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随处可见[1]。 由 獭 兔 皮 制 成 的 毛 领、围 巾、披 肩、毛 条饰边等毛皮制品,以其高贵、典雅享有盛誉[2]。兔 毛以轻、细、软、保暖性强、价格便宜等特点而受人们 喜爱[3]。它是 由 细 软 的 绒 毛 和 粗 毛 组 成 的[4],主 要 有普通家兔毛、安哥拉兔毛、野兔毛和獭兔毛。它们
2011 年 12 月( 上) 7
李维红1,2 ,席 斌1,2 ,郭天芬1,2 ,王宏博1,2 ,牛春娥1,2
( 1. 中国农业科学院 兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,兰州 730050; 2. 农业部动物毛皮及制品质量监督 检验测试中心,兰州 730050)
中图分类号: S829. 1
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1004-7034( 2011) 12 - 0007 - 03
关键词:兔毛; 扫描电镜; 超微结构 摘 要:为了观察 4 种兔毛纤维的超微结构,试验以野兔、安哥拉兔、獭兔、家兔兔毛为材料,利用扫描电 镜观察并比较其鳞片层的结构特征。结果表明: 家兔粗毛鳞片翘角与安哥拉兔粗毛鳞片翘角之间差异 不显著( P > 0. 05) ,而与獭兔相比差异显著( P < 0. 05) ,二者绒毛的鳞片翘角之间差异不显著( P > 0. 05) ; 安哥拉兔毛、绒鳞片高度与其他 3 种相比差异极显著( P < 0. 01) ,而其他 3 种免毛之间两两相比 差异不显著( P > 0. 05) ; 安哥拉兔毛、绒鳞片厚度与其他 3 种相比差异极显著( P < 0. 01) ,野兔免毛与其 他 2 种相比差异显著( P < 0. 05) ,獭兔与家兔免毛相比差异不显著( P > 0. 05) 。4 种兔毛、绒之间的碳元 素含量差异均不显著( P > 0. 05) ,安哥拉兔粗毛氧元素含量与其他3 种相比差异显著( P < 0. 05) ,其他 3 种两两相比差异均不显著( P > 0. 05) ; 野兔硫元素含量与家兔绒毛中较低,与其他品种相比差异显著 ( P < 0. 05) ,其他品种之间两两相比差异均不显著( P > 0. 05) ; 4 种兔毛、绒钙元素含量均差异显著( P < 0. 05) 或极显著( P < 0. 01) 。说明不同种的动物纤维具有独特的形态特征,在超微结构上存在明显的差别。
detection of the scale structure of hairs and villus from four kinds of rabbits
品种 野兔 安哥拉兔 獭兔 家兔
粗毛 绒毛 粗毛 绒毛 灰毛 白毛 粗毛 绒毛
鳞片翘角 /°
- - 28. 0a ± 2. 1 25. 1b ± 2. 6 23. 3b ± 1. 8 - 31. 2a ± 3. 2 23. 5b ± 2. 3
采用 SPSS13. 0 统计分析软件对试验数据进行 分析。 2 结果(见表 1)与分析
表 1 4 种兔毛、绒鳞片结构的角度、高度、厚度和能谱测定结果的统计 Table 1 The statistical results for the angle,height,thickness and energy - dispersive X - ray spectroscopy
3 min,除去毛表面的污染物,用纯化水冲洗多次,至 无泡沫。在无水乙醇中浸泡 5 min,真空干燥,把清洁 的毛平贴 在 有 双 面 胶 带 的 扫 描 电 镜 样 品 台 上,置 于 IB5 型离 子 溅 射 仪 中 喷 金 属 膜 ( 厚 5 × 10 - 9 ~ 1 × 10 - 8 m,约 40 s) 。用高真空分析型扫描电子显微镜 观察,加速电压为 10 kV[5 - 6]。 1. 5 数据分析
的毛肉眼很难区别,尤其是加工成饰品以后就更加难 以辨认。笔者研究了上述 4 种兔毛的超微结构,在电
Heilongjiang Animal Science
and Veterinary Medicine
№ 12 2011
镜下观察其鳞片结构及高度、厚度和角度等特征,供 大家参考。 1 材料与方法 1. 1 原理
使用扫描电镜观察兔毛纤维的鳞片层结构特征。 1. 2 试剂
乙醇、洗涤剂,市购。 1. 3 毛皮
野兔、安哥拉兔、獭兔、家兔 4 种兔皮均为正季节 皮,且都是经过鞣制的熟皮,均购自河北省留史毛皮 交易市场,分别从 4 种皮子的体测部位随机采取试验 用毛和绒。
1. 4 扫描电镜观察方法 将毛样放入 0. 5% 的洗涤剂中,用超声波清 洗
收稿日期:2011-01-17;修回日期:2011-11-02 基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金( 中 国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所) 项目( 1610322011008) 作者简介: 李 维 红 ( 1978 - ) ,女,助 理 研 究 员,博 士 研 究 生, lwh0923@ 163. com.
