
Day 1 At SchoolIt was Kipper's first day at school.He didn't want to go in.So he held onto the gate post.?Kipper was shy. He hid in the cloakroom. “Come on!”Kipper played in the home corner.?Kipper cooked a LEGO stew.It was the end of the day.?Kipper didn't want to go home.?What did he do He held onto the gate post.Day 2 Getting UpKipper brushed his teeth. He knew a secret.?Kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hid in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt.?Kipper put on his trainers.?The post lady arrived.?She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.The surprise was for Dad.?It was his birthday.Day 3 Look OutKipper's friend lent him his road ripper.Kipper imagined he was a famous ripper rider in a race.Kipper whizzed around the house and screeched onto the lawn.“Oh.”Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper.Everyone taught Kipper how to be a careful rider.Day 4 The HaircutOne day, Dad said to Mum, “Kipper's hair is getting really long again. It's time he had a cut.”“Oh, dear,” groaned mum. “I don't think I want to know about this. Ask me to clean a crocodile's teeth, or cut a tiger's toe nails. But don't ask me to cut Kipper's hair.”Mum had been dreading cutting Kipper's hair, ever since the last time she did it. The trouble was, Kipper made a terrible fuss. He just wouldn't keep still when Mum shampooed his hair. And he cried, because she got a little drop of shampoo in his eye. But that was nothing, compared to the trouble she had when she tried to give him the haircut. He wiggled and jiggled and squirmed and fidgeted so that Mum was cross with him. Then as soon as he did sit still, Mum made a little nick on his ear with the scissors. And after that, Kipper made a bigger fuss than ever.“Surely, it's not that difficult a job.” said Dad.“Difficult Difficult” exclaimed Mum. “I'd rather polish a python or rinse a rhinoceros.”“Now, who's making a fuss.” said Dad.“I know what.” said Mum, giving Dad a funny knowing sort of smile. “You cut Kipper's hair. After all, I'm going out this afternoon. So it can be a nice little job for you.”“Well, urr…umm…oh…all right then.” said Dad. “I don't think Kipper will give me any trouble. He just needs handling the right way.”As soon as Mum had gone. Dad took Kipper up to the bathroom. He started combing his hair.“Do you know” he said, in his jolliest voice. “I heard of a little boy who made so much fuss when he had his hair cut that nobody was ever able to cut it. It grew so long, that the boy couldn't see where he was going. And he kept bumping into doors and crashing into lamp post and tripping over the cat. I can't imagine you'd be as silly as that, Kipper.”“Oh, ouch!” cried Kipper. “You're hurting. Mum never hurts like that when she combs my hair.”“I thought we could wash your hair, then I can give it a little cut.” said Dad.“Oh…aw…” wailed Kipper, wiggling and squirming away. “I don't want my hair cut.”“This is going to be trickier than I thought.” said Dad. “But I've just had a brilliant idea.”Dad persuaded Kipper to have his hair cut at a hairdresser's. He told Kipper that the hairdresser was so good at cutting hair that Kipper would really enjoy it. At first, Kipper wasn't too sure. So Dad said, “I had my hair cut at a hairdresser when I was a little boy and I didn't make a fuss. I remember thinking it was good fun.”“Well, all right.” said Kipper. “But if going to a hairdresser is such fun, why does Mum always cut your hair”“She doesn't always.” said Dad. “I tell you what, I'll have my hair cut at the same time as you. I bet you I won't make a fuss.”So Dad took Kipper to a hairdresser in the high street. It's called Snips Hair Salon. The shop looked very bright and attractive.“Snips is a good name for a hairdresser's.” thought Kipper.The first thing that happened to Kipper and Dad, once they were in the salon, was that they had their hair washed. Dad had his washed by an assistant called Andy. And Kipper, had his washed by an assistant called Nicky. Much to his surprise, Kipper enjoyed having his hair washed by Nicky. She didn't wash it in the way Mum did it at home. Instead, Kipper sat with his back to the basin and he leaned backwards. The basin didn't have taps. It had a special hose that Nicky could control by pressing a little trigger on the end. Nicky was very careful not to let any water run on to Kipper's face. Next to Kipper, Andy was shampooing Dad's hair.“Be careful with all this foam,” Kipper heard Dad say. “I don't want shampoo in my eyes (I)hope you won't let the water run dawn my neck… You will make sure the water isn't too hot, won't you”“Dad's making a bit of a fuss,” thought Kipper.After the shampooing was finished. Andy and Nicky sat Dad and Kipper on different chairs in front of a big, long mirror."Excuse me, sir," said Nicky. “What would you like me to do with Kipper's hair Shall I give him a trim”Dad remembered how quickly Kipper's hair grew. He remembered the fuss Kipper made whenever Mum cut it and last of all he saw how expensive it was to have a haircut in the salon. So he said, “No, not just a trim. I think you'd better cut it short. Yes, quite short!”“And how about you, sir” said Andy.Kipper looked at Dad, and Dad looked at Kipper. Then Dad said, “Oh….um….er….yes. I'd like mine quiet short, too.”Snip, snip, snip! Snip-snip! Went the scisoors. Kipper looked sideways at Dad. Dad didn't look too happy.“I bet he did make a fuss when he was a little boy,” thought Kipper.Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts.“You look different,” Kipper told Dad.“So do you, Kipper,” said Dad. “You look different, too. You look quite grown up with short hair.”“It will be really easy to keep it tidy,” said Kipper. “No more having it pulled when Mum tries to comb it. And it will be so much easier to wash. I'm glad we went to Snips. And you see, I didn't make a fuss. Not once.”“No, you were a good boy,” said Dad. “I wonder what Mum will say when she sees our smart new haircuts.”Mum was home already. When she opened the front door and saw Kipper and Dad with their new short haircuts, she couldn't believe her eyes.Do you know what she said She said, “Good gracious, you both look as if you've been run over by a lawnmower.”Now that wasn't very nice… was itDay 5 The Lost TeddyHave you ever ridden on a bus The one that Mum and Kipper are just about to catch, has upstairs and downstairs. Do you know what a bus like this is called Kipper liked riding on the double-decker bus. He likes to go upstairs and sit in the very front seat. Then he could pretend that he was the driver.Kipper and Mum are standing at the bus stop. They are just about to get on the bus to go to town.I wonder if they will go upstairs and sit in the front seat this time.“We won't go all the way upstairs today, Kipper,” said Mum, “Because there won't be time. We're getting off at the next stop.”Mum had taken Kipper with her when she went to have her eyes tested. If she had been by herself, Mum would have walked, but in the first place Mum was in a hurry, and Kipper couldn't walk fast enough. And in the second place, Kipper loved riding on a double-decker bus, so Mum thought it would be a treat for him.As it was only a short ride, Kipper and Mum sat downstairs. In no time at all, the bus pulled up at the next stop, and Kipper and Mum had to get off. Oh no! Kipper was so surprised that the journey was over that he left Teddy behind, sitting on the seat.As soon as Kipper got off the bus, he remembered Teddy. “I've left Teddy on the bus!” he gasped. “I've left Teddy behind!” By this time, the bus had moved off and was almost out of sight, so it wasn't possible for Mum to run after it.“Oh Kipper!” said Mum. “There's not much I can do at the moment. I'm already late for my eye-test.”“But what about Teddy” wailed Kipper.“When we get home we'll phone the bus company. I expect the bus conductor will find Teddy and look after him until we can get him back.”When Kipper went to bed that night, he was very upset. He couldn't get to sleep without Teddy to keep him company, and he couldn't help crying. Biff and Chip tried to cheer him up. They took some of their favorite toys to give Kipper.“Don't cry,” said Chip.“I can't help it!” sniffed Kipper. “I keep wondering if I'll ever see Teddy again. What if someone has found him and kept him”The next day, Mum said to Kipper, “Come on, we're going on the bus again. We're going to theLost Property Office at the bus station.”A lost property office is a place that looks after all the things that people have lost on buses. And you'd be surprised at things people lose.“I expect lots of children lose teddy bears and toys,” said Mum. “There's probably a special department that looks after teddy bears.”Mum said this to try and cheer Kipper up, but he was so worried that Teddy wouldn't be at the Lost Property Office, that he didn't feel in the mood to be cheered up. At last they arrived at the bus station, and they went straight to the place that said “Lost Property”. Kipper had fingers crossed on both hands and he kept saying to himself, “I wish. I hope… I wish… I hope…”When Mum asked the lady if Kipper's Teddy bear had been handed in. She said, “I expect so. We had five teddy bears in yesterday, so I expect Kipper's is in the box.” And it was!You can imagine how pleased Kipper was to see Teddy again, and you can imagine how glad Teddy was to see Kipper. As for all the other lost teddies—well, they do look sad. But don't worry. The lady told Kipper that their owners would all come in and find them, sooner or later. In fact, as Kipper and Mum were leaving, a sad-looking little girl was going into the Lost Property Office with her dad.“I bet I know what she's lost,” said Kipper.Day 6 The LibraryDo you like books Kipper does. Here he is settling down with a really interesting book about..well, can you tell what his book is about What does it say on the coverKipper's book isn't a story book, although there is nothing he likes better than a good story. This book is an information book. Kipper likes information books because he likes to find out about things. This story is about the day that Dad took Kipper to the library to get some new books to read.It was Dad's turn to take Kipper to the library.“Oh dear,” said Dad. “Some of these books should have been taken back at least a week ago. That means I'll have to pay a fine.”Kipper liked the library, but this time he was very excited. Usually Mum and sometimes Dad, went with him to the children's section and helped him to choose a book. But today, he was going to be allowed to choose some books all by himself.“I'm sorry, but there's a fine to pay on all these books”, said the librarian, as Dad handed his books in.“Oh… er… um,” said Dad. “I'm afraid I've only got a five-pound note. Do you have any change”“Plenty, sir,” said the librarian.“Off you go then, Kipper,” said Dad. “You choose some books for yourself, and I'll go and choose some for Mum and me.”Kipper couldn't wait to browse through the shelves looking at all the exciting books in the children's corner.!“Wow!” said Kipper to himself. “There are loads and loads of books to choose from.”The children's corner had a carpet on the floor, and it had small, comfortable plastic chairs. The children could either sit in the chairs or lie on the carpet and have a good look at the books before deciding which ones to take home. To Kipper's delight, the reading corner wasn't very busy.“There's plenty of room today,” he said to himself. “I can spread out, like I do at home.”Soon Kipper was busy looking at the books on the shelves. Then he took every single book he liked the look of and put it in a pile beside one of the chairs. Then he sat down and began looking at them, one by one. Now you can see what he meant by “spreading out”Soon, the floor all round him was covered in books. The trouble was, Kipper liked every book, and he simply couldn't decide which ones to take home. When Dad had chosen a book for himself and a book for Mum, he told Kipper that it was almost time to go..“Decide quickly, Kipper,” he said, looking at all the books Kipper had spread out over the floor, “and make sure you put the rest of the books back on the right shelves.”The trouble was, Kipper couldn't decide.“I want that one, and that one,” he said. “These two. That one over there…oh, and I want this one, especially. And I think I want this little one. Yes. And I want the one I've just put down. Oh and the one I've just picked up…”In the end he decided to take all the books he had looked at that morning. And that meant he had seventeen books with him when he staggered up to the librarian's counter.“Goodness me!” said the librarian. “I'm afraid you can't take seventeen books home, all at one go. Children are only allowed to have three at a time.”In the end, Dad helped Kipper to choose three books, but that wasn't easy, because Kipper got the pile down to four, and then couldn't decide which one of the four to put back.“Well,” said Dad. “Normally I can take out six books. I've only got two, so I'll take out one for you on my ticket. And that way, you can have four books this time. And that way we can get home in time for dinner!”So that's what Dad did, and Kipper carried the four books home. On the way, Kipper said, “Dad, if you only got two books out, and you could have had six. That means I could have had…um….”“Yes,” said Dad, “four extra books, not just one extra. Don't even think it, Kipper. The three books you've got there, and one extra, are quite enough. After all, you can come back in a day or two and change them.”“Oh, can I” said Kipper. “I'd forgotten that!”Day 7 Swing BallBiff and Chip played football.Chip kicked the plastic football at the roses.It punched on one of the sharp thorns.Biff and Chip played badminton.Chip hit the shuttlecock so hard.It flew up the air and landed on the roof.Biff and Chip played French cricket.Biff whacked the ball over the fence into the neighbour's garden.Dad bought a swing ball.Biff and Chip played with the swing ball.Day 8 The Street FairWhen Dad took Biff and Chip into town to do some shopping, there was a big surprise for all three of them: A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face-painting store.“That looks fun!” said Biff.When Dad and the twins came home. Their painted faces gave Kipper and Mum a big surprise!Mum painted Kipper's face. And then she took a photograph of them all. She couldn't paint Floppy's face. So look what she did instead.Day 9 The Big BoxThis enormous box was left behind, when a new fridge freezer was delivered to the house. The box gave Biff and Chip a good idea, so they asked mom if they could have it. Can you guess what their idea wasWhen the new fridge freezer was delivered, it came in a huge cardboard box.“May we have the box, mum”asked Chip. “it would be a great thing to play with. Maybe we could make a little house out of it. It would only be our little house,”said Biff, “because i don't think more than one of us could get inside it.”The delivery man said he had some even bigger boxes in the back of his van. “Normally I throw them away,” he said, “so if you want them, you are welcome to them.”“Wow... Thanks!”said Biff and Chip.Mum helped Biff and Chip make the house. She carefully cut out the windows and door, and she thought of a way to make a sloping roof. Biff and Chip painted the little house. Chip painted a brick pattern on the sides, and when he had finished, Biff had a go at painting tiles on the roof.“It’s brilliant inside.”said Chip, crawling through the little door, “maybe we can put some tiny furniture in here.”“Just stay outside while I'm cutting these windows out,” warned mum.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good. There was room inside for Biff, Chip and Kipper, and there was even a little extension for Floppy. Chip had painted a sign that said “our house”, and another one that said “Floppy”. Biff found a little chair and a stool thatwere small enough to fit inside. “I think it's brilliant,” said Kipper. He liked the tall part of the house where everyone could stand up.“You'd better come inside,” Chip called to Biff, “it’s beginning to rain.” It didn't just rain. It poured. At first, it was fun inside the little house. The children looked out at the rain and felt very snug and safe. But after a while, water began to drip on them, and big wet patches appeared in the walls. “Oh... no!”, said Biff, “I don't think cardboard is waterproof. I think the house is collapsing!”“Hmm... the walls do feel soggy,”said Chip, “and the roof’s beginning to sag.”Mum ran out into the garden. “Oh dear,” she said, “I should have warned you about the rain. We should have put the little house in the carriage until the rain stopped. What a pity! After all the work you've done to make the house look nice, now it's ruined.”Later that day dad found a tent, and he put it up in the garden. “Sorry your cardboard house was spoiled by the rain,” he said, “but you can keep this tent up for as long as you like. Luckily the rain won't spoil it. It's quite waterproof.”“we like the tent,”Said Chip, “at least it won't go soggy.”“No. But tents can collapse,” said dad, “so we must make sure we put all the pegs in firmly.”In fact, the tent did collapse, but that's part of another story.Day 10 FetchMom and the twins wondered if floppy would go for a swim to fetch a stick if they threw one in the water. After all the dog that we’re watching seemed to be enjoying itself.One windy afternoon Biff and Chip went with mum when she took floppy out for his daily walk. They went to the park which wasn't very far away. The children liked going to the park. It had a little lake in it. Sometimes there were ducks on the lake, but on this particular afternoon there was a lady with two dogs who were jumping into the water to fetch sticks.“Look at those dogs swimming after sticks,”said Biff, “I didn't know dogs could swim so well”“Oh, yes,” said mom, “dogs are good swimmers. Some dogs have been known to rescue people and save them from drowning.” Floppy likes fetching things,” said Biff, “he loves chasing after balls in the garden. Do you think he would jump in the lake and fetch a stick”“I don't know,” said mom, “I've never seen him swim. I wonder if he will.”She picked up the stake and threw it into the lake. “Fetch it, Floppy!” she called, “Go on! Fetch!” Floppy didn't move. He didn't move when biff tried throwing his stick. “I'd have thoughtthat seeing those two dogs in the water would have given him the idea,” said chip. They all tried throwing more sticks, but Floppy simply wouldn't move.“At this rate there will be enough sticks in the water to build a bridge,” laughed mom. “I can't believe Floppy won't swim for us,”said Biff. She found one more stick and showed it to Floppy, but just as she threw it, a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake.“Oh, no!” Biff yelled, “my hat!” The hat sailed through the air spinning round and round. Then it landed in the lake where it floated among all the sticks that Biff, Chip and mum had thrown in. “Oh dear,” wailed Biff, “the wind is blowing it out farther and farther. We'll never be able to reach it, and it was my favorite hat too.”Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. With an enormous bound, he sprang into the water and swam towards Biff’s hat. “Wow,” said Biff, “who said Floppy wouldn't go for a swim! What a good dog! It's ‘Floppy to the rescue’, all right” said Chip, “Look! He's rescued Biff’s hat!”Floppy looked really pleased with himself as he came out of the water. He carried Biff’s hat very carefully in his jaws.“Thank you, Floppy,” said Biff, taking the hat, “What a clever dog you are!”“Hooray!”said Chip, “I think floppy is a sensible dog. He won't jump in a cold lake to fetch silly sticks, but when it comes to a proper rescue, he can swim really well.”At that moment floppy shook himself and the water from his coat sprayed all over Biff, Chip and mum.“Hey!” called mom, “You're making us all wet! Stop it, Floppy!”Floppy gave a little bark. He can't talk, of course, but if he could, I wonder what he would have said。

1-1 At schooldidn’t want to go in ,so he held onto the gate postwas shy, he hid in the cloak room.Come onplayed in the home cornercooked a lego stew .It was the end of the day.didn’twant to go home.What did he do He held onto the gate post. 封面中全篇故事英文This is your nursery school, come onKipper. No,no,nobody will like me.Hello Kipper,Don’t worry Kipper,come on. Come in,play with us.No,no.Come in,play in our playhourse.Look, Lisa is cooking lego juice. 1-2 Getting up1 kipper brushed his teeth. he knew a secret.2 kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.3 kipper got his shirt.4 kipper put on his trainers.the post lady arrived. She had a big pile of envelopes than usual.5 the surprise was for dad. It was his birthday.封面中全篇故事英文what a great day Good morning chipGood morning kipperI finished,hurry upOK,ok.where are my pantswhat are you doingIt's seven O' up,kipper.sh~~~daddy will hear you.I am hungry.Hurry up.Ok,wait a minute.I put in carrots,onions,peas,ice-cream andsausages.OuchWatch out,KipperI’m sorry.Let’s go home,Kipper.No,no,I don’t want to go.Goodbye Kipper,see you tomorrow.Say Goodbye,Kipper.Good bye,mam这是故事结束(de)英文歌This is my friend ,Kipper. Hello Kipper. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. This is my friend suan. Hello,Susan.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. hurry up.my shirt A~~~~oops.sh~~~~'s going to wake up.come on ,kipper hurry updon't forget daddy's present.ok,ok,I almost finish,wait,wait.daddy,wake up,happy birthday,daddy歌曲whatt do you do in the morningwhat do you do in the morningwhat do you dowhat do you dowhat do you do in the morningI get up,brush my teath,wash my face and comb my hair.what do you do in the morningI get up,brush my teath,wash my face and comb my hair. what do you do I brush my teeth.Come on,Come in,play,kipper,susan.Bye,Susan.Goodbye,Kipper.1-3 look out1 Kipper's friend lent him his Road Ripper(路霹雳2 Kipper imagined he was a famous Ripper rider in the race.3 Kipper withdrew/withdrawn the house and screeched onto the lawn.4 Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper.taught kipper how to be a careful rider.全文You look nice,Kipper ,but be careful.Don't worry mummy,I can drive.Ok,good luck.No,No,look out,Kipper not this way,go that way.I know mummy,but I can't stop.look out,kipper.what's happening,kipperwhat's the matter what do you do I wash my face.what do you do I comb my hair.1-4 the haircut,your hair is too long.Oh,ouch daddy that hurtsLet's get haircutwe are this is snips hair salon.Snips,what's snip,daddyIt'll be exciting. snip,snip,snip......Let's go in. I'll tell you later.is nice,daddy . I like it.No, I don't .my eyes hurt.Shampoo got in my eyes.you hear the soundsnip,snip.Oh,yes, cutting sound.Don't move your head Ouch.look different.You look different too .oops,slow down.look out ,kipperoh,I am sorry,I can't stop.oh,my picture look out ,kipperI can't stop no......kipper,go to left hand,now right,fine,good. kipper , stopgood kipper,You are a good driver.歌曲Cycle to the left,Kipper's tricycle.Cycle to the left,Kipper's tricycle.Cycle to the left,Kipper's tricycle.Kipper is the best,best driver,driver. Cycle to the right,Kipper's tricycle.Cycle to the right,Kipper's tricycle.Cycle to the right,Kipper's tricycle. Kipper is the best,best driver,driver.1-5 The lost teddy Hello ,dear.‘’“:Hello mummy.Surprise.Oh,who are you歌曲what are you dongI am cutting my hair,long hair,black hair,long black hair. what is she doingshe's getting shampoo,shower hair,round hair,shower round hair. what is he dongHe's,getthg heircut,long hair,yellow hair,long yellow hair1-6 the librarybook is overdue. I am sorry., I am going to look at the books.emu,ok,kipper,let's choose the 'll be over there.,I am going to a cat book,wow, a lot of books.emu,let's see this one, I can't decide which one to take home.1.Where are we going2.To the department store, Here we are.3.Let's get off here ,kipper.,mummy,oh,my teddy.what's the matterMy teddy is on the bus.the bus is gone.,this toy is for you.No,don't cry,kipper,have this teddy.no,no,I only want my teddy.I hope my teddy is there.don't worry,kipper we will find your teddy.I hlep youI want my lost teddy,please.There are many teddies here., this is my teddy.Oh,is this your teddy Here you are. is fun, I like all of them, I am going to take all of them. Daddy, I want all of these books.Oh,no,Kipper, you can't take all of them,Take only four books,kipper.only have four books,can we come again tomorrow daddy Maybe we'll see.歌曲Are you ready Ok,sing to getherpicture books,big books,comic books.Here are many books.I can see many books.I can choose many books.sh~~,be quite, you are in the library.Picture books, big books, comic books.Here are many books.I can see many books.I can choose many books.and I can read many books.。

