t4 抱 闸 时 间 ( Breale off time)( 该时间设置要小于 2 秒)
1 、控制系统起动运行前,运行接触器( KDY)先输出,系统检 测到运行接触器反馈后才能开始起动运行时序,注意目前新 使用的天津第二继电器长生产的带自封星的接触器,给主板 X16反馈输入必须用主触点旁自带的辅助触点,不能使用外挂 的辅助触点,因为其自封星的结构,主触点行程较长,外挂 的辅助触点动作行程较短,容易造成起车时主板先检测到辅 助触点动作,输出使能方向,主触点还未完全闭合,会造成 拉弧。 2、T1时间:运行信号输入时间(Run input time), 该时间是系 统输出方向使能后,变频器运行信号反馈有效,系统延时该 设置时间后再开闸。在异步系统中使电机有足够的励磁及提 升负载补偿力矩时间,同步系统中使同步曳引机提升负载补 偿力矩。 3 、 T2 时间:提前开闸时间( brake on time),提前开闸时间 的意义是系统输出开闸后,延时该设置时间再给速度指令 (多段或模拟指令),该时间设置与现场闸张开时间为准, 避免闸未完全张开即给运行速度,造成带速起车;但现场调 试时,常常可以先将该时间设置较长,使电梯起车时维持一 定的零速运转时间,以便观察是否溜车或开闸时曳引轮不稳 定时立即起车。
方向 使能 段速 X19(J2) Y16(抱闸) t1=0 进双门区 t2′ t3(零速时间) t4 (Breale off time)
1、有些变频器,如西威变频器,需要段速与方向、使能同时 给出,才能实现使用平滑启动速度功能。又如米高等变频 器,必须要求段速与方向、使能同时给才能确认变频器运 行。可以设置FU12=ON,变频器方向使能速度给定同时输出。 由于主板速度在抱闸打开前已经给了速度,因此主板变频 器运行信号反馈时间必须设置为零(或设置FU10=ON),如 不设置为零变频器因已经有速度给定,可能在开闸前已经 起车运行,造成带速开闸。一般该种运行方式变频器反馈 的都时开闸信号,无须延时。 2、西威变频器,由爬行速度降为零段速时如同时撤除方向给 定(使能保留),变频器将运行末段减速时间,可以单独 调整停车平层减速时间,达到较好的停车舒适感。因此可 以设置FU13=ON,由爬行速度降为零段速时同时撤消方向给 定。 注意1:FU12、FU13并不是非要在西威变频器上使用,不使用 西威变频器也能正常运行,也能达到很好的效果。 注意2:FU12、FU13并不是要求同时使用,可以根据变频器的 要求分别使用。
蓝光激光器使用说明书为了更好的使用本产品,使用前请先认真阅读本说明书,并将其妥善保存,以备将来之用地址Add:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥东路1号,电子称科技园M7栋东4层电话Tel:(+86)-010-********一、产品描述1.1产品描述:产品名称为二极管泵浦全固体激光器(DPSSL),波长为445nm,输出功率可根据客户需要自主进行调节,功率输出范围是(0mW-500mW);交流电AC 输入范围是(90V-265V),具体操作可参照手册说明进行操作。
警告:本产品属于4类激光设备,直接的强激光照射可以对人体皮肤产生严重伤害,特别是将使眼睛致盲,调试操作人员必须具备激光安全防护的常识,工作中必须佩戴针对445nm 波长的专用激光防护眼镜。
超连续光源 SC-Pro 说明书
Supercontinuum SourcesSC-ProInstruction ManualRead this instruction manual carefully before operating the equipmentContentContent .......................................................................................... - 1 -Product Overview............................................................................. - 2 -1.Introduction................................................................................................................ - 2 -2.Basic configuration .................................................................................................... - 2 -3.Dimension (L*W*H) ................................................................................................. - 3 -Product Operation ........................................................................... - 3 -1.Unpacking and packing demonstration...................................................................... - 3 -2.Front panel’s function ................................................................................................ - 4 -3.Back panel’s function................................................................................................. - 5 -4.Collimated optics ....................................................................................................... - 6 -Panel Control .................................................................................. - 7 -1.Switch on the Laser.................................................................................................... - 7 -2.Switch off the Laser ................................................................................................... - 9 -3.Failure Alarm ........................................................................................................... - 10 -Remote Control.............................................................................. - 11 -1.Software setting ....................................................................................................... - 11 -2.Switch on the Laser.................................................................................................. - 11 -3.Switch off the Laser ................................................................................................. - 12 -Product Parameters ....................................................................... - 13 -1.Electrical characteristics .......................................................................................... - 13 -2.Optical characteristics .............................................................................................. - 13 -Daily Maintenance and Storage..................................................... - 13 -1.Clean and maintenance ............................................................................................ - 13 -2.Storage conditions.................................................................................................... - 13 -3.Operation condition ................................................................................................. - 13 -Safety considerations ..................................................................... - 14 -Contact Address............................................................................. - 15 -Warning: Strong reflected laser beam back into the SC output may damage the SC.If you need high visible light power,5MHz and more than 70% power would be suggest.If you need high pluse energy, 1MHz and more than 80% power would be suggest.The higher the power, the more stable the spectrum.Product Overview1.IntroductionSupercontinuum source SC-Pro is the latest high power supercontinuum laser with variable repetition rate. It delivers a wide spectral output ranging from 410nm to 2400nm with up to 4W total power. SC-Pro is a short pulse, MHz repetition rate source based on MOPA architecture providing excellent reliability and lifetime. High spectrum density over the whole spectrum makes it the ideal source for the various applications like fluorescence, nanophotonics, flow-cytometry, OCT and etc.2.Basic configuration3.Dimension (L*W*H)360mm*260mm*125mmProduct Operation1.Unpacking and packing demonstration Output Collimator2.Front