



















题目21:完型填空 题目:提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分 Dealing with waste is a huge global problem. Unfortunately, many people don’t usually think 答案:1:B; 2:A; 3:D; 4:C; 5:D; 6:D; 7:A; 8:C; 9:B; 10:B 题目:提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分 The world’s urban population, (1)_____at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in 答案:1:B; 2:C; 3:A; 4:C; 5:B; 6:D; 7:B; 8:C; 9:A; 10:D 题目:Interviewer – Why is English so important? 答案:1:B; 2:C; 3:C; 4:A; 5:D; 6:C; 7:A; 8:B; 9:C; 10:A 题目:There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, (1)_____ 答案:1:D; 2:B; 3:B; 4:A; 5:C; 6:B; 7:A; 8:C; 9:C; 10:D 题目22:阅读理解

题目:A Case Study: Desertification around the Gobi Desert 答案:1:D; 2:A; 3:B; 4:A; 5:D 题目:CETACEANS: FACT FILE 答案:1:B; 2:D; 3:A; 4:D; 5:B 题目:GLOBAL FOOD 答案:1:C; 2:A; 3:D; 4:D; 5:B 题目:WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, HORNS REV, Denmark: In the lead up to the Earth Summit in 答案:1:B; 2:D; 3:A; 4:C; 5:D 题目:WILL ENGLISH ALWAYS BE THE MAIN INTERNET LANGUAGE? 答案:1:B; 2:C; 3:B; 4:D; 5:C 题目:Two hundred years ago, it took several weeks for the news of the important Battle of 答案:1:C; 2:C; 3:D; 4:A; 5:B 题目23-27:


《机械制图》大学 第一单元制图基本知识与技能【教学要求】 1、掌握国家标准中有关图幅、图线等制图基本规定及尺寸注法的规定。 2、初步掌握使用绘图工具的能力,掌握平面图形的基本作图方法,为学习投影作图打下 基础。 【知识要点】 1.《制图》国家标准的有关规定。 2.比例的概念、种类。 3.尺寸标注的基本要求、组成以及标注的基本方法。 4.圆弧连接的概念、步骤。 5.平面几何作图的基本方法。 6.平面几何图形的尺寸分析、线段分析和画图步骤。 一、填空题: 1A.比例是指与的之比,比例有、、三种,某图样的比例为2:1,该比例是比例,其图形是实物的倍。 答:图样中图形其实物相应要素线性尺寸原值放大缩小放大 2 2A.机件的真实大小应以图样上为依据,与及无关。 答:所注的尺寸数值图形的大小绘图的准确度 3A.标注尺寸一般包括、和三个要素。 答:尺寸界线尺寸线尺寸数字 4B.线性尺寸的数字一般应注写在尺寸线的方或方,也允许注写在尺寸线的处。在同一图样上,数字的注法应。注写线形尺寸数字时,如尺寸线为水平方向时,尺寸数字规定由向书写,字头向;如尺寸线为竖直方向时,尺寸数字由向写,字头朝;在倾斜的尺寸线上注写尺寸数字时,必须使字头方向有向的趋势。 答:上左中断一致左右上下上左上 5B.标注角度时,角度的数字一律写成方向,一般注写在尺寸线的处;尺寸

界线应沿引出,尺寸线应画成,其圆心是该角的顶点。 答:水平中断径向圆弧 6B、直径符号“Φ”用于标注圆或的圆弧;圆弧符号“R”用于标 注圆或的圆弧。 答:整圆大于半圆的圆弧半圆小于半圆的圆弧 7A、锥度是指与之比。 答:正圆锥体底圆直径锥高 8A.圆弧连接的三个步骤是:、、。 答:求圆心求切点画连接圆弧 9B、凡确定图形中各部分几何形状大小的尺寸, 称为尺寸。如确定图形中各个组成 部分相对位置的尺寸,称为尺寸; 基准是标注尺寸的。 答:定形定位起点 10B、定形、定位尺寸均齐全的线段,叫线段;只有定形尺寸和一个定位尺寸,而缺少另一定位尺寸的线段。叫线段;只有定形尺寸而缺少定位尺寸的线段,叫线段。 答:已知中间连接 二、基本知识与技能题 1B、指出左边的图中尺寸标注的错误,在右边图上作正确标注。 答: 2C、参照下图所示图形,用1:2比例在制定位置画图,并作正确标注:


