鸡卵类粘蛋白的分离纯化、活性及分子量测定摘要:鸡卵类粘蛋白(chicken ovomucoid,简称CHOM)是由鸡卵清中制成的一种糖蛋白,它具有强烈的抑制胰蛋白酶的作用。
关键词:鸡卵类粘蛋白; 胰蛋白酶; 有机溶剂 ;层析; 电泳中图分类号:Q文献标识码:AIsolation and purification of CHOM and its activity 、 molecular weight determinationAbstract:Chicken ovomucoid (CHOM) is a glycoprotein made from chicken egg white, it has a strong role in inhibiting trypsin. Organic solvent precipitation method using egg white by trichloroacetic acid (TCA) - acetone solution was to remove sediment by acetone precipitation of live crude, through the DEAE cellulose (diethylaminoethyl cellulose) column layer Analysis of purified products derived from qualified, then Folin-phenol method ovomucoid inhibited activity, and finally by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis determination of protein molecular weight of coke.Key words:CHOM ;Trypsin ; organic solvent ; chromatogram ; electrophoresis.鸡卵类粘蛋白(chicken ovomucoid 简称CHOM)是由鸡卵清中制成的一种糖蛋白,它具有强烈的抑制胰蛋白酶的作用[1],常用于胰蛋白酶的酶学性质的研究。
真菌蛋白提取方法一TCA/丙酮法1 液氮将菌体研磨为粉末;2 向匀浆中加入10倍体积的丙酮(含13.3% (w/v) TCA和0.093% β巯基乙醇),过夜沉降;3 4 度20,000g 离心15 min;4 移处上清,用冰冷的含0.07% (v/v) β-巯基乙醇的丙酮清洗沉淀两次;5 离心后,沉淀干燥至丙酮挥发完全。
二酚抽提法1 在液氮中将 1g 菌体研磨为粉末2 加入 6 ml 水饱和酚(buffer-saturated phenol)和 2 ml提取液(20mMTris-Cl, pH 7.5, 0.5% Triton X-100 (v/v), 0.5M EDTA, pH 7.5, pH 8.0,0.07% β-巯基乙醇, protease inhibitors)。
3 在4度混合30分钟。
4 12000 rmp 离心1min,使两相分开。
5 弃沉淀,吸取上层的苯酚相,加入5倍体积的冷丙酮,-20度沉降2h。
6 12000 rmp,4度,离心15分钟沉淀蛋白,弃去上清。
7 沉淀干燥至丙酮挥发完全。
三提取液抽提丙酮沉淀法1 预先将研钵置于-20℃的冰箱内冷冻。
2 取液氮冻存的菌体,放入预冷的研钵内研磨至粉末状。
3 向匀浆中加入2倍体积的抽提液(20mM Tris-Cl, pH 7.5, 0.5% Triton X-100(v/v), 0.5M EDTA, pH 7.5, pH 8.0, 0.07% β-巯基乙醇, protease inhibitors)。
4 混匀后4度震荡30分钟,以便蛋白溶解。
5 12000 rmp,4度,离心15分钟,吸取上清于另一EP管中。
7 向上清液中加入5倍体积的预冷丙酮(含有0.07%β-巯基乙醇),混匀,-20℃,2小时沉淀蛋白质。
8 12000 rmp,4度,离心15分钟沉淀蛋白。
四甲醇氯仿水沉淀法Chloroform /Methanol/Water Precipitation1 预先将研钵置于-20℃的冰箱内冷冻。
TCA-丙酮沉淀法蛋白提取仪器:Eppendorf 冷冻离心机(Eppendorf)、组织匀浆器、超声破碎仪主要溶液配置:1.10mL SDS裂解液1%DTT,2% SDS,10%甘油,50mM Tris-Hcl(pH6.8)。
配置:称取0.1g DTT,0.2g SDS,加入1mL甘油和1mL的0.5MTris-Hcl(pH6.8),然后定容至10mL。
2.10mL Triton样品溶解液浓度:150mM NaCl,1%Triton-X-100,50mM Tris-HCl(pH8.0)配置:称取0.087gNaCl、加入0.1mL Triton-X-100、500μL 浓度为1M的Tris-HCl (pH8.0) 加入约9.4mL水,混合溶解均匀。
3.1mL尿素样品溶解液(现配现用)浓度:9M 尿素,4%CHAPS,1% IPGBuffer,1% DTT,配置:称取0.54g尿素、加入0.04g CHAPS、再加入0.56mL双蒸水,溶解后分装-20度冷冻保存,使用前融解后按0.98mL加入0.01g DTT(DTT过早加入会失效)和10μL Buffer的比例混合溶解均匀,最后再加入痕量溴酚蓝。
4.RIPA裂解液:浓度:50 mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.0),150 mmol/L NaCl,0.2 g/L叠氮钠,1 g/LSDS 100 mg/L Aprotin,10 g/L NP-40,5 g/L去氧胆酸钠,100 mg/LPMSF。
(RIPA裂解液有强、中和弱三种类型,其试配置略有差异)配置:称取:0.07882g Tris-HCl,0.08775g NaCl,0.002g叠氮钠,0.01gSDS,0.001g Aprotin,0.1g NP-40,0.05g去氧胆酸钠,0.001g PMSF。
