小学生幼儿园趣味英语手抄报一二年级小报A3A4彩色黑白线稿可编辑 (4)

My good friendMy FamilyEnglish selfI have a good friend. His name is Zhang Peng. He is 12 yearsold. He lives in Beijing.He is in class one grade six. He likes playing basketball, swimming and watching TV. He is very clever and friendly.He has a happy family. His father is an English teacher. His mother works n a hoapital. She is a doctor. He has abrother. His brother is a student, too.Hello,everyone!(大家好!)My name is Deng Shengjie.(我的名字是杜圣洁。
)I am 12.(我12岁)I am a optimistic girl.(我是一个开朗的女孩)My study is good (我成绩优秀),and I am get along very well with my classmates.(并且我同我的同学们相处得很好)I have many hobbies. (我有许多爱好)I like listening to music and reading books,(我喜欢听音乐和看书)but I like English best.(但是我最喜欢英语)I hope everybody to like me.(我希望大家能喜欢我)Thank you !(谢谢!) There are five people in my family. There are my father, my mother, my sister, my grandmotherand I. My fatheris a carpenter, he likes to read newspaper. My mother is doctor, she likes to read books. My sister is a student, she likes to draw picturers I am a student too, I like to play ping-pong with my cousin. We are a happy family.。
字母手抄报三年级简单 模板

1. 在手抄报的上方正中间,用较大的字体写上“字母的奇妙世界”之类的标题,可以用彩色笔进行装饰,比如给每个字涂上不同颜色,或者用彩色铅笔给字体加上阴影效果。
1. 在标题下方画一个长方形区域。
2. 按顺序整齐地写出26个英文字母(大写和小写)。
- Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn.- Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz.3. 在每个字母旁边简单画一个以该字母开头的小图案。
- 例如:A旁边画一个苹果(apple),可以简单画一个圆形的苹果轮廓,加上一个小把儿;B旁边画一个球(ball),画一个圆形的球即可。
1. 在手抄报的左边画一个不规则区域。
2. 写一些关于字母的趣味知识:- 字母最早起源于古代腓尼基人,他们创造了字母文字的雏形,后来经过不断演变,才形成了我们现在使用的26个英文字母。
- 字母有元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)和辅音字母之分,元音字母在发音的时候声音比较响亮,而且在单词中很重要哦。
1. 在手抄报的右边画一个区域。
2. 可以写一个简单的字母小游戏,比如猜字母。
- 游戏规则:我心里想一个字母,这个字母是大写字母,它在字母表的前半部分,形状像一座山。
(答案是A)- 鼓励同学们自己也可以和小伙伴玩这样的猜字母游戏,来加深对字母的认识。
1. 在手抄报的空白处,用彩色铅笔或者水彩笔,画上一些小的星星、花朵或者简单的线条进行装饰,让整个手抄报看起来更加生动活泼。

1. 字母书写。
- 大写字母:A像一座尖塔,B像两个肚子连一起的半圆,C像弯弯的月亮等等。
- 小写字母:a像个小圆圈加个小尾巴,b是一个竖和一个半圆,c就像个小半圆。
小写字母在四线三格中有不同的占位,像a, c, e等占中间一格,b, d, h等占上中两格。
2. 字母歌谣。
- A - B - C, D - E - F, G - H - I, J - K - L, M - N - O, P - Q - R, S - T - U, V - W - X, Y - Z. Now you see, I can say my A - B - C.二、单词板块。
1. 动物单词。
- cat(猫):Cats are very cute. They like to play with balls. They have soft fur and sharp claws.- dog(狗):Dogs are our good friends. They can guard our houses. They bark when they see strangers.- duck(鸭子):Ducks can swim in the pond. They have flat beaks and webbed feet.2. 颜色单词。
- red(红色):We can see red apples, red roses. Red is a very bright color.- blue(蓝色):The sky is blue, and the sea is also blue. Blue makes us feel calm.- green(绿色):Trees are green. Green represents nature.三、句子板块。
英语动物手抄报 三年级上册

