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1.Present simple vs.pr esent continuous

Complete the e the present simple or pr esent continuous form of the verbs in the box.

like spend have learn think n o t understand

e.g.Do you like surfing the Internet?

1)I______what you mean.Could you explain once again


2)More and m or e people______English these days.

3)Simon______at least2hours a day on the phone.

4)I______professional footballers get too much money.It’s


5)______you______a good time?Y ou look a bit sad.

2.Making new friends

Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.

fit in bond with join in feel left o u t settle in stand ou t

e.g.Jack always stands o u t because he wears very brightly

colored clothes.

1)Mary often______at home because she has5brothers.

2)A way of______is t o listen t o the sam e music as everyone


3)I usually______quickly because I’ve changed schools so

many times so I mak e friends easily.

4)Claudia______her baby sister as so o n as she was born.

5)Why are you standing on your own?Come and______.W e

need a good player on our team.

3.say and tell

Complete the expressions with say or tell.

e.g.say a prayer


2)______the time

3)______the difference

4)______thank you

5)______someone off

6)______a secret



9)______the truth

10)______a lie

4.P ast simple vs.pr esent perfect simple

Complete the e the past simple or pr esent perfect simple form of the verbs in the box.

live buy go eat be study

e.g.I have lived in the sam e house since I was a child.

1)I______French at university before I became a teacher.

2)W e______a new computer last week.

3)T om______my best friend for2years bu t we still fight


4)______you ever______a really h o t curry?

5)Where______you______on your last holiday?

5.Present perfect simple vs.pr esent perfect continuous Choose the correct words.

e.g.I’ve seen√/been seeing3movies this month.

1)How long have you known/been knowing Steve?

2)Max has had/has been having an iP od since last year.

3)I’m so tired!I’ve written/been writing thank-you letters

all day.

4)We’ve worked/been working in the garden for hours and

it still looks terrible!

5)Mum has made/has been making5five cakes for my

birthday party.

6.Phrasal verbs with up

Complete the e the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

look up look(someone)up break up break up

turn up meet up
