, you're looking pretty good too. Those fake zits are frightening. (陶润琪)Ben: I'm not wearing a costume.Mike: If I were you I'd lay off the chocolate.Chrissy: Mike, will you take me trick or treating?Mike: No I can't Chrissy. I've got to go pick up Eddie, then we are going to a party.Chrissy: So I'm stuck with mum and dad?Mike: We all are. Goodnight guys.Ben: Ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight. Since yesterday.Jason: Hey hey! Shiver me timbers. It's Captain Hook!Chrissy: Yo ho.Maggie: Jason, you haven't said a word about my daughter's beard.Jason: Well she's a little young. Even for the women in your family.Chrissy: let's go, lets go, lets go!Jason: Hey! Wo, wo! I got to get a picture of this.Chrissy: Dad every second we waste is candy out of my mouth.Jason: Come on.Maggie: Come on Ben.Ben: What?Maggie: We want all out trick or treaters in the picture.Ben: What is it with you people? I am not wearing a costume and I have notpainted fake zits on my face.Maggie: Are you out of your prescription?Ben: No. And I don't trick or treat. I haven't gone since I was a child. Jason: Yeah, last Halloween.Ben: I wasn't really trick or treating. I was out toilet papering houses. Chrissy: I'm never going to get out of this stinking house.Jason: Ben, I distinctively remember you saying that...Ben: Carol's showing her breasts.Jason: Never mind Carol's chest, it's about...Oh my god. Where did...that's a little low cut isn't it?Carol: Little! I can't even raise my arms without ...woops. (戴雪超)Maggie: Carol, what are you suppose to be?Carol: Well I'm supposed to be a woman who wants to be noticed for her brain and not her body. But we'll see. I'm kidding. It's just a costume for a Halloween party with a great blind date.Maggie: Oh, if you haven't met him, how do you know he's great?Carol: Well because a fried of mine who set it up said I had a bellow average IQ and used to be a cheerleader.Jason: So what happens when he finds out you are an intelligent woman of substance?Carol: Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything wild, I never do anything wild.I don't know how to do anything wild. It's the tragedy of what I am.Jason: It's good to hear.Carol: I'm going to wait for this stud outside.Maggie: So what were we talking about before..?Jason: Ben. Oh Ben. Hey.Chrissy: He's gone. We were waiting for you to take me trick or treating and he got married and had kids.Chrissy: We don't have much time. Lets start on the rich neighborhood. Maggie: Oh Chrissy, that's not nice. Our neighborhood will do just fine. Jason: You know how much the houses around here are going for?Maggie: Chrissy stop.Chrissy: Why?Jason: There's a storm.Chrissy: just a little storm. (Lightening burns a tree) Come on. What are we waiting for?Jason: No no.Maggie: No no.Chrissy: I want to go! Ahh!Ben: No, no Stink man. We only use new toilet paper.Chrissy: I want to have Halloween.Maggie: Now stop it Chrissy. Stop it right now.Jason: Chrissy, stop it. Halloween isn't ruined.Chrissy: It isn't?Jason: No.Maggie: Ben, what are you doing with all that toilet paper?Ben: Um, I was going to hand it out to the trick or treaters.Chrissy: Everybody goes to trick or treat except me.Ahhh!Jason: Chrissy, Ben is not handing toilet paper out to trick or treaters. He's using it to vandalize homes.Chrissy: Honest?Jason: Yes. Right Ben?Ben: You got that right.Maggie: Freeze.Jason: Maggie, come on. If you're not going to help out, just don't say anything. Maggie: Jason, I'm not going to indulge her fit. Chrissy! Ben don't go anywhere. Ben: Hey, I wasn't.Carol: This was the worst night of my life.Chrissy: Ahhhh!Maggie: Chrissy.Carol: If that guy shows up, tell him I'll be right down. Anddon't mention anything about me being a fine intelligent woman or any crap like that.Jason: Listen listen listen. Do you want to cry all night? Or do you want to have a specialHalloween like the pilgrims had?Chrissy: Who? I thought the pilgrims had the first thanksgiving.Jason: Yes. Yes they did. But on the boat, on the way over, was Halloween. Chrissy: I never heard that.Jason: Well they don tell you everything in pre-school, incase you get bored and drop out.Maggie: So you're saying they had Halloween on the Mayflower?Jason: You haven't heard of this either? I think this speaks very badly for the public education system tonight. Yes Maggie. That's why we have pumpkins on Halloween and on thanksgiving we have pumpkin pie.Ben: My got, we do, don't we.Jason: So I thought with all the rain, tonight would be a great night to have the old pilgrim Halloween.Chrissy: What did they do?Maggie: Well they didn't toilet paper house. Did they Ben?Ben: No, they used leaves.Jason: No, they told scary stories.Chrissy: Oh, this is one of those family deals.Jason: I'm talking about really scary stories.Chrissy: how scary.Maggie: Jason, I think Chrissy's a little young for this.Chrissy: No I'm not. I'm a woman with a hook. Ahh!Jason: Ahh yes! Yes. Right, who wants to go first? Ok, I will. Lets set a little mood here. A little less light. Ha ha ha! And if we happen to save a little electricity, so be it.(Flash back to Jason's childhood, played by the Seaver family)Alright, yes it was a Halloween night, as I recall. A might much like this. Yes, andI was about the same age as your brother mike is now. Even looked like him. The job of handing out candy to trick or treaters fell to me that year because pop was at his men's club having a lengthy meeting about his hand shake, and mum was leaving to visit a sick relative in Buffalo.Grandma: This plane ticket cast me thirty-nine dollars. Uncle Zeek better be on hisdeathbed.(聂茵)Jason: Mum.Grandma: Oh I'm sorry Jason. Money is not important and Zeek's my favorite uncle. After all he has lingered so that I can purchase my ticket thirty days in advance. Excursion rate.Jason: Seats are limited and certain restrictions apply, and the cost of the ticket is non refundable.Grandma: Oh that's my boy.Jason: Have a nice trip mum.Grandma: Oh honey, I'm sorry you'll be left alone. Halloween will be ruined for you.Jason: Oh no it won't. My good friend Jerome is coming over here and we're having a pilgrim kind of Halloween.Grandma: How resourceful.Jason: Yeah, we're also turning off all the lights. That way we'll have no trick ortreaters and we can save all that candy money.Grandma: Love you. I don't want to miss my flight.Jason: And remember, bring back some of those peanuts from the plane. Grandma: I will.Jason: Oh, well I think I'll watch some TV. Oh, what am I saying? We don't have a TV. We're holding out for color.