烟草叶片蛋白3种提取方法的比较研究摘要:使用酚/SDS法、Tris-HCl法及TCA/丙酮沉淀法提取烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)叶片蛋白,从终产物形式、颜色、提取时间、蛋白产量、SDS-PAGE电泳图谱等方面对3种方法进行比较,对提取的烟草叶片蛋白进行Western Blotting检测来评价3种方法提取蛋白的效果。结果表明,与2种常用方法相比,酚/SDS法具有快速、操作方便等特点,提取的蛋白纯度高、种类丰富,可用于Western Blotting检测,是一种合适的提取植物组织中蛋白的方法。关键词:烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)叶片;蛋白;Tris-HCl法;TCA/丙酮沉淀法;酚/SDS法Comparison Study on Three Methods for Tobacco Leaf Protein Extraction Abstract: Protein was extracted from tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum) leaves by three methods, phenol/SDS method, Tris-HCl method and TCA/acetone precipitation method. The extracting efficiency of the three methods was evaluated through the color and form of product, extraction time, protein yield and SDS-PAGE. Furthermore, the extracted protein was detected by Western Blotting. The results showed that compared with the other two methods, phenol/SDS method was faster and more convenient, and the protein extracted was with high quality, rich in protein species, and suitable for Western Blotting, thus was an appropriate method for extracting protein from plant tissue.Key words: tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum) leaf; protein; Tris-HCl extraction method; TCA/acetone precipitation; phenol/SDS extraction method蛋白质组学(Proteomics)是随着基因组学发展而发展起来的、在整体水平上研究细胞内蛋白质的组成及其活动规律的学科。由于其能够阐明基因表达产物——蛋白在生物体内的相对含量、修饰化信息,蛋白质与其他生物大分子的相互作用等诸多内容而日益成为现代生物学的研究热点。在蛋白质组研究中,蛋白样品制备是分析的起始和基础,蛋白提取质量和效果对后续的研究分析有重要影响[1,2]。植物组织含有较厚的细胞壁,给组织中蛋白质的提取增加了一定的难度。目前常用的植物蛋白的提取方法有两种,一种是普通Tris-HCl提取法,该方法通过选择适当的提取缓冲液pH,将植物中的可溶性蛋白尽可能地溶解;另一种是TCA/丙酮沉淀法,该方法中TCA作为蛋白质变性剂,能有效抑制丝氨酸蛋白酶和巯基蛋白酶的活性,减少蛋白损失,因此得到较为广泛的使用[3-6]。但以上两种方法都不能有效地去除产物中的非蛋白物质,会对后续的研究产生不利的影响。而酚/SDS蛋白提取法中,利用酚在SDS这种阴离子型表面活性剂的存在条件下能充分溶解蛋白的特点,可以取得在较短的时间内充分溶解植物组织中蛋白的效果,得到的蛋白纯度更高[7,8]。目前该方法在国内使用得较少,特别是在烟草样品中尚未见报道。本研究同时使用酚/SDS法、Tris-HCl法及TCA/丙酮沉淀法3种方法从烟草叶片中提取蛋白质,从终产物形式、颜色、提取时间、蛋白产量、SDS-PAGE电泳结果等方面进行比较,并使用糖基转移酶抗体对提取的烟草叶片蛋白进行免疫学检测,以评价3种方法提取蛋白的效果,为植物蛋白的提取和蛋白组学研究提供参考。1 材料与方法1.1 材料和试剂烟草叶片(W38)来自中南民族大学生命科学学院国家民委生物技术重点实验室。主要试剂:NC膜购自Whatman公司;ECL Western Blot System购自碧云天公司;Tris、三氯乙酸等化学试剂为国产分析纯;糖基转移酶多克隆抗体由北京华大蛋白技术有限公司制备。1.2 蛋白提取方法1.2.1 Tris-HCl提取法准确称取0.5 g叶片,剪碎后加入0.25 mL Tris-HCl溶液冰浴研磨,再加入0.75 mL提取液(7 mol/L尿素、2 mol/L硫脲、0.4% CHAPS、10 mmol/L DTT),研磨至匀浆后,转移至1.5 mL离心管中,10 000 r/min离心10 min,上清液为所需的总蛋白。1.2.2 TCA/丙酮沉淀法取0.5 g叶片,用液氮研磨充分,加入5 mL预冷的TCA 提取液(含质量分数10%的TCA、20 mmol/L DTT、1 mmol/L PMSF的丙酮溶液)充分混合后,-20 ℃放置1 h;13 000 r/min、4 ℃离心15 min,取沉淀;再加入5 mL预冷的样品洗涤液(20 mmol/L DTT、1 mmol/L PMSF的丙酮溶液),充分混合后,-20 ℃放置1 h;13 000 r/min、4 ℃离心15 min,取沉淀;用密封膜封口,用针在膜上扎几个小洞,低温冷冻干燥。置于-80 ℃保存或直接进行蛋白电泳。1.2.3 酚/SDS蛋白提取法取0.5 g烟草样品,液氮中研磨至粉末,快速转移至7 mL试管,加入5 mL预冷的质量分数为10%的TCA丙酮溶液,振荡混合均匀后,12 000 r/min、4 ℃离心3 min,弃上清;加入5 mL含有0.1 mol/L乙酸铵的体积分数为80%的乙醇溶液,振荡混合后12 000 r/min、4 ℃离心3 min,弃上清;再加入5 mL体积分数80%的丙酮,涡旋振荡直至沉淀充分分散,12 000 r/min、4 ℃离心3 min,弃上清,室温干燥10 min以除去剩余的丙酮,加入2.5 mL苯酚/SDS溶液,振荡混匀后,放置5 min,12 000 r/min、4 ℃离心3 min;转移上层苯酚相(约1~2 mL)至新的7 mL 管中,加入含有0.1 mol/L乙酸铵的乙醇溶液,置-20 ℃中10 min或过夜,12 000 r/min、4 ℃离心5 min,小心弃上清。用无水乙醇洗沉淀,再用体积分数80%的丙酮洗沉淀。最后让蛋白自然干燥,或根据实验需要用缓冲液溶解蛋白,保存在-80 ℃冰箱,或直接进行蛋白电泳。1.3 检测方法考马斯亮兰G-250法测蛋白含量[9];SDS-PAGE电泳检测,按照文献[10,11]所述方法进行;Western Blotting检测:取发育状况接近的烟草叶片,分别用3种方法提取总蛋白,进行SDS-PAGE电泳,然后通过蛋白转膜、丽春红染色检测、封闭、标记一抗、洗脱一抗、标记二抗和杂交、再洗脱、化学发光法显色检测结果等步骤进行分析[12,13]。2 结果与分析2.1 3种方法提取的蛋白质质量和产量比较对3种提取方法得到的烟草叶片蛋白形式、颜色、提取时间及蛋白产量进行比较(表1),可以看出,Tris-HCl提取法所得产物为绿色,这是由色素等杂质成分未能被完全去除而导致。