1. 标题区。
2. 动物介绍区。
- 小狗(Dog)- 文字:Dogs are our good friends. They are very cute. They have four legs and a long tail. They can run fast. Some dogs can help people. For example, guide dogs can help the blind.(狗是我们的好朋友。
)- 配图:画一只小狗,可以是简笔画风格,比如画一个圆圆的头,两只耷拉着的耳朵,大大的眼睛,四条腿和一条弯弯的尾巴。
- 小猫(Cat)- 文字:Cats are lovely animals. They like to play with balls. They have soft fur. Cats can catch mice. They are very clean and often lick their fur to keep clean.(猫是可爱的动物。
)- 配图:画一只小猫,有着三角形的耳朵,长长的胡须,坐在那里,旁边画一个小球。
- 兔子(Rabbit)- 文字:Rabbits are small and furry. They have long ears and a short tail. They like to eat carrots. Rabbits can jump very high. They live inholes.(兔子又小又毛茸茸的。
discovery英语电子小报外语双语手抄报模板I like English生活中的英语板报A4

In 2004, NASA's Opportunity rover found evidence in Martian soils that water had once flowed across the surface there, buoying hopes that the red planet may once have supported primitive life.But a new study throws some cold water, and a big pinch of salt, on those hopes."Liquid water is required by all species on Earth and we've assumed that water is the very least that would be necessary for life on Mars," said study team member Nicholas J. Tosca, a Harvard University postdoctoral researcher. "However, to really assess Mars' habitability we need to consider the properties of its water. Not all of Earth's waters are able to support life, and the limits of terrestrial life are sharply defined by water's temperature, acidity and salinity."Tosca and his team analyzed salt deposits in the 4-billion-year-old Martian rock investigated by Opportunity. The new analysis shows that the water that would have flowed across these ancient Martian rocks may have been exceedingly briny."Our sense has been that while Mars is a lousy environment for supporting life today, long ago it might have more closely resembled Earth," said Andrew H. Knoll, also of Harvard and on the study team. "But this result suggests quite strongly that even as long as four billion years ago, the surface of Mars would have been challenging for life. No matter how far back we peer into Mars' history, we may never see a point atOne of Australia's most remarkable natural gifts, the Great Barrier Reef is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world's largest coral reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system[1][2] composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometres (133,000 sq mi). The reef is located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia.The reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3000 individual reef systems and coral cays and literally hundreds of picturesque tropical islands with some of the worlds most beautiful sun-soaked, golden beaches.The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world, and pulling away from it, and viewing it from a greater distance, you can understand why. It is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on earth visiblefrom space.New tombs found in Giza support the view that the Great Pyramids were built by freeworkers and not slaves, as widely believed, Egypt's chief archaeologist said on Sunday.Films and media have long depicted slaves toiling away in the desert to build the mammothpyramids only to meet a miserable death at the end of their efforts."These tombs were built beside the king's pyramid, which indicates that these people werenot by any means slaves," Zahi Hawass, the chief archaeologist heading the Egyptianexcavation team, said in a statement."If they were slaves, theywould not have beenable to build their s tomb besidetheir king's."He said the collection of workers' tombs, some of which were found in the 1990s, wereamong the most significant finds in the 20th and 21st centuries. They belonged to workers whobuilt the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre.Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves "friends ofKhufu" - another sign that they were not slaves.The tombs, on the Giza plateau on the western edge of Cairo, are 4,510 years old and lie atthe entrance of a one-km (half mile)-long necropolis.A number of years ago,I had the rather unique experience of beingbackstage in Madison Square Garden,in New York,during the RinglingBrothers Barnum & Bailey Circus.To say the least,it was a fascinatingexperience.I was able to walk around looking at the lion tiger giraffes and allthe other circus animals.As I was passing the elephant I suddenly stopped,confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a smallrope tied to their front leg.No chain no cages.It was obvious that theelephants could,at any time,break away from their bonds but for somereason,they did not.I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful,magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.“Well,”he said,“when they arevery young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,atthat age,it's enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are conditionedto believe they cannot break away.They think the rope can still hold them,so they never try to break free.”I was amazed.These animals could at any time break free from theirbonds but because they believed they could not,they were stuck right wherethey were.which the planet really looked like Earth."The research was presented in February at the annualmeeting of the American Association for the Advancement ofScience in Boston.Halophiles, or organisms that can tolerate high-salinitywaters, are known to exist in places on Earth, but they likelyevolved from organisms that lived in purer waters, scientiststhink, making it unlikely that life would actually ariseinitially in extremely briny waters.The high salinity, however, "doesn't rule out life formsof a type we've never encountered," Knoll added, "but lifethat could originate and persist in such a salty setting wouldrequire biochemistry distinct from any known among eventhe most robust halophiles on Earth."Knoll and Tosca also say the finding doesn't rule out thepossibility that less salty waters once flowed on the planet.Name Class Grade。