(Doorbell)Ben: Hi Jase. Want to go toilet paper some houses?Jason: No, not only would that be vandalisation, it wouldn't be thrifty.Ben: Excuse me.Jason: Oh no, that wasn't you. It was outside. Isn't that weird. Up there. Ben: Where? You mean next to the flying saucer?Jason: Think about it.Ben: Oh no, what if they're here seeking intelligent life?Jason: You've got nothing to worry about. Alright, just stay calm. I'm sure there is a very rational and scientific explanation for all this. It's probably marsh gas.Ben: I said excuse me.(Doorbell)Jason and Ben: Ahh!Ben: Ahh!Jason: It's probably just some kids out wanting some candy. Yeah, that's it. Grandma: Jason?Jason: Mum. Mum, what are you doing here?Grandma: Coffee. I must have coffee.Jason: You came all the way back just to get a cup of coffee. Mum, you're missing your flight.Thirty-nine dollars down the drain for a cup of coffee?Grandm a: It's very good coffee.Jason: mum, you're talking crazyBen: That to, varact ta, nick toe.Grandm a: I see you've gotten into my coffee.Ben: My second cup.Jason: That's funny; he never has a second cup of my coffee. Wait a minute. What am I thinking? He doesn't drink coffee. What are you doing?Jason: Feeding my face.Grandma: Save some for me.Jason: You are both acting weird. This is nuts.Grandm a: Oh, you'll feel differently after you have a nice cup of coffee down your pants. ha ha ha ha.Ben and Maggie: Ha ha ha. Ho ho ho. Hee hee hee.Grandm a: Hu, earthlings. Go figure.Policeman: Are you crazy? I could have killed you. (葛依萍)Jason: Hey officer.Policeman: Didn't you ever hear of cross walks?Jason: Today something terrible has happened. My mum and best friend have yellow eyes and they're drinking down their pants.Policeman: Wait a minute. I find this a little hard to believe. Your mother wears pants?Policeman: What flying saucer?Jason: Wait a minute. This all started with that flying saucer. Maybe they have invaded. Maybe the aliens have taken over my mum and my best friend. Policeman: Take it easy kid. If you keep on talking crazy like this, I'm going to have to shoot you and plant a weapon. It's an old cop joke.Jason: Look, you don't get it. We're talking about flying stinking saucers here. We're talking about those nearest and dearest to me.Policeman: Coffee.Jason: What are you talking about? I'm pouring out my soul to you.Policeman: Cream and sugar?Jason: What is it with you guys and coffee?Policeman 2: hey tute. Verono. Mickto.Jason: Officer, it's one of them.Policeman: That hits the spot.Jason: Ahhh!Policeman: Call head quarters.Jason: Jesus Christ.K i d:I hate s tinking f r uit.(徐缙雯和陈霞一起)K i d: Hey ti to n i ckto.Jason: (in his head) I didn't know where to turn. And then I thought of pop. He always knew what to do. And best of all, he only drank decaf.K i d: get h im, ge t him!Granfpa: If there's no objection to the report, from the committee on committees, commence for the adoption as read, so ordered, so done. (苗蕾)Jason: Pop, pop. We got to get out of here before they get us.Granfpa: Who?Jason: Them.Granfpa: Jason, you're interrupting a very important meeting here,for thecommittee on male bonding.Jason: Well aliens from out of space have invaded peoples bodies and they've got mum.Granfpa: O psssh lad. Your mum's on her way to Buffalo.Jason: No she's not. She threw away here plane ticket and said that moneydoesn't matter.Granfpa: That's not your mother.Jason: Exactly. No one will believe me pop. You're my last hope.Granfpa: Son, I believe you.Jason: Oh thank god.Granfpa: Gentlemen, we have a serious problem here. My son has discovered aliens among us.Men: No. (陶润琪)Jason: Yeah. We've got to warn the rest of the country.Granfpa: Good thinking. Pickering, you're in charge. We're off to warn thePresident. We'll go even if we have to drive all night.Men: Here, here.Jason: Ah, I knew I could count on you pop.Granfpa: And if we have to drive all night, we'll need plenty of coffee. Men: Coffee. Coffee.Jaso n: Dad, dad! It's them. Run for your life.Granfpa: Oh you're not going anywhere son. Not until you have a cup of coffee. Jaso n: Oh no. You're one of them too.Grandma: One of us! He's our leader. Baratus, baratus inko.Granfpa: You'll feel much better if you join us.Jaso n: No never.Everyone: Join us, Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. Join us. (Back to present)Join us. Join us. Join us. And I did!Ben: Ahh!Chrissy: Grow up.Maggie: Jason, wasn't your story a little too intense for the children. Jason: I'm a professional psychologist Maggie. I think I know what kids can handle. They know the difference between reality and fantasy.Jason: Kids. Look I need your help. Space men are invading out neighborhood. Ben: So dad, did the president believe your story?Jason: What did you think Chrissy?Chrissy: I think Halloween is ruined.Maggie: It isn't honey.Chrissy: Well if you really love me, you'll make it stop raining.Maggie: Oh sweetheart. You are going to forget all about the rain when you hear my story, because it's not merely entertaining, it's educational as well. Ben: See ya.Jason: Hey Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben. You are going to suffer through this with the rest of us. And I mean suffering in that, you know, zany family way.Carol: If that's my blind date calling to cancel, tell him I'm not here. Jason: Hello.Carol: Tell him I'm out with somebody incredible good looking.Jason: Yeah.Carol: Tell him I pity him for what he's missed.Jason: I'll be waiting for your call.Carol: Well?Jason: It wasn't.Carol: I know it was dad. You don't have to lie to protect me. I'm ok. I can handle this.Jason: I'm not lying.Carol: Then why are you getting me so upset dad?Maggie: Who was it Jason?Jason: Nobody. Say, you know what would make this evening perfect? Something in the kitchen.Maggie: Something in the kitchen!Jason: Get off your dove. Come on. And follow me.Maggie: What's going on?Jason: That was Eddie on the phone. Mike was supposed to pick him up a half hour ago and he hasn't shown.Maggie: He hasn't? Well maybe we should call...Hu. Has he got yellow eyes? Jason: Maggie, I'm serious.608 Happy Halloween (Part 2 of 2)Previously on growing pains:Chrissy: Dad every second we waste is candy out of my mouth.Jason: So I thought with all the rain, tonight would be a great night to have the old pilgrim Halloween.Chrissy: What did they do?Jason: No, they told scary stories.Carol: If that's my blind date calling to cancel, tell him I'm not here. Jason: Hello.Carol: Tell him I'm out with somebody incredible good looking.Jason: That was Eddie on the phone. Mike was supposed to pick him up a half hour ago and he hasn't shown.Chrissy: It's light enough.Maggie: Close the door Chrissy, you're not going anywhere.Chrissy: Oh no! It figures.Jason: Come on, close the light, close the door and tell us some more scary stories.Carol: I'm not finished with my face yet.Ben: Yeah, well maybe you will have it ready for the Olympics of''92.Jason: All right who wants the next turn? Carol, do you have anything to contribute? Carol: I don't want to tell these stupid Halloween stories.Maggie: It doesn't have to be a Halloween story, just a scary story.Jason: Come on Carol, I have every confidence you can frighten all of us. Carol: Well, there is this dream I have been having⋯I've been having it a lot actually.