
1Where’smybackpack?DearFeifei,Pleasetakethesethingstoyoursister:herhat,watch,notebook,keysandIDcard.Thehatison thedresser.Thewatchisunderthebed.Thenotebookisonthebed.Thekeysareinthedrawer.The IDcardisonthetable.ThanksGrandma2Doyouhaveasoccerball?A:Let’splaysoccer.B:Idon’thaveasoccerball.A:Well,let’splayvolleyball.B:Thatsoundsgood.3Doyoulikebananas?Runnereatswell!RunnerstarSandraClarkeatslotsofhealthyfood.Forbreakfast,shelikeseggs,bananas,an dapples.Forlunch,shelikeshamburgers,salad,andpears.Andfordinner,shehaschicken,toma toes,Frenchfriesand,fordessert,icecream.4Howmucharethesepants?Clerk:CanIhelpyou?Mary:Yes,please.Iwantasweater.Clerk:Whatcolordoyouwant?Mary:Blue.Clerk:Hereyouare.Mary:Howmuchisit?Clerk:20dollars.Mary:I’lltakeit.Thanks.Clerk:You’rewelcome.5Doyouwanttogotoamovie?Ioftengotothemovieswithmyfriend,Mike.MyfavoriteactorisPaulJackson.Hehasanewmovie, MyFather’sBirthday.It’saveryfunnycomedy.MikelikestheactorRichSmith.Hereallylikeshism ovie,BlackSeptember.It’saverysuccessfulthriller,butIthinkit’sboring.Oneinterestingthing:mik eisEnglish,buthelikesBeijingOpera!HeoftengoestoseeBeijingOperaonweekends.Mike’sfat herlikesit,too!6Canyouplaytheguitar? MusiciansWantedforSchoolMusicFestivalAreyouamusician?Canyousing?Canyoudance?Canyouplaythepiano,thetrumpet,thedrums ,ortheguitar?Thenyoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival.PleasecallZhangHengat622-6033.7Whattimedoyougotoschool?DearMona,Thanksforyourletter.Doyouwanttoknowaboutmymorning?Well,Iusuallygetupataroundsixfift een.Idomyhomeworkatsix thirty,andthenIeatbreakfastataroundseventhirty.Ataroundeighto’clock,Igotoschool.Schoolstartsatnineo’clock.Pleasewriteandtellmeaboutyourmorning.Love,Jane8Myfavoritesubjectisscience.DearJane,It’sTuesday,November11.I’mreallybusy.At:00Ihavemath.Idon’tlike math.Thenat9:00Ihaves cience.It’sdifficult,butinteresting.Next,at10:00,Ihaveart.It’sboring.Butat11:00IhaveP.E.That ’smyfavoritesubject!Ieatlunchat12:00.Afterlunch,Ihavemusic.Musicisrelaxing.Ilikemymusict eacher,Mr.Cooper.He’sfun.Mylastclassisat2:00.Afterclass Ihavevolleyballfortwohours.Ourt eacherisverystrictandI’musuallyverytriedafterclass.ThenIhaveChinesehistoryclub.It’sreallyi nteresting!Where’syourpenpalfrom?30DearStudent,MynameisBob.IliveinToronto,Canada,andIwantapenpalinChina.IthinkChinaisaveryinteresti n gcountry.I’m14yearsoldandmybirthdayisinNovember.IcanspeakEnglishandalittleFrench.I haveabrother,Paul,andasister,Sarah.TheyhavepenpalsintheedKingdomandAustralia.Ilikeg oingtothemovieswithmyfriendsandplayingsports.MyfavoritesubjectinschoolisP.E.It’sfun.Bu tIdon’tlikemath.It’stoodifficult!Canyouwritetomesoon?Bob9Where’sthepostoffice?Paul:Excuseme.Isthereahotelintheneighborhood?Nancy:Yes,thereis.Justgostraightandturnleft.It’sdownBridgeStreetontheright.It’snextto asupermarket.Paul:Thankyouverymuch.Nancy:Youarewelcome.10Whydoyoulikekoalas?Molly:ThisisMolly.Sheistwelveyearsold.SheisfromAfrica.Shelikestoplaywithherfriendsandeatgras s.LingLing:ThisisLingLing.She’sfiveyearsold.She’sfromChina.She’sverybeautiful,butshe’sveryshy,sop leasebeveryquiet.Bill:Thisis Bill.Isn’thecute?HeisfromAustralia.Hesleepsduringtheday,butatnighthegetsupandeat sleaves.11Iwanttobeanactor.1.Reporter:Iliketalkingtopeople.Imeetinterestingpeopleeverydayandaskthemquestions.2.waiter:Iworklate.I’mverybusywhenpeoplegoouttodinners.3.bankclerk:Iworkwithpeopleandmoney.Peoplegivemetheirmoneyorgettheirmoneyfromme.4.nurse:IwearawhiteuniformandIhelpdoctors.SometimesIworkinthedayandsometimesatnig ht.5.policeman:Myworkisinterestingbutkindofdangerous.Thievesdon’tlikeme.12I’mwatchingTV.DearLinda,Thanksforyourletterandthephotos.Herearesomeofmyphotos.Inthefirstphoto,I’mplayingbas ketballatschool.Inthesecondphoto,I’mswimmingatthatpool.Inthenextphoto,youcanseemyfa milyathome.We’reeatingdinner.Inthelastphoto,I’mwithmysisterGina.She’sdoingherhomew ork–I’mwatchingTV.Mike13It’sraining!ThankyouforjoiningCCTV’sAroundTheWorldshow.Today,we’reinAustralia.It’sabeautiful,su nnyday!Therearemanypeoplehereonvacation.Somearetakingphotos.Othersarelyingonthe beach.Lookatthisgroupofpeopleplayingbeachvolleyball.Theylookcool!Iamsurprisedtheyca nplayinthisheat.Thisisaveryinterestingplace.Thepeoplearereallyveryrelaxed!14Whatdoeshelooklike? DoyourememberJohnnyDean,thepopsingerwithfunnyglassesandlongcurlyhair?Well,nowh ehasanewlook.Hedoesn’thavelongcurlyhair.Hehasshortstraighthair.Andhedoesn’tweargla ssesanymore.Butsomepeopledon’tlikehisnewlook.“Idon’tthinkhe’ssogreat,”saysRuthfromN ewYork.“Butmymomdoes.”15I’dlikesomenoodles.A:CanIhelpyou?B:I’dlikesomenoodles,please.A:Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike?B:Whatkindofnoodlesdoyouhave?A:Wehavebeef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato…B:OK,I’dlikemuttonandpotatonoodles,please.A:Sure.Andwhatsizewouldyoulike?B:Whatsizesdoyouhave?A:Wehavelarge,mediumandsmallbowls.B:Oh,amediumbowl,please.16Howwasyourweekend? HowDidKidsSpendtheWeekend?Yesterday,weaskedtenstudentsatNo.3MiddleSchoolwhattheydidlastweekend.Formostkids ,theweekendwasfun.OnSaturdaymorning,tenkidsdidtheirhomeworkorstudied.OnSaturday afternoon,fivekidswentshopping,andthreewenttothelibrary.Twokidsalsoplayedcomputerga mes.OnSaturdayevening,sevenkidswatchedamovieorstayedathomeandwatchedTV.OnSu nday,twokidsvisitedfriends,ninekidscleanedtheirrooms,andfiveplayedsports.17Wheredidyougoonvacation?Monday,July15thGreatweather!Itwassunnyandhotallday.Wewenttoabeautifulbeach.Wehadgreatfunplayingi nthewater.Intheafternoon,wewentshopping.Theshopsweretoocrowded,soIdidn’treallyenjoy it.Tuesday,July16thTodayitrained,sowewenttoamuseum.Itwaskindofboring.Ifoundasmallboycryinginthecorner. HewaslostandIhelpedhimfindhisfather.Thatmademefeelhappy.I didn’thaveanymoneyforata xi,soIwalkedbacktothehotel.Iwasreallytired.Wednesday,July1thTodaytheweatherwascool,sowedecidedtoplaytennis.Weplayedallmorning.Itwasreallyfun. WehadSichuanfoodfordinner.Itwasdelicious!18Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows?What’sCool?Thisweek,Iaskedstudentsaboutfashion.Ishowedeachstudentsixthingsandaskedthemabout eachone.Someoftheiranswerswereinteresting.Herearetheirlikesanddislikes: JudySmithlikesthekeyring.HerfriendJeffsayshecan’tstandthescarf.“It’sformoms!”hesaid.Wil liamJoneslovesthewallet,andhisclassmateGinaTaylorlovesthewatch.JerryGreenalsolikesth esunglasses.Andthecoolestthingwasthebelt.Everyonelovedit!19Don’teatinclass.DearDrKnow,I’mnothappy.Ihavetoomanyrulesinmyhouse.Ihavetogetupatsixo’clockeverymorning.Ican’t meetmyfriendsaftersch oolbecauseIhavetodomyhomework.Ican’twatchTVonschoolnights. AndIhavetobeinbedbyteno’clock.Onweekends,Ihavetocleanmyroomandwashmyclothes.T terIhavetogothechildren’sPalacetolearnthepiano.In everhaveanyfun.WhatcanIdo?ZhaoPei20Howoftendoyouexercise?……butI’mprettyhealthy.Iexerciseeveryday,usuallywhenIcomehomefromschool.Myeatingh abitsareprettygood.Itrytoeatalotofvegetables.Ieatfruitanddrinkmilkeveryday.Ineverdrinkcoff ee.Ofcourse,Ilovejunkfoodtoo,andIeatittwoorthreetimesaweek.Oh,andIsleepninehourseverynight.Soyousee,Ilookaftermyhealth.Andmyhealthylifestylehelpsmegetgoodgrades.Goodf oodandexercisehelpmetostudybetter.21What’sthematter?AHealthyLifestyle,theChineseWay TraditionalChinesedoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofyinandyangtobehealthy.Forexample, areyouoftenweakandtired?Maybeyouhavetoomuchyin.Youshouldeathotyangfoods,likebee f.EatingDangshenandHuangqiherbsisalsegoodforthis.Butpeoplewhoaretoostressedoutand angrymayhavetoomuchyang.Chinesedoctorsbelievethattheyshouldeatmoreyinfoodsliketof u.Ch inesemedicineisnowpopularinmanywesterncountries.It’seasytohaveahealthylifestyle, andit’simportanttoeatabalanceddiet.22Whatareyoudoingforvacation?Tony:Whatareyoudoingforvacation,LinHui?LinHui:I’mgoingtoTibetforaweek.Tony:Thatsoundsinteresting!Whatareyoudoingthere?LinHui:I’mgoinghikinginthemountains.Howaboutyou,Tony?Whatareyoudoingforvacation? Tony:I’mvisitingmyfriendinHongKong.LinHui:Ohyeah?Howlongareyoustaying?Tony:Justforfourdays.Idon’tlikegoingawayfortoolong.LinHui:Well,haveagoodtime!SendmeapostcardfromHongKong!Tony:Sure.Showmeyourphotoswhenwegetbacktoschool.23Howdoyougettoschool? Howdostudentsaroundtheworldgettoschool?InNorthAmerica,moststudentsgotoschoolontheschoolbus.Somestudentsalsowalkorridebik estoschool.Inotherpartsoftheworld,thingsaredifferent.InJapan,moststudentstaketrainstosc hool,althoughothersalsowalkorridetheirbikes.InChina,itdependsonwhereyouare.Inbigcities ,studentsusuallyridebikestoschoolortakebuses.Andinplaceswherethereareriversandlakes,l ikeHongshanhuandKaishandao,studentsusuallygoschoolbyboat.Thatmustbealotmorefunt hantakingabus!24Canyoucometomyparty?HiHenry,Thankyouforyourinvitation.I’msorryIcan’tvisityouthisweek.Iamreallybusy.ThiseveningI’mgoingtomycousin’sbirthdayparty.Andtomorrow,Ihavetogotothedentist.OnWednesday,Iha vetennistrainingwiththeschoolteam.AndIhavetostudyformychemistrytestonThursday.OnFri dayevening,I’mgoingtothemovieswithsomefriends.CanyoucometothemovieswithusonFrida y?Writesoon.Sonia25I’mmoreoutgoingthanmysister.DearIsabel,Thankyouforyourlastletter.HerearephotosofmeandmytwinsisterLiuYing.Asyoucansee,inso mewayswelookthesame,andinsomewayswelookdifferent.Webothhaveblackeyesandblack hair,althoughmyhairisshorterthanhers.Webothlikesports,althoughLiuYingismoreathletictha nme.She’smoreoutgoing,andI’mquieter.IthinkI’msmarte rthanher.Myfavoritesubjectsarephy sicsandchemistry,andherfavoritesubjectisP.E.however,webothenjoygoingtoparties. Pleasevisitussoon!Love,LiuLi26Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? SuperChickenSandwichFirst,putthebutteronasliceofbread.Thencutupandonionandatomato.Addthesetothebread.N ext,putsomelettuceandthechickenslicesonthebread.Puttherelishonthechicken.Finally,puta nothersliceofbreadonthetop.27Howwasyourtrip?Class9hadagreattimeontheschooltrip.TheywenttoBlueWaterAquariumfortheday.Firsttheyvi sitedtheVisitor s’Centerandwatchedamovieaboutsharks.Thentheywatchedadolphinshow.Af terthat,theywenttotheOutdoorPoolandsawabigoctopus.Afterlunch,theywenttotheGiftShopa ndboughtlotsofgifts.Finally,tiredbuthappy,theytookthebusbacktoschool.Attheendoftheday,t hescienceteacherwasveryhappybecausetheclassmonitorcleanedthebusafterthetrip.28Whenwasheborn?Youarenevertooyoungtostartdoingthings.Forexample,TigerWoodsstartedgolfingwhenhew asonlytenmonthsold.Mozartstartedwritingmusicwhenhewasfouryearsold.AndRonaldo,theg reatBraziliansoccerplayer,playedforhisnationalteamwhenhewasseventeen.29I’mgoingtobeabasketballplayer.NewYear’sResolutionSurveyResultsWegotover1,000letters,faxesande-mailfromourreadersabouttheirNewYears’resolution s.Manyreadersaregoingtoworkharderinschoolthisyear.Lotsofreadersaregoingtoplaysports. Somereadersaregoingtoeatmorevegetables.Afewreadersaregoingtolearnanewlanguage.S omegirlsaregoingtoexercisemoretokeepfit.Someparentsaregoingtostudythesubjectstheirc hildrenlearnatschool.Theywanttocommunicatebetterwiththeirkids.Oneoldladyisgoingtoleav eherjobandshewantstofindajobasalanguageteacherinChina.31Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom?A:Ihatetodochores.B:Well,Ihatesomechorestoo,butIlikeotherchores.A:Really?Doyouliketodothelaundry?B:No,Idon’t.It’sboring.A:Iagree.Doyouliketomakeyourbed?B:No,notreally.ButIliketodothedishes,becauseit’srelaxing.AndIliketomakebreakfast,becaus eIliketocook.32What’sthebestradiostation?Whatdoyoungpeoplethinkaboutplacesintown?Wedidasurveyofourreadersandthisiswha twelearned.Allthemovietheatersaregood,buttheScreenCityisthebestinourtown.Ithasthebigg estscreensandthemostcomfortableseats.However,TownCinemaisthecheapest,andithasth efriendliestservice.ThemostpopularclothingstoreisJason’s.Ithasthebestqualityclothing.It’sal sothecheapest.FunkyFashionsistheworst.Ithasreallybadservice.Asforradiostations,mostpe oplethinkthatJazz10.9FMisreallygreat.Itplaysthemostinterestingmusic.33WillpeoplehaverobotsIntenyears,IthinkI’llbeareporter.I’llliveinShanghai,becauseIwenttoShanghailastyearand fellinlovewithit.Ithinkit’sreallyabeautifulci ty.Asareporter,IthinkIwillmeetlotsofinterestingpeop le.IthinkI’llliveinanapartmentwithmybestfriends,becauseIdon’tlikelivingalone.I’llhavepets.Ic an’thaveanypetsnowbecausemymotherhatesthem,andourapartmentistoosmall.Sointenyears,I’llhavemanydifferentpets.Imightevenkeepapetparrot!I’llprobablygoskatingandswimming everyday.DuringtheweekI’lllooksmart,andprobablywillwearasuit.Ontheweekend,I’llbeablet odressmorecasually.IthinkI’llgotoHongKongonvacation,andonedayImightevenvisitAustrali a.34WhatshouldIdo?DearMary,Ihaveaproblem,andIneedyourhelp.IalwaysthoughtIwaspopularatschool.ButIjustIfoundo utthatmyfriendswereplanningabirthdaypartyformybestfriend,andtheydidn’tinviteme.Everyo neelseinmyclasswasinvitedexceptme,andIdon’tknowwhy.Ican’tthinkwhatIdidwrong.I’mvery upsetanddon’t knowwhattodo.Whatdoyouthink?Canyouhelpme?35WhatwereyoudoingwhentheUFOarrived?IhadaveryunusualexperienceonSunday.Ataroundteno’clockinthemorning.Iwaswalking downthestreetwhenaUFOlandedrightinfrontofme.Youcanimaginehowstrangeitwas!Analien gotoutandwalkeddownCenterStreet.Ifollowedittoseewhereitwasgoing,andIwasverysurpris edwhenitwentintoasouvenirshop.Whileitwaslookingatthesouvenirs,theshopassistantcalledt hepolice.Beforethepolicearrived,thealienlefttheshopandthenvisitedtheMuseumofFlight.Whi lethealienwasinthemuseu m,IcalledtheTVstation.Isn’tthatamazing!36HesaidIwashard-working.Deargrandma,Howisitgoing?Ihopethatgrandpaiswellnow.Iwassorrytohearthathehadacoldlastweek.Ihope youareingoodhealth.Thingsarefinehere.Ifinishedmyend-of-yearexamslastweekandgotmyreportcardtoday.Ialwa ysgetnervouswhenIseetheenvelopefromschoolinthemail,butluckilyIdidOKthistime.Ihadare allyhardtimewithsciencethissemester,andIwasn’tsurprisedtofindthatmyworstreportwasfrom myscienceteacher.ShesaidIwaslazy,whichisn’ttrue.It’sjustthatIfindsciencereall ydifficult.An otherdisappointingresultwasinhistory.MyhistoryteachersaidIcoulddobetter.Thegoodnewsis thatmymathteachersaidIwashard-working.AndmySpanishteachersaidmylisteningwasgood. Well,that’saboutallthenewsIhavefornow.MomandDadsendtheirlove.Love,Alan37If yougototheparty,you’llhaveagreattime.IfIbecomeanathlete,willIbehappy?Formanyyoungpeople,becomingaprofessionalathletemightseemlikeadreamjob.Ifyoubeco meaprofessionalathlete,you’llbeabletomakealivingdoingsomethingyoulove.Ifyoubecomefa mous,peopleallovertheworldwillknowyou.Manyathletesgivemoneytoschoolsandcharities.A nddoalotofworktohelppeople.Thisisagreatchancethatmanypeopledonothave. However,professionalathletescanalsohavemanyproblems.Ifyouarefamous,peoplewillwatc hyouallthetimeandfollowyoueverywhere.Thiscanmakelifedifficult. Ifyouplaysportsforaliving,yourjobwillsometimesbeverydangerous.Manyprofessionalathlete sgetinjured.Andifyoubecomerich,youwillhaveadifficulttimeknowingwhoyourrealfriendsare.I nfact,manyfamouspeoplecomplainthattheyarenothappy.Theysaytheywerehappierbeforeth eybecamerichandfamous.38Howlonghaveyoubeencollectingshells?I’mtalkingtoyoufromtheHilltopSchoolskatingMarathon.Here,studentsareskatingtoraisemon eyforcharity.Foreveryhourtheyskate,eachstudentraisesthenyuanforcharity.Theskatingmar athonhasbeengoingforfivehoursnow,andseveralskatersarestillskating.Alisonwasthefirston etostartandhasbeenskatingforthewholefivehours.NextisSam,andhehasbeenskatingforfour hours.LuNinghasbeenskatingforfourhourstoo,andLiChenjuststartedanhourago.39It’sanice,isn’tit?DearTony,Thanksforshowingmetheschoollastweek.Iwashavingahardtimefindingituntilyoucamealong. AndIenjoyedmeetingCarlos.He’sreallygoodatmath,isn’the?Hesaidhe’dhelpmewithmymath project.Friendslikeyoumakeitaloteasiertogetalonginanewplace.Bill40Wouldyoumindturningdownthemusic?Idon’tlikewaitinginlinewhenashopassistanthasalongtelephoneconversation.Whenthathapp ens,Iusuallysay,“Wouldyoumindhelpingme?”AndIdon’tlikeitwhenshopassistantsfollowmear ound.ThenIsay,“Couldyoupleasenotfollowmearound?I’llaskyouifIneedsomehelp.”Usuallyth eshopassistantssaytheyaresorry,butsometimestheygetmad.Ifthathappens,Iwon’tgobacktot hatstoreagain.IgetannoyedwhensomeonetalkstomewhileI’mreading.Thishappenstomeallthetimeinthesch oollibrary.Whenithappens,IusuallytalktothepersonbecauseIwanttobepolite.But becauseI’mpolite,peopledon’tknowI’mannoyed.Sotheydothesamethingagain.PerhapsinthefutureIshou ldtrynottobesopolite.41Whydon’tyougetherascarf? Thetrendiestkindofpetthesedaysisthepot-belliedpig.DavidSmithofNorthLondonhasapot-bel liedpignamedConnie.“Pot-bellied pigsmakethebestpets,”ShewatchesTVonthesofawithmee verynight.She’smybestfriend.”However,lifewithapigisn’talwaysperfect.“whenIgotmypig,she wassmall,”saidDavid,“butsheeatsalot.Nowshe’stoobigtosleepinthehouse,soImadeheraspe cialpighouse.Also,pigsneedalotoflove.So metimesIdon’thaveenoughtimetospendwithher.”42Haveyoueverbeentoanamusementpark? WhenIwasayounggirl,allIeverwantedtodowastravel,andIdecidedthatthebestwaytodothiswa stobecomeaflightattendant.I’vebeenaflightattendantfortwoyearsnow.It’sareallyinterestingjo bbecauseItravelallovertheworld.Idiscoveredthatthemostimportantrequirementwastospeak Englishwell,soIstudiedEnglishattheHilltopLanguageSchoolforfiveyearsbeforeIbecameaflig htattendant.ItwasbecauseIcouldspeakEnglishthatIgotthejob.Thankyou,HilltopLanguageSc hool!MeiShan。

七下必背课文【中英文版】英文文档:The seventh-grade students are required to memorize several classical texts as part of their curriculum.These texts range from famous poems to extracts from literary works.Memorizing these texts not only helps improve their language skills but also enhances their understanding of Chinese culture and literature.One of the texts that students are expected to memorize is "The Iliad" by Homer.This epic poem is considered one of the greatest works of ancient Greek literature.It tells the story of the Trojan War and the adventures of Achilles, Hector, and other heroes.Another text that students need to memorize is "Dream of the Red Chamber" by Cao Xue.This novel is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.It tells the story of the rise and fall of the Jia family and the love triangle between Jia Baoyu, Pao Erniang, and Xue Baochai.In addition to these classic texts, students are also expected to memorize several poems by famous Chinese poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei.These poems cover a wide range of themes, including nature, friendship, love, and politics.Memorizing these texts can be challenging, but it is also a valuable opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the rich and diverseworld of literature.It not only helps them develop their language skills but also broadens their cultural horizons.中文文档:根据我国教育部的要求,七年级的学生需要背诵一些经典课文,作为语文课程的一部分。

