



英语语法改错练习及详解1.平行结构1) At the heart of the XXX system depends on leaders who can think critically。

analyze texts。

and write clearly.改写】 XXX critical thinking。

text analysis。

and clear writing XXX.2) XXX the result of what is。

in effect。

faulty wiring in the brain - not laziness。


or a poor home environment.改写】 Research XXX laziness。


or home environment.3) The task of learning facts and concepts。

one at a time。

makes learning us。


and inefficient.改写】 Learning one fact or concept at a time can be us。


and ineffective.2.动词4) Viewing logically。

the XXX.改写】 From a logical perspective。

the modern footballer can be seen as part of a hidden hunting group.改写】logists believe that being human means being cultured。

as culture is the shared world of XXX。



including their n in material things.删除】无需删除。



语法错误:主谓不一致 词汇选择:使用不地道的表达 句子结构:过于复杂或不符合英语表达习惯 语序问题:与英语习惯不符
常见类型:包括不规则名词复数形式错误、规则 名词复数形式错误以及不可数名词误用为可数名 词等。
实例分析:例如,“The cat is on the mat.” 应该改为“The cats are on the mats.”
定义:可数名 词表示可以计 数的事物,不 可数名词表示 无法计数的事
主语缺失:导致句子成句 子结构不连贯
句子结构不完 整:缺少主语、 谓语或宾语, 导致句子意义
句子结构冗长: 过多的从句、 修饰语等导致 句子难以理解
句子结构混乱: 主语和谓语、 修饰语和中心 词等之间的关 系不明确,导 致读者无法理 解句子的意思
常见错误:使用不恰当的从属连词,导致句子结构混乱 纠正方法:正确选择从属连词,确保句子逻辑清晰 示例:将“Although she is a woman”改为“Because she is a woman” 备考建议:多练习从属连词的使用,提高语法准确性
Part Nine
纠正方法:检查句子中的主语是否 为第三人称单数形式,如果是,确 保谓语使用相应的单数形式。
常见错误类型:使用动词原形代替 第三人称单数形式的动词形式,如 “He like English.”
示例:正确的句子应该是“He likes English.”而不是“He like English.”。
句子结构重复: 过多的重复使 用相同的词语 或短语,导致 句子意义模糊
Part Ten



Passage 2Until the very latest moment of his existence, manhas been bound to the planet on which be originated anddeveloped. Now he had the capability to leave that planet 1. hasand move out into the universe to those worlds which hehad known previously only directly. Men have explored 2. indirectlyparts of the moon. put spaceships in orbit around anotherplanet and possibly within the decade will land into anoth- 3. oner planet and explore it. Can we be too bold as to sug- 4. sogest that we may be able to colonize other planet 5. planets within the not-too-distant future? Some have advocat-ed such a procedure as a solution to the populationproblem: ship the excess people off to the moon. Butwe must keep in head the billions of dollars we might 6. mindspend in carrying out the project. To maintain theearth's population at its present level, we wouldhave to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour ofevery day of the year.Why are we spending so little money on space 7. much exploration? Consider the great need for improving 8. Considering many aspects of the global environment, one is surelyjustified in his concern for the money and resourcesthat they are poured into the space exploration ef- 9. 去掉forts. But perhaps we should look at both sides of thecoin before arriving hasty conclusions. 10. arriving at/reachingPassage 3Most people work to earn a living and theyProduce good and services. Goods are eitheragricultural (like maize) or manufactured (likecars). Services are such things like education, 1. asmedicine, and commerce. These people provide 2. Somegoods; some provide services. Other people provideboth goods or services. For example, in the same 3. andgarage a man may buy a car or some service whichhelps him maintain his car.The work people do is called as economic 4. 去掉activity. All economic activities taken together makeup the economic system of town, a city, a country,or the world. Such economic system is the sum-total 5. 之前加anof what people do and what they want. The workpeople do either provides what they need or providesthe money with that they can buy essential 6. which commodities. Of course, most people hope to haveenough money to buy commodities and services whichare essential but which provide some particular 7. nonessential personal satisfaction, such as toys for children, visits8. 