(Dream begins)I'm in a subway station, and I'm late.Speaking in dream: Where is everybody? Is this some sort of Jewish holiday? Got to make my train⋯I jumped the turn stile⋯ no that would be wrong, and I never do anything wrong⋯it's the tragedy of what I am.VOICE: Attention please! Stop winning and jump the turn stile. Yeah... I'm talking to you bookworm. (聂茵)Carol: Wow, can you believe I did that?Carol的晚年: It doesn't matter, that train is never coming.Carol: What?Carol的晚年: I didn't say anything.Carol: Oh sorry.Carol的晚年: I thought it.Carol: I can hear your thoughts?Carol的晚年: And I can hear yours.Carol: I'm just going to ignore her, and get on that train, and get out of here. Carol的晚年: Its isn't coming, it's the subway car called success. And it doesn't come to people who just wait for it.Carol: Well, what are you waiting for?Carol的晚年: I always wait here. I have been doing it since I was a freshman at Columbia University. My name is Carol seaver, what's yours?Carol: You are not Carol Seaver, I'm Carol Seaver. This is so bizarre. (MUSIC)Yes Carol Seaver is bizarre, don't you know that's the kind of person that you are.Don't let up what you did; treat it like a sin, to be the kind of person that you are⋯Thought you had the knowledge, when you went off to college, how come younot there anymore⋯Misses, such a miss-fit⋯or should we call you misfit? Your entire life is rotten to the bone⋯Hahaha(Song ends)!!!!这段大家都要学,一起唱,黄晟,张永伟,聂茵,陈霞主要靠你们啦,我们跟着哼Carol: Ah⋯ (falling)(Dream ends)Carol: What nobody here has dreams like that?Everybody: Oh yeah, sure, yeah⋯..Maggie: Honey, it's just a dream, its nothing to worry about or be embarrassed about.Jason: No that's true, and tomorrow I'm going to give you some numbers of some colleagues of mine you can talk to ok?Ben: Carol, your date is here.Mike: Hello?Jason: Mike is that you?Mike: yeah.Carol: Oh great, it's only my stupid brother.Maggie: Quiet Carol. Mike, you scared the life out of us, Eddie called, where have you been?Jason: Something wrong?Mike: Yeah I'll say.Jason and Maggie: Mike, well what's wrong? What happened?Ben: Mike, you look like you have seen a ghost.Mike: Uh, look, I'm not crazy am i?Jason: What are you talking about?Mike: I mean, I'm not the kind of kid who imagines things, right?Maggie: NO honey.Mike: That's what I was afraid of. See, I never really made it to Eddie's tonight. (STORY BEGINS)Mike: I thought I knew every road in long island. I'm going to be fine, nothing tobe scared of⋯Mommy⋯mommy⋯Hey are you ok?Kara: I think so.Mike: Ok, well what happened?Kara: I don't know⋯Mike: Ok, its ok, it's ok... Listen uh, uh, how many fingers do you see? Kara: Two.Mike: Great, you want to go out sometime?Kara: What?Mike: Uh I'm sorry, my name is Mike Seaver.Kara: Kara Danes.Mike: OK, Oh man you are ice cold.Kara: I have been here a while.Mike: Here take my jacket.Kara: Oh thank you.Mike: I'm just glad you are ok, look at this car.Kara: Frank is going to be so mad at me for toweling his car.Mike: Yeah, well Frankie is just going to be happy that you are alive.Kara: You are funny.Mike: Pardon me?Kara: Oh Frankie is such a wonderful dancer.Mike: Hey wo, wo. Are you sure you are ok?Kara: Oh darling hold me just hold me.Mike: Uh, well sure, if I got to.Kara: Will you help me?Mike: Uh well, exactly how big is this Frankie guy?Kara: Take me home.Mike: Sure⋯Uh Kara, do you have any idea where we are?Kara: Yes.Mike: Well, would you like to share that information?Kara: Why did it have to end this way?Mike: What?Kara: Mike have you ever held someone in your arms and felt eternal love wash over your soul?Mike: Dozens of times.Kara: You are cute⋯.oh, ohw⋯Mike: Are you ok? I will pull over. Look I'm sorry, most of this car is just jag andmetal., let me see that. Oh gosh that is one nasty cut, we are going to have to get this wrapped. If it were bleeding⋯.Kara, why isn't it bleeding?Kara: It must not be very deep.Mike: What are you kidding? This needs stitches. The cut is gone!Kara: I told you.Mike: All right all right, let me see the other hand.Kara: Hey look! It's our favorite place.Mike: Uh?Kara: Don't you remember? We had our first date there.Mike: Uh Kara, look, I have never been to this dinner in my entire life, and believe me, if I had ever one out with you I would remember. Boy, I'd remember. Kara: I'll race you to the door.Mike: Ok she's crazy, but she looks good. What am I talking about? This is what I have been waiting for.Kara: It stopped raining.Mike: yeah(Enters)Mike: Oh wow, isn't Halloween great? I mean, everyone is having a costume party.Abe: Later Mr. President, I got a customer. (苗蕾)President: Don't worry Abe; Let them find their own booth. (陈玉凤)Abe: Booth, where?President: Gotha!!!haha.Kara: Let's go to our usual table.Mike: Our usual table?Babe: I hit 50 homeruns in an 8 fielder game. (张永伟)Marilyn: Oh come on Babe, Yankee stadium is only 273 down the right field line.(陈霞)Babe: Hey you know baseball.Marilyn: Yes, and I also know fat.Mike: Uh wow, you are a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe.Marilyn: Trick or treat.Colonel Sanders: And Truman, you ought to see what I can do with red bean.(黄晟)Truman: Promises, promises.