牙体牙髓病学 英文试题
※<试题一>牙体牙髓病学试题一、填空(每个 1 分,共 31 分)1.龋病病变的病理特点是、、。
3.牙隐裂的典型临床症状是, 其治疗原则是。
4.按照ISO 原则,临床惯用25#K 挫的工作尖末端直径为,锥度为,工作刃的长度为。
7.G.V.Black 分类Ⅱ类洞能够采用的固位形、、、。
11.传统根管治疗的三大重要环节涉及: 、和,其中高质量的和是根管治疗成功的核心。
二、名词解释(每个 3 分,共 30 分)1.龋病2.生理性根尖孔3.retrograde pulpitis4.引菌作用5.自发痛6.牙菌斑7.玷污层8.树脂突9.根管工作长度10.窝沟封闭三、问答题(共 39 分)1.简述采用逐步后退法预备根管的环节和办法。
(9 分)2.深龋治疗原则是什么?并用图或表简述深龋治疗办法的选择。
(12 分)3.根管充填的目的是什么?什么状况下可完毕根管充填。
(6 分)4.简述龋病病因的四联因素理论(7 分)5.简述窝洞的基本固位形(5 分)牙体牙髓病学试题答案一.填空(每个 1 分,共 31 分)1.龋病病变的病理特点是无血管和细胞反映、病理进展缓慢、脱矿与再矿化交替进行。
3.牙隐裂的典型临床症状是定点撕裂样痛, 其治疗原则是保牙保髓。
4.按照 ISO 原则,临床惯用 25#K 挫的工作尖末端直径为 0.25mm,锥度为 2%,工作刃的长度为 16mm。
7.G.V Black 分类II 类洞能够采用的固位形有侧壁固位、倒凹固位、鸠尾固位、梯形固位。
名解6分×7,填空1分×15,问答4个致龋性牙菌斑名解1.标准法(standardized system):适用于较直根管的根管预备方法,用较小器械探查和疏通根管后确定根管工作长度,根管预备时从小到大逐号使用器械,每根器械均完全到达工作长度。
2.chief complain:The form of the notation should be a few simple phrases in the patient’s ownwords that describe the symptoms causing the discomfort.3.窝沟封闭/点隙裂沟封闭(pit and fissure sealant):指不去除咬合面牙体组织,在其上涂布一层粘结性树脂,保护牙釉质不受细菌及代谢产物侵蚀,增强牙齿抗龋能力的一种有效防龋方法。
5.根尖周致密性骨炎(Periradicular condensing osteitis):根尖周组织受到长期轻微缓和的刺激,患者机体抵抗力较强时,根尖部牙槽骨不发生吸收性破坏,而表现为骨质增殖,形成围绕根尖周围的一团致密骨,其骨小梁结构比周围骨组织更致密。
6.闸门控制学说(gate control theory):在脊髓灰质区的胶质中有闸门装置,它控制着传入冲动向中枢转递。
7.三明治技术(sandwich technique):采用玻璃离子水门汀和复合树脂联合进行牙体组织缺损修复的技术称为夹层技术。
8.牙髓牙本质复合体(pulpodentinal complex):牙髓和牙本质在胚胎发生上联系很密切,对外界刺激的应答有互联效应,是一个生物整体。
)1、灌注无牙颌石膏模型时,厚度不应少于多少毫米____A.1 B.3 C.5 D.7 E.102、目前世界龋病分布的特点可能与之有关的因素是A.糖的摄入量和频率B.生活水平和饮食习惯C.口腔预防保健措施D.氟化物防龋措施E.口腔科医师的数量3、具有二型观测线的基牙A.近缺隙侧倒凹区小,远离缺隙侧倒凹区大B.近缺隙侧倒凹区小,远离缺隙侧倒凹区也小C.近缺隙侧倒凹区大,远离缺隙侧倒凹区小D.近缺隙侧倒凹区大,远离缺隙侧倒凹区也大E.近缺隙侧与远离缺隙侧均无倒凹区4、患者右下后牙遇冷水痛2周,平时无不适。
武汉大学口腔医学院00本牙体牙髓病学结业考试试题姓名: 学号: 分数:一、名词解释(5×4′)1.Operative dentistry2.Resistance form3.Gate control theory4.Dentine hypersensitivity5.Root canal therapy二、填空(23×1′)1.The etiological factors of dental caries are , , , and ; the major cariogenic bacteria is 。
2.36邻面颈1/3龋坏制备的洞是类洞;12 腭面窝龋坏制备的洞是类洞。
3.The major diagnosis methods of dental caries include ,, , 。
5.Enamel hypoplasia 根据致病性质不同分为和。
三、简答题(5×5′)1.The function of the acquired pellicle.2.简述proline-rich proteins与龋病的关系3.简述牙有哪些形态异常4.急性牙髓炎疼痛的特点5.急性化脓性根尖周炎的排脓途径四、问答题(2×8′)1.深龋的治疗原则2.牙髓活力温度测验的临床意义。
口腔专业英语 试题
![口腔专业英语 试题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2212978d561252d381eb6ee7.png)
1.(A) is the space contains the pulp.A. Pulp cavityB. pulp hornC. pulp chamberD. pulp canal2.The ( B) consists of 8 incisors,4canines,8 premolars, and 12 molars.A .milk teeth B. permanent dentitions C. primary dentitions D. deciduous dentitions3.(A)are frequently extracted for othodontics purposes.A. Fist premolarsB. Second premolarsC. First molarsD. Second molars4.The openings of the (B )ducts are on the inner sides of the cheeks, opposite the second upper molar teeth.A. submandibularB. parotidC. sublingualD. platal5.The ( C) membrane surrounding the necks of the teeth is the gingiva or gum.A .mucosa B. mucus C. mucous D. mucosal6.irst molar usually has five __A___,three buccal and two lingual.A. cuspsB. cariesC. rootsD.dentition7.Root concavities are located on the mesial and distal surfaces of the mesial root; they are especially prominent on the first molar because this root usually has two _______B____.A. pulp cavitiesB. pulp canalsC. pulp chambersD. pulp horns8.The greater part of the tooth consists of ____C___.A. pulpB. enamelC. dentineD.cementum9.Doctor: Sit in the chair please. Lean your head back __D_____ the chair now. What’s the trouble?Patient: I have an awful toothache.A.onB. toC.inD. against10.Enamel consists of rods or prisms in an interprismatic substance that is slightly less _____A _______ than the rods themselves.A. mineralizedB. wearedC.demineralizedD.polished11. To fill these __A____ –to say nothing of extracting teeth, periodontal and prosthodontic treatment and straightening – the average American would need six hours of a dentist’s time.A. cavitiesB. holeC. dentinD. pulp12. The_____B_____ processes within the dentinal tubules degenerate, and the empty tubule becomes plugged with calcium salts and forms a harder dentin..A. orthodonticB. odontoblasticC. periodonticD. endodontic13. The typical histological picture of acute ____D____ (hyperemia, exudate, polymorphonuclear leukocytes) is almost always associated with that chronic pulpitis (lymphocytes, plasma cells etc.).A. infectionB. traumaC. tuberculosisD. inflammation14. In the case of active ____A__ a of the pulp, where there are as yet no pus – filled vacuoles or pronounced edema, other mechanisms are at work.A. hyperemiaB. disintegrationC. abscessD. inflammation15. Traumatic effects on the tooth or alveolus sometimes are beyond repair. Many teeth in the line of ____B___ fracture are removed to treat the fractured bone.A. headB. jawC. boneD. mouth16. With the increasing demand for aesthetic dentistry, there has been an increased interest in the use of resin-based composites for (A ) restorations.A. anteriorB. inferiorC. posteriorD. superior17. The one which is universally recognized is Angle`s classification which is based on arch relationship in the ( D ) plane.A. axialB. coronalC. crossD. sagittal18. There are fixed type and ( D ) type appliance for straightening the teeth.A. activityB. functionC. movementD. removable19. Physical violence and ( A ) accidents lead the list in a municipal hospital for the fracture of the mandible.A. automobileB. bikeC. carD. motor20. After extraction, don`t rinse for 24 hours as it may disturb the blood ( A ).A. clotB. dollopC. loafD. lump阅读理解TEXT1The Risks and Benefits of Orthodontic TreatmentBenefitsThe orthodontic treatment that has been suggested for you may have overall benefits in the appearance of your face and teeth and in maintaining good oral health.Well aligned teeth are easier to keep clean and many patients will find their self esteem is enhanced by an attractive smile and dental appearance.It is important to appreciate that not all these benefits may be appropriate to every individual patient. These is also great variation in each individual’s response to treatment and this can, on occasions, affect the final result.RiskAs with any form of treatment there are some risks associated with orthodontic treatment. While every effort is taken to minimize these risks, you, the patient, can help to minimize them by following treatment advice carefully