人类社会生产水平低下,生活资料不足以养活所有的社会 成员时,这种安乐死的习俗减少了无力生产自己必需的生活资 料的成员,减轻了社会的负担,在当时可能是适宜的。人类社 会进入生产力水平比较高的阶段后,这种安乐死便不普遍了。 对人类思想文化有巨大影响的宗教,都认为人的生命是天神赐 予的,死亡也由天神来决定,只有君主有权代表天神主宰臣民 的死生;病痛,包括临终前的痛苦,往往被看成天神的惩罚; 于是视自杀与安乐死是篡夺了造物主主宰生死的权力。16世纪 后人本主义的兴起,从天赋人权的基本思想出发,并不提倡安 乐死。但是也有学者从社会的效益和理性的思考出发,考虑和 提出安乐死的主张。如F.培根在《新亚特兰提斯》一书中,主 张实行自愿的安乐死。D.休谟和I.康德也都支持安乐死。但总 的来说,关于安乐死的讨论,相对沉寂了一段时间。
生命是属于个人的,选 择死亡也是人的基本权 利。这是私人的问题, 丝毫不妨害社会甚至有 益于社会,所以在身患 绝症、不可逆转而临近 死期时,人有权结束自 己的生命。
看看生患绝症的人多 么痛苦,虽然活着但 生活质量很低,还不 如去死,尊重当事者 的意愿符合人道。否 则,就是在让人履行 一种承受巨大痛苦的" 生"的悲惨义务。
任何微小的法律漏洞 都可能被人利用,为 谋杀、逃避赡养、摆 脱医疗失误等提供方 便;重病求死之人依 然有求生欲望,时常 在疼痛和平静之间摇 摆,如何判断他的真 实意愿?
安乐死本质是一种 自杀,使亲人蒙受痛 苦是自私的。庞大的 贫困群体是中国不容 忽视的现状,"贫病" 总相联,倡导安乐死 无异于减轻政府对贫 困阶层的责任。
• 她,28岁,从1岁起就得 了一种医学界称之为“超 级癌症”的“进行性肌营 养不良症”,直到6岁才 确诊,现在的她全身的肌 肉萎缩,一半以上的骨骼 变形,丧失全部吃、喝、 拉、撒、睡的自理能力。 她叫李燕,一名身患重病 27年、想通过全国两会代 表帮她提交《安乐死申请》 议案的女孩
still includes make some born as heavy residual, dementia infant, some social severe psychotic, disabled people and some in irreversible state of the "vegetable", death with no pain
The legalization of euthanasia, it is the common aspiration(渴望) of the people, is in favor with the public.
The case in China
1986 In china First euthanasia case Wang Mingcheng
What is Euthanasia Euthanasia in different countries
Type of Euthanasia Debate of Euthanasia
Ⅰ.What is Euthanasia
• Euthanasia is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering.
Euthanize his mother
Ⅲ.Type of Euthanasia
(1)The first kind of classification
According to the applicable specific object, euthanasia can be divided into special euthanasia and generalized euthanasia.
The legalization of euthanasia, it is the common aspiration(渴望) of the people, is in favor with the public.
The case in China
1986 In china First euthanasia case Wang Mingcheng
What is Euthanasia Euthanasia in different countries
Type of Euthanasia Debate of Euthanasia
Ⅰ.What is Euthanasia
• Euthanasia is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering.
Euthanize his mother
Ⅲ.Type of Euthanasia
(1)The first kind of classification
According to the applicable specific object, euthanasia can be divided into special euthanasia and generalized euthanasia.
Ancient Greece
Plato (柏拉图)
The act or practice of intentionally ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition。
➢Doctor and patient must be convinced that there is no other solution.
➢At least one other independent doctor must be consulted.