(戴雪超)Mike: Uh Kara, look, I know I don't need to tell you this because I know that you already know, but I have never actually been here with you before.Kara: You are right.Mike: Oh come on Kara don't cry⋯I meant that I have been here with you before, lots of times. Hey, who's kidding who? I am a regular! Hey hey, give me my usual, hold the sprouts.Kara: No, you are just a sweet dear boy who found a lonely soul on the side of the road trying to get home.Mike: Look Kara, why don't you just give me your phone number and I will call your parents and tell them that you are fine.Kara: It's 555-5406Mike: Ok, fine. You just sit right here and relax, ok? Everything is going to be just fine.Kara: I know it is, Frankie.Truman: He seems like a nice young man.Kara: Truman, be good. I'll go powder my nose, I'm going home Truman.Home⋯Mike: Thanks⋯Excuse me but have you seen the girl I came in with?Abe: Yeah, whoooooMike: No,no,no, I mean she disappeared. See, I was on the phone with her mother, who by the way burst into tears and hung up on me. Does that say anything to you?Abe: What's a phone?Kara: I'm ready to go.Mike: Good lord! How did you get here?Kara: You drove me.Mike: Hey look, I was on the phone with your mother ok? She started crying and told me that I was playing some sort of cruel joke on her, and then she hung up on me. What kind of trouble are you in?Kara: Come, I'll show you the way.Mike: To where?Kara: To where I have been trying to go for 17 years.Mike: Uh?Kara: Let's go.Mike: Hey, it looked like you floated to me.Kara: We are almost there.Mike: I don't see any houses.Kara: Mike, stop the car.Mike: Why?Kara: Because I'm home, I'm finally home.Mike: Kara, we are in the middle of nowhere.Kara: Dance with me Frankie.Mike: It's Mike, remember?Kara: Please⋯.Mike: Uh Kara, you are loosing me here.Kara: For one moment, that's all I ask. I know we promised to love onlyEach other, but I release you from that promise.Mike: Thanks.Kara: I hope you find love, I hope you find happiness.Mike: You know Kara; I just really hope that you are ok.Kara: I miss you.Mike: What do you mean?Kara: I know you will find another love.Mike: Look, Kara, I got an idea. What do you say we get back in the car, I'll drive you home and everything is going to be ok. All right, Come on⋯obviously you have been through a lot of shock today and you are a little confused.Kara: Goodbye.Mike: Hey wait, where are you going?Kara: Home.Mike: Home? Kara look, there are no houses up there. Come on, there are no houses for miles⋯Kara? Kara? Hey Kara, this isn't funny... Kara? Kara? Where are you? Hello?(Story ends)Maggie: Honey are you ok?Mike: Yeah, you know it's just that the one thing that makes no sense whatsoever is⋯is⋯How you guys could be so gullible.Maggie: What?Jason: None of this happened?Maggie: Mike you scared us to death.Mike: Is there a better night for it?Chrissy: Yeah, you would have made a great pilgrim.Jason: You planned all this.Mike: No I didn't, I just planned to come home and scare Ben. I mean I knew he would be here toilet papering the house.Ben: I have had it. Everybody is accusing me of this, but there is not one scrap of evidence.Maggie: How about your hundred pounds of 2-ply?Ben: I'll go to my room.Mike: You guys being here only made it better. Thank goodness for this storm. Chrissy: Yeah yeah yeah.Maggie: Hey the storm, its over.Chrissy: So I can go?Jason: Yeah, go on.Chrissy: Let's go let's go let's go, let's go maties.Maggie: Chrissy wait for me.Jason: You didn't have me fooled for a second.Mike: Oh come on dad, how could you sit there in damp shorts and tell me that? Carol: Oh great, so everybody is happy now except good old Carol.Jason: Yep.Carol: Oh that better be that clown or else⋯Hello, I'm Carol, Lou-Ann'sfriend⋯this is my brother, my father⋯lets go.Jason: Did I ever tell you about the Halloween night I had when I was about your age?Mike: Yeah yeah yeah, with the yellow eyes?Jason: No, they were orange eyes. But that's getting ahead of the story. It was a Halloween night, much like this⋯I was about your age..and⋯I don't have any candy⋯I got to give them fruit.Mike: Oh come on dad, don't give them fruit⋯Jason: What else do I have?Mike: Give them some money.Jason: Yeah, or I could give them one of my kidneys.Larry: Hi, I'm Larry Leaky, Lou-Ann's friend. I m here to pick up..uhm⋯.Carol Seaver. (别组友情客串)Jason: You are her date?Mike: Then who did she leave with?Carol: I hope Lou-Ann didn't exaggerate too much about me. So what line of work are you in?Death(死神): Procurement. (勾人灵魂的)Carol: Where are we going?Everyone: Happy Halloween from growing pains.The end。
Inside No. 9 Dead Line《9号秘事 万圣节特别篇(2018)》完整中英文对照剧本
死线您正在收听调频交响之声You are listening to Symphonic FM.请放松身心并...Please sit back and...停止呼吸And stop breathing.现在是14点15分It's just coming up to 14:15,老派说法即下午两点一刻which is quarter past two in old money,接下来是一首美妙舒缓的舒伯特乐曲and we've got some lovely, soothing Schubert coming up. 但首先听听每周的园艺小贴士...But first, with this week's gardening tips, here's...可拉倒吧Oh, bugger off!我离入土还远着呢We're not all one foot in the grave.喂Hello?喂能听见我说话吗Hello, can you hear me?抱歉我听不...Sorry, I can't...能不能离话筒稍微近些Can you put the phone to your mouth?我听不见你说什么I can't quite hear.妈的Bloody hell!不好意思我刚在煮鸡蛋Sorry about that. I was just coddling an egg.喂Hello?埃尔西Elsie!你好啊亲爱的Hello, dear.你好吗How are you?不不不好意思我叫亚瑟·弗利维No, no, sorry, my name's Arthur Flitwick.你不认识我但我在圣凯瑟琳教堂的墓地里You don't know me, but I found this phone,找到了这支that I'm speaking to you on now,我正在跟你通话的手♥机♥in the churchyard at St Catherine's.我也不清楚手♥机♥是谁的I've no idea who it belongs to,但你的号♥码是最后一个拨出号♥码but yours was the last number dialled.这是埃尔西·米切尔的手♥机♥Oh, well, it belongs to Elsie Mitchell.我们常在康乐俱乐部的周日活动中搭档We sometimes partner each other at the Con Club Sunday social, 我们的丈夫都去世了you know, with us both having lost our husbands.不过我也很久没跟她联♥系♥了But I've not heard from her in a while.能不能麻烦你告诉她Well, is it possible you could let her know我捡到了她的手♥机♥that I've got her phone看怎么样能还给她and I can arrange to get it back to her?没问题Absolutely.我现在就去告诉她I'll let her know right away.她一定会很感谢你的She'll be ever so grateful, I'm sure.太棒了Jolly good.我的电♥话♥是 4444244Well, she can reach me on treble four, four, two, four, four.挺好记的嘛That's easy to remember!是的我叫亚瑟·弗利维It is, yes. Arthur Flitwick.和你聊得很愉快Well, nice talking to you希望埃尔西能尽快回复我and I hope to hear from Elsie in due course.谢谢亲爱的再见Thank you, dear. Bye then.好再见Yes, goodbye.喂Hello?埃尔西我是莫伊拉·奥基芙Elsie, it's Moira O'Keefe!我知道你手♥机♥丢了Listen, I know you lost your mobile phone,但我接到一个捡到你手♥机♥的好心人的电♥话♥ but I've just heard from a nice man who found it for you.不不莫伊拉No, no, Moira.他叫亚瑟·弗利维His name's Arthur Flitwick他的电♥话♥是 444...and you can reach him on four, four, four...莫伊拉我是亚瑟Moira, this is Arthur.你找到她了是吗You found her, did you?不是我拿着埃尔西的手♥机♥No, I've got Elsie's mobile你打的也是这个电♥话♥and that's the number you're calling me on now.天啊我真是笨死了Oh, good heavens. What a fool I am!你有埃尔西的座机号♥码吗Would you happen to have her landline at all?没有我只知道这个07开头的号♥码No, I only have the one starting zero, seven.那就是她的手♥机♥号♥ 对吧That'll be the mobile, will it?看样子是的I'm afraid so, yes.那就对了问题解决了Well, there we go, mystery solved.但我想把手♥机♥还给她Except I want to be able to get this phone back to her. 那我给她语♥音♥留言吧Will I leave her a voicemail?不行还是会接到我这里来No, because then it'll come through to me.你知不知道她在这片地方...Do you know if she has any...... 还有没有其他朋友...other friends in the area?不知道不过你可以问问圣凯瑟琳教堂的牧师No, but you could try the vicar at St Catherine's.他们俩还... 挺亲近的I believe they were... quite close.好的请问他叫什么名字Right, would you happen to have his name?尼尔牧师Reverend Neil.好了我先挂了Now, I'd better go.我老公找我My husband's just come in.我记得你好像说你先生已经...Oh, I thought you said your husband was...然后我就亲自主持了丧礼That I was able to perform the service myself.