and fully.1. Tooth decay and enamel damageTooth decay and enamel damage can occur if sugary or acid foods are eaten and tooth brushing is not maintained at a high standard. This damage can occur at any time but is more likely when fixed appliances are attached to the teeth.2. Root resorptionOrthodontic tooth movement involves light pressure being placed on the teeth and roots. In some patients changes such as root shortening may occur. The causes of this are not well understood and it is not always possible to identify susceptible patients in advance. In the majority of cases where this occurs there are so significant consequences.3. HeadgearIf not worn correctly, headgear may cause injury. It is imperative that the written instructions are necessary when using a headgear appliance.4. Joint discomfortSome individuals may experience jaw joint discomfort during orthodontic treatment. This is usually a transitory phase and indeed such symptoms also occur in patients who are not wearing orthodontic appliances.5. Post–treatment changesThroughout life the position of teeth alters regardless of orthodontic treatment.Some aspects of orthodontic treatment are particularly prone to post–treatment changes.Following fixed appliance treatment retainers will need to be worn. There are other changes, particularly the degree of crowding of the lower incisors, that may progressively alter throughout life.6. Medical historyGeneral medical pro blems may influence an individual’s response to orthodontic treatment. It is important to inform your orthodontist of any changes in your medical health.Instructions for Patients Wearing Fixed AppliancesYou are now wearing a fixed appliance. You must take great care it.You must:1.Clean your teeth with a brush, immediately after every meal and before going to bed. If yourteeth are not kept clean damage will occur.2.Avoid eating hard foods (such as crusty bread), and sticky food(such as toffee and nougat).3.Since it will be necessary to use a toothbrush after eating, most patients find it best to avoidsnacks taken between main meals.4.Contact the orthodontist if the appliance hurts, becomes loose, or if any part however small isbroken.5.Continue with your routine dental visits.Initially there will be some difficulty in eating and speaking but this will soon pass.You may experience some discomfort for a few hours following the placement of new archwires. This may be eased with a mild analgesicQuestion:1. The orthodontic treatment may have good effect on a person except (C)A. maintaining good oral healthB. improving a person’s face appearanceC. ensuring every individual patient to have the same attractive smileD. making teeth easier to keep clean2. What would doctors advise on the procedure of orthodontic treatment? (B)A. Eat sugary or acid foods and maintain tooth brushing at a high standard.B. Conform the instructions when using a headgear appliance.C. Be scared by root resorption and joint discomfort.D. Wear retainers irregularly after fixed appliance treatment.3. When will the tooth decay and enamel damage happen? (C)A. only when eaten too many sugary or acid foodsB. when tooth brushing maintained at a high standardC. the damage can occur at any timeD. especially when flexible appliance are attached to the teeth4. What kind of food can you eat when you are now wearing a fixed appliance? (D)A. crusty breadB. toffeeC. nougatD. orange5. Which of the following statement in not true? (B)A. Clean your teeth immediately after you have a meal.B. You can repair it by yourself when the appliance is broken.C. You should avoid eating hard food.D. Contact your dentist if the appliance becomes loose.TEXT 2So far we have discussed mostly about the dental profession and society. Now we will look at dentistry as a possible profession for you.Can you answer "yes" to the five questions below? If so, you have passed a simple, but very important, test --a sort of entrance requirement for dental school.Are you skillful with your hands?Do you like to work with people?Is your health good?Does science interest you?Would six years of college be alright with you?Let us look at the first four questions right nowClever Hands. To even get into dental school, you must pass a test of "manual dexterit". A dentist must use his hands skillfully in very small spaces, and use them with controlled strength and gentleness.If you are very good at precise, detailed work with your hands --and like such work -- but cannot answer "yes" to the other questions.Working With People. Many people choose dentistry because they do not like to work for other people, but want to be their own boss. Working with people is, of course, something quite different. Dentists work with people under very difficult conditions every day. They need patience to put up with a patient's needless worries. They need calm to match his anxiety. Dentists must also have sympathy -- or at least a sympathetic manner -- like a physician's "bedside manner".Suppose you do not like taking all these pains with people. You could still enter dentistry if you chose a proper specialty. For instance, oral surgeons and oral pathologists have very little contact with patients. Dental teachers need to communicate with people, but in a much more relaxed way. If you are solitaryminded, you could be a research scientist.Good Health. Dentists stand on their feet a lot. They often work in awkward positions. They need a lot of stamina. Robust general health is a prime requirement for dentistry.Dentists need particularly good eyesight. This does not mean that you cannot wear glasses. With or without glasses, you have to identify some very small changes and very tiny structures in some corners that are difficult to see.The Scientific Mind. Do you like the science courses you have had in school? Do you enjoy the science columns and features in the news magazines?Good grades in all your subjects are important. They show that you have two qualities that you may get into dental field. Those qualities are intelligence and persistence.1. what would be the best title for the text? CA. A Test for CollegeB. Features for College StudentsC. Is Dentistry for YouD. The Benefits of Good Healthy and Skillfull Hands2. It is indicated in paragraph 2 that___. DA. the five