
couldn't tell what I felt#3. I was unrecognizable to myself#4. Saw my reflection in a window#5. And didn't know my own face#6. So, brother, I'm gonna leave#7. Wastin' away on the streets of Philadelphia#8. This one?9. I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone#10. I heard voices of friends vanished and gone#11. At night I hear the blood in my veins#12. Just as black and whispery as the rain#13.On the streets of Philadelphia#14. Ain't no angel gonna greet me#15. It's just you and I my friend#16. And my clothes don't fit me no more#17. I walked a thousand miles just to slip this skin#18. Night has fallen I'm lyin' awake#19. I can feel myself fadin' away#20. So, will you receive me, brother with your faithless kiss#21. Or will we leave each other alone like this#22.On the streets of Philadelphia#23. This "pestilent dust" counselor refers to has appeared on only three 24. Each time it was tested, and the results: Limestone.25. It's messy, but innocuous.污浊,却无害26. "Innocuous"? - Defined by Webster's as harmless.27. I know what it means. May I? Thank you.Your honor法官大人28. imagine how the children in this neighborhood are being made to feel. The constant pounding of construction ringing in their ears. 建筑的敲击声不绝于耳。
250部世界公认的经典大片 电影

二、250部电影X 60元(上海电影票的价格) = 1万5000元,为你节省上海远郊1平米的购房款,间接打压房价。
A B C1.肖申克的救赎(1994)2.教父(1972)3.教父2(1974)4.黄金三镖客(1966)5.低俗小说(1994)6.辛德勒的名单(1993)7.12怒汉(1957)8.飞越疯人院(1975)9.星球大战2:帝国反击战(1980)10.蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士(2008)11.指环王3:王者归来(2003)51.杀死一只知更鸟(1962)52.钢琴家(2002)53.异形2(1986)54.千与千寻(2001)55.阿凡达(2009)56.窃听风暴(2006)57.凶手M(1931)58.双重赔偿(1944)59.美丽心灵的永恒阳光(2004)60.唐人街(1974)61.梦之安魂曲(2000)62.第三人(1949)101.大逃亡(1963)102.角斗士(2000)103.星球大战3:武士复仇(1983)104.偷自行车的人(1948)105.不可饶恕(1992)106.蝙蝠侠:开战时刻(2005)107.大白鲨(1975)108.银翼杀手(1982)109.卢旺达饭店(2004)110.史密斯先生去华盛顿(1939)12.星球大战(1977)13.卡萨布兰卡(1942)14.好家伙(1990)15.七武士(1954)16.搏击俱乐部(1999)17.上帝之城(2002)18.夺宝奇兵1:法柜奇兵(1981)19.指环王1:护戒使者(2001)20.后窗(1954)21.普通嫌疑犯(1995)22.精神病患者(1960)23.西部往事(1968)24.沉默的羔羊(1991)25.黑客帝国(1999)26.七宗罪(1995)27.记忆碎片(2000)28.指环王2:双塔奇谋63.洛城机密(1997)64.落水狗(1992)65.碧血金沙(1948)66.从海底出击(1981)67.巨蟒与圣杯(1975)68.城市之光(1931)69.潘神的迷宫(2006)70.桂河大桥(1957)71.无耻混蛋(2009)72.愤怒的公牛(1980)73.飞屋环游记(2009)74.致命魔术(2006)75.2001太空漫游(1968)76.雨中曲(1952)77.美丽人生(1997)78.回到未来(1985)79.摩登时代(1936)80.热情似火(1959)111.虎胆龙威(1988)112.老无所依(2007)113.码头风云(1954)114.第九区(2009)115.历劫佳人(1958)116.老男孩(2003)117.第七封印(1957)118.冰血暴(1996)119.幽灵公主(1997)120.绿野仙踪(1939)121.黄昏双镖客(1965)122.盗火线(1995)123.火车上的陌生人(1951)124.死亡幻觉(2001)125.铁窗喋血(1967)126.正午(1952)127.美人计(1946)(2002)29.风云人物(1946)30.奇爱博士(1964)31.日落大道(1950)32.西北偏北(1959)33.公民凯恩(1941)34.这个杀手不太冷(1994)35.现代启示录(1979)36.美国丽人(1999)37.阿甘正传(1994)38.美国X档案(1998)39.出租汽车司机(1976)40.眩晕(1958)41.阿拉伯的劳伦斯(1962)42.终结者2:审判日(1991)43.天使爱美丽(2001)81.帝国的毁灭(2004)82.马耳他之鹰(1941)83.莫扎特传(1984)84.全金属外壳(1987)85.老爷车(2008)86.罗生门(1950)87.天堂电影院(1988)88.勇敢的心(1995)89.美国往事(1984)90.彗星美人(1950)91.贫民窟的百万富翁(2008)92.大都会(1927)93.绿色奇迹(1999)94.象人(1980)95.罪恶之城(2005)96.蝴蝶梦(1940)97.大独裁者(1940)128.摔角王(2008)129.血色将至(2007)130.灵异第六感(1999)131.满洲候选人(1962)132.安妮霍尔(1977)133.猎鹿人(1978)134.杀死比尔1(2003)135.偷拐抢骗(2000)136.野战排(1986)137.将军号(1926)138.宾虚(1959)139.谋杀绿脚趾140.荒野生存141.夜长梦多(1998)142.百万美元宝贝(2004)143.大镖客(1961)44.机器人瓦力(2008)45.异形(1979)46.拯救大兵瑞恩(1998)47.发条橙(1971)48.闪灵(1980)49.光荣之路(1957)50.无间道风云(2006)98.桃色公寓(1960)99.骗中骗(1973)100.夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵(1989)144.乱战(1985)145.一夜风流(1934)146.谍影重重3(2007)147.狮子王(1994)148.万世魔星(1979)149.虎豹小霸王(1969)150.星际迷航(2009)D E151.野草莓(1957) 152.控方证人(1957) 153.海底总动员(2003) 154.猜火车(1996) 155.伴我同行(1986) 156.毕业生(1967) 157.乱世佳人(1939) 158.终结者(1984) 159.玩具总动员(1995)201.疑影(1943)202.足迹(1972) 203.欲望号街车(1951) 204.杀死比尔2(2004) 205.17号囚房(1953) 206.相见恨晚(1945)207.木兰花(1999)208.撞车(2004) 209.潜水钟与蝴蝶(2007)160.偷天情缘(1993) 161.疤面煞星(1983) 162.美食总动员(2007) 163.爱情是狗娘(2000) 164.怪形(1982) 165.热天午后(1975) 166.甘地传(1982) 167.V字仇杀队(2005) 168.八部半(1963) 169.愤怒的葡萄(1940) 170.淘金记(1925) 171.两杆大烟枪(1998) 172.十二猴子(1995) 173.恐惧的代价(1953) 174.浴室情杀案(1955) 175.猎人的夜晚(1955) 176.赌城风云(1995)210.洛奇(1976)211.非洲女王号(1951)212.本杰明巴顿奇事(2008)213.神秘河(2003)214.鸭羹(1933)215.电视台风云(1976) 216.邦妮和克莱德(1967) 217.夺魂索(1948)218.曼哈顿(1979)219.加勒比海盗1:黑珍珠号的诅咒(2003)220.大路(1954)221.卧虎藏龙(2000)222.巴顿将军(1970)223.阳光小美女(2006)224.换子疑云(2008) 225.阿尔及尔之战(1966)177.公主新娘(1987)178.超人总动员(2004) 179.萤火虫之墓(1988) 180.杀手(1956) 181.纽伦堡审判(1961) 182.仁心与冠冕(1949) 183.日落黄沙(1969) 184.人类之子(2006)185.杀手没有假期(2008)186.驱魔人(1973) 187.黄金时代(1946) 188.日出(1927)189.卡比里亚之夜(1957)190.江湖浪子(1961) 191.寻子遇仙记(1921) 192.迷离世界(1950)193.艾德伍德传226.侠盗罗宾汉(1938)227.窃听大阴谋(1974)228.人猿星球(1968)229.圣诞夜惊魂(1993) 230.和莎莫的500天(2009) 231.西线无战事(1930)232.僵尸肖恩(2004)233.巴里林登(1975)234.穆赫兰道(2001)235.灵欲春宵(1966)236.光荣(1989)237.贵妇失踪案(1938)238.斯巴达克斯(1960)239.桃色案件(1959)240.费城故事(1940)241.四百击(1959)242.龙猫(1988) 243.怪兽电力公司(2001)(1994)194.电话谋杀案(1954)195.心灵捕手(1997)196.罗丝玛丽的婴儿(1968)197.金刚(1933)198.大鱼(2003) 199.生人勿进(2008) 200.硫磺岛家书(2006)244.玩具总动员2(1999) 245.女友礼拜五(1940) 246.楚门的世界(1998) 247.毒药与老妇(1944) 248.巴西(1985)249.无间道(2002) 250.地球停转之日(1951)。

Joe Miller: Some of these people make me sick. But a laws been broken here. You do remember the law, dont you?乔:某些这样的人令我想吐。
你一定记得那条规矩,不是吗?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joe Miller: Now, explain it to me like Im a four-year-old.乔:现在,和我解释一下,就当我是一个四岁的孩子。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Joe Miller is in court and has just asked his witness whether he is a homosexual] (乔在法庭并且正询问他的目击证人是否他是一个同性恋)Joe Miller: Are you a homo? Are you a queer? Are you a faggot?Are you a fruit? Are you *gay*, sir?乔:你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋?你是一个同性恋,先生?(译注:homo、queer、faggot、 fruit、gay等为同性恋的不同说法。
)Librarian: Sir, wouldnt you be more comfortable in a study room?[Andrew looks up and sees people in the library staring at him]Andrew Beckett: No. Would it make you more comfortable?图书馆员:先生,在研究室不是更舒服吗?[安德鲁抬起头,看着图书馆中盯着他看的人]安德鲁·贝克特:不,那样是不是会让你更舒服一点?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joe Miller: The Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against otherwise qualified handicapped persons who are able to perform the duties required by their employment. Although the ruling did not address the specific issue of HIV and AIDS discrimination...Andrew Beckett: Subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as a handicap under law, not only because of the physical limitations it imposes, but because the prejudice surrounding AIDS exacts a social death which precede... which precedes the physical one.Joe Miller: This is the essence of discrimination: formulating opinions about others not based on their individual merits, but rather on their membership in a group with assumed characteristics.乔·米勒:1973年的联邦康复法案禁止歧视伤残人士,只要他们能担任工作。
1983美国剧情 《费城实验》

又名: 飞越时空/ 消失的1943 / 费城超时空试验/ 第四度空间类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 科幻/ 奇幻 / 冒险制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1984-08-03(美国)片长: 102 分钟IMDb链接: tt0087910导演: 斯图尔特·罗菲尔编剧: Charles Berlitz / Don Jakoby / Michael Janover / William Gray主演: 迈克尔·帕尔/ 南茜·艾伦/ Eric Christmas评分:豆瓣7.4剧情:1943年10月,美国海军在费城进行了一次人工强磁场的机密试验,即着名的“费城实验(The Philadelphia Experiment)”,实验成功地将一艘驱逐舰及全体船员投入另一空间。