原版牛津阅读树无字书文本12篇全Day 1 At SchoolIt was Kipper's first day at school.He didn't want to go in.So he held onto the gate post.Kipper was shy. He hid in the cloakroom. “Come on!”Kipper played in the home corner.Kipper cooked a LEGO stew.It was the end of the day.Kipper didn't want to go home.What did he do? He held onto the gate post. Day 2 Getting UpKipper brushed his teeth. He knew a secret.Kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise hehad hid in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt.Kipper put on his trainers.The post lady arrived.She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.The surprise was for Dad.It was his birthday.Day 3 Look OutKipper's friend lent him his road ripper.Kipper imagined he was a famous ripper rider in a race.Kipper whizzed around the house and screeched onto the lawn.“Oh.”Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper.Everyone taught Kipper how to be a careful rider. Day 4 The HaircutOne day, Dad said to Mum, “Kipper's hair is getting really long again. It's time he had a cut.”“Oh, dear,” groaned mum. “I don't think I want to know about this. Ask me to clean a crocodile's teeth, or cut a tiger's toe nails. But don't ask me to cut Kipper's hair.”Mum had been dreading cutting Kipper's hair, ever since the last time she did it. The trouble was, Kipper made a terrible fuss. He just wouldn't keep still when Mum shampooed his hair. And he cried, because she got a little drop of shampoo in his eye. But that was nothing, compared to the trouble she had when she tried to give him the haircut. He wiggled and jiggled and squirmed and fidgeted so that Mum was cross with him. Then as soon as he did sit still, Mum made a little nick on his ear with the scissors. And after that,Kipper made a bigger fuss than ever.“Surely, it's not that difficult a job.” said Dad.“Difficult? Difficult?” exclaimed Mum. “I'd rather polish a python or rinse a rhinoceros.”“Now, who's making a fuss.” said Dad.“I know what.” said Mum, giving Dad a funny knowing sort of smile. “You cut Kipper's hair. After all, I'm going out this afternoon. So it can be a nice little job for you.”“Well, urr…umm…oh…all right then.” said Dad. “I don't think Kipper will give me any trouble. He just needs handling the right way.”As soon as Mum had gone. Dad took Kipper up to the bathroom. He started combing his hair.“Do you know?” he said, in his jolliest voice. “I heard of a little boy who made so much fuss when he had his hair cut that nobody was ever able to cut it. It grew so long, that the boy couldn't see where he was going. And he kept bumping into doors and crashing into lamp post and tripping over the cat. Ican't imagine you'd be as silly as that, Kipper.”“Oh, ouch!” cried Kipper. “You're hurting. Mum never hurts like that when she combs my hair.”“I thought we could wash your hair, then I can give it a little cut.” said Dad.“Oh…aw…”wailed Kipper, wiggling and squirming away. “I don't want my hair cut.”“This is going to be trickier than I thought.”said Dad. “But I've just had a brilliant idea.”Dad persuaded Kipper to have his hair cut at a hairdresser's. He told Kipper that the hairdresser was so good at cutting hair that Kipper would really enjoy it. At first, Kipper wasn't too sure. So Dad said, “I had my hair cut at a hairdresser when I was a little boy and I didn't make a fuss. I remember thinking it was good fun.”“Well, all right.” said Kipper. “But if going to a hairdresser is such fun, why does Mum always cut your hair?”“She doesn't always.” said Dad. “I tell you what, I'll have my hair cut at the same time as you. I betyou I won't make a fuss.”So Dad took Kipper to a hairdresser in the high street. It's called Snips Hair Salon. The shop looked very bright and attractive.“Snips is a good name for a hairdresser's.”thought Kipper.The first thing that happened to Kipper and Dad, once they were in the salon, was that they had their hair washed. Dad had his washed by an assistant called Andy. And Kipper, had his washed by an assistant called Nicky. Much to his surprise, Kipper enjoyed having his hair washed by Nicky. She didn't wash it in the way Mum did it at home. Instead, Kipper sat with his back to the basin and he leaned backwards. The basin didn't have taps. It had a special hose that Nicky could control by pressing a little trigger on the end. Nicky was very careful not to let any water run on to Kipper's face. Next to Kipper, Andy was shampooing Dad's hair.“Be careful with all this foam,” Kipper heard Dad say. “I don't want shampoo in my eyes… I hope you won't let the water run dawn my neck… You willmake sure the water isn't too hot, won't you?”“Dad's making a bit of a fuss,” thought Kipper.After the shampooing was finished. Andy and Nicky sat Dad and Kipper on different chairs in front of a big, long mirror."Excuse me, sir," said Nicky. “What would you like me to do with Kipper's hair? Shall I give him a trim?”Dad remembered how quickly Kipper's hair grew. He remembered the fuss Kipper made whenever Mum cut it and last of all he saw how expensive it was to have a haircut in the salon. So he said, “No, not just a trim. I think you'd better cut it short. Yes, quite short!”“And how about you, sir?” said Andy.Kipper looked at Dad, and Dad looked at Kipper. Then Dad said, “Oh….um….er….yes. I'd like mine quiet short, too.”Snip, snip, snip! Snip-snip! Went the scisoors. Kipper looked sideways at Dad. Dad didn't look too happy.“I bet he did make a fuss when he was a little boy,” thought Kipper.Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts.“You look different,” Kipper told Dad.“So do you, Kipper,”said Dad. “You look different, too. You look quite grown up with short hair.”“It will be really easy to keep it tidy,” said Kipper. “No more having it pulled when Mum tries to comb it. And it will be so much easier to wash. I'm glad we went to Snips. And you see, I didn't make a fuss. Not once.”“No, you were a good boy,” said Dad. “I wonder what Mum will say when she sees our smart new haircuts.”Mum was home already. When she opened the front door and saw Kipper and Dad with their new short haircuts, she couldn't believe her eyes.Do you know what she said? She said, “Good gracious, you both look as if you've been run over bya lawnmower.”Now that wasn't very nice… was it?Day 5 The Lost TeddyHave you ever ridden on a bus? The one that Mum and Kipper are just about to catch, has upstairs and downstairs. Do you know what a bus like this is called? Kipper liked riding on the double-decker bus. He likes to go upstairs and sit in the very front seat. Then he could pretend that he was the driver.Kipper and Mum are standing at the bus stop. They are just about to get on the bus to go to town. I wonder if they will go upstairs and sit in the front seat this time.“We won't go all the way upstairs today, Kipper,”said Mum, “Because there won't be time. We're getting off at the next stop.”Mum had taken Kipper with her when she went to haveher eyes tested. If she had been by herself, Mum would have walked, but in the first place Mum was in a hurry, and Kipper couldn't walk fast enough. And in the second place, Kipper loved riding on a double-decker bus, so Mum thought it would be a treat for him.As it was only a short ride, Kipper and Mum sat downstairs. In no time at all, the bus pulled up at the next stop, and Kipper and Mum had to get off. Oh no! Kipper was so surprised that the journey was over that he left Teddy behind, sitting on the seat.As soon as Kipper got off the bus, he remembered Teddy. “I've left Teddy on the bus!” he gasped. “I've left Teddy behind!” By this time, the bus had moved off and was almost out of sight, so it wasn't possible for Mum to run after it.“Oh Kipper!” said Mum. “There's not much I can do at the moment. I'm already late for my eye-test.”“But what about Teddy?” wailed Kipper.“When we get home we'll phone the bus company.I expect the bus conductor will find Teddy and look after him until we can get him back.”When Kipper went to bed that night, he was very upset. He couldn't get to sleep without Teddy to keep him company, and he couldn't help crying. Biff and Chip tried to cheer him up. They took some of their favorite toys to give Kipper.“Don't cry,” said Chip.“I can't help it!” sniffed Kipper. “I keep wondering if I'll ever see Teddy again. What if someone has found him and kept him?”The next day, Mum said to Kipper, “Come on, we're going on the bus again. We're going to the Lost Property Office at the bus station.”A lost property office is a place that looks after all the things that people have lost on buses. And you'd be surprised at things people lose.“I expect lots of children lose teddy bears and toys,”said Mum. “There's probably a special department that looks after teddy bears.”Mum said this to try and cheer Kipper up, but he was so worried that Teddy wouldn't be at the Lost Property Office, that he didn't feel in the mood tobe cheered up. At last they arrived at the bus station, and they went straight to the place that said “Lost Property”. Kipper had fingers crossed on both hands and he kept saying to himself, “I wish. I hope (I)wish… I hope…”When Mum asked the lady if Kipper's Teddy bear had been handed in. She said, “I expect so. We had five teddy bears in yesterday, so I expect Kipper's is in the box.” And it was!You can imagine how pleased Kipper was to see Teddy again, and you can imagine how glad Teddy was to see Kipper. As for all the other lost teddies—well, they do look sad. But don't worry. The lady told Kipper that their owners would all come in and find them, sooner or later. In fact, as Kipper and Mum were leaving, a sad-looking little girl was going into the Lost Property Office with her dad.“I bet I know what she's lost,” said Kipper. Day 6 The LibraryDo you like books? Kipper does. Here he is settling down with a really interesting book about..well, can you tell what his book is about? What does it say on the cover?Kipper's book isn't a story book, although there is nothing he likes better than a good story. This book is an information book. Kipper likes information books because he likes to find out about things. This story is about the day that Dad took Kipper to the library to get some new books to read.It was Dad's turn to take Kipper to the library.“Oh dear,” said Dad. “Some of these books should have been taken back at least a week ago. That means I'll have to pay a fine.”Kipper liked the library, but this time he was very excited. Usually Mum and sometimes Dad, went with him to the children's section and helped him to choose a book. But today, he was going to be allowed to choose some books all by himself.“I'm sorry, but there's a fine to pay on all thesebooks”, said the librarian, as Dad handed his books in.“Oh… er… um,” said Dad. “I'm afraid I've only got a five-pound note. Do you have any change?”“Plenty, sir,” said the librarian.“Off you go then, Kipper,” said Dad. “You choose some books for yourself, and I'll go and choose some for Mum and me.”Kipper couldn't wait to browse through the shelves looking at all the exciting books in the children's corner.!“Wow!” said Kipper to himself. “There are loads and loads of books to choose from.”The children's corner had a carpet on the floor, and it had small, comfortable plastic chairs. The children could either sit in the chairs or lie on the carpet and have a good look at the books before deciding which ones to take home. To Kipper's delight, the reading corner wasn't very busy.“There's plenty of room today,” he said to himself. “I can spread out, like I do at home.”Soon Kipper was busy looking at the books on the shelves. Then he took every single book he liked the look of and put it in a pile beside one of the chairs. Then he sat down and began looking at them, one by one. Now you can see what he meant by “spreading out”Soon, the floor all round him was covered in books. The trouble was, Kipper liked every book, and he simply couldn't decide which ones to take home. When Dad had chosen a book for himself and a book for Mum, he told Kipper that it was almost time to go..“Decide quickly, Kipper,” he said, looking at all the books Kipper had spread out over the floor, “and make sure you put the rest of the books back on the right shelves.”The trouble was, Kipper couldn't decide.“I want that one, and that one,” he said. “These two. That one over there…oh, and I want this one, especially. And I think I want this little one. Yes. And I want the one I've just put down. Oh and the one I've just picked up…”In the end he decided to take all the books he had looked at that morning. And that meant he hadseventeen books with him when he staggered up to the librarian's counter.“Goodness me!” said the librarian. “I'm afraid you can't take seventeen books home, all at one go. Children are only allowed to have three at a time.”In the end, Dad helped Kipper to choose three books, but that wasn't easy, because Kipper got the pile down to four, and then couldn't decide which one of the four to put back.“Well,” said Dad. “Normally I can take out six books. I've only got two, so I'll take out one for you on my ticket. And that way, you can have four books this time. And that way we can get home in time for dinner!”So that's what Dad did, and Kipper carried the four books home. On the way, Kipper said, “Dad, if you only got two books out, and you could have had six. That means I could have had…um….”“Yes,” said Dad, “four extra books, not just one extra. Don't even think it, Kipper. The three books you've got there, and one extra, are quite enough. After all, you can come back in a day or twoand change them.”“Oh, can I?” said Kipper. “I'd forgotten that!”Day 7 Swing BallBiff and Chip played football.Chip kicked the plastic football at the roses.It punched on one of the sharp thorns.Biff and Chip played badminton.Chip hit the shuttlecock so hard.It flew up the air and landed on the roof.Biff and Chip played French cricket.Biff whacked the ball over the fence into the neighbour's garden.Dad bought a swing ball.Biff and Chip played with the swing ball.Day 8 The Street FairWhen Dad took Biff and Chip into town to do some shopping, there was a big surprise for all three of them: A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face-painting store.“That looks fun!” said Biff.When Dad and the twins came home. Their painted faces gave Kipper and Mum a big surprise!Mum painted Kipper's face. And then she took a photograph of them all. She couldn't paint Floppy's face. So look what she did instead.Day 9 The Big BoxThis enormous box was left behind, when a new fridge freezer was delivered to the house. The box gave Biff and Chip a good idea, so they asked mom if they could have it. Can you guess what their idea was?When the new fridge freezer was delivered, it came in a huge cardboard box.“May we have the box, mum?” asked Chip. “it would be a great thing to play with. Maybe we could make a little house out of it. It would only be our little house,” said Biff, “because i don't think more than one of us could get inside it.”The delivery man said he had some even bigger boxes in the back of his van. “Normally I throw them away,”he said, “so if you want them, you are welcome to them.”“Wow... Thanks!” said Biff and Chip.Mum helped Biff and Chip make the house. She carefully cut out the windows and door, and she thought of a way to make a sloping roof. Biff and Chip painted the little house. Chip painted a brick pattern on the sides, and when he had finished, Biff had a go at painting tiles on the roof.“It’s brilliant inside.” said Chip, crawlingthrough the little door, “maybe we can put some tiny furniture in here.”“Just stay outside while I'm cutting these windows out,” warned mum.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good. There was room inside for Biff, Chip and Kipper, and there was even a little extension for Floppy. Chip had painted a sign that said “our house”, and another one that said “Floppy”. Biff found a little chair and a stool that were small enough to fit inside. “I think it's brilliant,”said Kipper. He liked the tall part of the house where everyone could stand up.“You'd better come inside,”Chip called to Biff, “it’s beginning to rain.”It didn't just rain. It poured. At first, it was fun inside the little house. The children looked out at the rain and felt very snug and safe. But after a while, water began to drip on them, and big wet patches appeared in the walls. “Oh... no!”, said Biff, “I don't think cardboard is waterproof. I think the house is collapsing!”“Hmm... the walls do feel soggy,”said Chip, “and the roof’s beginning to sag.” Mum ran out into the garden. “Oh dear,”she said, “I should have warnedyou about the rain. We should have put the little house in the carriage until the rain stopped. What a pity! After all the work you've done to make the house look nice, now it's ruined.”Later that day dad found a tent, and he put it up in the garden. “Sorry your cardboard house was spoiled by the rain,”he said, “but you can keep this tent up for as long as you like. Luckily the rain won't spoil it. It's quite waterproof.”“we like the tent,” Said Chip, “at least it won't go soggy.”“No. But tents can collapse,”said dad, “so we must make sure we put all the pegs in firmly.”In fact, the tent did collapse, but that's part of another story.Day 10 FetchMom and the twins wondered if floppy would go for a swim to fetch a stick if they threw one in the water. After all the dog that we’re watching seemed to beenjoying itself.One windy afternoon Biff and Chip went with mum when she took floppy out for his daily walk. They went to the park which wasn't very far away. The children liked going to the park. It had a little lake in it. Sometimes there were ducks on the lake, but on this particular afternoon there was a lady with two dogs who were jumping into the water to fetch sticks.“Look at those dogs swimming after sticks,”said Biff, “I didn't know dogs could swim so well?”“Oh, yes,”said mom, “dogs are good swimmers. Some dogs have been known to rescue people and save them from drowning.”Floppy likes fetching things,”said Biff, “he loves chasing after balls in the garden. Do you think he would jump in the lake and fetch a stick?”“I don't know,”said mom, “I've never seen him swim. I wonder if he will.”She picked up the stake and threw it into the lake. “Fetch it, Floppy!” she called, “Go on! Fetch!”Floppy didn't move. He didn't move when biff tried throwing his stick. “I'd have thought that seeing those two dogs in the water would have given him theidea,”said chip. They all tried throwing more sticks, but Floppy simply wouldn't move.“At this rate there will be enough sticks in the water to build a bridge,” laughed mom. “I can't believe Floppy won't swim for us,” said Biff. She found one more stick and showed it to Floppy, but just as she threw it, a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake.“Oh, no!”Biff yelled, “my hat!”The hat sailed through the air spinning round and round. Then it landed in the lake where it floated among all the sticks that Biff, Chip and mum had thrown in. “Oh dear,” wailed Biff, “the wind is blowing it out farther and farther. We'll never be able to reach it, and it was my favorite hat too.”Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. With an enormous bound, he sprang into the water and swam towards Biff’s hat. “Wow,” said Biff, “who said Floppy wouldn't go for a swim! What a good dog! It's ‘Floppy to the rescue’, all right?” said Chip, “Look! He's rescued Biff’s hat!”Floppy looked really pleased with himself as hecame out of the water. He carried Biff’s hat very carefully in his jaws.“Thank you, Floppy,”said Biff, taking the hat, “What a clever dog you are!”“Hooray!” said Chip, “I think floppy is a sensible dog. He won't jump in a cold lake to fetch silly sticks, but when it comes to a proper rescue, he can swim really well.”At that moment floppy shook himself and the water from his coat sprayed all over Biff, Chip and mum.“Hey!”called mom, “You're making us all wet! Stop it, Floppy!”Floppy gave a little bark. He can't talk, of course, but if he could, I wonder what he would have said。