该方法虽提取速度快、产量高,但蛋白质量不高,所含杂质较多。TCA/丙酮沉淀法用液氮充分研磨烟草叶片,同时加入蛋白酶抑制剂PMSF,降低了蛋白降解损失,故蛋白产量最高。但是多次洗脱后样品颜色仍为淡黄色,这可能是因为烟草叶片中的一些物质能与蛋白共沉淀,导致终产物含有杂质。此外,此方法操作耗时较长,会导致蛋白样品的损失和降解。使用酚/SDS法提取蛋白,酚能够有效溶解蛋白,并在SDS存在下,其溶解效果更好,可溶解的蛋白更多,且该方法能有效去除非蛋白物质,非蛋白类成分较其他两种方法都少,获得的产物为白色。虽然该方法的蛋白产量较TCA/丙酮沉淀法低,提取所需时间长于Tris-HCl法,但蛋白较纯。2.2 SDS-PAGE检测结果使用常规的SDS-PAGE对3种方法获得的烟草蛋白样品进行比较分析,在蛋白上样量为20 μg时,Tris-HCl法提取的蛋白中检测到10个条带,TCA/丙酮沉淀法提取的蛋白电泳检测出14条条带,酚/SDS法提取的蛋白有12条条带(图1)。Tris-HCl 法提取的蛋白条带较少,说明只提取到了部分蛋白,可能是该方法采用冰浴研磨,细胞破碎不够充分,只能得到植物组织中的部分可溶性蛋白。当蛋白上样量为40 μg时,酚/SDS法所得的蛋白条带最多(图2),说明该方法提取的蛋白种类最多,提取效果比较好。2.3 Western Blotting检测结果使用Western Blotting,以烟草糖基转移酶抗体为探针检测3种方法获得的蛋白,结果显示普通Tris-HCl法和TCA/丙酮法提取的蛋白均未出现任何杂交信号,只有酚/SDS法提取的蛋白出现杂交信号(图3),这表明酚/SDS法提取的蛋白用于Western Blotting分析能得到较好的效果。3 结论3.1 蛋白提取质量在蛋白提取中,杂质的去除是一个主要问题[2],本研究中酚/SDS法提取的蛋白颜色最浅,所含杂质少,有利于后续的蛋白质组分析。另外,该方法步骤简单,提取时间较短,能在4~5 h内完成,具有操作方便、快速的特点。其他两种方法提取的蛋白质均含有较多杂质,不利于后续实验的进行。3.2 电泳和Western Blotting检测对3种方法提取的蛋白进行电泳检测,Tris-HCl法只提取到了部分蛋白。TCA/丙酮沉淀法所得蛋白条带虽多,但是该方法需要的时间长,容易产生蛋白样品的降解,从而导致蛋白电泳结果不稳定。而酚/SDS蛋白提取法所得条带较多,重复性好,能够得到良好的一维电泳图谱。此外,本研究使用Western Blotting对烟草叶片蛋白中的糖基转移酶进行了检测。结果显示酚/SDS法提取的烟草叶片蛋白表现良好,可用于后续分析。酚/SDS法提取植物蛋白,可获得高质量和较高产量的目标产物,为有效提取植物叶片蛋白提供了有力的依据,也为后续的蛋白分析实验打下了良好的基础。参考文献:[1] WANG W, VIGNANI R, SCALI M, et al. 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沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of theacidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1NNaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration 1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2OAdd 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and EnrichmentKit (pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143蛋白质浓缩——方法很全1130徐炉李2011-05-28 14:35楼主蛋白质浓缩——方法很全- 丁香园论坛-医学/药学/生命科学论坛蛋白质浓缩方法总结一个简便的方法你可以试试:找一透析袋,底部扎紧,袋口扎一去底的塑料或玻璃试管,将待浓缩的液体从管口灌入透析袋中,将整个装置挂在冰箱中,或者用电风扇吹,液体干后可再继续加入,直至样品浓缩至所需体积。
TCA-丙酮蛋白浓缩TCA protein precipitation protocolStock Solutions: 100% (w/v) Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)recipe: dissolve 500g TCA (as shipped) into 350 ml dH2O, store at RT.Precipitation Protocol:1. Add 1 volume of TCA stock to 4 volumes of protein sample.i.e. in 1.5ml tube with maximum vol., add 250µl TCA to 1.0ml sample.2. Incubate 10 min at 4°C.3. Spin tube in microcentrifuge at 14K rpm, 5 min.4. Remove supernatant, leaving protein pellet intact. Pellet should be formed from whitish,fluffy ppt.5. Wash pellet with 200µl cold acetone.6. Spin tune in microfuge at 14K rpm, 5min.7. Repeat steps 4-6 for a total of 2 acetone washes.8. Dry pellet by placing tube in 95°C heat block for 5-10 min to drive off acetone.9. For SDS-PAGE, add 2X or 4X sample buffer (with or without bME) and boil smaple for10 min in 95°C herat block before loading smaple onto polyacrylamide gel.TCA蛋白浓缩步骤:储存液:100%(W/V)三氯乙酸(TCA)配制:将500g TCA溶解到350ml dH2O中,室温储存。
ec n ni eigC l g ,hni g cl rl nvrt,ag h ni 3 8 1 nea dE g er ol eS ax A r ut a U i syT i S ax 0 00 ) n n e i u ei u