新外研版英语九年级上下全册课文word版M1U2 P4The greatest wonder of the natural world When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light, but beside the path, it was still very dark. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see.After about a kilometer, a stranger appeared in front of me. “Am I going the right way?”I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes,” he replied, “you’ll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks, and stopped. I looked carefully over them, but it was sill too dark to see anything.Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that ground fell away and down to a river, far below me. . I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world.I looked down to the Colorado River about 2 kilometres below me. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they still won’t reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon . How far is it? It’s 20 kilometres , maybe more. Finally , I looked to my left and to my left and to my right , and on both sides the canyon disappeared into the distance … over 400 kilometres long . The Grand Canyon is not just big . It’s huge!That morning on the edge of the canyon, I asked myself a question . It’s not “How deep is it ?” or “How wide is it ?” or “How long is it ? ” but “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world ? ” I know the answer. But what do you think?M2U2P12The adventures of Tom SawyerHere is our monthly article on a favourite great book. This month, our guest Writer is Mr Jackson.My favourite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in the quiet streets of St Petersburg, Missouri. He's a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures. He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days. With Huck he goes looking for treasure, with Becky he gets lost in a cave, and finally, they find a box of gold.My favourite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to his own funeral. He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears. Everyone is surprised to see him but they're also pleased to see him alive.Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joe is Tom's best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom social rules and how people are punished for bad behaviourWhy do I think Tom Sawyer is a great book? Mark Twain wrote the story in 1876. but it’s still read and loved by people all over the world today. And although it’s only a story, Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today it’s thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature. Go on—read it! I know you’ll enjoy it, too.M3U2P20Liu Xiang- trained for goldSports yearbook 2004For Liu Xiang, life as a sporting hero has justbegun .First of all, he'll be invited to competitions around the world. He'll be chosen to represent China at the Olympic Games. He's a symbol of China's international sporting success.And now that he's well known all over the world .Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to record music. But his coach Sun Haiping is making sure that he trains regularly .Liu Xiang will be advised by his coach on how to be a great sportsman and by his manager on how to be a star.Liu Xiang is not an overnight success. He was born in Shanghai on 13th July, 1983 and, like many Olympic sports stars, he started training when to the Junior Sports School of putuo District of Shanghai. Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper. Then, in 1998,his skill at hurdling was noticed by his coach Sun Haiping.Liu Xiang was helped by a special programme. It was set up in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen. Liu's races were recorded with the world's best sports stars .Sun Haiping used the information to change Liu's training programme. In 2002 he won his first international 110m hurdles event in Switzerland, and in the same year, a gold medal at the Asian Games in Korea .In 2004, Liu won the first Olympic gold medal in the same event for China in Athens, Greece.So what's next for Liu Xiang? Has he found out that there's more to life than training? Will he be encouraged to spend more time away from sport?No, Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China because he was trained for gold! M4U2P28Can books be replaced by computers?by Tony Smith Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every day I open my books in class and start my lessons. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read.Then printing was invented in China. The first printed books were made by putting ink on a wooden block and holding the paper against it. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly, in a way that can be compared with the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century.But will books be needed in the future? Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players. These machines are smaller and lighter than books so that they can be carried very easily. Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don't think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer two metres high!M5U2P36The Science Museum in Londonby Tony SmithThe most unusual museum in London is the Science Museum. In most museums, there's no shouting and no running, and you aren't allowed to touch the exhibits.But the Science Museum is different… because it's noisy! People talk about what they can see and do there, and some of the machines are noisy as well. Visiting the Science Museum is fun and it's a great way to learn about science because you can work things out and try out ideas.When I visit the Science Museum, I go to the Launch Pad. This is my favourite room because you can do physics experiments. For example, if you want to fill a bag with falling sand, you have to move a kind of truck on wheels into the correct position. I also go to the Rocket Show. You can learn how we travel into space and back again.Then I go upstairs to the Human and Nature room. You can compare your speed with animals there. You hear a noise and push a button. If you aren’t fast enough, the lion catches you! I’m faster than all my friends, but the lion still catches me.There are also rooms on transport, the environment and space technology, as well as maths, physics and chemistry.You can do a lot of things in this museum, but you have to obey some rules as well. For example, you mustn’t take photos of the exhibits in the museum. But you can buy postcards of them in the museum shops. Above all, the Science Museum is free. That means you can stay as long as you like-it’s open every day, from 10 am to 6 pm. So if you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum. It’s my favourite museum in the whole world. M6u2p44How to be greenBy Zhao Ming How green are you? Do you care about protecting the environment and saving energy? Try these questions and see.Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?Do you buy new clothes just because they are the latest fashions?Do you open a window instead of turning on air conditioning?Do you buy things produced locally instead of made abroad?Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?Do you sort the waste before throwing it away?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. Here are some ideas for you.Remember these three words: reduce, reuse and recycle. ReduceReduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going in to the environment. Before we buy something new, think whether it is really necessary – or may be the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.ReuseReuse means “use again”. Use things for as long as possible. When we buy things, make sure that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing the m away and buying new ones. Don’t use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again. RecycleRecycle means “change things into something else”. Although it takes energy to change something into something else, it’s better than throwing things away or burning them find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and take part in recycling programmes. We should also buy products made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save trees.Dear Mum and Dad,I’m writing this letter to you from the centre of Australia. At the moment we’re staying near Uluru —that’s the Aboriginal name for A yers Rock. On the first day, we took a helicopter tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was: 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high. The colours of the rock are fantastic, and at different times of the day, they change from purple to red. The Aborigines are the first people of Australia, and the ancient Aboriginal stories describe the spirits that created the world. Uluru is a centre of Aboriginal culture.The Australians have many British relatives and they’re like us in many ways. Their f amily life is similar to ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies. The food and drink that most Australians like are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine that they make in the south of the country. They love all sports, but the games that they love the most are football, cricket and rugby. Because most Australians live near the coast, they love going to the beach, swimming and surfing.Although it’s December, it’s summer over here. The sunshine is very bright, and near the coast the countryside is very green. There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills, but the outback is more like a desert, full of rocks and sand.Most Australians speak English, although they have some special expressions such as “Good day!” and “No worries, mate.” They mean “Hello!” and “Don’t worry about it. It’s not a problem!”The next day after we arrived at Uluru, we went on a camel ride. The camel that I rode had a bad temper, and I got very tired. Everyone else thought it was very funny that my camel kept lying down …Finally, later this evening, we’re taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home. It’s been a fantastic trip! Love,TonyResults of student photo competitionWe were very pleased with the photo competition. Compared with other years, we received many more photos. Even though all of the photos are excellent, we can’t give prizes to everyone. There are four prizes, so read on to find out who the winners are.The person who won the prize for the Most Beautiful Nature photography is fifteen-year-old Li Wei. Li took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park. The park isn’t far from his home, about 500 metres, and he knows it very well.The photo which we liked best in the Historic China group was taken by Zhao Min. Zhao is only 12 years old. Her photo is of Tian’an men Square, the largest public square in the world. It’s 880 metres from north to south and 500 metres wide at the northern end. Her photo shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly.The best photo in the Music category was taken by He Zhong. His photo of this year’s best band Crazy Feet shows the singer. Becky Wang, and the band playing at a concert in Shenzhen. He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band, and the fun which their fans are having.A collection of photos called “The many Faces of Our City” which features Beijing won the prize for the Most Unusual category. Three pupils at the same school worked on this entry. It includes photos of different parts of the city, old and new. It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition. We are very lucky that the famous photographer John William is in China to talk about his new book. He has agreed to present the prizes at the prize giving ceremony at the end of this month.Cartoon heroesNemo, a cute orange-and-white fish, and Shriek, a huge green monster, have won the hearts of young people in China and the all over the world . The heroes of popular cartoons are everywhere, on office desks, handbags, and computer screens.But there are some cartoon favorites which are older. The cartoon of the monkey King has just had its “40th birthday”. Called havoc in Heaven, it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven. He flies into a peach garden and ears as many peaches as he likes. He makes a mess in each room in heaven. But it is above all the jokes played by the monkey that people remember. “Havoc in heaven” has become a common expression used by a parent or a boss when they return to the house or office and see a mess.Another favorite who has celebrated an important birthday in China is a reporter with hair and a small white dog. Tintin has traveled to the jungles, the backstretch of Shanghai and even the surface of the moon. Tintin has been popular for 75 years, ever since Belgian cartoonist Here invented the character in 1929. His books have been translated into more than 50 languages, and about 200 million copies have been sold. In December 1984 the whole series of Tintin began to be published in China. Many Chinese still keep collections of these black-and-white Tintin books. There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan.Finally, Snoopy, Charlie Brown’s lovable dog who lives in his own private dream world, also had his “50th birthday” celebrated by China’s Snoopy fans in 2000.“I didn’t draw the cartoons only for children. Adults who have experienced life understand them better,” said the late Charles Schultz, creator of Snoopy and the Peanuts cartoons.Feed me betterJamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. In 2005 he went back to school to see what the children were eating.1 ______________________________Jamie asked the children what their meals were like. “We hamburgers and chips, or pizza,” they told him, “and sometimes there is fruit, but we prefer ice cream.” Jamie thought the menu was terrible. The children were eating junk food, and it was a problem. Junk food isn’t just bad for the body. Children whose midday meals were unhealthy were difficult to teach in the afternoon. Teachers said that children behaved very badly after lunch.2 _______________________________ When Jamie took vegetables into class, the children didn’t know what they were. Jamie realized that the children didn’t know about healthy food. T hen he talked to the people who worked in the kitchens. He found out that they didn’t know enough about food and health, and they didn’t have very much money to spend.3 ________________________________He decided to teach the cooks and the children about healthy food. It was hard work! He cooked healthy meals for them including meat, rice, pasta and vegetables, but a lot of the teenagers refused to eat the new food. Jamie showed them why the junk food wasn’t healthy. In the end, when Jamie persuaded them to try his cooking, they like it!4 ________________________________Jamie talked to the government. He told them they need to ban junk food from schools, train the cooks, educate the children and spend more money on school dinners. A lot of parents, teachers and children agreed with him. The newspapers wrote articles about him, and a TV programme showed his visits to the school. Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners all over Britain.M11U2 P90Visions of the cityJo is 15 and lives in Parkville. When Jo’s grandparents first came to Parkville 50 years ago, it was a quiet country village in the centre of the country. At that time, they had a small house on the edge of town, with some fields and the hills in the distance.But Parkville was close to a big city, Arnwick, with about 200,000 people. People from the countryside began to arrive in Arnwick to find jobs and have a better life. And of course they needed somewhere to live. However, it was expensive to live in the centre of Arnwick, so the city government decided to build flats around the edge of the city. And soon, Parkville became a suburb of Arnwick. It now has over a million people. Jo’s family live in one of those new flats —there’s no room for small houses any more.The small local school in Parkville closed down five years ago. Jo goes to a school close to the centre of Arnwick, with 2,000 pupils. No one knows all their names.It takes Jo an hour to get to school, and this adds to the traffic a nd pollution. But it’s not her fault. She liked her old school.Arnwick needs larger hospitals and more doctors, better public transport and fewer private cars. There need to be more shops and offices. It also needs clean water and no rubbish in the street s. It’s difficult to run a big city, and to protect people from crime. So it also needs more laws and more police, and more taxes to pay for everything.Well, what do you think of all this? Do you like the things which are happening in Parkville? In fact, “Visions of the city” is just a story. But does your town have the same problems as Arnwick? M12U2 P98Learn English in Los AngelesWe provide summer English courses which are the best you can find. You will enjoy coming to Los Angeles to learn about America culture and improve your English at the same time. The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. They start at the beginning of July and August. Our teachers are well –trained and very experienced. They teach English classes for four hours a day. You can choose between small groups of two or three, or largest groups of up to 15. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you’re making with your lang uage skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. We also provide books and other materials.As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA. You live with an American family, and you take part in American life. You have meals with an American family and do some activities with the students which last a long time. Of course, If you prefer, we can arrange hotel accommodation.Of course, there are many things to do in Los Angeles. Every day we have activities which take place after class. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or the famous beaches around LA. You can also go to various shopping centers, sports centers, movies and concerts. There are also weekend visits organized to San Francisco and other places of interest in California.We try to give our students the best possible experience of English and life in the USA. Just ask our students! They say our summer English courses are fantastic!We hope that you’ll enjoy a course with us, too. If you’re interested, please fill in our application from where you will also find our list of prices. The course must be paid for one month before it begins.新外研版英语九年级下册课文wordModule 1 P4Excuse Me. You're Sitting in My Seat!The train to Beijing! Lin often dreamed about the train, and about going to the capital. Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. He looked at his brother."Don't forget where you come from, little brother," Jin said. "And watch your bags carefully."Lin nodded, unable to speak. This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life, leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years.He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away. "Go, brother. Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?"Lin jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere. He pushed past them towards his seat.A young man was sitting in Lin's seat. He was wearing jeans and a very smart jacket, and was smoking a cigarette.What should he do? Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window."Sir, you're sitting in my seat," Lin said, with a nervous smile. The other people watched with interest.The man didn't turn to look at Lin, but just looked out of the window."Excuse me. I have a ticket with the number of the seat you're sitting in!" Lin said in a stronger voice."I also have a ticket with that number—though it is in another car. Besides, I was here first," said the man, without moving his head. Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong.Lin looked at the other passengers for help. "But ... " he started to say."But what?" The man turned and looked at Lin. "I'm not moving."Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. "This young man has the right ticket for that seat. You should move."Lin felt brave. "See? Please move. I've got a long way to go.""How long?" the young man asked."To the last stop, Beijing.""I'm getting off before you. Then you can"Hangzhou."Lin thought Hangzhou was far away."It's seven hours away from here," the man with glasses said. "Even if it's only 10 minutes, you should move."Slowly the young man stood up, dropped his cigarette on the floor, and disappeared down the train.Module 2 P12My School LifeMy name is Sally Maxwell, and I'm 15. I've been at Park School, London since I was 11. If I pass my exams next year, I'll stay here until I'm 18.Park School is a secondary school, about 20 minutes by bike away from home. Before I came here, I went to primary school, near my home. I started primary school when I was five and stayed there for six years.The schoolday is from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. Then everyone goes to the main hall. There our head teacher makes a speech and tells us any news about the school. Lessons begin at 9:05 and last for an hour. We have a break at 11:05 until 11:20, then another lesson, then lunch for an hour. We have two more lessons before school finishes.This year I have 11 subjects: maths, biology, chemistry, French, history, geography, music and IT, PHSE, ADT and PE (these stand for Information Technology; Personal Health and Safety Education; Art, Design and Technology and Physical Education). Fortunately, we don't have exams in every subject. PHSE is about the dangers of drugs and smoking, among other things. In ADT we also do things like learning to cook as well as drawing and design. Some people can do Italian and Spanish instead of French, but no one is learning Chinese ... yet! PE involves physical exercise, basketball, training in the gym and swimming—we're really lucky to have a swimming pool.I took exams when I was 7, 10, and 14 years old. Next year I take my exams in eight subjects, and then I can do between three and five subjects for the exams in my final year.We have a large sports ground where we play football, tennis and do athletics both during and after school hours. After-school activities, such asactivities, such as climbing and cycling in the country. There are parties and discos and a sports day, and the school play is a really important event. Once a term, there is a parents' meeting, so our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.What's the best thing about school? English, history, music ... and my friends. What's the worst thing? Homework ... and exams!Module 3 P20Life in the PastMrs Li is over 70 years old, and has lived in Beijing all her life. I asked her about life today and in the past.Tell me about your parents, brothers and sisters.My parents, my sister and three brothers lived in a small house beside a restaurant. We weren't very rich, but we were happy. My sister was the eldest child and she left school when she was only 12 to help my mother at home.Families have changed a lot since I was young. They were much bigger in those days. Most of my friends had lots of brothers and sisters. Today most people only have one child! Did your parents have jobs?My father went out to work. He was a factory worker, and he often worked 12 hours a day. My mum wanted to work. She was a teacher before she met my father. Looking after us was afull-time job, so she stayed at home. Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was less common in the past. My father had the same job the whole of his working life. These days people change their jobs much more often. What was life like at home?Well, I remember the family meals, three times a day. My mother was always cooking for us. We weren't rich but we ate enough. And the food was always freshly cooked—my mother never bought ready-made food as people do today, so it was much better for us. And of course we didn't have television, so we played games together and read a lot. I helped my younger brother with his homework in the evenings. Where did you meet your husband?I first met him 60 years ago. I was carrying some heavy bags on my bike and I fell off! He stopped and picked up my bags. My parents liked they just hope their parents will be happy for them if they marry.Has Beijing changed?Yes, there are lots more buildings and so much more traffic! I can't believe the number of cars on the streets. But I suppose it's the same everywhere. And I walk less these days and take the bus more.And do you think life is better today?Well, I think so. I'm healthier than I've ever been. We live longer and we eat better. One dayI'll be talking to your own grandchildren! Module 4 P28-29Looking Cool1. What do you look for when you go shoppingfor clothes? Do you choose something fashionable ... or comfortable? Do you like tolook different? Or do you wear the same clothes as your friends? Do you go for this year's colours? Is it the logo—the company symbol—that catches your attention? Or maybe film stars are wearing these clothes? What helps you choose the clothes you like?2. Everyone spends money on clothes, and everyone has their personal look. The best-known clothing companies sell their "designer" clothesall over the world. But the number of these big name companies is in fact very small, and the clothes they make are more expensive than the clothes made by less well-known companies. Many people even prefer them to cheaper clothes. Why?3. Many young people today care about the way they look. They often buy "designer" clothes because they think they look cool. Then the less well-known companies make clothes which look the same. But they don't sell as well because they don't have the logo.4. People also think designer clothes are better made. For example, many people think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better. Of course, this is not always true. It's the training—not the trainers—that improves your speed or your score. But that's not the point. People believe that it's true ... and then buy the shoes. The big companies only want to make a lot of money.5. Above all, designer clothes are more popular because of clever advertising. All of the international companies spend millions of dollars。

完整word版)人教版初中英语八年级下册课文self at a local market.On Monday。
July 15th。
my family and I arrived in XXX。
The weather was hot and sunny。
so we decided to spend the day at the beach near our hotel。
My sister and I XXX up the sun。
we tried some local food and found that everything tasted really good。
We also visited a nearby market and XXX。
it was a great start to our n.I XXX of the city。
it seemed like no one was around。
I didn't let that。
me from trying something new and exciting - paragliding。
XXX soaring through the air made me feel like a bird。
For lunch。
I had the pleasure of trying something special - Malaysian XXX。
Although the area has seen a lot of new development。
many of the original buildings still stand。
One particularly interesting spot was Weld Quay。
where we saw the homes of Chinese traders from a century ago。

部编本九年级英语背诵篇目1. 引言本文档旨在整理和介绍部编本九年级英语背诵篇目,帮助学生建立良好的背诵惯,提升英语水平。
2. 背诵篇目列表下面是部编本九年级英语背诵篇目的列表:- Lesson 1: Sports Stars - 这一课介绍了一位篮球明星的生平和成就,让学生了解顶级运动员的职业生涯和困难。
- Lesson 2: The Modern Parent-Child Relationship - 通过讲述一个母亲和女儿之间的故事,这一课让学生思考现代家庭关系的变化和挑战。
- Lesson 3: The Power of Nature - 这一课探讨了大自然的力量,引发学生对保护环境的重要性的思考。
- Lesson 4: Cultural Heritage - 通过介绍中国传统文化的元素,如春节和舞龙舞狮,这一课旨在增强学生对本土文化的认同感。
- Lesson 5: The Influence of Technology - 这一课讨论了科技的积极和消极影响,启发学生积极利用科技资源。
- Lesson 6: Environmental Problems - 这一课让学生了解当前全球面临的环境问题,鼓励他们思考可持续发展的解决方案。
- Lesson 7: The Importance of Reading - 这一课强调了阅读的重要性,帮助学生建立阅读的兴趣并提高阅读能力。
- Lesson 8: Travel and Cultural Exchange - 通过介绍不同文化之间的交流和旅行经历,这一课目的在于培养学生的跨文化理解能力。
- Lesson 9: The Significance of Education - 这一课引导学生思考教育的意义,并激励他们努力研究,追求梦想。
3. 背诵策略为了帮助学生更好地背诵和理解上述篇目,以下是一些背诵策略:- 多听多读:通过多次听和朗读文本,可以加深对词汇、句子结构和语法的理解。

Unit 1 can you play the guitar?Role-play the conversationJ: hi, bob .what club do you want to join ?B: I want to join a sport club.J: great! What sports can you play ?B: Soccer.J : So you can join the soccer club.B: what about you? You're very good at telling stories.You can join the story telling club.J: Sound good .but I like to draw, too.B: then join two club ,the story telling club and the art club!J: ok, let's join now!Grammar focusCan you swim? Yes, I can /no, I can't.Can he /she play chess ?yes ,he can /no, he/she c'ta. nCan you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can/no,we cant'Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can/ no, they ca'nt .What can you do? I can dance /I ca'nt sing.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.Models for compositionAwe need help at the old people's home, Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories .and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 687-7729 today!BAre you busy after school? No? can you speak English? Yes? Then we n eed you to help with sports for En glish -speak ing stude nts. It is relax ing and easy! Please come to the student'ssports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 203-7742.CCan you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mr. Miller at 555-3721.Unit 2 what time do you go to school?Role-play the conversationI : Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio station.Scott ,what time is your radio show?S: From twelve o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.I: what time do you usually get up?S; At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.I : That'sa funny time for breakfast!S : yeah. After that, I usually exercise at about ten twenty.I : when do you go to workS : At eleven o'clock, so I 'm never late for work.Grammar focusWhat time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.What time do they get dressed? They always get dressed at seven twenty. What time does rick eat breakfast ? he eats breakfast at seven twenty. When does Scott go to work? He always goes to work at seven o 'clock. He's never late.When do your friends exercise? They usually exercise on weekends.Models for compositionHi, I 'm Tony. I don't like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight thirty .I don't have much time for breakfast, So I usually eat very quickly .For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then I go to bed.Unit 3 how do you get to school ?Role-play the conversationL: hey, Jane .Is this your new bike?J :yes, I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?L ; I usually take the bus.J : how far is it from your home to school?L : I ' not sure….About 10 kilometers. The bus ride takes about 20minutes .how long does it take you to get to school ?J : about 15 minutes by bike. It's good exercise.L : yeah, well, have a good day at school. You.too.Grammar focusHow do you get to school? I ride my bike .How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.How long does it take to get to school? It takes about 15minutesHow far is it from your home to school? It s'only about two kilometers Does Jane walk to schoo”l no, she doesn't she goes by bike.Do they take the bus to school? No. they do'nt .they walk.Models for compositionCrossing the River to SchoolHow do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? for many students , it is easy to get to school .But for the students in one small village in china, it is difficult. There is a big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on a rope way to cross the river to school. One 11-year-old boy ,Liang Liang, crossesthe river every school day . But he is not afraid “.l love to play with my classmatesand I love my teacher. He's like a father to me”Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true?Unit 4 Don 'teat in class.Role-play the conversationJ :hi, my name's John. It's my first day at school .A: hi, John. I 'm Alice .this is a great school, but there are a lot of rules. J: Really? What are some of the rules?A: well, don 'tbe late for class. This is very important.J: Ok. So we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school?A: No, we can't . And we always have to wear the school uniform.J: I see.A: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.Grammar focusDon't run in the hallways. Don't fight.What are the rules? We must be on time for classCan we eat in the classroom? No, we can't but we can eat in the dining hall. Can we wear a hat in class? Yes, we can / no, we c'atnDoes he have to wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does./no, he dno'ets What do you have to do? We have to be quiet in the library.Model for compositionDear Dr Know,There are too many rules! At 6:00 a.m. my mom says, ”Get up now and make your bed! ”after breakfast, my mom always says, Don 't leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen! ”After that ,I run to school because I can't be late. At school ,we have more rule—don 'be no isy, donteat in class ….My dad says I can'tplay basketball after school because I must do myhomework. I can play only on weekends. After dinner, I can'trelax either.I must read a book before ,I can watch TV ,but I have to go to bed before 10;00. rules, rules, rules! It'sterrible! What can I do, Dr. Know?Molly Brown ,new YorkDear Molly,I know how you feel People always tell us, ”Dont'do this !”or “You can't do that!”But think about it ,Molly . There are a lot of thing you can do. You can play basketball on weekends. You can play basketball on weekends. You can watch TV after you read a book . parents and schools are sometimes strict but remember, they make rules to help us. We have to follow them. Good luck!Dr. KnowUnit 5 what do you like pandas?Role-play the conversationYour dog is really cute,peter!He's my new pet, Dingding. He's very smart.Really ? what can he do?He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too.Wow!Does your family have a pet?My mom has a big cat,but I don't like her.Why don't you like the cat?Well ,because she's kind of boring. She sleeps all day, and her name is Lazy.Haha , then tha'ts a good name for her!Grammar focusWhy do you like pandas? Because the'yre kind of interesting.Why does John like koalas? Because the'yre very cute.Why don't you like tigers? Because they're really scary.Where are lions from ? they're from South Africa.Model for compositionHello, we are students from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand's symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets” Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live .But elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today they are only about 3,000elephants(over1000,000before).we must save the treesand not buy thing made of ivory. Remember that March,13th is Thai Elephant Day.Unit 6 I 'm watching TVRole- play the conversationHello, this is jenny.Hi, jenny it 'L s aura here.Oh, hi Laura. What are you doing?Not much. I 'm just washing my clothes. What about you?I 'm watching TV .Do you want to join me for dinner? My parents aren 't at home. We can eat out.Yeah,I 'd love to.Let's meet at my home first, come at half past six.Ok. See you then.Grammar focusWhat are you doing? I 'm watching TV.What's she doing? Sh'es washing her clothes.What are they doing? Theyre lis'tening to a CD.Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am/ no. I 'm not. I 'm cleaning my room.Is he reading a newspaper? Yes, he is /no, he isn't. He's playing basketball. Are they using the computer? Yes, they are /no, theayren ' t they'erexercising.Model for compositionToday's story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. He's now studying in the United States. He's living with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It 's 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Hui 's family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on T.VIs Zhu hui also watching the races and eatingzongzi? Well, it 's 9:00 p.m. in New York,and it 'sthe night before the festival. But there isn't a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, So it 's like any other night for Zhu hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her young children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And what 'sZhu hui doing? He's talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom's delicious zongzi .Zhu hui likes New york and his host family a lot, but there's still ”‘no place like home”.。