四上英语1至6单元小报简单版英文回答:Unit 1: My School Life.In Unit 1, we learned about school life. We talkedabout our school subjects, our favorite activities, and our daily routines. For example, I enjoy studying English and playing soccer during recess. On the other hand, my friend prefers math and playing chess. We also discussed our morning routines. I usually wake up at 7 o'clock, brush my teeth, have breakfast, and then catch the school bus. My friend, on the other hand, wakes up at 6:30, takes a shower, eats breakfast, and walks to school.Unit 2: My Family.Unit 2 was all about our families. We learned how to introduce our family members and describe their appearances and personalities. For instance, I have a younger sisterwho has long brown hair and is very friendly. My dad istall and has a beard, while my mom is short and has curly hair. We also talked about our family activities. On weekends, my family likes to go hiking or have a picnic in the park. We enjoy spending quality time together.Unit 3: My Friends.In Unit 3, we discussed our friends and how to describe them. I have many friends, but my best friend is Jack. Heis funny, kind, and always there for me when I need him. We often hang out together and play video games or go to the movies. On the other hand, my other friend, Sarah, is more serious and studious. She helps me with my homework and we often study together. It's great to have different types of friends who bring different qualities into my life.Unit 4: My Hobbies.Unit 4 focused on our hobbies and interests. We shared what we like to do in our free time. Personally, I enjoy playing the guitar and painting. I find it relaxing and itallows me to express my creativity. On the other hand, my friend enjoys playing basketball and cooking. We often exchange ideas and share our hobbies with each other. It's interesting to learn about different hobbies and try new things.Unit 5: My Daily Routine.Unit 5 was all about our daily routines. We learned how to talk about our activities from morning to night. In the morning, I wake up, brush my teeth, and have breakfast. Then, I go to school and attend my classes. After school, I do my homework, have dinner, and spend some time with my family. Before going to bed, I read a book or listen to music. It's important to have a structured daily routine to stay organized and make the most of our time.Unit 6: My Future.In Unit 6, we discussed our future plans and aspirations. We talked about what we want to be when we grow up and how we can achieve our goals. For example, Iwant to become a doctor and help people. I plan to study hard and go to medical school. My friend, on the other hand, wants to become a teacher and make a difference inchildren's lives. We support each other's dreams and encourage each other to work towards our goals.中文回答:第一单元,我的学校生活。