美国,我们的故事第九集:萧条-----------------------------01第十集:二战-----------------------------18第十一集:超级大国-------------------36第十二集:黄金时代-------------------56美国曾经繁荣然而此刻却满眼萧条 America boom. But now, it's bust.大萧条席卷全国 The Great Depression explodes across America.社会动荡民生凋敝旱情四起 Social upheaval, poverty, drought.考验美国的时刻到了 It's time for America...to fight back.美国精神也正是在 The American spirit is forged大萧条的烈火中铸就 in the fires of Great Depression.我们是前锋也是先驱 We are pioneers...and trailblazers.我们为自由而战 We fight for freedom.我们将梦想付诸现实 We transform our dreams into the truth.我们的奋斗将换来一个国家的新生 Our struggles will become a nation.美国: 我们的故事第九集萧条20世纪20年代是美国的繁荣时期 The 1920s is boom time in America.金钱如潮涌来油井不断开采 Money flows and oil wells explode.农民们挣扎求生城市却飞速扩张 Though farmers are struggling, cities expand. 摩天大楼擎天之势让高攀的股指也望尘莫及 Skyscrapers go higher than the stock market.对汽车和类似好莱坞的 Aspirations run wild for cars近郊豪宅的渴望急剧膨胀 and suburban housing projects like Hollywoodland.到1929年 By 1929,广告业产值超过了国民教育支出 more money is spent on advertising than on education. 所谓消费至上和资本主义让我们有点飘飘然了 We got a little carried away with consumerism and capitalism珍妮特·沃尔斯 [著名作家]到头来反受其害 and it bite us in the butt.繁荣的根基是银行信用体系 The boom is built on credit.1929年 In 1929,美国人用信用卡买了60亿美元的商品 $6 billion of goods are bought on credit,与此同时 80%的美国人却没有丝毫积蓄 but 80% of Americans have no savings at all. 有的股票市值高达 Some stocks are valued at其实际价值的50倍 50 times what they're really worth.一个巨大的泡沫即将破灭 A giant bubble just ready to burst.1929年10月该来的还是来了 By October 1929, the inevitable happens.股票市场3个星期内 The stock market loses 12 times蒸发掉的市值 more money in three weeks,相当于美国政府一年财政开支的12倍还多 than the US government uses in a year. 整个国家很可能就此一蹶不振 The entire country could've gone down--汤姆·布罗考 [原NBC新闻主播]从经济角度来看也确实几乎如此 and almost did, from an economic point of view. 股市崩溃后整整一年 For a year after the stock-market crash,美国经济徘徊在深渊的边缘 America's economy teeters on the edge of the abyss. 1930年12月 December 1930.纽约街头非常平静 The streets of New York are quiet.离1929年股市崩溃已经一年多了 It's been a year since the stock-market crash of 1929,不过只有2%的人口是股民 but only 2% of the population own stocks.其他98%的人生活依旧如常 The other 98% get on with their lives.直到这一天 Until today.这个人即将从根本上 This man is about to shake动摇美国人对银行体系的信心 America's confidence in its banks to its very core. 他在一间本地银行存了钱 He's put his money in his local bank.合众国银行 The Bank of United States,几小时后这家银行将面临倒闭的命运 a bank that has only hours left to exist. 他从报上读到了一则质疑该银行稳定性的消息 But a newspaper article questions his bank's stability.4家银行并购提案取消正是从这一刻起一石激起千层浪 This is the moment that begins a chain reaction 整个国家的经济体系变得岌岌可危... that will shake the whole country's economy... 我们并不清楚这人姓甚名谁 yet we don't even know the man's name.只知道《纽约时报》刊载了他的故事 But his story was recorded by "The New York Times." 一名布朗克斯区的小商贩 A small merchant in the Bronx来到合众国银行的一家支行 went to a branch of the Bank of United States要求银行职员 and asked bank officials to把他的股票抛售掉 dispose of his stock in the institution.您好先生有什么可以为您效劳的 Good day, sir, how may I help you?好的我想卖掉我在这家银行的股份 Yes, I'd like to withdraw my shares from the bank.再说一遍好吗先生 I beg your pardon, sir?银行的规章制度此时已是一纸空文 Bank regulations are virtually nonexistent at the time.由于房地产投资失败 Bad real-estate investments mean这家银行只能靠做假帐来勉强维持 the bank has only kept itself afloat by cooking the books.您好先生需要我帮忙吗 Good day, sir, how may I be of assistance?我要卖掉我的股份 I'd like to sell my shares.先生这投资很不错 Well, the stock is a good investment, sir.我建议您不要卖 I would advise against the sale.我要拿回我的钱 I want my money.这家银行最怕的就是客户大规模提现 The last thing the bank needs is to hand out all its cash.最近我们面临的又一次金融危机 We almost witnessed that fairly recently历史惊人地相似悲剧重演了 and I've seen what can go on, and I've seen travesty. 唐纳德·J·特朗普 [美国地产大亨]显然他走后散布了一个谣言 He departed and apparently spread a false report, 说这家银行拒绝兑现他的股份 that the bank had refused to sell his stock.中午时分 By mid-afternoon,一大批人聚集在银行外面 a considerable crowd had gathered outside the bank,人数估计有两万到两万五 estimated at between 20,000 and 25,000 persons.就在这一天担忧化为了恐慌 This is the day worry turns to panic.银行会走上股市的老路吗 Would the banks go the same way as the stock market?歇斯底里的情绪像野火一样蔓延着 Hysteria spreads like wildfire.仅这一家支行就被提走了两百万美元 $2 million are withdrawn from this branch alone. 即便在银行关门前 Even though all the anxious depositors who所有情绪激动的提款人都顺利领到了钱 asked for their money before closing time were given it...他们还是焦躁不安 the crowd became restless.一小队警察出面控制局势 A squad of police were sent in to control them.翻译:小坏 remembertoi Jose ww艾取子小Q校对:安小七精校:小坏 Joanna时间轴:马小样顾问:小跳后期:鱼骨头总监:小坏风波也殃及了其他支行 The trouble spreads to other branches.第二天早上 By the next morning,合众国银行倒闭 the Bank of United States has collapsed.民众对美国银行体系的信心土崩瓦解 Confidence in US banks disintegrates.1930年最后两个月 600家银行倒闭 In the last 60 days of 1930, 600 banks shut. 一波又一波银行倒闭狂潮席卷全国 Banks close in wave after wave across the country. 1933年全美有28个州没一家银行营业 By 1933, there are 28 states without a single bank open.与如今不同 Unlike today,当时联邦政府并不为银行担保 the federal government does not bail out the banks. 失业人数从1930年的400万 Unemployment goes from 4 million in 1930飙升至1932年的1200万 to 12 million in 1932.每天有1000个家庭流离失所 Every day, 1,000 homes are repossessed.20万名流浪儿无家可归 200,000 vagrant children wander the country.3400万美国人丧失经济来源 34 million Americans have no source of income.大萧条是美国的悲剧 It was an American tragedy, the Depression was,布莱恩·威廉斯 [NBC晚间新闻主播]只有美国人自己的智慧才能拯救自己 and it took American ingenuity to lift America out of it.复兴之路从这里开始 The fight back starts here.由政府出资私人承建的大型工程项目Vast building projects, publiclyfunded...privately built.这就是人称"快手"的弗兰克·克罗 This is Frank "Hurry Up" Crowe.他已成功承建6座水坝按时完工且不超预算 He's already built six dams on time and under budget.现在他把目光投向了更大的目标 And now he has his eye on something even bigger: 科罗拉多河 the Colorado River.我十分渴望修建这个大坝 I was wild to build this dam,使之成为最宏伟无与伦比的大坝 the biggest dam ever built by anyone, anywhere. 科罗拉多河是世上 The Colorado River is one of the水流最湍急的河之一 most powerful rivers in the world.从这些峡谷里每秒钟奔腾而下的水量 Every second, twice as much water相当于尼亚加拉大瀑布水流量的两倍 tears through these canyons than goes over Niagara Falls.弗兰克·克罗的计划是驾驭这条河 Frank Crowe's plan is to harness it.这条河所蕴含的水和水力发电 The water and hydroelectricity将改变整个西南部 will transform the whole of the Southwest.1931年3月4日 March 4, 1931.联邦政府一声令下 The government gives the go-ahead开始修建胡佛水坝 to build the Hoover Dam.胡佛水坝尚未动工之时 The Hoover Dam, even before they started building it,就被视为一种象征 it became a metaphor,人们视之为美国精神的象征不屈不挠 people saw it as a statement of the American's fortitude,詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志总编]独具匠心迎难而上 of our ingenuity, of our talent for hard work勇往直前 and for our willingness to改造世界 transform the environment around us.这座水坝的造价 The Hoover Dam will cost相当于今天的10亿美元 nearly $1 billion in today's money.弗兰克·克罗如果能迅速完工 Frank Crowe is offered a 2.5% cut of the dam's profits 便可得到水坝盈利的2.5%作为报酬 if he gets the job done quickly.预计要花6年才能建成水坝 It should take 6 years to build,但弗兰克说他只需4年即可完工 but Frank says it can be done in 4.全国各地共有四万两千人 42,000 men come from across the country来这个美国最大的工地找工作 looking for jobs on the biggest construction site in America.弗兰克·克罗收了五千名 Frank Crowe takes 5,000 men最能吃苦耐劳且干活麻利的 willing to work harder and faster than anyone else. 优胜劣汰 The survival of the fittest.人们为了得到工作不惜一切代价 Men are ready to do anything for work.美国有着一种人定胜天的精神 There's a large cando attitude in the United States 鲍勃·鲁兹 [前通用汽车公司副总裁]几个世纪以来的事实也表明 and it come soon the fact that over the centuries,尽管前路有着许多艰难险阻 there has been a lot of adversity,我们终能凯旋而归 and we have usually triumphed.首先是成功开发了 First was the triumph of这片辽阔的大陆 developing this whole vast continent,然后又在大平原上铺设了铁路 putting in railroad lines,还建成了所有这些宏大的工程 putting in all the civil engineering to support it, 建设胡佛水坝 putting in Hoover Dam.全都是不可思议的巨大挑战 These were all incredible challenges.建成水坝需要两个步骤 There are two stages to building the dam.第一步让河水改道绕过工地周围 First, divert the river around the worksite. 第二步建起这座巨堤 Second, build the colossal wall.为了让水流湍急的科罗拉多河改道 To divert the raging Colorado,需要钻透长达3英里的岩石 four massive tunnels are建成4条巨大的隧道 drilled through 3 miles of solid rock.每条隧道的宽度堪比四车道高速公路 Each tunnel is as wide as a four lane highway 高度则有5层楼 and is tall as a 5-story building.每秒钟有150万加仑的水 A million and a half gallons of water从这些隧道中奔腾而过 flow through here every second.胡佛水坝是 The Hoover Dam was a statement美国最好的写照 about what America is all about.不惜一切代价 Nothing is too big to take on.我们必将改变这个国家 We are going to change this country.弗兰克·克罗本就分秒必争 If Frank Crow was in a hurry before,现在更是压力倍增 now the pressure is double.无论时间还是资金 Time and money.隧道只能在枯水季节挖掘 The tunnels can only be dug when the river is low.而枯水期每年只有四个月 That's only four months in a year.资金也是个问题 And the money.工程每延期一天 There is a $3,000 fine for every day就要罚款3000美元 the project falls behind the schedule.时间不等人 The clock is ticking.弗兰克的解决之道一如既往地大胆 Frank's answer is as bold as he is.巨大的移动钻孔机 Gigantic mobile drilling rigs.4层脚手架搭在卡车上面 4 stories of scaffolding mounted on the backs of trucks. 多达30名工人 Up to 30 men drill into一天24小时不停地钻 the rock around the clock, 24 hours a day.比通常的钻孔进度快上10倍 They move ten times faster than normal drilling.隧道内温度高至华氏140度[60摄氏度] Temperatures hit 140 degrees in the tunnels. 弗兰克还是催得更急 Frank just pushes harder.他要求钻孔工人们相互竞争 The drilling crews compete against each other.哪队每天能钻更多 Which will drill the furthest every day?正如钻孔工人马里昂·艾伦所言 As drill man Marion Allen puts it:其实干多干少并不会怎么样 It didn't make any difference what you did,但你必须要比其他人多干 but you had to beat that other crew.卡车排放出致命废气 Deadly fumes pump out of the trucks.这些气体在隧道里聚集 They build up in the tunnel.进入工人们的肺部和血液中 They get into the men's lungs, into their blood.你派几个人把他弄出去 You men, get him out of here.一氧化碳毒倒了数百人 Carbon monoxide poisoning claims hundreds of men.有天晚上我在那干活 I went to work down there one night,队里本来有17个人 and there was 17 men in my crew.第二天早上 The next morning,只剩下我和另外3个了 myself and three others was all that was left.其他的都病倒了条件非常艰苦 All the rest was taken out sick. It was rough.克罗对工作只有一个要求 Crowe has only one working rule.别给我借口我要结果 To hell with excuses-- get results.但这样急于求成 But the drive to get results quickly将导致致命后果 will have deadly consequences.竭力保住工作的工人不免忙中出错 Men desperate to keep their jobs make mistakes 诸如爆破还没完成就试图去清理碎石 like trying to clear rubble before the blasting is finished.爆破之后还需要挖掘清理 You are having to dynamite areas and you have to dig out. 埃尔·卡玛里罗 [斯坦福大学教授]虽然有机器 There's machinery,但仍然要用锄头和铲子去挖 but you're still using a lot of pick and shovel.危险重重 Treacherous work.一名矿工的妻子还记得 A miner's wife remembers有位竭力想保住工作的工人 one worker, desperate to keep his job.每个人都想进隧道里工作 Everybody was trying to work in the tunnels.这个人太急于表现 This man was so anxious to work太快就冲进了隧道中 that he just went into the tunnel too quick.刚把铲子伸进去一个炸弹延时爆炸了 Just as he put his shovel in, there was a delayed blast.公司称96人在事故中身亡 The company says 96 men died.工人们说其实有好几百人 The workers claim it's hundreds.隧道提前11个月完工 The tunnels are finished 11 months ahead of time.但对于胡佛水坝来说这只能算是开了个头 But that's just the beginning of the Hoover Dam.最大的困难还在前面 The hardest job is yet to come:建起地球上最大的混凝土建筑 building the biggest concrete structure on earth. 弗兰克·克罗大力推进 Frank Crowe is driving ahead the胡佛水坝的建设 building of the Hoover Dam,这是美国前所未有的最大工程项目 the biggest engineering project America has ever seen.他要求快马加鞭 He's driving his men hard.工人们夜以继日地工作 The crews work day and night.一片混凝土的海洋在峡谷中拔地而起 A sea of concrete rises in the canyon,厚度相当于两个足球场并排的长度 as thick as two football fields laid end to end. 五千工人五万台机器和工具 5,000 men, 50,000 machines and tools,当世最杰出的工程师 the best engineers alive,所用原材料足以装满一列1000英里长的火车 enough materials to fill a train 1,000 miles long.这座大坝可谓 This is the 1930s' equivalent20世纪30年代的"登月"计划 of putting a man on the moon.建造大坝要倾倒660万吨混凝土 6.6 million tons of concrete have to be poured. 足以铺设一条四英尺宽的人行道环绕地球一圈 That's enough to lay a 4-foot-wide sidewalk around the earth.如何将如此大量的混凝土 How to pour that much concrete倾倒在特定的地点呢 and get it where it's needed?弗兰克·克罗设计了历史上 Frank Crowe designs the most最为复杂的缆索系统 sophisticated cable system ever built.开底式巨桶 Giant bottom-opening buckets.能将混凝土准确地倒入 They pour the concrete into molds指定地点的模具中 exactly where it is wanted.罗马人早在2000年前就发明了混凝土 Concrete was invented by the Romans 2,000 years ago,但胡佛水坝却是历史上 but the Hoover Dam is the第一座由混凝土建成的大坝 first large concrete dam in history.现如今几乎所有的水坝均由混凝土建成 Today virtually all dams are made of concrete.混凝土易成形又很坚固 It's malleable and it's strong.是建筑中使用最广泛的材料 It's the world's favorite building material for any structure.时间紧迫弗兰克需要解决一个重大问题 Frank is up against the clock, and he has a big problem.混凝土凝固过程中会释放热量 The curing concrete generates heat.若这些混凝土一次性持续倾倒 If the dam were constructed in a single, continuous pour,产生的热量足以 it would put out enough heat to bake连续三年每天烘烤50万片面包 half a million loaves of bread every day for three years.更糟的是这让大坝要过125年才能完全硬化 But worse, the dam would take 125 years to harden.弗兰克·克罗可等不起 Frank Crowe's got no time for that.布莱恩·威廉斯 [NBC晚间新闻主播]无路可退我们终于真正认清自己 Backs against the wall, we figured out who we were. 拼尽全力安然度过了大萧条时期 We worked our way out of that Depression.让混凝土冷却下来的法宝 The secret of cooling the concrete就藏于大坝之内 lies within the dam itself.直径1英寸总长582英里的水管 582 miles of 1-inch pipes自大坝所要制服的科罗拉多河引来冰冷的河水 carry ice-cold water from the very river the dam is taming.詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志总编]那是一次创举 No one had ever thought of this before,这些水管如今依然留在胡佛大坝中 and those pipes are still in the Hoover Dam today. 弗兰克·克罗未辜负其快手之名 Frank "Hurry Up" Crowe lives up to his name.胡佛大坝于1935年9月30日竣工 The Hoover Dam is completed on September 30,1935, 提前两年完工 two years ahead of schedule.弗兰克获得了一笔 Frank receives a bonus worth相当于如今400多万美元的巨额奖金 over $4 million in today's money.汤姆·布罗考 [原NBC新闻主播]对于那些工人来说建造了胡佛水坝 For those workers to have built something as monumental如此富有挑战又意义深远的建筑物 and as challenging as Hoover Dam was,实在是建筑史上一次惊人的壮举 it was an astonishing feat of construction让我们相信一切皆有可能 and I think it gave us all a sense of the possible. 1936年胡佛大坝 1936. The Hoover Dam成为世界上最大的 is the largest hydroelectric水力发电设施 power-producing facility in the world.这里共17座发电机 Each of the 17 generators weighs每座的重量都超过4架巨型飞机 more than four jumbo jets.这些发电机可以给像洛杉矶这样 Together, they can supply power to 750,000 people 迅速发展的城市里75万人口提供电力 in booming cities like Los Angeles.这座大坝造就了密德湖 The dam creates Lake Mead,美国最大的水库 the biggest reservoir in America,蓄水量足以将整个纽约州 big enough to flood the entire覆盖在一英尺深的水下 state of New York under a foot of water.让加利福尼亚成为 It helps California produce more food,美国粮食产量最大的州 for the United States than any other state.胡佛大坝建筑工人还带动了周围地区的发展 The Hoover Dam workers make something else boom as well.他们常去30英里外的 A little town 30 miles away where一座小镇喝酒赌博 they go to drink and gamble.小镇的名字叫做 Its name:拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas.胡佛大坝一名建筑工人的妻子如是说 As the wife of one Hoover Dam worker puts it: 他们的工作如此危险 When men worked in such dangerous surroundings,所以偶尔放纵一下 you couldn't blame a lot of fellas也是无可厚非 for sort of letting their hair down.他们开心就好 They were having fun.1930年拉斯维加斯城居民共5000人 1930. 5,000 people live in Las Vegas.然后来了建筑大坝的工人 Then the dam workers arrive.然后是游客然后是赌博业的兴起 Then the tourists. Then the gambling.现如今每年有3700多万人 Now, over 37 million people来到拉斯维加斯吃喝玩乐 come every year to party in Las Vegas.建成七十余年胡佛大坝依然 After 70 years, the Hoover Dam still为内华达州亚利桑那州 supplies power to the people of Nevada, Arizona,以及加州居民供电 and California.拉斯维加斯一家酒店有着全世界最大的探照灯 One Las Vegas hotel has the biggest flashlight on earth,这盏灯拥有400亿烛光功率 40 billion candle power.借助其灯光 You can read a newspaper人们可在10英里外的地方看报 10 miles out in space by its light.1934年黑暗笼罩着整个美国 1934. Darkness falls across America.这是美国历史上最严重的一次环境灾害 The worst environmental disaster in American history.沙尘暴侵袭纽约芝加哥和波士顿 Dust storms hit New York, Chicago and Boston. 曼哈顿区正午都不得不点亮路灯以照明 In Manhattan, the streetlights come on at midday.这场沙尘暴祸及1800英里土地 A monstrous dust storm 1,800 miles wide从大平原直到大西洋 from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean.空中满是沙尘 The air turns to earth.这场沙尘暴为每个美国人带来3吨沙尘 The storm carries 3 tons of dust for every American alive.船只只能滞留在东海岸 Ships stop off the Eastern Seaboard,不清楚岸上的情况 not sure what is happening.滚滚的沙尘让"德意志"号的船长以为 The cloud reminds the captain of the ship "The Deutschland"是撒哈拉沙漠的狂沙被吹来了海里 of the sands of the Sahara blowing out to sea. 而现在沙尘暴正吞噬着自由女神像 But now the clouds are devouring the Statue of Liberty.这场沙尘暴产生于一片100万英亩的死亡地带 Dust storms were born out of a 100 million-acre dead zone就在两千英里之外的俄克拉荷马 2,000 miles away in Oklahoma,德克萨斯堪萨斯与科罗拉多州一带 Texas, Kansas and Colorado.中央大平原曾是 The Great Plains had once been世界上最富饶的草原地带 the most fertile grasslands on earth.土壤耕种层深达6英尺 The topsoil was 6 feet deep,但经过四代美国农民的耕作 but it has been plowed up and used up这片土地已然贫瘠 by four generations of farmers.而太阳的烘烤又使它干透 Now the sun has dried it up.H.W.布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学教授]真正使农民严重受损的 What really did the farmers in是一场环境灾变 was an environmental cataclysm包括大范围干旱强风 that involved an extended drought, high winds,以及损失上百万吨耕种层土壤 and the loss of millions and millions of tons of topsoil.就仿佛上天 It was almost as though the heavens themselves都在和农民作对 had turned against the farmers.1930年这里几乎没有降水 By 1930, the rains virtually stop.重量较轻的有机物最肥沃的土壤 The lighter organic matter, the best soil,几乎都被风刮走了 is literally gone with the wind.小颗粒的沙尘悬浮在空中 The tiny particles of soil are suspended in the air.这引起了异常现象 Then a freakish phenomenon happens.地面与灰尘之间产生静电 Static electricity builds between the earth and the dust. 就像磁铁一样 Like a magnet,这种静电将更多沙尘吸入空中 the static electricity sucks up more and more dust, 滚雪球般越滚越大沙尘范围和威力剧增 feeding itself, growing in size and power. 灾难由此产生 A monster is created.沙尘到达一万英尺的高空 The dust is lifted up to 10,000 feet.借助高空风力 Powered by high-altitude winds,灾害肆虐全国 the monster rips across the country looking for prey.1935年4月14日科罗拉多州拉马尔城 April 14, 1935. Lamar, Colorado.露易丝·沃尔顿曾经的百老汇舞者和女演员 Louise Walton, once a Broadway dancer and an actress.放弃了喧嚣浮华 She gives up the glamour只为到草原来呼吸新鲜干燥的空气 to breathe the clean, dry air of the prairies. 医嘱说如此方能治其肺病 The doctors say her lungs need it.露易丝在南部平原过得很好 Louise thrives on the Southern Plains,她6岁的女儿珍妮也是如此 and so did her six-year-old daughter Jeanne...直到最近 until recently.他们的田园梦成了噩梦一场 Their rural dream has become a nightmare.过去三个月中就发生了49次沙尘暴 49 dust storms in the last three months.这一天天高气爽 But today the air is crisp and clear.珍妮刚刚出院 Jeanne has just got out of hospital她患的是沙尘暴引起的呼吸道疾病 with respiratory problems because of the dust storms.那天清晨 Early that morning,600英里以北 600 miles north,一股来自加拿大的冷锋 a cold front from Canada遭遇高压暖锋 had hit a warm high-pressure front--恰好形成了推动沙尘暴前进的强风 perfect conditions to create the winds for a dust storm.这可不是一般的沙尘暴 But this is not just any duster.这场沙尘暴到达北达科他州的俾斯麦城时 By the time it passes Bismarck, North Dakota,其规模与强度之大 it's the biggest, strongest dust storm在美国已经是前所未有 ever seen in America.冷锋推动沙尘暴在草原地区向南趋近 The cold front drives the storm south across the prairies.以65英里的时速 It's heading straight for向露易丝与珍妮所在处进发 Louise and Jeanne's place at 65 miles per hour.力量愈加强大 It grows more and more powerful.产生的静电 It produces enough static足以为纽约全市供电 electricity to power New York City.到达科罗拉多州拉马尔城时 By the time the storm reaches Lamar, colorado,沙尘暴已横跨200英里 it is 200 miles wide.气温骤降 The temperature plunges.下午2:40 2:40 p.M.珍妮发现沙尘暴正在靠近 Jeanne finds herself looking into the heart of the storm. 妈妈 Mommy!珍妮 Jeannie?我仿佛陷入漩涡 It was like I was caught in a whirlpool.突然之间四周一片黑暗 All of a sudden, it got completely dark.伸手不见五指 I couldn't see a thing.妈妈 Mommy!这些沙尘中带有30万吨 The dust clouds contain over 300,000 tons中央大平原的表层土壤 of Great Plains topsoil.人们要把自己用绳子绑住 People tie themselves to ropes才敢去几百英尺外的畜棚 before going to a barn just a few hundred feet away.牲畜大量死亡人们把尸体切开时 Cattle die, and when they are cut open,它们胃里满是沙土 their stomachs are full of sand.埃尔·卡玛里罗 [斯坦福大学教授]人们对此记忆深刻 There are these memories of people他们整天整天足不出户 that go for days and days and days holed up就呆在小平房里 inside of their little ranch houses,不见天日 and they never see the light of day因为沙尘太多 because the dust is so severe太密集蔓延几百英里 and it's so thick, over hundreds of miles.连续数天不见天日 For days, they don't see light.沙尘微粒进入了珍妮的肺部 The tiny dust particles drill into the child's lungs. 她患上了尘肺病一种在满天黄沙中蔓延的瘟疫 She comes down with dust pneumonia, the brown plague.在堪萨斯科罗拉多和德克萨斯 The Red Cross set up six emergency hospitals红十字会建立了6座急救医院 in Kansas, Colorado, and Texas来治疗沙尘暴引发的大量呼吸道感染 to deal with the rise of respiratory infections. 露易丝·沃尔顿来科罗拉多是为了呼吸新鲜空气 Louise Walton had come to Colorado for the air,可此时医生告诉她 and now doctors tell her她的女儿可能会因为这空气而丧命 that her little girl could die of it.中央大平原上上演了现实版的 There is an Exodus of Biblical proportions圣经出埃及记 underway on the Great Plains.到1936年农民们每天损失高达2500万 By 1936, farmers are losing $25 million a day. 这里已不再适宜耕种 Farming is no longer a possibility.大萧条接踵而至 The Great Depression takes hold.按揭贷款到期他们却无力支付 Their mortgage comes due, they can't pay it--因为没有任何收成 they're not growing crops.他们失去了家庭农场已经不能再算是农民了 They lose the family farm, they lose their identity.。

D. All of the above
Q7: What was Andrew’s favorite aria A. Othello B. Andrea Chenier C. La Traviata D. Village Knight
Q8: What did Andrew love most about the law A. Getting to be part of justice being done
But he never gave up , on the contrary , he picked up his courage to face all the difficulties. In the United States, AIDS was viewed as much more than a transmissible disease, so no one wanted to help him. In desperation, Beckett turned to a black lawyer Joe Miller.
the bottom of the ocean A. A good ending
B. A good thing
C. A good beginning

3Philadelphia 费城故事

3.The story of Philadelphia费城故事安德鲁(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)和米勒(丹泽尔•华盛顿Denzel Washington 饰)认识于法庭上,两人都是年轻有为的律师,各为其主。
在最后的法庭上,病危的安德鲁毅然出庭……Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer infected with AIDS, is fired from his law firm in fear that they might contract AIDS from him. After Andrew is fired, in a last attempt for peace, he sues his former law firm with the help of a homophobic lawyer, Joe Miller. During the court battle, Miller sees that Beckett is no different than anyone else on the gritty streets of the city of brotherly love, sheds his homophobia and helps Beckett with his case before AIDS overcomes him.Andrew’s words impressed me, he said, “It’s every now and again not often but occasional, you get to be a part of justice being done, that’s really quite thrill when that happens.” it make me feel the power of justice. The mostimpressed part of the film is that, Andrew’s family support Andrew fight for his rights. It reminds me to think about the two questions, the homosexuality and AIDS. I have never discriminated the AIDS patient, but I show a little uncomfortable of homosexuality. And now I know more about the problem, and I change my opinion. The gay should be allowed, should be treated fair and should be blessed. Because no matter when, there is nothing wrong with love, and loving somebody who has the same sex with you isn’t an error. So we should give more tolerance to them, and make them feel more comfortable to love and to be loved.The film ends up with a song, and the song tells us Philadelphia is a country filled with love, and it is the place where the Declaration of Independence is published。
THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)

