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暨 南 大 学 考 试 试 卷
1. 设命题 p :鲸鱼是哺乳动物;q :暨南大学校名来源于《礼记·禹贡》:“东渐于海,西被于流沙,朔南暨,声教讫于四海”;r :集合论的创立者是德国大数学家康德。复合命题:
()()()()q r r p q p r ∧⌝↔⌝→⌝∨⌝∧⌝∨的真值为 假
2. 命题“除非11.11是光棍节,否则京东不会大促销。”可以符号化为: 设11.11是光棍节, Q: 京东大促销,Q → P
3. 设集合A 含有8个元素,则在A 上可以定义 264
种不同的二元关系,其中有 256
4. 设F(x):x 为实数,G(x,y):x >= y ,命题“不存在最小的实数”可符号化为: ()(()(,))xF x y F y G y x ⌝∃∧∀→
5. 设C(x):x 是计算机,P(x, y):x 能做y ,I(x):x 是智能工作,则谓词公式:(()(()(,)))x I x y C y P y x ⌝∀→∃∧ 用简洁的汉语表述是(正确但不够简洁
的回答只得1分): 并非所有的智能工作都能由计算机来完成 6. 设个体域为A={a,b,c},消去公式()()xQ x xP x ∀→⌝∃中的量词得到的与之等值的谓词公式为: (Q(a)∧Q(b)∧Q(c))→¬(P(a)∨P(b)∨P(c)) 7. P(A)表示集合A 的幂集,则∅P(P(P())) = {,{},{{}},{,{}}}∅∅∅∅∅
8. 下图为某偏序集所对应的哈斯图,该偏序集的极大元、极小元、最大元、最小元分别是: 极大元:g,f; 极小元:a,最大元:无,最小元:a
9. 设},,},,{{∅=y x y x A ,求下列各式的结果:
=-},{y x A {{,},}x y ∅ =∅-}{A {{,},,}x y x y
(A) 在大多数致命的交通事故中,车内有人死亡的车的司机是过错方。 (B) 汽车司机很少死于汽车事故。
(C) 致命的交通事故中大多数死亡者为汽车乘客而不是行人。
(D) 汽车安全专家应该提高设计以加强对汽车乘客座位上的人的保护。 (E) 汽车乘客有时会犯错导致汽车事故。 11.近年来由于广州对当地工业实施了严格的控制空气污染法规,鸟类的数量在广州及周边急剧增加。因此,类似的控制空气污染法规应该在其他主要城市实施。以下哪项不是上述论证所依赖的假设?答:A
(A)在大多数主要城市,空气污染问题几乎完全是由当地工业引起的。 (B)对工业实施控制空气污染法规会对空气质量产生重大影响。 (C)其他主要城市的空气污染问题基本类似于广州。 (D)城市中及周边鸟类数量的增加是人们所期望的。
(E)在广州及周边鸟类目击事件的增加反映了物种数量的实际增加。 Questions 12-13 are based on the following:
In an experiment, two different types of recorded music were played for neonates (新生儿) in adjacent nurseries in a hospital. In nursery A, classical music was played; in nursery B, rock music was played. After two weeks, it was found that the babies in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments (小病), and gained more weight
than did the babies in nursery B.
12.In evaluating the validity of the conclusion suggested by the experiment above, it would be most important to know which of the following? 答:B
(A) The musical preferences of the parents of the two groups of newborns (B) Whether the newborns in both nurseries were equally healthy and happy at
the start of the experiment (C) Whether loud rock music can damage the hearing of newborns
(D) What the average weight of the neonates was before and after the experiment (E) Whether the music was played in the nurseries at all times or only at certain
times 13.Which of the following additional experimental data would support the hypothesis (假设) that classical music is beneficial (有益的) to the development of newborn? 答:C
(A) The neonates in a nursery where no music was played fared (发育) better
than those in nursery B. (B) Nursery A contained 15 percent more premature babies (早产儿) than
nursery B. (C) The newborns in nursery A cried less, suffered fewer minor ailments, and
gained more weight than did newborns in a nursery with no music. (D) The music played in nursery A was louder than that played in nursery B. (E) The ratio of nurses to newborns in nursery B was 1 to 4; in nursery A, it was 1
to 6. 14.假设x 代表学生,F(x)表示:x 是个大一新生;M(x)表示:x 是信息安全专业的学生。对于以下2个命题,分别确定与其等价的符号化表示(注意:每个命题可能有多个等价表示)
a )有些大一新生是信息安全专业的: V, VI, XI
b )没有信息安全专业的学生是大一新生: I, III, VIII 15.定义在空集上的空关系具有自反性、反自反性,对称性、反对称性、传递性中的: 自反性,反自反性,对称性、反对称性、传递性 16.以下关系图所表示的关系中偏序关系有( C 、D )