1. My English World(我的英语世界)2. Fun with English(英语乐趣多)3. English Wonderland(英语奇境)二、板块划分与内容示例。
(一)左上角板块:字母与发音(Alphabets and Pronunciations)1. 标题。
- 用彩色粉笔字体写“Alphabets and Pronunciations”。
2. 内容。
- 画一个表格,列出26个英文字母的大小写形式。
Aa.Bb.Cc.- 在表格旁边,挑选几个字母写出它们的发音规则。
(二)右上角板块:日常用语(Daily Expressions)1. 标题。
- “Daily Expressions”,用不同颜色的马克笔来写,每个单词颜色不同。
2. 内容。
- 列举一些3 - 4年级常用的日常英语表达,如:- Good morning(早上好),画一个太阳升起的简笔画。
- How are you?(你好吗?),画一个笑脸。
- Thank you(谢谢你),画一个伸出大拇指的手。
- I'm fine, thank you.(我很好,谢谢你)。
(三)左下角板块:单词天地(Word World)1. 标题。
- “Word World”,可以把字母设计成一个个小方块,像积木一样堆砌起来。
2. 内容。
- 分类列出单词。
例如:- 动物类(Animals):cat(猫),画一只猫的简笔画;dog(狗),画一只小狗;bird(鸟),画一只小鸟。
- 颜色类(Colors):red(红色),用红色彩笔把这个单词涂红;blue(蓝色),用蓝色彩笔把单词涂蓝;green(绿色),画一片绿色的叶子在单词旁边。
(四)右下角板块:英语小故事(English Story)1. 标题。

动物主题英语手抄报模板Animal Themed English Poster(1000 words minimum)Title: Fascinating World of AnimalsIntroduction (100-150 words):Animals play a vital role in our world. They come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique characteristics and adaptations. In this poster, we will explore the diversity of the animal kingdom, from insects to mammals, showcasing their amazing features and behaviors. Join us on a journey through the fascinating world of animals!1. Insects: Tiny Wonders (150-200 words)Insects are the most abundant group of animals on Earth. They come in various forms, such as butterflies, beetles, ants, and bees. Despite their small size, insects possess remarkable abilities. For example, bees are nature's pollinators, ensuring the reproduction of plants. Ants are known for their impressive teamwork and communication skills. Butterflies, on the other hand, captivate us with their stunning colors and patterns. By examining the intricate world of insects, we appreciate the crucial role they play in our ecosystem.2. Aquatic Marvels (150-200 words)The oceans and rivers are home to a wide range of marine animals. From graceful dolphins to fierce sharks, aquatic creatures exhibit exceptional adaptations. Explore the sleek bodies of seals and learn how they survive in both water and land. Dive into the depths and be amazed by the vibrant coral reefs, bustling with colorful fish, delicate seahorses, and enigmatic octopuses. Discover how marine animals, like whales, communicate using unique sounds. The aquatic marvels expose us to a world beyond our imagination.3. Majestic Birds (150-200 words)Birds are renowned for their ability to fly. With feathers and wings, they conquer the sky, soaring high above the ground. Admire the vibrant plumage of peacocks and marvel at their majestic tail feathers. Explore the habitats of different birds, from rainforests to deserts, and learn about their extraordinary migratory patterns. Discover the courtship rituals of birds, as they sing and display dances to attract mates. The world of birds showcases the wonders of flight and the diversity of avian species.4. Mammals: The Animal Family (150-200 words)Mammals, including humans, are characterized by their ability to nurse their young with milk. They exhibit an incredible range of adaptations, from the aquatic life of dolphins and whales to the prancing steps of deer. Learn about the intelligence and social behavior of elephants, as they communicate with one another using low-frequency rumbles. Discover the unique parenting styles of different mammals, from the nurturing care of lions to the pouches of kangaroos. The incredible diversity of mammals demonstrates the immense capabilities of this animal group.Conclusion (100-150 words):The animal kingdom is as diverse as it is captivating. Through this poster, we have only scratched the surface of the vast world of animals. From the smallest insects to the largest mammals, each creature has its own story to tell. By understanding and appreciating animals, we can better protect and preserve their habitats. Let us continue to explore, learn, and be amazed by the fascinating world of animals.。