1-1 At school1.He didn’t want to go in ,so he held onto the gate post2.Kipper was shy, he hid in the cloak room. Come on3.Kipper played in the home corner4.Kipper cooked a lego stew .It was the end of the day.5.Kipper didn’twant to go home.What did he do? He held onto the gate post. 封面中全篇故事英文This is your nursery school, come onKipper. No,no,nobody will like me.Hello Kipper,Don’t worry Kipper,come on. Come in,play with us. 1-2 Getting up1 kipper brushed his teeth. he knew a secret.2 kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.3 kipper got his shirt.4 kipper put on his trainers.the post lady arrived. She had a big pile of envelopes than usual.5 the surprise was for dad. It was his birthday. 封面中全篇故事英文what a great day! Good morning chip!Good morning kipper!I finished,hurry up!OK,ok.where are my pants?No,no.Come in,play in our playhourse. Look, Lisa is cooking lego juice.I am hungry.Hurry up.Ok,wait a minute.I put in carrots,onions,peas,ice-cream andsausages.Ouch!Watch out,Kipper!I’m sorry.Let’s go home,Kipper.No,no,I don’t want to go.Goodbye Kipper,see you tomorrow. Say Goodbye,Kipper. what are you doing?It's seven O'clock.Hurry up,kipper.sh~~~daddy will hear you.hurry up.my shirt! A~~~~oops.sh~~~~kipper.daddy's going to wake up. come on ,kipper hurry up!don't forget daddy's present.ok,ok,I almost finish,wait,wait.daddy,wake up,happy birthday,daddy!歌曲whatt do you do in the morning?what do you do in the morning?what do you do?what do you do?Good bye,mam这是故事结束的英文歌This is my friend ,Kipper. Hello Kipper.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. This is my friend suan. Hello,Susan.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Come on,Come in,play,kipper,susan.Bye,Susan.Goodbye,Kipper.1-3 look out1 Kipper's friend lent him his Road Ripper(路霹雳2 Kipper imagined he was a famous Ripper rider in the race.3 Kipper withdrew/withdrawn the house and screeched onto the lawn. what do you do in the morning?I get up,brush my teath,wash my face and comb my hair.what do you do in the morning?I get up,brush my teath,wash my face and comb my hair.what do you do? I brush my teeth.what do you do? I wash my face.what do you do? I comb my hair.1-4 the haircut1.Kipper ,your hair is too long.Oh,ouch! daddy! that hurts!Let's get haircut!2.Here we are! this is snips hair salon.1.Where are we going?To the department store, Here we are.Let's get off here ,kipper.2.ok,mummy,oh,my teddy.what's the matter?My teddy is on the bus.the bus is gone.3.Kipper,this toy is for you.No,don't cry,kipper,have this teddy.no,no,I only want my teddy.I hope my teddy is there.don't worry,kipper we will find your teddy.4.May I hlep you?I want my lost teddy,please. over there.3.ok,I am going to a cat book,wow, a lot of books.emu,let's see this one, I can't decide which one to take home.4.this is fun, I like all of them, I am going to take all of them.Daddy, I want all of these books.Oh,no,Kipper, you can't take all of them,Take only four books,kipper.5.I only have four books,can we come again tomorrow daddy?Maybe we'll see.歌曲Are you ready? Ok,sing to gether!。

WORD格式牛津的阅读树 3 (30 本)3-1 The Steel Band. 3-15 Kipper's Idea.3-2 Pond Dipping. 3-16 Srawberry Jam.3-3 Sniff. 3-17 The Jumble Sale.3-4 The Duck Race. 3-18 The Snowman.3-5 The Ice Rink. 3-19 At the Pool.3-6 The Mud Bath. 3-20 Book Week.3-7 Joe and the Bike. 3-21 Bull's-eye!.3-8 Midge and the Eggs. 3-22 The Barbecue.3-9 Midge in Hospital. 3-23 The Carnival.3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey. 3-24 The Cold Day.3-11 Pip at he Zoo. 3-25 A Cat in the Tree.3-12 Roy and the Budgie. 3-26 By the Stream.3-13 At the Seaside. 3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play. 3-14 Kipper the Clown. 3-28 On the Sand.3-29 The Egg Hunt. 3-30 The Rope Swing.3-1 The Steel Band.A band came to play.“ My name isStan, ” said a man. “ I want you to help us. ”“ I wantyou to clap, ” he saidClap. your“hands and tap you feet. ”“ I want you to sing a song. ” “ Sing it with us. ”The children sang with the band. “ Now clap as you sing ” said “ Who wants to play in the band? ” The children put up their hands.Everyone wanted to play. “ You can all play, ” said Stan. Wilf hitthe drum. “ Tap it, ” said Stanbang. it.“ ”DonWhat’ a grand band!1. Stan[st?n] n. [男子名 ]斯坦 (Stanley 的昵称 )(m.)2. tap[英] [t?p] vt.开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开⋯取[放]液体vi.轻声走;跳踢踏舞3.bang [英] [b??] vt. 猛击,猛撞3-2 Pond Dipping.Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck. “ Help me pull, ” said Wilf. They pulled the net.It was stuck on some junk . Wilma got a big stick. “ Let ’ s pull it out, she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn Dad helped. They pulled out an old It made Wilf jump.pull the’t junk out. Mum and pram. Plop! A frog hopped out.Splash! A fish jumped up. “ A pram full of fish, ” said Dad. dipping! ” said Wilma.4.stuck[英] [st?k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被⋯缠住的;被⋯难住的,不知所措5.junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;6.pram[英 ] [pr?m] n. <英 >(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船7.plop[英] [pl?p] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声 vi. 扑通地坠落8.hop out[英] [h?p aut] [体]后摆;跳下3-3 Sniff.“ Will you look after Sniff today? ” said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after the puppy.They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.2Sniff liked to roll on her back ⋯ jump up for a stick...run after a ball ⋯ and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond and she barked at a dog. “ I am hot, ”Wilf. “ I want a rest. ”“ I am hot, too, ” said Wilma. “ I want a drink. ”Mum couldn ’ t find Sniff. She couldn ’ t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “ They lostmust ”be said Mum.They were fast asleep. “ They are worn out, ” said Dad.9. mud[英 ] [m?d] n.泥,泥淖;没价值的东西,污物;3-4 The Duck Race.Wilma had an idea.The children made six ducks. “ Let ’ s have a duck race,”said Mum began the race. “ Drop the duckssa i n,d Mum. ”The ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma sank’. s duckChip ’ s duck got stuck in thereeds. Biff ’ s duck got stuck in theweeds. Wilf ’ s duck got stuck on a log. “ Get it off with a stick,said Chip. Kipper ’ s duck went fast. It went past duckDad. Two ’ sswans flew down. They landed on the ducks! “ Six soggy ducks,”said Kipper.10.sank[英] [s??k] v. (使)下沉,(使)沉没( sink的过去式)11.reed[英] [ri ?d] n. 芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧12.weed[英] [wi:d] n. 杂草;野草;废物;烟草13.swan[英] [sw?n] n. 天鹅;诗人,歌手33-5 The Ice Rink.Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink . They put skates on. They went on to the ice. “ Holdmy hand, ” said Dad. Wilf held Dad “ This is fun, ” saidWilfWilflet. go of his Dad ’’ s s hand. He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “ This ice is cold, ”said Wilf.Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.“ Look at mespin! ”said Dad. “ Look at me jump! ”Dad got some cold drinks. “ Look out, Dad, ” said Wilf. Oh no! A banana skin.14.ice rink[英] [ais r??k] n. 溜冰场;滑冰场15.whoops[英 ] [hw?ps, w?ps, hwu:ps, wu:ps] int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)16.bump[英] [b?mp] n. 碰撞,撞击;肿块;隆起物;鹭鸶的叫声17.spin[英] [spin] vi. 快速旋转;3-6 The Mud Bath.Dad was playing football.He ran with the ball. “ Go on Dad! Dad fell over in the mud. Splat!” called Chip.“ Bad luck, Dad!“ Kick it!” said Biff.“ Oh Dad, ” said Mum.“ What a messwant. a ”bath,“I” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath. Dad came down.There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football. “ Go on! ”he called. “ Kick it! forgot the bath. Drip! Drip! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat! ”What was that? ”said Dad. Splash! “ O said Dad.3-7 Joe and the Bike.Joe went to speedway.Joe liked speedway. His dad was a speedway rider.Joe ’ s dad was in a race. He was in front. “ Come on! ”shoute Joe ’ s dad fell off. “ Oh no! ” said Joe.Joe ’ s dad pushed his bike. “ What a rider! ”said Joe.It was Joe ’ s birthday. His dad gave him a bike. Joe lied the bike.Joe was in a race. He was in front. “ Come on!. Joe” shouted Dadfell off. “ Oh no! ” said Dad.“ What a rider! ”said Dad.18.speedway[英] [?spi:d?we] n. 赛车跑道3-8 Midge and the Eggs.4Midge ’ s mum wanted some eggs.“ Come Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag.play, ” said his friends. can ’ t, ”“I said Midge.“ My Mum wants these eggs. ”Midge saw his friend. The friend had a go-kart . Midge wanted a go.Midge put the bag down. He went on the go-kart. He forgot theeggs. A man put the bag in the cart. “ Oh no! ” said Midge. eggs! ”Mi dge’ s mum looked at the bag. “ Sorry, Mum, ” said Midge.Midge ’ s mum went to the egg shop. She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket.Oh no!19.Midge 米吉20.go-kart[英] [?ɡ?u?kɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名3-9 Midge in Hospital.Midge fell off his bike.The ambulance came. The man looked an Midge Midge to hospital.’ s foot. They took Midge was frightened.He didn ’ t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge ’ s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet.Midge ’ s mum came to see himShe. gave him a toy.Midge ’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit.Midge ’ s friends came to see him. They gave him some books.not so bad in hospital, ” said Midge. “ It ’ s good to be home. 21.nan[英] [n?n] n. 奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼53-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.Pip was at the zoo.Pip ’ s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill. They took the monkey home.The monkey got better. Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo.Pip cried and cried. She wanted to keep the monkey.They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkeyjumped and jumped. It was happy. Pip was happy too.3-11 Pip at he Zoo.Pip went to the zoo.Pip ’ s dad waszooa-keeper. Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas. A monkey took Pip ’ s hat. Pi gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip ’ s sweets gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “ Do youwant to feed the crocodiles? ” “ No thanks, ” said Pip.22.peck[英] [pek] vt. 啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;3-12 Roy and the Budgie.Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey.Joey flew out side. “ Oh no! ” said Roy.Roy couldn ’t getJoey. Joey flew away. Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn ’ t see Joey. ostrichAn was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich. Theostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper. The zoo-keeper had a budgie.“ It ’ s my ostrich, e”zoosaid-keeperth. “ It ’ s my budgie, ” said Roy.“ Thanks, ” they said.25. Joey [男子名 ] 乔伊 Joseph的昵称23.Roy n.罗伊(男子名)24.budgie[英] [?b?d?i] n. 相思鹦鹉 3-13 At the Seaside.The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too. The hotelhad burned down. “ Sorry!said the” man.6They looked at a new hotel. “ Too expensive, ” said Mum. Theylooked at an old hotel. “ No, thank you, ” said Dad. Ever hotel was full. “ Sorry! ” said everyone. They had to go home. But the carbroke down.A farmer stopped his tractor. “ Can I help? ” he said.The farmer had a bus. “ You can stay here, ” he said.“ What a good holiday! ” said Wilf.3-14 Kipper the Clown.The children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh. Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.Everyone had a drink. “ What a good circus! ” said Mum. Wilf wasa stuntman. Kipper was fed up .He wanted to be a stuntman. “ Look at me! ” he said. Everyonelooked at Kipper. Oh no! “ I ’ m a clown, after all, ” said Kipp26.circus[英] [?s?:k?s] n. 马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行);27.gymnastics[英] [d??m?n?st?ks] n. 体操,体育;体操运动28.stuntman[英] [?st?nt?m?n] n. 特技替身演员29.feed up[英] [fi:d ?p] 养肥;养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态;对⋯厌烦3-15 Kipper's Idea.Dad took Kipper to school.They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall. Kipper ran into theplayground. He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper. The wall looked amess. Mrs May was cross. The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.The wall looked good. Everyone liked it.“ Good for Kipper! ”everyone said.3-16 Srawberry Jam.Dad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries. They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your- own. “ You can all help, ”said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.7The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home. The car ranover the strawberries. “ Oh no! ” said everyone. “ Traffic jam! Dad.3-17 The Jumble Sale.Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning .Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk . They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “ What a lot of junk! ”Wilf. The children saw their toys. They counted their money.It was time to go home. “ What’ s in the bags? ” said Mum. Oh no!30.spring-cleaning[英] [?spr???kli:n??] n. 春季大扫除,大扫除31. drawer[英] [dr?:] n.抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者32.junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货33.jumble sale[英] [?d??mb?l seil] n. (义卖时的)杂物拍卖3-18 The Snowman.It was snowing. Hooray,“ ” said the children.They saw wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow. Biff had a good idea. Shemade a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick. The children made a giant snowman.Wilf ’ s dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.Wilma ’ s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof.snowmen! ” said Wilma ’ s dad.34.Hooray [英] [h??re?]万岁3-19 At the Pool.Kipper went to the swimming pool.Wilma ’ s mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too. It was a new pool. Everyonewanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn ’ t find them. Kippercouldn ’ t go in the pool. “ Sorry, ” said the man.Wilma ’ s mum was in the water. “ Oh dear, ”she said.Wilma ’ s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks.They went back to the pool. “ Oh no! ” said Kipper.8“ I put them on at home, ” he said.35. trunks[tr ??ks] n. 树干( trunk 的名词复数 );衣箱;象鼻3-20 Book Week.It was book week.The children made books.He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up. Kipper was a caterpillar . He ate an apple.They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce. He was the hungry caterpillar. There was abook sale. Kipper was hungry. “ I am a hungry Kipper, ”he said 36.caterpillar[英] [?k?t ?pil?] n. 毛虫;履带;履带拖拉机3-21 Bull's-eye!.Everyone went to the school fair.WORD格式Wilma wanted a book. Her dad bought it for her. Wilf kicked the ball. He won the goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy. He had to hit a bull ’s-eye. Dad got cross. He couldn ’ t hit the-eyebull. ’sWilma was in the gym display . Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her.Wilma was cross. “ You forgotwa t ch,o ”she said. Wilf and Wilma had a fight. They bumped into Dad.Bill ’s-eye! Dad won a teddy.40. gym display体育展示37.bull's-eye[英] [?b?lz?a?] n. 靶心;的38.gym[英] [d?im] n. <非正 >健身房;体育馆;室内健身操;体操39.display[英] [dis?plei] n.展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品41. bump[英] [b?mp] vt.& vi. 碰撞,冲撞;颠簸 vi. 颠簸着前进3-22 The Barbecue.Wilf ’ s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped. The dads lit the fire.The fire went out. The children were hungry. The dads lit the fire again. It began to rain.The dads cooked the burgers. The children were fed up.9The burgers burned. “ Yuk! ” said Chip. Oh no! The dads got wet.“ Hooray! ” said the children.42.barbecue[英] [?bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉;烧烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金属烤架43.burgers[?b?:ɡ?z] n. 汉堡包( burger的名词复数);3-23 The Carnival.The mums and dads were busy.They made a giant shoe. They put it on a trailer . The children dressed up. Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good. They took it to the carnival. The car broke down. “ Oh no! ” everyone said.“ Come on! said Kipper. ”said Wilma. Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed.“ Come on! ” said everyone.“ ComeThere was an old lady. She lived in a shoe. She had so many children. It was a good job, too.44. trailer[ 英] [?tre?l?] n. 拖车;追踪者;103-24 The Cold Day.The children were in the sea.They played in the waves. Dad made them laugh. Everyone was cold. Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog. Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper, ” said Mum."Come on, Kipper, ” said Dad.and help, ” said everyone. “ I said Kipper. He ran to the van. “ I ’ m too cold,“ I ’ m too cold,’ m too cold, ”” said Kipper.” said Kipper. "Cosaid Kipper. “Everyone looked at Kipper. “ I ’ m not that cold, ” he said.45.jog[英] [d??ɡ]vt.& vi. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞;蹒跚行进;使颠簸46.rug[英] [r?ɡ] n. 小块地毯;〈英〉(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯;3-25 A Cat in the Tree.Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall. Wilmaclimbed up the tree. She couldn ’ t get the cat. Wilmatgetcouldn down. Wilma ’ s dad wascross. He put theladder up. Wilmaclimbed down.Wilma ’ s dad climbed the tree. He couldn ’ t get the cat.Wilma ’ s dad was stuck. The cat jumped down.’ s dad climbed down. “ Oh The fireman put a ladder up. Wilma saideveryone.48. stuck[英] [st?k] adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被⋯缠住的; v. 刺(stick的过去式及dder[英] [?l?d?] n. 梯子,阶梯;梯状物;途径;过去分词)113-26 By the Stream.Mum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge. Theydropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn ’ t see. Kipper climbedup. He dropped Teddy in the water. “ Get Teddy, ” said Kipper. Bif couldn ’ t get Teddy. “ Get Teddy, ” said Kipper. Mum couldn ’Teddy. “ I want Teddy, ” said Kipper. Dad couldn ’ t get Teddy. D fell in .Splash!“ I am a frogman, ” said Dad.3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play.Wilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket. “ I am a spaceman, ” he said. He playedon the see-saw. “ I amjugglera , ” he said. He played on the horse.“ I am acowboy , ” he said. He played on his bicycle. “ I am a stuntman, ” he said. He climbed up the ladder. “ I ame a fireman, said. He climbed on the wall. “ I am a spiderman, ” he said. Wh51.stuntman[英] [?st?nt?m?n] n. 特技替身演员49.juggler[英] [?d??gl?] n. 玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏50.cowboy[英] [?ka??b??] n. 牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄3-28On the Sand.Biff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. They made asandcastle. They put Dad ’ s hat on top. They went to get an ice cream. Dad was stillasleep. Chip looked at the donkeys. Bifflooked at the boat. They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad ’ s hat. “ Oh no! ” said Biff. Dad was hiding. Biff was cross. The hat was on a stick.52. donkey[英] [?d??ki] n. 驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;3-29 The Egg Hunt.Kate came to stay.12Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it. Wilma looked at thelittle eggs. She had an idea.Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs. She put them in the trees.She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park. “ You can look for eggs, ”sai Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs. “ Where are they? ” she said. Thesquirrels had them. “ Squirrel like eggs, ” said Kate. “ So d said.3-30 The Rope Swing.The children went to the stream.They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing. Chip pushed Wilf. Floppylooked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked and barked.Kipper went on the swing. “ What a silly dog! ” said kippy. Wilma went on too. “ What a silly dog! ”said Wilma. The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope. Splash! Oh no!53.silly [英] [?sili] adj. 蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的13。

牛津树8纯英语文本The Oxford Tree stands tall and proud in the heart of the historic university town. Its gnarled trunk and sprawling branches have borne witness to centuries of academic pursuit, the ebb and flow of student life, and the timeless traditions that have shaped this hallowed institution. This ancient oak, a living testament to the enduring spirit of Oxford, is more than just a landmark - it is a symbol of the university's unwavering commitment to knowledge, innovation, and the pursuit of truth.Rooted deep in the fertile soil of the university's grounds, the Oxford Tree has weathered the storms of history, its resilience a testament to the enduring strength of the institution it has come to represent. From the days of candlelit lectures and quill-wielding scholars to the modern era of cutting-edge research and global connectivity, the tree has been a silent observer, its branches reaching skyward as if to embrace the endless possibilities that have unfolded within the hallowed halls of Oxford.The tree's gnarled bark, etched with the passage of time, tells a storyof its own. Each groove, each twist, and each weathered knot speaks of the challenges it has faced and the triumphs it has witnessed. It is a living embodiment of the university's own journey, a physical manifestation of the resilience and adaptability that have allowed Oxford to thrive for centuries.As you stand beneath the Oxford Tree, the weight of history seems to press down upon you, a tangible reminder of the legacy you have the privilege to be a part of. The dappled sunlight that filters through the leaves casts a warm, golden glow, illuminating the timeless beauty of this ancient guardian. It is as if the tree itself is imparting a silent wisdom, a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge is a timeless endeavor, one that transcends the boundaries of time and space.The Oxford Tree is not merely a landmark; it is a living, breathing symbol of the university's enduring spirit. Its roots, which stretch deep into the earth, are a metaphor for the strong foundations upon which Oxford has been built. The tree's branches, reaching skyward, represent the boundless ambition and intellectual curiosity that have driven generations of scholars to push the boundaries of human understanding.As students and faculty pass beneath the tree's canopy, they cannot help but feel a sense of reverence and awe. The tree's presence is a constant reminder of the rich history and tradition that permeatesevery aspect of life at Oxford. It is a tangible link to the past, a living testament to the enduring power of education, and a symbol of the university's unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.In many ways, the Oxford Tree is the heart and soul of the university. It is a place of reflection, contemplation, and inspiration, where the greatest minds of each generation have gathered to exchange ideas, debate theories, and forge new paths of discovery. Beneath its branches, students have found solace and solitude, drawing strength and motivation from the tree's steadfast presence.The Oxford Tree is more than just a natural wonder; it is a living embodiment of the university's values and aspirations. Its very existence is a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of tradition, and the enduring nature of the human spirit. As the university continues to evolve and adapt to the changing demands of the modern world, the Oxford Tree remains a constant, a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge is a timeless endeavor, one that transcends the boundaries of time and space.In a world that is increasingly fast-paced and ever-changing, the Oxford Tree stands as a beacon of stability and continuity. It is a reminder that true progress is not measured in the speed of technological advancement, but in the depth of our understanding and the richness of our intellectual discourse. As we gaze upon thisancient oak, we are reminded that the true essence of a university lies not in its buildings or its rankings, but in the enduring spirit of those who have walked its hallowed halls.The Oxford Tree is more than just a tree; it is a living embodiment of the university's soul. It is a testament to the power of tradition, the importance of perseverance, and the enduring nature of the human spirit. As we stand beneath its branches, we are reminded that the pursuit of knowledge is a timeless endeavor, one that has the power to transform lives, shape societies, and change the course of history. And for as long as the Oxford Tree stands, the university it represents will continue to thrive, a beacon of enlightenment in a world that is ever-changing.。

牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree 介绍(一)牛津阅读树系列阅读书籍是由牛津大学出版社出版的儿童分级阅读材料,在英国家喻户晓,也是小学使用最多的阅读材料之一。
然而,这些故事又不局限于日常生活琐事,会掺入想象的成分,于是就有了一系列的魔法钥匙(magic key)引发的幻想故事(时光穿梭)。
牛津阅读树系列就像一家人在给大家讲故事,这一家人就是贯穿整个系列书的主人公Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, 和Dad,同时也不能忘记他们的那条可爱的小狗Floppy。
牛津阅读树分级阅读牛津阅读树系列阅读等级共分16个阶段,第一级(stage 1)一直到第16级(stage 16),整个分系列阶就像是爬一棵大树,一步一个台阶,这也是系列书名称(Oxford Reading Tree)的由来(参考以下图片)。
系列的第1级到第11级系列叫做Reading Tree,孩子的阅读水平达到11级的时候,就应该可以非常自信(confident reader)、通畅地(fluent reader)阅读同等水平的故事书、报章、诗歌等等。

Day 1 At SchoolIt was Kipper's first day at school.He didn't want to go in.So he held onto the gate post.Kipper was shy. He hid in the cloakroom. “Come on!”Kipper played in the home corner.Kipper cooked a LEGO stew.It was the end of the day.Kipper didn't want to go home.What did he do He held onto the gate post.Day 2 Getting UpKipper brushed his teeth. He knew a secret.Kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hid in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt.Kipper put on his trainers.The post lady arrived.She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.The surprise was for Dad.It was his birthday.Day 3 Look OutKipper's friend lent him his road ripper.Kipper imagined he was a famous ripper rider in a race.Kipper whizzed around the house and screeched onto the lawn.“Oh.”Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper.Everyone taught Kipper how to be a careful rider.Day 4 The HaircutOne day, Dad said to Mum, “Kipper's hair is getting really long again. It's time he had a cut.”“Oh, dear,” groaned mum. “I don't think I want to know about this. Ask me to clean a crocodile's teeth, or cut a tiger's toe nails. But don't ask me to cut Kipper's hair.”Mum had been dreading cutting Kipper's hair, ever since the last time she did it. The trouble was, Kipper made a terrible fuss. He just wouldn't keep still when Mum shampooed his hair. And he cried, because she got a little drop of shampoo in his eye. But that was nothing, compared to the trouble she had when she tried to give him the haircut. He wiggled and jiggled and squirmed and fidgeted so that Mum was cross with him. Then as soon as he did sit still, Mum made a little nick on his ear with the scissors. And after that, Kipper made a bigger fuss than ever.“Surely, it's not that difficult a job.” said Dad.“Difficult Difficult” exclaimed Mum. “I'd rather polish a python or rinse a rhinoceros.”“Now, who's making a fuss.” said Dad.“I know what.” said Mum, giving Dad a funny knowing sort of smile. “You cut Kipper's hair. After all, I'm going out this afternoon. So it can be a nice little job for you.”“Well, urr…umm…oh…all right then.” said Dad. “I don't think Kipper will give me any trouble. He just needs handling the right way.”As soon as Mum had gone. Dad took Kipper up to the bathroom. He started combing his hair.“Do you know” he said, in his jolliest voice. “I heard of a little boy who made so much fuss when he had his hair cut that nobody was ever able to cut it. It grew so long, that the boy couldn't see where he was going. And he kept bumping into doors and crashing into lamp post and tripping over the cat. I can't imagine you'd be as silly as that, Kipper.”“Oh, ouch!” cried Kipper. “You're hurting. Mum never hurts like that when she combs my hair.”“I thought we could wash your hair, then I can give it a little cut.” said Dad.“Oh…aw…” wailed Kipper, wiggling and squirming away. “I don't want my hair cut.”“This is going to be trickier than I thought.” said Dad. “But I've just had a brilliant idea.”Dad persuaded Kipper to have his hair cut at a hairdresser's. He told Kipper that the hairdresser was so good at cutting hair that Kipper would really enjoy it. At first, Kipper wasn't too sure. So Dad said, “I had my hair cut at a hairdresser when I was a little boy and I didn't make a fuss. I remember thinking it was good fun.”“Well, all right.” said Kipper. “But if going to a hairdresser is such fun, why does Mum always cut your hair”“She doesn't always.” said Dad. “I tell you what, I'll have my hair cut at the same time as you. I bet you I won't make a fuss.”So Dad took Kipper to a hairdresser in the high street. It's called Snips Hair Salon. The shop looked very bright and attractive.“Snips is a good name for a hairdresser's.” thought Kipper.The first thing that happened to Kipper and Dad, once they were in the salon, was that they had their hair washed. Dad had his washed by an assistant called Andy. And Kipper, had his washed by an assistant called Nicky. Much to his surprise, Kipper enjoyed having his hair washed by Nicky. She didn't wash it in the way Mum did it at home. Instead, Kipper sat with his back to the basin and he leaned backwards. The basin didn't have taps. It had a special hose that Nicky could control by pressing a little trigger on the end. Nicky was very careful not to let any water run on to Kipper's face. Next to Kipper, Andy was shampooing Dad's hair.“Be careful with all this foam,” Kipper heard Dad say. “I don't want shampoo in my eyes (I)hope you won't let the water run dawn my neck… You will make sure the water isn't too hot, won't you”“Dad's making a bit of a fuss,” thought Kipper.After the shampooing was finished. Andy and Nicky sat Dad and Kipper on different chairs in front of a big, long mirror."Excuse me, sir," said Nicky. “What would you like me to do with Kipper's hair Shall I give him a trim”Dad remembered how quickly Kipper's hair grew. He remembered the fuss Kipper made whenever Mum cut it and last of all he saw how expensive it was to have a haircut in the salon. So he said, “No, not just a trim. I think you'd better cut it short. Yes, quite short!”“And how about you, sir” said Andy.Kipper looked at Dad, and Dad looked at Kipper. Then Dad said, “Oh….um….er….yes. I'd like mine quiet short, too.”Snip, snip, snip! Snip-snip! Went the scisoors. Kipper looked sideways at Dad. Dad didn't look too happy.“I bet he did make a fuss when he was a little boy,” thought Kipper.Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts.“You look different,” Kipper told Dad.“So do you, Kipper,” said Dad. “You look different, too. You look quite grown up with short hair.”“It will be really easy to keep it tidy,” said Kipper. “No more having it pulled when Mum tries to comb it. And it will be so much easier to wash. I'm glad we went to Snips. And you see, I didn't make a fuss. Not once.”“No, you were a good boy,” said Dad. “I wonder what Mum will say when she sees our smart new haircuts.”Mum was home already. When she opened the front door and saw Kipper and Dad with their new short haircuts, she couldn't believe her eyes.Do you know what she said She said, “Good gracious, you both look as if you've been run over by a lawnmower.”Now that wasn't very nice… was itDay 5 The Lost TeddyHave you ever ridden on a bus The one that Mum and Kipper are just about to catch, has upstairs and downstairs. Do you know what a bus like this is called Kipper liked riding on the double-decker bus. He likes to go upstairs and sit in the very front seat. Then he could pretend that he was the driver.Kipper and Mum are standing at the bus stop. They are just about to get on the bus to go to town.I wonder if they will go upstairs and sit in the front seat this time.“We won't go all the way upstairs today, Kipper,” said Mum, “Because there won't be time. We're getting off at the next stop.”Mum had taken Kipper with her when she went to have her eyes tested. If she had been by herself, Mum would have walked, but in the first place Mum was in a hurry, and Kipper couldn't walk fast enough. And in the second place, Kipper loved riding on a double-decker bus, so Mum thought it would be a treat for him.As it was only a short ride, Kipper and Mum sat downstairs. In no time at all, the bus pulled up at the next stop, and Kipper and Mum had to get off. Oh no! Kipper was so surprised that the journey was over that he left Teddy behind, sitting on the seat.As soon as Kipper got off the bus, he remembered Teddy. “I've left Teddy on the bus!” he gasped. “I've left Teddy behind!” By this time, the bus had moved off and was almost out of sight, so it wasn't possible for Mum to run after it.“Oh Kipper!” said Mum. “There's not much I can do at the moment. I'm already late for my eye-test.”“But what about Teddy” wailed Kipper.“When we get home we'll phone the bus company. I expect the bus conductor will find Teddy and look after him until we can get him back.”When Kipper went to bed that night, he was very upset. He couldn't get to sleep without Teddy to keep him company, and he couldn't help crying. Biff and Chip tried to cheer him up. They took some of their favorite toys to give Kipper.“Don't cry,” said Chip.“I can't help it!” sniffed Kipper. “I keep wondering if I'll ever see Teddy again. What if someone has found him and kept him”The next day, Mum said to Kipper, “Come on, we're going on the bus again. We're going to the Lost Property Office at the bus station.”A lost property office is a place that looks after all the things that people have lost on buses. And you'd be surprised at things people lose.“I expect lots of children lose teddy bears and toys,” said Mum. “There's probably a special department that looks after teddy bears.”Mum said this to try and cheer Kipper up, but he was so worried that Teddy wouldn't be at the Lost Property Office, that he didn't feel in the mood to be cheered up. At last they arrived at the bus station, and they went straight to the place that said “Lost Property”. Kipper had fingers crossed on both hands and he kept saying to himself, “I wish. I hope… I wish… I hope…”When Mum asked the lady if Kipper's Teddy bear had been handed in. She said, “I expect so. We had five teddy bears in yesterday, so I expect Kipper's is in the box.” And it was!You can imagine how pleased Kipper was to see Teddy again, and you can imagine how glad Teddy was to see Kipper. As for all the other lost teddies—well, they do look sad. But don't worry. Thelady told Kipper that their owners would all come in and find them, sooner or later. In fact, as Kipper and Mum were leaving, a sad-looking little girl was going into the Lost Property Office with her dad.“I bet I know what she's lost,” said Kipper.Day 6 The LibraryDo you like books Kipper does. Here he is settling down with a really interesting book about..well, can you tell what his book is about What does it say on the coverKipper's book isn't a story book, although there is nothing he likes better than a good story. This book is an information book. Kipper likes information books because he likes to find out about things. This story is about the day that Dad took Kipper to the library to get some new books to read.It was Dad's turn to take Kipper to the library.“Oh dear,” said Dad. “Some of these books should have been taken back at least a week ago. That means I'll have to pay a fine.”Kipper liked the library, but this time he was very excited. Usually Mum and sometimes Dad, went with him to the children's section and helped him to choose a book. But today, he was going to be allowed to choose some books all by himself.“I'm sorry, but there's a fine to pay on all these books”, said the librarian, as Dad handed his books in.“Oh… er… um,” said Dad. “I'm afraid I've only got a five-pound note. Do you have any change”“Plenty, sir,” said the librarian.“Off you go then, Kipper,” said Dad. “You choose some books for yourself, and I'll go and choose some for Mum and me.”Kipper couldn't wait to browse through the shelves looking at all the exciting books in the children's corner.!“Wow!” said Kipper to himself. “There are loads and loads of books to choose from.”The children's corner had a carpet on the floor, and it had small, comfortable plastic chairs. The children could either sit in the chairs or lie on the carpet and have a good look at the books before deciding which ones to take home. To Kipper's delight, the reading corner wasn't very busy.“There's plenty of room today,” he said to himself. “I can spread out, like I do at home.”Soon Kipper was busy looking at the books on the shelves. Then he took every single book he liked the look of and put it in a pile beside one of the chairs. Then he sat down and began looking at them, one by one. Now you can see what he meant by “spreading out”Soon, the floor all round him was covered in books. The trouble was, Kipper liked every book, and he simply couldn't decide which ones to take home. When Dad had chosen a book for himself and a book for Mum, he told Kipper that it was almost time to go..“Decide quickly, Kipper,” he said, looking at all the books Kipper had spread out over the floor, “and make sure you put the rest of the books back on the right shelves.”The trouble was, Kipper couldn't decide.“I want that one, and that one,” he said. “These two. That one over there…oh, and I want this one, especially. And I think I want this little one. Yes. And I want the one I've just put down. Oh and the one I've just picked up…”In the end he decided to take all the books he had looked at that morning. And that meant he had seventeen books with him when he staggered up to the librarian's counter.“Goodness me!” said the librarian. “I'm afraid you can't take seventeen books home, all at one go. Children are only allowed to have three at a time.”In the end, Dad helped Kipper to choose three books, but that wasn't easy, because Kipper got the pile down to four, and then couldn't decide which one of the four to put back.“Well,” said Dad. “Normally I can take out six books. I've only got two, so I'll take out one for you on my ticket. And that way, you can have four books this time. And that way we can get home in time for dinner!”So that's what Dad did, and Kipper carried the four books home. On the way, Kipper said, “Dad, if you only got two books out, and you could have had six. That means I could have had…um….”“Yes,” said Dad, “four extra books, not just one extra. Don't even think it, Kipper. The three books you've got there, and one extra, are quite enough. After all, you can come back in a day or two and change them.”“Oh, can I” said Kipper. “I'd forgotten that!”Day 7 Swing BallBiff and Chip played football.Chip kicked the plastic football at the roses.It punched on one of the sharp thorns.Biff and Chip played badminton.Chip hit the shuttlecock so hard.It flew up the air and landed on the roof.Biff and Chip played French cricket.Biff whacked the ball over the fence into the neighbour's garden.Dad bought a swing ball.Biff and Chip played with the swing ball.Day 8 The Street FairWhen Dad took Biff and Chip into town to do some shopping, there was a big surprise for all three of them: A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face-painting store.“That looks fun!” said Biff.When Dad and the twins came home. Their painted faces gave Kipper and Mum a big surprise!Mum painted Kipper's face. And then she took a photograph of them all. She couldn't paint Floppy's face. So look what she did instead.Day 9 The Big BoxThis enormous box was left behind, when a new fridge freezer was delivered to the house. The box gave Biff and Chip a good idea, so they asked mom if they could have it. Can you guess what their idea wasWhen the new fridge freezer was delivered, it came in a huge cardboard box.“May we have the box, mum”asked Chip. “it would be a great thing to play with. Maybe we could make a little house out of it. It would only be our little house,”said Biff, “because i don't think more than one of us could get inside it.”The delivery man said he had some even bigger boxes in the back of his van. “Normally I throw them away,” he said, “so if you want them, you are welcome to them.”“Wow... Thanks!”said Biff and Chip.Mum helped Biff and Chip make the house. She carefully cut out the windows and door, and she thought of a way to make a sloping roof. Biff and Chip painted the little house. Chip painted a brick pattern on the sides, and when he had finished, Biff had a go at painting tiles on the roof.“It’s brilliant inside.”said Chip, crawling through the little door, “maybe we can put some tiny furniture in here.”“Just stay outside while I'm cutting these windows out,” warned mum.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good. There was room inside for Biff, Chip and Kipper, and there was even a little extension for Floppy. Chip had painted a sign that said “our house”, and another one that said “Floppy”. Biff found a little chair and a stool that were small enough to fit inside. “I think it's brilliant,” said Kipper. He liked the tall part of the house where everyone could stand up.“You'd better come inside,” Chip called to Biff, “it’s beginning to rain.” It didn't just rain. It poured. At first, it was fun inside the little house. The children looked out at the rain and felt very snug and safe. But after a while, water began to drip on them, and big wet patches appeared in the walls. “Oh... no!”, said Biff, “I don't think cardboard is waterproof. I think the house is collapsing!”“Hmm... the walls do feel soggy,”said Chip, “and the roof’s beginning to sag.”Mum ran out into the garden. “Oh dear,” she said, “I should have warned you about the rain. We should have put the little house in the carriage until the rain stopped. What a pity! After all the work you've done to make the house look nice, now it's ruined.”Later that day dad found a tent, and he put it up in the garden. “Sorry your cardboard house was spoiled by the rain,” he said, “but you can keep this tent up for as long as you like. Luckily the rain won't spoil it. It's quite waterproof.”“we like the tent,”Said Chip, “at least it won't go soggy.”“No. But tents can collapse,” said dad, “so we must make sure we put all the pegs in firmly.”In fact, the tent did collapse, but that's part of another story.Day 10 FetchMom and the twins wondered if floppy would go for a swim to fetch a stick if they threw one in the water. After all the dog that we’re watching seemed to be enjoying itself.One windy afternoon Biff and Chip went with mum when she took floppy out for his daily walk. They went to the park which wasn't very far away. The children liked going to the park. It had a little lake in it. Sometimes there were ducks on the lake, but on this particular afternoon there was a lady with two dogs who were jumping into the water to fetch sticks.“Look at those dogs swimming after sticks,”said Biff, “I didn't know dogs could swim so well”“Oh, yes,” said mom, “dogs are good swimmers. Some dogs have been known to rescue people and save them from drowning.” Floppy likes fetching things,” said Biff, “he loves chasing after balls in the garden. Do you think he would jump in the lake and fetch a stick”“I don't know,” said mom, “I've never seen him swim. I wonder if he will.”She picked up the stake and threw it into the lake. “Fetch it, Floppy!” she called, “Go on! Fetch!” Floppy didn't move. He didn't move when biff tried throwing his stick. “I'd have thought that seeing those two dogs in the water would have given him the idea,” said chip. They all tried throwing more sticks, but Floppy simply wouldn't move.“At this rate there will be enough sticks in the water to build a bridge,” laughed mom. “I can't believe Floppy won't swim for us,”said Biff. She found one more stick and showed it to Floppy, but just as she threw it, a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake.“Oh, no!” Biff yelled, “my hat!” The hat sailed through the air spinning round and round. Then it landed in the lake where it floated among all the sticks that Biff, Chip and mum had thrown in. “Oh dear,” wailed Biff, “the wind is blowing it out farther and farther. We'll never be able to reach it, and it was my favorite hat too.”Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. With an enormous bound, he sprang into the water and swam towards Biff’s hat. “Wow,” said Biff, “who said Floppy wouldn't go for a swim! What a good dog! It's ‘Floppy to the rescue’, all right” said Chip, “Look! He's rescued Biff’s hat!”Floppy looked really pleased with himself as he came out of the water. He carried Biff’s hat very carefully in his jaws.“Thank you, Floppy,” said Biff, taking the hat, “What a clever dog you are!”“Hooray!”said Chip, “I think floppy is a sensible dog. He won't jump in a cold lake to fetch silly sticks, but when it comes to a proper rescue, he can swim really well.”At that moment floppy shook himself and the water from his coat sprayed all over Biff, Chip and mum.“Hey!” called mom, “You're making us all wet! Stop it, Floppy!”Floppy gave a little bark. He can't talk, of course, but if he could, I wonder what he would have said。

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录1-1 Big Feet. 1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-18 Look After Me. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-20 Top Dog.1-5 Look at Me. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-22 Goal!1-7 Good Gog. 1-23 Making Faces. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-24 What a mess!1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-25 Shopping.1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-26 The Journey.1-11 What a DIN! 1-27 Fancy Dress.1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-28 Push!1-13 One Wheel. 1-29 The headache.1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-30 The pet shop1-15 The Sandcastle 1-31 At the Park.1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.1. floppy[英] [ˈflɔpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day.2. Kipper [人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red. We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.3.muddy[英] [ˈmʌdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7 Good Gog.I’m a good dog. Look at me.I’m very good, as you can see.You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, I get the ball.You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that. But not if I can see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no!4. skip [英] [skip] vi.跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can. Come on, run to the ice cream van. I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no!Splat!5.splat[英] [splæt] n.啪哒声31-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie … not a hat.6.tip[英] [tip] vt.倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, hang! What a din! What a din!7.Biff[英] [bif] 比夫8.Chip[人名] 奇普9.tin[英] [tin] n.罐头盒;10.can[英] [kæn, kən] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;(马口铁或其他金属制作的)食品罐头11.bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12.bang[英] [bæŋ] vi.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔];13.crash[英] [kræʃ]vt.& vi.(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14.hang[英] [hæŋ] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15.din[英] [dɪn] n.喧闹声1-12 Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “Come back!” said Mom. She ran after Floppy. “Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13 One Wheel.“One wheel,” said Chip.“Look,” said Chip. “One wheel”“Look,” said Mum. “I am on two wheels.”“Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.”“Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.”4“Look at Dad,” said Mum. “He is on one wheel.”“Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”1-14 The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said.The map said, “Dig here.”“Dig here.” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. No. It was a box of sweets!16.hid[英] [hid] hide的过去式和过去分词1-15 The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.17.sandcastle[英] [ˈsændkɑ:s(ə)l] n.沙塔18.bucket[英] [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;51-16 Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!1-17 Go On, Mum!“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am going,” said Mum.“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said.“Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum.“I am not going again.”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “I like this,” she said.She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said.She went up the ladder. “I like this,” she said.“We like this,” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is a top dog. We like Floppy best of all.61-21 Wha t Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this1-22 Go al!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.19.miserable[英] [ˈmizərəbl] adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20.cross[英] [krɔs] adj.坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good.Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.21.fierce[英] [fiəs] adj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 W hat a mess!Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.22.lorry[英] [ˈlɔri] n.运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 S hopping.7Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. He got a ball. He forgot the sugar.23.crisp[英] [krisp] n.<英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I’m bored,” said Kipper.“I’m hungry,” said Biff.“I’m thirsty,” said Chip.“I’m cross,” said Dad.“I’m lost,” said Mum.“Hooray!” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper was an angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy. 1-28 Push!The car was stuck. Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!24.tractor[英] [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机;牵引器81-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.25.trumpet[英] [ˈtrʌmpit] n.喇叭;小号;26.recorder[英] [riˈkɔ:də] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shopEveryone wanted a pet.Chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.9。

