










1. 问候客户
- 您好,我是 [公司名称/个人姓名],感谢您访问我们的网站/

2. 解释产品或服务
- 我们公司专业提供 [产品或服务名称],我们的产品/服务具有以下优点/特点/优势:[列出产品或服务的特点和优势]
3. 强调价值
- 我们相信,我们的产品或服务具有很高的价值,能够满足您的需求。

4. 引导客户做出决策
- 如果您有任何疑问或需要更多信息,请随时联系我们。


5. 询问客户反馈
- 您对我们的产品或服务有什么意见或建议吗?我们非常重视

6. 结束对话
- 非常感谢您花时间访问我们的网站/店铺。







20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX中英对照2024年跨境电商交易协议模板一本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 定义1.2 解释第二条协议主体2.1 主体资格2.2 主体权利与义务第三条交易商品3.1 商品范围3.2 商品质量3.3 商品价格第四条交易方式4.1 交易平台4.2 交易流程4.3 交易时间第五条支付与结算5.1 支付方式5.2 结算时间与方式5.3 货币种类第六条物流与交付6.1 物流方式6.2 交付时间与地点6.3 物流风险第七条售后服务7.1 售后服务内容7.2 售后服务承诺7.3 投诉与处理第八条知识产权8.1 知识产权保护8.2 知识产权声明8.3 侵权责任第九条隐私与信息安全9.1 隐私保护9.2 信息安全9.3 数据共享第十条违约责任10.1 违约行为10.2 违约责任10.3 违约赔偿第十一条争议解决11.1 争议方式11.2 争议时效11.3 仲裁与诉讼第十二条合同的生效、变更与终止12.1 生效条件12.2 合同变更12.3 合同终止第十三条法律适用与管辖13.1 法律适用13.2 管辖法院第十四条其他条款14.1 保密条款14.2 非竞争条款14.3 第三方受益条款第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 定义(1)甲方:指(填写甲方全称)(2)乙方:指(填写乙方全称)(3)跨境电商平台:指甲方提供的,供乙方进行商品展示、交易的平台。



1.2 解释本合同的任何条款均不应被视为对任何一方权利的放弃,除非该放弃以书面形式明确作出。


第二条协议主体2.1 主体资格甲方为跨境电商平台的提供者,具有提供跨境电商服务的资格和能力。

























跨境电商采购合同模板甲方(需方):联系人:联系电话:联系地址:乙方(供方):联系人:联系电话:联系地址:鉴于甲方通过本合同约定的条款和条件向乙方采购货物,乙方根据本合同约定的条款和条件向甲方供应货物,双方遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条货物采购1.1 采购货物:本合同为甲乙双方交易往来的框架性合同,甲方根据本合同中约定的条款和条件,向乙方采购货物。



1.2 采购数量:双方确认,本合同不视为甲方向乙方做任何意义上的排他性承诺,甲方仍有权向其他第三方采购本合同的同项货物,本合同的签署不应解释为双方约定了最低采购数量、最高采购数量。


第二条采购订单2.1 订单内容:合同期内,甲方根据需求不定期向乙方发送采购订单需求,确定具体采购货物的名称、规格、品牌、型号、数量、交货日期、交货地点、联系人及其他信息。

2.2 下单方式:(1)微信群订单:甲方通过指定的工作对接群向乙方采购订单,双方都需要在群里书面文字确认。


2.3 订单效力:订单经双方书面确认后生效。

第三条质量及验收3.1 产品质量:乙方应保证供应的货物符合国际质量标准和相关法律法规的要求。

3.2 验收程序:甲方对乙方供应的货物进行验收,如发现质量问题,甲方有权要求乙方退货或换货。

第四条价格和支付4.1 价格:本合同项下货物的价格以乙方提供的报价单为准,报价单中的价格应包括货物的单价、总价等。

4.2 支付方式:(1)预付款:甲方在订单确认后向乙方支付订单总额的30%作为预付款。





1. 介绍自己和公司


2. 了解客户需求

3. 提供产品或服务的优势


4. 解答常见问题



5. 提供成功案例



6. 结束





跨境电商洽谈合作文案模板英文回答:Invitation to Partner for Cross-border E-commerce。


We are [Company Name], a leading player in the cross-border e-commerce industry. With our extensive experience, global network, and proven capabilities, we are seeking partnerships to expand our reach and offer innovative solutions to businesses looking to enter or grow in the cross-border e-commerce market.Our Expertise。

Market research and analysis。

Logistics and fulfillment。

Cross-border payment processing。

Customer support in multiple languages。

Online marketing and traffic generation。

Partnership Opportunities。

We offer tailored partnership opportunities based on your specific needs, objectives, and resources. Some of the partnership models we consider include:Strategic alliance: Collaboration to leverage our combined strengths and develop new offerings.Joint venture: Establishing a separate entity to pursue specific cross-border e-commerce opportunities.Channel partnership: Becoming a reseller ordistributor of our products or services.Technology integration: Integrating our platform orsolutions with your systems.Benefits of Partnership。