她被埋在圣凯瑟琳教堂墓地了吗She's buried at St Catherine's, then?是的She is.随时欢迎您前来拜访弗利维先生And you'd be most welcome yourself, Mr Flitwick.很期待能再跟你见面It would be a pleasure to see you any time.在墓里见面吗In the cemetery?不不不在教堂里No, no, in the church.教会会不断吸收... 新鲜血液We're always on the lookout for... new blood.我就不再占用你的时间了I mustn't take up any more of your time.你可以把埃尔西的手♥机♥给我If you could just let me have Elsie's telephone,我现在就回去I'll be on my way.是这样的牧师在跟你通话之后Yes, the thing is, Reverend, after I spoke to you,我翻了一下埃尔西的短♥信♥记录I was scrolling through some of Elsie's text messages.当然只是为了调查而已Purely in an investigatory capacity, of course.然后就看到了一条她女儿的信息And I came across a message from her daughter.伊凡洁琳Evangeline?对Yes.她说会过来取回手♥机♥She said she'd like to come and collect the phone herself,您到时候也要把手♥机♥交给她的吧if it's all the same to you?是的Of course.伊凡洁琳她一直都是埃尔西坚强的后盾Dear Evangeline, she was always such a rock for her mother. 请务必转达我的诚挚祝愿Do send her my fondest wishes.还有这些... 短♥信♥记录...And these... text messages you found...不好意思接个电♥话♥Excuse me. I'm sorry.喂Hello?弗利维先生又是我莫伊拉·奥基芙Mr Flitwick, it's Moira O'Keefe again.没打扰你的夜生活吧I hope I'm not interrupting your evening?没有的事Not at all. No.我正和尼尔牧师在一起I'm just here with Reverend Neil, actually.他跟我说埃尔西会帮忙清扫教堂He was telling me how Elsie would clean at the church还制♥作♥布朗尼蛋糕and help with the brownies.是的祭衣室的那个厕所冲水会堵Ah, yes, that toilet in the vestry has a busted flush.我早就让牧师派人去修了I've told the Reverend to get a man in.对Yes.事实是莫伊拉我有个令人遗憾的...The thing is, Moira, I have some rather upsetting...节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障非常抱歉如你所听I am very sorry, as you can hear,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障"9号♥秘事"直播集的声音传输we are having a few problems with the sound节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障出现了些许问题for this live edition of Inside No. 9.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障技术人员会尽快调试设备以求恢复正常We hope to rectify that for you in just a few moments.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障请不要转台 BBC 2So stay with us here on BBC Two.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障万分抱歉Well, I am really sorry,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障演播室似乎出现了一些小故障but we have a few gremlins in the studio节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障今晚将无法继续进行直播and we won't be able to continue with tonight's live episode 节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障本集将于之后播出which will now be shown at a later date.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障好消息是我们将重播The good news is, we do have节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障"9号♥秘事"第一季中的一集a repeat from series one of Inside No. 9,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障请放松心情享受"静夜"so please sit back and enjoy A Quiet Night In.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障静夜节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障如各位观众所见Well, that you can see,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障今晚"9号♥秘事"的播放一直出现问题we are continuing to have difficulties with Inside No. 9 tonight, 节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障我们在努力解决we are working on it.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障一旦我们找出故障的原因As soon as I get any information about what is going on,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障定会及时通知I will of course let you know.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障正如我所说As I was saying,节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障一旦查实问题所在...as soon as we have identified the issue...节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障就会及时通知观众We will get something to air for you.节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障有人吗Hello?节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障谁在那儿Is someone there?节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障节目中断我们深感抱歉正在努力解决故障♪经常关注生活中的闪光点... ♪♪ Always look on the bright side of life... ♪鲍比天啊快停下别这样Oh, Bobby! Jesus, stop! Don't do a thing.别这样Don't do a thing.好了All right.-你找到他了吗 -找到了- Did you find him? - Yeah.简单地说如果他能把声音的问题解决Basically, he said if they can fix the sound,我们应该能在今晚11点播出there is a possibility we can go on at 11 o'clock tonight. -重新来吗 -是- Start again? - Yeah.可悲Pathetic.那不就撞上"午夜凶铃"了But that would mean bumping the Ring.-他不确定人员能不能到位 -操- He's not sure if they are gonna be in place. - Fuck.他也没说他们要怎么解决所以...He does not say they are gonna fix it, so...真♥他♥妈♥的...What a fucking...那为什么不直接播彩排的片子Why didn't just cut to the repeat of the rehearsal one? 如果直播出了问题If there was a problem,他们说就会改用今天下午录的彩排片段they said they would use the rehearsal one we filmed this afternoon. 那不就没人知道这是直播了吗But no one would know is live then, wouldn't they?反正也没人知道谁他妈在乎No one knows anyway, does he? Who fucking cares?今天甚至都还没到万圣节It's not even Halloween.非得搞个万圣节特别篇对了Asked to do a Halloween special. Oh, By the way,这能延到万圣夜播吗can it actually be on Halloween night?现在说不定可以也用不着播"学徒"了Maybe it can now, instead of fucking The Apprentice.他们都去哪了Where are they all now?他们在楼上开会They have all gone upstairs for a meeting.我就知道会这样让我出洋相I knew this would happen. Makes me look stupid.推特上反响怎样What are they saying on Twitter?我哪知道这地方一点信♥号♥♥没有I don't know, I can't, can I? God, there is no signal.怎么没有有无线网络There is. There is Wi-Fi.哪有啊There isn't.隔壁有网线There is a cord next door.没人告诉我Well, No one told me.斯蒂芬妮告诉我的Stephanie showed me.-斯蒂芬妮告诉你的 -对啊- Stephanie showed you? - Yeah.想不到斯蒂芬妮能上网你却不行Can't believe Stephanie Cole can get online and you can't.可不I know.她都是77岁的老太太了She is a 77-year-old woman.亚当说打算先重播"静夜"Adam said that they are gonna repeat A Quiet Night In. -现在吗 -对现在- What now? - Yes, on now.-会付我们重映费吗 -不知道这是个问题- Do we get repeat fee? - Don't know actually. Good point. 好总算有点好事了Good. Something good has come out of it.你说要是我们明年或者后面再演一次Do you think if we do it again like next year or whatever, 我们能另找一个人来演莫伊拉吗we should try and get someone else for Moira?怎么要换掉斯蒂芬妮·科尔吗What, instead of Stephanie Cole.我一开始就说过You know, like I've said right from the start.她演不来的她那口音...She cannot do it. The accent, she...-不关口音的事 -怎么不了- It's not. - It is.是结尾那段It is the ending.首先她理解不了用意A, she does not understand it.其次她演得有些直白...B, she is making it obvious...这你也不能怪她结尾是有点晦涩You can't blame her for that. It's totally impenetrable.-哪里晦涩了 -怎么不了- It's not. - It is.压根没It's not-没那个正常人可以... -这结局挺好的- Defy any normal person... - It is a good ending.随你吧Right.我登上推特了I'm on Twitter.几百条留言Locking hundreds of messages.评价如何Saying what?"9号♥秘事"现在什么情况是转折的一部分吗What's going on on Inside No.9, is this part of the twist?去你妈♥个♥蛋吧Oh, do fuck off.我猜每个网友都以为我们是故意这样的...I bet everyone thinks we do it deliberately on the net.极端闹鬼Most Haunted欢迎收看"极端闹鬼"Hello and welcome to Most Haunted.本周我们将带领各位前往英国This week I have landed us right in the middle一处久负盛名之地of a great British institution.