



翻译常用的八种技巧翻译常用的八种技巧1.重译法(repetition)2.增译法(amplification)3.减译法(omission)4.词类转移法(conversion)5.词序调整法(inversion)6.分译法(division)7.正说反译、反说正译法(negation)8.语态变换法(the change of the voices)第一节重译法(repetition)在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实地表达原文的意思。








如:1.We have to analyse and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。

2.I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I can not keep.我想吃什么就吃什么,想喝什么就和什么,眼睛睁不开了就睡觉。


People use naturalscience to understand and change nature.4.Aristocratic and democratic tendencies in a nation oftenshowthemselves in its speech.民族的贵族倾向和民族倾向常在其言语中表现出来。


Let’s revise our safety andsanitary regulations.二、英语常用省略,但为了明确,也为了强调某些内容,在汉语中常常要将省去的部分重译出来。



Eight translation techniques1.增译法(amplification);2.重译法(repetition);3.减译法(omission);4.词类转移法(conversion);5.词序调整法(inversion):6.分译法(division);7.正说反译,反说正译(negation);8.语态变换法(the change of the voices)Group competition1.I am looking forward to the holidays.我在等待假日的到来.2.Much of our morality is customary.我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。

3.Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness,affection weakness,thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。

4. Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞使人善辩。

5. As an Oriental,I cannot but be proud of your historic achievement.作为一个东方人,我不得不为贵国所取得的历史性成就感到骄傲。

Amplification 增译法Three types: Semantic amplification,Grammatical amplification,Rhetoric amplificationSemantic amplification1. The crowds melted away人群渐渐散开了.2. We were all greatly moved by his loftiness.我们都被他那种崇高品质所深深感染.3. He felt the patriot rise within his breast.他感到一种爱国热情在胸中激荡.loftiness patriot: 英语习惯运用抽象词汇,而汉语习惯运用具体词汇将“抽象概念变为具体概念”,类似词汇如:arrogance, indifference, tension,confusion, solution, remedies, jealousy, fault-finding增补概括性的词1. The advantages of the meeting room are bright, spacious, fashionable, and without echoes.这个会议室有四大优点:明亮、宽敞、时髦、无回声。



基努•里维斯性格文静内向,几乎不在好莱坞聚会中露面。他大部分的业余时间 不是用来推销自己的影片,而是和他的酒吧乐队“天狼星”一起弹奏低音吉他。 “我不想当超级名人,”他说,“那太吓人了。”
Praise helps to rub off the sharp edges of daily contact. Nowhere is thus truer than in marriage. Yet it is perhaps in the home that the value of praise is less appreciated than elsewhere.
严禁吸烟! 非请莫入! 少儿不宜。 请勿倒置! 甜而不腻。 无霜冰箱 请勿践踏草地! 油漆未干! 市区通道,严禁停车。 易燃物品,切勿近火。
Some of the English words or phrases are negative in meaning, but they have no negative words within. These words or phrases belong to covert negation. I dare him to jump. You are telling me! Keep it dark! She bears her age well. For all I care! It’s anyone’s guess. Your question beats me. 我量他也不敢跳。 这事还用你说? 这事不可泄露出去! 她一点也不显老。 这事我才不管呢。 这事谁也不清楚。 你这个问题令我迷惑不解。
Formal: 毋庸置疑/ it is beyond doubt that (negation) Oral: 的的确确/ indeed (affirmation)



• Not… and … VS Not… or…
E.g. He did not speak clearly and correctly. He did not speak clearly or correctly.
(2). Full negation (全部否定)
big audience. • 昨天总统在大庭广众面前即席致辞。 • Aren’t they fine, these three men are going off into nowhere
like that? • 这三人真行,前途茫茫,就这样去了。
(2). Conversion of Negative Sentences into Affirmatives • My overcoat would not wear out. • 我的大衣十分耐穿。 • If that isn’t what I want! • 我所要的就是这个呀! • Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. • 谦卑的外表是最易使人上当的。
翻译技巧之反译法 Negation
1. Transfer of the Negative (否定转移)
(1). 把主句的否定转移到that从句
• think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine, fancy, reckon 引导的从 句,在英翻中时应使用否定转移 E.g. We don’t believe that our mother tongue is inferior to any other
Negative (肯定形式译成否英语句子中既没有否定词,如no, not, never, none, neither, nobody, nothing, nowhere , nowise, 也没有带有否 定前缀或后缀的词,如dis-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-, -less.