最新国家开放大学电大《机械制图》机考形考判断题正误试题及答案 判断题正误 1. 根据图2所切割体正面投影和水平投影,判断(1) (9)问题的正确与否,根据图3,判断(10)问题的正确与否。 圆柱体上有通孔,通孔是方形孔。(J ) 只用了一个平面来切割该圆柱体o ( V) 2. 根据图2所切割体的正而投影和水平投影,判断(1广(9)问题正确与否,根据图3,判断(10)问题的正确与否。 (1) 其基本体是圆柱体。(V ) (4) 切割圆柱体的平面是正垂而(V ) (5) 其侧面投影的转向轮廓线为曲线。(X ) (6) 其侧而投影的转向廓线为直线o (V ) (7) 用正垂而来切割圆柱体外表而,其截交线的侧而投影反映实形。( (8) 用正垂而来切割圆柱体外表而,其截交线的侧而投影为椭圆弧。( (9) 用正垂而切割圆柱体内表面,其截交线的侧而投影为不完整的平行四边形。(V ) (10)图3侧而投影正确(V ) 顷

(1)其基本体是圆柱体。(V )

(2)圆柱体上有通孔,通孔是方形孔。(X ) (3)只用了一个平面来切割该圆柱体。(X (4)切割圆柱体的平面有侧平面和水平面。(J ) (5)圆柱体的下方有与其相贯的半圆柱孔,其两轴心线垂直相交。(V ) (6)圆柱孔与半圆柱孔相贯,旦其轴心线不垂直相交。(X ) (7)侧平而来切割圆柱体,其截交线的侧而投影为矩形。(V ) (8)水平而来切割圆柱体,其截交线的侧面投影为圆弧。(X ) (9)半圆柱孔与圆柱相交,其相贯线是前后对称的空间曲线;(V ) (10)图3侧面投影正确(V )— rW -曲 图3 里匡 图3 3.根据图2所示水平投影和侧面投影,判断(1) ~ (9)问题正确与否,根据图3,判断(10)问题的正确与否。 图2 (1)该立体由竖立半圆柱体长方体组成,半圆柱与长方体顶而底面平齐,半圆柱曲而与长方体前后而相切。V (2)立体上有一竖立的通孔,左边半圆柱体上开一方孔,右边长方体上开一圆孔。(V ) (3)方孔与半圆柱面和竖立的通孔均相交,其截交线由圆弧和直线组成。(V ) (4)截切半圆柱体的平面有两个正平面和两个水平而。(V ) (5)正平而截切半圆柱体外表而,其截交线的正面投影是平行于半圆柱轴心线的直线。(V )


《开放英语4》形考册第一次作业答案 第一部分:听力理解(20分) 一、理解对话(每题1分,共10分) 在本节中,你将听到10个对话,每个对话后有一个问题,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择答案,并标在答题纸的相应位置。每段对话后有10秒的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。 1. A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6. C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.A 二、理解段落(每题2分,共10分) 在本节中,你将听到一段独白或对话,判断下列句子是否符合所听独白或对话的内容,符合的选择T,不符合的选择F,并标在答题纸的相应位置。独白或对话前后各有30秒钟的停顿,以便阅读问题并核对答案。独白或对话读两遍。 11. F 12.T 13.T 14.F 15.T 第二部分:英语知识运用(35分) 三、选择填空(每题1分,共15分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题纸的相应位置。 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C 四、完型填空(每题2分,共20分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并标在答题纸的相应位置。 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. D 第三部分:阅读理解(共30分) 五、阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案,并 标在答题纸的相应位置。(每题2分,共20分) 短文理解1 41.B 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. D 短文理解2 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. B 50.D