panel’s functionA.Key Switch: Clockwise rotate 90 degrees to turn on the Laser,counterclockwise rotate 90 degrees to turn off;B.Touch Screen: Displays the parameters, control the system;C.Output Collimator: Collimated free space output.3.Back panel’s functionA.Power interface: Connect the power adapter to supply power;B.Interlock: Connect the Interlock (as following) when use the Laser;A. Power InterfaceB. InterlockC. SMA PortD. USB InterfaceInterlock Pin Definition:Pin8,Pin9 short circuit, Laser normalwork;Pin8,Pin9 disconnect, Laser warming,Error 8: InterLock alarmC.SMA port: The SMA interface will output a pulse square wave signalloaded 50Ω with the same pulse and the same frequency;B Interface: Connect the computer to control the Laser.4.Collimated opticsA.Collimated optics, output the lightB.SC output holder, mounting the SC outputC.Cover, cover the collimated opticsCoverCollimated opticsCautions:A strong reflected laser beam back into the output fiber may damage the laser.Please increase or decrease the power gradually to the maximum or minimum.Panel Control1.Switch on the Laser(1)Connect the Power Adapter, plug the Interlock, Screw off theOutput Collimator Cover. Then turn on the Key Switch , you can see(2) About 3 seconds later, switch to the following interface;Increase powerDecrease powerClick the “Repetition Rate”, Input the frequency.(3)Press the “ON/OFF” button, the “System Status” will display “Stp:1”, “Stp:2”, “Stp:3”, “Stp:4”, “Stp:5”, "ON" in turn;(4)Then you can just set up the Power from 0%→50%→100% gradually by the keyboard.* Change the frequency:(1)Decrease the power form 100%→50%→0%, press the “ON/OFF” to turn off the Laser;(2)Input the frequency;(3)Repeat the switch on the Laser step 3 and 4.2.Switch off the Laser(1)Decrease the power from 100%→50%→0% gradually; Press“ON/OFF”, and then “System Status” displays “OFF”;(2)Turn off the Key Switch;(3)Screw on the Output Collimator Cover;(4)Please disconnect the Power Adapter and Interlock while it’s in idle state for a long time.3.Failure AlarmAlarm description:Error 1-5: circuit module alarmError 6: frequency alarmError 7: temperature alarmError 8: InterLock alarmContact us immediately when the following happens:Remote Control1.Software settingBefore the operation, you should install the Laser USB driver, connect the Power Adapter and the Interlock and make sure the USB cable communicated well, Screw off the Output Collimator Cover.(1)Open the software as follow;(2)You could see the operational window.2.Switch on the Laser(1)Click the “Power On”;Replied “power onsuccessful”;(2)Input the Frequency, click the “Setting”; Replied “Freq set”;(3)Click the “Laser On”; Replied “Laser on”;(4)Input Power from 1% →50% →100% gradually, and click the “Setting” every time; Replied “Power set”.* Change the frequency:(1)Decrease the power form 100%→50%→1%, click the “setting” every time;Replied “Power set”;(2)click the “Laser Off”;(3)Input the frequency and click the “setting”;(4)Repeat the step 3 and 4.3.Switch off the Laser(1)Decrease the power from 100%→50%→1%gradually, and click the “Setting” every time; Replied“Power set”;(2)Click the “Laser off”;(3)Click the “Power off”;(4)Screw on the Output Collimator Cover;(5)Please disconnect the Power Adapter andInterlock while it’s in idle state for a long time.Product Parameters1.Electrical characteristicsINPUT:100~240V AC 50/60Hz 2APower dissipation:100~130W2.Optical characteristicsPlease see the test report for details.Daily Maintenance and Storage1.Clean and maintenancePlease cover the output head with the dust-cap to avoid dust pollution while it’s in idle;Keep the laser body clean, don’t let the body and power adapter touch water.2.Storage conditionsTemperature: 25 ℃(± 20 ℃), humidity : 60% or less.3.Operation conditionTemperature: 25 ℃(±5 ℃), humidity: 60% or less.Safety considerations1.Strong reflected laser beam back into the SC output maydamage the SC;2.Don’t direct looking at the output of the SC at any time in anycase;3.Don’t put things in the air passage in case it’s clogged;4.Don’t place heavy objects on the laser body;5.Don’t put the output collimator toward people or any other reflectivesurface in case causing any personal injury;6.Don’t check the laser directly with your eyes unless you sure thedevice is in power-down state while the laser may lunch infrared and ultraviolet light invisible but harmful to your eyes;7.Be sure that the laser is out of power before checking the device;8.Don’t stare at the emission port directly even you wear the laserprotective glasses;9.Don’t put any low ignition substance on the laser such as theflammable, explosive materials etc;10.Be sure that the laser is placed in non-professionals can’t touch;11.Don’t shoot the laser light to the glass since the normal glass withabout 4% reflectivity and reflect light back to your eyes to cause harm;12.Please take off your watch when you use the laser in case the watchsurface reflecting light into your eyes;13.Please use a detector or conversion film to locate the laser light sincethe light beyond 800nm is totally invisible;14.We strongly recommend that you should wear a pair of laser gogglescorresponding to laser in specific wavelength to protect your eyes when you using the laser for working;15.We recommend that you wear a long suit of white clothes. For it willnot burn your clothes then cause a fire even the laser irradiate to your body.Contact AddressWuhan Yangtze Soton Laser Co., Ltd.80# Fifth Hi-tech Avenue, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, P.R. ChinaTel: +86 27 87204039Fax: +86 27 87179217E-mail:**********************Web: 。