➢Patient must die with due medical care.
with the consent of the patient
child euthanasia
against the will of the patient
Assisted suicide
Unit two
Active and Passive Euthanasia
American philosopher Ethics & Animal rights 1975 in the New England Journal of Medicine
James Rachels
The cons
Legalize any form of euthanasia
Ancient Greece
Plato (柏拉图)
The act or practice of intentionally ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition。
➢Doctor and patient must be convinced that there is no other solution.
➢At least one other independent doctor must be consulted.
➢Patient must die with due medical care.
with the consent of the patient
child euthanasia
against the will of the patient
Assisted suicide
Unit two
Active and Passive Euthanasia
American philosopher Ethics & Animal rights 1975 in the New England Journal of Medicine
James Rachels
The cons
Legalize any form of euthanasia
People have the right to die 关于安乐死的讨论 英文课件
![People have the right to die 关于安乐死的讨论 英文课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32a7c1e93c1ec5da51e27068.png)
Legal System Should be established to Deal with Euthanasia
Many countries have legalized mercy killing. In 2000, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize euthanasia. Switzerland, Norway, and Germany have adopted similar approaches.
Two kinds of euthnasia
i) Passive Euthanasia Allowing people who are being
kept alive artificially to die. (ie. by switching off a life support machine). In affect they die from their illness or injury.
The question of euthanasia raises serious moral issues
The fast advance of medicine and life– extending technologies enable life to be prolonged .But it’s this leap of technologies to prolong life and control dying that raises the controversial topic—euthanasia or mercy killing.
So to assist someone to die is not an act of violence but an act of love.
those incapacitated patients ,those who cannot express themselves , such as severely deformed babies, brain death patients, having a mental illness patients ,or those whose intelligence is seriously low ,according to their relatives’ application to conduct euthanasia
Euthanize his mother
Ⅲ.Type of Euthanasia
(1)The first kind of classification
According to the applicable specific object, euthanasia can be divided into special euthanasia and generalized euthanasia.
should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should
not be ignored. Dr. Van Oijen believes that people have the
fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die: "What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is
Still alive or died with euthanasia
1.In favor of euthanasia 2.Against euthanasia 3. Stay in neutral
Euthanize his mother
Ⅲ.Type of Euthanasia
(1)The first kind of classification
According to the applicable specific object, euthanasia can be divided into special euthanasia and generalized euthanasia.
should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should
not be ignored. Dr. Van Oijen believes that people have the
fundamental right to choose for themselves if they want to die: "What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is
Still alive or died with euthanasia
1.In favor of euthanasia 2.Against euthanasia 3. Stay in neutral