开放英语I(1)作业1 (Unit 1~6) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1-5题: 阅读下面的小对话,判断稚是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) (A) 1.-How old is the manager? -- He is 35 year old. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 2. – What do they do ? -- They work in a bank. A Right B. Wrong (B) 3. –Would you like some crisps? - No, I’m sorry.. A. Right B. Wrong (B) 4. – How much does the flat cost a month? - It’s on the tenth floor. A. Right B. Wrong (A) 5. – Could you sign the register, please? - Of course. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) (B)6. He _____ for an IT company. A. work B. works C. working (A) 7. I have coffee _____ breakfast time A. at B. in C. on (C) 8. _____ name is Wanghua. A. He B. He’s C. His (C) 9. She is _______ only accountant in my son’s company. A. a B. an C. the (C) 10. Maria often has a walk with _______ parents in the morning. A. she B. their C. her (B) 11. _________ you got any family ? A. Do B. Have C Has (B) 12. He’s responsible _____ the central computer system. A. in B. for C. of (C) 13. The Business Banking Department is on ____ floor. A. second B. the two C. the second (C) 14. Wang Li is _______ a new market campaign at the moment. A. plan B. planing C. planning (C) 15. Polly enjoys ________ the guitar in a band in her free time.


题目21:完型填空 题目:2 Patten Close 答案: 1:B; 2:A; 3:C; 4:B; 5:A; 6:A; 7:B; 8:C; 9:A; 10:C 题目:TABETHA ADVENTURE CENTRE 答案: 1:B; 2:C; 3:D; 4:A; 5:C; 6:A; 7:B; 8:C; 9:D; 10:A 题目:TINY TONGA LAUNCHES SPACE TOURISM PLAN 答案: 1:C; 2:B; 3:A; 4:C; 5:D; 6:A; 7:B; 8:D; 9:A; 10:C 题目22:阅读理解 题目:A recent survey has revealed that the country with the shortest holidays and the longest 答案: 1:B; 2:A; 3:B; 4:D; 5:C 题目:As our cell phones get smarter, smaller and faster, and enable users to connect at high 答案: 1:B; 2:D; 3:C; 4:A; 5:C 题目:Between the wars, the name of Croydon was famous worldwide because it held the 答案: 1:D; 2:B; 3:C; 4:D; 5:A 题目:CHINA IN SPACE 答案: 1:C; 2:B; 3:A; 4:D; 5:C 题目:I used to think education was the most important thing in my life. Recently my attitude 答案: 1:C; 2:A; 3:D; 4:B; 5:D 题目:WELCOME TO OXFORD


开放英语(1)作业3(Units13~18) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1~5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) 1.----Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please? ----______________________. A.You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket B. B.It takes about an hour to get there C.I’d like to see them 2.----___________________________? ----I’ve got a bad cough. A.What’s the matter with you B.What is it like C.How was your day yesterday 3.----__________________________. ----That’s a good idea. A.When can you write the invitations B.What do you think of the invitations C.Why don’t we write the invitations now 4.----What time does the train leave? ----_____________________________. A.On Tuesday B.In the morning C.At half past five 5.----How long does it take from Bejing to London by plane? ----_________________________. A.It costs 1,200 dollars B.It takes about 7 hours C.It’s not near enough 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) ( )6.________ any yoga classes in the evenings? A.Is there B.Are there C.Have ( )7.Which is _____________,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? A.a bit long B.longer C.more long ( )8.I’m ____________ a list of things to buy. A.doing B.making C.having ( )9.Rose is experienced ___________ training. A.at B.of C.in