Title: Meet My Best FriendHello everyone! Today, I want to introduce you to my best friend, Tom. Tom and I have been friends since we were in primary school, and we have been through a lot together.Tom is a tall and handsome guy with bright eyes and a warm smile. He is always happy and positive, and he never fails to make me laugh. We share the same interests and hobbies, and we love to spend time together.One of the things I admire most about Tom is his intelligence. He is a straight-A student and has won many awards in school. He is also very creative and talented in art. His drawings are always amazing, and he has won several art competitions.Apart from being smart and talented, Tom is also a very kind and helpful person. He is always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and he has a big heart. We have volunteered together at a local charity organization, and he has always been a great inspiration to me.Tom and I have many memories together. We have climbed mountains, swum in the sea, and explored new places together. We have also shared our happiness and sadness, and we have been there for each other through thick and thin.I am grateful to have a friend like Tom in my life. He is not only a great friend but also a wonderful person. I know that I can always count on him, and he can always count on me. I am looking forward to many more years of friendship with Tom.In conclusion, Tom is my best friend, and I am proud to introduce him to all of you. He is smart, talented, kind, and helpful. I feel lucky to have him in my life, and I know that our friendship will last a lifetime.这篇文章是一篇关于介绍朋友的英语小报文章。
英语 小报 动物主题

以下是一份可能的内容框架和设计建议:标题页:•Title: "Exploring the Wonderful World of Animals"•图片:可以选择一幅生动的动物世界全景插图或者一组代表性动物的卡通图案。
内容部分:1.Animal Kingdom Overview:o简述动物王国的基本划分,如脊椎动物与无脊椎动物、哺乳动物、鸟类、爬行动物、两栖动物、鱼类等。
2.Featured Creatures:o介绍几种特色动物,每种动物附上英文名称、特征描述、生活习性以及它们在生态系统中的角色。
o可以包括但不限于:Giraffe, Elephant, Penguin, Dolphin, Chimpanzee, Tiger, Koala等,并配以相应的图片和关键词汇。
3.Endangered Species Spotlight:o关注濒危动物,强调保护的重要性,例如熊猫、犀牛、雪豹等,提供一些关于为何它们面临威胁以及我们可以如何帮助的信息。
4.Fun Facts & Trivia:o收集一些有趣的动物事实,比如最快的动物、最大的动物、最长寿的动物等。
5.Protecting Our Animal Friends:o讲解动物保护的相关法律法规,以及全球及本地正在进行的保护项目,倡导小学生参与环保活动,爱护动物。
6.Activities for Kids:o设计填字游戏、单词拼写挑战、迷宫等互动环节,内容围绕动物词汇和知识。

1. 在小报的上方正中间,用较大的字体写上“六年级上册英语小报”。
2. 可以在标题旁边画一些简单的英语元素,比如英国国旗、字母气球等装饰。
1. 单词天地。
- 主题:动物类单词。
- 画一个小农场的场景,里面有各种动物。
- 在旁边列出动物单词:cat(猫),dog(狗),pig(猪),cow(奶牛),sheep(绵羊),horse(马)。
- 主题:月份单词。
- 画一个日历的简笔画。
- 写出月份单词:January(一月),February(二月),March(三月),April (四月),May(五月),June(六月),July(七月),August(八月),September(九月),October(十月),November(十一月),December(十二月)。
2. 句型乐园。
- 主题:询问喜好的句型。
- 画两个小朋友,一个拿着足球,一个拿着书。
- 写出句型:What do you like? I like football. Do you like reading? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.- 主题:描述天气的句型。
- 画不同天气的图标,如太阳代表晴天,云下雨滴代表雨天等。
- 写出句型:It's sunny today. How's the weather? It's rainy.3. 语法小站。
- 主题:名词的单复数。
- 画一些苹果,单数一个苹果,复数几个苹果。
- 解释:名词有单数和复数形式。
一般情况下,名词复数是在词尾加 -s,如book - books;以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词,复数加 -es,如box - boxes;还有一些特殊变化,如man - men,woman - women。
- 主题:一般现在时。
六年级上册英语小报 1到4单元