【 b t c] Obet e os d eet ci fef r e f y pyu eer u . i C A sr t a jci T u yh xr t no lapo i o m htm P zgi m L wt T A v t t a o tn S n h
物活 性肽 的 良好 植 物 源 蛋 白, 为此 必 须 建 立 高效 的
聚合 草蛋 白质提 取 方法 , 研 究 用 T A一丙酮 沉 淀 本 C
机, 兰州科 近真 空冻 干技术 有 限公 司 ; Z H Q—C空 气 浴 振荡 器 , 哈尔滨 市 东 明 医疗 仪 器 厂 ;D 4 B型 T L一 0 台式离 心机 , 上海 安 亭科学 仪器 厂等 。 3 实验 试剂 : . 牛血 清 白蛋 白 , meo公 司 ; 马 A rs 考
聚合 草 属 ( y p yu , 一 种 繁 殖 容 易 , 长 迅 S m h tm) 是 生 速 , 活力 强 , 高度 再 生 性 , 湿 抗 寒 的丛 生 型 植 生 具 喜 物 ¨ 。叶 蛋 白又 称 绿 色 蛋 白 浓 缩 物 ( efpoe L a rt n i c ne t t n L C , o cnr i ,P ) 研究 表 明 , 蛋 白原 料 丰 富 、 ao 叶 营 养 价值 高 、 济 效 益 高 , 一 种 具 有 开 发 利 用 价 值 经 是
料 提取 蛋 白时 , 取率 和提 取物纯 度 如表 1所示 , 提 可 知从 鲜 叶 中提 取粗 蛋 白的得 率 和纯度 均高 于干 叶 。
一、植物蛋白质提取1. TCA-丙酮法(1)称量一定量的样品置于液氮预冷的研钵中,加少许PVPP,反复加液氮研磨至粉末。
(2)研磨好的样品用10 倍体积(w/V)的10%的TCA-丙酮溶液悬浮,加入0.1 M PMSF、1 M DTT 至终浓度为1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,超声5 分钟,于-20℃静置6 小时或过夜后,4℃,20000g 离心15 分钟,弃上清。
(3)沉淀用10 倍体积于样品的丙酮溶液重悬浮,于-20℃静置1 小时后,4℃,20000g 离心15 分钟,弃上清。
(5)沉淀用10 倍体积于样品的乙醇/乙醚=1:1 洗,于-20℃静置1 小时后,4℃,20000g 离心15 分钟,弃上清。
(7)取出沉淀真空干燥约5 分钟,除尽有机溶剂。
(8)按10mg 干粉末加200 微升裂解液的比例,加入1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,超声5分钟,充分溶解1 小时,10℃,35000g 离心30 分钟,上清为所需的蛋白溶液。
(9)用Bradford 法测定蛋白样品的蛋白浓度。
注意事项:(1)TCA 有利于去除酚类色素等物质,但不利于蛋白的抽提,使用浓度不宜过高,在后面丙酮处理中,尽量除去。
(3)1M DTT:0.1542g DTT 用1ml MilliQ 水溶解,-20℃保存。
(4)0.1M PMSF:0.0174g PMSF 用1ml 异丙醇溶解,-20℃保存。
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to 0.02% final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. 10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2OAdd 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat 4oC.Be careful, use gloves).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl pH8.5 to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep? Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit (pdf) Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143蛋白质浓缩——方法很全1130徐炉李2011-05-28 14:35楼主蛋白质浓缩——方法很全- 丁香园论坛-医学/药学/生命科学论坛蛋白质浓缩方法总结一个简便的方法你可以试试:找一透析袋,底部扎紧,袋口扎一去底的塑料或玻璃试管,将待浓缩的液体从管口灌入透析袋中,将整个装置挂在冰箱中,或者用电风扇吹,液体干后可再继续加入,直至样品浓缩至所需体积。
5、加入5ul PBS溶解沉淀,280nm测定蛋白质浓度。
三氯乙酸(TCA)沉淀蛋白质主要基于以下几个方面的作用:在酸性条件下TCA 能与蛋白质形成不溶性盐;TCA作为蛋白质变性剂使蛋白质构象发生改变,暴露出较多的疏水性基团,使之聚集沉淀。
8.加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色的Loading buffer不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
TCA沉淀法定量DNA1. Dilute radioactive sample to a 100 ml volume2. Spot 5 ml of the sample onto the center of a 2.4 cm Whatman GF/C glass-fiber disc.3. Mix 5 ml of the sample with 100 ml Salmon sperm DNA (50 mg in 20 mM ED TA).4. Add 5 mL ice cold 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Mix well and incubate on ice for 15 min.5. Filter the solution through a separate GF/C glass-fiber disc.6. Wash the filter 6 times with 5 mL ice-cold 10% TCA.7. Wash filter once with 5 mL 95% Ethanol.8. Dry both filter under a heat lamp.9. When dry, count each in a scintillation counter.10. The first filter measures total radioactivity. The second filter measures radioactiv ity incorporated into DNA fragments greater than 20 nucleotides in length.。