[1] 英汉两种语言习惯不同,有时英 语里正说的句子,译成汉语时不得 不处理成反说,反之亦然。所谓正 译,是指把句子按照与原语相同的 语序或表达方式译入目的语。所谓 反译则是指把句子按照与原语相反 的语序或表达方式译入目的语。正 说反译或反说正译的相互转换,其 目的主要有三个: 1. 明确语义。 2. 加强修辞。 3. 符合目的语习惯。

In the United States, everyone can buy a gun. (正译) In the United States, guns are available to everyone. (反译)
(2) 你可以从因特网上获得这一 信息。

You can obtain this information on the Internet. (正译) This information is accessible/available on the Internet. (反译)
English-Chinese Translation 8 Negation 正反、反正表达法
“英语和汉语均有从正面或反面来表 达一种概念的现象。翻译时,英语 里有些从下面表达的词或句子,译 文中可从反面来表达;英语里有些 从反面表达的词或句子,译文中又 可从正面来表达。”

正反、反正表达法有许多别称,如 反译法、词义反译法、反面着笔法、 语意反述法、正说反译,反说正译 法、肯否翻译法、逆向翻译法等等。

10. The evidence is conclusive, excluding all possibilities of doubt. 证据确凿,毋庸置疑。

11. Mr. White has refrained from making any official comment on the coup in that country.



3. 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。 Xu Beihong’s drawings (paintings) of horses are exceptionally good. 4. 林则徐认为, 要成功地禁止鸦片买卖,就 得首先把鸦片焚毁。 Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.
1) 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的, 非下苦 功不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 2) 一定要少说空话,多做工作。 There must be less empty talk and more hard work.
1. 重复法 (repetition) 2. 增译法 (amplification) 3. 减译法 (omission) 4. 词类转移法 (conversion) 5. 词序调整法 (inversion) 6. 分译法 (division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法 (negation) 8. 语态 变换法 (the change of the voices)
4. 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清请,凄凄惨惨戚戚;乍暖 还寒时侯,最难将息。 (译文1)
Seek, seek; search, search; Cold, cold; bare, bare; Grief, grief; cruel, cruel grief. Now warm, then like the autumn cold again, How hard to calm the heart!





2. 增译法(Amplification)和减译法(Omission)增加或减少原文的一些词。


3. 词类转译法(Conversion)由于两种语言在语法和习惯表达上的差异,在保证原文意思不变的情况下,译文必须改变词类,这种方法不仅指词类的改变,而且还包括词类作用的改变和一定词序的变化。

Eg:(1)n.→v. the promotion of gender equality 促进性别平等(2)adj.→v. be independent of society 脱离社会(3)v.→n. be characterized by 特点是(4)adj→n. eloquent and elegant 既有口才,又有风度(5)n.→adj. independent thinking独立思考的能力注:词类转移要遵守忠实与通顺的原则。

4. 词序调整法(Inversion)翻译时对词序作必要或必不可少的改变,并不只是纯粹的颠倒词序或倒装。

5. 正义反译,反义正译(Negation)为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法,或把原文中的否定说法变成译文中的肯定说法。