questions are a test of every dental schoolB. if you say "yes' to the five questions you will be a dentistC. if you say "yes' to the five questions, you will get an entrance for a dental school that you wantD. the five questions are a simple ,but very important test for students who want to go to dental school3 dentists don’t have to possess _____ BA skillful handsB pass all the testsC good healthD group spirit4 which one is wrong according to the text? AA I wear glasses so I can’t be a dentistB dentistry is related to scienceC to be a dentist need intelligence and persistenceD not all people is suitable to be a dentist5 The word “stamina” is closest in meaning to ______. Bknowledge B endurance C characteristics D muscle翻译The pulp. The pulp consists of loose connective tissue and carries the blood, lymphatic and nerve supply to the tooth. Where it meets the dentine ,the surface of the pulp is covered by a layer of odontoblasts. These are columnar cells with oval nuclei, and each cell has a process that lies within a corresponding tubule in the dentine. Immediately internal to the odontoblast layer there is a narrow cell-free zone.Dentine. Physically and chemically dentine is very similar to bone, consisting of 30 percent organic material. As in bone ,the organic fraction consists of collagen fibrils embedded in a mucopolysaccharide cementing substance, and the inorganic fraction consists mainly of calcium phosphates in the form of apatite crystals. Unlike bone ,however, dentine contains no cell bodies but only cell processes, those of the odontoblasts ,in the dentinal tubule .The dentinal tubules are 2to3 um diameter and each runs through the whole thickness of the dentine from the cell body of the odontoblast to the surface of The dentine. There are cross-communications between the tubules, containing anastomosing branches of the odontoblast processes. Where calcification is incomplete, the separate globules can be seen, with the uncalcified or hypocalcified ground substance in between them. Such areas are referred to as interglobular dentine.Enamel. Mature enamel can be studied only in ground sections unless special methods are employed, since it is completely removed by routine histological decalcification. The inorganic material is an apatite and small organic fraction is mainly of keratinous nature. Enamel consists of rods or prisms in an interprismatic substance that is slightly less mineralized than the rods themselves. Each rod runs from the enamel-dentine junction through the whole thickness of the enamel to its surface, following a slightly wavy course. The rods have a “fish-scale” appearance in cross-section, with an average diameter of 4 um.牙髓。
牙菌斑dental plaque:牙面菌斑的总称,软而粘的未矿化细菌性沉积物,牢固粘附牙面和修复体表面,由粘性基质和嵌入细菌组成。
猛性龋rampant caries:急性龋的一种类型,其病程进展很快,多数牙在短期内同时患龋,常见于颌面及颈部接受放射治疗的患者,也称放射性龋。
静止龋arrested caries:由于病变环境发生变化,隐蔽部位变得开放,原有致病条件发生了变化,龋病不再继续进行,但损害仍保持原状,也是一种慢性龋。
)1、Knutson使用局部涂氟所用氟化钠溶液的浓度为A.2% B.1.23% C.5% D.8% E.0.5%2、属于舌下区境界的是A.颏舌骨肌之上B.口底黏膜之上C.下颌舌骨肌之上D.前界为颏结节E.后以舌骨体为界3、四环素牙主要受累部位是A.牙髓B.牙釉质C.牙骨质D.牙本质E.釉牙本质界4、上颌磨牙牙尖斜面中在牙尖交错时无接触的是A.颊尖的颊斜面B.颊尖的舌斜面C.舌尖的颊斜面D.舌尖的舌斜面E.斜嵴的近中斜面5、患者女性36岁。
A.分次拔除,术前术后预防性使用抗生素B.分次拔除,术后预防性使用抗生素C.分次拔除,术前预防性使用抗生素D.一次拔除,术前术后预防性使用抗生素E.一次拔除,术前预防性使用抗生素6、阵发性室上性心动过速首选的药物是A.利多卡因B.苯妥英钠C.普鲁卡因胺D.维拉帕米E.普罗帕酮7、急性颞下颌关节前脱位复位后,限制下颌运动最为简便适用的方法为A.牙弓夹板颌间固定B.颅颌绷带C.仅需避免大张口和大口咬硬食物D.简单颌间结扎固定E.头颏石膏绷带固定8、缝合面颈部皮肤,进针时针尖与皮肤的关系____A.针尖与皮肤呈15°角B.针尖与皮肤呈30°角C.切口两侧进针间距大于皮下间距D.切口两侧进针间距小于皮下间距E.以上都不是9、用印模膏取印模时,浸泡并软化印模膏的水温为A.0℃B.30℃C.50℃D.70℃E.100℃10、口腔境界的叙述不正确的是__A.前壁为唇B.两侧为牙列C.下界为舌下区D.上界为腭E.后界为咽门11、世界范围内使用氟化物防龋,估计人数最多的措施是A.饮水加氟B.含氟牙膏C.食盐氟化D.局部涂氟E.氟水漱口12、唇的解剖层次正确的是__A.最外层为皮肤,较薄B.皮肤下为浅筋膜,较致密C.皮肤下为肌层,主要是口轮匝肌D.肌层内侧为黏膜E.黏膜上有黏液腺开口13、既能清除牙颈部及龈沟内的菌斑,又避免造成楔形缺损及牙龈萎缩的刷牙方法是A.水平颤动法B.旋转刷牙法C.拉锯式横扫法D.A+B E.B+C 14、急性根尖脓肿的临床症状如下,除外____A:叩痛(+++),咬合痛重B:患牙浮起感明显C:自发持续性跳痛D:牙龈红肿,移行沟变平E:x线片可无明显异常15、对偶三角瓣适用于A.整复邻近组织的缺损B.松解挛缩的瘢痕C.覆盖感染的创面D.做毛发的移植E.器官再造16、可摘局部义齿印模托盘的选择不正确的是__A.大小和形状与牙弓的形态和大小一致B.托盘与牙弓内外侧应有3~4mm间隙C.翼缘应与黏膜皱襞平齐D.不妨碍唇、颊和舌的活动E.上颌托盘的远中边缘应盖过上颌结节和颤动线17、肥大性龈炎时龈沟加深,形成A.龈袋B.牙周袋C.骨内袋D.骨上袋E.复杂袋18、WHO龋病流行程度属“低”的标准是龋均为A.0.0~1.1B.1.2~2.6C.0.5~1.5D.1.5~2.5E.2.7~4.419、男孩8岁。
口腔专业英语考试一英汉互译(20分)1牙槽骨2 local anesthesia3 caries4 根尖感染5 gingivitis6 pericoronitis7 髓角8颞颌关节9 leukoplakia10骨结合11 fibroosseous integration12 根管治疗13菌斑14 drug-induced gingivitis15咬合16 osteomyelitis of the jaws17 ameloblastoma18 palpation19汞合金20可复性牙髓炎二阅读理解(40分)A Gay BiologistMolecular biologist Dean Hammer has blue eyes, light brown hair and a good sense of humor. He smokes cigarettes, spends long hours in an old laboratory at the US National Institute of Health, and in his free time climbs up cliffs and points his skis down steep slopes. He also happens to be openly, matter-of-factly gay.What is it that makes Hammer who he is? What, for that matter, accounts for the talents and traits that make up anyone's personality? Hammer is not content merely to ask such questions; he is trying to answer them as well. A pioneer in the field of molecular psychology, Hammer is exploring the role genes play in governing the very core of our individuality. To a remarkable extent, his work on what might be called the gay, thrill-seeking and quit-smoking genes reflects how own genetic predispositions.That work, which has appeared mostly in scientific journals, has been gathered into an accessible and quite readable form in Hammer's creative new book, living with Our Genes. "You have about as much choice in some aspect of your personality." Hammer and co-author Peter Copeland write in the introductory chapter, "As you do in the shape of your nose or the size of your feet."Until recently, research into behavioral genetics was dominated by psychiatrists and psychologists, who based their most compelling conclusions about the importance of genes onstudies of identical twins. For example, psychologist Michael Bailey of Northwestern University famously demonstrated that if one identical twin is gay, there is about a 50% likelihood that the other will be too. Seven years ago, Hammer picked up where the twin studies left off, homing in on specific strips of DNA that appear to influence everything from mood to sexual orientation..Hammer switched to behavioral genetics from basic research, after receiving his doctorate from Harvard, he spent more than a decade studying the biochemistry