之后加to the cinema, and books.The science of economist is basis upon the facts 9. basedof our everyday lives. Economists study our everydaylives and the general life of our communities in orderto understand the whole economic system of which weare a part. They try to describe the facts of theeconomy in which we live, and to explain how itworks. The economist methods should of course be 10. economists’strictly objective and scientific.Passage 4British people don't drink as many tea as they 1. muchused to, but Great Britain still takes almost twenty-five per cent of all world exports of the commodity.The world largest producers of tea are India, China 2. world'sand the Sri Lanka. 3. 去掉The quantity of tea is affected by the climate, 4. qualityby the latitude at which it is grown and also bythat part of the tea bush is plucked. In fact, as 5. which Dominic Beddard, a tea taster, tells us, favour can 6. flavour even depend on which day the leaf is plucked:"There are very considerable differences between teasfrom the same estate made on different day," he says. 7. days Processing tea is a complicated procedure. Afterthe green leaf has been plucked, it is processed in afactory. Quickly and carefully, the tea is reduced to 8. slowlya small brittle particle, which is then dried and lookslike the tea you see in a packet. The tea companiesthen rely on tasters as Donimic to value the tea. This 9. 之前加such has to be done on a day-to-day basis because offluctuations in quality. Having to taste up to sixhundred cups of tea a day certainly causes Dominic's 10. makesjob an unusual one!take = account for9题或者把as改成likecause sb. to domake sb sth 不是双宾语,而是宾语和补语Passage 5Parents can be supportive of suspicions. Theycan be helpful to the teacher, or are in need of help 1. be themselves. Sometimes, I think parents are too hardto their children. I have seen many parents of this 2. onkind. I often have the problem of parents coming inand telling me what they really treat their kids. They 3. howtell me that they usually stand over their kinds whenthey do their homework. They check their work andmake big fuss over the grades. They criticize the kids 4. 之前加"a" over everything having to do with school. Myresponse usually is: "well, you know, he is really agood kid. He is fine in my class. Maybe you shouldnot be too strict with them." 5. him We want parents to realize the fact that teachersare professors at working with children. They have 6. professional observed many children and many parents. Becauseof this, and because of their specialized training,teachers can be realistic about children. Teachersknow whether parents want their children to do well 7. thatand to behave well. But teachers know less what 8. better children should be able to do at different ages andstages. They don't expect the 8-year-olds to do thework that can only be done by the 12-year-olds.Parents, in the contrary, often expect their children 9. onto do what is usually beyond their age and ability.Obviously, this may make great harm to the 10. do children's development.stand over 密切监视某人what 后面必须缺少主语或者宾语make a big fuss 大惊小怪Passage 6Thus you experience success as you completeeach chapter. While you have completed the overall 5. haven’tgoal, you know you have progressed toward it.Passage 7although the tremendous amounts of money, time 3. despiteand energy giving over to oral health.Although 后面必须接句子Critics, on the other hand, slam the profession.It can be conservatively estimated that at least15 percent of United States dentists areincompetent, honest, or both, says a former 10. dishonestPassage 8All these tokens of success are in a sense merely bribesprovided by another person. Therefore, they can be 10. However\But effective and useful.in a sense 某种意义上Passage 9It is not just in academy that children are been pushed 4. being too far and too fast. Some parents start their preschoolWe need to abandon the false notions that we cancreate exceptional children by early instruction andsuch children are symbols of our competence as 8. 之前加"that" parents.。