安乐死讲课 ppt课件
![安乐死讲课 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8322c29e52d380eb62946dd1.png)
❖ 中国传统思想里就有乐生、重生,甚至长生不 老的观点,再加上现在虐待老人事件仍层出不穷, 担心安乐死被用于他途,对主动安乐死持慎之又 慎的态度在我国居于主导地位。
❖ 弗洛依德说:“每当我们试图去设想死亡时, 我们都能看到,我们实际上是作为一个旁观死亡 的人而活着。”
❖ 健康不仅是肉体上无病无痛,还应该体现在精 神上的舒畅、健全与社会适应的良好。
❖ 主动安乐死,是对在肉体和精神上遭受极端 痛苦的人实施的一种直接的、旨在仁慈地提 前结束生命的行为。
❖ 主动自愿安乐死,是指被无痛苦结束生命的 人,在头脑清醒时有这样的要求。人们谈论 的安乐死主要就指主动自愿安乐死。
❖ 主动的非自愿安乐死,是指重病者或濒临死 亡者没能力作出安乐死选择,他们被无痛苦 的结束生命完全是出于监护人对患者意愿的 诠释。包括对患有严重残疾的儿童的处置和 撤消对植物人水和营养物的维持。
❖ 1976年,在日本东京召开了第一次安乐死 国际讨论会;1980年,“国际死亡权利联合会 成立”。
❖ 在美国,医生亲自给病人注射致死剂量药物 要定为一级谋杀罪;如让病人能达到自杀的目 的而提供方便,就要被定为二级谋杀罪。
❖ 澳大利亚北部地区曾于1995年5月通过一项 《垂危病人权利法》,但该法生效不到一年就 被废除了。
❖ 道德哲学家认为无本质区别,它们的动 机都是相同的,两者都属于有意,但又是 无可奈何的行为。杀死和让其死在道德上 是相同的。
❖ 公共政策学家认为存在根本区别。(1) 被动安乐死,患者死于疾病;主动安乐死, 患者死于另一人的行为。(2)主动安乐 死排除了纠正误诊的可能,而撤消或终止 治疗,还有发现、纠正误诊的可能。
❖ 弗洛依德说:“每当我们试图去设想死亡时, 我们都能看到,我们实际上是作为一个旁观死亡 的人而活着。”
❖ 健康不仅是肉体上无病无痛,还应该体现在精 神上的舒畅、健全与社会适应的良好。
❖ 主动安乐死,是对在肉体和精神上遭受极端 痛苦的人实施的一种直接的、旨在仁慈地提 前结束生命的行为。
❖ 主动自愿安乐死,是指被无痛苦结束生命的 人,在头脑清醒时有这样的要求。人们谈论 的安乐死主要就指主动自愿安乐死。
❖ 主动的非自愿安乐死,是指重病者或濒临死 亡者没能力作出安乐死选择,他们被无痛苦 的结束生命完全是出于监护人对患者意愿的 诠释。包括对患有严重残疾的儿童的处置和 撤消对植物人水和营养物的维持。
❖ 1976年,在日本东京召开了第一次安乐死 国际讨论会;1980年,“国际死亡权利联合会 成立”。
❖ 在美国,医生亲自给病人注射致死剂量药物 要定为一级谋杀罪;如让病人能达到自杀的目 的而提供方便,就要被定为二级谋杀罪。
❖ 澳大利亚北部地区曾于1995年5月通过一项 《垂危病人权利法》,但该法生效不到一年就 被废除了。
❖ 道德哲学家认为无本质区别,它们的动 机都是相同的,两者都属于有意,但又是 无可奈何的行为。杀死和让其死在道德上 是相同的。
❖ 公共政策学家认为存在根本区别。(1) 被动安乐死,患者死于疾病;主动安乐死, 患者死于另一人的行为。(2)主动安乐 死排除了纠正误诊的可能,而撤消或终止 治疗,还有发现、纠正误诊的可能。
The problem of euthanasia has not been discussed formally yet. • Many examples of active euthanasia have been reported. • China still does not have the conditions to legislate(立法)sia
Use drugs or other methods urge patients go die. that is end the patients‘ life ahead of time.
It root in Greece ,which including two meanings
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves
If I can't give permission for myself to end my life,then who is the owner of my body?Who is the owner of my life then?
• 68 percent of Americans tend to support euthanasia. But only the Oregon State(俄勒冈 州)、Washington State (华盛顿州)Montana State(蒙大拿州)allows euthanasia 。
in China
Hawking: if I think I'm a burden, I'll consider euthanasia
Use drugs or other methods urge patients go die. that is end the patients‘ life ahead of time.
It root in Greece ,which including two meanings
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers, and death like autumn leaves
If I can't give permission for myself to end my life,then who is the owner of my body?Who is the owner of my life then?
• 68 percent of Americans tend to support euthanasia. But only the Oregon State(俄勒冈 州)、Washington State (华盛顿州)Montana State(蒙大拿州)allows euthanasia 。
in China
Hawking: if I think I'm a burden, I'll consider euthanasia
——Your Body, Your Death, Your Choice?
What is euthanasia?
• Euthanasia means to stop treatment or medicine for the incurable patients, and let them pass away without suffering. The word Euthanasia comes from Greek, it means to die happily.
In a word .I want to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia.let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible. that they can not only beautiful life, can more dignity to death.
• The family destruction caused by disease every year is countless.