of a protein that cells use to metabolize heavy metals like copper and zinc. As he was about to turn 40, however, Hammer suddenly realized he had learned as much about the protein as he cared to."Frankly, I was bored, "he remembers, "and ready for something new."Homosexual behavior, in particular, seemed ripe for exploration because few scientists had dared tackle such an emotionally and politically charged subject. "I'm gay," Hammer says with a shrug, "but that was not a major motivation. It was more of a question of intellectual curiosity-and the fact that no one else was doing this sort of research"1. The first paragraph describes Hammer's ( )A. looks, hobbies and characterB. viewpoint on homosexualityC. unique life-styleD. scientific research work2. Hammer was a ( )A. psychiatristB. physiologistC. chemistD. biologist3. What is Hammer doing now? ( )A. He is exploring the role of genes in deciding one's intelligence.B. He is exploring the role of genes in deciding one's personality.C. He is writing a book entitled "Live with Our Genes."D. He is trying to answer some questions on a test paper.4. What happened to Hammer's research interest? ( )A. He turned to basic research.B. He sticked to basic research.C. He turned to behavioral genetics.D. He sticked to behavioral genetics.5. According to Hammer, what was one of the main reasons for him to choose homosexual behavior as his research subject? ( )A. He is a gay and he wants to cure himself.B. He was curious about it as a scientist.C. He was curious about it like everyone else.D. It is a subject that can lead to political success.Silent and DeadlyTransient ischemic attacks(TIAS), or mini-strokes, result from temporary interruptions of blood flow to the brain. Unlike full strokes, they present symptoms lasting anywhere from a fewseconds to 24 hours. Rarely do they cause permanent neurological damage, but they are often precursors of a major stroke."Our message is quite clear," says Dr. Robert Adams, professor of neurology at the Medical College of Georgia in August. "TIAS,while less severe than strokes in the short term, are quite dangerous and need a quick diagnosis and treatment as well as appropriate follow-up to prevent future injury."Unfortunately, mini-strokes are greatly under diagnosed. A study conducted for the National Stroke Association indicates that 2.5% of all adults aged 18 or older(about 4.9 million people in the U. S. )have experienced a confirmed TI A. An additional 1.2 million Americans over the age of 45, the study showed, have most likely suffered a mini-stroke without realizing it. These findings suggest that if the public knew how to spot the symptoms of stroke, especially mini-strokes, and sought prompt medical treatment, thousands of lives could be saved and major disability could be avoided.The problem is that the symptoms of a mini-stroke are often subtle and passing. Nonetheless, there are signs you can look out for:*Numbness or weakness in the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body.*Trouble seeing in one or both eyes.*Confusion and difficulty speaking or understanding.*Difficulty walking, dizziness or loss of coordination.*Severe headache with no known cause.Along with these symptoms, researchers have identified some key indicators that increase your chances of having a full-blown stroke after a TIA: if you're over 60, have experienced symptoms lasting longer than 10 minutes, feel weak and have a history of diabetes.As with many diseases, you can help yourself by changing your lifestyle. The first things you should do are quit smoking, limit your intake of alcohol to no more than a drink or two a day and increase your physical activity. Even those who suffer from high blood pressure or diabetes can improve their odds-and minimize complications if they do have a stroke-by keeping their illness under control.If you experience any of the symptoms, your first call should be to your doctor. It could be the call that saves your life.6. Which of the following is NOT true of mini-strokes? ( )A. The cause of them remains unidentified.B. They seldom cause permanent neurological damage.C. They symptoms of them are often passing.D. They are not unrelated to major strokes.7. To prevent mini-strokes from turning into major strokes, it is important to ( )A. saves thousands of lives.B. avoids major disability.C. seeks prompt medical treatment.D. prevents future injury.8. The passage indicates that the symptoms of mini-strokes ( )A. are always easy to spot.B. are frequently hard to recognize.C. usually last a couple of days.D. can by no means be avoided.9. All of the following may be signs of mini-strokes EXCEPT for ( )A. trouble seeing in one eyeB. numbness in the faceC. loss of coordinationD. severe headache caused by external injury.10. It can be inferred from the passage that mini-strokes are ( )A. more dangerous than major strokesB. silent and deadlyC. difficult to cureD. sure to lead to major strokesA New FindingBritish cancer researchers have found that childhood leukaemia is caused by an infection and clusters of cases around industrial sites are the result of population mixing that increases exposure. The research published in the British Journal of Cancer backs up a 1988 theory that some as yet unidentified infection caused leukaemia-not the environmental factors widely blamed for the disease."Childhood leukaemia appears to be an unusual result of a common infection," said Sir Richard Doll, an internationally-known cancer expert who first linked tobacco with lung cancer in 1950. "A virus is the most likely explanation. You would get an increased risk of it if you suddenly put a lot of people from large towns in a rural area, where you might have peopie who had not been exposed to the infection." Doll was commenting on the new findings by researchers at Newcastle University, which focused on a cluster of leukaemia cases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria in northern England. Scientists have been trying to establish why there was more leukaemia in children around the Sellafield area, but have failed to establish a link with radiation or pollution. The Newcastle University research by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parker showed the cluster of cases