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青青子衿,悠悠我心。 纵我不往,子宁不嗣音? --《诗经·郑风·子衿》
它山之石,可以攻玉 《诗经·小雅·鹤鸣》 投我以桃,报之以李 《大雅·抑》 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。
《诗经·国风·周南·桃夭》 投我以木瓜,报之以琼琚。 《诗经·国风·卫风·木
瓜》 高山仰止,景行行止 《小雅·车辖》 一日不见,如三月兮。《国风·王风·采葛》
Famous lines
手如柔荑,肤如凝脂,领如蝤蛴,齿如瓠犀, 螓首蛾眉,巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮。--《诗经·卫 风·硕人》
知我者,谓我心忧;不知我者,谓我何求。悠 悠苍天!此何人哉?--《诗经·王风·黍离》
compiler of the book(“不读《诗》,无以 言”)
It has profound influence on the entire course of development of the Chinese literature (诗经传统)
A collection of 305 poems (诗三百) written in a period of almost 500 years, starting from the early years of the Western Zhou through the mid-Spring-and-Autumn Period (c. 11th -6th c. BC)
Common artistic techniques: 赋 exposition 陈述,描写,介绍 比 comparison 比喻 兴 affective image 扰动情绪的意象
(objective correlative) written in a four-syllable meter elements of repetition and variation Parallelism
“At shooting you are good; I’ll dress the game as food. Together we’ll drink wine And live to ninety-nine. Lute and lyre by our side, In peace we shall abide.”
The earliest anthology of poetry in China one of the most significant headstreams
of Chinese literature Confucius is generally believed to be the
The Classic of Poetry
Book of Songs
Book of Odes
Book of Poetry
General intro.
《诗》became《诗经》in Western Han, becoming one of the Five Classics (《周 易》、《礼记》、《尚书》、《春秋》)after that. (The Odes first became known as a jīng, or a "classic book", as part of the Han Dynasty official adoption of Confucianism as the guiding principles of Chinese society.)It has been studied and memorized by scholars in China and neighboring countries over two millennia.
Features (continued)
The songs fall into three sections: 风: feng, folk songs/ballads, local songs of 15 states 雅: ya, court hymns/ode 颂: song, sacrificial songs
Most of the songs and poems were anonymous, collected by royal officials from among ordinary people as folk songs and ballads.
Not titles
Spontaneous 情动于中
Two poems
女曰鸡鸣,士曰昧旦。 子兴视夜,明星有烂。 将翱将翔,弋凫与雁。
弋言加之,与子宜之。 宜言饮酒,与子偕老。 琴瑟在御,莫不静好。
The Wife Says, “Cocks Crow!”
Songs Байду номын сангаасf Zheng
The wife says, “Cocks crow, hark!” The man says, “It’s still dark.” “Rise and see if it’s night; The morning star shines bright. Wild geese and ducks will fly. Shoot them down from on high!”
Lecture 3
The Book of
Songs Sujie Li
School of English, BISU
Famous Songs or lines from the Book
关雎 Cooing and Wooing 桃夭 Peach Blossoms Beam 氓 The Faithless Man 硕鼠 Large Rat 蒹葭 The Reed 黍离 Shuli (Passing the Millet field)