[43:53.08] 第四集分裂[43:54.98][43:55.14]1825年1825.[43:56.83][43:57.14]全世界迎来了现代化的曙光All over the world, the modern era is being born. [44:00.13][44:01.12]工业革命来临It's the Industrial Revolution.[44:02.85][44:03.62]美国努力迎头追赶America is racing to catch up.[44:06.22][44:09.31]在纽约州北部In upstate New York,[44:10.97]一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness. [44:13.81][44:14.65]伊利运河是四千年来The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project[44:18.17]西方世界规模最大的建筑工程in the Western world in the last 4,000 years.[44:21.28][44:24.32]全长超过300英里完全由手工开凿Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand, [44:27.65][44:27.97]而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有and America lacks a single qualified engineer.[44:31.66][44:33.12]美国人The United States of America[44:35.45]不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路isn't about to let nature stand in its way.[44:37.26][44:37.72]我认为美国精神是I think of the spirit of America[44:40.53]想象力与毅力的完美结合being imagination combined with tenacity.[44:44.04][44:38.43] 迈克尔·道格拉斯[著名演员][44:43.20][44:44.44]人们有兢兢业业的工作精神There's a strong work ethic,[44:47.09]有可以尽情施展的创造力a wonderful freedom of creation,[44:50.23]加上脑力与体力相得益彰combined with the mental muscle and physical labor. [44:55.07]对我来说它是人类精神的最高体现So to me, it represents the best of the human spirit.[44:59.92][45:02.48]然而大自然并不见得愿意合作But the land doesn't always cooperate.[45:04.85][45:05.73]一道60英尺高的石灰岩壁挡住了去路A wall of solid limestone 60 feet high. [45:09.31][45:15.20]仅仅30英里开外就是终点伊利湖Just 30 miles from the finish line, Lake Erie. [45:19.00][45:21.16]运河将会改变一切The canal will change everything,[45:22.81][45:23.08]将整个美国中部与大西洋连接起来linking the Atlantic Ocean to the whole middle of[45:26.47][45:28.02]它改变人们的居住地点和人生追求It changes where people live, and why,[45:30.09][45:31.56]把整个北方变成了全球经济中心and turns the North into a global economic powerhouse.[45:35.22][45:39.40]主持运河开凿的The man behind the canal[45:40.89]是满腔热忱的纽约州州长德威特·克林顿is New York's gung-ho governor, Dewitt Clinton.[45:43.76][45:46.70]出身富庶之家的他坚信一切皆可为Born to wealth, he won't take no for an answer. [45:49.88][45:51.48]他有志当总统He wants to be president.[45:52.90][45:52.95]却最终在纽约州长任上尽心竭力了20年Instead, he runs New York for 20 years. [45:56.03][45:56.71]美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人America was blessed with many inspirational leaders,[45:59.49][45:59.50]我认为德威特·克林顿and I think Dewitt Clinton[46:00.81][46:00.82]深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大had a real sense of how important new York could be for America.[46:04.43][45:59.39] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长][46:03.05][46:09.43]克林顿的愿景是让纽约州富起来Clinton's vision: to make New York rich.[46:12.34][46:15.82]从政治层面说开凿运河就像一场豪赌Politically, the canal is a huge gamble. [46:18.63][46:18.90]舆论纷纷抨击这项危险而又昂贵的工程It's savaged in the press as dangerous and too expensive.[46:21.95][46:22.24]他们将其戏称为"克林顿的大沟" They call it "Clinton's big ditch."[46:24.45][46:24.46]而这条"大沟"将永远改变纽约州But it will change New York forever.[46:27.14]这一工程比人类迄今为止所完成的It is a work more stupendous,[46:29.07][46:29.37]任何工程都更伟大更壮观more magnificent, and more beneficial[46:32.77][46:33.04]并能产生更多效益than has hither to been achieved by the human race.[46:36.13][46:38.37]所谓创业精神就是Entrepreneurship is about doing things[46:41.10] 迈克尔·R·彭博[纽约市市长][46:43.80][46:41.64]尽管你不知道结果怎样when you don't know what it's gonna look like,[46:43.38][46:43.39]也不知道该如何着手you don't know what it's gonna be made of,[46:44.79]你所凭借的只是一种直觉you just have this instinct[46:46.49]一种充满必胜信心的直觉that you can do it and it'll work.[46:47.85]这群人很有远见并且敢想敢做Those guys had visions and did it.[46:50.37][46:53.89]5万人50,000 men.[46:55.22]1100万立方码的石块11 million cubic yards of rock.[46:57.69]玫瑰碗球场可容纳92,542人[46:59.69][46:57.69]足以填满26000个玫瑰碗球场Enough to fillthe Rose Bowl 26,000 times.[47:01.54][47:07.39]工人中有很多是爱尔兰移民Crews are filled with Irish immigrants.[47:09.39][47:10.57]大卫·吉尔罗伊在这里挣的钱是家乡的5倍David Gilroy makes five times what he can earn back home,[47:14.41]但这是项危险的工作but it's hazardous work.[47:16.79][47:17.68]他们其实是在移山They're literally moving mountains,[47:19.99][47:20.00]而唯一可行的办法就是用火药and there's only one way through-- gunpowder. [47:23.66][47:24.03]这是一种由硝酸盐木炭及硫磺制成的A highly combustible mix of[47:26.74]极易燃的混合物nitrate, charcoal and sulfur.[47:28.67][47:29.12]一旦配比出错后果就是致命的The wrong proportions can be lethal.[47:31.79][47:43.14]只有一项工作比There's only one job[47:44.17]比点燃导火索更危险that's more dangerous than lighting the fuse...[47:46.52][47:48.59]那就是回去再点一次going back to relight it.[47:50.42][48:09.42]为了克服恐惧工人们喜欢喝酒To cope, workers drink.[48:11.53][48:11.99]威士忌能缓解紧张Whiskey calms the nerves--[48:14.31]同时也会麻痹大脑and clouds the brain.[48:15.63][48:16.12]一名英国游客不敢相信An English tourist can't believe[48:18.07]他们在执行爆破工作的时候还敢喝酒they're mixing alcohol and explosives. [48:20.65][48:21.00]这些爱尔兰工人变得越发莽撞大胆The Irish laborers grew so reckless of life, [48:23.49]以至于当听到爆炸的信号时that at the signal for blasting,[48:25.02][48:25.86]他们只不过拿铲子在头顶挡一下they would just hold their shovels over their heads. [48:28.01][48:36.24]我认为成长在美国I think when you're brought up in America,[48:37.75][48:36.75] 肖恩·康姆斯[著名歌手绰号"吹牛老爹"][48:40.75][48:38.03]就是成长在一段辛勤劳动的历史之中you're brought up on the history of hard work. [48:40.50][48:41.00]有那么多的移民There are so many immigrants[48:42.79]为建设这个国家献出了生命that have died to build this country.[48:45.17][48:45.52]这种精神流淌在我们美国人的血液中That's in our bloodstream,[48:47.00]深藏在我们美国人的基因里that's in our DNA as Americans.[48:48.39][48:48.67]我们不想让先辈们的牺牲付诸东流We don't want their lives to go in vain.[48:50.47][48:50.48]因此我们会比其他人更勤劳Because of that, we usually work harder than anybody else.[48:54.01][48:58.30]八年的开凿Eight years of digging.[48:59.44][48:59.77]近千人的牺牲Nearly a thousand lives lost.[49:01.43][49:01.74]七百万美元的投入相当于如今的一亿美元$7 million, more than 100 million today.[49:05.17][49:05.61]换来了伊利运河于1825年的顺利通航The Erie Canal opens in 1825,[49:08.55][49:08.56]一个工程史上的奇迹诞生了 a miracle of engineering,[49:10.79]东部和中西部从此连为一体connecting East and Midwest.[49:13.48]运河立刻成为了一条推动经济的高速公路It's an instant economic superhighway. [49:16.00][49:16.22]每年有总价值1500万美元的货物来往于河上$15 million of goods a year flow along the canal.[49:20.27][49:21.16]沿岸的小村庄迅速发展成了发达的城市Villages along the canal boom into dynamic cities--[49:24.59][49:24.60]水牛城锡拉丘兹和罗切斯特Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester.[49:27.32][49:29.50]物价大幅下降最大降幅达到95% Goods crash in price, up to 95%.[49:34.05]昔日不得不自给自足的边陲小镇A frontier that had to be self-sufficient[49:36.27]如今各种商品应有尽有can now buy anything they want.[49:38.72][49:41.40]繁荣之火开始燎原Prosperity is on the move.[49:43.37][49:46.06]纽约市变成了一座繁华都市New York City becomes a boomtown.[49:48.65][49:53.56]华尔街迅速崛起成为了世界金融中心Wall Street takes off as a global financial center.[49:56.80][49:59.83]城市规模扩大了4倍The city quadruples in size...[50:02.04][50:04.44]并一举超越新奥尔良成为全国第一大港口and surpasses New Orleans as the nation's number-one port.[50:08.57][50:14.22]这里财富聚集There's so much money around,[50:16.01][50:16.32]"百万富翁"一词就是1840年在这里诞生的the word "Millionaire" is invented in 1840.[50:20.18][50:22.35]伊利运河仍在影响着今天的纽约州The Erie Canal still shapes New York today. [50:24.99][50:25.56]其北部80%的人口80% of the upstate population[50:27.14]依然生活在运河25英里的流域范围内still lives within 25 miles of it.[50:30.52][50:37.00]向南数百英里Hundreds of miles to the south,[50:38.65][50:39.07]一种小型作物正在创造另一种经济腾飞a small plant is creating another economic boom.[50:42.63][50:43.00]棉花Cotton.[50:44.04][50:44.22]然而这种作物也导致了后来的国家分裂But this one will eventually tear the nation apart.[50:47.71][50:49.79]棉花原产于热带地区Cotton is native to tropical regions,[50:51.85][50:52.13]因此美国南部各州成为了理想的种植区making the Southern states of the US a perfect breeding ground.[50:55.73][50:58.43]棉花有价值的部分是The valued part is the soft fiber[51:00.69]紧密地长在这种灌木黏性种子周围的柔软纤维which grows tightly around the shrub's sticky seeds.[51:05.58]全世界有30个棉花品种There are 30 species worldwide.[51:07.34][51:08.32]引进种植不成问题Growing it is no problem,[51:09.66][51:12.39]但是加工这些纤维并使之能纺织成布料but processing the fiber before it can be spun into cloth[51:15.77][51:15.78]则需要大量劳动力is labor-intensive.[51:17.23][51:17.93]特别是在除去棉籽时Especially, separating the seeds.[51:19.93][51:20.92]多年来只能通过手工来完成For years, it could only be done by hand.[51:23.73][51:24.16]仅分离一磅棉花就需要一整天的劳动One pound took an entire day.[51:26.48][51:28.34]1794年3月4日一项简单的发明A simple patent filed on March 4, 1794, [51:32.01][51:32.02]改变了这一切changes all that.[51:33.04][51:35.61]轧棉机The cotton gin.[51:36.54][51:38.00]它实现了加工过程自动化It automates the process[51:39.47][51:39.48]也加深了国家的分裂and deeply divides the country.[51:41.95][51:42.12]轧棉机不仅改变了美国The cotton gin transformed not only America,[51:44.35]也改变了世界but the world.[51:46.03]利用机器进行大规模生产的理念The concept of mass production using a machine [51:49.96]从此开始在各地流行just exploded everywhere.[51:52.43][51:46.66] 伍迪·诺里斯[发明家][51:50.66][51:53.50]一个工人现在能加工比从前多50倍的棉花One man can now process 50 times more cotton.[51:57.20][51:57.49]整个南方的棉产量因此突飞猛进Output skyrockets all over the South.[52:00.18][52:03.50]1830年美国棉产量占世界总产量的一半In 1830, America is producing half the world's cotton.[52:07.11][52:07.67]到1850 这一比例接近四分之三By 1850, it's nearly 3/4.[52:10.91][52:15.29]被喻为"白色黄金"的棉花Called white gold,[52:16.58]给南方带来了一种新式的奢华生活cotton supports a new lavish lifestyle in the South.[52:20.21][52:22.30]到1850年By 1850,[52:23.51]密西西比州的纳奇兹市的人均百万富翁数量there are more millionaires per capita in Natchez, Mississippi,[52:27.02]比全世界任何一个地方都要多than anywhere else on Earth.[52:28.86][52:31.63]城里最富有的人拥有4万英亩田地The richest man in town owns 40,000 acres, [52:34.76][52:34.77]几乎是曼哈顿岛的3倍大nearly three times the size of Manhattan Island.[52:37.83][52:43.30]南方的迅速繁荣The South is thriving[52:45.90]离不开一种人剥削人的制度on the backs of humans owning other humans.[52:48.51]也就是奴隶制It's called slavery.[52:50.69][52:51.75]北方也受到了南方繁荣的影响The North is implicated in the South's success. [52:55.38][52:58.84]工业发达的北方从南方的棉花中获益The industrial North is profiting from Southern cotton,[53:02.15][53:04.00]而对奴隶制却视而不见but turns a blind eye to slavery.[53:06.28][53:07.93]开国元勋中的许多人自己就是奴隶主Many of them slave owners themselves, [53:09.99][53:10.27]他们以为奴隶制会很快消失the Founding Fathers assumed slavery would soon disappear.[53:14.22][53:14.90]奴隶制在英国已经被废除了20年Slavery has already been abolished for 20 years in Britain[53:18.63]而且在欧洲的大多数地区属于违法and is outlawed across most of Europe.[53:20.80][53:21.09]但由于棉产量的剧增But with the cotton explosion,[53:22.82][53:23.11]奴隶制变得对南方经济极其重要slavery becomes critical to the Southern economy. [53:25.88][53:29.26]现在每个奴隶可以创造比以前多50倍的利润Each slave is now 50 times more profitable.[53:32.61][53:32.98]在轧棉机问世前只卖300美元的奴隶A slave who sold for $300 before the cotton gin[53:36.37]到1860年可以卖到近2000美元goes for nearly 2,000 by 1860.[53:39.25]人们没有真正意识到这一点People don't really realize this,[53:40.37] 詹姆斯·梅格斯[《大众机械》杂志总编[53:43.37][53:40.51]在轧棉机发明之前but slavery was actually on the decline in the South[53:42.50][53:42.51]奴隶制在南方实际是在逐渐衰退的prior to the invention of the cotton gin,[53:44.39]然而轧棉机使得棉花种植如此有利可图but then once the cotton gin made it so practical to grow cotton,[53:48.60]突然间所有南方农场主all of a sudden, every farmer in the South[53:50.59][53:50.60]都想尽可能地多种棉花wanted to plant as much cotton as possible.[53:52.58][53:54.55]然而过度种植导致了土地贫瘠But overproduction is destroying the land.[53:56.69][53:58.17]棉花种植向西部肥沃的土地进发Cotton heads west in search of fertile soil,[54:01.49]并带去了奴隶制bringing slavery with it.[54:03.42][54:06.12]而北方的废奴势力则要维护边远地区的自由But antislavery forces in the North want to keep the frontier free.[54:10.65][54:11.09]废奴战争的第一枪即将打响The stage is set for the first battles in the war over slavery.[54:15.56][54:24.90]棉花改变了美国人的生活方式Cotton is changing the way Americans live.[54:27.80][54:28.80]不久以后它还会带来国家的分裂In time, it will blow the nation apart.[54:31.82][54:33.26]对南方来说棉花就是金矿For the South, cotton is a gold mine.[54:35.92][54:36.20]而现在北方也想来分一杯羹Now the North wants a piece of the action.[54:38.49][54:38.77]这种互利共赢的合作关系It's a partnership that makes everyone rich,[54:41.54][54:42.60]建立在一种新型机器的基础上based on a new machine,[54:44.76]动力织布机the power loom.[54:45.48][54:48.34]运进来的是粗制棉绒Raw cotton comes in,[54:49.67]送出去的是精美的布料finished cloth goes out.[54:51.13][54:51.42]一切都在一个车间内完成All under one roof.[54:53.40][54:54.72]现代工厂诞生了The modern factory is born.[54:56.82][55:00.56]马萨诸塞州的洛威尔Lowell, Massachusetts,[55:01.88]这个纺织业发达的城市有着"纺锤之城"的美称is called the city of spindles, a textiles boomtown.[55:06.55]人口在短短15年内Population explodes[55:07.88]由1820年的200人骤增至近20000人from 200 in 1820 to nearly 20,000 in just 15 years.[55:13.99][55:14.55]城里超过三分之一的人在工厂里工作More than a third of the town works in the mills.[55:16.84][55:17.60]其中85%是15岁至25岁的单身女性85% are single women between 15 and 25. [55:21.36][55:23.04]哈丽特·罗宾逊只有10岁Harriet Robinson is ten.[55:24.75][55:25.05]父亲死后她就进了工厂When her father dies, she goes to work at the mill. [55:28.32][55:29.76]那情景历历在目我在走廊里来回穿梭I can see myself now, racing down the alley, [55:32.77]奔走于纺机之间between the spinning frames,[55:34.65]搬着个比自己还大的线筒箱carrying in front of me a bobbin box bigger than I was. [55:38.33]妇女第一次可以通过劳动挣钱Women earn money for the first time.[55:41.65][55:42.13]哈丽特的工钱帮助补贴家用Harriet's wages help supporther family.[55:44.64][55:45.04]工业化改变着每个人的生活Industrialization is changing everyone's lives.[55:48.65][55:51.45]所有女童工的收入都得到了合理利用All the mill girls make good use of their money.[55:53.79][55:54.06]家里的抵押被赎回来了The mortgage is lifted from the homestead,[55:56.34]农舍也被粉刷一新the farmhouse is painted.[55:57.73][55:58.00]女童工的收入能贴补守寡的母亲Mill girls help maintain widowed mothers[56:00.24]或者酗酒或者伤残的父亲and drunken or invalid fathers.[56:02.07][56:06.00]我们每周能挣2美元We were paid $2 a week.[56:07.71]当轮到我站在线筒箱上时Oh, how proud I was when[56:09.03]我是多么激动啊it came to my turn to stand up on the bobbin-box.[56:11.61][56:12.81]当妇女到纺织厂制线厂真正参与生产劳动时When women really joined the workforce in the cotton mills and the thread factories,[56:19.04][56:16.30] 玛莎·斯图尔特[著名女企业家有"家政女王"之称][56:19.30][56:19.31]这使她们有机会挣脱传统束缚I think it gave women an opportunity to get out,[56:23.13]并认真考虑自力更生了be serious about being bread winners.[56:25.61][56:25.81]这改变了整个美国的社会格局And it changed the whole fabric of America.[56:28.88][56:30.50]纺织工厂还掀起了美国人的服装革命The mills also revolutionize how Americans dress.[56:33.96][56:36.05]廉价棉布的大量生产Mass production of cheap cotton fabrics[56:38.69]振兴了美国的服装业spawns America's clothing industry.[56:40.88][56:42.29]以前大多数家庭的衣服都是自制的Previously, most families made their own clothes.[56:45.25]现在人们开始购买成衣Now, people buy ready-to-wear.[56:47.17][56:47.80]东方潮流取代了鹿皮大衣Eastern fashions replace buckskin.[56:50.20][56:50.55]到1850年By 1850,[56:52.04]服装业成了纽约市最大的制造业men's clothing is the largest manufacturing industry in New York City.[56:55.72][56:56.00]作为美国人我最自豪的一点就是For me, what makes me proudest to be an American[56:59.38][56:57.38] 吉米·威尔士[维基百科创始人之一][57:00.38][56:59.38]美国精神中的高效和乐观is that American spirit of productivity, optimism,[57:03.29]坚信人定胜天前景光明this idea that the world doesn't have to be doom and gloom,[57:06.52]我们可以利用科技让生活更美好that we can use technology to make our lives better.[57:09.09][57:11.45]时装并不是来自纺织厂的唯一新事物Fashion isn't the only innovation to come out of the mills.[57:14.61][57:15.00]这里发明的技术直接导致了硅谷的诞生Technology developed here will lead straight to Silicon Valley.[57:18.87][57:19.19]织布机上首创了穿孔卡用于生产带花纹的布料Looms pioneer punch cards to produce patterned fabric.[57:23.00][57:25.02]卡上的每个孔Each hole in the card tells[57:26.49]决定织机是否使用不同颜色的纺线the loom to use a different-colored thread, a yes-no decision.[57:30.68][57:31.38]这就是二进制代码所有现代计算机的基础It's binary code, the basis of all modern computers.[57:35.69][57:37.28]计算机和互联网的诞生The birth of the computer and Internet[57:39.45]都始于棉纺工厂里的织机began in cotton mills with these looms.[57:42.60][57:43.29]我认为在美国历史上的每一个You know, in every major development,[57:47.18][57:44.80] 约翰·拉萨特[皮克斯和迪斯尼公司创意总监][57:47.80][57:47.18]重要的发展时期I think, in the history of America,[57:49.33]科技都起到了核心作用technology has been at the center of it.[57:53.69][57:58.00]尽管轮班时间长达12个小时Despite 12-hour shifts,[57:59.47]工厂还是给妇女们带来了无限的机遇the factories offer a new world of opportunity for women.[58:02.53][58:03.83]她们通过更多的阅读和交流来提高自己They are reading more, talking more, educating themselves.[58:07.39][58:08.52]没错在上工时间读书是违规的Yeah, reading books on factory time was against the rules,[58:12.40]但我们把书藏在围裙口袋和废料桶里but we hid books in apron pockets and waste baskets.[58:15.81]有时我们也把诗贴在织机上背诵Sometimes we pasted poems on our looms to memorize.[58:19.29]美国社会第一次听到了她们的声音And for the first time in America, their voices are heard.[58:23.56][58:26.54]1836年10月October 1836.[58:28.59]洛威尔纺织厂的女工下班后有组织地聚集起来Women from the Lowell Mills gather after work and organize.[58:32.87]她们反对降薪的抗议Their protest against wage cuts[58:34.76]是美国历史上最早的罢工之一is one of the first strikes in US history.[58:37.72][58:39.38]最后她们赢了And they will win.[58:40.27][58:40.94]工厂老板作出了让步The mill boss is back down.[58:42.57][58:43.61]新一代的年轻女性后来成为了老师A generation of young women go on to become teachers,[58:46.65]作家甚至大学毕业生writers and even college graduates.[58:49.37][58:49.87]哈丽特·罗宾逊后来成了争取妇女参政权的领军人物Harriet Robinson will become a leading suffragette,[58:53.95]并在国会前作证and testify before Congress.[58:55.67][58:58.21]她们是第一批They're the first wave in a movement[58:59.88][58:59.89]争取妇女选举权运动的发起者that results in women getting the vote.[59:02.12][59:04.07]照亮她们夜间秘密会议的灯光Their secret meetings at night are only possible [59:06.85]来自一种非凡生物点燃的油灯with the light from lamps powered by an extraordinary creature.[59:10.54][59:15.10]鲸油照亮了夜晚Whale oil opened up the night,[59:16.69][59:16.70]正如许多其它革命性的新发明一样and like so many really transformative technological innovations,[59:20.43][59:16.70] 詹姆斯·梅格斯[《大众机械》杂志总编][59:19.70][59:20.43]它使人们更加自由it expanded human freedom.[59:21.86]它为人们开拓了一条多劳多得的劳动之路It created a way for people to get more, do more and achieve more.[59:26.59][59:28.90]原油在20年之后才被发现Crude oil won't be discovered for another 20 years. [59:31.73][59:33.28]在那之前是鲸油照亮着美国Until then, America runs on whale oil.[59:36.72][59:36.86]捕鲸业The whaling industry[59:38.13][59:38.14]推动了工业革命中的研发过程helped invent part of the Industrial Revolution [59:41.06]还给典型的美国工作狂帮了大忙and the classic American workaholic,[59:44.99][59:41.99]史蒂文·约翰逊[著名作家][59:44.29][59:44.99]通宵达旦的工作环境work-round-the-clock kind of environment,[59:46.99][59:47.00]在这种环境下如果你能有更多的亮光where if you have more light[59:48.30]来熬过那段不见天日的寒冬to keep you going in those dark winter days,[59:50.36]就能有更多成就赚到更多钱you could get more done, you could make more money,[59:52.79]因而在某种程度上你也推动了经济的发展and you could kind of drive the economy forward.[59:55.41][00:08.50]鲸是在地球上曾有过的最大的生物之一Whales are among the largest creatures toever live on Earth.[00:11.78][00:15.41]体重可达一百八十吨身长逾百英尺Up to 180 tons and more than 100 feet long. [00:19.18][00:25.10]一条鲸鱼可以制成A single whale can produce[00:26.23]可以高达三千加仑[约11立方米]的鲸油up to 3,000 gallons of oil.[00:28.50][00:31.30]时至今日美国航空航天局仍在使用鲸油Even today, whale oil is used by NASA. [00:33.90][00:34.34]哈勃空间望远镜就是靠鲸油工作的The Hubble space telescope runs on it.[00:37.05][00:42.67]捕鲸业是北方最大的产业之一Whaling is one of the North's biggest industries, [00:46.06][00:46.33]每年带来一千一百万美元的收入bringing in $11 million a year.[00:48.86][00:49.85]但从业者的伤亡代价也很高But the human cost is also high.[00:52.04][00:54.31]一半的捕鲸船最后会在大海里失踪Half of all ships will eventually be lost at sea. [00:57.53][00:58.00]很少有人甘冒此风险Few men are willing to take the risk.[01:00.05][01:00.35]但对于非裔美国人来说这却是一个良机But it's an opportunity for African-Americans.[01:02.67][01:03.25]两万名自由人和逃跑的奴隶选择了出海20,000 freemen and escaped slaves take to the seas.[01:06.81][01:08.10]约翰·汤普森是马里兰州一名逃跑的奴隶John Thompson is a runaway from Maryland.[01:11.03][01:12.49]我的家在费城I have a family in Philadelphia.[01:14.51][01:15.21]但我不敢再在那里多呆But fearing to remain there any longer,[01:17.41][01:17.42]我想到了去航海捕鲸I thought I would go on a whaling voyage[01:19.88]抓捕逃奴的赏金猎人们不太可能where I stood least chance of[01:22.21]跑到海上来追捕我being arrested by slave hunters.[01:23.61][01:27.93]捕鲸业所提供的平等机会超前于其所处的时代The equal opportunity offered in whaling is ahead of its time.[01:31.73][01:32.93]在这里有色人种真正被当人看待Here, a colored man is only known and looked upon as a man[01:36.39]并且他们的晋升只取决于能力和技术水平and is promoted in rank according to hisability and skill[01:40.64]干的活也和白人一样to perform the same duties as a white man.[01:42.95][01:47.63]从某种角度来说捕鲸业The whaling industry offered[01:49.47]为那些像约翰·汤普森一样当过奴隶的人an ex-slave like John Thompson[01:52.42]提供了社会经济层面的流动性the possibility of socialand economic fluidity, mobility [01:55.65][01:52.83]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][01:58.00][01:55.65]和被人接受的可能性and acceptance in a way.[01:58.08]即使在北方Even in the North,[01:59.75][01:59.76]对于黑人来说这在其它行业也是不可能的that was not possible for black people otherwise.[02:02.78][02:07.30]负责瞭望的人大声叫道The man on the lookout cried out,[02:09.46]"她在那儿喷水呢" "There she blows!"[02:10.86]海面上出现了四只鲸鱼There were four whales in sight,[02:13.07]距离他们只有不到四分之三英里not more than 3/4 of a mile distant.[02:15.76][02:20.90]猎杀它们需要花费数小时的时间It takes hours to kill them.[02:22.48][02:24.06]他们用的是最先进的鱼叉They use state-of-the-art harpoons[02:26.26]路易斯·坦普[美国著名废奴主义者发明家][02:29.26][02:26.26]这是由一个名叫路易斯·坦普的逃奴发明的invented by runaway slave Lewis Temple.[02:29.22][02:31.08]杀死鲸鱼的唯一方法是在鱼鳍处捅入鱼叉The whale can only be killed by lancing him under the fin,[02:34.65][02:34.66]这需要很多练习和技巧which is a work of much skill and practice.[02:37.36][02:39.50]一头盛怒之中的猛兽A monster, terrible in his fury,[02:42.26][02:42.77]足以在摆尾之间让小船灰飞烟灭able to shiver the boat in atoms by one stroke of his tail.[02:46.57][02:50.00]但海上生活纵使再凶险And yet even the dangers at sea[02:52.49]也比可怕的奴隶生活要强得多are preferable to the horror of life as a slave.[02:56.16][02:58.74]对那些冒险逃跑的奴隶的惩罚手段极其凶残Punishment is savage for those who risk escape,[03:01.57]但仍有人为了自由不惜一切代价but some will do anything to be free.[03:04.92][03:09.56]1841年新奥尔良1841, New Orleans.[03:12.47][03:12.48]奴隶交易的中心Ground zero for the slave trade.[03:14.89][03:16.05]这一天是拍卖日It's auction day.[03:17.17]一个让所有奴隶心惊胆战的日子The day every slave fears the most.[03:19.83][03:22.60]在十九世纪上半叶In the first half of the 19th century,[03:24.76][03:25.03]超过一半的奴隶是在拍卖会上被卖出的over half a million slaves are sold at auction.[03:27.75][03:29.69]这一行业在南方经济中占了20亿美元It's a business worth $2 billion to the Southern economy.[03:33.03][03:34.00]由于棉花种植业的繁荣Since the cotton boom,[03:36.57]奴隶的价格飙升the value of slaves has skyrocketed.[03:37.93][03:38.38]现在男奴隶1000美元Now men cost $1,000.[03:40.50][03:40.94]女奴隶800美元Women, 800.[03:42.14][03:42.42]儿童500美元Children, 500.[03:43.94][03:46.16]所罗门·诺萨普Solomon Northup,[03:48.20][03:46.20]所罗门·诺萨普[曾著自传《为奴十二载》][03:51.81][03:48.21]一位来自北方的受过教育的自由人an educated freeman from the North,[03:49.65]因遭绑架而沦为奴隶was kidnapped into slavery.[03:51.81][03:53.11]你到这边来You, come over here.[03:54.68][03:56.30]他会要求我们把头抬起来He would make us hold up our heads,[03:58.52]让我们快速来回奔跑walk us briskly back and forth,[04:01.19]这样顾客们就能观察我们的手臂和躯干while customers would feel our hands and arms and bodies,[04:05.85]他让我们张开嘴巴露出牙齿make us open up our mouths and show our teeth, [04:09.03][04:09.04]简直就像一个骑师在检验马匹precisely as a jockey examines a horse,[04:12.08]然后再决定是用钱还是用货物来完成交易which he is about to barter for or purchase.[04:15.05][04:16.52]奴隶后背上的伤疤被视为Scars upon a slave's back were considered[04:19.04]该奴隶反叛或难以管束的证据evidence of a rebellious or unruly spirit,[04:22.55]因而影响售价and hurt his sale.[04:23.77][04:26.20]把上衣脱了Take your top off.[04:27.16]九成的非裔美国人都是奴隶90% of all African-Americans are slaves,[04:31.36]包括400万男人女人和小孩4 million men, women and children.[04:34.20][04:34.80]我们的建国纲领是We had based this country on[04:36.75]人人都享有不容侵犯的自由和平等权利everyone having inalienable rights to freedom and equality,[04:40.60][04:37.60]雪儿·克罗[上世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一][04:39.60][04:40.60]然而我们也创造了一套惨无人道的迫害机制and yet we created a system of abject persecution.[04:45.60][04:47.81]奴隶们被养肥了送去拍卖就像牲口一样Slaves are fattened for auction, like livestock.[04:51.22][04:51.78]深肤色的男人被买走干农活Dark-skinned men are bought for the fields,[04:54.00]而浅肤色的女人则用来做家务活light-skinned women for the house.[04:56.33][04:57.81]奴隶贩子们谎报他们的年龄Traders lie about their ages,[05:00.36]甚至会给奴隶的白发染色even dye a slave's gray hairs.[05:02.37][05:03.02]对于农场主来说For the plantation owners,[05:04.82]买奴隶就像去当地的超市买糖和面粉一样it was like just going to your local supermarket to get sugar or flour.[05:10.59][05:06.90]艾尔·夏普顿牧师[美国人权领袖][05:10.30][05:10.80]他们已经完全忘了奴隶也是人They had become so desensitized to the humanity of the slave[05:16.44]以至于根本不把奴隶当人看that they did not see them as human beings.[05:19.61][05:23.00]买家需要生育能力强的奴隶来繁衍后代Buyers demand the most fertile slaves for breeding.[05:25.60][05:26.57]身价最高的就是浅肤色未成年处女The most expensive are light-skinned teenage virgins.[05:29.77][05:30.70]强奸已是稀松平常Rape is common.[05:32.53][05:36.61]伊莱扎来自一个州立农场Eliza's from a state plantation.[05:38.99][05:41.95]和她一起被拍卖的还有她的两个孩子She's being sold, with her two children, [05:44.82]埃米莉和兰德尔Emily and Randall.[05:46.89][05:47.33]在路易斯安那州In Louisiana,[05:48.99]将11岁以下的孩子从父母身边带走是违法的it's illegal forchildren under 11 to be taken from their parents.[05:52.67]小伙子过来Boy, come over here.[05:54.14][05:54.39]但这种事屡见不鲜It happens all the time.[05:55.69][05:56.74]给我看看你的牙齿Show me your teeth.[05:58.50][05:58.88]140年的时间对于You know, 140 years is not[06:00.27]整个历史进程来说并不漫长a really long time in the context of history.[06:02.78]所以我真的不敢相信So it's hard for me to believe[06:04.55]140年前黑人在这里没有任何权利可言that blacks didn't have any rights here, [06:06.98]他们遭受的是非人的对待they weren't treated as human beings,[06:09.19][06:07.19]约翰·勒珍德[五次荣获格莱美奖的R&B歌手和歌曲作家][06:11.18][06:09.20]本质上他们的待遇和动物无异they were treated like animals, essentially.[06:11.18][06:12.50]求你了先生Sir, please![06:13.63][06:29.00]拍卖会上过半的交易都会拆散一个家庭Over half the sales at auction will tear a family apart.[06:32.83]想象一下一个八岁的孩子If you've ever been eight, to think of being[06:35.91]被迫与父母分开separated from your mother and your father[06:37.63]被人买走永远不能再见父母一面and sold and you'll never see them again. [06:39.96]想象一下这过程中的惊恐与辛酸The horror of that, the poignancy of all of that, [06:42.38][06:40.38]安妮特·戈登·里德[罗格斯大学历史学系教授][06:43.38][06:42.39]而类似事件却在整个南方屡见不鲜and yet that's the kind of thing that happened across the South[06:46.19]直到奴隶制度瓦解up until the end of slavery.[06:48.09][06:49.00]好了我最后一次出价Okay, my final offer,[06:50.31][06:51.32]这个男人我出一千那个男人我出九百I'll give you 1,000 for that man, 900 for that man.[06:54.66]。