目录1 工程概况 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2各种类型时洪峰值 (1)1.3降水量 (2)1.4水利水能计算资料 (3)2 坝挡水坝段的稳定及应力分析 (4)3 坝高的计算 (9)4 冲沙闸设计计算 (11)5 进水口的计算 (12)6 沉砂池计算 (13)6.1沉砂池主要尺寸的拟定 (13)6.2沉沙池纵向底坡的计算 (17)7 引水隧洞的计算 (18)7.1隧洞尺寸设计计算 (18)7.2隧洞荷载计算与隧洞围岩稳定分析 (18)7.3隧洞衬砌设计计算结论 (20)8压力管道的计算 (21)8.1压力管道的布置 (21)8.2管径的拟定 (21)8.3压力管道的水力计算 (21)8.4水锤计算 (23)8.5管壁厚度的拟定 (24)9镇墩的计算 (26)9.1镇墩计算 (26)10水头损失计算 (30)10.1拦污栅水头损失 (30)10.2进水口连接渠道水头损失 (30)10.3进水口连接渠道转弯处局部水头损失 (31)10.4沉砂池渐变段的局部水头损失 (32)10.5沉砂池沿程水头损失 (32)参考文献 (33)致谢词 (34)独撰声明 (35)1 工程概况1.1 概述设计流域多在习水县境内,坝址距习水气象站也较近,因此,以习水气象站来说明设计流域的气象特征。
习水县的中部山区雨量较多,年降水量一般大于1150 mm ,西部、南部河谷地带雨量较少,一般不足1000 mm ,土城站降水量最少,仅776.7 mm ;热量较高,气温近似于赤水。
1.2 各种类型时洪峰值根据流域的杨家湾杨家湾坝址径流历年逐月平均流量表(见附录1表1-1),推算得的各种类型时洪峰值表1-2表1-2 杨家湾电站分期洪水成果表分期 暴雨统计参数不同频率设计值(3m /s ))(mm H =v CVSC C%5=P %10=P %20=P 11~4月 24.7 0.39 3.5 176 141 107 11~3月 16.7 0.55 3.5 125 93.0 64.6 12~4月 22.4 0.45 3.5 168 130 95.7 11~2月 15.1 0.67 3.5 128 89.1 57.4 12~3月 13.1 0.49 3.5 79.3 61.5 45.0 1~4月21.70.493.517113092.81.3 降水量表1-3 各站年降水量频率分析成果表河流名称 站 名 资料系列 系列年限)(mm Pv CVSC C习水河 官渡 1956~2001 46 1071.8 0.15 2.0 寨坝 1956~1996 41 974.6 0.15 2.0 习水1951~2001511101.10.152.0据习水气象站观测资料分析,多年平均降水量为1101.1 mm (其中5~8月占58.1%,4~9月占76.8%),日降水量P ≥0.1 mm 降水日数211.7天,P ≥25.0 mm 降水日数9.7天,P ≥50.0 mmm 降水日数2.1天,年最大一日降水量发生在1968年5月22日,日降水量达178.8 mm 。
Features:•Large and versatile viewing platform: 17 x 27.5 x 1.5 cm•Dual light conv eni ence with a blue AND white light setting•No UV light – safe for you, your students, and your DNA•Fan and ventilation prevent condensation•Orange contrast lid highlights fluorescent light•High density LED light layout for clear and even visualization•Hinged lids for easy gel access and no misplaced pieces!•3 year warrantyCat. #557TruBlu ™2 LED TransilluminatorOPERATION MANUALTable of ContentsINTRODUCTION2OPERATOR SAFETY3WARNINGS3USER MAINTENCE3GUARANTEE AND CONTACT INFORMATION3INSTRUCTIONS4SPECIFICATIONS 4IntroductionThe all-new TruBlu2™ LED Transilluminator is designed to meet the diverse needs of your dynamic biotechnology classroom!To accommodate the growing number of classroom safe DNA stains, we’ve created a visualizer that is both a blue lightbox, with an emission spectrum centered around 470 nm, and a white light transilluminator. The blue light and orange contrast lid are optimized for SYBR© Safe but will work with several other fluorescent dyes including tradi-tional Ethidium Bromide. The white light is ideal for viewing non-fluorescent gels that have a lower signal to noise ratio or high background staining.The large viewing area can accommodate gels of varying lengths, widths, and thicknesses. It also allows for the simultaneous viewing of multiple gels – great for large classes and for comparing and collaborating on results! However, the TruBlu2 is not just for electrophoresis! Both the large viewing area and dual light system make it great for viewing the results of bacteria transformation experiments, protein extractions, and a variety of colori-metric assays. Versatile and durable, it will be used by your classroom again and again.Developed in concert with the inventor of the technology under license from Clare Chemical Research, Inc.Hinged Blue and White Viewing SurfacesOrange Contrast Lid3 Setting Power Button Anti-Condensation Vents Power ConnectorOperator SafetyIt is important that only suitably trained personnel operate this equipment, in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual and with general safety standards and procedures. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by EDVOTEK®, it may damage the equipment and void the warranty. All EDVOTEK® units have been designed to conform to international safety requirements.Warnings•While the light wavelengths emitted by this product do not require specialized eyewear, the blue light is high intensity. DO NOT stare at the blue lights for a long period without the orange cover in place.•DO NOT open the outer housing of the transilluminator. This product should only be dismantled by properly trained professionals.•At all times, USE COMMON SENSE.•DO NOT submerge the transilluminator in liquids or pour liquids onto the transilluminator.•Whenever working with any type of stained DNA gel, WEAR disposable gloves.•The blue and white plates are scratch resistant but not scratch proof. DO NOT cut or use sharp objects on the plates. If you need to extract a band do so carefully and with a dull edge.User MaintenanceIn the unlikely event that you experience any problems with your unit that cannot easily be remedied, you should contact EDVOTEK® to explain the problem and obtain a Return Goods Authorization #. After obtaining the RGA #, return the unit if necessary and include any details of the fault observed. Remember to return the unit in its origi-nal packing. EDVOTEK® accepts no responsibility for damage to units that are not properly packed for shipping.