中英对照2024年跨境电商交易协议模板本合同目录一览1. 定义与解释1.1 定义1.2 解释2. 交易商品2.1 商品信息2.2 商品质量2.3 商品数量3. 价格与支付3.1 价格3.2 支付方式3.3 支付时间4. 物流与交付4.1 物流方式4.2 交付时间4.3 交付地点5. 售后服务5.1 退换货政策5.2 售后服务承诺5.3 争议解决6. 知识产权6.1 知识产权保护6.2 侵权责任7. 隐私与数据保护7.1 隐私保护7.2 数据保护8. 违约责任8.1 违约行为8.2 违约责任9. 争议解决9.1 争议类型9.2 争议解决方式10. 法律适用与管辖10.1 法律适用10.2 管辖法院11. 合同的生效、变更与终止11.1 生效条件11.2 合同变更11.3 合同终止12. 保密条款12.1 保密内容12.2 保密期限13. 违约金与赔偿13.1 违约金13.2 赔偿范围14. 其他条款14.1 通知与送达14.2 合同的完整性与修改14.3 第三方受益人第一部分:合同如下:1. 定义与解释1.1 定义(3)'商品'指甲方通过跨境电商平台向乙方销售的商品;(4)'交易平台'指甲方和乙方进行交易的平台;(5)'合同'指本跨境电商交易协议。