第一部分交际用语 1-5题: 阅读下面的小对话,判断稚是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) ( Right) 1.-How old is the manager? -- He is 35 year old. ( Right)2. – What do they do ? -- They work in a bank. (Wrong) 3. –Would you like some crisps? - No, I’m sorry.. (Wrong)4. – How much does the flat cost a month? - It’s on the tenth floor. ( Right) 5. – Could you sign the register, please? - Of course. (Wrong)6.-How do I get to the bus station? -- You take the number 38 bus. ( Right)7. – What does he look like? -- He looks sad. (Wrong) 8. –What’s the weather like in Shanghai? - That’s all right. ( Right)9. – What do you think of your new job? - I think it is very difficult. ( Right)10. – Excuse me, where is the bus stop, please? - It’s outside the greengrocer’s. ( Right)11.-How are you feeling? --I feel much better. Thank you. ( Right)12. – How was your day yesterday? -- He looks sad. ( Right)13. –Why don’t we have a barbecue? - That’s a good idea. (Wrong) 14. – What time does the swimming pool close? - On Tuesday. ( Right)15. – What was the party like? - It was great. (Wrong) 16.-What are your parents doing right now? --My mother is retired. My father is manager. ( Right)17. –Can I help you? -- Yes, I’d like to rent a flat. ( Right) 18. –Could I speak to Harry, please? - He’s not in, I’ m afraid. (Wrong) 19. – What do you think of the Internet? - I think it’s very useful. (Wrong) 20. – How much oil do you need? - It costs about 50 pounds.


开放英语(1)作业2(Units7~12) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1~5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) ()1.----How do I getto the airport,please? -----___________________________. A.There isa flight B.It takesabout an hour C.Yor can take thetube ()2.----What doesyourEnglish teacher look like? ----____________________________. A.She likes singing B.She’s tall andhaslong,wavy hair C.Shelooks sad ( )3.----What’s the weather likein this area? ----__________________________. A.That’s all right B.It’srainy C.Yes,it’s fine ( )4.----Would you like togowith us? -----_________________________. A.Ok,I’d love B.I would like C.I’d loveto ( )5.----Excuse me,where isthe nearestbank,please? ----________________________. A.It’s not sure B.That’s allright C.It’snextto the newsagent 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共40分) ( )6.----_________Singapore like? ----It’s small and well-organised. A.What does B.What is C.How is ( )7.How many_________would you like to buy? A.coffee B.oil C.oranges ( )8.I don’tneed____________coffee,thanks. A.some B.any C.no ( )9._____________rice do you want to buy? A.How much B.Howmany C.How


青岛市技师学院课时授课计划 编号:QGJ-QR-JW-50L 版本:A/0 流水号:课时授课计划(一体化)

可见轮廓线 尺寸线及尺寸界线 剖面线、过渡线 重合断面的轮廓线 不可见轮廓线 轴线、对称中心线 断裂处的边界线 视图与剖视图的分界线同波浪线 限定范围表示线 相邻辅助零件的轮廓线轨迹线、中断线 极限位置的轮廓线 允许表面处理的表示线

平行。角度的尺寸界线应沿径向引出。 (2)尺寸线 尺寸线由细实线和箭头组成。 尺寸线用细实线绘制在尺寸界线之间, 如图1-7(a )所示。尺寸线必须单独画出,不能与图线重合或在其延长线上,如图1-7(b )中尺寸3和8的尺寸线,并应尽量避免尺寸线之间及尺寸线与尺寸界线之间相交,图1-7(b )尺寸14和18标注不正确。 标注线性尺寸时,尺寸线必须与所标注的线段平行,相同方向的各尺寸线的间距要均匀,间隔应大于7mm ,以便注写尺寸数字和有关符号。标注角度和弧长时,尺寸线应画成圆弧,圆心是该角的顶点,尺寸线不得用其他图线代替。 24 8 16 18 14 R42×φ4 箭头尺寸线数字尺寸界限 2-R416 8 24 3 φ4 18 14 (a)正确 (b)错误图1-7 标注尺寸的要素 尺寸线终端有两种形式:箭头和细斜线。 箭头适用于各种类型的图形,箭头尖端与尺寸界线接触,不得超出也不得离开,如图1-9所示。 (a )箭头的画法 (b )正确注法 (c )错误注法 图1-9 箭头画法 箭头的尾部宽度等于图形中可见轮廓线的宽度b ,长度约为 4b ~5b 。箭头的位置应与尺寸界线接触,不得留有间隙。细45° 斜线的方向和画法如图1-8所示,当尺寸线终端采用斜线形式 时,尺寸线与尺寸界线必须相互垂直,并且同一图样中只能采用 一种尺寸线终端形式。画箭头地方不够时,允许用圆点或斜线代 替箭头,也可用单边箭头。 (3)尺寸数字 讲解, 结讲解 强的画法