新东方雅思笔记汇总 共40页

新东方雅思笔记汇总 共40页

























四:作业21页task5 versionC(多少个字,多少句话,每一段由几句话组成,找语法错误,评论结构布局) 74页task2 严格按照40分钟写。

针对十个问题的思考1.情感分段和逻辑分段首先晾出观点,罩住一个自然段,2.文章中心思想句是读者体会(中文)还是作者交代(英文)——第一段就说3.3.引言段(开头第一段)是开门见山(英文)还是层层剥开(中文)议论文不可以太长,第一段只能3——5句话4.段落主题句有(英文)没有(中文)不要把每个主题句分散在不同处,在第一句写5.线性段落(英文)还是螺旋性段落(中文)说出来——为什么这样说6.人证(中文)与法证(英文)强调事实、数据、普通人事件、该领域专家7.一般具体(英文)还是曲折前进(中文)8.段内连贯:过渡词语(英语)还是词义重复(中文)英语:形式语言中文:意合语言for,obviously,turnout,asaresult,and,intheend英语靠过渡词的衔接、词汇的纽带、语法的照应9.段落之间的连贯:形和义10.结尾部分是概括(英文)还是训导(中文)新东方雅思阅读笔记Summary做法I.确定summary的首末句在原文中的位置;根据题目要求;根据首末句来判断II.分析每个空格的可能语法属性III.根据空格前后的相关信息回原文锁定答案1.Summary中的以下成分不会改变:A.专有名词B.时间状语、时间C.地点D.人名E.数字及百分比F.金钱符号G.特殊印刷体及标点符号2.如果是动词+名词,名词是空格,则回原文定位该动词3.如果是动词+介词+名词,名词是空格,则回原文先定位介词,再定动词+介词结构4.如果是动词+介词+名词+定状补或同位语a.同3b.空格后的成分在原文中不会改变5.名词+谓语+宾语,a.回原文定位与空格后的谓语一致的语法结构b.宾语一般不会改变完成句子做法I.分析需完成部分的语法结构II.分析已给出句子的中心词,分为定位中心词及句意关键词1.定位中心词a)专有名词b)时间及地点c)人名、数字及百分比d)金钱符号、特殊印刷体、特殊标点符号2.句意关键词a)句子的主语和谓语b)空格前的介词及助动词c)空格前的情态动词d)空格前的形容词e)句子中的比较成分f)句子中的否定及肯定成分III.回原文定位填空选项式I.类型:1.须完成部分的语法属性单一2.须完成部分的语法属性多元II.做法:1.分析每个选项的语法属性2.分析题目的语法属性3.进行选项与题目的语法归类4.如有可能回原文定位TrueFalseNotGiven(audiy)I.做法1.准确理解题意a)语法主谓宾确定b)是否有好坏、优劣、快慢判断c)是否有only判断d)是否有比较e)是否有范围比较2.预设否命题(Alternative)(audiy)3.划出已给出句子的中心词回原文定位4.阅读比较5.中心词分为定位中心词及句意关键词:见前笔记II.基本概况1.是语言考试而非逻辑判断2.不涉及比喻及修辞3.不涉及文化差异4.不涉及复杂的时态与语态变化5.范围考点只有only,all及most6.IELTS中TFNG中的所有金钱符号、时间及数字都只涉及精确程度而非范围判断7.范围判断:NG:a.Timewilltellb.设问句而不做回答;a+1nolessthana相当于8.原文中有itispredicted(expected,anticipated)that题目中有real,truth,fact则答案为:False9.原文中有条件状语从句或表明条件的固定搭配If(Providedthat),butfor(exceptfor)Ifnot(Unless),butthat(exceptthat)或表明条件限制的介词短语及形容语短语题目中去除任何条件限制答案为:False10.Only原则A.原文有三个形容词:various,versatile,complete题目中部分,则答案为FalseB.原文中A+B+C,题目中只有A、B或C,则答案为FalseC.原文中A事物或A状态题目中只有A事物或A状态答案:NG11.原文中有vow,promise,swear,pledge+动作状态题目中去除以上的限定,则答案为:NOTGIVEN(audiy)12.原文对理论学科加以限定(领域及范围、人名、国名及时间)题目中去除以上限制,答案为:FalseMatching题:一、类型1.人名及理论2.概念及定义3.完成句子的Matching二、各种类型的题的做法1.人名及理论a.首先分析意义理论的中心词b.回原文按人名的排列顺序阅读,理论一般在固定动词后的宾语从句中段落首末的人名及理论是重要考点c.中心词对应,原文及题目的中心词对应2.概念及定义a.首先确定概念在原文中的方位概念的排列对应原文段落顺序递增b.分析每道题目的意义中心词c.回原文按照概念的顺序阅读d.中心词对应Listofheadings类型1.10个选项,5-6个段落,选项标在段落后面2.5-6个已给出标题,段落标号写在题目后面注意:1.阅读主标题2.任何选项在真实考试中都只有一次选项,首先将example选项划去主要做法一、首先分析选项以及已给出标题哪些选项是文章超始段落选项哪些选项是文章结尾段落选项1.起始选项a.名词+of+文章主标标concept,conception,definition,explanation,notion,core,essence,justification, whatis+文章标题b.动词+文章主标题,代表文章首段标题defy,justify(audiy)c.形容词+名词+of+文章主标题basic,intrinsic,fundamental+factors,elements2.结尾选取项名词+of+文章主题effect,impact,consequence,generalization,conclusion3.哪些选项是文章的中间段落选项A.所有的比较选项都是中间选取项Compare,contrast,similar,match,coincide…with,contraryto,oppositeto,versus,akin…to,alien …toB.金钱符号指示词Wage,income,cost,expense,expenditure,revenueC.统计数字指示词data,figure,demography,demographic,statistic,censusD.百分比指示词rate,ratio,percentage,proportion,density(audiy)E.时间指示词decide,generation,ages,longtime,longterm,longtradition,longprocess,longprocedureF.分岐概念的定义及补充说明一定在中间段落二、如何阅读首末段1.阅读首末句,要关注首末句的语法成份A.主谓宾分布B.肯定与否定关态C.比较级状态D.是否定定义句型2.如果首末句是疑问句或都是描述性语句都要忽略不记,要其后的论点句作为标题选项的重要依据3.如果段落中有example或者example句型,要example前的论点句及其后的总结句4.如果段落中有人名及理论,则该理论也是标题选项的主要依据三、如何阅读整段1.要注意段落中的特殊印刷体及特殊标点符号(),“”2.要注意段落中表明转折的连词yet,but,however3.要注意段落中表明顺序的连词4.要注意段落中表明因果的固定搭配resultin,resultfrom,derivefrom,stemfrom,describeto.新东方听力笔记这是一套最新新东方听力笔记,希望有时间的朋友还是多研习一下,在方法上还是有很多提高成绩的捷径的。