•CleaningBefore cleaning your unit ALWAYS disconnect from the power supply. The unit can be cleaned by wiping witha lightly damp, soapy cloth. Care should be exercised to prevent water from running inside the unit. Do not useabrasive cleaners or strong solvents.GuaranteeThe unit is guaranteed against any defect in material or workmanship for three years. The warranty period is from the date of receipt, and within this period all defective parts will be replaced free of charge provided that the defect is not the result of misuse, accident or negligence. Servicing under this guarantee should be obtained from EDVOTEK®. Notwithstanding the description and specification(s) of the units contained in the User’s Manual, ED-VOTEK® hereby reserves the right to make such changes as it sees fit to the units or to any component of the units. This Manual has been prepared solely for the convenience of EDVOTEK® customers and nothing in this Instruction Book shall be taken as a warranty, condition or representation concerning the description, merchantability, fitness for purpose or otherwise of the units or components.Contact InformationFor technical, sales or servicing information, contact:EDVOTEK, Inc.,1121 5th Street NWWashington, DC 200011.800.EDVOTEKFax: 202.370.1501****************InstructionsIf you are visualizing fluorescently stained DNA gels/fluorescent colonies.1.Place unit on a flat surface. For optimum viewing do not use the TruBlu2 near a window or in a place of highambient light.2.Plug the unit into a grounded outlet using the appropriate plug (110 or 220V).3.Open the orange lid.4.Place the objects (gels, petri plates, etc.) onto the blue plate of the lightbox.5.Close the orange lid.6.Turn on the blue light by adjusting the switch to the top setting (blackcircle).7.Visualize your results and/or take a picture with your phone, tablet, orcamera.8.Turn off the blue light by adjusting the switch to the middle setting(empty circle).9.Lift the orange lid and remove the objects.10.Clean the blue plate using a soft tissue or towel and distilled water.If you are visualizing non-fluorescently stained DNA gels or other objects.1.Place unit on a flat surface. For optimum viewing do not use the TruBlu2 near a window or in a place of highambient light.2.Plug the unit into a grounded outlet using the appropriate plug (110 or 220V).3.Open the orange lid and the blue plate.4.Place the objects (gels, petri plates, etc.) onto the white plate of the lightbox.5.Turn on the white light by adjusting the switch to the bottom setting(white circle).6.Visualize your results and/or take a picture with your phone, tablet, orcamera.7.Turn off the white light by adjusting the switch to the middle setting(empty circle).8.Clean the white plate using distilled water.Specifications•Blue Light Wavelength: 470 nm•LED Life: 50 000 hours•Power: 110 or 220 outlet•Max Gel Size: 17 cm x 27.5 cm x 1.5 cm。
蓝光工程量计算稿说明书 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII蓝光工程量计算稿使用手册目录前言第一章软件的安装、卸载1.1软件的运行环境1.2软件的安装1.3软件的卸载第二章软件购买与注册2.1软件购买2.2软件注册2.3定额库注册第三章软件入门操作3.1文件操作3.2编辑操作3.3表达式录入详解3.4软件常用工具使用3.5工程变量明细3.6自定义变量3.7定额数据维护3.8系统设置第四章软件高级操作技巧4.1符号栏使用4.2软件内置函数4.3自定义常用函数4.4变量求和规则4.5汇总求和详细应用4.6综合技巧4.7构件算量4.8在线升级4.9常用快捷键第五章软件更新记录前言蓝光工程量计算主要用于辅助建筑概预结算人员完成项目工程量的计算。
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D)Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^、PI等等。
根据《建筑给水排水设计规范》(GB 50015-2003)规定:高层建筑生活给水竖向分区应符合下列要求:
⑴各分区最低卫生器具配水点处的净水压不宜大于0.45MPa,特殊情况下不大于0.55MPa。为了宾馆房间用户使用舒适,采用0.35 MPa左右为分区压力。
3 )气压罐给水方式
蓝光地理信息系统用户手册目录第一章系统概况 (1)第二章用户界面和基本操作 (4)2.1概述 (4)2.2安装与启动 (4)2.3主控界面的组成 (5)2.3.1 图形区域 (6)2.3.2 资源管理窗口 (6)2.3.3 下拉菜单系统 (7)2.3.4 坐标状态显示区 (7)2.3.5 工具栏 (7)2.3.6 命令选项和参数输入区域 (7)2.4基本操作 (7)2.4.1 常用键的操作 (7)2.4.2 右键直接操作功能 (8)2.4.3 汉字输入 (9)第三章文件操作 (10)3.1新建 (10)3.2打开一幅图 (12)3.3存盘 (13)3.4另存为 (14)3.5设置打印机 (15)3.5.1 选择打印机 (16)3.5.2 设置打印纸张 (18)3.6打印 (20)3.6.1 普通打印 (21)3.6.2 高级打印(消隐打印) (22)3.6.3 自动分页打印 (22)3.6.4 空心打印 (22)3.7图形导出 (22)3.8退出 (24)第四章显示控制 (25)4.1放大一级 (25)4.2缩小一级 (25)4.5移动全图 (26)4.6开窗放大 (27)4.7显示全图 (27)4.8搜索定位对象 (27)4.9实时缩放对象 (28)第五章绘图基础 (29)5.1设置绘图单位 (29)5.2设置图形参数 (29)5.2.1 坐标网格页面 (30)5.2.2 “剖面(中段)图参数”页面 (31)5.3坐标调整 (31)5.3.1 测量距离 (32)5.3.2 尺度变换 (32)5.3.3 选参考点 (33)5.3.4 移动坐标 (33)5.3.5 旋转图形 (34)5.3.6 测直线倾角 (34)5.3.7 坐标校正 (34)5.3.8 测直线方位角 (35)5.4图层 (35)5.4.1 创建新图层 (36)5.4.2 设置当前层 (37)5.4.3 删除图层 (38)5.4.4 删除图层中图素 (38)5.4.5 显示/关闭图层 (39)5.4.6 拾取图层 (39)5.4.7 查看图层 (39)5.5设置颜色 (39)5.5.1 设置绘图颜色 (40)5.5.2 设置背景颜色 (41)5.6设置线型 (41)5.7设置线宽 (42)5.8设置字体 (42)5.9设置光标符号 (43)5.10设置高级线型 (44)5.11设置多重线型 (47)5.12设置标注箭头类型 (50)5.13设置打印窗口 (50)6.2设置岩性符号 (51)6.3按比例调整对象 (53)6.4设置地质层序 (53)6.5设置剖面顺序 (54)6.6地质年代层序 (55)6.7比例符号对照表 (56)6.8比例注记对照表 (58)第七章几何作图 (60)7.1作点 (61)7.1.1 普通点 (62)7.1.2 直线上的分点 (62)7.1.3 两图素的交点 (63)7.1.4 捕获圆(弧)圆心 (63)7.1.5 圆(弧)上的点 (63)7.1.6 直线等分点 (63)7.1.7 圆(弧)等分点 (63)7.1.8 直线上的定长点 (64)7.1.9 作相对点 (64)7.2画矩形 (64)7.3作直线 (65)7.3.1 单段直线 (65)7.3.2 过点作直线的平行线 (67)7.3.3 作直线定距的平行线 (67)7.3.4 过点作曲(直)线的法线 (67)7.3.5 过点作与直线成一夹角的线 (67)7.3.6 过点作圆的切线 (67)7.3.7 作圆的具有一定角度的切线 (67)7.3.8 作两圆的同侧公切线 (68)7.3.9 作两圆的异侧公切线 (68)7.4作圆 (68)7.4.1 普通圆 (69)7.4.2 作与三圆外切的圆 (70)7.4.3 作已知圆心与一直线相切的圆 (71)7.4.4 作已知半径与两直线相切的圆 (71)7.4.5 作与三直线相切的圆 (72)7.4.6 作已知半径与一圆一直线外切的圆 (72)7.4.7 作过两点与一圆相切的圆 (72)7.4.8 作过两点与一直线相切的圆 (73)7.4.10 作与两圆外切一圆内切的圆 (73)7.4.11 作与两圆一直线外切的圆 (74)7.4.12 作与两圆一直线内切的圆 (74)7.4.13 作与两直线一圆相切的圆 (74)7.4.14 作已知半径与两套圆内切的圆 (75)7.4.15 作已知半径与两套圆内外切的圆 (75)7.4.16 作已知半径与一圆一直线内切的圆 (76)7.4.17 作已知半径与两交圆内切的圆 (76)7.5作圆弧 (77)7.5.1 普通圆弧 (77)7.5.2 作圆弧与两圆内切 (82)7.5.3 作圆弧与两圆外切 (82)7.5.4 作圆弧与一圆内切一圆外切 (83)7.5.5 作与线(弧)相切于一端点的弧(已知弦长) (83)7.5.6 作与线(弧)相切于一端点的弧(已知半径、圆心角) (83)7.6作椭圆 (84)7.6.1 画椭圆 (84)7.6.2画椭圆弧 (84)7.7画多重线 (85)7.8画多义线 (86)7.9连续曲线 (86)7.10画多边形 (88)7.11作特殊图素 (90)7.11.1 波浪线 (90)7.11.2 断折线 (91)7.11.3 斜矩形 (91)7.11.4 画线槽 (91)7.11.5 画圆槽 (92)7.11.6 阵列插入图符 (92)7.11.7 躲避洞 (93)7.11.8 画标尺 (93)7.11.9 添加填充图例 (93)7.11.10 添加符号图例 (94)7.11.11 添加线型图例 (94)7.11.12 画齿线 (94)7.12多边形运算 (95)7.12.1 差运算 (95)7.12.2 并运算 (96)7.12.3 交运算 (96)8.2取消基点 (97)8.3极轴追踪 (98)8.4平行追踪 (98)8.5捕获端点 (98)8.6捕获中点 (99)8.7捕获交点 (100)8.8捕获中心点 (100)8.9捕获分点 (101)8.10捕获切点 (101)8.11捕获垂点 (102)8.12捕获插入点 (103)8.13捕获单点 (103)8.14捕获最近点 (103)8.15取消捕获 (103)8.16设置全程捕获 (103)第九章尺寸标注 (105)9.1水平标注 (105)9.2垂直标注 (108)9.3角度标注 (110)9.4倾斜长度标注 (112)9.5半径标注 (112)9.6直径标注 (113)9.7线间距离标注 (114)9.8圆弧标注 (115)9.9引线标注 (115)9.10修改标注内容 (116)9.11调整标注位置 (116)第十章图形编辑 (117)10.1选取对象 (119)10.1.1 直接选择(点选) (119)10.1.2 按对象选目标 (120)10.1.3 窗口选目标 (120)10.1.4 按颜色选目标 (122)10.1.5 按层选目标 (122)10.1.6旋转目标 (123)10.1.7缩放目标 (125)10.2图形编辑 (126)10.2.3 