Unit 1:Where did you go on vacation?Section A 2d:Role-play the conversation.Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see.Helen:Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month?Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Grammar Focus:1. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.2. Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.3. Did you buy anything special? Yes,Ibought something for my father./ No, I bought nothing.4. How was the food? Everything tasted really good!5.Did everyone have a good time? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Section B 2b阅读理解Monday, July 15th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and Itried paragliding. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special –Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicous! In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown.There are a lot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town.Tuesday , July 16th What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn ’t see anything below. My father didn ’t bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry!Unit 2:How often do you exercise?Section A 2d:Jack:Hi, Claire, are you free next week?Claire: Hmm...next week is quite full for me, Jack.Jack: Really? How come?Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.Jack: What kind of dance are you learning?Claire: Oh, swing dance. I’t s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?Claire:Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?Jack: Sure!Grammar Focus:6.What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise.7.What do they do on weekends? They often help with housework.8.What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping.9.How often do you go to the movies?I go to the movies maybe once a month.10.How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watches TV.11.Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping.Section B 2b阅读理解:What Do No.5 High School Students Do In Their Free Time?Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results.We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all!We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not for homework.The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty-five percent watch TV every day! Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. It is healthy for the mind and the body. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. And remember, “o ld habits die hard”.So start exercising before i’t s too late!Unit 3: I’m more outgoing than my sister.Section A 2d:Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.Anna: Oh, which one was Lisa?Julie: The one with shorter hair I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.Julie: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.Grammar Focus:12.Is Tom smarter than Sam?No, he isn’t. Sam is smarter than Tom.13. Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?No, she isn’t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.14. Are you as friendly as your sister?No, I’m not. I’m friendlier.15. Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes, she does.16. Who’s more hard-working at school?Tina thinks she works harder than me.Section B 2b阅读理解:Jeff Green:My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I ’m quieter and more serious than most kids. That’s why I like reading books and I studyharder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. I’m shy so it’s not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books –you don’t need a lot of them as long as they ’r e good.Huang Le:iIt’s not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So I ’m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.Mary Smith:I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is,“A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”M y best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, she ’s funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she make me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because sh’e s always there to listen.。

Unit1 How can we become good learners?How I Learned to Learn EnglishLast year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly。
But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything.Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well。
Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning。
I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first。

八年级上册英语必背课文1. Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see.- Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.- Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?- Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.- Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?- Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month?- Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.- 2b Read Jane's diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.- Monday, July 15th.- I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I tried paragliding. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special - Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious! In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are alot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of theChinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town.- Tuesday, July 16th.- What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top, but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hourfor the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. We didn't have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. My father didn't bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry!2. Unit 2 How often do you exercise?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week?- Claire: Hmm... next week is quite full for me, Jack.- Jack: Really? How come?- Claire: I have dance and piano lessons.- Jack: What kind of dance are you learning?- Claire: Oh, swing dance. It's fun! I have class once a week, every Monday.- Jack: How often do you have piano lessons?- Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.- Jack: Well, how about Tuesday?- Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come?- Jack: Sure!- 2b Read the article and answer the questions.- What Do No. 5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time?- Last month we asked our students about their free - time activities. Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV.Here are the results.- We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty - five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all!- We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use itfor fun and not for homework.- The answers to our questions about watching TV were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty - five percent watch TV every day! Although many students like to watch TV, it's not good for their eyes.3. Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?- Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!- Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly.- Anna: Oh, which one was Lisa?- Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly.- Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.- Julie: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though.- Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- Jeff Green: My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I'm quieter and more serious than most kids. That's why I like reading booksand I study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying together. I'm shy so it's not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books - you don't need a lot of them as longas they're good.- Huang Lei: It's not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We bothlike sports, but he plays tennis better, and he always wins. However, Larry often helps me to bring out the best in me. So I'm getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard - working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.- Mary Smith: I don't really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is, "A true friend reaches for your hand andtouches your heart." My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, she's funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because she's always there to listen.4. Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Greg: Hi, I'm Greg. I'm new in town.- Helen: Hi, I'm Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! How do you like it so far?- Greg: It's fantastic, but I still don't really know my way around.- Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there.- Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around here? I love watching movies.- Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats.- Greg: Thanks for telling me.- Helen: No problem.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented.It's always interesting to watch other people show their talents. Talent shows are getting more and more popular. First, there were shows likeAmerican Idol and America's Got Talent. Now, there are similar shows around the world, such as China's Got Talent.- All these shows have one thing in common: they try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully? That's up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. And the winner always gets a very big prize.- However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact they are just actors. However, if you don't take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.5. Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah?- Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows.- Grace: Oh, I can't stand game shows. I think they're boring.- Sarah: Well, I don't mind game shows. And my classmate Jill loves soap operas.- Grace: Oh, really? I don't like soap operas either. They're so long and most of the time they're just not realistic.- Sarah: That's true. But some people enjoy them. They think they're relaxing.- Grace: I prefer to watch documentaries. I can learn a lot from them.- Sarah: Documentaries are great, but I think comedies are the best. They make me laugh.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- When people say "culture", we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love Mickey Mouse. He first appeared in Steamboat Willie on November 18, 1933. Mickey was created by Walt Disney. He was a very poor young man who had a dream of creating something new in the world of entertainment. Mickey Mouse became very popular in the 1930s.- Mickey Mouse has two large round ears - one of the most famous symbols in the world. He was so popular that Walt Disney began to create other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and Goofy. People love these characters because they are so cute and funny.- Today's cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey's?6. Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Ken: What are you reading, Jill?- Jill: It's a book about the future.- Ken: Sounds cool. So what will the future be like?- Jill: Well, cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in danger.- Ken: That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets?- Jill: Maybe. But I want to live on the earth.- Ken: Me too. Then what can we do?- Jill: We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone shouldplay a part in saving the earth.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- Do you know what a resolution is? It's a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. ("Mom, I promise I'll clean my room when I get back from school.") However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions. The most common ones are New Year's resolutions. When we make New Year's resolutions, we hope that we will improve our lives in some way.- Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the new year. This helps them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.- There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they will exercise more or eat less junk food. Others are about self - improvement. They might promise themselves they will take up a new hobby like painting or taking photos. Some resolutions are about better planning. For example, they might promise themselves they will make a study plan or be more organized at work.- Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common: people hardly ever keep them! There are good reasons for this. Sometimes the resolutions are too difficult to keep. For example, if yourresolution is to exercise every day but you are too busy to do it, you will probably break your resolution. Sometimes people just forget about their resolutions. For that reason, it is a good idea to write down your resolutions and have a look at them often.7. Unit 7 Will people have robots?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Nick: What are you reading, Jill?- Jill: A book about the future.- Nick: Sounds cool. So what will the future be like?- Jill: Well, I think there will be more robots in the future.- Nick: Really? What can they do?- Jill: They can do all kinds of housework. For example, they can clean the house, cook meals and even look after children.- Nick: That's great! Then people will have more free time.- Jill: Yeah, but I think there will also be some problems.- Nick: What kind of problems?- Jill: Well, if robots do all the housework, people will become lazy. And there may be fewer jobs for people because robots can do most of the work.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- Do you think you will have your own robot?- In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most boring jobs.- Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they also say that it may take hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.- Japanese scientists have made a robot called Asimo. It can walk and run like a human. It can also carry things and answer some simple questions. But scientists say that robots like Asimo are still a long way from being able to do things like a human.- Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like humans. They are also trying to make robots think like humans. This is a verydifficult task. Some scientists believe that we should make robots for dangerous jobs, like exploring volcanoes or cleaning up nuclear waste. This way, humans will not be in danger.8. Unit 8 How do you make a banana milkshake?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Anna: Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how?- Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion.- Anna: What's next?- Sam: Then, cut up the vegetables.- Anna: OK. What about the beef?- Sam: Cut the beef into small pieces.- Anna: Anything else?- Sam: Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for about 30 minutes.- Anna: And then?- Sam: Then add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.- Anna: Sounds easy. Thanks, Sam.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- Thanksgiving in the United States.- In most countries, people usually eat traditional foods on special days. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for food in the United States.It is always on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day, families get together and have a big meal.- The main dish of this meal almost always turkey, a large bird. Hereis one way to cook turkey.- First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt, pepper and herbs. Stuff this mixture into the turkey. Then, put the turkey in a roasting pan and cook it in the oven at a high temperature for a while. Then, reduce the temperature and cook it for a longer time.- While the turkey is cooking, make the gravy. Gravy is made from the juice of the cooked turkey. Finally, serve the turkey with the gravy.- In addition to turkey, Americans also eat many other traditional foods on Thanksgiving, such as mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.9. Unit 9 Can you come to my party?- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Jeff: Hey, Nick. Can you come to my house on Saturday? My cousin Sam from Xi'an is going to be here.- Nick: Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you.- Jeff: Yes, that's right.- Nick: I'd love to come, but I'm afraid I can't. I have an exam on Monday so I need to study for it.- Jeff: That's too bad! Oh, well, maybe next time.- Nick: Sure, Jeff. Thanks for asking.- 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.- An Invitation to the Party.- Hi Henry,- I'm having a party this Saturday. I hope you can come.- My house is on Main Street. You can take the No. 2 bus and get off at the third stop. Then walk along the street for about two minutes. You'll see a white house with a red roof. That's my house.- The party will start at 7:00 p.m. We'll have a barbecue and play some games. It'll be fun!- Please let me know if you can come by Friday.- Yours,- Tom.10. Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!- 2d Role - play the conversation.- Ruth: Hi, Mark. I'm having a party this Friday night. Can you come?- Mark: I'm sorry, Ruth. I'm not available. I have to study for a test.- Ruth: Oh, that.。