综合改错(Errors Correction):一、语法错误二、词汇错误三、逻辑错误四、多词少词Example:Television is rapidly becoming the literatureof our periods. Many of the arguments1.time/times/agehaving used for the study for literature as a 2. / school subject are valid for ∧study of television. 3. the一、语法错误1、平行结构(not only...but also\both...and\either...or\and)1) A professor's salary is higher than a secretary.[secretary's]2) One of these is informative, interesting, and is easy to understand.[去掉]3) Defining a problem is easier than to provide a solution.[providing]2、连词错误1) Candle will later be replaced by lamp, that could burn longer andlighter. [which]2) The children attended a small elementary school (often of just oneroom) to that they had to walk every day, possibly for a few miles.[which,that前只能有except和in。

except that除此以外;in that因为,体现在]3) It will be interesting to discover how many young people go touniversities without any idea of that they are going to do afterward.[what,what相当于the thing that]4) It appears that we all find company in sound, if we demand a littlequiet from time to time. [but或yet] 转折,所以不能用if5) They are likely to travel more and to want more education.Nevertheless, many more jobs are available in these services.[Therefore或So] 因果3、分词错误1) Police's records show a surprised link between changes in theseasons and crime patterns. [surprising]2) Even the quiet of our careful protected wilderness areas can beinvaded at any moment by a passed jet.[passing]3) So a sportsman's individual way of walking with raised shoulders isimitated by an admired fan. [admiring]4、指代错误1) A break in their employment, or a decision to work part time, will slowits raises and promotions-as it would for men. [their]2) Clearly some risks are worth taking, especially when the rewards arehigh: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers thatjumping out of a second-loor window is an acceptable risk to save itslife. [his]3) The modern light-house also identifies it in a code known to all ships.[itself] 主语宾语相重叠用反身代词5、形容词、副词(略)6、谓语错误(主谓一致、时态、语态)1) Business today whether it is running a little gas-station or a bigfactory take good management.[takes]2) Advances in technology has also changed people's lives. [have]3) But if 98 percent of us doesn't need to work, what are we going to dowith ourselves? [don't]复数4) Whether women who have started a career will attain pay equality withmen rest on at least two factors. [rests]句子做主语为单数5) In some places all the trees have cut down. [have been]二、词汇错误(搭配错误、用词错误)三、逻辑错误(肯定否定乱用)1) Blood pressure drugs definitely help some people live after a heartattack, but these same drugs may be both necessary and harmful forthose with only mild blood pressure problems. [unnecessary]2) In every case, the influential person may consciously notice theimitation but he will feel comfortable in its presence. [unconsciously]四、多词少词(少介词、冠词、形式宾语;多介词和副词)1) When two Americans meet for first time, it is normal for them to calleach other by their given name immediately. [the first]2)In fact, until recently seawater has almost be considered to be useless and no value. [of no]。



语法错误纠正精讲练习题及参考答案语法错误纠正精讲练习题及解析一、单词拼写1. Please _______ (confirm) your attendance as soon as possible.正确答案:confirm2. The __________ (comission) has been investigating the case for months.正确答案:commission3. It is important to _________ (maintain) a healthy lifestyle.正确答案:maintain4. The company is facing __________ (financial) difficulties.正确答案:financial5. Can you _________ (imagine) what life will be like in the future?正确答案:imagine二、词性转换1. The weather is __________ (terrible) today. (形容词)正确答案:terrible2. She _________ (final) managed to finish the project. (副词)正确答案:finally3. He gave a ____________ (courage) speech at the meeting. (名词)正确答案:courageous4. The child __________ (quick) ran to catch the ball. (副词)正确答案:quickly5. His decision was __________ (disappoint). (形容词)正确答案:disappointing三、语法纠错1. The news are very shocking. It must be true.正确答案:The news is very shocking. It must be true.2. She have been working on this project for weeks.正确答案:She has been working on this project for weeks.3. My brother has went to the store to buy some groceries.正确答案:My brother has gone to the store to buy some groceries.4. I can't come to the party because I will have a dentist appointment.正确答案:I can't come to the party because I have a dentist appointment.5. The students is studying for their exams.正确答案:The students are studying for their exams.四、句子改写1. He is too tired to go out.正确答案:He is so tired that he can't go out.2. The book is too expensive for me to buy.正确答案:The book is so expensive that I can't buy it.3. She is too young to drive a car.正确答案:She is so young that she can't drive a car.4. It was too cold for the plants to survive.正确答案:It was so cold that the plants couldn't survive.5. The movie was too long for me to watch.正确答案:The movie was so long that I couldn't watch it.总结:本练习题主要围绕单词拼写、词性转换、语法纠错和句子改写展开,通过这些练习题的解答来提高语法错误纠正的能力。