• We all agree that AIDS patients and homosexual should not be discriminated , what is your feeling when you face them ?
• How can the rights of aids’ and homosexuals’ be protected ?
• A similar sample in China《蓝宇》
Denzel Washington
• 2001《Training Day 训练日》 • 1999《The Bone Collector人骨拼图》、 《Hurricane 飓风》 • 1993《philadelphia 费城》 • 1989《Glory光荣》 • 1987《Cry Freedom 高喊自由》
• In the movie , Andrew and his “lover” has received the encouragement of his family members , but the prejudice of the society exists widely . At the end of the story , the result is not complex , he finally won this lawsuit , but it dose not refer that he has obtained acknowledgment of the society . The movie is ending with extremely painful . But it proposed a moral question to people , rendering the loving care and the assistance to AIDS person the same as other sickness , this is approved everywhere , but what kind of attitude we should adopt to the homosexual ?
Philadelphia 费城故事

In my opinion ,
• "Philadelphia" leads the trend of innovation to the AIDS discrimination. It gave hope to the many others who face this dilemma at some point or another in their lives. On the other hand, it also tries to turn our view to the AIDS.
AIDS and Homosexuality
• The movie Philadelphia is an
excellent example of the severe prejudice and discrimination many people with AIDS are exposed to.And it shows how everyday life,work and mental health can be affected by this kind of situation.
Andrew Beckett
• Andrew Beckett ,as presented in the movie , is a gay.Gays • have long been discriminated in American society . Also ,discrimination against gay people in employment and housing remains widespread , At the same time, he is infected with AIDS. Because of this, he is dismissed from the law film.

Mr. Dufresne, describe...…你太太被杀当晚,你曾和她谈过些什么?...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 一些很伤感的话It was very bitter.她说她很高兴我已知道,她不想再偷偷摸摸了She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around.她说她想离婚And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno.-你当时有什么反应?我对她说我不会在乎的- What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one.“在我看见你在雷诺市前,在地狱见吧!”"I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno."你的邻居曾听你说过这些话吧?Those were your words, according to your neighbors.随他们怎么说If they say so.我当时很不开心,什么都不记得了I really don't remember. I was upset.你和太太争吵后发生了什么事?What happened after you argued with your wife?她收拾好行李She packed a bag.到昆汀先生家里去了She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr. Quentin.格伦·昆汀,职业高尔夫球员Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club...你知道他是你妻子的情人...whom you had discovered was your wife's lover.你跟踪她了吗?Did you follow her?我先去了几间酒吧找I went to a few bars first.接着,我开车去了昆汀家,但他们不在家里Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home.我把车停在街角I parked in the turnout...等在那里...and waited.有何企图吗?With what intention?我不太确定我非常困惑I'm not sure.I was confused......drunk.我觉得I think...我只是想吓一吓他们...mostly I wanted to scare them.他们到家后,你就进屋杀了他们When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them.没有,我控制了自己I was sobering up.我开车回家睡觉来忘记一切I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off.在回家的路上,我把枪扔进了河里Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River.我很肯定这一点I've been very clear on this point.但我感到奇怪的是,第二天早上清洁女工发现……I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning...你太太和她的情人死在床上...and finds your wife in bed with her lover...致死的子弹是出自点38口径的手枪...riddled with.38-caliber bullets.杜福雷先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me?是巧合来的Yes, it does.你仍坚持说你在凶案发生前Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river...已经把枪扔进河里了吗?...before the murders took place.这对你很有利That's very convenient.这是事实It's the truth.警察在河里找了三天,但他们没有找到你的枪……The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found...所以无法鉴定死者身上的子弹是否出自你的枪..so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets if taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims.这对你来说And that also...也非常有利,不是吗,杜福雷先生?...is very convenient. Isn't it, Mr.Dufresne?因为我是无辜的……Since I am innocent of this crime...所以我发现找不到枪对我非常不利...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found.各位先生女士,你们听到了所有的证据我们有他犯罪的动机,我们找到他的脚印.留有他的指纹的子弹头.打碎的酒瓶上也留有他的指纹Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence.We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints.Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints.A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. 最重要的是.我们知道他的妻子和她的情人双双倒卧在血泊中And most of all...we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other's arms.他们是犯了错They had sinned.但他们所犯的错严重到需要用死来赎罪吗?But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence?当你们考虑时While you think about that...请想想这个……...think about this:一个弹匣只能装六颗子弹,而不是八颗A revolver holds six bullets, not eight.我肯定这不只是一时冲动而犯下的罪行I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion.那至少是可以理解的,即使不能宽恕That at least could be understood, if not condoned.不!No.这是复仇This was revenge...一个冷血者的复仇,看看这些:...of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this:每个死者都身中四枪Four bullets per victim.总共是八枪而不是六枪Not six shots fired, but eight.那表明子弹打完后That means that he fired the gun empty...他还停下来装子弹...and then stopped to reload...以便再次向他们开枪...so that he could shoot each of them again.每人多加一枪An extra bullet per lover...就在头部...right in the head.杜福雷先生,我觉得你非常冷血You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne.看着你都令我毛骨耸然It chills my blood just to look at you.我以本州赋予我的权利By the power vested in me by the state of Maine...判处你两项终身监禁...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back...分别为两位死者,退庭!...one for each of your victims. So be it!坐下来Sit.你因被判终身监禁己在此二十年?We see you've served 20 years of a life sentence?-是的,先生-你感到后悔吗?- Yes, sir. - You feel you've been rehabilitated?是的,绝对有,先生Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.我是说,我得到了教训I mean, I learned my lesson.我敢说我已经完全改变了I can honestly say that I'm a changed man.我不会再为害社会I'm no longer a danger to society.这是神的真理That's God's honest truth.“不合格”嗨,瑞德Hey, Red.怎么样了?How'd it go?不同的日子,同样的结果Same old shit, different day.我知道你的感受的Yeah, I know how you feel.我下星期又要被否决了I'm up for rejection next week.对,我上星期也被否决了Yeah, I got rejected last week.一向如此It happens.嗨,瑞德,给我一包烟Hey, Red, bump me a deck.滚开!你已欠我五包烟了Get out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already.-是四包!-五包!-Four! -Five!我想在美国的每个联邦或州监狱里都有像我一样的人物There must be a con like me in every prison in America.就是能够给你搞到东西的家伙I'm the guy who can get it for you.定制的香烟,一包大麻……Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that's your thing...为庆祝你儿子或女儿高中毕业的一瓶白兰地,只要你喜欢...bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation.或者几乎所有东西……Damn near anything within reason.是的,先生,我是个冷酷的人Yes, sir! I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck.所以1949年当安迪·杜福雷来找我So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949...问能否弄张丽塔·海华丝的图片进来时(丽塔·海华丝:Rita,Hayworth,美国艳星)...and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him...我告诉他没问题...I told him, "No problem."安迪·杜福雷在1947年来到肖申克监狱Andy came to Shawshank Prison...罪名是谋杀他的妻子和她的情人...in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging.入狱以前,他是波特兰银行的副总裁On the outside, he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank.对他来说是年青有为Good work for a man so young.好啊,瑞德Hi, Red你会说英语吗?You speak English, butt-steak?跟着这个长官走You follow this officer.我一生中从没见过这么差劲的人I never seen such a sorry-Iooking heap of maggot shit in all my life.过来啊!到这里来Hey, fish! Come over here!今天要赌吗,瑞德?Taking bets today, Red?赌烟还是赌钱?Smokes or coin? Bettor's choice.香烟,我赌两根Smokes. Put me down for two.好吧,你买哪一个?All right, who's your horse?那个又矮又瘦的That little sack of shit.-排在第八的,他会是第一个的-妈的!我也想买他- Eighth. He'll be first. - Bullshit! I'll take that action.你输定了,孩子You're out some smokes, son.该你下注了If you're so smart, you call it.我买那边的那个胖子I'll take that chubby fat-ass there.排在第五的那个,我赌四根香烟The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck.今天又有新人Fresh fish today!我们又有的玩了We're reeling them in!我承认我初次见到安迪的时候,没什么特别的感觉I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him.他看起来似乎风一吹就会倒Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over.这就是我对他的第一印象That was my first impression of the man.你买谁?What do you say?那个高个子That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.那个人?不可能的That guy? Never happen.-我赌十根香烟-那可是大赌注- 10 cigarettes. - That's a rich bet.谁来证明我看错了?Who's going to prove me wrong?黑伍德?济格?Heywood? Jigger?史基?Skeets?弗洛德?Floyd!四个胆小鬼Four brave souls.回囚房去,要查房了Return to your cellblocks for evening count.所有犯人都回囚房去All prisoners, return to your cellblocks.向右转Turn to the right!往前看Eyes front.这是哈德利先生,他是这里的看守长This is Mr. Hadley. He's captain of the guards.我是诺顿,这里的典狱长I'm Mr. Norton, the warden.你们都被判有罪了You are convicted felons.因此被送到这里来That's why they've sent you to me.规则一Rule number one:不得污言秽语No blasphemy.我不想在我管的监狱里听到这些I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison.其他的条例……The other rules...其他的条例,你们慢慢就会知道了,还有问题吗?...you'll figure out as you go along. Any questions?何时吃饭?When do we eat?我们叫你吃的时候你就吃You eat when we say you eat.叫你去厕所你就去厕所You shit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. 明白吗?笨蛋?You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker?站好On your feet.我只相信两样东西I believe in two things:纪律和圣经Discipline and the Bible.在这里,你们两样都有Here, you'll receive both.信任上帝Put your trust in the Lord.但你们属于我Your ass belongs to me.欢迎来到肖申克监狱Welcome to Shawshank.解开他们Unhook them.转过身Turn around.够了That's enough.到笼子边上去Move to the end of the cage.转身,给他消毒Turn around. Delouse him.转身Turn around.出来,去领你们的衣服和圣经Move out of the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible.下一个!Next man up!往右走To the right.右边,右边Right. Right.左边Left.毫无疑问,第一晚是最难熬的The first night's the toughest. No doubt about it.赤裸裸的进囚笼,就像刚出生时那样They march you in naked as the day you were born...消毒药粉令皮肤像被火烧一样...skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit.他们把你丢进囚笼And when they put you in that cell...关上铁门...and those bars slam home...那时你才感到这是真实的...that's when you know it's for real.瞬间过去的一切都离你而去Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.剩下的只有对过去的回忆Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.很多新来的人在第一晚都几乎发疯了Most new fish come close to madness the first night.有些人甚至还痛哭流涕Somebody always breaks down crying.一向都如此的Happens every time.唯一的问题是The only question is...谁会是第一个呢?...who's it going to be?我想那是用来赌博的最佳玩意It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess.我把赌注押在杜福雷身上I had my money on Andy Dufresne.熄灯Lights out!我还记得我在这里的第一晚I remember my first night.似乎是很久以前的事了Seems like a long time ago.嗨,新来的Hey, fish.新来的Fish, fish.你怕黑吗?What are you, scared of the dark?我打赌,你希望你爸和你妈从没把你生下来Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama!蠢猪!Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop.他们总是喜欢逗新人The boys always go fishing with first-timers.不达目的,誓不罢休And they don't quit till they reel someone in.嗨,胖子胖子!Fat Ass!聊天吧Talk to me, boy.我知道你在那里,我能听见你的呼吸声I know you're there. I can hear you breathing.别理别人怎么说,你听到吗?Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me?这地方没那么差劲This place ain't so bad.这样吧Tell you what...我介绍你认识他们,就像一家人...I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home.我知道有几个人I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just...会很乐意认识你的...Iove to make your acquaintance.尤其是你那又白又嫩的屁股Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours.天啊!God!我不属于这里I don't belong here!-嗨,有人赢了-我要回家- We have a winner! - I want to go home!是胖子And it's Fat Ass by a nose!新人!我要回家I want to go home!我要见我妈妈I want my mother!我操过你妈妈!她不怎么样I had your mother! She wasn't that great!发生了什么事?What the Christ is this horseshit?他讲粗话,我要告诉典狱官He blasphemed. I'll tell the warden.告诉他我操你屁股吧You'll tell him with my baton up your ass!让我出去Let me out!胖子,你想怎么样?What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk?求求你!我不该在这里的Please! I ain't supposed to be here.不该是我Not me!我不会警告你的I won't count to three. Not even to one.马上你闭上你的臭嘴,否则有你受的!You shut up, or I'll sing you a lullaby!-闭嘴,闭嘴-求求你……-Shut up, man. Shut up! -Please...你不明白的,我不该在这里的You don't understand. I'm not supposed to be here.Open that cell.我也是!这里被他们弄得就像监狱Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison!狗娘养的Son of a bitch!长官,算了Captain, take it easy!如果我今晚听到有半点声音If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight...我对天发誓,你们会吃不了兜着走...I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary.所有的人都不会放过的Every last motherfucker in here.把他抬到医疗室去Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary.杜福雷第一晚就让我输了两包烟His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes.他整晚一言不发He never made a sound.北仓三楼,出来Tier 3 north, clear count!北仓二楼,出来Tier 2 north, clear count.南仓三楼,出来Tier 3 south, clear.准备出来放风Prepare to roll out.出去!Roll out!你准备吃那个吗?Are you going to eat that?不,我没这打算I hadn't planned on it.你介意吗?Do you mind?你真不错That's nice and ripe.杰克说谢谢你Jake says thank you.它从巢里掉下来了Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.我要照顾它直到它会飞为止I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly.不!他过来了Oh, no! Here he comes.早上好,各位Morning, fellas.不错的早晨,不是吗?Fine morning, isn't it?你们知道我的意思的,对吗?You know why it's a fine morning, don't you?把它们拿出来,我想把它们排成……Send them down. I want them lined up...非常诱人的一行...just like a pretty little chorus line.看看这个Look at that.-我真受不了了-天哪- I can't stand this guy. - Oh, Lord!瑞查德、维吉尼亚……Yes! Richmond, Virginia.嗅嗅我的屁股Smell my ass!再嗅嗅我的After he smells mine.很遗憾,你下注的那个输了That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all.但我很喜欢我下注的那个人But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though.我见到他就要亲他一下I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him.你为何不把香烟分给他点?Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck!嗨,利奥Hey, Tyrell.这周你在医疗室当值是吗?You pull infirmary duty this week?我下注的那个怎么样了?How's my horse doing anyway?死了很难得手Hard to get.我喜欢I like that.安迪一开始很自闭Andy kept pretty much to himself at first.我猜他在想办法I guess he had a lot on his mind...接受牢里的生活...trying to adapt to life on the inside.一个月以后他才开口Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth...和某人谈话...to say more than two words to somebody.就像你们所看见的As it turned out...那个人就是我...that somebody was me.我是安迪·杜福雷I'm Andy Dufresne.杀妻的银行家Wife-killing banker.你为何要杀你的妻子?Why'd you do it?我没有杀她I didn't, since you ask.你会很适应这里You're going to fit right in.这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道吗?Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that?-你为何入狱的?-我什么都没做,律师骗了我- What you in here for? - Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me.听说你很冷酷Rumor has it you're a real cold fish.你以为自己很了不起,对吗?You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? 你怎么认为呢?What do you think?说实话,我还不知道To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind.我知道你能拿到违禁品I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.我能搞的I'm known to locate certain things from time to time.你能给我个手槌吗?I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer.手槌A rock hammer.-要干什么?-你关心这个干吗?- What is it and why? - What do you care?如果是牙刷我就不会问你,我会开个价钱For a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask. I'd quote a price.但是牙刷没有杀伤力,对吗?But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it?足够了Fair enough.一个手槌有六至七英寸长A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long.-看起来像个小锄子-锄子?- Looks like a miniature pickax. - Pickax?打石用的For rocks.-石英-石英?-Quartz -Quartz?还有云母、页岩……And some mica, shale...石灰岩……...limestone.这么说吧So?我收集石头So I'm a rock hound.起码我回到了从前的生活,我喜欢那样At least I was in my old life. I'd like to be again.或许你想用它们攻击某人Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull.不,我在这里没有敌人No, I have no enemies here.不会?等着瞧吧No? Wait a while.话说回来Word gets around.那对姐妹花很喜欢你The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you.特别是伯格斯Especially Bogs.就算跟他们说我不好此道也没用Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual.他们也不是Neither are they.首先得是人才行,他们没资格You have to be human first. They don't qualify.水牛喜欢用暴力,不管他人喜不喜欢Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand.如果我是你,我会加倍小心If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head.-谢谢你的忠告-这是免费的- Thanks for the advice. - Well, that's free.你知道我担心什么You understand my concern.就算我有麻烦也不会用手槌的If there's trouble, I won't use the rock hammer.那我猜你想挖个洞逃出去Then I'd guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, maybe.我说漏了什么?什么东西这么好笑What did I miss? What's so funny?等你看见手槌你就明白了You'll understand when you see the rock hammer.买这个东西一般要多少钱?What's an item like this usually go for?七美元,五金铺的零售价Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop.我一般要加20%My normal markup's 20 percent.但这东西很特殊But this is a specialty item.风险越大,价钱越高,一口价,10元吧Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 10 bucks.就10元吧Ten it is.那是浪费金钱Waste of money, if you ask me.为什么?Why's that?这里的人喜欢突击检查Folks around this joint love surprise inspections.他们找到手槌就会被充公They find it, you're going to lose it.被他们发现的话,你别把我供出来If they catch you, you don't know me.否则的话就别想再和我做生意了,你明白了吗?Mention my name, we never do business again.Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum .Now you got that ?我知道了I understand.谢谢你,你叫……Thank you, Mr...瑞德Red.我叫瑞德Name's Red.这名字怎么来的?Why do they call you that?可能因为我是爱尔兰人吧Maybe it's because I'm Irish.我现在明白他们为何看中他了I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby.他不太说话He had a quiet way about him...一举一动都不像普通的人...a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here.他漫步着He strolled...就像公园里与世无争的人...like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world.他像穿了隐形的外套Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place.可以说I think it'd be fair to say...开始我对安迪就有好感...I liked Andy from the start.快点!我赶时间的Let's go! Some of us got a schedule to keep.快点Move it! Come on, move it!怎么样?你太太对你好吗?How you doing? How's the wife treating you?安迪说得很对Andy was right.我最终拿到那玩意I finally got the joke.用这东西来挖隧道It would take a man about 600 years...起码要花六百年...to tunnel under the wall with one of these.-要书吗?-今天不用了- Book? - Not today.要书吗?Book?送到杜福雷那里去Delivery for Dufresne.这是你要的书Here's your book.谢谢Thanks.又不够用了,你再去拿点来We're running low on hexite. Get on back and fetch us up some.这可以弄瞎你的眼睛This will blind you.亲爱的Honey, hush.就是这样That's it. You fight!这样打好吗?Better that way.我很想说安迪打赢了I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight...令姐妹花放过他...and the Sisters let him be.我希望能这么说I wish I could tell you that...但是监狱里没有神话...but prison is no fairy-tale world.他从没提起是谁干的He never said who did it.但我们都很清楚But we all knew.事情就这样持续了一段时间Things went on like that for a while.监狱里的生活都是些例行公事Prison life consists of routine...越来越多的例行公事...and then more routine.安迪的脸上经常出现新的伤痕Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises.姐妹花不断地骚扰他The Sisters kept at him.有时候他能逃脱Sometimes he was able to fight them off.但有时不能Sometimes not.对安迪来说And that's how it went for Andy.这已经成了他的例行公事That was his routine.我相信最初的两年是最糟糕的I do believe those first two years were the worst for him.我也相信事情再继续这样下去And I also believe that if things had gone on that way...这儿会令他脱胎换骨...this place would have got the best of him.但是,在1949年的春天But then, in the spring of 1949...头头们决定……...the powers that be decided:工厂的屋顶需要重修The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing.我需要12名自愿者工作一星期I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work.你知道的As you know...有义务就也有福利...special detail carries with it special privileges.这是户外劳动It was outdoor detail...五月是户外劳动的好时机...and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors.排好队Stay in line there.超过100人报名参加劳动More than a hundred men volunteered for the job.威勒斯·E·安戈……Wallace E. Unger.艾力斯·瑞丁……Ellis Redding.你知道吗?Wouldn't you know it?我和几个我认识的都被选中了Me and some fellows I know were among the names called.安德鲁·杜福雷……Andrew Dufresne.这只花了我们每人一包烟的代价It only cost us a pack of smokes per man.我当然也像往常一样赚了20%I made my usual 20 percent, of course.德州的律师打长途给我So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas.我说,“喂?”I say, "Yeah?"他说,“很遗憾,你弟弟死了”He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died."-我很难过-我并不难过,他是个混蛋- I'm sorry to hear that. - I'm not. He was an asshole.离家多年,早就当他死了Ran off years ago. Figured him for dead.这个律师对我说So this lawyer fellow says to me:“他死的时候很富有”,有价值超过百万的油井"He died a rich man." Oil wells and shit. Close to a million bucks.超过百万的?A million bucks?-人的运气是很难想像的-有你的份吗?- Incredible how lucky some assholes get. - You going to see any of that?我的那份是三万五千元Thirty-five thousand. That's what he left me.-美元?-对-Dollars? -yeah你的运气真不错That's great! That's like winning the sweepstakes.不是吗?Isn't it?笨蛋,你想政府会如何对我?Dumb shit, what do you think the government will do to me?他们会取走很大一部分Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what.可怜的巴朗Poor Byron.真是非常走运Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame.有些人觉得很糟糕Some people really got it awful.安迪,你傻了吗?Andy, are you nuts?继续干活吧Keep your eyes on your mop, man!虽然要交点税,但你还可以……You'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up...也许够买辆新车,但接着呢?Yeah, maybe enough to buy a new car, and then what?你必须为新车上该死的税,维修和保养I got to pay tax on the car. Repair...该死的小孩子会纠缠着你带着他们兜风...maintenance, kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time.如果年底算错了税金,还要掏自己的腰包Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket.告诉你!山姆叔叔I tell you! Uncle Sam!他只是假仁假义He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple.他在找死,继续干活吧- Getting himself killed. - Keep tarring.什么兄弟,去死吧Some brother. Shit!哈德利先生Mr. Hadley...你信任你太太吗?...do you trust your wife?这很有趣Oh, that's funny.你给我吹萧的话也许更有趣You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth.我是说,可曾想过她会对你不忠?What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back?让开点,米特,他马上会出点小意外Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident.他会把他推下去的He'll push him off!如果你信任她,你就能……If you trust her, you can keep...……拿到三万五千元...that 35,000.-你说什么?-三万五千元- What did you say? - Thirty-five thousand.-一分不少。