六年级上册英语小报 1到4单元Unit 1: Introducing My SchoolHello everyone! Welcome to our English newspaper. In this edition, we will be introducing our school and all the exciting things that happen here. Without further ado, let's dive right in!Our SchoolOur school, Sunshine Elementary, is located in the heart of the city. It is a large campus with well-maintained gardens and modern facilities. The classrooms are spacious and equipped with the latest technology to aid our learning.Subjects We StudyAt Sunshine Elementary, we study a wide range of subjects. Some of our favorites include English, Mathematics, Science, and Arts. Our dedicated teachers make these classes engaging and interactive, making it easier for us to grasp new concepts.Extra-curricular ActivitiesApart from our academic studies, our school also offers a variety of extra-curricular activities. We have a vibrant sports program that includes basketball, football, and track and field. Many of our students have excelled in various sports competitions.In addition to sports, we have a strong focus on the arts. Our drama club puts on fantastic plays every year, showcasing our acting talents. We also have a school band and a choir, allowing us to explore our musical abilities.Unit 2: My HobbiesIn this section, we will be discussing our hobbies. Hobbies are activities we enjoy doing during our free time. They allow us to relax and pursue our interests. Let's find out what some of our classmates' hobbies are!Lucy's Hobby - PaintingLucy, one of our classmates, loves to paint. She spends hours in her art corner, using various colors and techniques to create beautiful masterpieces. Lucy's artwork has been displayed in our school's art exhibition, and everyone admires her talent!Jack's Hobby - Playing the GuitarJack has a passion for music, and his hobby is playing the guitar. He practices every day and has become quite skilled. Jack often performs during school events and always manages to captivate the audience with his melodious tunes.Unit 3: Family TraditionsFamily traditions are an essential part of our lives. They help us connect with our roots and create lasting memories. In this section, we will be sharing some of the unique family traditions that our classmates have.Chinese New Year CelebrationsLily's family celebrates Chinese New Year in a grand manner. They gather together for a festive meal and exchange red envelopes containing money. Lily also mentioned that they decorate their house with red lanterns and dragon symbols for good luck.Thanksgiving FeastOliver's family celebrates Thanksgiving every year. They invite friends and family to their house for a feast. Oliver's mom prepares a delicious turkey, and they all share what they are thankful for. It is a time for gratitude and togetherness.Unit 4: Exploring the WorldIn this final unit, we will be exploring different countries and their cultures. Our classmates will take us on a virtual tour of their favorite destinations.Sara's Favorite Destination - JapanSara has always been fascinated by Japanese culture. She shares with us the beauty of cherry blossoms, the traditional tea ceremonies, and the vibrant city of Tokyo. She dreams of visiting Japan someday and experiencing it firsthand.Alex's Favorite Destination - AustraliaAlex loves the stunning landscapes of Australia. He describes the breathtaking Great Barrier Reef, the unique wildlife, and the iconic Sydney Opera House. Alex hopes to visit Australia and explore its wonders one day.In conclusion, our school is a place where we not only learn academic subjects but also discover and develop our interests and talents. Through hobbies, family traditions, and exploring the world, we gain a broader perspective and a better understanding of different cultures. Thank you for joining us in this edition of our English newspaper. See you in the next one!。
英语my body主题小报模板

英语my body主题小报模板一、标题设计首先,设计一份简洁明了的标题,如“My Body in English”。
1. 主题内容:将英语课本中的有关身体部位的单词、短语以及与身体相关的语法知识作为主要内容。
2. 插图:在版面下方或旁边可以添加一些插图,如身体部位的简笔画或卡通形象。
3. 色彩搭配:选择适当的颜色搭配,可以使小报更加生动活泼。
以下是一些可以参考的内容设计:1. 引言:在开头写一段引言,介绍本次小报的主题和目的,如“了解身体部位的英文表达”、“提高英语口语能力”等。
2. 身体部位介绍:按照人体部位顺序逐一介绍单词和短语,例如“head”、“nose”、“eyes”、“ears”、“arms”、“hands”、“legs”、“feet”等。
3. 语法知识:介绍一些与身体部位相关的语法知识,如“This is + 身体部位”、“My body parts are + 身体部位”、“I have + 身体部位”等句型的使用方法。
4. 小故事或文化背景:可以添加一些与身体部位相关的英文小故事或文化背景,例如介绍西方国家对身体部位的不同称呼或表达方式。
5. 互动环节:设置一个互动环节,让读者参与讨论或提问,例如“你最喜欢的身体部位是什么?为什么?”等。
四、实例展示以下是一个my body主题小报模板的实例展示:1. 标题设计:在纸张中央位置,用彩色笔写上“My Body in English”。