Our opinion
Whether in a foreign country or in China, both in reasonable analysis, or to a legal analysis, legalizing euthanasia is feasible . However, things could not be accomplished overnight, but we have to adopt a positive attitude "euthanasia" into the orbit of the legal system.
——Your Body, Your Death, Your Choice?
What is euthanasia?
• Euthanasia means to stop treatment or medicine for the incurable patients, and let them pass away without suffering. The word Euthanasia comes from Greek, it means to die happily.
In a word .I want to call on the legitimization of the euthanasia.let the patients get rid of the struggle between life and death as soon as possible. that they can not only beautiful life, can more dignity to death.
• The family destruction caused by disease every year is countless.
Our opinion
Whether in a foreign country or in China, both in reasonable analysis, or to a legal analysis, legalizing euthanasia is feasible . However, things could not be accomplished overnight, but we have to adopt a positive attitude "euthanasia" into the orbit of the legal system.
2、安乐死不具有应受刑罚处罚的刑事违法性 应受刑
罚处罚的刑事违法性是犯罪的法律特征,是犯罪必不 可少的特征之一,首先,我国刑法并未对安乐死作出 明确规定,法无明文规定不为罪,因而安乐死不具备 刑事违法性。相反,如果对施予安乐死的医护人员定 罪量刑,事实上也就是对于医护人员这种对于患者的 同情与怜悯进行惩罚,这是与道义背道而驰的,它所 导致的结果只会是医护人员对于患者的疾苦不予理会, 只是为了延续患者充斥着疼痛的生命而不断用药,而 患者的病痛不能减轻却还要变本加厉。
二)安乐死于社会具有一定的合理性 1、安乐死体现了对生命尊严的维护和对生命权的尊重生
命既是神圣的,同时生命更是有质量和价值的。人类生命 的尊严就体现在生命的质量和价值上。因身患绝症而没有 任何生存的希望,且处于巨大的身心痛苦之中的病患,其 生命已无质量可言,对他们来说,维护其生命意味着承受 无尽的痛苦,病人的生命尊严在无尽的痛苦中丧失殆尽, 更不用说生命的价值了。死亡对于这些病患来说已不是正 常人所感受的可怕和悲哀,而是一种快乐和解脱,此时, 允许病患以安乐死方式结束自己的生命,体现了人道主义 精神,有利于从精神和生理上解除患者的痛苦,维护其生 命的尊严,符合人类道德的要求,也是人类文明的进步和 必然选择。
肝腹水,住入汉中市传染病医院。被告人蒲连升为其 主治医生,诊断的结果是夏所患的病已无法挽回,并 已下达了病危通知单。被告人王明成不忍看到母亲经 受病痛的煎熬,再三请求蒲为其母亲注射某种药物, 而让其母亲无痛苦地死亡。蒲给夏注射了大剂量的冬 眠灵致其身亡。 这是我国首例涉及“安乐死”的案件,在社会上引起广 泛关注,有些报刊还为此进行了讨论。
有些人主张安乐死应当合法化,原因是 对施救无望而又忍
瑞士: 安乐死在个别城市合法
美国: 联邦政府不完全认同安乐死,但部分州认同
英法等国: 安乐死至今尚不合法
vs 安乐死
反对者认为: • 保障人的生命是人道主义最基本的原则; 2. 救死扶伤是医务工作者的职业道德; 3. 安乐死是一种消极对待人生的态度; 4. 安乐死会引起不良的社会后果。
支持者认为: • 施行安乐死符合现代人道主义; 2. 实行安乐死是对死者的尊重,是为患者着想; 3. 实行安乐死并不是对社会责任的否认; 4. 实行安乐死具有社会价值。
人 观
Thank you!