费城故事跌跌碰碰的我已渐渐变的麻木I was bruised and battered I couldn't tell what I felt我几乎连自己也认不出来I was unrecognizable to myself看着窗里的倒影Saw my reflection in a window我几乎连自己也认不出来And didn't know my own face朋友是否连你也要离我而去So, brother, I'm gonna leave消失在这费城的街头Wastin' away on the streets of Philadelphia我继续走在街道上This one?直到我的腿不能再动为止I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone我听到好友的欢笑声已逐渐消逝远去I heard voices of friends vanished and gone在费城街头的夜晚我可以听见血液在血管里流淌的声音At night I hear the blood in my veins如同那雨点般缓慢而虚弱Just as black and whispery as the rain在费城的街头On the streets of Philadelphia天使是不会来照看我们的Ain't no angel gonna greet me这里只剩下我和你了朋友It's just you and I my friend跋涉了千里的我And my clothes don't fit me no more却只得周身的伤痕I walked a thousand miles just to slip this skin夜幕已降临Night has fallen I'm lyin' awake我感到生命正缓慢地离我远去I can feel myself fadin' away请你用纯洁的吻来接受我吧So, will you receive me, brother with your faithless kiss 或者我们这样孤单地互相远离Or will we leave each other alone like this在费城的街头On the streets of Philadelphia律师所提的"致命灰尘"只出现三次This "pestilent dust" counselor refers to has appeared on only three occasions. 每次都有验过结果是石灰Each time it was tested, and the results: Limestone.虽然污浊但无害It's messy, but innocuous.无害 -韦伯字典说是不构成伤害- "Innocuous"? - Defined by Webster's as harmless.我知道它的意思可以给我吗I know what it means. May I? Thank you.法官大人Your Honor...想象一下住在附近小孩的感受imagine how the children in this neighborhood are being made to feel.建筑的敲击声不绝于耳The constant pounding of construction ringing in their ears...人的贪欲如摩天大厦般地as this skyscraper... a tribute to mankind's greed...节节高升这巨大阴影存在于他们的生活中grows daily, casting an ominous shadow over their lives...而他们被有毒尘埃所包围filling them with dread even as they are surrounded by this toxic dust.法官大人肯多建筑...Your Honor, Kendall Construction...建设小区并非破坏小区builds neighborhoods, it doesn't destroy them.颁布限制令Granting a restraining order against this construction site will...会令753个费城人失业throw 753 Philadelphians out of work...这种无根据的诉讼and lend validation to this contemptible and groundless nuisance suit.是典型的贪婪It's an example of the rapacious litigation...足以分化我们的社会that today is tearing at the very fabric of our society.我们别各走极端Let's not go off the deep end, gentlemen.你的指控很明确米勒先生You've made an articulate and compelling presentation, Mr. Miller... 但没有证明有不可挽救之害but I don't believe you've proven irreparable harm.只是时候未到法官大人Not yet, Your Honor.没有正义何来和平NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE!正确使用商品名而不...Proper use of trade name without...-是你的 -对是我- Is that you? - Yeah, that's me.米勒Miller.是你好爱丽丝Yes. Hello, Iris.你的当事人Client of yours?够风趣等等爱丽丝对不起先生喂Funny. Hold on, Iris. Excuse me, sir?我跟我儿子有天去餐厅My sons and I went to a restaurant the other day.我们点了咖啡We ordered coffee.服务员问The waiter goes...你要糖还是低糖"Would you like sugar or Sweet 'n' Low?"我说我看起来像要减肥吗I said, "Do I look like I should be on a diet?"哦上帝有时我感到很难过Oh, God, sometimes I just feel so sorry...-安迪 -大夫好- Andy. - Hi, Doc.你的验血报告出来了Your blood work came back this morning.我等下回来跟你说I'm gonna come back in a few minutes and talk to you about it.我在这儿等你- All right? - I'll be right here.好Good.你觉得怎样Hi. How're you feeling?-还好 -好极了- Feelin' pretty good. - Great.握住拳头再来一次Make a fist for me? Once more.不久要在你双脚找血管了Gonna have to start lookin' for veins in your feet, sweetheart.耐心点泰隆- Patience, Tyrone. - Okay.再来一次Once more.肯多那案子很出色Terrific job on the Kendall situation.-一流 -多谢肯尼斯罗伯特- Top-notch, Mr. Beckett. - Thanks, Kenneth, Robert.嗨罗丝Hi, Rose.安西娅你是我理想的副手Anthea, just the paralegal extraordinaire I was hoping to see.我知道你是什么意思不行I know what that means. The answer is no.-意思是请你去菲莉茜雅吃饭 -我要上课- I'm talkin' dinner at Felicia's. - I've got a class.我有些案情摘要需要校对I've got some pretty compelling briefs that need proofing.去求别人吧You can exploit somebody else.-你既然问起... -你的考试- Since you've asked... - Your exam.多谢 98分Thank you. Ninety-eight.98分恭喜Ninety-eight? Congratulations.我要接艾米我们等会谈谈汉森案I have to pick up Amy, but I want to talk to you about that Hansen thing. 打给我告诉艾米我喜欢她在我墙上画的图画Give me a call. I'll be here. Tell Amy I loved her painting. It's on my wall. 嗨安德鲁电♥话♥会议开始了开始点名Hi, Andrew. Conference call's up. The roll call just started.这是和解协议书校正过的协议书在你桌上Now, this is a settlement agreement. The red-line copy's on your desk.-要我陪你吗 -不了六点半回家吧- You need me in there? - No. It's 6:30. Go home.-喂 -嗨妈- Hello? - Hey, Mom!真是意外之喜你好吗Oh, hi, darling. What a wonderful surprise. How are you?我很好Good.吉尔曼医生怎样说Well, what does Dr. Gillman say?她说我很好验血报告好极了Dr. Gillman says I am fine. My blood work is excellent.T细胞很稳定She says my T-cells are steady.你的血小板呢Honey, how 'bout your platelets? What did she say?连血小板也很好Oh, even my platelets look good.好极了Great.更重要的是你好吗Mom, more importantly, how are you?妈Mom?我很好I'm fine.-爸呢 -你♥爸♥也好- And Dad? - Dad is fine.你在干什么And what are you doin'?晚上10点15分干扰预期经济关系的诉讼"Action for the wrongful interference with prospective economic relations." 我打扰你了吗Am I interrupting you?可以这么说鲍勃In a word, Bob...查尔斯在楼上要见你Charles wants to see you upstairs.我正想休息一下I was just about to take a break.-我这样穿够隆重吧 -不不是- I'm not underdressed for this? - No, you're not.查尔斯安迪对Charles, Andy has expressed a keen interest...高线公♥司♥控告山德公♥司♥的案子有高度兴趣in Highline, Inc. V. Sander Systems.是吗安迪Isn't that right, Andy?参予者的命运令我感兴趣The fate of the participants interests me. Yes, sir.这是反托拉斯的诉讼It's an antitrust action.是也不是查尔斯It is, and it isn't, Charles.山德抄袭高线的程序Sander Systems copies Highline's spreadsheet program.我认为For me...所涉及的法律条文是侵犯版权the legal principle involved is copyright infringement.告诉我安迪Well, tell me this, Andy.你想见哪一方胜诉Which side of this conflict would you wish to see emerge victorious?别因我是山德的总裁比尔·莱特的好友And don't allow my close personal relationship with Bill Wright...而影响你的答案Sander Systems' CEO to influence your answer in any way.我希望高线得胜Well, I'd like to see Highline win this one.为什么Oh! Why, Beckett?假如山德胜利If Sanders Systems wins...一间有活力的新公♥司♥就将倒闭an energetic, young company is destroyed.反托拉斯和版权法旨在杜绝The laws for antitrust and copyright were enacted to prevent exactly...山德那种自欺欺人的谬论the kind of bullshit that Sander Systems is trying to pull.-你知谁代表高线吗 -罗德尼·贝利- Andy, you know who reps Highline? - Rodney Bailey.我反对Oh, I object!罗德尼·贝利对版权法一无所知Rodney Bailey, who couldn't find his way around copyright law with a map.显然高线的人与你英雄所见略同Well, apparently the fellas at Highline agree with you, Andy.这也说明为何今晚九点在吃过点心后Which explains why, as of 9:03 this evening, right after dessert...高线便把官司委托给怀恩特惠勒赫勒曼律师事务所Highline is now represented by Wyant, Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown. 太好了Outstanding.特别指明And more specifically...还有资深合伙人安德鲁·贝克特Senior Associate Andrew Beckett.-太棒了 -好极了- Bravo! - Yes!-谢谢你罗伯特 -我们要立即开始- Thank you, Robert. - We've got to get on this right away.我可立即工作Statute of limitations, yeah. I'm right on it.我们只有十天了- Exactly. - We have ten days to file.东京来电四线鲍勃Tokyo on line four, Bob.沃尔特谢谢你Walter, thank you.-多谢肯尼斯 -恭喜你安迪- Kenneth, thank you. - You bet, Andy. Congratulations.-太好了 -你额头有什么- Thanks. I'm overwhelmed. - What's that on your forehead, pal?什么哪儿What? Where?在你前额上That... right there on your forehead.我被球打中头Oh, I got whacked in the head with a racket ball.失陪Excuse me.查尔斯我...Charles, I...我衷心感谢你信任我的能力I sincerely appreciate your faith in my abilities.我们没证据时才相信信心Faith, Andy, is the belief in something for which we have no evidence.在你的情况下并不适用It does not apply to this situation.回家吧Well, go home.不回去工作Oh, no! Go back to work.谢谢你查尔斯Thank you, Charles.别担心兄弟No sweat, buddy.九天后汤米你好吗Tommy, how are ya?高线案诉状校订本在我桌上The Highline complaint is right there on my desk, Shelby.已准备好让杰美优先处理It's all set to go, so make sure Jamey is on top of it.好的还有什么吗Sure. You got it. Anything else?没有了就这些今天我不去办公室No, that's it. I'm gonna be working out of the house this afternoon...谢谢so, thanks a lot.-再见 -再见- Bye-bye. - Bye-bye.你要尽量均匀地抹这个粉底Okay. Now, you're gonna want to apply this foundation as evenly as you can. 不该像匙子乱涂般'Cause you don't want it to look like you threw it on with a spoon.这儿试试这个- Yeah. - So, over here, you try this.-我去接 -这儿- I got it. - Right there.钱德拉这个不会太橙色吗Chandra, you don't think this is just a little too orange for me?这是塔希提青铜色遮损处最好Well, okay, it's Tahitian Bronze. That works best on these lesions.就当是刚自阿鲁巴回来吧Think of it as the "I just got back from Aruba" look.对了我请了四天病假Exactly. I've called in sick for four days...他们会以为我去了旅行and now they're gonna think I was taking a cruise.-传真 -谢了布鲁诺- Fax. - Oh, thank you, Bruno.看我们可试试这种浅埃及的...Okay, we can try this light Egypt...什么What?失陪一下Excuse me.就像我表兄弗雷多Just like my cousin, Fredo.谁要吃甜甜圈Does anybody want a bagel?你没事吧安迪You okay, Andy?我想我要去医院I think I need to go to the hospital.当心Watch out!没事的Hello, hello. Oh, it's all right.没事了It's all right.我走了好吗- I'm gettin' out of here, all right? - Okay.迟点见再亲一下I'll talk to you later. Oh, one more.谢谢你这么快把我送来Thank you for driving like a bat out of hell.-别紧张好吗 -吉尔曼医生出去了- Take it easy, all right? - Dr. Gillman is out of her office.我让吉尔曼大夫休息没想到她真的去休息了I told her to take a day off, and she took a day off. Can you believe that?他们抽血了吗大便验了没They took blood? A specimen or something?抽血化验了但我没排便谁代你的课Blood, yes. A specimen, I'm empty. Did you find someone to take your class? 别担心让我看看Don't worry about it. Let me see.你在发烧宝贝Oh, you got a fever, baby.我的医生来了失陪一下Oh, there's my guy. Excuse me.医生你好Doctor? Hello, hi.等一下Just one second.我几乎撑不到厕所I came that close to not making it to the bathroom again.-差点在外面失去控制 -那又如何- I almost lost it in front of everyone. - So what?-不值得羞愧 -我不是羞愧只是...- It's nothing to be ashamed of. - I'm not ashamed, it's just...-我的血如何 -我们在等- What about my blood work? - We're waiting.我准备帮你做直肠镜看看里面的情况Meanwhile, I want to prep you for a colonoscopy, take a look inside.-听来不错 -等等- It sounds delightful. - Wait a minute.有什么必要做这个Why do you need to do this?-你是谁 -你又是哪位大夫- Who are you? - Who are you, Dr...这是我的伴侣- This is my partner. - Yeah?他替我做求诊记录He keeps the records of all my hospital visits. It's nothing personal.我是克伦斯坦医生Oh, I'm Dr. Klenstein.做直肠镜当然不舒服Listen, you're right. A colonoscopy is not a pleasant procedure.但我们想知道是否是肉瘤引起腹泻But if the K.S is causing the diarrhea, we've got to know about that right away. 也可能是病毒感染或者药物反应No, but it could be parasites, an infection. I mean...对治艾滋病药物的反应Reaction to the A.Z.T.全都有可能All these are possibilities, but we've got to go forward...但我们先排除那些可能性Listen to me. He's not going through some painful procedure...再决定是否要他受此苦楚until we cancel out everything else, understand?我在帮你的同伴- I'm trying to help your partner, okay? - Okay.你不是他的直系亲属- You're not immediate family. - I'm not?我可以把你赶出去- I could have you removed from the E.R. - Really?对不起他不是有意的Look, he's upset. He's sorry.别替我道歉No. Don't apologize for me, okay?好吧他不抱歉做检查吧Okay. He's not sorry. Let's do this.先看验血报告怎样Let's find out what the blood work tells us.我配合直肠检查也许医院食物对我有益I'll try to give you a specimen. Some hospital food may help me along. 我们听听吉尔曼大夫的意见后再做决定Then we might hear from Dr. Gillman. We can start from there, okay? 这总可以吧- Everybody happy? All right? - Okay.-我去看看验血报告 -谢谢- I'll see the lab about the blood work. - Thank you, Doctor.抱歉I'm sorry.事务所已传呼三次That's the third time the office has beeped me.-我走了 -克伦斯坦- I better go. - "Klenstein"?我去回电♥话♥ 你放心坐下吧I gotta go give them a call. Now, I want you to sit down and relax.-我很放心 -好- I am relaxed. - Oh, good.这附近有电♥话♥吗Is there a phone around, somewhere nearby?-在走廊那边 -谢谢- Down the hall. - Thank you.假如你因别人失误而受伤...If you or someone you know has been injured through the fault of others...你可以为所受的苦you may be entitled to a cash settlement...申索赔偿or money damages for your pain and suffering.好家伙- Good Lord.贝克特先生办公室Mr. Beckett's office.谢尔碧是我杰米一直找我Shelby, it's me. Jamey's been beepin' me.幸好你打来安德鲁I'm so glad you called, Andrew.这儿有个小灾难Listen, I just want you to know we have a minor catastrophe in the making here. 是高线的起诉书杰米很沮丧It's about that Highline complaint. Jamey is going absolutely ballistic.冷静点接给他All right. Calm down. Put him on.等一下All right. One second.安迪大难临头了我找不到高线起诉书的校订本Andy, this is a disaster! We can't find the revisions on the Highline complaint.等等慢点Wait, wait. Slow down.我告诉他们你在家里赶工诉状今天会送到的I told them you were working at home, and it would be here this morning.不我昨晚带去公♥司♥了No. I brought it into the office last night.我待到三点才走校订本在我桌上I was there till 3:00 a.m. There should be a copy with corrections on my desk.不在这谢尔碧也找不到I'm telling you it's not here, Andy. Shelby can't find it either.试试我计算机的硬盘All right. The hard disk on my computer.你自己把它印出来吧Print it up on the double and run it through word processing yourself.-文件名是什么 -HL1- Okay. What did you file it under? - H- L-1.这个起诉书有诉讼时效Jamey, I don't have to tell you we are up against the statute of limitations... 七十五分钟后and it runs out in...就会无效in 75 minutes?-不在这儿 -不在吗我马上赶回来- It's not here, Andy. - Not there? I'm on my way.每个问题都有解决方法Every problem has a solution.每个问题都有解决方法Every problem has a solution.每个问题都有解决方法Every problem has a solution.用力宝贝Push, baby一个月后出来了出来了Aw, it's coming. Yeah, baby, it's coming!是个女孩It's a girl.我的天我的天Oh, my God.-拍张照乔 -底片放不进去- Take a picture, Joe. - I'm trying. I can't get the film in.帮个忙宝贝Oh, my God. Baby? Help me, baby.看她Aw, look at her.-是个小可爱 -在她长大前拍些照片- That little, sweet little... - Get a picture before she gets too old.她很美丽莎她有长发She's perfect, Lisa. Long hair.替我叫熟菜店送一磅...Go down to Famous Fourth Street Deli, and get a pound of Nova...熏鲑鱼No... Scotch salmon. She likes that.面包卷甜甜圈... 打电♥话♥给我Yeah. Some onion rolls, bagels... Here, give me a call.-好的香槟 -你是电视上那人- Nice champagne. - You're that TV guy.别管多少要唐培里侬香槟I don't care how much it costs. Get some nice Dom Perignon.-谢谢 - 多少钱- Thanks. - How much?一百元不要唐培里侬香槟要一瓶加州香槟吧A hundred dollars? Don't get Dom Perignon. Get a nice Californian.唐培里侬香槟太贵了快些她快饿死了Dom Perignon's too much. Get it all over here, because she's starving.不爱丽丝不是婴儿是丽莎No, Iris, not the baby. Lisa is starving.对是丽莎爱丽丝Yeah, Lisa. Iris, listen.-有人打电♥话♥来吗 -安德鲁·贝克特打电♥话♥来- Anybody call? - An Andrew Beckett called.贝克特谁是安德鲁·贝克特Beckett? Who's Andrew Beckett?他来了约瑟夫There he is! Joseph!一星期后和我解释一下就当我是一个六岁的孩子I want you explain to me like I'm six years old, okay?街上只有一个小区域在施工The entire street is clear, except for one small area under construction:一个大洞已被围住亦有记号♥This huge hole that is clearly marked and blocked off.-是的 -你仍决定从这里过去- Yes. - You decide to cross at this spot.你跌下洞里要控告市政♥府♥疏忽You fall into the hole. Now you want to sue the city for negligence, right?对可以打官司吗Yes. Do I have a case?-可以当然可以 -很好- Yes. Of course you've got a case. - Great.我的助手爱丽丝会叫你填些表格- Go with my assistant Iris. - All right.告诉你费用安排She'll have you fill out some forms, tell you about our fee arrangement.有赔偿才收钱Of course, you know we take no cash unless we get cash justice for you. 有腰痛头晕吗How's your back? You got any lower back pain, dizziness, nightmares? 你不提起还我正想说呢Funny you should mention that. I been having...爱丽丝会照顾你爱丽丝请好好照顾芬利先生Iris will take good care of you. Iris, you take good care of Mr. Finley.-我会的 -非常谢谢你- I will. Mr. Beckett's here. - Hey, thanks a lot.再见贝克特先生Take care. Mr. Beckett?贝克特先生请进Mr. Beckett, come in.再见到你真好律师It's good to see you again, Counselor.塔特法官肯多建筑Judge Tate. Kendall Construction.无害"Innocuous."你的脸怎么了How are you? What happened to your face?我患了艾滋病I have AIDS.我很抱歉I'm sorry. I, uh...-我可坐下吗 -可以- Can I sit down? - Yeah.谢谢Thank you.瞧这个Oh, look at this.你有了小宝宝You have a new baby.对是个女孩Yeah. I got a little baby girl.是女孩恭喜"It's a girl." Congratulations.才一周大Yeah. One week old.孩子真好Kids are great.多谢我很兴奋听着...Yeah. Thank you, Beckett. I'm real excited about it. Listen, I...我有什么可以效劳What can I do for you?我被怀恩特惠勒解雇了I've been fired by Wyant, Wheeler.我打算告他们非法解雇I want to bring a wrongful termination suit against Wheeler and his partners. 你要告怀恩特惠勒赫勒曼律师事务所You want to sue Wyant, Wheeler, Hellerman, Tetlow and Brown?对我在找辩护律师Correct. I'm seeking representation.继续Continue.他们说我把起诉书放错了这是他们的说辞I misplaced an important complaint. That's their story.要听我的辩解吗Want to hear mine?在我之前你找过多少律师How many lawyers did you go to before you called me?九个Nine.继续Continue.在起诉书到期前一晚我在赶工The night before it was due, I worked on the complaint in my office.把复印件放在桌上I left a copy of it on my desk.第二天起诉书消失了The next day, the complaint vanished.没有任何复印件No hard copy.我计算机中一切数据亦神秘失踪All traces of it mysteriously gone from my computer.奇迹地起诉书在最后一分钟出现Miraculously, a copy of the complaint was located at the last minute...正好让我及时赶去法庭and we got it to court on time.第二天我被合伙人们叫去开会But the next day I was summoned to a meeting with the managing partners. 他们在会议室等我They were waiting for me in the conference room.嗨安迪进来Oh, hello, Andy! Come on in.介意把窗关上吗Would you mind hitting the windows?谢谢进来Thanks. Come on in.肯尼斯罗伯特查尔斯沃尔特和莉迪娅Kenneth, Robert, Charles, Walter and Lydia.多谢你进来Thanks for coming in.应该的Oh, of course.安迪在我们开始之前我只想告诉你...Andy, before we begin, I'd just like to say...这个房♥里的都是你朋友that everyone in this room is your friend.我知道查尔斯I know that, Charles.甚至超过朋友More than your friend...就像家人family.查尔斯我为昨天高线案的事道歉Charles, I must apologize again for the Highline mishap yesterday. 令大家受惊了That was some scary moment around here.幸好及时找到起诉书Wow. Thank God the complaint was found...没造成损失and no damage was done.这一次没损失下次呢This time. What about next time?不会有下次There won't be a next time.我保证I guarantee it.你最近有点心神恍惚安迪Yeah. It's just that something's come over you lately, Andy.我不明白I don't know...有点神不守舍some kind of stupor or fogginess.有人认为你态度有问题Some people think you have an attitude problem, Beckett.真的Really?谁认为Who thinks that?我I do.恕我冒昧Excuse me.我被解雇了吗Am I being fired?这么说吧安迪Let me put it this way, Andy.你在本公♥司♥前途堪虞Your place in the future of this firm is no longer secure.我们觉得限制你的发展We feel it isn't fair to keep you here...留住你对你并不公平when your prospects are limited.我也不想赶你走And now, I don't want to rush you out...但我们已开会决定了We've got a committee meeting.对不起查尔斯Excuse me, Charles...不是我不尊重你但这是荒谬的with all due respect, this is preposterous!完全没道理It doesn't make any sense.不你没有态度问题Oh, you're right, Beckett. You don't have an attitude problem.别紧张沃尔特Take it easy.若你们不信任我为何把高线案交给我If you'd lost confidence in me, why did you give me the Highline suit? 你差点误了事那已不可原谅Andy, you nearly blew the entire case. That alone is inexcusable.那可就难收拾了It would have been catastrophic for us.你隐瞒了你的病So you were concealing your illness.对了That's correct.把我当两岁小孩说给我听All right. Explain this to me like I'm a two-year-old, okay?有些事我不明白Because there's an element to this thing that I cannot get through my thick head. 你不是必须告诉雇主Didn't you have an obligation to tell your employer...你得了传染病you had this dreaded, deadly, infectious disease?不是这问题That's not the point.我受雇期间From the day they hired me to the day I was fired...一直有出色表现I served my clients consistently, thoroughly, with absolute excellence.如果不是他们开除我现在我仍是十分优秀的If they hadn't fired me, that's what I'd be doing today.他们不能因为艾滋而开除你And they don't want to fire you for having AIDS...于是设计你失职so, in spite of your brilliance, they make you look incompetent.像文件神秘失踪是这样Thus, the mysterious lost files. Is that what you're trying to tell me?没错我被设计了Correct. I was sabotaged.我不能相信律师I don't buy it, Counselor.那真令人失望That's very disappointing.我不认为值得打官司I don't see a case.我认为这案子可以成立I have a case.除非你不想接If you don't want it for personal reasons...谢谢没错我不想Thank you. That's correct. I don't.那么多谢你的时间律师Well, thank you for your time, Counselor.贝克特先生Mr. Beckett你的事我很遗憾是个不幸I'm sorry about what happened to you. It's a bitch, you know?再见贝克特先生Have a nice day, Mr. Beckett.他怎么了What the hell's the matter with that guy?爱丽丝看看安布鲁斯特能否见我Iris, find out if Armbruster can see me.-乔·米勒办公室 -爱丽丝- Joe Miller's office. - Iris.-看看安布鲁斯特能否见我 - 安布鲁斯特何时- Find out if Armbruster can see me. - Armbruster? When?立即去爱丽丝No. Right away, Iris.打扰一下Excuse me.病毒只能经由体液交换传染The HIV virus can only be transmitted through the exchange ofbodily fluids... 例如血液精♥液♥和阴♥道♥分泌物namely, blood, semen and vaginal secretions.对是Right. Yeah.但对艾滋病每天都有新发现But isn't it true they're finding out new things about this disease every day? 你今天告诉我没危险Now, you tell me today there's no danger. Go home.我回去抱孩子I go home. I pick up my little baby girl.然后六个月后发现Then I find out six months from now on the news or something:错了检查错误Whoops! Made a mistake. Yeah, you can carry it...你的衬衫都可传染病毒on your shirt or your clothes or...你干什么What are you doing?抽血We're gonna draw blood.为何要这样做- Why are we gonna do that? - Joe.小乔Little Joe.我看着你长大I've known you since you were a kid.我不管你的私生活And I don't care a whit about your private life.我不需要做艾滋检验谢谢Thanks, Doc. I don't need an AIDS test, but thanks anyway. 把账单寄到我办公室吧Just send a bill to my office for me.好吗Okay?多谢你的资料Thanks for the information. Really.你不接受同性恋You have a problem with gays, Joe.-不是特别抗拒 -你是- Not especially. - Yes, you do.-你认识多少个同性恋 -你呢- How many gays do you know? - How many do you know? -很多 -例如呢- Lots. - Like who?卡伦·伯曼我的特丽萨阿姨Karen Berman, my aunt Theresa...住在曼彻斯特的汤米表哥Cousin Tommy who lives in Rochester...公♥司♥的埃迪·迈耶斯Eddie Meyers from the office...斯坦利替我们装厨柜那个Stanley, the guy who's putting in our kitchen cabinets.特丽萨阿姨是同性恋Aunt Theresa is gay?那个美丽性感的女人是同性恋That beautiful, sensuous, voluptuous woman is a lesbian? -当然了 -何时开始的Since when?也许她一出世就是Probably since she was born.天啊Oh, man.好吧我承认有偏见All right. Well, hey, I admit it, okay?我不喜欢同性恋I'm prejudiced. I don't like homosexuals. There. You got me.男人做那样的事- All right. - I mean, the way these guys do that...不觉得奇怪吗...thing, don't they get confused?"这是你的吗是我的吗""Oh, I don't know. Is that yours? Is that mine?"我不要跟比我壮的人You know, I don't want to be in bed with anybody who's stronger than me... 或是胸毛比我还多的人上♥床♥or who has more hair on their chest.算我是老古板吧但我是男人Now, you can call me old-fashioned, conservative. Just call me a man.我想男人才明白Besides, I think you have to be a man to understand how...整件事多么恶心really disgusting that whole idea is anyway.-是的 -是的- Yeah? - Yeah.山顶洞人Well, well. Little caveman of the house.你这基佬You damn skippy.别接近特丽萨阿姨Here you go, baby. Stay away from your aunt Theresa too.别这样对她说Joe, don't say that to her.我讨厌那些健身Think about those guys pumping up together...但又娘娘腔的人trying to be macho and faggot at the same time.真恶心I mean, I can't stand that shit.我老实跟你说Hey, I'm bein' totally honest with you, okay?-是吗你是吧 -我有个问题- Oh, yeah. You are. - All right. I got a question for you.你会接受一个Would you accept a client...看起来就讨厌的人做你的当事人吗if you were constantly thinking...我不想他碰我I don't want this person to touch me.我甚至不想他向着我呼吸I don't want him to even breathe on me?-我是你就不会 -我正是这个意思- Not if I was you, honey. - That's what I'm talking about.什么What?圣诞快乐Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!两星期后-圣诞快乐 -谢谢- Merry Christmas. - Thank you.-圣诞快乐 -圣诞快乐先生- Hey, merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas, sir.谢谢Thank...新年快乐Happy new year.-你上过电视 -我上过电视- You're the, uh, the TV guy. - TV guy.先生Sir?这是增订本This is the supplement.你说得对有一部分是与艾滋病有关的歧视You're right. There is a section on HIV-related discrimination. 谢谢Thank you.十分感谢你Thank you very much.我们有间私人研究室We do have a private research room available.我在这儿很好谢谢I'm fine right here. Thank you.你知道哪里找得到默多克案吗Excuse me. Do you know where I can find the State v. Murdock case? 我一会就来帮你Just a moment. I'll be right with you.谢谢Thanks.研究室会比较舒服吧Wouldn't you be more comfortable in a research room?不用No.会让你比较舒服吗Would it make you more comfortable?贝克特你好吗Beckett. How you doin'?律师Counselor.随便你吧先生Whatever, sir.对不起Excuse me.你找到谁Who'd you get?什么What?找到辩护律师了吗Did you find a lawyer?我自己就是律师I'm a lawyer.你的孩子怎样Hey, how's your baby?她很好Oh, yeah. She's, uh...好极了She's wonderful, great.她叫什么名宇What's her name?拉莉Larice.很美的名字That's a beautiful name.以我姐的名字取的Named her after my sister.。