开放英语4形考作业答案 登录首页教育类模板类汇报类实用类其他文库 >教育类潘英杰92720xx-07-02本文来源:原作者:开放英语4形考作业答案形考册(4)第一次作业答案 第一部分: 1-5小题:交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 第二部分:6-15小题:词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分) 6.B 7.C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. D 第三部分完形填空(共计20分,每小题2分) 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 第四部分阅读理解(共计30分,每小题2分) 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35.C 36. F 37. F 38. T 39. NG 40. T 第五部分写作共计20分 Sample: Dear Mr. Burns, I’m sorry to say that I cannot attend this afternoon’s meeting. I just received a phone call from my wife. She told

me our child has a fever and is coughing all the time. He has refused to eat or drink anything since this morning, so I will have to go back home now and drive them to hospital. I will phone you this evening to discuss my new business plan. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bob 学习记录卡2(Units 7-12) 学习过程:(略) 学习内容:11表因果关系;表示与过去事实相反的虚以条件句;过去时态的用法;被动语态;描述技术问题和建议解决办法;委婉提问和礼貌体温;动名词和现在分词的用法;情态动词;议论文的结构; 2.各种时态的区别;议论文的结构;部分词语和句子结构运用 3, The impact of the Internet on daily life.互联网对人们日常生活的影响。 4, The impact of telecommunications on personal life.电信技术对人们日常生活产生的影响。 阶段性学习体会:(略)(一定要自己写) 形考册(4)第二次作业答案 1—5A B D A C 6---10 C C C B D 11---15 D D B C A 16---20 B D A C B 21---25 A C B C A 26---30 C A D B B 31--- 35 B A A C D 36—40 T NG F F T



开放英语(1)作业3(Units13~18) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1~5小题:阅读下面的小对话,选择正确答案,并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) 1.----Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please? ----______________________. A.Y ou take the number 866 bus from the supermarket B.B.It takes about an hour to get there C.I’d like to see them 2.----___________________________? ----I’ve got a bad cough. A.W hat’s the matter with you B.W hat is it like C.H ow was your day yesterday 3.----__________________________. ----That’s a good idea. A.W hen can you write the invitations B.W hat do you think of the invitations C.W hy don’t we write the invitations now

4.----What time does the train leave? ----_____________________________. A.O n Tuesday B.I n the morning C.A t half past five 5.----How long does it take from Bejing to London by plane? ----_________________________. A.I t costs 1,200 dollars B.I t takes about 7 hours C.I t’s not near enough 第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 6~25小题:阅读下面的句子,选择正确答案, 并将所选项的字母符号写在各题前的()中。 (每题2分,共40分) ( )6.________ any yoga classes in the evenings? A.Is there B.Are there C.Have ( )7.Which is _____________,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? A.a bit long B.longer


《机械制图》苏州大学出版社 第一单元制图基本知识与技能【教学要求】 1、掌握国家标准中有关图幅、图线等制图基本规定及尺寸注法的规定。 2、初步掌握使用绘图工具的能力,掌握平面图形的基本作图方法,为学习投影作图打下 基础。 【知识要点】 1.《制图》国家标准的有关规定。 2.比例的概念、种类。 3.尺寸标注的基本要求、组成以及标注的基本方法。 4.圆弧连接的概念、步骤。 5.平面几何作图的基本方法。 6.平面几何图形的尺寸分析、线段分析和画图步骤。 一、填空题: 1A.比例是指与的之比,比例有、、三种,某图样的比例为2:1,该比例是比例,其图形是实物的倍。 答:图样中图形其实物相应要素线性尺寸原值放大缩小放大 2 2A.机件的真实大小应以图样上为依据,与及无关。 答:所注的尺寸数值图形的大小绘图的准确度 3A.标注尺寸一般包括、和三个要素。 答:尺寸界线尺寸线尺寸数字 4B.线性尺寸的数字一般应注写在尺寸线的方或方,也允许注写在尺寸线的处。在同一图样上,数字的注法应。注写线形尺寸数字时,如尺寸线为水平方向时,尺寸数字规定由向书写,字头向;如尺寸线为竖直方向时,尺寸数字由向写,字头朝;在倾斜的尺寸线上注写尺寸数字时,必须使字头方向有向的趋势。 答:上左中断一致左右上下上左上 5B.标注角度时,角度的数字一律写成方向,一般注写在尺寸线的处;尺