一.指代方面1.Sometimes teachers will inform students of the heavy burden the students have to bear.2.Television which enables us to enjoy life thoroughly provides us with a vivid, colorful world.二.修饰方面1.To keep the air clean, we must move the factories which give off poisonousgases, to the countryside.2.Without television, people can’t immediately get information which comes from other parts of the world.3.When I was six, my father began to give me English lessons.4.Having carried out economic reforms in our country, people have greatly improved living standards.三.平行方面1.While the number of vehicles is reduced, the speed of traffic can be increased.2.The price of milk isn’t higher than that of grain.3.The energy problem is currently of great concern to a nation, to the world, and to human beings.4.But other people argue that everyone has a certainopportunity and that a wise man will never lose it whenever it arises.5.Before I selected the new course, my teacher warned me of the difficulty of the course and of the length of it.6.Making cities greener hasa lot of advantages, such as improvement of our environment, its contribution to our industry and its beautification ofour cities.四.语法方面1.Narrow streets easily cause many traffic accidents.2.A great change has taken place then.3.But some new problems may occur. 4.Opportunities only belong to those who work hard.5.Green trees can protectour air from being polluted.6.Compared with other countries, China pays little attention to the energy problem.五.搭配问题1.However the speed of a car is much higher than that of a bicycle.2.In the past the price of milk was so high that most families could not afford it.3.We should get as much knowledge as possible so that we can be fully prepared for the future. 六.赘言问题1.In my opinion, the tree medical system is in need of reform.2.People try to find a solution to the problem 3.Many visitors of our city have the impression that there are few trees inthe street.4.The reason why people choose to live in the country is that there is no pollution nor noise there. 5.I have to rewrite my composition.七.汉化问题1.Traffic is a serious problem , one of the reasons is that there are over ten million people in Shanghai.2.My English has thus been improved.3.Nowadays more and more young people seek to go abroad.4.With the development of cities, there is less and less green land.5.Smoking will do harm to our health.6.We should pay attention to the study.。

新东方 改错

新东方 改错
Seeing him , the fans screamed .
You hurt me , passing by with a smile .
When I was young , I ‘d listen to the radio , waiting for my favorite songs.
9 It is bad manners in the classroom to look for what our neighbor had written, or try to see what mark he has received
without being permitted.
第一步: 用1分钟—1分半中通读全文.
第二步: 以“见什么想什么”原则看两行或一整句话改写一行.
第三步: 改后复查.
一 动词在改错中的设计方法
二 代词在改错中的设计方法
三 形容词,副词在改错中的设计方法
四 连词在改错中的设计方法
26 I decided to sit down to watch the game. I found the game excited.
27 One evening she told me that something happened when her parents was out .
一 做谓语
1 时态
1) 一般现在时和过去时的互改
2) 过去时和过去完成时的互改
3) and/but / or 前后的一致问题

雅思写作句子改错--(参考 答案)

雅思写作句子改错--(参考 答案)

雅思写作常用语法错误分析1.We are frequently confronted with statement about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity. 错因:statement是可数名词,在这里要么加冠词,要么变复数。

改正:We are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity.大意:我们经常听到关于语言多元性快速丧失的言论。

2.Globalization will always have supporters who are blind on the destruction it can cause.错因:惯用法。

介词使用错误,blind后面常加to.改正:Globalization will always have supporters who are blind to the destruction it can cause.大意:全球化总有一些支持者,他们对由全球化造成的破坏视而不见。

3.One problem that has not yet been addressed is the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists.错因:句子结构。


改正:One problem that has not yet been addressed is that the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists.大意:一个仍然还没有被解决的问题是现有的基础设施和设备不能够满足越来越多的游客的需要. 4.Children,if grown up in a multicultural society,are more likely to embrace different cultures and values.错因:从句部分不能用过去分词,小孩与 grow up之间是主动关系。



雅思写作常用语法错误分析1.We are frequently confronted with statement about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity.错因:statement是可数名词,在这里要么加冠词,要么变复数。

改正:We are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of language diversity.大意:我们经常听到关于语言多元性快速丧失的言论。

2.Globalization will always have supporters who are blind on the destruction it can cause.错因:惯用法。

介词使用错误,blind后面常加to.改正:Globalization will always have supporters who are blind to the destruction it can cause.大意:全球化总有一些支持者,他们对由全球化造成的破坏视而不见。

3.One problem that has not yet been addressed is the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists.错因:句子结构。


改正:One problem that has not yet been addressed is that the existing infrastructure and facilities fail to meet the demand posed by increased arrivals of tourists.大意:一个仍然还没有被解决的问题是现有的基础设施和设备不能够满足越来越多的游客的需要.4.Children,if grown up in a multicultural society,are more likely to embrace different cultures and values.错因:从句部分不能用过去分词,小孩与grow up之间是主动关系。



语法改错练习1. Many countries, especially developing countries, exist environmental problem.2. Environmental problems have been become seriously in the developing countries.3. High unemployment rate is remained a problem, even if in those developed countries.4. The development of tourism industry contribute to effectively promote economic growth, especially in remote areas.5. Travel agencies provide tourist a large number of informations about destinations.6. Study overseas allows people study foreign languages, such as study English.7. In most time, globalization can make the culture of a country be well-known.1.Many countries, especially developing countries, exist environmental problem.错误1:exist不及物动词,不能加宾语。