这地方来头可不小名叫加冕街Well, this is certainly a different location, Coronation Street, 理查德·费利克斯历史学家这地方来头可不小名叫加冕街Well, this is certainly a different location, Coronation Street, 理查德·费利克斯历史学家但真正引人瞩目的But the amazing thing is理查德·费利克斯历史学家很多人声称在这里that there are so many reported sightings理查德·费利克斯历史学家很多人声称在这里that there are so many reported sightings目击到鬼魂of ghosts on this site,不止发生在街上not only on the street here也发生在摄影棚里but also actually in the studios.1号♥演播室: 游魂回归内场室温: 17℃有一个魂灵几乎径直到了我的面前There is one ethereal that comes to me almost immediately,1号♥演播室: 游魂回归内场室温: 17℃有一个魂灵几乎径直到了我的面前There is one ethereal that comes to me almost immediately,貌似是男性and it is a male figure.是年老的男性他不太...He is an older male, he's not...戴维·韦尔斯灵媒是年老的男性他不太...He is an older male, he's not...戴维·韦尔斯灵媒很难准确说出他的年龄It's hard to age him.戴维·韦尔斯灵媒很难准确说出他的年龄It's hard to age him.可能五十多岁吧I think maybe, maybe in his 50s.他要么死于心脏病发He either died here of a heart attack,要么死于事故or he died here of an accident,因为看起来他曾在这里工作because it seems like he worked here.你觉得他大概是多久前在这工作的呢How long ago we talking that this man was around?应该不会太久远It's not that long ago,-就我看的话也就十年前左右吧 -好的- Maybe, the figure I'm getting is only like ten years or so ago. - Right. -在这里工作他曾经在这里工作 -没错- And worked here. He worked here, you said? - Yeah.感觉是这样子It feels like he worked here.-是员工之一吗 -对员工之一- As a member of crew? - Yes, as a member of crew.喂Hello?不我是斯蒂芬妮·科尔No, this is Stefanie Cole.不我是"9号♥秘事"的演员No, I'm one of the cast members from Inside No Nine.不我之前也没听说过No, I hadn't heard of it either,好像是BBC 2的一档喜剧吧but apparently it's a BBC 2 sort of comedy thing.你是要找哪位吗Are you looking for someone in particular?可大家好像暂时都不在Because everybody seems to have buggered off.不好意思你的名字是Sorry, sorry, what did you say your name was?艾伦艾伦Alan. Alan.你在这工作吗Do you work here?穿着维多利亚时期的衣服Victorian clothes.制片方被迫去请了一位罗马天主教神父Producers were forced to hire an innate Roman Catholic priest 在格拉纳达工作室举♥行♥了驱魔仪式to perform an exorcism in Granada Studios让鬼魂自行离开to ask the ghost to leave in peace扯淡呢God.同时有一些报道宣称由于一系列不幸事件的发生There were also reports of a curse in Manchester曼彻斯特也遭受了诅咒after a run of bad luck,包括命运多舛的"皇冠上的宝石"which included a fire destroying costumes全剧组服装都毁于一场大火from flexural drama the The Jewel in the Crown.我记得那事I remember that.以及艺人鲍比·戴弗洛在一场诡异的道具故障中Entertainer Bobby Davro nearly breaking his neck -差点被弄断了脖子 -鲍比- in a freak prop malfunction. - Bobby!鲍比Bobby!我的天啊鲍比Jesus Bobby!千万别动Don't do a thing!还有道具组员工艾伦·斯塔的早逝And the untimely death of prop man Alan Starr,他于十年前的万圣夜who hanged himself from the lighting gallery在灯光室上吊自杀on Halloween night ten years ago.也就是我们现在这地方So that's where we are now. Brilliant.你看到马克发的这条消息了没Do you see this message from Mark?讨论组里发的On the Whatsapp group."绅士联盟"那个群聊里吗On the League Whatsapp group?他说现在转到BBC 2He says put BBC Two on now.我们在上面吗So are we on it ?-应该吧 -肯定是在放之前彩排的版本- Oh, yeah. - They must have cut to the rehearsal one. 不可能吧OK. That can't be it,这是那个摄像头的视角because that is that camera there.调到BBC 2看看Do BBC Two.-这就是BBC 2 -不那是BBC 1- No, this is BBC Two. - No, BBC One.-你看啊这是BBC 1 -嗯- No look. BBC One. - Yeah.BBC Two.就那个摄像头That这是BBC 4And BBC Four.BBC 3呢And do BBC Three?没有BBC 3There is no BBC Three.什么意思What do you mean?没这个台没这个频道It doesn't exist, it isn't a channel.-什么时候没了的啊 -别闹你知道的- When did that happen? - Come on, you knew that.不我还是...No, I'm still...我真不知道我对这电视台没啥兴趣No, I don't know. I have no interest in television like that. -怪了 -真见了鬼了- That's weird. - This is really wicked.上推特发条消息Put a message on Twitter,-行 -很好- All right. - All right.我和史蒂夫·潘伯顿现在在BBC 2上吗Are me and Steve Pamberton on BBC Two now?-你想让我发这个吗 -对啊- You want me to tweet that? - Yeah.肯定一大堆人都看着呢A lot of people were just watching this.换个监控头看看All right, a new surveillance.斯蒂芬妮在那呢All right, now that's Stephanie,这肯定是摄影棚的画面了so that's definitely one of the studio captures.她干嘛呢What is she doing?我哪知道不过你按下外接视频键...But if you press the AV...9号♥秘事死线英国广播公♥司♥工作室10月28日标题剧集制♥作♥公♥司♥日期不过你按下外接视频键...But if you press the AV...标题剧集制♥作♥公♥司♥日期9号♥秘事死线英国广播公♥司♥工作室10月28日弗利维先生Mr Flitwick?我是莫伊拉It's Moira.你在家吗Are you about?我看你家门没锁Only the door was on the latch.我在洗手间里莫伊拉I'm just in the bathroom, Moira.那我就不打扰你了Oh, then I won't disturb you.男人和他前列腺之间的事还是不打扰了I know better than to come between a man and his prostate. 我家老头子那家伙每天早上就像新娘的睡袍My Jerry is up and down like a bride's nightie上上下下的till all hours of the morning.只是我从尼尔牧师那里It's just that I had a very strange message收到了一条奇怪的短♥信♥from the Reverend Neil.你有见过他吗Have you seen him at all?我没见过他I haven't seen him, no.可牧师叫我来这里见他Only he asked me to meet him here.他说他有关于埃尔西的重要消息He said he had very important information about Elsie. 是他是准备要过来的Yes. He was going to come round,不过因为教区有急事脱不开身but he got called away on urgent parish business.好像是他自行车被偷了I think somebody had stolen his bike.我的老天爷Jesus, Mary and Joseph.想象得到那个可怜的男人该多难过了[变成碎片了] Sure the poor man will be in pieces.是的Yes, he is.曾经是曾经是Was! He was.好吧我还是让你自己冷静一下Well, I will leave you in peace.亚瑟我还能帮你什么吗Is there nothing I can get for you, Arthur?你脸色非常苍白Sure you are looking very pale.没事我只是... 还没吃饭No, I just...I haven't eaten, that's all.-你知道那句话吧饥饿是最好的下饭菜 -是的- You know what they say, hunger is a great sauce. - Yes. 需要我用微波炉给你弄个鸡蛋吗Shall I pop an eggie in the microwave for you?-不用了 -没事一点也不麻烦- No. - No, sure, sure. It's no trouble at all.我敲一个给你开个好头...I will crack one open and give you a head...好头Start.他杀了埃尔西He killed Elsie,他把她从钟楼的楼梯推了下去he pushed her down the steps of the belltower.真的吗Did he indeed?在布朗尼营地事情发生之后After what happend at Brownie Camp,她修改了遗嘱来造福教堂she changed her will to benefit the church,但他急需用钱所以...but he needed the money quickly, so...所以他谋杀了她So he murdered her?是的Yes.他知道我盯上他了他肯定也会杀了我灭口He knew I was onto him, he would've done the same to me, 所以我必须先下手为强that is why I needed to strike first.你是怎么知道这些的呢亲爱的And how did you know all this, Arthur dear?埃尔西告诉我的Elsie told me,通过她的手♥机♥on her phone.她告诉我的She told me.她告诉我的She told me!布里夫我可以...Briff, can I just have a...问个问题吗a bit of a question here,我有点问题I've got a bit of a question.不好意思你是说我史蒂夫是吗I'm sorry, do you mean Steve? Sorry.对对对当然了Oh yes yes, of course. And, no,我只是不太清楚莫伊拉的目的it's just I'm not very clear about Moira's intentions.我的意思是我们知道她是在说谎吗I mean, do we know that she's lying?-是的 -不是- Yes. - No.什么不是吗What? No? Yeah?不是因为她在此时此刻是在说实话的No. Because she is telling the truth at this point.-噢我明白了 -那个我们...- Oh, I see. - Well, we...说实话我们还没完全决定We haven't quite decided, really. To be honest with you.关于她是不是在说实话Whether she's telling the truth.我就是非常疑惑It's just it is very confusing-还有演什么 -我知道- and what to play. - I know. Of course.你知道我就是想做到最好...You see what I mean. I want to do my best, obviously...是的我觉得演戏就是...Yeah. I think play you know...嗨斯蒂芬妮Hi, Stephanie.我很抱歉有人告诉你发生了什么吗Sorry about all of this, has anyone told you what is going on? 艾伦打电♥话♥来了Alan called.