Eg: 正义反译:deny 否决,否定→不给予miss 错过→没赶上(交通工具);没听(看到)或没听(看懂)live up to one’s expectations 不(没)辜负……的希望divert attention from 将注意力从……移开→没有意识到be absent 未出席,没来far from 远非;完全不final 最终的→不可改变的idly 漫不经心地,无所事事地be at a loss 不知所措rather than/instead of 而不是absent-minded 心不在焉的but for 要不是;如果没有(2)反义正译no less than 实在是;正如;不少于no less…than 和……一样;不亚于no other than 只有;正是none other than (用以加强语气) 正是,恰恰是,不是别人,正是……nothing but 只有(是);只不过no choice but 别无选择,只(好)得unfold 展开,呈现disappear 消失,失踪carelessly 马马虎虎地,粗心地6. 分译法(Division)分译法主要用于长句的翻译。









其中,比较常用的就是不少研究翻译的书中提到的八种方法,即:1. Repetition 重译法;2. Amplification 增译法;3. Omission 减译法;4. Conversion 词类转译法;5. Inversion 词序调整法;6. Division 分译法;7. Negation 正说反译、反说正译法;8. the changes of the voices 语态变换法;在我国出版的不少关于翻译理论语技巧的论著中,其作者对于上述的英文表达有种种相应的汉语说法。

如:ampification——增益(钟述孔),增词法(张培基等),增译法(钱歌川),补译和增词(马祖毅),增文字(陈廷佑);omission ——省略法(钟述孔和张培基等),省译法(钱歌川),减词(马祖毅),减文字(陈廷佑);conversion——转换(钟述孔),词类转移法(张培基等),词类转换(马祖毅),语部变换法(香港:刘天民);inversion——词序调整(钟述孔),倒译法(钱歌川),倒译(马祖毅),颠倒顺序(陈廷佑);negation——正说反译、反说正译(钟述孔),正说、反说表达法(张培基等),正面着笔与反面着笔(马祖毅),改换说法(陈廷佑),反义译法(彭启良);division——长句拆译(钟述孔),分句、合句法(张培基等),拆译与并译(马祖毅),拆开句子(陈廷佑),长句的处理(彭启良);repetition——重复(钟述孔),重复法(张培基等),重译(马祖毅)。



翻译常用的八种技巧1.增译法、增词法:amplification2.重译法、重复法:repetition3.省译法、减词法:omission4.词性转换法、词类转移法:conversion5.正说反译、反说正译法:negation6.语态变换法:the change of the voices7.分译法、分句法(OPP:合句法):division8.语序调整法、词序调整法(顺序法与逆序法)inversion增词法译文中添加一些原文没有的词句,表面上看似不忠实于原文,但仔细分析就会发现这些增加的词句所表达的意思并非无中生有,而是隐含在原文中的。




例1 听到你平安的消息,非常高兴!译文: I was very glad on hearing that you were in safety!例2对不起,打扰一下!译文: Excuse me for interrupting you!(增补作宾语的代词you)例3 Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.译文:读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。

(译文中添补了谓语和宾语:增词法;重译法)例4:We won’t retreat, we never have and never will.译文:我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也绝不后退。

第三章 翻译常用的八种技巧(中)

第三章  翻译常用的八种技巧(中)





试对照每种倒装例句的英文及其译文:l.Interrogative inversion (疑问倒装):What did you do yesterday? (你昨天干什么?)2.Imperative inversion (命令倒装):“Speak you,” said Mr.Black, “speak you,good fellow!” (布莱克先生命令道:“说,说吧!伙计!”) 3.Exclamatory inversion (惊叹倒装):How dreadful is this place! (这地方好可怕啊!)4.Hypothetical inversion (假设倒装):Had you come yesterday,you could have seen him here.(要是你昨天来了,你就会在这里看到他的。

) 5.Balance inversion (平衡倒装):Through a gap came an elaborately described ray.(从一个空洞透出一束精心描绘的光线。