移动对象 (128)10.2.4 调整对象 (129)10.2.5 镜像复制 (130)10.2.6 阵列复制 (131)10.2.7 改变目标属性 (133)10.2.8 等距偏移 (135)10.2.9 打断对象 (136)10.2.10 清除多线 (139)10.2.11 清除点 (139)10.2.12 删除点 (139)10.2.13 分解所有对象 (139)10.2.14 单选分解 (140)10.2.15 快速修剪 (140)10.2.16 延伸操作 (142)10.2.17 倒圆角 (144)10.2.18 倒直角 (145)10.2.19 拉伸操作 (145)10.2.20 齐边操作 (146)10.2.21 编辑基本图素 (146)10.2.22 调整多边形和多段线 (147)10.2.23 撤消操作 (147)10.2.24 重复操作 (147)10.2.25 位图操作 (147)第十一章文字 (150)11.1文字字体 (150)11.2添加单行文本 (151)11.3添加多行文本 (153)11.4编辑文字对象 (156)11.5调整文本 (157)11.6复制文本 (158)11.7修改文字特性 (158)11.8沿曲线布置文本 (160)11.9设置字体大小 (161)11.10设置字体对齐方式 (163)第十二章块操作 (164)12.1定义块 (164)12.2保存块 (164)12.5粘贴块 (165)12.6迭加块 (165)12.7删除块 (166)12.8多目标转为块 (166)12.9显示层变为块 (166)12.10反裁剪块 (166)12.11两图形之间块操作 (167)第十三章图元与属性块 (168)13.1定义图元 (168)13.2插入图元 (169)13.3删除图元 (170)13.4调整图元 (170)13.5复制图元 (170)13.6修改图元 (171)13.7阵列插入图元 (171)13.8设备 (172)13.8.1画设备 (172)13.8.2 删除设备 (173)13.8.3调整设备 (173)13.8.4旋转设备 (174)13.8.5设置设备容器 (174)13.8.6整理设备编号 (174)13.8.7恢复设备原形 (174)13.9属性块(属性图元) (175)13.9.1 制作属性块(属性图元) (175)13.9.2 插入属性块 (176)13.9.3 调整属性块 (176)13.9.4 修改属性内容 (177)13.9.5 调整属性位置 (177)13.9.6 删除属性块 (177)第十四章图案填充和边界 (178)14.1定义填充边界(定义区域) (178)14.2图案填充操作 (178)14.2.1设置充填类型 (178)14.2.2指定填充边界(定义区域)并填充 (185)14.3删除填充图案 (186)14.4编辑填充图案 (187)14.5.1 添加或取消背景色与前景色: (189)14.6调整剖面层序 (190)14.6.1 把剖面线调整到最底层 (190)14.6.2 把剖面线作后退一层调整 (190)14.6.3 把剖面线作提前一层调整 (191)14.6.4 把剖面线调整到顶底层 (191)第十五章自动添加图框图签 (192)15.1自动添加图签图框 (192)15.2指定点添加图签 (193)第十六章图形处理 (194)16.1三维化矢量巷道 (194)16.2拼接图形 (197)16.2.1 旋转图形 (197)16.2.2 按实际坐标校正图形 (197)16.2.3 拼接图形 (199)16.3迭加位图 (200)16.4旋转目标 (201)16.5缩放目标 (203)第十七章查询与统计 (204)17.1按长度计算最短路 (204)17.2求点缓冲区 (205)17.3求线路缓冲区 (205)17.4求区域缓冲区 (206)17.5按距离计算最短路 (207)第十八章数据库 (208)18.1编辑对象数据库 (208)18.2创建数据库 (211)18.3配置数据库 (213)18.4查找和打印记录 (214)18.4.1查找 (214)18.4.2 打印记录 (216)18.5数据导入操作 (219)第十九章属性配置 (224)19.1单个封闭对象的属性配置 (224)19.1.1 建筑物的属性配置 (224)19.1.4 采空区的属性配置 (225)19.2有多个图素组成对象的属性配置 (226)19.3编辑属性 (226)19.3.1 区域属性 (227)19.3.2 节点(设备)属性 (228)19.3.3 线路属性 (229)19.3.4 信息点属性 (229)19.3.5 特征点属性 (229)19.3.6 图素属性 (229)19.4超级关联 (230)19.4.1区域关联 (230)19.4.2节点(设备)管理 (231)19.4.3线路关联 (232)19.4.4信息点关联 (232)19.4.5特征点关联 (233)19.4.6图素关联 (234)19.5关联查询 (235)19.6其它 (235)19.6.1查询区域边界 (235)19.6.2查询区域范 (236)19.6.3计算区域面积 (236)19.6.4修改线路参数 (236)19.6.5修改设备参数 (237)19.6.6选择设备标注 (238)19.6.7计算多边形面积 (238)19.6.8移动设备和节点 (238)19.6.9设施是否随线路移动 (238)19.6.10统计设备和线路总数 (239)第二十章电子沙盘 (240)20.1地面模型 (240)20.1.1 建立图层 (240)20.1.2.收集数据 (240)20.1.3 数据处理 (243)20.2按体三维化地面建筑 (246)20.3按面三维化地面建筑 (246)20.4二维到三维圈矿 (247)20.5三维剖面图形 (251)20.6三维对象迭加 (252)21.1文件操作 (255)21.1.1 打开文件 (255)21.1.2 另存为 (257)21.1.3 保存BMP图形文件格式 (257)21.1.4 退出 (258)21.2图形变换 (259)21.2.1旋转图形 (259)21.2.2 平移图形 (259)21.2.3 缩放图形 (260)21.3视觉效果 (260)21.3.1 线框图 (261)21.3.2 填充图形 (261)21.3.3 背景颜色 (263)21.3.4 光源 (264)21.3.5 纹理显示 (264)21.3.6 显示坐标轴 (265)21.4属性管理 (265)21.4.1 物体拾取 (265)21.4.2 设置属性 (266)21.4.3 设置连接 (267)21.4.4 连接属性 (267)21.4.5 属性察看 (268)21.4.6三维漫游 (268)第二十二章系统设置 (269)22.1整理数据库 (269)22.2自动存盘 (270)22.3自动备份 (270)22.4清除数据库 (271)22.5模拟显示和停止模拟 (271)22.6注册 (271)第一章系统概况近年来,随着计算机技术、信息技术以及网络技术的成熟和飞速发展,计算机辅助管理也得到了充分的发展和应用。
LT40 白色 LED 光照度计 用户手册说明书
MANUAL DE USUARIOMedidor (Luxómetro) de luz LED blancaModelo LT40Traducciones del Manual del Usuario disponibles en IntroducciónAgradecemos su compra del Luxómetro LED LT40 de Extech para medir la intensidad de la luz de fuentes LED blanca. El LT40 también puede medir luz de fuentes fluorescentes, halogenuros metálicos, sodio de alta presión e incandescentes. El LT40 puede medir la luz hasta 40,000 Fc (400,000 Lux). Este instrumento se embarca probado y calibrado y con uso apropiado le proveerá muchos años de servicio confiable. Por favor Visite nuestra página en Internet () para descargar la versión más reciente de esta Guía del Usuario, actualizaciones de producto y Soporte al Cliente.Características∙Indicación de sobre carga: La LCD indica "OL".∙Indicación de batería débil.∙Frecuencia de actualización de pantalla: 2.5 veces por segundo.∙Ángulo Coseno corregido.∙Mide LED de luz blanca.∙Mide la intensidad de iluminación en Lux o bujías‐pie.∙Retención de datos inmoviliza la lectura presentada.∙Retención de lectura máxima / promedio / mínima∙Ajuste de calibración a cero.∙Apagado automático desactivable.∙Escala automática.Seguridad∙No utilice el medidor en ambientes en los que los siguientes estén presentes: gases explosivos (o materiales), gases combustibles (o materiales), vapor o polvo.∙No toque por ningún motivo la tarjeta de circuitos del medidor ya que la electricidad estática o la contaminación pueden dañar los componentes sensibles.∙Solamente para uso en interiores. Este instrumento ha sido diseñado para el grado de contaminación 2.∙Altitud de funcionamiento: Hasta 2000m (7000’).Descripción del medidor1.Foto detector (quite la cubierta protectora para2.Pantalla (LCD)3.Botones de control4.Botón de encendido: ON/OFFEl compartimiento de la batería y base para trípode se encuentran atrás del instrumentoDescripción de botones pulsador1.Selector de unidades Lux / Fc2.Botón de calibración CERO3.Botón de memoria máxima / promedio / mínima4.Botón para retención (HOLD) de datosOperaciónBotón de encendido y apagado (ON/OFF)Presione largo el botón de encendido para encender el medidor. Para apagar el medidor, presione momentáneamente el botón de encendido.Toma de mediciones1.Encienda el medidor y retire la cubierta protectora del sensor para exponer el domo sensorde luz. La pantalla debe encender, si no, compruebe que las baterías estén instaladas ycargadas.2.El medidor mide la intensidad de la luz (iluminación) que impacta la cúpula del sensor enbujías pie y unidades lux (1 fc = 10.76 lux), que muestra el valor medido en la pantalla LCD.3.Coloque el medidor