could have been predicted because of the amount of population mixing going on in the area, as large numbers of con- struction workers and nuclear staff moved into a rural setting. "Our study shows that population mixing can account for the, (Sellafield) leukaemia cluster and that all children, whether their parents are incomers or locals, are at a higher risk if they are born in an area of high population mixing," Dickinson said in a statement issued by the Cancer Research Campaign, which publishes the British Journal of Cancer.Their paper adds crucial weight to the l988 theory put forward by Leo Kinlen, a cancer epidemiologist at Oxford University, who said that exposure to a common unidentified infection through population mixing resulted in the disease.11 Who first hinted at the possible cause of childhood leukaemia by infection? ( )A Leo Kinlen.B Richard Doll.C Louise Parker.D Heather Dickinson12 which statement can be supported by Heather Dickinson and Louise Parker's new findings? ( )A Radiation has contributed to the disease.B Putting a lot of people from rural area in a large towns increases the risk of childhoodleukaemiaC Population mixing is the most important reason for leukaemia clusterD Childhood leukaemia is caused by an unusual infection.13 According to the passage, which of the following is true? ( )A Most people believe childhood leukaemia is due to environmental factors.B Population mixing best explains the cause of childhood leukaemia.C Radiation has nothing to do with childhood leukaemia.D Children born in a large town are at higher risk of leukaemia.14 Cancer Research Campaign is most possibly a ( )A medical journalB research instituteC private companyD governmental agency15 This passage is mainly about ( )A the cluster of leukaemia eases around the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing partB the kind of infection that causes childhood leukaemiaC the causes of childhood leukaemiaD a new finding by British scientistsMobile Phone and DiseasesA study by scientists in Finland has found that mobile phone radiation can cause changes in human cells that might affect the brain, the leader of the research team said.But Darius Leszczynski, who headed the 2-year study and will present findings next week at a conference in Quebec(魁北克), said more research was needed to determine the serious-ness of the changes and their impact on the brain or the body.The study at Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones can cause increased activity in hundreds of proteins in human cells grown in a laboratory, he said."We know that there is some biological response. We can detect it with our very sensitive approaches, but we do not know whether it can have any physiological effects on the human brain or human body," Leszczynski said.Nonetheless the study, the initial findings of which were published last month in the scientific journal Differentiation, raises new questions about whether mobile phone radiation can weaken the brain's protective shield against harmful substances.The study focused on changes in cells that line blood vessels and on whether such changes could weaken the functioning of the blood-brain barrier, which prevents potentially harmful substances from entering the brain from the bloodstream. Leszczynski said.The study found that a protein called hsp27 linked to the functioning of the blood-brain barrier showed increased activity due to irradiation and pointed to a possibility that such activity could make the shield more permeable(能透过的), he said."Increased protein activity might cause ceils to shrink-not the blood |vessels hut the cells themselves-and then tiny gaps could appear between those cells through which some molecules could pass." he said.Leszezynski declined to speculate on what kind of health risks that could pose, but said a French study indicated that headache, fatigue and sleep disorders could result."These are not life-threatening problems but can cause a lot of discomfort," he said, adding that a Swedish group had also suggested a possible link with Alzheimer's disease."Where the truth is do not know," he said.Leszczynski said that he, his wife and children use mobile phones, and he said that he did not think his study suggested any need for new restrictions on mobile phone use.16 According to Leszczynski, how does mobile phone affect one's health? ( )A Mobile phone radiation can increase protein activities and such activities can make theprotective shield more permeable.B Mobile phone radiation can shrink the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowingsmoothly.C Mobile phone radiation will bring stress to people exposed to it.D Mobile phone radiation kills blood cells at a rapid speed.17 What's the result of the French study? ( )A The harm of mobile phone radiation is life-threatening.B Mobile phone may affect one's normal way of thinking.C Sleep disorders could result from mobile phone radiation.D A protein called hsp27 is killed by mobile phone radiation.18 What kind of disease is not caused by the use of mobile phone? ( )A FatigueB HeadacheC Alzheimer's diseaseD Tuberculosis19 According to the passage, what would be the future of the use of mobile phone? ( )A People will be forbidden to use mobile phone.B People dare not use mobile phone because of its radiation.C People will continue to use mobile phone.D There will be new restrictions on the use of mobile phone.20 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )A The research in Finland found that mobile phone radiation will affect one's brain.B Mobile phone radiation can cause increased activity in hundreds of protein in human cells.C Increased protein activity might cause cells to shrink.D Leszczynski forbid his wife and children to use mobile phone after、his research.三翻译(20分)1 Gingival retraction is a way to detach free gingival from tooth surface and reveal the subgingival area as a result. While it has been wildly used in many oral therapies to make them more convenient and safer, it may damage our body in some ways.2 龈乳头的缺失形成的“黑三角”常带来美学效果的缺憾。
⽛体⽛髓考试⼤题加课及复习题第⼀章1、⽛体⽛髓病学(cariology, endodontology and operative dentistry) :它是研究⽛体硬组织和⽛髓组织疾病的发病机制、病理变化、病理⽣理、临床表现、治疗及归转的⼀门学科。
2、龋病(dental caries or tooth decay)是在以细菌为主的多种因素影响下,⽛齿硬组织发⽣慢性进⾏性破坏的⼀种疾病。