)6.Link inversion (衔接倒装):On this depends the whole argument. (整个争论都以此为论据。

)7.Signpost inversion (点题倒装)By strategy is meant some thing wider. (战略的意义比较广。



2.十种翻译技巧了解完四种翻译方法后,我们再来了解一下十种常用翻译技巧,即重复法(repetition),增词法(amplification),省略法(omission),词类转换法(conversion),词序调整法(inversion),拆译法(division),正说反译和反说正译法(negation),语态变换法(voice changes),引申法和句子成分转译法。


例子:1. You must ask the mother at home, the children in the street, the ordinary manin the market and look at their mouth, how they speak, and translate that way; then they’ll understand and see that you’re speaking to th em in German. (重复谓语动词)你一定要问一问家庭主妇们,问一问街头玩耍的孩子,问一问集市上做买卖的百姓,听听他们说些什么,他们如何说,你就如何译;这样他们就会理解,就会明白:你是在用德语和他们讲话。

2. We have to analyze and solve problems. (重复宾语)我们必须分析问题,解决问题。

3. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. (重复省略的部分) 无知是畏惧之源,羡慕之根。

4. But we still have defects, and very big ones. (指代内容的重复)但我们仍有不足,而且是很大的不足。



NegationIt is widely acknowledged that English and Chinese are totally different resulting from thousands of years of separation. Hence, a lot of attention must be paid to translating English sentences when we imply translation skills; suspended at the top of the list, as far as I am concerned, is negation. It is my own belief that a man who know little about the negation in English expression is liable to misunderstand the sentence, what is worse, you may get the utterly opposite idea. Therefore, I would like to analyse the negation in translation in the following aspects.To start with, a negative, in translation, may be transferred from one place to another. For example, we prefer to say “I don’t think he will win” rather than say “I think he will not win”. However, in Chinese, “我不认为他会赢” should give way to “我认为他不会赢”. In this sentence, the negative transfers from the main clause to the subordinate that-clause. Besides, the negative can be transfered in two more cases. For one thing, it can transfer from the finite verb to the adverbial, especially in adverbial clause of cause, eg: He did not come because he wanted to see me.(他来并不是因为想见我) For another, it can transfer to the verb from the other parts of the sentence.In addition, partial negation is another thing we should pay attention to. There are several patterns of partial negation, such as partial affirmative + not, not + full negative, not for nothing, etc. Take a sentence for example, “all men are not born to reign” means “not all men are born to reign”, in other words, some men are born to reign. While full negation is the traditional nagation which we are not likely to misconceive the meaning.When this kinds of sentences are confronted, what is needed is a realization that “no” is much stronger and consequently more emphatic than “not”.What is more, double negation amounts to affirmation. Double negation has two distinct forms: one indicating euphemism and the other emphasis. In the former, we weaken the statement; while in the latter, we strengthen it. Both of them can be translated in an affirmative tone. “Nothing is impossible to a willing mind(有志者,事竟成)” can illustrate this point very well.Furthermore, there are several invisible negative patterns. For example,“If only I met you”means “I haven’t met you”, “This is more than I can say” means “I cann’t say it in words”. Some euphemistic affirmation is equivalent to negation, eg: All music is alike to Tom, in other words, Tom is incapable of appreciating music. Some affirmative idioms also express negative meaning, for instance, “I will buy it” means “I have no idea”.Last but not least, we should take great caution in translating sentences which have negative phrases but express affirmative meaning. Eg. (1)The family were nothing if not happy(the family were fairly happy). (2)We can’t recommend this book strongly enough(we should recommend this book strongly).。








We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题。



,yet the parting must come at last.3.减译法deletion和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。