"Unit 1 English World"二、板块划分与内容。
1. 单词天地(左上角)- 列出本单元的重点单词,例如人教版三年级英语第一单元可能会有“ruler(尺子)”“pencil(铅笔)”“eraser(橡皮)”“crayon(蜡笔)”等。
- 单词书写格式可以是每行一个单词,用彩色笔书写,增强视觉效果。
2. 句型乐园(右上角)- 写出本单元的重点句型,像“I have a pencil.”“Me too.”之类的。
- 在句型旁边画一些小卡通人物在对话的场景,表现出这个句型的使用情境。
3. 趣味知识(左下角)- 可以写一些关于英语字母起源或者简单的英语文化知识。
例如:“The English alphabet has 26 letters. It comes from the Latin alphabet.”(英语字母表有26个字母,它来源于拉丁字母表。
)- 配上一幅字母表的简笔画,用不同颜色的线条勾勒出字母的形状。
4. 小练笔(右下角)- 出一道简单的本单元相关的练习题,如:“Fill in the blanks: I have an _______ (eraser).”- 在旁边留出空白区域,让同学们可以直接在手抄报上作答。
1. 边框。
- 可以用彩色铅笔绘制一个简单的双线条边框,在线条间隔处画上一些小的英语元素,如星星形状的字母、带有笑脸的铅笔等。
2. 装饰。
- 在手抄报的空白处,散落着一些与英语学习相关的小图标,如翻开的书本、戴着博士帽的小动物在看书等。

四年级上册英语(人教版)1 - 3单元手抄报。
(一)第一单元:My classroom。
1. 单词乐园。
- 本单元重点单词:classroom(教室)、window(窗户)、blackboard(黑板)、light(电灯)、picture(图画)、door(门)、teacher's desk(讲台)、computer(计算机)、fan(风扇)、wall(墙壁)、floor(地板)。
2. 句型展示。
- 重点句型:“What's in the classroom?”(教室里有什么?)“One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.”(一块黑板、一台电视、许多桌子和椅子。
3. 我的教室(My classroom)小短文。
- I have a new classroom. It's big and clean. There are two doors and four windows. The blackboard is on the wall. There are many desks and chairs in the classroom. I like my classroom very much.(我有一个新教室。
)(二)第二单元:My schoolbag。
1. 单词天地。
- 重点单词:schoolbag(书包)、maths book(数学书)、English book(英语书)、Chinese book(语文书)、storybook(故事书)、candy(糖果)、notebook (笔记本)、toy(玩具)、key(钥匙)。

三年级上册英语知识小报一、单词学习 1. 动物:cat(猫),dog(狗),tiger(老虎),lion(狮子),elephant(大象),monkey(猴子)2. 颜色:red(红色),blue(蓝色),yellow(黄色),green(绿色),purple(紫色),orange(橙色)3. 数字:one(一),two(二),three(三),four(四),five(五),six(六)二、短语学习1. 问候:Good morning!(早上好!)Good afternoon!(下午好!)Good evening!(晚上好!)2. 感谢:Thank you!(谢谢你!)You're welcome!(不客气!)3. 道歉:I'm sorry.(对不起。
)That's OK.(没关系。
)三、句子学习1. 自我介绍:Hello, I'm [你的名字].(你好,我是[你的名字]。
)2. 询问姓名:What's your name?(你叫什么名字?)My name is [你的名字].(我叫[你的名字]。
)3. 询问颜色:What color is it?(这是什么颜色?)It's [颜色].(它是[颜色]。
)四、趣味英语1. 学习英语不仅仅是记忆单词和句子,还可以通过唱英语歌曲、看英语动画片等方式来增加学习的乐趣。
2. 试着和家人或朋友用英语进行简单的对话,这样可以帮助你更好地掌握和应用所学的英语知识。
五、小贴士1. 每天坚持复习和预习,养成良好的学习习惯。
2. 勇于开口说英语,不要害怕犯错误。
3. 多听、多说、多读、多写,全面提高英语能力。