3、患病率(prevalence rate)——表⽰病程长的慢性病(如龋病)存在或流⾏的频率。
发病率(incidence rate)——是指在某⼀特定观察期间内,在⼀定⼈群中新发病的频率。
DMFT(dmft):DMFS(dmfs):6、龋病的好发部位恒⽛:下颌第⼀磨⽛>下颌第⼆磨⽛> 上颌第⼀磨⽛> 上颌第⼆磨⽛> 前磨⽛> 第三磨⽛> 上颌前⽛> 下颌前⽛乳⽛:下颌第⼆乳磨⽛>上颌第⼆乳磨⽛>第⼀乳磨⽛>乳上颌前⽛>乳下颌前⽛第⼆章1、龋病发⽣必须具备以下重要条件:①致龋细菌:细菌在⽛⾯代谢和致病的⽣态环境——⽛菌斑②⾷物:细菌进⾏代谢活动和形成⽛菌斑的物质基础——糖类③宿主:易感的⽛齿④时间:⽛菌斑使细菌发酵糖产⽣的酸在⽛⾯达到⼀定的浓度(在临界pH以下)和维持相当长的时间2、⽛菌斑(dental plaque):在⽛齿或修复体上形成的⼀种软⽽粘的、不易被清除掉的、⾮矿化的细菌沉积物,由细菌和基质构成,是细菌聚集形成的微⽣态环境。
(典型的⽣物膜(biofilm))3、⽛菌斑的结构:菌斑-⽛界⾯、中间层、菌斑表层4、获得性膜(acquired pellicle):⼝腔唾液蛋⽩或糖蛋⽩吸附⾄⽛⾯所形成的⽣物膜。
5细菌在龋病发⽣中作⽤的证据:a. ⽆菌⿏不发⽣龋;b. 未萌出的⽛不发⽣龋;c. 抗⽣素(青霉素)可降低动物龋的发⽣和减轻其严重程度;d. 从龋坏的⽛釉质和⽛本质中可找到细菌;e. 在体外,⼀些⼝腔细菌能引起⽛釉质和⽛本质的龋样损害;f. 龋病是可传播的。
专英重点一、Parapharyngeal 咽旁Septicemia 败血病Sialolithiasis 涎石病Periostitis 骨膜炎Sialoductitis 涎管炎Fracture 骨折Comminution 粉碎Hyperplasia 增生Reparative 修复性Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜Radiolucent X光透射Space 间隙Infection 感染Prosthesis义齿Oblique 倾斜Scquestrum腐骨死骨Biopsy 切片检查法Sialogram 涎管X线造影片Giant巨大Nonmalignant良性的Pyogenic 化脓性Mole 胎块Devoid 缺乏的Laceration 撕裂Hyperpyrexia高热Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位句子翻译1. I f proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic. However, one should be in a position to cope with complications in the rare cases when they arise.若药液注射剂,针头及技术准备妥当,在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现,但是,医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症的准备。
2. P ostoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course. It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine.患者于术后二三日之后的疼痛,可能为非正常情况,需特别仔细检查,其有可能由于干槽症或是尖锐骨刺引起。
牙体牙髓病学试卷一、名词解释( 5×4′)1、Operative dentistry2、Resistance form3、Gate control theory4、Dentine hypersensitivity5、Root canal therapy二、填空( 23×1′)1、The etiological factors of dental caries are , , , and ; the major cariogenic bacteria is 。
2、36邻面颈1/3龋坏制备的洞是类洞;12 腭面窝龋坏制备的洞是类洞。
3、The major diagnosis methods of dental caries include , , , 。
5、Enamel hypoplasia 根据致病性质不同分为和。
三、简答题(5×5′)1、The function of the acquired pellicle.2、简述proline-rich proteins与龋病的关系3、简述牙有哪些形态异常4、急性牙髓炎疼痛的特点5、急性化脓性根尖周炎的排脓途径四、问答题( 2×8′)1、深龋的治疗原则2、牙髓活力温度测验的临床意义。
五、病案析( 16′)患者,男,25岁。
武汉大学口腔医学院00本牙体牙髓病学结业考试试题答案一、名词解释(5×4′)1.Operative dentistryis the art and science of the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of defects of teeth which do not require full coverage restorations for correction; such treatment should result in the restoration of proper tooth form, function, and esthetics while maintaining the physiological integrity of the teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues; all of which enhance the general health and welfare of the patient.牙体修复学:是一门通过诊断、治疗和预后有缺陷的牙体以达到一定的牙体形态、功能和美观要求,从而恢复牙体的完整性,使牙体与周围组织保持良好状态的一门科学与艺术。
(来自Clifford M.Sturdevant, Theodore M. Roberson, Harald O. Heymann. The art and science of operative dentistry.3rd edition)2.Resistance form抗力形:是使修复体和余留牙结构构成足够抗力,在承受咬合力时,不折裂的形状。
3.Gate control theory闸门控制学说:在脊髓灰质区的胶质中有闸门装置,它控制着传入冲动向中枢转递。
专英重点一、Parapharyngeal 咽旁Septicemia 败血病Sialolithiasis 涎石病Periostitis 骨膜炎Sialoductitis 涎管炎Fracture 骨折minution 粉碎 Hyperplasia 增生Reparative 修复性Mucoperiosteum 黏骨膜Radiolucent X光透射Space 间隙Infection 感染Prosthesis义齿Oblique 倾斜Scquestrum腐骨死骨Biopsy 切片检查法Sialogram 涎管X线造影片Giant巨大Nonmalignant良性得Pyogenic 化脓性Mole 胎块Devoid 缺乏得Laceration 撕裂Hyperpyrexia高热Self-reduce 自行使脱臼复位句子翻译1. I f proper preparation of solution, syringes, needles and technic has been carried out, untoward incidents should seldom occur during or after the injection of the local anesthetic、 However, one should be in a position to cope with plications in the rare cases when they arise、若药液注射剂,针头及技术准备妥当,在局麻注射过程中或之后都将很少出现,但就是,医生仍应做好应对罕见并发症得准备。
2. P ostoperative pain which the patient experiences after the second and third postoperative day should be carefully examined, since this is not a normal postoperative course、 It is caused by dry socket or sharp bone spine、患者于术后二三日之后得疼痛,可能为非正常情况,需特别仔细检查,其有可能由于干槽症或就是尖锐骨刺引起。
牙体牙髓名解:1.患龋率和龋齿发病率:2.dmfs:3.龋与静止龋:4.arrested caries:静止龋:5.磨耗:6.internal resorption:牙内吸收7.wedge-shaped defect:楔状缺损8.牙髓牙本质复合体:pulpodentinal complex9.死区:dead tract10.三明治技术:sandwich technique 11.pulp capping:盖髓术:12.retrograde pulpitis apexification(逆行性牙髓炎根尖诱导成形术)13.central cusp(中央尖):14.Retrograde pulpitis:逆行性牙髓炎15.Apex locator(根尖定位仪):16.固位形:17.etch and rinse adhesive system:(酸蚀-冲洗粘结系统):18.cracked tooth:牙隐裂3.(牙体牙髓P3、P48)龋与静止龋:dental caries or tooth decay即龋病,是在以细菌为主的多种因素影响下,牙体硬组织发生慢性进行性破坏的一种疾病。
arrested caries即静止龋,龋病发展到某一阶段时,由于病变环境发生变化,隐蔽部位变得开放,原致病条件发生了改变,龋病不再继续进行,损害仍保持原状,这种特殊龋损害称为静止龋。
4.(牙体牙髓)arrested caries:静止龋:龋病发展到某一阶段时,由于病变环境发生变化,隐蔽部位变得开放,原有致病条件发生了改变,龋病不再继续进行,损害仍保持原状,这种特殊损害称为静止龋5.(牙体牙髓P147)磨耗:attrition即磨耗,是指在正常咀嚼过程中牙体硬组织的缓慢丧失。
因牙髓腔相应部位有不断形成的继发性牙本质(secondary dentin),牙体硬组织的厚度无明显降低。
牙体牙髓名解及英文龋病:dental caries or tooth decay是在以细菌为主的多种因素影响下,牙体硬组织发生的慢性进行性破坏的一种疾病患龋率:incidence rate即龋病的患病率precalence rate表示在某一特定观察期间内,可能发生龋病的特定人群新发病的频率龋失补指数:DMF,decayed-misingfilled是龋齿数、因龋失牙数、因龋补牙数的总和。
是一种不可逆指数,能反应一个人终身龋病的经历分为: DMFT:指受检人群中每个个体罹患龋齿的牙数DMFS:代表受龋病累及的牙面数,更具敏感性,适合较短期内观察,相对DMFT更能反映龋病流行的严重程度口腔生态系:oral ecosystem口腔内正常菌群之间,正常菌群与宿主之间相互依存、相互作用所构成的生态系分为颊粘膜上皮生态系、舌背部生态系、龈上菌斑生态系、龈下菌斑生态系牙菌斑:dental plaque堆积在牙表面或其他硬的口腔结构上,不能被中度水喷冲去的细菌团块。
可分为龈上菌斑和龈下菌斑其结构包括:菌斑-牙界面、中间层、菌斑表层生物膜:biofilm微生物群落与细胞外基质相互连接而在介质表面形成的生态环境,是有通道和空隙的开放性立体结构获得性膜:acquired pellicle唾液蛋白或糖蛋白吸附至牙面所形成的生物膜口腔正常菌丛:oral normal flora寄生在健康人体各特殊部位或表面的生物群别称为正常菌丛或固有菌丛口腔菌丛是人体各菌丛中最复杂的一种生物矿化:biomineralizatio是指生物体内钙磷等无机离子在多种生物因子调控下通过化学反应产生难溶性盐,并与有机基质结合,形成机体矿化组织仿生矿化:体外模拟体内环境,利用生物矿化机制的矿化钙三角理论:是氟抗龋的最核心机制。
氟磷灰石晶体中,氟离子与三个钙离子组成的三角形在同一个平面上,其负电荷与钙离子形成强烈静电引力,从而增加晶体结构稳定性,降低釉质溶解度,增加釉质对有机酸的抵抗力四联因素学说:龋病是一种多因素疾病,宿主、微生物、饮食以及时间相互作用导致龋病发生,也就是说,龋病发生要求有敏感的宿主、口腔致龋菌群的作用以及适宜的底物,且这些底物必须在口腔滞留足够时间Miller化学细菌学说:龋病是由两个阶段组成的化学细菌过程,先是细菌发酵产生的酸使组织脱矿、软化,然后细菌分泌的蛋白溶解酶使软化残存物溶解釉质中缺乏第二阶段脱矿:在酸的作用下,牙齿矿物质发生溶解,钙和磷酸盐等无机离子由牙中脱出包括:唾液蛋白质形成获得性膜、细菌吸附形成牙菌斑、牙菌斑中的致龋菌产生有机酸、氢离子与釉质反应再矿化:钙、磷和其它物离子沉积于正常或部分脱矿的釉质中或釉质表面的过程再矿化治疗:remineralizative therapy采用人工方法(再矿化液)使脱矿釉质或牙骨质再次矿化,恢复其硬度,终止或消除早期龋损浅龋:局限于牙釉质或牙骨质的龋,一般无自觉症状,检查时可发现局部颜色改变需要与牙釉质钙化不全、牙釉质发育不全、氟斑牙相鉴别中龋:发生于牙本质浅层的龋,颜色改变,大多有冷热酸甜敏感症状深龋:龋损已发展到牙本质深层,刺激症状明显,检查时可见较深的龋洞急性龋:acute caries多见于儿童和青少年,病变进展快,病变组织颜色较浅,呈浅棕色,质地较软而湿润,又称湿性龋由于来不及形成修复性牙本质,牙髓组织容易受累猖獗龋:rampant caries是急性龋的一种类型, 病程进展很快,多数牙在短期内同时患龋常见于颌面及颈部接受放射治疗的患者(又称放射性龋),Sogren综合征患者,胃食管酸返流慢性龋:chronic caries进展慢,龋坏组织染色深,呈黑褐色,病变组织较干硬,又称干性齲静止龋:arrested caries龋病发展到某一阶段,由于病变环境发生改变,隐蔽部位变得开放,原有致病条件发生了改变,龋病不能再继续进行,损害仍保持原状,也是一种慢性龋继发龋:secondary caries龋病治疗后,由于填充物边缘或窝洞周围牙体硬组织破裂形成菌斑滞留区,或修复材料与牙体组织不密合,留有小缝隙,这些成为致病条件,产生龋病。