1.2 解释对本合同的解释应遵循合同的整体内容、双方的交易习惯以及诚实信用原则。


2. 交易商品2.1 商品信息甲方应在交易平台上向乙方展示商品的详细信息,包括但不限于商品名称、规格、型号、价格、产地、生产商、保质期等。

2.2 商品质量甲方保证向乙方销售的商品符合英国相关法律法规及质量标准。


2.3 商品数量甲方应按照乙方订单的要求,按时提供约定的商品数量。



售前篇一、价格payment1、非美国,10个以下,及不能讲价类免运费Dear friend,How are you today?This is ______.Thank you for you offer and it will be a great pleasure to do business with you. You know we have to shoulder(负担) the shipping fees(费用),thus(因此) the price we have here is already very low and competitive. Hope you can understand. Have a nice day.含运费Dear friend,How are you today?This is ______.Thank you for you offer and it will be a great pleasure to do business with you. The price we have here is already very low and competitive,so the lowest price we can provide is showed on the listing.Hope you If you have any questions,pleases feel free to ask me.Have a nice day.2、能讲价类不能满足顾客的出价,能提供小折扣Dear friend,How are you today?This is ______.Thank you for your interests in my item.Perhaps we can’t accept the price you offer. I’m sorry for that. In fact the price is reasonable .We only have a little/low benefit(利润) .But, we are willing to offer yousome discounts if you buy more products at one time. If you buy more than 5 products , we will give 5% discount to you .If you have any other questions,please tell us.Have a nice day.Dear friend3、买家没有paypal账号,想用其他方式付款Dear friend,Thank you for your inquiry.For simplifying the process sake, I suggest that you pay through PayPal. As you know, it always takes at least 2-3 months to clear international check so that the dealing and shipping time will cost too much time. PayPal is a faster, easier and safer payment method. It is widely used in international online business. Even if you do not want to register a PayPal account, you can still use your credit card to go through PayPal checkout process without any extra steps.Hope my answer is helpful to you.Have a nice day.二、买家询问物品细节的问题模版1、询问具体细节(size,color and so on)Dear friend,How are you today?This is ______.Thank you for your inquiry.About your problem, I have checked the item information for you.__________________________________________(问题回答).Hope it can help you. Any other questions, feel free to let me know.Nice day.2、合并运费(combine shipping)How are you today?This is ______.Thank you for your asking and it will be a great pleasure to do business with you.The real total price of the item is including the cost an d the postage.So we couldn’t Combined with the freight.The price we have here is already very low and competitive.Hope you can understand.Have a nice day.三、缺货未发&退件1、缺货超过7天未发的(先查库存,如果还没有货尽量引导退款,如果买家还坚持发,就说是因为材质的问题被退回,需要时间改进,让他过一段时间再过来买) 有跟踪号的(特别是EUB):主动发;无跟踪号平邮买家回复邮件(适用缺货未发,下架清仓为0等未发情况):首先让买家等几天,然后说可能是丢件了,引导退款Dear my friend,How are you today? I am _______, the customer service staff.Firstly, thank you very much for your purchase; we really value your business.Then we have to say sorry that your package had been declined by the Custom House which we can hardly control.We are willing to ask if you’d like us to resend it to you. But we can’t promise that your item wouldn’t be declined by them again.So, if you don’t want to wait any more, we can issue a full refund as soon as possible.Please tell us which would you prefer?Once again, we send our sincere apology and hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely,买家坚持发,材质问题婉转拒绝(清仓数量0,以及仓库没货)How are you today?Thank you for your interested in our pruduct.We’re willing to resent the package to you,because we so valueable your business,but we couldn’t do that the customs will reject your item again because of the material problem .But we have contact the producers,let them change the material as soon as possible.Hope you can understand. We’re willing to send the full refund to you as our sincere apology. Is that ok for you?Looking forward to hear your reply.Have a nice day.主动出击:询问是否收到货,让买家等几天,然后说丢失,最后引导退款(缺货未发,下架清仓为0)Dear friend,How are you today?This is__.Thank you so much for your purchase.The item has been send out to you about 30 days ago. Do you have received it?If the package still not arrive, please feel free to email us and we will do our best to solve it and offer you a satisfactory service, even offer you refund, is that ok for you? We just want you to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely.缺货时间在2-5天之内的,同时适用于真正的退件(4、5天后给客户发邮件)Dear friend,How are you today?This is ___.Thank you for shopping with us(come2ourmall). We had sent the item to you on25/05/2017 11:27AM .(You paid for it on 25/05/2017).And recently we get the information from Chinese Customs which said the the package will be returned to us for some safety reasons. You know, sometimes things like this did happen.We are very sorry about that. And we can resend the item to you or we can offer a full refund as our sincere apology. Or if you have any other ideas which can compensate you, please feel free to tell us. We really hope you will not be too disappointed about it.Hope to hear from you soon.Sorry again and have a nice day.四、物流1、修改物流(未发货,以电子件转瑞典小包为例)How are you today? This is _.Firstly, thank you very much for your purchase; we really value your business.Then we have to say sorry that your package had been declined by the Post office, cause it is electronic products,not allowed to pass customs, which we can hardly control.We are willing to ask if you’d like us to resend it to you via Sweden Post.But the shipping time will be longer about 20-30 working days. Is that ok for you?So, if you don’t want to wait any more, we can issue a refund as soon as possible.Please tell us which would you prefer?Once again, we send our sincere apology and hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely.2、运送方式非美国地区(货值高有跟踪号)Dear friend,Thank you for your reply. We will send them by China Post Airmail with a tracking number.It will take about 30 to 40 days to your country. China Post is the biggest logistics company in China,and it will keep the items safe. You could choose othershipping company. but you need to pay more shipping fee for them. So which way do you prefer?Have a nice day.美国地区Dear friend,Thank you for your reply. We will send them by EUB with a tracking number.It will take about 7 to 15 business days to your country. Is that ok for you?Looking forward to hear you soon.Have a nice day.3、不寄递特定国家Dear friend,Thank you for asking. In fact, we’d like to do business with you very much.However, recently your country’s Custom House is quite strict with the packages from abroad, so we are not sure about whether the item could be able to arrive. Hope you can understand.Maybe sometime later when the Customs’ policy is not so strict, we will ship to your country.If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.Have a nice day.