1Where’s mPbackpack?DearFeifei,PleasetakethesethingstoPoursister:herhat,watch,notebook,kePsandIDcard.Thehatisont hedresser.Thewatchisunderthebed.Thenotebookisonthebed.ThekePsareinthedrawer.TheI Dcardisonthetable.ThanksGrandma2DoPouhaveasoccerball?A:Let’splaPsoccer.B:I don’t haveasoccerball.A:Well,let’s plaPvollePball.B:Thatsoundsgood.3DoPoulikebananas?Runnereatswell!RunnerstarSandraClarkeatslotsofhealthPfood.Forbreakfast,shelikeseggs,bananas,and apples.Forlunch,shelikeshamburgers,salad,andpears.Andfordinner,shehaschicken,tomato es,Frenchfriesand,fordessert,icecream.4Howmucharethesepants?Clerk:CanIhelpPou?MarP:Pes,please.Iwantasweater.Clerk:WhatcolordoPouwant?MarP:Blue.Clerk:HerePouare.MarP:Howmuchisit?Clerk:20dollars.MarP:I’ll takeit.Thanks.优质参考文档Clerk:P ou’re welcome.5DoPouwanttogotoamovie?IoftengotothemovieswithmPfriend,Mike.MPfavoriteactorisPaulJackson.Hehasanewmovie, MP Father’s BirthdaP.It’s averPfunnPcomedP.MikelikestheactorRichSmith.HereallPlikeshism ovie,BlackSeptember.It’s averPsuccessfulthriller,butIthink it’s boring.Oneinterestingthing:mik eisEnglish,buthelikesBeijingOpera!HeoftengoestoseeBeijingOperaonweekends.Mike’s fath erlikesit,too!6CanPouplaPtheguitar?MusiciansWantedforSchoolMusicFestivalArePouamusician?CanPousing?CanPoudance?CanPouplaPthepiano,thetrumpet,thedrum s,ortheguitar?ThenPoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival.PleasecallZhangHengat622-6033.7WhattimedoPougotoschool?DearMona,ThanksforPourletter.DoPouwanttoknowaboutmPmorning?Well,IusuallPgetupataroundsiGfif teen.IdomPhomeworkatsiGthirtP,andthenIeatbreakfastataroundseventhirtP.Ataroundeight o’clock,Igotoschool.Schoolstartsatnine o’clock.PleasewriteandtellmeaboutPourmorning.Love,Jane8MPfavoritesubjectisscience.DearJane,It’s TuesdaP,November11.I’m reallPbusP.At:00Ihavemath.I don’t likemath.Thenat9:00Ihavesci ence.It’s difficult,butinteresting.NeGt,at10:00,Ihaveart.It’s boring.Butat11:00IhaveP.E.That’s mPfavoritesubject!Ieatlunchat12:00.Afterlunch,Ihavemusic.MusicisrelaGing.IlikemPmusicte acher,Mr.Cooper.He’s fun.MPlastclassisat2:00.AfterclassIhavevollePballfortwohours.Ourtea cherisverPstrictand I’m usuallPverPtriedafterclass.ThenIhaveChinesehistorPclub.It’s reallPint eresting!优质参考文档Where’s Pourpenpalfrom?30DearStudent,MPnameisBob.IliveinToronto,Canada,andIwantapenpalinChina.IthinkChinaisaverPinteresti ngcountrP.I’m14PearsoldandmPbirthdaPisinNovember.IcanspeakEnglishandalittleFrench.I haveabrother,Paul,andasister,Sarah.ThePhavepenpalsintheedKingdomandAustralia.Ilikeg oingtothemovieswithmPfriendsandplaPingsports.MPfavoritesubjectinschoolisP.E.It’s fun.But I don’t likemath.It’stoodifficult!CanPouwritetomesoon?Bob9Where’s thepostoffice?Paul:EGcuseme.Isthereahotelintheneighborhood?NancP:Pes,thereis.Justgostraightandturnleft.It’s downBridgeStreetontheright.It’s neGtto asupermarket.Paul:ThankPouverPmuch.NancP:Pouarewelcome.10WhPdoPoulikekoalas?MollP:ThisisMollP.SheistwelvePearsold.SheisfromAfrica.ShelikestoplaPwithherfriendsandeatgras s.LingLing:ThisisLingLing.She’s fivePearsold.She’s fromChina.She’s verPbeautiful,but she’s verPshP,sop leasebeverPquiet.Bill:ThisisBill.Isn’t hecute?HeisfromAustralia.HesleepsduringthedaP,butatnighthegetsupandeats leaves.优质参考文档11Iwanttobeanactor.1.Reporter:Iliketalkingtopeople.ImeetinterestingpeopleeverPdaPandaskthemquestions.2.waiter:Iworklate.I’m verPbusPwhenpeoplegoouttodinners.3.bankclerk:IworkwithpeopleandmoneP.PeoplegivemetheirmonePorgettheirmonePfromme.4.nurse:IwearawhiteuniformandIhelpdoctors.SometimesIworkinthedaPandsometimesatnig ht.5.policeman:MPworkisinterestingbutkindofdangerous.Thieves don’t likeme.12I’m watchingTV.DearLinda,ThanksforPourletterandthephotos.HerearesomeofmPphotos.Inthefirstphoto,I’m plaPingbas ketballatschool.Inthesecondphoto,I’m swimmingatthatpool.IntheneGtphoto,PoucanseemPfa milPathome.We’re eatingdinner.Inthelastphoto,I’m withmPsisterGina.She’s doingherhomewo rk–I’m watchingTV.Mike13It’s raining!ThankPouforjoining CCTV’s AroundTheWorldshow.TodaP,we’re inAustralia.It’s abeautiful,sun nPdaP!TherearemanPpeoplehereonvacation.Somearetakingphotos.OthersarelPingontheb each.LookatthisgroupofpeopleplaPingbeachvollePball.ThePlookcool!IamsurprisedthePcan plaPinthisheat.ThisisaverPinterestingplace.ThepeoplearereallPverPrelaGed!14Whatdoeshelooklike?DoPourememberJohnnPDean,thepopsingerwithfunnPglassesandlongcurlPhair?Well,nowh ehasanewlook.He doesn’t havelongcurlPhair.Hehasshortstraighthair.Andhe doesn’t wearglas sesanPmore.Butsomepeople don’t likehisnewlook.“Idon’t think he’s so great,”saPsRuthfromNe wPork.“But mPmom does.”15I’d likesomenoodles.A:CanIhelpPou?优质参考文档B:I’d likesomenoodles,please.A:WhatkindofnoodleswouldPoulike?B:WhatkindofnoodlesdoPouhave?A:Wehavebeef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato…B:OK,I’d likemuttonandpotatonoodles,please.A:Sure.AndwhatsizewouldPoulike?B:WhatsizesdoPouhave?A:Wehavelarge,mediumandsmallbowls.B:Oh,amediumbowl,please.16HowwasPourweekend?HowDidKidsSpendtheWeekend?PesterdaP,weaskedtenstudentsatNo.3MiddleSchoolwhatthePdidlastweekend.Formostkids, theweekendwasfun.OnSaturdaPmorning,tenkidsdidtheirhomeworkorstudied.OnSaturdaPaf ternoon,fivekidswentshopping,andthreewenttothelibrarP.TwokidsalsoplaPedcomputergame s.OnSaturdaPevening,sevenkidswatchedamovieorstaPedathomeandwatchedTV.OnSunda P,twokidsvisitedfriends,ninekidscleanedtheirrooms,andfiveplaPedsports.17WheredidPougoonvacation?MondaP,JulP15thGreatweather!ItwassunnPandhotalldaP.Wewenttoabeautifulbeach.WehadgreatfunplaPingi nthewater.Intheafternoon,wewentshopping.Theshopsweretoocrowded,soI didn’t reallPenjoPi t.TuesdaP,JulP16thTodaPitrained,sowewenttoamuseum.Itwaskindofboring.IfoundasmallboPcrPinginthecorner. HewaslostandIhelpedhimfindhisfather.ThatmademefeelhappP.I didn’t haveanPmonePforata Gi,soIwalkedbacktothehotel.IwasreallPtired.WednesdaP,JulP1thTodaPtheweatherwascool,sowedecidedtoplaPtennis.WeplaPedallmorning.ItwasreallPfun. WehadSichuanfoodfordinner.Itwasdelicious!优质参考文档18WhatdoPouthinkofgameshows?What’s Cool?Thisweek,Iaskedstudentsaboutfashion.IshowedeachstudentsiGthingsandaskedthemaboute achone.Someoftheiranswerswereinteresting.Herearetheirlikesanddislikes: JudPSmithlikesthekePring.HerfriendJeffsaPshe can’t standthescarf.“It’s for moms!”hesaid.Wil liamJoneslovesthewallet,andhisclassmateGinaTaPlorlovesthewatch.JerrPGreenalsolikesth esunglasses.Andthecoolestthingwasthebelt.EverPonelovedit!19Don’t eatinclass.DearDrKnow,I’m nothappP.IhavetoomanPrulesinmPhouse.IhavetogetupatsiG o’clock everPmorning.I can’t meetmPfriendsafterschoolbecauseIhavetodomPhomework.I can’t watchTVonschoolnights.A ndIhavetobeinbedbPten o’clock.Onweekends,IhavetocleanmProomandwashmPclothes.The terIhavetogothe children’s Palacetolearnthepiano.Ineve rhaveanPfun.WhatcanIdo?ZhaoPei20HowoftendoPoueGercise?……butI’m prettPhealthP.IeGerciseeverPdaP,usuallPwhenIcomehomefromschool.MPeating habitsareprettPgood.ItrPtoeatalotofvegetables.IeatfruitanddrinkmilkeverPdaP.Ineverdrinkco ffee.Ofcourse,Ilovejunkfoodtoo,andIeatittwoorthreetimesaweek.Oh,andIsleepninehourseve rPnight.SoPousee,IlookaftermPhealth.AndmPhealthPlifestPlehelpsmegetgoodgrades.Goo dfoodandeGercisehelpmetostudPbetter.21What’s thematter?AHealthPLifestPle,theChineseWaP TraditionalChinesedoctorsbelieveweneedabalanceofPinandPangtobehealthP.ForeGample, arePouoftenweakandtired?MaPbePouhavetoomuchPin.PoushouldeathotPangfoods,likebe ef.EatingDangshenandHuangqiherbsisalsegoodforthis.Butpeoplewhoaretoostressedoutan优质参考文档dangrPmaPhavetoomuchPang.ChinesedoctorsbelievethatthePshouldeatmorePinfoodsliket ofu.ChinesemedicineisnowpopularinmanPwesterncountries.It’s easPtohaveahealthPlifestPl e,and it’s importanttoeatabalanceddiet.22WhatarePoudoingforvacation?TonP:WhatarePoudoingforvacation,LinHui?LinHui:I’m goingtoTibetforaweek.TonP:Thatsoundsinteresting!WhatarePoudoingthere?LinHui:I’m goinghikinginthemountains.HowaboutPou,TonP?WhatarePoudoingforvacation? TonP:I’m visitingmPfriendinHongKong.LinHui:OhPeah?HowlongarePoustaPing?TonP:JustforfourdaPs.I don’t likegoingawaPfortoolong.LinHui:Well,haveagoodtime!SendmeapostcardfromHongKong!TonP:Sure.ShowmePourphotoswhenwegetbacktoschool.23HowdoPougettoschool?Howdostudentsaroundtheworldgettoschool?InNorthAmerica,moststudentsgotoschoolontheschoolbus.Somestudentsalsowalkorridebike stoschool.Inotherpartsoftheworld,thingsaredifferent.InJapan,moststudentstaketrainstoscho ol,althoughothersalsowalkorridetheirbikes.InChina,itdependsonwherePouare.Inbigcities,stu dentsusuallPridebikestoschoolortakebuses.Andinplaceswherethereareriversandlakes,likeH ongshanhuandKaishandao,studentsusuallPgoschoolbPboat.Thatmustbealotmorefunthanta kingabus!24CanPoucometomPpartP?HiHenrP,ThankPouforPourinvitation.I’m sorrPI can’t visitPouthisweek.IamreallPbusP.Thisevening I’mgoingtomP cousin’s birthdaPpartP.Andtomorrow,Ihavetogotothedentist.OnWednesdaP,Iha vetennistrainingwiththeschoolteam.AndIhavetostudPformPchemistrPtestonThursdaP.OnFri daPevening,I’m goingtothemovieswithsomefriends.CanPoucometothemovieswithusonFrida P?优质参考文档Writesoon.Sonia25I’m moreoutgoingthanmPsister.DearIsabel,ThankPouforPourlastletter.HerearephotosofmeandmPtwinsisterLiuPing.AsPoucansee,inso mewaPswelookthesame,andinsomewaPswelookdifferent.WebothhaveblackePesandblackh air,althoughmPhairisshorterthanhers.Webothlikesports,althoughLiuPingismoreathleticthan me.She’s moreoutgoing,and I’m quieter.Ithink I’m smarterthanher.MPfavoritesubjectsarephPsi csandchemistrP,andherfavoritesubjectisP.E.however,webothenjoPgoingtoparties. Pleasevisitussoon!Love,LiuLi26HowdoPoumakeabananamilkshake?SuperChickenSandwichFirst,putthebutteronasliceofbread.Thencutupandonionandatomato.Addthesetothebread.Ne Gt,putsomelettuceandthechickenslicesonthebread.Puttherelishonthechicken.FinallP,putano thersliceofbreadonthetop.27HowwasPourtrip?Class9hadagreattimeontheschooltrip.ThePwenttoBlueWaterAquariumforthedaP.FirstthePvi sitedthe Visitors’Centerandwatchedamovieaboutsharks.ThenthePwatchedadolphinshow.Aft erthat,thePwenttotheOutdoorPoolandsawabigoctopus.Afterlunch,thePwenttotheGiftShopan dboughtlotsofgifts.FinallP,tiredbuthappP,thePtookthebusbacktoschool.AttheendofthedaP,th escienceteacherwasverPhappPbecausetheclassmonitorcleanedthebusafterthetrip.28Whenwasheborn?PouarenevertooPoungtostartdoingthings.ForeGample,TigerWoodsstartedgolfingwhenhewa sonlPtenmonthsold.MozartstartedwritingmusicwhenhewasfourPearsold.AndRonaldo,thegr优质参考文档eatBraziliansoccerplaPer,plaPedforhisnationalteamwhenhewasseventeen.29I’m goingtobeabasketballplaPer.NewP ear’s ResolutionSurvePResultsWegotover1,000letters,faGesande-mailfromourreadersabouttheirNewP ears’resolutions .ManPreadersaregoingtoworkharderinschoolthisPear.LotsofreadersaregoingtoplaPsports.S omereadersaregoingtoeatmorevegetables.Afewreadersaregoingtolearnanewlanguage.So megirlsaregoingtoeGercisemoretokeepfit.SomeparentsaregoingtostudPthesubjectstheirchil drenlearnatschool.ThePwanttocommunicatebetterwiththeirkids.OneoldladPisgoingtoleaveh erjobandshewantstofindajobasalanguageteacherinChina.31CouldPoupleasecleanPourroom?A:Ihatetodochores.B:Well,Ihatesomechorestoo,butIlikeotherchores.A:ReallP?DoPouliketodothelaundrP?B:No,I don’t.It’s boring.A:Iagree.DoPouliketomakePourbed?B:No,notreallP.ButIliketodothedishes,because it’s relaGing.AndIliketomakebreakfast,becaus eIliketocook.32What’s thebestradiostation?WhatdoPoungpeoplethinkaboutplacesintown?WedidasurvePofourreadersandthisiswha twelearned.Allthemovietheatersaregood,buttheScreenCitPisthebestinourtown.Ithasthebigg estscreensandthemostcomfortableseats.However,TownCinemaisthecheapest,andithasthefr iendliestservice.Themostpopularclothingstoreis Jason’s.IthasthebestqualitPclothing.It’s alsot hecheapest.FunkPFashionsistheworst.IthasreallPbadservice.Asforradiostations,mostpeopl ethinkthatJazz10.9FMisreallPgreat.ItplaPsthemostinterestingmusic.33WillpeoplehaverobotsIntenPears,Ithink I’ll beareporter.I’ll liveinShanghai,becauseIwenttoShanghailastPearand优质参考文档fellinlovewithit.Ithink it’s reallPabeautifulcitP.Asareporter,IthinkIwillmeetlotsofinterestingpeopl e.Ithink I’ll liveinanapartmentwithmPbestfriends,becauseI don’t likelivingalone.I’ll havepets.Ica n’t haveanPpetsnowbecausemPmotherhatesthem,andourapartmentistoosmall.SointenPear s,I’ll havemanPdifferentpets.Imightevenkeepapetparrot!I’ll probablPgoskatingandswimminge verPdaP.Duringtheweek I’ll looksmart,andprobablPwillwearasuit.Ontheweekend,I’ll beabletod ressmorecasuallP.Ithink I’ll gotoHongKongonvacation,andonedaPImightevenvisitAustralia.34WhatshouldIdo?DearMarP,Ihaveaproblem,andIneedPourhelp.IalwaPsthoughtIwaspopularatschool.ButIjustIfoundo utthatmPfriendswereplanningabirthdaPpartPformPbestfriend,andtheP didn’t inviteme.EverP oneelseinmPclasswasinvitedeGceptme,andI don’t knowwhP.I can’t thinkwhatIdidwrong.I’m ver Pupsetand don’t knowwhattodo.WhatdoPouthink?CanPouhelpme?35WhatwerePoudoingwhentheUFOarrived?IhadaverPunusualeGperienceonSundaP.Ataroundten o’clock inthemorning.Iwaswalking downthestreetwhenaUFOlandedrightinfrontofme.Poucanimaginehowstrangeitwas!Analieng otoutandwalkeddownCenterStreet.Ifollowedittoseewhereitwasgoing,andIwasverPsurprised whenitwentintoasouvenirshop.Whileitwaslookingatthesouvenirs,theshopassistantcalledthep olice.Beforethepolicearrived,thealienlefttheshopandthenvisitedtheMuseumofFlight.Whilethe alienwasinthemuseum,IcalledtheTVstation.Isn’t thatamazing!36HesaidIwashard-working.Deargrandma,Howisitgoing?Ihopethatgrandpaiswellnow.IwassorrPtohearthathehadacoldlastweek.IhopeP ouareingoodhealth.Thingsarefinehere.IfinishedmPend-of-PeareGamslastweekandgotmPreportcardtodaP.Ialwa PsgetnervouswhenIseetheenvelopefromschoolinthemail,butluckilPIdidOKthistime.Ihadarea llPhardtimewithsciencethissemester,andI wasn’t surprisedtofindthatmPworstreportwasfromm Pscienceteacher.ShesaidIwaslazP,which isn’t true.It’s justthatIfindsciencereallPdifficult.Anoth erdisappointingresultwasinhistorP.MPhistorPteachersaidIcoulddobetter.Thegoodnewsisthat优质参考文档。

七年级上册第一单元A2dGood afternoon! My name is Linda. Are you Helen?Yes, I am. Nice to meet you , Linda.Nice too meet you , too. What’ her name?She is Jane。
Is he Jack?No, he isn’t .His name’s Mike.B2b1.My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone number is 232-4672.2.I’m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.3.My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.第二单元A2dSally: Good morning, JaneJane: Good morning, Sally.Sally: Oh, Jane, this is my sister Kate .Kate, this is my friend Jane.Kate: Nice to meet you, Jane.Jane: Nice to meet you, too. Are those your parents?Kate: Yes, they are.Jane: And who’s he?Sally: Hes my brother, Paul.Jane: Oh, I see. Well, have a good day!Sally/Kate: Thanks! You, too. Bye!B2bMy FamilyHi,I’m Jenny. Here are two nice Photos of my family. My grandfather. And my grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture are my brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen .Coco is in my family, too.第三单元A2dHi, Anna. Are these your pencils?No, they're Bob's。

初中英语必背课文1Where’ s my backpack?Dear Feifei,Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card.The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. Thekeys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.ThanksGrandma2Do you have a soccer ball?A:Let ’ s play soccer.B:I don ’ t have a soccer ball.A:Well, let’ s play volleyball.B:That sounds good.3Do you like bananas?Runner eats well!Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.4How much are these pants?Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.Clerk: What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: How much is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ ll take it. Thanks.Clerk: You’ re welcome.5Do you want to go to a movie?I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He hasa new movie, My Father ’Birthdays. It ’as very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor RichSmith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’ s a very succiller,ssfb u tl thrIthinkit ’ s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goesto see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’ s father likes it, too!6Can you play the guitar?Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet,the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Hengat 622-6033.7What time do you go to school?Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get upat around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at aroundseven thirty. At around eight o ’ clock, I go to school. School starts at nineo’ clock. Please writeand tell me about your morning.Love,Jane8My favorite subject is science.Dear Jane,It ’ s Tuesday, November 11. I’ m really busy. At :00 I have math. I don’ t like math. at 9:00 I have science. It s difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. Itat 11:00 I have P.E. That ’ mys favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I havemusic. Music is relaxing. I lik e my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. He’ s fun. My last class is at2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’very tried after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It’ s really interesting!Where’ s your pen pal from?30Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China isa very interesting country. I’ m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speakEnglish and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen palsin the ed Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playingsports. My favorite subject in school is P .E. It’ s fun. But I don’ t like math. It’ s too difficu Can you write to me soon?Bob9Where’ s the post office?Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It next’ s down Bridge Street on the right. I toa supermarket.Paul:Thank you very much.Nancy: You are welcome.10Why do you like koalas?Molly :This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play withher friends and eat grass.Ling Ling :This is Ling Ling. She ’ s five years old. She ’ s from China. She ’ s very beautif she’ s very shy, so please be very quiet.Bill:This is Bill. Isn ’ t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he getsup and eats leaves.11I want to be an actor.1. Reporter:I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask themquestions.2. waiter:I work late. I’ m very busy when people go out to dinners.3.bank clerk: I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their moneyfrom me.4.nurse: I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimesat night.5. policeman:My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’ t like me.12I ’ m watching TV.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo,I ’ m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’ m swimming at that pool. In the n photo, you can see my family at home. We’ re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’ m w sister Gina. She’ s doing her homeworkI’ m–watching TV.Mike13It ’ s raining!Thank you for joining CCTV’ s Around The World show. Today, we’ re in Australia. It beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos.Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place.The people are really very relaxed!14What does he look like?Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’ t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair.And he doesn ’ t wear glasses any more. But some people don’ t like his new look. “ I don ’初中英语必背课文think he’s so great,”says Ruth from New York. “ But my mom does. ”15 I ’ d like some noodles.A:Can I help you?B:I ’ d like some noodles, please.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomatoB:OK, I ’ d like mutton and potato noodles, please.A:Sure. And what size would you like?B:What sizes do you have?A:We have large, medium and small bowls.B:Oh, a medium bowl, please.16How was your weekend?How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library.Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movieor stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.17Where did you go on vacation?Monday, July 15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowd ed, so I didn’t really enjoy it.Tuesday, July 16thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy初中英语必背课文crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel happy.I didn ’ t have any moneyfor a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired.Wednesday, July 1thToday the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning.It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!18What do you think of game shows?What’ s Cool?This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and askedthem about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes:Judy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’stand the scarf. “ It for’s moms!” hesaid. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Jerry Greenalso likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!19Don ’ t eat in class.Dear Dr Know,’ clockI ’ m not happy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six omorning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I canwatch TV on school nights. And I have to be i n bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have toclean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later Ihave to go the children’s Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?Zhao Pei20How often do you exercise?but I ’ m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. Myeating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh,and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my初中英语必背课文healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.21What’ s the matter?A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eathot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is alse good for this. Butpeople who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular inmany western countri es. It ’easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it ’importants to eat a balanced diet.22What are you doing for vacation?Tony:What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: I’ m going to Tibet for a week.Tony:That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: I’ m going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony:I ’ m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony:Just for four days. I don’ t like going awaytoo lf o ngr.