例如:A book is useful.书(是)有用(的)。


正说反译或反说正译的相互转换, 其目的主要有三个: 1. 明确语义。 2. 加强修辞。 3. 符 合目的语习惯。
注意:英语正面表达是指在原文中没有用no、not或 带否定意义前缀的词,如: dishonest, impossible, indirect 。 英语中有些词或短语常常正说反译,如: miss the bus( 没有赶上公共汽车 ) , live up to the Party's expectations( 不辜负党的期望 ) , be absent from the meeting( 没有出席会议 ) , a final decision( 不可改变的决定 ) , (be) at a loss ( 不知 所措 ) 等。 英语中有时原词所表达的并不是其字面意义, 而是其字面意义的反义,或者说是对其字面意义的 否定。例如: gas mask( 防毒面具 ) , riot police( 防暴警察 ) , crisis law( 反危机法案 )
他仍然没有弄懂我的意思。 正译: He still could not understand me. 反译: Still he failed to understand me. 无论如何,她算不上一位思维敏捷的学生。 正译: She can hardly be rated as a bright student. 反译: She is anything but a bright student. Please withhold the document for the time being. 正译: 请暂时扣下这份文件。 反译: 请暂时不要发这份文件。
Such mistakes couldn‘t long escape notice. 这类错误迟早会被发觉的. (三)有些否定表达在译成汉语时,为了符合目的语的语言习惯,则 需使用正译法. The examination left no doubt that the patient died of cancer. 检验结果清楚地表明病人死于癌症. Even so, I still insist that for the individual himself nothing is more important than this personal, interior sense of right and wrong. 即便如此,我仍坚持认为,对个人而言,最重要的莫过于这种根植于 个人心灵深处的是非感,以及坚决按这种是非感行事的决心. Hitler's undisguised effort to persecute the Jews met with world-wide condemnation. 希特勒对犹太人的露骨迫害行为受到全世界的谴责. Mr. Rumsfeld said the Soviet Union was unprecedentedly engaged in a missle-building program. 拉姆斯菲尔德说,苏联正以空前的规模推行制造导弹的计划.



The reverse translation method is not applicable to the translation of all negative expressions. For some negative expressions with specific cultural backgrounds or emotional colors, other translation techniques or methods may need to be used for translation.
The Negation Method of English Translation Techniq
Introduction to Reverse Translation Method The Application of Reverse Translation Method in English Translation Practice and Case Analysis of Reverse Translation Method Practice and improvement of reverse translation method Summary and Reflection
Reverse translation of negative intentions
Summary: There are some special negation structures in English, such as pre negation, post negation, etc. Reverse translation is a common technique for dealing with these structures.



2.十种翻译技巧了解完四种翻译方法后,我们再来了解一下十种常用翻译技巧,即重复法(repetition),增词法(amplification),省略法(omission),词类转换法(conversion),词序调整法(inversion),拆译法(division),正说反译和反说正译法(negation),语态变换法(voice changes),引申法和句子成分转译法。


例子:1. You must ask the mother at home, the children in the street, the ordinary man in the market and look at their mouth, how they speak, and translate that way; then they’ll understand and see that you’re speaking to them in German. (重复谓语动词)你一定要问一问家庭主妇们,问一问街头玩耍的孩子,问一问集市上做买卖的百姓,听听他们说些什么,他们如何说,你就如何译;这样他们就会理解,就会明白:你是在用德语和他们讲话。