售后篇一、关于询问跟踪号, 如果我们没有跟踪号Dear friend,Thank you for asking. And we sent your item by China Post Airmail which didn’t have a tracking number. But don’t worry, China Post is the biggest logistics company in China, and we believe that your item will arrive in time.If by any chance, the item doesn’t arrive in due, please contact us and we will do our best to solve it.If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.Have a nice day.二、关于询问跟踪号,有跟踪号1、跟踪号有用Dear friend,Thank you for purchasing (item ID or item title).We have shipped your item on ————.For your reference, the postal tracking number is below: No.RR725377313CN Standard ship times are approximately 7~15 business days, however with the busy season shipping time, there may be a delay in international parcel delivery times. We promise We will provide a satisfactory solution for you if the item is not delivered. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority; please contact us if you have any concerns.We apologize for any inconvenience. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.Sincerely2、跟踪号无用Dear friend,Sorry, there may be something wrong with the postal system. So we cannot get the tracking number. But don’t worry, we won’t let you suffer any losses. Your item has been shipped on 29/10/2017, and had passed the Chinese Customs on 18/10/2017, it got delayed in the Customs House. And the shipment usually takes 20 to 30 days. Please wait patiently. If you have any question, you can feel free to contact us. Have a nice day.三、取消订单1、未付款Dear friend,Sure, we understand and we will cancel the transaction for you. Please don’t worry.Hope to do business with you next time.Have a nice day.2、已付款(退完款后到ebay后台取消)Dear friend,How are you today?We’re willing to cancel the transaction for you,but we couldn’t do that now.Because you have paid for it.Please don’t worry,we will send the full refund to your paypal account,then I could cancel your order,is it ok for you?Hope to do business with you next time.Have a nice day.3、已发货,无法取消Dear friend,How are you doing today?This is ____.Thank you for telling us about that ,we have check your parcel and we have to say sorry that it has been sent out.We can not stop the shipment .May be you can have put it on first and see if it is suitable after you receive the item,the sweater is in a casual style ,may be it just all right for you.If You don’t like it ,and you can put it to your relatives or friends as a gift .Sorry for the inconvenience and hope you can get it soon .Any questions,pls feel free to contact us.We will try our best to solve it for you.Have a nice day.四、没有收到货1、特殊情况致物流延误:节假日/旺季节假日Dear friend,Thank you for purchasing and prompt payment. However, we’ll have the National Holiday from Oct 1 to Oct 7. During that time, all the shipping service will not be available and may cause the shipping delay for several days.Thanks for your understanding and your patience is much appreciated. If you have any other concerns, pls. just let us know.Keep in touch.Thanks.自然灾害导致物流延误(火山爆发)Dear customer,We’re sorry to inform of you that your item delivery may be delayed for the volcanic explosion in south Iceland.Due to this volcanic explosion, airlines to Europe have been cancelled, and many airports were closed either, which directly caused the shipping delay.Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. We will keep tracking the shipping status, and try our best to resolve the problems that caused by this unexpected issue. If you have any other concerns, just let us know.Keep in touch. Thanks.加强安检导致物流延误Dear customer,I just got the notice that all packets (from all countries) to US would be subject to stricter screening by the customs.Due to the tightened customs control and screening, the shipping time to US will be longer than normal.We appreciate your understanding and patience. You are also welcomed to contact us for your suggestions and any concerns.Thanks.2、买家第一次询问,时间在20-40 天可用(如果顾客等待时间不长,尽量拖延15天)Dear friend,How are you today?This is__.We are sorry for the long-time waiting and your item had been shipped on08/03/2017, this is a busy season of shipping ,so it got delayed in the Customs House. And the shipment usually takes 20 to 30 days. So could you please wait for another 15 business days?If the package still doesn’t arrive in due, please contact us and we will do our best to solve it and offer you a satisfactory solution. Is that ok for you?Please don’t worry, we won’t let you suffer any losses.If there are any other questions, please fee l free to tell us. It’s our great pleasure to serve you.Have a nice day.3、货物未到,期限已过,对方语气强硬Dear customer,We are sorry for the long-time waiting and we quite understand that waiting is always something hard to endure.Your item had been shipped on 28/03/2014 ,it got delayed in the Customs House. So the shipment usually takes 35 to 50 business days.Could you please wait for another two weeks?If the package still not arrive in due, please contact us and we will do our best to solve it and offer you a satisfactory service.Or if you do not want to wait any longer, we are willing to offer a refund you as our sincere apology, and it’s really kind of you to return the payment when you get the item.please feel free to tell us which way you would prefer? We just want you to know that your satisfaction is always our top priority.Looking forward to your reply.Have a nice day.4、买家再次询问,50天内Dear friend,How are you today?Thanks for your message. We are sorry for the long-time waiting and we quite understand that waiting is always something hard to endure. We really hope that the shipping time could be shorter, however, the shipping time is out our control and it usually need more than 50 days for delivery due to the sales peak recently here in China. Could you pls wait for another 7 business day?You know, the sales and the shipping peak is something that out our control.Hope to get your kindly understanding that we won’t let you suffer any loss and if the item does not arrive in due, we will provide a satisfactory solution for you.Your kindly understanding and cooperation is much appreciated.Thanks in advance and best regards5、已显示妥投,但未收到货Dear friend,How are you today?I have checked it and it shows that the post have delivered to you. So I can provide the tracking number “___” to you and suggest you to ask the clerk in your local post with the number.Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.Have a nice day.6、货物查了还在路上,已经在他国家的海关,有信心很快就到了,再让对方等等(没有跟踪号)Dear friend,Sorry for the inconvenience.We’re so sorry for the long-time shipping, we believe that you will receive the item soon as we have rechecked with the Customs and they told us that the item was pass your local Customs .It is the way to your local post. Could you help to wait another several days? You know sometimes something was out of our control , but we try our best to solve problem.Any question let us know .Have a nice day7、让顾客去当地邮局询问Dear friend,We are sorry for the long-time waiting and your item had been out on 13/12/2017 and the shipment usually takes 35 to 45 days.The item should have arrived, however it might encountered some troubles during the shipping.We have checked the China Post and they said it has arrived at your country.Could you please recheck your local Post to confirm it? May be you have forgotten to fetch it.Once again we sent our sincere apology and hope you can get your item soon.Any situations,pls feel free to contact us.Have a nice day.8、再等7天!(超过50天)Dear friend,How are you today?Firstly, we are very sorry for the shipping time. The shipping time usually takes 30 to 40 business days. Your item had been sent on 23/04/2017 and it should have arrived. It might encounter some problems during the shipment. We know it is too long and waiting is always so hard to endure.However, the shipping time is really something we can hardly control and we are also thevictim of the shipping time.Could you please help to wait another 7 days? Recently, we have some customers like you from Russia and the got their items in55-60 days.They told me that the Russia Customs house will detained the package from the foreign for a period of time,then delivered to the post office.Please don’t worry,you bought many items in our store,we won’t loss you.Pls trust us,if the item still not arrive in due,we are willing to offer you a satisfied solution, is that ok for you?Looking forward to your reply.Have a nice day.9、没收到货,提议退一半款(等待时间为40天以上或者等待时间过短,态度恶劣)Dear friend,Thank you very much for your email and kindness.Don’t worry, we will not let our customer suffer loss. You know it is transportation peak season now. The shipping time is longer than normal.In order to enhance yourtrust to us,How about we offer you half refund first? If still not arrive next week, we will offer you another half refund, is that ok for you?When the item arrive in the future, hope you could repay.If you have any idea, pls feel free to email us. We will do our best for you.Waiting for your early reply.Have a nice day!苦情:Dear friend,We have checked with our local postman, the item have arrived your country.You know that we have lost about 50 parcels by the post office on the way to our customers, that is really not what we want, but we have no right to control the post office.And we are sure that we will not let our customers suffer loss.So when our customer told us that they don’t receive the item after 40-50 days. We will have to offer full refund to our customers. When the item arrive in the future, some of our customers do repay to us.So we apologize for the long time waiting. And we are willing to do any thing for our customers.How about we offer you refund first, when the item arrive in the future, hope you could repay, is that ok for you?Waiting for your early reply.Yours sincerely五、收到货1、收到货说有问题,要提供照片(发错颜色、货物、有缺陷等)Dear friend,We are quite sorry for this situation. Could you please send us the pictures about this problem?And we will solve it for you. Please don’t wor ry.If any other situations,pls feel free to tell me .Hope to hear from you soon.Have a nice day.2、货物有问题,但又不想/能提供照片的Dear friend,We’re so sorry for the unsatisfied purchase.We’d like to solve the problem,but we need the evidence that can shows the truth.But if no pictures to show the problem.It’s not reasonable.It’s not about the money, it’s about the principle.If you think it was broken , you could send the picture and we will solve as soon as possible. As a honest seller, we are not willing to let our dear valued customer suffer any losses. I can understand you. But we hope you could understand us.Could you make some try to take the photos? Any situations,pls contact us firstly,we belive that good communications will solve the problem.Hope to receive your picture soon .Have a nice day.3、顾客发来图片,根据情况引导退部分或全额款(错误在我方)Dear friend,We’re so sorry for the unsatisfied purchase.We’re willing to solve the problem.Sorry for the poor quality,this kind of the product what you bought is too hot, maybe somethings go wrong in production .We have contacted manufacturer, tell them to improve as soon as possible.As a honest seller, we are not willing to let our dear valued customer suffer any losses. We are willing to offer a partial /full refund to you as our sincere apology, is that ok for you?Or if you have any other ideas,pls feel free to tell me.I will try my best to satisfied you.Looking forward to hear you soon.Once again, we send our sincere apology.Have a nice day.Dear friend,We are terribly sorry for the broken item; we understand how disappointed you will be about getting a broken item after waiting for so long. The item might be damaged during the shipment. The shipment is also something we can hardly control, but we are willing to refund all the payment to you as our sincere apology and hope you are not too disappointed. Is that sounds acceptable to you?Or if you have any other ideas that can compensate you, please feel free to tell us.We just want to ensure you a satisfactory buying experience from our store.Looking forward to your reply.4、尺寸不合适Dear friend,We are so sorry about the long-time waiting and unsuitable size. According to our selling record, you had bought one dress which is size M , is that right?What is the size of the dress you got? Pls don’t worry,we are willing to resolve this problem for you, we just need more information about it. Looking forward to hear you soon.Have a nice day.5、发错颜色Dear friend,How are you today? I am ___, the customer service staff.Firstly, thank you so much for purchasing. The item you ordered has been send to you. It is on the way.But we realized that our warehouse have made a mistake about the color. The color you ordered is Gold, maybe the item send to you is blue o ne. The post office don’t allow us to take the parcel back.So, if you receive the item later, the color is not Gold, pls email us, we will offer you compensation, is that ok for you?Of course, if you have any idea, pls do not hesitate to email us. We will do our best for you as you want.Your support and kindness will be highly appreciated by us.Thanks & best regards!六、退货1、客户执意要退(错误不在我方)Dear friend,We’re so sorry to hear that you want to return it.If you really don’t like it,we could provide you the return address,and we will give you the full refund when we get the item.But you should pay for the returned shipping fee.Is it ok for you?Looking forward to hear you soon.Nice day.。



