动词时态 PPT

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e.g. I hope you will enjoy your meal.
I want to visit them tomorrow.
4. 当有些感觉动词词义转变,成为表示动作的动词 时,可以用进行时: e.g. Now I see the liquid in the glass has turned red.
• e.g. I was sorry to learn of your illness.

I didn’t know he was your father.

• e.g. Edison invented the electric light.
• 2. 表示过去经常反复发生的动作.
进行时,而用一般现在时表示状态或感觉,如 love, like, hate, want, need, wish, know(知道), understand(懂得), remember(记得), believe, guess(认为), mean(意味着), think(认为), feel(认为), fit(合适), find(认为), show(表明), have(有)
• Water f_r_e_e_ze_s_(freeze) at the temperature 0.
• The air _k_e_e_p_s( keep ) moving all the time.
• The town _l_ie_s__( lie) to the west of the hill. • I _b_e_l_ie_v_e_( believe) you _a_re__te_l_li_n_gtell the truth now.
I have bought a calculator. I have bought the calculator for a week. I have had the calculator for a week.
e.g. He has had the watch for a month. He bought the watch a month ago.
IV. 不可持续动词与可持续动词
put on
be away be dead wear
fail ill be ill
borrow catch a cold buy join the army
have a cold have be in the army
2) 不可持续动词不能与 “ for +时间段”或since + 时间点 ” 连用,应改用持续性动词。
“ since + 时间点 ” 的时间状语连用。
• e.g. We have learned English for about
three years.
• He has been here since last term.
III. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别: 1) 完成时强调过去发生的动作的结果和影响;而 一般过去时强调动作发生的时间,地点,方式等, 与现在没有联系。 e.g. I have just had breakfast.
He is seeing his friend off at the airport.
I think they will come. We are all thinking hard.
The report shows the problem is serious. He is showing them around our school.
• 3. 表示客观真理,谚语,格言.
• e.g. The sun sets in the west.
4. 用与时间或条件状语从句中, 代替一般将来时: e.g. I will be happy if you all come. We will go when he comes.
(2) 现在进行时 • 表示说话时正在进行的动作. • e.g. He is walking towards the plane. • 2. 表示目前一阶段正在进行(但说话时不一定在
• e.g. Do you see a plane in the sky?
• 注意:1) feel 可以用一般时和进行时表示说话
• e.g. I am not feeling well today.

How are you feeling today?

I feel tired.

2) see, hear 有相应表示动作的动词 look
My brother has been in the army for a year. My brother joined the army one year ago.
但是: 不可持续动词的否定结构可以与” for +
时间段 ” 或since + 时间点” 连用。 e.g. I haven’t met my teacher of English for a year.
at / listen to , 这些词可以用进行时
比较: Do you see a map on the wall?
He is looking at a map on the wall.
I hear a strange noise from the car engine.
He is listening to the music. 3. 有些表示状态或心理感觉的动词一般不用现在
We haven’t met each other since he left.
As we were leaving, some of our friends arrived. When we were playing in the playground , it began to rain.
过去进行时与一般过去时的区别: 过去进行时强调过去某时刻或阶段动作的进行, 不表明动作的完成, 而一般过去时表示过去某动 作已发生,表明动作已完成.
it up. lived
• 8. Sam ____( live) in the small town fohrafviveegyreoawrns
during the war.
• 9. It is ages since I last ____(see) you. You
___(grow) taller.
• -- __I_s_ my son __w_o_r_k_in_g___ (work) hard this term?
• -- Oh, yes, he _is__tr_y_i_n_g__(try) his best now.
• 6. D__o_e_s__ the hatfi_t______ (fit) me well?
• e.g. Peter often played basketball when he
was in college.
3. 表示主语过去的状态或特征. e.g. It was rainy last week. He was a taxi driver years ago.
4. 在时间,条件状语从句中代替过去将来时. e.g. He would give her the book if he saw her.
9Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
(3) 一般过去时
• 表示过去某一具体时间发生过的动作.
• e.g. I reviewed my lessons last night.

注意: 1)有时句中虽然没有表示确定过
去时间的状语, 但根据上下文情景可以推断出是

• always often usually sometimes
• seldom never from time to time
• now and then (偶尔) every day
every ….
• once a week
• 2.表示状态:
• e.g. He is busy at the moment.
e.g. He was writing a composition last night.(作文不一定完成) He wrote a composition last night.(作文肯定 写完了)
(5) 现在完成时
• 构成: have / has + 动词的过去分词
• 用法:
• 1. 表示说话前某一个时刻发生的动作之结果
I had breakfast a moment ago. (时间)
I have finished my homework. I finished my home at home. (地点) 2)现在完成时表示的持续状态强调持续到说话 时为止, 与现在有联系, 而一般过去时表示的持 续状态强调过去某段时间的经历, 与现在没有联 系。
• e.g. I have already sent him a card.

They have bought a new house.
• 常用的时间状语:already, just, yet
• 2. 表示从过去某一时间持续到说话时为止的
动作或状态, 常与 “ for+ 时间段 ” 或
初中阶段8种时态: • 一般现在时 • 一般过去时 • 一般将来时 • 现在进行时 • 过去进行时 • 现在完成时 • 过去完成时 1.过去将来时
(1) 一般现在时:
• 表示经常反复发生的动作.
• e.g. They often spend their holidays in
the south.
(4) 过去进行时 • 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作. • e.g. • He was doing shopping this time yesterday. • We were having a discussion at that time. • 2. 表示过去某一阶段正在进行的动作.
(4) 过去进行时
• 7. – What has happened to the fish, Mary?
• -- Mum, the chaat s__e_a_te_n_ (eat) the fish. Just now
the jcuamt _p_e_d__(jump) onto the table anadte_____(eat)
e.g. The Greens have stayed in China for a year.
The Greens stayed in China for a year during the war.
I have learned computer for some time. I learned computer for some time while in middle school.
进行)的动作: • e.g. We are writing a paper these days.
• 进行时强调动作正在进行,而现在时强调动作的
• 某些表示感官知觉的动词如: see, hear, smell,
afternoon yesterday.
• We were having a meeting from nine to
eleven yesterday.
• 3. 用与 when, while, as引导的表示过去的从句:

• e.g. While I was watching TV, the telephone
• 表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作.
• e.g.
• He was doing shopping this time yesterday.
• We were having a discussion at that time.
• 2. 表示过去某一阶段正在进行的动作.
• e.g. Peter was playing chess the whole