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牙体牙髓病学英文试题一、选择题1.对牙髓最具有破坏性的是 CA.Nd激光B.CO2激光C.红激光D.光固化灯E.牙髓活力电测定仪2.感染根管常见的优势菌不包括 CA.普氏菌B.放线菌C.G+细菌D.真杆菌E.梭形杆菌3.备洞时易损伤牙髓的因素不包括 BA.施力大B.用冷却剂C.持续常时间钻磨D.制备深的窝洞E.不用冷却剂4.与顽固性根尖周病变和窦道经久不愈可能有关的细菌为 BA.普氏菌B.放线菌C.G+细菌D.真杆菌E.梭形杆菌5.判断牙髓活力最可靠的检查方法是 DA.热诊B.冷诊C.牙髓活力电测定D.试验性备洞E.X线检查6.诊断残髓炎最准确的依据是 EA.叩诊B.牙髓活力测试C.病史D.症状E.探查治疗后根管有痛觉7.急性根尖周脓肿最佳的排脓途径 CA.从牙周间隙排脓B.从颊、舌侧粘膜或皮肤排出C.经根管从龋洞排脓D.从上颌窦或鼻腔排脓E.以上都不对8.感染侵入牙髓组织的途径 EA.深龋B.深牙隐裂C.深牙周袋D.重度磨耗E.以上都有可能9.根尖周炎疼痛最剧烈的阶段是 BA.粘膜下脓肿期B.骨膜下脓肿期C.浆液期D.根尖脓肿期E.瘘管形成期10.上颌第一磨牙的根管形态特点是: CA.多数是2根管,即1个颊根管和1个腭根管B.多数是3根管,即1个近颊、1个远颊和1个腭根管C.多数是4根管,即2个近颊、1个远颊和1个腭根管D.多数是4根管,即1个近颊、2个远颊和1个腭根管E.多数是4根管,即1个近颊、1个远颊和2个腭根管11.15号标准根管锉的锉尖直径和刃部末端直径分别是: DA.0.10mm和0.47mmB.0.10mm和0.45mmC.0.15mm和0.45mmD.0.15mm和0.47mmE.以上都不对12.弯曲根管预备的常见并发症是: AA.根管台阶B.药物性根尖周炎C.牙周组织坏死D.皮下气肿E.误戏和误咽13.根管预备的工作长度是指: DA.牙的实际长度B.从牙冠参照点到牙本质牙釉质界C.从牙冠参照点到解剖根尖孔D.从牙冠参照点到生理根尖孔E.从牙冠参照点到距生理根尖孔0.5~1mm14.根管成形的标准是: AA.根管比原来直径至少扩大3个器械号B.根尖预备到20号标准器械C.根管内无大量渗出D.根管冲洗无混浊液体E.根管内无严重气味15.下列哪一项不是牙髓切断术的潜在并发症: EA.根髓感染B.根管钙化C.内吸收D.牙髓坏死E.髓室穿孔16.下列哪一项描述不是玻璃离子粘固剂修复术窝洞预备的特点() CA.玻璃离子粘固剂与牙体组织有化学粘接,对固位形的要求可放宽B.不必作倒凹、鸠尾等固位形C.去除龋坏牙本质,必须作预防性扩展D.窝洞的点、线角圆钝E.洞缘釉质不作斜面17.深龋患者激发痛较重,洞底软龋能够彻底去净,治疗方法应选择() CA.双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗B.局麻下开髓失活,行牙髓治疗C.先做安抚治疗,待1~2周复诊时症状消除后,再以双层垫底充填治疗D.实行活髓切断术E.间接盖髓、双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗18.临床上不易查出的继发龋可用下列哪些方法帮助诊断() CA.探诊B.温度测验C.X线D.染色法E.麻醉法19.深龋备洞时,下列哪项措施是错误的() AA.洞底平、侧壁直,两相垂直B.去尽腐质C.保护牙髓D.洞缘线圆钝E.尽量保留健康牙体组织20.复合树脂充填后脱落的原因如下,除了() AA.制备了固位形B.牙齿表面未注意清洁C.酸蚀后的牙面接触唾液D.未制备洞斜面E.充填体过薄21.下列哪项不是窝洞的基本固位形( ) BA.侧壁固位B.钉道固位C.倒凹固位D.鸠尾固位E.梯形固位22.制备倒凹是为了:( ) BA.获得良好的抗力形B.获得良好的固位形C.便于垫底D.便于充填E.便于放置盖髓剂23.V类洞充填备洞时,要求:( ) AA.适当的固位形B.严格的抗力形C.必须做鸠尾D.口小底大E.底平壁直24.右下颌第一恒磨牙颊面龋洞破坏越过边缘嵴至咬合面窝沟是:( ) AA.I类洞B.II类洞C.III类洞D.IV类洞E.V类洞25.垫底的部位为:( ) DA.仅在髓壁B.仅在轴壁C.仅在侧壁D.仅在髓壁和轴壁E.任何壁均可垫26.下列说法正确的是 BA.男性患龋率略高于女性B.龋病流行率主要随社会经济模式而变化C.龋病流行模式依靠地理环境而改变D.遗传因素对龋病的发生和发展产生重要的影响E.环境因素对龋病的发生和发展无影响27.釉质龋损害的4个区不包括 AA.坏死区B.透明带C.暗带D.损害体部E.釉质表面层28.牙本质龋损在光镜下可看到微生物渗透至牙本质小管的区域是 BA.坏死区B.感染层C.牙本质脱矿区D.硬化区E.修复性牙本质层29.静止龋属于 BA.急性龋B.慢性龋C.继发龋D.牙釉质龋E.牙骨质龋30.病程进展快,多数牙在短期内同时患龋的急性龋称为 EA.湿性龋B.慢性龋C.干性龋D.继发龋E.猛性龋31. Which is the best way of pain control for endodontic treatmentA Local anestheticsB DevitalizationC AnalgesicsD Occlusal reductionE Incising and drainage32. Which one is not the reason for use of rubber damA Protect aspiration or swallowing of instruments or irrigantsB Eliminate the dental fear of patientsC Improve visibilityD Reduced risk of cross-contaminationE Legal considerations33. The following statements are correct exceptA Nearly all canals exhibit a certain degree of curvature.B There may be more than one canals within one root.C The apical foramen usually opens at the anatomical apex.D Apical constriction occurs at 0.5~1mm from the apical foramen.E Lateral and accessory canals might be the cause of treatment failure.34. Which one is wrong regarding the principle of access cavityA Straight-line accessB Conservation of tooth structureC Unroofing of the chamber and exposure of pulp hornsD .Facial surface of anterior teethE Occlusal surface of posterior teeth35. The advantages of gutta-percha as a filling material areA It is compactible and adapts excellently to the irregularities and contour of the canalB It is radiopaqueC It can be easily removed from the canal when necessaryD It can be softened and made plastic by heat or by organic solventsE All of the above36. Which one is incorrect about the criteria of the root canal is ready to be filled after thecompletion of root canal cleaning and shaping?A The tooth is asymptomatic.B The canal is wet.C There is no sinus tract.D There is no foul odor.E The temporary filling is intact37. Which one is not the pathways of pulpal and periapical infections?A Dentinal tubulesB Pulp exposureC GingivalD Periodontal ligamentE Anachoresis38. Tug-back is achieved and the canal is ready for fillingA When the gutta-percha has extended beyond the apexB When the gutta-percha is easily removed from the root canalC When the gutta-percha placed to apical constriction exhibits resistance on removalD After cementationE None of above39. Most root canal infections involveA a single obligate anaerobic speciesB multiple anaerobic species onlyC mixed aerobic and anaerobic microorganismsD multiple aerobic species onlyE none of above40. An abnormally shaped tooth that may appear as an extra wide crown,a normal crownwith an extra root,or other combinations resulting from the union of two adjacent tooth germs by dentin during development is calledA fused teethB concresence of teethC geminated teethD dilacerations of toothE taurodontism41. Which isn’t the non-operative treatment of dental caries in the following?A application of fluorideB application of APF gelC remineralizative therapyD enameloplastyE pit and fissure sealing42. Which is not the aim of operative therapy on the dental caries management?A To remove infected dentine and prohibit cariesB To protect the pulp and avoid painC To enhance the strength of the toothD To facilitate plaque controlE To restore the appearance(of teeth)and its function43. Which is the best statement about resistance formA Resistance form is the design of a cavity in such a way that the remaining tooth substance and the restorative material can withstand masticatory stressB The bulk required will depend on the flexural strength of restorative material.In the case of amalgam it is estimated that a minimum of 1.5-2mm thickness of the restorative material is required to withstand masticatory stressC If a marginal ridge is found to be too weak in the cause of an occlusal cavity preparation,a Class II cavity may have to be prepared instead,so as to eliminate the weak marginal ridge.This is particularly indicated where the ridge is only of enamel thickness and unsupported by sound dentineD The cavity should be designed that the occlusal margins of the cavity are in areas not subjected to excessive occlusal trauma,otherwise the enamel wall of the cavity and/or the margins of the restorative material may fracture.In practice,this may be achieved by placing an occlusal margins of a cavity about one-quarter(1/4)of the intercuspal distance.Note,that