
智课网TOEFL&考资料托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)分享到:摘要:托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)!为了让同学们更好的备考托福口语,小编为同学们介绍托福TPO1 口语task6范文,希望对大家的托福口语备考有所帮助。
托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
为了让同学们更好的备考托福口语,小编为同学们介绍托福TPO1 口语task6范文,希望对大家的托福口语备考有所帮助。
托福TPO1 口语task6 题目Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.(female professor)Scientists have learned some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say there at babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic, that they can add. Scientists think babies know one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can -month old b abyatskaridvepsome numbers for you.So they devised an experiment where, um, in this experiment a baby is shown a doll on a table. Ok, so the baby looks at the doll. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll is hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll and, so, knows it ' s there. Well, then the researcher takes a secoynd doll and ver obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. Ok, so now you have two dolls behind the screen, right?Well, no, cause what the researcher did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raised the screen back up, the baby, well, it expects to see two dolls, right? But there ' s only one there! And guess what? T surprised! It expects two but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? Well, they recorded the baby ' s eye movemenlamera. And we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light maybe, it stares at where the noise or light is coming from. And that 'the experiment did. They stared, cause the babies know if you add one doll and one doll, you should have two dolls. So when it sees one doll, then it stares because it ' s surprised.托福TPO1 口语task6 题目Question:Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.托福TPO1 口语task6答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Main idea: Babies as young as five month old can do basic math(1.2) Example (study)(1.2.1) A baby is shown a doll on a table(1.2.2) A screen is lowered between the baby and the doll(1.2.3) A second doll is very obviously placed behind the screen(1.2.4) One of the dolls is secretly taken away(1.2.5) Screen is raised back up(1.2.6) Baby is surprised to see one doll, because it ' s expecting to see two(1.2.7) We know it ' s surprised because it stared(1.2.8) When a baby is surprised, it would stare托福TPO1 口语task6范文:Research suggests that babies as young as five month old can do some basic math. The professor gives us a study to confirm the suggestion is true. In the study, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, and puts a second doll behind the screen. But at the same time, they secretly take away one doll. When the screen is raised back up, the baby ' s surprised to see only one doll on the table instead of two. Theresearchers know it ' s surprised, because babies stare when surprised. This ist h ewconfirmed that a babies know one plus one equals two, not one.上述就是小编为同学们介绍的托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
托福口语TPO 1解析 (2)

托福真题第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)●Give a simple account of the book.●Key Word: Important-Interesting: draws you in.-knowledge you have learnt-enlightenment you have gained●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample Response:3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book) ●Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.●Key Word: Important-It was a souvenir given by an important person-It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)-You got the book from a special event as a reward.●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample ResponseOn my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years.It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave. In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeare’s play despite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts’ grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on the society. Which do you agree with and why. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.解题思路一: Positive Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:-dissemination of information and knowledge-entertainment●R2:Negative influence (just mention)●Conclusion●Sample Response:This is indeed a controversial issue. Form my point of view; TV has far more pros than cons. Firstly, television has long been regarded as a tool to disseminate in formation and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about what’s happening in the country and the world. Children watch Animal World or National Geography to gain more knowledge. At the same time, TV is also the most prevalent and effective device to entertain the masses.Although there’s no denying that TV sometimes delivers negative information to people, the public or government censorship can ensure the quality of our TV programs today. Therefore, generally speaking, TV has had a positive influence on society.解题思路二: Negative Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence (just mention)●R2:Negative influence-Lack of censorship✍bad TV program✍influence social ideology-Make people lazy/unhealthy●Conclusion●Sample Response:In my opinion, unfortunately, television has had much more negative influence on society than positive ones. Despite the fact that TV has kept us entertained, there are many negative elements that have infiltrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the modern Cinderella stories have created many money-worshiping young ladies who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy all the luxuries in the world. Uncensored TV programme with violent and sexual content can misguide teenagers who are very susceptible to those detrimental influences. Besides, long time watching TV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become the contributing factor for many illnesses like obesity, especially in the more developed countries.Q3 Intro: Centerville College is planning to purchase a sculpture for its campus. A student wrote a letter to the school newspaper to oppose the plan.The instruction before you read the passage is important since it gives you an overview of what the passage is about.The passageLetter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angels! It’s so large. It’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for student to use.The conversation:M: Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. I’m glad we will finally have some nice art on campus. I’d like to shake the donor’s hand and say ‘thank you’!M: What do you mean ‘the donor’?W: You didn’t know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.M: Not the university?W: No. His assumptions about who’s paying for, they are all wrong.M: Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space it’ll take up.W: Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around a soccer ball. They’ll just hav e to use another part of the campus to play.M: Oh, so he just doesn’t want to have to move.W: Yeah. For him, its sculpture verses convenience.Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.Preparation Steps: 4:6Step 1: Read the letter and take note of the main ideas. Omit redundant details such as numbers and people’s name. (Those may be important in Listening section). Try to form pictures in your mind to help you memorize the content of the letter. (e.g. The 2nd reason: imagine一群本来在草地上踢球的学生很无奈的看着一个从天而降的巨大雕塑把他们的草坪占据了…)Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter and conversation. Pay special attention to signaling words/sentences because they give you an idea about how many points you must include. (e.g. ‘Moreover’ in the letter.)Step 3: Take notes on paper while listening to the conversation. Fast and clear. Don’t expect to fully spell out all the words you’ve heard. Just use your own spelling so that you can pronounce the word. If you didn’t manage to take down some words that you think are important, don’t try to recall, move on and listen to the rest of the conversation. 千万不要为了捡芝麻而丢了西瓜!Step 4: Organize your thoughts in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:●Reason1 in the letter.●Disagreement 1 in the conversation●Signal words/sentence for transaction●Reason2 in the letter.●Disagreement 2 in the conversation●ConclusionSample Response:The first reason given by Paul (if you can’t remember the name, you can just omit this) in the letter against the purchasing of the new sculpture is that he assumes the financial difficulties faced by the university makes the sculpture too costly to buy.However,the woman disagrees because most of the price of the sculpture is paid by a donor. Hence the university will only bear a small sum of money.Besides,Paul also suggests that the huge sculpture will occupy the space in the campus which is supposed to be reserved for students’ activities. The woman dismissed this point because she knows that Paul is just reluctant to find another place to play soccer with his friends if the lawn they used to play on is occupied by the sculpture.Further more, the woman thinks that the sculpture is a nice art that can actually make the campus prettier.Q4:PassageGroup thinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is know as group think. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decision that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.LectureSo, let me tell you about my own experience with this when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago. One day a coworker and I suggested that we should give our computer a design make-over, make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advance, but the outside design looked really old-fashioned. At first, more than half of the group supported us. There were a few senior mangers they are though who didn’t support the design change.’One of the senior manager said, ‘Our focus has always been on technology. Changing the look is unnecessary cost.Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds. Even my coworker changed his mind.When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion, by not looking like a team player. ‘What about me?’ ‘Ehm…I hate to admit it but after a few hours of discussion I started wondering if it worth everybody’s time to argue about this. As more people sided with senior management I started to feel that I was the only one holding-up the vote. Everyone else seems to think change was unnecessary so I voted against my own idea in the end. So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design, but this decision ended up costing us a lot of money.That same year, our competitor came out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented us from profiting on potential new customers. Explain group think and its effects using the example of the computer company.PreparationStep 1: Read the passage and take note of the main ideas. Omit elaborations on details such as examples.Step 2: Pay special attention to technical terms and explanations. If can’t quite understand, try to guess first and wait for more illustration in the lecture later on.Step 3: Picture a short skit in your mind when you listen to the lecture/story told by the professor. Step 4: Listen to similarities between the lecture and the passage you’ve read just now, especially the examples given to prove a point. (e.g. the answers given by the professor’s coworker when the professor asked him for the reasons for his changing of mind)Step 5: Take notes. Make sure that if you know the professor is going to recount a story, you should have the story recorded in chronological order. Outline of the story must be clear. Pay attention to signaling words.Step 6: Organize your thought in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:Definition of group think●Example of the computer company●Link the example to the effect about group thinkSample Response:Group think means that the individuals in a group all agree about something which may not be correct. They are under pressure to conform and make irrational decisions that they seldom make alone.The professor gives an example of him working in a computer company years ago. At first, his coworker and he suggested a proposal to up-grade the outlook of their product. The supporters changed their minds as soon as they realize that the senior managers did not like the plan.His partner also gave up the original thought because he was afraid that if he insisted, he will leave bad impression on others. Despite the consensus we had reached about the proposal, our ultimate product was a failure. Therefore group think sometimes will results in negative results.Q5. Conversation between 2 studentsM: Hey Marry! How’s your volunteer work going? You still involved in the after school programme with the elementary school kids?W: Yeah, but I’ve got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow, and I am supposed to rent a van for the trip, but I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one and now it turns out they don’t have any van available for tomorrow. I don’t know what to do. These kids will be really disappointed if their trip gets canceled.M: Hmm…well doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean couldn’t you borrow it for the day?W: Yeah, probably, but I need to borrow 2 cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids. That’s why I was going to rent the van and then I need to find somebody else to drive too. I can’t drive 2 cars by myself.M: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’m sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you want to save of the trouble of hunting down the second driver, what about public transportation?Check the bus schedule. I guess there’s a bus lane that goes right pass the zoo.W: Yeah, that’s possibility, but I don’t know. It might be a real challenge supervising the kids on the bus. Sometimes they are handful when they get excited. It’s an option though.The speaker discussed 2 possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.feasible. You can choose either one you are more comfortable with elaborating on.