省有关部门对199人作了调查,89% 的人赞
时机不成熟 • 伦理学争议过大——
荷兰: 世界上第一个给安乐死立法的国家
比利时: 世界上第二个给安乐死立法的国家
澳大利亚 安乐死曾经合法,但又被推翻
① 从现代医学知识和技术上看, 病人患不治之症并已临近死期
② 病人极端痛苦,不堪忍受 ③ 必须是为解除病人死前痛苦,
而不是为亲属、国家、社会利益而实施 ④ 必须有病人神志清醒时的真诚嘱托或同意 ⑤ 原则上必须由医师执行 ⑥ 必须采用社会伦理规范所承认的妥当方法。
在 中
指患不治之症的病人在垂危状态下, 由于精神 和躯体的极端痛苦,在病人和其亲友的要求下,
安乐死Байду номын сангаас
What is euthanasia ?
• It is sometimes called mercy killing,the behavior that a doctor ends the life of a patient who is incurable and dying under the modern medicine according to the agreement of the patient himself or his close family member.
• To be frank, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their final destiny, such as refuse any cure, and this right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death.
• The last , I hope the medicine have a great progress to alleviate the suffering of patients and to enhance human life span.
I wish everyone keep a good health and enjoy their life .
• Opponents of active euthanasia think that the beauty of life that everything can not be take away, even the most painful disease. they should never give up the hope of life in front of pain. • Euthanasia stops the medicine developing, if patients require using euthanasia, doctor won’t try their best to save patients, the medicine will stop progress. • People do not only live for themselves, but they also live for their families and the society. If they choose to leave the world, they are not responsible for themselves, their families and the society.
安乐死Байду номын сангаас
What is euthanasia ?
• It is sometimes called mercy killing,the behavior that a doctor ends the life of a patient who is incurable and dying under the modern medicine according to the agreement of the patient himself or his close family member.
• To be frank, everyone has the right and freedom to manage their final destiny, such as refuse any cure, and this right also includes the freedom of choosing to die as well as the ways of death.
• The last , I hope the medicine have a great progress to alleviate the suffering of patients and to enhance human life span.
I wish everyone keep a good health and enjoy their life .
• Opponents of active euthanasia think that the beauty of life that everything can not be take away, even the most painful disease. they should never give up the hope of life in front of pain. • Euthanasia stops the medicine developing, if patients require using euthanasia, doctor won’t try their best to save patients, the medicine will stop progress. • People do not only live for themselves, but they also live for their families and the society. If they choose to leave the world, they are not responsible for themselves, their families and the society.
安乐死 英文版ppt课件
![安乐死 英文版ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7b2055e0f524ccbff121847b.png)
Before I tell the reasons , I'd like to share the story with you.
Simon Binner: 57-year-old
He was diagnosed with motor neuron disease(运动 神经元疾病) in January 2015 .
“NO” Surely ,we will say “no”, a big
There are many reasons.
Fortunately,I watched a video about euthanasia in my winter vocation. At the same time, it really make me think of “SOMETHING”.
I'd like to recommend two videos to you: How to die : Simon's choice Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Thank you
so,it was not passed.
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Terry Pratchett :a British famous fantasy novelist
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默氏症) in 2008. He has visited many families that are suffering from constant chronic illness, and thought about euthanasia.
Simon Binner: 57-year-old
He was diagnosed with motor neuron disease(运动 神经元疾病) in January 2015 .
“NO” Surely ,we will say “no”, a big
There are many reasons.
Fortunately,I watched a video about euthanasia in my winter vocation. At the same time, it really make me think of “SOMETHING”.
I'd like to recommend two videos to you: How to die : Simon's choice Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Thank you
so,it was not passed.
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Terry Pratchett :a British famous fantasy novelist
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默氏症) in 2008. He has visited many families that are suffering from constant chronic illness, and thought about euthanasia.
![安乐死 ENGLISH PRESENTATION](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/23504cc80c22590102029d59.png)
doou good health !!
Thank you
May you a happy weekend!!
Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life.
The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope. ----Stephen William Hawking
Key words: law morality humanism mercy-killing legalized
vegetative patient 植物人 suicide 自杀 brain-dead 脑死亡 perplexing issues 复杂的问题
cervical cord injury 颈髓损伤 terminally ill 绝症晚期 genetic neurological disorder 遗传 的神经系统疾病
we cannot avoid the incorrect use of the euthanasia
PROS: pain;
expenses; help others
Thank you
May you a happy weekend!!
Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life.
The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope. ----Stephen William Hawking
Key words: law morality humanism mercy-killing legalized
vegetative patient 植物人 suicide 自杀 brain-dead 脑死亡 perplexing issues 复杂的问题
cervical cord injury 颈髓损伤 terminally ill 绝症晚期 genetic neurological disorder 遗传 的神经系统疾病
we cannot avoid the incorrect use of the euthanasia
PROS: pain;
expenses; help others
All humans were born equal and should be treated equally.
Parents can lower the rate of having a sick dying child by eugenics before pregnant.
Thank you
• Release Patients from the suffering pains • Lessen financial burden, Free their relatives • May contribute to fair distribution of health resources
Philosophical view
What is euthanasia ?
Pros and Cons
Our opinions?
What is euthanasia ?
In Biomedical Science
personal Development
• stops the medicine developing • Doctors’ right will be obvious
Society and human spirit
• abuse euthanasia
• prohibit suicide and the intentional killing of others
Our opinions?
Treat or let die
Parents can lower the rate of having a sick dying child by eugenics before pregnant.
Thank you
• Release Patients from the suffering pains • Lessen financial burden, Free their relatives • May contribute to fair distribution of health resources
Philosophical view
What is euthanasia ?
Pros and Cons
Our opinions?
What is euthanasia ?
In Biomedical Science
personal Development
• stops the medicine developing • Doctors’ right will be obvious
Society and human spirit
• abuse euthanasia
• prohibit suicide and the intentional killing of others
Our opinions?
Treat or let die
I don't think that most of us can understand him.
one hand holding his wife's hand,another hand hold the Infusion switch with lethal anesthetict(装有致命麻醉剂的开 关).If he turn on it, he will die gradually
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Terry Pratchett :a British famous fantasy novelist
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默氏症) in 2008. He has visited many families that are suffering from constant chronic illness, and thought about euthanasia.
“NO” Surely ,we will say “no”, a big
There are many reasons.
Fortunately,I watched a video about euthanasia in my winter vocation. At the same time, it really make me think of “SOMETHING”.
That's a question of........
emotDiDoiniaaggrraamm 22
: when I see people who have serious illness, it’s quite difficult for me to decide if it's right to go. If I say “no”, you must go home, you can't die.The patient is the only person who can decide which is the right moment. It's easier to who can go than for who stay behind.留下的人才是 最痛苦的。
one hand holding his wife's hand,another hand hold the Infusion switch with lethal anesthetict(装有致命麻醉剂的开 关).If he turn on it, he will die gradually
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
Terry Pratchett :a British famous fantasy novelist
He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's(阿尔茨海默氏症) in 2008. He has visited many families that are suffering from constant chronic illness, and thought about euthanasia.
“NO” Surely ,we will say “no”, a big
There are many reasons.
Fortunately,I watched a video about euthanasia in my winter vocation. At the same time, it really make me think of “SOMETHING”.
That's a question of........
emotDiDoiniaaggrraamm 22
: when I see people who have serious illness, it’s quite difficult for me to decide if it's right to go. If I say “no”, you must go home, you can't die.The patient is the only person who can decide which is the right moment. It's easier to who can go than for who stay behind.留下的人才是 最痛苦的。
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die happily.
Reasons for sFra bibliotekpport Another attitude Summary
• Now there are a lot of people have an incurable disease. They want to be part of people with euthanasia over his own life. But it is not allowed ……
We can see the disease is the first location!
• personal
Who wants to give up his life, is mostly because of body of disability or illness irreparable. He (she) is from the physical and mental great altercation. In this torture, he (she) only chooses to rid himself of his endless pain.