This story is called “at school”Now open the book.Let’s look at the pictures together and see what will happen in this storyAt SchoolIt was Kipper’s first day at school.He didn’t want to go. “I don’t want to go””come on kipper”So he held on to the gate post. He held on get to the gate post.Kipper was shy.He hid in the cloakroom. ”Come on! Kipper, come on play with us”Kipper played in the home corner. “Come on play in the home corner Kipper.”Kipper cooked a LEGO stew. “This is fine”It was the end of the day.Kipper didn’t want to go home. “I don’t want to go”What did he do?He held on to the gate post.Held ----- hold的过去式和过去分词—holding(hold的现在分词)Holding(n)股份;私有财产;(博物馆;图书馆等的)馆藏;租种的土地)hold (v)拿住;抓住;抱住;托住按住(受伤的身体部位等)使保持(在某位置)(n)抓;握;拿;支撑;持;抱;(尤指摔跤、拳击中的)擒拿法影响;左右力;控制Hold on 握住;抓牢;坚持不懈;稍等;等一下Hold on to 保住,守住(有利因素);保存;保留;坚持(信仰、信念、原则等)Hold onto 同时有hold on 和hold on to 两个词组的所有意思Gate post英[ɡeɪt pəʊst] 美[ɡeɪt poʊst] 门柱cloakroom英[ˈkləʊkruːm] 美[ˈkloʊkruːm] n.衣帽间; 衣帽寄放处; 厕所; 卫生间; 洗手间Hide—hides(第三人称单数、复数)—hid(过去式)--hidden(过去分词)--hiding(现在分词)hide 英[haɪd] 美[haɪd]v. 藏; 隐蔽; 躲避; 隐匿; 遮住; 遮挡n. (观看野生动物的)隐蔽处,藏身处;(尤指买卖或用作皮革的)皮,毛皮;(困境中的)生命,人身安全Hid 英[hɪd] 美[hɪd]v. 藏;隐蔽;躲避;隐匿;遮住;遮挡hide的过去式stew英[stjuː] 美[stuː]n. 炖的菜,煨的菜(有肉和蔬菜)v. 炖;煨;思考;担忧第三人称单数:stews 复数:stews 现在分词:stewing 过去式:stewed 过去分词:stewed。
无图纯文字已排版牛津树7-10 the Chinese adventure

Chinese adventure●It was Gran's birthday, so she had come to stay. The children gave Gran a present. "Happy birthday,” they said. Thank you," said Gran. ●Dad and Mum gave Gran a present. "It's a funny shape!" said Gran. "I can't think what it can be." The children laughed."We can," said Kipper.●Gran was pleased with the present. It was a Chinese vase. "I hope you like it," said Mum. "It's beautiful," said Gran. “Thank you.""Put it in a safe place," said Dad.●Gran had a surprise for everyone. She had a box of fireworks.She wanted a firework party. “But I thought fireworks were dangerous," said Biff.●"Fireworks are dangerous," said Gran "so children mustn't play with them. 'Mum and Gran got the fireworks ready, They were very careful. The children stayed out of the way.●Nadim and Anneena came to the party. Everyone was excited. Gran let off a big firework. "Oooh!” said everyone."What a beautiful firework!” said Chip.●Dogs don't like fireworks, so Floppy stayed inside the house. Suddenly a firework made a loud bang."I don't like this,” thought Floppy, so he hid under a little table.●It was time to have tea. Mum had a surprise for Gran.She had a birthday cake with lots of candles."Happy birthday, Gran," said everyone.●Biff went into the front room to get her camera. She saw Gran's vase on the floor. The vase was broken. "Oh no!" said Biff.●The children went to Biff's room. Biff showed them the broken vase. "Gran will be upset," said Chip," and so will Mum and Dad.""I hope we can mend it," said Biff.●Suddenly, the key began to glow. The magic took the children into a new adventure. Oh no! said Biff."I wanted to put the vase back downstairs!” The magic took the children back in time. It took them to China long ago. Nadim knew where they were. "We are in the Forbidden City,” he said. "Why is it called that?" asked Chip."The Emperor lives here," said Nadim. "He lives here with his family. Other people are not allowed to come here. That is why it is called the Forbidden City."●There was a fierce dog in the Forbidden City. It didn't like Floppy. The fierce dog growled and barked, but Floppy didn't want to fight. "Stop it!” shouted Chip. Some women ran up and grabbed the dogs. The children were worried. "Oh help!" said Chip.●The women took the children and Floppy to the Emperor. "What are you doing in the Forbidden City?” he shouted."People are not allowed in here."”●The Emperor called his soldiers. "Put them in prison!" he shouted. "That will teach them to come to the Forbidden City.""I think we've upset him, "said Biff.●The Emperor had two children. They were twins and they looked exactly the same. The twins spoke to the Emperor.One of them pointed to the children.The twins wanted to play with Kipper. "I will put you in prison tomorrow,” said the Emperor. "Today you can play with the twins." "Hooray," said the twins.●The twins had never played with other children. They didn't know how to play football. One of the twins kicked Nadim.“Ow!" said Nadim. "That was my leg."●Suddenly, the ball rolled away and fell down a grating. "Oh no!" said the twins. "Now the ball is lost." Both the twins began to cry.Biff and Chip pulled up the grating.Nadim could see some steps. He began to go down them. ●"Hurry up," said Biff. "We don't want the Emperor to put us in prison."Nadim went into a big cellar. It was full of cobwebs and dust. Nadim called the others.“Look at these giant vases," he said. “They look like Gran's vase."●Some people came into the cellar. They were the Emperor's servants. They didn't like the Emperor. They had barrels ofgunpowder, because they wanted to blow up the palace.●The children were frightened. They hid inside the vases. The people didn't see them. "We'll come back and blow up the palace tonight," said a man. The children ran to the Emperor. They told him about the gunpowder under the palace." Some people want to blow up the palace tonight," they said.●That night, the people came back. The Emperor's soldiers were waiting. The Emperor was pleased with the children.I won't put you in prison now," he said.●The Emperor had a big firework party. There were lots and lots of fireworks. They lit up the sky. Everyone gasped when the fireworks went off. Biff thought of Gran. wish she was here," she thought. "Gran would love all these fireworks. She'd love this adventure."The Emperor wanted to give the children a present.Biff had a good idea. She asked for one of the big vases.Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.●The magic took the children home. It took the giant vase, too.But now the vase was quite small."It looks exactly the same as Gran's vase,” said Chip.●The children looked at the vases. "Oh no!” said Bi ff.“They aren't quite the same after all. The new vase has Chinese writing on it. Do you think Gran will notice?'。
【2018最新】牛津阅读树指导书-范文word版 (21页)

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牛津阅读树级HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】5-1 The Magic Key5-2 Pirate Adventure 5-3 The Dragon Tree5-4 Gran5-5 Castle Adventure5-6 Village in the Snow5-7 The Whatsit5-8 Underground Adventure5-9 Vanishing Cream5-10 It’s Not Fair5-11The Great Race5-12 A Monster Mistake 5-13 The New Baby5-14 Camping Adventure 5-15 Scarecrows5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure 5-17 A New Classroom5-18 Mum to the Rescue5-19 Sleeping Beauty5-20 The Adventure Park5-21 Kipper and the Trolls 5-22 Safari Adventure5-23 Dad’s Run5-24 Drawing Adventure5-1 The Magic KeyThe box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip lookedat the box. Something was glowing inside it. They opened the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,” said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!” said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip.Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look atmy big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house.It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked inthe window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled,but he couldn’t get in. Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip.5-2 Pirate AdventureBiff was looking at a book. The book was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a magic house,” said Biff. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilma. They looked at the key. “It’s magic key,” said Chip. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilf. The key began to glow. The magic was working. “Oh help!”said Wilma. The magic was working. The children got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh no!” said Wilf. “Oh help!” said Wilma. “We don’t like this,” they said. They looked at the house. The windows were glowing. Biff went to the door. She put the key in the lock. She opened the door. The children went inside the house.“It’s a magic house,” they said. “Look at the sand,” said Biff. “Look at the sea,” said Chip. “Come on,” they said. They ran to the sea. Wilf picked up a shell. Chip picked up a coconut. Biff climbed up a tree. Wilma went in the sea. “This is magic,” they said. They played on the sand. They played in the sea. “What an adventure!” said Biff. A pirate came up. He looked at the children. “Children!” said the pirate. “Pirates!” said the children. “Oh help!” they said. “Come on,” said the pirates. The pirates had a boat. They went to the pirate ship. “I don’t like pirates,” said Biff. “Look at that pirate,” said Biff. “Look at that big rope,”said Chip. “I’m frightened,” said Wilf. “We wanted a party,”said the pirate. “Nobody wanted to come. Will you come to the party?” The children went to the party. It was a good party. “Ilike pirates,” said Biff. The key was glowing. It was time to go. “Goodbye,” said Chip. “Thank you for the party.”“Oh no!” said the pirates. “What an adventure!” said Wilma. “I liked the pirates,” said Biff. Wilf looked at the little hat.5-3 The Dragon TreeKipper was looking at a book. The book was about a dragon. Kipper couldn’t read the story. Biff didn’t want to read it. She didn’t like dragons. Kipper went into Chip’s room. Chip read the story.“I like dragons,” said Chip. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. “Oh no!” said Chip. Chip picked up the box. He ran into Biff’s room. “The magic is working,” he said. Biff picked up the key. They looked at the magic house. “The door is open,” said Biff. The magic was working. It took the children inside. It took Floppy too. It took them to a wood. Floppy didn’t like the wood. He was frightened. Biff pulled Floppy. “Come on,” she said. “Don’t be silly.” An owl flew out of a tree. Floppy didn’t like the owl. He ran away. Floppy ran out of the wood. “Come back,” called Biff. “Come back,” called Chip. It was no good. Floppy ran and ran. “Oh help!” said Biff. The children looked for Floppy. They called andcalled. “Floppy! Come back!” they called. The children came to a tree. It was called “The Dragon Tree”. A dragon lived under the tree. The dragon had Floppy. He wanted Floppy for supper. Floppy was frightened. “Oh no!” said Biff. “What a nasty dragon! I don’tlike dragons!” Biff looked at the dragon’s tail. She took off her belt. She put it round the tail. Chip helped her. Kipper went inside the tree. He pulled Floppy out. Chip helped him. The dragon was cooking. It didn’t see them. “Come on!” called Chip. They ran and ran. The key was glowing. “The key is glowing,” called Biff.“It’s time to go home.”“What an adventure!” said Chip. “I don’t like dragons,” said Biff.5-4 GranA car came to the house. The children ran to see. “It’s Gran,”said Kipper. “Come in,” said Mum. “Come in,” said Dad. The children helped. They took Gran’s things. “What a lot of things!” said Kipper. The children liked Gran and Gran liked the children. “Come and see my toys,” said Kipper. “Come and see my room,”said Biff. “Come and play,” said Chip. Gran played with the children. They played inside. “Oh no!” said Mum. They went outside and played football. “Oh no!” said Dad. Gran took the children out. Th ey went in Gran’s old car. Wilf and Wilma went too. “What an oldcar!” said Wilf. “It’s a good car,” said Gran. Gran took them to the fun park. “This looks fun,” said Gran. “Come on, everyone.” The children began to run. They wanted to go on everything. “C ome on, Gran,” they called. “Look at this,” said Kipper. “It’s a castle. “It’s called Jumping Castle.” The children went on the Jumping Castle. “This is fun,” called Wilma. The children jumped and jumped, and bounced and bounced. “Come on, Gran,” they call ed. Gran went on the castle. She jumped and bounced. “Good old Gran,” called the children. Gran made a hole in the castle. “Oh no!” said the children. The castle began to go down. A man ran up. He was cross with Gran. “Look at my castle,” he yelled. “Go home,” yelled the man, “and don’t come back.” Gran took the children home. Biff told Mum about the castle. Mum was cross with Gran. Gran was sad. Gran was in Chip’s room. She looked at the magic key. The key was glowing. Gran picked up the key and ran into B iff’s room. “Look at this,” she said. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “It’s the magic. The magic is working.” The magic took them to a new adventure.5-5 Castle AdventureThe magic took them to a castle. Three witches lived in the castle. They were nasty witches. One was a black witch. One was a red witch.One was a green witch. The magic took the children inside the castle. It took them to a room. A frog was in the room. “I am a king,”said the frog. “I am the king of this castle.” The w itches turned me into a frog. Help me,” he said. A witch was coming. It was the black witch. “Look out!” said the frog. The witch opened the door. Gran pushed the witch. Chip took the witch’s keys. They ran out of the room. Chip locked the door. The witch couldn’t get out. Everyone ran. “Look out!” called Chip. A witch was coming. It was the red witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. She put a net over the witch. The witch couldn’t get out. “Good old Gran,”called Biff. Gran went to the green witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. “I don’t like nasty witches.” Gran threwthe witch on the floor. “Help!” yelled the witch. “Good old Gran,” said the children. Some frogs came in and jumped on the table. One was the king. “Help us,” he said. Biff and Gran lo okedin the witches’ book. The frogs turned into people. “Thanks!”said the King. The witches turned into frogs. Gran put the book onthe fire. “Oh no!” said the witches. The king had a party. Everyone went to it. “What a good party!” said Chip. “What ana dventure!” said Biff. “I like adventures,” said Gran. “Good old Gran!” said everyone. The magic key was glowing. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Goodbye,” said the king. The magic took themback to Biff’s room. They fell on to Biff’s bed. “Oh no!” said Mum.5-6 Village in the SnowThe children were at school. It was playtime. “Come in,” called Mrs. May. Mrs. May told the children a story. The story was about a village. The village was in the mountains. Everyone liked the story. It was called The Village in the Snow. The children went to Biff’s room. They wanted an adventure. Biff picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “The magic is working,” said Biff. The magic took the children to the village in the snow. “It’s lovely,” s aid Biff. Kipper jumped in the snow. “I like the snow,” he called. “This is fun.” They played in the snow. They made a snowman and put Kipper’s hat on top. They jumped in the snow. They threw snowballs. “Look,” said Wilma. They saw a little boy. The boy wa s pulling a toboggan. Some big boys ran up. They pushed the little boy over. They pushed the toboggan over and they ran away. The children ran up. They helped the little boy. Kipper picked up his hat. The little boy told them about the big boys. Kipper was cross. Kipper put on the little boy’s hat. He put on his coat. “Come on,” he called. The big boys looked at Kipper. Kipper looked like the little boy. “Come on,” said the big boys. The children threw snowballs atthe big boys. “Help! Help!” yelled the big boys. The big boys ran away. The little boy jumped and jumped in the snow. The children put the little boy on the toboggan. They pulled him home. The little boy lived with his grandfather. Grandfather gave the children a drink. The children told Grandfather about the big boys. They told Grandfather about the snowball fight. The children played in the snow. They went on the toboggan. “This is fun,” said Wilf. The magic key began to glow. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Come on,” she said. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Chip.5-7 The WhatsitMum and Dad painted the kitchen. Dad painted the ceiling. Mum painted the walls. Mum pulled up the old carpet. “The walls look good,” she said. “But this looks a mess.” Dad looked at the floor.“We need a new carpet,” said Biff. Mum found a trap door. She pulled it up. Everyone looked. “It’s a caller,” said Dad. Mum went into the cellar. “It looks big,” she said. The children looked in. “It looks dark,” said Biff. “It looks spooky,” said Chip. Dad got light. They went into the cellar. Kipper found an old sheet. “I’m a ghost,” he said. “Whooooooooooooaa...!” “Look at this,” said Kipper. “What is it?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,”said Mum. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. Wilf and Wilma came to play. The y looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” asked Wilma. “It’s a whatsit,” said Chip. “We found it in the cellar.” Two men came to the house. They came in a lorry. They took away the old things. One man looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” he asked. “It’s awha tsit,” said Dad. The men took the whatsit. They put it in a lorry. A car stopped. A lady jumped out and called to the men.“Stop!” she said. The lady wanted the whatsit. She wanted it for a museum. The men put it in the car. The lady gave Dad some money. “Come to the museum,” she said, “and bring the children.” The whatsit was in the museum. Mum and Dad went to see it. They tookBiff, Chip and Kipper. “So that’s what it is,” said Dad. Mum and Dad had a surprise. It was for the children. “What is it?” asked Biff. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. He pulled off the sheet. The whatsit was a snooker table. “It’s brilliant!” they said.5-8 Underground AdventureThe children were in the cellar. They wanted to find a secret tunnel. The children looked everywhere. They tapped on the floor. Theytapped on the walls. But there was no secret tunnel. “It’s no good,” said Biff. Kipper ran to the cellar. He had the magic key. The key was glowing. They ran to Biff’s bedroom. “Come on!”called Kipper. “It’s time for a magic adventure.” The magic took them underground. They were in a big tunnel. Wilma picked up a lamp. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go!” There were elves in the tunnel. But they were shy. “Oh no!” they said. “Children!” The children went down the tunnel. They didn’t see the elves. “This way,” said Wilma. The children came to a big cave. “Wow!” said Biff. Theelves looked at the children. “Oh dear!” said the elves. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” The cave had an echo. “Whoooooaa!” called Kipper. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. “Whoooooaa!” went Kipper. The elves laughed. They laughed and laughed. The elves came out. They ran to say hello. “Whoooooaa!” they went. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. And everyone laughed. The elves were sad. They had no work. “Canyou help?” said the elves. “Our gold has run out. We don’t know what to do.” Wilma had a good idea. She told the elves what it was. The elves liked Wilma’s idea. They painted some signs. The children helped. The elves put light in the caves. The cave looked beautiful. People came to see them. The elves were happy. The elves were busy. “Thanks to the children,” they said. The magic key began to glow.It was time to go home. “What an adventure!” said Wilf. “I have a good idea,” said Chip. “What do you think?”5-9 Vanishing CreamThe children were at school. They made a little theatre. They made it out of a box. The children put on a play. The play was about a wizard. He was called Wizard Blot. Wizard Blot made mistakes. Wizard Blot made a spell. The spell went wrong. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” said Wizard Blot. Everyone laughed. Everyone liked the play. Mrs. May liked Wizard Blot. Biff was in her room. The key began to glow. “Chip! Chip!” called Biff. Chip ran into Biff’s bedroom. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to Wizard Blot’s house. The Wizard wanted some help. “Come in!” said the Wizard. “I wanted one helped, but two will do.” “Come in!” said the Wizard. “You can wash up, then you can tidy up.” Biff and Chip looked a t the mess. “Don’t be lazy,” said the Wizard, “Or I’ll turn you into frogs.” Biff and Chip did the washing up. “I don’t like this,” said Chip, “But I don’t want to be a frog.” “I don’t like ironing,” said Biff, “but we don’t want to be frogs.” Oh no! Biff dropped a bottle. It was vanishing cream. “Help!” said Biff. “This is vanishing cream.” Chip looked at his hands. “Oh no,” he said. “Bits of us are vanishing.” He rubbed his face. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Your face is vanishing.” A man came to the house. He cl imbed through the window. The man didn’t see Biff and Chip. He took all the Wizard computer disks. “Help! Help!” said the man. “I’m being attacked by the washing.” WizardBlot came back. Biff told him about the vanishing cream. Chip gave Wizard Blot the computer disks. The Wizard was pleased. It was timeto go home. “Thank you,” said Wizard Blot. “Do come again.” Biff had a little bottle. “Don’t droop it,” said Chip. “It’s vanishing cream.”5-10 It’s Not FairMrs. May was ill. The children had a new teacher. He was called Mr. Fry. It was story time. The children sat in the reading corner. Mr. Fry had a new story. The story was about a king. He was called King Arthur. “Here is King Arthur,” said Mr. Fry, “and here are his knights. They lived a long time ago.” King Arthur had a round table. All the knights sat round it. They liked the round table. Thechildren did a project. The boys were knights. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. Biff wanted to be a knight. “It’s not fair,” she said. “Why can’t girls be knig hts?” Bi ff was in her room. She wanted to go skateboarding. But the magic key began to glow. “Oh blow!” said Biff. “I wanted to go skateboarding.” The magic took Biff to King Arthur’s castle. It put her in a dress. “Yuk!” said Biff. “I wanted to be a knight. Knigh ts don’t wear dresses.” Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. “Can I be a knight?” she said. The knights laughed. “But you are a girl,” they said.“Girls can’t be knights.” Biff got on her skateboard. “You couldn’t do that,” she said. “Now can I be a knight?” The knights were amazed. “We’ll have to ask King Arthur,” said the knights. The knights took Biff to King Arthur. “This is Biff,” they said. “She wants to be a knight.” King Arthur laughed.“Girls can’t be knights,” he said. “Why not?” a sked Biff. King Arthur called a meeting but the knights argued. No one wanted to sit down. They all wanted to sit near King Arthur. Biff had a good idea. She spoke to King Arthur. “Get a round table,” she said. The knights liked the round table. “It’s brilliant!” they said. “Now we won’t argue.” The knights sat round the table. “See!” said Biff. “Now can I be a knight?” But everyone laughed. “I’m sorry,” said King Arthur, “but girls can’t be knights.” The magic adventure was over. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. “Girls are as good as boys.”5-11The Great RaceGran wanted a new car. Biff and Chip were sad. They liked Gran’s old car. Gran liked this car. Biff was worried. The car was too fast for Gran. Gran bought the fast car. She drove it home. “Oh no!” said Da d. Mum was cross with Gran. “That car is too fast,” she said. Gran was upset. The magic key glowed. The magic took Biff andChip. It took Gran, too. The magic took them to a race. “Come on,” said Gran. “This is my new car.” “Oh Gran!” said Biff. “What woul d Mum say?” “Never mind Mum,” said Gran. Gran found a map. They all looked at it. A man looked at Gran. He was a bad man. Hewas called the Baron. The children looked at the Baron. The Baron looked at the children. “Ha!” said the Baron. “You won’t win.”A man changed the signpost. “Ha! Ha!” said the man. “Now theBaron will win.” The map blew away. “Which way?” asked Gran. Chip didn’t know. They didn’t see the signpost. Gran turned left.“Grrr!” said the man. They came to the mountains. “Slow down,” shouted Biff. “No. This is fun,” said Gran. The Baron put oil onthe road. “That will do it,” he said. “That will stop them.” The car skidded on the oil. It crashed through the fence and went downthe mountain. “Hold on,” shouted Gran. “Oh no!” shouted Biff. “Oh help!” shouted Chip. The Baron was behind. Gran was in front. She was winning the race. Biff looked behind. “Come on Gran,” she shouted. “Which way?” called Gran. Chip didn’t know. Gran turned on to a bridge. The bridge was dangerous. “Not this way!” calle d Chip. The bridge broke. The Baron’s car crashed down into the river. Gran won the race. “Hooray!” called Biff and Chip. The magic key glowed. Gran took the fast car back. She bought a little car. “This one will do,” she said.5-12 A Monster MistakeMum and Gran went on holiday. They went to Scotland. They took the children. They stayed in a cottage. The cottage was by a lake. It had a boat. “I like it here,” said Biff. “We can go sailing.” “And fishing,” said Kipper. Everyone had a good time. Biff and Kipper went fishing. Gran and Chip painted a picture. Mum sat in the sun and read a book. “This is fun,” she said. Everyone looked at Gran’s picture. “Oh Gran!” said Chip. She had painted a monster. Kipper looked at the monster. Gran laughed. “There’s no suc h thing,” she said. Mum went shopping. She took Kipper. Biff and Chip stayed with Gran. Mum looked at the shops. “Let’s get Dad a postcard,” she said. Kipper went into a shop. “I want a monsterfor me and a postcard for Dad,” he said. Kipper posted the car d to Dad. “I wish Dad was here,” he said. Gran wanted to play a joke on Mum. “Let’s make a monster,” she said. “I don’t get it,” said Biff. “Wait and see,” said Gran. They put the monster in the lake. It made the children laugh. “It looks brilliant!” said Chip. “What a good joke,” said Biff. “What a good joke to play on Mum.” Mum and Kipper came back. Gran pulled the rope. The monster went across the lake. “A real monster,” said Kipper. “I don’t believe it,” said Mum. “There’s no such thing.” Some people sa w Gran’s monster. They were amazed. They took photographs. Thechildren watched television. “Gran’s monster!” said chip. “Ohno!” groaned Biff. The next day lots of people came. There werelots and lots and lots of people. They wanted to see the monster. “Oh Gran!” said Mum. “Now look what you’ve done.” Gran told everyone about the monster. “It was just a joke,” she said. A man from the television came. Mum was cross with Gran but everyone laughed. Gran was sorry. “A monster?” she said. “There is no such th ing.”5-13 The New BabyJo had some good news. She was expecting a baby. “What good news!” said everyone. Wilma’s mum found the old buggy. “Oh look!” said Wilma’s dad. “Wilf had it when he was a baby.” The buggy looked a bit scruffy. A wheel had come off. “We can do it up,” said Wilma’s mum. Wilma told Biff and Chip. “Jo is expecting a baby,” she said. “What good news!” said Chip. Biff and Chip went home. “Jo is expecting a baby,” said Chip. “What good news!” said Mum. Dad found the old cot. “Oh look!” said Mum. “Kipper had it when he was a baby.” The cot looked a bit scruffy. It needed a new mattress. “We can do it up,” said Dad. Biff and Chip told Kipper. “Jo is expecting a baby,” they said. “That’s brilliant!” said Kipper. Kipper found an old toy rabbit. It looked a bit scruffy.“Can we do it up?” he asked. Kipper was in Miss Green’s class. He told Miss Green about Jo’s baby. “How exciting!” said Miss Green. Kipper looked puzzled. “When will Jo’s baby come?” he asked. Miss Green told the children about babies. Mums and dads came to school. They told the children about babies too. Kipper played with the baby. He gave it a rattle. The baby made a funny noise. The children madea book. The book was about babies. Kipper gave Jo the book. Biff and Chip gave Jo the cot. Jo was pleased. Wilf wanted the baby to be a girl. Wilma wanted it to be a boy so Wilf made a big chart. “The baby is coming,” said Jo. “It’s time to go.” “How exciting,” said Wilf. Wilma called her mum. “Jo’s baby is coming,” she called. “How exciting!” said Wilma’s mum. Jo went to the hospital. She went in the car. “Good luck,” called Wilma’s mum. Jo was in hospital. She had a baby girl. “She is called Vicky,” said Jo. Jo brought Vicky home. Everyone wanted to see the new baby. Jo lookedat Kipper. “You know about babies,” she said. “Do you want to help?” Kipper looked at Vicky. “No, thank you,” said Kipper.5-14 Camping AdventureMum and Dad went camping. They took children. They went to a farm. Mum and Dad had a new tent. They put it up. Wilf helped. Wilma got some water. “I like it here,” she said. “I like camping.” Mr.Jones was the farmer. He had to milk the cows. “Come and watch,” he said. “What a lot of cows!” said Wilf. Mr. Jones laughed. “We milk them every day,” he said. Mum wanted some milk. She went to the farmhouse. “I want some eggs too,” said Mum. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon. “It may come today,” she said. Dad cooked supper. “I like it here,” said Wilf. “It’s fun in this tent.” Everyone went to bed but there was a storm. Nobody could sleep. The wind blew. Everyone had to get up. The wind blew the tent down. They had to go to the farmhouse. Mr. Jonescalled Mum. “The baby is coming,” he sa id. Mrs. Jones had to go to hospital. She got in the car. Mum helped her. The storm got worse. The wind blew and blew. The wind blew a big tree down. The car couldn’t get past. Mr. and Mrs. Jones went back to the house. Mr. Jones called for help. He called the hospital. “A helicopter’s coming,” he said. Mr. Jones pointed to a field. “The helicopter can land there,” he said. Mr. Jones got some bags. The children helped. They got some big stones. They made a big cross out of the bags. They put stones on the bags. The helicopter came. It landed near the cross. “At last!” said Mr. Jones. There was a doctor in the helicopter. “Come on!” said Mr. Jones. The doctor ran to the house but Mum came to the door. She was laughing. “Too late!” said Mum. “Mrs. Jones has ha d the baby. She’s had a baby boy.”Everyone looked at the baby. “He’s very sweet,” said Wilma.“Will he like camping?”5-15 ScarecrowsBiff and Chip had a little garden. They planted seeds and they putin plants. The birds liked the garden. They ate the seeds and pecked the plants. Biff was cross. “Look at the birds,” she said. “Go away! Go away!” Biff and Chip had an idea. “Let’s make a scarecrow,” they said. “What a good idea,” said Mum. They got some old clothes and made the scarecrow’s body. Mum helped them. Biff got a bag. Chip painted a face on it. Mum made the scarecrow’s hair. Chip wanted the scarecrow to be a boy. He called it Fred. Biff wanted it to be a girl. “All scarecrows are boys,” said Chip. The key began to glow. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to a field. The scarecrow came to life. “I’malive!” called Fred. Fred jumped in the air. “It’s magic!” he called. There were some scarecrows in the lane. Fred waved at them. Fred ran up to the scarecrows. “Hello!” he called. “Where are you going?” A scarecrow pointed to a barn. “We’re going to the barn dance. You can come too.” Then the scarecrows looked at Biff and Chip. “Oh dear! You can’t come.” Biff and Chip weren’t scarecrows. They couldn’t go to the dance but Fred had an idea.Fred made Biff and Chip into scarecrows. They went to the dance. The band began to play. “Come on,” called Fred. “Let’s dance.” Biff began to dance with the scarecrows. “This is fun,” called Chip. Biff danced with Fred. Chip danced with Biff. They all danced with the scarecrows. “See!” said Biff. “There are girl scarecrows. I told you so.” Suddenly, the key glowed. It was time to go home. “Oh no!” said Fred. The magic took them home. Biff and Chip had an idea. “I didn’t know there were girl scarecrows,” said Mum. “Well, there are,” said Chip.5-16 Noah’s Ark AdventureIt rained and rained. It rained all day long. The children were fed up. The children went outside. They wanted to play but it was too wet. Dad looked o ut of the window. “Come inside,” he said. “It’s too wet to play outside.” The children went to Biff’s room. Suddenly, the key began to glow. It was time for a magic adventure. “What a good job!” said Kipper. “I want a magic adventure. I’m fed up with all t he rain.” The magic key took them into a new adventure. But it was raining. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “We don’t want an adventure in the rain.” The children saw a boat. “What is it?” asked Kipper. “It’s Noah’s Ark,” said Biff. “Noah has to put the animals on t he Ark or they will drown,” said Chip. “It’sraining so much,” said Biff. “The water’s going to cover everything.” “Don’t worry,” said Chip. “Noah will save all the animals.” “Will he save us too?” asked Kipper. “Hello,” said Noah. “What do you want? Have you come to help?” Noah looked at the water. He pointed at the Ark. “I want some help,” he said. The children looked at the animals. “It is time to put the animals on to the Ark,” said Noah. The animals went on to the Ark. They went on in twos. First, Noah put the big animals on. A man pushed the elephants. They pulled the crocodiles up in a big net. A camel didn’t want to go on to the Ark. They pushed it and pulled it.“All the animals are on,” said Noah. “It’s time to go. Please get on to the Ark.” The ch ildren went on to the Ark. Noah looked at Floppy. “Stop!” shouted Noah. “I’m sorry,” said Noah. “We put two dogs on the Ark. We can’t have three dogs.” The children couldn’t leave Floppy. “Floppy can’t go on the Ark, so we won’t go on it,” said Biff. The A rk sailed away. The children floated in Noah’s big umbrella. “It’s still raining,” said Biff. Just then, the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “Oh no!” said Kipper.5-17 A New Classroom。