●Base on the potential problems related to the 2 solutions to think about more pros and cons ofeach solution.Answering the question:●Talk about the problem.●Introduce all solutions.●Choose one solution●R1 for supporting the solution●R2 for not supporting the other solution●ConclusionSample Response:The woman is supposed to drive a group of primary school kids to the zoo tomorrow, but she has called the rental agency too late to rent a van. She does not want to disappoint the kids by canceling the trip.Hence, her friend has given her two possible solutions: borrowing a car or taking a bus.I prefer the first solution because it shouldn’t be very difficult to find someone who has cars available and can drive for the kids as a volunteer for a one day trip only. Besides, primary school kids are really hard to supervise in public transports, especially when they get excited. Nevertheless, she should still consider taking bus as the last resort lest she fails to find cars and drivers in such a short period of time.Q6. Now listen to a part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.Scientists have learnt some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say that there is evidence that babies as young as 5 months old can do basic arithmetic - that they can add!Scientists think that babies know that one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can’t ask a 5-month-old baby to add up some numbers for you. So they devised an experiment. In this experiment, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Okay, so the baby looks at the doll then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll so known it’s there. Then the researcher takes a second doll and very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. So now you have 2 dolls behind the screen right? Well, No, because what the researchers did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raise the screen back up the baby expects to see 2 dolls, but there’s only one there. And guess what? The baby surprised, it expected 2 but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? They recorded the baby’s eye movements on camera and we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light many be. Its stares at where the noise or light is coming from and that’s what the babies in the experiment did. They stared coz the baby knows if you add one doll and one doll, you should have 2 dolls. So when it sees 1 doll, then it’s stares because it’s surprised.Using the research explained by the professors what the scientists have learnt about the mathematical abilities of babies.Answering the question:●State about what the scientists have learnt.●Introducing the experiment●Account of the experiment. Pay special attention to transition and signaling words.●ConclusionSample Response:The scientists have learnt that babies as young as 5-month old can do basic arithmetic/simple addition. They have come to this conclusion fro m researches that explore babies’ mathematical abilities. In one experiment, babies were shown a doll on a table and then the doll is blocked by a screen. After that, they watch the researches put a second doll behind the screen. At that point of time, the babies expect to see 2 dolls once the screen is removed. Therefore, when they only see one doll left on the table after the screen is raised up, they started because they were surprised. This research proves that baby knows that one plus one equals two.。
托福TPO1口语task6范文(题目 答案解析)

托福 TPO1口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
托福TPO1口语task6题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.(female professor)Scientists have learned some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say there’s evidence th at babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic, that they can add. Scientists think babies know one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can’t ask a five-month old baby to add up some numbers for you.So they devised an experiment where, um, in this experiment a baby is shown a doll on a table. Ok, so the baby looks at the doll. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll is hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll and, so, knows it’s there. Well, then the researcher takes a second doll an d very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. Ok, so now you have two dolls behind the screen, right?Well, no, cause what the researcher did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raised the screen bac k up, the baby, well, it expects to see two dolls, right? But there’s only one there! And guess what? The baby surprised! It expects two but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? Well, they recorded the baby’s eye moveme nt on camera. And we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light maybe, it stares at where the noise or light is coming from. And that’s what the babies in the experiment did. They stared, cause the babies know if you add one doll and one doll, you should have two dolls. So when it sees one doll, then it stares because it’s surprised.托福TPO1口语task6题目 Question:Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.托福TPO1口语task6 答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Main idea: Babies as young as five month old can do basic math(1.2) Example (study)(1.2.1) A baby is shown a doll on a table(1.2.2) A screen is lowered between the baby and the doll(1.2.3) A second doll is very obviously placed behind the screen(1.2.4) One of the dolls is secretly taken away(1.2.5) Screen is raised back up(1.2.6) Baby is surprised to see one doll, because it’s expecting to see two(1.2.7) We know it’s surprised because it stared(1.2.8) When a baby is surprised, it would stare托福TPO1口语task6 范文:Research suggests that babies as young as five month old can do some basic math. The professor gives us a study to confirm the suggestion is true. In the study, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, and puts a second doll behind the screen. But at the same time, they secretly take away one doll. When the screen is raised back up, the baby’s surprised to see only one doll on the table instead of two. The researchers know it’s surprised, because babies stare when surprised. This is how they confirmed that a babies know one plus one equals two, not one.上述就是小编为同学们介绍的托福TPO1口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
托福口语TPO 1解析

精心整理托福真题第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, loveand purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book,special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeare’s play despite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts’ grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book inmy graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive influence onTV has far more pros than cons. Firstly, television has long been regarded as a tool to disseminate in formation and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about what’s happening in the country and the world. Children watch Animal World or National Geography to gain more knowledge.At the same time, TV is also the most prevalent and effective device to entertain the masses.Although there’s no denying that TV sometimes delivers negative information to people, the public or government censorship can ensure the quality of our TV programs today. Therefore, generally speaking, TVfact that TV has kept us entertained, there are many negative elements that have infiltrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the modern Cinderella stories have created many money-worshiping young ladies who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy all the luxuries in the world. Uncensored TVprogramme with violent and sexual content can misguide teenagers who are very susceptible to those detrimental influences. Besides, long time watching TV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become the contributing factor for many illnesses like obesity, especially in the morean expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angels! It’s so large. It’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for student to use.The conversation:M: Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. I’m glad we will finally have some nice art on campus. I’d like to shake the donor’s hand and say ‘thank you’!M: What do you mean ‘the donor’?4:6Step 1: Read the letter and take note of the main ideas. Omit redundant details such as numbers and people’s name. (Those may be important in Listening section). Try to form pictures in your mind to help you memorize the content of theletter. (e.g. The 2nd reason: imagine一群本来在草地上踢球的学生很无奈的看着一个从天而降的巨大雕塑把他们的草坪占据了…) Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter and conversation.Pay special attention to signaling words/sentences because●Reason1 in the letter.●Disagreement 1 in the conversation●Signal words/sentence for transaction●Reason2 in the letter.●Disagreement 2 in the conversation●ConclusionSample Response:The first reason given by Paul (if you can’t remember the name, you can just omit this) in the letter against theactually make the campus prettier.Q4:PassageGroup thinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions isknow as group think. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision thatare though who didn’t support the design change.’One of the senior manager said, ‘Our focus has always been on technology. Changing the look is unnecessary cost.Almost immediately,some of our supporters changed their minds. Even my coworker changed his mind.When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a badimpression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion, by not looking like a team player. ‘What about me?’ ‘Ehm…I hate to admit it but after a few hours of discussion I started wondering if it worth everybody’s time to argue about this. As more people sided with senior management IStep 2: Pay special attention to technical terms and explanations. If can’t quite understand, try to guess first and wait for more illustration in the lecture later on.Step 3: Picture a short skit in your mind when you listen to the lecture/story told by the professor.Step 4: Listen to similarities between the lecture and the passage you’ve read just now, especially the examples given to prove a point. (e.g. the answers given by the professor’s coworker when the professor asked him for the reasons for his changing of mind)Group think means that the individuals in a group all agree about something which may not be correct. They are under pressure to conform and make irrational decisions that they seldom make alone.The professor gives an example of him working in a computer company years ago. At first, hiscoworker and he suggested a proposal to up-grade the outlook of their product. The supporters changed their minds as soon as they realize that the senior managers did not like the plan.His partner also gave up the original thought because he was afraid that if he insisted, he will leave badcanceled.M: Hmm…well doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean couldn’t you borrow it fo r the day?W: Yeah, probably, but I need to borrow 2 cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids. That’s why I was going to rent the van andthen I need to find somebody else to drive too.I can’t drive 2 cars by myself.M: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’m sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you want to save of the trouble of hunting down the second driver, what about public transportation?Check the bus schedule. I guess●R2 for not supporting the other solution●ConclusionSample Response:The woman is supposed to drive a group of primary school kids to the zoo tomorrow, but she has called the rentalagency too late to rent a van. She does not want to disappoint the kids by canceling the trip.Hence, her friend has given her two possible solutions: borrowing a car or taking a bus.I prefer the first solution because it shouldn’t be very difficult to find someone who has cars available and can drive for theto add up some numbers for you. So they devised an experiment. In this experiment, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Okay, so the baby looks at the doll then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll so known it’s there. Then the researcher takes a second doll and veryobviously places it behind the screen with the first one. So now you have 2 dolls behind the screen right? Well, No, because what the researchers did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raise the screen back up the baby expects to see 2 dolls, but there’s only one there. And guess what? The baby surprised, it expected 2 but it only●Account of the experiment. Pay special attention totransition and signaling words.●ConclusionSample Response:The scientists have learnt that babies as young as 5-monthold can do basic arithmetic/simple addition. They have come to this conclusion fro m researches that explore babies’ mathematical abilities.In one experiment, babies were shown a doll on a table and then the doll is blocked by a screen. After that, they watch the researches put a second。