2.Environmental problems have been become seriously in the developing countries.错误1:been become 两个系动词错误2:seriously副词,不能充当表语错误3:developing countries已经是复数,除非特指,否则不需要加定冠词the注:使用have been becoming现在完成进行时态不恰当,因为要用一般完成时态强调结果。



雅思阅读两大出题原则1. 顺序原则2. 一题一句原则雅思阅读两大解题原则1. 定位2. 题目对照原文填空题解题技巧1. 词性定位法1. 词性定位法解题步骤第一步. 定位大致段落第二步. 判断空格词性第三步. 定位出题句第四步. 根据空格词性确定答案填空题解题技巧——同义替换法常见同义替换的手法1. 时态转换2. 数字转换3. 否定转换4. 同义词近义词转换a)介词短语转换b)动词转换c)名词转换5. 主动被动转换选择题——选项式总结题方法一、词性法先分析空格词性, 后分析选项词性使空格和选项词性一致分析空格语法属性1.词性:名词、动词、形容词、副词2.名词:单数/复数;人/物3.动词:原形/ -s /-ed / -ed / -ing4.形容词/副词:是否为比较级,修饰的是什么词方法二、反义词法两个选项若为反义词其中至少有一个是对的补充:反义词的要求:意思相反且词性相同方法三、正负向法选项与空格的正负向必须一致方法四、近义词法几个特征相同的近义选项只有一个是对的方法五、同性质法判断空格与选项的性质(人/物),空格与选项性质必须一致选择题——选项式完成句子题方法一、词性法1. 判断上半句句末所需单词的语法属性2. 判断下半句选项打头单词的语法属性方法二、定位法第一步、找出前半句中的定位词第二步、回原文找出定位句(定位技巧: 一题一段)第三步、在题目中找出核心词第四步、核心词与原文定位句对应(核心词: 发生同意替换现象)一题一段每道题对应原文的一段话核心词的概念——决定句子核心意思的词核心词的顺序1. 最高级及绝对性词汇2. 名词(尤其是主语, 宾语)3. 动词(尤其是谓语)4. 形容词5. 副词TRUE/ FALSE /NOT GIVEN判断题解题步骤第一步、阅读题干,确定定位词,每次读两道题定位词1. 名词2. 否定词3. 逻辑关系词第二步、根据判断原则,确定答案判断原则——TRUE1.题目是原文的同义表达——采用同义词或同义结构2. 题目是对原文几句话的归纳或推断判断原则——FALSE1. 题目某些内容与原文直接相反2. 原文和题目使用了表示不同频率、可能性的词反义词:sometimes与usually, unlikely与impossible, some与all判断原则——NOT GIVEN1. 题目缩小原文的范围,但不与原文冲突2. 题目中有比较结构,原文中没有比较或比较的对象不同判断题两步走1. 判断有无矛盾有矛盾→FALSE无矛盾→TRUE/ NOT GIVEN2.第一步判断结果为无矛盾时,看范围原文小,题目大→TRUE原文大,题目小→NOT GIVEN补充万不得已时的猜题技巧1. 有may等表示委婉的词一般是TRUE补充表委婉的词may,could,might,likely,sometimes,some,not always,not all等2. 出现only等过分绝对词的选项一般为FALSE补充过分绝对词all, none, nothing, anything, every, everyone, everybody, everything, only, totally, completely, utterly, undoubtedly, absolutely, must, most, best, worst, -est3. 常考的答案组合形式三道题的答案组合:1T 1F 1NG五道题的答案组合:2T 1F 2NG六道题的答案组合:2T 2F 2NG3T 2F 1NG七道题的答案组合:3T 2F 2NG4. 极少连续三题答案都相同,没有连续四题答案都相同四选一选择题方法一、定位法——正确答案必在定位句中,任何选项中出现定位句以外的信息,均为错误答案定位词总结1. 名词2. 否定词3. 逻辑关系词4. 四个选项的共同部分方法二、正负向法方法三、排除法1. 有明显定位词的选项是干扰项明显定位词——在文中仅出现过一次的:数字,大写字母(人名,地名,机构名)2. 出现过分绝对词的选项一般不选3. 越具体越细节的选项越错,越抽象越概括的选项越对。

新东方雅思 精品笔记

新东方雅思 精品笔记

谬见mistaken/wrong view 定语从句状语从句名词性从句:1.主语从句2.宾语从句3.同位语从句4.表语从句主语+ 谓语动词5大常见句型6种基本成分动词:1)Vt2)Vi3) 连系动词(be动词)remain, keep, turn4) 双宾语动词5)复合宾语动词1.主语+ 谓语(vt)+ 宾语Eg: Alan bought a computer.2. 主语+ 谓语(vi)Eg: Alan cries.The students laugh.3. 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 表语Eg:I am a teacher.Alan is a lawyer.4. 主语+谓语(双宾语动词)+宾语1+宾语2Eg: I want to tell you a secret.Alan bought her a present.Evans lent her 10,000 dollars.5. 主语+ 谓语(复合宾语动词)+ 宾语+ 宾补(即修饰宾语的成分)Eg: The students consider Alan naïve/innocent.补语:1)主语补足语= 表语2)宾语补足语长句是怎么写成的?!1.在简单句的范畴内写长。