其实ort 最棒的就是无字书了,很能引起孩子的兴趣。
at schoolIt was Kipper’s first day at schoolHe didn’t want to go in , so he hold onto the gate postKipper was shy, he hid in the cloak room.Come onKipper played in the home cornerKipper cooked a lego stewIt was the end of the day. Kipper didn’t want to go home.What did he do? He hold onto the gate post.Getting upKipper brushed his teeth, he knew a secretKipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt, Kipper put on his trainers.The post lady arrived, she had a big pile of envelopes and usualThe surprise was the dad, it was his birthday.libraryThis book is overdue,I'm sorry.I'm going to look at the booksok, kipperlet's choose the booksI'm going to look at the books, it's a lot of bookslet us see this one , I cannot decide which one to take home.this is fun.I like all of themI'm going to take all of themDaddy , I want all of these booksOh ,no kipper you cannot take all of these bookstake only four books,kipperI'm only four bookscan you come and get it tomorow daddy. maybe we will see.song.Are you readyok ,sing togetherHere are many booksI can see many booksI can choose many booksand I can make many booksbe quietYou are in the librarythe swing ballHurry up how funbe carefull,oh, my ball, oh I'm sorry ,beeflet's play badmintonthat's goodare you ready,Yes,let's start itOK, hit this, here goesbe carefulloh,nocatch the ball ,cheepok, but this times, be carefully ,beefdon't worry ,chipready? yesoh,no it's too highwhat's that ,daddy.it's swingball. it's for youis it a fun game,you will see.it's greatyou are doing great , kidsthis is a lot of fun.thank you dady.Song.the street fairWhen dad took Biff and Chip to the town to do some shopping.There was a big surprise for all three of them.A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face painting store.“that looks fun!” said Biff.When dad and the twins came home, their painted faces gave Kipper and mom a big surprise. Mom painted Kipper’s face and then she took a photograph of them all.She couldn’t paint Floppy’s face, so look what she did, instead.Look, the street fair.It looks fun.ok, let's go.the moons for sale , the moons for sale.Beef ,there is a junglerchip ,do you like junglingI wish I could do it too.Candy for sale , yammy candylisten to the musicIt's trumpet. and lots of yammy food too.Chip, look those boys.ss's face paintinglook, that girl looks like a tigerand that boy looks like a crown.right . it looks funChip , I want to has my face paintingsuperiseoh my god ,what happend to youwe have got our faces paintedsmile ,everyone ,say cheese.the big boxWhen the new fridge was delivered, Biff and Chip wanted the huge box it came in. The delivery man gave them some other boxes too.Mom tolds Biff, and Chip make the house.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good.Then it started to rain.It didn’t just rain, it pour ed.After a while, the cardboard went soggyAnd the house started to collapseLater that day dad found a tent.And he put it up in the garden.Oh , good , we can play with this.can we mammy, sure.why don't you make a play housethis way ,pleasewhat are you doing mammy,I'm making the window.what are you doing beefI'm painting the roof.this is fun mamyI finished, this house is great.beef, come inside ,it's raining.I will come in.it's raining. come inside kidsOur houses is fallingI wish the rain is stop.we like this tentis is safe .thanks daddy.song.is it a big box, yes it is , it's big ,it's bigis it a square box, yes it is , it's square ,it's squareis it a little box, no it isnot ,is it a round box , no it isnotis it a big box,yes it isit's square big box.FetchFetch the ball,Mammy, that dog is swimming , and the other dog is fetching its stick. our flooply can do it too.come on floopyyou can do it.Mammy, he doesn't like to do it.floopy can swimcome on floopy look at that dog.what's the matter, floopyI don't want to fetch.here , mammy , I will do it.come on floopy , fetch,here goesfloopy where are you goinglook mammy,mhe is jumping into the riveroh,no my hat.oh, floopy you are the bestyes, floopy is the best.what a good dog ,floopy.song.hedgehogCome on floopy , fetch the balloops , too high , you can do it. go get itwhat's this , it's not a ballhurry up floopy ,what are you doing .oh, be careful floopymammy what's this , I wonder what's this.It looks like a hedgehog.let's going to see the really hedgehog ,childrenmammy , can I hold the lampno, this is too heavy.mammy , let us hurry uplet's go to the shedcan you see it. childrenit's hedgehogoh, how funny,it's cutesong:look mammy look , what's this , it's a ball, it's a ball look mammy look , what's this,it's a shed, it's a shedThe AppleLook, There is an appleIt's a big ,juice appledaddy ,I want this apply ,it's too high to reachI have a good idea.little more daddy, little moreI cannot reach itit's too highstanding on you tiptoeI have an another idea.I almost got it, daddyyou are very heavy ,Chip , be carefulI have got it ,oh, nothe apple is falling.catch it ,Beefcatch it ,kipperFlooy is eating the apple .Oh ,no floopyit's so good yammy,you are lucky , floopySong.Watch it carefully, Watch it Watch it Watch it carefully cut the apple, cut it carefully cut it cut it very carefully eat the apple, eat it ,eat it , got the apple.Getting upWhat a great dayGood MoringI finished hurry upok,ok,where are my pantswhat are you doingit's serven o clockhurry updaddy will hear youhurry upmy shirtdaday is going to wake upcome on ,hurry updont forget daddy 's presentsi almost finisedlook outyou look nice , but be carefuldont worry mammi , i can driveok, good lucknono look out not this way go that wayi know but i cannot stoplook out kipper what's happening kipperwhat is the mattherslow downi am sorry i cannot stopoh my picture stopicannot stopyou are good driverhaiecutKipper your hair is too longoh,daddythat's hurtslet's get haircuthere we arethis is snip hair salonwhy is sniplet's go in , l will tell you laterthis is nice i like itoh i dont my eyes hurt shapoo got into my eys can you hear the sound ,snip snipwhat can you founddont moveyou look different you look diff too。
无图纯英文已排版牛津树7级03 The broken roof(文字无图)

The broken roof●It was games time at school.The children were outside on the field.Anneena ran up to Mrs May.'Come and see something, Mrs May,’ she said.●Someone had broken the fence down and dumped junk on the field.Wilf was cross.'We don't want junk on our field,' he said.'The field isn't a dump,' said Mrs May.●Then Mrs May saw something in the junk."Do you see this?’ she asked the children.It's a mangle.It gets the water out of wet clothes.'‘How does it do that?’ asked Anneena.●Mrs May took the mangle to the classroom.She showed the children how it worked.First she got a big sheet and made it wet.Then Nadim turned the handle and Biff helped Mrs May put the sheet through.●The water ran out of the sheet and went into a bucket.'We don't use mangles now to get clothes dry,' said Mrs May. 'What do we use?’●Mrs May showed the children a picture of someone washing clothes a long time ago.Mrs May asked the children if they had any old things at home. Some of the children said they had.●When Biff and Chip got home from school they looked at the little house.'The house looks very old,' said Chip, 'and so do these little children. Let's take them to school.●Kipper didn't want them to take the little house to school.'What about the magic?’ he asked Biff."The magic won't work if we don't take the key, said Biff.●Some of the children took old things to school."What a lot of things,' said Mrs May.'We can find out all about them and have a display.'●Mrs May liked the little house and so did all the children.Biff and Chip didn't say that the house was magic.That was a secret.●Wilf was being silly.He climbed on Mrs May's table and pushed some books over. The books fell on to the little house with a crash.'Oh no!' said Biff.●One of the books made a hole in the roof.Wilf was very upset when he saw that the roof was broken.‘'I'm sorry,' he said."Perhaps I can get my dad to mend it.’Biff and Chip took the house home.Kipper was cross when he saw it was broken.He had the magic key in his hand.Will the magic still work?' he asked.Just then the key began to glow.●A new adventure began.The magic took the children back in time.It took them back to their house a long time ago.The house looked new but the roof was broken.●There were three children playing outside and two men were mending the roof.‘Didn't our house look nice a long time ago?' said Biff.‘But how did the roof get broken?●The children saw Bif, Chip and Kipper,and ran up to them. 'Hello,' they said. 'Who are you?''I'm Biff,' said Biff.‘This is Chip, and this is Kipper.’●‘What funny names!' said the girl.'My name is Victoria, this is Edward, and this is Will.'"What funny clothes you have!' said Will.‘Not as funny as yours!' said Kipper.●Kipper looked up at the men on the roof.'How did the roof get broken?' he asked."We don't know,' said Edward.'It was broken when we woke up.’''That's funny,' said Kipper.●A lady came out and called to the children.' Go inside and wash your hands, 'she said. 'It's time for tea.’''Is that your mother?' Biff asked.'No,' said Edward. 'That's our cook.●The children went into the kitchen.The cook looked at Biff, Chip, and Kipper.‘May they stay to tea?' asked Victoria.'They have funny clothes,' said Cook, ‘but yes.’●Biff looked round the kitchen.'This is not like our kitchen,' she said.Cook looked at Chip's hands.'Go and wash your hands,' she said.'You can't have tea until you do.●After tea, Cook made the children wash their hands again. Then she told Edward to take some tea to the workmen.'Come and see our rooms, 'said Edward.●The broken roof was in Edward's room.'Is it mended yet?' he asked.'It won't be long now,' said the man.'Thanks for the tea.'●The children went into Victoria's room.Victoria had a little room in her bedroom.It was the one Biff had.'We keep toys in here,' said Victoria. "Come and look.’●Biff, Chip, and Kipper looked at the children's toys.Chip loved the rocking horse.'I wish we add horse like this,' he said.'So do I,' said Biff.●Victoria took Biff, Chip, and Kipper into the little room."'Come and see this,' she said."What is it?' asked Kipper.●Victoria showed them a little house. She told them that her father was making it for them.‘It will look like this house,' she said.' We know,' said Biff.●Edward looked at Chip's watch and Chip looked at Edward's boat..‘Do you want to swap? 'asked Edward.'Yes, please,' said Chip, 'then I can take the boat to school to show Mrs May.'●Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.'It's time to go,' said Kipper, "but I don't want to.'"Will you come back? 'asked Edward."We don't know, said Biff.'Maybe.’●The magic took the children home.They looked at the little house.'The broken roof has been mended, said Biff.'How did that happen?I don't know, said Chip, 'maybe Dad mended it.'‘ I think the workmen in the adventure did it,' said Kipper.'We saw them.'' I think it was magic,' said Biff.●'I liked that adventure best of all,' said Biff.'I liked those children long ago.'‘ I'd like to go back and see them again.’''Me, too,' said Chip, looking at the boat.'Maybe I could get my watch back!'。