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托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
为了让同学们更好的备考托福口语,小编为同学们介绍托福TPO1 口语task6范文,希望对大家的托福口语备考有所帮助。
托福TPO1 口语task6 题目Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.(female professor)Scientists have learned some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say there at babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic, that they can add. Scientists think babies know one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can -month old b abyatskaridvepsome numbers for you.So they devised an experiment where, um, in this experiment a baby is shown a doll on a table. Ok, so the baby looks at the doll. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll is hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll and, so, knows it ' s there. Well, then the researcher takes a secoynd doll and ver obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. Ok, so now you have two dolls behind the screen, right?Well, no, cause what the researcher did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raised the screen back up, the baby, well, it expects to see two dolls, right? But there ' s only one there! And guess what? T surprised! It expects two but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? Well, they recorded the baby ' s eye movemenlamera. And we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light maybe, it stares at where the noise or light is coming from. And that 'the experiment did. They stared, cause the babies know if you add one doll and one doll, you should have two dolls. So when it sees one doll, then it stares because it ' s surprised.托福TPO1 口语task6 题目Question:Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.托福TPO1 口语task6答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Main idea: Babies as young as five month old can do basic math(1.2) Example (study)(1.2.1) A baby is shown a doll on a table(1.2.2) A screen is lowered between the baby and the doll(1.2.3) A second doll is very obviously placed behind the screen(1.2.4) One of the dolls is secretly taken away(1.2.5) Screen is raised back up(1.2.6) Baby is surprised to see one doll, because it ' s expecting to see two(1.2.7) We know it ' s surprised because it stared(1.2.8) When a baby is surprised, it would stare托福TPO1 口语task6范文:Research suggests that babies as young as five month old can do some basic math. The professor gives us a study to confirm the suggestion is true. In the study, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, and puts a second doll behind the screen. But at the same time, they secretly take away one doll. When the screen is raised back up, the baby ' s surprised to see only one doll on the table instead of two. Theresearchers know it ' s surprised, because babies stare when surprised. This ist h ewconfirmed that a babies know one plus one equals two, not one.上述就是小编为同学们介绍的托福TPO1 口语task6范文(题目+答案解析)。
托福口语TPO 1解析 (1)

托福真题第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)●Give a simple account of the book.●Key Word: Important-Interesting: draws you in.-knowledge you have learnt-enlightenment you have gained●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample Response:3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book) ●Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.●Key Word: Important-It was a souvenir given by an important person-It was very difficult to get the book . Limited edition)-You got the book from a special event as a reward.●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample ResponseOn my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years.It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave. In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeare’s play despite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts’ grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on the society. Which do you agree with and why. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.解题思路一: Positive Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:-dissemination of information and knowledge-entertainment●R2:Negative influence (just mention)●Conclusion●Sample Response:This is indeed a controversial issue. Form my point of view; TV has far more pros than cons. Firstly, television has long been regarded as a tool to disseminate in formation and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about what’s happening in the country and the world. Children watch Animal World or National Geography to gain more knowledge. At the same time, TV is also the most prevalent and effective device to entertain the masses.Although there’s no denying that TV sometimes delivers negative information to people, the public or government censorship can ensure the quality of our TV programs today. Therefore, generally speaking, TV has had a positive influence on society.解题思路二: Negative Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence (just mention)●R2:Negative influence-Lack of censorship✍bad TV program✍influence social ideology-Make people lazy/unhealthy●Conclusion●Sample Response:In my opinion, unfortunately, television has had much more negative influence on society than positive ones. Despite the fact that TV has kept us entertained, there are many negative elements that have infiltrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the modern Cinderella stories have created many money-worshiping young ladies who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy all the luxuries in the world. Uncensored TV programme with violent and sexual content can misguide teenagers who are very susceptible to those detrimental influences. Besides, long time watching TV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become the contributing factor for many illnesses like obesity, especially in the more developed countries.Q3 Intro: Centerville College is planning to purchase a sculpture for its campus. A student wrote a letter to the school newspaper to oppose the plan.The instruction before you read the passage is important since it gives you an overview of what the passage is about.The passageLetter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angels! It’s so large. It’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for student to use.The conversation:M: Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. I’m glad we will finally have some nice art on campus. I’d like to shake the donor’s hand and say ‘thank you’!M: What do you mean ‘the donor’?W: You didn’t know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.M: Not the university?W: No. His assumptions about wh o’s paying for, they are all wrong.M: Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space it’ll take up.W: Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around a soccer ball. T hey’ll just have to use another part of the campus to play.M: Oh, so he just doesn’t want to have to move.W: Yeah. For him, its sculpture verses convenience.Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.Preparation Steps: 4:6Step 1: Read the letter and take note of the main ideas. Omit redundant details such as numbers and people’s name. (Those may be important in Listening section). Try to form pictures in your mind to help you memorize the content of the letter. . The 2nd reason: imagine一群本来在草地上踢球的学生很无奈的看着一个从天而降的巨大雕塑把他们的草坪占据了…)Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter and conversation. Pay special attention to signaling words/sentences because they give you an idea about how many points you must include. . ‘Moreover’ in the letter.)Step 3: Take notes on paper while listening to the conversation. Fast and clear. Don’t expect tofully spell out all the words you’ve heard. Just use your own spelling so that you can pronounce the word. If you didn’t manage to take down some words that you think are important, don’t try to recall, move on and listen to the rest of the conversation. 千万不要为了捡芝麻而丢了西瓜!Step 4: Organize your thoughts in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:●Reason1 in the letter.●Disagreement 1 in the conversation●Signal words/sentence for transaction●Reason2 in the letter.●Disagreement 2 in the conversation●ConclusionSample Response:The first reason given by Paul (if you can’t remember the name, you can just omit this) in the letter against the purchasing of the new sculpture is that he assumes the financial difficulties faced by the university makes the sculpture too costly to buy.However,the woman disagrees because most of the price of the sculpture is paid by a donor. Hence the university will only bear a small sum of money.Besides,Paul also suggests that the huge sculpture will occupy the space in the campus which is supposed to be reserved for students’ activities. The woman dismissed this point because she knows that Paul is just reluctant to find another place to play soccer with his friends if the lawn they used to play on is occupied by the sculpture.Further more, the woman thinks that the sculpture is a nice art that can actually make the campus prettier.Q4:PassageGroup thinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is know as group think. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decision that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.LectureSo, let me tell you about my own experience with this when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago. One day a coworker and I suggested that we should give our computer a design make-over, make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advance, but the outside design looked really old-fashioned. At first, more than half of the group supported us. There were a few senior mangers they are though who didn’t support the design change.’One of the senior manager said, ‘Our focus has always been on technology. Changing the look is unnecessary cost.Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds. Even my coworker changed his mind.When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion, by not looking like a team player. ‘What about me?’ ‘Ehm…I hate to admit it but after a few hours of discussion I started wondering if it worth everybody’s time to argue about this. As more people sided with senior management I started to feel that I was the only one holding-up the vote. Everyone else seems to think change was unnecessary so I voted against my own idea in the end. So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design, but this decision ended up costing us a lot of money.That same year, our competitor came out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented us from profiting on potential new customers.Explain group think and its effects using the example of the computer company.PreparationStep 1: Read the passage and take note of the main ideas. Omit elaborations on details such as examples.Step 2: Pay special attention to technical terms and explanations. If can’t quite understand, try to guess first and wait for more illustration in the lecture later on.Step 3: Picture a short skit in your mind when you listen to the lecture/story told by the professor. Step 4: Listen to similarities between the lecture and the passage you’ve read just now, especiallythe examples given to prove a point. . the answers given by t he professor’s coworker when the professor asked him for the reasons for his changing of mind)Step 5: Take notes. Make sure that if you know the professor is going to recount a story, you should have the story recorded in chronological order. Outline of the story must be clear. Pay attention to signaling words.Step 6: Organize your thought in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:●Definition of group think●Example of the computer company●Link the example to the effect about group thinkSample Response:Group think means that the individuals in a group all agree about something which may not be correct. They are under pressure to conform and make irrational decisions that they seldom make alone.The professor gives an example of him working in a computer company years ago. At first, his coworker and he suggested a proposal to up-grade the outlook of their product. The supporters changed their minds as soon as they realize that the senior managers did not like the plan.His partner also gave up the original thought because he was afraid that if he insisted, he will leave bad impression on others. Despite the consensus we had reached about the proposal, our ultimate product was a failure. Therefore group think sometimes will results in negative results.Q5. Conversation between 2 studentsM: Hey Marry! How’s your volunteer work going? You still involved in the after school programme with the elementary school kids?W: Yeah, but I’ve got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow, and I am supposed to rent a van for the trip, but I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one and now it turns out they don’t have any van available for tomorrow. I don’t know what to do. These kids will be really disappointed if their trip gets canceled.M: Hmm…well doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean couldn’t you b orrow it for the day?W: Yeah, probably, but I need to borrow 2 cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids. That’s why I was going to rent the van and then I need to find somebody else to drive too. I can’t drive 2 cars by myself.M: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’m sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you want to save of the trouble of hunting down the second driver, what about public transportation?Check the bus schedule. I guess there’s a bus lane that goes right pass the zoo.W: Yeah, that’s possibility, but I don’t know. It might be a real challenge supervising the kids on the bus. Sometimes they are handful when they get excited. It’s an option though.The speaker discussed 2 possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.●This question involves a difficult choice to make. Most of the times, both solutions seemfeasible. You can choose either one you are more comfortable with elaborating on.●Base on the potential problems related to the 2 solutions to think about more pros and cons ofeach solution.Answering the question:●Talk about the problem.●Introduce all solutions.●Choose one solution●R1 for supporting the solution●R2 for not supporting the other solution●ConclusionSample Response:The woman is supposed to drive a group of primary school kids to the zoo tomorrow, but she has called the rental agency too late to rent a van. She does not want to disappoint the kids by canceling the trip.Hence, her friend has given her two possible solutions: borrowing a car or taking a bus.I prefer the first solution because it shouldn’t be very difficult to find someone who has cars available and can drive for the kids as a volunteer for a one day trip only. Besides, primary school kids are really hard to supervise in public transports, especially when they get excited. Nevertheless, she should still consider taking bus as the last resort lest she fails to find cars and drivers in such a short period of time.Q6. Now listen to a part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.Scientists have learnt some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say that there is evidence that babies as young as 5 months old can do basic arithmetic - that they can add!Scientists think that babies know that one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can’t ask a 5-month-old baby to add up some numbers for you. So they devised an experiment. In this experiment, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Okay, so the baby looks at the doll then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll so known it’s there. Then the researcher takes a second doll and very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. So now you have 2 dolls behind the screen right? Well, No, because what the researchers did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raise the screen back up the baby expects to see 2 dolls, but there’s only one there. And guess what? The baby surprised, it expected 2 but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? They recorded the baby’s eye movements on camera and we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light many be. Its stares at where the noise or light is coming from and that’s what the babies in the experiment did. They stared coz the baby knows if you add one doll and one doll, you should have 2 dolls. So when it sees 1 doll, then it’s stares because it’s surprised.Using the research explained by the professors what the scientists have learnt about the mathematical abilities of babies.Answering the question:●State about what the scientists have learnt.●Introducing the experiment●Account of the experiment. Pay special attention to transition and signaling words.●ConclusionSample Response:The scientists have learnt that babies as young as 5-month old can do basic arithmetic/simple addition. They have come to this conclusion from researches that explore babies’ mathematical abilities. In one experiment, babies were shown a doll on a table and then the doll is blocked by a screen. After that, they watch the researches put a second doll behind the screen. At that point of time, the babies expect to see 2 dolls once the screen is removed. Therefore, when they only see one doll left on the table after the screen is raised up, they started because they were surprised. This research proves that baby knows that one plus one equals two.。
TPO1 speaking

托福TPO1口语task1题目 Question:Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.托福TPO1口语task1答案解析:解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)2. Give a simple account of the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) Interesting: draws you in.(3.2) knowledge you have learnt(3.3) enlightenment you have gained4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book)2. Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) It was a souvenir given by an important person(3.2) It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)(3.3) You got the book from a special event as a reward.4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE托福TPO1口语task1范文:Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart.The story talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again, I've got similar experience. I once lived in a cramped apartment alone and had no money.The book is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.(Recently, I read a book named Jane. This book influences me a lot because the story has something touches my heart. The character in the book is Jane Eyre. She is brave and insists in chasing her love. Although she is not beautiful, rich or even not smart, she never gave up her hope. This encouragesme people should never give up their dreams. And according to this book, I learnt lots of knowledge especially the historical background in 19th century in the UK. Thus, this book is very imp ortant to me.)托福TPO1口语task2题目Question:Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.托福TPO1口语task2答案解析:解题思路一: Positive Influence1. TS: State your stand2. R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:(2.1) dissemination of information and knowledge(2.2) entertainment3. R2:Negative influence (just mention)4. Conclusion解题思路二: Negative Influence1. TS: State your stand2. R1:Positive influence (just mention)3. R2:Negative influence(3.1) Lack of censorship--bad TV program--influence social ideology(3.2) Make people lazy/unhealthy4. Conclusion托福TPO1口语task2范文:I think television has a positive influence on society. It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed of what’s happening around.Like, my grandfather watches News on TV every day just to keep up with the latest events. Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Late show with David Letterman and some other friends like watching TV series such as Lost and Friends. They all consider TV as a good way of relaxing themselves and of killing time.So, with the news and same TV programs, people in a society share a lot of things that they can talk about in any event. Therefore, society actually benefits from TV.托福TPO1口语task3题目Reading Part:Letter in the Centerville College News The administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. Theuniversity’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this past year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angles! It’s just so large, it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus cen ter! This is public space that should be reserved for students to use.托福TPO1口语task3题目Listening Part:Now listen to two students discussing the opinion expressed in the letter.(man) Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?(woman) Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally o ff. I am glad that we’ll finally have some nice art on campus. I’d like to shake the donor ’s hand and say “thank you.”(man) What do you mean the donor?(woman) You didn't know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.(man) Not the university?(woman) No! His assumptions about who’s paying are all wrong!(man) Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space it’ll take up?(woman) Well, you know why Paul is upset. He an d his friends are always out there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around the soccer ball. Now they’ll just hav e to use another part of the campus to play.(man) Oh! So he just doesn't want to have to move.(woman) Yeah! For him, it’s sculpture versus convenience.托福TPO1口语task3题目Question:Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.托福TPO1口语task3答案解析:Tips1. Reading key(1.1) Proposal: student opposing school’s plan of acquiring a new sculpture(1.2) Reason 1: expensive, waste of money(1.3) Reason 2: large, takes up too much space2. Listening key(2.1) The woman disagrees with it(2.2) Reason 1: the school isn’t paying(2.2.1) Details: a donor is paying for the sculpture, nice to have art on campus(2.3) Reason 2: Paul is upset for not wanting to move(2.3.1) Details: he and his friends are always on the lawn kicking a soccer ball, they don’t want to move, it’s sculpture vs. convenient for Paul 托福TPO1口语task3范文:The writer of the letter opposes the university’s plan to acquire a new sculpture because the university’s financial condi tion is poor and the sculpture is so large that it’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center. The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons are totally unconvincing. Thewoman says it’s an anonymous donor who pays the bill of the sculpture not the university so there is no need to worry about the university’s financial condition. As for the point about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter, always plays soccer with his friends on the lawn where the sculpture will be. She thinks Paul just doesn’t want to move to another place. For him, it’s convenience versus sculpture.托福TPO1口语task4题目Reading Part:GroupthinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked,fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.托福TPO1口语task4题目Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a business management class.(male professor)So, let me tell you about my own experiences when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago.So, one day a co-worker and I suggested we should give our computers a design make-over: make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advanced but the outside design looked really old-fashioned.At first, more than half the group supported us. There were a few senior managers here who didn’t support the d esign change. One o f the senior manager said, “Our focus has always been on technology, changing the look is an unnecessary cost.”Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds! Even my co-worker changed his mind! When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion by not looking like a team-player.What about me? I hate to admit it, but, after a few hours of discussion, I started wondering if it was worth everyone’s time to argue about this? As more people sided with the senior management, I started to feel that I was the only one holding up the vote. Everyone else seemed to think change wasn’t necessary. I voted against my own idea in the end.So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design. But this decision ended up costing us a lot of money. That same year, our competitorcame out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented us from profiting from new customers.托福TPO1口语task4题目Question:Explain groupthink and its effects. Using the example of the computer company.托福TPO1口语task4答案解析:1. Reading keys(1.1) Term: groupthink(1.2) Definition: sometimes people make bad or irrational decision within a group(1.3) Why do we do it?(1.3.1) Desire to be liked, fear of losing a job(1.3.2) Not wanting to be the only one that’s holding up the vote2. Listening keys(2.1) Professor and coworker wanted to change the look of their computer(2.2) Manager disagreed(2.3) Coworker changed his mind(2.3.1) Did not want to leave a bad impression on the managers(2.4) Professor changed his mind as well(2.4.1) Did not want to be the only one that’s holding up the vote(2.5) They were all wrong(2.5.1) A competitor came out with a new design that attracted many costumers托福TPO1口语task4范文:The professor talks about groupthink which means sometimes people would make a bad decision as a group. In the example, the professor and hisco-worker thought they need to change the look of their computers, but managers disagreed. So his co-worker changed his mind because he didn't want to leave a bad impression on the managers by not looking like a team player. In the end, the professor changed his mind too, because he didn't want to be the only person that’s holding up the vote. But they were all wrong, the same year, a competitor came out with a new design that attracted many of their customers.托福TPO1口语task5题目Listening Part:Now listen to a conversation between two students.(man) Hey, Mary, how’s your volunteer work going? You’re still involved in that after-school program with the elementary kids?(woman) Yeah, but I’ve got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow.(man) Yeah?(woman) And I was supposed to rent a van for the trip. But I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one.(man) Oh!(woman) Now it turns out they don’t have any vans available for tomorrow.I don’t know what to do? These kids will be really disappointed if their trip gets cancelled.(man) Hmmm, well, doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean, couldn’t you borrow it for the day?(woman) Yeah, probably, but I’d need to borrow two cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids.(man) Um, hum.(woman) That’s why I was going to rent the van. And then I’d need to find somebody else to drive, too. I can’t drive two cars b y myself.(man) Yeah, that’s true. Well, I am sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you wanted to save yourself the trouble of hunting down a second driver, what about public transportation? Check the bus schedule, I think there’s a bus line that goes right past the zoo.(woman) Yeah, that’s a possibility, but I don’t know, it might be a real challenge supervising the kids on the bus.(man) Ha, ha…(woman) Sometimes they are a handful when they get excited. It’s an option, though.托福TPO1口语task5题目Question:The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem then state which solution you recommend and explain why.托福TPO1口语task5 答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Problem: the woman needs to drive some kids to the zoo, but waited to long to rent a van(1.2) First solution: borrow two cars and get a second driver(1.2.1) Pro: volunteers are not hard to find(1.2.2) Con: troublesome(1.3) Second solution: take the kids to the zoo by bus(1.3.1) Pro: there’s bus that goes right past the zoo(1.3.2) Con: not easy to supervise kids on the bus, because they are a handful when they get excited托福TPO1口语task5 范文:The woman’s problem is that she needs to drive some kids to the zoo, but she waited too long to rent a van. There are two possible solutions. The first solution is to borrow two cars from her friends for the day. The second solution is to take the kids to the zoo by bus. I think that going to the zoo by bus is a better idea. First of all, there is a bus that goes right past the zoo, it will be very convenient for her and the kids because they don’t have to walk too far. Second, it is very troublesome to borrow two cars from her friends in that short period oftime, not to mention that she will have to find a second driver to drive the other car too.托福TPO1口语task6题目Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.(female professor)Scientists have learned some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say there’s evidence th at babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic, that they can add. Scientists think babies know one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can’t ask a five-month old baby to add up some numbers for you.So they devised an experiment where, um, in this experiment a baby is shown a doll on a table. Ok, so the baby looks at the doll. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll is hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll and, so, knows it’s there. Well, then the researcher takes a second doll and very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. Ok, so now you have two dolls behind the screen, right?Well, no, cause what the researcher did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raised the screen back up, the baby, well, it expects to see two dolls, right? But there’s only one there! And guess what? The baby surprised! It expects two but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell thatthe baby surprised? Well, they recorded the baby’s eye movement on camera. And we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light maybe, it stares at where the noise or light is coming from. And that’s what the babies in the experiment did. They stared, cause the babies know if you add one doll and one doll, you should have two dolls. So when it sees one doll, then it stares because it’s surprised.托福TPO1口语task6题目Question:Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies.托福TPO1口语task6 答案解析:1. Listening keys(1.1) Main idea: Babies as young as five month old can do basic math(1.2) Example (study)(1.2.1) A baby is shown a doll on a table(1.2.2) A screen is lowered between the baby and the doll(1.2.3) A second doll is very obviously placed behind the screen(1.2.4) One of the dolls is secretly taken away(1.2.5) Screen is raised back up(1.2.6) Baby is surprised to see one doll, because it’s expecting to see two(1.2.7) We know it’s surprised because it stared(1.2.8) When a baby is surprised, it would stare托福TPO1口语task6 范文:Research suggests that babies as young as five month old can do some basic math. The professor gives us a study to confirm the suggestion is true. In the study, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, and puts a second doll behind the screen. But at the same time, they secretly take away one doll. When the screen is raised back up, the baby’s surprised to see only one doll on the table instead of two. The researchers know it’s surprised, because babies stare when surprised. This is how they confirmed that a babies know one plus one equals two, not one.。

智课网TOEFL备考资料托福TPO1口语Task4题目文本及答案解析摘要:托福TPO系列是考生们一致认证的权威备考资料,为了帮助大家更好的备考托福口语,本篇小编为大家整理了托福TPO1口语Task4题目文本及答案解析,大家一定要好好利用!托福 TPO1口语task4题目 Reading Part:GroupthinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked,fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.托福TPO1口语task4题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a business management class.(male professor)So, let me tell you about my own experiences when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago.So, one day a co-worker and I suggested we should give our computers a design make-over: make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advanced but the outside design looked reallyold-fashioned.At first, more than half the group supported us. There were a few senior managers here who didn’t support the design change. One o f the senior manager said, “Our focus has always been on technology, changing the look is an unnecessary cost.”Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds! Even my co-worker changed his mind! When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion by not looking like a team-player.What about me? I hate to admit it, but, after a few hours of discussion, I started wondering if it was worth everyone’s time to argue about this? As more people sided with the senior management, I started to feel that I was the only one holding up the vote. Everyone else seemed to think change wasn’t necessary. I voted against my own idea in the end.So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design. But this decision ended up costing us a lot of money. That same year, our competitor came out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented us from profiting from new customers.托福TPO1口语task4题目 Question:Explain groupthink and its effects. Using the example of the computer company. 托福TPO1口语task4答案解析:1. Reading keys(1.1)Term: groupthink(1.2)Definition: sometimes people make bad or irrational decision within a group(1.3)Why do we do it?(1.3.1) Desire to be liked, fear of losing a job(1.3.2) Not wanting to be the only one that’s holding up the vote2. Listening keys(2.1)Professor and coworker wanted to change the look of their computer(2.2)Manager disagreed(2.3)Coworker changed his mind(2.3.1) Did not want to leave a bad impression on the managers(2.4)Professor changed his mind as well(2.4.1) Did not want to be the only one that’s holding up the vote(2.5)They were all wrong(2.5.1) A competitor came out with a new design that attracted many costumers托福TPO1口语task4范文:The professor talks about groupthink which means sometimes people would make a bad decision as a group. In the example, the professor and his co-worker thought they need to change the look of their computers, but managers disagreed. So his co-worker changed his mind because he didn't want to leave a bad impression on the managers by not looking like a team player. In the end, the professor changed his mind too, because he didn't want to be the only person that’s holding up the vote. But they were all wrong, the same year, a competitor came out with a new design that attracted many of their customers.小马为大家研发出新的托福备考神器两枚,小马机经APP和托福听力 APP!小马机经APP机经库包含历年托福机经及最新更新考前预测机经,战托必备!让大家直接体验托福机经在线模考环境。

托福tpo1口语题目Question:Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.托福tpo1口语答案解析:解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)2. Give a simple account of the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) Interesting: draws you in.(3.2) knowledge you have learnt(3.3) enlightenment you have gained4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book)2. Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) It was a souvenir given by an important person(3.2) It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)(3.3) You got the book from a special event as a reward.4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE托福tpo1口语范文一:Well, I am bit of a bookworm and I prefer reading to just about any other activity. Over the years I find a particular book most important to me. The book is entitled How to be your personal best, its actually a book written by an American writer. The most important lesson Ive learnt from this book is that one has enormous potential waiting to be tapped, sometimes the only thing you need is self-confidence, perserance and the willingness to try. I remember when I was at college, I shiver at the idea of speaking in public untilone day after reading the book I summoned the courage to make a speech and it went so well that I was asked to be a speaker on the universitys debate team-something I would never have imagined in my wildest dream. The book always reminds me of the limitless capacity waiting to be developed. Thats why even today I still find the book so important to me.托福tpo1口语范文二:Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. The story talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again, Ive got similar experience. I once livedin a cramped apartment alone and had no money.The book is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.托福tpo1口语范文三:3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom.It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in an accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life.The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.托福tpo1口语范文四:On my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years. It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave.In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeares playdespite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature.This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.托福独立口语的答题技巧在机考考试中,同学们还是必须要掌握一些答题的技巧,辅助我们更好的完成考试内容。