1) 加定语(即修饰名词)I nnocent Alan is a naïve teacher.Every family with or without a computer is familiar with the powerful Internet.2)加状语(即修饰动词,整个句子)To our great surprise,innocent and impoverished Alan bought an expensive computer in the Computer City last week2. 从句简单句1,简单2。

I am Alan and I am 21 years old.1) 加连词,把句子连起来。



作文中几个常见语法错误1、动词或者句子不能充当主语或者宾语1)Give children a comfortable home environment is parents’ duty2)Students receive job training is important.3) Students receive job training can become competitive in the labour market.4) Many rural residents have decided move to cities.2、主谓不一致1)R aising standards of literacy are the government’s priority.2) To rear a child alone are challenging to any parent3)The adequacy of financial resources are crucial to the operation of a not-for-profit organization.4)Overworking,coupled with poor diet,lead to physical degeneration.5)Even if somebody fall sick,everything go on as usual.6) There is a number of countries which perform poorly in containing pollution.7)How we cope with massive technological change inthe 21st century are an interesting issue.3、不及物动词和系动词没有被动语态1)The accident was similar to the one that was happened last year.2) I disagree many points made by the supporters of globalization3)The curriculum is consisted of core courses and optional courses有一些动词词组,如consist of、belong to、take place、benefit from也没有被动语态4)Most children are seemed to be better at remembering bad habits,instead of good ones.准系动词seem、remain、prove、appear、look、smell、taste不用被动语态4、及物动词的使用错误1、I will discuss in some detail.2、In some countries,salaries remain unchanged and even reduce.3、Education can let young people to find jobs easily after they finish their education.4、5、Private sponsorship has allowed the academiccommunity survive.6、7、Consumer confidence should improve,as it is crucialto an economic recovery.5、介词的使用错误1)Many smokers are unwilling to cease smoking despite they have knowledge of ill health effects.2)Many children depend on their parents give support3)People have different attitudes at life.。



雅思英语语法练习题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The concert was so exciting that I couldn’t help _______.A. to singB. singingC. singD. sang2. She is _______ to be the best student in her class.A. likelyB. probableC. possiblyD. probably3. The teacher asked the students _______ the homework on time.A. to hand inB. hand inC. handing inD. handed in4. He _______ the book for two weeks.A. has borrowedB. has keptC. has lentD. has had5. I _______ my keys in the office. I must go back and getthem.A. forgotB. leftC. lostD. missed6. _______ the weather is fine, we will go for a picnic.A. ProvidedB. ProvidingC. To provideD. Having provided7. I _______ you about my decision if I had known you were coming.A. would tellB. would have toldC. had toldD. have told8. The company has _______ a new policy regarding employee benefits.A. implementedB. implementedlyC. implementD. implementating9. _______ the problem, the committee decided to hold an emergency meeting.A. FacingB. Faced withC. To faceD. Having faced10. The children were _______ when they heard the news.A. excitedB. excitingC. more excitedD. the most excited二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.11. The _______ (discover) of penicillin by Alexander Fleming was a major breakthrough in medicine.12. She is very _______ (patient) about her work and always takes her time to do things well.13. The _______ (amaze) expression on his face showed that he had never seen anything like it before.14. The _______ (arrive) of the guests was delayed due to the heavy rain.15. He has a _______ (natural) talent for music and can play any instrument he touches.16. The _______ (science) community is divided over the issue of climate change.17. The _______ (excite) news of the team's victory quickly spread throughout the town.18. The _______ (honest) of the statement is questionable, as there are some inconsistencies.19. The _______ (brave) of the soldiers was commendable in the face of such adversity.20. The _______ (origin) of the language is still a subject of debate among linguists.三、改错题(每题2分,共20分)For the following sentences, identify and correct the grammatical errors.21. If I would have known about the meeting, I would have attended it.22. The children are playing in the garden and they looks very happy.23. She has been studying English for three years and she is very proficient now.24. There is a lot of informations in this book that can help you with your research.25. I used to play football but I don’t anymore because I have been busy.26. The company was founded in 1990 and it has grown significantly ever since.27. He is one of the most talented musician that I have ever met.28. She is too tired to go out tonight, so she will stay at home instead.29. The weather forecast predicts heavy rain, so we should bring an umbrellas.30. I have been living in this city for five years and I love it very much.四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)Translate the following sentences into English.31. 这个项目的成功在很大程度上取决于团队的合作。