efforts should always be made to conserve sound tooth tissueE All of the above44. Which is the most danger area of tooth in dental caries occurred after you have learned dental caries?A Pits and fissures on occlusal surfaces of molars and premolarsB Approximal surfaces of all teeth.C Gingival thirds of all teeth,both on facial and lingual surfacesD Pits and fissures near the lingual of maxillary incisors and canines(lingual pits)E Pits and fissures on the buccal of molars45. Which is not true in the following statement about dental caries and micro-organisms?A Caries could be induced by specific bacteria,especially mutans streptococci-group(eg.Streptococcus mutans and Strep.sobrinus).B There are caries occurred when only fed a cariogenic(high sucrose)diet.C In the’60s Keyes infected germ-free animals with known strains of streptococci and found that these organisms were transferred to uninfected litter mates who then became susceptible to caries.He thus demonstrated that dental caries was potentially infectious and transmissible.D When talking about cariogenic microorganisms,we often refer to Streptococcus mutans,Lactobacillus and Actinomyces.E Occlusal caries could be prevented using penicillin in animal study.46. The advantages glass-ionomer cement includeA high adhesion propertiesB low abrasion propertiesC use as a permanent restorationD reduction in caries due to fluoride releasing propertiesE all of the above47. Which one of the statements is error in retentive pin placementA be avoided bifurcation and trifurcation areasB parallel to the external surface of the toothC many pin holes be better placed in different planesD the length of pin in dentine should be longer than that of in restorationE be in the hardest dentine48. The reasons of spontaneous pain after tooth filling includeA mistakenly judge the condition of pulpB neglect small pulp exposureC irritation of materials to pulpD residual carious dentineE all of the above49. Which of the following is a contra-indication to endodontic treatmentA DiabetesB PregnancyC HIV-infected patientsD Patient suffering from heart attack within past 6 monthsE Cancer50. Central cusp is most common inA maxillary the second premolarsB maxillary the first premolarsC mandibular the first premolarsD mandibular the second premolarsE maxillary the second molars51. Submerged deciduous teeth occurs most common inA primary maxillary the second molarsB primary maxillary the first molarsC primary central incisorsD primary mandibular the second molarsE primary mandibular the first molars52. In clinical assessment,which is not correct?A Spontaneous discomfort at night provide a clue as the tooth is inflamedB Vitalometer tests are very unreliableC If the tooth is excessively mobile,it may have abnormal root resorptionD Swelling or with a fistulous tract is indicative of a necrotic pulpE No pain history affirmed no inflammation53. If you mechanically expose the mesiobuccal pulp horn on the primary maxillary firstmolar.The carious lesion on the mesial and distal surfaces is moderate,the treatment now should beA Pulp capping with Ca(OH)2;restor with silver amalgamB Pulpotomy;restored with a stainless steel crownC Pulpectomy;restored with a stainless steel crownD Pulp capping with Ca(OH)2;restored with a stainless steel crownE Extraction and a space maintainer54. The tooth of root fracture should be treated with splint forA 2-3 weeksB 1-2weeksC 3-8 weeksD 2-3 monthsE 1-2 months55. In which situation below the pulp would be exposed?A Enamel infractionB Enamel fraciureC Enamel-dentin fractureD Complicated crown fractureE Uncomplicated crown-root fracture56. We should advocate a routine dental appointment on or beforeA the ZERO birthdayB the first birthdayC the second birthdayD the third birthdayE the six birthday57. The order of susceptibility of the primary teeth to carious attack is as followsA Mandibular primary molar>Maxillary primary incisor>Maxillary primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethB Maxillary primary incisor>Maxillary primary molar>mandibular primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethC Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teeth>Maxillary primary molarD Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary molar>Maxillary primary molar>mandibular primary anterior teethE Maxillary primary incisor>mandibular primary anterior teeth>mandibular primary molar>Maxillary primary molar58. A 7 year’s old boy with bilateral loss of the mandibular primary first and secondmolars,which of the following may be bestA Band and loop respectivelyB Lingual archC Removable appliancesD Distal shoeE None of them59. Clinical features of dental fluorosis do not includeA The lesion symmetrically distributed in the mouth,but not all teeth are equally affectedB The least affected teeth are the incisors and first permanent molarsC Changes from fine white opaque lines running across the tooth on all parts of the enamel to features where parts of the chalky white and porous outer enamel become detached and discoloredD The loss of surface enamel in the severest cases results in a loss of anatomical form of the teethE Well-demarcated borders lesion along incremental line60. For intrusive luxation of teeth,the most common complication isA Pulp necrosisB OsteitisC Root resorptionD Alveolar process resorptionE All of above二、名词解释1、acquired pellicle2、resistance form3、indirect pulp capping4、retrograde pilpitis5、自发痛和激发痛6、Dentine hypersensitivity7、Smear layer 8、Pulpotomy9、Initial apical file 10、Dental plaque三、简答题1.简述影响根管冲洗效果的因素2.简述深龋的治疗特点3.简述深龋的治疗特点4.简述窝洞的基本固位形5.简述牙隐裂的病因6.What is the sequelae of root fractures?7.Please briefly describe the benefits of root canal irrigation.8.What is the goals of pulp therapy in children?9.What are the properties of the Cariogenic Bacteria?四、问答题1、详述窝洞的结构及窝洞预备的基本原则结构2、引起牙髓活力测定误诊的原因是什么?3、根尖周脓肿与急性牙周脓肿的鉴别要点4、Please discuss the purpose of root canal preparation and the procedures of Step-down technique.5、Explain the indications and types of pulp treatment for primary and young permanent teeth.6、State The Principles Of Cavity Preparation on Amalgam Restoration.答案一、选择:1CCBBD 6 ECEBC 11DADAE 16CCCAA 21BBAAD 26BABBE31BCDEB 36CCCAD 41DCEAB 46EDEDA 51DEBDD 56BDCEA二、名词解释1、acquired pellicle:唾液蛋白或糖蛋白吸附至牙面所形成的生物膜称获得性膜。