对话开篇本篇课程场景对话开篇是非典型的,属于教授针对自己感兴趣的话题找学生交谈,所以第一题主旨题的答案对应开篇教授说的"Hi Mathew, I'm glad you can come in today. You've been observing Mr. Grable's third-grade class for your approaches to education paper。
"学生正在听课,第一题What is the conversation mainly about? 答案为B. A class Matthew has been observing. Mathew正在听的一门课程。
Mathew用了一系列的积极向上的词来表达听课的感受,比如"amazing、learning so much、so glad……I mean it's like the best thing ever to prepare you to be a good teacher."这里对应第二题What is Matthew's opinion about observing Mr. Grabell's third-grade class? 很明显答案为A. It will help him become a more efficient teacher. 可以有效帮助他成为一个能干的教师。
这里既符合语义重复也符合最高级强调(the best thing)笔记法。
然后,教授提到It seems that Mr. Grable has mastered the interdisciplinary approach to teaching - the way we've been talking about in class.即课上讲过一种教学法IAT,后面听到的内容是对此教学法的解释。

托福TPO1口语task4题目 Reading Part:GroupthinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is known as groupthink. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked,fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decisions that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.托福TPO1口语task4题目 Listening Part:Now listen to part of a lecture on this topic in a business managementclass.(male professor)So, let me tell you about my own experiences when I was working for acomputer company a couple of years ago.So, one day a co-worker and I suggested we should give our computers a design make-over: make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if theylooked cooler. Our technology was advanced but the outside design looked reallyold-fashioned.At first, more than half the group supported us. There were a few senior managers here who didn’t support the design change. One o f the senior manager said, “Our focus has always been on technology, changing the look is an unnecessary cost.”Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds! Even myco-worker changed his mind! When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion by not looking like a team-player.What about me? I hate to admit it, but, after a few hours of discussion, I started wondering if it was worth everyone’s time to argue about this? As more people sided with the senior management, I started to feel that I was the only one holding up the vote. Everyone else seemed to think change wasn’t necessary.I voted against my own idea in the end.So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design. But this decision ended up costing us a lot of money. That same year, our competitorcame out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented usfrom profiting from new customers.托福TPO1口语task4题目 Question:Explain groupthink and its effects. Using the example of the computer company.托福TPO1口语task4答案解析:1. Reading keys(1.1)Term: groupthink(1.2)Definition: sometimes people make bad or irrational decision within a group(1.3)Why do we do it?(1.3.1) Desire to be liked, fear of losing a job(1.3.2) Not wanting to be the only one that’s holding up the vote2. Listening keys(2.1)Professor and coworker wanted to change the look of their computer (2.2)Manager disagreed(2.3)Coworker changed his mind(2.3.1) Did not want to leave a bad impression on the managers(2.4)Professor changed his mind as well(2.4.1) Did not want to be the only one that’s holding up the vote(2.5)They were all wrong(2.5.1) A competitor came out with a new design that attracted many costumers托福TPO1口语task4范文:The professor talks about groupthink which means sometimes people would make a bad decision as a group. In the example, the professor and his co-worker thought they need to change the look of their computers, but managers disagreed. So his co-worker changed his mind because he didn’t want to leave a bad impression on the managers by not looking like a team player. In the end, the professor changed his mind too, because he didn’t want to be the only person that’s holding up the vote. But they were all wrong, the same year, a competitor came out with a new design that attracted many of their customers.本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。
新托福TPO 口语参考答案

新托福TPO 口语参考答案新托福TPO 口语参考答案——TPO11. Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why thebook was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answerRecently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The bookinfluences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. The story talks about aman who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream ofbeing a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also,the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has avery low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again,I?ve got similar experience. I once lived in a cramped apartment alone and had no money. Thebook is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.2. Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society. Others believe ithas had a negative influence on society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details andexamples to explain your opinion.I think television has a positive influence on society. It?s a good source of news. The members inthe society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed of what?shappening around. Like, my grandfather watches News on TV everyday just to keep up with thelatest events.Beside television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different showson TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Lateshow with David Letterman and some other friends like watching TV series such as Lost andFriends. They all consider TV as a good way of relaxing themselves and of killing time. So, withthe news and same TV programs, people in a society share a lot of things that they can talk aboutin any event. Therefore, society actually benefits from TV.3. Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.The writer of the letter opposes the university?s plan to acquire a new sculpture because theuniversity?s financial condition is poor and the sculpture is so large that it?ll take up all the greenspace in front of the campus center. The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons aretotally unconvincing. The woman says it?s an anonymous donor who pays the bill of the sculpturenot the university so there is no need to worry about the university?s financial condition. As for thepoint about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter, always plays soccer with hisfriends on the lawn where the sculpture will be. She thinks Pauljust doesn?t want to move toanother place. For him, it?s convenience versus sculpture.4. Explain groupthink and its effects using example of the computer company.Groupthink is a process in which individual members of a group conform their ideas to the groupconsensus even if the result may not be well. The professor in the lecture uses his personalexperience in a computer company to illustrate this process. Once he and his co-worker suggestedto give their computer a design make-over to look cooler in order to attract new customers. At first,the majority supported their suggestion. But there were a few senior managers who didn?t support.Then some supporters changed their mind, so did the professor?s co-worker. The co-workerchanged his mind because he didn?t want to make a bad impression on senior managers. Hethought disagreeing with them might harm his future promotion. Then after a long discussion andwith more and more people sided with senior managers, the professor himself thought he was theonly one who?s delaying the decision. Then, he voted against himself. So they all agreed not tohave this design make-over. At last, the company lost profit because its competitors came up withgood-looking computers and win more customers.5. The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman?s problem. Briefly summarize theproblem. Then state which should solution you recommend and explain why.The woman was supposed to drive a bunch of elementary students tothe zoo tomorrow but shedidn?t rent a van in time and the kids will be disappointed if the trip gets cancelled. The mansuggests her to borrow a car from one of her friends. But she has to borrow two cars to hold all thekids and it?s hard to find another driver. Then the man suggests her to take the publictransportation. He is pretty sure that there is a bus line past the zoo. But the woman thinks it?s hardto control the kids on the bus. Well personally, I would recommend the woman to take the bus line.Even if the kids are handful, they are still controllable. But there is no guarantee that she canborrow two cars and find another driver at the same time.6. Using the research described by the professor, explain what scientists have learned about themathematical abilities of babies.In the lecture the professor describes how scientists learn about baby?s mathematical abilities.Researchers did an experiment to test baby?s ability to add that baby knows one plus one equalstwo. They first put a doll in front of a baby and lowered the screen to hide the doll. So the babyknows it?s there. Then they clearly put another doll behind the screen so there should be two dolls.But researchers secretly took one away and when they lift the screen up, the baby was surprisedbecause it expected to see two dolls but there was only one. We know when a baby is surprised, itstares at the thing that makes it feel surprised. The researchers recorded the baby?s eye-movementwith a camera and found that the baby stared. So the baby has the ability to add. It knows one dollplus one doll equals two dolls.新托福TPO 口语参考答案——TPO21. Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Pleaseinclude specific details in your explanation.I often go to the basketball court near my apartment. It?s very important to me because I playbasketball there everyday and basketball is my favorite sport. Ever since I was a little boy, I havebeen playing in that court with my friends. When in junior high, I practiced shooting and dribblingin that court nearly everyday till late at night. Besides, the court is the reminder of an awful lot ofmy valuable memories. I still can remember that how I started out shooting badly and then afterseveral weeks? practice, I could shoot well and dribbled well. I can also remember many friendswith whom I played basketball and form teams. Without that court, I couldn?t possibly make somany friends. So it?s very important to me.2. Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broadeducation. Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understandingof that area. Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?Well, I think taking a wide variety of courses is better for students. Because, first of all, I thinkundergraduate study is meant for broadness. Students had better broaden their horizon and preventthemselves from being narrow-minded. Second of all, I think before students find their “true love”,I mean, the subject they really want to go deep into, they should probably extend their study fieldand taste different subjects in various areas so as to identify the “true love”. Take myself as anexample, my major is software engineering in the college, but I took various courses outside mymajor field. Then I found out that I was more interested in literature than in computer and software.So literature is my “true love”.I think it depends on the students themselves. If a student doesn?t know his or her interest. It?sbetter for them to take a variety of courses so as to taste various kinds of subjects to find theirinterest. Take myself as an example, my major is software engineering in the college, but I tookvarious courses outside my major field. Then I found out that I was more interested in literaturethan in computer and software. So literature is my interest. If a student already know what he likesand what he needs to learn. Then taking many different classes will be a little bit waste of time.It?s better for this student to concentrate on his or her interest. For instance, I don?t think BillGates need to take courses other than computer science when in Harvard, coz he knew what heliked and what he wanted. He already knew his interest.3. The man expresses his opinion of the university?s plan to eliminate the bus service. State hisopinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.The university has decided to stop its free bus service because not very many students ride the busand plans to use the money saved to expand the overcrowded parking lots. But the manin theconversation doesn?t like the plan. As for the point about few students riding the bus, the man saysit?s because the bus routes are out of date. The bus only goes through the places that are tooexpensive for students to live. If the buses change route and the man thinks there will be plenty ofstudents taking those buses. The man also disagrees with the university?s plan to expand theparking lots. He thinks the plan will encourage more students to drive, which will add noise andcreate more traffic. Then they?ll need more parking space. He thinks the university should make iteasier for students to take the public buses not the other way around.4. Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle ofaudience effects.The principle of audience effects is that individuals? performance is affected by the knowledgethat others are watching them. The professor uses examples of tying shoes and learning to type todemonstrate that we actually increase our speed of performing if we know that we are beingobserved. In the example of tying shoes, one group of collegestudents was told that they werebeing observed, the other didn?t know they were being observed. The students who knew theywere being watched tied their shoes much faster than the other group. And in the example oflearning to type, when we are conscious of being observed, we will increase typing speed. Wetype faster than we do alone. Also, other behavioral pattern will increase, like making mistakes.So when we type faster when we know we are being observed, we also make more mistakes.5. The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the woman?s problem. Describe the problem andthe two solutions. Then explain what you think the woman should do and why.The professor asks the woman to attend a field trip, but the womanhas already promised anotherprofessor to help set up a museum exhibition next week. And this is the problem. The professoroffers two possible solutions. The first is that she can talk to the other professor to see if there issomeone else who can replace the woman to help set up the museum exhibition. Thesecond is thatthe woman finishes setting up the museum before they set out the field trip. Actually, I think thewoman should choose the second solution, because she has already agreed to help the otherprofessor and the other professor is counting on her. It?s possible that there is no one else who cantake her place. So she?d better finish the task first before she goes to the field trip.6. Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two definitions of money presented by theprofessor.The professor talks about two definitions of money, a broad one and a narrow one. By the broaddefinition, money is everything with which we can make purchases. For example, coins and billscan be money, because we can use them to buy goods such as vegetables and pay for services suchas taxi. But in a barter system, vegetables can be money, because farmers can give driversvegetables in exchange for a drive. By the narrow definition, in a society, the legal tender ismoney. For instance, in the US, drivers and farmers must accept dollars as payment. People canuse dollars to pay for taxi and buy vegetables because dollar is the legal tender in the US. So,dollar in the form of coin and bill is money.新托福TPO 口语参考答案——TPO31. What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why thesecharacteristics are important to you.I think a good parent should be patient. Because children are always confused with the thingsaround them, they ask questions every now and then. A good parent should be patient enough togive them answers. When i was very young, I always asked questions like “Why canairplanesfly?”,“Why can?t we fly?” and “Why the earth is a globe?”. My parents answered these questionspatiently and if they couldn't, they would buy books that have the answers to my questions. I alsothink a good parent should be open-minded. In other words, they should respect their children'sdecisions when their kids are growing up. My parents always show their respect to my decisions.My major in the college is software engineering, but I decided to be an English teacher aftergraduation. My parents respected my decision and allow me to pursue my own interest. Thanks tomy parents, I am patient and I respect other people.2. Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better towork in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.I prefer to work on assignments individually. There are two reasons. The first is that I like to be ina quiet place while studying. If I study in a group, I will always be interrupted by group memberswho talk about irrelevant things. Then it?s possible that I can?t even finish the assignments. Once,I attended a group discussion. Many people were not even discussing. They were just talkingabout NBA games. When it ended, I got nothing from it. The second reason is that I?d like to thinkindependently. Studying individually gives me enough time to develop my own ideas. Whenstudying in a group, I will always be distracted by other?s opinions and thoughts. So sometimesmany assignments are not done by myself but by other group members. Like last week, I workedin a group to solve math problems. It turned out that many problems were solved by others not bymyself. I felt very unhappy about it.Personally, I like working in groups better. There are two reasons to name. First is that there isdiversity in groups. Group members all have their different perspectives so some members canhelp other members. Last week, I attended a math group and there was one math problem Icouldn?t work out. But there was one member who knew how to solve that problem and heworked out the problem in a completely different way. Then I learned from him. The secondreason is that I can practice my communicative skills. In group discussions, I should be able tounderstand others? ideas and at the same time to convey mine clearly in order to make thecommunication go well. I learn how to express myself properly and to be a good-listener.3. The woman expresses her opinion of the change that has been announced. State her opinion andexplain her reasons for holding that opinion.Dining services will not serve hot breakfast food anymore. They only serve coldbreakfast food.The woman in the conversation thinks the change is ridiculous. First of all, she thinks whethersomething is hot or cold doesn?t necessarily mean it is healthy. She says that in a really coldmorning, a nice warm omelet is obviously better than a bowel of cold cereal. Secondly, she thinksthe change will not help save money. Because if the students can?t get what they want from dininghall, they will go off-campus. Then they have to pay off-campus price, which is more expensive.So this change will not help save money but actually end up costing more.。

全面分析托福口语TPO1TASK1题目:Talk about a book you have read that was importantto you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain youranswer根据题目中的关键词book我们确定这个题目是具体事物类的话题,考生在论述的时候要具体的说明这本书是哪本书,而且考生在论述的时候,也不能够忽视 important to you,,要解释这本书为什么对你很重要。
一.构思1.总论点首先,book的含义有很多,考生在组织观点的时候,能够说从novel,magazine/ journalreference book,biography,handbook这几个方面入手思考。
A book that is very important to me is Harry Potter.(书籍的名字) First of all, the story of the book is very attractive. Lots of magic and mystery activities make me can’t put it down. (书籍本身的内容)Besides, the words in Harry Porter is so wonderfully used that I learned quite a lot of new words in this book.Finally, the background of the author, J.K. Rowling, also interests me greatly. J.K. Rowling, a single mother who was very poor, always write in a coffee shop before she published Harry Porter. But now she is almost the wealthiest woman in the world. Her life experience inspired me a lot.(这本书对我的激励作用)。

托福TPO1口语task2题目 Question:Some people believe that television has had a positive influence on society.Others believe it has had a negative influence on society. Which do you agreewith and why? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.托福TPO1口语task2答案解析:解题思路一: Positive Influence1. TS: State your stand2. R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:(2.1)dissemination of information and knowledge(2.2)entertainment3. R2:Negative influence (just mention)4. Conclusion解题思路二: Negative Influence1. TS: State your stand2. R1:Positive influence (just mention)3. R2:Negative influence(3.1)Lack of censorship--bad TV program--influence social ideology(3.2)Make people lazy/unhealthy4. Conclusion托福TPO1口语task2范文:I think television has a positive influence on society. It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed of what’s happening around.Like, my grandfather watches News on TV every day just to keep up with thelatest events. Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching Late show with David Letterman and some other friends like watching TV series such as Lost and Friends. They all consider TV as a good way of relaxing themselves and of killing time.So, with the news and same TV programs, people in a society share a lot of things that they can talk about in any event. Therefore, society actuallybenefits from TV.本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。
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托福真题第一套Q1: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book) ●Give a simple account of the book.●Key Word: Important-Interesting: draws you in.-knowledge you have learnt-enlightenment you have gained●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample Response:3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom. It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in a accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life. The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义●TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you getthe book)●Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.●Key Word: Important-It was a souvenir given by an important person-It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)-You got the book from a special event as a reward.●Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE●Sample ResponseOn my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years. It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave. In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeare’s play despite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts’ grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest inclassical literature. This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.Q2. Some people believe that TV has had a positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influence on the society. Which do you agree with and why. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.解题思路一: Positive Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence: focus on the main function of TV:-dissemination of information and knowledge-entertainment●R2:Negative influence (just mention)●Conclusion●Sample Response:This is indeed a controversial issue. Form my point of view; TV has far more pros than cons. Firstly, television has long been regarded as a tool to disseminate in formation and knowledge. People watch news on TV to know about what’s happening in the country and the world. Children watch Animal World or National Geography to gain more knowledge. At the same time, TV is also the most prevalent and effective device to entertain the masses.Although there’s no denying that TV sometimes delivers negative information to people, the public or government censorship can ensure the quality of our TV programs today. Therefore, generally speaking, TV has had a positive influence on society.