雅思英语语法练习题1. 时态一致性练习- 请将下列句子中的动词改为正确的时态形式。

- I go to the store every day to buy some milk. (Present Simple)- She said that she is very happy with her new job. (Past Simple)2. 主谓一致练习- 选择正确的形式填空。

- The team is (are/is) working on the project.- The information were (was/were) incorrect, so we had to revise the report.3. 被动语态练习- 将下列句子改为被动语态。

- The teacher will give the students a test tomorrow.- The company has launched a new product.4. 条件句练习- 用适当的条件句形式重写下列句子。

- If it rains, we will stay at home.- If you study hard, you will pass the exam.5. 非谓语动词练习- 用正确的非谓语动词形式填空。

- After finishing (finish) his homework, he went out to play.- To improve (improve) your English, you should read more books.6. 定语从句练习- 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空。

- The man who (that/which/who) I met yesterday is a famous scientist.- This is the book in which (that/where/in which) I found the information.7. 直接引语和间接引语练习- 将下列直接引语转换为间接引语。



❖ 2、时态正确、准确、一致
I was always holding the opinion that philosophy has less contribution to our life.
❖ We have just being told that there are billions of male and more than female, especially in China.
❖ Some people might questioned that if the universities’ behavior can arouse citizen’s anger because of the unfair treatment.
❖ However, my favorite place is a Chinese city—Xin Jiang—which I have visit for two times.
❖ In conclusion, I prefer to forwards. Even with the advent of science and technology in the 21st century. Children should spending time effectively
❖ In conclusion, advertisement more or less conveyed the information of a country.
❖ That is also has positive effects on our market economic system.
❖ However, there's a somewhat aggressive perspective said that we can't neglect the bad part of the science and technology…
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

6、词性、词形(主被动、可数、不可数、分词)正确 Nowadays technology is developing fastly and some of us feel uneasy. … a large amount of endeavor citizens made has been damaging the originate view of the nature… Admittedly, if there are enough number of male and female students study all the subject, it must cause a large amount of waste which can result in the students’ skill training inefficiency.
7、避免出现“CHINGLISH”—汉化表达 While there are some advertising which are so excellent that might provide recreation and refreshment to fatigued urban dwellers, however, they are only the tip of the iceberg. Different background people hold different attitudes toward this issue. So we can discuss this argumentation from positive and negative perspective in modern-day society.
5、代词正确、前后一致 My mother acquired me to write a plan for what you will do next year. My first reason is that some of the advertising exaggerate greatly. It seems their goods are able to copy with most of the problems, if not all. Therefore I firmly held the opinion that to protect local culture from extinction weight heavier than that in regard to the relationship between tourism and local culture.

Worse more, the quantity of unemployment people might dramatically increase. Some consumer goods advocated by advertising makers, far from advantage, might impair our health, especially for babies. However, as far as I concerned, try to keep these traditional skills and way of life is really have great meanings.
The final reason, and possibly the most significant one, is that prevents crime and advocates peace should be propagated by government at school and family. Children need to be educated on the dangers of commit crime. The exceedingly density of population will trigger the tension of traffic, banking and eating. Some people argue that young students of different abilities should be mix together while many others contend that it has detrimental impact for talent children.
Conversely, children who spend time on these things, they also bring a large quantity of benefits. In the same way, children often face computer and television not only reduce time to participate in social activities or play in sports, but also alienate from the others in their life.
1、成分完整:主谓宾的叙事框架不可缺亦不可多 It often swaying the customers by using the data that how many people are using their brands saying how awesome the particular product is. Generally speaking, television computer just like a library, they are conveniently and simply provided something what children want to understand. If there were no math how could build so many mansion without accidents happen frequently.
Economic situations can also be translated into the slogans the company are using to express their concern on the latest issues such as rising oil prices. Nowadays, research in growing numbers proves that experience we enjoy in our life do a declining effect on our personal character and development than the identity we are born with.
In conclusion, I prefer to forwards. Even with the advent of science and technology in the 21st century. Children should spending time effectively In conclusion, advertisement more or less conveyed the information of a country. Therefore I firmly held the opinion that to protect local culture from extinction weight heavier than that in regard to the relationship between tourism and local culture.
It is true that all those great projects which represent the trace of our history will beyond our ability without math. Young person committed crime is higher in the whole of criminal rate because some young adults are not have a steady income.
That is also has positive effects on our market economic system. However, there's a somewhat aggressive perspective said that we can't neglect the bad part of the science and technology…
4、主谓一致 The history of science and technology have accompanied the evolution of human civilization. Then, some excellent television program such as DISCOVERY HISTROY or English Language Teaching can open their mind and develop ability to thinking. Moreover, customs and rituals of a nation is always the significant factor that all the companies are concern about which obviously can be seen from the way they do their advertising campaign.
3、a / an / the 的使用必须准确 名词不可裸奔原则 The second time I went there is for the traveling. Advertising has a irreplaceable role in today’s business world. The colleges and universities today offer the students choice to choose their teachers.