你是说制片人亚当吗You mean Adam, the producer.他说他们要来了He said they are coming.他们现在在开会Yeah. Well, they are on a meeting.因为现在设备出故障了Because right now the equipments gone haywire.你在"全天营业"里面没有遇到过这事吧You don't get this in Open All Hours, do you?艾伦说他们在我们之前Alan says they have always been here. before us.在演播室存在之前就一直在这里了Before the studios.我们不应该在这里We shouldn't be here.这是他们的家This is their home.萨温节: 万圣节的起源你知道那个礼拜三吗 10月31日的萨温节Did you know that Wednesday, Samhain the 31st of October,那一天我们和另外一个世界之间的界线变得不明显the day when the line between our world and the other world is thinned? 那些鬼魂和幽灵The old shades and the spirits他们朝我们过来了they are coming for us.他们现在就在这里They are with us...now!亲爱的需要我为你倒杯茶来吗Do you want me to get you a cup of tea, love?艾伦说他们影响了电缆电视设备Alan said they infect the cables, and the television equipment,科技使他们变得更强大the technology makes them stronger.你说的是"黑镜" 斯蒂芬妮Yeah, now, you are thinking of Black Mirror, Stephanie,这里是"9号♥秘事"this is Inside No 9.更黑色喜剧更多反转It's more dark comedy and twists.他们不希望我们在这里They don't want us here.好吧我去给你泡杯茶Right, well, I will make your cup of tea.我们必须离开We have to leave.穿过这条路Just across the road就是圣约翰教堂was the church of St John's,我在公园里找到了一块纪念匾and I actually found a plaque in the park述说着这个墓地里which states that on that site were buried埋葬着超过22000具尸体over 22,000 bodies in the graveyard,而且他们肯定延伸到了and they most definitely stretched over here现在格拉纳达工作室的所在地onto the site where Granada Studios are now.我不是一个威胁I am not a threat.我来这里是作为一个信使I am here as a messenger.我要做的就是传递一个信息All I do is carry a message.你们必须离开这里You have to leave this site.有人吗Hello?有人吗Hello?喂能听到我说话吗Hello? Can you hear me?我♥操♥Fucking hell!天哪我♥操♥你♥妈♥的♥... God, you fuck...我应该手上端杯热茶的I could have had a hot cup of tea in my hands.这个很不错对吧It's good, isn't it?很可怕Horrible.-在服装室找到的 -我们应该用上它- Found in costume. - We should use it.你看到人了吗Have you seen anyone?没有除了斯蒂芬妮·科尔... 她有点奇怪No, since Stephanie Cole... she is being weird.什么意思What do you mean?她说幽灵来找我们了She is saying spirits are coming for us.我可去他妈的吧For fuck's sake.帕姆·费里斯: 著名威尔士女演员我觉得我们可以请帕姆·费里斯的I thought we should've got Pam Ferris.特朗布尔校长帕姆·费里斯在1996年电影"小魔女"里面饰演的一个凶猛的怪物老师不要她被"特朗布尔校长"耗尽了No, she is being used up with Trunchbull.噢不Oh, no.史蒂夫史蒂夫Steve! Steve!斯塔先生一直饱受偏执型精神分♥裂♥症的折磨Mr.Starr has been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia,劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件曼彻斯特斯塔先生一直饱受偏执型精神分♥裂♥症的折磨Mr.Starr has been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia,他相信这个工作室被占领了and he believes that the studios are being taken over曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件被他口中机器里的幽灵控制了by what he called ghosts in the machine.曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件同事们说他因为目击这栋建筑里的超自然现象Colleagues said that he had been deeply disturbed曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件而深受困扰by witnessing paranormal phenomena throughout the building曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件他还录下了超自然电子噪音现象and recording electronic voice phenomena曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件来自地下的信息with messages from beyond the grave.曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件"任我们存在"曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件"任我们存在"曼彻斯特劳拉·霍沃斯电视演播室死亡事件格拉纳达电视这个建筑群叫作博特尼湾This complex of buildings is called Botany Bay.四年之前被格拉纳达电视台买♥♥下They were bought by Granada television four years ago 作为一个新的演播室用地to serve as a new studio complex.过去六个月里For the last six months,"皇冠上的宝石" 1984年英国电视连续剧这里已经为"皇冠上的宝石"剧组they have contained the set, wardrobes,配备好了props, costumes, makeup departments。
万圣节英语剧本《The Haunted House on Halloween Night》Characters:1、 Jack A brave boy who loves adventures2、 Lily Jack's best friend, a little scared but curious3、 Mr Ghost The owner of the haunted house4、 Witch A mysterious and evil witchScene 1: The InvitationIt's a few days before Halloween Jack and Lily are in the schoolyard Jack: Lily, have you heard about the haunted house on the edge of town? Lily: (shivering) No, and I don't want to hear It sounds scaryJack: But Halloween is coming We should go and explore itLily: (hesitant) Are you crazy? I'm not goingJack: Come on, Lily It'll be fun I promiseLily: (sighs) Okay, but only if you stay with me the whole time Scene 2: The ApproachOn Halloween night, Jack and Lily arrive at the haunted house The house looks creepy with its broken windows and overgrown gardenLily: (clinging to Jack's arm) I'm scared, Jack Let's go backJack: Don't be a chicken, Lily We just got hereThey walk up to the front door and it creaks open by itselfLily: (screams) Oh my god!Jack: (takes a deep breath) Let's go inScene 3: The MeetingInside the house, it's dark and dusty Suddenly, a figure appears It's Mr GhostMr Ghost: Who dares to enter my house?Jack: (boldly) We do, sir We just want to exploreMr Ghost: (laughs) Well, you're not welcome here But since you're already in, you have to face the consequencesLily: (trembling) What consequences?Mr Ghost: You'll have to find your way out before the witch comesScene 4: The SearchJack and Lily start searching for a way out They go through rooms filled with strange noises and shadowsLily: (panicking) I can't do this anymore, JackJack: Just hold on, Lily We'll find a wayAs they keep searching, they come across a locked doorScene 5: The KeyJack looks around for the key Suddenly, he spots a shiny object under a tableJack: Look, Lily Maybe this is the keyHe picks it up and tries it in the lock It fits and the door opensScene 6: The WitchJust as they step out of the room, the witch appearsWitch: You thought you could escape?Jack: (stands in front of Lily) Leave us aloneThe witch laughs and casts a spell Jack and Lily start feeling dizzyScene 7: The EscapeWith all their strength, Jack and Lily run towards the exit The witch chases after themLily: (crying) We're not going to make itJack: Yes, we will Keep runningFinally, they reach the front door and rush out of the haunted houseScene 8: The ReliefOutside, they collapse on the ground, breathing heavilyJack: We did it, LilyLily: (smiles weakly) Yes, we did But I never want to do that againThey look back at the haunted house and then walk away, happy to be safe。
万圣节英语鬼故事6及译文:老妇人There was an old woman who lived all by herself, and she was very lonely. Sitting in the kitchen one night, she said, "Oh, I wish I had some company."No sooner had she spoken than down the chimney tumbled two feet from which the flesh had rotted. The old woman's eyes bulged with terror.Then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet.Then a body tumbled down, then two arms, and a man's head.As the old woman watched, the parts came together into a great, tall man. The man danced around and around the room. Faster and faster he went. Then he stopped, and he looked into her eyes."What do you come for?" she asked in a small voice that shivered and shook."What do I come for?" he said. "I come for YOU!"(The narrator shouts and jumps at the person near him!)中文:从前有一个老妇人。