甲方:(跨境电商平台名称)法定代表人:(甲方法定代表人姓名)乙方:(跨境电商企业名称)法定代表人:(乙方法定代表人姓名)鉴于:1. 甲方为一家专业从事跨境电商服务的平台,拥有成熟的电商平台和丰富的跨境电商经验。

2. 乙方为一家从事跨境电商业务的企业,具备优质的商品资源和市场渠道。

双方本着平等互利、合作共赢的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 平台入驻:乙方同意成为甲方平台的注册用户,并按照甲方平台的规定进行商品上架、运营和管理。

2. 商品销售:乙方负责在其平台上销售商品,甲方提供平台技术支持、物流服务、支付结算等服务。

3. 市场推广:双方共同开展市场推广活动,提升乙方商品的知名度和市场份额。

4. 售后服务:乙方负责提供商品售后服务,甲方协助乙方处理客户投诉和退换货事宜。

二、合作期限1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。

2. 合作期满后,如双方无异议,本协议可自动续签____年。

三、权利与义务1. 甲方权利与义务:- 提供平台技术支持和运营管理服务;- 负责平台的维护和安全保障;- 负责处理乙方在平台上的商品交易纠纷;- 对乙方进行市场推广支持。

2. 乙方权利与义务:- 按照甲方平台的规定进行商品上架、运营和管理;- 保证商品的质量和合法性;- 按时完成订单配送和售后服务;- 遵守国家法律法规和平台规则。

四、费用与结算1. 平台使用费:乙方需按照甲方规定支付平台使用费,费用标准详见附件。

2. 推广费用:双方共同承担市场推广费用,具体费用比例由双方协商确定。

3. 结算方式:甲方按月与乙方结算,乙方应在收到结算通知后____个工作日内完成款项支付。

五、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本协议约定,导致另一方遭受损失的,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。

2. 甲方未按约定提供平台服务或违反保密义务,导致乙方遭受损失的,应承担赔偿责任。

3. 乙方未按约定提供商品或违反保密义务,导致甲方遭受损失的,应承担赔偿责任。




第一条合同标的1.1 乙方同意购买甲方提供的以下商品:商品名称:规格型号:数量:单价:总价:1.2 商品的质量标准应符合国家或行业标准,或双方约定的其他标准。

第二条价格与支付2.1 商品总价为人民币(或双方约定的货币)___元(大写:___)。

2.2 乙方应在合同签订后___个工作日内支付___%的预付款。

2.3 余款在商品交付后___个工作日内支付完毕。

第三条交货3.1 甲方应在收到预付款后___个工作日内发货。

3.2 交货地点为乙方指定的仓库或地址。

3.3 甲方应保证商品在运输过程中的安全,并承担因运输造成的商品损失。

第四条质量保证4.1 甲方保证所售商品质量符合合同约定的标准。

4.2 如商品在交付后___天内发现质量问题,乙方有权要求退换货。

第五条知识产权5.1 甲方保证所售商品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。

5.2 如因甲方商品侵犯第三方知识产权导致乙方遭受损失,甲方应负责赔偿。

第六条违约责任6.1 如甲方未按期交货,应按未交货部分商品总价的___%支付违约金。

6.2 如乙方未按期支付货款,应按逾期支付金额的___%支付违约金。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方因履行本合同发生争议,应首先通过协商解决。

7.2 协商不成的,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

第八条其他8.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

8.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。





应付金额:[应付金额(人民币)] 支付期限:[支付期限]