y la fuente de luz de manera que la luz impacte directamente la cúpuladel sensor (perpendicular) con el menor ángulo posible. pantalla del medidor puede mostrar un valor de hasta 9999. Sin embargo, para laslecturas que representan mediciones superiores a esto, el medidor utiliza la función x10 o x1000. Por ejemplo, para representar una medida de 11,000 fc el medidor indicará 1100 con el indicador x10.Apagado automáticoPara ahorrar batería, el medidor se apagará automáticamente después de aproximadamente 12 minutos de inactividad.Activar / desactivar apagado automáticoMientras el medidor está encendido, presione largo el botón de encendido para desactivar la función de apagado automático; el símbolo del reloj se apagará. Para activar la función de apagado automático, repita este proceso.Botón LUX / FCPresione el botón LUX / FC para alternar entre unidades de medida Lux y FC (Bujías‐pie).Botón MÁX/MINEl medidor puede registrar la lectura máxima, mínima y promedio como se describe a continuación:1.Presione momentáneamente el botón "MAX / MIN" y el medidor empezará a rastrear lasmedidas máximas / promedio / mínima; el icono "MAX" aparecerá en la parte superior de la pantalla LCD indicando que el medidor está mostrando la lectura máxima. La lectura nocambiará hasta que se haya registrado una lectura más alta.2.Presione el botón "MAX / MIN" otra vez para cambiar de "MAX" a "AVG", donde el medidormostrará el valor promedio de las mediciones. El icono "AVG" aparecerá por encima delvalor mostrado.3.Presione el botón "MAX / MIN" otra vez para cambiar el modo de "AVG" a "MIN", donde elmedidor mostrará el valor mínimo medido. Se mostrará el icono "MIN".4.Presione el botón "MAX / MIN" otra vez para cambiar de "MIN" a "MAX”.5.Para salir de este modo, mantenga presionado el botón "MAX / MIN" durante al menos 2segundos. Los iconos MAX / AVG / MIN se deben apagar todos cuando la unidad vuelve al modo de funcionamiento normal.Botón 'Hold' para retención de datosPresione el botón HOLD para inmovilizar la lectura actual en la pantalla LCD. Presione el botón HOLD de nuevo para soltar la lectura. En modo retención, la LCD muestra HOLD. Procedimiento de calibración cero1.Asegúrese de que la cubierta de protección está sujetada al sensor de luz.2.Encienda el medidor y la pantalla LCD debe mostrar '0’.3.Presione corto el botón "CAL ZERO" para ejecutar el ajuste a cero (CAL aparece en la pantalla).4.CAL se apagará al terminar la calibración.5.Si la tapa protectora no está cubriendo el sensor al iniciar la calibración CERO, la pantalla LCDindicará "CAP”. En este caso, por favor, cubra el sensor con la tapa y repita este procedimiento.Consideraciones de medición y sugerencias para los usuarios∙ Para mayor precisión permita que la luz a medir entre directamente en el sensor lo más perpendicular posible con un ángulo mínimo de incidencia.∙ Cuando el medidor no esté en uso, por favor mantenga la tapa protectora en su lugar sobre el sensor de luz. Esto prolongará la vida útil del sensor.∙Cuando se va a almacenar el medidor durante mucho tiempo, por favor, quite las pilas y guardarlas por separado. Las baterías pueden tener derrames y causar daños a los componentes del medidor.∙Evite las áreas de alta temperatura y humedad al utilizar este instrumento.Reemplazo de la batería y MantenimientoLimpieza y almacenamiento1. El domo de plástico blanco del sensor deberá limpiarse con un paño húmedo cuando seanecesario. Use sólo un jabón suave si es necesario. No use solventes, abrasivos o detergentes fuertes para limpiar el domo.2. Guarde el medidor en un área con temperatura y humedadrelativa moderadas.Reemplazo de la bateríaCuando la energía de la batería cae a un nivel crítico, en la LCD aparece el símbolo de batería baja “ Reemplace las 2 pilas AAA de 1.5 V en el compartimiento de baterías.1. Para quitar la tapa del compartimiento de las baterías (verdiagrama) presione la traba de la tapa 2. Deslice la tapa en la dirección de la flecha.Instale dos (2) baterías ‘AAA’ de 1.5V observando la polaridad correcta y coloque y asegure la tapa con la traba antes de usar el medidor.Nunca deseche las baterías usadas o baterías recargables en la basura de la casa . Como consumidores, los usuarios están obligados por ley a llevar las pilas usadas a los sitios adecuados de recolección, la tienda minorista donde se compraron las baterías, o dondequiera que se venden baterías.Disposición: No deseche este instrumento en la basura de la casa. Elusuario está obligado a llevar los dispositivos al final de su vida útil a un punto de recolección designado para el desecho de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos.Recordatorios de seguridad de bateríaso Deshágase de las baterías de manera responsable, respete las normas locales, estatales y nacionales. o Nunca arroje las baterías al fuego; las baterías pueden explotar o derramarse. oNunca mezcle tipos de pilas diferentes, instale pilas nuevas del mismo tipo.Fuente de luz a 0 gradosEspecificacionesUnidades Rango Resolución PrecisiónLux999.9 0.1LED blanco:± (3% lectura + 3 Lux) hasta 500 Lux± (3% lectura) >500 LuxOtras fuentes de luz visible: No especificado 9,999 199,990* 10400,000* 100Bujías pie99.99 0.01LED blanco:± (3% lectura + 0.3 Fc) hasta 46 Fc± (3% lectura) >46 FcOtras fuentes de luz visible: No especificado 999.9 0.19,999 140,000* 10* Las lecturas mayores a 9999 usan un multiplicador x10 o x100 (1 Fc = 10.76 Lux)Ángulo de desviación de las características decoseno 30° ±2% 60° ±6% 80° ±25%Especificaciones generalesFrecuencia de muestreo 2.5 veces por segundo (pantalla digital)Foto detector Foto diodo de silicio con corrección del cosenoPantalla LCD de 