2. We have to analyze and solve problems. (重复宾语)我们必须分析问题,解决问题。

3. Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. (重复省略的部分) 无知是畏惧之源,羡慕之根。

4. But we still have defects, and very big ones. (指代内容的重复)但我们仍有不足,而且是很大的不足。

8 negation

8 negation
8)This is a view which seems to escape the Prime Minister 首相似乎没有看到这一点 9)“If we lose our lives,then you’ll lose yours!”she said with a laugh 她笑着说,“要是我们的性命保不住,那你 的性命也是保不住的。”
10)If he had kept his temper,the negotiation would probably have been a success 假如他不发脾气,谈判很可能已经成功了 11)I know you hate me and I hate you. We’d better part right now 我知道你嫌我,我也恨你,我们马上分手吧
Reference Answers
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
我没能说服他,是他相信自己的错误 她简单地说,“他们全都不是好东西”。 要是不更努力些,你是不会成功的 不出所料,敌人果然自投罗网 小心!别碰到我的右臂 把鞋带系上,卢比 欲速则不达
到年底再下结论吧 9. 汤姆对音乐一窍不通 10. 我们对今后的计划一无所知 11. 他的工资总是不够花 12. 祖国不解放,她就不能袖手旁观 13. 格林小姐终日足不出户 14. 间谍们一直在监视我的行踪
7. 短语的反译 1)The islands found themselves far from ready to fight the war 岛民发现自己远远没有做好作战准备 2)We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust 我们相信年青一代将不会辜负我们的信任








We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题。



,yet the parting must come at last.3.减译法deletion和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。






例如:A book is useful.书(是)有用(的)。

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Negation: It is by no means a new value.
Self-service bookstand (affirmation, subjective action)
无人售书处 (negation, objective situation)
And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Formal: 毋庸置疑/ it is beyond doubt that (negation) Oral: 的的确确/ indeed (affirmation)
The Chinese astrologers have been saying that I should stay away from those Boars, Cocks, Dragons, and Rats.
Keanu Reeves is quiet and introverted. He attends almost no Hollywood parties and spends much of his free time playing base guitar with his bar band Dogstar when he might be promoting his movies. “I don’t want to be superfamous,” he said. “That would be awful.”
不让孩子们喝酒是不现实的,不过我们可以教给他们理智的方法,让他们在喝 酒时尽量不要伤害到自己和他人。
Animals’ Rights
1) The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. 2) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans or with no consideration at all. 3) This is a false choice. 4) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice. 5) Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake – a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans. 6) But the most elementary form of moral reasoning is to weight others’ interests against one’s own. 7) To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. 8) When that happens, it is not a mistake, it is mankind’s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.
赞美之辞能够化解日常交往中的种种摩擦。这一点在婚姻生活中表现得最为真 切。可惜的是,家庭也许恰恰是最不重视赞美的价值的地方。
Realistically kids are going to drink, but we can teach them responsible ways to drink and teach them ways to minimize harm on themselves and others.
六 正说反译、反说正译法 Antonymic Translation
Purpose: to adapt to the aesthetic interest, habit and value of the target language so as to make it more natural and fluent. French: C’est une valeur déjá ancienne. → Affirmation: It is an already old value.
严禁吸烟! 非请莫入! 少儿不宜。 请勿倒置! 甜而不腻。 无霜冰箱 请勿践踏草地! 油漆未干! 市区通道,严禁停车。 易燃物品,切勿近火。
Some of the English words or phrases are negative in meaning, but they have no negative words within. These words or phrases belong to covert negation. I dare him to jump. You are telling me! Keep it dark! She bears her age well. For all I care! It’s anyone’s guess. Your question beats me. 我量他也不敢跳。 这事还用你说? 这事不可泄露出去! 她一点也不显老。 这事我才不管呢。 这事谁也不清楚。 你这个问题令我迷惑不解。
We are quite ignorant of what he has in mind.
No smoking! Admission by Invitation Only. Adults only. Keep Upright! Agreeable Sweetness. A frost-free refrigerator Keep off the lawn! Wet paint! Urban clearway. inflammables– keep away from fire.
There will be hell to pay.
Pay attention to the variety of the style of writings:
Formal: 禁止张贴/ Posters Forbidden (affirmation) Oral: 不许张贴/ No Posters, Please (negation)
基努•里维斯性格文静内向,几乎不在好莱坞聚会中露面。他大部分的业余时间 不是用来推销自己的影片,而“我不想当超级名人,”他说,“那太吓人了。”
Praise helps to rub off the sharp edges of daily contact. Nowhere is thus truer than in marriage. Yet it is perhaps in the home that the value of praise is less appreciated than elsewhere.