寸界线应沿引出,尺寸线应画成,其圆心是该角的顶点。 答:水平中断径向圆弧 6B、直径符号“Φ”用于标注圆或的圆弧;圆弧符号“R”用于标 注圆或的圆弧。 答:整圆大于半圆的圆弧半圆小于半圆的圆弧 7A、锥度是指与之比。 答:正圆锥体底圆直径锥高 8A.圆弧连接的三个步骤是:、、。 答:求圆心求切点画连接圆弧 9B、凡确定图形中各部分几何形状大小的尺寸, 称为尺寸。如确定图形中各个组成 部分相对位置的尺寸,称为尺寸; 基准是标注尺寸的。 答:定形定位起点 10B、定形、定位尺寸均齐全的线段,叫线段;只有定形尺寸和一个定位尺寸,而缺少另一定位尺寸的线段。叫线段;只有定形尺寸而缺少定位尺寸的线段,叫线段。 答:已知中间连接 二、基本知识与技能题 1B、指出左边的图中尺寸标注的错误,在右边图上作正确标注。 答:


在开始完成考核册之前应认真阅读使用说明和记录单(1 -2页) 学前记录卡(第3页) 学习资源: 学生按照实际情况进行选项,在是\否处画“√” 回顾与终结 学习内容: 1. 学习过多少时态? ①一般现在时②一般过去时③现在完成时④过去完成时⑤现在进行时⑥过去进行时⑦一般将来时 I often get up early. He went to the cinema last evening. They are waiting for a bus. The children will have a race tomorrow. The Arctic Subrise will be visiting the Philippines and Thailand . Will Chinese become the predominant Internet language by 2025? The government has been suffering from problems caused by the envirnment. 2. 你现在的词汇量: 1800 3. 英语I中最难学习的: 新的词汇太多记单词最困难 4. 还有那些没有掌握: 虚拟条件句, 进行时的被动语态 5. 你认为…哪些是优势\哪些有待改进 自己在阅读方面还可以,但是挺立和口语需要提高 学习方法: 1. 每周5~7小时不足 2. 有计划不能坚持工作原因 3. 一部分 4. 网上学习资源(教材磁带上网教材) 5. 问老师,自己查资料 本学期学习目标和计划 学习目标: 1. 听力方面: 听懂日常会话 2. 口语方面: 用简单的词汇表达 3. 阅读方面: 读懂课文 4. 写作方面:按照老师的要求写短文 学习计划:(略) 学习记录卡1(Units 19—24) 学习过程: 1. A√B√C√ 2. A√B√C√ 3. A√B√C√


开放英语(1)作业4(期末自测) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A(Right),不恰当的选B(Wrong),并将答案写在各题前的()中。(每题2分,共10分) (B)1.--- What are your parents doing right now? --- My mother is retired. My father is a manager. A. Right. B. Wrong. (答案解释:问的是“你的父母双方现在正在干什么?”。答语说“我的母亲退休,父亲是经理”,答非所问。因此,答语为错。) (A)2.一Can I help you? --- Yes, I’d like to rent a flat. A. Right. B. Wrong. (答案解释:房产中介问客人“请问您需要什么?”或“我能帮您吗?”。客人说“我想租套房子”。因此,答语正确。) (A)3.一Could I speak to Harry, please? --- He’s not in., I’m afraid. A. Right. B. Wrong. (答案解释:打电话一方要找Harry。接电话者说“恐怕他不在”。因此,答语正确。) (A)4.一What do you think of the Internet? --- I think it is very useful. A. Right. B. Wrong. (答案解释:问对方对互联网的看法。答语回应道“我觉得互联网很有用”。因此,答语正确。) (B)5.一How much oil do you need? --- It costs about 50 pounds. A. Right. B. Wrong. (答案解释:问的是“您要买多少油?”。答语说“油五十英镑”,答非所问。因此,答语为错。)