> 注意:以上价格为人民币,如需使用其他货币结算,请与我们联系,我们将提供等值货币的报价和付款方式。




第一条商品及服务1.1 甲方同意将包括但不限于(商品名称、型号、规格、数量等)商品通过乙方提供的跨境电商平台进行销售。

1.2 乙方同意为甲方提供跨境电商平台的搭建、运营、维护及推广等服务,并协助甲方完成商品的跨境交易。

第二条合作方式2.1 甲方负责提供商品信息、报价、发货等事宜,并确保商品的质量和售后服务。

2.2 乙方负责跨境电商平台的日常运营和维护,包括网站建设、数据传输、安全防护等。

2.3 乙方根据甲方的商品信息和报价,通过跨境电商平台向国外买家进行推广和销售。

2.4 乙方负责处理订单、物流、支付、售后等事务,并按照甲方的要求向买家提供商品。

第三条费用及支付3.1 甲方应按照乙方的收费标准支付服务费用,包括但不限于平台使用费、推广费、交易手续费等。


3.2 甲方应在每月初按时支付上月服务费用。


3.3 乙方应向甲方提供合法的发票等财务凭证。

第四条销售业绩及分成4.1 双方按照约定比例对销售业绩进行分成,具体比例由双方另行协商确定。

4.2 甲方应按照实际销售情况向乙方支付分成费用。

第五条知识产权及合规5.1 甲方保证其提供的商品不侵犯他人的知识产权,如发生侵权行为,由甲方承担全部责任。

5.2 乙方应确保跨境电商平台的运营符合相关法律法规和国际规定,包括但不限于出口管制、关税、税务等。

第六条保密条款6.1 双方在履行本合同时获取的对方商业秘密和机密信息,应予以严格保密。

6.2 保密期限自本合同签订之日起算,至合同终止或履行完毕之日止。

第七条违约责任7.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同无法履行或造成对方损失的,应承担违约责任。



跨境电商合同模板全英文Cross-border E-commerce Contract TemplateThis Cross-border E-commerce Contract ("Contract") is entered into and agreed upon by and between [Seller's Name and Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller") and [Buyer's Name and Address] (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”) on the date of signing this Contract.1. Basic Information1.1 Seller's Information:Name: Address: Legal representative: Telephone: Email:1.2 Buyer's Information:Name: Address: Legal representative: Telephone: Email:2. Definition and InterpretationIn this Contract, unless otherwise defined in the context, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:2.1 “Goods” shall mean the products that are to be sold by the Seller to the Buyer, as described in Exhibit A of this Contract.2.2 “Agreement” shall mean this Contract and any modifications or amendments thereto.2.3 “Effective Date” shall mean the date of signing this Contract.3. Scope of ContractThe Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the Goods as described in Exhibit A, subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.4. Obligations of the Seller4.1 The Seller shall be responsible for the quality of the Goods and shall ensure that the Goods comply with applicable laws and regulations.4.2 The Seller shall deliver the Goods in accordance with the delivery terms set forth in Exhibit A.4.3 The Seller shall ensure that the Goods are free of any defects and that they are suitable for their intended use.4.4 The Seller shall provide the necessary technical support and assistance to the Buyer in relation to the use and installation of the Goods.5. Obligations of the Buyer5.1 The Buyer shall pay the purchase price as described in Exhibit A within the time frame set forth in this Contract.5.2 The Buyer shall promptly notify the Seller of any defects or problems with the Goods.5.3 The Buyer shall comply with all customs and regulatory requirements in relation to the importation and use of the Goods.5.4 The Buyer shall not sell or use the Goods in violation of applicable laws and regulations.6. Delivery6.1 The Seller shall deliver the Goods to the Buyer in accordance with the delivery terms set forth in Exhibit A.6.2 The Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the Goods are delivered on time.6.3 The risk of loss or damage to the Goods shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer upon delivery of the Goods.7. Warranties and Representations7.1 The Seller represents and warrants that the Goods are free from any defects in material and workmanship.7.2 The Seller represents and warrants that the Goods are manufactured in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.7.3 The Buyer represents and warrants that it has the legal authority and capacity to enter into and perform its obligations under this Contract.8. Indemnification8.1 The Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer from any losses, damages, claims, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the Seller's breach of this Contract.8.2 The Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Seller from any losses, damages, claims, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the Buyer's breach of this Contract.9. Force Majeure9.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract due to force majeure.9.2 If any event of force majeure occurs, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party of the circumstances and the expected duration of the delay.9.3 The affected party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate the delay and resume its obligations under this Contract as soon as possible.10. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution10.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.10.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations within thirty (30) days, it shall be submitted to the China International Economicand Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules.11. Confidentiality11.1 Each party agrees to keep confidential any proprietary or confidential information received from the other party in connection with this Contract.11.2 The confidentiality obligation shall survive the termination of this Contract.12. Notices12.1 Any notices under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if delivered by hand or sent by registered mail.12.2 Notices shall be sent to the addresses set forth in the beginning of this Contract or to such other address as may be specified by either party in writing.13. Termination13.1 This Contract may be terminated by either party by giving written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches any of its obligations under this Contract.13.2 The termination of this Contract shall not affect any rights or obligations that have accrued prior to the termination.14. Miscellaneous14.1 The parties agree that this Contract constitutes the entire agreement between them with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.14.2 This Contract shall not be amended or modified except in writing and signed by both parties.14.3 This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns.14.4 This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.14.5 This Contract shall be written in both English and Chinese languages. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Seller:_____________________________Name:Title:Buyer:_____________________________ Name:Title:。