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双城记第一幕(6’-7’02)Lorry: Quite, quite. I’m Lorry, an employee from Tellson’s Bank. I am glad to see you, Miss Manette.Lucie: I received a letter from the Bank, sir, yesterday, informing me that some intelligence, or discovery.Lorry: The word is not material, miss; either word will do.Lucie: Are you quite a stranger to me, sir?Lorry: Miss Manette, I am a man of business. In your reception of it, don’t heed me any more than if I was a speaking machine. I am not much else.Lucie: I know you, I am sure I know you.Lorry: When you were a little girl, I brought you and your mother over to England. It’s no romance. The business, you know.Lucie: Yes, that was 17 years ago.Lorry: Our business today has to do with your father, Dr. Manette.Lucie: You knew him before he died?Lorry: Um..Yes, he was a client in Tellson’s Bank, I was only hired at that bank. And you will see how truly I spoke of myself just now, in saying I had no feeling, and that all the relationships I hold with my fellow creatures mere business relations.Lucie: What would you want to tell me?Lorry: Now let’s suppose that your father had not died.Lucie: Suppose?Lorry: Don’t be afraid, child.Lucie: But Mr. Lorry, please tell me, what is it?Lorry: If you father had not died, if he had suddenly and silently disappeared, if he had an enemy who closed him to be in prison.Lucie: I am pray you, sir, pray, please tell me.Lorry: No, no don’t knee, you child!Lucie: I entreat you to tell me more, sir.Lorry: I will. I am going to. You can bear it?Lucie: Mr. Lorry, is my father alive?Lorry: Yes.Lucie: Where is he?Lorry: You’ll find him greatly changed. A wreck, it is possible; though we will hope the best. Lucie: My father, my poor poor father.Lorry: Now you know the best and the worst. You will see this poor wronged gentleman, and, witha fair see voyage, and a fire land journey. En ….What is the matter? Miss Manette, my dearest child.Potts: What are you doing to my lady.Lorry: I had to tell her some news.Potts: Hey, and you in brown. Couldn’t you tell her what you had to tell her without frightening her to death? Look at her, with her pretty pale face and her cold hands. Do you call that being a Banker?Lorry: I try to be break as gently as I could.Potts: gently? I d like to see you break things arough man! oh my pretty! My sweet! Process with me now ,no one can harm you ! my darling~”Lorry : I hope she will do well now. I assure you, madam, I’m not intend….Potts: I ‘m not madam, I’m Lucie’s companion, and I’ m miss Potts.Lorry: But madam, I assure you that-----Lucie: I am all right. Where is my father?Lorry: how could you say alright, it was a shock. The lad has no sense blurting out for everything this blurting out as if he was calling calls.Lucie: Please, miss Potts, where is my father?Lorry: he was been in prison in bash for eighteen yearsPotts: 18 years? Gracious created of the day! Does it better to life, for 18 years?Lucie: lying creatures! Where is he now!Lorry: I know a servant and he is difar to taking care of him.Lucie: Where! Where!Lorry: In his wine shop in Paris .Lucie: you must take me to him at once.Potts: ah? What for are you standing here like an inking poop, you hear don’t you she wants to be taken to her father isn’t it natural? She is wanting to see her fatherLorry: I will, but….第二幕(10’-14’14)Lorry: Still hard work?Father: Yes, I am working. These shoes must be done!Lorry: Could you show me your work?Father: It is the lady shoe, it is young lady’s working shoe. It is in the present mode, I never saw the mode. I did it from a drafted.Lorry: Dr. Manette. Do you remember me? Come come now, you don’t remember the old friend in Tellson’s bank in London?Lucie: No, no.Father: Who are you? Who are you?It is the same, but how can it be? It is the same, but she’s died.Lucie: Yes, my mother is dead. How how do you feel who I am.Father:She had laid her head on my shoulder and when I was brought to the loin tower, they found hair like this on my spil how was this? Was it you?Lucie: I’m Lucie, her daughter, your daughter. You must come with me, fatherFather: Wait, wait! Where is the place, the brick was here, it’s gone.Lucie: Father dear, we will find it, you are coming with me now, home!第三幕(19‘25-20’53)Daniel: Believe me, Manette, I’ sorry the voyage is ended. And I, I can’t tell you how glad I get your handbox saling for vuling can I?Lucie: Really? Mr. Daniel?Daniel: I only meaned it rescuing it gave me the opportunity to meet you in and your father. Lucie: And it gave me the opportunity to hear your inattractive discorts on George Washington and the right of men.Daniel: Now you are making spollow of me, Miss Manette.Lucie: Oh no Mr. Daniel. It was the most identifying.Daniel: I wonder this, Manette, if I may pursue upon you at your profound home.Lucie: On such short acquaintance, oh Mr. Daniel.Daniel: Certainly i crossing from galey in this volk notical short acquintanceDo let me see you againLucie: I tell father I was inviting you to supper on Sunday on our house host. Goodbye第四幕(43‘08-45’07)Lucie: Merry Christmas. Mr. CharlesDaniel: Merry Christmas. Miss Manette.Lucie: Merry Christmas, we have been waiting for you.Daniel: Will you forgive me, Lucie. If I don’t go with you to church. I must be deal with your father about something that is the reasonLucie: What are you worrying, Charles?Daniel: Nothing serious, Lucie. For me I could speak to Dr. Manette?Father: Certainly.Daniel: Mr. Lorry is sent derry pranch let you and Potts to churchLucie: Will you come back to the service? You wait for us?Daniel: Yes.Father: Won’t you sit down. Charles.Daniel: I don’t want ladies to listen to but I have to said Manette. I just learn from Mr. Lorry that something distresses me ,it is a bitter irony sir for this man who did you so uninfluence justice should be my blood relation, I m very sorry. Can you understand that I have to tell you?Father: Yes. I understand you have to tell me.Daniel: I am over moaned but I love you and your ones. For you and Lucie, I would give up my life Dr. Manette. Can you find your heart forgive me?Father: You show the courage to me, Charles. And come into me. I have no blame for you. In suffering, I have learned many things, among them: not to punish the innocence. Daniel: I shall never forget your kindnessFather: But you have to promise me one thing, Charles.Daniel: Anything!Father: You cannot tell Lucie.Daniel: But I must tell her...Father: Please let me tell her in my own way in my own time.Or else you may destroy the happiness between yours and hers. Trust me, Charles. Daniel: It shall be your wish, of course。
THE STORY OF US字幕(我们的故事第1集--反抗者)