TCA/ 丙酮沉淀法1、油菜黄化突变体蛋白质组分析:两种蛋白质提取方法比较取叶片400 mg(去叶脉)置于研钵中,加入0.1 g PVP于液氮中碾成粉末.转入2.0 ml 离心管中并加入1.5 ml 于-20℃预冷的提取液(含10% TCA 和0.07% DTT 的丙酮溶液),-20℃沉淀过夜.于4℃,20 000 g 离心1 h,弃上清.沉淀悬浮于1.5 ml -20℃预冷的丙酮溶液(含10% TCA 和0.07%DTT)中,-20℃沉淀过夜.同上离心,重复洗涤沉淀3~4 次至蛋白质为乳白色.最后将沉淀真空冷冻干燥成干粉,于-80℃冰箱保存备用.2甘蓝型油菜根系可溶性蛋白的提取及双向电泳体系的优化称取0. 5 g 根样于液氮预冷的研钵中, 加液氮研磨至粉状,将粉末移至10 mL 离心管中, 加入10 倍体积的提取液( 10% T CA/ 丙酮,1 mmol/ L 苯甲基磺酰氟( PMSF) ,0. 07% 2-巯基乙醇) , 涡旋震荡1 min, - 20℃静置2 h 或过夜。
然后在4℃下35 000 r/ min 离心15 min, 弃上清。
所得沉淀再用预冷的丙酮清洗3~ 5 次, - 20℃下冷冻干燥备用。
3、适于水稻根、叶、悬浮细胞总蛋白质分析的高分辨率双向电泳方法取1~ 2 g 材料于液氮中充分研磨, 加入10 mL 预冷的含10%三氯乙酸( TCA) 、0 . 07%DT T 的丙酮, 充分混合后-20℃下放置1 h, 35 000×g 下离心15 min。
在沉淀中加入10mL 预冷的含0. 07% DT T 的丙酮, 充分混合, - 20℃下放置1 h, 12 000×g 下离心15 min, 重复该步骤2~ 3 遍。
沉淀冷冻干燥( FREEZE DRYER 4. 5, LABCONCO, 美国) 后放于- 75℃下, 或直接进行下一步提取。
取适量样品粉末, 按20μL/ mg 的比例加入蛋白裂解液( 9 mol/ L 尿素, 4% CHAPS,1%IPG 缓冲液, 1%DTT , 35 mmol/ L Tr is) , 30℃水浴1 h, 并不时振荡, 12 000×g 下离心10 min。
沉淀蛋白质的常用方法(TCA、乙醇、丙酮沉淀蛋白操作步骤)TCA-DOCFor precipitation of very low protein concentration1) To one volume of protein solution, add 1/100 vol. of 2% DOC (Na deoxycholate, detergent).2) Vortex and let sit for 30min at 4oC.3) Add 1/10 of Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% vortex and let sit ON at 4oC (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see). [OPTION: Wash pellet twice with one volume of cold acetone (acetone keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed between washes].5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air. For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Normal TCATo eliminate TCA soluble interferences and protein concentration1) To a sample of protein solution add Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 100% to get 13% final concentration. Mix and keep 5min –20oC and then 15min 4oC; or longer time at 4oC without the –20oC step for lower protein concentration. Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low.(preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acetone PrecipitationTo eliminate acetone soluble interferences and protein concentration 1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 4 volumes of cold acetone. Mix and keep at least 20min –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON if the protein concentration is very low).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDS1) Add to 1 volume of protein solution 9 volumes of cold Ethanol 100%. Mix and keep at least –20oC. (Suggestion: leave ON).2) Spin 15min 4oC in microcentrifuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).3) Wash pellet with 90% cold ethanol (keep at –20oC). Vortex and repellet samples 5min at full speed.4) Dry samples under vaccum (speed vac) or dry air to eliminate any ethanol residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.TCA-DOC/AcetoneUseful method to concentrate proteins and remove acetone and TCA soluble interferences1. To one volume of protein solution add 2% Na deoxycholate (DOC) to % final (for 100 μl sample, add 1 μl 2% DOC).2. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 15 min.3. 100% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to get 10% final concentration (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml H2O/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use gloves).4. Mix and keep at room temperature for at least 1 hour.5. Spin at 4oC for 10 min, remove supernatant and retain the pellet. Dry tube by inversion on tissue paper.6. Add 200 μl of ice cold acetone to TCA pellet.7. Mix and keep on ice for at least 15 min.8. Spin at 4oC for 10 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.9. Remove supernatant as before (5), dry air pellet to eliminate any acetone residue (smell tubes). For PAGE-SDS, resuspend samples in a minimal volume of sample buffer.10. (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)Acidified Acetone/MethanolUseful method to remove acetone and methanol soluble interferences like SDS before IEF1) Prepare acidified acetone: 120ml acetone + 10μl HCl (1mM final concentration).2) Prepare precipitation reagent: Mix equal volumes of acidified acetone and methanol and keep at -20oC.3) To one volume of protein solution add 4 volumes of cold precipitation reagent. Mix and keep ON at -20oC.4) Spin 15min 4oC in microfuge at maximum speed (15000g). Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue paper (pellet may be difficult to see).5) Dry samples under vaccum (speed-vac) or dry air to eliminate any acetone or methanol residue (smell tubes).TCA-Ethanol PrecipitationUseful method to concentrate proteins and removal of Guanidine Hydrochloride before PAGE-SDSO1) Dilute 10-25μl samples to 100μl with H2Add 100μl of 20% trichloroacetic ac id (TCA) and mix (preparation of 100% TCA: 454ml HO/kg TCA. Maintain in dark bottleat careful, use2gloves).2) Leave in ice for 20min. Spin at 4oC for 15 min in microcentrifuge at maximum speed.3) Carefully discharge supernatant and retain the pellet: dry tube by inversion on tissue (pellet may be difficult to see).4) Wash pellet with 100μl ice-cold ethanol, dry and resuspend in sample buffer.5) In case there are traces of GuHCl present, samples should be loaded immediately after boiling for 7 min at 95°C6) (The presence of some TCA can give a yellow colour as a consequence of the acidification of the sample buffer ; titrate with 1N NaOH or 1M TrisHCl to obtain the normal blue sample buffer colour.)PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit - PIERCEThe PAGEprep Kit enables removal of many chemicals that interfere with SDS-PAGE analysis: guanidine, ammonium sulfate, other common salts, acids and bases, detergents, dyes, DNA, RNA, and lipids.PIERCE: #26800 - PAGE prep TM Protein Clean-up and Enrichment Kit (pdf)Chloroform Methanol PrecipitationUseful method for Removal of salt and detergents1) To sample of starting volume 100 ul2) Add 400 ul methanol3) Vortex well4) Add 100 ul chloroform5) Vortex6) Add 300 ul H2O7) Vortex8) Spin 1 minute @ 