4 dígitos (visualización máxima: 9999) con icono debatería baja, sobrecarga, medición y otros indicadores defunciónEscala automática Ajuste automático de la escala de la pantalla Condiciones de operación Temperatura: 5 a 40o C (41 a 104o F); Humedad: < 80% HR Condiciones de almacenamiento Temperatura: ‐10 a 60o C (14 a 140o F); Humedad: < 70 %RH Indicador de batería débil “ en LCD cuando el voltaje de la batería esdemasiado bajoTipo de LED La luz LED blancaFuente de alimentación 2 baterías “AAA" de x 1.5VVida de la batería Aproximadamente 200 horasApagado automático El medidor se apaga después de 12 minutos de inactividad Dimensiones 133 x 48 x 23mm (5.2 x 1.9 x 0.9”)Peso 250g. (8.8 oz) Incluidas las bateríasApéndicesNiveles típicos de luz (1 Fc = 10.76 Lux)Lux Bujías pie Lux Bujías pieFábricas Hogar 20‐75 2‐7 Escaleras de emergencia,Almacén100‐150 10‐15 Lavandería75‐150 7‐15 Pasillos de Entrada/Salida 150‐200 15‐20 Actividadesrecreativas 150‐300 15‐30 Trabajo de embalaje 200‐300 20‐30 Estudio, Mesa 300‐750 30‐75 Trabajo visual Línea deproducción300‐500 30‐50 Maquillaje750‐1,500 75‐150 Tipografía: Trabajo de inspección500‐1,500 50‐150 Lectura, Estudio 1,500‐3,000 150‐300 Montaje electrónico , Dibujo 1,000‐2,000 100‐200 Costura Oficinas Restaurante 75‐100 7‐10 Escaleras internas de emergencia75‐150 7‐15 Pasillo de escaleras 100‐200 10‐20 Pasillo de escaleras 150‐300 15‐30 Entrada,Lavabo200‐750 20‐75 Conferencia,Recepción 300‐750 30‐75 Cocina, mesa decomedor750‐1,500 75‐150 Trabajo de oficina 750‐1,500 75‐150 Aparador1,500‐2,000 150‐2000 Mecanografía, dibujo Tienda Hospital 75‐150 7‐15 Interior 30‐75 3‐7 Escaleras deemergencia 150‐200 15‐20 Pasillo/Escaleras 75‐100 7‐10 Escaleras200‐300 20‐30 Recepción 100‐150 10‐15 Enfermería,Almacén 300‐500 30‐50 Estante para exhibición 150‐200 15‐20 Cuarto de espera 500‐750 50‐75 Elevador 200‐750 20‐75 Cuarto de examenmédico750‐1,500 75‐150 Aparador,Mesa para empaque750‐1,500 75‐150 Quirófano1,500‐3,000 150‐300 Fachada, Aparador 5,000‐10,000500‐1000 Inspección ocularCopyright © 2013‐2017 FLIR Systems, Inc.All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any formISO‐9001 Certified。
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
1.管网布置形式 给水管网的布置应满足以下要求: ① 按照城市规划平面图布置管网, 布置时应考虑给水系统分期建设的可能, 并留有充分的发展余地; ② 管网布置必须保证供水安全可靠,当局部管网发生事故时,断水范围应 减到最小; ③ 管线遍布在整个给水区,保证用户有足够的水量和水压; ④ 力求以最短距离敷设管线,以降低管网造价和供水能量费用。 综合以上各项考虑,采用环状网布置。在环状网中,管线连接成环形,当其 中任一管段损坏时,可以关闭附近阀门使和其余管线断开,然后进行检修,水还 可以从另外的管线供应用户,断水的区可以缩小,从而供水可靠性增加,同时还 可以大大减轻因水锤作用产生的危害。
f. 输配水管路线的选择应考虑近远期结合个分期实施的可能。 g. 城市供水应采用管道或暗渠输送原水。当采用明渠时,应采取保护水质 和防止水量流失的措施。 h. 输配水管渠的走向与布置应考虑与城市现状及规划的地下铁道、地下通 道、人防工程等地下隐蔽性工程的协调与配合。 i. 当地形起伏较大时, 采用压力输水的输水管线的竖向高程布置, 一般要求 在不同工况输水条件下,位于输水水力坡降以下。 j. 在输配水管渠线路选择时,应尽量利用现有管道,减少工程投资,充分发 挥现有设施作用。
3、城市总体规划概况 该区为国家级工业园区。现有工矿企业 1000 多家,主要以 IT 电子制造、机 械制造、 食品加工等为该市主要工业部门。有大专院校及科研设计单位和国际教 育园区。其中设计的某区资料如下: 表 2-1 项目 设计人口 人均用水量标准 (最高日) 最大日时变化系数 工厂 A(m3/d) 工厂 B(万 m3/d) 工厂 C(万 m3/d) 工厂 D(万 m3/d) 一般工业用水 占生活用水% 第三产业用水 占生活用水% 90 100 190 180 近期 120000 240 1.2 5440 1.0 0.6 2.0 远期 160000 240 1.2 6000 1.2 0.8 1.8
2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
RFL-B500D 蓝光 500W 光纤输出半导体激光器 使用说明书
RFL-B500D蓝光500W光纤输出半导体激光器使用说明书目录1安全信息 (3)1.1安全标识 (3)1.2激光安全等级 (3)1.3安全标识 (4)1.4光学安全 (5)1.5电学安全 (5)1.6其他安全注意事项 (5)2产品介绍 (6)2.1产品特性 (6)2.2型号说明 (6)2.3装箱清单 (7)2.4开箱及检查 (7)2.5运行环境 (8)2.6注意事项 (9)2.7产品性能 (9)3安装说明 (11)3.1输出头的尺寸与安装 (12)3.2冷却系统安装与要求 (12)3.3安装注意事项 (13)4产品的使用 (14)4.1前后面板 (15)4.2电源连接 (17)4.3接口定义 (17)4.4激光器工作模式及控制方式 (23)4.5激光器启动操作流程 (24)4.6控制方式的选择 (24)4.7红光控制 (31)4.8关机操作顺序 (31)5常见故障及处理措施 (31)5.1告警显示 (31)5.2告警处理措施 (31)6质保及返修、退货流程 (33)6.1一般保修 (33)6.2保修的限定性 (33)6.3技术支持及产品维修 (33)感谢您选择无锡锐科光纤输出半导体激光器,本使用说明书为您提供了重要的安全、操作、维护及其它方面的信息。
设计计算说明书(参考)1废水基本情况某医药中间体生产厂废水各相关参数如下表3-1所示:表3-1 某医药中间体废水各相关参数表项目pH SS BOD5 COD NH3-N T-P进水 5.5 ≤30004000~7000 20000~3000025~35 20~30排放标准6~9 70 20 100 15 0.5 设计水量:200t/d=8.33m3/h每天工艺的运行时间为16小时,则每小时处理水量为12.5m3/h。
2格栅(1)参数选取一般城市污水格栅设计依据:表3-2 格栅设计参数表重要参数的取值依据取值安装倾角一般取60º~70ºθ=60º栅前水深一般取0.3~0.5m h=0.3m 栅条间距宽:粗:>40mm中:15~25mm细:4~10mmb=5mm水流过栅流速一般取0.6~1.0m/s v=0.6m/s 格栅受污染物阻塞时水头增大的倍数一般采用3 k=3栅前渠道超高一般采用0.3m h 2=0.3m 栅渣量(m 3/103m 3污水)取0.1~0.01 W =0.1 进水渠道渐宽部分的展开角度一般为20º K f =1.5栅条断面形状 阻力系数计算公式 形状系数栅条尺寸(mm ) 迎水背水面均为锐边矩形 =β(s/b) 4/3β=2.42长=50,宽S =10根据上表所示计算依据,代入本设计参数得到格栅的栅条数为:取栅前水深h =0.3m ,过栅流速v =0.6m/s ,格栅倾角α=60°,栅条间隙宽度为5mm ,则栅条数: 33.8sin max =⨯⨯⨯︒⨯==bhv Q n α (3-1)采用城市污水格栅设计依据计算出的栅条数只有不足3根,不符合实际生产中的要求,并且城市污水的水量一般较大,与本设计中的实际情况相差甚远,所以,本设计中的格栅可适当做出调整。
调整结果如下:栅前渠道:宽0.5m ,有效水深为0.1m ,渠道长1.0m 。
Skyworks Solutions,Inc.•Phone [781]376-3000•Fax [781]376-3100••20027120071Chip On Board Mixer QuadsDATA SHEETFeaturesGHigh-volume automatic assemblyG For microwave MIC assembly and automated high-volume manufacturingG Mechanically rugged design G 100%DC testedG Three barrier heights for customized mixer performance G Available lead (Pb)-free,RoHS-compliant,andGreenDescriptionSkyworks ceramic Chip on Board (COB)mixer quads are designed for high-performance RF and microwave receiver applications.These devices utilize Skyworks advanced silicon beamless Schottky technology,combined with precision ceramic COB assembly techniques,to achieve a high degree of device reliability in commercial applications.CharacteristicValue Maximum current (I MAX )50mA Power dissipation (P D )CW 75mW/junction Storage temperature (T ST )-65°C to +175°C Operating temperature (T OP )-65°C to +150°CElectrostatic Discharge (ESD)Class 0Human Body Model (HBM)Absolute Maximum RatingsPerformance is guaranteed only under the conditions listed in the specifications table and is not guaranteed under the full range(s)described by the Absolute Maximum specifications.Exceeding any of the absolute maximum/minimum specifications may result in permanent damage to the device and will void the warranty.CAUTION:Although this device is designed to be as robust aspossible,ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)can damage this device.This device must be protected at all times from ESD.Static charges may easily produce poten-tials of several kilovolts on the human body or equipment,which can dischargewithout detection.Industry-standard ESD precautions must be employed at all times.Skyworks Green products are lead (Pb)-free,RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)-compliant,conform to the EIA/EICTA/JEITA Joint Industry Guide (JIG)Level A guidelines,and are free from antimony trioxide and brominated flame retardants.Skyworks Solutions,Inc.