《开放英语(2)形成性考核册》 学习记录卡1 三种时态之1:一般过去时(unit 19) 从你学过的动词中各找出两个规则动词和不规则动词,写出动词原形和过去式: 规则动词: work worked want wanted 不规则动词:go went begin began 写出下面句子的否定句和疑问句: Tom went to see his parents in the country. 否定句:Tom didn’t go to see his parents in the country. 疑问句: Did Tom go to see his parents in the country? 三种时态之2:用现在进行时、will和be going to表示将来(unit 21) 将下面三个句子翻译成汉语: Dave’s picking up the van tomorrow.戴维明天要去接货车。 I’m going to buy him a violin for his birth daty.我打算买一把小提琴给他过生日. I’m tired. I’ll take a taxi to go there.我累了,我要坐出租车去那儿. 三种时态之3:现在完成时 举例说明现在完成时的用法。 (1)表示过去发生的动作或事情对现在或将来的影响或产生的结果。 例:She has lost her wallet.她丢了钱包。(所以现在没钱买票。) (2)表示某人的经历 例:I’ve been to Beijing.我曾经到过北京.

三组近义词语的区分:(选择正确答案)prefer;rent;do;play prefer 和rather Would you like to go to the cinema? ------I’d prefer (rather, prefer) to go to the theatre. Rent和 hire I’m going to rent (rent, hire ) a flat. Play, do, go 与运动项目搭配时的区别 I do (do,play,go) KungFu every Friday. He likes to play ( do, play, go) chess in his free time. 两个句型的用法:(翻译下面的句子) 他直到10点才起床.He didn’t get up until ten o’clock. A: 这件衬衫太小了.This shirt is too small. B: 不,我觉得够大了.No (I don't think s o), I feel it’s big enough. 两个语言功能: 如何点餐.Could we have the goat’s cheese and green salad, please? I’ll ha ve a steak, please. The seafood pie for me, please. I’d like fried cod, please. 提出建议.Shall we go to the theatre tonight? Ok. 日积月累:动词stop/begin/start/finish/like/love/consider/think about等后面可以直接跟动名词作宾语.不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级:good-better-best; bad-worse-worst; many/much-more-most等. 开放英语(2)作业1


开放英语(1)形成性考核册答案 学习记录表1 1. parents photos buses lives halves children women teeth 2. sometimes often always 例句:I sometimes go to London He often drinks coffee at breakfast time. He doesn’t always work on Tuesday. 3. A. 表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作,用现在进行时He’s talking to a customer. B. 现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能没有进行。 Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment, but right now she is sleeping. 4. My name is … I am …years old. I live in Hohhot and I am a worker. 开放英语(1)作业1 (Units1~6) 第一部分 1.A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A. 第二部分 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C

16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. A 23.C 24.C 25.A 第三部分:句型转换 26. Is he a manager? 27. Does she usually go to work by bus? 28. Are there fifty students in the class? 29. Have they a large house? 30. Is he currently working on TV advertisements? 第四部分:阅读理解 31. B 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. B 39.B 40. C 第五部分:翻译 41. 会议室都在一楼。 41. 他正在和一个顾客谈话。 43. 大卫午饭时间通常在办公室吃三明治。 44. 我预定了一个单人间。 45.我正在等来自上海我的老板的一个重要电话。 学习记录表2 1. a. Could you + do sth? Could you spell it, please? Yes, of course. b. What? What would you like to drink? I’d like a gin and tonic, please. c. What about + v-ing? What about seeing this flat?