14,0000 g9) Remove top aqueous layer (protein is between layers)10) Add 400 ul methanol11) Vortex12) Spin 2 minutes @ 14,000 g13) Remove as much MeOH as possible without disturbing pellet14) Speed-Vac to dryness15) Bring up in 2X sample buffer for PAGEReference: Wessel, D. and Flugge, U. I. Anal. Biochem. (1984) 138, 141-143蛋白质浓缩——方法很全1130徐炉李2011-05-28 14:35楼主蛋白质浓缩——方法很全 - 丁香园论坛-医学/药学/生命科学论坛蛋白质浓缩方法总结一个简便的方法你可以试试:找一透析袋,底部扎紧,袋口扎一去底的塑料或玻璃试管,将待浓缩的液体从管口灌入透析袋中,将整个装置挂在冰箱中,或者用电风扇吹,液体干后可再继续加入,直至样品浓缩至所需体积。
中国医学科学院学报ACTA ACADEM I AE MEDIC I N AE S I N ICAE210A pri,l2011论 著 三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法用于骨组织蛋白的提取崔永锋1,杨 贞2,朱宝华1,肖鲁伟2,童培建21杭州市萧山区第一人民医院骨科,杭州3112002浙江中医药大学 骨伤科研究所,杭州310053通信作者:崔永锋 电话:0571 ********,电子邮件:guke120@hot mail co m摘要:目的 探讨三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法提取骨组织蛋白的可行性和效率。
方法 采用盐酸脱钙法和三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法,分别用于骨组织蛋白的提取,并对两种方法的提取效率进行对比。
结果 三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法可获得较高的骨蛋白提取率,与盐酸脱钙法相比,分子条带分布范围相近,且不受骨髓造血组织影响。
结论 三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法可以用于骨组织蛋白质组的研究。
关键词:三氯醋酸 丙酮沉淀法;骨组织;蛋白提取中图分类号:Q 34 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000 503X(2011)02 0210 04DO I:10 3881/j issn 1000 503X 2011 02 022Application of Trich loroacetic A cid A cetone Precipitation M ethod forProtein Extraction in Bone Tiss ueCU I Yong feng1,YANG Zhen2,Z HU Bao hua1,X I AO Lu w ei2,TONG Pei jian21Depart m ent o fO rt hoped i cs,t he F irst Peop l e sH os p it a l o fX i aoshan D i stri c,t H ang z hou311200,Ch i na2Instit ute ofO rthopedics,Zhejiang U ni versit y o fT raditi ona lChi nese M edici ne,H angz hou310053,Ch i naC orrespond i ng author:CU I Yong feng Te:l0571 ********,E mai:l guke120@hot mail co mABSTRACT:O bjecti ve T o explore the feasi b ility and efficie ncy of e x tract i ng protein fro m bone t i ssue usi ng trichlor oacetic acid(TCA) acetone prec i pitat i on m ethod M et hods H ydr ochloric acid(HCL)deca l cif i cat i on method and TCA acetone preci p itation m ethod were separately used for bone protein extraction The efficie ncies o f these t w o m et hods were co mpared Results TCA acetone prec i pitat i on m ethod had significantl y h i gher extracti on efficie ncy Co m pared w it h HCL decalc ification method,it had less poll ution fro m bone m arr ow he m atopo ietic t i ssue Prote i n band d i stri bution w as sm i ilar bet w een these t wo m ethods Conclusion TCA ace tone preci pitati on m ethod i s useful for bone proteo m ics researchK ey words:trichloroacetic aci d acetone preci p it a ti on m et hod;bone tiss ue;prote i n extractionA ct a A cad M e d Sin,2011,33(2):210-213骨组织中含有大量蛋白质分子,包括各种细胞因子,是细胞增殖、分化、基质合成和调控的重要信息物质,在各种骨骼疾病中发挥决定性的作用。
丙酮沉淀法样品制备操作规程 沉淀用倍体积于样品的乙醇乙醚洗,加入、,于℃下静(根,最好根
![丙酮沉淀法样品制备操作规程 沉淀用倍体积于样品的乙醇乙醚洗,加入、,于℃下静(根,最好根](