[02:31.77] 美国:我们的故事[02:36.37][02:43.50] 第一集反抗者[02:48.28][02:45.91]满载着商人与信徒的船只Shiploads of businessmen and true believers[02:48.72]正在横渡大西洋以期建立一个新世界are crossing the Atlantic Ocean to create a new world.[02:53.93][02:55.78]1610年5月May 1610.[02:57.84]在哥伦布发现新大陆的120年后120 years after Columbus,[03:01.07]这仍是一段危险的旅程it's still a perilous journey.[03:02.97][03:04.70]其中的一艘"解放号"上One ship, The Deliverance,[03:06.75]载着一样即将永久改变美国的货物carries a cargo that will change America forever. [03:09.69][03:10.77]都来帮忙啊All hands over here.[03:12.28]船上是24岁的英国农民约翰·罗尔夫Onboard is John Rolfe, a 24-year-old English farmer.[03:17.68][03:18.19]他有野心有自信有远见Ambitious, self-reliant, visionary.[03:21.26][03:21.27]是位天生的企业家A born entrepreneur.[03:23.55][03:23.73]这段在今天乘飞机只需六个小时的旅程What takes us six hours today by plane [03:26.51]在当时却需要至少两个月was then a voyage of more than two months.[03:29.42][03:31.19]早期冒险者中十个中有七个Seven of the early adventurers out of every ten [03:34.02][03:34.03]活不过第一年will be dead within a year.[03:36.09][03:36.23]喂看见陆地了Land ahoy![03:37.57][03:38.52]但是冒险是值得的But the risks are worth it.[03:40.41][03:42.24]北美大陆是终极机遇之地North America is the ultimate land of opportunity. [03:45.51][03:57.10]一块拥有大量待开发资源的大陆A continent of vast untapped wealth.[04:00.22][04:01.41]首先是所有资源中最有价值的... Starting with the most valuable resource of all... [04:04.21][04:05.73]土地land.[04:07.22][04:11.81]这块后来成为三亿多人家园的土地What will be home to more than 300 million people[04:15.15]有几乎一半的面积被成片的森林覆盖着lies under a blanket of forest covering nearly half the land.[04:19.73][04:20.09]共有超过五百亿棵树More than 50 billion trees.[04:22.79][04:28.28]再往西就是九百万平方英里的美洲荒原Further west, 9 million square miles of vast American wilderness.[04:33.48][04:34.64]六千万只美洲野牛在平原上狂奔60 million bison roam the plains.[04:37.57][04:47.20]在地下据说有钻石白银... And underground,there are rumors of gems, silver... [04:52.42][04:54.24]和世界上最大的黄金矿层and the largest seams of gold in the world.[04:57.33]黄金国西班牙人理想中南美洲的宝藏[05:01.29][04:57.33]移民们预期黄金储量不亚于理想中的黄金国The settlers expect nothing less than El Dorado.[05:01.29][05:16.43]但罗尔夫在英国殖民地詹姆斯敦看到的... But what Rolfe finds at the English settlement of Jamestown...[05:19.98][05:20.40]是人间地狱is hell on Earth.[05:22.49][05:25.88]在罗尔夫之前已有五百多名移民先期到达More than 500 settlers made the journey before Rolfe.[05:29.50][05:29.63]有人吗Hello?[05:31.00][05:32.67]有人吗Hello?[05:33.29]只有六十人活了下来Barely 60 remain.[05:35.33][05:36.87]当时正是"饥荒时期" It's called "The Starving Time".[05:40.56][05:42.64]在吃完了马和其它动物之后Having fed on horses and other animals,[05:46.22]我们吃掉了靴子鞋子we ate boots, shoes,[05:48.88]和其它任何能找到的皮革and any other leather we came across.[05:51.53]谁来救救我啊Somebody, help![05:52.86]就在罗尔夫到达三个月前Three months before Rolfe arrives,[05:54.80]有人因杀害自己怀孕的妻子并企图吃尸体a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife[05:58.15]而被处以火刑and planning to eat her.[06:00.01][06:04.45]这些英国人毫无准备地来到了这个新世界The English arrive unprepared for this[06:08.13]并且不愿从事体力劳动and unwilling to perform manual labor.[06:11.03][06:12.17]他们带来的不是牲畜Instead of livestock,[06:13.38]而是检测黄金的化学试剂they've brought chemical tests for gold...[06:16.81]但他们从未找到任何黄金that they never find.[06:18.70][06:21.64]并且这里也不是他们的地盘And this is not their land.[06:24.65][06:27.81]詹姆斯敦建在一个北美原住民部落领地中间They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.[06:31.72][06:33.28]60名食不果腹的移民被2万个波瓦坦族人包围60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,[06:38.38]这些原住民的弓箭armed with bows and arrows[06:40.31]要比需要重新装子弹的英国滑膛枪that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire [06:43.93]快9倍than an English musket.[06:44.92][06:47.72]双方很快就成了敌人They're soon enemies.[06:50.24][06:52.58]最初的移民中只有一成活了下来Only one in ten of the original settlers is left. [06:56.26][06:59.80]约翰·罗尔夫没有像其他人一样John Rolfe didn't come to plunder and leave [07:02.35]劫掠之后扬长而去like the others.[07:03.81][07:05.42]他有自己的计划He's got his own plan.[07:07.33][07:09.59]烟草的利润很高并且在英国国内很有市场There's money in tobacco, and England is addicted.[07:13.60][07:17.56]他带来了一批南美烟草的种子He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,[07:20.98]但当时只有西班牙殖民地出产这种作物but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.[07:24.72][07:26.72]西班牙人因此控制了烟草国际贸易The Spanish control the worldwide trade. [07:29.81][07:31.79]在当时向外国人出售烟草种子会被处以死刑Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.[07:35.92][07:37.47]但约翰·罗尔夫还是想办法弄到了一些But John Rolfe has got his hands on some. [07:40.20]没人知道他是怎么做到的No one knows how.[07:42.10][07:43.17]在切萨皮克湾的暖湿气候And in the warm, humid climate[07:44.98]和肥沃土地的滋养下and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,[07:47.25][07:48.20]罗尔夫的烟草长势喜人Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.[07:50.99][07:52.11]这些烟草种子带来的首次大丰收The first large harvest produced by these seeds [07:55.19]即使放在今天价值也超过一百万美元is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.[07:58.50][07:58.65]美国前进的伟大动力就是我们的人民The great strength of America is our people. [08:02.02]如果你想知道如何定义美国前进的动力If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,[08:04.25][08:02.18]科林·L·鲍威尔将军[前美国国务卿][08:06.18][08:04.25]答案就是我们的人民我们的移民传统it is our people, our immigrant tradition, [08:08.01]我们兼容并蓄的文化our bringing in cultures from all over the world.[08:11.60]我知道成功是怎么回事I know what goes into making success.[08:14.22]真正的成功很少是运气的因素And when somebody's really successful, it's rarely luck.[08:18.86][08:14.50]唐纳德·J·特朗普[美国地产大亨][08:19.50][08:18.86]而是天分智力还有许多其它的因素It's talent, it's brain power, it's lots of other things.[08:23.30][08:23.83]罗尔夫娶了波瓦坦部落联盟首领的女儿Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.[08:27.70][08:29.73]她的名字已成为传奇波卡洪塔斯Her name becomes legend: Pocahontas. [08:33.88][08:34.89]罗尔夫使她在英国家喻户晓In England, Rolfe makes her a celebrity[08:37.04]她的肖像被当做新世界生活的广告when her face is put on a portrait that sells all over London,[08:40.38]在整个伦敦热卖advertising life in the New World.[08:42.96][08:46.03]莎士比亚在作品中提起过殖民地Shakespeare mentions the colony.[08:48.05][08:48.06]英国的有钱人都往这里投资England's rich invest money here.[08:50.39]所有的伦敦人都知道这片富饶的土地All of London knows about this land of plenty. [08:54.09][08:58.68]在两年内烟草进入了千家万户的菜园Within two years, tobacco grows in every garden.[09:02.67][09:04.30]詹姆斯敦由人间地狱变成了美国第一座兴旺之城From a living hell, Jamestown isAmerica's first boomtown.[09:09.47][09:13.66]两年后又有近一千名移民来到了这里Two years later, nearly 1,000 more settlers arrive,[09:17.25]其中的19人来自非洲西部including 19 from West Africa.[09:20.18][09:21.32]奴隶Slaves.[09:22.47][09:24.87]但其中一些人后来在弗吉尼亚有了自己的土地But some go on to own their own land in Virginia.[09:28.22][09:33.37]在詹姆斯敦建立12年后12 years after the founding of Jamestown,[09:36.49][09:33.80]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][09:38.80][09:36.49]黑人在殖民地的形成过程中起到了重要作用Africans were playing a shaping role in the creation of the colonies.[09:42.56]这一点非常惊人That's pretty incredible.[09:44.38][09:45.47]30年后弗吉尼亚的移民超过了两万人30 years later, there are over 20,000 settlers in Virginia.[09:49.91][09:51.75]可以说没有烟草就没有美国America is founded on tobacco.[09:54.80][09:55.14]在接下来的一个半世纪里For the next century and a half,[09:56.99][09:57.00]它一直是这块大陆最主要的出口产品it's the continent's largest export.[09:59.36][10:11.41]在罗尔夫抵达詹姆斯敦的十年后Ten years after Rolfe arrives in Jamestown, [10:14.92]又有一批英国移民登上了北美大陆another group of English settlers lands in North America.[10:18.38][10:25.94]他们在一处荒凉的海滩靠岸They come ashore on a deserted beach[10:28.94]这里距詹姆斯敦的海岸有450英里450 miles up the coast from Jamestown, [10:32.18]他们把此地命名为"普利茅斯" and call the place Plymouth1,[10:34.62]以纪念他们起航的英国港口after the English port they sailed from.[10:37.61][10:39.29]他们是移民大潮里的另一朵浪花These are a different breed of settler,[10:42.14]一群信仰不同但都热爱生活的人a group of religious dissidents with faith at the center of their lives.[10:46.65][10:49.57]他们成功横渡了危险的大西洋They made the dangerous Atlantic crossing,[10:51.85]希望能在新世界找到信仰自由seeking religious freedom in the New World.[10:54.82][10:58.90]24岁的印刷学徒爱德华·温斯洛24-year-old apprentice printer Edward Winslow [11:02.96]是和一群清教徒一起arrives with a group of religious sectarians[11:06.70]乘坐"五月花号"来到这里的on a boat called the Mayflower.[11:09.65][11:11.64]1621年4月他们的殖民地逐渐成型By April 1621, their settlement is taking shape. [11:16.43][11:16.57]"五月花号"返航英国The Mayflower returns to England.[11:19.96][11:25.18]他们只能在这片陌生的土地上自力更生了The Pilgrims are on their own in an unknown land.[11:29.60][11:30.75]我们充满希望与热情地A great hope and inward zeal we had[11:34.14]在这块遥远的土地上of laying some great foundation[11:36.45]为子孙后代的繁衍生息for the propagating and advancing[11:38.48]和天国福音的传播the gospel of the kingdom of Christ,[11:40.28][11:40.38]奠定坚实的基础in those remote parts of the world.[11:43.13][11:44.41]十九个家庭They're 19 families.[11:46.52]饲养着山羊鸡猪狗Goats, chickens, pigs and dogs.[11:50.07][11:50.08]他们还有手纺车椅子书籍和枪支They have spinning wheels, chairs, books, guns.[11:55.20][11:56.97]而且没有回头路And no way home.[11:58.88][11:59.08]只要把这个地方描绘成机遇之地If you create this environment as a land of opportunity,[12:02.85][12:02.74]迈克尔·道格拉斯[著名演员][12:07.74][12:02.85]就能吸引到那些then you're gonna attract those type of people[12:07.35][12:07.36]愿意冒险愿意赌一回的人who wanna take that risk, who have-- wanna take that gamble[12:12.20]和那些坚信生活会更好的人and who believe in a better life.[12:16.01][12:17.22]他们的目的地原本是哈德逊河口They were heading for the Hudson River,[12:19.71]然而靠岸地点却向北偏了200英里but they've landed 200 miles further north [12:23.33]时间正是初冬at the beginning of winter.[12:25.36][12:27.71]当时正值一个小型冰期They have arrived in the middle of a mini ice age,[12:30.68]气温普遍比现在低2度temperatures 2 degrees colder than today.[12:33.92][12:37.00]冬天更长适合作物生长的时间更短Winters are longer, growing seasons shorter. [12:40.71][12:48.01]土地贫瘠The soil is poor.[12:49.94][12:50.23]颗粒无收Little grows.[12:51.94][12:52.42]食物严重短缺Food supplies run low.[12:54.60][12:57.58]在前三个月中超过一半的清教徒死于饥荒In the first three months, more than half the Pilgrims die.[13:01.14][13:04.93]威廉·布莱福特是一位社区总督William Bradford is the governor of a community [13:07.93]他所辖的社区很快陷入了困境soon in desperate trouble.[13:09.77][13:10.58]上帝似乎喜欢每天以死亡问候我们It pleased God to visit us with death daily. [13:14.77][13:14.99]疾病蔓延Disease was everywhere.[13:17.41][13:17.69]活着的人几乎没有力气埋葬死人The living were scarcely able to bury the dead. [13:21.29][13:21.76]有时一天就有两三个人去世They died sometimes two or three a day.[13:24.99][13:25.44]在这一百多人中只有不到五十人幸存下来Of 100 and odd persons, scarce 50 remained.[13:30.49][13:32.26]有时只有六个人能有足够的力气At times, only six are fit enough[13:36.22]继续盖房子to continue building their shelters.[13:37.45][13:40.11]苏珊娜·怀特的丈夫死于第一年冬天Susanna White's husband dies that first winter. [13:43.28][13:46.15]爱德华·温斯洛的妻子也在一个月后去世Edward Winslow's wife perishes a month after.[13:49.61][13:51.46]几个星期后怀特和温斯洛结婚了Within weeks, White and Winslow marry. [13:54.55][13:55.78]他们后来有了五个孩子They'll have five children.[13:57.59][13:59.61]在今天超过10%的美国人Today more than 10% of all Americans[14:03.11]家谱可以追溯到"五月花号"上can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower. [14:06.06][14:16.58]普利茅斯一度成为了他们所寻求的避难所For a time, Plymouth provides the sanctuary they sought.[14:20.56][14:20.83]爱德华Edward![14:22.80][14:23.07]爱德华Edward![14:24.96][14:25.42]爱德华快去看看那边Edward, please go and look over there![14:28.54][14:29.61]但和詹姆斯敦一样他们也不是这里的主人But like Jamestown,there were others here first.[14:33.69][14:44.37]1621年4月April 1621.[14:47.15][14:47.36]清教徒们来到新世界已经五个月了The Pilgrims have been in the New World for five months.[14:50.51][14:50.55]只有一半的人挺过了第一年冬天Barely half survive the first winter.[14:53.47][14:54.55]但他们不是第一批来到这片海岸的欧洲人But they're not the first Europeans to arrive on this coast.[14:58.46][15:00.12]五年前欧洲轮船带来了白人移民和瘟疫Five years before, European ships brought light-skinned people and plague.[15:06.21][15:06.37]几乎九成的原住民因此丧生Almost nine out of ten of the local people are wiped out.[15:10.20][15:19.28]波卡诺基特人不需要敌人The Pokanoket people don't need enemies.[15:22.42]他们和清教徒和平共处They make peace with the Pilgrims.[15:24.74][15:25.73]他们教会了英国人They teach the English[15:27.33]如何用鱼做肥料在沙土中种庄稼how to grow crops in sandy soil, using fish for fertilizer.[15:31.33][15:34.99]但他们想要回报But they want something in return.[15:37.27][15:38.60]他们有一个宿敌另一个敌对部落They have a common enemy--a rival tribe. [15:42.43][15:42.55]而英国人拥有强大的武器And the English have powerful weapons.[15:45.74][15:52.87]清教徒们并不是军人The Pilgrims aren't soldiers.[15:54.89]但在这个新世界But in the New World,[15:56.44]他们不得不为了生存而战they have to fight to survive.[15:58.34][16:02.73]1621年8月14日On August 14, 1621,[16:05.50]清教徒和波卡诺基特人准备联手Pilgrims and Pokanoket, shoulder to shoulder, [16:08.98][16:08.99]发动一次突袭will launch a surprise attack[16:11.45]这次突袭将决定他们在这片土地的未来that will seal their future in this new land. [16:14.52][16:14.54]这次一共出动了14名男子It was resolved to send 14 men,[16:17.48]装备精良well-armed,[16:18.98]准备在深夜一举擒下这个部落and to fall upon them in the night.[16:21.14][16:21.93]首领下了命令不要放过任何一个The captain gave charge: Let none pass out. [16:26.50][16:50.71]对方部落猝不及防The rival tribe doesn't know what hit them.[16:53.88][16:55.95]被团团包围Surrounded,[16:57.48]对英国枪火毫无还手之力they have no answer for English firepower.[16:59.98][17:01.37]波卡诺基特人和清教徒们Pokanoket and Pilgrims[17:03.20]找到了彼此之间的共同点find common ground...[17:04.54][17:05.23]也发现了共同生存的机会and a chance to survive.[17:07.32][17:14.14]意想不到的同盟结成了Two unlikely allies.[17:16.72]这种同盟关系在北美极为罕见A partnership all too rare in North America. [17:20.69][17:22.67]我们发现印第安人We have found the Indians[17:24.62]非常遵守与我们达成的和平公约very faithful in their covenant of peace with us. [17:28.03][17:28.11]他们没有任何宗教信仰They are people without any religion[17:30.39]不知神灵为何物or knowledge of any God,[17:32.29]却非常值得信赖yet very trusty,[17:34.82]反应很快quick of apprehension,[17:37.58][17:37.59]机智无比而且有极强的正义感ripe-witted... and just.[17:40.34][17:41.78]他们的胜利给殖民地带来了Their victory brings[17:43.72][17:43.73]很长一段时间的和平a period of peace to the colony.[17:45.18][17:45.23]他们以一场盛宴来庆祝彼此的友谊Their friendship is celebrated in a feast. [17:48.42][17:48.51]那就是感恩节的由来In time, it will become known as Thanksgiving.[17:52.23][17:53.16]开拓美洲的目的之一One of the main themes in the founding of America[17:56.53][17:53.63] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长][18:02.80][17:56.53]是为了找一个可以扩大生意was a place to do business,[18:00.71]扩展视野的地方a place to expand your horizons,[18:02.80]一个可以过你自己愿意过的生活 a place to live a life of your own,[18:05.01]信仰自己愿意信仰的宗教的地方practice your own religion.[18:06.95]这些基本理念Those are the basic themes[18:09.07]使得许多人飘洋过海来开拓殖民地that brought people to these shores to colonize. [18:12.79][18:18.82]这是一个繁荣时代的开端It's the start of a period of prosperity,[18:22.02]将完全改变北美that will transform North America.[18:24.23][18:27.50]从詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯开始From Jamestown and Plymouth,[18:29.74]殖民者的后代遍布整个大陆their descendants grow across the landscape.[18:32.55][18:37.06]越来越多的人越过大西洋As more and more people cross the Atlantic--[18:40.08]成千上万thousands, tens of thousands,[18:43.04]不同背景的人带着不同的理由来到这里people with different backgrounds, different reasons for being here...[18:47.80][18:51.58]美利坚成为了全世界的人都渴望到达的地方America becomes the place for everybody from everywhere.[18:55.34][18:58.16]大家孤注一掷Rolling the dice,[18:59.74]汇聚到一起形成了最初的13个殖民地coming together to create 13 colonies. [19:03.11][19:03.72]农业从詹姆斯敦传播到了南方From Jamestown, agriculture spreads across the South,[19:07.94]以前脏乱的小农庄也变成了大的种植园农场dirt farms transform into sprawling plantations.[19:12.01][19:12.88]爱尔兰人德国人和瑞典人不断向前推进Irish, Germans,and Swedes push back the frontier.[19:17.33][19:19.40]荷兰人将他们的生意带到了The Dutch bring commerce to[19:20.77]哈德逊河口处的一个小岛上a small island at the mouth of the Hudson River. [19:23.62][19:25.74]后来这里被命名为纽约In time, it will be named New York.[19:28.99][19:30.34]比起留在欧洲的同胞The colonists are 2 inches taller,[19:32.56]移民们平均要高2英寸也更加健康and far healthier, than those they left behind in Europe.[19:36.24][19:36.52]平均每个清教徒家庭养了8个小孩The Puritans average eight children,[19:39.86]孩子活到成年的比例是欧洲同胞的两倍and they are twice as likely to survive to adulthood.[19:43.13][19:44.14]比欧洲同胞更富有20% They are 20% richer[19:46.15]赋税只相当于英国本土的1/4 and pay only 1/4 of the taxes of those in England. [19:49.70][19:49.83]许多人仍然认为自己是英国人Many still think of themselves as British,[19:52.93]但是随着一代一代的成长but each generation grows[19:54.89]这种意识越来越淡薄further from its roots.[19:56.24][19:57.77]这一现象在波士顿尤为突出Nowhere more so than Boston.[20:00.35][20:01.37]1768年5月9日May 9, 1768.[20:04.37][20:04.47]到了约翰·罗尔夫首次烟草收成以来的第七代Seven generations after John Rolfe's first tobacco harvest,[20:08.27]英国人想要分更大的一杯羹the British want a bigger piece of the action.[20:11.72][20:17.26]英国海关官员发动了对"自由号"的突袭A British customs official springs a surprise raid on The Liberty,[20:21.47]它是约翰·汉考克的船a ship belonging to John Hancock,[20:24.37]他是波士顿最富有的人之一one of the richest men in Boston.[20:26.20][20:28.73]但汉考克的船员另有企图But Hancock's crew has other ideas.[20:31.64][20:38.70]他们偷运了100桶进口酒不想交税They're carrying 100 casks of imported wine and don't want to pay duty.[20:44.05][20:46.22]对于远在3000英里以外的国王It's a radical act of rebellion[20:48.43]此举不啻于公然的抗税against taxes imposed by a king 3,000 miles away.[20:53.04][20:55.00]对于英国当局来说他们就是走私To the British, they're just common smugglers. [20:58.56][20:59.84]这场贸易前哨战改变了一切This mall skirmish changes everything.[21:02.74][21:02.75]英国当局扣押了汉考克的船The British seize Hancock's ship,[21:04.95]此举引发了整个波士顿的骚乱triggering riots that sweep through Boston.[21:07.87][21:08.12]我们不想缴税给国王We didn't wanna pay taxes to a king[21:10.88]不想缴税给一个我们没有发言权and to a parliament where we didn't have a voice,[21:13.68][21:10.98] 阿伦·索尔金[剧作家][21:14.88][21:13.68]也没有任何议员代表我们的议会and we didn't have any representation.[21:15.54][21:16.18]我们美国人天生就对政府有种怨恨We have a natural resentment toward government,[21:18.75]也正因此我们才得以独立which was how we were born.[21:22.35][21:24.41]英国国王派了4000名士兵到波士顿去执法The king sends 4,000 redcoats to Boston to enforce his laws.[21:29.64][21:30.64]波士顿是贸易之城文化之城Boston was a city of commerce, culture,[21:34.68]文明之城也是革命之城civilization, and revolution,[21:36.70] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][21:41.45][21:36.70]就是在殖民者到来之后英国人到来后unfolding right before the eyes of the colonists[21:39.45]发展起来的and the eyes of the British.[21:41.54][21:49.73]1768年10月October 1768.[21:52.24][21:52.42]英国士兵紧紧钳制着波士顿British soldiers clamp down on Boston,[21:55.47]它是通往大英帝国的关键港口a port crucial to the British Empire...[21:58.28][21:59.34]也是全球商业贸易的枢纽and a hub of global trade and commerce.[22:02.39][22:07.92]它的造船厂是世界最繁忙的船厂之一Its dockyards are some of the busiest in the world,[22:11.13]利用美国海量的木材储备年产200艘船producing 200 ships a year from America's vast timber reserves.[22:16.58][22:18.77]英国1/3的船都是在殖民地建造的1/3 of all British shipping is built in the colonies. [22:22.79][22:25.60]木材供给支持着全球经济的发展Timber fuels the global economy...[22:28.20][22:29.74]就像当今的石油一样much like oil does today.[22:31.97][22:38.23]整个新英格兰境内Across New England,[22:40.12]最高最粗壮的树都被做上了记号marks identify the tallest, strongest trees[22:42.51]他们将被用来建造英国船只selected by the crown for British ships.[22:45.32][22:47.12]英国的大部分森林已不复存在England has lost most of its forests.[22:49.98][22:50.22]所以把目光投向了美国的森林It wants American wood.[22:52.25][22:56.95]在波士顿每四个市民就有一名英国士兵In Boston, there's one redcoat for every four citizens.[23:01.18][23:02.14]整个城市完全被控制了It's a city under occupation.[23:04.64][23:07.12]保罗·里维尔是一名银匠Paul Revere is a silversmith[23:10.07]也是波士顿知名大商人之一and one of Boston's prominent businessmen...[23:12.04][23:12.51]一点都不像危险分子an unlikely subversive.[23:14.81]傲慢的英国兵浩浩荡荡地进城They formed and marched with insolent parade, [23:17.93][23:18.82]军乐阵阵旗帜飞扬drums beating, fifes playing, and colors flying,[23:23.01]每名士兵都配发了16发弹药each soldier having received 16 rounds of powder and ball.[23:27.30][23:27.49]他是典型的中上层阶级He is an upper-middle-class figure,[23:30.67]全靠自身努力奋斗得到现有的一切someone who has risen through his own efforts, his own talent.[23:34.20][23:34.21]他代表了这样一群人He represents what we have created on our own[23:37.62][23:35.67]理查德·诺顿·史密斯[乔治梅森大学历史学家][23:37.67][23:37.62]几乎不靠英国亲友帮忙白手起家with very little help from our cousins across the Atlantic.[23:42.14][23:42.31]但是当北美革命一触即发时But when revolution comes to North America... [23:45.03][23:47.44]里维尔将身处革命的最前沿Revere will beat the center of it.[23:50.39][24:57.08]包括波士顿在内的13个殖民地Boston and the 13 colonies[24:59.40]可以说是英国经济发展的发电站are an economic powerhouse,[25:01.55]对英国来说至关重要critical to Britain.[25:02.94][25:07.36]英国出口的物品将近40%都来到了美国Nearly 40% of everything exported from Britain, makes its way to America.[25:12.33][25:15.58]捕鱼船队将成千上万吨的腌鳕鱼运往加勒比海The fishing fleet ships thousands of tons of salted cod to the Caribbean.[25:20.15][25:22.96]又将糖和糖蜜运往英国Returns with sugar and molasses...[25:25.51][25:25.68]那些都是制作朗姆酒的原料raw material for rum.[25:27.89][25:28.96]每一项进出口贸易都要向英国交税Taxed by the British after every exchange. [25:32.38][25:35.73]在非洲朗姆酒被当作货币In Africa, rum is the currency used[25:38.06]可以用来购买最赚钱的货to purchase the most profitable cargo of all...[25:41.23][25:45.82]非洲黑奴African slaves.[25:47.87][25:49.41]在1700年到1800年间Between 1700 and 1800,[25:52.39]超过25万的非洲人被运往美国殖民地more than 1/4 of a million Africans are brought to the American colonies.[25:57.03][25:57.28]大都是被强迫做了奴隶而非自愿前去More slaves than all those who came of their own free will.[26:01.24][26:05.15]大部分人被送往南方大种植园Most wind up on large plantations in the South. [26:08.69][26:08.80]不过黑人对美国北方经济发展也至关重要But they're also critical to the economy of the North.[26:11.99][26:12.10]波士顿10%的人口是黑人10% of Boston's population is black.[26:15.82][26:16.54]波士顿就像一个大熔炉气氛越发紧张Boston is a melting pot, and tension is building.[26:20.53][26:21.41]没有人喜欢自己家里有侵略者Nobody likes invaders in their homes.[26:23.68] 安妮特·戈登·里德[罗格斯大学历史学教授][26:30.78][26:23.68]让外国人来到这片土地To have people here, foreigners on your soil,[26:27.57]某种程度上反而激励了人们去战斗is something-- is a great incentive for people to fight.[26:30.78][26:32.24]1770年3月5日March 5, 1770.[26:34.60][26:35.49]持续三天的动乱后After three days of unrest,[26:37.68]一群暴民游荡在大街小巷中an angry mob roams the streets.[26:40.31]成百上千的人没了工作Hundreds of men who lost their jobs[26:42.16]他们聚集到国王街咒骂英国当局and blame the British gather on King Street [26:46.09][26:46.79]和八个被下令不准开枪的英国士兵对峙and face off against eight redcoats with orders not to fire.[26:51.55][26:53.07]接下来发生的事情彻底改写了美国历史What's about to happen will change America forever.[26:57.46][26:58.78]17岁的制假发学徒A 17-year-old wig maker'sapprentice,[27:01.02]爱德华·加里克点燃了导火线Edward Garrick, lights the fuse.[27:04.47][27:09.18]战斗是这样开始的This is how wars start.[27:11.95][27:20.49]兄弟们上Come on, let's have it![27:22.91][27:26.09]士兵休·蒙哥马利被打了一棒Private Hugh Montgomery is hit with a club.[27:29.11][28:04.48]非裔美国人克里斯珀斯·阿塔克斯An African-American, Crispus Attucks,[28:08.12]当场死亡dies instantly.[28:08.81][28:12.58]大家跑啊Everybody, run![28:14.36][28:31.13]硝烟散尽时又死了四个人When the smoke clears, four more are dead.[28:34.74][28:37.91]波士顿如何回应将改变历史的发展进程How Boston reacts will change the course of history.[28:41.84][28:45.69]既是银匠Silversmith[28:46.20]又是政治激进分子的保罗·里维尔and political radical Paul Revere[28:48.76]雕出了英国士兵在波士顿街头captures the moment British soldiers kill five colonists[28:50.54]杀死五个殖民地人的画面in the streets of Boston.[28:53.76][28:55.28]他的雕刻将加速革命的爆发His engraving will fuel the fires of revolution[28:58.88]愤怒之火迅速在13个殖民地之间蔓延开来as outrage spreads across the 13 colonies.[29:02.98][29:04.11]波城愤怒子民叹Unhappy Boston see thy sons deplore,[29:08.73]圣街竟遭血污玷thy hallowed walks besmeared with guiltless gore,[29:12.19]贼子帮凶多残忍whilst faithless Preston and his savage bands,[29:15.98]恶爪锋利乱伤人with murderous rancor, stretch their bloody hands.[29:20.09][29:23.24]世界上最强大的军队The most formidable army in the world[29:25.40][29:25.41]对着一群手无寸铁的人疯狂扫射firing on an unarmed crowd.[29:28.77]这幅震惊世人的画有个一目了然的标题An explosive image with a title that says it all:[29:34.08]波士顿惨案"The Bloody Massacre."[29:35.73][29:36.11]有一个古老的笑话There was the old joke,[29:37.44][29:37.45]给我一幅画我还你一场战争"You give me a picture, I'll give you a war."[29:39.45]那些想挑起事端表明立场Those who wanted to stir things up and to make a statement[29:43.80][29:39.45] 迈克尔·R·彭博[纽约市市长][29:46.03][29:43.80]甚至可能领导革命的人and maybe even lead a revolution,[29:46.03]通过这样能团结很多人站在他们那一边it made them able to rally others to their side.[29:50.08][29:51.72]消息迅速传播开了News spreads fast.[29:53.72]移民们都是热心的读者The colonists are avid readers,[29:56.11]源自最初普利茅斯清教徒读圣经的传统 a legacy from the first Bible-reading Puritans in Plymouth.[29:59.93][30:00.52]波士顿有美国的第一份周刊Boston has the first weekly newspaper.[30:03.78][30:04.63]当时此地已经有了40多家报刊机构There are now more than 40 papers across the colonies.[30:08.31]加上新的邮政署署长本杰明·富兰克林And the new postmaster general, Benjamin Franklin...[30:11.98][30:12.97]已经建立起了一个革命性的邮政递送系统has introduced a revolutionary postal-delivery system.[30:16.52][30:19.49]连夜递送可以节省一半的时间Night riders cut the delivery time in half.[30:22.88][30:24.73]将各个殖民地联系到一起的联系网The communications network connecting the colonies[30:27.72]是当时世界上最好的is one of the best in the world.[30:30.00][30:30.55]英国当局对此一无所知And the British have no idea.[30:33.53][30:34.55]他们希望这个消息能够被压下来They hope the news can be contained.[30:37.15][30:39.03]在消息传到英国之前Before news reaches England,[30:40.90]绝大多数的美国人都已经知道了波士顿惨案most of America knows about the Boston Massacre.[30:44.28][30:44.37]这充分体现了一种美国精神It's a very American spirit of an idea,[30:47.20][30:45.50] 吉米·威尔士[维基百科创始人之一][30:50.12][30:47.20]那就是每个人都有权利去获取真相this idea that everybody should have access to knowledge.[30:50.12]这很像那个开创性的想法It's very much like that pioneering idea,[30:53.31]即每一个人应该能够开创属于自己的路everybody should be able to make their way in the world.[30:56.39]无论是康涅狄格的印刷工人A printer in Connecticut[30:57.97]还是北卡罗来纳的农民can read the exact same story[31:01.07]都能读到同样的消息as a farmer in North Carolina.[31:02.00][31:04.76]1773年12月December 1773.[31:07.29]《波士顿公报》曝出了另一件事"The Boston Gazette" breaks another story, [31:09.65]这将助长叛乱的火焰that will fan the flames of rebellion.[31:12.21][31:14.60]愤怒和不满的情绪日益高涨The rising tide of anger and resentment[31:17.08]英国不得不采取行动forces England's hand.[31:19.35][31:19.53]他们取消了所有的税收They repeal all taxes...[31:21.90][31:23.53]不过仍保留了茶叶税except one, on tea.[31:26.05][31:27.69]这远远不够It's not enough.[31:29.28][31:29.83]美国历史上最著名的反抗运动之一In one of the most famous acts of resistance in American history,[31:33.56]反抗者将价值逾百万美元的茶叶倾入波士顿港Rebels dump over $1 million worth of tea in Boston Harbor.[31:38.59][31:39.70]如果有人前来冒犯When someone comes along and smacks us,[31:42.83][31:42.70] 汤姆·布罗考[原NBC新闻主播][31:44.59][31:42.83]我们不会逆来顺受we don't turn the other cheek.[31:45.24][31:45.86]这不是我们的性格That's not who we are.[31:47.52][31:50.76]快点Move it![31:52.13][31:52.69]英国人为此关闭了波士顿港The British respond by shutting down Boston Harbor... [31:56.19][31:59.99]这个美洲最繁忙和富庶的港口之一one of America's busiest, wealthiest ports. [32:03.98][32:12.74]走吧小伙子Come on, lad.[32:14.11][32:15.57]数百人失业Hundreds lose their jobs.[32:17.93][32:19.73]英国人决意要扼杀所有来自The British mean to strangle any resistance[32:22.16]马萨诸塞州这个不服管治的殖民地的反抗from the rebellious colony of Massachusetts.。
Philadelphia Story费城故事