牛津阅读树内容文字公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]3-1 The Steel Band.A band came to play.“My name is Stan,” said a man.“I want you to help us.”“I want you to clap,” he said.“Clap your hands and tap your feet.”“I want you to sing a song.” “Sing it with us.”The children sang with the band.“Now c lap as you sing” said Stan.“Who wants to play in the band”The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,” said Stan. Wilf hit the drum.“Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.”What a grand band!1. Stan[stn] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.)2. tap[英] [t?p] vt. 开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开…取[放]液体 vi. 轻声走;跳踢踏舞3. bang [英] [b]vt. 猛击,猛撞3-2 Pond Dipping.Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck. “Help me pull,” said Wilf.They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk.Wilma got a big stick. “Let’s pull it out,” she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’t pull the junk out.Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram.Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump.Splash! A fish jumped up.“A pram full of fish,” said Dad.“Pram dipping!” said Wilma.4. stuck[英] [stk] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;被…难住的,不知所措5. junk[英] [dk] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;6. pram[英] [pr?m] n. <英>(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船7. plop[英] [plp] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声 vi. 扑通地坠落8. hop out[英] [hp aut] [体]后摆;跳下3-3 Sniff.“Will you look after Sniff today” said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy.They wanted to look after the puppy.They took Sniff to the park.The puppy was excited.Sniff liked to roll on her back… jump up for a stick... run after a ball… and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud.She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond and she barked at a dog.“I am hot,” said Wilf. “I want a rest.”“I am hot, too,” said Wilma. “I want a drink.” Mum couldn’t find Sniff.She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked.“They must be lost” sa id Mum. They were fast asleep. “They are worn out,” said Dad.9. mud[英] [md] n. 泥,泥淖;没价值的东西,污物;3-4 The Duck Race.Wilma had an idea.The children made six ducks.“Let’s have a duck race,” said Wilma.Mum began the race. “Drop the ducks in,” said Mum.The ducks went down the stream.Oh no! Wilma’s duck sank.Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds.Biff’s duck got stuck in the weeds.Wilf’s duck got stuck on a log.“Get it off with a stick,” said Chip.Kipper’s duck went fast.It went past Dad’s duck.Two swans flew down.They landed on the ducks! “Six soggy ducks,” said Kipper.10. sank[英] [s?k] v. (使)下沉,(使)沉没( sink的过去式 )11. reed[英] [rid] n. 芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧12. weed[英] [wi:d] n. 杂草;野草;废物;烟草13. swan[英] [swn] n. 天鹅;诗人,歌3-5 The Ice Rink.Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink.They put skates on. They went on to the ice.“Hold my hand,” said Dad. Wilf held Dad’s hand.“This is fun,” said Wilf. Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand. He began to skate. Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump.“This ice is cold,” said Wilf.Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.“Look at me spin!” said Dad.“Look at me jump!”Dad got some cold drinks.“Look out, Dad,” said Wilf.Oh no! A banana skin.14. ice rink[英] [ais rk] n. 溜冰场;滑冰场15. whoops[英] [hwps, wps, hwu:ps, wu:ps] int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)16. bump[英] [bmp] n. 碰撞,撞击;肿块;隆起物;鹭鸶的叫声17. spin[英] [spin] vi. 快速旋转;3-6 The Mud Bath.Dad was playing football.He ran with the ball.“Go on Dad!” called Chip.“Kick it!” Dad fell over in the mud. Splat! “Bad luck, Dad!” said Biff. “Oh Dad,” said Mum. “What a mess.” “I want a bath,” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom.He ran a bath.Dad came down.There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football.“Go on!” he called. “Kick it!” Dad forgot the bath. Drip! Drip! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!”What was that” said Dad.Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad.3-7 Joe and the Bike.Joe went to speedway.Joe liked speedway.His dad was a speedway rider.Joe’s dad was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Joe. Joe’s dad fell off.“Oh no!” said Joe.Joe’s dad pushed his bike.“What a rider!” said Joe.It was Joe’s birthday. His dad gave him a bike. Joe liked the bike.Joe was in a race.He was in front.“Come on!” shouted Dad.Joe fell off. “Oh no!” said Dad.“What a rider!” said Dad.18. speedway[英] [spi:dwe] n. 赛车跑道3-8 Midge and the Eggs.Midge’s mum wanted some eggs.Midge went to the egg shop.He put the eggs in a bag.“Come and play,” said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge. “My Mum wants these eggs.”Midge saw his friend.The friend had a go-kart. Midge wanted a go.Midge put the bag down.He went on the go-kart.He forgot the eggs.A man put the bag in the cart.“Oh no!” said Midge. “The eggs!”Midge’s mum looked at the bag.“Sorry, Mum,” said Midge.Midge’s mum went to the egg shop.She got some more eggs.She put the eggs in a basket. Oh no!19. Midge米吉20. go-kart[英] [ɡukɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名3-9 Midge in Hospital.Midge fell off his bike.The ambulance came.The man looked at Midge’s foot.They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened. He didn’t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge’s foot.A doctor gave Midge a sweet.Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy.Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit. Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some bo oks.“It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midge.“It’s good to be home.”21. nan[英] [nn] n. 奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.Pip was at the zoo.Pip’s dad was a z oo-keeper.Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill.They took the monkey home.The monkey got better.Pip played with it.They took the monkey to the zoo. Pip cried and cried.She wanted to keep the monkey. They went to the monkey house.The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped. It was happy.Pip was happy too.3-11 Pip at the Zoo.Pip went to the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper.Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food.The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas.A monkey took Pip’s hat.Pip gave the elephants some water.The elephant took Pip’s sweets.Pip gave the parrots some fruit.A parrot pecked her finger.“Do you want to feed the crocodiles”“No thanks,” said Pip.22. peck[英] [pek] vt. 啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;3-12 Roy and the Budgie.Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey.Joey flew out side. “Oh no!” said Roy.Roy couldn’t get Joey.Joey flew away.Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’t see Joey.An ostrich was in the wood.Roy looked at the ostrich. The ostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper.The zoo-keeper had a budgie.“It’s my ostrich,” said the zoo-keeper. \“It’s my budgie,” said Roy.“Thanks,” they said.23. Roy n. 罗伊(男子名)24. budgie[英] [bdi] n. 相思鹦鹉25. Joey [男子名] 乔伊 Joseph的昵称3-13 At the Seaside.The family went on holiday.Wilf and Wilma went, too.The hotel had burned down.“Sorry!” said the man.They looked at a new hotel.“Too expensive,” said Mum.They looked at an old hotel.“No, thank you,” said Dad.Ever hotel was full.“Sorry!” said everyone.They had to go home.But the car broke down.A farmer stopped his tractor.“Can I help” he said.The farmer had a bus.“You can stay here,” he said. “What a good holiday!” said Wilf.3-14 Kipper the Clown.The children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown.Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man.He made everyone laugh.Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.Everyone had a drink.“What a good circus!” said Mum.Wilf was a stuntman.Kipper was fed up .He wanted to be a stuntman.“Look at me!” he said.Everyone looked at Kipper.Oh no! “I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper.26. circus[英] [s:ks] n. 马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行);27. gymnastics[英] [dmn?stks] n. 体操,体育;体操运动28. stuntman[英] [stntm?n] n. 特技替身演员29. feed up[英] [fi:d p] 养肥;养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态;对…厌烦3-15 Kipper's Idea.Dad took Kipper to school.They went past the library.A lady was painting the wall.Kipper ran into the playground. He wanted to play. There was a drawing on the wall.It was a drawing of Kipper.The wall looked a mess.Mrs May was cross.The children were painting.Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall.The children painted faces.The wall looked good.Everyone liked it.“Good for Kipper!” everyone said.3-16 Strawberry Jam.Dad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries.They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own. “You can all help,” said Dad.They all picked strawberries.Kipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.The children had an ice cream.It was time to go home.The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone.“Traffic jam!” said Dad.3-17 The Jumble Sale.Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning.Mum looked in a drawer.Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk.They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car.The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something.“What a lot of junk!” said Wilf.The children saw their toys.They counted their money.It was time to go home.“What’s in the bags” said Mum. Oh no!30. spring-cleaning[英] [sprkli:n] n. 春季大扫除,大扫除 31. drawer[英] [dr:] n. 抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者32. junk[英] [dk] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货33. jumble sale[英] [dmb?l seil] n. (义卖时的)杂物拍卖3-18 The Snowman.It was snowing.“Hooray,” said the children.They saw wilf and Wilma.Wilf was sweeping the snow.Biff had a good idea.She made a giant snowball. Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea.He wanted to play a trick.The children made a giant snowman. Wilf’s dad opened the door.He saw the snowman.Wilma’s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof.“Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad.34. Hooray [英] [hre] 万岁3-19 At the Pool.Kipper went to the swimming pool.Wilma’s mum took him.She took Biff and Chip, too.It was a new pool.Everyone wanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks.He couldn’t find them.Kipper couldn’t go in the pool.“Sorry,” said the man.Wilma’s mum was in the water.“Oh dear,” she said.Wilma’s mum too k Kipper to a shop.She bought him new trunks.They went back to the pool.“Oh no!” said Kipper.“I put them on at home,” he said.35. trunks[trks] n. 树干( trunk的名词复数 );衣箱;象鼻3-20 Book Week.It was book week.The children made books.They made a big picture.They put it on the wall.An author came.He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up.Kipper was a caterpillar.He ate an apple.They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce.He was the hungry caterpillar.There was a book sale.Kipper was hungry.“I am a hungry Kipper,” he said.36. caterpillar[英] [ktpil] n. 毛虫;履带;履带拖拉机3-21 Bull's-eye!Everyone went to the school fair.Wilma wanted a book.Her dad bought it for her.Wilf kicked the ball.He won the goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy.He had to hit a bull’s-eye.Dad got cross.He couldn’t hit the bull’s-eye.Wilma was in the gym display.Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her. Wilma was cross.“You forgot to watch,” she said. Wilf and W ilma had a fight. They bumped into Dad. Bill’s-eye!Dad won a teddy.37. bull's-eye[英] [blza] n. 靶心;的38. gym[英] [dim] n. <非正>健身房;体育馆;室内健身操;体操39. display[英] [displei] n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品40. gym display体育展示 41. bump[英] [bmp] vt.& vi. 碰撞,冲撞;颠簸 vi. 颠簸着前进3-22 The Barbecue.Wilf’s dad wanted a party.He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue.Wilf and Mum took the food outside.Everyone helped. The dads lit the fire.The fire went out.The children were hungry.The dads lit the fire again. It began to rain.The dads cooked the burgers.The children were fed up.The burgers burned. “Yuk!” said Chip.Oh no! The dads got wet.“Hooray!” said the children.42. barbecue[英] [bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉;烧烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金属烤架43. burgers[b:ɡz] n. 汉堡包( burger的名词复数 );3-23 The Carnival.The mums and dads were busy.They made a giant shoe.They put it on a trailer.The children dressed up.Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good.They took it to the carnival. The car broke down. “Oh no!” everyone said.“Come on!” said Wilma. Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed. “Come on!” said Kipper.“Come on!” said everyone.There was an old lady.She lived in a shoe.She had so many children.It was a good job, too.44. trailer[英] [trel]n. 拖车;追踪者;3-24 The Cold Day.The children were in the sea.They played in the waves.Dad made them laugh.Everyone was cold.Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog.Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper,” said Mum.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper."Come on, Kipper,” said Dad.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper."Come and help,” said everyone.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper.“Ice cream!” said Kipper.He ran to the van.Everyone looked at Kipper.“I’m not that cold,” he said.45. jog[英] [dɡ] vt.& vi. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞;蹒跚行进;使颠簸46. rug[英] [rɡ] n. 小块地毯;〈英〉(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯;3-25 A Cat in the Tree.Floppy barked at a cat.The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy.Wilma climbed on the wall.Wilma climbed up the tree.She couldn’t get the cat.Wilma couldn’t get down.Wilma’s dad was cross.He put the ladder up.Wilma climbed down.Wilma’s dad climbed the tree.He couldn’t get the cat.Wilma’s dad was stuck.The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up.Wilma’s dad climbed down.“Oh no!” said everyone.47. ladder[英] [ld] n. 梯子,阶梯;梯状物;途径;48. stuck[英] [stk] adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词3-26 By the Stream.Mum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge.They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’t see.Kipper climbed up.He dropped Teddy in the water. “Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Biff couldn’t get Teddy.“Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Mum couldn’t get Teddy.“I want Teddy,” said Kipper. Dad couldn’t get Teddy.Dad fell in.Splash!“I am a frogman,” said Dad.3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play.Wilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play.He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket.“I am a spaceman,” he s aid.He played on the see-saw.“I am a juggler,” he said.He played on the horse.“I am a cowboy,” he said.He played on his bicycle.“I am a stuntman,” he said.He climbed up the ladder.“I am a fireman,” he said.He climbed on the wall.“I am a spiderman,” he said.Whoops!49. juggler[英] [dgl]n. 玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏50. cowboy[英] [kab] n. 牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄51. stuntman[英] [stntm?n] n. 特技替身演员3-28 On the Sand.Biff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep.Biff and Chip put sand on Dad.They made a sandcastle.They put Dad’s hat on top.They went to get an ice cream.Dad was still asleep.Chip looked at the donkeys.Biff looked at the boat.They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’s hat.“Oh no!” said Biff.Dad was hiding.Biff was cross.The hat was on a stick.52. donkey[英] [dki] n. 驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;3-29 The Egg Hunt.Kate came to stay.Mum and Kate made a cake.Kate put little eggs on it.Wilma looked at the little eggs.She had an idea.Wilma went to the park.She wanted to hide some eggs.She put them in the trees.She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park.“You can look for eggs,” said Wilma.Kate looked for the eggs.“Where are they” she said. The squirrels had them. “Squirrel like eggs,” said Kate.“So do I,” she said.3-30 The Rope Swing.The children went to the stream.They looked at the swing.Wilf climbed on the swing.Chip pushed Wilf.Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked and barked.Kipper went on the swing.“What a silly dog!” said kippy.Wilma went on too.“What a silly dog!” said Wilma.The children went home.Floppy looked at the rope.Splash! Oh no!53. silly[英] [sili] adj. 蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的。

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录1-1 Big Feet. 1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-18 Look After Me. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-20 Top Dog.1-5 Look at Me. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-22 Goal!1-7 Good Gog. 1-23 Making Faces. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-24 What a mess!1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-25 Shopping.1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-26 The Journey.1-11 What a DIN! 1-27 Fancy Dress.1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-28 Push!1-13 One Wheel. 1-29 The headache.1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-30 The pet shop1-15 The Sandcastle 1-31 At the Park.1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.1. floppy[英] [ˈflɔpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day.2. Kipper [人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red. We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.3.muddy[英] [ˈmʌdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7 Good Gog.I’m a good dog. Look at me.I’m very good, as you can see.You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, I get the ball.You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that. But not if I can see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no!4. skip [英] [skip] vi.跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can. Come on, run to the ice cream van. I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no!Splat!5.splat[英] [splæt] n.啪哒声31-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie … not a hat.6.tip[英] [tip] vt.倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, hang! What a din! What a din!7.Biff[英] [bif] 比夫8.Chip[人名] 奇普9.tin[英] [tin] n.罐头盒;10.can[英] [kæn, kən] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;(马口铁或其他金属制作的)食品罐头11.bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12.bang[英] [bæŋ] vi.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔];13.crash[英] [kræʃ]vt.& vi.(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14.hang[英] [hæŋ] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15.din[英] [dɪn] n.喧闹声1-12 Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “Come back!” said Mom. She ran after Floppy. “Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13 One Wheel.“One wheel,” said Chip.“Look,” said Chip. “One wheel”“Look,” said Mum. “I am on two wheels.”“Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.”“Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.”4“Look at Dad,” said Mum. “He is on one wheel.”“Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”1-14 The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said.The map said, “Dig here.”“Dig here.” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. No. It was a box of sweets!16.hid[英] [hid] hide的过去式和过去分词1-15 The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.17.sandcastle[英] [ˈsændkɑ:s(ə)l] n.沙塔18.bucket[英] [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;51-16 Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!1-17 Go On, Mum!“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am going,” said Mum.“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said.“Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum.“I am not going again.”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “I like this,” she said.She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said.She went up the ladder. “I like this,” she said.“We like this,” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is a top dog. We like Floppy best of all.61-21 Wha t Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this1-22 Go al!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.19.miserable[英] [ˈmizərəbl] adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20.cross[英] [krɔs] adj.坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good.Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.21.fierce[英] [fiəs] adj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 W hat a mess!Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.22.lorry[英] [ˈlɔri] n.运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 S hopping.7Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. He got a ball. He forgot the sugar.23.crisp[英] [krisp] n.<英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I’m bored,” said Kipper.“I’m hungry,” said Biff.“I’m thirsty,” said Chip.“I’m cross,” said Dad.“I’m lost,” said Mum.“Hooray!” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper was an angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy. 1-28 Push!The car was stuck. Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!24.tractor[英] [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机;牵引器81-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.25.trumpet[英] [ˈtrʌmpit] n.喇叭;小号;26.recorder[英] [riˈkɔ:də] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shopEveryone wanted a pet.Chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.9。