• Guiyang 22-year-old HCC patient Li Lin also made "who can help me euthanasia" request
Part2 reason
And why are there so many people want to chose euthanasia ? • family
Look at these two people
. society
After the implementation of euthanasia, not only solved the personal pain, and solved the family and relatives with the burden of pain, but also reduced the burden of the society. An improper examples said, Nine, ten children born to a parent than two parents of children with toil to heavy burden. A straight road to trigger the weight of people than a person on the weight of ten catties trigger more slowly.
Euthanasia ?
Euthanasia means to stop treatment or medicine for the incurable patients, and let them pass away without suffering. The word Euthanasia comes from Greek, it means to
• On May 12, 2001, the central station "news broadcast survey“ reported "death can request?“
• Xian nine uremia(尿毒症) patients requests for euthanasia forward:” We are suffering from kidney(肾) failure, years we depend on blood dialysis 2 times per week to maintain life ,Please end of our life, we would like to contribute our body to the medical career to appreciate you.
Family can’t afford the expensive medical expenses. We know the patient who chose euthanasia may be not cured. We spend so much money on this, especially in country, the farmer is unable to bear. Now let’s see this chart:
But suicide is painful, such as process, commit suicide by hanging, wrist, eating poison, shock, hunger, etc, also is very fear. But he (she) have to choose the only way to release of suffering. But after the implementation of euthanasia, only need to inject an AnDingJi, it will let people in slumber unknowingly leave, so it will relieve the pain and fear, which also reflects the "win" in the ancient words. This is truly humanitarian purposes.
• research
In the past people idea has formed after death left them or cremation concept. This is not scientific and no significance and value, it is a kind of waste. In 1997, after the demise of comrade Deng Xiaoping put his cornea donation to others, the body to the nation for medical research. After the implementation of euthanasia for national research will not only help to disease, and death are much more significance and value.
Reasons for sFra bibliotekpport Another attitude Summary
• Now there are a lot of people have an incurable disease. They want to be part of people with euthanasia over his own life. But it is not allowed ……
We can see the disease is the first location!
• personal
Who wants to give up his life, is mostly because of body of disability or illness irreparable. He (she) is from the physical and mental great altercation. In this torture, he (she) only chooses to rid himself of his endless pain.
• Guiyang 22-year-old HCC patient Li Lin also made "who can help me euthanasia" request
Part2 reason
And why are there so many people want to chose euthanasia ? • family
Look at these two people
. society
After the implementation of euthanasia, not only solved the personal pain, and solved the family and relatives with the burden of pain, but also reduced the burden of the society. An improper examples said, Nine, ten children born to a parent than two parents of children with toil to heavy burden. A straight road to trigger the weight of people than a person on the weight of ten catties trigger more slowly.
Euthanasia ?
Euthanasia means to stop treatment or medicine for the incurable patients, and let them pass away without suffering. The word Euthanasia comes from Greek, it means to
• On May 12, 2001, the central station "news broadcast survey“ reported "death can request?“
• Xian nine uremia(尿毒症) patients requests for euthanasia forward:” We are suffering from kidney(肾) failure, years we depend on blood dialysis 2 times per week to maintain life ,Please end of our life, we would like to contribute our body to the medical career to appreciate you.
Family can’t afford the expensive medical expenses. We know the patient who chose euthanasia may be not cured. We spend so much money on this, especially in country, the farmer is unable to bear. Now let’s see this chart:
But suicide is painful, such as process, commit suicide by hanging, wrist, eating poison, shock, hunger, etc, also is very fear. But he (she) have to choose the only way to release of suffering. But after the implementation of euthanasia, only need to inject an AnDingJi, it will let people in slumber unknowingly leave, so it will relieve the pain and fear, which also reflects the "win" in the ancient words. This is truly humanitarian purposes.
• research
In the past people idea has formed after death left them or cremation concept. This is not scientific and no significance and value, it is a kind of waste. In 1997, after the demise of comrade Deng Xiaoping put his cornea donation to others, the body to the nation for medical research. After the implementation of euthanasia for national research will not only help to disease, and death are much more significance and value.