Philadelphia StoryBy Huang Cailing, aka’Daisy 13-Bach of business English Dear friend, have ever watched a movie which is about the topic of AIDS? Have you come across the person who is infected with the disease.Last week, I watched the movie which is named Philadelphia Story. The story stated that a man was not on the payroll when he was infected with the horrible AIDS. However, he did not give in to disappointed outcome. On the contrary, he charged the company with having fired him relentlessly, and the man also pulled out all the stops to employ a lawyer on behalf of him in order to maintain his rights.Unluckily, it is too difficulty for an AIDS patient to find one. Because every one got away from him when they knew he caught a disease and they looked at him as if he had a plague. Besides , nobody wanted to do something with him and the man received all the discrimination and indifference which came from the people in this city. I suppose why they did that is that they are not good at coping with situations like that.With time going by, people realized AIDS was not spread by casual physical contact or by other behavior through the AIDS education. Finally, with the help of lawyer, the man succeed in the lawsuit.The movie has left the profound impression on me. I insist that we should treat the AIDS people in a correct way. The more love we give, the more harmonious the world will be.。
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couldn't tell what I felt#3. I was unrecognizable to myself#4. Saw my reflection in a window#5. And didn't know my own face#6. So, brother, I'm gonna leave#7. Wastin' away on the streets of Philadelphia#8. This one?9. I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone#10. I heard voices of friends vanished and gone#11. At night I hear the blood in my veins#12. Just as black and whispery as the rain#13.On the streets of Philadelphia#14. Ain't no angel gonna greet me#15. It's just you and I my friend#16. And my clothes don't fit me no more#17. I walked a thousand miles just to slip this skin#18. Night has fallen I'm lyin' awake#19. I can feel myself fadin' away#20. So, will you receive me, brother with your faithless kiss#21. Or will we leave each other alone like this#22.On the streets of Philadelphia#23. This "pestilent dust" counselor refers to has appeared on only three 24. Each time it was tested, and the results: Limestone.25. It's messy, but innocuous.污浊,却无害26. "Innocuous"? - Defined by Webster's as harmless.27. I know what it means. May I? Thank you.Your honor法官大人28. imagine how the children in this neighborhood are being made to feel. The constant pounding of construction ringing in their ears. 建筑的敲击声不绝于耳。
29. as this skyscraper… a tribute to mankind’s greed grows dayly, casting ominous shadow over their lives, filling them with dread even as they are surrounded by this toxic dust.30. your honor, Kindall Construction builds neighborhoods, it doesn't destroy them. granting a restraining order against this construction site will throw 753 Philadelphians out of work. Kandal颁布禁止令会使753费城人失业。
31. and lend validation to this contemptible and groundlessrapacious greed that today is tearing at the very fabric of our society. 这种诉讼是典型的贪婪,足以分化我们的社会。
33. Let's not go off the deep end, gentlemen. You have made an articulate and compelling presentation, Mr. Miller我们别各走极端,先生们, 你的指控很明确,米勒先生34. but I don't believe you've proven irreparable harm.但不足以证明有致命的伤害。
35. Not yet, Your Honor.36. NO JUSTICE! NO PEACE!37. Is that you? - Yeah, that's me.38. Miller.39. Yes. Hello, Iris.40. Client of yours?41. Funny. Hold on, Iris. Excuse me, sir?42. My sons and I went to a restaurant the other day. We ordered coffee. The waiter goes…侍者问…44. "Would you like sugar or Sweet 'n' Low?"你要糖还是代糖?45. I said, "Do I look like I should be on a diet?"我说“我像是要减肥吗?”sorry…47. Andy. - Hi, Doc.47. Your blood work came back this morning.今早你的验血报告出来啦!48. I'm gonna come back in a few minutes and talk to you about it.49. - All right? - I'll be right here.50. Good.51. Hi. How're you feeling?52. - Feelin' pretty good. - Great.53. Make a fist for me? Once more. 握住拳头,再来一次。
54. Gonna have to start lookin' for veins in your feet, sweetheart.不久就要在你的双脚着血管了,55. - Patience, Tyrone. - Okay.56. Once more.How are the Magruder accounts? We will close in a couple weeks.麦罗德的账怎么样啦?我们两周内结清。
57. Terrific job on the Kendall situation.杜根那案子很出色!58. - Top-notch, Mr. Beckett. - Thanks, Kenneth, Robert.59. Hi, Rose.60. Anthea, just the paralegal extraordinaire I was hoping to see. 你是我理想的副手。
61. I know what that means. The answer is no.62. - I'm talkin' dinner at Felicia's. -63. I've got some pretty compelling briefs that need proofing.我有些案情摘要需要校对。
64. You can exploit somebody else. 去剥削别人吧!Since you’ve asked – your exam65. Thank you. Ninety-eight.66. Ninety-eight? Congratulations.67. I have to pick up Amy, but I want to talk to you about that Hansen thing.我要接爱美,我们谈谈Hensen的案子。
68. Give me a call. I'll be here. Tell Amy I loved her painting. It's on my wall.69. Hi, Andrew. Conference call's up. The roll call just started.电话会议开始了,开始点名。
70. Now, this is a settlement agreement. The red-line copy's on your desk.这是合约,71. - You need me in there? - No. It's 6:30. Go home.72. - Hello? - Hey, Mom!#73. Oh, hi, darling. What a wonderful surprise. How are you? 真是意外惊喜。
74. Good.#75. Well, what does Dr. Gillman say?76. Dr. Gillman says I am fine. My blood work is excellent.验血报告很好。
78. Honey, how 'bout your platelets? What did she say?你的血小板怎么样?79. Oh, even my platelets look good.#80. Great.81. Mom, more importantly, how are you?82. Mom?#83. I'm fine.84. - And Dad? - Dad is fine.#85. And what are you doin'?86. "Action for the wrongful interference with prospective economic relations."干扰预期经济关系的诉讼。