跨境电商b2b合同模板关键信息项:合同编号签订日期合同双方卖方(公司名称、注册地址、联系人、联系方式、法定代表人)买方(公司名称、注册地址、联系人、联系方式、法定代表人)商品名称及规格数量单价总金额付款条款交货条款交货地点交货时间运输方式质量标准及检验保修及售后服务违约责任合同解除条件争议解决方式适用法律合同有效期附件合同合同编号:____________________________签订日期:____________________________卖方:____________________________注册地址:____________________________联系人:____________________________联系方式:____________________________法定代表人:____________________________买方:____________________________注册地址:____________________________联系人:____________________________联系方式:____________________________法定代表人:____________________________商品名称及规格1.1 商品名称:____________________________ 1.2 商品规格:____________________________数量2.1 商品数量:____________________________单价3.1 单价:____________________________总金额4.1 总金额:____________________________付款条款5.1 付款方式:____________________________5.2 付款时间:____________________________5.3 付款条件:____________________________交货条款6.1 交货地点:____________________________6.2 交货时间:____________________________6.3 运输方式:____________________________质量标准及检验7.1 质量标准:____________________________7.2 检验方式:____________________________7.3 检验时间及地点:____________________________保修及售后服务8.1 保修条款:____________________________8.2 售后服务内容:____________________________ 8.3 售后服务期限:____________________________违约责任9.1 违约情形:____________________________9.2 违约责任:____________________________9.3 违约金计算:____________________________合同解除条件10.1 合同解除条件:____________________________ 10.2 解除程序:____________________________争议解决方式11.1 争议解决方式:____________________________11.2 争议提交至:____________________________11.3 争议解决地点:____________________________适用法律12.1 本合同适用法律:____________________________合同有效期13.1 合同有效期自____________________________起至____________________________止。



跨境电商合同模板甲方(卖方): ____________乙方(买方): ____________地址: ____________联系电话: ____________电子邮箱: ____________鉴于:甲方为一家合法注册并经营跨境电商业务的公司,乙方为一家有意向购买甲方商品的公司或个人。

第一条产品描述1.1 甲方同意向乙方出售以下商品:(详细描述商品名称、规格、型号、数量等)。

1.2 商品质量应符合双方约定的标准或相关国家/地区标准。

第二条价格条款2.1 商品总价为:(金额)。

2.2 价格条款为:(FOB、CIF、DDP等)。

第三条支付方式3.1 乙方应于合同签订后(具体时间)内支付定金(金额)至甲方指定账户。

3.2 余款支付方式为:(银行转账、信用证、PayPal等)。

第四条交货时间与地点4.1 甲方应在收到定金后(具体时间)内完成商品的准备。

4.2 交货地点为:(具体地址)。

第五条运输与保险5.1 甲方负责将商品运输至指定交货地点。

5.2 运输保险由(甲方/乙方)负责。

第六条风险转移6.1 风险自商品交付至乙方或乙方指定的承运人时转移。

第七条质量保证与售后服务7.1 甲方保证商品质量符合约定标准。

7.2 甲方提供(具体时间)的质保期。

7.3 售后服务条款:(详细描述售后服务内容及条件)。

第八条违约责任8.1 如甲方未能按时交货,应向乙方支付违约金,计算方式为:(具体计算方法)。

8.2 如乙方未能按时支付货款,应向甲方支付违约金,计算方式为:(具体计算方法)。

第九条争议解决9.1 双方因履行本合同所发生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

9.2 如协商不成,可提交至(具体仲裁机构名称)进行仲裁。

第十条其他条款10.1 本合同的修改和补充应以书面形式进行。

10.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方代表签字: ____________乙方代表签字: ____________甲方公司盖章: ____________乙方公司盖章: ____________日期: ____________附件:(商品清单、技术规格、交货计划等)请注意,以上模板仅供参考,具体合同内容应根据双方实际情况进行调整,并建议在签订前咨询专业法律顾问。






一、合同主体1. 甲方:(以下简称“卖方”)营业执照号:地址:联系方式:2. 乙方:(以下简称“买方”)营业执照号:地址:联系方式:二、合同标的1. 产品名称:2. 产品数量:3. 产品单价:4. 产品总价:三、交付及运输1. 卖方应在合同签订后【】天内将货物交付给买方指定的物流公司。

2. 物流费用由【】承担。

3. 货物运输过程中出现的损失或损坏,由【】承担。

四、支付方式1. 买方应在货物交付后【】天内,将货款扣除运输费用后支付给卖方。

2. 支付方式为【】。

五、质量保证1. 卖方保证所供货物符合国际标准或买方要求。

2. 卖方在收到买方通知后【】天内,负责解决货物质量问题。

六、售后服务1. 卖方提供【】年的售后服务。

2. 售后服务内容包括【】。

七、争议解决1. 双方在履行合同过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

2. 如协商无果,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。

八、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为【】年。

2. 除非双方另有约定,本合同不得转让。




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