万圣节经典搞笑英语短剧剧本旁白:It was war periods time, the war among different countries seemed endless. Every kings or ministers tried to find some supermen to work for them——to be the killing stools for their political purposes. As time goes by, it was being a fas hion to feed some good men at home……This is a crazy world. In the crazy world, there are the crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by the crazy way.太子丹(上,叹气):Ying Zheng,that bad guy,treats me even worse than before.Resorts to lots of persons in his hand,he never cares about me ---the most sensible prince under the sun.Recently,he has got much more cities from my hands.How can I live if these things happen again(急)。
Hey!! I must think out a good idea. I must make him know who I am.(向幕里大叫)Where is my minister? (大臣阿三上)Indeed, tell me what shall we do now?阿三:(毕恭毕敬)Just keep calm,please!Let me see!(盘坐在地。
万圣节英语剧本万圣节英语剧本万圣节是西方的节日,那么有没有万圣节的英语版剧本呢?下面就让店铺跟大家分享一篇关于万圣节的英语话剧剧本吧,希望大家喜欢!【The holloween’s origin】Part 1Adress: streetPeople: jack ,Devil(魔鬼)旁白:The devil feel boring in hell(地狱),so he come to the world. The devil is very interested in everything about the world.(表现出新奇的样子,很感兴趣。
Jack: hello ! can I help you ?(故作好人样!)Devil : yes! En ……I ….i’m very curious here .can you take me with you ? where is the most interesting ?(以为遇到好人,很兴奋!) Jack:(坏笑)yes yes .i know a place ,you will very happy! Let’s go ! Devil: (懵懂点头,跟着去)thank you !thank you !Jack 和魔鬼勾肩搭背的去酒吧。
Part 2Address: the bar People: jack devil旁白:Two people are drinking at the bar,and jack let devil drink ,the devil drink more.两个人在酒吧喝酒,jack引诱恶魔喝酒,恶魔没有喝过人间的酒就喝的比较多。
Devil: it’s so good !(满足,赞扬,不断的喝。
)Jack: This is the most delicious thing, can make people happy!!(说着自己拿起酒杯在鼻尖闻闻做出满足的神情。
新整理英语童话剧本: Halloween Night——万圣节之夜
英语童话剧本:Halloween Night——万圣节之夜人物:Witch , five little jack-o-lanterns , boy A , boy B(可增加人数) ,A women ,A man时间:On the Halloween night地点:At the gate道具:一扇黑色的大铁门,上面贴有几个南瓜灯的平面画、一扇家庭大门,都用泡沫和硬纸板固定、一套怪兽和幽灵的服装,可用黑塑料袋和白色的布、两长魔鬼面具、硬质壳做的大剪刀、小孩子正常的衣服两套、睡衣一套,假发一顶、小巫师服装一套,扫把一个,魔法棒一根,黑框眼镜一副、一个用南瓜真正做成的南瓜灯Scene 1(巫婆上场,带着巫师帽,手拿魔法棒,骑着扫把用邪恶的语气说)Witch : (Ha ha ha)good evening , everybody ! This is Halloween Night . I love Halloween . Kids , do you like Halloween ? Let me show you my friends .five little jack-o-lanterns . (把魔法棒举在头顶转一圈,转一圈身子,双腿打开,魔法棒指向5个南瓜灯娃娃出场的方向,同时伴随着魔法的绚丽音乐)hey , five little jack-o-lanterns , come here !(五个南瓜灯一起舞蹈上场【音乐伴奏】,有的站,有的蹲,各种不同的姿势围着铁门站好自己的位置。
巫婆向观众一一介绍五个南瓜灯,每介绍一个,该名幼儿则走到舞台最前面,介绍完毕后再回到自己的原的位置和造型)Witch : These are my friends , five little jack-o-lanterns . This is the 1st . He is so brave .1st JOL :(同手同脚,笨重的走出) Hello , everyone . Im the first jack-o-lantern . Im the biggest and strongest one !(做健美的动作,手握拳向上举起,脚弯曲脚尖点地,左右各一次)Ha-ha-ha Witch :This is the second jack-o-lantern . She is a shy girl .2nd JOL : (尖声细语的说)Hi , my little dear . Im the second jack-o-lantern . Im very shy . (双手捂住脸,脚尖在地上转)Nice to meet you . (双手打开和观众打招呼后,害羞地跑回自己的位置) Witch : Thanks you . You are a good girl . Now comes my third jack-o-lantern . Come and say hallow to everybody3rd JOL :Hello , kids . Im the third jack-o-lantern . Im the smartest one .(一手叉腰,另一只手在眼睛旁打响一声后,食指指出) Would you like to be my friend ? (做我爱你的手势,在胸前转一周,飞吻一下)Ha-haWitch : Ok , thats enough my dear . You must go back to your seat .3rd JOL :(低下头说)Yes , madam . (走回位置)Witch : This is the 4th one . She is very lovely . Come here my baby .4th JOL:(躲在巫婆的身后,胆怯的露出头)Hi ..hi , I..I m here . Im the fourth jack-o-lantern . Im very scared. I got to go back . (快速跑回自己的位置)Witch : Its ok my baby . Dont be afraid . I will be with you . Ok , this is the youngest fifth jack-o-lantern . Come and say hallow to everybody .5th JOL : Hello hi ! Hello hi !Hello , hello to you . I m the fifth jack-o-lantern . Im the youngest one . Yeah !(闭上一只眼睛,嘟嘴巴,做耶的姿势)Witch : (做看时间的姿势)Oh , its time to go , my dears . Can you wait for me ?All JOL : Yes , madam !Witch : Be good , ok ! I will be back soon . Goodbye !All JOL : Bye-bye !(巫婆退场,五个南瓜灯保持原位)Scene 2(放本首儿歌的音乐,五个南瓜灯各自做着自己的动作,微微的摇晃,唱本首儿歌)All JOL : (跟着音乐唱儿歌,每到一个南瓜灯说话时,该名幼儿则站起说)1st JOL :Oh , its getting late .(男孩A和B打扮成巫师和骷髅手拎着南瓜灯上台。
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音乐:HAPPY HALLOWEEN(穿插整场情景剧以及舞蹈)道具:一大桶糖果摆在舞台中间
人物:A: Ms Liu Eva(蓝精灵)B: Dio Daniel(天才) C: Clair Jenny(幽灵)
A: Candies , candies! OH my god ! So many candies ! (声音渐强)
A: look ! There is a barrel of candies, they look so yummy, can I try some?
B: Oh no , those candies are for something special use, you can’t eat now!
A: Why ?
A: Ahh !! What’s this?
C:I am ghost! (ghost sound, chasing A)。
B: Don’t be afraid, Its not real ghost Those candies are all for trick or treat game!
A: Ghost? Where is the ghost from?
B: My smurf , Halloween is coming soon ! We are celebrating Halloween.
A : Ok , but why we celebrate Halloween? why we dress up like ghost?
C:Let me tell you !Long long ago ,It was said the ghost would show up for substitute on Halloween night .People would dress up like ghosts and demons for protecting themselves.
B : On the eve of Halloween , everybody will dress up and play the “trick or treat”game.
A :OH ! I see .
C : Boys and girls ,please be brave to collect stamps , and then you can get many candies.
A : Woo ! It sound so funny !
B:“Our party is begins now ! let’s be crazy!
第二篇章:集体舞:trick or treat
2、表演的老师根据自己的角色自备服装(A: 蓝精灵 B:天才正常便装,最好戴副眼镜捧本书 C:幽灵服装)
3、配音:中英文国际班教师,请MS 左安排好时间并通知YUKI(周一上午完成)
4、音乐制作:Yuki (需要配音的音频)周一下班前完成
A: Ms Liu Eva (smurf) B: Dio Daniel (Talent) C: Clair Jenny (ghost) A:Candies , candies! OH my god ! So many candies !
( B walking to the stage)
A: look! There is a barrel of candies, they look so yummy, can I try some?
B: Oh no , those candies are for something special use, you can’t eat now!
A: Why?
(The ghost fly to the stage)
A: Ahh !! What’s this?
C: I am ghost! (ghost sound, chasing A)
B: Don’t be afraid, Its not real ghost .Those candies are all for trick or treat game!
(C is waving)
A: Ghost? Where is the ghost from?
B:My smurf , Halloween is coming soon! We are celebrating Halloween.
A: Ok , but why we celebrate Halloween? why we dress up like ghost?
C:Hah ...Let me tell you !Long long ago ,It was said the ghost would show up for substitute on Halloween night .People would dress up like ghosts and demons for protecting themselves.
B :On the eve of Halloween , everybody will dress up and play the “trick or treat”game.
A: OH ! I see .
C:Boys and girls , please be brave to collect stamp , and then you can get many candies. A: Woo! It sound so funny!
B:Our party begins now ! let’s be crazy! (DANCE TOGETHER)。