TCA-丙酮沉淀法样品制备操作规程一、仪器:电子天平、瓷研钵或金属研钵、旋涡混和器、超声仪、高速离心机、分光光度计、低温冰箱、真空干燥仪、0.5ml离心管、1.5ml离心管二、试剂:1.溶液A:10%的TCA-丙酮溶液2.溶液B:丙酮3.蛋白抽提液(依样品不同而略有改变):7 M 尿素、2M 硫脲、4% CHAPS 、0.5%两性电解质(PH 3.5 – 9.5)、PMSF、DTT三、实验操作程序:1.将干净研钵和配好的丙酮溶液A、B置于-20℃冷却;2.称量一定量的样品置于液氮中冷却;3.液氮预冷研钵,冷研钵中将样品加液氮研磨(加少许PVPP),反复加液氮研磨至粉末状;4.取出磨好的样品用10倍体积(w/V)的溶液A悬浮,加入0.1M PMSF、1M DTT至终浓度为1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,超声5min,2sec/4sec,于-20℃下静置6hr或过夜后,4℃,20 ,000g*15 分钟离心,弃上清;5.沉淀用10倍体积于样品的丙酮溶液B重悬浮,加入1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,于-20℃下静置1hr 小时后,4℃,20,000g*15分钟离心,弃上清;6.重复步骤5一次;7.沉淀用10倍体积于样品的乙醇/乙醚=1:1洗,加入1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,于-20℃下静置1hr 小时后,4℃,20,000g*15分钟离心,弃上清;8.重复步骤5一次;9.取出沉淀真空干燥约5分钟,除尽有机溶剂;10.按10 mg干粉末加200ul蛋白抽提液的比例,加入1 mM PMSF、10mM DTT,超声5min,2sec/4sec,充分溶解1hr,10℃,35,000g* 15分钟离心(重复一次),上清为所需的蛋白溶液;11.用改良的Bradford法测定蛋白样品的蛋白浓度,具体操作见操作规程改良的Bradford法测定蛋白;12.蛋白样品溶液小量分装,-80℃保存。
8.加入20-50ul Loading buffer,95度加热10nim,一般沉淀会自动溶解,如果不溶,用手指轻弹管壁或用20ul枪头轻轻吸打,注意整个操作尽量不要碰到管壁,因为管壁可能沾有残余TCA。
如果蓝色的Loading buffer不变成黄色,说明残余TCA吸弃了干净,如果变黄,一般不影响电泳。
TCA沉淀法定量DNA1. Dilute radioactive sample to a 100 ml volume2. Spot 5 ml of the sample onto the center of a 2.4 cm Whatman GF/C glass-fiber disc.3. Mix 5 ml of the sample with 100 ml Salmon sperm DNA (50 mg in 20 mM ED TA).4. Add 5 mL ice cold 10% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Mix well and incubate on ice for 15 min.5. Filter the solution through a separate GF/C glass-fiber disc.6. Wash the filter 6 times with 5 mL ice-cold 10% TCA.7. Wash filter once with 5 mL 95% Ethanol.8. Dry both filter under a heat lamp.9. When dry, count each in a scintillation counter.10. The first filter measures total radioactivity. The second filter measures radioactiv ity incorporated into DNA fragments greater than 20 nucleotides in length.。
这种方法具有下列优点:① 简单,易于操作且成本低廉;② 单纯性和纯度高,可以得到较高纯度的蛋白质,并消除雜蛋白以及其他副产物;③ 快速,丙酮沉淀法只需要30分钟到1小时就能够完成沉淀作用,省去了许多时间;④ 适用于大规模纯化,广泛应用于工业生产中。
此外,丙酮沉淀法还可以结合其他的分离纯化方法一起使用,比如gel filtration,ion exchange chromatography,affinity chromatography等等。
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TCA protein precipitation protocol
Stock Solutions: 100% (w/v) Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
recipe: dissolve 500g TCA (as shipped) into 350 ml dH2O, store at RT.
Precipitation Protocol:
1. Add 1 volume of TCA stock to 4 volumes of protein sample.
i.e. in 1.5ml tube with maximum vol., add 250µl TCA to 1.0ml sample.
2. Incubate 10 min at 4°C.
3. Spin tube in microcentrifuge at 14K rpm, 5 min.
4. Remove supernatant, leaving protein pellet intact. Pellet should be formed from whitish,fluffy ppt.
5. Wash pellet with 200µl cold acetone.
6. Spin tune in microfuge at 14K rpm, 5min.
7. Repeat steps 4-6 for a total of 2 acetone washes.
8. Dry pellet by placing tube in 95°C heat block for 5-10 min to drive off acetone.
9. For SDS-PAGE, add 2X or 4X sample buffer (with or without bME) and boil smaple for
10 min in 95°C herat block before loading smaple onto polyacrylamide gel.
配制:将500g TCA溶解到350ml dH2O中,室温储存。
3.14 000rpm 离心5 min。
6.14 000rpm 离心5 min。
8.95度5-10 min,晾干沉淀以彻底出去丙酮。
9.加入2X或4X样品buffer,煮沸样品10 min,SDS-PAGE。