解题思路二: Negative Influence●TS: State your stand●R1:Positive influence (just mention)●R2:Negative influence-Lack of censorship→bad TV program→influence social ideology-Make people lazy/unhealthy●Conclusion●Sample Response:In my opinion, unfortunately, television has had much more negative influence on society than positive ones. Despite the fact that TV has kept us entertained, there are many negative elements that have infiltrated into our daily life via TV. For example, the modern Cinderella stories have created many money-worshiping young ladies who dream to marry rich guys and enjoy all the luxuries in the world. Uncensored TV programme with violent and sexual content can misguide teenagers who are very susceptible to those detrimental influences. Besides, long time watching TV will negatively affect our eyesight and health. It has become the contributingfactor for many illnesses like obesity, especially in the more developed countries.Q3 Intro: Centerville College is planning to purchase a sculpture for its campus.A student wrote a letter to the school newspaper to oppose the plan.The instruction before you read the passage is important since it gives you an overview of what the passage is about.The passageLetter in the Centerville College NewsThe administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan. The university’s poor financial condition led it to increase the price for campus housing and tuition by 15% this year. Surely then it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-foot long steel plates, jutting out of the earth at odd angels! It’s so large. It’ll take up all the green space in front of the campus center! This is public space that should be reserved for student to use.The conversation:M: Did you see Paul’s letter in the paper about the new sculpture?W: Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reasons for opposing the plan are just totally off. I’m glad we will finally have some nice art on campus. I’d like to shake the donor’s hand and say ‘thank you’!M: What do you mean ‘the donor’?W: You didn’t know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture. M: Not the university?W: No. His assumptions about who’s paying for, they are all wrong.M: Still, I wonder if he has a point about the space it’ll take up.W: Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around a soccer ball. They’ll just have to use another part of the campus to play.M: Oh, so he just doesn’t want to have to move.W: Yeah. For him, its sculpture verses convenience.Explain why the woman disagrees with the reasons expressed in the letter.Preparation Steps: 4:6Step 1:Read the letter and take note of the main ideas. Omit redundant details such as numbers and people’s name. (Those may be important in Listening section). Try to form pictures in your mind to help you memorize the content of the letter. (e.g.The 2nd reason: imagine一群本来在草地上踢球的学生很无奈的看着一个从天而降的巨大雕塑把他们的草坪占据了…)Step 2: Identify how many reasons and disagreements there are in the letter and conversation.Pay special attention to signaling words/sentences because they give you an idea about how many points you must include. (e.g. ‘Moreover’ in the letter.)Step 3: Take notes on paper while listening to the conversation. Fast and clear. Don’t expect to fully spell out all the words you’ve heard. Just use your own spelling so that you can pronounce the word. If you didn’t manage to take down some words that you think are important, don’t try to recall, move on and listen to the rest of the conversation. 千万不要为了捡芝麻而丢了西瓜!Step 4: Organize your thoughts in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:●Reason1 in the letter.●Disagreement 1 in the conversation●Signal words/sentence for transaction●Reason2 in the letter.●Disagreement 2 in the conversation●ConclusionSample Response:The first reason given by Paul (if you can’t remember the name, you can just omit this) in the letter against the purchasing of the new sculpture is that he assumes the financial difficulties faced by the university makes the sculpture too costly to buy.However,the woman disagrees because most of the price of the sculpture is paid by a donor. Hence the university will only bear a small sum of money.Besides, Paul also suggests that the huge sculpture will occupy the space in the campus which is supposed to be reserved for students’activities. The woman dismissed this point because she knows that Paul is just reluctant to find another place to play soccer with his friends if the lawn they used to play on is occupied by the sculpture.Further more, the woman thinks that the sculpture is a nice art that can actually make the campus prettier.Q4:PassageGroup thinkOne process by which groups may make bad or irrational decisions is know as group think. Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative. There are many reasons why groupthink happens. These include the desire to be liked, fear of losing a job, or even not wanting to be the one employee delaying a decision that seems inevitable. These kinds of implicit pressures to conform lead group members to ultimately make decision that each, by himself or herself, might normally not make.LectureSo, let me tell you about my own experience with this when I was working for a computer company a couple of years ago. One day a coworker and I suggested that we should give our computer a design make-over, make them look more up-to-date. Market research was showing that new customers said they would be more interested in buying our computers if they looked cooler. Our technology was advance, but the outside design looked really old-fashioned. At first, more than half of the group supported us. There were a few senior mangers they are though who didn’t support the design change.’One of the senior manager said, ‘Our focus has always been on technology. Changing the look is unnecessary cost.Almost immediately, some of our supporters changed their minds. Even my coworker changed his mind.When I asked him why after the meeting, he told me he didn’t want to make a bad impression on the senior managers. He thought that disagreeing with them might jeopardize his chances of getting a promotion, by not looking like a team player. ‘What about me?’‘Ehm…I hate to admit it but after a few hours of discussion I started wondering if it worth everybody’s time to argue about this. As more people sided with senior management I started to feel that I was the only one holding-up the vote. Everyone else seems to think change was unnecessary so I voted against my own idea in the end. So we unanimously decided to stay with the current old-looking design, but this decision ended up costing usa lot of money.That same year, our competitor came out with a new design that attracted some of our customers and prevented us from profiting on potential new customers.Explain group think and its effects using the example of the computer company.PreparationStep 1: Read the passage and take note of the main ideas. Omit elaborations on details such as examples.Step 2: Pay special attention to technical terms and explanations. If can’t quite understand, try to guess first and wait for more illustration in the lecture later on.Step 3: Picture a short skit in your mind when you listen to the lecture/story told by the professor.Step 4: Listen to similarities between the lecture and the passage you’ve read just now, especially the examples given to prove a point. (e.g. the answers given by the professor’s coworker when the professor asked him for the reasons for his changing of mind)Step 5: Take notes. Make sure that if you know the professor is going to recount a story, you should have the story recorded in chronological order. Outline of the story must be clear. Pay attention to signaling words.Step 6: Organize your thought in the 30 seconds to make a mental outline of how to answer the question. Try to rephrase the words or sentences in the letter and the conversation.Answering the question:●Definition of group think●Example of the computer company●Link the example to the effect about group thinkSample Response:Group think means that the individuals in a group all agree about something which may not be correct. They are under pressure to conform and make irrational decisions that they seldom make alone.The professor gives an example of him working in a computer company years ago. At first, his coworker and he suggested a proposal to up-grade the outlook of their product. The supporters changed their minds as soon as they realize that the senior managers did not like the plan.His partner also gave up the original thought because he was afraid that if he insisted, he will leavebad impression on others.Despite the consensus we had reached about the proposal, our ultimate product was a failure. Therefore group think sometimes will results in negative results.Q5. Conversation between 2 studentsM: Hey Marry! How’s your volunteer work going? You still involved in the after school programme with the elementary school kids?W: Yeah, but I’ve got a problem. I am supposed to be driving a bunch of them to the zoo tomorrow, and I am supposed to rent a van for the trip, but I waited too long to call the rental agency to reserve one and now it turns out they don’t have any van available for tomorrow. I don’t know what to do. These kids will be really disappointed if their trip gets canceled.M: Hmm…well doesn’t one of your friends on campus have a car? I mean couldn’t you borrow it for the day?W: Yeah, probably, but I need to borrow 2 cars or there wouldn’t be enough space for all the kids. That’s why I was going to rent the van and then I need to find somebody else to drive too. I can’t drive 2 cars by myself.M: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’m sure you can probably find a volunteer or if you want to save of the trouble of hunting down the second driver, what about public transportation? Check the bus schedule. I guess there’s a bus lane that goes right pass the zoo.W: Yeah, that’s possibility, but I don’t know. It might be a real challenge supervising the kids on the bus. Sometimes they are handful when they get excited.It’s an option though.The speaker discussed 2 possible solutions to the woman’s problem. Briefly summarize the problem. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.Preparation●This question involves a difficult choice to make. Most of the times, bothsolutions seem feasible. You can choose either one you are more comfortable with elaborating on.●Base on the potential problems related to the 2 solutions to think about morepros and cons of each solution.Answering the question:●Talk about the problem.●Introduce all solutions.●Choose one solution●R1 for supporting the solution●R2 for not supporting the other solution●ConclusionSample Response:The woman is supposed to drive a group of primary school kids to the zoo tomorrow, but she has called the rental agency too late to rent a van. She does not want to disappoint the kids by canceling the trip.Hence, her friend has given her two possible solutions: borrowing a car or taking a bus.I prefer the first solution because it shouldn’t be very difficult to find someone who has cars available and can drive for the kids as a volunteer for a one day trip only. Besides, primary school kids are really hard to supervise in public transports, especially when they get excited. Nevertheless, she should still consider taking bus as the last resort lest she fails to find cars and drivers in such a short period of time.Q6. Now listen to a part of a lecture in a psychology class. The professor is discussing the mathematical capabilities of babies.Scientists have learnt some interesting things about the intellectual abilities of babies. They say that there is evidence that babies as young as 5 months old can do basic arithmetic - that they can add!Scientists think that babies know that one plus one equals two and not one. The evidence is indirect because obviously you can’t ask a 5-month-old baby to add up some numbers for you. So they devised an experiment. In this experiment, a baby is shown a doll on a table. Okay, so the baby looks at the doll then the researcher lowers a screen in front of the doll, so now the doll hidden behind the screen. But the baby has already seen the doll so known it’s there. Then the researcher takes a second doll and very obviously places it behind the screen with the first one. So now you have 2 dolls behind the screen right? Well, No, because what the researchers did was they secretly took away one of the dolls. And then when they raise the screen back up the baby expects to see 2 dolls, but there’s only onethere. And guess what? The baby surprised, it expected 2 but it only sees one. How could the researchers tell that the baby surprised? They recorded the baby’s eye movements on camera and we know that when a baby is surprised by something, a loud noise or an unexpected flash of light many be. Its stares at where the noise or light is coming from and that’s what the babies in the experiment did. They stared coz the baby knows if you add one doll and one doll, you should have 2 dolls. So when it sees 1 doll, then it’s stares because it’s surprised.Using the research explained by the professors what the scientists have learnt about the mathematical abilities of babies.Answering the question:●State about what the scientists have learnt.●Introducing the experiment●Account of the experiment. Pay special attention to transition and signalingwords.●ConclusionSample Response:The scientists have learnt that babies as young as 5-month old can do basic arithmetic/simple addition. They have come to this conclusion from researches that explore babies’mathematical abilities.In one experiment, babies were shown a doll on a table and then the doll is blocked by a screen. After that, they watch the researches put a second doll behind the screen. At that point of time, the babies expect to see 2 dolls once the screen is removed. Therefore, when they only see one doll left on the table after the screen is raised up, they started because they were surprised.This research proves that baby knows that one plus one equals two.。