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Tony:Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.23How do you get to school?How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses.And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao,students usually go school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!24Can you come to my party?Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation. I’ m sorry I can’ t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’ m going to my cousin’ s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist.On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for mychemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’ m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia25I ’ m more outgoing than my sister.Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. Asyou can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We bothhave black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports,although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She ’ s more outgoing, and I ’ m quieter. I thin smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. however, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon!Love,Liu Li26How do you make a banana milk shake?Super Chicken SandwichFirst, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up and onion and a tomato. Addthese to the bread. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put therelish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.27How was your trip?Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy,they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was veryhappy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.28When was he born?You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started golfingwhen he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.29I ’ m going to be a basketball player.New Year ’ s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e- mail from our readers about their New Years ’ resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers aregoing to learn a new language. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. Someparents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants tofind a job as a language teacher in China.31Could you please clean your room?A:I hate to do chores.B:Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A:Really? Do you like to do the laundry?B: No, I don’ t. It’ s boring.A:I agree. Do you like to make your bed?B:No, not really. But I like to do the dishes, because it ’relaxings. And I like to make breakfast,because I like to cook.32What’ s the best radio station?What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers andthis is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best inour town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema isthe cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing storeis Jason ’Its. has the best quality clothing. It ’also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the worst. Ithas really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 10.9 FM is really great.It plays the most interesting music.33Will people have robotsIn ten years, I think I ’ ll be a reporter. I ’ ll live in Shanghai, becauseShanghaiIwent tolast year and fell in love with it. I think it ’ s really a beautiful city. As a reporter, I think I wi meet lots of interesting people. I think I ’ ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don ’ t like living alone. I ’ ll have pets. I can ’ t have any pets now because my mother h them, and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, I ’ ll have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot! I ’ ll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the weekI ’ ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend, I ’ ll be able to dress more casually. I think I ’ ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.34What should I do?Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I was popular at school. But Ijust I found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and theydidn ’ t invite me. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I don’ t know w can’ t think what I did wrong. I’ m very upset and don’ t know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me?35What were you doing when the UFO arrived?I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o ’ clock in the morning. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine howstrange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where itwas going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking atthe souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left theshop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I calledthe TV station. Isn’ t that amazing!36He said I was hard-working.Dear grandma,How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had acold last week. I hope you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report cardtoday. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I didOK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn ’ t surpris find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isnIt ’just that I find science really difficult. Another disappointing result was in history. My historyteacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working.And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.Well, tha t ’ s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.Love,Alan37If you go to the party, you’ ll have a great time.If I become an athlete, will I be happy?For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.If you become a professional athlete, you ’ ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes givemoney to schools and charities. And do a lot of work to help people. This is a greatchance that many people do not have.However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, peoplewill watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professionalathletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your realfriends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they werehappier before they became rich and famous.38How long have you been collecting shells?I ’ m talking to you from the Hilltop School skating Marathon. Here, students are skatingto raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises then yuan for charity.The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters arestill skating. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours.Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for fourhours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.39It ’ s a nice, isn’ t it?Dear Tony,Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it untilyou came along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He ’ s really good at math, isn ’ t he? He he’ d help me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.Bill40Would you mind turning down the music?I don ’ t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. Whenthat happens, I usually say,“ Would you mind helping me?” And I don’ t like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say,“ Could you please not follow me around? I’ l you if I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimesthey get mad. If that happens, I won’ t go back to that store again.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’ m reading. This happens to me all the time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to bepolite. But because I’ m polite, people don’ t know I’ m annoyedthe.Sosamethey thingdagain. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.41Why don’ t you get her a scarf?The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North Londonhas a pot- bellied pig named Connie.-“belliedPot pi gs make the best pets,” She watches TVon the sofa with me every night. She’ s my best friend.” However, life with a pig isn perfect.“ when I got my pig, she was small,” said David,“ but she eats a lot. Now she big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love.Sometimes I don’ t have enough time to spend with her.”42Have you ever been to an amusement park?When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the bestway t o do this was to become a flight attendant. I ’ ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It ’ s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the HilltopLanguage School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because Icould speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School! Mei Shan。

第1周七年级上Unit4 Where’s my backpack? (Section B 3a)Dear Feifei,Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.ThanksGrandma七年级上Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? (Section A 3b)A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good.七年级上Unit6 Do you like bananas? (Section B 3a)Runner eats well!Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, a nd apples.For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And f or dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.七年级上Unit 7 How much are these pants?(Section A 3a)Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater. Clerk: What color do you want? Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: How much is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks.Clerk: You’re welcome.Huaxing Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price –only ¥25! Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only ¥12! For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only ¥18! For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥5 each! Anybody can afford our prices!Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!第2周七年级上Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? (Section B 3a)I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He has a new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rich Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a very successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too!七年级上Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? (Section B 3a)Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.七年级上Unit 11 What time do you go to school? (Section B 3a)Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.Love,Jane第3周七年级上Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. (Section B 3a)Dear Jane,It’s Tuesday, November 11. I’m really busy. At 8:00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. It’s boring. But at 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. He’s fun. My last class isat 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tried after class. Then I have Chinese history s really interesting!club. It’七年级下Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from? (Section B 3a)Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!Can you write to me soon?Bob七年级下Unit2 Where’s the post office? (Section A 3a)Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next toa supermarket.Paul: Thank you very much.Nancy: You are welcome.第4周七年级下Unit3 Why do you like koalas? (Section B 3a)Molly —This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa.She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. (lion) Ling Ling — This is Ling Ling. She’s five years old. She’s from China.She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be veryquiet. (panda)Bill –This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.(koala)七年级下Unit4 I want to be an actor. (Section A 3a)1. Reporter: I like talking to people. I meet interesting people everyday and ask them questions.2. waiter: I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.3. bank clerk: I work with people and money. People give me theirmoney or get their money from me.4. nurse: I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work inthe day and sometimes at night.5. policeman: My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thievesdon’t like me.七年级下Unit5 I’m watching TV. (Section B 3a)Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at that pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We’re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework –I’m watching TV.Mike第5周七年级下Unit6 It’s raining! (Section B 3a)Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed!七年级下Unit7 What does he look like? (Section B 3a)Johnny Dean’s New Look!Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair. And he doesn’t wear glasses a ny more. But some people don’t like his new look. “Idon’t think he’s so great,” says Ruth from New York. “But my mom does.”七年级下Unit8 I’d like some noodles. (Section A 3a)A: Can I help you?B: I’d like some noodles, please.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato…B: OK, I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.A: Sure. And what size would you like?B: What sizes do you have?A: We have large, medium and small bowls.B: Oh, a medium bowl, please.第6周七年级下Unit9 How was your weekend? (Section B 3a)How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.七年级下Unit10 Where did you go on vacation? (Section B 3a) Monday, July 15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded, so I didn’t really enjoy it. Tuesday, July 16thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel happy. I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired.Wednesday, July 17thToday the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!七年级下Unit11 What do you think of game shows? (Section B 3a) What’s Cool? (by Maria Lee)This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes:Judy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for moms!” he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. (Her best friend Ann Rice doesn’t mind the watch, but she really likes the sunglasses!) Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!第7周七年级下Unit12 Don’t eat in class. (Section B 3a)Dear Dr Know,I’m not happy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go the children’s Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?Zhao Pei八年级上Unit1 How often do you exercise? (Section B 3a) ……but I’m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.八年级上Unit2 What’s the matter? (Section B 3a)A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is alse good for this. But people who are too stressed o ut and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.第8周八年级上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? (Section A 3a) Tony: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: I’m going to Tibet for a week.Tony: That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony: I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony: Just for four days. I don’t like going away for too long.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong! Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.八年级上Unit 4 How do you get to school? (Section B 3a)How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!八年级上Unit 5 Can you come to my party? (Section B 3a)Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. (Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia第9周八年级上Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (Section A 3a) Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She’s more outgoing, and I’m quieter. I think I’m smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. however, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon!Love,Liu Li八年级上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section B 3a)Super Chicken SandwichFirst, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up and onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put the relish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.八年级上Unit 8 How was your trip? (Section A3a) Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because t he class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.第10周八年级上Unit 9 When was he born? (Section A 3a) You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.八年级上Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. (Section B3a) New Year’s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Years’ resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers are going to learn a new language. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.八年级上Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? (Section A 3a) A: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Do you like to do the laundry?B: No, I don’t. It’s boring.A: I agree. Do you like to make your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to do the dishes, because it’s relaxing. And I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook.第11周八年级上Unit 12 What’s the best radio station? (Section A 3a) What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey ofour readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good,but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens andthe most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, andit has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. Ithas the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is theworst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people thinkthat Jazz 107.9 FM is really great. It plays the most interesting music.八年级下Unit1 Will people have robots (Section B3a)In ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Shanghai, beca went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. I think it’sreally abeautiful city. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. Ithink I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I donliving alone. I’ll have pets. I can’t have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, I’ll havemany different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot! I’ll probably goskating and swimming every day. During the week I’ll look smart, andprobably will wear a suit. On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress moreation, and one day I mightcasually. I think I’ll go to Hong Kong on vaceven visit Australia.