•Phone [781]376-3000•Fax [781]376-3100•*********************•2007200271DATA SHEET •CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADS2V F @1mA (∆) V F @ 1 mA 1C J @ 0 V (∆) C T @ 0 V 2R T @ 10 mAOutline Part Number Barrier(mV)(mV)(pF)(pF)(Ω)DrawingMin.Max.Max.Min.Max.Max.Max.Ring Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3926-101Low 200260150.30.50.078101DME3927-101Medium 300400150.30.50.078101DMJ3928-101High 525625150.30.50.078101Crossover Ring Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3926-100Low 200260150.30.50.078100DME3927-100Medium 300400150.30.50.078100DMJ3928-100High 525625150.30.50.078100Back-to-Back Crossover Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3945-103Low 200260150.30.50.078103DME3946-103Medium 300400150.30.50.078103DMJ3947-103High525625150.30.50.078103V F @ 1 mA (∆) V F @ C J @ 0 V (∆) C T @ 0 V 2R T @ 10 mAV B @ 10 µAOutline Part Number Barrier(mV) 1 mA 1 (mV)(pF)(pF)(Ω)(V)DrawingMin.Max.Max.Min.Max.Max.Max.Min.Bridge Quad (to 6 GHz)DMF3929-102Low 200260150.30.50.0782102DME3930-102Medium 300400150.30.50.0783102DMJ3931-102High525625150.30.50.0784102Electrical Specifications at 25 °C1. Forward voltage difference between package electrodes.2. Capacitance difference between package electrodes.DATA SHEET • CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADSSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•3100, 101, 102103Shown For ClarityInk Dot 0.010 (0.25 mm) Dia. Min. 0.005 (0.13 mm)Max.± 0.002 (0.05 mm)Bottom side is free of metalization.The minimum specified area of the contact pads (0.017 x 0.022) shall be free of epoxy.Ceramic Substrate0.050(1.27 mm)Max.0.020 (0.51 mm) ± 0.002 (0.05 mm)0.130 (3.30 mm)± 0.003 (0.08 mm)0.140 (3.56 mm)± 0.003 (0.08 mm)Orientation SchematicDATA SHEET • CHIP-ON-BOARD MIXER QUADSCopyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of stated published specifications or parameters. Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, and “Breakthrough Simplicity” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only, and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•4。
6、光头平面照射面积:34*21=714 cm2
工程技术综合实践项目设计报告(电类)8x8x8光立方点阵西安理工大学工程训练中心2014年 10月 27 日指导教师(签字):1概述二十一世纪的显示技术将是平板显示的时代。
基础材料的产业化,使LED 显示产品成本下降,应用加快发展。
LED 产品性能的提高,使LED 灯的显示屏的亮度、色彩、白平衡均达到比较理想的效果。
但是考虑到此次光立方显示的效果问题,我们还是决定选用5mm 的蓝色雾灯。
2 总体设计2.1 系统功能及技术指标本作品是由512只LED 组成的长宽高均为8个LED 的正方体点阵,主要实现文字,图形的显示,显示效果立体感强,能够成为一件科技感十足的艺术品。
系统控制采用51单片机,通过输出高低电平控制LED 的状态,74hc595扩展单片机IO 口,使单片机具有64路输出。
通过74HC245D 控制层,最终实现对512只LED 中的任意一个的控制。
2.2 系统构成2.3 主要设备及元器件选型(1)STC12C5A60S2系列单片机是单时钟/机器周期(1T)的单片机,是高速/低功耗/超强抗干扰的新一代8051单片机,指令代码完全兼容传统8051,但速度快8-12倍。
内部集成MAX810专用复位电路,2路PWM,8路高速10位A/D 转换(250K/S),针对电机控制,强干扰场合, 能够满足快速驱动多只LED 的需求。
(2)74HC595 是一款漏极开路输出的CMOS 移位寄存器,输出端口为可控的三态输出端,亦能串行输出控制下一级级联芯片。
其特点是高速移位时钟频率Fmax>25MHz,标准串行(SPI)接口,CMOS 串行输出,可用于多个设备的级联,低功耗:TA =25℃时,Icc=4μA(MAX),可满足驱动多只LED的需求。
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2:软件提供最多的数学函数,分别为: sin(D)、cos(D)、tan(D)、ctg(D)、sec(D) Cosec(D)、arcsin(D)、arccos(D)、arctan(D)、arcctg(D)、sinh(D)、cosh(D) tanh(D)、coth(D)、sech(D)、abs(B)、exp(B)、ln(B)、sqrt(B) 、Power(x,y)、B^2、A^0.5、PI等等。
第一章软件的安装、卸载1.1软件的运行环境A:硬件环境中央处理器(CPU):奔腾II 333以上内存:64M硬盘空间:3MB:软件环境操作系统:Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Win2003/Vista 均可。
如:在名称中输入:“挖基槽土方”,变量:C1 计算公式:(6.9-1.3)*(2.7-0.6)*(0.25+0.3*2)*2,软件将自动计算结果为:19.99…………求和:项目名称:挖基槽土方合计计算公式:SUM(c)//对所有以C打头的变量进行求和更多求和方式,详细软件汇总求和详解3.4软件常用工具使用点击“工具”菜单,将弹出如下图定额库:打开和关闭定额显示窗构件算量:打开构件算量窗口,详见构件算量讲解。
文档检查:检查该工程在计算过程中是否有输入错误(感应公式输入错误)分类汇总:对所有的表格式进行分类汇总:1:按项目名称汇总 2:按部位汇总3:按定额编号汇总变量汇总:桌面快捷方式:软件自动发送桌面快捷方式到桌面。
在定额编号中输入#:表示定额库的名称 *:表示章 **:表示节用户可以从EXCEL 中复制定额库的内容粘贴到此处,即可完成定额库的制作。
# 表示定额库名称新 打 保删添插3.9自定义快捷键根据个人喜好可以设置你习惯的快捷键3.10系统设置点击“数据”菜单下的“选项”,将弹出以下窗口同时可以在表在打印选项卡中设置打印时,你需要的打印要求启动时显示“符号栏”即工具栏中的符号栏是否自动显示:保存或打印时自动计算公式:即在点击保存或打印时,软件将自动计算所有的求和函数或公式。
----------表格颜色-------------变量列、数量列:可以改变变量列和数量列的颜色编号*编号!:即当定额编号为*或为!时的颜色SUB求和:即SUB求和行的颜色SUJ求和:即SUJ求和行的颜色第四章软件高级操作技巧4.1符号栏使用():在当前单元格中输入一个(),并将光标置于括号中间,快捷键F5 (:在当前单元格中输入一个(,并将光标置于括号后面,快捷键F3 ):在当前单元格中输入一个),并将光标置于括号后面,快捷键F4 []:在当前单元格中输入一个[],并将光标置于括号中间,快捷键F6 如果表格处入编辑状态,按F6键可以将当前选中的计算式用()括起来按F6后如果表格处入编辑状态,选中需要注释的文字,按F8可以用[]括起来+、-、×、÷: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入加、减,乘、除.M: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入m, 快捷键F10M2: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入m2, 快捷键F11M3: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入m3, 快捷键F12Kg: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入Kg, 快捷键CTRL+F11T: 在当前单元格中输入一个输入T, 快捷键CTRL+F124.2软件内置函数软件支持以下23种函数:4.3自定义常用函数在计算公式单元格中按“=”号,软件将自动弹出“智能感知”功能,如下图用户可以自定义一些常用公式,以后直接按=号后,调用你自定义的公式。
自定义公式的方法(只有加密锁用户才能自定义公式)A:点击“数据”菜单中的“自定义变量”将弹出如下窗口:用户可以自动输入常用的公式,变量名,以及说明,然后点击保存,以后即可直接按=后调用自已的公式4.4变量求和规则表格中“计算公式”列可输入计算式,“变量”列可输入表示这项计算结果的变量名, 运算结果放在最右边的“数量”列,计算式中可以运用加减乘除括号等四则运算,括号只能用小括号,可以多层套用;变量名也可用于计算式中,变量名只能以字母开头,可含有字母与数字,变量名是区分大小写;同一计算稿中可以出现多个相同的变量,如果出现多个相同变量时,计算式中的变量取其最靠近的(除SUM(X5)求和可以识别相同变量)。