度 / μm 6. 52Aa ± 0. 46 7. 63Aa ± 0. 65 40. 09B ± 3. 59 13. 49Ab ± 1. 12 7. 53Aa ± 0. 59 8. 02Aa ± 0. 74 7. 03Aa ± 0. 61 8. 09Aa ± 0. 72
度 / μm 0. 56Aa ± 0. 03 0. 42Ab ± 0. 06 0. 77B ± 0. 16 0. 81B ± 0. 10 0. 32Ad ± 0. 02 0. 36Ad ± 0. 05 0. 36Ad ± 0. 04 0. 31Ad ± 0. 07
Scanning electron microscopic observation of rabbit hair
LI Wei - hong1,2 ,XI Bin1,2 ,GUO Tian - fen1,2 ,WANG Hong - bo1,2 ,NIU Chun - e1,2
( 1. Lanzhou Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Pharmaceutics,CAAS,Lanzhou 730050,China; 2. Quality Supervising, Inspecting and Testing Center for Animal Fiber,Fur,Leather and Products ( Lanzhou) ,MOA,P. R. ,Lanzhou 730050,China) Key words: rabbit hair; scanning electron microscopy( SEM) ; microstructure Abstract: To observe the ultrastructure from four kinds of rabbit fibers,the hairs and villus of hare,Angola rabbit,Rex rabbit and rabbit were used as the experiment materials,and scanning electron microscopy was used to observe their scale structure . The results showed that there was no significant difference( P > 0. 05) in the rake angle of hairs between rabbit and Angola rabbit,and a significant difference ( P < 0. 05) compared with the Rex rabbit,and no significant difference ( P > 0. 05) in the rake angle of villus between rabbit and Angola rabbit. There were highly significant differences ( P < 0. 01) in the scale height of villus and hairs from Angola rabbit compared with the other three kinds of rabbits,and no significant differences ( P > 0. 05) compared with each other among the other three kinds of rabbits. There were highly significant differences ( P < 0. 01) in the scale thickness of villus from Angola rabbit compared with the other three kinds of rabbits,and significant differences ( P < 0. 05) among hare and the other two kinds of rabbits,and no significant difference ( P > 0. 05) between Rex rabbit and rabbit. The results from energy - dispersive X - ray spectroscopy revealed that there were no significant differences ( P > 0. 05) for the content of C element in the hairs and villus from all four kinds of rabbits,and significant differences ( P < 0. 05) for the content of O element in the hairs from Angola rabbit compared with the other three kinds of rabbits,and no significant differences ( P > 0. 05) compared to each other among the other three kinds of rabbits. The contents of S element were lower in the hairs from hare and rabbit,and there were significant difference ( P < 0. 05) compared with other two kinds of rabbit,and no significant differences ( P > 0. 05) compared to each other between other two kinds of rabbit. There were significant differences ( P < 0. 05) or highly significant differences ( P < 0. 01) for the content of Ca element in the hairs and villus from all four kinds of rabbits. It indicates that the fibers from different animals had some unique morphological characteristics and obvious differences on their inner ultrastructure . It provides a reliable basis for the discrimination of different fibers and distinguishing of the generic term for animal.