八年级下Unit2 What should I do? (Section B3a)Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I waspopular at school. But I just I found out that my friends were planning abirthday party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me. Everyoneelse in my class was invited except me, and I don’t know why. I can’tthink what I did wrong. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. Whatdo you think? Can you help me?第12周八年级下Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(Section A3a)I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!八年级下Unit4 He said I was hard-working. (Section B3a) Dear grandma,How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, a nd I wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true. It’s just that I find science really difficult. Another disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.Love,Alan八年级下Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.If I become an athlete, will I be happy? (Section B3a) For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities. And do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.八年级下Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?(Section A 3a)I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises then yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.八年级下Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music?(Section B 3a)I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a longtelephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would youA nd I don’t like it when shop assistants f ollow memind helping me?” around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? I’ll a if I n eed some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad. If that happens, I won’t go back to that storeagain.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. Thishappens to me all the time in the school library. When it happens, Iusually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because I’mpolite, people don’t know I’m annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.八年级下Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? (Section B 3a)The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. DavidSmith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-belliedpigs make the best pets,”She watches TV on the sofa with me everynight. She’s my best friend.”However, life with a pig isn’t alwaysperfect. “when I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats alot. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pighouse. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don’t have enough timeto spend with her.”第15周八年级下Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?(Section B 3a)When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!Mei Shan八年级下Unit 10 It’s a nice, isn’t it? (Section B 3a)Dear Tony,Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He’s really good at math, isn’t he? He said he’d help me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.Bill。

1Where’s my backpack?Dear Feifei,Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.ThanksGrandma2Do you have a soccer ball?A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good.3Do you like bananas?Runner eats well!Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.4How much are these pants?Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.Clerk: What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: How much is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks.Clerk: You’re welcome.5Do you want to go to a movie?I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He hasa new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rich Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a very successful thr iller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too!6Can you play the guitar?Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.7What time do you go to school?Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.Love,Jane8My favorite subject is science.Dear Jane,It’s Tuesday, November 11. I’m really busy. At :00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. It’s boring. Butat 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relaxing. I lik e my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. He’s fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tried after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It’s really interesting!Where’s your pe n pal from?30Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the ed Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!Can you write to me soon?Bob9Where’s the post office?Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next toa supermarket.Paul: Thank you very much.Nancy: You are welcome.10Why do you like koalas?Molly:This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.Ling Ling:Thi s is Ling Ling. She’s five years old. She’s from China. She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be very quiet.Bill:This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.11I want to be an actor.1. Reporter: I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.2. waiter: I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.3. bank clerk: I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.4. nurse: I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.5. policeman: My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’t like me.12I’m watching TV.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at that pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We’re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework –I’m watching TV.Mike13It’s raining!Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed!14What does he look like?Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair. And he doesn’t wear glasses any more.But some people don’t like his new look. “I don’tthink he’s so great,” says Ruth from New York. “But my mom does.”15I’d like some noodles.A: Can I help you?B: I’d like some noodles, please.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato…B: OK, I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.A: Sure. And what size would you like?B: What sizes do you have?A: We have large, medium and small bowls.B: Oh, a medium bowl, please.16How was your weekend?How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.17Where did you go on vacation?Monday, July 15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowd ed, so I didn’t really enjoy it.Tuesday, July 16thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boycrying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel happy.I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired. Wednesday, July 1thToday the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!18What do you think of game shows?What’s Cool?This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes:Judy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for moms!” he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!19Don’t eat in class.Dear Dr Know,I’m not happy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be i n bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go the children’s Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?Zhao Pei20How often do you exercise?……but I’m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And myhealthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.21What’s the matter?A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is alse good for this. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countri es. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.22What are you doing for vacation?Tony: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: I’m going to Tibet for a week.Tony: That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony: I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony: Just for four days. I don’t like going away for too long.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.23How do you get to school?How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses.And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!24Can you come to my party?Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia25I’m more outgoing than my sister.Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She’s more outgoing, and I’m quieter. I think I’m smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. however, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon!Love,Liu Li26How do you make a banana milk shake?Super Chicken SandwichFirst, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up and onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put the relish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.27How was your trip?Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.28When was he born?You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.29I’m going to be a basketball player.New Year’s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Years’ resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers are going to learn a new language. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.31Could you please clean your room?A: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Do you like to do the laundry?B: No, I don’t. It’s boring.A: I agree. Do you like to make your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to do the dishes, because it’s relaxing. And I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook.32What’s the best radio station?What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 10.9 FM is really great. It plays the most interesting music.33Will people have robotsIn ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. I think it’s really a beautiful city. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living alone. I’ll have pets. I can’t have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, I’ll have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot! I’ll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress more casually. I think I’ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.34What should I do?Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I was popular at school. But I just I found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I don’t know why. I can’t think what I did wrong. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me?35What were you doing when the UFO arrived?I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!36He said I was hard-working.Dear grandma,How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true. It’s j ust that I find science really difficult. Another disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.Well, tha t’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.Love,Alan37If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.If I become an athlete, will I be happy?For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes givemoney to schools and charities. And do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.38How long have you been collecting shells?I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises then yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.39It’s a nice, isn’t it?Dear Tony,Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He’s really good at math, isn’t he? He said he’d help me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.Bill40Would you mind turning down the music?I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind helping me?” And I don’t like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? I’ll ask you if I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimesthey get mad. If that happens, I won’t go back to that store again.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. This happens to me all the time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because I’m polite, people don’t know I’m annoyed. So they d o the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.41Why don’t you get her a scarf?The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-bellied pi gs make the best pets,” She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. She’s my best friend.” However, life with a pig isn’t always perfect. “when I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to spend with her.”42Have you ever been to an amusement park?When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way t o do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!Mei Shan。

1Where’s my backpack?Dear Feifei,Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.ThanksGrandma2Do you have a soccer ball?A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good.3Do you like bananas?Runner eats well!Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.14How much are these pants?Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.Clerk: What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: How much is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks.Clerk: You’re welcome.5Do you want to go to a movie?I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He hasa new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rich Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a ver y successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too!26Can you play the guitar?Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.7What time do you go to school?Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.Love,Jane38My favorite subject is science.Dear Jane,It’s Tuesday, November 11. I’m really busy. At:00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. It’s boring. But at 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relax ing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. He’s fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tried after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It’s really interesting!Where’s your pen pal from?30Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the ed Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!Can you write to me soon?Bob49Where’s the post office?Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next toa supermarket.Paul: Thank you very much.Nancy: You are welcome.10Why do you like koalas?Molly:This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.Ling Ling:Thi s is Ling Ling. She’s five years old. She’s from China. She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be very quiet.Bill:This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.511I want to be an actor.1. Reporter: I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.2. waiter: I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.3. bank clerk: I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.4. nurse: I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.5. policeman: My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’t like me.12I’m watching TV.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at that pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We’re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework –I’m watching TV.Mike613It’s raining!Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed!14What does he look like?Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair. And he doesn’t wear glasses any more. But some people don’t like his new look. “I don’t think he’s so great,” says Ruth from New York. “But my mom does.”715I’d like some noodles.A: Can I help you?B: I’d like some noodles, please.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato…B: OK, I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.A: Sure. And what size would you like?B: What sizes do you have?A: We have large, medium and small bowls.B: Oh, a medium bowl, please.16How was your weekend?How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.817Where did you go on vacation?Monday, July 15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded, so I didn’t really enjoy it.Tuesday, July 16thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel happy.I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired. Wednesday, July 1thToday the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!18What do you think of game shows?What’s Cool?This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes:Ju dy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for moms!” he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!919Don’t eat in class.Dear Dr Know,I’m not happy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on scho ol nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go the children’s Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?Zhao Pei20How often do you exercise?……but I’m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.1021What’s the matter?A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is alse good for this. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.22What are you doing for vacation?Tony: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: I’m going to Tibet for a week.Tony: That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony: I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony: Just f or four days. I don’t like going away for too long.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.1123How do you get to school?How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!24Can you come to my party?Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia1225I’m more outgoin g than my sister.Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She’s more outgoing, and I’m quieter. I think I’m smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. however, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon!Love,Liu Li26How do you make a banana milk shake?Super Chicken SandwichFirst, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up and onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put the relish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.1327How was your trip?Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.28When was he born?You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.1429I’m going to be a basketball player.New Year’s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Years’ resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers are going to learn a new language. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.31Could you please clean your room?A: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Do you like to do the laundry?B: No, I don’t. It’s boring.A: I agree. Do you like to make your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to do the dishes, because it’s relaxing. And I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook.1532What’s the best radio station?What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 10.9 FM is really great. It plays the most interesting music.33Will people have robotsIn ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. I think it’s really a beautiful city. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living alone. I’ll have pets. I can’t have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, I’ll have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot! I’ll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress more casually. I think I’ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.1634What should I do?Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I was popular at school. But I just I found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I don’t know why. I can’t think what I did wrong. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me?35What were you doing when the UFO arrived?I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!1736He said I was hard-working.Dear grandma,How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true. It’s just that I find science really difficu lt. Another disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.Love,Alan1837If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.If I become an athlete, will I be happy?For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities. And do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.1938How long have you been collecting shells?I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises then yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.39It’s a nice, isn’t it?Dear Tony,Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He’s really good at math, isn’t he? He said he’d help me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.Bill2040Would you mind turning down the music?I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind helping me?” And I don’t like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? I’ll ask you if I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad. If that happens, I won’t go back to that store again.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. This happens to me all th e time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because I’m polite, people don’t know I’m annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.2141Why don’t you get her a scarf?The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets,” She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. She’s my best friend.” However, life with a pig isn’t always perfect. “when I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to spend with her.”42Have you ever been to an amusement park?When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!Mei Shan2223。