六年级上册英语小报1至6单元六年级上册英语小报(人教版)一、Unit 1 How can I get there?(一)重点单词。
1. 地点类。
- museum(博物馆):We can learn a lot about history and art in the museum.- post office(邮局):Go to the post office to send letters or parcels.- bookstore(书店):There are many interesting books in the bookstore.- cinema(电影院):Let's go to the cinema to see a movie.- hospital(医院):If you are ill, you should go to the hospital.2. 方位介词。
- near(在……附近):My home is near the park.- next to(紧挨着):The library is next to the school.- in front of(在……前面):There is a big tree in front of my house.(二)重点句型。
1. - Where is the...?(……在哪里?)- It's near/next to/in front of...(它在……附近/紧挨着/在……前面。
)- For example: Where is the post office? It's next to the bookstore.2. - How can I get to the...?(我怎样到达……?)- You can go by bus/on foot/by bike...(你可以乘公共汽车/步行/骑自行车……)- For example: How can I get to the cinema? You can go by bus.(三)趣味小知识。

小报名称:英语四年级一到三课的词语小报一、引言1. 词汇是语言学习的基础,对于四年级学生来说,掌握英语词汇是非常重要的。
2. 本小报旨在帮助四年级学生学习和掌握英语四年级一到三课的词语,从而提高他们的英语水平。
二、英语四年级一到三课的词语1. Unit 1: Greetings and Introductionsa. hellob. hic. good morningd. good afternoone. good evening2. Unit 2: Numbers and Colorsa. oneb. twoc. threed. rede. green3. Unit 3: Familya. fatherb. motherc. brotherd. sistere. family三、词语学习方法1. 多听多说:通过多听、多说的方法来加深对词语的印象,并提高记忆。
2. 练习写作:通过写作练习巩固词语的拼写和用法。
3. 词语游戏:通过词语游戏的方式来增加学习的趣味性和效果。
四、词语学习活动1. 单词拼图比赛:分组进行单词拼图比赛,加强对词语拼写的练习。
2. 词语接龙游戏:通过词语接龙游戏来增加学生对词语的记忆和运用能力。
3. 绘本词语对对碰:制作绘本词语对对碰游戏,帮助学生在游戏中学习和记忆词语。
五、学习小结1. 通过本小报的学习,相信学生们对英语四年级一到三课的词语有了更深刻的理解和掌握。
2. 在未来的学习中,希望学生们能够继续努力,不断提高自己的英语水平。
六、结语1. 英语是一门重要的国际语言,学好英语对于学生的未来发展是非常有益的。
2. 希望学生们能够通过学习,爱上英语,享受英语学习的过程。
感谢大家阅读!七、词语学习的重要性1. 英语词汇是学习英语的基础,没有足够的词汇量,就很难进行流利的交流和表达。
2. 通过词语学习,学生可以拓展自己的词汇量,丰富自己的表达能力,为将来的语言运用打下坚实的基础。

英语小故事小报(原创版3篇)篇1 目录1.英语小故事的意义和价值2.小故事的内容和特点3.小故事对英语学习的帮助4.小报的作用和价值5.小报的内容和形式6.小报对英语学习的促进作用篇1正文英语小故事小报是一种以英语为载体,以小故事为主要内容,以小报为形式的英语学习材料。
篇2 目录1.英语小故事的概述2.小报的内容和形式3.英语小故事小报的优点4.如何制作英语小故事小报5.结论篇2正文英语小故事的概述英语小故事是一种以英语为载体,以生动有趣的故事情节为内容的教育方式。
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