原版牛津阅读树无字书文本12篇全Day 1 At SchoolIt was Kipper's first day at school.He didn't want to go in.So he held onto the gate post.Kipper was shy. He hid in the cloakroom. “Come on!”Kipper played in the home corner.Kipper cooked a LEGO stew.It was the end of the day.Kipper didn't want to go home.What did he do? He held onto the gate post.Day 2 Getting UpKipper brushed his teeth. He knew a secret.Kipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hid in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt.Kipper put on his trainers.The post lady arrived.She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.The surprise was for Dad.It was his birthday.Day 3 Look OutKipper's friend lent him his road ripper.Kipper imagined he was a famous ripper rider in a race.Kipper whizzed around the house and screeched onto the lawn.“Oh.”Kipper didn't know how to stop the road ripper.Everyone taught Kipper how to be a careful rider.Day 4 The HaircutOne day, Dad said to Mum, “Kipper's hair is getting really long again. It's time he had a cut.”“Oh, dear,” groaned mum. “I don't think I want to know about this. Ask me to clean a crocodile's teeth, or cut a tiger's toe nails. But don't ask me to cut Kipper's hair.”Mum had been dreading cutting Kipper's hair, ever since the last time she did it. The trouble was, Kipper made a terrible fuss. He just wouldn't keep still when Mum shampooed his hair. And he cried, because she got a little drop of shampoo in his eye. But that was nothing, compared to the trouble she had when she tried to give him the haircut. He wiggled and jiggled and squirmed and fidgeted so that Mum was cross with him. Then as soon as he did sit still, Mum made a little nick on his ear with the scissors. And after that, Kipper made a bigger fuss than ever.“Surely, it's not that difficult a job.” said Dad.“Difficult? Difficult?” exclaimed Mum. “I'd rather polish a python or rinse a rhinoceros.”“Now, who's making a fuss.” said Dad.“I know what.” said Mum, giving Dad a funny knowing sort of smile. “You cut Kipper's hair. After all, I'm going out this afternoon. So it can be a nice little job for you.”“Well, urr…umm…oh…all right then.” said Dad. “I don't think Kipper will give me any trouble. He just needs handling the right way.”As soon as Mum had gone. Dad took Kipper up to the bathroom. He started combing his hair.“Do you know?” he said, in his jolliest voice. “I heard of a little boy who made so much fuss when he had his hair cut that nobody was ever able to cut it. It grew so long, that the boy couldn't see where he was going. And he kept bumping into doors and crashing into lamp post and tripping over the cat. I can't imagine you'd be as silly as that, Kipper.”“Oh, ouch!” cried Kipper. “You're hurting. Mum never hurts like that when she combs my hair.”“I thought we could wash your hair, then I can give it a little cut.” said Dad.“Oh…aw…” wailed Kipper, wiggling and squirming away. “I don't want my hair cut.”“This is going to be trickier than I thought.” said Dad. “But I've just had a brilliant idea.”Dad persuaded Kipper to have his hair cut at a hairdresser's. He told Kipper that the hairdresser was so good at cutting hair that Kipper would really enjoy it. At first, Kipper wasn't too sure. So Dad said, “I had my hair cut at a hairdresser when I was a little boy and I didn't make a fuss. I remember thinking it was good fun.”“Well, all right.” said Kipper. “But if going to a hairdresser is such fun, why does Mum always cut your hair?”“She doesn't always.” said Dad. “I tell you what, I'll have my hair cut at the same time as you. I bet you I won't make a fuss.”So Dad took Kipper to a hairdresser in the high street. It's called Snips Hair Salon. The shop looked very bright and attractive.“Snips is a good name for a hairdresser's.” thought Kipper.The first thing that happened to Kipper and Dad, once they were in the salon, was that they had their hair washed. Dad had his washed by an assistant called Andy. And Kipper, had his washed by an assistant called Nicky. Much to his surprise, Kipper enjoyed having his hair washed by Nicky. She didn't wash it in the way Mum did it at home. Instead, Kipper sat with his back to the basin and he leaned backwards. The basin didn't have taps. It had a special hose that Nicky could control by pressing a little trigger on the end. Nicky was very careful not to let any water run on to Kipper's face. Next to Kipper, Andy was shampooing Dad's hair.“Be careful with all this foam,” Kipper heard Dad say. “I don't want shampoo in my eyes (I)hope you won't let the water run dawn my neck… You will make sure the water isn't too hot, won't you?”“Dad's making a bit of a fuss,” thought Kipper.After the shampooing was finished. Andy and Nicky sat Dad and Kipper on different chairs in front of a big, long mirror."Excuse me, sir," said Nicky. “What would you like me to do with Kipper's hair? Shall I give him a trim?”Dad remembered how quickly Kipper's hair grew. He remembered the fuss Kipper made whenever Mum cut it and last of all he saw how expensive it was to have a haircut in the salon. So he said, “No, not just a trim. I think you'd better cut it short. Yes, quite short!”“And how about you, sir?” said Andy.Kipper looked at Dad, and Dad looked at Kipper. Then Dad said, “Oh….um….er….yes. I'd like mine quiet short, too.”Snip, snip, snip! Snip-snip! Went the scisoors. Kipper looked sideways at Dad. Dad didn't look too happy.“I bet he did make a fuss when he was a little boy,” thought Kipper.Dad and Kipper were really pleased with their haircuts.“You look different,” Kipper told Dad.“So do you, Kipper,” said Dad. “You look different, too. You look quite grown up with short hair.”“It will be really easy to keep it tidy,” said Kipper. “No more having it pulled when Mum tries to comb it. And it will be so much easier to wash. I'm glad we went to Snips. And you see, I didn't make a fuss. Not once.”“No, you were a good boy,” said Dad. “I wonder what Mum will say when she sees our smart new haircuts.”Mum was home already. When she opened the front door and saw Kipper and Dad with their new short haircuts, she couldn't believe her eyes.Do you know what she said? She said, “Good gracious, you both look as if you've been run over by a lawnmower.”Now that wasn't very nice… was it?Day 5 The Lost TeddyHave you ever ridden on a bus? The one that Mum and Kipper are just about to catch, has upstairs and downstairs. Do you know what a bus like this is called? Kipper liked riding on the double-decker bus. He likes to go upstairs and sit in the very front seat. Then he could pretend that he was the driver.Kipper and Mum are standing at the bus stop. They are just about to get on the bus to go to town. I wonder if they will go upstairs and sit in the front seat this time.“We won't go all the way upstairs today, Kipper,” said Mum, “Because there won't be time. We're getting off at the next stop.”Mum had taken Kipper with her when she went to have her eyes tested. If she had been by herself, Mum would have walked, but in the first place Mum was in a hurry, and Kipper couldn't walk fast enough. And in the second place, Kipper loved riding on a double-decker bus, so Mum thought it would be a treat for him.As it was only a short ride, Kipper and Mum sat downstairs. In no time at all, the bus pulled up at the next stop, and Kipper and Mum had to get off. Oh no! Kipper was so surprised that the journey was over that he left Teddy behind, sitting on the seat.As soon as Kipper got off the bus, he remembered Teddy. “I've left Teddy on the bus!” he gasped. “I've left Teddy behind!” By this time, the bus had moved off and was almost out of sight, so it wasn't possible for Mum to run after it.“Oh Kipper!” said Mum. “There's not much I can do at the moment. I'm already late for my eye-test.”“But what about Teddy?” wailed Kipper.“When we get home we'll phone the bus company. I expect the bus conductor will find Teddy and look after him until we can get him back.”When Kipper went to bed that night, he was very upset. He couldn't get to sleep without Teddy to keep him company, and he couldn't help crying. Biff and Chip tried to cheer him up. They took some of their favorite toys to give Kipper.“Don't cry,” said Chip.“I can't help it!” sniffed Kipper. “I keep wondering if I'll ever see Teddy again. What if someone has found him and kept him?”The next day, Mum said to Kipper, “Come on, we're going on the bus again. We're going to the Lost Property Office at the bus station.”A lost property office is a place that looks after all the things that people have lost on buses. And you'd be surprised at things people lose.“I expect lots of children lose teddy bears and toys,” said Mum. “There's probably a special department that looks after teddy bears.”Mum said this to try and cheer Kipper up, but he was so worried that Teddy wouldn't be at the Lost Property Office, that he didn't feel in the mood to be cheered up. At last they arrived at the bus station, and they went straight to the place that said “Lost Property”. Kipper had fingers crossed on both hands and he kept saying to himself, “I wish. I hope… I wish… I hope…”When Mum asked the lady if Kipper's Teddy bear had been handed in. She said, “I expect so. We had five teddy bears in yesterday, so I expect Kipper's is in the box.” And it was!You can imagine how pleased Kipper was to see Teddy again, and you can imagine how glad Teddy was to see Kipper. As for all the other lost teddies—well, they do look sad. But don't worry. The lady told Kipper that their owners would all come in and find them, sooner or later. In fact, as Kipper and Mum were leaving, a sad-looking little girl was going into the Lost Property Office with her dad.“I bet I know what she's lost,” said Kipper.Day 6 The LibraryDo you like books? Kipper does. Here he is settling down with a really interesting book about..well, can you tell what his book is about? What does it say on the cover?Kipper's book isn't a story book, although there is nothing he likes better than a good story. This book is an information book. Kipper likes information books because he likes to find out about things. This story is about the day that Dad took Kipper to the library to get some new books to read.It was Dad's turn to take Kipper to the library.“Oh dear,” said Dad. “Some of these books should have been taken back at least a week ago. That means I'll have to pay a fine.”Kipper liked the library, but this time he was very excited. Usually Mum and sometimes Dad, went with him to the children's section and helped him to choose a book. But today, he was going to be allowed to choose some books all by himself.“I'm sorry, but there's a fine to pay on all these books”, said the librarian, as Dad handed his books in.“Oh… er… um,” said Dad. “I'm afraid I've only got a five-pound note. Do you have any change?”“Plenty, sir,” said the librarian.“Off you go then, Kipper,” said Dad. “You choose some books for yourself, and I'll go and choose some for Mum and me.”Kipper couldn't wait to browse through the shelves looking at all the exciting books in thechildren's corner.!“Wow!” said Kipper to himself. “There are loads and loads of books to choose from.”The children's corner had a carpet on the floor, and it had small, comfortable plastic chairs. The children could either sit in the chairs or lie on the carpet and have a good look at the books before deciding which ones to take home. To Kipper's delight, the reading corner wasn't very busy.“There's plenty of room today,” he said to himself. “I can spread out, like I do at home.”Soon Kipper was busy looking at the books on the shelves. Then he took every single book he liked the look of and put it in a pile beside one of the chairs. Then he sat down and began looking at them, one by one. Now you can see what he meant by “spreading out”Soon, the floor all round him was covered in books. The trouble was, Kipper liked every book, and he simply couldn't decide which ones to take home. When Dad had chosen a book for himself and a book for Mum, he told Kipper that it was almost time to go..“Decide quickly, Kipper,” he said, looking at all the books Kipper had spread out over the floor, “and make sure you put the rest of the books back on the right shelves.”The trouble was, Kipper couldn't decide.“I want that one, and that one,” he said. “These two. That one over there…oh, and I want this one, especially. And I think I want this little one. Yes. And I want the one I've just put down. Oh and the one I've just picked up…”In the end he decided to take all the books he had looked at that morning. And that meant he had seventeen books with him when he staggered up to the librarian's counter.“Goodness me!” said the librarian. “I'm afraid you can't take seventeen books home, all at one go. Children are only allowed to have three at a time.”In the end, Dad helped Kipper to choose three books, but that wasn't easy, because Kipper got the pile down to four, and then couldn't decide which one of the four to put back.“Well,” said Dad. “Normally I can take out six books. I've only got two, so I'll take out one for you on my ticket. And that way, you can have four books this time. And that way we can get home in time for dinner!”So that's what Dad did, and Kipper carried the four books home. On the way, Kipper said, “Dad, if you only got two books out, and you could have had six. That means I could have had…um….”“Yes,” said Dad, “four extra books, not just one extra. Don't even think it, Kipper. The three books you've got there, and one extra, are quite enough. After all, you can come back in a day or two and change them.”“Oh, can I?” said Kipper. “I'd forgotten that!”Day 7 Swing BallBiff and Chip played football.Chip kicked the plastic football at the roses.It punched on one of the sharp thorns.Biff and Chip played badminton.Chip hit the shuttlecock so hard.It flew up the air and landed on the roof.Biff and Chip played French cricket.Biff whacked the ball over the fence into the neighbour's garden.Dad bought a swing ball.Biff and Chip played with the swing ball.Day 8 The Street FairWhen Dad took Biff and Chip into town to do some shopping, there was a big surprise for all three of them: A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face-painting store.“That looks fun!” said Biff.When Dad and the twins came home. Their painted faces gave Kipper and Mum a big surprise!Mum painted Kipper's face. And then she took a photograph of them all. She couldn't paintFloppy's face. So look what she did instead.Day 9 The Big BoxThis enormous box was left behind, when a new fridge freezer was delivered to the house. The box gave Biff and Chip a good idea, so they asked mom if they could have it. Can you guess what their idea was?When the new fridge freezer was delivered, it came in a huge cardboard box.“May we have the box, mum?” asked Chip. “it would be a great thing to play with. Maybe we could make a little house out of it. It would only be our little house,” said Biff, “because i don't think more than one of us could get inside it.”The delivery man said he had some even bigger boxes in the back of his van. “Normally I throw them away,” he said, “so if you want them, you are welcome to them.”“Wow... Thanks!” said Biff and Chip.Mum helped Biff and Chip make the house. She carefully cut out the windows and door, and she thought of a way to make a sloping roof. Biff and Chip painted the little house. Chip painted a brick pattern on the sides, and when he had finished, Biff had a go at painting tiles on the roof.“It’s brilliant inside.” said Chip, crawling through the little door, “maybe we can put some tiny furniture in here.”“Just stay outside while I'm cutting these windows out,” warned mum.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good. There was room inside for Biff, Chip and Kipper, and there was even a little extension for Floppy. Chip had painted a sign that said “our house”, and another one that said “Floppy”. Biff found a little chair and a stool that were small enough to fit inside. “I think it's brilliant,” said Kipper. He liked the tall part of the house where everyone could stand up.“You'd better come inside,” Chip called to Biff, “it’s beginning to rain.” It didn't just rain. It poured. At first, it was fun inside the little house. The children looked out at the rain and felt very snug and safe. But after a while, water began to drip on them, and big wet patches appeared in the walls. “Oh... no!”, said Biff, “I don't think cardboard is waterproof. I think the house is collapsing!”“Hmm... the walls do feel soggy,” said Chip, “and the roof’s beginning to sag.” Mum ran out into the garden. “Oh dear,” she said, “I should have warned you about the rain. We should have put the little house in the carriage until the rain stopped. What a pity! After all the work you've done to make the house look nice, now it's ruined.”Later that day dad found a tent, and he put it up in the garden. “Sorry your cardboard house was spoiled by the rain,” he said, “but you can keep this tent up for as long as you like. Luckily the rainwon't spoil it. It's quite waterproof.”“we like the tent,” Said Chip, “at least it won't go soggy.”“No. But tents can collapse,” said dad, “so we must make sure we put all the pegs in firmly.”In fact, the tent did collapse, but that's part of another story.Day 10 FetchMom and the twins wondered if floppy would go for a swim to fetch a stick if they threw one in the water. After all the dog that we’re watching seemed to be enjoying itself.One windy afternoon Biff and Chip went with mum when she took floppy out for his daily walk. They went to the park which wasn't very far away. The children liked going to the park. It had a little lake in it. Sometimes there were ducks on the lake, but on this particular afternoon there was a lady with two dogs who were jumping into the water to fetch sticks.“Look at those dogs swimming after sticks,” said Biff, “I didn't know dogs could swim so well?”“Oh, yes,” said mom, “dogs are good swimmers. Some dogs have been known to rescue people and save them from drowning.” Floppy likes fetching things,” said Biff, “he loves chasing after balls in the garden. Do you think he would jump in the lake and fetch a stick?”“I don't know,” said mom, “I've never seen him swim. I wonder if he will.”She picked up the stake and threw it into the lake. “Fetch it, Floppy!” she called, “Go on! Fetch!”Floppy didn't move. He didn't move when biff tried throwing his stick. “I'd have thought that seeing those two dogs in the water would have given him the idea,” said chip. They all tried throwing more sticks, but Floppy simply wouldn't move.“At this rate there will be enough sticks in the water to build a bridge,” laughed mom. “I can't believe Floppy won't swim for us,” said Biff. She found one more stick and showed it to Floppy, but just as she threw it, a gust of wind blew her hat off and it went flying off into the lake.“Oh, no!” Biff yelled, “my hat!” The hat sailed through the air spinning round and round. Then it landed in the lake where it floated among all the sticks that Biff, Chip and mum had thrown in. “Oh dear,” wailed Biff, “the wind is blowing it out farther and farther. We'll never be able to reach it, and it was my favorite hat too.”Suddenly Floppy ran towards the lake. With an enormous bound, he sprang into the water and swam towards Biff’s hat. “Wow,” said Biff, “who said Floppy wouldn't go for a swim! What a good dog! It's ‘Floppy to the rescue’, all right?” said Chip, “Look! He's rescued Biff’s hat!”Floppy looked really pleased with himself as he came out of the water. He carried Biff’s hat very carefully in his jaws.“Thank you, Floppy,” said Biff, taking the hat, “What a clever dog you are!”“Hooray!” said Chip, “I think floppy is a sensible dog. He won't jump in a cold lake to fetch silly sticks, but when it comes to a proper rescue, he can swim really well.”At that moment floppy shook himself and the water from his coat sprayed all over Biff, Chip and mum.“Hey!” called mom, “You're making us all wet! Stop it, Floppy!”Floppy gave a little bark. He can't talk, of course, but if he could, I wonder what he would have said。
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其实ort 最棒的就是无字书了,很能引起孩子的兴趣。
at schoolIt was Kipper’s first day at schoolHe didn’t want to go in , so he hold onto the gate postKipper was shy, he hid in the cloak room.Come onKipper played in the home cornerKipper cooked a lego stewIt was the end of the day. Kipper didn’t want to go home.What did he do? He hold onto the gate post.Getting upKipper brushed his teeth, he knew a secretKipper looked for his clothes and the surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.Kipper got his shirt, Kipper put on his trainers.The post lady arrived, she had a big pile of envelopes and usualThe surprise was the dad, it was his birthday.libraryThis book is overdue,I'm sorry.I'm going to look at the booksok, kipperlet's choose the booksI'm going to look at the books, it's a lot of bookslet us see this one , I cannot decide which one to take home.this is fun.I like all of themI'm going to take all of themDaddy , I want all of these booksOh ,no kipper you cannot take all of these bookstake only four books,kipperI'm only four bookscan you come and get it tomorow daddy.maybe we will see.song.Are you readyok ,sing togetherHere are many booksI can see many booksI can choose many booksand I can make many books be quietYou are in the librarythe swing ballHurry up how funbe carefull,oh, my ball, oh I'm sorry ,beeflet's play badmintonthat's goodare you ready,Yes,let's start itOK, hit this, here goesbe carefulloh,nocatch the ball ,cheepok, but this times, be carefully ,beefdon't worry ,chipready? yesoh,no it's too highwhat's that ,daddy.it's swingball. it's for youis it a fun game,you will see.it's greatyou are doing great , kidsthis is a lot of fun.thank you dady.Song.the street fairWhen dad took Biff and Chip to the town to do some shopping.There was a big surprise for all three of them.A street fair was being held.The street fair was exciting. There were lots of things to see.There was a face painting store.“that looks fun!” said Biff.When dad and the twins came home, their painted faces gave Kipper and mom a big surprise.Mom painted Kipper’s face and then she took a photograph of them all.She couldn’t paint Floppy’s face, so look what she did, instead.Look, the street fair.It looks fun.ok, let's go.the moons for sale , the moons for sale.Beef ,there is a junglerchip ,do you like junglingI wish I could do it too.Candy for sale , yammy candylisten to the musicIt's trumpet. and lots of yammy food too.Chip, look those boys.ss's face paintinglook, that girl looks like a tigerand that boy looks like a crown.right . it looks funChip , I want to has my face paintingsuperiseoh my god ,what happend to youwe have got our faces paintedsmile ,everyone ,say cheese.the big boxWhen the new fridge was delivered, Biff and Chip wanted the huge box it came in. The delivery man gave them some other boxes too.Mom tolds Biff, and Chip make the house.When the house was finished, everyone thought it looked really good.Then it started to rain.It didn’t just rain, it pour ed.After a while, the cardboard went soggyAnd the house started to collapseLater that day dad found a tent. And he put it up in the garden.Oh , good , we can play with this. can we mammy, sure.why don't you make a play house this way ,pleasewhat are you doing mammy,I'm making the window.what are you doing beefI'm painting the roof.this is fun mamyI finished, this house is great.beef, come inside ,it's raining.I will come in.it's raining. come inside kids Our houses is fallingI wish the rain is stop.we like this tentis is safe .thanks daddy.song.is it a big box, yes it is , it's big ,it's bigis it a square box, yes it is , it's square ,it's squareis it a little box, no it isnot ,is it a round box , no it isnotis it a big box,yes it isit's square big box.FetchFetch the ball,Mammy, that dog is swimming , and the other dog is fetching its stick. our flooply can do it too.come on floopyyou can do it.Mammy, he doesn't like to do it.floopy can swimcome on floopy look at that dog.what's the matter, floopyI don't want to fetch.here , mammy , I will do it.come on floopy , fetch,here goesfloopy where are you goinglook mammy,mhe is jumping into the riveroh,no my hat.oh, floopy you are the bestyes, floopy is the best.what a good dog ,floopy.song.hedgehogCome on floopy , fetch the balloops , too high , you can do it. go get itwhat's this , it's not a ballhurry up floopy ,what are you doing .oh, be careful floopymammy what's this , I wonder what's this.It looks like a hedgehog.let's going to see the really hedgehog ,children mammy , can I hold the lampno, this is too heavy.mammy , let us hurry uplet's go to the shedcan you see it. childrenit's hedgehogoh, how funny,it's cutesong:look mammy look , what's this , it's a ball, it's a ball look mammy look , what's this,it's a shed, it's a shedThe AppleLook, There is an appleIt's a big ,juice appledaddy ,I want this apply ,it's too high to reachI have a good idea.little more daddy, little moreI cannot reach itit's too highstanding on you tiptoeI have an another idea.I almost got it, daddyyou are very heavy ,Chip , be carefulI have got it ,oh, nothe apple is falling.catch it ,Beefcatch it ,kipperFlooy is eating the apple .Oh ,no floopyit's so good yammy,you are lucky , floopySong.Watch it carefully, Watch it Watch it Watch it carefully cut the apple, cut it carefully cut it cut it very carefully eat the apple, eat it ,eat it , got the apple.Getting upWhat a great dayGood MoringI finished hurry upok,ok,where are my pantswhat are you doingit's serven o clockhurry updaddy will hear youhurry upmy shirtdaday is going to wake up come on ,hurry updont forget daddy 's presentsi almost finisedlook outyou look nice , but be careful dont worry mammi , i can drive ok, good lucknono look out not this way go that way i know but i cannot stoplook out kipper what's happening kipper what is the mattherslow downi am sorry i cannot stopoh my picture stopicannot stopyou are good driverhaiecutKipper your hair is too longoh,daddythat's hurtslet's get haircuthere we arethis is snip hair salonwhy is sniplet's go in , l will tell you laterthis is nice i like itoh i dont my eyes hurt shapoo got into my eys can you hear the sound ,snip snipwhat can you founddont moveyou look different you look diff too。