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1Where’s my backpack?Dear Feifei,Please take these things to your sister: her hat, watch, notebook, keys and ID card. The hat is on the dresser. The watch is under the bed. The note book is on the bed. The keys are in the drawer. The ID card is on the table.ThanksGrandma2Do you have a soccer ball?A: Let’s play soccer.B: I don’t have a soccer ball.A: Well, let’s play volleyball.B: That sounds good.3Do you like bananas?Runner eats well!Runner star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears. And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and, for dessert, ice cream.14How much are these pants?Clerk: Can I help you?Mary: Yes, please. I want a sweater.Clerk: What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Clerk: Here you are.Mary: How much is it?Clerk: 20 dollars.Mary: I’ll take it. Thanks.Clerk: You’re welcome.5Do you want to go to a movie?I often go to the movies with my friend, Mike. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson. He hasa new movie, My Father’s Birthday. It’s a very funny comedy. Mike likes the actor Rich Smith. He really likes his movie, Black September. It’s a ver y successful thriller, but I think it’s boring. One interesting thing: mike is English, but he likes Beijing Opera! He often goes to see Beijing Opera on weekends. Mike’s father likes it, too!26Can you play the guitar?Musicians Wanted for School Music FestivalAre you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? Then you can be in our school music festival. Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.7What time do you go to school?Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.Love,Jane38My favorite subject is science.Dear Jane,It’s Tuesday, November 11. I’m really busy. At:00 I have math. I don’t like math. Then at 9:00 I have science. It’s difficult, but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have art. It’s boring. But at 11:00 I have P.E. That’s my favorite subject! I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have music. Music is relax ing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Cooper. He’s fun. My last class is at 2:00. After class I have volleyball for two hours. Our teacher is very strict and I’m usually very tried after class. Then I have Chinese history club. It’s really interesting!Where’s your pen pal from?30Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China. I think China is a very interesting country. I’m 14 years old and my birthday is in November. I can speak English and a little French. I have a brother, Paul, and a sister, Sarah. They have pen pals in the ed Kingdom and Australia. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It’s fun. But I don’t like math. It’s too difficult!Can you write to me soon?Bob49Where’s the post office?Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next toa supermarket.Paul: Thank you very much.Nancy: You are welcome.10Why do you like koalas?Molly:This is Molly. She is twelve years old. She is from Africa. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.Ling Ling:Thi s is Ling Ling. She’s five years old. She’s from China. She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be very quiet.Bill:This is Bill. Isn’t he cute? He is from Australia. He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.511I want to be an actor.1. Reporter: I like talking to people. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.2. waiter: I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.3. bank clerk: I work with people and money. People give me their money or get their money from me.4. nurse: I wear a white uniform and I help doctors. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.5. policeman: My work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves don’t like me.12I’m watching TV.Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, I’m playing basketball at school. In the second photo, I’m swimming at that pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. We’re eating dinner. In the last photo, I’m with my sister Gina. She’s doing her homework –I’m watching TV.Mike613It’s raining!Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show. Today, we’re in Australia. It’s a beautiful, sunny day! There are many people here on vacation. Some are taking photos. Others are lying on the beach. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. They look cool! I am surprised they can play in this heat. This is a very interesting place. The people are really very relaxed!14What does he look like?Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair? Well, now he has a new look. He doesn’t have long curly hair. He has short straight hair. And he doesn’t wear glasses any more. But some people don’t like his new look. “I don’t think he’s so great,” says Ruth from New York. “But my mom does.”715I’d like some noodles.A: Can I help you?B: I’d like some noodles, please.A: What kind of noodles would you like?B: What kind of noodles do you have?A: We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato…B: OK, I’d like mutton and potato noodles, please.A: Sure. And what size would you like?B: What sizes do you have?A: We have large, medium and small bowls.B: Oh, a medium bowl, please.16How was your weekend?How Did Kids Spend the Weekend?Yesterday, we asked ten students at No. 3 Middle School what they did last weekend. For most kids, the weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, ten kids did their homework or studied. On Saturday afternoon, five kids went shopping, and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer games. On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or stayed at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned their rooms, and five played sports.817Where did you go on vacation?Monday, July 15thGreat weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, we went shopping. The shops were too crowded, so I didn’t really enjoy it.Tuesday, July 16thToday it rained, so we went to a museum. It was kind of boring. I found a small boy crying in the corner. He was lost and I helped him find his father. That made me feel happy.I didn’t have any money for a taxi, so I walked back to the hotel. I was really tired. Wednesday, July 1thToday the weather was cool, so we decided to play tennis. We played all morning. It was really fun. We had Sichuan food for dinner. It was delicious!18What do you think of game shows?What’s Cool?This week, I asked students about fashion. I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting. Here are their likes and dislikes:Ju dy Smith likes the key ring. Her friend Jeff says he can’t stand the scarf. “It’s for moms!” he said. William Jones loves the wallet, and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt. Everyone loved it!919Don’t eat in class.Dear Dr Know,I’m not happy. I have too many rules in my house. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my friends after school because I have to do my homework. I can’t watch TV on scho ol nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mom make dinner. Later I have to go the children’s Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. What can I do?Zhao Pei20How often do you exercise?……but I’m pretty healthy. I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school. My eating habits are pretty good. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I never drink coffee. Of course, I love junk food too, and I eat it two or three times a week. Oh, and I sleep nine hours every night. So you see, I look after my health. And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. Good food and exercise help me to study better.1021What’s the matter?A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayTraditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have too much yin. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is alse good for this. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries. It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced diet.22What are you doing for vacation?Tony: What are you doing for vacation, Lin Hui?Lin Hui: I’m going to Tibet for a week.Tony: That sounds interesting! What are you doing there?Lin Hui: I’m going hiking in the mountains. How about you, Tony? What are you doing for vacation?Tony: I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong.Lin Hui: Oh yeah? How long are you staying?Tony: Just f or four days. I don’t like going away for too long.Lin Hui: Well, have a good time! Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!Tony: Sure. Show me your photos when we get back to school.1123How do you get to school?How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students go to school on the school bus. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!24Can you come to my party?Hi Henry,Thank you for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?Write soon.Sonia1225I’m more outgoin g than my sister.Dear Isabel,Thank you for your last letter. Here are photos of me and my twin sister Liu Ying. As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is more athletic than me. She’s more outgoing, and I’m quieter. I think I’m smarter than her. My favorite subjects are physics and chemistry, and her favorite subject is P.E. however, we both enjoy going to parties.Please visit us soon!Love,Liu Li26How do you make a banana milk shake?Super Chicken SandwichFirst, put the butter on a slice of bread. Then cut up and onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread. Next, put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread. Put the relish on the chicken. Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.1327How was your trip?Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitors’ Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.28When was he born?You are never too young to start doing things. For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old. Mozart started writing music when he was four years old. And Ronaldo, the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.1429I’m going to be a basketball player.New Year’s Resolution Survey ResultsWe got over 1,000 letters, faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Years’ resolutions. Many readers are going to work harder in school this year. Lots of readers are going to play sports. Some readers are going to eat more vegetables. A few readers are going to learn a new language. Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit. Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school. They want to communicate better with their kids. One old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.31Could you please clean your room?A: I hate to do chores.B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores.A: Really? Do you like to do the laundry?B: No, I don’t. It’s boring.A: I agree. Do you like to make your bed?B: No, not really. But I like to do the dishes, because it’s relaxing. And I like to make breakfast, because I like to cook.1532What’s the best radio station?What do young people think about places in town? We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good, but the Screen City is the best in our town. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. However, Town Cinema is the cheapest, and it has the friendliest service. The most popular clothing store is Jason’s. It has the best quality clothing. It’s also the cheapest. Funky Fashions is the worst. It has really bad service. As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 10.9 FM is really great. It plays the most interesting music.33Will people have robotsIn ten years, I think I’ll be a reporter. I’ll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. I think it’s really a beautiful city. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I’ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don’t like living alone. I’ll have pets. I can’t have any pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small. So in ten years, I’ll have many different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot! I’ll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend, I’ll be able to dress more casually. I think I’ll go to Hong Kong on vacation, and one day I might even visit Australia.1634What should I do?Dear Mary,I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I was popular at school. But I just I found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and they didn’t invite me. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I don’t know why. I can’t think what I did wrong. I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me?35What were you doing when the UFO arrived?I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten o’clock in the morning. I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!1736He said I was hard-working.Dear grandma,How is it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health.Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mail, but luckily I did OK this time. I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true. It’s just that I find science really difficu lt. Another disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good.Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love.Love,Alan1837If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.If I become an athlete, will I be happy?For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. If you become a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will know you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities. And do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance that many people do not have.However, professional athletes can also have many problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere. This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous. Many professional athletes get injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.1938How long have you been collecting shells?I’m talking to you from the Hilltop School skating Marathon. Here, students are skating to raise money for charity. For every hour they skate, each student raises then yuan for charity. The skating marathon has been going for five hours now, and several skaters are still skating. Alison was the first one to start and has been skating for the whole five hours. Next is Sam, and he has been skating for four hours. Lu Ning has been skating for four hours too, and Li Chen just started an hour ago.39It’s a nice, isn’t it?Dear Tony,Thanks for showing me the school last week. I was having a hard time finding it until you came along. And I enjoyed meeting Carlos. He’s really good at math, isn’t he? He said he’d help me with my math project. Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.Bill2040Would you mind turning down the music?I don’t like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation. When that happens, I usually say, “Would you mind helping me?” And I don’t like it when shop assistants follow me around. Then I say, “Could you please not follow me around? I’ll ask you if I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry, but sometimes they get mad. If that happens, I won’t go back to that store again.I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m reading. This happens to me all th e time in the school library. When it happens, I usually talk to the person because I want to be polite. But because I’m polite, people don’t know I’m annoyed. So they do the same thing again. Perhaps in the future I should try not to be so polite.2141Why don’t you get her a scarf?The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets,” She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. She’s my best friend.” However, life with a pig isn’t always perfect. “when I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot. Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don’t have enough time to spend with her.”42Have you ever been to an amusement park?When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. It’s a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School!Mei Shan22。